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>it's a scene where a woman holds her own against a man

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>it's a scene where a woman holds her own against a man in a physical confrontation

kek when will this hilarious meme end?
>untrained out of shape faggot gets beat up

Sure, but he could hold his own in a fight in the prison
>out of shape

The meme won't end for another generation or 3, so we're looking at a good 20-60 years of "muh stronk womyn vs man". 20 is probably way optimistic. We haven't even peaked yet, so it'll take a while.
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>it's an Angelina Jolie beats up 6 Navy Seals movie
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I've never minded this 2bh. Although I do get off on being submissive.
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<= Best Female Fighter of the CENTURY!!!

Watch me as I block these punches with my face!
>untrained out of shape
>ex-convict who gets in fist fights with giganiggas for fun

Pick one.
>woman sucker punches man square in the face
>"See how strong I am?"
So you guys think you could kick Ronda Rouseys ass?
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Did you retards not watch the movie or are you so ADD that you were playong with your phone when it was said that the fight that happened in prison was a right of passage given to everyone that was getting released.

And an was in one of those comfy white collar jails

He was a cat burglar. The only fight we see him in up to that point is against a friend in a goodbye tussle when hes leaving prison.

She had been training with her father to go steal shit until he landed in their lap. She had been devoting all her time to slapping shit while he was sitting on his ass in prison.
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No one can beat Waspgirl
I used to box and I've seen women who have been boxing for years get manhandled by literal first day boxers in sparring
The male to woman strength ratio is literally the male to gorilla strength ratio
The only time a man is beating up a gorilla is if it's diseased

Rousey's a do nothing bitch, I could take her with one hand LOL
this, at least not everyone here is an idiot
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dat stinger
those tight pants are proof of god
>Ronda Rousey can beat up guys

She weighs 135lbs, If you're a 200lb male there's a good chance you can beat up a professional male fighter that weighs 135lbs

This joke needs to end
>Consider impossible than someone can beat the odds and defeat a stronger opponent
>Yet seriously believe that everyone should have a gun on them at all time because everyone is John McClane when needed

You would probably get knocked out by a 120 lbs female thaiboxer.

I like how Rousey, the world's greatest female fighter, doesn't even move her fucking head and just stands there getting her face punched in.

You faggots that have never played sports have no idea of the difference between male and female athletes.

My old HS (Palo Alto D1) used to host regular scrimmages with the Stanford women's team (one of the top ranked programs in the nation). Before scrimmage, our coach basically lectures us to "go easy" and not play physical.

Every scrimmage, our HS players would literally destroy the Sanford women. I think our 3rd string might be an even match for them. And that's not talking shit. It's simply what happened.
>it's a girl beats up man scene
People complain, not muh real life

>it's a dude ninja beatdowns 2+ guys
Nooone cares
>men are the same as women
nice meme, Cates
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>I've been given a couple recent Ant-Man comics. No offence Marvel, but they are total crap. I really want to read the original ones, because I got through two and I was like, dude, you can't force-feed me another one of these magazines. It was terrible.

I've heard plenty of stories of UCONN women (#1 in the nation for like 20 years now) using local HS teams for practice.

In short, the local HS boys would regularly manhandle the UConn women's team. Basically, it's not even close.

So could any quasi-decent normal sized male high school wrestler.

You'd know that if you ever did any kind of combative sports.

I was more getting at the fact it's only when stronk womyn kick man ass that "realism" is a problem in a fight scene.
>You'd know that if you ever did any kind of combative sports.

EACTLY this.

Hell, even non combat sports like track.

HS track boys absolutely destroy the best D1 college women in terms of times.
the hero archetype is masculine
warriors are masculine
no one wants to see a woman do this shit when real women spend 90% of their time staring at their phones.

I dont think even women really care about stronk wymenz. I think it's faggy guys and dykes.
So your problem with it has nothing to do with the realism then?
If people don't want to see it then they won't watch it, market will fix it.
Lad, the entire point of carrying a gun is in the scenario that you can't physically defeat a stronger threat.
most movie fights are unrealistic, it's just that women doing that grrl power shit takes me out of the scene.

The U.S. female Olympic hockey team trains by playing high school boys hockey teams, and they get crushed.

The U.S. female soccer team plays against the U.S. 17 year old boys team....and gets crushed.

The "stronk womyn" meme is a joke, needs to end, and those that support it should be mocked for the naive idiots they are.
Tags: Ahegao
At some point (the seventies) we started thinking that treating everyone equally meant that everyone must be the same, which is the exact opposite of the entire point of every equality movement which have all been proponents of "just because we are different doesn't mean we should be treated worse".
Fuckin' exactly
>a woman beating up a man takes me out more than Batman going hand to hand with 20 thugs armed with guns
I'd say they're equally ludicrous
Why can't all women be as strong as this?
>most movie fights are unrealistic
Hollywood can never be great again.
>dat cat's grace jump when she pick ups the tonfa
It's all about balance. The example is old but Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are balanced strong females in their sci-fi environment and in fact no one complains about them.

