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Angels With Scaly Wings General #5, Edited Porn Edition. Po

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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 53

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Angels With Scaly Wings General #5, Edited Porn Edition.

Post and talk about the game, prepare for spoilers.

Where to buy it:
first for Anna
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3rd for Best Dragon
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I challenge you all to post a more adorable image
[spoiler] you can't [/spoiler]
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>tfw you will never catch the shiny nidoqueen
Anon my son. You are in dragon world now. You might chose this beautiful, educated runner, with propably is a fucking beast in a bed or this old granny, true bitch with probably got her position by having good friend high in the hierarchy.
You gotta follow that green trial, friendo
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>finishing a character route
>oh, this must be the bad ending
>it's the good ending
>best girl dies of cancer
>Achievement unlocked: good ending!
aren't you glad the true ending exists?
>he isn't into milfs/gilfs
>faggotdetectorspiderman.jpeg posted!
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>Got Remy's bad end
>Then I decided to fuck up the dinner part on purpose to see what would happen
post a screenshot
Where's the fun in spoiling that?
You should already know what happens by now if you ignore him.
I want to get dp by Bryce and Remi
Because I love Remy too much to do it myself.
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Dude made an Alt version
That better not be the only alt.
He promised several, don't worry
I'm still crossing my fingers for a basket
I found the guy who was that OC in the bar during Bryce's route
I can't even get the event to start, no matter what I do.
Long story short he kills himself.
From what I understand once you have the good ending of a character they can't get a midpoint ending anymore
Because at that point they too start to remember their past/alternate experiences and actively avoid them
It works that way for Anna and Bryce, at least
I'm not gay but I would let him pound my asshole anytime
Is that why Sebastion stops Bryce from walking in the house?
Can you get bad endings if you already got their good ending?
Yes, I got Adine's good ending first then went back for the bad one later for the achievement.
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No wonder why Bryce gets around.
He's packing a monster dick, holy shit.
Yeah, that's what happens. It may be triggered by getting the bad midpoint instead of the good end, though, not sure which.
And yes, you can always get the bad ends
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Wait a minute.
How is he laying on his back if he can't even stand on his hind legs?
Wouldn't that hurt a lot?
I mean he couldn't even turn around when he was stuck on the stairs.
>lay on side
>roll just a bit
>suddenly, on your back
Kinda like a dog.
I assume this vn is 100% sfw?
Yes, it heavily suggest some things but you never actually see anything. This is probably the worst thing in the game.
just got around to trying to start up this game after supporting it on indiegogo

apparently even the "drm free" version needs to be directly redeemed on your steam account?
What the actual fuck, I feel like I've been had here
Nah senpai.
Where did you buy your copy?
I got mine off the main website which kicked my purchase to humble bundle, where I got my copy drm free.

What did you select when you got past the payment screen? There were a couple options.
Anybody got a DRM free copy they're willing to share?
>One digital, DRM-free copy of Angels with Scaly Wings for PC, Mac OS and Linux. You will also receive a Steam key if we are Greenlit.

I use a version of Linux with poor steam support, I backed this with the idea that it might not be greenlit, and the only version I can download from the humblebundle is the steam version
this is fucking bullshit, am I going to have to fucking pirate this despite backing it for a drm free version?
Maybe try contacting support.
>too dumb to select the drm-free download from the order page on humble
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I contacted them on tumblr and indiegogo, I'll try contacting the humblebundle as well

the only fucking version it offers me is the steam version faggot
did you try hitting the download button?
Does that download button in the bottom right not do anything?
I fucking did
It downloads Scaly-Wings-steam-102-.zip
which needs steam directories to fucking run the .sh

The download might be titled "Scaly_Wings_10_Steam.zip" Or whatever, but just try downloading it and extracting the files into a new folder.
Maybe the dev will replace it for you
Whats the problem with steam?
>muh drm
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I. Fucking. Did.
is there even a linux drm free version?
You could have just used windows like a normal person?
Try running WINE?
What are you extracting these files with?
>What's the problem with steam
If you forget your password, you lose access to all your shit, GoG has better sales.

Not only that but
>Anon has started playing [Angels with scaly wings]
>Anon recently purchased [Angels with scaly wings] Here are some recommendations based off of [Arbitrary bullshit]
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And before you ask the obvious, yes, yes I did try creating a steam directory for the included lib folder, it also produced errors

no idea, but the windows version ALSO points towards the steam version on download
A) it wouldn't have helped, and B) go fuck yourself
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that ALSO asks for steam
Talking to the dev on email atm, hopefully I'll be able to get something there because god damn this is kind of pissing me off
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Wow, what the fuck.
Okay now I'm convinced that somewhere along the way they fucked up on their end and didn't release a proper "Linux friendly" version.
Sure seems that way, after grabbing some extra libraries from winetricks I'm able to get it running in wine fucking finally, but the ,sh is still completely fucked

But at least the shitty, wine ran version is fucking working now, no thanks to the dev
"That only refers to the multi-platform build that we're also uploading to Steam. It doesn't actually have any DRM, so it should work fine."
so apparently it literally is the steam version. Yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they put the barest amount of effort into this, I'll try asking around on some linux communities about this then, its all built in ren.py, right?
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Anons need to make these for their respective characters so we can have a collage.

