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Night in the Woods - /NitW/ Let's talk about who has the

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Thread replies: 364
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Night in the Woods - /NitW/

Let's talk about who has the SECOND best butt in the game. My vote is Mae's mom.
And, until someone makes a compilation, I'm just gonna keep pasting them all. Here's all the fanfics so far.

http://pastebin.com/BE0Gr3B4 - Hot Mae on Bea oral action

http://pastebin.com/3UqfrbZK - Jackie x Anon

http://pastebin.com/BnxQfD5q - The Party (trigger warning contains OC)

http://pastebin.com/8dZph0wi - Mae x Anon, wrestling

http://pastebin.com/Y6n02PQ7 - Anon and Mae go to Church

http://pastebin.com/bdFSjZ42 - Anon and Mae go to Church and Sin

http://pastebin.com/gscq7C4v - Bea

http://pastebin.com/qZj8Wdfp - Bea

http://pastebin.com/P0XxVyAU - Bea
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2nd for best gal

the nsfw ones should be tagged
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can someone make this with Bea and Mae conversing and Jackie screaming?
>in the end bea and mae become the best of friends and jackie is never heard from again
I know you're just bashing on jackie but this would actually be pretty accurate.
Just got through the mall hangout with Bea. Her laughing like that. It's precious.

You have to protect her smile, anon.
Bea should be protected at all costs. And eventually sent through college.
What would she major in though?
Reminder that the CIA is watching you masturbate


Wait, that's mae.
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Are you asian? What does that symbol mean?
Like I don't care, you're good at art, I just wanna know what it says, if it says anything at all.

I like these pictures of mae giving dicks love.
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Its okay. Mae is an expert at first aid.
I just needed a dumb signature that wasn't like a 6th grader making a signature. The characters for half (半) and sheep (羊) are one stroke off, so it looks Aesthetically pleasing and stuff.
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I know right, it just makes me feel all tingly and warm!

i could admittedly do without the blood but honestly mae + dicks does it for me.
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Ah, half sheep. Fun name.

It's just a gag edit someone asked me to make.
This is the original.

I want to gaze into Mae's nightmare eyes as she worships my dick.
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Thanks to the dude who made this pic. I appreciate it.
The second Bea hangout wasn't as good as the first. Still cute, bringing her the fireflies, but I hate feeling like you're railroaded into fucking up. At least the furnace thing didn't backfire at all. Seemed it would have been easier to take the baseball bat to the door.

too much tmblrspk can't read
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Jackie is upset that they aren't lesbians, thus making them homophobic
>but I hate feeling like you're railroaded into fucking up.

welcome to mae
Oh boy, you're in for a treat with the 3rd one.
Angus is a smart boi

I like the idea that Mr. Chazokov has on this subject. He'd find beauty in Possum Springs where others might see nothing at all.
I think that's a metaphor for life. If we have to live here than why not try and find things worth staying? Like anon said, it's a big world, full of opportunity. Even if we are stuck like Bea seems to be there's still things to be happy about. Finding a hobby, helping society, meditate, etc.
Whatever floats your goat, it's out there waiting for you.
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People who write fics about Mae and don't mention her eyes are literally Hitler.
Every time I look at this image, I imagine Eide being a fuckin creep and watching over them.
Eh. I didn't feel like Mae did anything wrong. I made the dinner right, at least. And in the bedroom, she was trying to stand up for Bea, or get Bea to stand up for herself. I don't feel like she said anything that was really out of turn.

Bea reacted badly because she feels trapped. But it's still by her own choice. I feel bad for her, but it's not like she was literally forced to give up her dreams. Had she went on with her life, maybe her dad would have been fucked, but it's possible he could have just promoted somebody to run the store and still do okay enough.

That thing with the guy wanting to molest her when she was 15 years old seemed a bit overly dramatic, but I guess they wanted to emphasize how little control she has in her life.
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Hey thread, refined a little sketch I did yesterday, what do you think? Does it look good, would you change something?
Just got past Harfest on my Bea speed-run. Am I wrong for being so... bored? I like Bea, but a lot of walking around town, and the dream sequences, just cause the game to drag. I think I still have three ghost hunting events and the final hang-out before I get to the end.

It's a bit... tedious.
I already beat the game the Gregg way, and did everything, by the way. I wouldn't skip everything otherwise.
Well I can't speak for your style, but I think you have her hair tuft on the wrong side. Kinda reminds me of Dr. Seuss actually.
7/10 it's shit, GOTY
Actually as far as legit criticism goes she looks a tad angry or in pain. If that's what you're going for it works but i think giving her a loud open smile would work better given what she's yelling.
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How is Mae out of shape yet able to perform feats of incredible agility such as walking on power lines and jumping great distances?

