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Belly Thread #48 Strained athletic-wear edition Previous -

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Thread replies: 373
Thread images: 224

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Belly Thread #48

Strained athletic-wear edition

Previous - http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/8467408
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Also question of the thread. What is your favorite kind of clothing and accessories in belly/fetish images?
Lets have a trip down memory lane
Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th month, she gave up on bras. She's very happy she didn't get a chance to tell her lover she's from a family of hypers, but he don't seem too upset at the revelation. In fact she revels in the hungry look she gets from him. She's loves teasing her lover with milky boob hats and hugs.
By the end of her pregnancy, she had all but given up on traditional tops. That, and standing normally. She loves her predicament, and keeps whispering to her lover that there's more to come if they keep breeding like they have been. So much more.
After all that was said and done, the first litter was born safely, but nothing but save births should be unsurprising for hyper mommies. She's very happy with how her milfy curves are filling out, but that glint in her eye. She's definitely not stopping here with one pregnancy.
She actually loves tank tops and shorts since they show off all her everchanging curves, but she goes through them quite a bit. There's actually a collection of ripped tops and bottoms she has as trophies.
Despite giving up bras wholesale, she will occasionally receive demo bras from companies specializing in hypers. She does them a kindness of trying them on to see how practical they are (and takes a few snapshots to save for later). On the rare occasion she does find a nice pair, she feels a bit sad that theres a very good chance they won't fit the next week.
There are very few options for tops when dealing with hypers, especially ones whose sizes are so varied. Lopunny's been having some issues leaving the home, but she knows better than to move with so many passengers aboard. Still she makes an honest attempt at being decent when someone comes over or to the door. Though some would argue that she's a different kind of attractive with clothes on.
What good are beach balls if you can't have them squeezed into a tube top? She's definitely never been too shy about her figure, but she knows what drives everyone wild. Lopunny also enjoys denim, but since it doesn't stretch too well, she doesn't get to wear it too much. However, theres a good few months when her figure stabilizes, and she can have a little fun with her fashion choices. Though she's counting the days to not fitting her wardrobe already.
Third litter and she's still hype for it. She's been growing more and more hyper outside of pregnancy, but she's all for it since she's got a lot of mouths to feed with more to come!
In the first few months, Lopunny inflated quite rapidly. Her girls started to pump up almost visibly. She would outgrow her old maternity bras that she put on in the same mornings. She has grown used to having her center of gravity shifted heavily, and Lopunny is pretty proud of herself for being able to stand with a belly that rubs the ground. The rabbit has also accepted that she's going to be grounded for a while as the months come on, but her tone sounds more aroused than worried when talking about it.
Here on the downslope of her pregnancy, Lopunny's prophecy has come to pass, and her center of gravity from her gravid self has left her immobile. She wasn't expecting how much space she would be taking up. Her body's changes left her little more than belly and boobs, but she's more than happy than that. When she got this big, she would joke that she was just a baby factory, but in her more intimate moods (which occur more and more often the more hyper she gets), she would beg to be called that.
Well all good things must come to an end, and this pregnancy has brought many new healthy babies into the world. Her boobs have grown even larger after this litter, and her hips and butt have been catching up too. They have a long way to go before they reach that size. She's already planning on her next set of clothes...though she knows it won't mean much since she's also planning on the next litter.
>He used the clothed versions

To be fair I only did it because of >>8597546
I personally prefer to see my preggo lopunnies naked
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Tribal clothing
Either loincloths to help emphasize the changing form, or nothing at all
Yes and add bodypaint/tattoos to mix as well
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>Haven't really been around threads often lately
>Madman finished the third set
Jesus Christ, my diiick.
I will always love this pic
Sauce? I asked last thread but I can't find the post.
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I don't mind posting the source again.

Bad anatomy thread?
Torn is the true patrician answer
Bunnygirl outfits that're three sizes too small.
Jeans and button ups
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Only think I don't like is the written piece written with it goes "all the kids got thrown into slavery (read: tossed off the face of the plot) and Fox doesn't even acknowledge them being taken away"
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preferably sukimizu, however other skin-tight, yet highly elastic outfits are acceptable
I have no idea what that thing is

But the mere concept of some latex-suit-making machine not having enough material to cover that much T H I C C is perfect
>giant macro girl with a huge, soft, round belly
>likes laying down on her teeny friends
>ywn be pinned under a giant tum listening to a gastric symphony
Still looking for belly related gif/webms if anyone has some.
Everything you posted is 10/10
jeans or sweatpants
anything tight
also who is this cutie?
Button-up shirts
One-piece swimsuits

