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Hg or Hunger Games Thread. First 24. Please be patient. I've

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Thread replies: 455
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Hg or Hunger Games Thread.
First 24.

Please be patient. I've never done this once before. Safety not guaranteed.
It's also all manual so.. Yeah.
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Odin Arrow
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Sliver Queen

>Good luck.
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Iida Tenya
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The Kid.png
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Billy The Kid
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Reigen Arataka
Hakuno Kishinami
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Kim Thayil
Kitsune Enthusiast
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Mike Inez
Lana's mom
Illyasviel von Einzbern
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Ahri was *this* close to cuck you yesterday.
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A nurse
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a man
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hunger games 2.png
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Can you give me some events for my TCR-themed code?
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>Sorry for not responding to you last night. Didn't know how tired I really was.
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Whenever I see this gif I always think to the Crypt of the NecroDancer soundtrack
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Yusuke Kitagawa
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I'm still betting on that Suz is Ahri and she's pulling off a Kamina by samefagging her ship and cuckoldry.

Bump the game, you monkey.
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The kid (157).jpg
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Yo. What's with that look? Being stared at like that is like being held at gunpoint, you know? And let me tell you, that's not a pleasant feeling.
Did I offend you with something? Jeez, way to go Billy, you sure messed up again.
Alright, Working on it all now. Thank you for being patient. Please have some music while you wait.

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I can confirm that this isn't a thing having them both added on discord and chatting with both at once about different shit entirely.
has got
it going on
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Not right this second. But me later about it.

These hoes ain't loyal so I ride my own dick
Wow aren't you a popular faggot
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Muscle Enhancement7.jpg
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>It's all good friendo, I was gonna head out to bed as well. It was fun.
So... Ahri is Astaroth?
No she isn't
Stop trying to find samefagging when there is none. Kamina's autism is in its own league.
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>Her hands practically vanish as she presses the sleeves to her coat together. She takes in a slow, deep breath with her eyes closed.
You certainly aren't opposed to tugging on peoples' heartstrings just to mess with them, are you?
Sunset is the fag behind Ahri, Suz AND Astaroth. He is samefagging his own ship and his cucking.
Alright, Host here.

I've gotten word you guys want 36 instead of 24? If this is true, give me... ah.. 2 more?
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Captain Luna
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Gunpuku no Himegimi
First was SunsetxSpike
now is AhrixSuz
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Graham Specter
>ESL faggot can't even keep up with the times
lmao why am i not surprised
How many ships are there? No memes please
fuck no
luna and raven
Iiya and demon loli
ahri and astaroth
Emi and Cthulhu
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So sorry for the delay.
Had some minor hiccups. I hope this is acceptable?
>luna and raven
replace with haru and ash then you're good to go
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Shipping died when everybody became cute anime girls.

Sometimes, I feel like the only human male around.
Yuubari's shipgirls
Luna and Raven
Ahri and (Controversial significant other of your choice)
People claim Aussa forced one with Rika and Urotsuki
Luna x Raven
Ash x Haru
Suz x Ahri x Astaroth
Emi x Cthulhu
>Ahri and (Controversial significant other of your choice)
Hoshi and Shion
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I thought this was gonna be a 36 you piece of trash
>that last one
Subtle shitpost starter m8
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Get on with it.
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What? No way. I may be an outlaw, but I'm not a complete jerk! I swear if I offended you in any way, it was just a silly mistake!
>Billy's sad expression disappears, and his usual childish smile takes its place
A small time crook like me couldn't mess with others like that!

Looks good. I hope that this time my victory will be flashier. Flashier but not louder. Yeah, that sounds about right.
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You may want to keep your previous promise.

Oh, be gentle, it states right at the top it's their first time hosting.
That last one is the most cancerous of them all though

I continue to make mistakes. Please forgive me.
Ha just kidding please kill me.
I'm getting right on this.
Why do y'all mention Luna first though?
This is the only good ship tb.h
DDD x Birdie
Like clockwork
Why does it matter?
I can never resist an invitation to dance, now lets cut them to ribbons.
>haru and ash
What's that ship about? I've never read a single interaction between the two because they're boring af
Because it's the oldest ship alive.
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>Oldest ship that's still alive.

>Stop digging up my dead wife's corpse.
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>lesbo ships
No drama, no talking. Just pure raw love between two abominations born to sow chaos on earth.
>throws the corpse on the necrophilia rape table
>tfw you're the only one who remembers hikki x mokou

le oldfag faec
discord coordinated horseshit
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The new roster. Please tell me this is okay.

