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/scaly/ - Scaly General #212 Post lewd reptiles and discuss

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 136

/scaly/ - Scaly General #212

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, reptile folk, snakes, and sharks on top of other scaly things are welcome. Ferals, anthros, and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.

Please avoid reposting images from the past 2-3 or so threads, try to keep things fresh and post other content.
We don't have any other form of chat setup outside these threads and there are no plans for a Discord server, don't ask.

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Today's featured image is Yooka from his eponymous game Yooka-Laylee, which recently got released.

Topic of the thread: Which kind of taste in music would a dragon have?
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I want to be a Tama!
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>Which kind of taste in music would a dragon have?
stick some earbuds in when you go pillage a kingdom.
actually fuck that just attach speakers to your back.
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Depends on the individual dragon. There's no reason to think their taste in music would be any less diverse than ours.

Better question:

What song would be in your new dragon head when:


>burning a raider camp

>fighting the last murderhobo who tried to murder you.

>gettin sum fucc

>or doing whatever stuff you listen to music too while doing now. You don't automatically have to be teleported into a fantasy setting.
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Gave this a small update. Does any other /scaly/ vidya come to mind that's not already mentioned in there?
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Pretty much whatever 'chill' music i listen to now. Stuff like https://youtu.be/uuQi_NES0Ao or https://youtu.be/xjCb4CB-hdw

>burning a raider camp
Something like https://youtu.be/EqQuihD0hoI or https://youtu.be/v8zOq_IL3Pk (sorry for weeb video, can't find better version)

>fighting murderhobos

See above

>getting sum fucc

Gotta be hard industrial stuff. Like https://youtu.be/oG17IyHaMz4 or https://youtu.be/OKfrgySqg1I

Yeah i like techno, don't judge me. Fuck you i'm a techno dragon
>YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO starts playing

Yes - Roundabout
and some sweet Jeremy Soule
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Get out.
Lewd games are excluded from that list I assume?
Divinity looks kinda promising, however i can tell it hasn't aged too well. Is there a newer one that still has the dragon form?
>Which kind of taste in music would a dragon have?
I guess this is assuming dragons have brains similar enough to humans to like human music.

That reminds me of the whole thing where scientists figured out how to make music music that's pleasing for cats.
Too 80's. Like seriously, it just makes me think of a really cheesy saturday morning cartoon.
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It's on 'to consider' at the bottom. The intent of the list (which you find through the OP for some time now) was originally to be something preliminary before making an infographic of some kind, hence why it's an unsorted mess.

If you have a bunch of things that goes beyond your typical CoC or FS or whatever for lewds, then fire away.

Just Divinity II and Dragon Commander.
This anon knows what's up.

Would a dragon like Keiichi Okabe?
Imagine Dragons.
You should put redscale adventures in there
You play as a dragon and you can fuck kobolds and other such things.
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Imagine Humans
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So handsome.
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>monitor on floor
>tower next to him
>food+mouse balanced on knees

Fucking disgusting.
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I like to take walks, so if I were a dragon I'd probably replace that with soaring through the skies.

Calm stuff.
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>burning everything
>fighting murderhobos
my voice, cursing, and roaring when I'm not cursing.
i will end you and everyone like you.
something chill like this
>flying into vietnam
fuck, tamas man they're always flipping the bird. how did I not notice that before?
God, what I'd give to slip on thoroughly soaped grass, flailing and landing on my back, sliding along until bumping into the side of a nearby beloved (internally smirking) mizutsune friend or lover.
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>techno dragon

You mean like the c'tan?
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I would take so many walks around the lake by my parents' apartment, multiple times a day when we were dogsitting for family and friends. Unfortunate that they'll be moving before I return from school.


That last song you posted reminds me of something I heard on soundcloud, some cheery song with city sound effects. I wish I remembered more about it.
>tfw ywn dance amidst strobing gauss fire, before thundering, glittering disco-monoliths
>(i-it's a good feel, probably)
You should play Chameleon Twist
Something Japanese*
Liberty city by KRONOS?
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>provocatively dancing dragon at an undead space robot techno rave.
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>tott: things you didn't know you wanted
You like non-weeb classical music?, check out

Nigga why u posting a fish.
Where do you think we are?
Fish have [spoiler]scales[/spoiler]
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Very nice. The first is so serene even with its jumps in intensity.
I have a couple more myself before I head off to sleep. From two of my favorite movies as well.