Are the dolphins in her stronger than normal?
Turns out Selmers doesn't go to the poetry club if you don't listen to her poems. I guess she only builds up the confidence to go because of Mae.
Why doesn't Angus' slutty co-worker get any love? I think she's a doe or something. Already popped out one kid but is constantly looking for cute boys. Leaves her baby with her mom all day.
so this game's cult is exactly the same as the cult from the film Hot Fuzz, they both murder people in the town that are troublemakers and both cults are made up of older members of the towns community that believe that what they are doing is for the better of the town and that if they didn't murder, the town would go to shit. only difference is the supernatural aspect

Is it because they answer everything with a question and that gets annoying super duper fast?
She does say something about bouncing ideas off of Mae when she's listening or something
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I was thinking the exact same thing when I got to that part.

Still I wonder if the whole supernatural element was just a fabrication based on coincidence and other elements. Wasn't there something in the papers at the library about gasses released from mines that cause hallucinations? If I'm wrong fuck me but even the last part where Mae speaks to the beast and says she not afraid to die was just all in her head, and the gang tells her she was in some sort of trance. Whether that hallucination was just her mental condition acting up, the mines or actually something supernatural is uncertain.

Still, that one guy who attacks them does appear out of nowhere like a ghost, but he was not immune to being shot or crushed.

It's fairly ambiguous and I think that's the point.
Do some songs strike you as sad even if they sound like they're supposed to be happy? I think one anon pointed out the Mallard "theme" is kinda somber even though it's seems like it's supposed to be cheery.
Mae was having dreams about 4 musicians she had never met and about the town going to shit and the cultist said that "you've seen it haven't you" meaning he knew she was having those dreams.

The goat thing had to be real, how else would she dream of things she doesn't know exists. You only find out about the musicians near the last day.

What I want to know is why Mae specifically, like why is he fucking with her head and not someone else's
Could just be wrong place at the wrong time like Aunt Mallcop says

Could be her psychological problems made her more susceptable
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I'd say that being mentally ill to begin with makes one more vulnerable to eldritch horrors, but that only raises more questions.
Just finished the college party. I agree with what Mae said at the end - Bea should have told her. Even without knowing, Mae shouldn't have kept talking like she did, but all Bea had to do was tell Mae to act like they're college students, or to not mention anything from back home. A simple sentence or two could have stopped all of that drama.

As for Jackie, I don't get the hate. Well, I do. In this day and age, having her go SJW was just putting a bulls-eye on her. But she seems like somebody who was there for Bea when Mae wasn't. When Mae abandoned her, and left her all alone, Bea at least had Jackie. They knew one another for a while and Jackie tried to help Bea out. That's more than Mae can say.

I think I still prefer the Gregg route, unless the Bea stuff near the end feels like it has a bigger impact. I just really liked Mae's final speech to her friends during the Gregg route, where she tells Angus that he better not hurt Gregg. I guess I'll see what her Bea speech is like.
Didn't Bea mention having a weird dream similar to Mae's at the end?
Yeah but what was goat's end goal anyway? the cultists wanted the gang to become the next cultists so the goat was ultimately wanting Mae to go down to the mine so she can accept the offer?

Also I forget why she says it but at one point in the mine she says "I'm going to die here" but it was kind of out of place. Also I thought she was going to jump in the fucking hole or something. Shit idk

Guess I'll just have to play again to figure that one out!
The goat just wanted to be fed.
Funny, the way the not god in Mae's last dream made it seem was that these "cosmic bugs" (I assume goat is one of them) are all mighty non caring beings that just do whatever and don't give a shit.

...yet you have one chilling at the bottom of a hole that relies on people to throw food down at it.

What a scrub, Mae should just 1v1 it with her psychic powers like if it was the Giygas
Ignoring Bruce until the day he leaves was a bust. He literally just introduces himself and doesn't even ask you to tell the pastor anything. Granted, I didn't meet the pastor yet, either.

Day he left, I talked to the pastor for the first time. She went through her standard introduction and then said she was waiting for a friend. She then speculates that maybe Bruce left, but Mae didn't know Bruce, so the pastor says I must have missed him.

I closed the game and reloaded. I'm going to introduce myself to most of the characters during the epilogue, to see what they say, out of curiosity. I wonder if Lori will even be there still.

I just need to go with Angus and then I can go into the woods and begin the ending. Not much left, but even rushing, it'll have taken me around six hours.
>Mae should just 1v1 it with her psychic powers like if it was the Giygas
Huh, now I kinda want to see Night in the Woods's cast as the Earthbound cast.
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Hey guys I'll be here.
What should I ask them in person?
I thought about it as I made the post but the personalities are too far off for it to be a thing.
Would still be a neat pic, though.
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ask them when the fuck the DLC where Bea goes bi for Mae during the road trip is happening
ask why there are 3 shoes
First thanks for the feedback, I did some changes based on them.
Better this way?
Mae is the one with all physical smashing, no PP
Angus is all in on the pshycic, his physical attacks would be weak.
Gregg would be the item user.
Bea would be a solid mix of support and offense.
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Ask them about the cut/unfinished content regarding Germ, his family/parents and grandma, and the "He's From Somewhere" achievement.

Someone needs to finish that shit.
Oh shit, I'm also going to be there, radical
>not Jeff
>Mae is the one with all physical smashing, no PP
Nah she's the Ness. She's got them psychic powers mang .