I've already tried dropping a toaster into my bath tub. Now it's just sitting there, and I'm not sure how else to harm myself.
>tfw you're the only one who remembers Yuu x Peko

I'm disappointed in all of you.
Agreed. We don't have any hetero ships do we?
Me neither, I'm curious now.
Macho Man Randy Savage x Bubbles
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Answered Prayers (262).jpg
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I am nothing if not naive at times.
>That sound of chimes fades, but lingers, just audible.
...Or I suppose you were just being dramatic, then?
A new journey begins.
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Six (10).png
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As long as there will be food.
Struck me as odd.
Na I meant why not RavenxLuna

Shit, that was a thing that happened...
See : >>9315184
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You appear good to go, save for any swaps or whatnot.

Not when it's brought up over and over.
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>Hikki x Glass Dildo was better.
We're talkin still active, otherwise we'd bring up all the old ships, like Okarin×Dr. Pepper, Guts×Suika, Hoshi×Shion, Mokou×Ocelot and etc.
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May the best win.
Because Luna is more present on the threads than Raven, besides it just runs better on my tongue to say "Luna" first.
No big deal.
Can we send all irrelevantfags (see: Luna, Raven) back to /b/? They already pretend we're still there 2 years ago.
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Ok. So... I don't have any commentary prepared. Please accept these stock phrases.


Holy shit really?


I was not prepared if there were swaps.
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Well I think it looks fine. We should get going...be-before I start regretting this.
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They are need their own holiday
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>not even a /co/de
Stop wasting our time
Best commentary in ages
I guess it does.
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>adachi x minene
>First time hosting.
>expecting more than a vanilla game you were warned about.

Host over them then, fuckass.
Host, faggot.
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>They are need their
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>Only joking. My first game was a default too.
I don't remember this...at all.
You're doing great don't worry.
Keep going!
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>pets the little albino before jumpin in the arena
Boy, anon and Adachi sure love whining about bullshit, huh?
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That wall of flame is approaching awfully fast. It would be just awful if I decide to not dodge it in time.
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For more stock commentary please visit (Link broken)

Please don't do that! No!

Fly you fools!


(This comment was banned in your country due to national copyright laws)
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>... What?

>Not to seem like an attentionwhore, but why does no one ever post the one I'm on? I'm seriously curious about this.
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And who is this waxing nostalgic this time?

We all start somewhere. I guarantee many hosts' first games were like this. I know mine was.
Don't worry you shouldn't have to remember it. It was Rin's attempt at a cringyer version of Hoshi's prom.
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>Posting the shit ones.
Post Homecoming roster.
But you still host defaults
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i get it.png
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>jack and jenny
What a pair of asses.
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Do you guys want fallen pages too? I could skip them if you want.

I'm also running out of stock commentary. This site is really bad.
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The kid (90).png
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Yeah, sure. You can just say that I was being dramatic. But it's time for me to get going. Someone's gotta feed my horse after all.
>Billy turns around and slightly raises his hat
Bye bye... What was it? Oh, yes, Green!

Thanks for hosting, pal. I'll make sure to check out how far I got in it, when I have some time to spare. Good luck with your first game.
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>Nah go ahead and just skip those.
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baby's first arena.png
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Here we go again
You can skip 'em them
yfw junko x asuka
>can't skip em
>plenty of hosts skip em
>Wanting to see Junko's failed attempt in making a prom
Was it autism?
>tfw you still don't have the wincard for the soiree pre-game
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>wow guys i have like 10 events and nothing else changed
Keep being shit, Lenny.
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Really scraping the barrel here for commentary from this random site I found.

Don't do that!

How could you?

Jesus it's between a fox and someone who loves Foxes?!
(That one feels way too on the nose... I'm a bit worried.)
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Answered Prayers (357).png
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The endless march.
I recognize that light in your eyes...not so soon, I'm afraid!
>Tall Geta equipped. She suddenly bolts off at an astonishing pace, especially considering she's balancing on what're effectively stilt-sandals.
>She sighs quietly, before offering a bow, as the noises fade.
Farewell, Thunder.
> no one ever hosts over Lenny

Wonder what you all meant by that...
At least you had an opportunity of sorts with that Soiree, no?

One could say it's ironic the Snowman starts a fire.
I only post when there's a fuckload of deaths
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>Mokou hosts over Lenny
Really activates my almonds
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10 events added means it isn't a default, genius.
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Come on make your choice kid of I'll just kill all three of you!
>She watches as he murdered the woman over the little girl
Good, good you made the best choice of the three options before you.
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>ywn go to prom with Suz

>Goes against my own self-made hosting code of honor.
kamina has hosted over him
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Vidya (46).jpg
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I've done it at least twice.
>only twice
you need to work on getting that number up
I love when you host but really, it's basically a default. Be proud of it.
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I hope I'm not going through these too quickly...