I have too many favorites.
Character's name is Pom by Javanshir
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One piece swimsuits are way under used.
Reminder this exists and it's hungry for your unwanted files.
>always delete files
>never actually empty the recycle bin
>the files just keep piling up
>its belly keeps bloating bigger and bigger
I'm sure there is a bloatware joke here somewhere.
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Funny thing is, I hide my porn folder in the recycling bin.
Like, 30 gigs worth.
>when a sequence has literally all of your fetishes

>food belly
>(hyper) preg belly
>vore belly
>fat belly
>feral belly
>killing pregnant women

that's fucked
why do people like this
My favorite trick is a folder on the desktop with a nonvisible character for a name, and the icon changed to a blank one. So it's entirely invisible.
Wut? They're not pregnant, they're just fat. Its the centaur that's pregnant.
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can some tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
Killing people is still fucked up

Why the fuck can't it be big bellied girls cramming people into their gut safely and have absolutely no one being killed?
Because that's pussy shit, holmes.
Meh boner to be honest.
I'm all for eating animals and absorbing some of their traits. That shit's cash. Vore, preg, hyper preg, and burping not so much. And not a huge fan of feral belly unless it's a centaur with a regular belly too, which this conveniently is. Overall, meh sequence. No boner.
>wanting feel good time to feel bad

Ok you fucking edgelord.
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Just for you, anon.

Not going to argue that, really. Wrong thread for it.
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Is this the guy who keeps making threads about morality since I know you browse here or just someone who doesn't like vore?
Thank you kindly. (Trait theft in porn/sexy things is far too rare.)

I'm sorry if I'm being frustrating
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Damn, that's a good one.
I'll have to remember that.

Another one I use is putting folders inside apps (that's an OSX only trick though.)
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Don't fricking do this. Seriously don't keep files in your recycle bin because someday somebody or some "helpful" program will empty your recycle bin. And then they'll all be GONE.


I keep my porn inside a folder that says "porn". It ain't out in the open, but it ain't exactly hidden either. If someone rifling through my computer without my permission really wants to open it I'm not gonna stop them. They can supply their own eye bleach.
I'm not stupid, I have a backup on an external HDD.

The recycling bin folder is just for quick access.
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Oh god, more bane posting.
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the waifus have been blobbed
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>Future weight gain drive's dialouge will be the entire CIA plane interrogation scene

I'd fund it.
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>Banjo's backpack seems to have a lot of space for Kazooie
>Kazooie can lay or cough up eggs
>Can collect eggs in the world for her
>presume she ingests the eggs in order to use them later
>Also eats jiggies after obtaining one
>her belly must be hugely bloated in that backpack
i didn't save them but i recall LK drawing this on at least two separate occasions
Here's a slightly more subtle one
Why are you trying to make me feel? Goddamit, now I wanna know what happens next
for fucks sake
I'm at a loss.
You can find it in it's entirety here
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I started drawing this months ago for the moster thread here on /trash/. As I continued to ramp up the production value, those threads started losing life. Now that I've finished, those threads are all but empty shells receiving bumps.

Since my taste for bellies came through on this one as well, I'll post it here. I'd hate for this to simply be forgotten in a dead thread.
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Plane ol' bellies
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Someone said something about this character.
monster-y shit like that gets me going so much, i love it
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Extra limbs or eyes, drippy melty things...

Monster stuff is hot, and I need more.
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I know the feeling, I was one of the Anons doing the Mal0 stories. Started strong, then it just kinda withered and now they're barely active,. Still fiddling with the next chapter, but I'm not sure there's any point
I still can't believe he's doing this on base. Absolute madman.
Nigga drawin shit on bases? Really?
I think he means an army base or something, not templates and shit.
Something like that, anyways. Not 100% sure.
Airbase, Garuda is drawing morbidly obese animals on Uncle Sam's dime.
What's the difference between the belly threads and the fat fur threads
fatty threads are only for fatties
belly threads are for anything relating to bellies, i.e. inflation, preggo, etc.
fat isn't exclusively belly
belly isn't exclusively fat
fat threads also include fat asses and shit like that, belly threads also include vore and preg and all that shit.
This, belly is a combo of things, specifically inflation and preg. Vore sometimes pops up, but it already has it's own thread
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Really? Which story? Given that you're in the belly thread, I'd guess it was the one where Mal0 got pregnant. I liked those. She had cravings for things with emotional value and stuff, but also ate a stray cat or something? It was cute.
That's the one. Inanimate objects with some form of emotional value, unattended house pets, and then the local wildlife population. I deliberately tried to be vague as to whether she munched on them, or just swallowed them whole for those that do/don't like vore. Currently debating whether or not to drag to story on a bit further (would need to come up with some lewd), or go ahead and hit the natural conclusion (labor)
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Ah ha, I guessed right. Glad to hear that it'll still get a conclusion (the lewd would be even nicer), despite the monster thread becoming a ghost town. You can say for sure that at least one person is looking forward to reading it.