People forget:

equal opportunity =/= equal outcome

Nice hurricanrana
it will end when a girl stupidly thinks taking a punch at a man's face like in Frozen is funny 'because boys are annoying and deserve it' and then the girl gets her cunt kicked in

wtf is he throwing at her

I do mma and have seen women tool men who are just starting out.
It's not real life you moron
>comfy white collar jails
>San Quentin
Females are this stupid

I thought Mad Max did a good job with this.

Why would you gut punch someone and then put your hands down and stick your face forward and mock them? What did he think was gonna happen?
>You faggots that have never played sports have no idea of the difference between male and female athletes.
>You faggots that have never played sports
This is it. There is big difference between male and female athletes but same difference between untrained people who never got in the fights and athletes.

Lying Redditor detected.
>complaining about women beating up men in movies

Do people actually get triggered over such things? Do they rage out when an action movie star calls an ammo magazine a clip?
untrained men are about 30% stronger than untrained women

gorillas are 10x stronger than olympic weightlifters
cig butts

That's what I don't get. It's like they're implying the things men do in movies are realistic at all. /pol/ justice warriors cry over the most hilarious shit.
>There is big difference between male and female athletes but same difference between untrained people who never got in the fights and athletes.

No. There fuckin' isn't, faggot.

Training isn't going to suddenly make a woman's much smaller and less strong arms (proportionally which is also more fat than on a man) able to hit with anywhere near the strength of a man.

I'm sorry, but you need to stop watching so much fucking Charmed.

Even most heavily trained women would get annihilated by an untrained man.

Hell, look at that celebrity boxing match they did a million years ago between the female wrestler Chyna (when she was at her peak and ripped) and Joey Buttafuoco, an old, fat, out of shape man. He mopped the FLOOR with her, was literally throwing her around that ring like a rag doll.

Keep living in your PC fantasy land, Redditors.

Once ever athlete right there
>Do they rage out when an action movie star calls an ammo magazine a clip?

Have you been to /k/?
>a-a-a woman could never beat up a man!!!!

watch em and weep fuckboys


Actually yes. Been training Muay Thai, boxing and jiu jitsu for 7 years. I'd kick her legs out from underneath her.
>kek when will this hilarious meme end?

It already has
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<--- realistic female vs male fight scene

Says who?
>there are no instances of women beating up muggers/rapists/abusive husbands
>it doesn't happen frequently, every video of it is either staged, a million to one occurrence, or the guy is weaker than a 5 year old
>in fact, when and if it does happen, the guy will always be weaker than a 5 year old
Who am I quoting

I've got news for you. This is essentially the Ronda Rousey of Muay Thai getting ktfo by some journeyman.
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>mustachioed man will never beat up Emily
Pretty much, it doesn't matter if the female is much weaker than the male when she's hitting them with a spiked club.
holy shit--- tumblr would go wild.
Nigga I dont have to train to slap a bitch up.
What is wrong with you fucking pussy ass idiot.
Holy shit this movie gave such a good truthful representation of females.
Albino's exist too, but we don't see those motherfuckers in damn near every movie we see either...

Women beating up men is in damn near every movie you see?



>This tv show is so wrong and unrealistic but this other tv show that panders to my beliefs is totally right and realistic!

She can sting me anytime
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Nigga I do kick boxing and started 3 years ago,there is a female regional champ who has been kick boxing for 14 years. I destroyed her in 5 minutes and broke her orbital bone. If a male fights a female more than likely the male will win unless you are some pussy beta faggot.
Wow. That first punch looked like a really soft tap and then that tackle looked like he was doing all the work. They barely even tried.
What's this from?
It was still a fucking fight.

movie about the london riots called GBH
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femicukks will defend this


I'm pretty sure feeling threatened and insecure over women being unrealistic in movies just like everything else is isn't a sign of masculinity.
>woman who has trained all her life in combat vs an engineer who has been established as not being a good fighter in the opening scene

>tfw no ballbusting gf
He'd probably get a boner
Salutations Reddo!
>17 year old men
>not strong as fuck

They haven't peaked, but they're fucking close. Look at the fastest sprints by a 17 year old, or the highest jump and compare them to the world records. They're absolute powerhouses at the top competitive level.
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They're still scrubs compared to fully grown men.

We don't reach our peak until about 27 or so.
>I'm triggered by reality
when will the 4chan meme of calling mundane non meme things memes end?
...in a fantasy capeshit film. Having a female kick a guy's ass in not objectionable in any way.

You're acting like a child.

lol that woman fights like she's never been even remotely trained
Completely realistic for european "officers" of the law.

>greatest female kickboxer of all time rekt by man
>that was also a vampire that was supposed to have super strength and speed
No wonder snipes hated that movie.
I think its because she was given Iredeemable Ant-Man but there's no way to be sure and its not like she is going to clarify. The actual original comic is pretty good but he is mostly in the Avengers.

