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/sug/ Steven Universe General - im-area Edition Last Thread

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Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 161

/sug/ Steven Universe General - im-area Edition

Last Thread: >>8100906

>New episodes at 7pm EST
Mar. 23: "Lion 4: Alternate Ending"
>Room for Ruby
Mega: https://mega.nz/#!DpAUkaAb!s_v1KG4O29Phex4mrF1RiFuTk8c_YnybRTRyxj5lrRI
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x19.mp4
Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5eh9mg
Marebucks: https://marebucks.com/sun/121
>Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic

>New game "Save the Light" coming soon to consoles
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: https://marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
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Is straight shota welcome here?
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But watch out for the mods
Fucking mods I just want to post a drawing of a magic space rock woman relieving a little boy, god damn.
Why are her ears like that?
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I think that is just the way she was made in her mom! I think her ears are unique and cute!
Are you accusing her mother of alcoholism? That's pretty rude of you.
She might have been born slightly premature. That can cause minor issues like sight problems and ear deformities because those parts aren't fully formed yet.
So if she happened to sleep in a position that caused her ears to stick out, it could have led to them developing like that because they're still malleable. Or it could be genetics like the other guy said.
She should grow her hair back out.
No!! I meant that is the way she was born!! I did not mean to imply anything like that!
She grows it out and cuts it every couple months. I think she does that to make it easier to care for.
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i saw this from searching large ears..
>Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. Symptoms often include mild to moderate intellectual disability. Physical features may include a long and narrow face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. About a third of people have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech. Hyperactivity is common and seizures occur in about 10%. Males are usually more affected than females.
>Anxiety, depression, and autism are common.
>Cognitive and learning disabilities are often not present in females, or to a lesser degree.
>Females with Fragile X syndrome do not exhibit most of the physical characteristics found in males with Fragile X, although they often have large or prominent ears.
>>>prominent ears

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Great to be back home, imo.
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Oh come on /sug/, please don't start a rumor that Becky has a genetic syndrome. This is just silly!
Even if she did have something like that, it wouldn't make her any less smart or pretty!! Becky is the bomb!
Latest episode felt like such a cop-out.
And to think she was my favourite one.
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Love you /sug/
why are these threads so low while /co is putting out that shit like a motherfucker.

They all abandoned us
love ya dude
or *is
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People are in denial and want to believe that /co/ has redeeming value. Not that I mind, since it largely acts as a containment board.
Because there's a mainstream /sug/
I see those guys being actually positive towards coming back here though so they must have seen how much better it is then /co/ right now.
/trash/ has been really nice these past hiatuses, but people will simply go where the traffic is and that's understandable
But if it's better here with almost no mods or rules, why don't they just stay here in the first place? I don't understand people sometimes.
Love you too, Pig-Anon
man, these are really cute, thanks
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>Got to wait 30 mins for food to cook
s u f f e r i n g
I'm now in panic mode because Navy is now on the loose with the Ruby Ship. Also, if Navy gets her squad and makes it back to Homeworld, Steven, Amestyst, Pearl, Garnet, Lapis, Peridot, Connie and her parents, Greg, Sadie, Lars, Ronaldo, Sour Cream, Onion and his friends, Mayor Dewey, Mr. Smily, Kiki, Jenny, Kofi, Peedee, Buck, Andy, Vidalia, Jamie, Nanefua, Barbara, Marty, Kevin and etc. are doomed. Yes, I listed a bunch of names but take note now with Navy on the loose. The lives of Steven, the Crystal Gems, the citizens of not just Beach City but also the state of Delvara (and possibly the whole world), and the future of Earth and Humanity, all now hang in the balance. A lot more is now at stake, now that Navy has the ship. Personaly, if I was Steven, I'd be panicking right now because the lives of my friends and loved ones are now in danger. What are thoughts on the status of the situation? because for me personally i'm terrified right now
Do what they do best
Wing it
Everything is doomed to fail just like it always. Unless Navy goes full retard and returns to earth with her rescued team just to have their asses handed to them by the gems. I doubt that'll happen, though
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An abomination. This one is far better (ignore lack of gem)
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Good shit.

