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69th edition of whatever the hell it is that I'm doing at

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 380
Thread images: 238

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Mystery Grab Bag.jpg
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69th edition of whatever the hell it is that I'm doing at 5:30 in the morning. Give me 24 of you for a game.

All of you should know the rules by now so have fun.
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Gin Ichimaru
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Lord Beerus
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Kosaku Kawajiri
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Passed out squirrel
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smug ass.jpg
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The Emperor
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Tibby Dobbs
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Shaq constructs a shack
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Answered Prayers (8).png
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Miles and the Walrider
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Reigen Arataka
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Lord Ainz Ooal Gown
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Tenshi's ass
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Crossbreed Priscilla
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Fujibayashi Kyou
Does she tenshit out of there
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nep nep
>literally no circlejerking going on
it's still early
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Got you covered semenpie
Izaya Orihara

Let me fix that.
I'll circlejerk with everyone with shit rp
this is the future we wanted
>aussa will never ship their avas with you
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You don't have to ship with everyone, my germanic pal
>tfw you think aussa might ship with you but you're not entirely sure
the suspense is going to give me a fucking heart attack
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I can't be in a district with someone more smug than me, it doesn't work that way.
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Time for me to win once again.
If it's not Urotsuki or Matt you're probably fucked
well shit
don't mind me i'll just go prepare my funeral
9th place is not winning. fool.
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But first place , which is my place, is
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>It's uh.
>It's probably not likely, but I'm not inherently opposed to the subject.
I have hope.
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>Ririchiyo can't penetrate
God dammit. those digits...
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Thanks for hosting.
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But there's no other Kurumi...
Good luck!
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Just 5 more minutes, ugghhh.
Maria you fucking shitcunt
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That's a bit...dramatic, don't you think?
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I know, the mere fact I'm here is a blessing
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Oh my god that ass is brutal. I wonder if Nep does that in ERP as well and Tejina tries to find new assistants for magic.

Do I need to host another game?
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I tried, but I can't do anything about connection errors.
Who does Kurumi have her eyes on?
I don't mean this in a shitposty way, I'm genuinely curious
Man, Shaq's going all out today, huh?
Think of all the things I could do with a cat that big!
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Kill me.png
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And the start of my circlejerk starts now

Hey dude you like numbers n ice and shit?
Fuck you
You look like a fucking edgelord, consider suicide
Madolches > Gladiator Beasts
Is this a jojo reference?
>leaves some gatorade and a couple painkillers next to him
Have a nice hangover
Fucking who?
Help, I've fallen to chaos and can't get up!
Nice picture
You've got more pixels than brain cells
Construct a will for me to live
Seek a doctor. Your looking abit green.
I don't see how you could ride a wall. It doesn't have any wheels or anything.
Congratulations you managed a picture
Black tea
Thanks cutie
Fuck off
Adjust your eye position to something actually human
You're ugly
Nep is shit

Did I get everyone?
Now reply to me so we can continue this circlejerk and I can finally be popular
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I bet I would have no trouble penetrating her ass.
>circlejerks back at the speed of light so nobody else is able to see it
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He's about to up that a notch.

>tfw wrote commentary but accidentally exited out of the thread
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Answered Prayers (336).jpg
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>Four letters, starts with M.
I rather like green, however.
Every day provides another opportunity.
Wait which one were you?
Thanks babe~
So, wanna ship?
Shut the fuck up
Fucking golden
>pepper sprays
Who leaves this much toiletpaper on the ground?
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The cursed ferret really seems cursed huh? He can't even die. Some one please STOP THAT ASS. I swear to god if that squirrel doesn't make it....

Quiet you.
>Shitposts you
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Answered Prayers (332).png
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>Kurumi's straight and never talked with her.
As always...I endure.
...I thought my form didn't need to do that here.
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>invades your body
>rp fucks your wife
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s­s (20­15-07-02 at 10.40.31).jpg
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Whoever that is
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>he's green
>you're green
>he is a penis monster
>flourette is askin for a D
>4 letter name startin with m
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Go back to your clouds, weirdo
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This is... wonderful!

Well done!
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A free for all breaks out. I'll be sure to dig it a small grave later and give it the burial it properly deserves.