Not sure how I messed that up. >>8701615
If your okay with trance check out stuff by andy blueman or kelly andrew. Fyi, kelly andrew posts mostly samples, so avoid those and look for whole songs.
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Oh, so now that the weather is hot you post dragons. Are you people masochists?
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It's cold as fuck here though
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How's my argonian so far?
>only one cock
truly, a cripple

also yeah it is cold
>The Dragon Next Door
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How the fuck are these unfixed versions still in circulation?
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Did it actually died? I was kind of hoping that wasn't really the end, that Dragon Kim would find some way to get out of going away.
And that we'd see more of his sister and that noodle dragon.
The manwha is still going but translations have died completely. Last update was like two years ago.
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A shame
His sister is hot
Apparently most of the chapters are already cleaned up, just nobody's done translations or type setting for whatever reason.
So if you know anyone who can read Korean force them at gunpoint to translate it.
no one by any chance would have any good scaly phone backgrounds would they?
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look i know you guys probably don't wanna get inundated with yooka-laylee shit right now, but I was hoping one of you would know what the source on this is

It sounds interesting
Could you link to whatever is translated of it?
Oh man haha
With a picture like that, there's an actual chance they thought it was a SFW drawing too, at a glance
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So you didn't take the time to look up e621 or anything?
I tried hard, did I just miss it? reverse img and scanning a few pages didn't get me anything
fuck sorry man guess I'm just retarded, I checked one page of e621 and looked on all the other sites when it was on the last page of e621

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more fish
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And subnautica stuff.
It's scaly I think.
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>yooka drooling while eating
>Aquatics that aren't orcas or sharks

I welcome this with open arms.

Where all the barracuda and coelacanth fursonas at?
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Because I have more important things to do than nitpicking small details about some random stuff.
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The dragon mother is goddamn adorable too. I'd hug her all day if she wasn't so scared of humans.
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What would be the antonym to scaly?
I use the picture of Adine in the rain as my background for at least a year now.

Delete this

I think grandma can be cute too when it's about bread. I hope she got over her hatred of humans in the comic.
Mizutsune/Tamamitsune has hair and is inspired by a fox, logically he is not scaly.
Sentient plasmoid
I've never read any doujinshis with mizutsune. Are there any good ones? (o-or lewd ones?)
They should be in the pastebin.
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A whole lot of scaly bait in the new hearthstone expansion. This is the only anthro female though.
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One of the doujins with Mizutsune is unironically one of the best doujins ever
Wow, what a qt. That's actually ingame?
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Risuou is very good.
Do I see tits?
>female just because it appears to have "breasts"
nothing says the males of the species don't have poison sacs too anon
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such amazing coloring for a rather goofy image
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>play Skyrim again
>forget that you can't kill Maven Black-Briar without modding
>because she's lolessential to Thieves Guild

If I'm role-playing as a good guy, why would I want to help either of those two groups out, Bethesda? Why exactly is she unkillable by normal means anyway?
Why are you playing Skyrim again? All that's going to happen is it proving how trash of game it is over and over again.
Like Monster Hunter but without good core combat.
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I found it entertaining reading. TG questline is trash: the breakdown.
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Yeah you tell him, a man with refined tastes such as yourself knows better than to allow someone to enjoy things that you havent deemed as prime kino.
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Sup /scaly/, I sometimes come and lurk here. Not sure if you guys are into greentext stories or not, but over on /mlp/ we have a dragon general, and I thought that a few people here might be into it.

There are plenty of artists and writers alike, but because of /mlp/'s REEEE LIZARDS autism, we're fucking dying on our asses, and a few of our writers and artists are interested in having you guys drop by and see what you think of our content, because we like anthropomorphic reptiles as much as you lot do.

Sidenote if you hate ponies: Most of the stories don't focus on the ponies at all, and those that do largely have them as side characters, or don't include them /at all/.

Pls send help.
why not just move here?
The game is a DPS race where every dungeon feels and plays the same and questlines are almost all meaningless. Why are you defending it or anyone who thinks it's enjoyable. All that will provoke are more half-assed empty open world games with terrible combat and game-breaking bugs because you made it "acceptable."
Sorry for the autism, but I'd like my main hobby to not being completely tarnished by the lowest common denominator.
I don't know what it is, but it's cute
Its still a fun game.
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Also from that dragon general. We need help bad. Pic related, main characters of most of the green texts drawn by one of our artfags.
With no actual challenge, weak direction, and such a sluggish pace I have to disagree. It's lore and certain characters are definitely strong, but this does not save the game nor makes it fun.
We're all honestly considering it. You all seem like a nice bunch.
Its a nice casual fantasy with a nice atmosphere. You don't have to devote a lot of time learn, you can just pick and play with no extra baggage. Mods are fun too.
sorry but, where is this from?
Writefag from /dtfg/ here.

