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ERP thread butts edition prev >>7668161

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 576
Thread images: 246

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ERP thread butts


prev >>7668161
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Nth for lurking while working.
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Tfw i had a good OP idea

also nth for bees are a perfectly rational fear
Don't worry your pretty little head about all those bees. Daddy will keep you safe, remember?
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Because with the witch I can both establish my dominance and let you know that I'm kind enough to play with you.

Ouch I'm sorry.. then you can heat up some sausage on the microwave!
I want D.Va to Bee my valentine!
Right previous: >>7664357
Bees did nothing wrong. Wasps are asshats tho.
E-establish your dominance?
>Anon stuttered submissively, looking into her piercing eyes then glancing away.
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But it's the 12th

"Bees" encompasses wasps

Non-wasps did do something wrong: Inspired the bee movie
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>when you want to typefuck but you have 0 confidence in your ability despite having multiple successful sessions
feels bad man

Anyway, what's up with you fools?
>gropes dmg while shes away
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As long as you manage to complete a session, it means you did something right!
People can ask others to be their valentines in advance.

Wonder if anyone in this thread is into jazz.
>Pats the little girl in a bee costume patronisingly on the head, enough to ruffle her hairdo up a little.
It's okay.
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I enjoy anything played in B Sharp.
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>Wonder if anyone in this thread is into jazz.

Also, I suppose so
It's hip to Fight Bees

>She growls and swats at the hand.
I-I know that!
Then I agree with you. FUCK bees.

>Is groped on her none specific location
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(Good afternoon thread. )
I still want to impregnate roserade
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I'm not a fighter, I'm a lover.
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imagine having such a problematic attention craving complex

where you say shit like this
I don't know anon, why don't you tell us?
I'll make you clean my dick soon momma Juniper
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I'm more into acid jazz personally.
And so, be my valentine~
>Gets hard just from the existence of such a perfect creature
Jeasus Churst.
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I'm not sure what to say about that cap
Idk I thought we weren't doing this discord in the threads stuff anymore
All my fans are my valentine!
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>Just fucking leans against the wall, arms crossed, bangs over one eye

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(To be honest not really feeling like doing something with Roserade today. )

Well whenever you're ready for Momma to clean up your dirty cock just let me know.
But I love you more than your other fans D.Va!
who are you feeling?
Actually that raises another question, do you ever just post as a specific ava that you want or do you always post the card?
V-Day is meant for Daddies and daughters.
More like.. Exits.
You sure you're okay? You don't need a cuddle? You still look a little flustered, sweetie.
(Who exactly i'm feeling right now is probably Juniper, Tsunade, or maybe Bianca.

Sometimes I do post a specific Ava but most of the time I just end up posting my card or Skyla. But recently I have been finding myself posting Hilda a good amount too. Even if it's a bit hard to tell since there are like three of them. )
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I'm not flustered!
Why are you calling me that, anyway?
W-what? Then I wouldn't have any dates, because I'm not into that :)
But I love all my fans!

I-if you want...
You don't like being called sweetie? How about honeybun? Actually that suits you even better.
>More patronising headpats
I was gonna go with some straight shota with juniper but looks like you already got a bite >>7669151
Take care
And I love you more than the rest!
Analgeddon is a miracle of the universe
Oh, you're all conditioned to say "you're not into it," but all you ever need is a stern reminder, and you'll remember just how much you used to.
(Tsunade sounds great. Got anything in mind to do with her or no? )

(I can still manage to do something with the both of you. I can juggle two Avas at once. )

(It certainly is. )
You... Don't know that!
What? No, what about D.Va! That's my name, after all...
Honeybun suits you for now. Besides, this is just Daddy's pet name for you, right?
>Runs his hand down the side of her face and cups her cheek
>0 results
stupid taggers
(Would Granny maybe wanna help train a big-dicked Genin boy and teach him to control the chakra in his cock?)
>Hana blushes and pointedly turns her head.
Daddy? Y-Yah, what are you saying? For now? Why not my name?
But what?
Are you gonna make me prove it?~
No, but I should be able to prove it wrong!
>whining noises
You're making me more anxious to get to it already. Looking forward to it.
Heh, is the little bee fidgeting because she's remembering? It's the nature of bees to know the way home, after all, and I believe you know the scent.
Look at you blushing. Cute as a button.
>Runs his hand down lower, briefly holding her chin before he opens up his arms.
So are you going to give Daddy a hug or what, honeybun?
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Got you senpai
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>pinches unspecified location
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>doesn't have the shota tag
>I know there are more like that and they also aren't tagged properly
>no way to find them other than going through all images, but there are way too many
Oh? How so?
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>Pinches the bluest part of her body

>JUST saved a shota image
>If I posted it I'll get banned because shota
Sucks to suck cute boy in skirt
(She would love to. Tsunade always had a thing for big-dicked Genin boys. )

I look forward to it too. Try not to leave Momma waiting too long for that delicious treat.
(Sounds like a plan! You wanna start or should I?)
>JUST saved a shota image
>If I posted it I'll get banned because shota
You should really post it in that case
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>Its her hair
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Will admit. She looks 10 times cuter with longer hair.
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I'm not... I'm not remembering anything! I don't know what you're talking about.
I, um... I don't know... Even if you do, what would the other fans think if I treated one better than the others!
I'm not blushing.
>The girl grumbles, biting her lower lip briefly before regarding the man in front of her. She embraces him for a split second.
Happy now? You can stop calling me that...
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You know you can link it, right?
Also 10 times more emo
>The bigger man takes the chance to wrap his arms right around the blushing creature, and doesn't let go just yet, holding her little frame to his.
You don't like your pet name, honeybun? What else would you like Daddy to call you?
>He knows that even as she continues to deny any recollection of her ordeal, she could not escape the lure of his musk, fingers of which must be coiling about her now while she searches the vicinity for his presence.

How about now, Hana?

>His voice grates next to her ear as a meaty hand abruptly smothers her face.
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Too risky.
Dark magician Girl+ Handjob. First image

That's WHY she's cuter. I have a thing for goth/emo/punk chicks.
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Looks comfy
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(I can start us off.)
>Tsunade had been sitting in her office, waiting for someone to arrive when she saw her door open and a young boy enter. A light smile formed on her lips upon seeing him, guess she was expecting him. As he entered, he would see her at her desk with her huge breasts pressed against her table with plenty of cleavage being shown off.
So are you ready for your training?
>She asked him while starting to get up from behind her desk, causing her breasts to sag down some in the process, only to move to stand beside her desk.
I don't care about your other fans!
I care about you and me, sweetie~
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>Pops your tit balloons

Same here, yo.

Hottest girl I ever met had a shaved head and septum ring when I met her, and I was never the same again
Linking to loli/shota has always been okay, even on mainstream boards. Have you never been on a sadpanda thread?
Just give us an imgur link
Yes m'am!
>He proudly saluted the elder ninja as she stood up, his pupils none-too-subtly following along as her gargantuan chesticles slapped down against her stomach
W-what are we gonna do first?
>He asked enthusiastically, trying to remain focused despite the two heaving distractions in front of him
>He was the only Genin he knew getting special one-on-one training with the Hokage, and was determined to take full advantage of the opporitunity
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>Kirlia used Teleport!
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>The girl gasps in surprise as his arms tightly embrace her waist, and she begins to squirm half-heartedly.
Why do you keep calling yourself that? And my name is Hana, Ha-Na.
>D.Va enunciates each syllable carefully, voice muffled against the man's shirt.
>Suddenly petrified, Hana grips her little bunny blaster tightly as she turns her head from one side to the other.
Get away from m-ph!
>D.Va squeals as a hand claps over her pale face, and she writhes about, biting at the palm covering her mouth and nose vigorously.
Sweetie? Y-yah, you shouldn't be calling me that, you know..
>He chuckles, still holding little D.Va in his strong arms, but leans her back far enough to look at her cute pouting face.
That's what you should be calling me, little honeybun. You want your big strong daddy to look after you and make you feel good, right? It's okay, you can admit it to me; Daddy won't tell anyone!
>Sends out scarfed gengar
>sludge waves the kirlia
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>The room goes dark and still, quite for the briefest of moments. And then all at once! Blaring lights, flashing cameras, a roaring crowd, this can only mean one thing! It's the worlds favorite masked wrestler here to take the stage- Rainbow Mika, dashing in with microphone in hand striking a pose
This place is way to quiet! Come on, wheres the enthusiasm, the action, the excitement!
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Maybe one day I gotta reinact it with a certain cutie~

Only had one goth/punk gf. She wore a lot a lipstick, which drove me crazy.

Nope I haven't. I just kinda get my own porn. If I want sad panda I just go to sad panda.

Get it yourself. Lameo~
>But before she can say anything, a villainous heel comes from behind and knocks Mika in the head with a steel chair!
post buttholes
Good taste. I'll have to dig around for more emo lazuli art
Baww gawd! It's Anon! Anon has come with a steel chair!
Somebody stop him!
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>The girl puffs out her cheeks, brow furrowed.
I... I can look after myself! Why do you want me to call you that?
>D.Va replies innocently, biting her lower lip.
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But you are sweet, I can't help but tell you the truth in what you are.
Trust me, there are a lot more heavier words I could use you describe you~
>His wide girth and deep voice makes it feel as though she were being walled in from three sides, with the fourth threatening to close in. The oily grime caked into his palm and his fingers gives his touch a repulsive, nauseating texture. Her weapon is quickly wrenched away, dropped to the floor, and --

You won't be needing this.

>-- crushed underfoot as he stomps it to pieces beneath his tremendous heft.
>Want to play a character
>0 (Zero) Lewds of the character
Oh I know you can look after yourself on the battlefield, little honeybun, Daddy's so proud of you.
>He smiles and reaches up to stroke the hair from the side of her face, caressing the her cheek with the back of his hand
But wouldn't you like to forget about all that and just be treated like the little princess you are? Just between you and Daddy.
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>Kirlia pukes up 69 XP and 34 Lewd EV points.
Wow, rude.
Just do what most loli players do and just post sfw images.
What's her name?
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There's really only like 5 quality pictures of her. I guess I could make infinite crops and edits, too!

The better Tharja.
>The chair makes a solid connection with the star's head! Thankfully mika isn't a wimp by anyone's standards, and makes a quick recovery.
Victory never comes to cowards who try and fight dirty!
>And its the flying peach! Mika's massive hips are on a collision course straight with anons head
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>She was quick to pick up on whenever someone was looking at her chest, but that was nothing too new for the woman. Once he was done talking, her arms move to cross under her chest, pushing her massive breasts up a little while causing them to jiggle.
I feel the best way to start is for you to demonstrate what you do know. Your previous teacher told me you can do quite allot with your chakra but just can't control it much.
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You'd get about 33.3% more cuddles if you were more emo.