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You can join in too, if you like. Nothing is off the table.
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No anon, you're golden.
>has points in resistance
>does light damage
>skin breaks
>cries about it
>gives you the ole razzle dazzle
Am I getting enough attention to gain your approval or do I need to try harder Tamaki-senpai?~
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Answered Prayers (253).jpg
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>There are no Rs.
I-I thought we were teammates!?
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Skipped a slide of peace for the fe-

Too bad! I hunger!
>Mara emerges
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It's not what you recieve, but what you give, Orihara-san. There is only so little people may care to give you, but there is no end to what you can give to then.

All desire deep inside to be seen and noticed. It's no small deed to be the one who embodies that attention they recieve.
>Calls your waifu shit
>Writes a massive wall of texts on how my waifu is better in every aspect
Hold onto your butts. Another event is coming your way.

I want her for myself.
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>Kurumi's straight
>Not knowing everyone in Gensokyo is gay
Delete this post right now
Ily Bert
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>pierces your waifu
>then proceeds to rip her in two
The new sitcom: Everyone Loves Bert

Every monday at 10 AM !
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You can have me all by yourself. We can share a bed, take baths together and eat off of each other's bodies. Imagine the endless possibilities.
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Arena! Round 2!

Hell will freeze over before any of you will love me. Find a better partner....
>walks off into the sunset
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Avin a Cuppa.jpg
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Fuck dude, you just hit me with that real Buddhist level shit right there... Normally I'd have to climb to the top of a mountain and do a bunch of psychedelics to achieve that kind of knowledge. But here I am, getting it off a korean on a Estonian Potato Stealing Image Macro.

You're a top bloke mate.
Hey fuck you! Glynda is anything but shit! Shes a pure qt who gets way more work than she deserves and needs a holiday!
>from the insult
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A lot of peace skipping with more coming soon. The Winner will be next as well.

He was regretting not getting with her ass earlier. She was the one that got away.
Ah yes, another man with patrician taste.
But you're really nice and fun to interact with.
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The madman.

Good one kid.
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J-Japan! I'm currently located in Japan.
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Behold your winner. That swap turned out to be a good one, good job Izaya.
I still hunger!
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This is some really funny stuff, keep it up.
Thanks for hosting, I guess.
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DRRR Manga Izaya 020.png
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Yo I picked up some packs and found an Arc type that seems interesting to play.
Do you know if Yosenjus are playable in the current meta?

Or are you like me and don't bother paying attention to that stuff anymore?
Yeah I suppose, if you were Korean kimmy would have had you hung for having internet.
Yousenjus, there were when they were released if i recall
probably still playable, just not top tier
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DRRR Manga Izaya 015.png
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See, circlejerking and not replying to slides = wins
Can't. I'm not funny.
Now complement me till I feel better.
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No prob babe.
>kissus the vert
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I know, that's what I was saying, was my sarcasm not obvious enough?
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>Thanks for hosting
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Thanks for hosting, my love
They play like spirit cards from the looks of it.
But the synergy they all have with each other is nice. Kind of opens up to all kinds of available plays.
N-No, you're suppose to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay.
Also I probably should thank you.
Thanks host
We'll circlejerk later alright?
I can't say too much about them as i've not used them, but just that they're not relevant in the current metagame
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Why would I lie to you like that?
Thanks for hosting mate.
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Answered Prayers (183).jpg
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Congratulations to you, sir. And thank you for this trial.
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Basically 2 and 3 have tops synergy allowing you to use 2 to direct attack and proc 3's ability easy.
I looked up a couple of decks and most are running necrovally and I'm trying to figure out why.
So you build me up abit and make me feel better because I'm some important oldfag that everyone wants to please.
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Izaya Orihara.jpg
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Do I need to do a round 2?

Here is your reward, Sugar.
Thank for game. Was a bit busy...
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blushing hard.jpg
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Thats a pretty lewd image man... And... Sugar?
Well you did win the 69th game. And yes, Sugar.

No problem famo.
Usually when a deck maindecks necrovalley it's to stop their shit in the grave from being banished
probably to counter an opposing deck
A-Are you bullying me right now? Is this some form of bullying?
Do I need to go for a lewder image?
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For someone who everyone wants to please, you seem pretty desperate.
Yee boy
You could do a Round 2 for us if you want to.
I might have to take a rain check on that. I can barely keep my eyes open and I need to wake up in 3 hours. I can host later on though if that's acceptable.
Ahh, righto.
Sure. Go for it. Bully me more.
I-I'm not desperate...
Sleep you doof
>pisses on this fucking thread

lol get owned hunger gays
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If you need to wake up in three hours you might aswell just stay up and have coffee/energy drinks

You'll be more likely to be awake then if you sleep for such a short time and then eventually end up sleeping in.