I'd be happy to move here, but I want to get my other drawfag and writefag friendo's to come with me.

Our main concern about moving here is the fact that not everyone on /scaly/ would dig the current stories we have down to them being largely set in the mlp universe.
What is /mlp/s problem with lizards?
I used to be a regular at mlpg until I escaped the ride and I dont think they ever had any issue in particular with dragons.
If only that general had been there about two, maybe three years ago. I washed my hands of that place long ago, and vowed never to return.
That chapter of my life ended with nothing but good memories, I had to turn the page before that house of cards came crashing down.
There's two transformation threads, one for ponies and one for dragons. The one for ponies also states in the starting post that any form of transformation is allowed, but the last time dragons was brought there everyone pretty much kicked us out.
That said, we tried going there because of the lack of content and that thread being more active. You already got everyone getting mad at all the generals and CYOAs on the board. Best to avoid pissing off more anons with refugees from this general.
Hey, also from the mlp Dragon thread. I've got a 4000+ line green text story if you guys are interested in me sharing my pastebin here
Being a casual game to pick up and put down easily doesn't excuse the awful combat and execution of rpg elements. You can have a well-made casual game and Skyrim is not that.
The worst part is there are good ideas behind the combat such as directional attacks, but they're so underwhelming and useless they may as well not be there. Enemies could have had directional blocks you had to match similarly to Skyward Sword, then there would be a sliver of depth while still being casual.
It's /mlp/; they're niggers with worst taste in everything
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Most of them don't, but two or three shitposters have made it their mission to derail and spam the threads as there are currently no active Anons in the thread, and they know that they can disrupt stories. It sucks dick.
>Got off of the wild ride 3 years ago
>Renewed my lifetime ticket for the wild ride this year out of curiosities sake.
>Can't get off.
If it makes you feel any better, the dragon general has very little to do with the show, if anything at all.

Take a picture of Daze and Khoa who are two of our girls as a peace offering.
I never knew there were so many MLP dragons.
Sorry for your opinion but I don't Skyrim is a bad game. It could use some tweaks, which is why I play with light mods like Ordinator, but the game isnt anywhere near as bad as shit like Lords of the Fallen or some indie shovelware.
They're characters made by writers in the thread. There aren't a lot of dragons in the show, at least not named ones.
Oh, still cute.
I feel like you're trying to deflect away my points without actually addressing them.
I'm not going to change your mind, so I'll stop responding. Have fun with your mediocrity I guess.
But monster hunter has shit combat too
whats in the story?
I will.
Have fun being a miserable cunt.
Anon attempts to kill themselves but instead wakes up in Equestria (/mlp/ and all, I honestly aren't even very well versed in mlp, so it's mostly a vehicle), and tries to balance past regrets with a chance at a fresh start while slowly learning why they were brought there in the first place.
Writefag from /dtfg/ here. You guys already seem like you're okay with us merging, but we'd rather avoid something like an invasion and dealing with whatever may come from that rage. So just confirming, you guys are cool with us rollin' in?
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>Our main concern about moving here is the fact that not everyone on /scaly/ would dig the current stories we have down to them being largely set in the mlp universe.

Considering they are involving dragons, that's not really a problem. We've posted MLP dragons before, hell, the gay pink fan one was an OP image a few threads ago.
>Responds angrily to (mostly) calm comments criticizing a game he likes.
I felt the need to point that out, have fun assuming you aren't too miffed about this conversation.
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Best ship

>gay pink fan one
Fizzle's canon, but a background character. So his personality is 100% fan-based, even though his design is from the show.
you can dump it if you want
Were fine if you post dragons and keep the ponies on the DL. There are other pony threads here if you want that.
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I think as long as /mlp/ cross-posters keep the actual ponies/actual autistic shit to a bare minimum, everything should be fine.
Oof, same. Got off that ship before it started festering. (Have nothing against the show or the fandom, though.)

Well, I think you guys would be welcome.
I mean, this is a /trash/ thread dedicated to artwork and stories of scaled creatures. That being said, I think people would react unfavourably if the MLP-flair were to be too assuming and blatant, or explicit.
I think most people here would have no problem with more artwork of dragons, though, nor well-written stories that doesn't focus heavily on (the MLP) setting.

Also, although dragon transformation is a small part of this thread's theme, these aren't "transformation" threads.
(Not sure how fixated you guys are on TF though. It would probably be alright. You probably aren't always/solely focusing on TF either, I suppose.)

I'd wait for a little bit. See how people respond when things are more active.
Can't speak for everyone, I'm afraid.

