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RWBY/RT Trash General #378: Cute Meme Enjoys bubble gum edit

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 163

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RWBY/RT Trash General #378: Cute Meme Enjoys bubble gum edition

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/RWBY%2FRT%20Trash%20General%20/

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't leave your gum under the desk.

1080P Episode Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog
Full homo for Jaune.
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/trash/ is 100% more gay
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Will RWBY ever get a girl as great as C.C.?
>Suggest threesome with Jaune
>Say it's for the girl but really you just want to see Jaune naked
She's apparently a green haired girl from... some anime.
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You know, heart pupils are fucking trash when the page isn't in color.
Really? I think it still looks pretty good, color helps sure but I just love heart pupils in general
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Weiss has Neiss legs
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the only good thing about her
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>it looks like the painting of Mama Schnee is glaring directly at Weiss
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No, not really. I just don't like how they were drawn in the image you (presumably) posted, so I exaggerated greatly. Generally, they're pretty great regardless, like in this image. Color really does wonders for them though, but I suppose you could say that for most elements of a doujin.
I miss the texture that made it look like actual tulle under the skirt and not a massive blob
A namefag capped it.
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>Not even halfway through the threesome and you already pretty much take over Jaune
>Waifu sulks in the corner as you bounce on that D'Arc
Why the FUCK is there diaper fetishism in my RWBY?
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I wanna fuck this pussy
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Breed the cat
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In all fairness she is totally welcome to sit on Jaunes face
Headpat Blake!
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Sorry, you'll have to settle for this cat.
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That's pretty low.
>settle for an even shittier kitty
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look to >>8567596
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Cat girls > dog girls
You're welcome to your opinion, however flawed it may be.
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Your right anon, Satania isn't even wearing the correct hat.
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Well that is one way to fight the villains.

Neon! Neon! Neon! Neon! Neon! Neon!
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If somebody killed Sun, would they get his digit powers? Asking for a friend.
You would need to kill him with the most powerful of digits
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neo will never force her heel into your asshole after forcing you to deep throat her heel to lube it up

why live....
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Perhaps, but it would take superior digits to defeat him in the first place
>Tight fitting boyshorts
Muh dick
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Raven or Yang ?
Yang. I prefer blondes.
Raven is honestly one of the few girls I'd choose Yang over
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If I dress up like Cinder can I be friends with Misa
That would be extremely cute
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What weapon does he use to fight?
His dick
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His brain
Did people think Merc was a girl after the V1 finale?
>She will never lets you drink her spit as a reward for good behavior
>She will never let you hump her leg for being a good boy
I would fuck the shit out of trap Cinder
What if Taiyang uses his dick, fists, and brain to fight?
That would be rape.
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That's why he uses his brain, so that if his fists don't work, he can charm them into consent, then go in for the kill with the D
I don't think so, his silhouette art looked pretty masculine
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Do you think that Ruby will lose some parts of here body ?
>he used this tactic to make Yang
She will lose her hymen to Jaune and/or Oscar
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>Summer was there hiding behind a tree when it happened
>Got caught in the charm's AOE
>Secretly began craving the D then and there
>Tai had no idea he'd beat two opponents at once
Anon would you hold the line for me ?
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Sure thing.
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>Guys we have to be tolerant. Raven's clan has a vibrant culture and they only wish to enrich us with their vibrant diversity. Xenophobes like 'Two-Seats' Ironwood need to learn that love trumps hate.
Mein Mensch!
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Give me your lien, Schnee.
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She's referring to welfare, which her people need in order to integrate into society, which they definitely want to do. We need to give them money, they deserve it after what Atlas did to her people many generations ago.
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What if the Rube told you that her volk will never be free, until the slavic hordes and their judo-bolshovik puppet-masters are destroyed?
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I mean I'm robbing you, Jacques Schnee. Now give me your lien or I will kill you.
No no no, you've got it all wrong. Jacques would be way better suited as a strawman of a bad right-wing politician. He should be doing stuff like de-humanising minorities and making unrealistic populist promises.
What if anon told you that World War II was not limited to Europe?
Then I would say he was stating the obvious.
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No I'll take it
What if Jaune was a WWI vet
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He'd know how to fight
Then he would have been a real person instead of a Remnant man.
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His weapon would transform into the white flag
Wrong war dumbass
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>You will never hold Ruby's hand
>You will never hump Weiss' legs
>You will never cum in Blake's ears
>You will never cum on Yang's hair
>You will never be smothered in Nora's ass
>You'll never cuck Nora by fucking Ren.
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>You will never cuck Pyrrha's ghost by fucking Jaune while wearing her tiara
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>You will never fuck Jaune
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>You will never fuck
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>You will never convince Pyrrha that she should bring you lots of young fertile women to have unprotected threesomes with
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>Self-insertfags will never stop being trash
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>he doesn't want to fuck nubile young women
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Hey cucks,
friendly reminder that Ironwood and Jacques did nothing wrong and that faunus should be gassed :^)
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What part of "You will never" don't you understand?
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What if I'll self-insert my penis into your ass
God I don't know why but I really hate the art
I wonder how Barb would react if an anon tweeted this to her...
Why are there so many idiots who think the French were bad ass? Seriously, read history.
>t. englishman
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Didn't the English get mouth-fucked by the frogs so hard that they started speaking French?
All I want is for Neo to be my big spoon. Is that too much to ask?
You mean the Normans. Saying the Normans were French is like saying that the majority of the men at Omaha Beach were Native Americans.
If they speak french, fight for France, and live in France how are they not French? Or are you suggesting that Americans aren't Americans because they're descendants of the bongs?
Jesus, how fucking short do you have to be?
Don't gotta be short to be little spoon
Because fuck you. They're literally not the same thing.
Yang is still a deranged leg-killer to the mass public isn't she? She never got her name cleared before the towers went down. Also, how was Yang watching a news station if the towers went down? Surely if news stations were available there'd be some channel dedicated to sending a message to a loved one across the globe, right? Why did Ruby have to send a letter?
What I was saying is that you are confusing two groups of people that lived on the same land at two different times.
They didn't fight for France they fought for themselves. They were Norse living on what would eventually be French soil. It's like saying that the Aztecs were Mexican. Also they didn't exactly speak French at the time, but rather Latin and a mix of Old French and Norse. Also the English population never spoke the Norman's language as their language, that was only the aristocracy. Futhermore the modern concept of France didn't exist in 911, when Normandy was created.
It was probably Vale-only news network.
No, the tournament was a big event that was broadcast Remnant-wide.
No, I mean the show she was watching after she was disarmed.
>Yang is still a deranged leg-killer to the mass public isn't she?
Probably, though after the fall of beacon I think most people would have forgotten it
> Also, how was Yang watching a news station if the towers went down?
News station probably in Vale
>Why did Ruby have to send a letter?
Because Mistral cant send messages over long distances like to Vale because of the tower being down
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Yes, you did mean that.