Since I'm on a roll here, I'll take a shot in the dark... Did you also do those stories about Risa? Where Sir Anon gets his kobold wife pregnant?
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To me the quintessential difference is a general lack of hamplanets and weird focusing on messy slob crap. Yeah, fat is a big part of these threads too but it's more focused than spread out.
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You are correct, though they're under the same pastebin so that might have been a giveaway. That one's on the backburner for now, ever since the Kobold threads remerged with /scaly/, interest in it seems to completely flatline given any new bits I posted got exactly no responses
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>Vial isn't going to draw anything ever again

I wish I wasn't reminded of this by your post.
I thought he started posting stuff again on FA a month or so back
>defending America AND drawing above average fetish art
A true patriot.

It's his old stuff that was on Patreon beforehand. Overlai (who created nearly every character that Vial drew) and him broke up a few months ago. I guess it's possible that he'll create and draw his own characters, but it's doubtful considering he hasn't really done so in fifteen years.
Taking a simple drawfag request if you all got any?
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Golem Princess, after acquiring her "new form" testing out how "eating" works and getting a bit too overzealous?
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This dragon if her design isn't too complicated. but with a stuffed belly after a big meal or chubby.

Fatfur threads are full of bitching, cancer and thread-split ups

/belly/ is comfy
>>8608500 bloated with a mouse cursor holding a .png file near his mouth?
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An anthro Jolteon (or any species of your choice) in an ill fitting fast food work uniform with their belly exposed.
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Mae discovering the joy of beyond-ludicrous amounts of donuts.
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Would you an airplane?
Technically I suppose this should go in a fat thread of some description but I hate those threads so fuck 'em.

Enjoy Mei thunder thighs+belly, courtesy of KrimxonRage.
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Well I didn't know about the pastebin thing, but it seems your writing is pretty recognizable. It's a shame that you had to put Risa on hold for now, but I understand, given what a large portion of (you)s received for the writings during it's twilight were from me.
If it comes back though, I'll probably draw more Risa content.
This is super late but do you like pregnancy requests or stuff like that?
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>but I hate those threads so fuck 'em.
why tho
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God bless America!
>inb4 3d
it's the most relevant image I have.
I'm going to do it anyway
>Not even belly related
>a fat furry artist
It fits so well.
>fat feet
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I'll give him (You) if he or you feel like starting up again. We all know that is the highest form of currency on 4chan.
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Because, like >>8624126 mentioned, they're full of (literal) hamplanets, slobs, and health problems. As far as I'm concerned that makes them three for three strikes they're fuckin' out. That stuff kills my boner. Gimme chub, gimme T H I C C, gimme plump, hell gimme fat, but there's too much cross-pollination with the shapeless mashed potatoes crowd up in them fat threads, so I don't even bother with them.

Belly threads are exactly my speed.
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Sorry, took me a minute to remember with my shit memory. Pretty sure it's a female version of a male character.

Thanks bruv
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No problem anon
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That belly is so perfect
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This. 3d is fine, but make sure it's belly related!

Like this!
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>3d is fine
I was actually implying the opposite. It was both off-topic and 3d which makes it shit. I prefer to keep my fetishes to the realm of drawings.
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This is correct. There's nothing worse than the feeling when you post something and it receives nothing, not even a negative response. I'll come back to it someday, I'm just debating between throwing them at /scaly/, or trying to resuscitate the kobold thread to post
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Who /Samurai Jack/ tonight?

