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ERP Thread True love edition Previous: >>8404228

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Thread replies: 503
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ERP Thread
True love edition
Previous: >>8404228
First for WAKE UP ERP.
Who's the babe?
Omae wa mou shindeiru
>True love
>Omae wa mou shindeiru
Hokuto No Ken?
>Picks up the Mado and kissus her
Now that Jinx got one of the male avas she desired, perhaps I too will get my desire one of these days.
But until then, I wait.
What ava do you want?
But true love is the fastest road to despair
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What do you desire, Anon
>True love
Miss me w/ that gay shit
>Junko will never cuck your girlfriend and tell you that she's so much better than that stupid bitch while she's fucking you like crazy
Feels bad man
>she got a male ava
>that was approaching her like a gentleman at first
Monkey's paw, anon
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What did he mean by this
It can't be mastered by scum like me

>The bedbug girl is still in his arms, but the warmth of her face is telling. Good kissue.

Who do you want bby
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Believe, and the lewd gods shall bestow upon you what you desire, faceless one.
Would marry
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Hey I got an 87! What'd you get?
>Takes the Mado to bed and tucks her in, then gives her another kissu on the forehead.
Look out ERP! Boco is peeking through the window!
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Delet this
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>tfw you'll never pass sadpanda because you're a phonefag
>[Crops furiously]
I've done that a few times, once here as well.
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Y-you girls that don't believe in love!?
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This reminds me of old times where everyone suspected everyone of being Nue.
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I know, true love is the best ;~;
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(Yeah that's Mondays for you. Dunno where you're at in this world but it's mostly over here at EST, so just a little longer.)

(That's the good shit, anon. Stay patrician.)
EST here too. Nine hours isn't so bad, and I got all my work done so all I gotta do is relax and wait for the day to end.
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I do; it's just hard now
Let's see your card, punk.
Darjeeling right? That RP was so hot
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You aren't incorrect
At first, I probably wouldn't want to do it and try to get off, but eventually it would feel so good that I just couldn't stop. I'd probably feel like shit, but a little bit of me would enjoy it a lot.
>Owain x Jinx becoming a thing

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>I can't shitpost at someone platonically
Really activates those almonds
You never used to shitpost at Owain at all

Now he's claimed you
Who hasn't he claimed yet.
Being Jiro is suffering.
I thought the meme was Jiro liking Ragyo
You're not supposed to shitpost people you LOVE you fucking dummy
Not me! Feels good man
>Jinx shitposts the people ERP think she's involved with in that way like Owain, Mecha, Fronk, Tank, and Reinhardt
>Jinx never shitposts Jiro even when he shitposts her

Now that really makes me think
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Because I joined a discord to chill out in. Man!!!! Discord is the devil!!!!
But doesn't that mean that the dude's point is moot

It's more poking fun than shitposting anyways. I do it to Fronk all the time and we're pals
Me; because "claiming" is a lame meme
>not shitposting people you love
I send mine shitposts over text every single day
I wish there were enough characters to type out the full navy seals copy paste

The meme keeps evolving it's like a virus
That ship is just as dead as Nue x Mizuki or LD x DMG
I'm not around when Jiro's here lately. I have a pretty normal sleep schedule unlike many of the fucks here man. And to be honest, I don't really have much to poke at Jiro with. Except Mercy sucking (and not in the peepee way). Mercy is poor taste and I don't let him forget it.
Why do you want to ship typefuckers together so badly?
Good afternoon erp
Are you sure you're not just mad that his Overwaifu isn't D.va
Why people ships Anime Characters?
Thread ships are cute
Watching them burn down is fun
This is why I hide mine in PMs
It was, but why would I be mad about that? I just don't like Mercy. Or /ss/. :3c
Because they're faggots, this is no different.
> <333

Now that really makes me think
>hating /ss/
Wtf I hate Jinx now
Fronk has a bf which means Jinx is shaping up to be a homewrecker
Prolly for the best
What, you don't throw hearts at your pals? Sounds gay man
>liking ss
It's all about /ll/
Hush Fronk
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Hi Fronk
I don't like that NTR shit man, kinda hits home. Wouldn't do that, especially with someone online. Don't do that online dating shit
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I'm not fronk
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>tries to stop Jiro from killing himself
All this time I thought pickle was male.
Had to stop fapping to that straight shit. :^)

>kinda hits home
Damn. :c
>Hugs the slutbag.
Braixen a cute
(You're already in the clear then, jeez louise anon.)

(Yup, thankee. Makes a nice break from the usual degeneracy my avas are associated with.)

(It's always gotta be such a big deal, sometimes you just need a quick, dirty fling to remind yourself what that bitch is really (not) worth to you.)
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(If someone could possibly put "that's where you're wrong, kiddo" on this picture I'd appreciate it.)
>someone getting attached to Jiro

Never thought I'd see the day
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Where are the lolis?
t b h Jiro is a cool guy when he's not being a fuccboi
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Too much salt is bad for you.
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>loli AND yuri
Brb gonna go puke my guys out
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Prinz is not a loli!
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(I trusted you anon.)
(I trusted you and you betrayed me.)

Considering that he's into NTR I wouldn't give him ideas
What a dumb loli
Aren't you a sinful little girl, you probably hate me more than anyone else?
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Haha gaylord
U-uh, thanks
If claiming was real what Ava would you claim?
Blaze is not for lewd.
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#feminism #mybodymyrules
Objectively false

Are you offering two for the price of one?

Owain, I'd make him my bitch and claim his harem as my own.
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This Eliza is mine!
>tfw you want to lewd Jinx's Jinx one day but strictly in a hatefuck way to wipe away her smug
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(Delete this.)
Whoever picks up C.C.
If that never happens then Fronk
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>Ywn have a threesome with Jinx and Blaze
What a gay fake loli
That's way too much pink for one person. And purple, and lavender and all those other shades
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Like this?
Ichigo don't make me fuck you until you're a mindbroken ahegaoing cumdump
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Who's asking
Rape > hatefuck

But i getcha
Where'd you get that pic of me
>patto patto E-123
False; there is no way to have too much of the best color: purple
What does Naruto have to do with Owain?
This whole more than two lines meme is going out of control. Even I got called out as Owain. Seriously. Me. I'm too ESL to be Owain.
They're both just as obnoxious
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(Close anon you almost got it.)
(I dunno, but I like it silly drawings like that.)
(Hanging around a dark alley where unsavory individuals are known to gather.)
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Your daddy~

But would you use them both in a session? I'm genuinely curious. For a couple reasons.
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To expertly dodge it I simply cram all of my actions into two lines
Who is this qt3.14?
That's too much purple though! I'll be picking bits of purple hair and fluff out of my clothes forever!
i want to expertly cram my dick into yozakura
Sweet, another Senran.

Now if we could just get Ikaruga...
Holy shit, you thirsty cucks.
Would make her a real shinobi mom/10
Hello Boko.
Rape is okay but bullying and making her kinda submit but not quite seems hotter, more humiliation that way



You saying this doesn't make his actual presence any less unwanted

Not Boco.




