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Zootopia General: Adorable Gekker Edition Fanfic list and t

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Thread replies: 535
Thread images: 211

Zootopia General: Adorable Gekker Edition

Fanfic list and thread journal: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG creator list: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / t3event.tumblr.com
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/8289236

TT status: Poll open until 23:59, Wednesday, 22 March.
TT poll: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll1016606x265F44D3-42
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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More Cain breeding Judy into a proper broodmother doe when?
is best boy
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Buncest isn't for breeding, it's for family structure.
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>its the fucking iPhone movie thread again
Where are Jack's stripes?
>it's the fucking undertoddler poster again
And breeding.
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>>8292890 Along with >>8292758

>The night is a nigh fervorous haze of the greatest sex she had ever had. (Being her first might also have something to do with it.) She gets up before Nick, and they are both still within her bed. The morning is late, and she thanks the stars that it's there day off today.
>Her entire body is so very sore, and she doesn't even want to get out of bed. Something that hasn't happened to her in years.
>She turns to Nick to ask how he enjoyed their first night together, she shakes him and he starts to stir. But before he can realization dawns on her. The guilt sets in now and it won't leave her.
>She remembers the countless times Nick asked her to wait and to take it easy during the night, but she ignored his pleas. She didn't once remember if he even enjoyed it, and she can't even remember if he ever got into it.
>All she can remember is the numerous orgasms that rocked her body, yet there came a point where Nick just lied there and took it.
>Their first night together, and she only cared about her own pleasure. She starts to freak even more, crying for the 2nd time she has meet Nick, she hurt him again. Nick finally gets up fully, her sobs causing him great distress. Just in time to see Judy nearly having a panic attack.
>His fatigue disappears, and the need to calm her down is the only thing he is knows now.
>After he embraces her and let whatever it is hurting her out. She tells him everything, and how sorry she is for ignoring him, and that she fully expects Nick to call their relationship off, before it even started.
>Nick assuages her fear's, while embarrassingly admiring he enjoyed it. At first he didn't, he had wanted their first time to be slow and peaceful. But like a lightning strike, there came a point during it that his switch was flipped. He never knew he enjoyed being handled by someone else like Judy used him.
>And that their is no way in hell, he would ever leave her.

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Soon! What's there right now is: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9917648

I just need more ideas about what to do, though... I'm not exactly sure what to happen other than Al pulling his daughter aside after some kind of particularly intense game of something (catch? touch football? not sure) and trying to explain to her that she doesn't need to take on the 'alpha' role with her mixed-race friends just because she's the oldest and tallest.

But then he ends up explaining it wrong because he's a bit of a bumbler despite meaning well, and he's also got a kind of weird streak that brings up odd analogies and other situations. I'm mentally viewing him as a fuzzy version of the Dexter's Lab dad. And the Family Ties dad.

In my head now:
>"Look, Vivian, it's like," Al remarked, trying to fiddle with the chair's level, "think about it this way--"
>"Oh, hey!"
>Thankfully, the chair's sudden de-recining only threw Al onto the comfy rug directly in front of him. The wolf turned slightly, not even breaking a sweat, and went on talking to his daughter. She tried to listen.
>"It's like... you send a girl a Snapchat, she eats for a day. You teach a girl to snapchat, she sends pictures of fish all her life. You know?"
>"Look, just stop doing things that get us angry Zoogle Plus messages about you breaking things at your 'friends' houses." Al did the air quotes. However, he realized just how unintentionally mean it came across a second later. "Uhh... look, maybe we could role-play it or something?"
Does anyone want to see a henrietta doodle?

>Even with his affirmations that everything is fine, she still feels like a jerk. Judy asks him if there is anything that he want's, something of equal value to try and offset it.
>Nick can tell it would be pointless to fight her, she has always payed back any and everything in full, when she feels she stepped over a line. Or did something to slight another.
>So instead Nick tells her that he would think on it and that right now, he just want's too hold her. Which they do, his body sits up and uses the bed backboard as a support for him and she sits within his crossed legs.
>Nick arms travel around her torso and slowly massage her shoulders, his muzzle rubs against her ears in slow strokes. Her arms equally shifting along his legs, petting them and drawing random designs within his fur.
>The petting continues till all the excess stress they were just under, bleeds out of them.
>Nick can't help his mind start to remember back, to when his little innocent doe, turned into such a forceful deviant.
>It was that kiss, the pure pleasure of it all had him forgetting about being careful with his claws and teeth. Using them on her when he never did before. That was what changed her, and he wonder's if he can use them again. But this time, he would stay in control.
>His massages lose the finger pads that he always use's, now his claws draw twisting patterns in her fur just enough to barely touch her skin. His nuzzling of her ears stop, and now his teeth just ever-so-slightly bite into the fur and flesh. His nostrils flare up, quickly recognizing and breathing in deep her arousal.
>Judy starts to heavily pant. She hears Nick and that he wants to already cash it in. Judy forcefully ignores her still sore body, and her arms go up and wrap around Nick's neck.
>Her paws start to grasp onto him even more and her body arch's upwards. Her moans start to egg him on.
>His paw travels down to her slit, and he drags it. Bottom to top and she can't stop her first orgasm.

guys i
i just tried to look at normal porn
and i wasn't aroused in the slightest
i need bungina and dox fick to even get a boner
i'm too far gone
save yourselves
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Donk or Moped, are you guys still doing this comic?

I need to know how this donkey eats soup.
Or rather, if he gets his car back.
Post it.

Re posting since new thread.
Fyi, Making first lewd when I haven't sleeper for 40 hours, is not something I recommend doing.
(And I am super fucking slow.)

And it keeps growing.
He doesn't have a name. He's just "Gud's wolf" at the moment.
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Do you think Marty was the first kid to treat Ozzy like a person?
While other mammals around him would think he was weird or would pity him for his conditions, Marty spoke to him like he would anyone else? Interested in what he had to say or what music he was working on, and wasn't just hanging out with him to feel better about himself? Always able to find the right ways to push Ozzy's buttons, while making it clear that it was completely friendly?

I'm imagining a tiny Ozzy following a tinier Marty around Pack Street because he wants to be friends and it's cute
haven't been on these threads in a while and decided to check in.
anything of note happen in the past week?
Im not even sorry.
We purged all the filthy sheepdoggers
They are. Moped came in the thread and said he was going to draw a ton of stuff this week.
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Been pretty comfy. TT was awesome.
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Can someone please tell me just what the fuck is the context of this?
It's part of a series of Zistopia history things
NW heard Weaver talkin' shit and responded in a retarded manner.
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Weaver posted a lot, or what seemed like more than usual. Lots of Zistopia talk. Discussions about Shorty Squad as well.

Going outdoors TT came and went. A lot of attention. Good feelings. Some people mentioning that it's the one year anniversary of them being Zootopia interested.
It looks like a thing from the prehistoric AU
>tfw you'll never be a sheep getting claimed by the big bad wolfess
Why even live tho?
i want more retardedavacado ship
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>More completely-platonic, sfw, donkey-on-fox investigative action is coming.

Well that just makes my day. Thanks anon.
NW is proof that college is a brainwashing experience.
What the fuck does pansxual even mean? You have no standards and will fuck anything?
Eh they're a decent looking couple but honestly the retard can do better
>not to eat but as living fleshlights and dildos
But there's just so many issues...

>Why would prey that are themselves food decide to use rabbits as food, even if it's just a matter of sale...

>Why wouldn't bunnies use their large-scale numbers either to fight back or to just escape...

>Why would they be crated and stacked around like pets instead of subject to regular butchery, it's not like being a grocery store clerk selling live chickens is a thing...

it means you want to fuck a skillet
>MORTY [cough] Morty, listen you gotta... you gotta shoot me Morty [burp] gotta shoot me with this anti-edge gun.. it'll... it'll reverse the effect of the edge Morty! It'll reverse the effects, Morty! MORTY I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND MORTY!
I laughed.
Ask Professor VRbit.
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Very rarely do I head that HUGH is the one that can do better.

>tfw you'll never be a sheep getting claimed by the big bad wolfess

Pred on Prey -is- hot, Anon.
But Pred on Pred is even hotter.

>tfw you'll never be a smaller pred getting claimed by the big bad wolfess
Why even live tho?

