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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General Luan's Weird Love Dream

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Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 43

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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Luan's Weird Love Dream Edition



>Thread Archive:






>Season 3 Green-lit for 26 Episodes

>Season 3 Premieres Summer of 2017

>The Loud House: "There Will Be Chaos" Available for Pre-order on Amazon

>The Loud House Available for Free Comic Book Day, May 6th, 2017

>The Loud House Nominated for GLAAD Awards

>The Loud House Nominated for Kid's Choice Awards


Upcoming Episodes:

No Such Luck (Monday: 3/13)
>Lincoln finds himself with unexpected free time after his sisters worry that he is bad luck, and ban him from attending their activities.

Frog Wild (Tuesday: 3/14)
>When Lana hears that Lincoln and Clyde's class are going to be dissecting frogs, she convinces Lincoln that it is wrong, and the two embark on a frog rescue mission.

Patching Things Up (Wednesday: 3/15)
>Lana and Lola try out for Bluebell Scouts, but soon discover that one of them may be more suited for it than the other.

Cheater by the Dozen (Thursday: 3/16)
>Lincoln and Clyde think that Bobby is cheating on Lori, so they conduct an investigation on him.
kill yourselves dumb pedophiles
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>Need a fap
>Find some messed up video of a girl using her big butt to crush a dead fish as she giggles and moans a bit
>Got aroused and fapped to it

What is wrong with me...what's worse is that I imagined Lola doing it. I need a break.
Shit edition. Don't be an autism enabler, OP.
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Black booty when?
Lincoln as Jessica Rabbit fanart when?

SB99?? or. others??
Hey, care to post the video?
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excuse me but WHAT?

suck my cock dude

Stop making Leni Abuse edition!!
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When CC's draw it.
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Where do you thnk you are?
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That's no excuse

Stop pretending it is
New thread when?
I'd report you all for being so pedotards on /qa/ if it weren't that the board has been invaded by weebs.
Who's pretending? Autism and depravity are the lifeblood of this website. Why deny it?
shut up..
suck my cock dude
Suuuuuuure. Stick to smelling your own farts kid.
I love Leni getting abused
So you want us to laugh at your impotence or what?
Not that kind, it's not.

What that guy meant is that, by using that pic as OP he making that deviantart autist think he's part of this place. And he's not, he's actually autistic not the random word you guys throw around and he's cringe as fuck
For Fuck's Sake.

He's Not the same user!!

Get a life..
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Even if that were true and you're coincidentally exactly the same in the cringy way you post, you're just as bad.

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Holy fuck I can't stop laughing my ass off and besides I'm getting free (You)s without any effort at all. This place is a win-win jfc.

Never change people.
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PG- rated humor is best humor
Quit spamming threads you pedophiles
By all means, tell him to "kys" for the 50th time. That's been working wonders.


Found the feminist.
Go cry me a river on /qa/, autist.
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Get the fuck off of my thread faggot
>My thread
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So this is the type of shit he's doing now. Yeah part 3 will retcon everything that happened and will get tumblr friendly
I hate Jump Jump so much
Has he started working on it yet?
Who cares?
Has he even ended the second one?
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ANON - Update and New Chapters List (MO4444R!)

>>Luna Goes 4Loko: 2Loko<<
Author: Moondaffodil
WIP - http://pastebin.com/9JVy9p6H
Last Update: 23-01-2017
>Luna and Luan partake in God's favorite drink, 4loko.


One-shot collection

>I've started this

>Also, this one is updated. Line 571
What can't be controlled

>Alright, let's continue with this.
Redpilling Lincoln

>I'll continue this tomorrow.
Clyde's Adventures in Time Travel (WIP)

>Damaged boy continuation, let's go.

>Hello everyone, just dropping in to give you guys a new update to loudergeist

>And that my shitty story might continue more of it
Late night drive

Damaged boy

>New Fic
Lynn's New Crush (LynnXChristina)
a guest

>Hey there, I added a few lines to this.

