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If I go to Brazil, as a slightly above average american white

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If I go to Brazil, as a slightly above average american white man, what are my chances with the local women?
As at home, zero.
Y-you too
You are saying that like Its a big deal. Being white, black or brown, here, it doesn't matter. If you are handsome, or even a "normal" guy and a cool, them Its another story.
lol that's just mean
If you are trying to get Girls by 'being white' you are pretty much fucked. There's plenty of White guys in Brazil and race doesnt matter in these latitudes
money works, though
>money works, though
Rohypnol even better
Do you have blue eyes?

I don't know how Brazilians compare to other Latinas, but the Mexican chicas loved my icy gaze.
>but the Mexican chicas loved my icy gaze
you've spelled DÓLARES wrong
If youre not a 10 in your home country neither will be abroad.
I disagree. You can be exotic. Ie I cleaned up in Sweden and punched above my weight because I was exotic there.

And again, people that can't get laid at home can get laid abroad because they usually tend to be more fun people (and meet other people who are more fun on vacation).

If you can't get laid at home meme needs to stop
It's pretty great, OP, but it really depends on where you're going. If you're going to Rio and you don't speak decent portugese, just go for hookers (check out the "termas", they will blow your fucking mind). Fuckloads of white guys from rich countries that don't speak Portugese come to Rio every week and try to hook up with local girls, so you're nothing special. The girls that can speak decent english have tons of options and won't deal with a short-term traveler.

Sao Paulo is IMO much better. The average middle-class girl speaks decent english, unlike in the rest of the country. And there are less gringo tourists around so you have higher exotic value. Out of the entire world I got the hottest matches on Tinder in SP, by a long shot. But the girls aren't easy and will lose interest in you if you aren't staying a while, so you need to bullshit them at least.

If you have any interest in the jungle... Manaus, in the middle of the Amazon, is legendary around traveler circuits for the women. I heard about it when I was in SEA and in other south american countries, so I went there myself. The average girl isn't as hot as the rest of Brazil, a little darker/dumber, but she's still in perfect shape (flat stomach) like the rest of the country. I'm early 30s and not great looking, but I had one-night stands with cute 18-22 y/o girls every single night I went out there. After 5 nights in a row of this, I met a legit 19y/o fashion model, rawdogged her within a few hours of meeting, and stayed with her till I left. If you're genuinely attractive, you'll have girls literally catcalling you on the street, seriously. There's nothing like it in the world.

Don't bother with this, the site actually sucks in Brazil. Use Tinder or maybe OkCupid instead.

Foreigners from white countries are *very* interesting to the girls there. It's not the whiteness that matters. Brazilian pickup artists will fake gringo accents when talking to girls.
If you're white, and say, a 5 in your home country, and that home country is in europe, US, canada, Aus/NZ, etc. then you can easily get 6s-8s in big cities of many non-western countries.

It's not as easy as just showing up, you have to learn the culture and how to work the girls, which is different everywhere. But once you get a feel for that then you can often do much better than in your home country.
Dude, you can fuck 10/10 girls for $50/hour in Brazil, so just go out during the day, talk to girls, do your thing, and if you fail terribly, later that night just go and get some prime pussy, no regrets.
Forigners from every country are very interesting *
Cant count the number of times I played the Misty South American Traveller role.
Yeah, even black travelers speak highly of Brazil and the receptiveness of the women. Non-pros
Sure, but if you're from a country where she dreams of living one day, things are really easy.
You guys really think all south american girls would love to live in the US? Really? So out of touch with reality are you? Guys, this isn't SEA
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Mãe do faustão.jpg
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In my city, Fortaleza, your chances are pretty much 100%. And you don't even need to be that pretty.
All? No. A huge portion of middle-class Brazilians (i.e. the decent looking ones) in particular? Yes, absolutely, they want to live in the US some day. Not all, but a huge portion do.

