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ERP Thread The Perfect Sleep Aid Edition Previous: >>8718902

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Thread replies: 318
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ERP Thread
The Perfect Sleep Aid Edition

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Anyone wanna add me on Discord so that I can blow them whenever they want? x.x
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Every time I masturbate myself to sleep, I wake up feeling like shit and want to take it out on you guys.

Just do it here, you dumb bitch.
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Ork general when, this is discrimination.
>>8722831 (Repost)
(I was just thinking along the lines of him using some sort of magic bell that forces her to do what he wants her to do. I think it would be hotter though if she was totally aware of it, but she just can't resist.)
>>The anon sneered a little as she pelted him with paper. He really disliked her. She was a total bitch, and had zero interest in anything that he was teaching him. Her parents might have paid well, but even still he wasn't sure if being insulted like this on a daily basis was worth it. Today was going to be different however, as he had managed to acquire something strange from a friend who happened to be obsessed with strange artifacts. He told him that it was a bell that, when rung, the person that would hear the sound of the bell would be the user's slave. He didn't really buy it, of course. But if it didn't work, he'd just get fired, and never see her again anyways. So this was a win-win for him. He put on a fake smile for her, before saying;
Alright then, Pacifica, if you'd be so kindly as to take out for math text books, we can begin.
>He asked her in a eerily cheery tone.
You got a discord?
But Im not the best at ERP and Im embarrassed o:
Troll > Orc
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(Orcs take what they want when they want. Gotta make the thread ourselves.)
You can't be that bad. Just go for it, anon.
Then post your tag and whoever wants it will go get it
Post it.
Well I would need a dick to suck first, unfortunately :c
But you can't post those pics on discord like you can here
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Someone really should play her
Who do you play?
Sure why not I'm bored
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How wrong can one person be?
You seem pretty shitty.
Good thing you'd just be adding garbage to garbage.
I'm sure there are many willing anons around.
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>Pinkie Pie had not yet noticed how her breasts had popped out of the confinement of her shirt when she landed. Pinkie Pie's little nipples were at that time hard and stiff from the cool air blowing against them.

"And you were just gawking instead of mentioning sooner, or Celestia forbid looking away? You're still gawking! are they hypnotizing you anon? do you feel yourself getting sleepy?" Her tone the entire time was that of a playful one, she didn't care if the anon starred, she just wanted them to be happy.
>Pinkie Pie waves her arms around much like jelly making an eerie noise while her breasts jiggle and sway with her.

And that only took me a whole month to plan out!
>Pinkie Pie greets the anon with an ever pleasant demeanor, the air about her seemed as if she genuinely cared about the anons level of happiness. Pinkie Pie walks off the stage, getting behind the anons trying to push them onto the stage to help her person for whoever decided to show up today.

"It makes me happy to bring everypony joy! That's why I'm the party pony." Pinkie Pie said with a more serious tone, with the ending ending in a lighter happier tone.
Well technically she IS larger...
>Anon gracious presents his cock to their timid, flustered face. It was already stiffening up at the sight of them. Clean and shining slightly, it awaits their touch.
Here you are, cutie~
Yes you can dumbshit.
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>sleepy oink
Not the way 4chan does it
It's just not the same
How big is Pinky's butt?
Then please do your magic. Happiness is something I really need right now.
Are you Treat?
Ok, so, feral Pinkie works at a bakery, human Pinke goes to high school, so what's your deal half-hooves?
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What? No! Never!! What is wrong with you?!

You can have my hoof.

>Centorea's eyes drifted to the side as he openly fantasized about her breasts, her blush only intensifying. As his focus begins to shift to her nipples and he makes his last request, her eyes widen.
R-Rub them?! N-No, I-!
>She stops herself and bites her lip. She must remain true to her word so that he remain true to his. This was the only way!
No more after this! O-Okay?
>She said, trying to sound commanding and imposing through her embarrassment. She slowly looked down at her massive chest, particularly at her nipples. Here goes nothing... Her hand hesitantly reaches upwards until she presses a finger against her nipple, causing her to give the slightest flinch. Her other hand soon does the same until both of her nipples have fingers at them. She then begins to slowly rub her fingers in circles, toying with her semi erect nipples and giving her strange feelings.
L...Like this?
>She asks him while still looking down at her chest.
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How's it goin?

Anyone hungry?
>ywn get the futa sheep cause the old thread ended
>Mercifly, the anon continues to stroke through Mewtwo's orgasm as rope after rope spurts out to splatter the ground in front of him. The soft chuckle of the anon rumbles next to Mewtwo's ear.
Wow, you came so hard... right after I touched under your tail and talked about pretty dresses. I guess that tells a lot about you, doesn't it?
>While the stroking settles in to just a calm squeeze of Mewtwo's post-orgasmic cock, the fingers under his tail have just begun as they begin squirming in the pokemon's depths, rubbing against the little pleasure center inside.
Yeah. You're definitely a tail-raiser.
Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about.
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Well I guess I better get started with pleasing anons, huh? o:

>My face turns a bright red as I graze the tip of my finger over the head of your impressive cock before gently grazing my tongue over it
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>Not the same way 4chan does it
You can post a fucking image, without some of the filesize restrictions this fucking place does, you can do it several times at once, and you can click to download and upload it.
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You know what they say, the bigger they are the more you can nut in them and dick them as much as you want.
The heart wants what the heart wants, perhaps you should begin listening?
>Takes a bite.
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I'm watching my figure, though.
>The touch of your soft, warm tongue causes it to gently slightly, making you flinch. You must be nervous, poor thing! I place a hand gently on your head and stroke your silky hair, letting my hung cock hang harmlessly in front of you so you can work at your own pace.

Exactly! Don't waste any more time. Proud to be the first of many you'll please~
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(It would have been so much better if you manged to get the bell her parents use, to instantly strike a sense of fear into her eyes.)
(I'll write up your response in a bit, need to handle some other anons first.)
Of course you're cute. Be careful though, I could just eat you up~

Y-you think it would be as easy as asking? As if I couldn't just rip your clothes off, and take you... I mean I could....