Today I didn't even have to use my skunk spray.
I gotta say, today was a good day.
Hugh has a mediocre personality, honestly, but in terms of his body he's pretty damn sexy. I don't see why he wouldn't have plenty of studs wanting to cum in and on him over and over again. I guess the central issue is that he's a female-preferring bisexual who wants exotic pussy even if maybe he should seek something else.
No one gives him enough credit
He's a nice guy underneath all that... whatever the fuck he has going on
Those mass-produced cages seem 1800s or sooner, though.
>Why even live tho?
To witness Remmy as he himself gets claimed
Openly cruel rabbit sexual slavery is a fetish that I'm kind of ashamed that I've got. But I do have it.
>It's a slavery-fetish thing and they're all in on it
>And not one of them is a history major
Fucking read it in Rick's voice
Eh, pred-pred and prey-prey is overrated
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Who wouldn't want this charming fella? As a unicorncowboylawyer, he's mysterious, rugged, and makes good money.

Out of all the Shorty Squad, Hugh's the one I'd pick.
Reminds me of Mordekaiser
Does every major religion have a Zootopian version?

What about traditional mythologies?
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>Hugh has a mediocre personality, honestly
I mean, I guess?

>I don't see why he wouldn't have plenty of studs wanting to cum in and on him over and over again
I'd say because skunk.

>who wants exotic pussy even if maybe he should seek something else.
But anon
his crush is a raccoon.

I sure hope so. I don't think he's a bad guy. I also actually think he's interesting, but I also made him so you shouldn't take anything I say about his personality to heart. If he's a good person it'll show in his actions.

>As a unicorncowboylawyer, he's mysterious, rugged, and makes good money.


I shouldn't be laughing.
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Sorry Anon, but all I'm hearing here is "I can't let on how much I like Pred on Prey and Pred on Pred!"
>Rabbits in the big city
>Emotionally distraught
>Unable to deal with being on their own for that long
>Get sucked into domination contracts with predators
>Happiness in slavery
It means you're attracted to all sexes/genders.

In this case, it's a way for NW to completely override the possible heterosexuality of Judy and Nick despite the fact that neither of them have ever shown attraction to anyone else.
>I'd say because skunk.
Ugh! It's, like, 2017! Skunks can be sexy, get over it!
fuck off you shitty fag
Don't you know? Many of the residents of Sahara Square devote their lives as Mooslims, praying to the almighty Allama.
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But can you handle the smell?
That can be either the deal maker or breaker.
The skunk spray stereotype is a dominance thing, though. A skunk telling you that he wants you spooge down his throat and otherwise make him a sub is going in the opposite direction. If he was purely straight or bisexual but purely dom, then I get it. Partners would worry about some accidental leakage if not intentional spray as a power play kink.
that sounds nice

but i can't help but wonder -- since the last time i've been on the threads, there's been a lot of shit-flinging -- that my absence somehow blesses the threads with comfy
like, i've been cursed to cause inexplicable shitstorms simply by being here
Is it even an involuntary reflex? And I thought that he never sprayed anyone?
Raccoons seem exotic to me. At least compared to your general species seen all over.
who else didnt even know who weaver was before coming to /zoot/?
Is it weird that I want to see more of Hugh's sexy and mysterious back-stripes?
Is that lion OC Spintherella draw for serious? Have you seen it guys?
The week before must have been spring break for a few people who are just lifer trolls to these threads. Seems like they're gone for now.
Unless you go around trying to start fights, you're probably not to blame. Those fights were all started by 2/10 trolls spamming over and over and over.
Would animals known for having a faint stink even when just idly walking around, like ferrets, hyenas, and skunks, really carry that same trait into the evolved Zootopia world?

It's kind of like assuming that bunnies would still eat their own shit.
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>But anon
>his crush is a raccoon.

It is? Well that's good news because I heard that guy recently became available again.
I knew him from /mlp/ unfortunately but as interest in that waned I expanded into his other works

Friend of mine RL has pet skunks, Anon. He says you always want to have them de-scented because they'll sometimes squirt just a little when they're excited, like at getting a treat, or when even slightly startled. It's not a full-on spray, but even a little skunk scent is too much.
More important thing, where is the fucking cameo with zootopia and Sam and Max?!!?
Well lets be honest, you dick is gonna stink after some anal fun anyways.
nah, dude
heard of him since fnaf
Charcoal-filtered rubber underoos.
Keep that stink where it belongs.
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I still want to give the animals of Zootopia a prostate exam.
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Oh no, he doesn't spray anyone ever, and it is voluntary if the comic has shown us anything.

I was speaking more more for skunks in general, not Hugh specifically. I can't imagine he's a very popular catch unless it's towards other skunks or people who don't believe the stereotypes too strongly.

Then again he acts like he's rarely ever interacted with another skunk, so who knows.

Considering predators only make up 10% of the population (and probably only a small percent of that are omnivorous) maybe raccoons AREN'T very common, except for in certain areas. You're likely to see more mice, antelopes, and sheep wandering around than say a bat, panther, or raccoon.

For example I like to think there aren't a lot of skunks in Savannah Central, which is why Hugh has almost no interaction with them. However seeing them Downtown or in the Nocturnal district would probably be more commonplace.

It's something I think about often, actually.

Actually Hugh's a hooded skunk, so it's more like he has just one giant stripe. To be fair there seem to be several patterns for hooded skunks, mostly of the one-stripe variety though. At least that's what I've found. I don't claim to be an expert.

While I think most have evolved beyond it, skunks are confirmed to still spray, so I don't doubt they still have a stink to them. I'm not about to say it's particularly strong or anything, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Oh my god.

Fair point.
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>I heard that guy recently became available again.
I hear the raccoon disappeared recently. Last seen with a hyena and then just poof, gone, just like the beaver.
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Are you threatening me?!
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>prostate exam
Choose your doctor wisely.

I'm of the belief that in Zootopia, where they have medical care at least as advanced as our own, de-scenting young skunks would be a standard procedure. It just makes sense from a societal standpoint.
I believe it'd be the rare outlier who wouldn't have it done to their kids, and even then, there would be a great deal of pressure from their peers to have it done. Because after just one accident in school, where the whole building is closed down for a day and a half, you bet those parents would catch some shit.
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OH YEAH and the movie also implied that a skunk's butt is still gross, but to be fair that could be true of any mammal's butt.

However the fact that they were careful to point out a skunk still proves the sterotype of skunks smelling bad still holds water, whether it's true or not.

I don't have a lot of colored skunk back images it seems.
>horse prostate exam
>they tape a dildo to their hooves
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>I don't have a lot of colored skunk back images it seems.

I do, but it's a lot of non-Zoot generic furry shit, Anon.
Just noticed the stethoscope and glasses were taped to his head
Had it have been a "Raccoon Butt Rug" or a "Coyote Butt Rug", I don't think it would have been an improvment.
>She is again limp, her labored breathes come slow as her tongue is the first to move, it flicks across her lips lazily. A dopey smile etched on them, she continues her tongue flicks to get the well needed moisture she craves. The next feeling she notices after that imperative is done with and her breathing has mostly normalized, is her butt pressed against Nick's fully erect length.
>Her buns hotdog it the best they can, and the heat from it is enough to make her moan out, her tail brushes against the front of his head getting just a dash of pre wetting it. She moves and try's to lift herself up, but her body refuses to budge.
>A few more failed attempts with annoyance mounting, she looks behind her. And that's when the rest of her senses finally come back, just as she notices Nick had silently been watching her during her struggle.
>A grin on his muzzle and his paw pressed hard into her stomach, he isn't letting her get what she wants. The initial embarrassment of having her watched being so needy is soon lost, when annoyance takes over. Being denied her pleasure by the only one that can give her it, has her about ready to yell at him.
>But that's when she remembers, that it's not about her.
>So she decides to stop complaining and let him stay in control. She watches his paw get close to his mouth, his eye's still watch her as understanding dawns on her once again. The moisture on his finger's is obvious, he needed to catch her squirt somehow, and she stares as her ears go red.
>The "pop" of one of them going into his mouth is loud to her ears, and he opens up his muzzle just large enough to show his tongue twirl around it. Trading her cum for his spit, and the finger come's out coated even more. He repeats that process for the rest of them, ending with a 'yum' from him. And telling her, it's her turn now.
>Her sight is soon covered in his glistening paw, and the next second she has both of her paws around it. Sucking and lapping him up hungrily.

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I'm actually firmly of the opposite opinion. Skunks still spray and if a skunk loses their glands (especially after infancy) it's probably like losing a bit of themselves.

I know they're evolved creatures, but in nature a skunks' glands are about the only thing they have in self defense. It's not to say they never attack, but it's rare and skunks usually try to be careful with their spray; they're very likely to run away if they can.

Not to say I don't think yours is the smarter option from a societal standpoint, but I think it's more fun to work with the problems mammals have than try to find an easy out for them. It's more fun to write about a skunk that's proud of/ashamed of their smell or one that has to cope with the fact that they've lost their means of defense and have to find a new one instead of just 'oh well all skunks are de-scented and it's no problem'.

