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/sug/ - Steven Universe General Kill Yourself Edition Last

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Thread replies: 606
Thread images: 252

/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Kill Yourself Edition

Last Thread: >>8417097

>New episodes at 7pm EDT
???: "Lion 4: Alternate Ending"
>Room for Ruby
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>Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic

>New game "Save the Light" coming soon to consoles
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

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kill yourself
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I want- here we go.
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kill yourself
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I've just been thinking of you. Right on cue, so to say.
Steven/Rose×Garnet - Valentine/Dating Game Show Host
Steven/Rose×Pearl (Rainbow Quartz) - 80s Dancer/Gymnast
Steven/Rose×Amethyst (Smoky Quartz) - 90s teen (??? this one's pretty hard to pinpoint unlike the others)
Steven/Rose×Peridot - Retro Gamer/Hacker
Steven/Rose×Lapis - Surfer/Beach Bum
Steven/Rose×Jasper - ???
Garnet×Pearl (Sardonyx) - Magician
Garnet×Amethyst (Sugilite) - Oni/Punk
Garnet×Peridot - Commander
Garnet×Lapis - Diver/Pro Swimmer
Garnet×Jasper - Amazon Warrior
Pearl×Amethyst (Opal) - Indian Goddess
Pearl×Peridot - Mad Scientist
Pearl×Lapis - Greek/Roman Goddess
Pearl×Jasper - Aztec Warrior
Amethyst×Peridot - Catgirl
Amethyst×Lapis - Emo/Scene Teen
Amethyst×Jasper - Wrestler/Bodybuilder
Peridot×Lapis - Magical Girl Parody
Peridot×Jasper - Tank
Lapis×Jasper (Malachite) - Sea Monster (debut)/Poseidon (post-Jasper redemption)

Reposting this here. Also, as much as I love Milky Quartz, I'm not gonna add them lmao :I
WAIT, I got this. No need to post it I'm on it..
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too slow
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>Orange dilldo
Like it should be.
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Always right.
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>_500 and _1280 are identical
god I hate it when that happens.
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mighty waves.png
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>Beach bum
dope, dood
You're all beautiful human beings and individual miracles of the universe. Please don't ever say that you'd like to stop living.
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Internet Graphics (8768463).png
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but what if I'm tired.
>fill colors on a multiply layer
I'm gonna do that tomorrow if nobody else manages
maybe if you spent less time caring about what you post to appease someone you could enjoy fanart, and be told to kill yourself on occasion.
Stressing yourself out every time you read 500 in width is gonna take you nowhere, you do not understand what are the telling signs of a resized image, you're gonna go crazy
im happy, this manga is curing my depression
sides, I cant die, if I die not knowing how this show ends id kill myself
kill yourself
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It's not primarily trying to appease someone. I also happen to hate downscaled images myself. I'm just terrible at spotting them. Although I'm getting better at it. It's a mix of not wanting to be a bother, a bit of pride, and perfectionism on my part.
>read comment above (you)
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How do you guys like my gif?
>fill colors on a multiple layer
what do you mean by this?
reminder mystery girl is pearl and rose's daughter from another universe and kevin is connie's counterpart
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>Series is about kids learning new stuff about his shapeshifting rock guardians gradually
>Kid doesn't ask questions that normal kids would ask, such as "Where did Lion come from?" or "Is Garnet a fusion? or even "Are Gems aliens?"

How would you fix this, /co/?

I can see a couple of options:

1. Have him already know at the beginning of the series
2. Have him ask, but the Gems answer "We'll tell you when you're ready."

How about you?
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taking flight.jpg
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Good shit, my dood
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This is the orginal!
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Well good luck then
Hopefully your folder isn't so big it makes visipics absolutely unusable
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Gems should share their umbrella with their classmates
There's nothing to fix. It's fine like this. They seem like obvious questions to you, but he spent his whole life with them, he's used to have shapeshifting rocks made of light around him and he questions it the same way you wonder about the sun or where flowers come from or something. It's not unusual to him.
she probably smells like mildew and sushi rolls
What about shounen protagonist for Stevesper? Or something boyish, masculine, that you couldn't get away with in any other fusion. We've had enough wrestling, I considered that
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this show isn't worth your time
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Then you should have a frank discussion with someone who knows what they're talking about, anon.