>Lincoln is still 11 but all of his sisters are 6 and are having a sleepover.
Cupid's Chokehold ( TLH / Green / WIP )
Yeah, he posted the cover a while ago.
>Lincoln as Jessica rabbit
Seems Legit!
He's an overrated hack
>lincoln at first didn't wanted to do it but begrudgingly grabbed the string and ask "and now what"
>suddenly the inevitable happens and the lighting hit its objective
>the powerful electricity current flow through the string and met its target
>lincoln is hit full force by the powerful electric current in one instant, making the electricity travel through his nervous system and veins, driving his whole body into a sudden overdrive.
>the only thing that lincoln could feel was pain...and the energy traveling through his whole body, he couldn't see nothing but a blinding light.
>the enrgy not only was transfering to lincoln but to the whole room making it actually explode and send lisa flying backwards and landing on the bathroom.
>then the energy flow is abruptly cut and lincoln could only silently scream as his body started to emanate steam and his burnings.
>falling backwards he falls practically dead as his whole room started to burn.
>the whole family got up and runned torwards lincoln room and when they got there...they nearly went insane and freaked out.
>lincoln room's was fucking gone and the poor kid got burns between 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees around ALL his body.
>but the thing that freaked them out the most was the blank expression on his face and the dead look on his eyes.
>no...he can't!, how?, he can't be dead, he can't leave like that, he was supposed to...
CC's you like?
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The Loud House is super interesting
>lisa slowly got up and spit some blood, damn she sure didn't expect that.
>she of course noticed the commotion that his family was making...until they got silent.
>as she started to walk torwards them, she slowly started to pick up the reason why they got silent...it was silent horror.
>the only logical thing that can cause that is...someone dying.
>'uh-oh...this is bad...it didn't went THAT wrong right?' tried to reassure herself as she started to tremble and understand that she just...
>lisa suddenly stops and see him...it was obvious that he fucking died just there, logically there's no fucking way someone can survive something like that, not with wounds like that...
>out of nowhere, lily started to slowly walk torwards the body, calmly she hoped in the chest of her...late brother and tried to make him react.
>at this point, everyone started to feel their hearts being completely and utterly destroyed as they saw the poor baby trying to make him react...it felt worse because somewhere deep inside hoped that he was just alright and that he didn't just die there.
>Replies that were clearly a joke to go along with that picture riled some other autists up

>The two girls leaned towards Lincoln, listening to him as they continued to viciously devour their prize.
>"...And Lily never checks the garage, she always forgets about it. Lynn, on the other hand, ALWAYS starts in the garage. She also throws baseballs at you when she finds you, so keep your eyes peeled. As for Leni..."
>Lincoln continued to give his proteges advice needed to best his siblings, only going quiet when he felt a hand tugging at the back of his shirt.
>Lincoln swiveled around in his chair, resting his legs around the back of the seat to face the child.
>He found himself face to face with Ronnie Anne, his nose inches away from hers.
>The girl's face lights up as she takes a step back, lowering her eyes to the ground as she spoke to Lincoln.
>"My , uh, friend will be here soon. She's kind of a baby but she's really nice!"
>Ronnie Anne brought her eyes up from the ground and cupped her hands around her mouth, leaning into Lincoln so she could whisper to him.
>"She's really happy she can have people to play with, Nina doesn't have many friends."
>Lincoln nodded with a smile before returning her whisper, receiving confused and interested glances from the other two at the table.
>"I'll make sure my sisters treat her well. I'm sure by the time tonight is over they'll already be planning to have her over next week!"
>Once he was done, Lincoln withdrew his head and rested it against the back of his chair. A question was quick to pop into his head.
>"Wait, aren't you supposed to be playing hide and seek?"
>"Christie found me first..." Ronnie Anne responded, her voice was filled with a shame that Lincoln could empathize with. Being the first to be found in hide and seek was like wearing a pink back-pack to first grade; it was something you could truly never live down.
>"Well, since you have some time to spare, do you want some candy?" He asked, waving his hands over the table that was still covered in goodies.
Can't even have "fun" around here anymore
You're really gonna overdo it and ruin it for everyone else aren't ya?
>dead fish