Angus is jeff
Don't forget that she uses a baseball bat, just like Ness.
Yeah I like that a lot better. She looks like she's having fun instead of being mad. 8/10 it's shit goty all years
To give a shoutout to all the antifa people they think are cute
Yeah you're right. I'm dum. Just thinking about the Angus is pshycic notebook drawing and all.
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Jackie DLC when
She's like 'the fuck do I do with this?'
It's more likely that we get a DLC for Bruce.
Yeah, but it's blocked by his hat, remember?

No PP, totally Jeff.
Mae squaring off against The Batter when
The SJW Antifa gazelle/elk/antilopething.
During the sequence where you escape from the cult, how did the others get so far ahead of Mae? I mean, Mae is probably the most athletic of the bunch. Angus has asthma and Bea ia a goddamn chain smoker who doesn't really run. Ever.

Yet in the sequence, Mae is all alone, with the others nowhere to be found. Honestly, when I played it the first time, something seemed so off about everything. Even the transition, where you see the three others in their house, hiding. It just seemed weird.
Bea's friend that throws parties
I think they just chased Mae mostly. The others probably got away from the confusion of the gunshot.
They didn't catch Mae either, but she fell down a hill and got a head injury.
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Has this been done yet?

thanks for the feedback dude, it really helped!
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I couldn't think of anything else while playing the rhythm games. They are also super hard.
>not lasaga

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Nigga, she looks like a kid herself.
shes 20 years old
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Post best girl
you fucker

lori is too young and precious to step on
are you implying she has a feminine penis?
Just finishing up my Bea speed-run. Took, like, all day. God-damn. Even rushing, the game is kind of long for a game of this type.

But I will say - Mae's heartfelt speech at the end, on messenger, was pretty shit for the Bea route. It's sweet how she said she would fix all of Bea's problems if she could, but I feel like the Gregg route has a much more emotional message during that scene.
mah binky
I need to finish Gregg's route, but I thought the Bea specific part was really really nice. That whole "I'd fix them all if I could, and I'll buy the tools to do it from your shop, or well borrow them anyway."

Fuckin d'aww
Bea. Is. Not. For. LEWDS!!!
Mae Bea Anon three way fanfic y/n?
Fic where Bea gets fucked by chad at math camp and cries afterwards WHEN
Follow your heart, or if you want, your penis
No, adding in the anon ruins their pure love.
Anon is the sperm donor
It's really hard to masturbate to stuff you've written/drawn man. That's why I ask you, the people.
Why not mae bea jackie instead? that way it's all 3 from the game and you got a girl dick to work with. Idk seems funner than anon
Any chance of a less anorexic edit of this one?
that's even worse than anon, and jackie fucking hates mae
I don't really like Jackie, or dickgirls (male)
That's an idea. Only question is how to make Jackie wanna fug Mae. She hates Mae.
>and jackie fucking hates mae
Some hate fucking. No better way to ease the tension than with a dick in your mouth.

Was just a suggestion anyway
It's porn, it's not like it has to be canon.
>I don't really like Jackie
>how to make Jackie wanna fug Mae. She hates Mae.
She has a connection to Bea and Mea has a connection to Bea so that's the middle ground. Maybe Mae/Bea hanging out, they bump into Jackie, she doesn't like Mae but wants to hang out with Bea so a bit of reluctance they do, then ??? happens and all 3 get hot and bothered and Jackie takes out some frustration on Mae by putting her dick in her mouth repeatedly. It's like sexual aggression. idk the story is up to you, just ideas throwing out there.

What they said, it's non canon either way
Beatrice would probably be uncomfortably skinny. Between the overwhelming amounts of stress and chain-smoking, the poor girl probably looks like a skeleton on top of tasting like an ashtray.
I beat it again and now I'm sad a second time. Immediate thoughts? I feel like the Gregg ending was a more personal ending, which makes sense, since Gregg and Mae were literally best friends. Bea and Mae hadn't spoken with one another since they were twelve. That's established.

But I still believe the Bea ending was better. It addresses more. Mae talks more about the cosmic entity in the hole, and even goes into a bit of detail about how it told her she wouldn't be safe forever and that she just wants to have one day where she's fine. She doesn't mention any of that in the Gregg ending.

Also, introducing yourself to characters in the epilogue doesn't change much. The stargazing guy says he saw you running around all week but is surprised this is the first time you spoke. Lori bluntly calls you Killer. Mae asks her how she knows about that, and says she looks familiar. Lori says she's just been chilling on the roof all this time. Pastor K is basically the same, but I think there's a few new lines about her bosses and she tries to get you to go to church.
Not to mention how poor they are that they have to eat budget meals every day. Couldn't afford to bury her mom in a good spot in the graveyard. Can't afford to fire somebody who wanted to molest her back in the day.
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Bea ending is probably much closer to a "Canon" ending. A lot more gets done, a lot more gets solved.

