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Share cringy furfag stuff here please, i want reasons to kill myself

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 110

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Share cringy furfag stuff here please, i want reasons to kill myself
>le eeeew cringe kill myself may may
>degenerate tries to defend this kind of autism
When did I defend it in my post ? I was talking about how used a stale meme to talk about something you don't like.
Well let me ask you this.

Is what went on in OP's pic normal behavior?
>autism as an insult

I want reddit to leave.
That has nothing to do with what he pointing out about you. Who the hell wants a reason to kill themselves?
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Well, true, no one deserves to see something that would make them lose faith in humanity.

Then again I'm very desensitized to this sort of degenerate shit, after being here for fucking years.
Hell yes, i want to see something that'll fuck me up. Too desensitized. Even that skinned face, quartering cartel execution didn't faze me (but it was interesting). But thats gore, cringe DOES phase me if its embarrasing enough.
Personally I been in a furfag server for a bit and so far I have seen some things that make me hate myself for thinking this degeneracy was ok when I was young and stupid.
which server?
I'm keeping my mouth shut on that one since I don't need to be accused of any stupid bullshit.
>when I was young and stupid

You're still clearly underage. Go back to redshit.
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>You're still clearly underage.
>le reddit

>implying you were here long enough to remember when reddit was completely irrelevant
>implying you were here long enough to see the tumblr 4chan wars
>implying you were here to see Moot sell this fucking site to a jap who is letting this place go to shit and his mods run rampant
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>I'm not underage, I just read the wikipedia page!!
>18 yr old senior by the way!!!
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>accuses me of underage
>posts le butthurt

Not an argument, redditurd.
>implying argument

Nice meme, tumblrshill.
>argumentum ad tumblr

>le maymay arrows to legitimate argue why you're right
>le redirect

>implying you were here long enough to remember when reddit was completely irrelevant
I was here before reddit existed
>implying you were here long enough to see the tumblr 4chan wars
That was only a few years ago
>implying you were here to see Moot sell this fucking site to a jap who is letting this place go to shit and his mods run rampant
That was even more recent what the fuck are you on about?
I was implying he came here post Hiro.

Come on man if you are going to join in on the shitposting, at least get your head straight beforehand.
So is the cringe this thread is supposed to have you two flaunting your 'oldfag' dicks arounds?

Okay, yeah I get it. Carry on.
To be honest I think the dude who started the sperging is a furfag himself.

But yea this wasn't intended.
Golly, you really think so?
Reminder: it's ALWAYS okay when weebs do it.
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to be honest
i dont find this cringy
just depressing that someone would rather be a shunned mutant outcast or dead then beeing himself

i can relate
fuck off you furry faggot
But it's furry and therefore you must hate it because /v/ said so!!!
i don't need anyone to tell me to hate fags with zoo fetishes, it's called common sense
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>conflating furry with zoophilia
>when a furfag can't think of anything to defend his sick fuckery so he calls everyone else reddit

literally nothing will convince you fucking thick skulled faggots otherwise
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why should anybody defend their fetishes?
nobody needs to justify something that only affects themselves to anybody but themselves

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>dashcon affects me whatsoever
what about it?
Have you not...one moment.

I'm going to teach you a thing.

Archived for your enjoyment. Welcome to RainFurrest 2015
thats just turbo autists meeting up for their enjoyment

they are free to do what they want
and they do it

reminds me of the bondage-cons old creeps attend, just weirder
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You didn't go through all of it did you?

Keep going.
i did
but im not a stranger to autism
you`ll get used to it

They threw shit-encrusted diapers in public areas.
Who fucking gives a shit? Why do you care so much what some people on the internet who you don't know think? Why do you want us to give a shit?

Why's it so important to crawl around the internet finding reasons to be mad and disgusted?
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A-Are you defending diaperfurfags throwing diapers and used condoms everywhere and smelling like shit?

What the fuck.
that's a huge logical leap considering he probably didn't even see those imgur links
I am 100% convinced he didn't.
I was replying to the post I was replying to, flipping out because some people wrote stuff on discord they probably didn't intend to go public.

Please try to look past your own outrage.
It's impossible to have a discussion when you assume everyone who disagrees with you disagrees with every opinion you have, rather than only some of them.
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I want you to kill yourself, you sickfuck degenerate.