But I'd sure love to draw those cute dergs you guys have!
Here it is: https://pastebin.com/10Tytn1J
Shameless self plug, but you guys might dig my story Dazed if you're into that little shit.

The whole first half of the story is focused around the main character bullying Spike (the gay pink one) for being a cuck, and then later focuses on her going on an adventure and dragging him along against his will.

Haven't got quite that far ahead yet, but that's where it's headed in future updates.
Hey writefag, you still alive?
The one who was doing the lizard alien thing?
I can definitely see how you may feel that way, several weapon are very clunky but each still maintains depth. Even greatsword's single strikes find depth in timing and positioning.
Also older monsters with terrible movesets and AI definitely don't help with the game feeling any less of a chore.

Of course the first point will turn a lot of people away and I understand why.
I think you warped defonition if "angrily". He's the one sperging out over Skyrim and writing paragraphs about its flaws and I was just saying that its still a game people can enjoy.
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Yeah, it's cool to come on in, don't see anyone objecting.

Interesting. Does it have much to do with scaled creatures? If so, we have a writebin of sorts here and I wouldn't mind adding it in if it is.

Thanks for sharing this with me anon, it was just kinda frustrating me.
>try playing unmodded game for a few days to relive '11 days, as an Argonian
>go around trying to help all my Marsh-Friends I find and the first quests basically have me steal from one argonian and threaten another

At least the first gave me an alternative to fail and go on anyway, but I have to be a dick for the other one.
The transformation usually tends to serve as a way to make the main character a fish out of water. It's certainly not the main focus and tends to be over with early in the stories. Just so happens to be a trope we all latched onto. I personally have no problem in dropping ponies from my upcoming story- in fact it helps the story in my case.
Although it takes place in the world of mlp. It focuses primarily on a scaled creature. As the story progresses the villain and other characters are also dragons and the ponies really become a side thing.
Honestly, ponies were mainly there because of the board that this took place in. Not having to be limited to the setting of magical horseland would help a lot with making things more dragon focused.
Currently have a story in the works that focuses on an explorer on Earth who becomes a dragon through *~mysterious circumstances~* after raiding a temple for a small statue of a dragon. Currently has 0 focus on ponies /at all/ as I haven't got that far into it yet. If you want a pastebin link lemme' know.

I'm not 100% focused on transformation either. Not at all. I'd be fine writing none-tf stuff, but the theme of the thread called for it on /mlp/.
Fuck, I feel retarded. Just realised you meant Fizzle and not Spike. Your image confused me - my fuckin' bad man.
How does that justify its flaws?
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For more tribute, we offer lesbian lizards
It takes a while to get in to, but the later monsters offer a good challenge. It's meant to be played online and better with people in a call. I found myself starting with greatsword back in 3u and having fun with it.
>not relishing having Odahviing's scales between your legs as you soar through the skies
>not autistically poring over every tome, trawling through every lost dwemer dungeon, so that you become powerful like unto the Nerevarine
>not gathering all of Kagrenac's tools yet again, and awakening them
>not being the most swanky archmage ever, with the power of a thousand spells from various mods
>not having your 20-foot long six thousand pound dragon waifu/husbando very graphically lay an egg (which you've of course fertilized) right in front of you
(Nigga, it's fine that you don't like Skyrim, but when it comes to playing it modded, the numbers are quite literally against you. No bully.)

I see, interesting. (I-.. think most people here wouldn't like it too much if the protag was a pony, or TF'ed into one, yeah. Heh)

Oh shit, well NOW we're talking..<3

That's- uh.. that's some fine tribute, anon.
No pony protags or transformations here. That has a thread and if we wanted to do that, we'd post there.
Mods do good things for magic, quests, and other non-combat things I'll admit, but they do not save the bore that is bows or the slog that is melee, the latter of which is my biggest issue with the game. Even dodge mods desperately trying to add some depth fail in my opinion, they just end up feeling awkward.
Also your parenthesis are not an argument.
They dont need to be justified, fool, its just a video game.
One member from our thread is worried their story won't fit here. It focuses on a dragon, but does have some emphasis on mlp characters, more so than most of ours. I personally think it still works here- but what do you guys think? Would you read it as long as the focus is on a sexy dragon?
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More top qtp2t /dtfg/ dragons, because we have draggos for days.
Post a link to the story and let people read it.
>I don't have to argue against your criticism because it's JUST a videogame!
>I'm the one who decides what you should care about!
What an odd sentiment coming from the person who posted >>8712441
Not sure why I bothered to continue replying.
That's all right. We post scalies all the time that are basically irrelevant to the plot of their series most of the time.

If there's focus on a scaly character, the other characters can be whatever.