Promise me you'll call a hotline if you ever get that urge, okay?
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Indexer, is there a larger version of this?
It doesn't seem so
Jesus Rose I'm just tried not suicidal.
Death doesn't seem that bad when you are tired though, the idea of no more sensations at all doesn't seem so bad. When I'm old and tired all the time I'm sure I'll look forward to death.
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eh, I'll manage. I think in all those years I haven't managed to hit the 1TB mark.
interesting, never heard of that until now
shame it's win exclusive. I've always wanted to write a little program that allows me to search images on my computer though.
oh so not necessarily a bad thing then
uh oh

oh no
You spilt your drink didn't you, tsk
Steven's pregnant?
It would be a problem, since I'm at ~88k files, 35GB or so
You can probably find similar software for Linux, dunno about Apple.
It's the simplest way to color a B/W picture, granted your lineart isn't some shitty shade of gray
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Whoa mama.png
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Earth vs Homeworld.png
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is this alright?
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Thank you so much coloranon.
my monster drink, such a waste too, Im gonna die
>implying he wont give birth to rose
Oh. Okay.
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What if Pearl didn't wear shorts one episode?
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Alright, goodnight you shits
See you tomorrow
ya hecked up, johnny
>I guessed correctly

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She would be a better character
What if Jasper ripped off Sapphire's dress and started molesting her naked body?
We can't show her 18-incher in a kids show.
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sleep tight, anon.webm
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Sleep tight, anon
sweet dreams
I want her to leg lock choke hold me hot damn
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sleep well.
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sugar tw.jpg
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i may have found a potential future VA in SU

this is a list of gems to not be trusted
they bring in drug, they're bring crime, their rapist, and some i assume are good people
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How long till Zuke posts her Lapidot porn.
When the uprootening happens.
How long until Zuke posts a sketch with even a remote amount of effort put into it again.
Do you think it's fetish shit or vanilla?
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they should change her shorts to these
I'm not necessarily against certain themes, it's just that I'd wait until there's more interaction (positive interaction) between the two. Something to see how they'd hang out if one wasn't trying to viciously murder the other.
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when u n u t but u bae keep succin n u otha bae b peepin
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you remind me, I've had an interesting discussion recently and came to a conclusion I haven't thought of. In my line of work I'm often asked things along the lines of "what's the point/use of X?"
This question always bothered me but I think I found a valid way to process it.

The issue at hand is that a use or "point", by nature, implies application, a use case. However, this in return implies the existence of some abstract problem that needs to be solved. After all, accomplishment is void of meaning without the context of a goal, an action, something that needs doing. However, goals are arbitrary things, and that is the core issue. What people actually mean with "use" or "point" is whether it benefits other things they arbitrarily labeled worthwhile. While this is ultimately obvious, it's a point that is relevant to actually draw the proper conclusion from: There is no point in answering with anything but a counter question.
how long until you and zuke kill yourselves
it's all piss and eggs
No vore?
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pearl jeans.webm
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she wouldnt like it
Did Lapis learn her lesson or is she going to sperg out again if she sees a video chat?
maybe a little vore
I wish we could post connie porn. How is it that rape smut is okay but loli isn't? They're both objectively morally wrong
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all waifus are acceptable
>Did Lapis learn her lesson

Very open-minded
I can appreciate this
how did you find this picture of me
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We'll see in the episode where Amethyst epicly pranks Lapis by showing her a video on a phone of Steven crying for help.
>Cameron Esposito is an American comedian best known for her stand-up comedy, which often focuses on LGBTQ topics and references aspects of her lesbianism

Only because sugar has her on twitter?
Woah mama
Loli is against the rules.
>Pearl goes crazy and starts breaking laws
>Pearl takes her pants off in front of Steven
>still no /ss/ porn of this scene
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ah, a anon with taste
Lapis drive to protect steven comes first before logic and reasoning
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can we all report indexer and get him banned again please?
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I looked up "excellent wife material" and picked my favorite
kill yourself
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Because Amethyst would know.
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that pic is 100% me expect i had cats despite my allergies and i'm a landwhale
It's illegal in some places and /trash/ this basically is /b/ for canadian furfags.
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kill yourself
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lion aproves.gif
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I didn't even care about what you said till I saw the digits. You are my idol, and what you say will always be true to me. Regardless of my morals.
because raping adults is a tiny bit better than raping little kids which is pretty much what loli porn is since little kids can't legally consent you pedo
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well I'll be damned.
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I want my bone inside of Amethyst's stone
Rape is a common fetish, loli is degenerate and you deserve to be in jail.
Not if that's not the case within the narrative
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nice pussy
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nice numbers bro
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kek no its rape pal
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thnks, I dont shave
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Would you wear these?
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No amount of money would get me to wear those.
sugar has liked plenty of her tweets,and if you check her likes its 92% her crews tweets
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those quints
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now that's a character I haven't seen in ages
on my fucking face
If I was female and removed the zuke alien.
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what if they have the special perk that you'd be granted to sleep with any peridotfag or -dot shipper of your choice
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that is either a very feline squirrel
or a very squirrely feline
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Not the anon but these terms are really vague, can it be used more than once? On different people? Do you have to find them or do you teleport or some shit?
That's actually fascinating
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>tfw no peridot panties
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Meant for this post dammit: >>8433629

how is a drawing of loli any more evil that an adult being raped? For starters, nobody is being harmed in either, yet both are clearly horrible to practice in real life. Of course, everybody accepts that people who fap to rape porn don't all rape in real life, so why can't the same be said for people who like loli?