Well take care~ Hope you see you soon.
A bit stick like in the waist there, careful a strong breeze kills you
Shit sandwich.
No bacon on it.
Still seem pretty fat to me.
>The hungry onlooker looked amazed as he watched her follow his request, eyes shifting from her soft, round globes to her extremely red face. She was damn adorable herself. She didn't seem to be minding so much now...
Y-Yeah. Yeah, of course. Please...
>He muttered as he watched her fingers tentatively find her still budding peaks, biting his lip a little as he watched her, swallowing nervously as if he knew making the wrong move might get his ass kicked again. Still...he couldn't help but be a little bold.
Yeah, just like that. That looks amazing, Centorea. Use your fingers to rub them in circles, though. Slowly. And maybe...pull on them a little too.
>He snuck the last thing in there, to see how open to his requests she was in this state. If she had any mind to look at him, she might notice he was sporting a bulge after what he had seen so far-and a pretty big one at that.
(I would have gone with that, but I think it would be work as well as a magic one. And take your time.)
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>teleports you to hell

The mayonnaise is fat free, made from the utters of demonic three headed cow. And it has sun dried tomatoes.
A-aah... fuck yeah...
Just like that...~
>Jolyne happily moaned as the anon began suckling on her breast, just as Stone Free did the same to the big fat cock. Jolyne doesn't let up with the stroking, though. It's just as intese as it always was, her hands strong yet soft in the most perfect way.
I-I could have killed him.. I could have killed that DAMN priest right there...
B-but I didn't...
It's my fault...
Damn it.
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No, I'm Piggu!

Always, d-do you think I could h-have a bite?

Eat m-me up!? N-No! I come to these p-places so I d-dont get eaten, eeeee!
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>Raises your shaft and kisses your balls slowly and gratefully. Afterwards, I start gently massaging your balls as I slowly open my mouth and wrap my lips around your throbbing head.
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Blame Shad for that.
Is he still in court because of Roblox?
I mean, yeah, that's what I'm going for.
...I was kind of expecting someone to make a joke about how they're watching my figure, too, b-but I suppose not.
Hey, you just teleported that guy to hell!
Why should I eat you?
You know what's great exercise?
Fucking raw until you blow a huge load all over someone.
Say what you want its true.
>Anon looks around hell and takes another bite.
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(I'm the worst person for this but I almost just bashed my face on my keyboard nodding off. I'll try to be on tomorrow night, given my workday doesn't blow chunks)
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Cause it's tasty.

Hehe go ahead, but beware!
>Feeling your soft plump lips wrap around my cock is nothing short of blissful. I can't help but let out a ting groan of pleasure as you welcome my member into your mouth, my hand reactantly grabbing a tuft of your hair to roughly grip, resisting the urge to face fuck... for now.
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>Karl grabs the sandwich, examine it with caution. He takes an experimental nibble, after he's transported to the Sandwiches version of hell he spits the bite back out.

>He takes another bite watching as the axe wielding bean talks with his friend. He sneaks up to the bean forcing a piece of the sandwich into the beans mouth holding it there to see if the bean will be transported somewhere else.

with an ass like that? I'm sure you're watching your figure, must be hard work to make it that big~
Well, I was doing that, too. But I think I'll need to see more.
I want to dick your oversized green ass and bury myself into your asshole tbqh
(Happens to the best of us, friend. Fare well, until then!)
That looks devilishly delicious.
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>Gently squeezes your massive balls as I slowly move my lips about a third of the way down your cock, sucking on it gently and blushing harder.
Nah he's out and site's back up
>Comedic sense on 4chan
Maybe if it was a cuck joke
>A stick figure named Jerry approaches you with an axe

>Jerry is transported to the second circle of hell, encountering 2 more Jerry's
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(This a female Slark, well this image is just a placeholder so I don't sue my good ones up. She can be played in a jail cell, or as a new escapee, hiding in a body of water.)

I think we have a different definitions of eating.
>Karl's hand presses against Piggu's crotch, rubbing her lower lips.
I meant to say that I want to eat this~
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I picked it out at random, jeez.
That sounds fun. Wanna be work-out buddies, anon?
>wink wonk
Yeah, but is it go-to-hell tasty?
I have a lot of activated almonds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
It all goes down to your cheeks!
More of what, my thick, plump ass?
Maybe I don't wanna.
The first half sounds neat-o, the second one sounds a little close to anal vore which is not-so-neat-o
>He's out
I was mildly amused by his predicament.
And hey, anons can be pretty funny sometimes, even with cuck jokes.
>this fat assed cutie ravaging Piggu

For the love of god, slam both of your huge asses against my dick
>He was unsure how to comfort her on that, anything he thought to say would just either not work or make her feel worse, so he took both hands and place their palms on her cheeks. Tilting her shameful and tear stained face up to look at him, he leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead.
>Work-out buddies
Sure, why the fuck not, huh? You get me nice and hard and I'll see about that fucking you raw part. Should get us nice and in shape. Sound like a deal?
I kind of just meant that I want to fuck your ass. I was trying to be creative, pls forgive. I just want your fat ass
>Her words at his command, his actions go unabated as she blissfully moaned out her approval amidst the newfound assault on her freshly exposed breasts. His suckling lips suddenly popping off her now spit-covered mound, he gently circles the areola some with the very tip of his tongue before drifting sideways and latching onto its twin, his other hand left to knead the moistened breast in his mouth's absence. Soon enough the assault on her mounds intensified the longer she and her ghostly partner serviced his now freely leaking manhood, the interval of strong throbs pounding against her throat now at a near constant as he rapidly approached the top of the mountain at their supervision. His teeth now gritting around the erected nipple still at the mercy of his mouth, his face suddenly mashes forwards into the soft embrace of her bosom, a low volley of grunts rattling from his throat in indication of his impending release.
>getting rid of Peridot
>adding Nozomi
>Even a mere third seemed a lot if you, so helping I push down to slide those lips along my solid dick. About the half way mark, I start to hit the back of your neck, and release the pressure.
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>Removing Peridot and Mecha
>Adding Nozomi
Really? You seemed desperate, earlier. Still, nice ass. Can you shake it?
damn that's one nice booty
We have a New Peridot Anon.
>Anon takes another bite and nods at this stick figure he has never met before, chewing and holding more sandwich in his hand.
Fucking this >>8723190
>irrelevant shitposters
>active shitposter
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(Btw is your discord free now)
No! In fact, I think I shall stop listening! Good day!