Gregg's entire route felt like more of a funsies side thing.
all of these things normally aren't turn ons for me and yet...
It does seem like Mae grows more as a character if you go the Bea route, but I can't help but really like the personal closeness that Gregg and Mae have. Hell, even when you tell the story about what happened to the kid, Gregg talks about how he was in the stands that day and was so scared for you. Bea just sort of puts it aside, saying she heard about it but thought it would be awkward to ask about.

But that makes since, since they weren't friends anymore then. She had no reason to keep following Mae or to learn about what she was going through.

Gregg's route has you building upon a great friendship, one that will never be broken. Bea's route has you trying to rekindle a friendship that died years ago. They're both potent.

Still wish I knew what happened between them. We just have the Longest Night to go by, that something happened when they were twelve. Mae remembered some sort of fight, while Bea claimed she was simply too busy hanging out with Gregg and didn't answer her phone calls.

This was pre-breakdown Mae. She had no issues. She just drifted away from Bea and stopped hanging out with her.

you want to see the croco happy.

We all do.
Bea deserves a better life :(
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I like to think that even if she still has to stay stuck in her shitty life she at least has a rediscovered closeness with Mae. By the ending of her route you can tell they've gotten considerably closer and Bea genuinely cares for Mae.

Honestly Mae just fucks up because she lacks proper social etiquette and spaghettis all the time, but as far as being a friend Mae is loyal as fuck and really honest (sometimes too honest) So she has that going at least. Hell Mae was about to beat the shit out of two random strangers when she was chasing after Bea just because they got in her way. I think she can bring some smiles to gator qt.

Hell she already did it before:
Yeah, Mae is loyal - now. But there's still eight fucking years where Mae just ignored her. It's not like they were soulmates, man. Proximity pretty much raises the question on if they only became friends because they were stuck together. Which is sort of true. The time of their biggest friendship was in the scouts. After that ended, even before Mae smashed that kid's face in, she stopped hanging out with Bea. I doubt they had a whole lot in common. Mae was always mischievous and liked goofing around and pulling pranks. Bea was a straight a student who was constantly busting her ass for college. It was probably weird that they ever became friends in the first place.
She deserves so much better than what she's got. I hope she goes to college and makes it big.

Would she remember Mae though? Their friendship is based on proximity, them being stuck together in one place. Not the best basis for a stable relationship.

It reminds me of when the wannabe cool kid (Bae) is stuck with the socially awkward outsider (Mae). While those relationships can actually develop into beautiful long term friendships, I feel like they would grow apart if Bae would actually go to college.


But Bea is Bæ
Yes, I could do that, but that's lazy. I want it to feel like it actually COULD happen. If I just wanted to write about two characters fucking I'd just write about them fucking. But I want PLOT to go with my BACKSTORY.

I'll think about it, but I'll only actually write it if I think I can make it sound at least 10% plausible. Not gonna make it the 5% Brazzers plausible of how dare you sleep with my sister, I'm gonna make you fuck me as revenge.
Characters that would take the BBC

I can agree with this list.
im guessing in Gregg's case its Big Bear Cock
>But I want PLOT to go with my BACKSTORY.
Sounds pretty boring if it's just stopping you from making delicious porn, whatever floats your boat my lad
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I may be a furry loving smut peddler, but I'm a furry loving smut peddler with dignity.
I only steal stills from the finest flash animations.
Then don't make it all. It would be pretty much impossible to make it make sense.

Cucks get out reeeee.
Going through the game a second time, I noticed how often Mae talked about Casey. About how they used to play a game where they threw stuff at one another's faces. Mae got hit with a frisbee. She also tells Germ she played a game at Casey's house a lot.

I wish we could have explored that so much more. To get to know Casey.

Is that kickstarter prologue game still a think? I don't think that was referring to the longest night. Any chance we could get some proper backstory showing off Casey?
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Still a thing. God, why can't I type today. For fuck's sake.

And what about those animated shorts? Weird how that stuff didn't come out BEFORE the game was released.
Well like I just said, if I can't come up with some asspull to make it work I won't do it. I'm thinking a heavily inebriated Bea and a tipsy Jackie might work along with a sober Mae.
I wish Jackie had more lines to work with though, hard to think of what her character actually is with such limited lines.
Patch 101 is out and they're scrapping stuff
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I'm not a furry, I just love furry characters! It's different.
wait what
What does this mean "scrapping stuff"? Like cleaning up stuff or cutting out actual content? I imagine it's just the unobtainable achievements, could be wrong though.

Cutting content

Germ hangout number 3 (the one with the trampoline). Achievement now requires you to hang out with him only twice. Germ house scenes aren't fixed and probably still inaccessible.

Echoes now triggered automatically after act 3 day 3

Jenny's Field still broken though
In that case screw Jenny!
The achievement title doesn't even make sense if you just do the second hangout. It's literally named after a line Mae says in the cut content.

God, these developers... Maybe if they had an extra $100,000, they would have cut even more content for the fun of it.

All they need to do is get rid of the grandma and add in a goddamn trampoline. That's all that scene needed.
>Jenny's Field is still broken
Gonna wait until that's the case then.
What did they cut out though?
This just reinforces my pirate. I kinda felt bad at first given how many hours I got out of the game, and these threads, but like, damn son. This is pretty fuckin lame.
>God, these developers... Maybe if they had an extra $100,000, they would have cut even more content for the fun of it.

