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Towergirls Thread: Alt Costume Edition Current work for the

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Towergirls Thread: Alt Costume Edition

Current work for the chart can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/adh7u6es85c93c9/AAAZwIleY81iVVilb7tKiVKKa?dl=0

Previous thread - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/7597434/
I'm glad that we've established that goat is GOAT
I was going to voice my concern over the number of furry princesses that were getting released and then...

Goat Princess.
Honestly though we need lewds now.
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We themed it to be animals and inanimate objects on purpose

Also, we should stat her out soon
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The list is sizable.
Heli, Python, and Rags are ahead of her in the queue.

Also, I need Slug desires.
And maybe a better Quote.
For kinks, I remember people liking

<3 Cuddling
<3 Breast-feeding
</3 Rough sex
Do we have a list of dowries and lust items so far? I want to make sure we don't go and make one too similar to another.
>Goat might surpass DP3's popularity within these threads

Not sure how to feel about this
Knew I forgot to add something to the OP.
That's everything we got thus far recorded.
Anon, /tg/ has more than enough fantasy and human princesses. We're just balancing out the scales.
Dragon Empress already did that
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You don't even remember her actual name.
When are getting a princess wearing the meme sweater?
This is an important question
I have received word that an anon is working on undead dragon princess.

I am moist pleased.
When you make it
dragons are the fucking bloatware of this project
she'll be THICC though
You misspelled staple
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>be necromancer knight
>have your minions slaughter a rival kingdom in the name of UDP
>fuse the remains of the kingdom and your minions alike to her body once the battle is over
>now she's twice as big as she used to be
Since tg is based off D&D, pretty much the same then.
She will be based off of Nidhogg and she has spent her undead time eating roots and sitting on her ass the effects are very big
/tg/ is more closely related to 40k than it is to D&D.

But Nidhögg isn't undead.
>Nidhögg isn't undead
Depends on your iteration.
Would you prefer it be based off Storm from Fallen London?
>A huge, dead Space Cop Dragon who only "exists" in the 'Neath because of Parabola
The poetic edda or bust.
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Sorry I've been dead, just finished the nude otter princess and wanting some criticisms. The color scheme's probably too bright, but still. Bring that constructive criticism, some alt costumes, and some stats; even if it does end up in Gen 2.

/tg/ was started as a containment board for Warhammer 40K to get it mostly off /v/.
>Those gams
My god...
I was referring to tg, as in TowerGirls, that's why there was no //.
>that's why there was no //
Oh. I'm not that guy you were talking with earlier. He said /tg/, so that's all I saw.
>those legs
Cause she swims a lot! I get it!
She needs toned abs.
Context and the abbreviation made my brain auto-correct it to /tg/. My bad I suppose.

But, yeah, mute those colors a bit to a more drab shade of brown.

As far as alt costumes goes:

>Japanese sukumizu(the stereotypical one piece swimsuit school girls wear) with a crown instead of a name on the white thing on the front
>the, "nintendo copyright claim," a pair of blue fin-shaped wrist waders, a yellow float ring around the neck, and her hair styled back, like a buizel from pokémon
>"hunting camouflage," where she's literally just wearing a hollowed-out giant clam shell with a hole in the bottom for her head
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Hopefully this looks better! And yeah I'll take those alt costumes into consideration.
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I'm sorry but if you got rid of her tail her upper body looks like a dick with arms and her legs look like two saggy balls
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Alright I got the main outfit done anyways.

fucking kek
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I'm sorry I'm high as fuck
Maybe give her a little curl of hair in the front? I don't know, her head being totally smooth is bothering me even though I KNOW that's partly the point.
This desu, or some shagginess to her fur, like she's dried off, maybe as an alt
Conceptually awesome but the difference in the level of detail between her upper body and lower body is jarring as hell
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How about both? I agree btw, it does look pretty good.

I can fix that after I perfect the final design.
She is now, officially, adorable.
She looks better with clothes on and the tuft of hair was definitely necessary to bring it all together.