Like? how dead?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Either way, whether they were joke replies or not are, as said, irrelevant, we still arrived at the same conclusion.
>tfw we let the deviant autist make a thread
It's over. We ARE the containment
Based janny Lenifag protecting best girl.
Why are we so lame?
-fun people leaving
Discord took all the cool people from posting in the threads.
Wait, what just happened? I was gone all day
I mean look at the pictures it's obvious what it was. And yet here's where we are. And I thought this place couldn't get any more autistic...
Even me?
>Implying there's cool people on the Discord
Janny stopped the spamfest and deleted all the threads Leni abuse related.
>as lily started to make him react but to no avail...she obviously started to cry.
>as they felt the sadness in lily's cry they broke down as well and started to grieve the lost of the most important member of their family.
>he was gone...and he will never ever return...
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You were never cool, anon.
I would assume they were deleted because one was already made and that was just spamming
We were always lame
>He wasn't dead. At least not physically. The sudden jolt to the boy's brain had fried it beyond recognition, essentially making him a vegetable.
>Fast forward a couple years. Lincoln has been laid up in a hospital ever since the "experiment". The family, unable to let go of the son, have eaten the costs of keeping him on life support, with the girls pouring in whatever college funds that the parents had set aside. The older girls got jobs to help with the costs as well, their futures essentially ruined.
>Lisa was stripped of her doctorate and barred from appealing or going through the process ever again once her gross negligence of every safety protocol was revealed. Though it didn't hurt as bad as whenever the other sisters would look at her, complete spite and malice always directed at the girl for her mistake.
>Not that she thought it was unjustified, as even those were not as bad as seeing her older brother laid up, covered in what looked to be miles of bandages from the burns. Without her degree or lab, she spent all her time at his bedside, cleaning him, reading to him, holding out hope that the platinum blonde boy would wake up one day, that Lincoln would come back to her.
>And he did. One day, when she had dozed off, grasping his hand, she felt it squeeze. Lisa shot up, jumping onto the bed to his side, watching his body start to stumble to life. She saw his unbandaged eye slowly open and groggily scan the room. After staring at his little sister for lengthy pause, he spoke.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
You can't just spout that bullshit whenever you feel like it.

It was a joke picture, it had joke replies. It's not either complete retardation or 100% seriousness, there's a fucking in-between, there's posting jokes just for the hell of it, there's just having fun, there's a gray area.

If you're so fuckin triggered by people replying to something as a joke that you have to spout that same "fool-proof" line maybe you should have yourself checked out
Still more going on there than here.
None of them, I contribute zero content to these threads and I'm still somehow better than them.
It's depend on which discord group you are talking about
The Lori thread was made while the spam was on and yet is still up.
Why are you getting so angry about this? Stop taking this so personally and look at the timeline of escalation, because obviously you fail to see how we got from point A to C.
Obviously the content creator discords.
>meanwhile lincoln was trying to move but to no avail...
>he heard everything and he really feel like shit, he has to tell them that he was alright, that he was ok...he has to!.
>suddenly lincoln started to feel how his senses started to sharpen and how he started to feel his limbs...it was painful but bearable.
>outside of lincoln mind, his body started to regenerate FAST, his wounds started to close and recover from the sudden impact until he fully recovered.
>when he felt his whole body again but cannot move nor wake up...he can't wake inside...SAVE ME!
>abruptly, lincoln suddenly got up and screamed at the top of his lungs.
>the sudden action make everyone snap and start to scream, freaking out over the fact that lincoln actually woke up from dying and be actually alright.
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I actually though of making lincoln go through the same process as the flash or simply make him wake up and go to become the prince of bel-air.
BUT this is good, way better than I intended.
CC's that don't deserve to be in the CC discord
Autismzilla, all he does it spam requests for lily porn and furfag shit.
All of them
I bet he would have an orgasm if suddenly bun-bun takes life and brutally rapes lily like this.
>pic related
but in the end it was just a nightmare all along thanks to lincoln having watched too much porn before sleeping.
Nevermind he is not in it
People you really hate? CC's or not.
Any and all abusefags. Subhuman trash tbqh
Why hate him anon?
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Lincoln's birthday at "the place to be"
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the mcbrides adopt another cat.
remember milk party? the same thing but with cat sunglasses.
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>Favorite Loud
>The last vidya game you played
Where can I adopt a Leni?
I'm gonna play some Bully in a few hours
>Rocket League
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>Castlevania: Blood no Rondo
Let's figure it out.