Yes him. AND you!
Even if there aren't that much images, I hope you do play Thar-I mean Rhajat
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>She pinches and twists those fat fucking nipples
I'll think about it
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Heavier words? Yah, what do you mean? I know you're not calling me fat...
>Tears begin to well up in her eyes as the familiarity of her situation crashes down all around her. Despite her best efforts and her tightest grip, Hana's light gun is pulled all too quickly from her grasp. The crunching of its material made her want to panic.

Mmh! Hmph!

>She squeals and growls against his hand, shuddering in revulsion. She had to get away- she didn't want this!
>The tender gesture makes her pink flush flare across her cheeks.
Princess? Wha- I-... What are you gonna do?
>Hana squirms bashfully, still held quite close to the man's larger frame.
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You'll live

Just turn Tharja pics backwards
Yeah, that's kinda the problem....
>He blushes and rubs the back of his head
I mean, I can do some pretty cool stuff! Like this!
>He jumps straight in the air, over thirty vertical feet, seemingly with little effort
>Despite the room having only a 20 foot ceiling, causing him to pretty severely smack his head on the rafters and come back down flat on his back
>The much larger man smiles kindly. As patronisingly as he is treating her, he seems to have some genuine affection. Still, his big arms around her waist don't let D.Va do anything to move them away, just giving her freedom of her upper body. He strokes her hair some more.
I think you know what that depends on, my little honey cupcake. Have you been a good girl or not?
>He lightly "boops" her button nose with one finger
>humps butt
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They don't look THAT much alike, Anon.
No, of course not!
I'm talking about the weight of the word. I could call you pretty, beautiful, sexy, they'd all be true~
There's another that describes you perfectly but..~
>The deplorable heel is taken aback by the blonde heroine's quick recovery, but is quick enough to step back, reversing the move so Mika's thick hips miss his head and only bounce harmlessly off his lap. He laughs and shakes his head.

Using your butt as a weapon still? What kind of a role model are you for the kids?

>The evil villain grabs Mika in a rear wristlock, and holds her in place!
True. Rhajat is just a little bit flatter than Tharja.
Figure you might be wondering why I let you go.

>She was in a different outfit the last time, but this one -- this one just might be his favorite, outside of her little pastel hanbok, the shortness of which made his cock rage as he molested her underneath. He is eager to get into this one, too, and slaps his massive hand over her chest, clawing at both her plug suit and her small breasts at the same time.

I've been watching you wake up in a cold sweat from your nightmares every night, Hana, dreaming of our time together. And I wouldn't be able to do that had I not let you go -- let you believe you had escaped.
why does Lapis always look fuck ugly?
I'd rather fuck the cool green one. She actually looks good, and she's the best gem to be around, and everyone likes her. Peridot is her name, I think.
I'm not Peridot by the way. I am 100% sure that I am NOT Peridot, because I am not nearly as lovable and... ugh, "cute" as Peridot.
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>flexes butt
>your dick snaps in half
The kind that whups bad guys butts thats who!
>She can't really move with her arm like that, but with some quick thinking Mika flips in the direction hes twisting her arm, her legs coming down around his head with the Paradise Hold!
Yeah dude, I totally get you. It's like that time Trixie chose Peach over Mettaton. Crazy, right?! I would've chose Mettaton any day over that royal communist bimbo. Not Mettaton, by the way, just a really avid supporter that believes he is the absolute best. Have you seen his legs? Literally the best. Not Mettaton, by the way.
>butt edition with my waifu in the OP
god bless, ill typefuck her one of these days
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>Her eyes followed him up as he jumped, only to end up watching him fall right back down after hitting his head. Once he fell onto the ground, she moved over and picked him back up, causing his body to press against her full figure a bit in the process.
How about you show me something else...like moving your chakra around your body. You should know how to do that.
Blue Diamond is still pretty cool.
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its hip to fuck bees.png
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>Hana pouts as he musses her hair up a bit, hands pressing against the man's chest for a lack of a better place to put them. His words made her wonder if he was just playing around with her.
Why do you keep treating me like a child?
>Hana wrinkles her nose instinctively as he taps it. What was his angle? His goal? Why was she soaking in his words so easily?
But what? What is it? Yah, you can't just say something like that and not tell me...
>Hana yowls in shock- and perhaps anguish- as he begins to touch her little body and tug at the stretchy fabric of her cheery bee suit.
>His words made her groan- he'd been watching her all along? How? She'd been so careful... Instantly, she scrambles to fight back against the man's overwhelming strength, clawing like a caged animal at his arms.
She reminds me of a dark souls character
I forget her name but the giant one with the huge tits?
Uh, yeah....I think so.
>He blushed, looking up at her from between her breasts, and reluctantly stepped back when she let him from her motherly grasp
>He closed his eyes and concentrated all of his chakra to his chest, feeling the warmth and energy coalescing there
>He popped open one eye and looked up to her for approval
A-am I doing it? Can you tell?
>From the steady smile on his face, it doesn't seem like the man is joking around. He strokes her hair in that parental, possessive manner
Oh I know you like to be a big girl now, but to Daddy you are his special little princess. And I can tell by that little smile you kinda like it, don't you honeybun? Just give it a go, and call me "Daddy", see how it feels.
>His, strong hands never seem to stop petting and stroking around her round little face or her silky hair.
>He brings the back of his hand up to her face and brushes it gently across her cheek as he speaks.
>The word hung for a moment in the air, a tense atmosphere having been created.
It's fun, watching you squirm and call out in your nightmares. You might not like calling me by that name while you're awake, but when you're asleep...

>He chuckles, the dry laugh ringing with malice. Not caring that she should be able to scream, he stops smothering her and takes hold of her arms, bending the slender twigs behind her back and pinning them against her spine. Clapping his hand over her chest once more, the suit begins to dig into D.Va's skin as he seizes a handful of its fabric -- then abruptly slackens as a large swath of it is torn away, leaving her breasts and midriff exposed. He purrs in contentment as he takes full advantage, groping her breasts and kneading at them with his coarse, greasy fingers.

I missed these tiny Korean bee-stings of yours, Hana.
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>Tsunade returned her arms to be resting beneath her chest once he was fully up. Now watching and waiting to see how he could move his chakra and where it would go. She could sense where his chakra was going so when he asked if he was doing it, she would give a light nod before speaking up.
I can tell and you are doing a good job so far, now try moving it to different parts of your body.
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>As his fingers ran through her soft tresses, Hana makes a shy noise that was a total 180 from her confident D.Va persona. Was it possible it was just a front? She scrutinizes his face, just in case he was playing the whole time.
Call you... Daddy?
>It was a question, not a statement, and the word rolled clumsily off of her tongue. She wasn't used to the treatment, nor saying the word itself. Her slender, gloved fingers curl slightly against the fabric of his shirt. There was something almost childish about the way she tilted her head back to look up at the man.
I, uh...
>The plan was to move his chakra back down to his feet, but it wasn't a complete transfer
>He lost control of the ball of chakra within himself, and felt helpless as it concentrated itself entirely within his crotch, causing his young, modest cock to swell with power and energy
>What's worse, is he knew the superior ninja could sense it, as all his willpower and energy focused into his peen
W-wait, I can explain...!
>That smile that can only be described as kindly spreads and he nods subtly. His large, strong fingers keep running through her silky hair, just barely making contact with her scalp, as he simply continues to pet D.Va, looking down at the blushing little girl still caught in his embrace. Hearing her pronounce that word so adorably, it is hard to stop himself positively grinning, but there doesn't seem to be anything mocking in the way he looks at her, at least yet.
That's right, my little honeybun. You're not too grownup for the word yet, sweetie.
>As startled as the evil heel is by Mika's quick counter reversal, he simply grins up at her with his head between her thick thighs.

And now you shove my face between your legs? You really don't have any shame do you?

>He reaches up to poke right at the front of Mika's leotard, in her most vulnerable spot!
>The girl swallows as she processed his word- was that really how her fans thought of her?
That's... That's inappropriate.
>Hana stammers, for lack of a better response.
>Hana's pale, modestly-sized breasts bounce, perky, as the yellow fabric is torn abruptly from her body. As the sound of the rip registers in her ears, she lets out a loud shriek.
Ko... Keojitmal! (Lies!)
>D.Va stubbornly responds, leaving no room in her head to believe his words. She would never, not in a million years, call him willingly by the name he liked so much. Not even in her sleep. Not even in the vivid nightmares that she had of her /enjoying/ his treatment, /begging/ the man for more.
That hurts! Get /away/ from me!
>She screams, full volume, as her arms are wrenched near-painfully behind her back. Her arm sockets yell in protest, threatening to pop out of place. Panic welled like ice through every capillary in her body as he groped her breasts with bruising power.
Man, I freaking love Tharja.
Yes, but it's true, and that bodysuit of yours doesn't help. Everytime I see you in that skin tight get up and have to look at the cute frame...
>He keeps brushing his hand against her face, his fingers tracing along her jaw gently, his thumb hovering over her glossy lips for a moment
My mind goes racing, and here you are, right in front of me~
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>Ko... Keojitmal! (Lies!)
>the korean word for lies is suspiciously close to Kojima
Sou ka...
>(Hey Skyla, how long are you available for today? I'm in the middle of something so I was curious if you'd be open in a couple of hours.
>Hana's shoulders slump as he pets her head, relaxing instinctively beneath the man's touch.
But... But I am an adult...
>She looked positively lost, a bit too innocent to piece together everything that was going on. So he wanted to baby her? Treat her like a child? Or was there some sort of strange, ulterior motive?
Sesange. (Oh my God.)
>D.Va mumbles to herself, doe-eyes wide.
Does... Do all of my fans feel like that? My suit is purely functional!
>Hana insists, her lips barely brushing against the pad of his finger as she spoke.
Are you... Trying to do something with me right now?
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Lute would be fun too.
>He'd watched her come home from her counseling sessions, holding herself and looking forlorn despite the happy meds MEKA would have given her coursing through her veins. The trauma of being repeatedly raped over the course of several days might be healed, but there will always be the specter of the video footage he had supposedly taken, hanging over her head.

You know what would make me stop, Hana. Just say the word, like you did that one time.