Anon you know that's male right? Just calling out a big bulge doesn't mean it's futa.
holy fuck you're brilliant
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Well, the face is soft enough to look female.
Damn that's fine.
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What is your preferred size for bellies /trash/?
I usually like them in the ranges of believable, but it's always nice to teeter just a bit past
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Oh fuck me, that's lovely.
>tfw slowly coming around to fatassed, fatbellied ferals
Who knew that degeneracy could feel so right
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Y'know, a lot of people talk about "seeing fetishes so much on this board that they start to like them", and while it's certainly desensitized me to foreign fetish content, I never find myself becoming aroused by them.

It's an interesting phenomenon to me, though. I grow more and more curious as to the psychological and sociological mechanisms behind sexual tastes as I spend more time on this board.
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I think it depends on what phase of your discovery you're in. I started being into pregnancy since that's the most straightforward belly thing that actually happens. Then somehow or another I discovered inflation, which I was way into, and more begrudgingly started to adapt to stuff that's further and further divorced from reality like unbirthing and soft vore.

At this point though, I'm broken in. You're neither going to make me feel bad about being into this stuff, nor are you going to ply me with gay stuff, hyper muscle, or footjobs, or BDSM, etc. Don't care for it, never did, never will, but if that's your ball game go hog wild. No reason it should rustle me any.
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This is EXACTLY how I feel. Hell, I was even the same way starting out liking pregnancy and fat, and found inflation after a while, and ---seriously love the concept of being held/holding someone inside like a soft, warm, inner hug--- but I don't get off on any other fetishes really.

I understand why people like hyper muscle stuff, or feet, or sizeplay, but I can't say I really get off on those.

Really the only fetish I can't support is anything having to do with young characters. Loli, 'babyfur', adult baby... Eh. I can't comprehend why being or fucking a child is appealing.

Anything that looks younger than pic related is pushing the line, even if the artist says 'Oh they're 18 trust me!'
Nah m8 she's actually a 1000-year old dragon, she only looks and acts like a 7 year old child.

It's cool, promise.
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Sorry, I was asleep.

Character belongs to https://twitter.com/DoughyDoe

First picture is done by http://www.furaffinity.net/user/boot/
Second one done by
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ninetales and anon 3.png
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I literally do not give a shit.

I don't know if I got enough juice left in me to satisfy ALL of that.
Is this a vore pic?
Not him but it's just a continuation of the last 2
feral milftails pictures. You'd be able to tell if it was vore.
Ah okay.

I thought she was talking to her belly in >>8646664
>see the artist post this on twitter
>all 3 parts are in the same post
>can't rclick and save as
Why is twitter so utterly shit
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Macro sized
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Because twitter isn't meant to be used as an art gallery. Also it's only two parts with the third picture being another character.
Thanks anon

>Because twitter isn't meant to be used as an art gallery.
Then why do they use it post art. Seriously,at least artists could post on their FA or DA or whatever and include a link to it in their twitter.
Convenience. Twitter makes it easy to post a few random doodles while FA requires you to fill out a form for every individual image uploaded. Same reason people use Tumblr.
>Then why do they use it post art.
Easier for the artist to post and get feedback from friends and stuff at the expense of convenience for others. Also that artist usually posts on both Twitter/FA so I don't know why it wasn't there. Maybe they felt it was too sketchy or something.
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When there's multiple photos in one post, you can't left click to zoom in on each one AND right click -> save as

You have to right click on the pictures themselves on the post, then center click/ctrl+left click View Image to open it in a new tab, then put :orig at the end of the URL (to obtain maximum size), THEN Save As
>You have to right click on the pictures themselves on the post,
That doesn't work, though, there's no "view image" option in the contextual menu.
File: Untitled.jpg (104KB, 823x526px) Image search: [Google]
104KB, 823x526px
Maybe you should try harder. Are you mentally sleek?
>when you realize you actually are mentally retarded
r i p me
Thanks a bunch, anon.
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523KB, 2184x1896px
There are certain tweets or twitters where right-clicking is disabled altogether, though I'm not sure what determines that.
Drag the image into a new tab. Way easier than anything you guys are saying and it always works.
I think the reasoning (at least for loli) is actually more their size and frame rather than the actual idea of them being a child, for most people. Many people like petite girls so it's kind of a natural extreme.
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1MB, 2250x1800px
The severe lack of Lamb is criminal.
Lambs are nice, but what about a goat?
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32KB, 751x1000px
pretty much what you posted, but bigger is always better
fuck me, without the crotchtits this would be megaunf
>face is soft enough to look female
Is this man for real?
>not going for the doggystyle+crotchtitjob+bellyjob wombo combo
but it's crotch boobs, it looks too much like a ballsack to me
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What you've been up to lately /trash/?
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587KB, 1280x480px
Awaiting death in hopes that there is an afterlife that allows kinky hedonism so I can have a giant, round belly.
playing run 3 & 100% orange juice
watching some guys play pokemon emerald nuzlocke
watching a guy play ittle dew 2
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282KB, 1084x1000px
You're welcome.
Too based for words holy shit, do you have a DA or anything?
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234KB, 854x1117px
What's the most recent piece of art that's made you stop and say, either mentally or audibly, "Hot Damn", /belly/?