Uh... well that's it for the stock. This joke's run it's course anyway. Unlike my life! Haaaa...

You guys seem really intent on not trying to kill each other. I may have to change that next time with some mind alteri-- I mean... Nothing. Ignore that.
>You will never wake up in the same bed with Suz with a wide variety of sex toys in bed and in your ass.
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Sure, but with the frequency that 10 events will show up compared to the default ones it might as well be. Doesn't help that you have to reaffirm it every time one shows up with some big parade in your commentary.
But his games aren't anything much either.
The "fire" joke has already exhausted itself with the previous slide. How unfortunate.
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>Dude that's kinda gay.
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>At least
I can only guarantee twice, but I think maybe 3?
I do it when his autism is too much for me desu.
You damn right it is.
then why don't you do it every time?
I prefer Lenny's games to Kamina's honestly.
There is a chill mood when Lenny's hosting.
Cody x Valentine
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>liking Lenny or his games for any reason
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Answered Prayers (175).png
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>Fluorette seems to either not notice or not care. Eventually, she takes in a slow, deep breath, and sits down. Equipping the Food effect, a large sandwich appears in her hand. Despite the large bite she takes from it, the sandwich seems to almost immediately return to full size.
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eat ass.jpg
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>Hating Lenny
>Implying a correlation between tastes and age.
>having events isn't anything much
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>not liking lenny or lenny games
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Vidya (36).jpg
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He's gotten a bit better by asking for help at least once
I'd rather want Bolin's games desu.
>implying it's more than just a shitposter who hates Lenny
>when it all goes just as planned
>there are people who dislike Lenny
Grab the gun
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if dubs you host over him the next time he hosts
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trash supporting lenny.jpg
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Okay, I didn't want to have to do this while someone was hosting, but I think now is a good time.
How do you want me to improve my games/presence around here? No dumb answers, please keep it serious. I'll keep a note of these.
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Reminder that anybody who likes Lenny is a nufag and/or underage.
I want to hate Lenny when I see that you like him desu
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mfw bullshit.gif
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>implying your autism isn't worse
Make an actual code.
People realise that you can like Lenny but hate his games right?
What we have been telling you for the past years. If you didn't get the hint now, you never will.
Get better commentary
More commentary during your games, you're good at that
More puns
And seriously try to write some events instead of asking people to do it. Just do it slowly.

Otherwise you're a pretty cool guy.
Lenny I want you to improve but you don't "have" to do this while someone's hosting. You're just being disrespectful.
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Vidya (50).png
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>Implying implications
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Your presence is fine Lenny, stay chill.
You could always host a game with your own code if that will please the plebs.
Where did you get this picture of me
But I'm attacking his unsupported claim because he is probably just someone who dislike's Lenny.
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Fresh new meme, right from the presses.
>mattering at all

That's like saying you prefer your tricicle to a 69 Charger for drag racing.
Must I define subjectivity? He already even explained his reasoning for you.

Also, I've received word from our lovely host that their internet is, as they say, "eating shit" at the moment. They're going to try a computer restart. Pray for the sake of the game and their internet.
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Clock glock.gif
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Are you serious?
He has trips Kamina so he's right.
I think we scared off the host
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How can you say someone is boring if you never seen em? What did you mean by this?
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>What is making a code
>What is better commentary
>What is being less of a whiny douche about your minimalistic game not being a default when it's a default compared to current-day hosts
C'mon Lenny, people have been telling you this ever since the stone ages yet you still don't get it.
>throws sand on you
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I'm working on it right now.
Okay, do you want me to do it for every slide then?
Uh, thanks.
I want Owain to claim me~!
That's the logic of people who hate the based homo circlejerk.
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Your games are fine, Lenny.
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I see through the lies of the Sith, Anakin
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We can't all have the high ground now can we?
>when you actually make the host fuck off by baiting a Lennyfag v. Anti-Lennyfag war.

Holy shit, mission accomplished and then some.

Stay shit, HGfags.
HG bro

>[x ava] has shitty rp even though I've never interacted with him
>[Y ava] is only liked because of the tits and not because they're easy to talk with and RP with everyone
>[Z ava] is shit because I don't like the source

Nothing to write about.
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No you didn't

See : >>9315698
hey do you accept constructive criticism?
How did you figure out Adachi's thought process?
My internet decided that being an idiot was a better use of it's time. I had to restart my computer, and the games were lost in the process. Hopefully there's an alternate universe where someone picked up that game and finished it.