If it's just that one is more common, all you're doing is targeting my taste for being slightly more uncommon, which evidence actually says isn't true at all. The number of people into my sort of thing are estimated in the range from 5%-33%, which you might recognize as being between 1-in-20 and 1-in-3.

I don't think it's a good thing to fap to, but neither is rape and we seem just fine and cozy with that sort of bullshit
wow lapis with no fucking eyeballs so creative and original
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open flap .png
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I would if it's like this
Is that cum
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for this art is it based on an AU? I noticed they're wearing regular clothing and want to know if theres a specific reference I should follow before coloring it in or could also tell me who's the artist
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Hey, That's Pretty Good!.gif
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fucking kek dude stop
Stop trying to justify your fetish. It's wrong and there's no changing it.
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alright alright. as often as you like, with the same person (item may degrade from use). They'll be conveniently near to you.
orangekissess and they're in wedding outfits. jasper as bride peri as groom
Just leave, no one wants you or your fetish here.

I'm sick and tired of having to see myself as a freak and monster despite never acting n my urges when people who fap to equally bad bullshit are seen as perfectly normal
It's not about this board, it's real world laws.

He never said it isn't wrong.

Why do you care? Just enjoy whatever you like.

reread this --> >>8433396
also this --> >>8433667

now kill yourself
You could just keep it to yourself. What kind of benefit is there to posting about it if you know you'll just be shut down?
You don't understand

it's easy, it's breezy, it's filled with meme's
>steven universe general
>is against drawn cp
Literally Tumblr. I was hoping 4chan was a bit better, but clearly I was wrong.
oh thank you!
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You are disgusting and not welcome. Just leave
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YoU nEeD hElP.gif
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>Still perifags
And still worse
Just letting you know that I like you.
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i don't care about shipping them, but if you wanna draw them fucking at least age up the minors you pedophile
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why would I? I have anonymity and an audience. If you people didn't want me to be awful you shouldn't have given me complete immunity to social accountability. I can just disappear back into the beige and you'll never know it was me. Can't do that in real life!
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If the gems all wrote books, what do you think the topic of each would be?
Hi Tumblr.
just fucking kill yourself, not even joking
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So you've admitted that your post is bait.
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oh come on, I bet there is something positive you can say about perifags
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>wanting to be normal
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On the Human Condition by Rose Quartz
I can link them to being the only kind of fags who shipped Lapidot and caused that terrible era in /sug/faggotry.
I'm not sure i CAN find a positive thing about those kind of fags to be honest, besides how sad they are from how terribly their waifu went.
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waited for this.jpg
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nah, I love stevidot which is super hated by tumblr. but I'm also not a pedophile so I would prefer aged up porn
Pearl's would be about sword and war tactics
Amethyst would have Steven take photos of stuff and they she would describe how it tastes for people who can't eat it. A nice big picture book with descriptions.
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Internet Graphics (8719453).png
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Relationships but it would be like how the music of best coast just makes you be like jesus you aren't balanced nor should you be talking about this.
Video game strategy guide
Dumpster Diving guide
IT for Clods
A autobiography about being raped, or a creative writing piece about some one being trapped.

I could do fusions if you'd like.
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more like a How to Rape for Dummies
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How are you doing tonight /sug/
That might be what you prefer, but you shouldn't be ignoring that other people have different tastes.
>Steven, Jasper
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>different tastes
wanting to rape children is "different tastes" alright kek
Jaspers dead and Steven wouldn't be able to write a whole book.
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Internet Graphics (8901222).png
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Headache but pretty alright.
If you can't distinguish between fiction and real life you really need to look for help.
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Down Up.gif
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how to rape people and then get away with it by making people thing you were the one who got raped
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I like your strategy. Using bait on a baiter.
>"Hey Anon, wanna fuck?"
>No Amy, last time we did I had to go to the hospital for my eviscerated penis.
Got any more Pearl's like this?
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>still trying to justify raping kids
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So Lapis is a thrid wave feminist?
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I don't like this.
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i got fired and i dont know what to do so im numbing myself out i guess
Actually hold on, do you have this without the checkered background?
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holy shit
>still being tumblr
great post
>Rose: a travel book about earth
>Pearl: a military epic with a lesbian romance
>Garnet: a bad romance novel
>Amethyst: she wouldn't
>Rubies: illiterate
>Sapphire: a fairy tale
>Peridot: Sonichu
>Lapis: a depressing autobiography
>Jasper: a radical right-wing manifesto
>Bismuth: a radical left-wing manifesto
>YD: War tactics
>BD a history book addressed to her sister
>Holly: a textbook or guide to abusive child-rearing
>Peetle: ???
>Carnelian: ???
>Skinny: ???
>still being a baby rapist
You could just shitpost
>>Peridot: Sonichu
Fuck you, I kek'd
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that is an unfortunate association to make I admit. It doesn't help that perifags are less prominent overall, don't you think. I mean, Jasper-/Pearl-/Lapisfags are more vocal in a way. Same for Rose- and Opalfags.
did you get fired for being drunk on the job?
fuck, BD would be a biography about her sister
>Lamar is considered one of the worst boarders
>hasn't had an SMIP episode since "Onion Friend", and before that "Love Letters"
>Joe/Colin and Jeff are considered the best boarding pairs
>literally never have their episodes JUST'd at Rough Draft
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>still being a pedophile
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save it. There is no checkered background
Headaches suck. What are you up to?
Why did you get fired? What was the job?
story time?
Yeah, quickly realized it's just chrome. Sorry.
bottom left one is really cute
Jeff's drawing style is so shit that if Roughdraft had to animate any of his episodes it would look worse than Crack the Whip
>literally never have their episodes JUST'd at Rough Draft
Kek. Of course, their alotted concentration of townie versus plot episodes further compound a given boarder's shittiness
>Holly poster got fired
im deeply sorry for you anon, I hope you find a replacement job soon
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Yea I'm not a fan of that recent chrome update at all.
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What drugs or addictions would she do/have?
I agree. I kinda like the idea of an "old" gem
It's just, the only other fags that i can possibly see being the cause of Lapidot shitposting is Lapisfags, but they got out of a period of seeing Lapis as a perfect angel and i don't think they'd go that far with shipping her with a forced pairing.
Perifags on the other hand could have been shipping her to get her some kind of satisfactory ending, because she was a broken record of what she once was.