Unclothed though she is this weird combination of muscled and lean and I think its mostly the otter body that is throwing it off from looking feminine.
I gusta, you gusta, we all gusta.
Looks like a brown dwarf version of Tintin.
I feel that adding protruding things don't work well with something as sleek as an otter. Especially if they jut out in the direction of the nose rather than the tail.
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Glad I could make a good first impression with Otter Princess! I'm not going to post all the alts one at a time like this, I promise, I'm just doing this one in particular to show how I changed her legs, hopefully for the better.
And it's your art, do what ya want.
Anyway, I'm curious what a Seraphim made out of an Airship would look like.
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Firendly reminder that it's


Which Princess do you spend the day with?
Does Pancake Princess get jealous if you go on a date with one of the heads?
Dragon Duchess, that's who I'd spend Valentine's day under.

I-I mean with.
Spark Princess, gotta be. Hmu w/ that expansion bby
Kobold, of course.
Goat, of course

We'd have the cuddliest day ever
Either goat or Doll. Long as it ends with a lot of sweet cuddles and tender moments.
Ms. Kown since she's the only hottest girl in the chart, the rest are just animals in comparison
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Milky cuddles are the best
Did you know that lactose intolerant people can drink goats milk with no problem?
Undead dragon princess, of course
>Ywn lay a single red rose on UDP's big grave, and make her swoon
This version is just alright, if you could post a nude version of this one i could upload it to the thread's dropbox.
Its not exactly the same style as the others though, right?
>Noticing that her breasts kind of look like they're floating

Fuck, now I can't unsee it
I don't really see it.
I see them perkier than normal, being full of milk and that's it.
It's just the way they stick out sag slightly downwards, its like the weird middle ground that looks neither super hefty nor like they are full and holding themselves up

She's still best princess, though
Is Kobold pussy kold?
Only if you let it be
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Oh. So is this gonna be official then? "Official"?
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Is there any Lemur Princess foojob art?
Well, I liked it, people liked it, if it is OK with everyone we could add her, or use the good old poll to decide.
Sounds good to me.
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tsundere dark elf
>KP will never bump bellies with you, or sit on your lap, where her butt overflows

Did she ever actuallly become an official Princess? Or was included in some way?
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who would buttfuck attack helicopter princess

cause i would.
I made a poll to gauge interest in the princesses so far for no particular reason.
Pick all the ones you like.
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Python was who again?
>Goat is above Dragon Empress
I'll admit, I was not expecting that.
>Only one other Snuff vote
How sad.
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It was this princess
Some people probably don't want a dominate princess who has a fetish involving her sitting on their face

Goat has more of a broad appeal I guess, which is good since it's meant to counteract the narrow appeal of holstaur
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Is there any princess inspired by Kaiju monsters
We're probably doing monster princesses for gen 2.
There's one in the wyvern gen from /tg/
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Fake gen (or Expansion 1) had a Kaiju
She look kinda ugly, her face doesn't match her right. The nose sticks out, she could've had a reptile snout or something. Whatever it's properly called.
The ultimate battle

Enormous breasts vs titanic ass
What if I like them for their [meme]personality?[/meme]
the biggest episode
of Fetish wars
>Two days
I suppose I'll bump this.
I still need two <3 and a </3.
And opinions.
The best part of towergirls is how the pricesses react to each other
Snail definitely has Slime/Gunk as a <3 fetish

</3 could involve salt or forced nudity (ie removing the shell on a snail is bad, m'kay)
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I myself find fusions to be very entertaining as well.
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I still want dragon duchess to sit on my face
Those thighs are approaching DA levels of retarded.
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look I can see you like goat princess more but you don't have to be such a bitch about it
Goat princess is pretty dumb too.
Try again.
Hey man, this is a place of love, don't be a negative
oh so you're just a shitposter
nah i just don't like ridiculous proportions
sue me
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>out of all the princesses a small handful have over the top proportions
>proceed to shit on these princesses instead of just enjoying the ones that you prefer
>Goat Princess with her fat tats draped over a no fun allowed sign and a smug look on her face
I am enjoying those other princesses.
but this is, as far ask I know, a collaborative effort. So why should one limit themselves to only ever voicing approval?
The thing is that there's hardly a reason to complain about princesses that you don't like because odds are you were never going to like the princesses you complain about in the first place since they embody characteristics you don't enjoy. Goat, for instance, is more or less intended to be the princess of choice for people who enjoy titanic milky tits, and if that's not your thing you're probably never going to like her, so why bother complaining?