I apologize profusely as I have NO idea why this happened. I'm going to go eat so I don't throw up my stomach and die.

I shall try again at a later date. Fuck, maybe later tonight. Who knows.
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Yukine (290).jpg
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I need an cute anime girl to ship with me right now
Hit me
Most of this is completely valid, though. Some people don't RP with people who have shit RP. Some people think avaing anime girls with big tits and no personalities is cancer, regardless of how many people they talk to.
>not copying the code
Shit host kys
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Six (14).png
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>Bites nose

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Entirely fine, as life is unpredictable.

Now then, I would hate to leave you all hanging. I require 8 more.
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Why do you do this.png
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Cat man
You all have shit rp. May as well mingle with the rest of your kind.
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>Shitting on a first timer
Stay classy anon. At least they're trying.
>pots you
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Ship yourself
lol Owain's niggertry strikes again
I want you to know that I hate everything about your personality and everything that has ever escaped your mouth, but I do appreciate that you host
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Ruby Gloom
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Lord Beerus
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Your willingness to go through with this so not be not praised. I thank you for trying to host. Whenever the next is to occur, I do hope you have a better time with it.
Even you, Yukine? Has the allure of a real woman been lost to everyone?
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Lenny's Dick
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eggs man
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CHarlotte Katgakuri
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Chef Excellence
Good taste
Meh taste
It's not Owain, it was 2cool.
There's a difference. 2cool is actually a cool guy.
Are you one of those people that think Katakuri is weak
Come on lurkers I wanna Swap for you
>Some people think avaing anime girls with big tits and no personalities is cancer

The thing is, you can't talk and sustain RP with a lot of people if your ava doesn't have a solid enough personality to keep them interested.

I'm serious, try talking to the "popular big-titted anime girl" sometimes, I was thinking like that and I ended-up genuinely surprised.

In my experience, if the ava only have the tits going for them, they end up being harassed by anons everyday and barely RPs with other legitimate avas.
Right here.
>taking that guy seriously
Just stop lol.
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We really do need that 60-trib option soon, huh?

Y'all know the drill, 5-6 minutes for any swaps or corrections.

dude weed lmao

If only I knew who you were, anon. We could try to get to know each other better.
I shall keep this in mind while I eat something.

Thank you to everyone for offering me an egg in this trying time.

>The host with the opposite of the most.
I'm not accusing of the big titted anime girls of having bad RP. I'm accusing them of playing big titted anime girls for the extra (You)s. You'll find just as many male avas with just as good RP that only talk to one or two people daily, whereas being able to play an anime girl with a chest ensures you'll be talking to anyone that you want all day AND get unlimited defense from anons. It's just cheap, more than anything. It encourages more people to play the same kinds of characters and before you know it this whole place is just neckbeards pretending to be anime girls shipping with each other.
I wasn't talking about weed you nerd
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Now this is looking like a real hunt. Get on with it.
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Host on a break.png
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>Not best but certainly alright girl
>Letting his mom loose
>Not weak

What you think is logical believe about his power man?
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Answered Prayers (135).jpg
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Hm. There's something odd about you miss. Did I spot you last...no, no, I must be imagining things.
I am ready!
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Kill yourself
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I do hope all are prepared for their checkups. It would hurt much more if you aren't.
>and before you know it this whole place is just neckbeards pretending to be anime girls shipping with each other.
So like early /b/ era hg?
Suck ballz
Most of the (you)s are anon shitposts though.
No, we had more male ava's back then.
it fucking sucks
>Meh taste

Atoli was too childish, Shino was a bitch. Who else was there really? I liked Alkaid.
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May the best win.
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Everybody try your best and lets go go go~
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Swapping out for the god himself? I like your moxie.

Starting ASAP.
The difference then is that there were (almost) the same amount of hetero ships going on.
That says even more. The majority of the responses they get are from the cringey >kissu anons and yet they STILL manage to rack up over double the responses of other (male) avas. Plus they can drop conversations or ignore people any time they want and it won't be an issue because their ava has tits. This won't ever change, but I wish less people would play those kinds of avas regardless.
Oh yeah ok. Fair enough then, I don't think we have a lot of that kind of ava right now. Sure we have a lot of anime girls, but they're more of the "I'm feeling the roaster and I don't stand out"-type.

Though I do think the RPer is more important than the ava, Subaru and Vino(playing as Rohan) managed to pull out a lot of replies when they tried to.

LIke that guy said >>9315945 it only makes you more noticeable to anons, but that's it.
You don't have to like a female character from the series. Besides, your forgetting Tabi :^) or that gay dude with the Rose who played a better female than most the females in .hack
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You have a lovely voice.png
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Thanks for hosting by the way.
Hana a best, tied with Oboro.