I guess i don't have enough experience of them but i don't remember anything positive about them.
tired, but rejuvenated by reading about material science and argument. I kind of wish I could get some inspiration back and do some more writing but I'm fine for now.

Maybe I should read a book about world myths, science, history or a mix of those three
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>tfw no more just Steven and Peridot interactions
Why Hollyposter? You just had to bake some bread and cool it on the drinking god damn it.
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When you are around so long you are bound to get a crack or two
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Headaches do suck. I'm probably going to end up drinking, and playing gwent.
Currently I'm re-watching all the CN pilots to see if some of the ones I disliked had any redeeming qualities.
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It's true!
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I like to watch videos about whatever I want inspiration for. It doesn't work that often but it can.

i passed out from exhaustion and iron deficiency whilst holding a fuckhuge bowl full of warm cream cheese icing. When i woke up, i was on the floor and my station looked like the aftermath of an anime bukkake orgy. it's a small bakery business, so we really couldn't afford any losses. boss told me he had it with me and that i either quit or get fired. I think he was in a bad mood and i might get called tomorrow but still, i'm the least experienced cook in there, so i'll probably be easily replaced

copy pasted because i dont wanna type this shit down again
retarded Lapisfags spam Lapidot here all the time, most aren't smart enough to care about her situation in the show and how Lapidot is part of the reason she's shit now
I'm tired of being the silent anon. Give something to talk about.
I wonder who is the oldest gem of the group
>>Lamar is considered one of the worst boarders
I consider Raven and Paul to be the weakest boarders currently. Even if Rough Draft wrecks their shit, that doesn't change the fact that their art doesn't look good to start. In their sketches they still have cocaine pupils and Jay Leno chins.
Reply to my posts anon give me Yous.
What do you think season 5 will be about?
sorry that sucks. rest well tonight and make sure to get that iron deficiency in check!
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How do we stop Lapis from keep raping?
>I consider Raven and Paul to be the weakest boarders currently
they're the only ones who actually know how to write, idiot
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Instead of calling an ambulance to make sure your weren't critically ill or dying, they threatened to fire you when you woke up? You're just a dollar symbol to them. No humanity.
You're better off without those damn sociopaths. Working culture in the US disgusts me.
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I just consider waifufags and shipfags to be different entities with overlap. On the other hand, I am extremely neutral about that whole ordeal on the first place so I may not be the one to talk.
true. I wonder if steven could revert those as well
>coke pupils
I like it in a way. They are good writers
>jay Leno chins
You meant Jasper and only Jasper. It's either Paul or Raven who do that, I keep forgetting. But didn't Colin board Jasper getting corrupted (titled "Jasper poop" on Tumblr) and she had the hugest chin ever there?
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How hyped are you for Jasper to return and save the show?
Eat some meat.
Also I'm pretty sure that unless you live in a right to work state that's not ok, in fact its illegal.
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I've watched too many youtube videos of educational stuff

maybe I should re-read The Disappearing Spoon or Guns Germs and Steel. 1491 is an option too but so much of it is wasted talking about geography

honestly, that sounds like you could call for a wrongful termination suit if they didn't do anything to get you medical attention
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some smiling yellows + a cursed front-facing yellow
That doesn't change the fact that their art is bad. Part of the enjoyment of animation is for it to look good.
Raven and Rebecca boarded the Jasper corruption scene. Raven gives her the big ass chin and Paul makes her look like a wonky action figure like he does with every other character.
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Does Pearl use Steven for sex or does she genuinely love him?
I'm more of a hearthstone person myself
Should I try gwent?
That is horrible. Firing you instead of trying to help you. Get that iron thing worked out. I've got that problem but have never passed out.
probably Pearl
I'm sure he would. Make an old gem feel new. Fix all the little surface fractures.
What is it you want to write?
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stop that shit
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someone will call the mods so rip

i'm not from the US, and also they saw me when I was already awake and didn't really think it was necessary I guess. besides my boss thinks i'm a 'troubled youth' so i guess he was just putting up with me. i never really went through any formalities, i just saw the pastry cook needed sign and got in. i played myself in the end i guess.
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Its a very different card game. I enjoy it more then hearthstone. Deck consistency is way higher so I find it less frustrating but I often times know if I will win or not pretty early in a match.
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where do you live anyway
Ah, I meant Aleth. Couldn't this massive chin he on him? At what point in production was link-related made?

