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Mouse Monday 36: Cheesecake Edition All characters welcome,

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 217

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Mouse Monday 36: Cheesecake Edition

All characters welcome, but OCs especially so (tell us all about them!).

All genders and orientations are fine. Rats also welcome.

Optional suggestion for this thread: Cheesecake and nude pinups. Mousey and ratty girls (and guys, if you like) in provocative and evocative poses, scantily clad or nude. Bonus points for really classy stuff.

The occasional bump is appreciated (I generally try to keep it in the page 1-6 range myself).

Cumulative mouse thread media folder:


Feel free to post comics, stories and image sequences. Please tell me if you don't want something you own added to the folder.

We also have a centralised MEGA folder for OCs and relevant media. This is for the sake of easy referencing, keeping everyone on the same page, and just general interest:


If you want your OC(s) in the folder, please show me any media you want to include (pics, stories, comics, etc). A short bio is also good, but not mandatory. Won't put anything in there without permission. Will update upon request.

Drawing Tips and References:


Mouse Stories list: http://pastebin.com/bKa4Rypy

Standing requests: http://pastebin.com/p0J65ciK

Since there are a few artists present, feel free to make the occasional /r/equest in this thread:
>-OCs or established characters, your choice
>-The /r/ is important for easy ctrl-f-ing
>-Please don't keep bringing attention to it - the artists will do as they please
>-Unfulfilled requests go to the "Standing Requests" file at the end of each thread
>-Aim for descriptive, yet clear and concise. Try for something a little bit more than "do whatever" - I suggest at least a subject, kink, etc.
>-Provide refs, for the character and for your idea if it's something complex

Previous thread is here: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/8144036
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Well, if we are doing pinups and such this week...

/r/ my mouse girl Glenna Sawyer - refs are in the MEGA folder - posing naked with a guitar (which is covering her lower bits).

Oh, didn't realise the folder layouts had changed. Refs for Glenna are under the "Owner: Sage Freehaven" folder.
Sorry, man, I probably should have said something about naming yourself/linking to the character folder in the "how-to-request" notes after I went and organised things. If the request isn't filled this week I'll stick it under your name in the Standing Request file as I've done with the others.
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S'alright, no big deal. :)

And just so we don't go too long without a pic in this thread...
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Tried something, emphasis on "tried". I drew something else a little earlier, but I didn't like the way it turned out
Looks pretty good for a pen sketch. I like how casual she looks.
What do you guys think about Francesca and her friends?
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How *does* Chiko get herself into these situations...?
someday I won't be too lazy to make a comic that shows how she gets into these things.
That'd be ace.
'night, guys.
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>For a mouse you look pretty sexy.
What did he mean by this?
I don't know the context behind this, was the brown mouse once human?
He's a shrew chaser
>Animation supervised by the late, great Chuck Jones

Damn! I knew the style looked really familiar. I was wondering who did the animation as I watched this, thank God the person who posted the video actually gave a description!
Morning, guys.
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G'morning my dude

Spring, for the Northern Hemisphere /maus/ers.
... and autumn/fall for the Southern Hemisphere /maus/ers.
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She's cute!
She is! This was the only other pic of her that I could find that wasn't vore or similar, though...
Got any squeak feet? The more rodentlike the better.
We've been blessed by the botnet.
I would probably watch a Miniscule-esque three-minutes-an-episode-once-an-evening show entirely about that little maus living a comfy little life.
i want everything about them to die.
i love these two
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New Jen from Permavermin...
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Inkedmouse's character, by Goat-soap of Tumblr.
Still not sure what's going on in this pic.
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Cute little thing from CombatRaccoon...
Gadget's just being a cutie patootie
This artist's style reminds me of Richard Scarry characters.
Some Gadget drawn by ToonFX
Looks like she's about to take a blowtourch to the viewer. That's not very cute.
You were able to find stuff for her?

Most of it's not my thing.
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New cuteness from Mopinks on Twitter...
Excellent work. I like the subtle use of dithering. Any chance this is going to be animated?

Also, pornbump...
small change

nah, no animation
Seems it was Meganemausu's birthday today (happy birthday, Meganemausu, if you're by any chance visiting /maus/!).

Birthday art of Chizuha was gifted... this piece by FyxeFox...
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... and this piece by KojaDraws.

'night, guys.
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>bikini theft
freaky squeaky

pretty cute.
Sqk! :O
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Was pushed by friends into getting a "fursona caricature" done at a Con once, love the threads so glad to contribute. Those friends then wanted to commission lewd pics of us four - roman orgy style but ran out of money.
Morning, guys.

That's rather nice. Do you remember who did it?

>Those friends then wanted to commission lewd pics of us four - roman orgy style but ran out of money.
Aw. Maybe next year?

you look pretty cute like that. A little bit Aardman-esque too, which I like.

Also, I like how your friends think.

Thanks, I'm usually too embarrassed to get things like this done, but i'm glad they pushed to do it. It looks way better then my real face!