>Without much vocal response from Centorea, he can see her pink nipples slowly grow harder as she slowly rubs and toys with them. One of her hands then takes hold of her nipple in between her index and thumb and starts to lightly pull on it, eliciting a sharp breath from Centorea who was no doubt stifling her voice. Her nipple stretches slightly as she tugs on it and Centorea clenches her eyes shut before she lets her nipple go free. Her breast jiggles and her nipple becomes fully erect, proudly pointing outwards. She repeats the process with her other nipple, although she's a little careless with her puling this time, as evidenced as the faint moan he hears.
>When she lets this nipple go, it's a little red from being pulled on. At this point, even having her shirt on wouldn't be able to hide her nipples. After she's done pulling on them, her eyes glance up at him.
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>Get in the mood to ERP
>Have to go in an hour
Sounds pretty damn great, anon. I can't wait to get started!
>Dominator gets down on her knees, a smug grin on her face.
Now whip it out, big guy, so we can get you nice and hard for the workout.
I know, I know. I was just messing with you, dumb anon.
(Pretty sure they removed Peridot because uh, I 'claimed' them.)
Psh, of course I can shake my ass, anon!
The question is, why should I shake my ass for you? What would I get out of it~?
(Yes, I finally managed to pay Al-Qaeda their ransom money. Seven goats!)
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Wait, is th-that meat! Um, n-no thank you!

Oh, I s-see..~
>she gulped, trying to get a reading from the blank, expressionless face of the thing pressing against her. Her puffy, chubby mound quivered as he rubbed at it, little snorts bursting from the girls cute snout as he felt her up. She tried to hide a grin, hands grabbing at her chubby stomach as she felt a rush of pleasure
Go a-ahead, w-weirdo!~

Thank you for your attention.

Well, dont mess with me like that! Its not my fault you've got such a round, phat, perfect green ass!
I see nothing wrong with this?
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Here's the best version of the chart.
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>>8722028(Futa Sheep anon)
(I was going to write up a starter, but the reply times would be abysmal. Instead of posting the card next time I'll post as her for you. if you want you can save this so I know it's you <3)
Have you ever seen her Mother? Centaur female sag not, young Padawan.
I just hate horses. And horse riders
Fucking slow pieces of shit. I'd run the fuckers down if it wouldn't wreck my car
>The man watching her did so in astonishment and with lewd thoughts swimming through his mind of what he wanted to do to her. She looked so vulnerable despite her strength right now-and what's more, her nipples lookd so...adorable.
>He sort of uttered lamely as he watched her work her own hard peaks over for him, now seeming to mind less and less being topless. He wanted to bury himself in her heavy tits and watch them bounce around his cock but...
Hey...hey Centorea. You've been amazing, doing all this for me. And...uh. To prove I'm a changed man. I wanna do something for you, outta the kindness of my heart, ya see.
>He stated, stepping closer to her, and hesitantly raising his hands up, for her to see so she wouldn't mistake it for an attack.
Your tits...er. Your breasts look so sore, and heavy. And since you've been so nice to me, well..I figured tha least I can do is massage em for you. At least a little...that wouldn't be too bad, right? It'd be kinda like a gift.
>He spoke, and although it was thinly veiled attempts at doing more with her...he did genuinely want to make her breasts feel good.
This, the fact those things can get sucked dry by the mouth of a centaur baby and somehow stay that huge and perky in middle age are a gift. Just imagine how lucky a human man would be putting his hands or even taking a drink from a centaur bosom must be.
(I actually already added you, few days back)
>or even taking a drink from a centaur bosom must be.

Calm down MWA
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>young Padawan
>reminding me that we don't have an Ahsoka Tano
(>Dat feel
Dam. Feels bad man.)

>Stretches in front of her with a sigh as she plops down on her knees and nods.
Right. It might need some encouragement to come out. Sexy as you are, he prefers a direct touch.
>He snorts, as he undoes his zipper and allows his half flaccid member to flop out near her face. For being spongy and soft, it's a decent size already, as he gave it a single stroke before handing it over to her.
Have at it.
Jinx plays her
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Do it.
Cum down my Stand's throat.
Don't be shy, you want this!~
>Jolyne doesn't relent an inch during any of this, still jerking him off, still sucking him dry... jeez, she's really good at this..
>SHe looks up at him with sad, almost shameful eyes..
You don't...think I'm a bad person? For all I did?
>You have to be exclusively one person to fantasize about sucking on horsetits
Come on anon, this meme is dated.
Nah, she plays one of the other Togruta Jedi. Unless she picked her up too.
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(It's a lotta pain with no gain, I'm afraid.)
Hey, don't blame -me- for having such a big, firm ass!
Tell you what! I'll let you use my ass as a pillow for some time, hm? You can rest your head on it, grope it all you like... That'll satisfy you, won't it, anon?
(Well, it'd help if I knew who you were.)
(Are you the same guy that asked for Alex the other day?)
>Dominator licks her lips once Anon gets his cock out, an impressive size for a limp dick. Hopefully he's a grower.
>She inches a little closer to Anon, wrapping a hand around his shaft and another around his sack. She starts slowly stroking his cock while massaging his scrotum, throwing in a light kiss for each of his testicles.
Jinx plays the other much better red star wars alien anyway
Ahsoka is cute though.
>Even the light toying with easily brings Anon up to size-not full yet, but it's beginning to look much more like a cock. The head peeks out at her, as she strokes it and he sighs, contently as she does so.
There ya go. Warm ups are important, don't forget.
>He snorted a little as he watched her stroke his cock.
kys Aqua
(I'm sorry for yours ((and my)) loss)
Fuck yeah it'll satisfy me, anything to get closer to it I guess!