Pic related
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The shading is so smooth, and the snek is so round...
this ain't all furry, is it?
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725KB, 1280x1110px
Would be better without the hood piercing.
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Not necesarily

Nah, I have to disagree. Piercings except for facial and genital are pretty hot.
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282KB, 801x909px
Human stuff is welcome but usually not well received.
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189KB, 1280x963px

Best girl
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>Best girl

>tfw can't decide between croc belly or cat belly
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2MB, 1432x1458px
The cuteness factor probably had something to do with it
I prefer croc belly but that is just me.
It's just a sketch, but that dialogue is... Hoo boy howdy, it's like a purified, concentrated essence of my fetishes.
Childhood ruined.

(In the best way possible)
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47KB, 993x859px
This is great
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84KB, 600x840px
Is this belly enough? It is belly but with huge breasts as well.
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2MB, 1200x1380px
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1MB, 600x600px
God, what I wouldn't give to feel that
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What'd you think it would feel like anon?
Like heaven
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Winnie In Heat.png
260KB, 1000x900px
eeeey thanks bruv. I don't do a lot of pregnancy since it's not usually my bag, but have somethin quick before I head off to work
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Not the guy you're replying to but damn that's fine.
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390KB, 1280x941px
One of the most colorful descriptions I've seen (as far as preg goes) was simply "a basketball filled with lead pudding"
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381KB, 600x600px
Lamp is love.
Lamp is life.
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She's a bloated/Eel-filled cinnamon roll.
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Allowing humans helps keep away some of the nutters.
This is true.
thanks anon
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62KB, 651x635px
This is my Twitter right-click menu, and "Save As..." attempts to save the page itself rather than the image. Can't drag the image either, all it does is highlight it as if it were text.
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>you can't see it, but under the [belly] I'm not wearing any.
best belly
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Who's your favorite artist /trash/?
Anyone have a good fic where Tigress has a curse put on her where she starts to become a glutton and put on weight before transforming into either a panda or a clone of Po?
File: lamb4.jpg (478KB, 1652x1853px) Image search: [Google]
478KB, 1652x1853px
hi heres an unfinished pic

bulletproof way you can just right click->view source and ctrl f jpg, I've done that a few times
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32KB, 680x680px
>"Under the baby bump, I'm not wearing any"
>Promises of children
>In heat
>Pregnancy sex
>Loving wife and soon-to-be mother
>Drooling, huffing, and puffing

Good fucking LORD!
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207KB, 1100x965px
Muzz is far from my favorite in terms of art style and art, but they've just drawn a lot of scenarios I don't see too often, and done them pretty damn well, even if most of it is commissions.

Pic related is an all-time favorite.
Mine personally
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273KB, 1000x1072px
I agree, I don't think I can say Muzz is my favorite( I don't think I can choose any artist really), but I really do like her belly stuff.
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>Post some Lamb afew days ago
>Get back for the day and see a reply with brand new Lamb
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284KB, 1239x817px
>The artist replied to my post and made a follow-up
Well holy shit, that's a day made right there. I thank you, both for the drawing and the new waifu.

You're sure pregnancy stuff isn't your bag? You seem to know exactly what buttons to press, so to speak.
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279KB, 1280x1396px
sidneymt does a reeeeeeeeeeally good job of capturing everything I like about bellies and expansion and unf
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T H I C C Phox
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Not all time favorite but I've been more or less following Duo Radon since roughly '06 and love how they do bellies even if they seem more on the circle tool side of shape.
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Winnie In Heat Ink.png
227KB, 1000x800px
I have a lot of preg kinkster friends and I like to push their buttons.

Artist? Name is on the tip of my tongue and I feel dumb for having to ask.