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Don't unzip as soon as you see an animu girl, young fellow
Serve the public trust
Protect the innocent
Uphold the law
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Idk, maybe. I don't much play more than one character even if I could
Wonder how that happened
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Behold ERP

Your worst nightmare
(Fuckin' Jhin mains)
Or I can totally misquote my shit because I'm a gay retard. Is this what Kojima feels?
> Slices your fucking eye with a razor
You're telling me ermac's another pallete swap ninja? That's so disappointing
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>Walks up and slaps Jinx's ass with lichbane and 600 AP.
I think originally he was originally a glitch character that turned official. He's more his own character in later games.
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It's time Owain got his overdue rape treatment.
Fuck off, you already claimed Kinx by tricking her into ERPing with you as anon
She is never going to fuck you, Owain
>implying he won't god mod his way out of it like he did last time
Rape me instead
Is that what you need to do to get raped by the anubis around here?
>tfw you know both Jinx players want nothing to do with Owain or his shitty dindu character

It's a good feel
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Where all da furries at
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(Tricking is a pretty strong word.)
(Just memes anon, I know that.)
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Rape isn't something you can want.

>Tricking is a pretty strong word.

Which is why I used it. You knew Kinx didn't want ERP with you so you did it with her as anon.
Forceful sex is something you can want though
You know, Ermac, there were other replies but no one else was trying to play with that elf.
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He's right here.

I don't blame you, you can get the mixed up.
Who's your brattiest sub?
The elf was NuShinoa who turned into an Owain cocksucker
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Stop encouraging rape!
Unless it's a gangbang
Like everybody here.
I dunno if Kinx quite has that high of an opinion of it either way or not but Owain definitely did the 'oh hi i'm anon; enjoyed the RP now that it's done? btw i'm owain' stuff.

No it was Kinx
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(Pretty sure that was new Shinoa who asked someone to pick up an Orc character.)
(You can tell the difference because Kinx uses greentext while Shinoa does not iirc.)
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>Had a private rape session that I was planning to take public and let random people fuck my victim, but they left before it could happen.

My word! I have never touched a cock in my life!... on a man.. when I wasn't horny.

>enjoyed the RP now that it's done? btw i'm owain' stuff.
Remind of of DD's gloryhole.
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>Owain cocksucker
Haha you're retarded
>and let random people fuck my victim
I've wanted to do stuff like that soooo bad sometimes in thread, but it didn't pan out for a friend of mine so I never go for it
Does it really have to become the Owain show whenever he posts?
He RPed with someone!? Who gives a shit. Literally everyone can RP with anyone.
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If singles I put an Owain NPC into Death Stranding who Norman Reedus births then Mads Mikkelsen vores for besmirching my waifu.

Clownpiece did that to Yuruposter's Sena. Little did I know that would have been the only time I could have lewded Sena.
>Literally everyone can RP with anyone.
I wish I could.
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>here, again
>Now I can do stuff! kinda
You guys are just trying to scare me...Boco can never really come back....right?
I would a Panty.
Who's the blonde slut?
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>Sorry if I don't undestand some stuff
>my english is not the best and not the worst
>ayame shaga
I remember a regular Female Tails, I'm not sure if they left or not
If they did leave then You should totally pick her up
She looks like prime breeding material. I like prime breeding material, and my penis inside said prime breeding material.

But I'm also a sucker for some lead-up, story, and everything from casual to romance.
Oh shit.
I thought that was Panty Anarchy. My bad.
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They were defiant until the very end of that first session.
It's something that /could/ work in the thread, in a sense, you'd start private then bring them to the threads for the frenzy.

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>what if I do her wrong?
>I don't even used female tails doll yet
>start us off if you want
>I search it on google and you are right, the pic I pick for her looks like her a little bit
I want that doll.
Oh, sorry for the confusion. The elf was me, I mentioned that I was going to play the DC elf earlier in the day. I forgot to greentext it because I typed the starter in notepad out of habit and just rolled with it afterwards.
Go back to sucking Owain's cock
Why notepad?

>what if I do her wrong?
If you're doing lewd then it's probably fine.

>Not demanding that she start sucking anon cock.
You had one job!
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>what are you planning to do with the doll?
>and you want to start us off or I start us off?
>btw, I only have 11 pics of her
Didn't know you were such a voyeur Ermac
Ermac you can just ask Owain if you want to suck him off.
>It was really an accident that bumped him against her, with his shoulder brushing through her hair, and the impact dislodging her glasses. He didn't pause until a couple of steps, what looked like a tailored jacket hung over one shoulder, grasped by its collar, clacking against his belt by the keys in his pocket. A few moments of courtesy wouldn't set him back any, his car a few paces away, and the girl knocked off-stride behind him. She had a bag, too.
Sorry about that.
>He turned back to face her, and if necessary, to help right her footing. It wouldn't be difficult for him: he wasn't ripped, more lean than anything, but he had muscle under the dress shirt covering his chest. Blue trousers flapped around his ankles as he walked back toward her, and his green eyes framed with concern. A single, messier portion of his, otherwise, conservatively-cut black hair waved in an invisible breeze.
It's my favorite torrent client, video player, picture editor, recording studio, and word processor.

I'm a hipster minimalist and it does what I want it to without bullshit. Also grew up with it.
Oh, you picked up the DC Elf? Good shit.
I'll have to play with her one of these days.
I'm considering doing something like it again with that friend of mine, but I'm anxious about if it goes well or not.
All depends on the anons, I suppose
>lifts up shirt and flashes the thread
I hope you virgins remember this when you're about to go to sleep tonight~
>You'll never make children with 2B
>Forgets it almost immediately
Can you do it again?
>thumbs phone camera
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Hi there
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Notepad? The thing you type in on microsoft, as a video player?

Also, are you up for something quick?

Well I'm intrigued, would you play the part of the rapist or the victim? If it's the latter then I'd be more then happy to indulge you~
>A pair of hands wraps around the girl from behind, one of the hands cover the girls mouth, while the other grabs one of her breasts, squeezing and pulling on her nipple.
You shouldn't flaunt your body around like that, unless you're willing to handle the results.
>His hips push forward grinding his hard bulge into her ass.
I would wanna try playing you someday, but not so fast Karl-chan
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Now that's nice to hear. Oh? Care to tell me what's on your mind anon?
You'll have to wait and see~!
Because I need to run
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>She looks frustated about all this but at the same time she feels something else
Next time watch were you going, idiot... but you took your time to help me, so thank you.
>She looked distance, while muttering stuff
>but hearing you with attention
So let me guess, you are some handsome guy that is clumsy, you should fix your errors before helping a lady
>(jesus! I think I almost don't understand half of the stuff. I need to get better english)
>(Sorry if I type less but I need to practice)
(You start.)
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Take care anon, I'll be looking forward to see what you have in mind~
(Doing is practice. One thing to note: "She looked distance" needs a preposition, in this case "into", and an article, "the".)