If anything spend the next few hours resting while still doing something light like watching videos.

How rude.
>you like it
Good nighto
t. assblasted TLHG pedo
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>feeds asparagus stalks
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>feeds my Jashin empowered dick
>A clawed girl hops into the thread
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Don't listen to that, that's terrible advice.

If you need to sleep prop your legs up on something while you lay down and keep them elevated high up. Something about this will help you nap more deeply because you're tired.

Also set your alarm to go off roughly every twenty minutes and hit snooze until its time to get up. Definitely get you a red bull or two afterwards though.

>lesbian-no jitsu
>doesn't like this
Don't do this, instead just sleep in and cuddle into your pillow about how lonely you are until you eventually realise its 11am and decide you might aswell get up instead of just not waking up

Keep doing this for the next five years
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>hits with that dick-no-jutsu
Also don't forget to cry during this whole process
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>It's incredibly effective on multiple levels
>womb is obliterated
>Is not ready to be a single mother.

Don't listen to this that's terrible advice.

Just swallow handfuls of vicodin and viagra and down it all with whatever you can find under the kitchen sink. You'll smell good and whoever finds you will be really fucking impressed
unhappiness is a meme
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Slav Hidan.jpg
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>makes you a single mother
>the child is a ninja
>and a weeb
This right here, This, is some terrible advice. Don't listen to it.

Instead what you want to do is fracture yoyr psyche creating your dream anime waifu and have a loving healthy relationship with your waifu despite the fact you've eventually just given yourself a mental illness. Continental doing this till the ripe age of 80 while constantly denying advances from thots and then die happy in your waifus arms while she strokes your hair.
So what are you guys listening to?

So... Make a tulpa?
>starts forming Knitler tulpa
Fuck yeah!
>Drops him off at the nearest abandoned village after the fire nation attacks with his adoptive aunt and uncle who get mercilessly murdered by doctor eggman's assassins who was secretly working for Dante from the devil may cry series in hopes that his one shot anime crossover spin-off will help him forget his tragic past

This is the worst advice I've ever heard.

According to multiple universe theory at some place and point in time you're already married to your dream anime waifu, the key to jumping universes lies in your ability to remember your past lives so you must develop a resitance to MDM and acid to free your mind from the confines of Universe alpha, and life-jump until you find the correct dimension to reside in
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The sound of cars passing by my house.
You live in the hobo camp under the freeway?

No thats just plain incorrect

Now what you need to do is just end it all. Stop living it's too hard. Pull the trigger. Life will be easier when it's over. Embrace the void.
happy autism awareness day y'all :)
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>our child dreams to become a protagonist of his own anime
>dies days later due to lack of parents

Guess I don't have to pay child support anymore.

Just stop with these terrible suggestions.

The true way to live is to between a good paying job and find a non ,anime qt to impregnate over and over for the future of the white race.
The fuck do we need awareness for? We're here everyday.
I'm well aware of it, don't worry
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I thought that was yesterday
Yeah I'm going to stick to my way and go take my anti-depressants with scotch.
And the jews win again.

You better get that communist liberal hippie bullshit out of my fucking face right now, trash
Against jews, you lose.
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The Bored Lord IU commands you...

Even the lurkers.

Post a list of all your avas in order of their power levels.
Post HG memes
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Stanky Puss.png
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equal in power
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DRRR Manga Izaya 024.png
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Also Izaya
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Impossible. Unless you only have 1 ava.
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"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you"
Lets start a List of avas, in order of strength
Eggman-kun at the top
They've fought eachother several times, and they have an about equal amount of wins and loses against eachother.

I have more avatars, I'm just not sure how to compare them to eachother since powerscaling is confusing when going cross-francise
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Your fuckin bullshit naruto fancharacter could kick your ass easy
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Of course it isn't the other way around
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I meant power level relative to each other's source material and canon, dummy.

I guess people care more about memes than reflecting deeply about thier characters.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).jpg
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I swear to God I'm gonna fuck your ass
2nd place : District 10 Male
but most of them don't even show their power levels
Wait, you talk? I thought Mokou was a mute touhou...
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Is it really that difficult to look at a character and judge which one has better specs above the other?
Prety much, yeah.