First you're defending this otherkin garbage, now you're defending diapershitters.

You have no way of redeeming yourself here, faggot.
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>posts a picture of a nigger

I don't think there's enough information to determine if you're a troll, or just blinded by pure rage.

So, if you're a troll, then good work, you got me. You successfully tricked me into thinking you're too mad to think straight.

And if you're not, then you need to calm the fuck down and think thoughts
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and you`re the one whining about fucked up fetishes on /trash/

you`re literally getting mad about people doing what you dont want them to do to themselves (mostly)

That's Mr. Negi Generation 3000, you shitcorn fuck.


You've already resorted to trying to use the general furfag defense of pinning myself as something that you can disregard, knowing you clearly have fucked up. Just admit your mistakes and move on in your life.
>yet another le cring xD thread where the people obsessed with that shit show themselves to be the true spergs
thanks, I'll pass
it'll be fun when one day people finally realize that "cringe" is to the mid-late 2010s as FAIL was to the late 2000s-early 2010s
This whole thread is pretty cringy t b h
Nice job guys, no one actually believes they have a right to judge others' fetishes, right?
>no one actually believes they have a right to judge others' fetishes, right?

why should they?
>posting their fetishes publicly
>thinking they'll be accepted
>t. has ahegao avatar on steam and that kancolle underboob pic as header on twitter

They really are fucking retards.

>it'll be fun when one day people finally realize that "cringe" is to the mid-late 2010s as FAIL was to the late 2000s-early 2010s

This. More and more people are realizing it everyday.
my steam avatar is the face of a bootleg troll doll and I don't even know what that second thing is
That was meant for another poster anyway. Sorry man
kek, it's fine
>wah this mean person is saying my fetishes are disgusting!
>b-better try to say he has a meme avatar on s-steam
>be in a furry discord
>some new guy get's invited while the admin's off duty
>somehow manages to piss of some guy on the chat and get's blocked
>he goes mental and starts spamming "I'm Sorry" a billion times while everyone in chat is making fun of him
>PM him to stop
>he ask me to speak to the guy who blocked him
>tell him i wont and say that he should give it up
>doesn't listen when I tell him no
>finally he get's kicked off the chat only to hick me up and ask me to invite him again
That's hilarious
Shame it never happened though
Wow you clearly love reddit since you bring it up so much... Aren't you supossed to be fapping to animated wolfs and shit? Dont waste your time here
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This entire thread is cringey. If it were due to the content then it'd be great, but no. Reeks of angry children in here.

Have some actual cringe, then be glad you're not as bad as this, then learn to laugh at yourself and everyone else in this thread.
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>implying angry
so disagreeing is beeing angry now?
thats one hell of a projection lad
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Angry was the wrong word. Frustrated? FURstrated (:^D)? Internalised anger and bitterness about one's downfalls, leading to argumentativeness over stupid things due to the ego overcompensating, or w/e

Have more cringe.

Someone should post the source of OwO if they have it
cringe culture is aids and has no place outside of /v/


I see no problem here.
I engage in this sort of behavior sometimes. It's fun.
I want more cringy discord furshit, that's really funny

Why does everyone on /trash/ get so pissy about "cringe"/"autism"/"furry" stuff, it's so weird, like some weird branch of /co/
>hating furry

Most of the place is furry threads since /b/ is fucking useless for that content.

As for cringeshit, it's because most of the shitters who make cringe threads are either /v/ermin stuck in 2007, underage /pol/ posters looking for more excuses to cry about minorities, or actual redditors. There are several subs dedicated to "cringe" material, the most cancerous of which being /r/cringeanarchy.

Like "autism" and "cuck", the word "cringe" no longer has any meaning and is used to describe anything that makes these people remotely uncomfortable. Even basic human compassion has at times been labeled "cringe", simply because it might be expressed by a furry or a member of a fandom the cringeshitters don't like.

It's exactly what >>8252843 said: The mid-late 2010s equivalent of "EPIC FAIL!!1!"

I don't know why this board only now started pushing back cringe shit, but I'm fucking glad it's happening.
no they didn't

were you there? Those tweets blow what actually happened in public way out of proportion, there were people walking around with diapers that was it.
>hating furry

No that's not the implication, I meant people are really sensitive about furry anything to the point of it being weirdly embarrassing? It's bizarre watching people get so upset about anything remotely negative regarding their weird fetish. You're not gonna see me scream and cry because someone else doesn't like scat or whatever kinds of vore I'm into, the tantrums I've seen thrown on here are surreal.