fantasy honestly, but I haven't read anything educational to completion in at least 3 years, and anything at all to completion in months. I just want to read something that will make me smarter instead of entertainment
>He didn't read the part where it specifically says it's soft to the touch
Reading, motherfucker. Do you do it!?
I think Raven is actually very good at boarding emotional moments and drawing expressions, the only reason I can understand not liking her art style is because she shrinks Peridot, which is something Lamar does too. The way Paul draws characters can look a bit weird and clunky at times, but even he's not worse than Lamar.
Read Terry Pratchett novels. I learned a lot about world building and dialogue for fantasy settings while being entertained by it.
Regardless of if your went through any formalities or not, they shouldn't be treating you like this. Unless you really need the job your should leave.
Here is your You.
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That's just a drawing he made. It's possible that it could have been used for Raven/Rebecca to use as they were boarding the scene but it's more likely to just be fanart.
>saying this... on 4chan... in a /sug/ thread... in the /trash/

You're the kind of hero nobody asked for... and nobody expected...

But you're the kind of one this world could use more of.
Something big. I think it will be centered around the second war. Man they fucked up with Navy.
I read mort and good omens and didn't like either. Right now I want something educational
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i have to finish a book and study but im trapped in /sug/
Shatter her.
Did Ian get his get well soon card yet?
thread is slow right now im sure its safe to leave for a while
When I wanted to learn a bit about fashion I just bought a text book.
It was sent to him yesterday, I haven't checked if he acknowledged it
>it could have been used for Raven/Rebecca to use as they were boarding the scene
I would like to know for sure. Maybe I can ask somewhere. That Jasper really did look different from any other so far when delivering "nobody I fuse with" line before corruption kicked off
She won't. Just accept that she's gone. I know Jascucks are filled with grief, but you just have to know when to bail.
The one thing i remember about Perifags was how they constantly spammed pictures or memes of Peridot, "KAPOWIE" comes to mind, with this kind of logic i wouldn't see how they're not connected to the constantly spamming meme spewing Lapidots.
I have no right to say this considering myself but damn.
i probably will, im not amazing at my job because im sort of slow, i dont know if I'll be able to find another that puts up with that.
and i went to work because i cant live without working, it makes me feel useful. i would always stay too long after closing time or stayed helping out the next shift. i guess i annoyed a lot of my co workers too.
pink cum-lube
I want to protect this smile.
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It's the only use actual for a Lapis Lazuli
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Everytime I see a razor next to some powder I want to snort it.
is this you
holy shit
roses don't summon swords
What, do you want her inside of you?
you are right
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I believe in YOU!!! Don't underestimate yourself!
Would you snort a corrupted gem?
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No I used to do cocaine on a regular basis.
I bet the sick fucks would.
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I like Ian's new haircut!!! It looks cool like him!!!!
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How do we stop anon from keep bad grammar?
graphic anon you are one weird person
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made from real lapis.jpg
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You're actually looking at one of the most historically valuable pigments for paint, ultramarine.
Not the best for snorting.
Whatever, I am a bit tired but I'm not sleeping.
I hope they used that. Imagine having blue jeans dyed with lapis and not indigo
>Pearlfag who thinks Lapis dindu is a cokehead
Really makes you think
i wanna read lapis's book
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This is almost as jarring as it was to meet Skinny
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Pearl. Garnet is technically only a fusion, so maybe Sapphire and Ruby are older, but she isn't.

That's awful, anon.

If money is an issue, I know it is for a lot of people, sardines and beef or chicken liver are inexpensive sources of heme iron, which is probably what you're lacking. You can also look for supplements, I know they're not terribly expensive.

And like the others said, them threatening you with termination in the face of a medical issue and failing to properly care for you isn't alright.
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Eh I like to think its more like differently consistent.
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Paul drew her with a huge chin in The Return, and Raven posted this on Tumblr late into 2015, around the time when they would have been boarding for Earthlings and it looks much like the way Jasper looks as she's trying to keep the Ocean Jasper fused with her and during the 5ever alone scene. Aleth wouldn't have randomly been brought in to board that scene because he is a character designer, which is why those drawings just could have been concept designs for Jasper's corrupted form.