The DRM free version still uses Steam libs. Doing so killed the demo as the dev unified the build model.
Stop being a /g/ autist and use a VM. The game basically needs nothing for hardware reqs.
>they put the barest amount of effort into this
Dont go blaming the dev because you have your special snowflake OS. Im sure he tried to figure it out and will be willing to work with you on this
Strange, this is the first we hear about this issue! Maybe you're the first to try and run the DRM-free version on Linux? I guess Steam does require some things on Linux in the multi-platform build that isn't necessary for the Windows .exe .

In any case, I suppose that means we'll have to upload a separate non-Steam version for Linux from now on. We'll do that starting with the next patch and let you know once it's live."

In my conversation with the dev over email

I'm not the only linux user to be playing this, r-right?
At least not natively

And I can get it to run in wine now after addressing the issue with the library directories, but the whole point is to not have to run it through a binary layer like wine when it was supposed to have native support out of the box

I mean, I guess the devs addressing the issue now that its been reported, which is good, I just didn't expect this to happen.

Its fucking python, its kind of hard to fuck it up like this.
And yes, the dev is working with me on this, and yes I am being an ass on the thread about it, no one fucking cares
>Anons need to make these for their respective characters so we can have a collage.
I'm not on my desktop so I don't have the template. I'd make one for Bryce now if I could
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I might make one too.
That drinking contest was the best.
>actaully getting them to work on an entirely new version because one autist insisted on using a meme os
what the actual fuck is wrong with you
Anon, if you're using linux you should be able to compile your own ren'py environment. It's open source.

native linux here, running arch with kde. no problems here except fullscreen crashes compositor.

what's your setup?
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>Still nothing with the fun basket
>he actually did the absolute madman
I want to ride that dragon dick so much~
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Ask and ye shall receive.

Dunno if anyone already did Anna but I did it anyway
Either fix the bash script or go into the x64 lib folder and remove the spaces from that binary. If you care about native that much, it might just do the trick.
"Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
ImportError: No module named site
Did you by any chance take the spaces out of the .sh file? I just tested in a fresh ubuntu x64 vm and it worked. I do not have steam installed.
using debian sid if that helps
got it to work, just renamed some paths in the .sh to point to a custom directory.

Had a similar problem some time back using java programs from an external drive actually
Yeah, it uses the name of the script to execute the binary.
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>all this fanart of adine in the rain
>only thread #5
>have already become attached and don't want to see this thread die
Why are we here, just to suffer?
YES, finnaly, thank you annon
78 replies and 20 posters, we're already dead.
Also how unaware do you have to be to think up Lorem & Kevin's writing. It's pure unadulterated pain and I think I'm fairly patient when it comes to shit like this.
Your fault for leaving him hanging.
I dreamed of doing Anna.
It's working, I should probably go back to bed.
all we need is Bryce now
I'm still curious as to how Dragon government works.

We meet Emera as a minister, but does Dragonland have a president, king, city-states or what? Who leads the dragons?
So, we know dragons can dance, thanks to Anna.

I wonder if it's just a Runner thing or if earth dragons do the same.
What about flyers?
What about noodles?
Earth dragons would probably have a very hard time; most of them can barely take a few steps on their hind legs according to Bryce
Not that it wouldn't be cute to see him try
There can be four legged dancing y'know.
The quadruped dragons seem to be about the same height as humans, so I imagine a couple's dance would probably just be you wrapping your arms around their neck.
They're most likely the heaviest species of dragon around.

Earth dragons dancing would probably look like a sumo competition.
Sure, all I am saying is that their movement would have to be very basic
Although, maybe they could support each other as >>7618938 mentions
I guess once we fall below the threshold to keep a general alive we could try reintegrating with /scalie/ again. It won't be the same and that one guy will probably pitch a fit, but at least there would be something
Hey, fuck him.

For /scaly/ thou art, and to /scaly/ shalt thou return.
All things considered it's probably pretty smart of Anna to do cancer research.

After all it is a growth industry.
Dragon society seems to be good, but fact that no scientific innovations are allowed ruins it. That's making me love Anna even more
>no scientific innovations are allowed
nigga what
That is the one thing that makes me a little uneasy about the proposed future, how are they going to adapt to that kind of massive change, being traditionalists?
Not to mention the amount of violence they'd be subjected to, either directly or indirectly, that goes far beyond anything they've ever encountered before
Part of their design, they value tradition very highly and are significantly more likely to reject new ideas past a certain age. Sort of a safety mechanism built in against unwanted learning or getting turned by the enemy
Yeah, I know.
But hard traditionalist doesn't mean Luddite.
Play a game.