We can tell it was a Vale network because that sexy Vale reporter Lisa Lavender was on it. Damn I want to nail her.
I wonder if the mainstream media in Remnant is about journalism, or just activism thinly veiled as journalism.
If everyone has scrolls and shit, how does that affect the way media works? Do they have independent reporters? Citizen journalists?
Is there maybe one news network per continent? Dozens? Hundreds?
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Remnant's reporters are focused on the truth and only the truth. They cover real stories about racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, racism, transphobia, the rise of right-wing nationalism in Atlas, racism, social justice, hate speech, advertisers giving money to online video producers that are bigots, how Faunus lives matter, and racism.
The Kingdoms seem to be quite affluent and democratic. So I imagine that there is a diverse range of outlets, both mainstream and small-time, that vary in quality and political stance.
Homophobia doesn't exist in remnant
Must you project your /pol/ strawmen into the Texan anime you watch?
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For a fandom that has a massive document of ship names, the majority sure are obsessed with 4 specific ships
>Lisa fucks people for inside scoops
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>Jaune x Ruby
>Oscar x Ruby
Pick one
>Jaune x Oscar
Seconding Jaune x Oscar
Jaune and Oscar are both shit so neither
All the more reason for Jaune x Oscar
I'd like to get an inside scoop on her, if you know what I mean!
>Pedo fagshit
If you say so
>Pedo fagshit
I dont think you know quite what you're saying
Jaune's 18 and Oscar's clearly in his early/mid teens, seems pretty sketch to me
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Best ship Arkos here, bask in its glory
I imagine him around 15, honestly wish MK would confirm some ages already

Still though the point being that's not pedophilia, and people have shipped far worse age gaps
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Good stuff right there.
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Do you think that May likes ketchup?
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>She finally wears Nigri's consume

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what now?
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Real OTP
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The Warp is Comfy. Like a warm bubble bath.
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What if Pyrrha wasn't a beta when it came to Jaune?
Why not OzxRube?
She would peg him, so he understands who he belongs to.
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>The Warp is Comfy
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Jaune you are my prey.png
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Pegging, ropeplay and semen milking for all those babies.
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Gaze upon my works and Despair!.png
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RIP Jaunes asshole.jpg
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>Dude actually pursues girl he likes
>Doesn't sit around and whine about being such a nice guy
>The pairing where the girl does that somehow gets all the play.
that's pretty sad my dude
Oh yeah I saw Dash was doing some Solarflare, makes me happy that ship is getting some attention now
my dude!
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What could go wrong?
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Eh glass houses and stones mate.
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> current status: euphoric
Anyone got the link to the new Million Dollars, But...
But what?