Maybe there's like two 'sects' of skunks. Ones that are proud of their musk and those who are ashamed of it. Doesn't mean it has to be one way or the other that way.
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Well no, but that's not what I'm saying. The fact that it's a skunk butt rug was pointed out specifically. Mostly because the audience would get it, but it doesn't change the fact that it confirms that it's pretty bad.

I sort of implied that myself in the above post: No butt would smell good, but they picked skunk for a reason. You can take it from the off-screen reason of 'humans know skunks smell bad' or the in-universe reason of 'skunks are smelly that's the worst thing you could have done'.

I'm not saying I'm right. I'm saying it's something to think about.
I wonder if LGBT skunks and/or skunks that regularly date way different species partners are fundamentally more relaxed about smells and don't have reason to care either way, while more traditional ones feel like there's something about 'the scent' to treat with reverence.

>Maybe there's like two 'sects' of skunks. Ones that are proud of their musk and those who are ashamed of it. Doesn't mean it has to be one way or the other that way.

That's an interesting idea, Anon. It's a pretty interesting concept to explore either way.
Something to bear in mind though - an intelligent, bipedal, tool-using skunk has a LOT more options for self defense than a non-uplifted one does. Plus a great deal of social pressure that their non-humanoid cousins would never face.
Pressure to -NOT- cause building evacuations, for example.
In the modern world, someone who calls in a false fire alarm will often find themselves footing the bill for the emergency response, and facing a lawsuit from the affected business, if applicable. Just imagine if some skunk kid's parents had the Zootopian HazMat and Paramedics billing them for hundreds of thousands of bucks because their kid got excited to see their favorite character on screen and let a little loose in a theatre...
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Prequel update...
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You're a terrible person.
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anyone know what frame this picture is at?
also what I'm assuming is his ID to his coat
Not the exact frame but pretty sure that's him watching Nangi stretching.
Nudist resort when they're questioning Nangi, it's during one of her yoga poses where he butt is facing the group, I believe.

Pretty sure it's the Hot Springs Oasis scene, but lemme check, Anon.
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That's the sort of the type of thing I like to think about. I think it's a thing that should vary from skunk to skunk, and mammal to mammal. Maybe the general stereotype/schoolyard bully thing is 'skunks smell bad' whether the skunk does or not. It's just a common assumption. Maybe most mammals don't really care, and maybe there's some that do. Maybe this helps shape how a skunk views themselves, and helps them decide if getting their glands removed is a wise idea or not. It's more social vs safety vs pride. Each one has to pick what's most important to them.

Like I had said before, I didn't think your idea was wrong, especially from a more social standpoint. However I still think it's important to keep in mind a lot of mammals still have their defensive traits.

A key example is the porcupines, who still have their spines growing out from their backs. Had they not needed them anymore they'd likely be gone, and are still a similar hazard to a skunk's spray. Just in a smaller radius.

That's why I think it's important to look at it from both society and skunk culture. I wouldn't doubt a lot of mammals' cultures clash with modern society, and they have to find their own ways to balance it. If removing their glands is one way sure, but I don't believe it'd be mandatory nor do I think most skunks would even have that problem (save for parents who don't raise their kids well or ones with issues). It's a matter of what's right for the skunk or its family more than anything.

At least that's how I prefer to look at it.

38 minutes and 16 seconds into the film, Anon.
thanks guys, really like his reaction
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For you, Anon.
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EditAnon here.
Here, Anon. Some Nick reaction faces I capped and cleaned up.
Such an expressive doggo. :)
thanks :3
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I read Ruby Quest and I liked it
Then I was a /mulp/ fag and a /fnaf/ fag and an /ut/ fag and then I came here, all the while trying to escape weaver
It never worked
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Weaver's powered by souls, anon. There is no escape.

Pic kinda related.
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here you go
It's a curse, anon. There's no escape.
One of my favorites.
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>but I don't believe it'd be mandatory

Yeah Anon, sorry if I gave you that impression - I don't think it'd be mandatory either.
I believe there'd be a lot of social pressure to do it - like circumcision today.
>I could crawl right in
>Just like a doorway
>Like a big wet leather handbag
>not a real cop
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snow lolpard.jpg
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>Like a big wet leather handbag

Dat internal monologue...
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My officer can't possibly be this cute-!
I'm reminded of a certain review in which one of the guys complained that he didn't get to see no elephant vagina.
Double Toasted*
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Which OC is most likely to commit suicide?

I'll start. Max Midnight. Reason? He finally saw a mirror and performed a mercy killing.

But let's stick to thread OCs.
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>didn't get to see no elephant vagina


>Her teeth nip his paw pads and her tongue continues to swirl around his matted fur, as long as she can taste him, she would continue her exploration. She attempts to clean them fully in a single attempt, nearly deep-throating them one at a time.
>But she would come up short, she doesn't try to push it in worry of getting her gag reflex to work. She doesn't want to ruin one of the greatest night's of her life. She had yet to even take his dick, and she wanted that to be the first thing to mark her throat. But she feels that would be saved for later, this night looks to be progressing a bit faster then last night. But she wants to keep it going as long as she can.
>When she can't take them all the way, she pops them out of her mouth and spreads each other finger apart. Continuing her work around the sides, tops and bottoms that she can't normally get to. She catches him staring at her each time she does this, his smile wide on his muzzle, tail wagging about behind him.
>She smiles at him each time and she feels him slowly shift his hips, just enough to barely move his dick along her cheeks. Giving her something for her good work.
>Judy can't help herself and she shift's her ass and gently squeezes around him, getting more of that pre-cum on her tail and ass fur.
>She pays special attention to his claws during her cleaning session. After gripping her hips, and tracing marks within her fur and flesh, having them offered up to her is something she desperately wants to happen now on.
>Her tongue would tease them, pushing against each one of them, yet no matter matter how much she pushed, they refused to break skin nor even harm her. She can't even explain why she loves them so much, she had never found any attraction towards teeth and claws or any other predators that have them. There's something about Nick's that make her go wild for them, but only his, just as much as the very being that is Nick that makes her need him.
>The last finger pops out.


Clawhauser, because of fat. Body image issues, forever alone, coupled with not being able to make his semiannual physical recertification.
Goes home and eats his service revolver.
What's the problem, anon?
Probably Remmy, having been bitten by a vampire he will then learn that its not all fun and games and will decide to end it all before he can hurt anyone(else).
just where do you think you are?
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Yeah, that I can believe.

I hope I didn't imply I was disregarding your ideas either. I think they're sound and worth considering. Maybe worth meshing into whatever ones I have now.

I like that people consider these things worth discussing. I'm far from an expert on mammals, but I think discussing how certain ones are generally viewed in society or how their real world habits and traits mesh into Zootopia proper is neat to discuss.
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>just where do you think you are?

Someplace where people WEREN'T horrible degenerates?
This is 4chan.
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I haven't posted or lurked in a while. I'm glad to see these still going.
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fix'd typo
Good to see you alive too anon, living is good.
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Thanks, bro. Have a good night, friends.

OCs, anon!

But good exploration of the reasoning. I'll allow it.


Have a comfy night!

Hi, nice to see you.
There's still a suicide-themed thing I'd like to do for a TT, but since I doubt we'll ever have one I should probably just do it on my own.

Someday. Not now.

Wanna tell us about it?
i'm working on something for that topic myself, featuring charlie and wolter
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>OCs, anon!

Yes! I, uh, meant to do that.
know I am excited (even if that's rather revealing as to my character)
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Is it even a question? He actually tried.
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what kind of early 2000's memery have you drudged up, vile thing?

Canidae, when she realizes Gazelle is straight.

She'll take a bunch of sleeping pills and sleep forever.
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Good morning thread!
How's going? What are you listening to?

An image the encapsulates the Zistopia authors inability to write and understand theming. Which is Judy's character is built around her own good nature waging war with her own species bias' and that she is part of a much larger problem inherent caused by discrimination.

Except the Zistopia author decided that "No, Rabbits are just as mistreated as Predators, so now the two mistreated minority groups can unite to crush the EVIL HERBIVORES"

And the fact basically did this simply to make Judy a minority, while animals like small rodents somehow DON'T receive the same negative treatment or "magic ability to breed rapidly" when they have shorter breeding cycles because then that undercuts Judy being a poor abused rabbit minority

To the guy who posted last thread with some pages of a comic to translate, I won't be able to get to those til about noon PST tomorrow, so if you repost it then I can do it.
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Hello everyone! Guess who cracked open his history book?

... On his own accord?

... And is definitely not doing this as some sort of 'bunishment'?

Only the finest cask-aged memes for you, Anon.