>He knows she would never comply so easily, considering how difficult it had been to coax it out of her even as she was intoxciated on his fumes. He merely wants to squeeze every ounce of suffering from her bones....
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Can you guys take that potato nigger Bolin back from our thread?
Lute a cute!
No :^)
We already sent him packing, signed his papers and packed his suitcase. Not our problem anymore.
no re-entry
You can have his pot-o-gold back if you want but we shared it up already
>As D.Va relaxes into the pets, he starts to cup her face in his hand, treating her with softer and more and more gentle caresses, like she is some delicate little thing. He looks down proudly at the way Hana is melting in his arms, her resistance wavering - by now his grip is so loose he is barely even holding her in place, but noting how she instinctively seems to be leaning up on him.
You're right, aren't you a big girl now? And Daddy's so proud of you. But why don't you stop worrying your pretty head, it's okay, it's okay
>he speaks so softly as he strokes her hair, reassuring her
Just give it a go. Who am I?
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>She could easily see where his chakra was in his body, so her eyes would drop down as he began to move it to his feet, only for her eyes to stop as that movement did, on his crotch. But with that swelling she barely even needed to track his chakra to know exactly where it went, the bulge in his clothes made that quite obvious. She raised a brow at first, but shortly after she moved over to him and knelled down, putting herself on equal eye level with him.
No need to explain it, you simply moved your chakra jut as I asked you to do.
>Her eyes had moved up to his face s she knelled down, but she dropped her eyes down to his crotch for a bit.
But I can see why now you have such difficulty controlling it, you have allot of chakra.

(Most of the day. If you want to try planning something, perhaps you should try sending me a message over discord. I'm on there right now. )
Oh, no I'm sure not sweetheart. You're not a sex object or anything like that~
>He says reassuringly, his other hand resting itself on her shoulder, their bodies surprisingly close now. Their eyes burning into each others.
Only whatever you'd want me to. But if it were up to me, there's little we wouldn't do right now~
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How did you do it?
>She demands, gritting her teeth in frustration and abject terror. How could he do this? How could he deceive her so easily? His presence tickled constantly at the back of her mind, a niggling force that was keen on driving her mad.
I won't. I can't. Fuck off!
>She exclaims, voice shrill with her worries. Pupils blown wide, D.Va's eyes dart about the room, desperately seeking asylum from the man's overpowering grasp.
Yeah....a-are you not mad?
>He asked in a hushed tone, looking deep into her brilliant, wise eyes, his lips nervously pursed together
>His heart pounded in his ears, though that might have just been the sound of his chakra-assisted erection throbbing and slapping against his thigh in time with his pulse
>His eyes dipped down into that grand canyon of clevage, and his hard, downward-hanging shota cock sprung upwards, audibly ripping a few of the stitches of his pants and nearly whapping his new teacher right on the chin!
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>His grip around her loosened slightly and the tenderness of his hand on her cheek reassured Hana that, at the very least, the man sought not to harm her. Regardless of her perceived safety, his slightly-patronizing words embarrassed Hana. Normally, D.Va resented such gestures; she was a soldier, after all. But, despite that, the girl finds herself responding.
>Hana murmurs, hardly audible. Her face burned pink, but what else was she supposed to say to him? It's not like she knew his real name...
>Hana was unconvinced of his first statement. She caught a few of the comments her fans said on her streams before they were whisked away by the flood of viewer remarks. Some of them weren't exactly wholesome.
I thought you just wanted me to be your valentine?
>D.Va responds quickly, biting her lower lip as she realizes their proximity. Still, she was too stubborn, too confident, too admit defeat and pull away.
Do what? Make your mouth hang open, your tongue hanging out one corner, your drool running down your chin?

>He has trapped her again, she would realize, were she to look and see that there is no sanctuary to be found, nothing but the same dilapidated structure to which she was lured.

Or are you talking about how your eyes would roll into the back of your head when I made you breathe between my thighs, your body literally going into seizures because your brain couldn't handle the pleasure?

>He pushes his hand into her suit, thrusting it between her legs, too strong for her thighs to squeeze him out. The man who had made her call him "Daddy" is claiming what he feels belongs to him.

Can't you feel your skin tingling, Hana? It's this musky smell, concocted by me. And you just breathed in a big dose after they flushed it out of you; you have no resistance to it at all.
>His heart skips a beat at the adorable way the proud young soldier muttered the word - how could they not? His reassuringly big, strong arms wrap around her again, and give D.Va a tiny squeeze back against his taller frame again.
Daddy's so proud of you. I know it must be embarrassing, but look at you, my brave little honeybun. Why don't you try again, and share something else you're too embarrassed about to say to anyone else. You can trust Daddy, he'll never tell another soul in the world...
>As he coddles and caresses the young girl, one of his big hands slides up the side of her cheek again, his thumb just gently brushing her lips.
Yes, I do. Two valentines are lovers, I want to be your lover D.Va, in every sense of the word~
>His hand dragged smoothly along her upper arm. It caressed her fine body in its palms as he stared intently into her features, his eyes fixated on her lips. Every nerve near forcing him to just lean in
I said I was going to prove my devotion as a fan to you, didn't I?~
>Tsunade gave a light shake of her head before looking back up to the boy.
Now why would I be mad? You did exactly as I wante-
>The much older woman found herself quickly interrupted by the sound of those stitches ripping and that now huge shaft springing up and hitting her chin only to fall down onto her massive breasts, almost sinking into them with how large and soft they were.
But this much chakra in one place might be a bit of a problem...
>Her hands reached to her chest, wrapping around his shaft.
Now tell me are you able to move your chakra or is it stuck?
Fucking thicc!

>(KK, thanks!
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>His words drive her wild, Hana beginning to sob and scream indignantly in an attempt to drown out his lewd words. The images he conjured were torturous reminders of the things he had done to her, the things he had made her do.

Stop! Shut up!

>Whether it was a command or a plea, Hana wasn't sure herself. Regardless of what it was, she presses her thighs together as tight as she could. He overpowered her, however, as he always did, and pried her legs apart with his rough fingers.

Don't touch me there! Hajima! (Stop!)

>Her shaking voice was hitched up an octave or two as she feels his hands lay claim to her trembling form, her heart fluttering weakly in her chest.

None of that happened...
It's stuck...
>He spat out before even trying, though at this point, trying to focus on doing anything productive would be impossible anyhow
>He rigidly placed his hands behind his back, looking down at her large, soft hands gently squeezing his huge, backed-up cock, tangibly tingling and throbbing with energy
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>His words were meant to coax her, she knew. Hana realized that he was building to something, but what? Her soft little body presses against his as he squeezes her, and she sighs.
Something embarrassing...?
>She repeats, her lips moving against his fingers ever-so-slightly.
Like what?
>A weakness, maybe? But D.Va never showed weakness... Never would she risk something like that in a competition. This man wanted her to trust him, though... She didn't know what, exactly, she would share.
It was so important to you to know if I was really taping everything.

>Too powerful to be denied, his hand has free reign of her genitalia, touching her where she has been dreading in dreams and in her waking moments, perhaps too traumatized to have ever let anyone else come this close to her again. Her body has healed, grown snug like a young girl once again, and he discovers that one finger alone is enough to make D.Va squeal in pain, as though she were being deflowered anew.

I don't really watch them. I prefer to make new memories. It's time we spent some quality weeks together, Hana. Enough time for you learn never to call me by anything else again.

>He twists her head about and laughs into her mouth, his foul breath no doubt making her stomach churn, her shoulders jerking as if her gag reflex were kicking in to stop her from vomiting.
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>She let out a sigh as she heard his words, unaware that he didn't even try, but odds were it would be stuck even if he did try. Soon after her hands began slowly stroking up and down his huge member which was large even compared to those soft mounds it was resting on. But that didn't last for long as she eventually let go and rose back up.
Would you mind moving over to my chair?
>She asked while gesturing him over to it.
I'm going to have to help you out in removing this backed up chakra and you should probably get yourself comfortable.
>The man nods slowly, leaving his hand in place there on the side of her face and letting his thumb brush again so lightly over her plump bottom lip, just enough to faintly move it and no more, still holding her possessively in his big arms.
That's right. Daddy knows you have to look tough as you can in your job as a pilot, but you can share anything with me. And it'll just be yours and Daddy's secret, little honeybun.
Wha... But I don't know you at all!
>Hana responds quickly, her body shivering as his hands travel up her arm. The pilot catches his eyes travelling to her lips, but she says nothing about it.
I just, ah... I'm not supposed to be like that with fans!
Y-yes m'am!
>He saluted her again, his footlong-plus young dong saluting her as well, before he made his way over to her chair, climbing up and reclining there, his feet not even touching the ground
So I guess the stuff I heard was right...you really are good with....guys~
>He chooses his words carefully, kicking his feet idly while she gets into position, an eager and overwhelmed smile across his cute little face
Is anyone lurking?
I'm an ava but I won't post unless you guess who I am!
Hint please.
The masketta man
And doesn't that excite you? You have no idea who am I, yet here we are, getting closer than most other people you've ever met.
>The man tilts his head slightly, his head inching ever so closer to hers. Tantalizingly close, their lips mere centimeters away.
Its gives me such a thrill~
Bad and wrong.

Three more guesses any more would be attentionwhoring.
Did you play that Ava you were thinking about Junko?
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Is this Jinx?
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>She could feel his residue everywhere he touched her, and Hana yowls in pain as he plunges a thick finger deep into her soft little body. Trying not to lose herself to her growing panic, D.Va stays completely still. It took all of her energy to resist struggling, but she knew that doing so would only emphasize the sensation of his finger inside of her.

Weeks... No, no, you can't! Stop! Get off of me, you dirty saekki! (Bastard!)

>Her throat already sore with her screams, tears drip down her flushed cheeks. Hana's toes curl as his aroma washes over her, eyes fluttering closed as her chest heaves with the effort of restraining her stomach.

You're... All talk.
*touches your bottom*
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I've been feeding them ava ideas over the past few days, so I'm looking forward to when they unveil them
Hey Blake.
Nah, it's either Nue or DMG.
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H-how did you find me, anon~?

>The little girl glares up, caught in her childishly bad hiding place in the game of hide and seek.
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>Wrapped up in his arms, she felt a strange sense of security. It was as if she was safe from anything the world could offer as long as she was close to this man who dwarfed her tiny body.

I... I guess. Sometimes, only sometimes, I get scared. When I'm alone.