Either way, shit taste.

a 120 pound person isn't going to go look for fights, they could get sit on an lose.

Who are you kidding, women and children weigh 120 pounds
What is the evolutionary advantage of women being so weak?
Puffy vulva
Gina Carano is love

Same reason other primate males are so strong.
>implying sjw squad is triggered by anything else
so share the reason then
they wouldn't look good if they were all in muscle, and we wouldn't want to stick our dick in them
As soon as he punched her in the face it would have been over. She would have been sprawled on the ground bleeding.
Being "strong" requires a lot of energy and work to maintain. Usually at the sacrifice as something else. Sexual dimorphism in this case has the male of the species being generally bigger and bulkier, they take on the role as hunters, and defenders. The female is there to take care of the domestic side.
>moving goalposts

if you don't have a decent rebuttal to an argument then don't reply
if they had always looked that way then yea we would because we would be different too.

>pointing out some retard's hypocrisy and doublethink makes you "triggered" and "SJW"

containment board hard at working proving they're not smart enough to be considered human

Women simply didn't evolve that way. Men being strong happened because they could hunt and get food. Women simply did not need to be strong.

It also has to do with testosterone.
there is no advantage, it's just not a disadvantage when women are protected by men. their strength simply has no effect on their survival rate, it rarely had any effect in prehistoric times since we've been tribal for millions of years and obviously it doesn't have an effect now.
I'm sorry but reality proves time and time again that men are just stronger, faster and smarter than women.
Yes, top 0.1% of women can probably beat up bottom 20% of men, so what? Those 0.1% are roid-consuming monstrocities you wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
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>It's an OP has mommy issues thread
except we all know which one of those scenarios is more realistic, he could have found a video off liveleak of a 'strong womyn' getting raped somewhere in africa but that would just have resulted in a ban

Why do you think anyone in this thread is arguing men aren't stronger than women? Are you fucking brain dead? You're being mocked because you're whining that movies have fighting women. Kill yourself /pol/ JW.
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inherently having more testosterone doesn't require any upkeep. See 90% of Americans. How does being weaker significantly than half the population help domestic care? Even then being thin and short is a disadvantage. It just doesn't make sense to me.

I am just wondering why it happened like that since there is usually reasons behind things like that.

I get that but how is it not a disadvantage that half of the population is equal in everything else but can get their shit kicked in by the other half should they choose.
It's okay when Japan does it tho, because I want to fuck my animes

Look up sexual dimorphism in humans and stop asking retards on 4chan for information on evolutionary biology.
Different how? Muscle and fat, it's pretty much all that is under our skin, you can't put something else
Even a woman could beat up Ronda
>female action characters then
>gym, looked very fit
>martial arts
>firearms training

>squishy baby faced girls with no training
>looks like their first time holding a gun was that day on set
>their fighting looks as fake as WWE
I meant men's general taste in what they find attractive would then be different if that hypothetically had always been the case we wouldn't still find what we currently do attractive.
>What is the evolutionary advantage of women being so weak?

Less energy required to live meaning they can bare children more easily. A pregnant man would need massive more calories for himself and his fetus which isn't evolutionary feasible especially during hard time like droughts.
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Why are niggers so stupid?
Suspension of disbelief goes only so far retard. Shitty camerawork and lazy fight choreography doesn't help either.
why would we 'choose' to beat the crap out of the sex which allows us to reproduce? there's simply no point to it on an instinctual level. it didn't happen when we were running around hitting each other with clubs, so there's no reason it should happen now. obviously there's exceptions to the rule but the behavior of populations isn't governed by exceptions.

you're overthinking it, women are weaker because they don't need to be stronger, it means they need less food to maintain their energy levels.
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>pussy beta faggots don't exist.
I don't know what you're referring to, that's my first post in the thread. And my rebuttal remains solid. It's a fantasy film, and features characters performing fantastical acts. There's literally nothing wrong with a female beating a man in this movie.

Stop acting like a child.
>I'm offended because this movie presents a scenario in which a female gets the better of a male

Just grow the fuck up, no one fucking cares. It's a movie not real life
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yeah but how different could girls have been? if we were both muscular then sexual dysmorphism wouldn't be respected
Kek, this.
The girls I sparred with were even scared to hit me.

Well I should say anthropological theories considering the fossil record is the only thing that goes back that far into our evolution

Women are incapacitated(vulnerable) during pregnancy so they think that is part of it and either our original clan structure was either similar to other simians where we literally had an alpha male or division of labor was such that we needed the extra strength for something to do with scavenging and grew that way.

Or it could be peapod style evolutionary selection and strongest males continuously survived and breed back when we had 10 different offshoots of pre-homo sapien, sapience.