It's from a spell card. So we don't even know her name. I don't think there's even an official race for her. If some glorious motherfucker wants to draw her she'll have to be "Envenom Weapon Girl".
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Well, seeing as one could group the mlp-based stories under their own category in the pastebin, I really don't see any problem with adding them.
In many cases of fandom-specific writings, though, fellow fans' opinions are often mitigated somewhat by all the familiar themes and pre-established characters.
I just hope he won't be offended if fewer seem to like his story if he posts it here.. though everyone loves good, solid smut.

Your opinion--which I actually happen to agree with--is subjective, and thus beyond rational discussion. They like it, we don't.
If you want to be objective and rational, see >>8714453
Skyrim's sales and popularity makes it an objectively "good game", whatever your majestic opinion. Let's not shit up the thread.

Besides, pic related. How can you not love that <3

>Envenom Weapon Girl, of the Deep River clan
How bad can it be?
I mean if the /pol/ + /mlp/ merge for april fool's seemed like a nice indicator.
I'll check out a story or two and give feedback if you want.

Oh and to the anon that requested that story where the guy slitfucks a lizard thinking it's a girl, it's coming along but I got side tracked because of family drama.
Inabilty to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism, anon
>4000 line greentext story
Good fucking lord.
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Oh, and I'd ship her with this fella.
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That doesn't look very cuddly. Pretty though
>racially innate pigmentation that looks like eyeshadow
oy vey

>"I am C. Dinomancer, of the Razorvine jungle clan"

>the slitfuck-a-traplizard-without-knowing story
No worries, man. Can't wait. Also, will draw for (You)s after you've fleshed it out
You're right, just gotta let go.
That other guy got kinda mad, though. I feel bad for prodding him.
There's no way I'm reading all of it, but I did like what I did read.
After forcing myself to get over the initial ponyshit you have a pretty good knack for delivering jokes. It was spaced out just right to catch you off guard, you know shit like

>Reality had thrown itself out the proverbial window.
>You wince, why do you keep dwelling on that?

But anyways, yeah, it's not bad. At this point I do have to ask why you decided to make it greentext format. It's way too long for typical greentext, but it does compliment your writing style desu.
Pic unrelated.
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I can't wait until the new mlp-scalies see how adorable tamanon is.
I hope they'll like it here

and I hope they will quickly get the whole deal with botanon
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Oh while I have you here, had some questions.

How do you think something like that would play out? I was thinking something like the lizard straight up goes full spaghetti mode then the dude is like "Joke's on you, this is my fetish" and then gets teased and fucked for a while.

I'll find a better way to describe that in the story but that was my initial though.
Oh and what's your opinion on hemipenes desu, or would this smaller Lizard be secretly packing a massive dick and is embarrassed about it? I ask because I looked at some doujins (thanks /v/) to try and get a better idea.
I went with green text because everybody else in the thread did. I'm one of the newer writers there so I just adopted their formatting. Thanks for the kind words by the way, always love feedback.
Aw shieet, I'm not the only one wanting this, though, but here's my cents:

>sexual bait-and-switch
Very yes, however:
>flustered lizardtrap after dude plows on even after finding out
Also very yes!

Can't choose!

Nah, I'd avoid them if I were you. Hemipenes aren't really that interesting in fics (especially homosexual ones)
>super-hung lizardtrap
Hmm, I'd say go with average-sized, or possibly even slightly undersized (due to effeminate stature, perhaps)

..Not sure if many agree with me on the last one, though. Personally, I don't like futas/traps with super large dicks. I like it more when they're either completely average, or even a bit smaller-sized.

>why greentext format
I think it's the norm over there. You probably get used to it quickly, though
Yeah, I kinda see what you're getting at.
Then again, you did request it, so I'll keep what you said in mind.

This is my story. Well, one of them. It's set in the mlp universe but the main character is a human turned dragon that gets kinda lewd. Give it a little read, ignore the silly opening, lemme know if I'm welcome or tell me to fuck off
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Sup /scaly/, nor/mlp/erson here. Dumping story as it is so far. https://pastebin.com/YUgjpmUL
Hope you enjoy, direct all hatred, vulgarity and insults to this post.

P.S. Have a drawing of my dorg on the house.
Shieet, this brings me back. Used to write for the /mlp/ size-difference threads, back in the day.
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There's a reason why a pastebin was made for this kind of thing, anon.

Outside of what is in there, it's mostly all huntresses getting raped by monsters.

What's shit about it exactly? The combat is actually geared towards killing big things.
It's gonna take me a while to get through both of those stories that were posted.
That fucking video you embedded though, my sides.
I'm not sure you can make bows exciting without going full on anime battle like in Dragon's crown.