>Devil may cry 3
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Eyes on the prize
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Clyde has good taste lmoa
>Perfect Dark
We need to hang Clyde. He is ruining the purity of the Louds.
>Ballio leading the pack
Should have sucked more dick than just DF and GG's
Sure thing buddy.
>Shadows of Mordor
Why is hate the number one topic in this general? What mental problems do you need to have in order to give this much of a shit about faggots on the internet?
oops, meant for >>8004289
>MLS faggot
>The faggot requesting ''x character with x soccer team uniform.
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>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Major League Soccer? haven't seen too many of his posts recently
>He buy a Switch
>He didn't
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Taking one request.
Draw a QT dressed in lingerie!
I request that you have a nice day
Shy QT being punched
Ronnie Anne and Linka
>He won't Switch to a better console.
make it Ronnie
Lincoln hot dogging Lola
Draw Leni with a fine looking ass in workout shorts.
>Fire Emblem: Fates
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Can I get a Loud blowing up in pieces?
black linka
A cute Lucy Vampire
>Two mega-sized chocolate bars later and Ronnie Anne rested against against the chair and put her hands over a tummy, which now sported a slight bulge.
>Christina bolted into the kitchen, her eyes darting back and forth as she looked at the cupboards; both the ones higher up and down on the floor.
>As she scanned the room, her eyes discovered the motley crew at the dining table.
>Her serious, stern expression melted into a smile as she began to swing her arms back and forth; approaching the table.
> Once she directly in front of Lincoln, she gave an exaggerated stare to the left and the right, shaking her head around as she 'looked' around intensely.
>"Can't find my sisters?" He asked, guessing at her intentions.
>She nodded profusely, her entire upper-body moving with her head.
>Lincoln looked around the room, pretending to search as he decided whether or not to tell her where he saw them escape to earlier.
>Eh, why not.
>"Listen Christina, do you hear that?" He asks, putting his hand to his ear as he takes a step towards the garage.
>The girl mimics him, but shakes her head left and right. That was ok, though, because there was nothing to hear.
>"I think...I heard someone move in the garage. Go check it out!" He points to the door, and the child takes a single step forward.
>Before running into his sister's favorite hiding spot, she turns around and wraps her arms around Lincoln's waist.
>"Thank you." She whispers, before letting go and charging through the door.
>At first, nothing.
>Then he hears three girls laughing as they come out into the living room.
>"Sigh...I thought you'd never find us." Lucy speaks, first to come out.
>"Good Job Christie!" Luna shouts the girl under her arm as they exit together after the young goth.
>Shortly after they emerge, Sofie scrambles through the door, Bunbun still under her arm.
>Her eyes lock with Lincoln's, and she freezes in place. Her legs shake as he takes a few steps towards her, clearly scared.
I admire your taste.
An alternative for you.

>Scholar of the First sin. Soon to be For Honor
Holy shit, I just flashed back to Junior High with those Japanese textbooks
>He didn't buy the Switch, he must be poor!
Nintendofags are awful, their games deserves better people
Lynn and Black Lynn showering off after doing sports
Do we vote for people we're already friends with too, or...?
You jerk off to the thought of all the anons you've gotten fapping, and post your cumshot.
>The Curious Expedition
Will Lincoln still be a disfigured charcoal monster?
>implying Sonyggers and PCfats are better
>Tony Hawk's Underground 2
>Resident Evil 4
his bones are black and I intended for him to become the flash but I don't actually know how to put the emotional thing on the tale so this thing became a fucking empty paste waiting for someone to complete it...it did.
see this >>8003643
Ohh, that's sexy I second this
If there was a fanfics about a group of, say, 10 CCs and their romantic shenanigans, who would you choose to be written?
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>"oh h-hey anon, you wanna like uhhh, do something, tonight?"
Corvus and Puffin.
SB99, Ultrahand, Abuse, WG, Moon, LiquidAbuse Drawfriend, Fullhero, Jumpjump
>Leni abuse
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>Fallout: New Vegas
It's fun.
Remove Jumpjump; Lioxdz and Dop
you know what?, yeah luna let's do something fun~
>30 minutes later
see luna, what did I told you? HALO 3 PARTY was the shit and we fucked up so much alien ass that I can believe my legs are still working.
You mean WF, or is there someone with those initials?
Luan Crusader Kings II
He's called Wrightguy right?
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>Fallout: New Vegas
Great now all I can imagine is Lisa hooked up like one of those robots in the Old World Blues DLC.
Thinly veiled incest episode where the sisters are drawn to spending time with Lincoln the whole day, but it's explained as some experiment of Lisa's or something, in order to hide it, when?
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Sorry got a date with Leni.
sooner than you think actually
Thread posts: 186
Thread images: 43

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