Nice work.
Duo Radon is top tier
File: Lotorloon- Wet.png (792KB, 1200x1200px) Image search: [Google]
Lotorloon- Wet.png
792KB, 1200x1200px
You have lucky friends. If you're inking this bit for a random stranger like myself, it's no surprise you treat your friends well.
I admit that I am curious as to how you typically go about "pushing their buttons"..
Good lord man.

I'm surprised at least 80% of your commissions aren't preg-related, because this is really doing a lot more to me than other preg art.
If only they didn't purge their old content
Yeah, tracking that shit down is impossible. It's a complete shame too. I love older art work.
I uh... Don't get it. Whats the meme here. It vaguely resembles loss but I don't think that's it?
Didn't Duo have a bunch of paywalled stuff on their site way back when? I remember there being special drawings you could only get by donating or something. I have no idea if those ever leaked and I'd be surprised if they actually stayed private all these years
No idea. I've never seen anything new or that I haven't seen before from him in ages.
File: henhouse_2.jpg (377KB, 1280x1736px) Image search: [Google]
377KB, 1280x1736px
Yep, I think it was $10 per series. Couple the fact there was an entire page of these things, and you can see that the reason they never leaked was because no one wanted to shell out that level of cash. Still, a few got out though they're mostly vore themed
I've never understood why people do this, putting old stuff in a scraps section is one thing but nuking the fruits of your earlier labor, rough as they might be, it's just madness.

To add extra salt to the wound DR's site outsourced image hosting to a secondary site so looking it up on the Internet Archive yields nothing.
Art looks very very similar to dwps/doops on tumblr, which would surprise me greatly because I don't think I've seen them do furry all that much.
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625KB, 2400x1709px
>so looking it up on the Internet Archive yields nothing.
I was just doing that. Was looking for the page where the paywalled stuff was but no images were loading unfortunately.
File: henhouse.jpg (79KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
79KB, 640x480px
Here's the only other one I have, sorry for the small resolution
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841KB, 3400x1929px
Oddly enough I think I remember that image. As a tiny blurry thumbnail anyway. I remember saving the image and just zooming in to try and make out the characters. Didn't care about the dialog as long as there was belly
God, I love the feel of these old images. I wish we could have them all back.
>A. Ziegler
I wonder if there's any art tagged under that name
File: BigBadWolf_3.jpg (210KB, 1280x842px) Image search: [Google]
210KB, 1280x842px
Huh, all these years I thought they were just chubby

4th panel has a "for you" in it

Well, we're about to hit the bump limit, see you in the next one
I'm saving all these just in case
same, whoever has these keep dumping please.
No, continue the dump in the next thread.
File: Caracal1.jpg (434KB, 1107x1500px) Image search: [Google]
434KB, 1107x1500px
I have the whole henhouse one and the other two for the wolf I can post in the next thread (assuming someone else makes it)
Though at the same times it's all vore so it might make someone throw a hissy fit that we're not posting it in the right thread
Oh man, this one. I remember really wanting to see how that played out since it involved force feeding
The post it in the vore thread then, dude. If I get enough complete comics I'll post them to u18 and other places so they aren't lost again. Please.
>throw a hissy fit that we're not posting it in the right thread
A lot of things could be posted on other threads yet they are here. Don't worry about it.
How much do you have? Could you upload it to mega or something? Please, you've posted stuff I've never seen before and I've been desperately searching for the old stuff.
File: C9FunPAXgAANGWz.jpg-orig.jpg (116KB, 1298x1129px) Image search: [Google]
116KB, 1298x1129px
Just do whatever

Also taking suggestions for next OP/edition I guess.
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451KB, 996x1350px
Start saving, I don't know how long this thread will last
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2 pigs
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219KB, 1280x842px
1 pig
The last one is already here >>8698919
I'll make another thread if you keep dumping images
lmao 2pig
File: henhouse_1.jpg (398KB, 1280x1736px) Image search: [Google]
398KB, 1280x1736px
Part 2 is here >>8698438
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96KB, 1467x1497px
Probably wouldn't be the worst idea so that every single picture can be posted without flooding the next belly thread.
New thread: >>8699384
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310KB, 1280x1087px
And that's all, keep it safe
>Page 4
>Encourage dumping
How about no
Damn. Alright, time to move this around