Also I heard there was comic with Peridot's eye getting stabbed? Anyone got it?
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fun fact, this image was originally uploaded with lapis having 2 left feet
What if Zuke had the two left feet version on her (now discarded) phone case
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that'd be hilarious, but I don't think it's the same image
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thanks for the hd lapidirt indexer
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Why isn't /ss/ allowed?
Rule 3. I got banned for it
well slap my nuts and call me sally.
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post jasper?
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buff gnome jasper why
Because there's one fag here who gets triggered hard by it and reports it every time he sees it.
There was a helmet version too, and it was even more off-putting
Anon pls, I need the stabbing.
You don't go to /co/?
/co/ is a shitshow.
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Here you go you sick fuck
Ugh, get this non-lore friendly shite outta here.
If you punctured her eye, she'd poof into her gem.
>Arm penis
Reminds me of that one picture from Meekbot or whoever who made up the arm penis trend.
Much obliged.
Hey if you've got any more lore friendly stuff I'd love to see it, I'm just desperate for any torture/abuse/guro since there's so little of it in this "fandom".
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This is all you're gettin' from me
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Shitty drawing.
Never mind the general shittyness of the art and subject matter I just hate when gems are portrayed with red blood.
Also how strong is the motherfucker poking her eye?
His thumb is breaking through her visor.
If you were a gem related to your birthstone, what would you do?
It's chocolate, not blood
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General retard stuff.
Ah that'll do for now.
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Not exist
try to get used to seeing my family die allot
over 5 meters tall
Enjoy being made of l-o-o-ove and it's stronger than you~
I would scream at my harem of Jaspers all day
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>But if it's better here

I see no reason why.
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>Using pins on their clothes

Rebecca, you're an adult now
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There is nothing wrong with putting pins on her clothes! She uses them to express herself!
Let's see that dick, hon
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Absolutely not! I would not like to display my genitals on /sug/.
Fuckin' micropenis, isn't it?
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This is very lewd anon! Please do not think about my genitals!
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spot the difference
A dot on Jasper's shirt
Easy, the shading/effects added to the cosplayers.
Yeah, I removed the wrinkles and blotchy paint. I found this cosplay a few minutes ago and all the wrinkles triggered my ocd.
Huh... good job on it then
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>new ot3 fanfic
Please let this be good
>memeworld trio fanfic
Pick one.
Even better...
Pick one
There can be good fanfics, sillies.
Okay, but this one's not so good
>all three of them go to New York suddenly
>visit the Statue of Liberty, but Jasper has a fear of heights
>so she's cryin and shit when they're not even at the waist
>then Lapis starting beating up Sharon, who the fuck is Sharon, I've been skimming
>Peridot bails Lapis out of jail
Nah, it's too eh
Any fanfic with OCs is trash. Nobody likes some 15 year old's annoying self insert.
Yeah...goodnight /trashug/
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What's the worst episode of SU?

Maximum Capacity was rather perturbing for me after Amethyst morphed into Rose, which actually made me dislike her for a good while, and that was after I've seen the recent episodes. She never outright apologized, either. Of course she felt bad, but damn, even Peridot was more than capable of giving a heartfelt apology (though again, that happened in the recent episode).

Sadie's Song was rather subpar in my opinion as well, especially since it premiered after Nightmare Hospital. It wasn't a bad episode, but after what happened at the hospital, you'd think the episode would follow up on that. However, I'll say that seeing Sadie again as well as Barb was neat and entertaining.

Ultimately, I wouldn't deem these episodes as "the worst" ones, but episodes that didn't really sit well with me.
Is that one guy who was taking pics after masterbating to art still doing that?
How the hell should I know?
Its you isn't it
My niece drew this today, not sure how to feel about it.
You should feel bad.
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I wasn't even here when that guy was doing his thing. Hell, the only reason I even know who you're referring to is because I checked the archive
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You went that far back for that shit...
how old is she? If she's like 5 or 6 that's impressive. If she's 12 then it's not so good.
7, I think she was watching a how to video.
Any episode pushing LGBT bullshit.
It's still pretty good then. That's better than I was at 7. You should encourage her to do more art if she likes it.
It was hardly an issue
I would have to say either Onion Gang or The New Lars.
They were both the worst kind of filler.
Onion Gang was ridiculously boring with no major Gem elements whatsoever while the New Lars somehow made Sadie and Lars even less likable.

Not bad.
How old is she?
Will do, I'll post any creations for you all, BTW this is sound fag checking in.
Just noticed that you had already answered.
That is pretty great for a seven year old.
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Why does Peridot keep shrinking?
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I really like this. I think the show jasper doesn't look that great because of her broad chin, but some fan art is really great
Earth's gravity is fucking her shit up. I hope she gets thiccer too. I just want another, green amethyst desu
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Best gem.
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>I hope she gets thiccer too. I just want another, green amethyst desu.

Plz no.
A little more thickness would be fine but Peridot's space loli body type is great as is.
The only other gems with that body type are either unattractive morons or too busy being half of Garnet to get any screen time.
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What do you think? Also you guys can take over this pose if you want. I have to work on my line art cause when I started it it didn't look good.