You dont think I'm a weirdo for lusting over your big, bubbly butt, right?
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Get up close and sniff it, anon! Thats an order!
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"My flank?" Pinkie Pie asking in a curious tone.
>Pinkie Pie Takes off, running over to rarity, dragging them with her to the anon, so she could measure her flank in front of the anon, Rarity grabbed her measuring tape, pressing it right up to Pinkie Pie's flank, her hands dragged agasint it while Pinkie Pie grew flustered by the other pony's actions. Rarity checks the numbers and decides to expose Pinkie Pies ass to the world for the sake of a more pure measurement.

>Pinkie Pie offers the anon a sincere and genuine hug, resting her head on his shoulder. She let his hands wander if he chose in that moment, she relished the tight embrace. After the moment passes Pinkie Pie out f no where pulls a bunch of random costume pieces dressing the anon, and ignoring any protests the anon might have had. Pinkie Pie finishes dressing them up in a really silly costume, dragging the anon with her Pinkie Pie shows the anon a gathering for weird and wacky costumes, and they were up next.

"Feral, Human?" Pinkie inquires before an image of a ferocious beast pops into her head. "I can be feral, watch." Pinkie says in a somewhat serious tone.
>Pinkie Pie drops down on her hands and hooves, playfully growling at the anon, while clawing at the air in front of her.
"Groowl Grr." Pinkie Pie's growling was light and fluffy no matter how you looked at it, she was the least threatening thing there besides maybe Sluttershy.
>crouches behind her and pushes his face deep inside her big, bubbly butt to take a big, long sniff while squeezing and toying with those perfect thick asscheecks.
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I'm sorry you feel that way, anon.

>A blushing Centorea's eyes widen as he steps closer and she instinctively retreats backwards. Although she was just being cautious, her sudden jump backwards has the unintended side effect of making her tits bounce and jiggle for him to see.
N-No! E-Erm, I mean... T-Thank you but no...
>Her freed breasts jiggle and shake with every word she speaks until she realized they're still out.
Ah! E-Excuse me...
>And then she pulls her shirt back down, concealing her lovely chest once more... besides her nipples which were quite clearly poking through her shirt.
Thou shalt do good on thy promise, yes? I... did what thou asked of me.
>She said, trying to sound stern despite how red in the face she was.
>Anon grabs her hips pushing his thick bulge into her ass, grinding himself in.
Maybe after I fuck this nice looking ass of yours I'll take a whiff.
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>That feel when you promise Subpar sessions, but you still end up trying.

Bear with me anons.
>He did. He absolutely did. His back arching more and more forward as the pressure built with each bob, pump, and squeeze against his fit-to-burst cock, his will finally crumbles with one loud unrestrained moan of ecstasy. Mind going blank, his abdominals almost painfully tighten, firing the first mighty torrent of seed down the crushing canal of the stand's warm throat, the almost inhuman amount of seed depositing directly into its belly amidst a volley of sharp grunts with each subsequent shot. A sliver of rational thought shining through the haze of euphoria encompassing the man's fogged over mind, he decides with his final remaining moments of release to reward the woman who so generously tended in what once started as a gift to her for all she did for the denizens of this den of degeneracy. Suddenly retracting from the now whitened canal of the stand's throat, he directs his aim at the naked body of the criminal before him, his hand taking the place of Stone Free's throat as he pumps the remainder of his release across the front of her body, painting her chest and face in a hefty torrent of his creamy seed as his climax finally tapers off. Now sweaty, exhausted, but nonetheless more than satisfied, his lax body slides sideways down the cell's wall, landing with a hard thud in a puddle of his own batter as he weakly looks up at the now drenched stand-user. Smiling weakly at the mess he's made of her, he nonetheless extends his arms in an invitation to join him on the floor of the cell, even if it is now a bit of a mess.
How about we finish up that cuddling you wanted, hm?
>He said, his voice now hoarse and weak.
>Her lecherous view looks on in silent delight as her tits jiggle pleasantly still with her every word and movement. Especially when she backed up. Ah..so jiggly.
Good lord...
>He murmurs under his breath as he looks her breasts over even when she goes to conceal them, eyeing the hard looking nipples through her shirt, and pouts a little as she says such a thing. Originally, he had no intention of keeping the promise. But the way she says that...well. It actually makes him feel bad for thinking that.
I...I will, yeah.
>He sighs, almost disappointed in himself for not knowing whether he means it or not.
Is that...really the last time I'll ever get to see? It'd be so hard to control myself if that was it forever...Your breasts are amazing, Centorea.
>He sort of pouted there, hoping to play off of her soft mood a little.
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>Dominator starts stroking a little faster, with some slightly firmer tugging to his sensitive pair.
>She leans her head in until his entire shaft rests across her face, giving Anon a nice view of his workout buddy.
>She rolls her tongue out, and gives Anon a nice, long lick, from the base of his shaft to the very tip! Once she's there, she wraps her lips around his tip and starts lightly sucking on it. She makes sure to get her tongue all around his glans, thoroughly wetting his tip.
Mmh... Mmwah.
>She pops it out of her mouth, making a short-lived bridge of saliva between her lips and Anon's tip.
Don't get -too- cozy, pal. You'll need to get up and fuck my brains out later, remember?
>Dominator rolls her eyes and lays down on her stomach, legs raised.
Come on, then, rest your head on my ass, Anon!
And don't worry about being a weirdo, anon. I'm used to having big, strong, horny weirdos obsessing over my ass
Keep up the good work, Karloo.
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"What's with that really creep tone you're speaking in? It's really off putting." She let out in her rude demeanor, she digs through her backpack until she finds that one book she was looking for, when Pacifica finally finds it she tosses it in his direction, not meaning to hit him, just to let him see how much she hated him, simple for the fact that he was working for her. "There's your dumb book! I'm out of here, it's starting to reek and I'm sure it's the poor person smell coming from you." She sneers, clearly disgusting with the thought of being near him.