I mean, I don't particularly like Snuff Princess or Snail Princess, but I don't feel any need to complain about their existence because there are people who DO like them, and there are plenty of other princesses for me to enjoy.
>there's hardly a reason to complain about princesses that you don't like

That kind of attitude is why Gen 4/5 are worst gens with lots of shit princesses though

And I say that as someone who likes all our /trash/ princess'
Dont know, that just sounds as if you only dislike Gen 4/5 because they dont fit your preferences.
>it's blocking the, 'no fun,' part, meaning it basically just says, 'tits allowed'
Nah, a good deal of the princesses are not very good. Dragon Princesses for example always amass a hoard of fanart, yet 4 has one (1), and 5 has none.

A lot of love was put into crafting the first 3 DPs, but 5 is just "we needed a black dragon so there it is"
4 has (2).
But otherwise, you're correct.
Hide wide is she exactly?
I wish other princesses got thicc
>helicopter princess somehow mistakes some pear wine for her usual fuel
>greatly hinders her aerodynamics
>Now she's more of an attack blimp
This got me thinking. Do we have a balloon princess?
>After impregnating her (don't ask,) she gives birth to some baby attack helicopters
>Carries them around like cruise missiles on the underside of her belly
[things/trash/doesn'thavefor100]Dragon Empress and Goat Princess[whatarespoilertagsAlex]
[maymay]make the art yourself, then[/maymay]
Is this gen finished already or is there still more things needed before it's done
We're rushing the first 19 cards while figuring out who's going to be on the 20th. It's looking like it's going to be Otter Princess.

We've already got most of the info for the existing princesses in other threads, though.
>hindenburg princess is made to satisfy all the inflation and fartfags
We already have skunk princess, though.
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Here's a finished version of Snail.
Not finalized, just has info in every spot.
Spark already low key has aspects of inflation included
>Generating enough electricity to satisfy my lusty blood
It just can't be done.
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Also get to the chopper.
Gonna try and knock out a few more today before I pass out since I didn't do shit the past few days idling on Snail.
If you haven't figured out the other gift/dowry, how about "Homing Lock-On Module" that "identifies all pleasure points and their sensitivity?"
"Find's all weak points of a target, as well as how to best deal with them"
Nailed it, nice work
Art-wise, I think we're just waiting on dowries and otter princess
What is that one document just chilling in the alts folder?
>otter princess

Looks like a copy of Shamelesss' background certification request form for military service of some description.
The current art for otter won't fit in well on the chart
Basically, up to this point, all the princesses' art has been done by shamelesss. The current art for Otter Princess is good as a rough draft for them to follow, but it's best to have a single, cohesive art style.

Alright, makes sense.
>Notices a NO FUN ALLOWED sign
>Leans over the top of the sign to change it to FUN ALLOWED
If Dragon can get a dowry to give a ridiculously large ass, then goat should get a rivaling dowry to give insanely huge tits
someone come up with attack heli princess requests

she needs fan art immediately
Raining death and destruction on a small hamlet.
Lesbian footjob threesome with lemur and mouse princesses.
I'd be interested in seeing /m/ tier action-y fanart.
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Is Pancake Princess sexy?
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>foot job
>helicopter princes
That sounded hot for about .3 seconds until I remembered her feet are tires, I don't want her to burn rubber on muh dick

>Helicopter Princes

A Helicopter Prince would be kawaii as fug. Need more Towerboy fanart sometime.
attack heli princess lifting her tail and pulling down her thong

need me some murican helicopter booty
yeah YEAH
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Mhm friendo
This is easily my favorite towergirls image
Interaction makes them very cute
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Interaction between princesses is severely underdone

We need more content of friendships and rivalries

>Goat vs Dragon for the title of best girl
>Possum and sphinx with their friendly rivalry
>Anything of the dragons together
>Dwarf 1 and 2
>Kobold and human

So many possibilities for interaction exist within every chart
I dreamed of a Towergirl game last night. It was functionally Animal Crossing but with the princesses instead of villagers, and there was Harvest Moon style romance interactions with each of the girls. I think the story was that none of the girls knew they were princesses, and Dragon Empress used some wacky magic shit to drag the princesses out of their kingdoms and into the game world, so the overarching story for the game was you having to reverse the magic so that the girls could go home, and when you beat the game you could still interact with the girls but their houses became portals to their kingdoms instead of just being themed houses.