Some nostalgia

[spoiler]It's funny because doing a Super Sentai might actually be really easy in Zootopia because you can have Rodents be the the on foot fights and then higher a big mammal for the giant robot fights[/spoiler]
Go back to sleep tube! You'll die if you keep this up!

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Wooo history bunishment time!
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Ahh, to be young again! It’d be great to turn back the clock and relive those simpler times when you could play all day, be taken care of, and only had to worry about homework! But what if you turned back the clock to simpler times-- like, say, when clocks weren't invented? What was it like to be a bunny kit in the medieval period?

Well, for the most part, it was like how the medieval period was for everyone else: really hard!

Were your parents tyrannical with the chores? Consider yourself lucky, because their work as an adult as soon as possible! There were none of the modern conveniences that we have nowadays, like vacuums, fridges, food trucks or Zoober, so everything had to be done manually! And since doing everything manually was a ton of work, everyone had to pitch in-- even the kits. They would direct plows, harvest crops, wash floors and dishes, carry things here and there-- basically anything their parents needed them to do. For more than 90% of all mammals, helping and following their parents would be the only education they ever got, and kits were expected to start working to help out their family as young as 8 years old!

And think twice about misbehaving: corporal punishment was seen as the only way to bring a kit in line, so it’d be the belt for anything you did wrong-- and I do mean anything! In medieval times, kits were expected to follow rigid rules about how they behaved: following an incredibly strict social etiquette was of tantamount importance. This is because the period required everyone to work together-- slacking off with farming duty or not cooperating properly could mean your entire burrow starves come winter!--, so conformity and obedience were seen as absolutely necessary (this was true for almost all species). Breaking any rule, be it swearing or slouching, and you'd find yourself over a knee with a birch branch swinging down at you!!
I think VRbit opened a history book, judging from the photographic evidence provided!
Note - it's really nice to see you around every day, a_sig. It's inspiring.

>Of The Night plays in the distance
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Why corporal punishment? Barring colloquial wisdom (it was said that kits did not have ‘big enough ears’ to listen to reason), pain was seen as the only effective motivator for kits because it taught them that the world was a dangerous place. This was an important lesson to learn, because the world was a dangerous place! Records show that young does were prone to being burnt or drowning, since they helped their mothers, and bucks had to worry about being wounded while working, dying of infections or worse. In fact, it's estimated that roughly half of all mammals born died before reaching adulthood, whether from illness, malnutrition, or, most likely, injury.

How terrible! It sounds like being a kit was truly awful in medieval times! Why, if parents forced their kits to work, beat them for the smallest transgression, and half of all of them died, it sounds like they didn’t even love them!

Well, this is not the case!
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He's a moose, OJ. He already had cloven hooves.
I'm afraid if I said anything it'd reveal my identity or spoil the premise, but I will say I'll probably do something based around a weeb shit song that deals with the topic.

Even then the music itself could easily be ignored if it's bothersome. I'd try to make it enjoyable regardless.
Or maybe someone else help him to cut himself...
That sounds pretty interesting, actually. I'm quite excited as well!
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ZPD Intro.webm
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Let’s take a look at an old bunny poem, The Pearl. The poem starts with a bunny dropping a pearl, a recent gift from her husband, into a river, where it is “carried away by the stream/and lost to a place [unseen/of dreams]” (the dual meaning of the last word doesn’t have a clear translation in our modern language, so two words that fit the rhyme scheme are provided). The bunny searches and searches and searches, but she can’t find it; she’s so distraught and exhausted and it's so late that she faints-- and begins dreaming!

In “a place of dreams”, she stands up from the bank of a river and sees a little doe in a white dress! There, she says:

Are you my Pearl, gone from my sight/
Whom I grieved for all through lonely night/
And left me hollow and heavy with sorrow/
Yet who now stands, lightened from strife/
In peaceful land of Paradise?

Notice that ‘pearl’ has become ‘Pearl’! Even more interesting, the kit responds in the affirmative, calling herself a ‘jewel’-- ‘a gem among the others from your string’-- and the bunny her ‘jeweller’!

Overcome with joy, the bunny tries to swim across the river to Pearl, but the currents are too strong and she is carried away. When she wakes, she is soaking wet (“drops of water falling”, signifying both dripping wet and crying tears) and her pearl is nowhere to be seen, but she at least knows it has gone back to the ocean where it came.

The poem is full of grief and want for something lost-- taken away, perhaps far too soon. The final lines don’t try to hide how painful the bunny’s tragedy is: the solace of returning to where it came is said aloud by the bunny, but not heard-- the bunny has gone temporarily deaf from the cold water in her ears--, or even felt-- her body is numb from the cold as well. A poem of such anguish wouldn’t be written if kits were considered expendable.
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Hugh's dreams are never as fun as Maxine or Percy's.
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oh don't worry, it's sure to be super interesting, light-hearted, and not depressing at all...
If poetry is too subjective for you, why not go by the letter of the law? Corporal punishments might’ve been doled out to kits, but capital punishment was for those who committed the most atrocious of crimes: infanticide!

And even though kits were expected to work their tails off, they were, indeed, expected to play. We know this because of toys excavated from medieval burrow sites! A favorite among does were miniatures of bunnies and household items like pots and pans and chairs and such-- sometimes toys made or carved or whittled by craftsmammals, sometimes traded old goods by rats and mice!-- used to play Burrow. A section of wall would be dug out and they’d fill it up with floors and dolls and decorate it and play pretend! Bucks were fond of games as well, such as “Hoopf”, where you throw a hoop as high as you can in the air and jump through it while it's in ‘hang time’! Both are noted with reverie by poems of the time: one of a doting mother working tirelessly, but happy to see her daughter playing Burrow, mimicking her; and another, an ‘ode to kithood’, which describes the blissful feeling of soaring through a Hoopf and ‘feeling time slow down’ and becoming ‘weightless’ as ‘all the worries of the world are left back on the ground-- including, cheekily enough, his angry parents, waiting to cane him for playing when he should be working! Just goes to show that, even in the middle ages, there was empathy for kits, and childhood was seen as a simpler time to remember and cherish.

In that sense, very little has changed.
Guy just needs a little warmth to chase the bad tidings away.
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RF told me you were going to paddle me if I didn't add Hey, Beaver! to my tumblr, so I added it to my tumblr.

You super bully.

Goodnight, folks.
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Sleep well.png
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Have a good night Yeanver
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He seems to me like the type who makes his own bad tidings.
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This isn't part of the history lesson, but I wanted to say thank you to you all: I received a lovely message this morning, and its basically had me smiling all day.

There's no way to express how grateful I am for all of you except to give my all in everything I do for you all: you're the best, so you deserve the best.

Hope you like it, buddy. I felt really bad about having made you wait this long.

I'm just going to point out that photos of me posted on this image board may be doctored-- including any that show me being 'lewded'.

I was definitely going to paddle you if you didn't share it with the world!

And I'll still paddle you if you don't put it on AO3!
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>You'll die if you keep this up!
>Implying I'm not already dead
>Implying I do not subsist entirely on caffeine
But yeah, last night I stayed up too late, and all to make quite a mediocre drawing.
And still you all managed to make a metric ton of posts in that short time.

I'm happy to hear these words

Top kek
Who is this poor lynx?
You dick.
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>I was definitely going to paddle you if you didn't share it with the world!
>And I'll still paddle you if you don't put it on AO3!
bad vrbit! beaveryeen peen is for raccoon ass only, no cucking!
That was a really nice piece bun bun, really liked the poem. It was good of you to show the bad and the reality of the bun's harsh situation as well as the good and how much kits are cared for even if they were treated so roughly in our eyes, different times and all that.

And I don't mind waiting, I know you have other obligations much more important than some weirdo on the internet who keep throwing down crazy burdensome and demeaning bunishments on you. You are a very cool dude, thank you for being such a cool sport.

He just needs his heavily armed and armored friends there to keep him upright in times of trouble.
I would love to see a series of these where Remmy & another Pack Streeter are naked and trying to role play.

Like... what would Remmy & Al do? Or Charlie? Or Avo? Or hell, even Anneke & Wolter?
I'd just like to note this meme is old enough to legally drive and smoke
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>so it’d be the belt for anything you did wrong
Professor, w-what kind of leather would that belt be made of?
surely not bunny leather, right?
Fuck, i feel old
Yes, most of us have indeed seen Lion Max Midnight, and have mocked Spin's obsession with the "Beautiful Furry Man" face.
Skunk Maxine is so fucking cute, it's not even funny.
Ya she's actually crazy cute as a skunk... Percy and Hugh though, they did not get off so luckily. They're much better as their original species.