So division of labour, pregnancy, clan structure, natural selection, most likely a mixture of all and or we started out that way for a reason we do not have anymore. Part of our natural mutation?
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This kind of logic is why female-on-male domestic abuse is not taken seriously
I dunno lol

>suspension of disbelief only goes so far
>men perform unrealistic acts of physical prowess
>women do the same

i don't see the issue, you triggered child
And the goalposts keep moving and moving. I think it's you who is triggered by the discussion my man.
but it should be because it is more than likely psychological and physical on top of that rather than a random woman literally just trying to beat the shit out of some dude which most people appropriately laugh at.
>I read the /pol/ sticky and think I know about fallacies
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but is it possible for a man to give birth? Theoretically speaking, I saw this movie, Junior.
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Except /tv/ would be the first to bawl their guts out if women started to look like this
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d-damn barry
>sexual dysmorphism wouldn't be respected
Do you think evolution gives one flying fuck about "respect?" Do you think sexual dimorphism is a fucking social construct? It's biology.

Evolution is a blind process with two rules; whatever works, works, and adapt or die. Fee-Fees aren't entered into the equation.
would fuck the shit out of grace jones no homo
Then how come half the human body isnt filled with vestigial tentacles?

Knock-knock, divine plan
>>greatest female kickboxer of all time rekt by man

And that's a small dude, too.
>kek when will this hilarious meme end?
Later that week, he went around shooting cops because of this.
She looks like a weird ayy lmao, and seems a bit like cherry picking.

What about Linda Hamilton in T2. Bitch was wiry as fuck, and it worked.
Pretty sure most people here would say vasques from aliens is pretty cool
>quick, my last resort to call him /pol/, that will surely show him!
She is a man now though

It can be a serious problem though. Maybe in most cases the woman can't punch out their husbands, but they can sure as hell pick up a coffee mug or a stapler or something else and throw it at the man. The man can't stand up for himself or else he immediately gets arressted
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>if you're a 200lb male there's a good chance you can beat up a professional male fighter that weighs 135 lbs
they're matches you fucking retarded autist
>everyone on 4chan is the same person
it's funny that I was dead on though, go back to /pol/ triggered babby
>What is the evolutionary advantage of women being so weak?

Being able to focus resources on growing children in the women, and producing milk for food for said children.

They don't need to be strong, or fast, or have endurance, because biology created MEN to do all that shit FOR them so they can do what they were designed to do, propagate the species.
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>I could beat up Ronda Rousey
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Lot's of words I've never heard.

Wtf is palo alto d1
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Thanks, mate. I needed a good kek this morning.
Im sure every woman I know could beat you up
>a professional male fighter that weighs 135lbs
Go pick a fight with a lightweight boxer anon, tell us all how it went.

he is giving you the area and division, highschool sports = d1, d2, d3 etc

Usually either denotes size of school, division size and how they scale teams
Why not just compose a list of all the things that aren't allowed in fiction according to /pol/ so we don't have to read these retarded shitposts over and over?
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>Trust me /tv/, I know a lot about fighting
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>They don't need to be strong, or fast, or have endurance.

Sure men might do most of the menial tasks but if you legitimately think women didn't "need" these things in the era tribal era then you sir are retarded.
>out drinking
>suddenly a huge fat women starts talking shit
>tell her to "calm down, you fat bitch"
>starts assaulting me physically
>30 seconds of dodging punches and kicks
>knock her down with a really hard punch
>blood everywhere
>she is now crying, her friends starting to assault me
>cops come, I get taken in
>fight this hambeast in court for 3 months to prove I was only defending myself
>eventually I get cleared

in the end it wasn't worth it, women are incapable of understanding their actions have consequences
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>your average 200lb /tv/ poster could probably beat up a lightweight MMA fighter
My sides have drifted so far into orbit that Jeff Daniels needs to organize a crack team of ethnically diverse NASA scientists to figure out how to retrieve them.
>The girls I sparred with were even scared to hit me.

Nothing red pills a bitch like sparring, but most chicks that actually train aren't dumb ass feminist cunts.
not even that, he had free way to her face with his arms, instead of tapping her he could have punched her face with full force, instant ko
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>She weighs 135lbs, If you're a 200lb male there's a good chance you can beat up a professional male fighter that weighs 135lbs

I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke or not. Good bait, I guess?
>visiting a particular board I don't like invalidates your opinion
Definitely triggered. I suggest retreating to your safe space.
this scene is totally legit. she played him and when she taught him how to fight he was beating her proving men are always stronger than women

Not sure if OP is /pol/ or not but I think it is the ubiquitous-ness of female action hero now and I think it has proliferated into many different areas of society (front-line military combatants, entertainment, any other area that was traditionally a pure male 'area' )and insecure men would be affected by that?

akin to fiction seeping into reality, I think shit like this will make it worse for women and domestic violence. I had a different point but forgot what I wanted to say so, possibly having equal rights as human beings shouldn't be painted as all peoples are equal, especially in our society which is largely meritorious and networking.
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No, you peak in your mid-to-late twenties, it's all down hill from 29.
I don't really know much about kickboxing, but miss manface seemed to be putting in a decent fight, though it might be that I was expecting her to be pathetic.
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>be lightweight boxer
>have some experience
>could actually beat the crap out of anyone with technique only
>have a big ass friend, 6 foot 4, 290 pound
>he just has to get close to me and i cant to anything anymore
weight makes a lot of difference, i bet any normal man could beat the crap out of ronda

You believe fictional portrayals of females are responsible for that change? Amazing.
>he's not even trying
>Do you think sexual dimorphism is a fucking social construct? It's biology.