It was strange.
I'd play it
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>That sneaky upload from shameless
I suppose that decides who our last fair maiden shall be.
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Future /tg/ gens for future reference. Outdated apparently.
The leftmost column is outdated since that was before the Gen III expansion chart was created. Other column only seem outdated in terms of art.
I had forgotten how awful the art style has become in the newer charts
>All those "Human Princess, but with a job change" princesses

Gen 2 had a problem with this as well, but wowee, so much same faces. Reminds me of why I thought strictly sticking to the chibi style that TG became can go bad
Gen 2 here is probably going to be monster princesses, from what's been discussed in the last few threads.
I like the idea, but let's hold off on it for awhile
That's the plan. I just figured that, since he seemed to be posting it so we weren't stepping on anyone's toes over on /tg/, I'd tell him so it'd be obvious that there was nothing to worry about.
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Good thinking, then
>Gemini has a feminine penis in /tg/ edition.
Sorry brother, but trash version is far superior to the he-man
Why do you think they replaced it with a bat?
Cuz batgirls are always bestgrills
Any ideas for knights, enemies and bosses for trash first gen
I got two knight ideas lying around.

Never caught /tg's eye.

Mad Meat Man
+Relentless Warrior
+Not afraid of a grind
+Gourmet Chef
-Low Impulse Control
-You look tasty

Cursed Cleaver: Ancestral weapon that craves bloodshed and split bone

Flesh Hook: Great for hauling hides and opening veins


Today's Special: Once per encounter, may target an enemy and gain extra stats when attacking or moving towards them.

"A brutal and predatory knight from a backwater hamlet. Knaves and evildoers who cross his path tend to go missing."

Bullet Hellion
+Mean and Green
-Still Wimpy for an orc
+Quick Feet, quicker hands
+Heavy Firepower
-Complicated weapons

Blessed Pistol: Bottomless clip that's good at any range.

Dakka Blade: Made of live ammo, it explodes with gunfire on contact.


MOAR DAKKA!: Can spend one point of power and wealth per gen to upgrade his weapon.

"A runty orc that returns from exile to spread the loud voice of his revolutionary weaponry."
I remember some knight ideas were

>Baron of breakfast

And some princesses were

What if we made Anonymoo a Knight?
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Imagine if this thread was the one to achieve the ultimate get?
I would genuinely hope not.
It dooms whatever thread attains it to a swift and bitter death.
>Rescues princesses for the sake of "progression" rather than obtaining waifus
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Now that we have all of the princesses decided on, we can actually put our full focus on arranging the chart
Yep. I'll probably finish first draft of Helicopter today (If someone gives me 1 more Dowry idea) and then Python.
wasn't there a suggestion of an attachable propellor to let the knight fly with
That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure if any other princess's dowries grant flight.
Would it be a big propeller on the back like the princess's, or a little propeller like the one on her crown and that one doraemon thing
A couple anons did a facesit greentext with DE, they sounded like they were a cushion and a pillow so I thought of pillow &cushion knights, got a rough draft for both, might upload them once I get home from work.
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>Pillow knight
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I move toward a propeller that can be attached to your helmet. Detachable for use as a weapon or to attach to other things.
I believe this was just a goof, the artist drawing their character in the same style they were using for the princesses.

Was voted out for somehow being too meme-y. She was made just to be a meme.

Was voted out because /tg/ already has a whale - Orca Princess - and we didn't want to step on their toes. Maybe she can be in gen 2 as more whale and less princess? Giant sperm whale, "mermaid?" We'll see.