I figured it was just fanart because he put his signature on it and you usually don't do that with production art.
it's so disappointing when you realize how many renaissance artists traced their art off of a camera obscura
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who molested him
Rebecca is the only one strong enough to molest the big nig himself.
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Why would you say that? Plz no rumors about Ian!!
Why is Ian so ugly? Did his mom drop him on his face when he was a baby?
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would you hug a fat gem?
Dude, look at him. When people binge eat they do it to control their emotions after something traumatic.
Somebody might have raped /ourguy/
Stop making rumors.
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Don't bully Ian! Hes a nice guy.
Considering i want Jasper to sit on my face...
Fuckin' dumb as shit man. Jacking it to drawn children turning you on is fucked because it's literally the closest thing you can get to actual child porn without it being considered "child porn". (even though it still is lmao) The only thing stopping you from doing it to actual children is a fucking law. If that law weren't there you'd have no problem with it, and yeah apparently this is "tumblr" to you, but most people thinking being turned on by children to any degree is fucking degenerate subhuman behavior. Sucks but nobody's ever going to think of you differently. No matter how much arguing and whining you do.
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Ian is very handsome and cute!!! He has jolly cheeks and cool hair!! He is not ugly at all!!
Absolutely no rumors about Ian in /sug/!!!!!!!!!!! It is rude and not okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, get out of here. You're the outcast and the one nobody loved.
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I only have arms to hug a chibby gem
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Thank you anon! I hate when people make rumors! It's not nice!!!
Everyone should be nicer like Becky Sucrose!!
>the lock of hair in the way
>that furrowed brow
GOOD eye anon

So "Jasper poop" is either fanart of the existing scene (weird, a crew's own redraw seems redundant though the signature definitely suggests this), or concept art of Jasper's corrupted form... which still would mean his work came before Raven/Sugar boarding the scene, surely. Or perhaps production isn't as streamlined as I think it is. I'll just go with redraw of an impactful scene
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>defending tumblr shit

worse than pedos
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Ian is very nice!!! I want to snug him!!
Well played sapphyphag
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Eh, idk how much of the Peri shrinking is her and how much is Rough Draft. In TNCG, there were a few moments where she was p short ("I know what everyone is REALLY here to see!"), but that's an example of something I'd say should be allowed with the shows loose boarding rules.

I made pic related a day or two ago. In all of their SMIP episodes w/ Peri, she's pretty on-model for the most part, with some offish proportions here and there, but nothing too egregious. In the Rough Draft episodes, she's shorter, her hair size varies wildly, there's little to no elbow/wrist definition, etc.
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>that dudes unzipped pants
I hope you look better then this /sug/
I will NEVER feel sympathetic for anyone here! I never could...
His face is pretty attractive but he looks skinnyfat and
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nobody would survive raping him
he can murder a child in one bite, you know
Do you think I can still be a good person, even if I like bad things?
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no never
here's your (you)
That's obviously a /sug/ user
If you're the pro-loli/CP guy then no, but otherwise probably.
If you can contain it.
Don't bully the fan plz!!
Sorry, Jasperfags are scum.
i guess yes? you'd know you're fucked inside though, at least that's how i feel
Yes, unless it's pedo.
I only wear basketball shorts
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>fast forward to modern episodes
>he asks questions frequently
>turns out they either dont know or dont want to answer anyway

The real question that should be asked is why you think this show can be saved.
Except I wouldn't, you dumb baiter.

I think I said this while we were still in /co/, but I kinda wish the show had at least one song that's kinda mean and bitter and brash like link related. It kinda goes against the show's whole mood/tone, so I'm not really expecting it to happen anytime soon.
You're fucking retarded.
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Not the other guy, but there is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia if the child fully understands what sex is and its consequences and consents, just like any other relationship.
Sounds like lapis-song material
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I can see Lapis singing a song like that.
Which isn't going to happen, anyway.
fuck off pearl
>Wanting to fuck man-children