It's like all of the people posting on /co/ that're also furry come here to also bitch and moan when people say stuff they don't like, or show something they -do- like in a negative light.
Oh god, yes. The whole idea of "cringe" and "cringiness" just seems juvenile (for lack of a better word). Feeling vicariously embarrassed about another person's good time and feeling the need to publicly distance yourself from them by calling them "cringeworthy" is the sort of thing a person does when they're a teenager, uncomfortable in their own skin, looking for social acceptance and worrying that people will think they're weird or gross or awkward.

I was like that when I was a teenager, but now that I'm actually out in the world and now that I see how little most people really care and how unimportant being accepted by one particular group of people really is, I've gotten a lot more relaxed. I might not understand what another person is doing, but why should I knock it? What makes the things I enjoy any more "valid" than the things they enjoy?

And I'm not trying to be patronizing or anything. I honestly feel like worrying so much about what other people do for fun is an immature mindset, and you'll enjoy life more once you grow out of it.

Sorry, I kind of went on a weird, overly long ramble there. But hopefully someone gets something out of this.
>pictures of diapers in the streets, on cars
>this never happened
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Wrong, it did happen, didn't cap the chat, but here is the pm's he sent me.

Cut to make it short.
It's sad that judging from the avatar and the first letter of their name I can already tell who this fucker is.
no, it didn't
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Dear Kaho,

Today a thread has officially made you and your cancer discord the biggest example of spergs by far. Maybe next time you try to do your research before you start talking shit.
>haha cringe lulz kms
>i'm gonna post it on the board with the highest furry populaion and expect teh epic winz!!!!
Just look at MLP porn threads.
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i'm so fucked up.gif
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but some of those actually have arousing pictures
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Next time, watch out with who you're dealing with.
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the hell is goin on here
*unsheathes katana*
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Some fag named Pseudo made this thread.

He ended up getting me involved because he's a fucking moron who thinks posting this in its own thread was a good idea, then Kaho (th owner of the vilous collective server or watever it's called, where OP's pic is from) spends two days pointing fingers at me.

I told him to fuck off colorfully, and was banned for "bad attitude" :^)

As for Pseudo, he was already banned off before this finnish nigger decided he wanted to sperg out at me. After a full day of him sperging out before.

I may have been a little irritated.
I came for second and third hand cringy stories, copy-pasta and images... not to experience cringy threads first hand.

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Fuck this thread, dumping my "Depraved Shit" folder. Post anymore like these if you got them. Some I've gotten from here, and various other places.
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Go for it man.
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He was friends with TheBigKK before KK went and got himself BTFO'd by paper.
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very nearly threw up, holy shit
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And done.

This has been an enlightening experience
This is just sad, not cringe.

I feel bad for him.
>females have gross, human bodies too
wow who would've thought
t. diaperfur

Don't lie about your age on the internet.
I don't want to date women anymore.
I know the story behind this!

Cummy-Eyelids is like, a preservationist or taxidermist or something like that. Royallyoily had her toe amputated when she was young but kept the toe for some reason or another (Perhaps the memory). Anyways, the preservation fluid in the jar has expired so she sent it to Cummy-Eyelids to change out the fluid and put it in a nicer jar.

So basically, the weirdest thing about this is that the girl kept her toe and is paying someone to preserve it.
wow fag

mfw hiding your name

you know better than that, kristaph.
Yea you're right. Why contain it?

Man I am so glad I took screencaps myself on that day.
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The Perfect Sergal.png
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>tfw it has always been Kristaph the murrgal getting mad in this and the now dead sergal threads
You are a real piece of work my dude. Holy shoot.
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Kill me my child it hurts.jpg
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>sergal fursonas on the net being tarded

Wow. I'm fucking shocked
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What if my fursona is a robot
half of these are making me burst out laughing instead of cringing
That's the point.
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>the spergal attempting to damage control wanting to be a child fursona degenerate with someone else's fagsona
I feel actually proud with all these people coming up with fake ERP logs trying to bash me, lol. Hey look, i'm famous!