It's almost like taste in games is generally subjective, and different people care about getting different things out of the same game.
Awesome! Thanks man! No worries though, family always comes first. Take your time.
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>be ultra-sexy and feminine female dragon
>do all kinds of seductive, sultry and alluring stuff towards others (particularly human normies), making them positively pant with desire
I never knew I wanted this so much
TIL embedding ignores the timestamp
That's a cute dragon, would head pat.
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As long as the merger ultimately doesn't shit up the thread quality, I'm fine.

Just ignore the robot, you'll know when you see it.
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Already thinking of ideas for what to do with this nerd
IDK, i don't really see anything in that style. it just doesn't have the same vibe as like 90% of the other stuff in this thread, ya know?

cute shit would be like
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my computer has a freezing scan problem and shows me a still frame every few seconds, it's cool
Yeah, I used to write in the flutterrape and oedipus generals.
Not sure who's portfolio looks better judging by that, but there sure is something a little magical about these pastel horses.
Haha, the FR threads were so prolific, jesus.. they would just go on and on.
(I liked those oedipus generals, though)
Luckily, there was a whole lot of people in the size-difference threads really into amazon-sized ponies (me included). Don't really like full on macro/micro stuff, in my defense.
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c'mon, let a poor man reminisce
As long as they realize this is the /scaly/ thread and not an mlp thread at all, its fine. I don't want tp start seeing ponyshit everyday but oc dragons are cool.
>You will never be her.
>Your scaly so will never grope, fondle, and play with you in such a vulnerable state.
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Forgot picture. This is Tonic
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Dude who first requested the story here, I would go more for a scene sort of like "You're a male?!" "Sorry, I just went along with it, I'd understand it if you want to leave-" "I already came this far, might as well just keep going." "w-what".

The adventurer shoulden't be outright fine with it, but he'd still wants to get his rocks off.

As for his dick, just go normal sized, no hemi either.
For me, its more like:
>tfw will never be able to trust someone enough to allow yourself to be in such a vulnerable state

What's /dtfg/?
This too sadly.
Well I'll definitely get it sounding like that.
What I had before sounded a little too cliche.
Normal sized single dick it is.

Oh and that part does come after said adventurer slit-fucks a giant lizard and pretty much does the same thing.
Dragon transformation general. We were on /mlp/, but our thread is on its last legs
IMO hemipenes are fine
Welp, now I'm just getting replies mixed up.
Since there's two scenes I can have both show up, honestly.
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Me >>8716581
Just listen to this guy:
since he's the original requester.

..but above all, don't worry so much about catering to people's wishes, my man. It'll turn out alright.
(Besides, you're kind of hyping the whole thing up yanno, heh. The more you fuss over it, the more you'll raise people's expectations)

Write for yourself as well, anon! If you do, the passion spurred by writing about things you like tends to shine through and make it better.
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i guess you could call him a "pike" man.
Never ever
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You jelly we taking all your bitches, skinfag?
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Good point.
I was just trying to give an update but then just got confused desu. And I make sure to get a hold of the original requester because I'd fuck up requests, or miss important details in the past. It's just a force of habit, I guess.
I'd prefer no hemi, but I don't think it would make a big diffrence in the grand scope since the bigger focus would be on the slitfucking itself.

However you want to go about it though.
I really like scaly boobs
Did Nintendo ever announce a release date for this shit?
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Tamamitsune (2).jpg
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It's coming out when Banner Lord does.
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Me, I'm a bit torn on them.
..almost as if I feel I should feel bad about liking them, since they kind of don't belong.
but so hot tho I dont even wat

I don't know whether that looks freaky or appealing. Like a heavily toonified character rendered with rather realistic colours and shading. Odd! (but nice)

Don't worry about it. No matter what you write, you're a treasure.
fuck off furfag, go jerk off to dogs you nigger. goddamn inferior being-lover
Question for any artists: I've heard a tip for new artists is to use pen rather than pencil to build confidence or whatever; do you think this is accurate? And is there anything to watch out for when doing this?

also, I don't remember if this is vore or just scaly. My apologies if it's vore
bloated scalies are hot

also pens can't erase, so using a pen means you're more confident in your skills and general flawlessness
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Well, I'd say the question isn't so much pen vs pencil as much as "quasi-finished lineart" vs "utlra-rough sketch".
The important issue here isn't whether you can "undo"/"fix" your work by eraser or not, if you ask me.