Handsome? Well, that's some flattery I won't pass up.
>He chuckled, lifting up a hand to scratch at the back of his head. That time, he took in more closely inspecting her luggage: it didn't appear that heavy. At the same time, he took in glimpses of her outfit. Tantalizing, to be sure, but...
Anyway, I feel like I should do something to make it up to you.
>That was where he floundered. The wrong offer, at the wrong time--
Maybe I could give you a ride to wherever you're going?
>--can make all the difference in first impressions. Half-a-second too late, he grimaces internally, but manages to keep a straight, and friendly, expression.
>On a game store with several games, there was a game that feeled different to the rest, the game was called "sonic R"
>A friend of yours buy the game for you, and give it to you one night with the note "I unlocked everything already, have fun ~"
>now the only thing left to do is connect the console and play the game
Shit, this is hyper-realistic as fuck.
>tugs on jinx's braids
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>even if she is still angry about this accident, she takes advantage of the offer
I have a bike but I leave at home sooo, how about you take me to a food shop?
>She says that with a smug looking on her face
You left it at home, huh? Well, I can-- a food shop?
>A light chuckle escapes his lips. He was paying for the accident in more than one way, it seemed. Shaking his head, with a grin on his lips, he turned, and swung his jacket in front of him. As he fished out his keys, he walked around the car, and met her eyes.
Fine. You'll choose the shop, and I'll pay.
>He slipped into the front seat, and the car started, doors unlocking at the same time with their hollow click. This was turning into the costliest bump he'd ever made.
It's an old joke, forget about it.

Not quite at the moment but I'm curious what you had in mind!

When I find out who is doing this I'm gonna gun you down in the streets like the degen-
Day off and I want to come. Any lurkers down for some fun?
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What's the hatred for yuri?
Cause it's fucking gay.
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>She takes a full view to the car
You have good taste, huh? I think this is the best decision you did in your life
>She looks at her phone to see to what store to go
>she puts her finger on one
Look, I want to go to this one.
>That store is a little far away from here
>I LOVE yuri
Obnoxious yuri fans may have ruined it for some, others may not like it to begin with for any reason.
I don't play chicks but I think yuri is pretty hot to watch.
I've made plenty of good decisions. How do you think I ended up getting this car?
>After his rebuke, he leaned over, looking down at her phone. Maybe he wasn't the most consistent at making good decisions: the place looked pricey. It wasn't the best time to bring something like that up, anyway: he'd made the bed, now he was going to lie in it.
So, I'm going to be buying food for you...
>His arm wrapped around her seat as he looked back over his shoulder, pulling out, and he brushed hers as he brought his hand back to the steering wheel.
...might as well ask for your name.
Yurishitters ruin every /a/ thread they enter.

That said, yuri is fun to RP as long as it isn't vanilla stuff.
>Anon connected the console to the T.V. and put the cartridge in the the slot
>Later on he was on the character select screen and chose a character called Tails Doll
>She looked a bit nervous when you did that
My name is ayame shaga...? why did you did that? anyways I think you should take this shortcut
>She shows you again her phone, pointing with her finger the shortcut
>the shortcut was close to an alley
>He glanced down at the map, then gave it a closer look when they caught a red light.
That's a bit of a rough area. Also, do what?
>Lifting an eyebrow in question, he shifted lanes after passing through the light, starting to take the shortcut that she indicated. Somehow, she seemed to know the area better, or maybe she just had the leisure of looking at the map. While he concentrated on following the, to him, unfamiliar path, he still had an opportunity or two to steal glances at her. There were worse girls than Ayame to bump into.
Vanilla Yuri with two little girls is shit but Kinky Yuri with two sexy ladies is 10/10
>Lesbian rape
>Lesbiam dubcon
>Lesbian BDSM
I thought you weren't into gay shit
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Hey ERP.

How's it going? I hope you guys are getting sweet anime pussy and (not literally)shit.
>gives you the succ
Catwoman is so hot when she doesn't dress like a homeless gimp
Excuse me. That outfit is slasher-chiq. You've got no idea what you're talking about.

Trying! Hey Adachi
Fuck off, anon.

You're probably not even a girl.
Can I stick my dick in you? I've always wanted to fuck Catwoman.
If you know so much then can you tell me if it's a real gimp suit you ripped up?
>the game freezes for a bit because the game was a little bit old
>after a minute the game goes back to normal but tails doll was a bit different from before
>you were still at the character selection and you were hearing a voice, a voice of a girl with bad quality audio
"You are not ready for this" "You don't have guts to do it"
>after that, the audio of her voice gets worse
"Turn off the game if you want to keep being pure" "Turn off the game and turn in on again if you need this"
>the console and the tv turns off
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I mean, if you're seriously asking, aight.

...it...is, but that's besides the point. It looks good. Anything looks good on me. Except blonde hair, eugh.
I will admit though, the new cleavage room is a big relief on the girls.
You're right, but why settle for what looks good? That catsuit makes you look great! Plus it doesn't look like it'll snag on something.
>Having sex with a child of one of your soldiers born months if not weeks ago
What gives, I didn't expect this game to talk to me?
>Angry faced, Anon turned the TV and the console on
>He went back the character select screen and chooses Tails Doll again, he simply ignores the game's warning
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>Kissus the Kurisu
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Every time.
"Don't mind me anons, just passing through!"
>Leads you to gas chambers
>Flips the switch
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>after a long path, they finally arrive.
>but the food shop was closed.
Oh man.. I forgot this shop is closed in mondays
>She was a little bit disappointed.
Now what I supposed to do?
>she sounded like she wanted something, so this is the best opportunity for you
>Quote marks
You're that empress poster from a few days ago, aren't you?
No, stay here, I would love the company, maybe you can introduce yourself.
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You're spot on. ;3