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If anyone were to it'd be Lapis or Jasper, which is pretty probable at this point, especially for Lapis.
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>Skinny fat
Nah hes a chunky boy. Does have good facial aesthetics. Shirt is to tight as well.
I am now aware I probably looked as bad as him a 6 months ago.
>if the child fully understands what sex is
>fully understands what sex is
please bait on another website
Kill yourself no would miss you.
>he's a chunky boy
Why are you so cute pearlfag?
Look me.
plz no
That bait worked the first time. Looks like everyone is falling for it again. Here's your (you).
Please stop misusing the word "bait".
Not if you're a retarded lapidirtfag.
I knew what sex was when I was in early elementary. Is sexual education really that awful in America or what?
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If you had to get raped by TWO gems simultaneously, which ones would you choose?
Please stop misunderstanding the 4chan dialect.
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Don't make fun of Korean artists, they're trying their best.
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I don't know southern charm? Thank you by the way.
Fucking kill yourself already, Brad.
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nice comeback pedo, here's a (you)
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is it rape if i want it
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Actually what.
Who's Brad? Is he one of those tards who joined a discord.
You're the one who doesn't understand what it means. Stating a fact or an opinion that you don't agree with isn't bait you faggot.
Not okay.
They would be shattered before they even touch me.
whatever helps (you) justify your sick fetish my man.
I know, I know, I just find engrish so amusing.
>Stating a fact or an opinion that you don't agree with isn't bait
Stating an opinion that is meant to piss of the majority of the other users is the definition of bait.
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You would like violent double tip butt penetration?
It isn't, and that's also not what's happening here.
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This is actually interesting. I didn't actually know about sex but sometime in 2nd grade I came to my own conclusion that since men have things that stick out of their body girls (since they are the opposite in my kid mind) logically would have a hole in the same place. Thinking about that concept is what gave me not my first boner but my first boner through sexual thoughts. That lead me to believe intrinsically humans know what sex is.
I wonder if there was ever a study about this specific and stupid thing.
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Here you go everyone
kek stop trying to stick your dick in babies, anon
Of course. Human nature and all of that
>majority of the other users
Don't fucking kid yourself, you delusional faggot.
Baiting means trying to get a lot of replies, not avoiding to post an opinion that a newfag who came here from Tumblr isn't comfortable with.
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I'll watch it later
i didnt stop to think they would have dicks but oh well
I want to say I'd leave it to the professionals, but the safest choice would be two Zoo amethysts
>avoiding to post
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wew this one is taking way longer then I thought to color.. Is this alright so far?
There might be a SU two-hour marathon tomorrow.
>p-p-please stop triggering me..
lapis is probably older than all of them
remove the shit colored butthole and labia and it's golden
They're comfy and easy to wear
Its great! good work.
Eh, I suppose it worked. I am somewhat peeved.
What are you using to color your pics?
Remove your life and you're golden.
good (shitty) ol gimp
is all Jaspis art just Jasper getting raped now
Why'd dosnt STEVEN wear shorts?
Remove yourself from this thread and we're all golden.
Just download sai.
Why dont you give me 5 dollars
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Kek yes you put me in there thank you
I actually have that and artrage lite but eh.. I tend to just use gimp instead idk why
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he's self conscious
Does he have hairy legs?
>whip me holly
fucking kek
prob just fat :(
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Children are inherently sexual. Even male babies in the womb have been reported to get boners. At least one third of the human population of nearly any given country has had sex before high school. It's society that has pushed for oddly-high age of consent laws and for the absurd idea that children are completely pure, even though we were all children at one point and know this to be false. The age of the average girl's first period has constantly been on the decline, today being at around 10 years old, yet it is seen as degenerate to want to reproduce with these young girls who are at their prime? A century ago, you could have an intimate, loving relationship with children as young as 12, even in the Puritan United States. What went wrong I wonder?
Okay now where's the new episode.
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Ill probably put it to a little vote is this better or do people prefer >>8435234
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>TFW never been in a thread simulator of any kind
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>bride wearing red shoes
This is a RUDE picture anon
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Internet Graphics (8771165).png
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your scaring me.
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There's a ton of Lapis getting raped so I guess it evens out.
make it a bit more reddish orange
Fact: the average person CANNOT refute these points.
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>trying to justify having sex with legally non-consenting children
Fact: you are a fucking retard.
They're just roleplaying and not gettin married, Jasper is a cheap whore
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Why should they have to legally consent anyways? Why should the state interfere with the activities of the bedroom?
I want to poke Jasper's perfect peeping hole
still gross bro
I think I'm like 3 times.

It was nice, but probably it was the weakest you've made
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(heavy breathing).jpg
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What happened to all the cute stuff?
Now THIS has to be on the simulator
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>wanting to rape babies this badly
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>Why should they have to legally consent
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Wow, pedofags are almost as bad as Lapisfags!
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sugar uprooted it and tumblr banned it
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What's all the pedos today?
kill yourself
it's like one
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Pedo uprising soon
The normalization is in
I know it sucks to read, but both sides have a viable argument. Plus neither will reconsider their beliefs on 4chan. Let's just coexist until the /co/ schism.
>ITT: real paedophiles
You first Lapisfag
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We must detox this thread.
Says the fucking jascuck.
Kill yourself.
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very nice I like it
yea im gonna make it more creamish color
You could always go back to /r/eddit where you belong.
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clovergender was supposed to be a joke you faggots stop becoming pedos
>Said while posting cancer.
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Have some music, /sug/!

um, so, theyve always been here dood
just not very vocal
untill this thread
Bowie is overrated garbage.
you must detox yourself
sorry if they're too old for you
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Lapisfags are the ones who spam Lapidot and Lapiven, they and the pedophiles are probably the same cancerous fags.
i'm the one who requested this pic
gotta say holy shit looks amazing coloranon, keep up the great work
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Can they go back to being quiet
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Being if you stopped baiting them.
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I really disagree, anon. You're certainly entitled to like what you like, but discrediting his contributions to music and his talent simply because you don't like it is silly. Many great artists credit him as a major inspiration, and his work was considered groundbreaking at the time.
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It's that time again.