I'm not too sure about this one. I'm pretty sure it was also decided it was too meme-y. Either that or we just ran out of room.
That's why I meant just a chart of extra meta-princesses
so are we just gonna stew to death now? The hell happened to the steam? it all siphon over to /tg/?
Boom and Bust, my friend.
Also, Shamelesss has been away doing stuff for a while, so we've been a touch stagnant.
I'm sure that activity here will be boosted once the chart is complete
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damn yall niggas need to wake up and get some ideas before this thread dies
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I think the >>7777777 response is making the board move fast but I'm not gonna let this thread die for that
I don't feel like there was much of any substantial discussion over whether she's truly in or out. I think that's due to the lack of art- or any potential content at all, really. If there was something on the table to look at, I feel like a true answer would become much clearer- one way or the other. That's mostly up to Shamelesss, though.

Speaking of Shame, it's a real shame we dropped Whale. She was cute and I really liked the art for her.
/tg/ already has a princess named whale princess, plus turkey already fills the role of the fat princess
I think I finally figured out how to fuck sword princess...

If she had a threaded pommel, you could unscrew it off and maybe some secret vagina would be under there?
Maybe one she didn't even know about!
Nah man to fuck her you just gotta rub your dick on her broad side. I mean, you can do the other side, but that's a really bad idea.
Could just kill a guy and fuck the sword ghost that spawns afterwards.
You copulate with the sheath.
So when Sword Princess uses the sheath......

Does that make her the princess that masturbates the most?
Whale wasn't just fat, she was messy blowjobs and cum eating. She was a sperm whale, after all.
Wait, we lost WHALE princess? Ohhhhh I thought yall were talking about orca princess since /tg/ implemented her

well shit, f to pay respects
There's still a chance we might get her, if >>7769288's idea of less princess, more whale gets in for gen 2, which is slated to be monster gen as soon as we get back from break after finishing the cards for this gen.
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is it too late to discuss improving the card layout because those text boxes remain atrocious
I have no problems with the columns. I was worried that they wouldn't have enough room for the descriptions, but I'm pretty sure it's been shown to work well. I'd suggest straightening the +/- box
the skewed +/- boxes make things a little more interesting imo, i just think the lower boxes need some retouching

I'm not the one who has to edit the template and re-assemble all the cards though, so in the end it isn't up to me
As the guy faffing about with the cards, I don't much mind either way. I can redo everything with ease.
Would it be hard to get a side-by-side of the proposed changes for each section that there's a change proposed for? That way, the thread can vote on it.
Yeah, sure. I'm currently fucking swamped with homework, but when shit opens up a bit, I can make a comparison shot.
I honestly am not too fond of ANY of the current layouts
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>symbiote dragon princess
Which princess do you save first and why?
Ragdoll, because I love dolls and I love ageplay
Pancake, because she's sweet and can make me sweeter.

Also, edible.
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Are these the new princess?
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Haven't seen her before. Is she the new dragon princess?
I'm not terribly into her, but if I could recruit her as a combat ally, rescuing any other princess would be a breeze.
I always enjoyed co-op more than single-player anyway.
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>last page
Yes and essentially yes. The dragon for this gen goes by dragon duchess (don't let 'em tell you she's dragon empress).
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Skunk, so I can have her fart dowry for the rest of my princess rescuing quest.

Or tiles cause she's pretty cute for some floor tiles and seems like she would probably be somewhere to be rescued earlier on somehow. Like an early-game princess, in a way.

Good strategy, but you'd still tap that, right?
I may draw heli lewds, maybe.
But what would she be doing if I did? I forgot her fetishes.
make some suggestions then, can't hurt can it
We haven't figued them out yet

Maybe something silly like her spinning around on anon's dick like a propeller
>You spin me right round, baby, right round, like a copter, baby, right round round round!
I'd figure it would be
> <3 Mile-High Club
> <3 Daily Maintenance
for her likes. I have no idea what she'd dislike. Maybe something about running on empty or neglect?
Cum in rotors?
Maybe orgasm denial, in that it's like actively neglecting maintenance?
Something similar to >>7693933 but better spacing

There are a lot of uneven margins and spacing, and the items take up WAY too much space (especially the lust item)

Changes I personally would make are
>use that basic format
>Change the +/- signs to be in the basic font
>Even out margins and spacing
>Make the box for attributes look more paper-y like the rest of the card
>Make the text for dowries be on the wider part of the rectangles instead of its current position
>Fix how much space the lust items takes up somehow
What if it was:
>picture is on a page to itself, with the stats along one edge, like a drawing/photograph with notes on it
>attributes are on separate pages like they are now, but with proper typeface for the pluses and minuses
>dowries are on the two facing pages of a book/dossier
>lust gift is on a polaroid-style page to itself, with its effect on a page it's paper-clipped to