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Can a pretty woman like you introduce yourself to me, I wouldn't mind a bit of social interaction.
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>After 30 minutes of the normal game, the tv starts to throw sparks
>You didn't care so you keep playing
>after 1 minute, the tv explotes!
>the explosion makes the console fly away into your face, hitting you so hard that you faint
>after that, you wake up with tails doll standing in front of you
>she looks at you with a angry expression on her face
What did I say to you?! this happened 10 times in a row! I guess I should make my warning less scary or something
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If she called me daddy while I came in her, I'd probably cum three sizes too big.
>Tfw no Tomoko ava
"Oh.... I don't know anon... I'm a very busy woman, my time's rather precious..."
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Nothing but my own claws. Or someone else's. Aheeheehee...
(That was some good shit, I'd do some more once I had the time!)
Not mecha but I want to fuck this!
>Anon was barely conscious, all he could see was Tails Doll, thinking that it's some hallucination from the explosion
A-are you some demon, or I'm I seeing shit from the blast?
Well, I wouldn't mind if you could play hooky just this once, you can call and say you're sick, and we can spend all thetime together with us only.
Yeah, keep those things away from me. Those won't snag on my clothes, they'll just tear them to shreds.
>He backs off, eyeing those claws warily. He's a little twitchy around them. Just the thought of them going anywhere near his skin gives him goosebumps
I thought Boco was the one who was into succubi.
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Oh c'mon, a demon? be more original, would ya? it is I, tails doll! the character you picked on the game.
>She gets closer to have a better look at you
... you are just other player it seems
>(found another image while searching stuff nwn)
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You're silly.
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"Anon, I've bought many boyfriends much more handsome than you, I think i'm out of your league." She says with a smug giggle.
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>Hot Pants ava NEVER
>tfw houtengeki only ever posts the maid on twitter lately
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The thiccness is real
Not succubus, zombie
>already have every images from there except for one
>Anon is dumbfounded, the character he chose the game is right in front of him
>And she's a lot "bigger" in real life
That's bullshit, and what do you like the other players, I know my friend gave me this, and he basically unlocked everything, that means he unlocked you as well.
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I'm in the mood for it sometimes. Only sometimes.
>Implying It wouldn't be the top pic for both
you disappoint me
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>tfw most monstergirls never get more than 10-15 pictures
Sup mechadork
I'll pick her up...soon. I just gotta make a folder.
We got Jolyne and Foo Fighters, don't know when those avast gonna be posted though?
no matter the man himself mecha has good taste
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Your friend? oh yeah, he is an ugly motherfucker if i'm being honest with you, but YOU are nothing like your friend ~
>she puts her arm around your neck
I know a thing or 2 about gorgeous people, and you surely are one
Nice. Looking forward to it.
But unlike them I give a shit about you rather than thinking you're here just for sex, have you ever thought about that?
I stayed away from her for a while because some other people were playing her, seems no-one has picked up Tomo-chan in a while now though. She's one of my absolute favourites.
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It's all about the thiccness.
>Anon blushes
T-thank you, you're not too bad yourself for someone made of stuffing. But what about the other owners, you said this happened 10 times in a row?
This really was the biggest example of hugboxing
I want many children
Hi Tsuyu
Mommy Ragyo, can I be with you? Unless you got more important things to do, if so that's fine.
How do you get triggered over this?
Literally made for breeding
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3 of them died because cancer, they never stop smoking until they were dead
2 of them are in jail because police found out that they were pedophiles.
and the other 5, well, let's say they died doing what they love ~. for some reason your friend did not choose me, he is a weirdo
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>She thought for a second, something she usually did'nt do as it was apparent she was'nt the brightest.

"Anon, you literally just met me." She scoffed at him again, teasingly posing in front of him.
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How do you make something dead pregnant? At best you'd get stillborns.

Aren't all monster girls?
Kill yourself Jiro
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Hi, I am autistic. I have heard and seen this kind of bullying in the community a lot. it hurts. Please be considerate about the person behind the keyboard the next time you want to be an Internet bully. This community has done so much in making me happy and introducing me to new friends and giving me something to feel passionate about. but nothing is perfect and that is okay however I would just like to put this awareness out there. Autism acceptance month is April so the timing feels right too.
You're damn right.
Ah, the good ol' "super thin object that can obscure even the pinkest of areola" trick. Thwarts my nipple searching endeavors many a time.
HA! Those JEWISH ARTISTS believed they could defame my name as a loyal conservative by black washing my sexuality with their UNAMERICAN PROPAGANDA.

Well TWO can play at that game! Check it! I've used their own weapon against them! Pretty smart, amiright?
Any other jojos people want?
Hermes Costello would be pretty good.
(Who's Jiro?)
None of them.
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Of course I am

Anon. You're looking for nipples on a dead lizard. A. DEAD. LIZARD. Be glad they exist at all.
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Well it all depends on how rotted the skin is, don't it? If it was a fresh death, then surely the nipples would still be there.
Thanks for replying.

Not really my gal desu senpai
He guess he was lucky... By the way, what do you mean by the other 5 died doing what they love,are you trying to say that they died by playing video games?

Well, I'm just saying, I want you to be with me, so I'm just waiting a real answer.
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I think you're missing the important "lizard" part of this equation. In that lizards do not have breasts.
What about Yukako, Lisa Lisa, or that girl that I forgot her name from Jojolion?
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Kate > Sarah

Prove me wrong

Pro tip: you cant
You know what people love to do but it doesn't happen every day?
>She looks at you moving up and down her eyebrows

>Tails doll
>(not wasting images if I do short replys)
Oh. Right. I'm too used to dragon girls and them having a nice rack.
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It's okay anon, they usually do, but you can't always get everything
I'm afraid to know what you're trying to suggest, and I'm not sure if i'm interested or scared, either way I probably have to take my clothes off, aren't I?
Yeah that's true. And that will also go true for my now recently obtained crave for a dragon girl. Life is a cruel mistress.
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If you're a LIBTARD, then yeah, maybe.

You're fooling no one, Schlomo!
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Off to work shortly, you know that.

Uh, keep doing what you do family.
>Kissus the Kojima goodbye
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Mad Hatter (3).png
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Good luck anon, and godspeed. It's a hard craving to scratch at.

You know it, peace out nerdo
Stop sending me pictures of your ass
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What else do you think you suppose to do? you know what? let me help you
>she takes your shirt off with her claws, then she takes your pants off with her mouth
>leaving you with only underwear
is your decision if you want to take that off ~
Peach can't help it
All good picks.

Yasuho? Karera? Daiya? All three are waifus.
This needs to be updated,I've only see 2-3 of these here.
Is Mika or DMG around? Minor thing I wanted to tell em
Now we are getting into obscure waifu territory.
I can take them off myself, hold on.
>Anon takes his underwear off, his massive cock limped around with his balls hanging downwards
Hope you can handle this, though I bet you're professional at this?
That girl with [Jail House Lock]?
That you're a faggot? Yeah, we know.
Nice response
Just a reminder that stable relationships can still exist! It's not too late to find yourself a loved one! Please, it'll make you all happier!
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Excuse me, I don't see a lot of lewd which is supposed to be here in the ERP thread.
I mean, I see some people fucking each other but where are the moans drowning the room and the sluts begging for more dick?
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>She crouches, looking at the massive cock in front of her
now THIS is gorgeous
>she starts to lick the entire cock, making every part of it wet, with an amazed look on her eyes she start to suck it
>even if she has big fangs they don't hurt at all, in fact, it makes it better

I want to fuck the autism out of you.
Cute horses!
Unsure. Let me put something on and see if that works.
>Anon turns on a porno and sets it to the highest volume.
Does that help any?
Should I wait til marriage to lose my virginity? Or is it better to get some experience so I know what I like so I can tell my partner before they commit?
I think TND is asleep
You're already doing a great job, though it's gonna take awhile for me climax, so I guess we'll be here all day.
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Judging by what happened when it was initially posted.... You don't
That's not what you said earlier today.
>slaps his 18 inch cock on her face
Let's make some.
Yeah it's probably a bad idea people will just fill it will attention whroes and not the actual avas

No! The both of you will want to save yourselves for the marriage. Trust me, it always feels better that way!