Bump limit you dumb fuck
>Page 4
You stupid fuck it is going to take hours for it to fall off the board, is this your first day here?
I dunno, we were dropping to page 8 in an hour earlier in the day.
It is about to become night and the board slows down. There was 0 reason to shit out a thread this early.
File: I take it he was agreeable.jpg (508KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
I take it he was agreeable.jpg
508KB, 640x480px
>stuff yourself full
>get found out
>get moved elsewhere to get stuffed even fuller
>can only accept your fate
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Wonder if anything relationship wise comes out of it, or if it's just "pet in the basement" from here on. Also found one more for >>8698677
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81KB, 1400x1400px
File: Duo Radon - engagement.jpg (225KB, 759x900px) Image search: [Google]
Duo Radon - engagement.jpg
225KB, 759x900px
I like the pet in the basement scenario. I wonder if he'd get more if he keeps finding foxes going after his hens.
>continues getting more chickens
>uses them to bait more foxes
>fox gluts them self silly
>new fox to stuff
File: Duo Radon - HW_1.jpg (268KB, 1200x916px) Image search: [Google]
Duo Radon - HW_1.jpg
268KB, 1200x916px
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Duo Radon - Mimi.jpg
372KB, 1200x738px
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34KB, 376x432px
I lied again, found more
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166KB, 800x699px
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489KB, 1200x1040px
Not sure how many of these are on their new site, just going up the list
I think the website said everything before 2009 was purged
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131KB, 1280x921px
and just to check the get >>8700000
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280KB, 1084x960px
>A: As of March 2009, my sites have been reorganized and many older images were removed. I had given a notification in every place available to me in October of 2008 that these files would be removed, so that everyone interested might have enough time to save any picture they liked.

>I will not be sending any of the removed files to individuals or reposting them on my sites.
File: Lash_Jess.jpg (289KB, 782x1200px) Image search: [Google]
289KB, 782x1200px
Then let the posting continue
and once this thread dies please, please continue in the new thread.
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193KB, 800x660px
You got it boss
I think there was at least one more image to this one, but it's slipped my grasp
More fat taurs pls
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454KB, 1200x750px
I think that might be all my Duo stuff
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217KB, 1280x797px
Though this may not count since it came fro mFA
This is a great deal more than we had before. You even put out some comics I never seen before. I'll try to get these out.
File: Dance.jpg (198KB, 1100x662px) Image search: [Google]
198KB, 1100x662px
My only regret was not saving more
Not your fault he decided to purge all his old stuff.
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244KB, 1050x885px
Don't really care for Nauta's commissions (particularly the stories), but I think these still need to be out there
I wonder what the story is with this. Either the dragon is going to eat them and they're fleeing, or she is telling them they will all end up like her and they try to escape to not become any more of a huge bloated mess. I personally like my second scenario more.
That for sure is all the Duo stuff. That being said, during my siftings, I found a folder of old olds and ends. Not sure how much of it is still available, but it is old. Might start posting it over the course of the next thread, we don't need a dump on that one as well (or do we?)
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>duo radon dump
i think i was better off just thinking fondly of the pictures in memory
If memory serves, the taurs were spelunking when they wound up in that cavern and found the dragon. The crystals cause a few bodily changes, starting with breast enlargement, and ending with, as the dragon is showing, parthenogenesis. The group, being sane and wanting nothing to do with this, try to escape before they become immobilized and trapped as well. However, the symptoms are already starting to manifest and the taurs can't keep up. The shot here is the taur pleading for the one (still mobile) anthro not to leave them alone in the cave but the anthro knows if she stays any longer, she's going to get stuck with them. Kind od a moral dilemma, either leave your friends to their fate as you try to find help, or suffer together.
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12KB, 599x605px
huh, you learn something new everyday
Just posting what I'm finding, nature of content came second
(again, I don't like that guy's commissions either, just posting for the sake of archiving/completion sake)
>it's just one pic
Still, thanks, the rest is pretty good, too.
Someone gonna make that new thread or...?
you're a big boy, go ahead and make one
just don't pick a shitty OP pic and it'll be fine

Oh, okay. Someone did make a new one, and just didn't link it here.

They did link it here, they just didn't do what you're supposed to do and post it 3 times for visibility and was super early so it got lost in the dumping.
Gosh heckin' dangit!
>Duo Radon
Well at least it's only the OP
This is why I usually make a long thing about asking for the OP picture so no one gets upset. But someone rushed one out like 6 pages early.
File: 1449089118648.png (327KB, 626x502px) Image search: [Google]
327KB, 626x502px
I'll post more just for you bby
Thread posts: 373
Thread images: 224

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