>Hana fumbles with her words uncharacteristically, swallowing hard.
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I've played it already, yes. I've got a much more fun one I want to try tomorrow.
Too busy fapping to reply to me?
yup. I feel dead tired though, otherwise I'd be avaposting
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I genuinely took a stab and guessed which avas are fun loving from making us guess
Your hat poked above the tall grass
>zone, junko, and shikibus
im seeing a pattern here
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Nah. This one is mine
>He starts to stroke down her slender arms with his big hands, slow, careful motions. Seeing D.Va open up like this is worth it alone. He smiles.
That's okay, that's okay. Everyone gets scared sometimes, when they are alone. You're not scared now though, are you?
>He beams down at the little creature in his arms.
Daddy's got you.
Oh, I was actually reading those sessions. You do a great Zone
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This is mine, if you really wanted to know :P
>Quickly, she closes the distance, pecking his lips for a split second. Bashfully, as if she wasn't sure why she did it in the first place, Hana pulls back.
...There. That's- that's what you wanted, ne?
>She whispers, a blush flaring on her face.
>degrades you
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>Pouts furiously but attaches herself to anon's leg anyway in a big hug, smiling again almost immediately.
...I'll hide better next time!
thats a really nice navel
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>Likes this
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Which ava is this?
I like you.
Chicken-Chan makes my kokoro go doki-doki
Wow, look at this pathetic little mage. I best she gets off on all sorts of weird stuff, like having her little cock tied up so she cant cum and some big fat lady sitting on her face
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>She mumbles in reply after a beat of thought, almost reluctant.
I'm not scared of anything else!
>Hana breathes a sigh after the confident exclamation, instinctively leaning herself into the man's touch.
>No bondage at all
>He grinned, it was surprising to see her take charge. He'd be so hesitant up till now, since she was THE D.Va but now
I want a lot of things, cutie. That was one bit sure, but that doesn't do it nearly enough justice.
>The man took her by the shoulders, both hands clasping them softly as he pulled her body forward and lock her lips with his for a deep kiss, not letting it break slightly as they started to make out.
Let me remind you then.

>The floor rushes up to meet her as he sets her down heavily, letting her fall in a heap before grabbing her by the back of her neck; in his enormous grasp, she may as well be a snared rabbit with hand closed over her spine. The rustle of leather and chains can be heard as he shuffles sideways, spinning her about to meet the straining bulge between his legs.

That's it, Hana, bring on the gook talk. Ching chong ling long. Being insulted by you in Korean makes my cock rock fucking hard.

>He proves it to her, freeing his cock along with the musk trapped inside his pants, the former slapping across her face while the other backhands her in tandem.
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Will Trixie come back for Hearts and Hooves Day?
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>much more fun one
I knew you'd like em. And I'm sure the thread will too
>forgot to reply
Either one of our resident loli autists, or milky-wilky
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>Tsunade followed behind the young boy to her chair, only to drop back down once he got himself comfortable, bringing herself to her knees with her massive breasts rubbing against his cock. She let out a light sigh in response to his comment before moving her hands to her waist, specifically to a sash she had on. She gave it a tug and within seconds her massive breasts would be freed, jiggling before sagging down. The young boy would barely have any time to take in the sight of them before feeling them wrap around his huge cock. Even for a cock like his, most of it was still hidden between her mounds.
I am pretty good with the guys, and luckily for you some of that experience with them will help take care of your problem.
N-now why would I get off on that? That's just silly..
>he happily rubs her head as she clings onto him, knocking off her hat and messing up the little trainer's hair a bit
Sure, I'd love to play hide and seek with you sometime, you're one of the most fun ones
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What do you mean?
>Her answer was given shortly after, however, as his lips press against her slightly-parted ones. Hana squirms at first, surprised by the bold move by the fan. However, she relaxes after a long moment and leans into his affection. It was a gesture she wasn't very used to, busy as she was.
(Dat bush~)
>He gripped hard on the edges of the chair with both hands, biting on his lip as her huge motherly mounds enveloped his supersensitive, extra-engorged fuckpump, the proud pink head throbbing only an inch or so away from her mouth
>The tip was already drooling and pumping out thick, dribbly pre, all of the veins along the shaft aching and throbbing for the beautiful, mature ninja
Wow Granny....t-that's amazing~
>Testing the waters with the nickname, he teased her a bit, savoring the experience of being worked over by such an incredible, thicc older lady
Surely must be just your imagination.
Thank you anons.
Do I need to remember you to cum as well now?
serious question, how far?
Whips? Chastity?
>A hand was brought against the back of her head, letting it rest in place against his. Their chests pressed together, he felt her heartbeat resonate with his as it pumped quickly, skipping a beat each time he parted his lips against with hers. A tongue snaked through her lips softly, entering her mouth.
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I declare a fight to the death for the title of my Valentine.
I believe you, honeybun.
>He leans in, and plants a single kiss right on her forehead, clutching her right to his broad chest again, his hand sliding down her slender back to hold her lightly in place, close enough to feel her heartbeat past her petite chest.
You forgot to call me Daddy, though..
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You don't need to.
You will anyways, but you don't need too
I have a BBC.

Do I win?
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Video games?
H-hi, Zone-tan.
>Anon says nervously, his small human appendages no match for Lemmy.
I love video games!
What kind of video games?
>thunder and lightning
i am a spoop
did you ever finish your card?
>I have a BBC.

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I mean, it wouldn't hurt to, no? I picked this ava for this specific reason, after all. Just relax and take care of yourself, don't worry at all about me peeking behind the door.
You have a leg up, I'll give ya that
If I lose do I still need to buy you a present?
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>Chicken-chan lifts her top right up to show it off, twisting her hips about

>Chicken-chan pauses for a moment, and then thinks about the words her friend from Kanto taught her. She suddenly grins and places both her hands on her flat chest and makes bouncing motions with them
Doki! Doki! Doki! You did it to me tooooo, anon!

>The little girl seems impossible to budge from her new place attached to anon's leg. She stuffs her soft cheek up on his thigh and rubs it there getting her ruffled hair even more in her face
Yissss. Let's play forever!
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>She scoffs.
Really? Don't you think that's kinda...nerdy, anon?

Racing video games are the only good games. Actually, scratch that, Sugar Rush is the only good video game.
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No, cut it ou-!

>She's cut off by a groan as he puts her down. Like a panicked animal, she squirms in his grasp when he picks her up by the neck. The sounds she heard as he moved set her on edge; what did he have to use on her now? How long had he been preparing for this?

No, I.. I won't! Not this time!

>Stubbornly, she resolves. Hana was caught in a dilemma; she tended to lapse to her mother tongue in times like this, but she definitely did not want to give her assailant the satisfaction. Her cheeks burned in crimson shame when he insults her race, her language, head whipping to the side as he smacks her with his turgid, heavy cock. The smell of his cock immediately causes a flood of memories to burst past the dam she put in her mind, and she moans in anguish, her salivary glands beginning to work overtime.
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Not a bad advantage to have.

You know the answer is yes.
I'm just lurking anon, tomorrow I need to wake up early. Sorry you had to miss on me again.
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My card is a state of two definite keepers (Ooba and nakani) and one maybe (Momohime if I can think of more stuff to do with her)
The futa girl is on hold while I see if I can find better art, maybe use doujin girl for her

>furiously remembers to look the doors next time
It might be, but even so I'm addicted! (The cute girls might help, too...)
>The anon's voice trails off as he looks down at the bite-sized racer.
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>Vanellope will never call you 'stinkbrain'
>Hana hadn't had time for relationships since her fame took off, and was a bit inexperienced as a result. Still, she made up for it with bravado, tongue brushing against his before her parted lips slightly sucked at the muscle.
Dammit. Look I'm not buying you a thing if you're just going to go with another guy.
Since the character is kind of not a real character so to speak, why not just use a mix of both? It'd be nice to see her stick around though
Some day, /erp/ will have a tentacle cuckold scene. But it is not this day.
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>She squeezed her breasts firmly around his shaft once she got them wrapped around it, giving him a good feeling of just how big and soft they were. As she noticed that pre leaking out of his pink head, she lowered her head, enough to where her lips were less then an inch away from it. After he commented on how amazing it felt, she opened up her mouth and let her tongue lull out, only to lap up that dripping precum. However she wasn't just going to work at that head with her tongue as it was soon joined by her full lips that clamped around the base of his head.
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Addicted? You really should work on that! It's one thing to be a geek who LIKES video games, but it's another to be a geek who can't stop playing video games!
>The raceloli leers up at the anon as he looks at her, marking their size difference with just a glance.

>Calls the anon "Stinkbrain"
You're a stinkbrain, anon!
Whips are a bit too much. And chastity is a bit much. But I do like orgasm control to a degree.

Can I? It's whatever I have to go to class on Valentine's day anyways.
>Walks up to the loli and pats her RIGHT on the head.
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>Her skin burned where he kissed, and Hana lets out a surprised gasp at the affectionate gesture. Still, her brow furrows in confusion. Was it a requirement now? What would happen if she didn't? Hana's heart beat rapidly against his chest, pupils twitching in her flustered state.
Am I... In trouble?
>She responds, chest smushing against his with their proximity.
>look the doors
I'll look through the door alright.
It's not exactly the reason why I picked Zone-tan either, I just want to encourage people to fap and cum all over her.
>His eyes nearly rolled back into his head once those perfect lips began to suckle on his tip, only causing his chakra to become even more concentrated in the head
>This caused his tip to balloon up in her mouth, stretching her lips wide, and he began to gently thrust his hips forward, fucking that amazing combination of her huge bust tunnel and her mature, experienced mouthpussy
so you play junko, zone, and succubus chan, anyone else im missing?
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Oh look, it's the glitch.
>Taffyta makes a smug face.
Keep your distance glitch, I don't want to get any of your glitchy pixels on me.
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What's the matter, don't you wanna see me smile Anon? You know I love sweets, right?~

If everyone else who competes ends up killing each other and you're the only one alive when you get here, sure I suppose.(~)
Approximately 371 other characters.
I don't think I'd be able to cut down on my habits all that easy. I'd need something else to fill the void!
>The man's gaze remains on the candy-coated racer, his hand impulsively reaching out, and resting over over messy hair.
You don't remember any of it. Heh, shoulda figured, but don't worry, I know those memories are still in there somewhere, otherwise you wouldn't be calling me "Daddy" in your sleep.

>He isn't insisting that it happened so much as stating a simple fact, chipping and wearing away at her stubbornness as he seeks to make her doubt herself. The sound she produces tells him that he's making progress.

Ah...you do remember, Hana. It's your favorite smell. It's been days since I bathed. Go on.

>He pries her mouth open -- and out flows a trickle of spittle down her chin.

Big, smelly white cock -- a gook's favorite treat.
>He has to physically stop his face from lighting up at the response. His eyes narrow, even as she reaches up to brush one of her side-bangs from her face again.
Not if you don't want to be, honeybun. But why don't you try calling me "Daddy" from now on? It felt nice didn't it?
>There was just the slightest hint of threat in that first comment. Still, he reaches up and cups the side of her face again, brushing his thumb slightly less subtly on her plump, soft lips again, enough to open them briefly.
Hmmmm. If that's why you brought her here, what about her humiliating Anon while she watches him fap and comparing him to all the other better men she's watched fap.
I don't believe you
>The fan happily showed her the ropes. His hands began to slide down her back as their tongues licked against each other, letting both taste their mouths. Her lips were sweet and glossy, a pleasure to kiss. As his hand reached her rear, her heartbeat noticably quickened.
>tfw you have now q.t. to racially abuse with your smelly white cock
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You're getting roses and a hot and ready pizza. And you'll like it.
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>Swats the anon's hand away.
Hey! Hands off the do, you jerk! It takes awhile to look this good, y'know!
>Moves her bangs out of her face dramatically.