A shining pillar of cuteness and a paragon of bestness in the trash that is the land of Hoshido.
>people don't remember the times when the threads were only about Shion, Mion, NepNep and other anime girls flirting
Reminds me that we used to have a chomper avatar
Those are two good RPers and oldfags though. I'm sure part of their responses were people liking them OOC and wanting to talk to them IC. Somebody new and just starting out either has to play a female ava or just get completely ignored for months.
Shit I did forget Tabi.

Also won't lie... I'm considering rping Endrance.
>That says even more. The majority of the responses they get are from the cringey >kissu anons and yet they STILL manage to rack up over double the responses of other (male) avas. Plus they can drop conversations or ignore people any time they want and it won't be an issue because their ava has tits. This won't ever change, but I wish less people would play those kinds of avas regardless.

This was true during an older era, but I don't see that kind of shit with the current big-titted animu we have right now. They're fairly decent in that respect.
You're wrong, Takumi is best grill
He's an edgelord who enjoys shooting little girls.
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Imagining Silver Queen in a Domino's outfit is actually kinda funny. Try it.
You'll find a lot of guns here, don't worry.
Two of you are sitting out now? I don't like this trend.
That's gay, Dach.
No one can ever stop a man.

No problem. I do what I can.
Endrance did play a more convincing female than any of the .hack girls besides Tabi.
Also you'd fit in well being a proper man and gay man at that than Ash :^)
>Tfw my first real ava will be a male ava
>Tfw I'll be ignored unless I can stand out like Souda
I ignore Souda too, don't worry about it
>mfw no face
Go get 'em, dick.
Or unless you play a ICOOC like Brock or Eric.

I believe in you though
Plenty of male avas stand out. i.e Seth, Adachi, Iida.
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>that event is gay
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Answered Prayers (253).jpg
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>Fluorette slowly backs away, wide-eyed.
Just be a punching bag ava. It's the cheapest way to get attention.
You may have a point there.
He really did.
Guess it's time to hit the internet to get more images of him.

Also I'm not ash.
>standing out

It's like saying Jude or that aussie I forgot the name stands out, of course you will if you're a shitposter.
A shit ton of male avas stand out surprisingly.
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It is quite the common saying. Thankfully, one such as I can never know the release of death so I'm halfway there!
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Cut by a feather..png
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Lets just get to the fighting already.

(I know, I meant that you'd be a proper Gay man over the frenchie)
Two of those are oldfags, one gets attention because he hosts, another gets attention only for shitposts, and the last get replies for....multiple reasons.
>tfw want to play an anime girl with nice legs
>tfw the only thing people will talk to her for is the legs
>tfw anons will constantly be trying to fuck her thighs
Why are you guys so fucked
>People are forgetting the god of RP, the master of linguistics, the legend among the arena, Joris Cullen
>Dies in bloodbath
>Oh well, thank you for hosting
That's because male ava's are a needle in a haystack of anime girls
Yellow eyes are hot
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DAY 1!

Really? 'Cause I see a dinosaur right there. :^)
The Dicks Have Eyes
Oh, come on now. That attitude don't get you to being a Gorey Gauntlet Championship...Champion.
*sarcastic meow*

Thanks for playing!
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lenny jarate.jpg
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Oh. I misread then.
Thanks for hosting
>implying Seth only gets attention because he's a host
There's something called being entertaining. Try it some times.
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Russian drawn Xayah.png
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There would be far less humans to speak of if there were "more" dinosaurs.
>She looks at the pterodactyl like creature before her whilst keeping her distance from its mouth.

(All good, good luck finding Endrance pictures that aren't him drooling over Haseo)
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As your nurse, I feel it is important to get eight hours of rest. I have heard that sand assists greatly, so with that being said...
>The woman throws a bucket of sand onto the man.
Take care and sweet dreams!
There's also something called being a narcissist, which Seth is. Is that what's entertaining nowadays?
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Does that count as animal abuse? Are Pokemon animals? Someone help me out here.
Gee, I wonder who that letter is from.
He really just looks like a giant bird now. It's kinda funny
Please read it to the class, Hana.

Thanks for playing!
Yeah... I'm already not liking my chances.
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>A Tucker Torpedo parks up outside, then the man approaches the crowd

Can I have your attention? Detective Cole Phelps, LAPD Homicide division. I'm investigating a string of disappearances within the past couple of months, this address was a point of interest. I have some questions to ask, may I speak with the owner of this property?
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Six (19).png
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>Runs away at full sprint

The owner's down the block, officer.
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Well good afternoon officer, I'm afraid we don't really have any owner in the mean time, probably because there might not be any.
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beanie wave.jpg
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>The Inkling waves at the man, trying to get his attention. The area behind her in covered in paint.
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>Letting out a loud gasp at the sight before her, she drags the body into her home.
It may be too late to save you. However this doesn't mean I shouldn't try.
Why if it isn't the heat! Salutations. I'm afraid this domain doesn't have a leader but I am interested of these disappearances you speak of.
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DAY 2!