Yes, i do erp, but not that shitty. hey, atleast i admitted it :^)
ERP logs?

Nah my sweet dude. I'm just the anon that kept pouring fuel to your autism in the sergal threads. Never been to a rp discord. You're still angry about the canonfag? Hella sperg, right?

Well congratulations dude you got your 15 minutes of 4chan's /trash/ fame. Don't let anyone take that from you.

>i do erp
>but not that shitty

Roight here, 82709625. Check how the third message is not properly aligned with my name - the first is, so he probably managed to nail it juuust right, but fucked up with the third.
>implying I was even mad
>implying autism

Well to be quite honest between myself keeping that one other dude occupied and the amount of shitposting involved between the both of us, the sergal threads are no more. I consider that an accomplishment.

The alignment is perfectly fine, actually. Dunno what you're on about.

Who knows. Might be my own eyesight.

what matters is what's done is done :^)

> oh and by the way, the "shadow" guy is 15 years old and he tries to erp with about anyone he fuckin' sees.
I am well aware of him, as I was told about it.

I actually have a decent list of people from there who are massive spergs, a few which are on the mod team.

It's funny because the owner doesn't even bother asking people their age and demanding for them to prove it. I know about 5 users who said they're adults but they're underage kek
I wouldn't list them here. Kaho is probably lurking and sperging out as we speak about the whole thing.

Still love what he said though.

>it's everyone's drama
My sides.

my username#1513. add me
Regardless of your intention or mental stability my dude, I was right when I engaged with you.

I tried past threads with the footfag and other people but they never really kept at it. The most success I had so far in killing the threads was discussing some biology quackery with a bunch of them.

Took more time than expected but I'm sure most of the sergals have been scarred away from posting again. Shouldn't be so hard to bump them off if the threads resurge.
>my username
Nigger what the fuck is your username

>implying you don't know it
>alright fuck
>inb4 gets added by everyone in the fucking thread trying to act smug
Hi Shadow, you degenerate nigger. You do know that you're not allowed to post here, as you are 14, right?
I thought he was 15 my dude. Shoot.
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In the meantime, leaks are amazing.
>cringe thread morphs into drama thread

Really makes you think
It was a drama thread from the start dumbass
And the best part is that now I have even more ammo against the discord's autism.

I'm having fun.
>when the op is meh but the second half of this thread is cancer
I don't see how some screenshots with missing names is enough "ammo" against some furry discord.
I dunno, ask Kahō Aoki#2573
>People with Sergal OCs being fucking retarded

like pottery
More like a broadway musical.
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Since this thread is so much fun, I want to add more spergal stuff to here.

Wonder what it's like, being the bronies of the furfag collective...
I can't do this.

Someone else take over. I honestly can't do this right now.

Send help.
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Can someone explain what the hell a sergal is?
Not really cringy. Vecoming something else is pretty much everyone's fantasy.
did somebody really get so assblasted that they made a thread to spread their retarded discord drama here
fuck off, this drama garbage is dumb and what makes threads like this uninteresting
OP did, got myself and him banned over it, and caused a big fat paranoia agent in the midst of a spergal discord server.
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>fuck off, this drama garbage is dumb and what makes threads like this uninteresting

yeah because they were the epitome of quality on 4chan before
Weird looking jap sharks from 2004 that didn't dwindled into nothingness because they somehow attract the worst levels of furry autism.
fair, honestly these threads are usually shit anyway and 'cringe culture' is absolutely retarded. this is just a new level of retarded in addition to the usual.
Cringe itself used to be funny back then, but if you're looking for it, like, actually going out of your way, it's pretty much trash.

That being said, there's times when you stumble into something really horrid that you can't help but share.
yeah, that's pretty much it. these threads always devolve into drama or shitflinging instead of sharing absurd shit, and it's because the general type of people to make a thread about "cringe" are going to be obsessive drama whores themselves.
Sup Jim
What even is this thread any more.
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>Op makes a thread with screencaps of an underage b& talking about wanting to be a sergal rl
>Discord server involved goes apeshit, targets the new guy, targets the OP, and probably another
>New guy takes a fat dump on the server owner for his autism, gets banned because server owner can't handle the bantz
>new guy posts owner also wishing to be an underage furfag, pretty much admitting his pedophilic ways
>discordfags jump in to try to sperg out at new guy
>people complain that cringe is cancer
>people post unrelated cringe
>thread ends up with 196 posts and 75 IPs in the span of two days

And the sergal thread is no more, only holding 20 IPs. Who would've thought?
you forgot the part where i questioned an apocryphical story about furry dipshtitery, only for a log to be posted in which i immediately recognized the dipshit just through avatar, writing style and the T the poster forgot to blur out when censoring the picture.