The funny thing about human sexual dimorphism is that if bitches wanted to be the leader of the family, and be stronger than men, then all they'd have to do is start choosing to mate with submissive non-threatening beta manlets that they tower over, and can compete with on a strength level.

But they don't do that, do they?

Biology and genetics drive them to choose mates that are bigger and stronger than they are, but they don't have the integrity or moral courage to admit that fact. And yet they expect us to treat them as "equals" when their own mating choices drive them to mate with larger, stronger men.

Bitches are just dumb.

It's long past time we stopped pretending they aren't.

His point is that even High school aged boys at his local school regularly dominate the Stanford women, who are ranked as one of the top 10 women's programs in the nation.

This also happens with UConn, which has been the top womans Basketball program in the nation for the past decade.

Even at the Olympic level. Gold medal winning women would get dominated by High School boys.

Not entirely but it could be influencing. Especially with expectations of ignorant males vs continuous media saturation of women above their actual abilities in terms of outcomes? Possibly.

Media on its own cannot be a reason as we have already legally established that but it can influence, how much is usually where the argument is
Im 6'3 300 lbs lardass and every time my manlet boxer friend gets drunk he always wants to fight me. He tries to punch my face a few times but is too short. Eventually I pick him up, throw him on the ground, and sit on him until he cant breathe.

Professional fighters might be able to do choke holds or some other kung fu shit but I bet I could take them as long as I dont get 1 hit ko'd by some Bruce Lee type
He probably spent years training by watching wwe.

I've literally never encountered a female who disagreed that men were stronger than women, even having spoken directly to the rare extreme SJW feminist type. Sounds like you're a retard who inexplicably believes some bloggers on the internet represent women.
exactly what im saying
That's not how evolution works, its that its more of a disadvantage being weak and male, the strong guys fucked all the women.
If men started only impregnating the strongest women, each generation of women would get stronger.
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>any normal man could beat the crap out of ronda

People really don't understand how much difference just weight makes.

I often fight with my fat friend, he literally just lays his weight on me and there is literally nothing I can do except suffocate til he stops.
Evangeline Lily was pregnant during filming, anon.
based Keaton with double trips
Was this the best capeshit movie of 2015?
>he just has to get close to me and i cant to anything anymore
Because you are a boxer. Do you know how boxers defend against grappling? They scream like little bitches: 'Referee! Stahp! Refereeeeee! Breeeeak!'

>Whens the last time guys wanted to bang a large clitted roid monkey female

well that is never going to happen, those women smell funny.
exactly, and then you have insecure little manlets like this that are affraid of women >>65000330
>People really don't understand how much difference just weight makes.


Do people even realize the point of weight classes in boxing and MMA?

Maybe it should all just be open and we let bantamweights take on some 280 pounders.
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Okay but 6'3 and 300 pounds is not a "normal" man.
People in here are saying a "normal" man could take a professional lightweight fighter or heck even Ronda Rousey.

The normal man doesn't know shit about fighting and doesn't weigh THAT much more than a lightweight boxer or RR.
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i want to see you try some of your cool mma tackle moves against someone like kane from the year 2000, im talking about size only now. your tackle moves dont work if the guy is a lot heavier then you, thats the reason they fight in weight classes and dont mix everyone.
>Okay but 6'3 and 300 pounds is not a "normal" man.

manlet detected
Go pick a fight with Ronda Rousey, my friend. Let me know how it goes. I would LOVE to watch.

That's like $400 of weaves all over that floor..

Go lick a Hobo's taint my friend. Let me know how it goes. I would LOVE to watch.
just because you are fat ass manlet and consider yourself "normal" doesnt mean everyone else is. a normal man is 6 feet tall, does sport weighs 80-90 kg. thats already 30 more than ronda weighs

>4+ inches over average male height and fat as fuck is normal because le manlet meme

How do you retards even function? When you leave the house do you just repeat shit you read on 4chan like a broken record?
>doesn't weigh THAT much more
Are you sure you are talking about amerifats?
Holy shit that hair.
go suck your fathers dick, my friend. Let me know how it goes. I would LOVE to watch.
look everyone, the tiny baby man is throwing a temper tantrum
Can confirm, I was sucker punched by a female "boxer" and it was literally like a tap punch compared to when I spar.
>I've literally never encountered a female who disagreed that men were stronger than women

I have. An ex of mine, she said she actually wanted to fight me, and I talked her down to slap boxing.

I admit she had the heart of a klingon, but unfortunately it was in a the body of a scrawney girl.
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Oh wow, so many tumblerites in this thread.

