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Okay famalam, here's the deal. I'm looking to move

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Okay famalam, here's the deal. I'm looking to move out of the USA. I'm 21, have roughly $15,000 saved, and that's it.

Some university experience, but not much, can't find my drive here and I'm looking to find somewhere else to settle down. Ideally either New Zealand, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Thailand or Sweden ((yes))

The only problem is, I feel that immigrating to any of these countries is nearly impossible without some sort of skilled trade or degree. The only exception being that I have ancestral history from the CR and could immigrate on that basis.

Can anyone point me in the right direction as far as how to look towards getting a work permit (permanent) for any of the above countries? Particularly interested in Ireland/NZ/Sweden
For Thailand, enroll in TEFL school wiht good placement, then get a job as an English Teacher.

Could this course of action be taken with the other countries as well? I know it's practical within the CR as well, but I'll specifically look into it more in regards to Thailand. Thanks.
You live in the country where most of the world want to immigrate to. If you cannot make it there, you cannot make it anywhere.
Sorry but it's true.
Why the fuck would you want to move to Sweden? The memes exist for a reason, believe me.

Who said anything about not being able to make it? take your still bait elsewhere

>no drive to even finish university or learn any profession in order to actually get a work permit abroad
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It's not that I can't make it here, I just hate the locale, the people, the schooling, etc. Besides, 'making it' in terms of university doesn't necessarily appeal to me. A profession, perhaps. I'm in school for firefighting/EMT right now, but it doesn't translate well for immigration because country policies are entirely different in regards to those operations, and most of them (like New Zealand) have no shortage, so it isn't on a desired skills shortage list.

The US is a massive place that has huge differences among the different regions. I can't really give you much advice for immigrating, but if you can't find your niche wherever you are now, maybe a different part of the US would be more for you
>I have ancestral history from the CR and could immigrate on that basis.
You could try applying for a Czech citizenship. Then you're free to settle anywhere in the EU.
I'd go for this one. You'd have to get a job in the country to be able to stay there for longer than six month but getting any sort of job shouldn't be a problem in that case.

As for Sweden, I'm Swedish myself and since my spouse is not from here we had to go through the migration process so I know some basic things about it. If you don't want to try to get the Czech citizenship, you could probably apply for a work holiday visa here (or New Zealand, not sure how it works for the other ones) and see if you can get some sort of permanent position. Right now it takes a couple of months to get a work permit, due to all the asylum applications, and I know that in EU countries employers are not willing to wait for such an application (unless you'd highly skilled). So the best way is to go to these countries first, through something like working holiday or a student visa and work your way from there.
>Could this course of action be taken with the other countries as well?
sure although most counties require a degree but many you can do with only a TEFL certificate (Spain,Mexico,Argentina) and once you land a job you have the advantage of experience plus you can always learn the local language and then go to university on that country and get a degree of some kind, which could help with visa issues becuase some nations will not give you a visa for work without the degree so you can just get a student visa and work with no degree .

Latin america,Russia, Spain and SEA are the only places you could do this without trouble also you could buy a fake degree in Thailand and use it in another country
Pretty much all the flyover regions are shitholes and thats 80% of the country
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I do have a lot more exploring to do around the US, that much is true. But I'd still like to explore my other options in terms of countries as well, thanks for the input though. Also, kind of this>>1214887

I hadn't even considered this at all. The holiday visa, yes. I'm looking into that for New Zealand/Sweden. To apply for Czech CITIZENSHIP though I would need 5 years of residence. But I can get a permanent residence permit from my ancestral origin there. So, it would take time, but it's doable. Good idea, will research this more for sure.

>buya fake degree in Thailand and use it in another country

kek, have considered this. Thanks for the advice, though.
>I'm Swedish myself and since my spouse is not from here

She's SEA, probably Thai, isn't she? Not judging, just a trend I noticed with Scandinavian women dating/fucking out Africans and Arabs, and the men dating/fucking SEAs. Per Capita Sweden is the number one tourist to Thailand.
Every other place is strictly worse than the USA. The only reason you should move out is to raise a family or to retire/retire-while-working by yourself.
you sound like an entitled cunt. omg trump is president gotta leave the country now
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I voted for the god emperor you mong, it's not my problem that regardless of who we put in charge this country has been reduced to a nigger infested hell hole with the general populace having the intellectual capacity of a goldfish.

Depends on how you're quantifying it, I think. Economically, traditional quality of life, perhaps. I'm not in it for that.
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