>When Nick's final finger pops out, she takes a moment to bask in nearly cumming again. His claw's, taste and scent is doing amazing thing's to her. A part of her wanted that extra release, yet is more then happy where it ended at. It only mean's the next would be even stronger.
>She looks at Nick, mimicking his smile he has right now and parrot's his words, with a slight change. A "Tasty" hit's his ear's and snap's him out of the near trance that he was in. His hips stop his gyrations and his paw finally leaves her belly. Finally expecting her prize, she start's to move upwards to get enough room for Nick to finally enter her. To give her that amazing stretch that has no equal.
>Instead his muzzle turns to the side and surges forward and cover's hers, both arms wrapping around her body tight as they can.
>His tongue move's past her teeth and wraps around her own, far smaller then his, she refuses to let it win and she fight's back. Moans start to pick up volume as they tried testing each other's teeth now. Judy's excitement from exploring his mouth so completely, gets her close to another powerful climax.
>And that's when she notices the change. During this, Nick was able to turn her around and now Judy face's him. His length stand's tall, slicker then she had ever seen it. Just barely an inch from her own dripping entrance. She tries to disengage from him, but he allows just enough room for her to catch her breath, but he soon continues the oral onslaught, one paw wrapped around the back of her head keeping her close.
>The other paw massaging and groping her ass, keeping her where Nick want's her.
>She groans out a "please" needing release.
>And he does, he move's her right next to him, but instead of entry, he pushes himself against her waiting folds and humps upward. Judy moans readily, muffled by Nick and he humps again.
>5 humps later, and his knot grounds against Judy's pearl. His balls, length and groin is covered in her 2nd orgasm.

HEY THERE /ztg/!
how are you all doing tonight?
did you remember to VOTE?
you have to!
how else will you theme WIN?



oh buongiorno, a_sig!

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>He just needs his heavily armed and armored friends there to keep him upright in times of trouble.

Having good friends is important.

I dunno. I kinda like bunny Percy and polecat Hugh as well. I'd agree that Maxine rocks a skunk pretty well.
You're welcome, buddy. Its no punishment to write these: I have a lot of fun reading and learning and writing, and hearing that you liked it is just one big firework display of wonderful.

Oh come on, who would take paddling and whipping and caning as some sort of sexu--

... nevermind...
So Percy as a bun, Max as a skunk and Clancy as a koala. Probably the cutest shorty squad!


Listening to this and the album on repeat. While I finish this green. That you may have seen around.

I have no idea why I am still doing this, the craze for "Stamina filled Nick and Judy/Making it Even/Sexual Awakening" has already past.

I might be insane.
You're not nice.
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I've been gone far too long without shilling Magonel's latest chapter!

Things are heating up between Henry and Victoria... because the AC is busted. Whether the wind will blow favor their way or they get bogged down by the grit remains to be seen. Will Henry be able to overcome his past, or will he be bloody stumped in the end? Find out in Wandering Paw Prints through the Mulberry Buch, Chapter 7: Stilted Conversations, by Magonel!

Text here:

Blind read through here:

Tomorrow is Sorbune, chapter 2! Super excited to see what happens to our lovely guanaco! Is she guana go to college-o? Probably!
I apologize the skunk is okay, I guess.

So... how goes the next chapter? Still writing or moving on to pretty lines?
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>I have no idea why I am still doing this, the craze for "Stamina filled Nick and Judy/Making it Even/Sexual Awakening" has already past.
And do it to bring it again, be the change anon.
I tried something similar with Otterton lewds (with not great results, but still)
>I might be insane.
We all are
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High seas adventures is in the lead! But its followed very close by other strong candidates. I can't wait to see what ends up winning!
I really like Hugh's old design. Very cute.
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Actually, now that I take a closer look, 14 themes are within four votes of each other! Its still anyone's game!

How does everyone feel about the themes at the top of the list so far?

High Seas Adventures
Interspecies Troubles/Relations
"Can I stay at your place?"
Vidga games
The Afterlife/Religion/Ghosts
Wild West
Species-specific Products
Movie Night
Twenty Years Later
The Life and Times of Minor Characters
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Come on sci fi of vidga games! You can do it!
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>Pic says Ch 8
>Text says Chapter 7

Who am I supposed to believe!?
anon... this does things to me.
good good things
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Ohoh it's bunishment time.png
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I think we now know what time is it
Are you kidding me?!

... Why did I draw an 8... I just got finished with my LAST bunishment!!!
Nice meme.
Well, I think I'm satisfied with my TT submission for last week. It's even longer than it was before, but the story flows more effectively this way. Hopefully I'll edit it and post it tomorrow!
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Your hard work is an inspiration to behold!

>Hopefully I'll edit

... Hopefully?


No, no, plz no bully, I meant that I hope I can do the editing tomorrow, not that I might not edit it!
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I'm still working on it, but I've made a lot of headway today. If I work at the same rate for the rest of the week I should have it out near the weekend, I hope. That's again providing nothing comes up.

Here's hoping!

Yeah, Hugh sort of mutated. I personally like how he looks better now, but I'll admit he looked more skunk-like and less cartoony beforehand. I can see why some people would prefer it. I've gotten mixed opinions on it.

The more you draw a character the more you tend to streamline their design. Those features just started taking form the more I drew him, I guess.

Percy looks more cartoony too. Maxine slightly more, but her change hasn't been as drastic. I wouldn't be surprised if she eventually mutates too, but hopefully in a less ridiculous fashion.
It's okay bun bun, I think he just means a wacking with his lewd stick, the cardboard one.
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The possibility for more Shorty Squad, a new TT fic on its way, and all of today to look back to.

What a great way to end a night.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads. I hope you get a new set of furniture to play Burrow with, and that you get a new high score in Hoopf.
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Sleep tight bunner
Sleep well mr bun, you're a true cutie.

I hope things go well for you Piggu and you strangle a ton of time away from rl to draw pretty lines and write cool things about Percy, Max and that other one! Taco Hat!

You know what would be awesome?
If you wrote it from the perspective of the kids.

I mean it's the next generation so it would cool if the next generation narrated it.
We would se their understanding of things, their adventures, their ideas about their parents, their first crushes and early "sexual" interactions of early puberty...
Sometimes when ol' times would be referenced by old gen we would get the joke but they would be confused about it.

Also seeing Johny get some mom time with Betty would be cool

>Her second was far stronger then her first for today, to the point that it was a silent scream. Nick worried that he might have pushed her too far when he had to catch her, as she nearly fell off of him.
>Keeping an hold of her as her breath slowly steadied out again was easy, it gave him enough time to finally notice that he still wasn't even close to cumming. Not that he didn't enjoy it, oh no. He might even enjoy this more then when Judy handling him. But it's like his body knows he doesn't want to cut it short.
>He and it want to give everything to her, even though it was supposed to be about him. He wants to laugh at his reasoning.
>As he was stuck in his thoughts, Judy finally was able to come down from her climax. A satiated smile on her face, and her paw's come up to pet both side's of his muzzle. Nick had wanted to growl, to tell her that they aren't even close to being done, but the petting was too pure and comfortable for his needs to show.
>A purr came out instead and he nuzzled his face close and started to lick the top of her head. Maybe going this far is enough for him being in control for the first time?
>He let the pet's continue as he prepared for her to fall asleep, he would just take care of it when she passed out. The last day had given him the best fantasy material he had ever had before, after all.
>The petting stop's and Judy places her mouth next to his ear and blows into it, causing him to shiver and reawaken from his peace.
>Half lidded eye's on Judy, has Nick's dick is twitching once again. It was still harder then he had ever known it to be and had yet to go down even after this long lull.
>Judy's paws travel downward, and one cups his cock head and gives it a strong pump, and her other paw grasps his knot squeezing it. Her paw dwarfed by it's size.
>She tells Nick that she still has more in her, and that she NEEDS his knot in her.
>He smiles at her, and gropes her rear with both paws and holds her close.
>He stands up.

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You can never get rid of the true ship, Sheepdog.
All other ships are just pestilence.
What was his response?
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y'all be trippin if you think that drawing is about me
Remmy is property of Betty's cunt.
Hey Weaver.
Well I did not thing that drawing was about you, so it confused me.
Anyway did he respond to you in any way?
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Right on
Chapter 4 of The Lastingness has been translated.

No kidding, I don't think NW could be that subtle.
It was quite obvious it was not about you, it's just one anon continually shitposting that.
Also didn't Rose steal that coffee?
No, I didn't address NW directly and only griped a bit about the story's overall inability to handle blame and general aimlessness here in the thread
Some people started saying that pic was a response/retort to me because it had an antelope and a sheep even though that makes no sense
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Never, you heretic!
This is probably my favorite PS picture.
I love everything about it.
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I did show his name at some point.
After the Spin-ening, you never know when an internet "fight" might happen because another artist thinks you're working against them.