Its good though, even mum recognized it was supposed to be me.

as for the artist, Hold on, lets see..... The guy was SHN at jackalopebuddy, but sadly its no longer online. Local guy around my Uni at the time.

They are good friends, the two girls I think where more interested in seeing me and the other dude naked in the picture. I'll describe how they pitched it to me it if you want.
Pity about the artist.

>I'll describe how they pitched it to me it if you want.
I don't see why not. Heck, you might inspire something, you never know.
O.K, yeah. I'd sketch it out but i'm no drawfag. (hint hint, O talented ones!)

So, to keep things clear and anon for everyone, the four of us are: Girl 1 - pink Jackalope, mostly hetro and submissive, Girl 2 - Gray cat, mostly homo, love futa. Boy 1 - Lynx, homo. Boy 2 (me) brown house mouse. homo.

So the pitch was this - large stepped veranda, with a shady sunken bed under the tress vines. front and center, its the moment the lynx - flopping naked on the bed, has caught his mouse, pulling with one hand on the tail and the other on the underpants, slipping them down until the butt is out and the hard dick is only just covered. Flanking this ether side farther up the bed is the jackalope on the left, tits out, but kneeling and laughing at the scene before her, ass exposed away from the audience, but in line of sight of the Cat, who either has futa/strapon and a lusty "suprize snuggle inbound" face for a bit of comedy.

While we had all had explicit conversations before, hearing this pitch was still a little odd. In a "lets order porn - of ourselves! Yaaaaay!" kind of way.

Ok, I realized that just read like a rambling blogpost so against my better judgment, here's my shitty artists impression.
Well, I can't promise anything will come of it, but I do love the sketch... 100% for effort, man.

Ha ha, mspaint to the rescue. I can feel pol's blood boiling next door. Gay furry orgies? Degeneracy! Well you know, i'd even go straight for an anthro mouse-girl, so that's one issue fixed.
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What do mouse and rat cocks look like?

Also, could we get more bucks in this thread?
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finally got her coloured
Looking good! Is she one of yours, or from something else?
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she Anja. comes from a german game, night of the rabbit iirc
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I want everything about you to die.

Is there a page i can see more information about it?
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love this smoking mouse
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My fursona, cute lil' mouse bab.
The first /maus/ character we've seen who died of throat and lung cancer.

RIP to the cutest lil cowboy the world ever done seen
Looks kind of like a grown up Fievel Mousekewitz.
Live fast: Die in ass.
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I wish there were more rats that weren't drawn in the typical "furry" cut and paste style with big stupid grins and such.
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I would just post the site but apparently Daedalic went full auswitz on it. Literally every product they have seems to just forward to the Steam game page, holy shit.

Welp, long and short is that Anja runs the candy shop in Mouse Town. She has adopted a kid that is a spoiled brat. She is extremely sweet to anyone she meets. She calls the player character 'applebottom.'

I'm very surprised they took down the site. That was alot of information on there not included directly in the game. This thread lives to tomorrow and I'll mega the Gog version.
Not that anon but nice, looks interesting.
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Mrs Brisby, by Entoxia of Twitter.
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New pic of DuckDraw's fire maus.
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New ratties from MyHeartPumpsPiss...
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A rat and a jerboa, from BirthdayPajamas...
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From Nargleart...
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A naughty mouse from Paprika-Cake...
Something cute from TeatimeTutu (apparently these two are a medical team?)...
'night, guys.
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>I'll mega the Gog version.

please reconsider. Normally I'm all for piracy when there's DRM-laden regionlocked crap out there that requires umpteen hoops to be jumped through just to watch the SD version, but when somebody puts it out there totally unfettered on the good faith that you WON'T illegally redistribute it then that's a lil bit of a dick move.

bottom line is copyright holders are reticent enough as it is to release DRM free content as it is. They're hardly likely to change their tune if people start doing that.

That said, thanks for giving us a new QT to enjoy.
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Don't listen to this fag.

Actually, the game has been out for years in a genre that needs all the fans it can get.

I'd say it would do more good for the company just on the off chance one of the 30 anons might actually like the game enough to buy other titles.
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Don't you die on me. Fresh from the presses.

Dewey is classy as fuck in everything.
Morning, guys.


She's just made outta class, that lady.
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Ah, finally done.