I know I'm basically acting like spoiled brat right now because I loved the game as it is
But seriously, three years (or was it more?) in development, and they still rush the release and are cutting content

It's probably going to unlock retroactively once fixed, like it was with other achievements
>This just reinforces my pirate
Eh, I still do not regret the purchase. It's good as it is.

I'm just upset because it was pretty good and I wish it was even better.
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Hopefully, just HOPEFULLY, they'll release some dlc. I heard this anon is going to PAX and will be visiting the developer himself and ask questions.>>8070751

MaeBea when?
Clearly needs to be some sorta feeding or foodplay story with Mae trying to put some meat ob Bea's bones
But if they don't patch in new content? I may never play this game again, and that makes me sad. I love these characters, man. I don't post on /v/. I'm mainly on /co/. But it hurts when you fall in love with characters from a game or a show and then have to say goodbye. It's never easy, and unlike most people, I can't get into fanfiction. It's the constant nagging in the back of my mind, knowing that fan-made stuff doesn't really count. I can appreciate the art for what it is, but stories... that'll never be enough to set aside my longings for more actual content.
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But this does raise the question. How far is too far for fanfics? What should be off limits and result in a witch hunt?
>naughty but accepted things

So we're clear on that, but what about the more extreme stuff, or the more taboo stuff in general? Stuff like
>hand holding
>tail holding
>girl on girl kissing
Nothing is too far. Everything has an audience. If somebody wrote a fanfic where Bea's dad didn't step in and instead let that bastard "teach her how to drive", you bet your ass people in this thread would be ejaculating all over it.
Everything mentioned in this post is acceptable and okay. Just avoid the obvious nasty shit like scat/diapers/vore/etc.

Just use common sense anon
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>hand holding
Get out.
For some reason Anon and Mae go to church and sin has been removed. Does anyone have the story saved elsewhere perhaps?
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oh god i would love that fic so much

bea is for RAPE
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You fucking sick bastard I
fully agree with you.
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The Bea is not for abuse. She is for tender love
At least, after it's over, she'll know how to drive stick.
>hand holding
>girl on girl kissing
Way too far man.
How is bea pronounced?
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Why does Germ like being called Germ?
It's being released after because they used up all of the kickstarter money and so we ultimately decided to release the game now and fix it up and make the extras with the cash flow from the release.
[kʌm] [slʌt]
I'm gonna assume B as in the letter B or Bee as in NO NO NOT THE BEES.
It might be prounounced Bee-ah since it's short for Beatrice, but that's two syllables of the three for her full name, so I dunno. Shorthand nicknames usually drop most syllables.
As scummy as that would be, I wish that were true. I wish they would, like, put up a two hour DLC that costs $10. I just want more, dammit.
Like Beatrice but without the trice.
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makin a jackie (((fe((male)))))
neat, lookin forward to the finished result
i can't really... do anything at the moment since i'm drawing beside a buddy + using 4chan x's "werk tyme" mode so no porn shows up

but he's playing breath of the wild so i'm not sure if i can actually get away with literally drawing porne beside a bud

but whatevwr
Nice blog bro, it's cool work in when you can
It's ok, you don't need to finish it if you don't want to.
blog my ass daddy
so i'm new to this general, what is the obsession with jackie all about?
she's literally a regular background character that hates you, and throws some sjw quotes
this is a real question

And yes, that is why.
futa is kinda hot.

Maybe it's a love to hate thing?
Because >she might have a dick and this is 4chan.
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She has a dick, she's a exaggerated version of sjw, which makes her funny, and she's cute
it's never mentioned that she's a dickgirl though
is it some meme i'm not getting?
Was stated by the developers.
It's just a retarded fucking character for mentally challenged people to attach to. Ignore them because they are the worse posters of this general.
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She's trans.
There's even a snapshot of it. Let me find it.
got a link to that or something?

i've noticed, although that's a bit of an exaggeration
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background characters are fun.
works for me
There's like one person obsessed with her, and he's fighting with another guy because they want to jerk each other off but they're both on the internet and can't do that
Ican't find where the developers confirm's Jackie being trans
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>Bea walks in on Mae sucking her dad's dick.
torrent when?
Is this the same guy that said bea and mae will never be a thing? wouldn't be surprised if he deleted all his posts considering the shitstorm he probably caused in his inbox
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If Matpat, made a theory based on Nitw, how would the title the video AND his theory would be?
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Yep. My lizard daughter is coming out!
Fuck off with that shit.

I think was accidentally getting the - as well when highlighting.
>she goes to Mae's house to return the favor.
are you like
literally incapable of doing anything on your own
ma man
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jackie is my gote-fu
It's just a theory...
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Why hasn't there been much porn? I mean, furries are supposed to be fast at this shit, right?
Do you ever look yourself in the mirror antijackiefag and just want to kill your self you worthless waste of air?
It is relatively obscure
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There's been a bit. It just might not be catching on as fast as we thought it would.
she's my gazelle-fu
Just finished the game while focusing on Bea. Do I have anything to gain by playing it again and focusing on someone else or is it more or less fine?