It seemed like that pic came out only a day after you made your gripes, and the presence of an antelope and a sheep (which due to NW's sketchy lines looked like they had the thick Cormo brows), and the image of said duo enslaving sad NW bunnies seemed like too much to be a coincidence, though it seems like it actually is.

My confusion is that even in the context of Zis, it doesn't make sense for any grazer species to have enslaved bunnies to serve as food for preds, and it seems to random to have been for some other context like another AU.
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Can you tell us again, please?
Also how goes the search for obtaining the attentions of your sempai?
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I'm laughing more at the gifs than the actual words.
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So he WAS Eugene, wasn't it?!

It was on that picture of the Undertale-style Ellie, right? It's driving me insane. I know I saved it but I can't find it for the life of me.

>For what Nick has in stored, they need to refill themselves better, he is able to tell they need far more liquid in themselves. That was also something they missed having on the first Night. They only had the drinks from their date to keep their bodies going, Judy was able to keep going on sheer willpower alone, but Nick wasn't able to in the end.
>Their travel to the kitchen takes a short amount of time, but Nick takes his time, slowly walking with a skip in his step as he whistles.
>The whistling isn't able to cover Judy's slight moans as Nick travels, his paws still around her ass and pressing her close to him, giving it playful slaps and teasing entry around her anus. He can't help but admire her fitness schedule and what it gave her. He can't wait to break it in, but that would be saved for a different day.
>When he had picked her up, he placed her just right as his dick and her fold's were lined up perfectly as he walked. She whimpers again as his length slides along them, feeling the size difference between his knot and main length has her shaking in anticipation.
>A 'drip-drip' could be heard as their combined juices leave a trail on the floor, and Nick has a particularly strong hop to his step, which causes Judy to moan out his name and dig her paws and face into his chest fluff. Frustration building with his antic's, yet refusing to stop him from doing these amazing thing's to her.
>After the longest walk she had ever experienced, they arrive at the fridge and get their waters. Judy is another mess that is barely holding together.
>Nick slowly lowers himself onto a stool, careful to not disturb her and paw's her drink to her. She shiver's but still smiles at him. And Nick returns it, full of teeth that aroused her, only to realize his plan too late.
>He grinds skywards stronger then ever before, and she falls, arms draping over him as her hips start to hump him. Her 3rd making a mass of the leather stool.
>He gulps his water down.

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It took some hunting, but...
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That's a strange name
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I don't see [cuck] In there. Not zootopian enoough.
It's not a strange name, but that's a pretty strange way to spell it.
In fairness, the cuck nonsense has infected almost everything.
suit yerself figgit
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I need sleep, bad. I fear the last 2 or 3 part's will be poor unless I sleep on them and/or just have decent rest in general. Just going to leave these together to make it easier for myself later once I come back.

Anyways, how's my driving? First time with lewd and trying to find the mix of sexy/erotic yet not becoming crude and eye-ball rolling awkwardness is pretty freaking difficult. That and I felt I ended up losing direction along with story importance at the "end" there.

Any and all critique is well appreciated. I need it Take care ZTG! Going to go pass out now.
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She is too much of a cutie for that.
Gud, I hope you will do more Ellie soon

Sleep tight bunner!
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any other people here who decided to pick up drawing after watching Zootopia? I hate to feel like a kids movie about talking animals inspired me to better myself but i feel like the message was very moving.
I picked up drawing and many other things after watching Zootopia and staying in this awesome community.
I can never hate the feeling it was a simple thing like that got me into art, for that the only feeling that I have is a deep thankfulness
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i used to draw a bit before zootopia, but interest and motivation waned

zootopia and these threads brought that back
I eagerly await your return anon!
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Ghosts, twenty years, scents, and minor characters are my favorites so far

> mfw horror tt never
I learned a new word today
I'm seeing that weasel being posted alot lately
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Who doesn't love a good weasel?
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>How does everyone feel about the themes at the top of the list so far?

>High Seas Adventures
RE: Mead's new comic

Not digging it. The art is great.
The "you can't be happy in a relationship unless you're pumping out babies" card, not so much.
>implying that's the message of the comic

That's the views of one of the characters, not of the artist or work itself.
>FIDF at it again
Bonnie is right
This reminds me, I need to draw more mustelids
Just don't like that aspect of the story so far. That's all. That particular card, or cheating is the low-hanging fruit of the drama tree in this fandom.
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Consider where it's coming from. It's not like that's not an actual thing people say in real life.
They're a shit tier tube dude. I prefer the best tier ferrets. And I still have no idea what a stoat is.
What species are Percy and Caitlyn?
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Just as keikaku

Everybody knows tube dudes are the best animals, even the unwoke
Of course it isn't. Inter-species relationships aren't really a thing on Earth.
But as far as Zootopia fanfiction is concerned, it's just really easy and cheap source of drama llamas
Feels in character for Bonnie
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Like >>8300257 said, they're polecats.

Specifically European (Common) Polecats, but domesticated ferrets fall under the polecat umbrella also, unless I'm mistaken.

Which I may very well be.
Anon, people can be sterile in real life, and some parents might push the "Are you sure you want to love this person, they can't give you kids" angle.
Bonnie's got 274 other kids that could potentially provide her with grandkits. Not to mention that she's not even considering that maybe Judy is more focused on her career in her dream job than starting a family and settling. Hard.
I don't really care whether it's "in character" for it to work in a fanfiction/comic- it's just not a thing I enjoy.
I don't like it.
Not my cup of tea.
I choose to voice my opinion on the subject, and then find my enjoyment in other fanfiction that doesn't involve interspecies relationship drama or cuck/cheating.
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They look so cute together.
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Think you quoted the wrong bro, bro >>8300268

>It's not like that's not an actual thing people say in real life.

Sheesh. All this sparked from "I'm not particularly fond of 'thing'".
Relationship drama is such an easy source of conflict, it's really refreshing to see works that avoid that trope.
Source on the image. Also, is the eyes supposed to be lens for a glasses?
I think tiny hoodies have a steeper size to cuteness ratio than other articles of clothing.

There's just something extra adorable about them.
Gud drew it
and yeah they're supposed to be glasses
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>tube dudes are the best animals
On that there was no doubt
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Oh no, it's cute
>Relationship drama is such an easy source of conflict, it's really refreshing to see works that avoid that trope.
You're right, but it's always all about how it's handled. I wouldn't mind seeing Judy's "old-fashioned" brothers rolling in and see what happens.

This aside, Judy IS acting like a teenage turboslut so toning it down isn't a bad advice either.
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I think it is less Bonnie worried about getting grandkids from Judy and more worried about her getting hurt down the road; considering that they are an "old fashion" farmer family and rabbits in Bunnyburrow tend to have large families to some extent, Bonnie might just be set in her ways that eventually a bunny doe will want to have a family. This is something Nick can't give Judy; sure their relationship is nice and exciting for Judy now while she is young, but once she hits her 30s? Nears 40?

However, I do understand, and agree, with your point; the family card is pulled a lot and usually for cheap drama. We'll see how it goes here.

How is Judy acting like a "teenage turboslut"?
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Nice, Wynn.
I drew it yesterday
Oh nice
What does the Japanese text mean?
>格好いい (kakkoii) - cool, awesome, stylish

>スーパーヒーロー (supahiro) - superhero
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Do you know Japanese?
nah, it's a common knowledge, I mean, who doesn't know a few kanji
She turned down free friskydick.
That's not teenage, and she's not exactly crawling all over Nick every waking moment in the burrow
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You cheeki breeki
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>she trusted a fox

In this case, wouldn't it be "infoxed"?
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It's been a while since I've last drawn hustlers

Please be kind to smol foxes
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What did he mean by this
What is this meme.

I want to show that bunny a hot furry mess.

...It'll be that bunny after I'm done giving it dickings.
She foxed up
>Please be kind to smol foxes
But they are thieves and pickpocketers
if people were kind, foxes wouldnt need to steal to survive.
The trick is to be extremely large.

Foxes can't pick your pocket if they're too short to reach it.
Would you hug a fox if it meant they'd probably pickpocket you?
don't forget neck fluff scratches
Do you think that there has ever been a case of a deranged large mammal, maybe even a mega fauna, kidnapping smaller mammals and using them/forcing them to be toys for themselves/their kids?
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If I would be pickpocketed, I'd rather fuck the fox.
Thinking about smaller mammals being abused by bigger ones does not bring me joy. But on the fringes of society (or when stupid kids have a very bad idea) terrible things happen.
Fuck you I'm writing about that.