Try forcing yourself to focus on rough "prototyping" sketches first. I know it's really tempting (and often satisfying!) to just jump straight out into the (semi-)lineart, to get that feeling of "doneness" much faster and everything.
...but you need to get a hold on basic flow, coordination and shapes before moving on to lineart.
Rough-sketching (and gradually having the drawing "come out" of the mishmash as you emphasize/add lines more and more) will net you far, far more practice in many more ways than going straight for the lineart.

That being said, it doesn't really matter all that much whether you sketch with a pen or pencil, but I'd suggest a pencil: You have a lot more dynamic control with a pencil than with a pen (meaning it'll be more fun/dynamic, and the sketch/proto-drawing will have more depth, more easily).

Pic is a (hilariously edgy) sketch I did using pen. It's fun, but only if you kind of sort of have a grip on the form-/line-basics first.
(Plus, if doing something photorealistic, it's pretty easy to screw up and demotivate yourself using pen. With nonsensical stuff like this you can kind of get away with a lot, heh)
A pencil is more fun, imo.
The most important thing is daring to actually sketch though, and daring to draw "bad" stuff without letting it sap your motivation.
..which is where pencil-sketching has its merits: you can just plow over it, making/reinforcing lines that cover up the bad stuff easier than with a pen.
It's subjective.

It works above a certain threshold of confidence and helps you improve. If you're as far down as I am, though, the mere thought of having to confront your mistakes for all eternity makes you fuck up more often and eventually quit.
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>lying on the internet

Now why would anyone do that? Telling a lie to strangers?
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B-but I'm not lying!
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The world needs more drawings of dragons grabbing their feet like this; weaving their clawed fingers between their clawed toes.
Don't even use an excuse, get that shit out of here 100%
Please don't steal our writers.
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Antonyms for you; clever, well mannered, well read and well written.
>Literally cross board NTR.
He? Don't steal whose writers? /mlp/'s?
(This is /trash/, my friend. We don't steal or appropriate anything, really.. /trash/ threads just-... are. No coherent thought or strategical ability present.)

Anyway, if you -are- serious, and some threads or other that you like have suffered because of people coming here, for what it's worth: I'm sorry, man.
These things just have a life of their own, kinda.. especially here on /trash/
Using a pen forces you to move past your mistakes, as opposed to stopping and erasing. When sketching, mistakes are okay, but new artists have a problem of getting hung up on sketching and valuing every line they make. Using a pen also encourages making longer, fluid strokes; which is another thing new artists tend to not do, they instead chicken scratch.
Saved, that's a pretty sweet sketch duder.
From what they've told us, they're not really welcome and are tolerated at best. Plus their main subject matter (being dragons instead of the horses) dosen't really mesh well with the point of that board.

In any case, they can easily still write stories for both boards if they want to. One board can't exactly "steal" a writer ya silly.
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Silly, there's only 12 months in a year, not 13.
t. American :^)
maybe you should treat your writers better and they wouldn't have considered leaving in the first place.
from what I've seen lurking that thread, it's just a shitpost hell with a bunch of dedicated yet unappreciated content producers getting shit on while nobody gives them feedback on their stuff.
you brought this upon yourselves.
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What's your opinion on clanfears
Would keep as pet and feed spare chicken to.
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they actually are pets in ESO
Their claws are very useful as alchemical ingredients, specifically for making poisons that paralyze and damage over time.
I remember them being not that easy to deal with in Oblivion
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Then you are doing the wrong kind practice.

You need to build a lot of familiarity with stroking motions when drawing, being able to draw smooth lines swiftly. You will progress much faster if you let go of drawing specific things at first.

> makes you fuck up more often
Yes this is what you must do, screw up. You want to scribble and doodle, free and loose. build up on past failures, figure out what works.

there is this website that might help. Some folk over in the /tg/ drawbreads seemed to get a lot out of it.
Looking over it briefly I saw a lot of philosophies and techniques that I used myself.
>build up on past failures
literally not possible
how is this literally not possible? This is the point behind practicing in anything, you screw up a lot before you start to learn what works and what doesn't. You need an open mind and be willing to accept the failures rather then skulk about them.
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Needs Everquest and Everquest 2.

Iksar, Sarnak, and Frogloks.

Iksar in particular are nice, females even have flat chests (this part is true for females of all of these species).
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I want to fuck that cloaca.png
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Some new anime "Shingeki no Bahamut - Virgin Soul" apparently has a girl who turns into a dragon when she gets aroused. Does anyone know about this?
>willing to accept the failures
almost exactly why
ability, not will is the problem
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>Mom Salazzle!