A king, a queen, and a god have some wet n' wild fun!
Congratulations on your potting soil.
Homestuck is far more brutal than I remember.
Harold's suffered enough, come on now.
Yeah, alright. "Accidentally."
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Right here ~de geso.
What can I do for you, human? You'd better have a good reason for steppink on my turf ~de geso.
Someone owns this place? Oh shit they're gonna be PISSED about all the dead bodies... ... uh.. Of wood. Laying out back. Yeah, a lot of trees fell cause of a bad storm the other day. We're trying to clean it up!
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Angry bird.jpg
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>As she forcibly evicted from the arena and the pain in her spine begins to subside all she can mutter is how shit the mans music was

LAPD Homicide? No, just look around anyone missing I'm sure you can find them if you just use your own eyes to your advantage instead of questioning a few of us who would likely lie to you anyways.
Narcissism or not, Seth is someone fun to converse with. I'm sorry you're too dull that you have to shit on oldfags to excuse your lack of (You)s.
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A nurse must always be prepared for events such as these. I have been stacking things because of boredom for some time now.
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Ah yes, dinosaurs a real pity they went extinct but they ran their course well.

You're assuming so much in that sentence. I shit on Seth because he's a self-obsessed piece of shit.
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Answered Prayers (114).png
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There is no owner, sir. I'm afraid you're mistaken.
...Nor do I particularly recognize the term.
At least you've the wings to go with it!
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Those posters certainly got inked.
It's because it's so small. :^)
>multiple reasons
like what?
t. someone who never talked with him OOC and got worked by his character
It's only an act though, he isn't really a narcissist, only act like one.
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Well, good luck on trying to resolve anything on this place… Unfortunately I haven't seen any clues on said disappearances.

Or maybe... I overlooked something big.
>this excuse
If you truly believe that it means his rp is working.
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Answered Prayers (250).jpg
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What an unusual person. But I really have no room in prying.
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Huh? Oh yeah, that'd be me. Ask away, Phelps! I've got plenty of time. I haven't exactly seen any bodies around, but I'm sure I can answer anything else you might need. Y'know, resident information, all that good stuff.
You do know he just acts like a self-obsessed shitter?
Do you have any proofs to back up your claim?
Seth seems like a chill guy, to me at least.
>"I-It's just rp"
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>The woman looks pleased at the rundown truck she had acquired.
This will do nicely as my emergency vehicle. May I receive the sirens as well? This wonderful piece of plastic should somehow have enough.
Prepare for the army of whitekni-
Oh wait... I'm too late.
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DAY 3!

You need to keep your Domino's uniform in clean shap- oh God dammit.
That's impressive considering you're literally carving bone.
Iida loves the cock.
Battle of the bands!
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sh-shut up
That's entirely natural.
>Seth's defense force

>rp in an rp community
i cant fucking believe it
I want to stumble upon a village of creatures that look like her.
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1MB, 1097x1601px
Oh dear, it does sound like you have experienced quite the trauma! Unfortunately, it happens to be one I am cannot treat.
>Taking off her cap, she hands the girl a lollipop.
I do have a near infinite amount of suckers though.
I'm looking for a bunch of worked up people.
oh wait I found em>>9316266>>9316283
Can't you be salty somewhere else? I'm tired of my sword turning into rust every time I walk in here.
>Salty oldfags raging at Seth being the only good oldfag
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This was a highly successful high school experience. Only 13 people survived, just like my graduating class!

...I-I don't want to talk about it...
i dunt liek seff
Archers good too
>Oblivious newfags thinking Seth's great
I wish I were that ignorant
t. hoshi dog
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>The man whips out his sidearm and fires a warning shot into the air

Don't play coy with me, or I'll have the entire department here! There is a trail of blood that leads right here and unless you want to spend your nights in the penitentiary, I suggest you cooperate.


No owner? Hmm..interesting. Can you tell me what this place is?

>The man kneels down eye level to the inkling
That's a very nice costume little girl, but Halloween is a long ways away.

Then you can answer some of my questions
>He pulls out his notebook and pencil
Let's start off with what this place is.

>Another girl in a costume? And with an accent, though I don't recognize it. Is this a set of a movie or something, he says in his head.