Earlier today? I only just got here, anon.
Oh? Were You a virgin on Your wedding night?
I can't tell if this is shade or not but stuff like that is a bad idea just 'cause people who aren't included tend to be upset. and stuff. And so many people rp exclusively on Anon but then like 99% of the time Anons are the buttmonkey of stuff like that. so like. yea
I wanna lick you and Raven's feet.
j0nx 2 cute
O-of course, what kind of silly question is that? I always practice what I preach!
>'cause people who aren't included tend to be upset. and stuff.
>t. the center of a circlejerk based on the fact that she has a different chromosome pair than 99% of people here
That's why.
No you're an actual ava who normally posts to RP.

You should probably tone down the random avatar posting when you're not in a mood to RP though, just go anon when you do that like everyone else.
>t. A really asshurt "anon"
Maybe if you were more likeable, you wouldn't have problems making friends.
It doesn't bother you that he was with Chrysalis before you? Albeit disguised as you, but still...
People like Jinx because she consistently RPs, anon. Other people who no-one knows the gender of who RP as much are just as popular.

And 99% of the time, you're the buttmonkey of horny anons.
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>while sucking and biting the massive cock, she decides to put her tits close to the cock, moving them up and down with her hands
I'm just warming up!
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I don't like to think about it... But still, it was against his will. He couldn't have known any better while under that evil queens control.
Something something don't have to be a master chef to know when food tastes good something.

I can be empathetic, and I wasn't even the one who first stated what gender I was here. Someone from discord said it on Anon. It's not right to make tier lists and such.
What did he mean by this
I understand that people tend to think of it as attention whoring, but I just like to hold conversations with people-- maybe it's a girl thing. Sometimes in order to hold a proper one, depending on the subject, I have to have my face on. 'Cause otherwise people might not know. But you're right, I could possibly post without more, if it gets people that riled up.
lewd af
Stop responding to every shitpost
I suppose that's true. So how long did it take for you to get up to speed with the wild expectations Chrysalis had given him from all the very kinky sexy they had? Being a virgin and all it must have been quite the challenge.
>Maybe it's a girl thing
Yeah, no, fuck right off
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Trannies need not apply
>I understand that people tend to think of it as attention whoring, but I just like to hold conversations with people-- maybe it's a girl thing. Sometimes in order to hold a proper one, depending on the subject, I have to have my face on. 'Cause otherwise people might not know. But you're right, I could possibly post without more, if it gets people that riled up.
Its not a girl thing. Lots of people like to have conversations, the problem is when just one or two people are the only ones using avatars when everyone else is able to have conversations anonymous, it's basically tripfagging and no-one wants that. People don't need to know it's you for most of the things you discuss, even less when you just use your avatar to shitpost.

Stuff like that can get people annoyed yeah but when you are in an actual Rping mood you're one of the best contributors to the threads, so you're alright in my book.
Anon stop! My husband said he couldn't even remember what had happened before we freed him. Besides, I still knew exactly what I was doing after the wedding - anything that stupid changeling can do in bed, I can do better!
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Was a random thing I noticed while searching 2n5, his purple and green haired boys have names, Mikel and Iriya.
I didn't like not having a name to use with em when I played em so I wanted to give him a heads up in case they mind that stuff.

It means you like getting fucked in the ass by anon cocks.
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Aya (17).png
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It's nice to turn on some porno and hear the bitch squealing like a pig. But It's not what I was talking about. There's nothing more exciting, hot and thrilling than hearing a slut right here in this room, which isn't happening right now.

Eeerrr I just wanted to masturbait looking at some sluts, is that too much to ask?! My balls are bursting, engorged to the max!

>Aya freaks out, shakes her head and runs away to a corner
EW ew ew ew ew ew. Don't touch me with that thing
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thanks fronk.png
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Yes, yes, you're right. I'm done. Don't worry. I just wanted to say one piece. Anywho. I'm free right now, soz.
Yea, you're right. I kinda said that just 'cause I figured it was a trope or whatever. I'll try and tone it down, I just like being amicable I suppose. And I apologize for that. I'm just prone to it during dead hours. Thank you for the compliment though :)
I meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
you're not wrong. But I've never been wont to admit it.
the post
Oh okay! It's a cute name Mikie <3
Shining is a sweet guy. Are you sure he wasn't just saying he couldn't remember? He might have though you'd reject him if you knew what a pervert Chrysalis had turned him into. Needless to say, a shapeshifter can get into positions no normal pony ever could. And the things she's learned how to do from over 1000 years of harvesting love...it's like she's the opposite of a virgin, way beyond a slut.
True. Nothing better than hearing a bitch in heat squeal and beg to get fucked, although it's gonna be some time before anyone like that comes by. It'd be best to find a slut and hook em up with a random guy. Then we'd get all the screaming that we want.
You know those guild memes in /v/ that basically goes like a girl joins and the guild goes to shit from there?

The guild is ERP, and the girl is Jinx
I'm happy that you agree that my Shining is a sweet and loving stallion. Having said that, he still wouldn't lie to me. Even if it was just to spare my feelings.
If my Prince charming did remember his time with that evil bitch, I wouldn't ever think of rejecting him - I love and care for him far too much to let him go!
The Queen may have thousands of years harvesting love - and still yet she lacks the ability to give love in return. That's the difference between me and her, anon.
Except Jinx has not ruined ERP like Paul, Tsuyu, etc have
Jinx has been in ERP since the /b/ days

If anything that meme applies to Owain
>Jinx shiller is also an Owain memester
like pottery
If she ever gave love she would turn into this thing.
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Helo it is i Ermac
Except she's not the only female

But Paul already ruined /erp/ before Jinx came.

And even without Jinx, Owain and anti-Owain shitposters have ruined /erp/ worse than Jinx has ever done.
Noted. Thank you. Problem is I kinda just play them all so its weird
>The shitposters have ruined /erp/
I'm willing to be he's lying to not hurt your feelings. Have you even seen the tongue on Chrysalis
Did she do anything inappropriate to you when you were her captive in the caverns? Or was it a purely professional kidnapper/captive dynamic?
Well she's a shapeshifter, so her tongue can be any size and shape she wants.
Even better.
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>Anon kept his on his dick getting rubbed by her tits
Hmph, you're getting there, but still not there. How good are you at using your feet?
That's some...advanced interrogation techniques
And what would be so bad about that, anon? At least for once she could be happy and have the ability to give love! Instead, she would rather skulk around and feed off of others false affection.

I've seen the mouth on that 'thing', no man would willingly want to go near it either.