>Clears her throat.
>Affixes her crown and winks at the dumb bitch who's forgotten her place.
To the gallows with her!

Fill the void? Can't you find any other hobby? You're a big boy! I'm sure you'll figure it out. Maybe get a girlfriend or something...
>Vanellope swats at his hand as he rests his mitt on her head.
>Fixing her hair quickly.
What's the deal with you guys touching my head?!
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I could, maybe, I'll consider it
If anything I might swap her to Kurenai Yuuji, another futa I like.

They have a lot of folders, anon
You gonna share that?

Get some crazy bread too, yo
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>no balls
You give those to your girlfriend, not to some blue bitch who's trying to string you along
>loud spying on chicken noises in the tall grass.
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I'm better than lapis! I won't cuck you, because NTR's cancer!
Elect PERIDOT as your official valentine!
You're hot.
Nice dubs, by the way.
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Fiiiine. But I'm going to eat like. 3/4th of it
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not with digits like those :^)
I-It's just so fluffy looking, I couldn't resist!
>He waves his hands in front of him, trying to explain.
Getting a girlfriend sounds like a lot of trouble, plus I'd have less money for video games! Do you see my predicament, Vanellope?
>The anon shrugs, leaning closer to the tiny girl.
I don't even like cucking. I just want lotsa Valentines chocolate.

Thanks, I know.

I'll give you a fuckin' handy or whatever, just buy me something

Then get two you fat tasty bitch

Or at least let me lap up butter off those ridiculous chest monsters
Being cucked by lapis beats being with you
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>She refuses shakily, her mouth stubbornly clamped shut. The fact that there was no way to know for sure that what he was saying was false began to claw at her mind, the unsureness fit to drive her mad. She didn't say such things in her sleep! ...Did she?


>She growls as he forces her lips to separate, drool spilling messily down her chin. Her face burning with humiliation and her eyes stinging with tears, D.Va bares her teeth at the man like a trapped animal.

I'll bite it right off!

>She shouts, refusing to breathe through her nose lest more of his smell takes a hold on her mind.
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BITCH does it look like I'm made of money? The roses are already plastic. And I had to blow the pizza guy.
baka, kids these days. No respect
Felix male ava when?
>Want to pick up C.C. for some anons
>Haven't watched Code Geass in over a year
There is a problem here.
>Anon rings DMG's doorbell, holding a pizza she ordered.
The wiki is your friend
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>The woman was left a bit surprised to feel that chakra moving up to his head, but that wouldn't stop her from continuing to suck and lick on his cockhead, leaving it covered in spit after a bit. Once his hips began to move, Tsunade started to slowly bob her head up and down while also squeezing and sliding her breasts, matching the speed of his rockings.
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W-We can roll again, anon!
Yeah sure you don't, you clod. You like phallic chocolates up your gemgina, you damn rockslut.
W-What?! Absolutely not, I'm a delight to be around!
I-I can prove it!
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>be lazy
>eat pizza
>have a fat wobbly ass
90% of the neets here are 2 out of 3 of these.
You're welcome.
I'll buy you lots of chocolates.
Hopefully they all go straight to your ass.
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Oh? Are we doing valentine elections? I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring! You better elect me!

>Pushes the paperwork forward to get a restraining order on Rape It Ralph.

>She slaps her hand into her face and sighs as the anon goes on to explain why a girlfriend is a bad idea.
We're trying to steer you away from video games, remember! You don't need extra money for video games if that's the case! So, no! I don't see your predicament!
>She tapped her foot impatiently as the man began getting a bit closer.
>Suggestions to make ERP better
Every female character CAN be played as futa
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>The sight of his narrowed eyes cause her own to widen, memories of the gesture resulting in discipline by her superiors in the military flashing through her mind.
Maybe.. But, ah, what would you do?
>She asks curiously, his finger dragging against her moving lips. His touch made her flustered, the gesture quite intimate. Realizing what she had forgotten, she tries the word again.
Get rid of anons.
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Ask if he'll throw in another order if I give him a fj, that usually works


That's not untrue.

They always do. So yeah, more chocolate=phatter Lapass

So the choices are
A. Pick Lapis
B. Be a pedophile

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End yourself
leave feitsh war bullshit at the door
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>Male characters are now a minority
>Threads will be filled with futa and Yuri shit
Also no.
But if I steer away from vidya, I won't be able to enjoy the cute girls, like you, anymore! That sounds like a tragedy.
>He retorts, all the while reaching down, and lifting the mini racer up from underneath her arms.
How's about this; You can be my girlfriend! That way, I get the best of both things.
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A few posts up, artist is Kurenai Yuuji
I already said they were futa so be warned, and I hope you like exhibitionism
In that case, I'll buy you a truckload!
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raceplay is underrated
>His fingers drifted just shy of her plump rear, and she gasps against his parted lips. Was this too far?
>Slowly, reluctantly, Hana breaks the kiss.
Are you...?
male avas
Oh man...this is....!
>To his own surprise, he shot off his first load without warning, ballooning up Tsunade's cheeks with his thick, young spunk
>His balls flexed and twitched beneath her underboob, dumping out their contents deep into her well-practiced throat
>Still, even after finishing, his sausage didn't show any signs of shrinking down or even going soft, still standing tall and proud between her massive fleshmelons
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Official Valentine Election poll

>The much bigger man's expression drops to something almost like a frown as she stumbles over her word. He smiles as she adds i the all important word, every time she uses it another victory in chipping away at the young girl's resistance. His big thumb moves back and forth over her bottom lip, opening and closing it as he stares into her eyes seriously.
..Daddy might have to put you over his knee. You know what that means, don't you honeybun?
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>Poking her head out the door she looks up and down the delivery guy.
... You here to delivery my.. Large sausage?

FJ? I think you're just doing this for YOUR pleasure at this point.
Rev up that snark game, senpai.
Hope you pick her up.
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Not untrue... H-HEY!!! I-I WASN'T SERIOUS, YOU... Y-YOU CLOD!!!
And you can still elect ME, Peridot! The best candidate!
I'm, uh...
I-I am
-NOT Blue!
-Better than Lapis!
-And, frickin... "Cute"!
I-I'm a good valentine, I swear!
Elect me, P-Peridot, today!!
W h o even asked for t h i s
>These options
who even decided these
Peridot and Vanellope.
Guess ill just be fucking lonely then because everyone on here is pretty bad.
Remind me to put you in my place with my nice big fat cock next time.
Heh, bite? You cute, adorable little bunny rabbit.

>He is only patronizing her, of course, but he remembers how effective certain words and monikers had proved to be the last time, and he is keen to use them to mock her again. Holding her arms above her head, he lifts his cock to her face and begins to rub it against her cheeks, smearing her face in the viscous grime clinging to his skin.

You look like you're about to suckle on it like a baby. Would you like to see what you look like, squirming in your sleep and calling my name? Now that footage I am more than willing to share, just to convince you once and for all.
Some desperate Trixiefag
Don't get me wrong, Trixie is a cool person to chat with but her fanbase is fucking cancerous
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>Male avatars cause shitposting, but you are correct in them being better than the alternative
>Anon read the special instructions in the car before he came to the door, so many girls order this.
Yeah, I got it right here. That'll be $13.95.
>He rolled his eyes, knowing there was no money.
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I am.
>He said, with a soft grin, unwilling to let go of her cute body. It was so close. The girl few dared to dream of being with was right in front of him.
This is what valentines do, isn't it?~
>He took the break in the kiss as an opportunity and started kissing her neck softly, with cute little pecks, working downwards.
Same with any ava with a fucking fanbase.
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Brb like 10 minutes or something

Everyone fucks off and ignores shit they don't like

>raceplay is underrated

Atta boy. But don't buy a bunch of the cheap stuff either. Don't pull that quantity over quality shit with me.

What? When you're good at something, might as well take advantage of it~

Do you put out for your Valentines?

Cause they know they're losing
Trixiefags are the worst.
Even Trixie herself to the faggot spamming "le butter jam crackers" meme to fuck off.
>Hana was a strategic genius; she had a pretty good idea of what he was getting at. For one reason or another, she didn't resist his thumb's manipulation of her plump lips. Instead, she looks up at the man through her lashes.
I do, yes, but...
>Would he really do it, or was he all talk? She couldn't help but wonder.
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Y-Yes, of course I do! I-I put out all sorts of chairs and-- and tables, and... I-I put out!
Vote Peridot!!
Dubs confirm.
I'll get the highest quality chocolates and I'll get a lot of them!
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Oh boo. It looks like I put my wallet in my other... No here. Think you can come in while I get the money?
>The cheesy sax filled music plays in the head of the mage as she opens the door a bit wider. Exposing that she's in a thin towel covering her busy body.
It'll only take a moment. I wont make it LONG. I'm sure it wont be HARD.

Animated Bruno when?

Is that why you abuse your cuteness?
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Perhaps that's not the worst thing ev--H-Hey! Lemme down!
>The vidya loli kicked her legs and flailed her arms in his grasp.
Me? Be your girlfriend?! Don't I get a say in this?! My say is heck no, by the way!
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I made a better one. First one just had silly options.

Official /ERP/ Valentine poll.
>An Legit Crazy Slut, A Green Doritio, and a Broken Vidya are trying to get my Valentine
Geez.... And I thought last year's Presidental election was bad.
>Anon lets out an exasperated sigh. He walks in, hearing the cheesy sax music playing on DMG's stereo.
I'll wait right here.
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Where Junko-chan
>not wanting a legit crazy slut as your valentine
>"Daddy"'s eyes narrow again, but there is a cruel smile on his lips this time.
Do you want me to treat you nicely, honeybun? Or do you want Daddy to have to be mean? I was just about to let you sit on Daddy's lap, but now I think you're trying to be naughty on purpose. So, which is it, my little Hana Song?
>The stern tone is new, but still he seems like a parent telling off a child. He looks serious, and there is certainly no way Hana could resist him even if she tried.
I'll give you half a bottle of Gin if you and Jasper give me a Handjob.
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Feb 19th It gets announced Hopefully.
>sticking your dick in crazy
Your funeral anon.
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>His words stung at her. She wasn't some sort of pet, and she wasn't a little girl! Hana flinches as he raises her arms up and musses up her meticulously-applied makeup with his essence.

I'm not a baby! Don't you dare!