Some people have been missing and they are all link to this address. Does the name Tod Pinkerton mean anything to you?


I have the descriptions right here
>He waves his notebook
No one matches the description. Can you explain to me why some of you are in costumes?

Your telling me this place has no sense of order? Listen lady, the more you cooperate the easier this will be.


Have any new faces popped in recently? Short man with blonde hair is approximately 5'5?
Seth is worse than Hoshi and Junko combined. Don't cry over us when he kills the community, we oldfags warned you.
>Only good oldfag
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Looks like Reigen befriended one of the villagers. I wonder what his endgame is?
Which dead rocker's guitar did you steal, Electivire?

This code wouldn't exist without Seth, frankly.
Post ava or get the fuck out
>shooting a gun at a fucking six-year-old
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>Painful collision aside, it is also the perfect time to muse about one of life's greatest questions.
When a nurse is in danger of dying, who shall help them? Maybe a super nurse?
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Behold, I'm depleted of cares..png
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>She snatches the notebook from his hands and reads through the description before he can take the book back.
This description really doesn't match a single person here, you sure this is the place your even looking for? Wait... who even told you to come here in the first place? You should investigate them a bit more instead.
>She flicks her wrist and her cape
Besides these aren't costumes most of us are wearing, besides a few of the children running about.
>Hoshi mutt
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Well I sure can do, Mister, I'm Ruby Gloom, and this is... well... the Arena, where people fight sometimes and get cool medals. sometimes.
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Combine drunken idiocy, a lunatic's rampage, that FUCKING cat, and a shit ton of popcorn, and what do you get? The final four.
Seth is the Golden Child who will single-handedly usher in new era of HG prosperity. Seth "King" Rollins will slay the oldfags, revolutionize the games, make anime real, and personally see to it that each and every one of us fucks our waifus.

Except you. You know who you are, you son of a bitch.
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It doesn't mean anythink to me. None of your names do ~de geso.
You're wonderink why people have been goink missink? It's all me! I inkvaded this place all on my own and took out anyone who tried to stop me, so this place belongs to me ~de geso!
As much as I despise Hoshi, I don't think he'd shitpost Seth. This is more likely to be Jude or Rin.
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>The Inkling glares at the man, and seems offended after the "halloween costume" line. She turns her back away from him and starts to walk away, stomping her feet.
it's KING SLAYER, you stupid idiot.
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DAY 4!

I kind of want to laugh, but I'd feel bad. It'd be like laughing at a retarded child.
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Answered Prayers (311).png
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>After getting trampled by a horde of people, she sighs quietly before standing back up, seeming none the worse for wear.
I speak only the truth, sir. After all, you can see the sheer disorganization of this place, can you not?
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I shall if I know the answer!
>Looking around to see no chair, the woman reclines into the air.
You will find that this place is an interesting one filled with interesting beings. It doesn't have a name as far as I know but it holds a special power. I assume you wish to know what that is, hmm?
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Well, this is just overkill. It gives us our final two, though. It all ends next slide! Place your bets!
Hmm, you bring up a good point.
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Short man, blonde hair… It's still too vague. many people might fall under that category.

The only thing is certain, is that someone might be involved on the sudden disappearances, including that person… but I couldn't help beyond that, simply because I've never had such a total lack of leads on this kind of incident..
He's done it before and we know he can't handle someone being better than him.
Just any nurse, really.
She's fleeing. Clearly firing a warning shot is the proper answer.
>I don't think he'd shitpost Seth
Is today your first day on HG?
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73KB, 679x293px
I'm feeling mixed emotions right now.
>Betting on Tenya
Kamina won your game. The only thing you should be feeling is disappointment.

>Thanks for the game
OVERKILL!!!!!!! (Do you even read?)
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You are the newest Gorey Gauntlet Champion!

Your wincard will be out shortly.
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Good thing you were late with that jinx. Tired of hiding the toasters from you.
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But first, the Placements, followed by the Summary.

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Good job, thanks for hosting.
>three stacked mandarines
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>tfw at work so can't RP
T-Thanks for hosting...
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>You're right about that!
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A fascinating answer. We do look out for everyone after all. However I wouldn't b e so quick to throw out the theory that there is a secret hierarchy of nurses.
I believe someone called this one my stand, was it? Well congratulates to my stand. I thank you for this game.
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It was a warning shot, sir. And I can't identify the suspect.

>He grabs it back after she reads through
Do that again and I'll place you under arrest. I'v seen lots of suspicious activity taking place here you can either pitter patter around and have the entire department come down on this place, OR you can spill the beans.

An underground fighting ring? What kind of sick parent would bring a little girl here?