What about you? It's always good to start with your own results when asking stuff like you did
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Then who is third?
Compared to you nobody cares about their characters at all. Not knocking you for it but most don't feel the need to psychoanalyze something as trivial like that.

If it lasts as long as the Akatsuki did I don't have much to worry about.
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I'm going to need the source of your information.
Mokou started RPing a lot more than before.
Same with Maria.

We have no idea why
Protip. Izaya is both a giver and a receiver.
imagine backing a kickstarter lol

you're putting money into something that doesn't exist, may not ever exist, and when it does exist there's a good chance it'll suck dick
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Well, mine gets complicated. Taking into account whether Asuka gets to have an Eva or not, etc.

If I were to throw out a few of my recent ones.


From top being the strongest (Taking in talents and abilities) to the botrom.
Do you even kbow how to spell?
I'm just giving you shit. You were quiet for a long time so it is unusual.
And some people stopped RPing.
Don't you also fag Haruhi?
>nitpicking a meme started over Agrias' typos one night
like yooka laylee
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>I pretty much don't ever reply unless it's slides
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If nobody cares, that's fine.

I was hoping there were some people to discuss it with.

I'm going to assume, you're not bright enough to consider all the factors that might result in a spelling mistake in my post. Typos, fatigue, lack of focus, etc. Taking shots at my english skills immediately like that, it's pretty basic.

Or the rare conversation with another
>a factor in your typos
Beerus never RP'd
>being this new
No, he really didn't.
At best he thanked the host for hosting
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typos are a property of rp
>not being pre /trash/
As anon said, we can alternate.
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If I had a deep personal investment in other avafags characters I might indulge them but the source material is hardly ever interesting enough for me to take a second glance at it.

I think the only time I can think of something like that happening was with Kuga's Satou.
I am pre /trash/ , and I've never seen him RP. Keep in mind I can't be 24/7 in threads so it might be useful if you posted actual proof
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Cept he did.
Well I haven't seen it.
The last time I've actually seen him talk is when people were calling his taste in Pokémon shitty
But I'm a top
Not him, but I used to RP with him a bit back around July-Sept 15
You can plow Izaya like a workhorse plows a field?
It was back when he started. After so many games he became silent, but deadly. Like my farts
Everyone, kiss the Suz

>July-Sept 15
thinking back on it, those were the months I was the least active

Guess you learn something new every day
>Smooches Suz
Think it goes something like Ram > Garnet > Mizore > Sylvie > Yoshimitsu > Squigly > Hood. Gets a little hard near the end.
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>puckers up to kiss Suz
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Ima go through you like a truck through a snowstorm.

You'll be just as white afterwards
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We're making a porno!.jpg
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>blocks the camera
Kongou -> Ava im working on -> Trevor
Don't threaten me with a good time now.
>trevor so low

I don't know man, the fact he's fucking insane should make him dangerous
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>Rover, Golem Bomber, Magnet Bomber, Wolf, Ms. Mowz, Ruby, Mordecai, Bea.
>he puts on a sarcastic face
don't worry Suz
I would never want to kiss you
>over 100 folders
c-can I just do 10 of them?
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>Has set up several others around the area so she doesn't mind.
Oh I just won't have a close up then... Okay I need to get it, move!
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The king.jpg
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I don't know Anon. I think this guy has an edge over Trevor.
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>Black Void and then Mokou.
>c-can I just do 10 of them?
do ALL of them
>Dick Kickum

You're right, sorry.
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>throws chaff grenades
I'm chaffed sir!
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> Sanae > Cirno
I meant your own, but I digress.
I'll have to get back to you on that...
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I can feel the disgust slithering up inside of me like a giant snake.

Stop hasseling the camera crew. Do you want a slice of Izaya's pie or not?

I'm not threatening you. I want you to be nice and relaxed. Don't clench baby, just let it happen.

Not even a practice kiss for your fang-toothed sweetheart?
>stronger than the strongest

Smh desu
No, it's Gook Nootem
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>I'm just being honest, Cirno is canonically the weakest of all my avatars
If I let you e-fuck me... Does that make me the new Junko?
You just have to believe! Believe in the... S-spleen? Yeah! The spleen of the cards!
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My avas.jpg
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Akatsuki Ousawa, Yui Kurata, Maria Naruse, Mutsu, Kaine, Maya Shimon, Inaho Kaizuka, Julie Sigtuna, Francesca Lucchini
Not 100% sure on this summary, but it alright.