Wow, you started this two hours before I went to bed and ended it about an hour before I got up!

And it was utterly fantastic!
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Literal street rats.
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>mfw because of my job I have to carry around sensitive identification in my wallet
>mfw pickpockets would either just toss it because "lol fuck you who cares" if they didn't know what it was or sell it on the black market if they did
>mfw I have to utterly despise pickpockets as a result

Criminal scum.
you bully! it wasnt like that at all!
Just get a wallet chain.
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I feel bad every time I see something done of them that is angsty, because quite honestly the only thing I can think of doing of them is angsty as well.

Maybe I need to see more slice of life series to get into it.
>nick adopts rosie - the green
That's still trying feelsy shit, I mean just mindless shenanigans of the three.
What if they get swindled into retrieving a treasure from an ancient cave. A cave of wonders, perhaps.
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Rosie gets swindled into playing cave explorer, you say.
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Somebody have a print screen this WHOLE story?
Please share.
>carrot wallet
>But a picture of Judy in it

Is it Nick's wallet or Judys?
>print screen

Copy it into a pastebin, you barbarian.
Judy's. Nick would never trust a fox or fall for these trucks.
wow you fucking speciesist shitlord
Hanging out with Judy has made him soft.
Im still right though

Print screen is not the point.

I want the WHOLE story.
and how might you, a nonfox nonrabbit human scum, know that?
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The strongest boner of the month
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anon, please
Everyone knows that rabbits are the only ones that buy carrot themed stuff. Which is weird considering they hardly eat them anyways.
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Dirty AND stupid.
>the moment smol hustlers realised they've screwed up
well, to be fair anyone who can afford to eat every day is probably loaded for them
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Nikolai “The Red Fox” Dikin.jpg
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Fucking kulaks.
>Then they find Judy's warrant card as a police officer
Clawhauser had iCarrot if I remember correctly.
>A nondescript fox in a green hawaiin shirt sits beside an emaciated vixen. "Hey kid, I'll get you lunch if you're up for some cave exploring,"
>Her stomach growls before she nods, and the todd leads her into a red van.
>He sits in the driver's seat, and buckles her in the shotgun, and they're off, heading out of the city.
>It's about this time she's starting to second guess her choices. She never had a mother to tell her not to follow strange todds into their vans, though.
>Half an hour later, they're off the main roads, and the vehicle slows down to a stop.
>Her paws are gripping the edge of her seat, while she wonders if this is going to be her last day alive. And whether or not she's going to eat.
>The older todd removed his buckle, and heads to the back of the van, telling the vixen to come with him.
>In the back of the van is a pot of stew and two sets of cave exploring gear.

>"Wait, isn't that the name from the news?"
>They go through her wallet and find a nude picture of Nick

In the city we call that "anal sex". As in "Hey, the team and I are going down the ravine for some anal sex"
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Reminder: Foxes are best
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remindr dat ur a dum homo kuk kys boio
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>haven't i seen this
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Die meme bunny.
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Holy fucking shit...did TheWyvernsWeaver fucking trace that wholesale?
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>tfw I never watched Zootopia in the cinemas
>tfw never watched Zootopia in 3D
>tfw missed 3D iPhone commercial
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It's not traced. The pose is the same, but the details are too different. Artists use each other as reference all the time, theres no problem with it. Cool your jets.
Same face, same arm placement, same finger in the mouth, same fucking gloves.

It's traced.
He didn't trace, that being said WyvernWeaver alraedy did a "redraw" before. IIRC he redrew a commission of a lion sona getting fucked by Judy.
a mention to the original wouldn't be a miss
You do know what traced mean, right? Post the overlay.
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>Support our Patreon!
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I like that pic and all but why post it here
>rabbit trying to rape a dog

no joke, I would bash that thing's head against that brick wall.
what did the dog do to deserve that?
the rabbit, faggot
>When you are still waiting for that moment to come
I like your pic but why post it here?

I don't know, maybe in hopes someone likes it enough to recreate it with Desmond or Clawhauser.
It is not a trace, but it is definitely a "redraw" trying to do that picture in their style.
That said, the last time Wyvern did this they had acknowledged and gave credit to the original picture.
>Desmond making that face when Molly touches him

oh god my heart
There's like 3 scenes with phones in the movie.
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I need this adorableness in my life, please.
someone with tumblr should probably like let them knon.
>TFW you find NL
you fucking what
>that feel when YF nameless lewder
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as in the fucker who drew the best happy sex images that have shown on this threads
yes I got that, I know who NL is

I reiterate

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he did a great service to our threads
Well I'll be...yup, that's them alright.

>none of their /ztg/ stuff is uploaded

rip, I guess
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it does say
>lewd gallery, on a trial basis.
maybe they will, maybe they wont
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doin some warmup requests, whatchu got
Desmond making this face >>8301473 as Molly strokes his face
wolter playing darts
oh yeah I forgot

if you've got artemis ideas lemme know, been too long since I've drawn him
Pretty much anything you want inspired by >>8301473
Al in medieval historical armor.

Or Betty lewd.
Artemis and Sydney lewd
I don't know about you but when I think 'armor' that's like

the only kind I think of
I miss NL. His PBJ was unparalleled.
Artemis getting lost, ending up on Pack Street, and being mistakenly welcomed as a predator because of his sharp fangs.
his everything was good, not many artists do fun sex
Well the difference is between fantasy armor with skulls and spikes, and real armor.
Artemis trying to eat a giant slice of pizza, the tusks making this very difficult
desu I have more fun drawing more 'realistic' armors
I mean I'm mostly winging it bc I'm too lazy to find refs, but I still try and imagine a character trying to move in it
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I think I have time for a couple requests
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the sexy pyramid.png
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gimme simple Judy requests, better if you have refs.
Both of you need to fight to the death over who gets the requests.
>Highland cow vs elephant
This is a duel I want to see
Clawhauser reacting to something that disgusts him on his smartphone.

Judy holding giant handcuffs trying to figure out how she's going to arrest this hippo.
how are we doing this, HC?
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Requesting Judy and/or Nick interacting with The Derp Crab.

Perhaps they try and fail to capture him.
You got some Henrietta?
Judy jumping into the air?
Trips confirm it. Join the normies who use their devices to contact friends and family on a regular basis. I hear there are some who even post from their phones.
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I want to see Henrietta get facialed by some huge-dicked stud to be honest.
pssst, don't tell anyone I don't know this, but who is Henrietta?
Well that was not expected at all.
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>response to

Mead you glorious bastard you.
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>Mead was ResponseAnon all along
Yeen who gets swirly eyed and starts laughing when stressed out.
Gets that way over pretty much everything.
They have a comic too.
>sending kids who are doing just fine on their own into the express pipeline to prison that is the child foster system

Judy, you bitch
Remmy is actually a weasel in disquise
And then Clawhauser sends them to juvie because they have extensive criminal records. The end.
A sheep hiding from the lynch mob after the nighthowler incident
Artemis meeting Remmy at the Naturalists club or on the streets
>Judy gets foxpox from the filthy beggar
Hugh riding remmy
Seems really out of character for Nick to be happy about this situation.
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Midieval armor was not that restraining.
maybe in zootopia systems actually work as intended
Well this is a good thing, hes drawing again and can be contacted.
Artemis trying to eat ice cream
>Midieval armor was not that restraining.
Blame movies and saturday morning cartoons that had suits of armor moving like ancient golems barely awoken from their thousand-year slumber
I know
I was talking about 'fantasy' armor with spikes and shit and huge pauldrons
Even so, there's gotta be a reason why they aren't already in it. Best case scenario, they'd rather have the freedom of being homeless than live under the rules of a stranger.

Also I guarantee if they went into the system they'd end up separated. You think foxes and mice go to the same orphanages or foster homes?
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a collab perhaps? we could go for a deathmatch with weapons. Like old style, or Quake style.
A Tasmanian tiger visiting zootopia
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here you go
Okapi x Gote lewds.
Artemis talking to a nervous/confused prey cashier
>You think foxes and mice go to the same orphanages or foster homes?
I'll get to these after class
hell yeah were you wanna meet?
also do you have a blog to contact you at? I have class in a few minutes
Remmy housing a bunch of mice in his wool
The mice had to be female, just cause. Can be lewd.
>They get put into the system
>Forced apart from each other
>One of them ends up un a bad Foster home
>Abused daily
>The other one stays un the system till shes old enough
>When she's out she starts stealing again
>Ends in jail for a muder during a robbery gone wrong
Bad end Mead
hey hc, did you ever finish that pic of knight, famished, and a_signature with weapons for bunishment? i think i saw a wip but not the final
Is that head on his smartphone? What's the story there?
>When times are hard Nick and Judy remember the kits they helped
Good morning thread. >>8299831 here.