How about with zero Portugese? Just with English or decent Spanish?
Ignorance at its finest. Brazilian is just a nationality. They are ethnically diverse and plenty of Brazilians have blue eyes.
So do plenty of Americans. Girls still like them
and get VIH
if i were you i would worry that
>what are my chances with the local women?
Better if you have green or even better, blue eyes.

Also lose the shades, I left my sunglasses on the plane, best accident ever.
>plenty of Brazilians have blue eyes
Some do, but because Brazilian culture is still a Latino culture so they value blue eyes more than American culture does.
Man I have heard that several times now.

How much game did you use?
None, I didn't need any game at all. I did have lots of experience dating latinas elsewhere in south america beforehand, though, so I at least knew how to treat them.

But I was shocked how easy it was to get them into bed. Usually you have to have some chemistry with a girl, you can read their signals to see if they'll be cool with going home with you, etc. But in Manaus I got laid every single time I went out with someone, even when I thought I was getting clear signals that it wasn't happening. And with the fashion model I just took her out to dinner and she suggested herself that we go back to my place right afterwards. And I'm not that attractive - just white.

YMMV though. If I didn't speak spanish really well (so they could understand me and I could understand some of their portugese) then it would have been harder. There were only two girls that I met in Manaus that spoke english well enough to hold a very basic conversation, the rest I spoke Portunhol with.
>I did have lots of experience dating latinas elsewhere in south america beforehand, though, so I at least knew how to treat them.

Like shit?
People from all over would love to live in the US.
Not that guy, but nah. The locals treat them like shit, so you just treat them better, while still being aggressive.
No. I'm usually pretty nice to them, and being chivalrous - opening doors, letting them walk through first, and so on - is pretty important and they'll think you're rude if you don't do those things.

I think it's just something you have to learn with experience, but at a basic level:

* Hug and kiss them on the cheek when you arrive

* Lead all interactions, decide everything without asking her where she wants to go / what she wants to do. Just say "Vamos a tomar esta noche a las 8 en el bar que se llama ..." instead of asking her for ideas.

* Make out with her in public after the first drinks, or after the first minutes in Brazil if she seems into you. You can make out sloppily in the bar all night, it's totally normal in latin america.

* Talk about dancing and say you like it, but that she needs to teach you. Latinas love dancing more than anything else. Don't talk about anything remotely intellectual, she'll get bored easily.

* Talk to her in Spanish. Even Latinas in the US are really easy for a guy that speaks Spanish at a decent level, even if you end up talking in English most of the time.
>* Talk to her in Spanish. Even Latinas in the US are really easy for a guy that speaks Spanish at a decent level, even if you end up talking in English most of the time.

Oh, this is Portugese or Portunhol for Brazil, of course.
ITT: people assume brazil speaks spanish
If you can fuck girls in the states you can fuck girls in Brazil. I'm an American living here who never had trouble back home and honestly I find that it's way easier to get things started here - as in you're immediately interesting for being a foreigner. As for closing though (besides kissing, they kiss way more than we do) I didn't find it particularly different. I don't even think the ratio of girls who fuck on the first night is that different. If you're not making out with a girl on the first date/encounter you blew it. If you tried and she wasn't down, just move on. If you didn't try, you seriously confused her and made her think you don't like her, because its expected of you. Same if you don't have lots of contact.

Now if you're a sperg who can't fuck anybody back home, you'll probably feel way more of a difference since people will actively engage you since you're different and getting things started is where most people fail in the first place.
34 y-o 6'2 blue eye /fit/ here
Just came back from Brazil, slept with 20 girls in a month.
If you're good-looking, have decent game and know what you're doing, it's like fishing in a barrel.
Where did you go, Manaus? I know things are easy in other cities too, but I don't know anywhere that could be that consistent about 1N stands.

And how did you keep yourself interested in fucking new ones? I lost steam after about 5 in a row personally, my libido just dropped to nothing.
Do you know portuguese? What was your schedule like?
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