>He pulls out his notebook

Don't be coy with me little girl, One person was seen leaving in a white chevy pick up and you're not even old enough to drive.

Mam, please! This is important work if you can just answer my questions!

Which means there's a lot of illegal activity, what do you know?

>The detective looks amazed yet annoyed as well
Amazing what Hollywood can do these days. Now I heard that this place is a fighting ring, which is illegal I'll have you know, but there's something else going on. Isn't there?

Are you investigating here as well? Strange, I didn't know woman were allowed to be in the force, what department are you from?
git popular son
Can I place an order please?
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>at work
>browsing a Korean sweatshop forum chat-room
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>Thanks for host.
>Now NTT when? I-I only have today you know before going back home.
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Congrats, and thanks for the fun!
Thanks for hosting mate.
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Jump you piece of shit cat.gif
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I don't have to participate in the fighting sir, and everything turns out alright in the end, most of the times.

Nuclear Throne Together.
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>Nuclear Throne Together.
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Oh bring them all. I'm sure they'll actually listen to reason, and if they don't I'm sure stabbing you all will put me in a better mood.
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Thanks for the chance.
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Thank you for hosting for us.
Thanks for the match.
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>Her eyes seem to light up at this place he speaks of.
I must visit this Hollywood sometime in my life. Oh, it is illegal to have fun these days? Then I must admit I am plenty guilty of it. That is such a broad question, Mr. Phelps! I am not sure how to answer that.
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So, I just did some quick logical deduction, and if I didn't remove my own entry (Snowman) prior to picking up the roster, I would have won my own game. That would have been something.

No problem. Thanks for playing.
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Hey! Don't you inknore what I'm sayink! I'm a squidding tyrant and I conquered this place all on my own ~de geso!
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This land is...odd.
>The woman shrugs, looking up as if her attention were diverted by something.
It defies logic and reason. Some of us aren't even here physically. The only standard is that we compete in various tournaments. However, everyone slain in the battles, well...I did simply get right back up.
Congratulations, sir. And thank you for this.
>tfw you asked to NTT with people and they responded by playing NTT with eachother instead
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>It's 4 player now mate.
>tfw want to host but also want to finish the project i'm working on
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Thank you for participating.
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It's not alright, a little girl like you should be playing with dolls, not seeing such violent acts. Who sent you here?

Save the tough talk for your boyfriend, you know obstruction of justice is a federal offense? All I'm asking is for you to answer some questions.

Don't play dumb with me! If you're smart enough to find this place you're smart enough to know what Hollywood is, but most importantly what other operations go on here? Is it a drug ring? Tell me or I'll send you downtown.

These people don't seem to recognize your authority.

>He seems tad on edge when the word battle is mention
So you're saying homicides take place here. And you didn't report to the authorities? Why?
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...I don't really remember how I got here, saw some posters up somewhere and then I started walking and so I came here. besides this is like a new home for me, Mister.
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Expectink anythink inktelligent to come from a human's mouth is just stupid of you ~de geso.
That's rude. Why do you think so little of humans?
She was written that way.
Finish the project, I'll host instead.
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Is it truly homicide when everyone returns to normal immediately after? I'd certainly not say so. We enter these things voluntarily. No lasting harm is done to anything or anyone, after all!
>She looks about for a moment, before briefly tugging on her collar and clearing her throat.
And in my world, it's best not to report anything at all to the authorities. To call them...zealous in their job would be an understatement.
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Isn't it obvious?! Humans pollute the sea and then have the gill to call ME the bad guy ~de geso!
I'm inkvading mankind as an act of heroism ~de geso!
Oh but I've already answered your question when I took your book. No one of that description is here, and none of us besides a few of the children are wearing costumes.
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It was by pure chance that I found myself here. I have never heard of this Hollywood until this moment. Does it dwell in the land known as A-me-RI-ca? Never mind that, I can see that you are quite cross with me. Though I should tell you not to yell. The only thing it will do is damage your vocal cords.
>Throughout this conversation she always had a polite smile on. Finally reaching the ground, it changes into an expression of thought as she taps the books she's holding on her head.
I am sorry to admit that I am not familiar with those terms. I only engage in the fighting and pleasantries. Oh! But I do know of something that may interest you! Do you perhaps know of something called a red light district?
Like Jessica Rabbit was drawn with nice assets?
Humans are very flawed and their societies even more so. I can understand why it would be upsetting for you but there are decent people out there, it's just that they can't really do much on their own. Maybe some understanding humans will be able to help you little squid.
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>tfw your pc wastes one fucking hour in loading
Get a better pc? I mean, Holy shit! Tandy computers booted faster than that!
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