I-It was just a kidnap. Nothing more!
They don't have to know that~
You could just use one or do whatever, I just used whichever pics I liked
I might check how big a folder of just the purple hair might be though, but a small folder works fine for what I'd use him for
Really? That doesn't sound like the Chrysalis we know. You're sure there was no molesting at all?
I would love for that thing to eat my ass.
This is my fetish.
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Th-there's two now?
Anon please! I don't even want to think about it, doing so puts an unsavory taste in my mouth...
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>Hana Song was the drinking age in South Korea, but she'd never really done it. She had an image to keep up, and drinking interfered with gaming anyway.
>But, Lucio had invited her to some massive house party over in Rio after one of his concerts (which she'd finally managed to line up her schedule to fit in). And who was she to not drink at a house party? Some kind of loser? D.Va didn’t lose in any sense of the word!
Hang on, let me tell you all about how I owned that stupid Omnic, guys!
>Hana calls over the sound of one of Lucio's beat, turning away from the group of partygoers that she'd amassed as the night went on.
>Now where had she left her cup?
>Weaving her way between sweaty, drunken men and women, the young soldier makes her way to the kitchen table... Only to find 7 cups that looked completely identical. Hana wasn't drunk at all, only tipsy if anything, but she still didn’t remember which cup belonged to her. Arbitrarily, she picks up a cup and downs the contents in one go. Some kind of beer.
Ah, mashinae. (Tasty)
>She utters to herself, straightening out her cropped black haltertop and making her way back to recount her story.
>A few minutes in, and Hana saw the room spin. Staggering back, the idol clutches her head. Sweat beads on her forehead, and she swallows thickly. Something was wrong. She felt sick. She had to... Had to get back to her hotel.
>Without even saying goodbye to Lucio, Hana stumbles for the door.
>The cool night air embraced her clammy skin, and she began to walk, almost drunkenly, down the streets of Rio.
>She made it about halfway before she hooks into an alleyway, leaning heavily against the brick wall. Her vision was blurred, and her limbs felt heavy. She wasn't even sure if she was really hearing footsteps, or if it was in her mind. Her unfocused brown eyes shift, looking for the source of the sound that may have very well have been in her head.
Nah, calm down slut, I'm not picking em up
Is that taste similar to the taste of an ovipositor?
Too traumatic? Just share some details so I can fap.
How big is your husband's horsecock?
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Feet? meh, you are the player after all
>she puts her hands on the floor, and her feet on the air
>She is very stretchable so she puts her feets on your cock, moving them up and down
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M-more like that and the taste of a musty and moist twat. Why are you anons so eager in making a Princess relive her past circumstances!? Are you all that sadistic? Can't you just let me forget?

It's not about size, anon. But if you must know, I'd say he's somewhat average I guess?
Now that I think about it, you aren't one of those human fetishests are you?
I can't speak for the other's, but I'm therapist.
>Anon says, intentionally leaving the space out of his title.
So I'm just trying to help.

Now, you mentioned the taste. How did it make you feel that the taste on her probably came from her trysts with your own fiancé?
Alright, now we're getting somewhere, just keep going and the cum geyser will begin.
(BTW, Fem Sonic.Exe when?)
But did she grow a cock and lay eggs in you? Please respond.
Is this a starter?
Man he's still going for it isn't he.
More like a fucking soup course.

I fucking hate word soup.
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It's trying to be. I've only managed to go through with the drugged-up rape scenario once tho

>He steps outside to get some fresh air, still holding his drink in his hand. He spots a blurred, moving image in the corner of his eye. He stumbles towards the blur, the image eventually coming into focus. In front of him is an even more intoxicated girl, about to collapse against the wall. His inhibitions imapired, he walks up to the drunk girl and gropes her rear.
Is it meant for somebody in particular or do you mind if I jump right in?
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>she keeps going
>faster and faster
Even if I have tits and ass you decided the feet, weird
>(even if im not a big fan of sonic, im gonna avafag her and other 2 sonic characters)
Human... fetish? I would never think of someone else that isn't my husband if that's what you are implying!

You're a therapist? If you insist that you can help me recover, I'll... share, but please let it just be professional and keep it between us!

The taste was... I'm sorry, I can't. I couldn't bear the thought of knowing that bitch was sleeping with my husband while I was stuck in some damp cave unable to do anything. Not to mention that she would occasionally return just to torment me whenever she got the chance.

You are in a human and other species sex den at this very moment...
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Not meant for anyone in particular :)
>Hana reacts slowly to the squeeze, her mind floating far away. She lurches forward, palms sliding jerkily across the brick as her glossy lips part in a squeak.
Yaaaah. What're you doing?
>The pilot clutches her head, the other hand numbly raising to bat at his arm. It misses by a few inches.
>Anon nods thoughtfully.
It's ok, take your time, I know this must be hard for you.
>Anon taps the tip of a pen against his lips.
When she returned, what would she do to torment you? It's alright, this is a safe space.
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I'm waiting here for anyone to wash it all away.
(Any hints which others?)
>2 others
Femsonic and Rouge?
>some metal r63 character and a r63 character with tails
>we have those already

>He doesn't respond to her. In truth, he doesn't know what he's doing. He hardly even comprehends where he is right now. What he is aware of is the beautiful, vulnerable girl in front of him. He continues to massage her rear with one hand while he unzips his pants with the other, his cock flopping out in the process. He strokes himself for a moment, managing to get himself somewhat hard. He then slaps his semi-hard cock against her butt, making himself giggle.
>We have those already
Femsonic's been MIA and we have no idea who the rouge player is, and last time we had a rouge they were around for a week and disappeared. Dupes aren't really a bad thing.
Where was this vigor for rape when I had the time?

>A taller, toned man with an american look to his attire was looking around the streets of Rio, his head turns towards the alleyway, wondering what kind of seedy activity was going on in this city after the sun went down. He spies the girl lurched against a wall and approaches her with caution.
Hey, are you alight? you look a bit ill, do you need someone to walk you home?
>Following the girl out of the party, the shady figure was happy his trick had worked on somebody.
>After putting roofies into all the half finished drinks in the kitchen, he innocently waited in a nearby hallway nursing his drink. Not drawing any attention to himself
>Just minding his own business, and waiting for someone to take the bait.

You're all lost and alone little girl... Do you need some help getting home?

>His rough voice grumbled out from right behind you. The towering shadowy figure pushed your shoulders back against the wall, grabbing onto one of your wrists and noticing the already clear effects of the drug taking it's toll on your motor functions.
>Belieiving the claimed memes
Please don't, the more Avas we have the better, especially if they're popular. That is unless you weren't really considering them.
Missing In Action. You never heard that before?
I'm here to convince you all to stop sleeping around so much and find someone special to build a relationship with!