I'll I'm saying is fuck Tokai
I didn't pay much attention to it, seeing as I have no idea what that log was, and when asking about it to pseudo, he told me it had nothing to do with the discord.
Yeah it didn't but I recognized the guy, had a few run ins back when the Morenatsu generals on /vg/ were a thing.

Moral of the story is sergals are fucking autistic degenerates that not even /trash/ will tolerate.

t. spergal who really should rethink his life choices
I don't see too much difference between this and trans people desu.

Obviously this kind of mentality should be discouraged as it doesn't contribute anything to wont after something that you can't have, but if someone could do radical body mod surgery to become a literal furfag I probably wouldn't care to stop them so long as they can pay for it.

t. transhumanist
>tfw transhumanist as well
>disgusted by transfags
How do you accept it, anon? They're obviously mentally deranged and want to modify themselves for all the wrong reasons; namely, mental illness and unable to accept their perfectly fine body, rather than willfully wanting to change out of rational volition.
The guy I'm talking about wasn't even a Sergalo, he was just either had a legit mental illnes or was a manipulative piece of shit.
>implying wanting to be another species, real or imagined, isn't a mental illness

Iron and Vitamin E.
But that's the thing, it isn't, if desired properly. Humanity is a state of mind, not body, and I would consider a mine in some ten foot wide floating ball to be equally as human as a natural human.

Wanting to change because you think you ARE some different gender than what you are, or that you ARE some different species, only says that you've still tethered your ego to your body.
If I give you my address, can you send me whatever it is you are currently tripping on?

It sounds fucking amazing.
Totally sober right now anon, and I've never done drugs of any kind.

>inb4 fedora
Nigga I tell you, this sounds like you trying to ascend to some higher plane of existence.

You really should try acid. You'd love it.
Why take the shortcut and indulge in substance when I'm equally capable of rationally thinking about it? There's no need to get psychedelic or mystical about this stuff, in all honesty.
for an sxe you sure are eloquent
Eh, no biggie.

To be honest I really wish I was back in that wonderous bliss. Like you're standing on the edge of a cliff, and you know if you fall, you're gonna fucking die, but you stand there anyway because the adrenaline is amazing.

When you put yourself on the edge between madness and sanity, you experience pure manic bliss.

Too bad I never considered jerking off while tripping, though the seizures gave me orgasms.
Just realized;
>mind* in some ten foot wide...

Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
I can't say I've ever experienced anything like that, anon, save for the one time I went 50 hours without slip. That's probably the one and only time I could say that I "tripped" in any capacity or degree.

Additionally, insanity and sanity are just words for minds that are sufficiently different that meaningful thought cannot be exchanged, assuming that both maintain some form of rational or causal thought. Who is sane and who is insane depends on the observer.
I'm pretty sure seeing my vidya in 3d in my TV, the nazisergal on my background moving on her own, and feeling hot, cold, sweaty, and drowning all at the same time is not anywhere close to rational thought.

Nothing like yelling at your laptop to get it to stop fucking chewing on files.
Because it appears to be the simplest solution to the problem at hand in most cases. At the moment my main objections to it are cost and the health risks involved, but as time goes on those become smaller and smaller concerns.

If curing gender dysphoria becomes simpler than allowing people to transition then I would be all for advocating for that. As it stands I simply advocate for people to carefully consider their options and do their own research before they try to transition and point them towards neutral sources they can look at on the matter.
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This is the most interesting turn of conversation I've had so far.
If the two options are "stay as you are and suffer" and "undertake an objectively harmful procedure and suffer less", the former ought be chosen at all times.
Transitioning is, by all means, harmful. It is the manipulation of the body in order to bring it into alignment with delusion, rather than the rational will of the individual.

A man might be more happy if his arm were amputated, but that does not make the amputation any less harmful.
>If the two options are "stay as you are and suffer" and "undertake an objectively harmful procedure and suffer less", the former ought be chosen at all times.