(I have an Idea of how to do the hypnosis, should I be reluctant, or just do what I'm told when asked? I feel as if the former is better.. but I'll leave it up to you. Sorry for the long wait.)
I try, How are you doing tonight?
>Karl Hugs the cute anon.
I'm fine, still feeling a little bad about last night, though...
>Hugs back the nazi
And you?
>Her light and yet firm touch against his sack make it abundantly clear to her how heavy and full they are-even from just a little toying with them. He groans as if to agree with this fact, while she successfully-and rapidly-gets him rock hard, and fully erect. The head twitches in delight at her attention, while the shaft glistens nicely from her saliva.
Oof...jesus fuck...that's not a bad way to start a workout.
>He calms himself with a joke, and when she says that he laughs even harder, making the rigid thing waggle in her grasp.
You're right, you're right. I don't wanna cum just from this cute mouth of yours. I gotta another mouth to fill, don't I?
>He asks with a playful grin, with his cock now beyond ready to take on any challenge set before it.
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>That feel when you keep promising to try, but you still end up giving subpar sessions.
(Damn it, it's actually a little late for me. I think we'll have to do this another time. Sorry.)
(If She were up for a threesome I'd be happy to try it~)

If you think it's nice now, just wait until you actually play with her~)
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Looks like you're ready to get to work, huh? Well, I'd love to have you rail my ass, but...
>She lightly runs her fingertips on Anon's shaft, rubbing her cheek with it.
I'd feel bad if I didn't give this 'little' guy a kiss first, you know?
>Dominator starts gently slapping her face with his cock, getting her own spit all over her cheek.
A nice, deep, wet smooch, riiight down to your groin.
>She looks up at Anon, moving his cock towards her second cheek, and begins slapping herself with it.
...Unless you'd rather break a sweat on your own, of course.
Any underage 13 year old girls here? Because I'm horny and I want to fuck
No you can't stop me even if you try because my cock is like a truck
and when I roll up in my paddy looking like da daddy
you know all the girls be cumming when I spray em with batty

Yeah you can't handle my cock
you can't handle my cum
because when you on the spot bitch it's like im fucking a drum
you can squeal you can wiggle you can all be alright but bitch when my cock on display you know you already tight
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>Karls fingers pressed further into her chubby cunny, her plump lips only fueling his imagination, he sucks a lip into his mouth groaning as his cock starts the bulge painfully in his pants. He pulls his hand back to free his cock, his presses his hips forward, his cock pointed down as a portion of the shaft presses into her plump lips.

Do you just invite anyone horny to fuck these nice lips of yours? If you buried my face in your cunt you could have at least stopped me from...

>His hands wrap around grabbing her chunky, well rounded ass, squeezing it hard, his fingers sinking into her rear, while he grinds his shaft against her.

Anon... if anyone, anyone at all enjoyed playing with you then that's enough, you can work on improving if and when you want to.

>He wraps his hands around the anon, pulling their face into his chest.

Why would you feel bad?
>He ruffles her hair with a sincere smile. then leans into the hug, holding it for a big longer.
It'd good you're fine, does that mean you're getting a break from being so busy? You know.. relaxation is important to remain healthy.

I'm not too bad right now, had some low lows, and some nice highs, but all in all I'm fine. Thanks for asking though.
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What's up homies?
>Jolyne laughs happily as cum splatters her chest and face, making her look more like a girl made out of seed then the beautiful rogue she is.
>Stone Free makes an adorable little burp and then vanishes.
Y-yeah.. I think.. we can cuddle..
>Jolyne laughs, wiping her face off and then sitting down next to him, laying her head on his shoulders.
>I think we can end it there! Was a lot of fun!~
>Anon's voice gets away from him in a light sort of gruff moan, as she runs her fingers along the shaft, making it tingle-and twitch-up at her. The tip still glistens a bit from her earlier kissing, and when she starts to slap her cheek with it, the motion seems to be enough to make the whole organ throb delightfully.
Haa...h-huh, that so?
>He chuckles a little past the warm sensation worming its way into his skull.
That does sound like a reeeeally nice kiss, you're right...
>He says with an exaggerated 'hmm' to end it off with, as he watches her testingly smack his meat against the other side of her face.
It'd be rude not to, really. After all, you two just met. May as well get to second base.
>He encourages her with a smirk, shivering at the slapping sensation before adding.
Go ahead and take it down to the root then. Let's see if you can swallow a nice fat load as well as the other mouth down stairs.
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Save my reply, and write yours up as soon as you can so you can paste it, my reply is to help me get into the swing of it again. Good night anon, I'm sorry I took too long. I do hope I get to play out your fantasy, and I hope I do it good when I do~)
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>rp dodges
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Thou had better!
>Centorea says with a huff, crossing her arms. Still blushing, but she's starting to resemble her more stern self now.
Yes. T-Thou got thy peek... and then some! I don't want to hear any complaining!
>She wags her finger as she scolds him.
But this won't be the last time we meet. I've got to check if thou art really keeping to thy word, after all. I... I kept to mine so...
>She hesitates, remembering what just transpired before shaking her head free of such thoughts.
A-Anyway! I'll be off.. but I'll be back for thee!
>She says, trying to sound intimidating despite that her statement would likely be to his joy.
(Likewise! Feels nice to actually finish a session uninterrupted for once, and with such a great one as this! Thanks for the fun time and have a nice night!)
>As she starts to resemble her old self, tightness in the man's chest dissipates and a sheepish grin creeps onto his lips as she chews him out for being so greedy
Heh...yeah, I suppose you're right. I ain't complaining at all.
>He said, that smile growing to fill his face
I got to see the best tits in the world. What man wouldn't be happy? Ha. None'll compare to what I saw today.
>He sort of boasted as if he had discovered something extraordinary. Her explanation that she'd see him again was really the cause of such a grin-and it was impossible to erase now.
Mm. Very well. See you soon, Centorea!
>He grins in that same way, waving to her as she turns tail.