[spoiler]Sequel when?[/spoiler]
Plis, that's not even me.

Yeah, there's a lot more stuff.
don't respond to baits man
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That's not gonna' stop me from shipping the fuck out of them.
ya well
not if i get >her first
Game theory: Selmers can get this dick
short for Germ Warfare, yeah
probably because Jeremy Warton makes him feel really generic and he's a weirdo
a friend or someone probably called him "Germ" for short one day and he probably added the Warfare himself
I like the cut of your jib.
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SJWs gotta have their McDiversity. Tumblr's politburo interrogates famed furry game creator to see if he has procured the correct specimens for his game. It would appear that the master race(s) require one transgender individual as not to upset the purity of their Social Justice.
does anyone need dynamite
You go, middry!
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fuck the dev's shitty "m..muh artistic vision"
MaeBea is the best ship and it's going to be canon when they go on that road trip
Mae is Ness' cat but also Ness because she uses a baseball bat, which in turn makes her Sans as well.
Bea and Mae getting molested by truckers at gas station!

Bea and Mae kissing while they both get drilled by truckers!

Bea and Mae cuddling in a pile of semen!

I coughed up blood just looking at that.
wow you're genuinely a cunt do you know that?
Can Mae REALLY stand on powerlines? In this episode we throw a real cat on real powerlines!
ignore that guy, molesting can be good as long as they both want it
All these people trying to turn Bea gay. Where are my morally righteous friends trying to turn Gregg straight? He's the only one who would literally be into wrestling Mae until they're all bloody on the floor.
>as long as they both want it
That's the opposite of what molestation is.
I kinda want a Mother like game spin off now...
That would actually be super cool.
Hell, it doesn't even need a story.

A bruised and bloodied Bea with tears welling up in her eyes holding a catatonic (ha) Mae while a group of horny truckers loom over them.
Bea warned Mae not to accept drinks from guys at the party. She was clearly worried about her getting drugged and raped. What would have happened if that happened. If Bea, in her quest to feel like she got to live the life she always wanted, was responsible for getting her best friend raped?
Someone was asking who, if Gregg or Angus were in an extremely emotional weird state of being, they'd cheat on their partner with

Someone else said it'd probably be Mae if it came down to it, especially in Gregg's case for reasons like you mentioned

then uh, something about an idea where Gregg comes home one day absolutely drunk off his ass because he's having a "down, down day" and it completely sets Angus off because it reminds him of his own drunk father beating and berating him

dunno about everyone else but I love emotionally crushing shit myself so giving up in a moment of extreme vulnerability like that or being taken advantage of is my kinda speed
I wonder how they'd feel about a fan game.

I have a lot of gamedev experience and it'd probably be fun as fuck to make an earthbound-esque RPG.
she warned her not to accept drinks because of that reason but also because of how Mae reacted to THREE WATERED-DOWN BEERS. That little amount of alcohol absolutely shitcanned her, one heavy alcohol-tastefree drink like a long island iced tea and Mae would be blitzed so fucking hard she'd do god knows what

so yeah that and a little of everything else
She told her not to drink at the start of the party because of that. Not accepting drinks was clearly about being roofied. Mae even assures her that she knows why she can't accept drinks.
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see her dazed, reeling, about to break
Finished with my smutfic. I could end it here, but if you guys like it I could make a part 2 as well.
http://pastebin.com/fDvVAhL5 - Anon and Mae; The Kink

I think this'll be the last Mae x Anon fic I do. 3 is enough. For now at least.
I missed this thing on kickstarter. Is there anything on kickstarter at the moment that could be like this? Or is it currently the festering wasteland that I always imagined it was?
I want Germ to fug the lesbian out of Mae.
I want Germ to fug the gay out of Gregg.
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Yeah I liked that little bit about Bea. I even wrote my fanfic on that subject.
The idea of Bea beating up some guy who tried to rape Mae at a party would actually make for a good story now that I think about it.
Yeah. Even when she went to chat up the cute boys, she told Mae she would only be ten feet away and would keep an eye on her. Of course, she lied. She was too busy looking at cute boys to notice Mae even left to chat up that girl.

Had Mae not interrupted, she probably would have went to get food across the street without even telling Mae.
What if the guys actually took Bea and Jackie to their rapemobile instead of the food place.
Mae wouldn't have a ride home.
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any word from the guy that was doing the lori and germ fapfic?

or the 3 hartleys ?

He posted late at night (for me) so I assume he'll post again late at night. Even if it's just to give a status update.
Can it end in lesbians?
Had Mae not started talking about Bea's dad, what would they have done in her bedroom after dinner in the third hangout? I mean, she didn't exactly have anything in there other than a bed and some cardboard boxes.
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I think we all know.