What does /mlp/ think of /scaly/?
>dp with hemipenes while topping and bottoming at the same time
non-human anatomy is great
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It's... kinda weird to see SG9 art that's 100% pure, especially when it's Salazzle as well.
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Based on a D&D session I was in last week
One guy rolled to intimidate a captured kobold with the guy's dick (as a joke).

Felt like it needed to be continued.
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Zinogre (68).png
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>as a joke
Is that even scaly?
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Tamamitsune and Zinogre (41).png
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It's a fanged wyvern from monster hunter and has scales.
haha wow wouldnt it be funny if I intimidated with my dick haha
DM wouldnt it funny if I actually rolled for that haha
oh man we should all roll to intimidate with our dick it would be like an kobold gangbang haha
It's Scurry.
I'm bored at work and I have half an hour left till the long weekend.
Entertain me, /scaly/
Give me some suggestions for greetexts and I'll write them over the weekend
Dragon mother/human step son incest

With the mother going into mating season and needing a male, but her body accepts the step-son more as a potential mate than of her brood.

Weird denials and much lusting ensue
A scaly female, possibly a roommate to a furry mother with infant. The scaly suddenly gets boobs overnight, while the furry loses all trace of them. Comedy ensues, while they both fret at the problems it causes.
/pol/lack becomes a Tama, and rants and rages about jews and government conspiracies while /scaly/ and furries in general lust after the newly minted monster, throwing themselves at them.
A dragon and wizard where the dragon is actually exceptionally oblivious to the workings of magic and the world at large. The wizard teaches the dragon cool stuff in exchange for the dragon basically being his apprentice/servant.
A dragon(ess)'s sex toys are conscious, petrified knights that she moves into whatever position she happens to want at the time.
Anon, masculine and very proud of his assets, transforms into a lithe, feminine scaly (of your choice), complete with slit he mistakes for a vulva. Shenanigans ensue, and he comes to terms with being female, only to discover his length hiding the entire time when he uses a toy in his slit for the first time.
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This deathclaw.
>"Fucking degenrates I swear to god"
>"What do you mean you want to cuddle with me?"
>"Fucking Kikes trying to bribe me with jew gold so they can harvest my semen WOOOOOOOOW"
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> more Slack-Wyrm
If the frame was longer to the left we'd see his boner
Dies alone after his kind are wiped out by the enclave
>getting the bad vault 13 ending
you brought it on yourself dumbass
Wouldn't it be under him?
Cut content isnt canon
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Is Maleficent guy still around?
Thanks for the suggestions everyone
I really don't like incest so I'm going to leave this one for now. I'm sure there's a good story in there but it's not for me.

Sounds interesting

Sounds hilarious, that will be fun.

Interesting, I'll like doing that

Not sure how this will go, I'll try it but I can't promise I'll like it enough to finish it.

That's kind of weird but okay.
>with bethesda
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Male hunter finding a wounded Tigrex and helps it, but it turns out that she's also entering her heat cycle and "unfortunately" for him he's the only nearby male.
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>that chameleon in the op
>thread has no more porn of it
I blame JonTron for being a faggot.
Have something.
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I prefer anthro Maleficent... Like pic related.
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>come home to your qt dragon lover
>they are sleeping with some trashy slut girl
What do?
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wud u suc
That's a weird looking penis, so no.
I'd rather suck a girl's penis
Kill whatever she gives birth to before it can steal my limelight by conquering all of Greece and Asia Minor.
That's actually the son.

Did this for /xcg/ but I might as well also post it here.
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Gross a slug
Oh my goodness bump limit. I'll make a new thread.
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Also why?
What mod is that one? Does it retract when it gets erect?
New thread:
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I-I'm trying my best anon

Schlongs of Skyrim adds the cock framework, BD's Hoodies adds that one. It unfortunately doesn't retract, at least from what I can see, but I'm still searching for others that might.

I'm glad.

Here's weird cock erect
>It unfortunately doesn't retract
I'm not really a fan of that one, Its just alien for the sake of being alien. The SoS default is good one.
[aspoiler] got any videos?[/aspoiler]
Not at the moment. I could try to make some though, glad you're interested!
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You should link them here if you do.
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>Draganon threads are back
That brings back some memories. That was the only thing I ever regularly visited /mlp/ for
Upload them to naughtymachinima.com
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Yes, I am still around, anon.
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Don't ever upload there. Saying from experience.
The site owner's a complete scumbag, making you pay $100 per month to put any form of link to your website, Patreon, etc. or put watermarks in your videos to prevent stolen content and shit like that.
Just upload them to a normal fucking place like EroShare, Xvideos, or Pornhub.

Even if you don't care about the whole watermark/link fee thing, it's still a shitty broken mess of a website.
Thread posts: 324
Thread images: 136

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