I generally agree, but I refuse to deprive people of their personal agency in these matters. I'll simply advise against it while showing them the safest path to continue on if they wish to continue regardless.
spergals ruin everything
Honestly, personal agency is overrated, especially when it comes to the mentally deranged and the like. No mind is perfect, and not all minds are equal.
Oh boy, is this the part where minorities get trashed?
Depends, what minority you talking about?
The minority or majority status of a person does not protect them from objective measures of their person.

Also what >>8298653 said. I'm good with pretty much everyone except for abbos.
My mind isn't perfect either.

I do think that I generally know better than most people do, and hindsight shows that I'm very rarely wrong, but I feel that if I tried to seriously force what I think onto other people then I would very quickly become a narcissist. Moreso than I already am.

Even ignoring all the ethical stuff I'm willing to let people make their own mistakes if only to prevent my ego and vanity from consuming my mind.
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Abbos are not people. They are therefore not minorities.
I would then say that your fear of your own inadequacies, or possible corruption, limits the amount of good you can do.

Force is not wrong, anon.
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wast coast is full of these cucks
I don't fear my inadequacy, I fear losing touch with reality and losing sight of what needs to be done completley.

It's complicated.
>Furfags get angry at their autism being called out
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>tfw black and completely don't understand this way of thinking
Why are they so self hating? It's not like they actually had to grow up in and around an actual shitty culture.
Yea, but think about this
>teach kids that you're shit because everyone is is shit and you aren't
>teach them that their success is someone else failure and making someone fail is bad
It's no wonder how many white kids end up with complexes after all the shit they shove down their throats in school.
>that pic
>that post
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>I'm g-g-gonna save this gif of Nala being fucked onto my hard drive and post it on 4chan! That'll show those damn furries and *snort* their cringy ways! Damn furfa- what do you mean Asking Alexandria is coming to Huntsville?!
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Stay upset furfaggot
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ebin trolling my mate xD
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I anticipate the arrival of this thread's death
Yeah there's been a decades-long campaign of indoctrinating whites into the belief that whites are inherently evil, so as a result it's been in vogue to hate your own race if you're white. It's only recently that people who aren't on the fringes have started pushing back against it even a little bit.
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Furry is a fetish not a lifestyle, you deserve the shit you get
Ain't happening until people start posting again.

In the meantime let's reminisce about how the sergal threads were destroyed by a fat oc furfag who happened to be an expert shitposter.
Tokai at it again. God, the most famous autist.
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mfw this thread
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You have no idea the knowledge that I have right now.

Currently, the discord is leaking fumes of diaper rage and spergal pissing and moaning.

Will update whenever possible.

Kaho, maybe next time don't go sperging out at the one nigger who didn't give a shit about your cancerous drama. Maybe next time you think twice before making me care.
It's funny how they still haven't realized there's an unbannable spy bot in the server who can get just about any message in any channel regardless of rights.
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>when spergals try to be edgy and blame me for this entire thread
I'm glad those cucks are in a panic. Serves them right for being autistic fucklords
>Screenshots of the discord server
I bet
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>mfw they shut down admissions, closed nsfw, and are currently on a witch hunt while the server owner is considering giving up running it

Boy if only I was never forced to move my hand when the owner started sperging at me about """""leaks"""" on a public discord.

>Doesn't know what a man-made bot is
>Online yet invisible with it right now
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>mfw they still think it was me who started it

Well, I'm leaking it now at least. 0 fucks given.
What did you do anyway?
open fire!!1
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Nothing at first.

Once Kaho got in my face about it, I told him to fuck off. Logs are >>8275218

After telling him to fuck off over the course of an hour, he finally banned me for "haing a bad attitude toward users" when I really didn't talk to anyone in there besides like three people, and thus I'm here right now, posting the resulting drama.
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"wait what"
It's like christmas
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I could honestly just put this in an imgur...actually hold on. Lemme do that.
HAHAHAH autistic faglord furries getting shutdown by some noname LOL??
Post the whole thing after it's over, I wanna save the full story
these logs are already 20min old though
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Courtesy of the fat degenerate who really didn't want to get involved, and then did because Kaho is a fucking faggot.
Haven't heard "EPIC FAILED!" In a LONG time. What happend to that phrase?

fucking screencap this autism
It's all in >>8304444

Look at this wonderful quad post.