If you like the game, like, buy the game sometime, m'kay?
Why is she perfect?
(Fuck you to those who object that.)
Much appreciated Anon, cheers!
This dude has been trying to make threads about these grotesque beef monsters for a while now...I'm guessing that since it vaguely looks like a rodent version of a Belgian-Blue bull and all his attempts have met with the same negative reaction he's trying to piggy back these threads now.
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mousegirl fixed.png
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Let people enjoy things, anon
>he doesn't like multiple nipples
>he doesn't like the idea of kissing down her chest across her multiple nipples
>he doesn't like the idea of embracing her around the chest and having her get embarrassed because you are essentially touching her breasts
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>TFW degenerate furfag but called out by even more degenerate furfags
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Minnie/Mickey is pure and wholesome
Mickey has been working out
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We're all gonna make it, brah
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>implying you haven't ruined that pic instead
>not liking multinips
>Not being fine with either
>Being b8d
>meme arrows
>Doing what this thread shiggy diggies

Congratulations, you played yourself
doesn't change the fact the pic's still ruined
I wish I could find more than 3 pics where the neck doesn't look fucked up. When Chromatophore does it right, she looks damn good, but he doesn't seem to know how to draw necks in total.
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Bella is best Punk Mouse... And the only one I can immediately think of, named at least.
She's a QT.
Don't worry bud, you can have her.
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>muscles in shadows instead of just a black silhouette
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Even in trash it's against the rules to flood a thread.

Report and ignore.
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Nobody here likes your disgusting fetish, you are posting for yourself and that makes you a faggot attention whoring cunt.
>wake up
>find most of the thread devolve into a clusterfuck in the last few posts

Like....usually that doesn't happen at all. what's the deal??

some men just want to watch the world burn, anon.
So gorgeously thicc~
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'night, guys.
it says page 3 but I don't trust it squeak
This is a blessed booty.
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Morning, guys.
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New Sheori pics...
oh thats super sexy
Latest version of this pic...
New cuddly stuff from Dani Taylor...
Cute little geisha rat from Jaded_Vixen...
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Here's a rat mid-transformation into an elf. You can see the freckles starting to pop from under the fur.
Dat tail...
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I desire scrawny trash mice! Pic unrelated.
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I dunno about "trash", but Arsemaus does some pretty good naughty little mice...
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Dirge here. Mostly been working on fleshing out a proper ref sheet for one of my oldest OCs and what would probably classify as my 'sona, Mikita.

I intend to add more to this, including his more feral form, but for now here's a big garbage guy in full color for some of you fellas asking for more boys in these threads!
I do like scrawny meeces, but hell I gotta say, that's a pretty cute chubbo.
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'night, guys.
Figured I'd share this. I commissioned an artist by the handle of groove1121 on tumblr and hot damn did he deliver and some. Enjoy some cool art for my little spy squeakers.


>chromatic aberration

this shouldn't bother me anywhere near as much as it does
>page 10
Not pg 10 yet but pg 8 SQUEAKERS

Hell yeah.
That's adorable. And... wait, is that an actual tiny gun?

Also, picbump.
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Pretty good, stilton books are a great source for mouse gals
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>Mouse Guard: 2000: Miami: Vice: Special Crime Unit:Legacy


yeah. I don't think I ever specified that there weren't any guns when I gave them the details, so that's egg on my face, but I can hardly complain because god damn he did one hell of a job. Everything else if pretty much perfect.
Maybe one of them scored a prototype? I mean, there are those tiny pinfire pistols you can get...

It's a damn cool pic...
'night, guys.

Your ship has come in, my friend. Idecided to delve into e621 and see if Icould find some good dude stuff.

But first, we must pay our respects to the patron saint of /maus/
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447KB, 1280x821px


a significantly more wholesome Brisby this time. 3/4

>dat res

fuck. I'm lucky I didn't have to compress that.

forgot I had this one. 5/4
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here come the dudes.

cute little chubby squeaker
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pinky out mausturbation is kinda cute
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131KB, 758x1000px

a more manly specimen
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371KB, 1200x676px
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a significantly less manly specimen
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super cute li'l squeaker here

reminds me of >>8304329
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513KB, 960x1280px

ignore the non-squeaker
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balls 'n' butts
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314KB, 3840x2160px

one of the tags for this was "absurd res"

let's see how crazy that res actually is...
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huh. UHD mouse butt.

and to close off a couple of QTs
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watch me use this to segue into some hetero stuff.

and by hetero, I mean the other end of homo, obviously. Still, segue and two of our favourite misses.

And finally, a bonus pic featuring super mouse-y Gadget and the whole RR crew.

page seven again? not on my watch.

Morning, guys.
Adorable. Source?
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Thinking of themes for tomorrow's thread... how does group sex sound? Threesomes and up...
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chelsea by teatimetutu.png
136KB, 1280x1462px
Awesome drawing of Chelsea done as a request by Teatimetutu on Tumblr. Pretty amazing

Ooooh yes, absolutely!!
Wow, that's pretty damn good. Love how dynamic it looks. Almost like she's in the middle of a parkour run.
Dragon's Crown has it. They're just paying a homage to Mickey. they even called the mouse Rickey and gave it a pointy hat
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Ah, that's cool, it kinda reminds me of Sherry the Mouse from Ultima.
shame you can't bring her along anymore in VII. she's awfully adorable
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Not the smallest, but also not the biggest res.
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I meme'd this a long time ago.
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147KB, 460x700px

sounds good to me.
ayyyy bump limit
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