..but only if you got the perfect dinner achievement.
lewd foot things
started up a game of World of Darkness
>Geez Bea I never noticed your feet look so weird
>Weird? Uh.. I'm a gator, if you haven't noticed? I don't have paws like you
>Want to push our feet together and see what it feels like?
Bea's hands are cute.
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>Mae doesn't shave
>hairless Mae
pls no
she's a cat duhh
Shaved pussy is better for oral.
Gregg and Angus aren't too, so what you gonna do about it?
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that won't stop me
You are uncultured swine and you ain't mah nigga.
No bush, no. Uh. I can't think of a clever rhyme here but seriously, you're just wrong. Not that i want a gorilla or anything, but shaved just feels like I'm licking sand.
You know, I expected Bea's father would be absolutely pissed when dinner was messed up. People make him out to be a monster. But even in the one where he had to make a sandwich because the dinner Mae got was garbage, he didn't get angry at Mae or lash out at his daughter.

Why do people hate him so much? According to Bea, he still does work. Or at least he tries to. He goes out on some jobs and does negotiate with people. He loved his wife, dammit, and he lost the house and everything paying her final expenses. I know Bea's dreams were ruined, and that perhaps he should get off his ass and run the store himself, but I don't think he's a monster.

But... what happens if you, like, make him the worst dinner? I believe Bea says he's allergic to broccoli or something. Does he get super pissed if you buy that?
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>you'll never hang out with Lori on the rooftops
>you'll never walk along the train tracks and crush little metal dudes
>you'll never listen to her talk about morbid things
>you'll never be in one of her homemade horror movies
If Mae was a 20 year old male, he'd have been arrested for creeping on a minor. Double standards.

Life is full of bullshit.

The only thing we can do is deal with it.
No bushy no gushie
No hair no flare
No follicles no fondling

Also I like girl pubes but not in my mouth.
Writefag for the Mae/3 Hartley story here, hit a really awkward roadbump. Trying to avoid the story coming off in a certain way(despite it, y'know, being about a 20 year old girl winging hands-on sex-ed with three kids) and I'm not happy with the current way it just... feels.

So I feel really stuck.
Go on...
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Oh snap, I thought you vanished my dude. Just do it anon, just do iit
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Why don't you swap out Mae for Jackie since she's already a mentally damaged degenerate that would probably push sexual shit on kids.
Maybe Lori should teach them. She's closer to their age.
what do you mean? it you mean it feels like a pedo cat's wet dream then yeah. That's how it's supposed to be? I have faith in you, don't abandon it
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It's pretty likely that he only does work things every once in a while to keep up appearances, and people hate him because he doesn't care that he is/has ruined his daughter's life. Hell everytime she tries to stand up for herself he reminds her that she's stuck there and has no power because its his name on everything and she can't leave because they're too poor. Even if she could leave she wouldn't because she still loves him too much. He comes across as a selfish shitty parent that regards Bea as more of an employee than a daughter and that's a fate best girl didn't deserve
Someone explain this to me
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He resented her telling him how to run the business, when it was his business and he built it. He said he would sign the papers. Bea tried to remind him how to do his job and he got upset. He's a man in a rural small-town that idolizes hard work. Even Mae's dad brings up how he wants to be the bread-winner and hates has emasculated he is working in a deli. He wants to go back to the mines or the factory.

Bea's dad probably knows he's a fuck-up. He knows he needs his daughter so much. He probably has a lot of guilt over what happened. But he's not going to admit it to anybody.

He doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Nah, I know it's that. But there's certain ways and words you go about this sorta thing that keep it kind of 'in line', you know? Because it can really become unsettling if you do it wrong and I'm kinda touchy about that sort of thing.

I'll try my best, honest.

Lori nearly had an anxiety/asthma attack from being invited to Thanksgiving Dinner. She doesn't have the drive to push an 8/10/11 year old trio of adopted kids into fucking each other, imo - but the idea looks nice in my head. Mae's already unhinged and has literal knife fights with her best friend and is getting mindfucked by a old god.

Plus Lori can't joke about the Porn Log.
Well keep us posted anon, hoping to see your pastebin soon !
If you're sticking to canon that much, Mae herself probably doesn't have enough sexual experience to teach kids anything anyway. Yes, she watches porn, but watching racing doesn't make you Dale Earnhardt.

Mae would end up giving them really bad advice and have them do the stuff slightly wrong.
Kiiinda to a degree. I just want to try and keep it as snug as I can to the canon in a way, but loosen it enough to make the events possible. Things like this are the reason why I'm kinda all snagged up in uncertainty and revisions.

And yes, that's why I've said since the beginning that Mae is winging it based on the porn found in the literal Porn Log(left by Bruce) and second-hand knowledge(picked up from hearing stories in college) mixed with at least the knowledge of masturbation and pure guesswork.

The awkwardness over this is pre-planned! Sometimes I just think too hard about it, though.
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She just reminded him that they need to actually pay their workers and from the way the conversation goes he has no idea who is actually still working there, and by Bea's own admission she does nearly everything there. It's his business in name only, and ultimately completely breaking down because his wife died is no excuse when his daughter is suffering just as much and doesn't need his problems on top of it. It's easy to understand why he acts like this and even pity him for it, but it's no justification for pinning everything on his daughter
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Ask them if they had some problems during the production of this game, I'm really curious to know what happened.