I see what you did there

but no seriously, does anyone have a link to the new episode for it?
There are elite RWBYg posters that can create m3u8s of any show. You'll just have to hope that one of them is willing to help you.
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this ship is actually pretty cute
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Sure thing bud

Well, here's to hoping

You da man
you da honk!
Ruby x Ozpin. Oscar is fucking shit.
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Oscar x Jaune x Whitley
There is no Ozpin without Oscar so you're a little screwed on that one
>Implying Oscar's surviving the next volume
Ozpin has far grander designs than some half-pint farmboy
Face it, Oscar is here for the long run
Why didn't Ozpin just body jack Salem?
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Didn't Ozpin say something about a simple soul?

Maybe Salem is a shard of that thing the two brothers made
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>Yes give me all of Ozpins knowledge and secrets
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Why Ozpin didn't jump into the mind of some hot young girl instead of Oscar. Salem wouldn't suspect anything
Ozpins a creep but he's not that much of a creep
Because he didn't want to be an ugly bitch
Oscar x Salem rape/torture fic fucking where?
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Oscar x Salem rape/torture fic fucking when?
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You talking like /ss/? Maybe Shadman will do it
>simple soul
Is this a euphemism for "retard"?
Farm boy probably had no education, so yea dude, maybe
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Idk, commission it maybe
Well it makes sense, seeing as Ruby is a 'simple soul' too
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fuck Salem I want to see Glynda's reaction to Oscar
I approve of RWBY because there are lots of strong, forceful women with high levels of slef-determinatiin

Ir is very pleasant viewing
Glynda is gone forever
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I approve of RWBY because boobs.
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Free will is a meme.
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Hahahha! Nop that is not hw it works. RWBY Cinder has a Korean wife she can screw to redccver from Ruby
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Psychologically speaking, yes, ther eivdence suggesrs that free will is somthing of an illusions. Hoiwever, ity is important that we maintain that illusion. I say ,let's keep going with it . Humans benefit form it.
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Korean wife?

Oh, you mean side hoe?
Pyrrha is the side ho
I meant to say JLullaby, he did some loli stuff for Shad
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Jlullaby seems to stick to Cinder x Salem with futa
I said fic, not art.

That, and I'd rather not see her sticking two dicks in Oscar's asshole.
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MISA is NOT a SIDE HO sge is the ONE tru LOve of Cinder!
God fucjking damn it. I think we are tgher o lny RWY community that appreicates Misa's coolness, and that is a tradgedy.
Join forces to keep the Soviets out.
Type slower, and watch for mistakes.
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Misa is defiantly our girl
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Neon poster- even thought you are /pol/ I rerally like and respect you. you have a great sense of humur and a gofd-tier photopshop skiklls with Neon. I am glad you are in our general.
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Yes! Misa is /ourgirl/!
>Implying Pyrrha isn't just a one time deal where she rapes and kills her
>Implying Misa wouldn't help her and have a threesome
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What the fuck is a Misa?
I want to kiss Weiss feet
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What rock have you been posting under?

Misa is a Korean woman who loves Conder- I mean, really loves CInder. OFten draws slef-intsert artowrk of herslef romancing Cinder, and even owns a Cinder daki. RWBYg is highly amused by her antics, and the Cinderbros consider her to be a siantly figure.
Kill Cinder and make Misa watch!
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>That daki in the background
every fucking time
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You can probably hold her daki hostage and she'd do anything
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Cinder 1b.jpg
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Jesus fucking Christ, is it really so hard to go back and look at what you've typed before hitting the 'Submit' button?
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Cinder Beat.png
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do not bully misa
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The Hazard of MeMes.jpg
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No problem anon, it's my pleasure to provide good edits. Thanks

I thought Misa was a Filipino. Or am I thinking of someone else?
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That's hot
Anybody got that picture of the Black Butler kid that's photoshopped to look like a male Neo?
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Would you?
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fucking love your edits t b q h

it's a big reason why Neon endured a s meme waifu
Bottom is salem obviously but who is the top one?
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Will we see her again now that Meg is gone?