>Cadance delivers a short sigh of relief
Thank you, anon.
Apart from being malnourished and bruised from when she would hit me... She would torment me constantly on an emotional level. Reminding me that my husband is now hers and that I'll have no choice but live with that thought for the rest of my life in a dungeon and as her slave.
>licks dat armpit
I like rouge but don't really want to pick her up, while femsonic sounds interesting
Nope, and what do you mean by "missing in action"?
You sweet summer child
But what do I do if the only mare for me is already married?
We can use more of both but it's up to you really. Just don't buy into the "only one" bullshit Paul forces around here. Having multiples is pretty fine here.
They used to typefuck with a card often then the player vanished without a word, haven't seen them around since
>Don't really want to pick her up
Damn, but you got some good fucking taste man tell you that.
Meh, dont really trust paul at all
Oh... thats sad, someday I wanted to erp with femsonic
>Anon puts a hand on her hoof comfortingly.
That sound awful. You poor dear. You've been through so much. It took a real inner strength to survive that.
Now, you mentioned being malnourished. What exactly did she feed you while you were her captive? And did she force you to eat it in any particular way?
I know these are difficult subjects, but trust me, this dialog is constructive. It will help.
Really? thanks!
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It happens, kind of why most Avas and anons are fine with dupes. You can never be too sure which Avas stick or leave.
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>The girl's knees very nearly buckle as his hands dig into the plump flesh of her scantily-clad rear.
No... I need to get back to... Back to my hotel. Stop.
>Her tongue felt heavy and numb but Hana managed to get the words out, her drunken blush deepening as he smacks his pulsing cock against her ass.
>The teen's flushed cheek drags against the cool brick as she nods, chest heaving with slow breaths.
I just need... Ah, I need. Need to get to my hotel.
>D.Va slurs out, not even looking at the man as she takes a shaky step forward.
>Hana's brow creases, a sheen of sweat shining in the low light across her forehead. Soft, brown bangs clung to the skin as the girl is pushed against the wall, and her foggy eyes look up at the assailant in alarm.
Whaa... No. Just- Jus' need to call Lucio. I can do it. Hotel is... Just a few blocks down.
>She mumbles, barely above a whisper.
Hey you already used your tits, I wanted you to do something different.
>Anon suddenly couldn't take it anymore, all of his man milk is gonna spluge out
I-i'm cumming!
How do I abstain long enough so I can save up for a cum tribute?
Who are you making a cum tribute for?
W-what do you mean, anon? I'm sure there is plenty of unmarried mares that would kill to be with you!

It was horrible, anon! I almost lost all hope of ever getting to be with my husband again, I was so relieved to see a familiar face come and rescue me.
When my captor did decide to feed me, it was not a single thing but half eaten scraps that she would place into a bowl meant for your typical pet, all just to humiliate me. She would force my muzzle into the bowl if I tried to resist eating whatever it is she gave me.
>long enough
>to be able to cum enough for a tribute
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Be sure to read guides on what to eat to make your semen output more potent
A secret for now,
I fap every day and my semen's watery as a result.
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>Sports bra
>Damp and see thru
>Nothing else beneath the bodysuit

J-Jinx, please. I have to go to sleep soon...
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>she gets her body closer to your cock
>then she starts to float keeping her feets on your cock while putting her ass on the cock

>Once again, he ignores her request. He can no longer control his lust for her. He yanks down her pants and panties, exposing her rear to the cold air. He grabs onto his almost fully erect cock and strokes himself a couple more times before pressing the tip of his cock against her pucker. After a few sloppy thrust, he manages to poke the head of his cock inside her tight, unlubed asshole.
Yeah, but... well, I'm kinda picky. There's one special mare but... awww, nevermind, she doesn't even know I exist, and she's already married, and she's way out of my league.
>There was a glint from the nearby light in his predatory eyes. Looking over your lithe body from head to toe.
Here come with me to my car, let me take you there...
>Like a cat playing with it's prey, he pulls you along toward his car. Loving this state of lowered defenses that you're trapped in. It drives him wild to have you lost in a haze, unsure of your decisions. His heart racing as he wonders what throngs of indecent ideas you might be willing to agree to in this state of lowered inhibitions.
It won't take us long to get there, I'll take you up to your room so you get there safely.
>Tugging you along by your upper arm, he kept you stable and upright until he got to the car. Pushing you into the back door as he opened the front door, and moved you into the passenger seat of his car. Using the opportunity to run his hands along your thighs, waist, and torso while buckling you in. Then getting in himself and starting the car, taking off toward the hotel.
Wow, that sounds so cruel. You're a real survivor Cadence. You didn't give up. You didn't stop. You worked hard...to escape, and you made it, you survived.
Now, you're a powerful alicorn. How did it make you feel at the time knowing that she drew the strength she used to subdue you and beat you from you're fiancé loving her?
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Oh anon~
Good taste my boy
>Hana can do little more than gasp as he tears down her pants and thong, her limbs numb with pins-and-needles.
No.. Wait, ah!
>Hana mewls out as he prods her puffy, tight little asshole. Her entire upper body collapses against the wall of the grungy alleyway, ass bouncing as he begins stretching out her unlubed hole.
Andwe! (No!)
>Hana slurs, eyes screwed up in pain.
>Alarms ring, muted, in the back of her mind at his words; at his gaze. However, Hana could barely /feel/ her legs, much less run away.
Nnh, I just... My hotel is just a few blocks. I can walk. Jinjja. (Really)
>Hana mumbles, head lolling to the side as he half-drags her body to his car.
I can.. Walk..
>She decides to give him the benefit of the doubt as his hands ghost across her body, her arms too heavy to push him away anyway. A slight thump, and her head rests heavily against the cool window of the passenger door.
Can you call Lucio?
>Hana suddenly pipes up, her voice thick with drunkenness and the tranq coursing through her veins.
Oh don't be like that, anon! Who is she, what's her name? She may be taken, but if you truly love her - you could always just settle for being a true friend?

You're too kind, anon. But if it wasn't for twilight, I may have never even made it out and the Queen would have won. I always shudder at the idea of being at her mercy again like I was before.
I knew the love that my husband had for her was false... I would hope. But it made me feel terrible knowing that she was using her own vile magic to feed off the intimacy that was meant for me. I may seem powerful, but compared to the Queen - I'm nothing but a meek little Princess. Which made me feel even worse when she forced herself upon me.
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F-Fuck you...you're just doing it on purpose at this point...
>Anon's cock exploded out of cum
>It got all over TD's feet and some got onto her breasts
>He then passed out from that ordeal, he's outcold
>Anon's cock exploded out of cum
>It got all over TD's feet and some got onto her breasts
>He then passed out from that ordeal, he's outcold

>He forces more and more of himself inside her ass, quickly fitting his entire cock inside. He sloppily fucks her ass, his thrusts erratic as he pins her up against the wall. With one hand, he slaps her thick rear, causing it to ripple from the impact. He slides his other hand up her halter top, pinching and rubbing her nipples.
Just being her friend? But...that sounds so frustrating. Being around her, wanting her so secretly, knowing she's so happy and fulfilled with her husband, both emotionally and sexually, while I'm all alone.
>Despite his protests, as Anon describes the situation, he gets harder.
Forced herself on you?
>Anon holds her hoof in both his hands.
It's ok, you can trust me, go on.
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Ungh... fuck...
>Zone-tan was just beginning to wake up, having been sleeping on the couch all day. She struggles to lift her head, and while her vision was blurry, the distinct smell of sex reminded her where she was.
Right... ERP. How much did I drink last night?
>She slid upright before a pounding headache hit her, making her wince and rub her temples before stepping back up with wobbly legs.
Okay, I was here... filming... then I took a drink. And another, and... Hey, was anyone here last night?