>New patch for I don't what is fixed
I love how simple this shit is, it makes me laugh
It's a pretty good style.
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>says she doesn't like cute guys
>likes a commercial model

or maybe Fiasco Fox is just TOO SMOKIN'
That's the only point in the game she sexually admires a male character. Well, she also talks about Angus' ass. I think she's just still beat up about that Cole thing, which severally fucked with her, and she is reluctant to talk to real guys.
MaeBea shlick sess when?
reminder that Cole did literally nothing wrong
He was too cute for his own good
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>Mae desperately wants to rim Angus
>tells Gregg about it
>suddenly he's on board with it too because he's done it himself(obviously)

h o t


Cole was actually kinda cute, yeah.
I wonder how well they knew one another. Did he just find her cute and ask her to the dance? Or were they sort of going out before then? I doubt Mae would have asked him.

Also, Mae hated wearing a dress, but she did wear one. Wish somebody would draw her in her prom dress. You can even have her eating the almonds she shoved down it if you want.
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aww yes
Didn't she wear a tux?
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Didn't they beat up a gang or something? I remember choosing that dialogue and he said yeah that was pretty fun or something like that
I would give anything to hear an actual band do a cover of the songs from the game.
How is Mae pronounced?
I think it would be for all of them because black people don't exist in their universe.
I've been pronouncing it May.
I'm sure African animals still exist
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May. Because then calling her Mayday makes more sense.
I am going to die if I can't get any Bea feet
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>people pronouncing Bea "bee-ah"
It's BEE
Bee. Remember, she and Mae went by "Maebea".
How each character lost their virginity:

Bea: raped at math camp
Mae: raped at Jackie's party
Jackie: raped by her father
Angus: raped by his mother
Gregg: raped by his uncle
Lori: raped by Germ
Germ: raped by Lori
>>8076111 : raped by his severe autism.
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how does /nitw/ feel about a fic where casey teaches mae how to shoot in the woods?
write it

Because whenever you ask her if she wants to ask sex she just asks you a question back?
Good, but only if it involves them getting drunk, and Casey threatening to shoot anybody who even touches her.
Only if you include a part where she shoots a tree with a shotgun and tells Mae to image if that were a person's head.
It was a video game


follow your dick, anon

you need to give and protect her smile
Unless they fuck who cares

Yeah. Bea's never gonna forget mae.

Mae's an immature fuckup on a person, but she's loyal as all hell and always does her best for her friends.
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good ideas anons, my original plan was in the middle of the story casey helping mae with her form on a rifle, him getting horny and rubbing the crotch of his pants onto her. mae would tackle casey in retaliation but she would accidentally scratch him, ending the chance of the two loosing their virginities that day
You know, one guy already made a discord channel just to talk about writing NITW fics.

If you want I can help you on there.
Eh, it would work. Mae deserves to lose her virginity.
Its unity bruh you can probably decompile the pirated version and easily insert shit

lewd would be good, but nonlewd comfy bonding where theyre like siblings is alright too

>Lori and Germ raped each other

>Angus by his mother
lol no
by his mother AND father
had to sink his little bearboy dick into his mother's drunken cunt while his dad's fat cock split open his virgin backside
also should've just said

>Jackie: raped
Good gif for you all
Bruce doesn't have kids does he. That's why the pastor was despondent....
just post the fucking thing here.

yeah, bruce definitely killed himself
where the kitty titties?
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Mae is flat
... Wait, did the game state that Angus' mom is an alcoholic or is that just something you added for detail?
I can't do all the work anon
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can someone post a reference of jackie in game please
Just a presumption based on the fact that his father DID drink and both of Angus' parents were abusive to him, both physically and mentally.

So if they were both abusing Angus, chances are she was a lush too.
I would hope she wouldn't be sober when she locks her kid in pantries and forget to feed them for a couple days.
haha sweet thanks bromskie

>its not porn

Mae went crazy while playing a dating sim about ghosts. Gregg liked it because it had a hot skeleton option.

She literally went crazy and beat a guy's face in because her waifu and/or husbando no longer seemed real to her.
Fair point. Was mostly curious because if that was outright stated, that'd bring the similarities for me from "Wow that's weird haha" to "Okay who did the dev hire to watch me".
>NITW cast played monster girl gamu
where the itty bitty kitty titties?

Flat chicks are fin, but I gotta get me some of that nipple goodness.
i have to re-figure out how to do bodies once more before i can swap over to porn sketches

i USED to do porn sketches but i didnt for a LONG time and now i CAN'T do them and make them look good. but i really like jackie and think (((((((((((((((she)))))))))))))) is cute and i need to draw ((((((((him))))))))

gregg was a filthy fucking undertale fan

technically she want literally crazy because nothing seemed real to her, in the game or in real life, but it started there.
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>Mae is shorter than Lori, a 14 year old
God damn
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