Asking if reposting this in the next thread along with the new part's would be okay. Or just put the new stuff in the next thread and link it the old.

I ask since I don't really know if having the link's go dead and someone search for them is better or worse.

that was supposed to look more like a carrot, and the deer is just another sketch I'm doing of a page by michael deforge.
Forgot to mention they were two separate things.
>Bad foster home
>Abused daily
>It's Nick's
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Artemis in some fancy ol times costume. For rennaissance fair or something.
That seem's right.
...wait, do you mean that Nick adopted them, or that his mother did?
you will notice, i didn't say who got which fate.
Judy wants to help them.
That Nick gain custody of one of the kids to abuse daily
i only have a discord account. We can design something simple, like a two-pics or just one-pic battle.
nope, i was having trouble with the lower angle, and it was on my old app. I saved the last wip, so i guess i could go back finish it. It was a good practice for my last TT. Also i wanted to draw VRbit too on that pic.
>after dodging the CPS goons, the two of them dump the wallet and decide what to do next
>that night, Nick gets home after a long day of work to find that his door is unlocked
>he's about to freak out and call for backup when he hears a pair of young voices giggling
>he goes in and finds a piece of foxy jailbait dressed up in his spare uniform, the two of them got bored waiting for him to get home
>the two of them serious up and tell him that they won't go into the system, but if he really wants them off the street they'll crash at his place
>not mentioning the ulterior motive that they developed after seeing that picture of Nick that Judy kept in her wallet
Medieval Artemis held captive in King Remmy's personal sex dungeon
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Armasyll go
Armasyll, now's your time to shine
>foxy jailbait
I want more of this
And absolutely nothing sexual happened
what's your discord?
Pastebin the old stuff and repost the very last one before going into new junk. Also, post a better quality mlem
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You have my blessing.jpg
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Go forth and never stop my child.
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ozzy's mixtape.png
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High Cow
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>Since Judy was already fucking their adopted son, Nick figured it was ok to get his own piece of young tail
High Cow#0779
sorry, i just found out about the tag
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>101 IPs
>on a Tuesday afternoon
I beg you do a lewd of this.
>They'd been talking about adoption recently.
>Judy thought it was a kind gesture from Nick, pulling strings to get Melody into the Bigs' home, but she'd wondered about the vixen, Rosie.
>Then, one day after their shift ends, he stops her in their office and shows her the adoption papers for Rosie Reynard. Without a second thought, they're signed and sent away.
>She was shocked at the speed they were processed. It hadn't even been two days since signing the papers that Rosie was at their door, and a large polar bear was beside her, giving them papers of approval and Rosie's personal documents.
>All was fine and good for a few weeks. Rosie was often times respectful, but a bit brash. They'd got her into school, one Nick had pushed for; it was apparently funded by the Bigs'.
>Until, one evening Nick had to run to the store. It was just her and Rosie.
>The moment Nick left their home, the vixen slid onto the couch and pressed beside the bunny. Her long tail covered their laps.
>Judy could see that she was wearing a loose tanktop, and she didn't even have to try to see the fox's breasts.
>Turning her head to the vixen, she was about to state as much, when that russet face turned to her and their lips met.
>She was wide-eyed with shock.
>When Rosie opened her mouth, and she felt a tongue pass against her lips, she tried to back away. The vixen pushed forward, though, and they were at the corner of the couch.
>Rosie's body was pressed against hers, her legs were on the vixen's sides, and their lips never parted. Judy tried to scream, but it only came out as a low groan.
>The door to their home opened and closed quickly, and she could hear Nick asking where his wallet was.
>He stepped into the livingroom a second later, and his eyes locked onto them. He stood there, frozen, with a blank expression on his face.
>starts doing the bad end
>thunder goes to armasyll
>Ain't even mad
At least i got vidya
Still want to see a continuation of that.
Here we go.
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i wrote >>8302433 and nothing else :v
this raises something in zootopia that i never thought about; larger, adopted children having their way with their smaller parents. also continue pls
>Nick's not an idiot
>he figures there's a 50/50 chance this is a hustle
>when he goes into work the next day, he's got all his valuables in a box for Judy to keep at her place
>and he sets up cameras in his room, figuring he'd catch them rummaging through his stuff looking for the things Judy was now looking after
>the next few days are pretty cozy, Rosie and Mel are used to living on the street so they spend most of their time enjoying the warmth and the TV, though they still go out during the day to practice their 'day job'
>it gets to the point that Nick almost doesn't want to check the recording, because it'd really disappoint him if it was all fake
>he sees so much of the fox he used to be in the two of them, except instead of being alone like he was, they've got each other
>but he takes out the storage anyway and one night when he's staying late at work to finish paperwork and there's nobody around, he plugs the little usb memory stick into his work computer
>it's motion triggered so he just skims through a bunch of him alone in his bedroom
>but then his heart sinks when he notices one of the recordings was made during the day, when he was at work
Ha! Love it.
King Remmy's Personal Sex Dungeon
I know him since FNAF
>sure enough, it's Rosie, slinking into the room with body language that radiated guilt
>Nick almost wants to stop watching so he doesn't have to face the fact that he was just a mark to those two cuties, but he forces himself to keep on going
>she's closed the door behind her and is looking around the room nervously
>but instead of going to his closet or his drawers, she's gone straight to the unmade bed
>she's holding something too, he can't make out what it is on the recording but it looks like a small square of paper, maybe a photo?
>she's laid down on his bed, rubbing his cheek against the pillow. maybe she just wanted to sleep in a bed, he reasoned
>but she's not curling up to sleep, she's rubbing herself against his sheets, and he can see her nose twitching
>she's looking back at the picture she was holding, and now-
>oh god
>she's reached down and has lifted the old, patched dress she usually wore, and-
>Nick knew he should really slam the laptop shut at this point, then drop it down the stairs or something
>but he keeps watching as the young fox pleasures herself on his bed, her young, thin body writhing in pleasure
>as she reaches climax, Nick finally comes to his senses and slams the laptop shut, looking wildly around the empty room to make sure nobody had wandered in while he had been transfixed
>and then has to make the tough decision of rubbing one out in the precinct bathroom or trying to smuggle a boner that could cut diamonds through the lobby
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i, for one, welcome these greens
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Stop right now, you armasyll scum
i only wrote the thing i said i wrote, pls don't be angry
>(no paywalls)
I don't see an issue
i'm only going to be angry if you don't continue what you wrote
new when?
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kys kuk fag

>part of Nick's whole thing was always being at home, no matter the situation
>that should go double for when he was literally in his actual home
>but sitting on the couch across from Melody and Rosie trying not to act like he'd seen one of them pleasuring herself on his bed, he realized he had no idea how to act
>the two of them were entranced by some cooking show, giving him the opportunity to watch them without being caught
>as usual, Melody was perched atop Rosie, this time on her shoulder
>he realized the only time he'd seen one without the other was on that recording
>Nick crossed his legs as he felt his dong start to awaken
>what does he do with this information? in any other situation he'd know exactly what to do, but if he thought staring down the gun of tax evasion was bad, diddling a homeless child...
>wait, was she a child? he'd assumed because she was so thin, but she might be an undersize and underfed barely legal
>though that may have been wishful thinking on his part
>he was shaken from his thoughts by a twin set of giggles
>he'd been too lost in thought to realize that it was an ad break and his two houseguests had noticed him staring
>he hurriedly looked away as the two of them whispered to each other between giggles
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no u



>he looked back as he felt a touch on his leg, and realized that Melody had left her perch on Rosie to come over to him, and was looking up to him from right next to where he was sitting
>"you know, mister, we're really grateful that you've let us stay here"
>"if you want, maybe we could show you how grateful..."
>Nick looked up from the mouse, and saw that while Melody had been talking, Rosie had leaned back on her chair, her dress riding dangerously high up her thighs as she gave him what she probably thought were bedroom eyes, but nervousness warring with desire gave it a manic edge
>he opened his mouth to refuse, but before he did, Rosie said "please?", filling the single word with such sincerity and want and need that he was stopped in his tracks
>he kept not refusing as she lifted the dress up her body, baring herself for him
>and as she stood up and came up to Nick, and pulled his unresisting form off the couch
>and as she lead him into the bedroom
>and as she kissed him, gently and nervously at first, but then with force and hunger as he responded, and while leaning up to kiss him she overbalanced at pushed him back onto the bed, but it barely interrupted them for a second
>Nick took the lead from there, and gently introduced the young fox to a whole new aspect of life
>and Melody watched the whole time
These are always a treat
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