Like, it looks like a briefing dossier laid out for ease of viewing.
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I'm not sure why, but even though I like the idea of overweight princesses, turkey doesn't really appeal to me all that much
She used to not appeal to me much but shamelesss' take on her really grew on me, no offense to her creator
>He wouldn't baste Turkey Princess with cum
More for me then
>Baste her
Hell, I'd fist her and then stuff that turkey butt
>anon knight and turkey princess are watching the thanksgiving cooking channel
>turkey is shocked and aroused for the most part
Aren't her likes and dislikes the following?

<3 Weight Gain
<3 Stuffing
</3 Basting
Forgot that was one of her hypothetical negatives because I just wanted to make a bad joke.

Did anyone ever come up with dowries/lust items so far for her? If not we need ideas.
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>Good strategy, but you'd still tap that, right?
Well... My end goal is to make Goat Princess into a Goat Momma, but if Heli-Princess is dtf in the meantime, then I sure as Hell wouldn't say no..

Co-op by day, casual fucks by night... doesn't sound too bad, the more I think about it...
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Remember to always feed your dragon princess :^)
I don't like that take on the dragon princesses, the style makes their faces look weird
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I honestly like Boogie's take, it makes them look monstrous without being unreasonably so.
The shameBC would like to formally apologize foe the lack of time due to my work schedule and hence the lack of recent artwork, will reallly try to find some time to scribble some of the greentext stories into comic form, in the meantime have some trish alt for poss princess
It's perfectly fine, Shame. Stuff happens.
Don't worry about it. This is a side project, I don't think anyone will fault you for treating it like one.
What does Duchess feed off of?

Various delicacies from the sugar hills her Pancake people live in, wine from the vineyard, and cured meats made of various animals that did not turn from her magic.
which towergirl would you fuck
All the dragons
All except Tile and Kown.
In /trash/ gen almost all of them. If I had to choose only one Turkey or Possum though.
Of these?
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whats some ideas for Gen2 princess?
i was thinking of a jackalope princess, it would suit the monster theme
No problem, also that's a nice trish alt

[meme]what comics did you have in mind though?[/meme]
I think, by monster, it was meant that it would be less, "cryptids and stereotypical monsters," and more, "monstrous beasts."

One of the ideas was an awakened airship, see:
Honestly I don't like the airship idea

The "cryptids and stereotypical monsters" theme has more appeal in my opinion
Wouldn't some of the list be monsters, while the other half be animal, plants and inanimate objects.
Or is it a full stack of monsterous beast based on unique background
Probably all monsters

Let's not get TOO ahead of ourselves though
Having some be beasts and others be humanoid versions of visually appealing cryptids like the jackalope princess above, would be fine.

But, no, we still have work to do on this gen, sorting out and writing up the cards.
So would all of the princesses be DE's friend because she gifted them sentience? Or does she just have a close-knit group of friends? I like to imagine that DE and Heli would go over and have a pretend tea party with Ragdoll just to humor her with Pancake's heads being served on the table.
Probably something along the lines of "DE holds the Princesses of each group 'hostage' so they will obey"
And in reality, "We're all just chilling at the castle, enjoying the spoils of a land to call our own."
I do think that if we do make Gen 2, then we should base the dragon off of the Wawel Dragon of Polish myth.
Leviathan hasn't been done yet
An interesting point was raised over on /tg/. Since I'm so shitty and slow with carding bitches, would anyone else be interested?
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I want to snug koprin
I would be up for it if nobody else wants to. I think it could be fun to do

I'll first try to make a card design that everyone likes, though
I look forward to it, best of luck and take your time.
/tg/ has more than enough animal princesses too.
Nope, they have fantasy races and mythological creatures for the most part
keep us updated ok?
Why is KP bottomless in this?
She's not, her panties are just nearly covered by those thighs and hips of hers.
>Keijimatsu lvl of thighs bro

don't die
don't cry
Fret not, for I can still do one thing right.
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