(That turned out to be a lotta fun. Ha. Thanks for entertaining me.)
Well, for leaving people hanging, I suppose.
>She nuzzles into the nazi's neck, sighing longly.
And I suppose... I was considering doing something tonight to make up for it, but it probably wouldn't be very long.
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(Time to blueball you.)
(Sorry to drop out, but I gotta go now, anon.)
(I'll probably be back in about... 3 or so hours? Not sure.)
Alright then, kisses it is.
>Dominator starts her 'kiss,' putting his tip in her mouth once more.
>She runs her tongue over his tip a few times, then pushes forward, taking the first two inches into her mouth.
>It quickly becomes apparent that it's a touch too big for her, causing some alarm.
>Being the trooper she is, she carries on, slowly wetting his length before taking another two inches. And soon enough, she's halfway down his cock, slightly struggling to breathe.
>Her eyes dart up to glance at her partner, worried he might be onto her.
>She couldn't see his face properly at this angle. His eyes were just out of sight, giving him an oddly menacing feel...
>She lowers her eyes and stares at her goal; his groin. With a hand around his base to keep it steady, and another massaging his balls, she goes on, going down another two inches. It finally hits the back of her throat, her point of no return. She takes a deep breath...
>and swallows the rest of his cock, all the way down, until her lips meet his crotch.
>She stays down for a little while, barely half a minute, then slowly pulls herself away from his cock.
(okay, really gotta go now. Toodles.)
(Mm. It's cool, I was expecting it. Worth it for some teasing goodness.
I'll leave a reply anyway, just because I wanna.)
I'm the last person who could/would shame you for that. If you get overwhelmed it's alright to take a step back. I still feel bad that you got overwhelmed because of me.

>He reaches for her hand, wrapping their fingers together, resting his head on her shoulder, letting out a pleasant sigh.

"Something like this is more then fine for me, though something proper would be nice~" He teases her in a alight tone.
... I do still want to know what you were considering doing though.
Name your top five Ponies.
Don't feel bad, I shouldn't have said I had time when I really didn't.
>She interlocks her fingers with his, holding his hand against herself.
Something proper?

And I hadn't decided, I was probably just going to post my card and let people choose.
>He watches her patiently as she kisses along the tip of his cock, slowly attempting to push it inside. The skin peels back a little as she does, earning a shiver out of him as warmth encapsulates it.
>As she steadily works and toys with the tip, wetting it and making it easier to take inside, he groans, watching more and more of his meat disappear behind those lips. When she reaches half way, he bites his lip a little, resting a hand on top of her head, squeezing a fistful of white hair.
Heh...hey if it's too much to handle-
>He almost gives her an out before she shuts him up by turning his words into mush, as his cock hits the back of her throat-a few inches still left outside her lips. He affectionately runs his fingers along her head for a second
Oof...that's pretty f-fucking good...you're getting be-
>He is about to start talking again when his meat disappears entirely, and he realizes that warmth kissing along the ring of his cock is her lips.
H-Holy fuck what...how did you...
>He fumbles, and groans in agony, his throbbing member twitching like mad along her throat, attempting to escape the hot confines until she finally pops off-leaving it dripping with saliva, and harder than ever before.
(Certainly. I do hope it was fun for thee. I'll be back for thee though, cretin! And I'd better see some shaping up!)
Mane six without Pinkie Pie
(Of course. Your breasts are a guiding light. They'll be my salvation, I swear it!)
The two princess sisters, flutters, pinkie, and maud
Yeah, but you know me.
>He pulls himself back from the hug, puling her hand up nuzzling against it with a smile.

I haven't had the chance to play with you, but that was like Seventy percent a joke though. This is nice, better then a normal session, well.. with you I often have a lot of fun though so there is that. you seem to enjoy it which makes it all the better.

>He kisses her hand, then places it back against her, his free hand comes up playing around with her hair.
Now in order of who plays their ponies most like the characters in the show?
Really? I'm pretty sure we've played together before... Was it all really just jokes every time?

>She pulls away from him momentarily, then tugs on his hand in order to get him to follow her towards the bed in the darkness that is anon posting.

Unless you'd like to turn the lights back on, I wouldn't mind staying like this a little bit longer...
Still here? I would like to have a go at that booty.
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We have, and every time it was nice all of the sessions we've had were... just enjoyable. I can enjoy them because you're fine with me being silly and goofy. It's nice to be able to make someone smile while you're getting them off, you know?

>Happily he follows her, wondering where she was leading him to, he even closed her eyes to let her surprise him.

Moi? I'm quite alright keeping you to myself. If you want to though that's quite alright.

(Sure, tell me if you want Dom or Bratty sub, and if you also want a chained up prison scenario, or... something more open like in a forest or in a deep river bed. I'll write up a starter for anyone to join, just quote your current post in your reply so I know who to focus on~)
(On second thought... I'm probably going to head off to bed soon... I hope I catch you around next time though. sorry about getting your hopes up and stuff, I just realized how late it is.)
Mhm. I like your silliness, but it doesn't always have to be super goofy either, you know?

>Closing his eyes in the already dark room would prove mostly pointless, however she does stop and stands in his way to make sure he doesn't hit his big toe on the bed frame.

Well, like I said I didn't have a whole lot of time to begin with, so... I think this'll do.

>She then gets onto the bed, feeling at the mattress and bedspreads blindly in the dark with one hand, while guiding Karl with her other hand.
It's alright. I'll catch you next time.
Have a good night.
If the session is sexual you can rest assured that I'm trying my best to get you off <3

>If he knew that she had spared his toe from pains he would have expressed gratitude, his eyes open up, to steal a peek at where she led him, the only thing he could make out was well nothing, it was pitch black, he has full trust in her.

Well it works perfectly for me, so I'm happy heh

>Hearing her moving sheets around Karl tried to help, slowly until he lightly bumps into the bed frame, he feels around for her hand taking the chance to grab and tease her ass and chest before grabbing her other hand, he spins around sitting down first then pulling her down with him.
(I'll be looking forward to it~)
(Take care anon, sweet dreams.)
You don't need to put any extra effort for me, Karl. Just you being you is plenty good enough in my book.