>She spits at him, lips parting slightly afterwords as his smell permeates her sentence. Hana couldn't deal with the possibility that he was telling the truth; she'd rather not see it at all
They don't have to cause shitposting :(

I don't ask for much :(
Thx bab
>Hana tips her head back slightly as he assailed her neck with kisses, the pale column of her neck exposed to his mouth.
I don't know! If all my fans are my valentines, then wouldn't I have to do this with all of them, then?
>She responds naively, brow furrowed.
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>Oblivious chicken noises deeper into a secluded area in the woods
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>Making sure every step she takes she waves her hips she steps to the other room, coming back in an even skimpier outfit. Tight panties clung to her hips as her lacy black matching bra held her tits up perfectly
It seems I couldn't find the money. Is there... ANY other way I can pay?~
Already taken by Moby Dick.
>The big adult hand goes right back to the petting.
You look cute either way! In fact, you look even more adorable with your hair a little ruffled. Makes me just want to pick you up and cuddle you.
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Is that the Jojo event my friend was telling me about? I'd be excited since I love Part 5. But I think all we're getting is MAYBE a trailer for the live action movie, and maybe more blue rays.... Maybe an English iphone game.. Is Diamond Records any good? I heard that was a thing
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>No rum
Yeah, it'll work out perfectly, actually!
>Lost in his own little world, he fails to catch her protests; The anon bringing her as close to his chest as possible, while her head was kept level with his own.
I'm glad we thought of this!
>Without so much as a warning, the anon leans in, and gives the candy-clad girl a gentle kiss.
>no rum
>no kraken rum
C'mon now
Vanellope is a 10/10 qt though.
>unironically drinking kraken
Reconsider your fucking life choices.
>Anon throws his head back. It always goes the same way, he had no choice but to play out the script he had a hundred times before.
We all accept credit, ma'am.
>He said, knowing that wouldn't be the end of it.
Soeaking of Strawpolls
Not a pedophile anon.
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>His sudden shift in demeanor caught Hana entirely off-guard, and she fidgets under his gaze.
I was just wondering! I'm not trying to do anything...
>Hana shivers visibly at his tone, his threat, body responding with a growing heat.
>She has to tack it on the end once more, as an afterthought.
at least i'll die happy
>no alcohol
lil sis! You need to take a shower!
Make a better one.
>The hand that held at the back of her head, the fingers entwined with the silk brunette hair moved down to rub her neck instead at its back, as the front was assaulted with deep smooches
No, of course not, only the truly devoted ones like me. Don't worry yourself, sweetheart~
>His words held a reassuring tone, a shift from the palm grabbing at her cute as, squeezing it hard and teasingly.
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Yeah, The great days Festival, David Pro is working on an unnanounced title as of right now so it's likely Part 5 will get some form of announcement of teaser for possible summer release, Diamond records looks pretty good, Tonio is a playable character
I'd like to LIVE happy.
>no Trixie x Mettaton
>She shouldn't of been surprised by a boy as young as him cumming so quickly, but she was. Her lips tightened around the base of his head as much as she could, keeping that spunk inside of her mouth until she could give herself a chance to swallow, downing that large load without much difficulty, showing how skilled she was with such a task. Tsunade had a good feeling that one orgasm wouldn't be enough to satisfy the boy, so she hadn't stopping moving her mouth or her tits up and down that enormous cock for even a second, continuing to pleasure him for a bit longer. Only to remove her mouth for a bit to take a few gasps.
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>It's not really the Avatars themselves, but the betas that can't work up the courage to brand themselves with the mark of Ava they take on

And now, /ERP/'s Official Avatar Pairing.
Anon x his hand
>wanting to live
This is a cute Moth.
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Why am I shipped with myself
Little Korean girls with headgear shaped like bunny ears are just wild rabbits waiting to be snatched up by a big, strong, white hand.

>His crotch bristles with thick, dark pubic hair, prickling at her tender skin as he shoves her face deeper into his crotch. He knows it won't be long before she has to take a deep breath to make up for the little ones she's trying to subsist on.

There's a market for that footage, you know. I've shared screenshots of it to prospective buyers, partially blurred out, but there's no mistaking your room or your sweet little-girl voice.

>He leers at her.

Too bad bees don't have whiskers. I was hoping to smear those pink streaks all over your face along with the crust on my cock.
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Listen up! I'm not cute and I'm not for cuddling!
>Throws the man's hand off of her head once more, stamping her foot.
Why won't anyone take me seriously?! I'm not just some little kid! I'm the best racer ever! I'm a president/queen! I mean, c'mon!

Are you even listening?! I said n--Mmnff?!
>Vanellope's eyes shot open as the man leaned down and gave her a quick kiss while pressing her against his chest.
>She quickly pulled back and smacked him right on the face to snap him out of it, wiping her lips.
I'm not your girlfriend! You don't just get to say "You're my girlfriend!" pick me up and kiss me! That's not how girlfriends work!
Are you my Valentine?

>Getting a bit fed up with the anon not taking her advances she pouts. Taking a a wad of cash the size of her fist out from between her tits
Keep the change sweetheart. You're gunna need it for your fleshlight.

I DEMAND DMGxHCA is put there.
>not liking Kraken
It's like you DON'T want to have a fun time
>Implying it took only DMG to notice something that obvious
Junko x Me
This Moth fucked Carlos.
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>Owain x Mercy
(I have several questions.)
haven't you ever wanted to fuck yourself, big guy
You have enough ships to fill out an entire poll.
But im not a homosexual
(Funny that you gave up when you did, I already had the response planned that the pizza place has your card on file and we can just automatically bill you.)
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Jinx x Happiness :)
>Hana groans softly as he gropes the soft curve of her ass, unable to help the instinctive response.
Sweetheart? But- ah...
>She trails off, unsure what to do with her hands. Her flush crept down her neck after his lips, skin burning pink
>Finally not involved
praise jeasus
I know.
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Jasper would rip your dick off, son.

>Suggestive blowjob mimicry hand/mouth motions

That's a good boy. Mocha and strawberry ones are my fav

Not the only reason, but one.
Here it is senpai

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No commento.

>Tsuyu option
Whoever did this kys
>He tuts under his breath, but a little of that kindness appears back in his eyes as she calls him Daddy again. He pats D.Va reassuringly on the top of her head again, apparently satisfied for now.
>He moves away from Hana, taking her delicate hand in is much bigger one and leading her like a child, to a nearby armchair, where he sits his large self down, and pats his lap
You can sit on Daddy's lap now, if you promise to be a good girl.
I doubt it'll be Part 5. It's too good to be true. But if it is you can come back here and make me eat my words.

>Already has two votes
I see you there you little cute!


>(Dammit. That would've been funny.)

I knew it!
Whatcha want your ship to be, boss
These people are too good for me.
You can add your own.
S-Sorry, I've always wondered if your lips tasted sweet, from well, y'know. Living in a virtual candy land, and all.
>He bounces her up momentarily, bringing his arms below her to give the girl a cushion, still holding her up in the air.
So what are the odds you saying yes, now, anyway...?
>He gives her an awkward grin, raising an eyebrow as he tried to brush off his harassment.
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>saying 'fair'
I know who you are, and I don't play favorites.
You know anyway.
(I have an even funnier one. Let's back up.)
>Anon sits down on the couch with the pizza in his lap, putting one hand under the box and fidgeting around for "unknown" reasons.
Hmmm, maybe there's a way you can earn the money to pay for it. Why don't you open up the box and make sure this is what you ordered.
>Before she can react he lifts her right up by the hips in both hands and looks at the tiny girl appraisingly.

Oh, I do take you seriously! Super duper seriously. You're way more than a little kid. I'd do way more fun things with you.
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...I-I don't do that anymore!
U-Unless I win! J-Just, please... l-let me win...
>His hair rubbed her pale flesh ruddy and a bit raw, her lips forced to drag along his skin as Hana formed a response.

I'm, ah, I'm not a little girl!

>She balances the muffle of her voice by shrieking instead of speaking, lungs burning to be filled. His words, his statement that he'd shared some of the footage with the others, were enough of a shock to make her draw in a sharp gasp through her mouth. The particles of his scent stuck to the roof of her mouth, an invisible residue that she couldn't get rid of. A residue that made her drool against his hips.

Lies, lies, you don't have footage!

>D.Va moans from her spot, eyes tightly closed.

You're just playing games with me!

>This wasn't a game Hana wanted to play.
You got me.
Back to the lurk I go.
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>The excited mage puffs her chest up with a wide smile. Jerking her fat tits about before lowering herself to her knees before him, expecting her favorite treat she slowly opens the box, awaiting the surprise inside
>Anon X Everyone
>The hand that grabbed at her ass slid down to her thigh and lifted it up as he backed the pair against the wall. Their bodies fully ground together, his crotch rubbing against hers.
But what? Are you gonna stop me?
>His fingers grabbed at the zip of her bodysuit, and pulled it down, revealing her supple body and glowing skin in all its glory, bit by bit her frame was revealed.
what is this image doing to my dick
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What is this and why is Mettaton winning?
>DMG opens the box and finds Anon's cock in the center of the pizza, severed.
You have magic right? If you reattach that to my body you can have the pizza for free.
>Anon's boss is really fucked up that she cuts of delivery boys' cocks for a pizza topping whenever a customer requests the "special sausage pizza."
Probably laying eggs inside of it. Pics do that often. Don't trust them.
Oh boy
Wait hold the fuck up
Which part was unclear?
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>With a huffs the defeated mage poked the member with her wand, reattaching his member and grabbing the box from him. Pushing him out the door in a hurry.
>After a moment she opens the door again, stuffing a torn bit of paper in his pocket. Reading "Kinx: 555 8764. She's into that"
I'm fucking dying.
>Hana blinks as he pats her head once more and leads her along, the gamer following obediently. She had no reason not to, after all. There was no one else there and she /had/ just admitted she didn't like to be alone. As the man sits down, Hana swallows, a bit unsure. Wasn't this sort of lewd? God, if she were caught like this...
Ne, I promise...?
>It was more of a question than a pledge as she slowly clambers onto the man's lap.
I dunno
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I don't think that's their bag. Peach could always use a new one for the collection though.
This number is useless without an area code.
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>defending waifu and delivering shade
daddy mecha is based
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Are we still doing the Valentine's thing?
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You'll be eating more then words if you catch my drift

Nah, trust me. I've fucked that flat ass dyke more times than I could care for. Got god damn is the pillow talk amazing.
What's the life of a cheerleader like?
>tfw free from thread memes because we do stuff in discord now
>He wraps one large arm around the dainty gamer girl and strokes her hair possessively. The possibilities are endless now she seems subdued and happy to perch her plump bottom on his lap.
"I promise, Daddy"
>He corrects her sharply, pausing with all the spoiling, lavish strokes he keeps giving her.
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... I'm gonna go get ready for work.
1. Yes.
2. What are you talking about?
3. Hi, QT.
W-would anyone be interested in seeing Kamala around here again?
At least you're not the guy who spammed heart emotes
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I'd make a meat pun but I'd probably butcher it.
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>D.Va gasps as he abruptly presses her against the wall. His bulge grinding against her clothed crotch, Hana lets out a little moan.
What are you doing?
>She squeaks, unused to the sensation, nor the boldness of the man. Hana's eyes widen as he unzips her suit, exposing her soft, nubile little body.
That's it. I'm Pirating Snake eater in spite.