I haven't met too many guys that go looking to fight women. Regardless of how they are or aren't trained
Ok I'm 6'3 and weigh 200 pounds. I played soccer in high school and college. Do you think I could beat up Ronda Rousey?
>thinks "tribal" women had birth control and weren't pregnant and / or tending children from the time they reached puberty until they died or their womb dried up
why didn't he open his eyes?

we don't know
He went to San quinten you dumb cunt. That's probably one of the most dangerous prisins in the entire U.S. You fucking retard.
>Average men
Those last two (who won) looked pretty muscular.
>hair punch

Despite what this thread has turned into, you wouldn't want to fight her anyway. We're literally trained from birth to not go hitting women so this debate is pointless

Imagining the contents of a 4chan thread so you can argue against imaginary people with imaginary opinions is probably schizophrenia.
Some kind of... snake-summoning magic!?
>I can't think of a situation were a tribal woman would need strength or endurance.
If he'd take advantage of his own size and speed instead of trying to beat your obviously superior size and strength that he's obviously jealous of he'd fair better.
Still he'd need to do a lot while one mistake would get him flattened by lard (no offence).
No... it's necessary.
I actually met my soon to be gf when she mistook me for the wrong guy and kicked my ass. Sucker punched me in the balls and kicked me in the face on the ground.
u mad bro?

This entire thread is pointless. The main argument being discussed is
>could a small, weak man beat the strongest female kickboxer on the planet in a fight?
The answer is obviously no. The question itself proves the point of the thread; the fact that the highest tier of female fighters has to be compared to a low tier of male non-athletes shows how weak females are. Anyone who has any more investment in this argument is either a low tier male or hardcore feminist, and both are easy to make fun of.
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>manlet gets angry
>water is wet
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>tfw 6'2 and muscular and my only dream is to have a qt short gf to wrestle with like in vid related

That guy is like 5'4 and 140
>>could a small, weak man beat the strongest female kickboxer on the planet in a fight?

What's the point of arguing this? There is no "Answer."

What we do know as FACTS:

1) Olympic level women's team sports get regularly dominated by High School boys.
2) The US's top womans sports programs can't match even high school level D2 or D3 boys.

These are the facts.

High School Aged Boys >>>>>>>> The most Athletic, best of the Best Women

Arguing about Ronda Rousey fighting a normie is pointless.

What isn't pointless is the fact that Ronda Rousey regularly spars with low level MMA men and gets bitchslapped like a child.
Most of /tv/ could not hold up 20 seconds against any woman MMA fighter.

The asshole who made this thread is the same kind who makes the Adam Driver ugly threads. Yes, we get it, he isn't 10/10 gorgeous, but are you?
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Are female gorillas/tigers/dogs/birds any weaker than their male counterparts?

It's mostly insects where the females are bigger right? Some eat the male after mating and shit. bee queen is the biggest etc
Part of that includes picking up children and running when a hungry bear or wolf turns up.

And yet those same dumb bitches will claim that females have a "right" to be cops, or soldiers, or any other male field that needs strength, speed and endurance.

I served in all male units in the military, and the only thing females did when I was actually forced to work with them, is slow us the fuck down and ruin cohesion.
Emotional manipulation broski.
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>High School Aged Boys >>>>>>>> The most Athletic, best of the Best Women
I agree
Can't go being realistic in movies mane
but really the difference betwen average man vs female is like the difference betwen a 120 pound guy vs a 200 pound guy
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>other primate
>omg they arent fat like me so they arent normal men
thats how most people look like where i live
That feel when your height isn't even on chart.

I disagree, at 6'8 and 290, not every dude on 4chan is the 04' lardass neet den this place used to be. Go look at /fit/ plenty of guys on here work out.

I agree the guy that made this thread is insecure but to say such a generalized statement is just as ignorant and speaks to your bias.
this desu
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>The normal man

Your "normal man" is not MY normal man, as a REAL normal man has had SOME kind of combative training, be it boxing, wrestling, Judo, BJJ, or whatever.

You're thinking of the non-threatening submissive beta losers that are being put forward as "normal" men. They're not.

Normal EUNUCHS? Sure. But they aren't men.
Like with most sports, it isn't just about brute strength.

I'm a female golfer, and it is hilarious to see frat boys trying to hit the ball as hard as they can, while my golf ball sails past theirs by 100 yards or more.

Technique. Even fucking Rocky series talks about the importance of it.
>fucking Rocky series
you kiss your mother with that mouth, sister?

Golf has a learning curve which isn't the same thing at all.

Fighting is strength, speed, endurance
it has already been stated enough that technique doesnt get you anywhere if your opponent weighs 30 kg more than you. also
>comparing golf to fighting
>We're literally trained from birth to not go hitting women so this debate is pointless

So de-program yourself, you big faggot.