And the ones in this pic are Cinder and Emerald.
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I could see her making some cameos. Meg is still loved within the company and still collabs on things with RT. If they have a chance to bring neon in for a scene, they'll bring back Meg no problem.
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200% MEME'D.png
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Meg isn't gone, just left to pursue her dcareer as a boob model.

She coudl still POP in to voice Neon Katt.

God damn, Neon s awesome. Fucking hilaious.
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female jaune.png
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Penis yes
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chibi NEon.png
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I hope so, there's no reason for RT not to let Meg in once a while to voice for Best Katt since she's still on good terms with the company.
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I'll prove to you that I'm straight.
Check em!
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fem whitley.png
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Not this time you useless lesbian
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May x Arslen.jpg
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Hope you enjoy cunnilingus you dyke
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i fucking love you, Mya/. You're my hero!
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Wanna buy a kinect, kid?
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Somebody's doing the raping? Who's doing the raping?
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Well it was Tyrian but he got benched after Ruby cut off his tail so now he cant perform his signature move
Well it's not Arslan, Emerald, or Sage. That's for sure.
May Zedong
it's not rape if she likes it
Sage is too pure for such acts anyway
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Someone with pale and tiny hands
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i'll pleasure myself.jpg
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IT'S RUBY !! with her 15 inch megacock
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It'd be something Neo would do
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rape time.png
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Definitely not Neon and Neo.
>Neo rapes Weiss
>Finds Blake, rapes her too
>Tracks down Ruby and does it to her
>Keeps sending Yang pictures
>Yang is out for blood
>Keeps getting pics in the mail
>Nora, Jaune, Ren(Who seems kind of into it)
>Even Pyrrha and Penny somehow
>It's like Neo's going through her phone
>Yang starts to wonder why she hasn't touched her
>Is she not good enough
>Is it because of the arm
RWBYg- I would just like to sat, I reallt repsct you guys. You're a down-to-Earth but hilarious group.
>Go through rwby shipping chart
>checking out some creative names
>Romans list
>Roman x Tyrian
>'Clockwork Violet'
>Not 'Ultraviolet'

Missed opportunity
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124KB, 600x600px
Thanks quads guy
Ruby has the best thighs in the show.
Nah that goes to Cinder
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1MB, 1563x2520px
That would be the Bellamomma actually.
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Jaune vol 4.png
3MB, 1024x2048px
What's his endgame?
Get either one shota or both shotas
What would Teacher's Pet be like?
What do you mean?
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Autism chart.png
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Pretty good but I think Weiss wins.
You are the teachers sex slave and you love every bit of it
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laughs in reverse.jpg
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>it's Jaune trying to get some extra credit
Fabulous wealth and a statue
So it's Glynda- but she is mute becuase Kathleen got drunk and raged a t RT?
The fuck are you 2 on about?
I'm talking about Jaune blowing one of the male teachers under the desktop so he doesn't flunk.
I mean under the desk
That's how he got into Beacon

The one he blew was Glynda.
Ozpin first, then Glynda so she was in on it.
>Jaune ended up having to give the entire faculty blowjobs
Would fem!Whitley still pay to see Jaune as a camwhore?
Of course.
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>This week's heroes and halfwits
>geoff at the end
I think he was trying to die on purpose to enjoy his break off it was comedy gold
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Suit & tie Emerald.png
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em and merc.jpg
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Go- May- take the digits that are yours!
I can't help but read her last name as "Samurai"
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That is true
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Which girl gives best paizuri?
Damn shame
The headmistress of Shade academy
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Coming 4 dem dubs.png
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I guess those digits don't belong to you after all. Sorry May, better luck next time.
Is it safe to just ignore dumb neonposters now?
Non other than the Grimm queen of course.
It always has been.
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748KB, 1275x1650px

Have fun
Is this the Ruby cosplayer with the vagina piercings?
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>Ren x Mercury
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silent giggling.jpg
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>Jaune arc and Ruby rose

started with such promise
Who is supposed to be the boy? More pics of the OC?
Dunno who the dude is. But that pic was posted last thread.
she say she love me, whatever that is
I don't have the other pics, she has a normal outfit though, looks neat
I'm going to force Ruby to eat a chair.
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Neon an Ruby share limeade.png
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Actually you should always reply to Neon posters.
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SP fish future project.png
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New Thread for like the three people still alive here.
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 163

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