.. Shut up. The Area code is also 555.

>tfw will never get the Crazy D.
literally who?
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Shouldn't have fucking said anything then.
(Pfft. Don't pretend it's not Jinx x Mean, Stinky, Bigoted Christmas Day Daddy.)

You're right, Hana. Daddy is playing games with his little cumbunny.

>He doesn't need to look to feel her drool running down his leg, and the prospect of D.Va becoming addicted to him once again -- to his abusive, degrading methods -- prompts him to seek the comfort of her lips on his cock, its veins visibly throbbing across its pale sheath.

Then I'll show you. Here's one where you clearly moan it out.

>Her assailant retrieves a device from the belt slill clinging to his waist, projecting a screen before her eyes. It shows a glowing, night vision picture of Hana's own room, with her lying in bed with the sheets sloughed to the side. Her hands are inside her pink rabbit pajamas, rubbing away between her legs while she moans feverishly.

Admit it, Hana. You miss being my little rape pet.
Who is Kinx?
Kinx was someone that played League Jinx but was into snuff. So we called her Kinx. She was pretty rad.
I'd bet money that someone would want a piece of Kamala.
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I saw that people were all asking Anons to pick them as their Valentine's! And I was hoping to maybe get in on some of that~

>>7672659 >>7672683 >>7672687 >>7672698 >>7672708 >>7672712 >>7672723 >>7672792 >>7672813
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>The girl sighs as he pets her, muscles beginning to relax-
>-Until he stops and responds in a tone that makes her quiver in anticipation.
...I promise, Daddy.
>Hana finds herself saying, trancelike.
What will you do to earn my vote to be ERP's official Valentine?
You just posted a picture of that slut cosplaying as her

I've played her a few times but many didn't know her.

I-I was just thinking, seeing that people were talking about racial abuse RP...
>tfw Josuke will never fix your ripped open asshole only to Demolish it again
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((Sorry, I had to dip really quick.))

Well, they don't! They taste like lips.
>The girl grumbled in his grasp as she felt his arms cradling her butt.
Hmmm...Like 0%! Get real! You're crazy! I'm trying to help you out and you're taking advantage!

>Is now lifted off the ground.
>Vanellope is not amused by this turn of a events.
It doesn't really seem like it! You're picking me up like a kid. Now put me down!
If Josuke tries to fix his cum. Does it go back into his dick?
>Hits blunt
>Anon approaches with a heart box of chocolates and a dozen roses,
Will you be my Val...
>He tries to kneel in front of Holly like he's proposing and drops everything, fumbling to pick it up.
>He tries to gather it back up, steps on the chocolate, falls over again.
...I'm sorry, I should just go.
>Anon looks so sad.
It's a gamble. Some people may recognize her and go for it while others will do it because she looks hot.
Best way to get a solid answer is to toss out a line and see who bites. Good luck!
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Uhm...I dunno, that might be hard...there's a lot of real super-sluts on here...I dunno if I can compete!

(Forgive me, I'm ignorant of the characters she's done other than Rocket Raccoon, sorry)

>She bends down to help the poor guy up, picking up the scattered roses and the smashed box
Its alright sweetie...
>She smiles warmly and extends her hand, offering to help him up
Past tense is for dead people... Oh I get it.

Also 248 not-really-detroiters WW@
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Noticed that as soon as I posted. My bad.
>Anon takes Holly's hand, his palm sweaty, and she helps him to his feet.
I wanted to be all sweet and ask you out, but now I've screwed it up.
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No more, no more games.

>She insists desperately, her blood running cold as she accidentally draws a breath through her nose. Instantly, she is assaulted by his almost-beastly aroma, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth.

Don't! Sh-shibal, just don't. (F-fuck)

>D.Va half-pleads as he pulls her head back just enough to be shown the holovid. Her twitching, blown pupils are forced to watch the footage of either her or an /extremely/ convincing fake. As she takes it in, the pilot lets out a wail, simply unable to believe that it was the truth. There was no way, absolutely no way, she was doing that in her sleep. Her skin crawled with the thought, and she begins to thrash for freedom. Her saliva glistening on her chin, she grits her teeth.

It's fake!
>fucks your children
>but it's okay because this is only ERP
I don't remember this...
Its alright cutie....it went just about as smooth as when Ross proposed to me!
>She giggles, pulling him in closer and planting a sweet smooch on his lips, holding it there for a long, hot moment
>He smiles in satisfaction, and leans in to kiss the crown of the young pilot's head. He lifts her up slightly in his strong arms, and, shuffling about, carefully sits her bottom right down on the centre of his lap, just easing her deeper in place there. He wraps his thick arms around her, and leans in, cuddling Hana from behind, he speaks softly into her ear
Good girl. You're such a good girl. Daddy's going to keep you safe. You don't have to be alone ever anymore, because Daddy's got you.
Well if you wanna help, giving reasonable suggestions is a good start!
>He whines, his fingers slowly digging into her rear as he held her up.
And that's pretty mean, I think I'd make a great boyfriend!

(No worries, I might slow down just a little soon as well.)
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You touch my wife
>Slices your fucking eye
I mean i've tried her before, but often no-one was interested. Generic anime girls seem more popular here than /co/ ones sadly.
Hm. Okay.

>He walks over to find a good seat and sits the little brat right down on his lap straddling him.

So you want me to treat you like an adult, huh? Do all the things I'd do with you if you were all grown up? I can do that...
The idea of this e-celeb stuff is so hot, or just using REAL PEOPLE in general, but this guy only does literally whos.

Would anyone else be up for playing RL people?
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....W-wait a minute....where'd you draw that from?
(N-not that I mind mare cock, of course.)
>He peels down her suit more and more, until it flopped to the floor by her feet. His kisses left her neck to favour her chest, sporting a cute pair of breats
What I've always wanted to do~
>His hands rubbed down the sides of her chest. Her legs locked around him as he held her up against the wall. Their bodies exploring each other bravely.

//Sorry for the late reply, by the way. Something came up!
Get some cosplay sluts in here like nigri or han. They got a shit ton of pictures to work with.
>He picks her small, light frame up easily, and Hana gasps as her thick rear presses against his hips.
>It was nice to hear, but Hana knew that he wouldn't be able to be with her /all/ the time. He barely knew her, after all, and she still had missions to run.
Okay, Daddy.
Who's this ball handler
Yeah, that's just the nature of the beast. Not much you can do but cross your fingers and hope.
>Anon's body shudders as Holly kisses him, she knows from kissing Ross that Anon is cumming in his pants from this.
>Anon says, a wet spot spreading on the front of his khakis. His skin is dark red, blushing with shame at what just happened.
"Jinx doesn't have a daddy ki-"
You could even do famous actresses or whatever.

I actually RP as wrestlers sometimes. I dunno if anyone here would want that?
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I did give reasonable suggestions! You're just not listening.
>She pouts and puffs her cheeks out some.
Getting a girlfriend is a good distraction from games, but not me! Nnn..!
>Vanellope winces some as he digs his fingers against her surprisingly plump ass under her skirt.

>She gasps as she's plopped into the man's lap suddenly, her legs placed next to his lap as she's forced into a lewd position on top of him.
Now we're talking! I'm glad you're realizing that I'm a real adult! Now what's first? Taxes? Reading by a fire?
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>Hana sighs as his lips run all over her naked, pale breasts. Unsure how to react, she wraps her slender legs about him for support.
Wait, I...
I don't know what you're trying to imply here, boss
>Fortuitously, the part where she enunciates the word "Daddy" comes up only after she's had her outburst, the sound of it ringing clear over her continuous whimpering. The urge to nuzzle into his crotch again must be encroaching on her senses now, building with each whiff of her assailant's sour, salty fumes.

Is the drool running down your chin even now, fake? I barely have to struggle with your arms anymore, cumbunny.

>He pulls her head back, but only so that there would be enough room to feed her the tip of his cock, red and engorged like a beast's knot as it presses against her lips.

Look at the way you're splayed wide open in your dream. You loved being mating pressed.

>Suddenly, the pilot's own voice in the holovid cuts in. "Deeper, Daddy!" it cries in desperation. "I need to feel Daddy's cock pushing into my little gook cervix."
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Aww, feeling a lil better, hun?
>She asks gingerly, reassuringly rubbing his arm, scooting even closer to him, so her breasts are pressed against him, her fingers graciously tracing along him
There was a chelbunny once and she was super amazing but it was like a month ago
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>tfw mista player will never come back and fight my stand "Black Magic Woman"
>His lips meet her tits fully, and he dragged his tongue along her nipple, erect from the heat of the situation. The atmosphere of the room was deep and temperate. The low light and hotness blanketed the two.
Wait for what, D.Va? What are you waiting for? I've gotten tired of it~
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No bad, it was pretty funny! Enjoy your pizza.

Darjeeling. Need handling, anon?
Following from this, what is everyone's Stands? Mine is "Honey Nut Cheerios"
>His big hands slowly work their way down Hana's arms again, massaging and relaxing her. Even the slightest movement her light frame now feels great to him with how perfectly her rump is perched.
You don't need to worry about anything anymore, sweetie. Daddy's going to take care of you, if you're ever scared Daddy's going to wrap his arms around you and let you sleep safe and tight, and when you're a good girl, Daddy will help you feel good..
>He whispers all those words into her ear as his hands work steadily to lull the teen deeper into that trancelike state.
No. I was trying to be cool for once, but this ended up so embarrassing.
>The wet spot on the front of Anon's pants soaks in, spreading as it does, like an increasingly bigger trophy for Holly being so sexy that she made him squirt without being touched.
[Lose Yourself] Will always be the Dominant stand, Eat shit.
>No bra
>Transparent shirt via stretching
Not him but I might need some handling
Mine is [Heartbeats].
That's a firm, lovely chest you got there.
But if I have a girlfriend, who happens to be from a game, wouldn't that be the best possible solution for me?
>After hearing that cute little moan, he decides to take it a little further, his fingers not only pressing into her soft plump flesh, but his palms pushing up against the little racer's ass, causing her to be lifted even further up.
I couldn't see myself wanting to be with anyone other than someone as cute as you!
I did this once for everyone. Shit was fun and most everyone liked their stand name.