... I am going to make this solid a liquid soon.

Don't worry I've still got plenty more cameras I can set up.
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Are you implying that I only have room for one in my lesbian-trap harem
Post the last vidya screenshot you took
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Cirno 195.jpg
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Both of you freaks shut the hell up. It's either Duke Nukem, The King or my personal favourite: Daddy.
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>slithering up inside of me
>like a giant snake
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Still laughing over this

Maybe another time my dude.
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>tosses chaff grenades non stop, preventing any cameras from working

I can keep this up all night.
OK Puke Snukem
Drop them all except Francesca
No but I want to be the new Junko.
I'm good at being a drama queen that likes to play the victim everytime someone calls you out on your hypocritical bullshit.
And I asked around and they said I needed that and to get e-fucked by you.
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>Also if we're adding filler too: New One I Still Need To Use, Bundt, Catty&Bratty, Nan, Aunt Mall Cop. SJW Gazelle.
>Steals the man's bandanna
Okay, you stop that right this instance!

Hm... Nope!
Ms. Baker > All
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what are these fellas lookin at?
This is why you make the big bucks.

Youre well on your way to surpassing that set predisposition you've made for yourself cutie pie.
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>causes the air to explode by you with his psychic power.

I will turn you into a snowcone.
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Latias System Solo.png
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Took this while playing Spore on one of my old Herbivore saves
Are we still talking about power levels or who your best ava was?
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Someone did it.
> is happy
But we actually like your shitposting. You already surpass Junko
Yeah, go ahead.
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Well I would be, if somebody wasn't filling the air wit chaff grenades! Worse is the floor, look at all this I'll have to clean up!

I was the only one honey.
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Cirno 269.jpg
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>fucking dies
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Really? I can become higher than Junko? Can I control hg while playing 6d chess?
>pisses on the melted Cirno
Literally who?

P-Power levels
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You're the coca cola of whatever you are. You can't sell anything else now.
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>shoots you in the tit with a trank round n takes the bandana back
>Snake then equips a box and runs off, muttering something about how usefull a box is in battle.
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Don't worry, we'll round up some aboriginals and get it taken care of bottom dollar.

You can do whatever you set your mind to you beautiful disaster you~
But I don't control hunger games from the shadows while playing 5d chess like she does
I was the leader of the rp police.
I shot people that had bad rp.
Cirno is a special snowflake.

>not playing Battleship in the 74th spacial dimension and 167th time dimension
So id the rest of these people.

Well she's at the top of both.
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That was too easy. I bet she just reforms later.
Oh well.
I guess I will go browse the inter-warp.
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That's fucking hilarious.
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>Pulls the tranq dart out and tosses it to the side, the girl seeming to have reacted not even the slightest to the tranquilizer, possibly from building up an immunity to it.
Well bye then crazy soldier.

Just tell then there's a jerrycan of gas in it for them if they do it, don't even need to give it to them and instead use it for a vehicle to get out of the once it's done... Or run them over, which ever seems better to do.
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DRRR Manga Izaya 019.png
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I'm a wonderful salesman. I could sell ice to Eskimos, or starvation to Africa.
I could sell myself as hgs saviour.
I wanna be a cry baby.
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IU is pleased.
That's easy. Join an Antifa protest and take notes.

God I love the porn business.
And it's really easy! The hardest part about the porn business comes once it's distributed~
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Junkos in antifa?
But he's australian. Coming from a land that tries to kil you 24/7 means he can actually handle himself.

Tqualif'd be over-qualified for smashing trash cans to teach us a lesson.
He'd be*

stupid phone...
>took me 15+ minutes to find the thread because no "hg"
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>rages tentacly
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Mike (all he wanted was a pepsi)
Oreki Houtarou
Shigeru (Evangelion, he has a boner)
Arr Pee
Funky Student
Chris (hellbenders)
Ayase Aragaki
Bandit Keith
Booty Warrior
Dave (civil protection)
Niggasa (Nagisa 50% off)
Radioman (the line)
John Konrad
Ikta Solark
Serbia Ball (some fuck niggered it from me a while back so I let them keep it)
Desert Punk (given to stocking over a year ago)
Kevin Owens
BROKEN Jeff Hardy
Skull Face
Nero (91 days)
King Ragnar
Edward Kenway
Kazuhira "killing spree in KFC" MIller
Prince Schneizel
Pip Bernadotte
Shizuo Heiwajima (was niggered from me by like 5 different people, I was the original, you guys can keep him, whoever avas him now)
Col. Quaritch
Vaas "he'll rape your ass" Montenegro
Wolfwood (trigun)
Captain Walker
Jeremiah Gottwald
Hyūga Akito
Cade Skywalker
Rosarita Cisneron (Robert black lagoon, did like one time but they have no character fitting hg, might do again later)
Freeman's Mind
Nosferatu Zodd (for like 2 days, was too scared of screwing him up I ran)
Wilson (castaway)