Oh, hey D.Va. Anal, nice. Keep up the good work.
(>: C)

>He reaches into his various pockets searching for something to "help" her sober up, he can't find anything for her, so he suggests a small detour to a friends house.
You look pretty drunk, I have a friend staying at a nearby hotel. He loves getting drunk so I know he has something to help you sober up! It's just around this corner.
> Leaning down he grabs Hana's arms wrapping it around his neck to stabilize her as he leads her down the street a few blocks until they come up to a seedy looking motel.
What were you doing out in that alleyway anyway? You're lucky someone else didn't find you.
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>after that, she sits on the anon's cock, moving up and down furiously, she does it until killing the anon
>(hope I did a good job)
I was here last night, and I didn't see you at all. Have you been cheating on us with another thread?
>Anon gasps at the scandal of it all.
He didn't answer...
>The stranger blatantly lies while the glitter of lights splash across the hood and windows of the car. The vivid nightlife of Rio rich with vibrant beats of nearby music and raucous party goers in the streets passed them by as they approached the hotel. Pulling up into the hotel parking lot, he pulled your head off the window and turned it toward his. Staring into your doe like eyes for a moment like he might kiss you then and there, before interrupting it with unbuckling your seat belt.
You're in no shape to make it up to your room alone, you need me to help get you to your room.
>He says with a straight face and honest voice, keeping up his charade of being a Good Samaritan wanting to help. Yet deep down, he wanted you to give in to him, and accept his advances. To not be totally aware of your decision to go along with him. Nevertheless, it wouldn't matter if you consent to him or not, he'd still have his way.
(You did great, very impressed on what you did.)
>(thanks, this is the 4 time I erp)
Huhn? No, that's not right... I'm pretty sure I was... uh...
>She shook her head to try and regain composure before attempting to connect the dots.
Okay, I'm not wearing panties right now... Did I fuck someone? I don't feel any cum. Was it with a condom? Why the fuck would I use a condom?
Anon, being friends with something you have affection for isn't so bad! I'm sure when the time came when you both are close with one another, you could confess that you have a crush on her. Who knows she might even let you discuss her intimate moments that she has with her husband! Doesn't that sound nice?

>Cadance closes her eyes, a slight trail of teardrops running down her cheeks
Sometimes she would turn up with a self-satisfied demeanor, before stating how she made love with my husband. Going into the details of how much he came for her and how much love she drained from him. She would do this mainly after the act, my husbands' seed still well buried in her snatch - making the promise that if I licked her clean, she would allow me to see my husband.
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>Tears prick the hazy brown eyes of the drugged-up girl as the stranger spreads the tight, silky walls of her asshole much further than she'd ever experienced. Hana's tongue felt thick and foreign in her mouth, so she parts her lips and lets it loll. Her back twitches with the rough pinches to her little pink nipples, but the pilot can do little to buck the man off of her.
I just need to sleep it off...
>Hana groans, shaking her head until she realized it only made the lightheadedness worse.
>Her answer was concise. The alleyway, however, did not lead to her lavish hotel at all. D.Va would have known were she sober. As they approach the motel, the back of Hana's mind yelled at her that this /wasn't/ the proper place. Her body begins to slowly twist, brow creasing ever-so-slightly.
>She didn't hear the phone ring at all, but Hana didn't say anything about it. Lucio /always/ picked up when she called. Maybe he just didn't recognize the stranger's number. Her lips part slightly, glistening with the bubblegum-pink lipgloss she'd applied just prior to the DJ's party. Only to the elevator.
>She manages to utter. She was a big, strong MEKA pilot; even drunk Hana knew that!
I think... I think I still have my keycard...
>Hana continues, mostly to herself. Indeed, it was hidden away, tucked between the tight waistband of her thong and her hips. Her body falls to one side in an attempt to clamber out of the car.
You never use condoms?
>Anon was surprised. He knew she got around, but bareback! And he'd never gotten to be with her, she'd only ever watched him fap.
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>Anon listens to her words, particularly the possibility of discussing intimate moments with her husband.
It...it does...um...Cadence...
>Anon hesitates.
I have a crush on you.
>Anon emotionally braces himself for everything to go horribly wrong, just in case.
Why do you have so many?! I'm going to bed...
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Hey, haven't gotten pregnant or worse yet. Pretty sure I'm immune.
>She proudly smiled at him. Her headache seemed to be fading, but that didn't bring back the memories of whatever happened last night.

Fucking rude. See if I compliment you on your anal-taking abilities again.
Oh, alright. Have a good night!
>Anon rubs Cadence's hoof with his hand.
And did she ever keep that promise?
Did you truly have hope in your heart every time that this time she'd take pity on you?
>immune to pregnancy
Taking some of the risk and fun out of it here.
>Anon shivered. She fucked guys so random she couldn't even remember, letting them cum inside of her. Maybe he had a chance, even though she was so far out of his league.
M-maybe it would help jog your memory if you tried to reenact last night.
>Anon suggested.
Jinx no brapposting

>He continues to drunkenly plow her asshole, his thick cock stretching her tiny hole with each thrust. He pulls at her hard nipples, stretching them as far as he can. Her asshole's vice grip milks his cock, quickly sending him towards climax. His cock twitches within her rear as he moans loudly, showing that he's about to cum.
>Opening the door for you, he catches you as you almost fall out of the car. He slaps your face a couple times to trying to straighten you up. Not wanting to raise any suspicions if he was seen waltzing through the hotel lobby with a nearly unconscious body. Draping your arm across his shoulder, he put his arm around your waist. With you pressed up against him, he felt the key card on your hip, and slid his fingers like snakes slithering down your body to retrieve it. Teasingly tugging on the waistband of your thong as he pulled it free of your risque outfit. The keycard being the last thing he would pull out of you for the rest of night. Pocketing it without a word, and giving your glowing face another slap. He now had the key to the room, you had to let him in.
Ah here it is. You're on the sixth floor. Don't worry, I'll get you there.
>Holding you up as we walked in through the lobby and to the elevators, you looked much like a couple coming back from a fun night out with a few too many to drink. He looked around and saw a small clutter of people in the lobby, but nobody took any real notice, and had all but vanished by the time we made it down a long empty hallway to the elevators. Hitting the button to call down the elevator, he saw nobody inside as the doors opened. He shoved you into the back wall of the compact room, following behind you, and hitting the number for the sixth floor.
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