They WANT us to treat them as equals, so why are you discriminating against them and treating them different?
Which color do you tee off?
>all the people thinking martial arts makes you a superhuman who can take people twice your weight with naturally stronger bone structures and better reaction times

Hell, just the difference in weight is enough to make weight division in fights to make sure manlets don't get killed
the difference with a guy and a girl is even worse

>height-obsessed angry aspie shotguns his bait picture at everyone who points out his severe delusions with the hope of making a shorter male feel insecure

I honestly can't conceive of something more pathetic than that. You're blatantly a bitter virgin with no worth. How did you life come to the point of desperately attempting to make people as insecure as you are on an anonymous fucking image board?
>I have no clue what actual strength or endurance means.
hello reddit
bitter 5'4 guy lmao
I'm an amateur boxer
I weigh 74 kilos
I would destroy her
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>your tackle moves dont work if the guy is a lot heavier then you
This why you leg sweep them.
Can't have it all in life really
it takes enormous effort for the female body to make all the preparations to give birth and you can't really make those properly while having the stuff that makes guys strong
evolution isn't perfect
Aahahaha no.

The average track time for a high school male and 100 meter dash is 13 seconds. This girl, not a Kenyan, born and raised in America, has beat previous records and that time could have given her a silver medal in the Beijing Olympics.

Most of the best long distance runners I know are female too. (again, excluding Kenyans).
>I'm not a primate I was made out of clay and put in a garden.
>be me
>dating girl
>she is going off about equality
>she also goes off about how men hitting women is wrong
>Explain that if I went into a bar and picked a fight with someone almost a foot taller and 100ls bigger, called his mom a whore, spit in his face, and tried to kick him in the balls
>when he beats the shit out of me, and he will
>no one is going to feel sorry for me
>she doesn't see the connection
>I'm a female golfer, and it is hilarious to see frat boys trying to hit the ball as hard as they can, while my golf ball sails past theirs by 100 yards or more.

Sure, anon.

>big guy falls on you, koed by accident

Because what the media says isn't the same as you do or how you act.

It is a double standard but women have to deal with them to, deal with it.

Women want to be treated equal and like women. It is the same reason all these pussies in our society can come up with whatever nonsense they want because they live in a world made safe by everyone aiming nukes at eachother.

So major wars won't be about strength anyway and we'll largely be irrelevant to next conflicts where information, robotics and large scale weaponry will be the major conflict tools.

Nobody is signing up to go kill tuskan raiders.

So that is where society will be.

Besides my size and strength, if I started hitting women, the rest of the males in my family would beat my ass. They're all my size and by time they're dead, I'll be old. So I guess that settles if I should deprogram myself or not

though now that I think about it, resorting to violence to win arguments strikes me as something very hillbilly, especially violence between men and women.
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monkey wants a banana?
No they aren't. This 16 year old girl I posted ^ is beating or meeting the winning male times in the USA.

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RDJ pls
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A bee queen wouldn't beat a worker in a fight, they'd both beat a male though.
pussy ass cuck
A saw a video of some fat black comedians doing crossfit. It's their first day in the gym and one of them dead lifts 3 pl8. That's when I realized fat people are strong just by being fat.
It's because in reality, men have an aversion to hitting women.


Fast forward to 2:30

The only way women win in fights against men, is because they sub-consciously hold back.

Go back to your double wide, cletus
this all you have to say for yourself, beta?
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>weave wacker
top fucking kek, this was 100% staged. the fight could have been over on so many occasions, fucking women and sjw
I'll always relish that moment in 6th grade, when I hammer-punched a guy in the face who was picking on me and was a solid foot taller, and the best he could do was walk away saying "I'll get you".
She didn't hold her own in that scene though. She hit him with a cheap shot.
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Of course :)
>your tackle moves dont work if the guy is a lot heavier

Actually they do.

You just have to be more cognizant of the leverage you need and use, because a sloppy technique that would work on the same size, or lighter dude, stands a greater chance of failing the heavier dude you roll with.

A lot of heavy dudes are actually easier to roll with because you can trick them into using their weight advantage to over commit and extend them beyond their base, which makes it easier to off balance them.

Then again, some big ol' dudes are solid as a mountain.

If you feel the need to go pound on women to win arguments brah, go right ahead. I'll wait here. If you feel need to tap into your inner hillbilly, go right ahead, because you guessed it. I'll be here.

I don't think you've ever fought anyone and like most people on internet just talk out of your ass.

I don't hit women but I have torn a few down verbally, so if your cuckline is engagement, I've done that plenty but I don't hit women. by all means though, you go ahead.
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>my kind of spider
i'm not your brah
>That's when I realized fat people are strong just by being fat.
Carrying all this fat is not an easy job.

Calm down bro
Looks can be deceiving. I've got a freind who's like 6'4" and at first glance he looks like a fat lump of shit, until you get closer and realize he's built like a brick wall. That linebacker look.
>it's /tv/ goes full /pol/ thread
love these
only jim cameron was able to create a convincing female fighter in a movie. and he did fucking twice.