Also, I have to study for my fucking test, what am I doing?
Post Zooman porn.
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Post gore
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kill yourself
Kill yourself.
a bad photoshopped
Just got home from work, how is everyones day going?
no u
you don't even have a screen that big autist
woskis get the fuck off of /sug/ and get the fuck out of any discord with children.

shota is not allowed and i'll report every single post of it for days until you get an appropriate ban.

you people should be ashamed of yourselves and i cannot for the life of me understand how you could look your loved ones in the eyes without guilt.
yeah because you are a disgusting pedophile wreck
And here he is >>8155801
keep the filth laden sexual deviancy away from SU.

only people with no shame and a serious set of psychological problems try to normalize and endorse shota/loli
if you even have to ask that in an un-ironic sense then you should be jailed and raped
Wow so the new episode didn't come out last week?
You sound like you are fresh from a tumblr hate blog
I wish, but he's been shitting this place up for a while.
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What's up your butt, dude?
just because i'm a functional adult who has enough sense to see where cartoon child pornography is wrong doesn't make me from tumblr snowflake.

you have to fucking ask that question at all? are you a fucking dope or what?

"whats up my butt" i'll tell you, its people endorsing pedophilia that's up my butt
ok so to be clear here, shitting up the thread is when i get onto some fuck up deviant pieces of shit but its not shitting up the thread to post toxic porn to each other and think what your doing is fine as long as no one ever finds out right?

it's fucking gross
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This one actually looks really good.
Fuck off Brad
not brad eat shit woskis you nasty pedo 26 year old swedish virgin
>not brad
Said by Brad every single time.
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I'm with ya anon.
Because you are him.
It does, plus imagine the fanart we'd get of that thing going up someone's ass.
Shit the secret's out boys, only one person on the internet has an objection to shota/loli.
y'know maybe if you got a fucking job woskis and didnt just sit on your ass everyday in front of a screen then you wouldn't be so emotionally unhealthy as you are. remember that it is YOU defending yourself against the accusation that you are a pedophile that you brought all on yourself by overtly showing people that you are a pedophile. cartoons or not a pedophile is YOU woskis

thanks, nice to see some reason being employed

yeah because anyone dissenting against pedophillia must be brad. only big brad would care about hanging out with pedophiles and no one else
Who the fuck is Brad and why did he come to /co/ to bitch
Attentionwhore who hates /ss/ with a passion
>Shota/Loli is pedophillia
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I think peri is even smaller than this
there isnt a brad here there is only me, morals and ethics anon.

^^^ these are some people who get uncomfortable when you simply state the obvious about people.

instead of ignoring your problems or trying to find a phoney logic to follow that saves you from the guilt of being attracted to children you should try facing your problems for once.
I'm not attracted to children though, I'm attracted to Loli/Shota.
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yeah yeah yeah, go ahead and use that circular logic all you want in saying "its just a cartoon its not hurting anyone" but then never addressing what the cartoons are doing in them being depictions of children having sex acts performed on them by adults or other children.

but nah, its just a cartoon right.
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What about adult Steven x gem? Or holly x carnelian? Or TKK corrupted gem X peridot? Or kid Steven X tiny centupeetle?
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here let me help you with that by posting some porn that isnt morally reprehensible
don't try to split hairs hairs weenie you know what is right and wrong and if you don't then i hope you get outed sooner than later
is this thread populated by NAMBLA members or what?
Whatever I wanted.
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Post things for me to fap to
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I am not moved by this piece
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>Most active I have seen /trash/ /sug/ in a while.
>It's some faggot crusading for fictional children.

This argument has always kind of bothered me.
I love loli but the 'only if it is 100% fake' argument feels a little disingenuous to me.
Of course that doesn't mean that you would fuck a real little girl or look up cp it just means that part of you likes the idea.
It is just a fantasy like all of the other horrible shit on /trash/
That's right, you police some horrible shit you have to police it all. Then you're literally tumblr and need to go back.
yeah see it starts out as a thrill fap and then these people gain a taste for it. they may not like actual children now but give it another ten years of loli/shota consumption and see if that's changed.

how long does it take you to see the same lines in the hentai mangas but on irl children? how long do you have to consume that shit before you cant explain why you have a hard on with your 8 year old niece/nephew in your lap

are you a fucking kid or just stuck on stupid to think that some how a website has the entire lock on basic human morality? dont argue for loli or shota because its a landfiled of repressed circular logic's employed by sexual deviant outcasts
Agreed. I don't give a fuck what a person's fantasies are as long as they don't lay a finger on a real child or endorse anything that harms real children. Cartoons are just that, cartoons.
Ironically, I never see people get up in arms about daddies/littles on tumblr, even though that's basically a step up from looking at cartoon porn. They always excuse by saying it's how they overcome their trauma or some bs.
Not that I have a problem with that either, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of it.
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Dem legs am I right

Imagine her bouncing all over your dick
hey see this post: >>8156734
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I'm a gorefag, guess I'm gonna go out and start cutting people open because that's how it works right?
oh god here comes the circular logic gang all ready to defend pedophilia for some god forsaken reason. have you ever hit any of your own pets? ever stomped a frog or another as small animal as a kid? ever had a fantasy about hurting someone you don't like? that's why you like gore fag don't play stupid with me.

also if you sincerely don't like shota/loli by chance then you shouldn't be making arguments for it like some contrarian who doesn't have to worry about the accountability of their words or actions.
This picture sucks but only because of how overly big BD's cock is.
>have you ever hit any of your own pets? ever stomped a frog or another as small animal as a kid? ever had a fantasy about hurting someone you don't like?
No, because my pets are real living beings and I love them. I would never intentionally hurt anyone unless they were threatening my life.