Post your favorite gem
Post your fetish
Bonus points: Tell us how that fetish could be used in an actual episode
Maybe when Brad stops being a faggot, but that won't ever happen so no.
>Pearl's face when the chains come out
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Time for emo /sug/
Face sitting/thicc girls/pain play
Saddie falls on stevens face?
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Transformation, degradation, abuse, mind break
I'm not creative enough to come up with a way to make an episode about it
kill yourselves
haha le murdercock maymay is so funni xDD upvoted my man :DDD
I wouldn't count lapivens as lapisfags, they mostly just care about their /ss/ fetish.
kys tard pericuck
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hello down there.png
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expect with murdercock JR
kill yourself
as a lapiven, can confirm
also as a stevidot
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No, there's no way it could fit
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Jasper gets thrown into a spaceship's engine and gets electrocuted!
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Leg/hand locking
extra credit: It already has, well, sorta, his feet arnt long enough
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Maybe if it was like, just water.
why is /co/sug so superior to /trash/sug?
Stupid Lapisfag, multiple other Lapisfags here have admitted to being Lapidotfags
why should perifags hang from trees?
It's not
no u
It's not.
Is that the narrative you're going with perifag? You can't run away from your past forever.
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Then you'll have to show it how they milk her.
Even as just milk, they'd have to imply that milk was lactated.
Nice sample size.
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why are redditfags still here?
>naruto run
Anyone have that nude edit of Yellow and Blue diamond where you can see Blue's ass?
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mindbreak, abuse, rape too i guess
does malachite count?
Maybe if they like, have offscreen vague squirting noises.
It would be cool if you could see her hippo teeth through the translucent tentacles
Are you too delusional to accept that 99% of Lapisfags are also Pearl/Peridotfags and only like her because they are waifufags who only like her for her looks and because they like to jerk off to shipping art of her? Regardless of how shit the ship is?
>thinking the furfag containment board is superior to anything
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Internet Graphics (8718181).png
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>Mac De Marco, even the Utena amv version
Top tier taste my friend.
>Lapis abused, mindbroke and raped jasper
So why are you still here, redditor?
Yeah but how does Jasper rape Sapphire?
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Where are your fake stats and accusations coming from perifag? Are you this desperate to deflect your shame onto others?
get out
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Could be done ezpz.
Guys, boobs or ass

. . . dick?
>biting, shower sex, blindfolds, leg lock
Don't really know how to put those in the show in a way that would still turn me on, kek
The one from the GoEataTowelVideo?
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>reddit reddit reddit reddit!!!! :(
You still haven't answered my question.
this deflection does not support your point perifag, how pathetic
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I come here once in a while just to remind me how bad you fags are. I'll go back to decent boards once the thread is over.
na anon

kys fag
>you are retarded
Good riddance to redditors like you then. Take the rest of your kind with you.
yes you are
Really good editing on this, can't wait for 1.0. One little nitpick is that the title and black screen bit came in way too late. Should have been in there at least a minute before, I think.
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Ass every time, not to say breasts aren't dope though.
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Not before I shove it in.
>Ass man
>Pearl pic (good one too)
Now this is good taste
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Please just massacre this shit thread.
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which one?
Now this is shit taste.
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ass, titties
ass n' titties
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>Lapisfags think variations of "I know You are but what am I" are clever retorts
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Pearl has canonically a nice ass
>no curly fries
Fucking dropped
>this is what furfags unironically think
baked one
>perifags think "you are retarded" automatically wins an argument
No bully.
Waffle fries > Spiced fries > Crinkle cut.
I don't think tots should be on this list they are so different.
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Spiced and waffle
Chick-fil-a waffle fries are heaven.
#5 fries
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I'd give anything to suck one right now desu
I wish, that said post pearl thicc
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kill yourselves
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Lapisfags are retarded and ship Lapidot and those are simply facts that you seem to be too dumb and delusional to accept
It's much better to have to share a board with furfags than r*dditors
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You first.
>things are so because i said so
perifags in a nutshell
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you're getting true thicc
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Alright, /sug/, which anon was the worst anon this thread?
Nice try, furfag.
the lapisfags
N-not like this
Lapis and Perifags shouldn't fight!
the perifags
He's right though, redditor.
That scares me.
The two fighting about pedophilia. I know that's 2 but whatever.
The one that couldn't stop shitposting Tumblr-tier shit about drawn cp.
The pearlfags
im the worst anon in every thread

this anon
perifags should off themselves immediately
This samefag here >>8436207
Found the pearlfag cancer.

>When the Sherlock holmes theme kicked in
this annoying piece of shit >>8436225
>Being proud that you shitpost that much and that poorly.
Will v1.0 tell of our banishment to /trash/?
Page 9 tho
not my fetish but love that art style, sauce?
You must be new to /trash/sug. Here, we can make threads whenever we want no consequences without butt-hurt faggot moderators harping on us.
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