America should adopt sumo-wrestling as a national sport for the fat people. That would be true fat acceptance. Not forced SJW BS.

He could probably dead lift 6 pl8 then. The people in this video were just fat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxIewQZgtGM
>discussing any slightly controversial facts are going full /pol/
Is this what redditors actually believe.
You should go on /pol/ sometime, its likely a lot worse than you imagine.
>though now that I think about it, resorting to violence...

It's about defense and respect.

Submissive non-threatening beta males, like you, essentially condition females to use violence against men because you lack the balls to slap them across the mouth when they do. They never learn the way men do, and they never will if pussies, like you, don't teach them.
the very first shot to her occiput should be enough.

Beautiful trips

>Tapping that early instead of enjoying your head being crushed by those thighs
He was a cuban gorilla. I've seen him pick a guy up by the scruff of his neck when he was starting shit at a party and literally throw him out. His brother was even bigger, when those two fought each other it was like godzilla vs godzilla. You just did you best to hope for minimal civilian casualties.
>uses hillbilly as if it's an insult to anybody but submissive beta urbanites
>manlet = /pol/
Nah, manlet-shaming is acceptable among all social groups. 4chan, reddit, tumblr, facebook, people that use none of those things, all of them make fun of manlets.

My only question to those who use the derogatory manlet term is are you willing to use nigger? I really feel like "manlet" has become the safe "nigger" nowadays. Like, they want to feel superior, but can't say "nigger" so instead they'll say "manlet."

If your mere physicality and presence isn't enough, I'd say you're the weaker male.

You act like I let someone put hands on me because I don't hit women.

If you have to resort to violence to win arguments against women, I'd say that says it all.

You really need to hit women for defense, really? How small are you?

That isn't the argument he made, he was talking about argument of strength between men and women and he sidelined into making that difference maker in an argument an intellectually inferior beings need to resort to violence to win. They remind me of children with limited emotional responses.

Just because I disagree with hitting women doesn't mean I support hipster beta orbiters. Don't conflate the two my swiss cheese brained, natsoc friend.
Ronda is a world class elite mma fighter, the average woman is not, having said that even Ronda her self knows she'll get her shit slapped hard if she ever decides to fight a male mma fighter, which is she she outright refuses to fight that tranny mma fighter.
>If your mere physicality and presence isn't enough

They don't RESPECT our physicality, and the reason they don't is because of white knight faggots like you.

vid related:

> holds the fight with a man of her weight
> rekt

I think you need to correct yourself, you might not get respected but I've never had a problem.

If a woman has put her hands on you, you're either some kind of hillbilly or druggie or nigger. The kind of scum that belongs in prison.

Lower class tools that resort to violence because you lack the ability to work things out otherwise and I don't think you know the terms you're using. White knighting has to do with men defending women, and I haven't defended any woman in any post in this thread. I pointed out it is a double standard to treat women equally and yet still a woman, just like the double standards they have to deal with. I'm not defending shit nor am I sticking up for women, I'm captain obviousing for my reality blind threadmates that can't keep their thoughts together long enough to string an argument at me.

You shouldn't stand for anyone putting hands on you, men or women but the fact you're in that situation at all..is more telling than any argument you could make.

Poor, socio-economically disadvantaged peon that needs violence to win.
>I'm a female golfer

I'm glad you borought up golf, tits.

Remember Michell Wie? The most dominant, longest hitting woman to take the LPGA by storm?

Remember when Michelle thought she was all "Big Boy Pants" now and could hang with the men and tried to play on the PGA?

lol what a cluster fuck of a disaster that was.

I don't think this "dominant female phenom" even sniffed the cut in any of the SCRUB events she entered.
>measuring yourself as a man
Why do you set yourself up for failure?
>Remember Michell Wie? The most dominant, longest hitting woman to take the LPGA by storm?
>Remember when Michelle thought she was all "Big Boy Pants" now and could hang with the men and tried to play on the PGA?

And the funny thing is Golf isn't a pure "strength" sport. It's a finesse sport.

And yet LPGA women still fucking suck donkey balls compared to even Nationwide tour men (basically minor league ball for PGA).

The females of most mammalian species are actually quite physically capable, but female humans are uniquely physically incompetent because of how big a human baby gets before its born, so they had to evolve to pile on more fat than muscle weight and to have ungainly wide hips to deliver the large head and to be ready to divert energy to gestating the infant rather than for themselves especially for when they give birth and need to physically heal and those sort of things all to support this large fetus, while other mammals give birth a lot sooner and easier.
he's not even trying
at 0:23 he desperately tries to keep balance instead of just dropping the girl on the floor
> All the sjws getting smug at seeing women like Black Widow and this girl knock out dudes by the truckload
> Not realizing that all the male audience is getting turned the fuck on by how all these chicks always do grapple their opponents between their thighs

I'm genuinely baffled by how tumblrwhales don't realize this shit.
>back peddling intensifies

Sure, Stephan.


you waited a long time to respond to me and you said nothing, poor person.
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