Now fuck off back to discord brad.
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kill yourself
Pink Diamond needed it that big for her massive meaty pussy
liar and a bad argument maker. also not brad and YOU can stop jacking off three times a day and thinking that's normal even for a teenager or young man
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hi there indexer!!!! its me morals and ethics anon!!! remember when i said i was worse than you...totally trying to make that true!!

you keep doing you!!!!!

i'll keep doing me!!!!
Tentacle rape is good
Tee hee. Hopal for Opal <3
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kill yourself
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try speaking as an adult without the kill yourself meme.

stop trying to show me where on the autism spectrum you are i already know so we can forgo the poopy little games you play.
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am i good enough to be a drawfag guys
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This is the best post I've seen all day, and I've seen like a lot of posts
Very good
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i know what i'm doing here i assure you.
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Steven is the sexiest gem.
You can't prove me wrong.
Peridot would be more like a fleshlight for Jasper
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Na, with here meme facials shes more fit for a sock puppet
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fuck off with the faggot bait and post something i can report you for.
You're not wrong.
I'd totally fuck him if I was gay or a woman.
what do you think she's whispering?
How the fuck did this came to /trash/?
/Sug/ isn't allowed on /co/ during hiatus, and even though it isn't on hiatus it is wanted enough to stick around even when the show is airing regularly
This will become the new Loud House, isn't it?
I don't know what that entails
For a lot of people /trash/ became a sort of an alternate /co/ after /co/ implemented it's utterly retarded hiatus and furry ban rules.
Also /trash/ has porn.
just be ok with rampant child sexualizing

take this post for example.

>inb4 peridot is a gem and not a child even though the artist drew her with a seven year old's body type.
Lots of child porn, and gore.
You are still here?
Peridot is drawn mostly on model so I don't get how it is a problem.

The gore is pretty rare around these parts.
This thread is has a little more than most /sug/ threads though.
Also we were doing that shit like two years before The Loud Housr came out.
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well if you think that just because something is "on model" but that means it looks like a child when hentai artists draw her then i guess that means you might be into loli or shota
if you dont see it as a problem*
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ah, I see
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also the other 2
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this is for you brad
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kill yourself
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post nude rubies for brad to rub his micropenis to
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Whoever the hell makes these should zoom in or pose it differently so you don't see her face or neck. And make a model for every gem
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su early peridot art.jpg
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shitpost on 4chan and hit on hot girls
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kill yourself
Is that a tree tap...?
I mean it's hot but don't get it.
It's so she can force Peridot to swallow her cum in an endless cycle.
Oh that makes sense I guess, any idea who the artist is? If I didn't know any better I'd say it looked like beautysnake's work.
I'll resume tomorrow
See you guys in the next thread
Still dunno why you need a tree tap boring into the neck for that.
I made a short little Peridot cutefic

It is her work, just from her nsfw account. She's into Gore surprisingly. her caption on the pic said "Because she's green like a tree idc"
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saw that shit coming a mile away
Oooh you got a link to that account?
Still quality stuff.
There's no "normal" amount to jack off, just as long as it doesn't interfere with your regular life
Ah nevermind, appearently they deleted all their good stuff for personal reasons. Although if you have any more good gore tucked away in the files I'd love to see it.
Remember, if an artist deletes their artwork for bullshit reasons, don't back down from spreading their art to as many corners as possible. Don't let them censor you.
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Or just make a file on e-hentai. They can't get that taken down
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Truest post of the week
Ian a CUTE!!!
Can you find the Steven and Becky in this pic?
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Rebecca is hidden behind the people in front and Steven is to the right of her, contemplating his existence.
*Left, not right.
I found some more pics of Becky being adorable on the cruise! I'm sad there weren't more pics of Steven he deserves love too!
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I like the idea of it being a umbrella, accept I want the Steven version.
This image is S P O O K Y
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cursed image
Nah famm, I've got several layers of memes,
Good on him.
Here's hoping that it doesn't suck.
We need more good cartoons these days.
Her outfit here is almost perfect, all it needs are some pink heels
eat the booty like groceries~
it's a tracheostomy tube
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 161

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