Top is weakest
Bottom is strongest
this bar a small few is of every ava I've ever done
witness, autism: the roster
kys baron
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>Pets Aikawa's back and gives him a comforting rub
It's alright, you didn't miss anything.
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>The catalog isn't that big
You think I'd let someone I care about do that to themselves? Pshaw

Thrust be the Catachen fighters of Earth if they weren't so scared of rooty tooty point and shooties

Spending those fat stacks of paper?
It is! And full of furry!
>leans into the pets
Oh no... I saw this earlier...
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Are you going to win my game with one of them?
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Well I guess there's that too... I was going more for a dick joke though.

>Continues to pet the silly little trap
Now I know you dress as a girl, but you really must be quite the little pussy to complain about a little fur~
>Nevermind, Oreki
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Actually we have cry babies aswell.
Mainly in Melbourne where everything is given to you on a silver plate because you have rich parents that can afford a nice house there.
>the current year
>caring about junko
So anyway are you gonna plow my ass or what?
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It'd be a waste of time because you'd find some way to still lose.
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I'm not! I just don't like it! You're more of a girl than me!
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Ive been doing that since this conversation started

I'm fucking dead. Holy shit.

I'll get the hang of penises soon... I promise
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Oh are you sure about that? I think you may have managed to be more of a girl then I am~

You'll be getting the hang of well hung cock? Alrighty then, Suz.
Most penises don't hang around here.
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>the game can't handle that much change
>glitches with zero winners every time
>mfw it's still more entertaining than his GAME CHANGA!
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why would I ever want to kiss you?
No way! You can't be more of a girl than a girl!
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I-is that what they're for? I dunno Maria, please help.

I know, most dickheads never just chill

Because you know I'm taken and you respect the boundaries that are in place.
>a transgendered man won the title of worlds most perfect woman
Really makes you think
Post yfw Junko is Ahri
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you got me
fucking destroyed
how will I ever recover?
>Even men are better at being a woman
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>he frowns visibly and rolls his eyes before closing them while saying
Are you saying I would want to kiss you because you're taken?
That's a wierd kink you got. Don't involve me, pervert.
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With hello kitty bandaids as you hide behind your autism.

The same as any other man in the privacy of their parents basement.

Brb, tendies are done! Yaaaaay!
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I don't know what goes on in that hormonally imbalanced teenage brain of yours. Why would I assume something awful like that?
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oh wow, I didn't know I had to move out the moment I turned 18, despite still being in high school... I'm sure you, an adult, are doing so much better with your life
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>he sighs and makes a perfect smug asshole face for you
You said it, not me. I asked why would I want to kiss you? You said because you're taken.
Oh...I thought you said.... Something else.
That's stupid...
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Move out? Who would cook my tendies for me? Last time I tried to cook, I caught the kitchen on fire melting butter! Mommie grounded me, and took away my Sunset doll with built in fleshlight!
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Pic related came to mind reading that shit
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>he gives this evil wierd creepy smile
I'm sure you did. You are really convincing. Oh silly me.
Mmmm nice
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I really want to believe that this happened.

I-I'm glad we could come to an understanding dude, really that just means the world to me y'know?
Elf ears?
get fucked EU
>being blind
You might need glasses.
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No just rough, misleading pencil lines.
Nice digits
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I bet you are, pervert. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
Saddest part is he probably wasn't making it up.
My cat is sleeping on my shoulder. What do?
I think it might be you who is blind.

I figured. I really want to make that edit now, though.
Punch it
rip its legs off and feed it to a dog, cats are scum
Post pics.
I need a dose of cuteness.
No, I am blind. Really sucks needing glasses, even if it was fun scaring my coworkers operating 10,000 pound reach trucks blind.
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images (64).jpg
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Pet it
I want to make love to Suz tbqh
Thread posts: 380
Thread images: 238

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