Four 4s.

Kek demands this apocalyptic autism.
Kaho is actually a really chill guy. We hang out almost daily. The rest of those faggots can burn in their cum-stained fursuits.
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I know how you feel. Thanks for sharing
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>tfw thread is about sharing furfag cringe
>furfags start sperging out over shitty discord drama
>thread becomes the ultimate cringe

nice meme
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>kaho is a really chill guy
This is an 18+ board
you're getting this butthurt over being called a suspect? damn, if this is what you spend your free time on, i feel genuinely sorry for you.

I shit you not, friend.
That's ok. I'll be called butthurt by your ilk.

In the meantime, I'll be glad to watch your server crumble.
hey emile, how are you? How does it feel to know you can't capitalize your posts like shit?
If I hadn't left months ago, I'd be helping! Fuck those guys.
hi emile

We have gone full /sthg/ shitskin.
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Let's not forget about that cunt Satharian, who he was an edgy sergal goo mess whateverthefuckhewas.

But man, knowing only two faggots brought down a discord to it's knees and caused general insecurity amongst members.

Next step: media digging to find their skype usernames out and full-blown ddos attacks.
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Deal with it.gif
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>Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Sergal comunity beaten by a rag-tag group of /b/tards run by a fat purple sergalcunt and a sperg with 140 ping
>Well coordinated
Bitch, have you ever even been there? 80% of the moderators are literally retarded.

Especially Aki and Riku. What a pair of cunts.
anyone got some fresh logs?
He's referencing that one Tribes: Ascend match between the reddit team and some randoms from /b/
Why are you doing this to him? Let him think on what he wants to think!
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Right now? No.

But someone accidentally invited a spergal who decided to give our stuff to Shadow. Which I find hilariously ironic.

It was /v/.
so does that mean that your insider has failed?
Sorry, my mistake.
Our insider was nuked a while ago.

Still got the bot tho.

180+ ping actually

Hey nerds, here's the discord owner imgur: http://imgur.com/user/t3hbernardo
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Blast them all in the head. They don't deserve to live.
not a furfag but..
What the fuck is going on in here. is everyone here from that discord?
I need TLDR
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laughing sea maidens.png
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>this entire thread
discord was a mistake
*tips fedora* well meme'd, frogposter! hail victory!
I know the head honcho. Revan the Dragon.

I have, along with 3 other friends on average, done raids and other shit on him consecutive times. He goes through shitty baby phases 24/7 and manipulates his friends and gets cucked by girls and shit 24/7 too

We fuck with him often because it's so easy to

Kaho is Revan?

Please say this isn't true.

Please for my sides' sake.
Retard makes a cringe thread on /trash/ because he's fucking stupid with imported discord drama, isn't taken seriously, decides to hijack the thread and make it all about the drama
Does the bot have a name? =°

>Kaho is Revan?
I haven't been reading the posts, so I'm not sure. Revanska or some shit is what Revan goes under, though.

All I'm aware of right now is, we're doing another kek-filled police truck operation

Is the bot a boy or a girl?


Why the hell does this need another thread?
Updates, and to piss off the spergals.
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Revan selling his account 3.png
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We had tried to get Revan banned for selling his account earlier

The mods didn't do JACK SHIT about it despite hours of arguing with them and it being against Steam rules
Also, can i have the link to it?
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Revan selling his account 2.jpg
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By the way, anyone curious, you can call me Janus, or J. Anus

Look at this sad little fucker.
We need a new thread.


Why though? More attention?


What bot? If you specify, I can probably tell you
I hate niggers
The bot that's watching over them! I want to see if I can get it myself!

No, we don't give our tech away. It's not for the public.
Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke
Please? I'm a fucking spastic when I goes to seeing if my discord is safe and sound!
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new flag.png
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No can do, gringo.

Our bots are made for us only.

We make them for offense and defense. We've already had to make multiple people fuck off through less-than-nice ways when they come to our discord to ask for our various bots
Did you know, that the StuG III A had a HEAT shell that could penetrate 100 mm's of rolled homogeneous armour?
Are those games even worth 3k.
Thread posts: 324
Thread images: 110

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