>She lets out a small gasp as he blindly gropes her plush rear and wiggly tail in the dark.
>The follows his lead as he pulls her down onto himself. Laying face to face with him, the only hints of her presence being her curvaceous body pressing against him, and her twitchy nose finding its way to his neck.
It's my pleasure, it really is. I love getting you off. I'm glad to hear you say that though, cause typing up a paragraph is so.. draining.
>His tries twitching his nose against hers, then just settles on nuzzling against it, the hand that can reach over and easily grab her lets go of her hand, wrapping around grabbing some of the blanket to cover them up with, then resting on her back, the other hand keeping a firm grip on hers, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
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Forgot to eat breakfast, took a nap instead, slept for a lot of time. Scheduling fucked up.
But at least I'm discussing genders and sexuality and society and stuff in my discord. So there's that.
It's really really volatile right now.
Fucking awesome!

Still though, that's really irrelevant and just blogging.

How's things here?
Pretty dead as you can see. Bit boring, really.
Don't worry, I understand.
>The art of nose twitching came naturally for her due to her nature, and so she gave him some excellent eskimo kisses in return.
It's about time we went to sleep, don't you agree?
>She snuggled up close to him under the covers, settling in comfortably for the night as he rubbed her back.
Yeah I noticed, Dead hours or something like that.

Oh well what can you do?
Not much. It's just waiting till the sandman kicks in or till people awake from the sandman's grip.
To make up for it, earlier was probably the most active I've seen this place in ages. dicks and asses flying everywhere.
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Yeah, figures. How's the situation, team sandman winning or?

I noticed that too, it's always fun when it's active. Sadly I missed it with my little nap but then again I'm better off tending to the dead hours.
"See, I could tell that you loved getting me off too, I'm glad we agree~" He teased her with a big smile.

>He turns over to the side, pulling her head into his chest, gently petting her as his hand grows slowly and heavier, yawning before resting his hand on her head.

Good night and sweet dreams <3 Thank you for this, I really appreciate it.

>Before finally falling down to sleep he leans down, lifting her chin up to give her one sweet kiss, drifting off to sleep thereafter.
Not really. Feel pretty alive and kicking if I have to be honest. Don't think I'll be sleeping soon.
Hello again miss Elena.
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dubs empower you anon, fight the powah and all that. It's good to have you here though

Hallo, how's things?
Not much really.
I'm sorry you missed your breakfast.
Guess so. Just waiting till it gets more alive, making it so that there's something to do. What about you? Going to fight the sandman as well?
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I didn't miss it, I just took a nap and well now I've missed the chance for second breakfast, brunch and lunch. Since I'll be having my breakfast at lunchtime.

Naw, fought and lost earlier, I'm up up and awaake

I'm here to spectate the situation as the ones who return from the sandman's grip get back.
We're in the same boat then. It'll probably be a few more hours from now, but let's just hope it's sooner.
I see. Still going for the eggs?
Yeah, one can hope.
I'm still wondering about my ride because I was supposed to go to places today.

at some point prolly yeah
1-3 Sleep
4-6 ERP
7-9 Play Overwatch
0 Watch streams and chat

dubs study
Don't worry too much, they'll show up eventually (both the transport and the people. Where are you supposed to be going, though?
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streams and chat it is for you then

have fun.

>imblying you could get any had you rolled 4-6
Well. I do remember you being dissatisfied for the lacks of cocks this morning. Hence, I’m would gladly offer myself should you be in need of them once again.
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Is that a challenge, fellow nazi?
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M'as place, to watch the doggos for the weekend.

I do love the smell of dicks in the morning, smells like...victory

But I'll possibly do some eggs real quick at some point. But I mean it's just
>apply egg/s to frying pan
>remove egg/s from frying pan
>apply salt and stuff
Bitch it might be.
Yep, mostly.
Sounds nice. Got myself 2 shepherds, great animals. Hope they aren't too much of a pain for ya.
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I might not be the best but I have experience with dicks. I guarantee you I can get a dick hard right here right now.
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Speaking of which, I'll tend to those at some point.

two crossbreeds, other one's got the nickname "houdini" and well, like father like son.

Is that so? So it's a challenge then?
So I should just wait until see a post with this character again?
I'm sure they will end up being quite tasty.
Sounds like a ripe nickname for a troublemaker. Crossbreed between which races though?
Don't worry, they come here on the daily, not necessarily as the sheep but save the pic and ask for them, next emergence estimated to be somewhere around 10-15 hours from now.
It might be.

I'm a bit sleepy so I don't know If I really should.

Do you like lolis, anon?
They're my favorite, actually!
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Perhaps, edible at the very least.

the father's a crossbreed between X&Y and the son's a crossbreed of father&dalmatian

Happy little accidents happened.

well you got dubs, and I need to make breakfast at some point soon, I'm starving.
So I guess postponing this event where we determine which one's potentially superior is probably for the best, wouldn't you agree?
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Mhmm. I agree. I may pass out If we go on for any longer. I don't want to have that disadvantage.

I hope you enjoy your eggs.

Is that you, lolicon?
Nothing wrong with a couple of good crossbred dogs though. Besides, dalmatians are amazing, definitely a happy accident.
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What gave me away?
Well I'm here for the next couple of hours at least. Call me if you need something beside the eggs.
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I'll try.
But I will look forward to going trough with that challenge.

It is true, and they're both smart and obedient, when they want to be obedient that is.
Good dogs all around, just a pain in the ass sometimes but that's pets in general.

After I'm done with the eggs, I will.
Dessert is always fun.
I know that feeling all too well, they're a bunch of pests at time when they refuse to follow even basic commands.
Who is this sausage sucker?
Your body smells like Kanna and your eyes talk by themselves saying ''Eat more chocolate''

Me too. Until then, Panzer.

Otome Saotome from Shimoneta
>Your body smells like Kanna
I-I have no idea what you're talking about...

ANYWAY go to bed, dum dum.
Aint that the truth
Who me?

>tips hat which has a fancy name too but fuck going that much into detail
Mine have the problem of never staying put when there's food or dinner nearby. They'll always try and sneak up to snatch something from my plate.
Are you too lazy to type out Death's Head, or is there some other name for the cap?
Oh well I've trained these ones pretty well ,still got to stay focused when feeding them and bringing food for yourself while close to them is hopeless.