>eminem stand
That's dumb. I like it.
>He grins at the little brat on his lap and lays his hands on her tiny hips.

That stuff? That's not real adult stuff. Kids can read books, and taxes is just the maths they make you do in school. Real adult stuff is like what mommy and daddy do, you know? You know, like a REAL adult kiss.
...I think we might've played two very different games then, anon; cause I remember this scene really well, hell it was my favorite part of The Phantom Pain.
Patrician taste in music at least.
I liked the session you had going on last night
Danke. "Put Your Hand On Your Hand" was a cover, but also one of my favourites.
Will you be my Valentines, Skarpy~?
No one can stop 「SABATON」
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>The little pilot seeks escape from the image of the holovid in the man's hips, killing both the torturous sight and the itch for more of his scent in one go. Whining and sobbing in shame, Hana inhales deeply, instinctively, as his scent began to work at her brain.

No, no, I don't.

>She groans desperately, naked chest heaving as lava runs through her veins. He wrenches her away from her hiding spot, and her plump lips press together as his cockhead throbs against them.


>She was fixed on staying resolute in her pursed lips, but as her voice- or someone imitating her, her muddled mind was still unsure- rang in her ears, she groans.

That's not... I would never call myself such a thing!

>She insists, lips dragging against his ruddy head.

(Captcha: salle dickson)
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Nothing can stop [One More Time]
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>Hana mewls as his tongue draws across her oversensitive buds.

I'm not... I'm not used to this sort of thing!

>She responds in a gasp, voice breathy and soft as his crotch presses against hers
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(Alright then, guess I'll draft up something to start with. Might be a bit because I've some squaring away to do.)

I hope you've got something firm and lovely to show me, too.

(Me too, I hope I can find that anon and finish things up with him. Reverse NTR is really fun to play.)

(Would powerlevel fanwank)
To think, I heard you where getting less popular but it seems you are as teeming with anons as always
>The ability to replay an event once
It could work
..wait, what band's Heartbeats do you mean?
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>The pilot leans into the man's frame as he rubs at her relaxing muscles, a sigh leaving her parted lips.
Feel good?
>She responds blearily as his hot breath at her ear makes her shudder. A thick blanket of warmth washes over her, lulled as if hypnotized by his caresses.
José González. What can I say? I'm a romantic gay.
Eye of the Tiger.
Something about Darjeeling reminds me of Ellen Baker.
Probably the tig biddy blonde thing.
Oh, you were looking for me? I've got my reply saved if you are interested. I was busy lurking.
I will soon, if you keep showing off like that. Pantyhose are the best.
>The anon chuckled at the blonde's wry deflection of his words. Staring longer at the lovely mounds poorly hidden by her shirt, he couldn't help fulfilling the very prophecy that Darjeeling told of, a certaing welling taking place underneath his jeans.
Oh, with a body like yours, I think I've got /just/ the thing.
Nah. Mushy shit like that totally isn't my thing.
Oh fuck terrible taste in music my mistake.
Assuming you're here to play how's a facial sound?
>The man raised up his head back to her, his eyes burning back into hers with a fire. A passion. One that had a deep intent.

Well, with my help, we can change that~

>He reached down, undoing his down clothing from the waist down and letting his package free. Rubbing it against her bare crotch, he reveled in her cute moans.
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What a gay.
[Night Extension]
I legit once made a jojo oc.
It was hallelujah chorus
>It was only a squeak, but the delight in it was undeniable, and despite her quick refutation of the evidence presented before her, the slow, poisonous fire coursing through her blood -- the source of which she continues to suck in through her nostrils, hoping to let it cloud her shame -- is driving her to nurse hungrily from the oozing hole on its tip.

You were only reenacting something we did on a regular basis. I don't think it's in this video, but one night, you even said something to the effect of hoping my superior white swimmers would conquer your unworthy little gook egg.
Alright- what about this!

There's this HUGE porn shoot this Tuesday, which just so happens to be on Valentines. Oh, and we just have to PRETEND to be a couple before, y'know, like acting stuff. We have a pretend dinner, pretend kissies, and then we pretend fuck. All for money. S-Sound like a deal?
>Hana groans fitfully as his heated, pulsing cock rubs against her glistening folds.

Nnh! I don't know if I'm ready for this kind of game.

>She responds shakily, hips instinctively gyrating against him nonetheless.
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Interesting list horrible choice of font
>Slowly, his big hands work there way down past Hana's arms, the next time they make a stroking journey south, they dip under to caress her flanks teasingly, right down to her wide hips. Soon "Daddy"'s hands seem to be all over Hana, touching her everywhere. He smiles down at her as she leans back on his chest.
That's right. Daddy would do anything for his little honeybun. Daddy knows what you do when you are all alone at night, and scared in the dark, to distract yourself..you don't need to do that now Daddy's here
>His constantly caressing hands dip slightly between her thighs as he says those last words
Mine is 「Jojo is the my little pony of anime, holy fuck will these autists ever shut up?」
I want Wii Fit Trainer to sit on my face
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>Implying either of those are shit
Fuck off contrarian hipster
No because you get annoyed by it
Nnmh, no.

>She insists vehemently, refusing to believe that something so lewd, so against what she felt, would come out of her mouth. The scent of him clouded her mind; it was so powerful that she used it unwittingly to cope with the footage she'd been shown. The poor pilot was so focused on sucking in more of his musk, she'd hardly even realized that she was greedily, sloppily, suckling at the tip of his strongly-tasting cock.
Now I won't because it triggers you
I think the "Undertale of anime" would have been a more accurate description.
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fangs for nuthin.jpg
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Jojo's bizarre adventure is fine.
The fanbase needs to shut the fuck up because they're almost as obnoxious as Cinema Robert.
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Coming up with OC stands are probably the most autistic thing you can do aside from being a brony.

Fuck off back to the /co/ General you disgusting niggers
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>Trying to not be overwhelmed by the man's hands all over her quivering, responsive body, Hana furrows her eyebrows.
How, ah, how do you know that?
>She asks in response, eyes widening as his fingers trail between her legs.
Samefag check
(Ehh, not really, I'd like to do something with someone other then Skarpne today. I haven't really gotten to a real good session with Perona yet, same with Robin...or Elizabeth...ooorrr Scanty; holy shit I've really only gotten shit done with Skarpne haven't I?)

Yeah sure 'PRETEND'. I actually got arrangements on Valentines day, y'know porn stuff. Gotta rope Dumfer into some wacky vanilla shit, then record it.

Don't gimme that look, I got important stuff to plan.
>The man's cock throbs against her, her heat and body soaking into his beautifully. He couldn't help but grin.

You serious? D.Va, champion of every game she plays, wins every one miles ahead of the competition each time? She's not ready? Don't tell me you'll let me win without a fight~

>His words working to pierce her. As the words left his mouth, a hand work the shaft of his cock, rubbing it softly as it the tip was brushed up and down against her lower lips, letting their waists kiss like your mouths were moments ago.
i'd be down for elizabeth or robin
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It's okay, it's not you're fault you're an autistic mess.
>Phoneposters are shit
made me think
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Hey, do you also compare politics to harry potter?
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>he makes fun of my OC, so I gotta grasp at anything to defend my autistic hobbies
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>unironically shitposting about anime in erp
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>not expecting shitposting in /trash/
>Sweat beaded at her temple as he used her own reputation- the one she crafted herself- against her.

I... I never lose.

>Hana responds quickly, setting her jaw. In a quick motion, she bucks her hips down, spearing herself on the man's cock for the first time. She wasn't quite anticipating the stretch, and she groans loudly, throwing her head back.
Anime=/= deviantart oc
umm, don't talk shit about hp.
i don't see what's wrong with making ocs. jeasus, just let me have my fun...
>He whispers in Hana's ear, his big hand slides back to the top of her thigh again, and up and down that soft flesh, able to tease her so easily through the thin fabric of her costume. The way she shifts about on the hefty shape her plumpness is seated on sends a shudder right up him.
It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Daddy knows. And you forgot to use the word, sweetie
>One of his hands reaches back and squeezes her buttock from behind to make a point of it.
>He cannot help smiling, his joy stoked by the sight of his prey in the midst of slowly giving in. Confronted with evidence of her own lascivious nature -- one she was not born with, but instilled in her through a combination of conditioning by trauma, as well as a cocktail of aromatic nerve weapons -- she has resorted to numbing herself with the very drug she has been trying to quit. As an experiment, he decides to let go of one of her arms and, to his delight, finds it first caressing his thigh before reaching under his pendulous balls.

I think you do remember. Just look at the way you're kissing my cock. You used to curl and snuggle up against it, kissed it good night. And that was after I used it to gape your tight little gook ass and make you scream for me to stop.
>pendulous balls

Now that's a mental image

Tick tock, tick tock. It's cock time.
Nue used it in his pasta.
>This anon will never racially abuse your non-white characters
Good. He's kind of a god modder
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>The Korean sighs out as he teases her supple, clothed thighs. She couldn't help but grind back against his hips, doing so without realizing the potential consequences. Hana, of course, knew just where she was moving against, but she didn't seem to pay close attention.
But... Daddy, how do you know?
>She reiterates her question, only to mewl as his fingers sink into the plump flesh of her rear.
Yeah that shit sucks, but when it's something this based around abuse I guess you can forgive.
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Definitely going to drop some slurs next time I play with D.va.
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angry Nue noises.png
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Why the fuck would you come to an erp thread if you want to play a male? And I’m not just talking avatars, why the fuck would you anon as a man either? Men are disgusting and smell bad and aren’t any good for kissing either with their rough jawlines and the irritating bristling of their stubble against your skin.
Nobody wants to have sex with a disgusting man because men are not sexy at all they’re too muscular and hunky, just be a woman or a futa if you absolutely need to have a dick because nobody will want to fuck a man because that’s gay and that’s disgusting and if you are gay you should kill yourself before you have a long slow death of AIDS.
Nobody wants to have sex with men because men are absolutely disgusting with their hard chests and rugged body hair and nobody wants to feel a strong, powerful man holding them in his arms as he pins you down and fucks you rough and fast.
Their thick musky scent from exertion or arousal makes me want to vomit.
And the sight of a bulging hard cock twitching over heavy pendulous balls just makes me wish I was blind retroactively, I never want to see a man's hard dick ever in my life unless that man is a woman and even then that's pushing it.
I don't want to see the chiselled ass of an Adonis either! I want to see the plump fat sacks of flesh hanging from a woman's pelvis and chest.
Dongs the absolute madman
i wan 2 fug nue
ha gay
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Have a good day everyone.

Remember, I'm the sexiest. (And preorder Death Stranding)
>Kissus the Kojima goodbye
i would memepost you but we only have 5 images left
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