There's an official name for the type of cap in kraut too, and the name's not death's head.
It's a peaked cap, a.k.a. Schirmmütze (thank you wikipedia)
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To continue about the cap, specifically about the whole "death's head" thing which refers to the totenkopf or simply the scull insignia of the SS which was also the insignia for the Third SS panzer division "Totenkopf"

It was a common thing with SS units on their hats to differentiate SS from standard wehrmacht and stuff.

I'm ripping half of the stuff out of my ass so I might be wrong but the "death's head" refers to the skull insignia on the cap, which was only for SS units.
Yep. One of mine has the nickname "sandwich", she manages to snitch 5 sandwiches from the dinnertable when I turned my back for a few minutes to have a cigarette.
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Hello is this the HG thread
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go away awawa
ur 2 pure
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No It isn't! Go away!
>Sit son her(his) face to suffocate the dirty human
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Knock knock, jehova's witness!.jpg
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And that's the last thing one should do with dogs, leaving food into an accessible place.

they'll find a way to nick it.

Does it look like one?
But I can't find the HG thread...
It kind of does actually
>muffled screaming
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>rescues from the android
>tosses at the HG thread
Eh, figured it out the hard way. Thought the sweetheart out of the two would sit down and neglect the food. I was wrong.
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Yeah, I mean, if I was a dog I'd do the same too desu. Food's food after all.

anyway I have to skip making dem eggs
Ride's about to arrive shortly
Same here. Hell, I'd take some roast beef sandwiches over some dog food every day and I can't be surprised over my dog having that same thought.
Have a good weekend then.
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Lord Dom (319).jpg
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my feet are killing me, the weather sucks dick, I need a shower
this is all kinds of suck
life is suffering
I'm sorry.
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Lord Dom (419).jpg
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what for, anon?
are you that sad-poster
No. I'm just sorry.
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This one's cute.
What's she from?
Welcome back anon.
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Lord Dom (468).png
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Heya, anon. It's nice to be home again.
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(Hi anon.)
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Is that Manami from OreImo? Because she's a SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
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Lemme grope you.
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You're way too cute. Feeling girls up is also one of my favorite parts of a session.
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At least post a link, you tease.
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That was cute, and those are some great tits. Were you considering using her as an ava, or?
Nah, just posting her face because she looks cute as fuck
Dang, she's really cute tho. I love that artist. Him and atteku7a make some really good reaction faces.
Man, finals and shit are really killing this place. I even miss the vocaroo shit people were doing before.
So...is Morrigan okay?

Guy was acting like he was dying yesterday.
There's still good stuff

I highly enjoyed my last session
Morrigan has actually been red dot since then, I was surprised to wake up and not see em
I should shoot a pm and see if they're online
I don't know.
They're asleep/heading to sleep. Just leave them be.
Do not
Let that faggot rest
He needs it
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Deader than it's been in a while
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post butthole

I wanna hold Asuka's hands.
Word an ass like that, I'd buy pretty much everything.
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(May the unending darkness consume this image forever.)
(I assume it's because of finals and lots of avas being busy recently.)
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It's pretty funny from an outsider's view. It also made me laugh pretty hard when this came up.
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Brought to you by the lovely guys and gals at Nintendo™!

With the revolutionary experience ONLY available on the Nintendo Switch™, you can hold Asuka's hands all day long- and you can even feel the warmth and softness of her palm! Tell me, tell me, can you do THAT on a "Pee-esth-foour"?

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(A fitting end for such a beast.)
(I should visit HG more often as well.)
/ntr/, too. :^)
Goddammit, if I wasn't about to pass out, I'd love to test out that plug n play functionality of yours, you thick doggo.
>Literally no reason to not buy a switch
Literally no reason to buy one either :^)
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(Delet this.)
(ntr is comfy sometimes though.)
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There's always time to play later, dear, handsome customer!


>Owain visits /ntr/
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/ntr/ is super comfy
I dunno about owain, but I certainly love watching this one guy here constantly get cucked. He makes it so obvious that he has a big crush one a certain ava, meanwhile said ava is an enormous cock slut IRL and online. I don't even need to say names, you know who you are.
I'll take Boco for $100
I'll go ahead and say it's not boco, surprisingly enough.
Huh. Well I'm stumped
Oh, it's DMG.
>stumbles in
This is just to say
I play Shaak Ti
Not Ahsoka
As you wanted

Forgive me
Ahsoka is sort of annoying
So loud
And so cringy
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I want to fuck this racoon.
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(Haven't really done anything there but it's a nice change of pace compared to ERP since they have no drama it seems.)
That describes a few people here t b h. Myself included.
So true, I've been in /NTR/ since September, and ERP since March and the difference in drama is so prevelant. seems like you cant go 10 posts in /ERP/ withoutsome drama. while the only drama in /NTR/ I recall is that Mercy poster leaving
Watching Owain gets his urethra play fantasy fulfilled while Chat kept asking and get denied was comedy gold
>tfw Chat destroyed my fantasy of cute twinks dressed in skin tight cat suits
No different from watching Jiro getting cucked by essentially everybody.
Chat is a based retard.
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(I don't see Chat post as his ava anymore so if you want catboy shenanigans I can probably oblige you.)
T. Blonde Chuuni Swordsman
>CV hung furry futa noms whatever other words only Chat uses of his dreams shows up
>just to fuck Oween and then vanish
Truly there is no justice in this world!
>points and laughs
Anyone interested in a pee desperation erp?
>Mecha being Jiro tier when every popular ava wanks him for existing
Pee anon stop
That sounds great.
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(you can't hide)
Stay outta my garbage cans damn it.
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>When Mecha shows up to ERP.
Quiet down, grandpa!
When Jinx pops in to /ERP/
This >>8726138
Young punk... Get off my lawn!
>Shakes his staff with feeble old man rage
Pops in is a cute way to put it thx
Remember: It's okay to poke fun of everyone and anyone.

But not Mecha.
If it wasn't so late, hell yes
Thats a lot of people though.
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 118

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