Oh, don't worry about that, they will adapt if they must, but since they are not destroying their planet, they can stay how they are for at least very long.
Yeah, the other guy was going a little far in the hyperbole. Advances are still made, just at a very slow pace.
I mean, consider how everything they build is shaped for humans first and foremost, which is probably what they learned from Izumi. Not even day to day usage has led to them reimagining furniture, for example
I want to hug Anna!
I want to fug Anna!

While hugging her.
Dragons are a carnivorous race with very sharp teeth and glands that spray rather unpleasant chemicals out of their mouths.

I wonder what getting head from one feels like.
And now they're supposed to adapt to a world that is a wasteland - I think? - patrolled by roaming gangs of humans desperate for resources. Nothing like the idyllic life they knew.
I guess in a way they'll be fulfilling their original purpose, after all.
Between the PDAs and the generators it's not all that unlikely that they're gonna be able to repair a few pre-cataclysm battle bots.
It would be fucking amazing
Imagine: You know damn well any one of these things could kill you in a variety of ways but this one's taken quite a liking to you. They'd be careful, treating you with utmost care as they unbuckle your pants with their foreclaws. seeing what you have to offer fills them with a bestial desire you could only dream of. As it wraps it's tongue around your shaft it teases you by grazing it's sharpened teeth along your length, watching the slight panic in your eyes with a smirk, or at least what you believe to be a smirk with a slab of human meat in it's mouth.

I'm not any good at this sort of thing so I should probably stop.
Well, I'm more into blowing dragons, anyway.
What is this game?
On the surface? Dragon dating sim with a "who dun it?" detective shtick
Below the surface? Something so much more
Is it all gay or what. I'm trying to ween my dick off gay stuff.
You get your pick of either/and
I made it ambiguous on purpose
imagine it whichever way you want
Yeah on second thought, they all look like dudes. This probably isn't the best fuel for my dick right now.
Oh my, that better not be a typo
Can't expect lizards to have tits, anon.

Adine and Anna are most definitely female, though.
You meant >>7620328, didn't you.
What, noo. The way >>7620348 worded it makes it sound like he was responsible for the games writing. Or maybe I just want that to be true so I can thank the guy in person
Ah, I thought you were referring to the fact that he misspelled "wean" as "ween" when talking about his dick.
I just got this game, should I ask questions or fuck off?
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Ask all you want, we can probably answer everything you can come up with
All right, so.

What makes Anna so popular?
I know, as most human-like female she has sex appeal, but that explanation is for normalfags that I don't think we have in this general yet.
It can't be her character, at least not from what I've seen. She's been real cancerous towards me.
So what is it that attracts people to her?
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That basket does look pretty fun.

And I don't have enough pictures of lizzers with baskets.
Aha, that may be the one question I can't answer personally. Some reactions I could understand given her --- something you may not know yet, but what she keeps on pulling through the entire game, and especially at the true end left little to be attracted to
So you're saying she's got a reason to be a bitch, but she doesn't tell anyone.

I guess playing psychologist to main characters is par for the VN course, so let's do this.
>She's been real cancerous towards me.
>she's acting like a bitch
No, she's just honest with you, also she's very self confident and she have some standards.
Normally I kinda hate people like her, but she grew on me. It feels good for her to slowly come to not actively dislike you, and then to be comfortable being open around you
No behavioural standards that I can see.
this game is hurting me mentally. all I've gotten are bad endings. i wish a portal exists today

why can't bio engineers make adine in real life or something?
This is gonna take a while.
Until then you always got /x/ to teach you how to dram of her.

Do you need help getting good endings, anon?

but you see it's not fun if hints are dropped

im in this odd position, but thanks for the offer
The only odd positions you should be in involve a bed/couch/fun basket and your dragon of choice.

this thread seems dead, let me bring up a question:

would you guys add another character? from another game? would you remove a character?
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Remove Kevin, add one of those dragon maid anime girls just to watch all the asshurt.

Alternatively, I'd add a character like Angelus from drakenguard and have them go full edgelord
I'd remove Lorem. But only after a coin toss between him and Kevin.
Remove Kevin
Add Mikhail from Drakengard

Good taste.
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What's your favorite song in the game?
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Add Venti, but no dates. Just a cameo.
>adding humans
I don't believe in crossovers.
And yeah, remove snowflake herm with shit taste in pizza and snowflake teenage furfag.
>Adding Caim's waifu
That would mean everyone dies slaughtered by Caim

votes in, any objection to removing Kevin and Lorem?

speaking of, can you mod the game yet?
Lorem removal might be difficult, $2500 can apparently make you an integral part of the story.
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>Let's make a quick joke, you have the time
Where did the day go. Help
Are Lorem and Kevin the SoSorry of AWSW?
So Sorry is thankfully just about impossible to find.
Lorem is less obnoxious, but unavoidable.
Kevin is still a pain in the ass.
Hey, at least something to do with your time.
Lorem's backer said he wanted to avoid becoming So Sorry.

Aside from the "herm" thing, which is only mentioned once and never before or after, his route is at worst kinda boring otherwise.
this desu senpai

I wouldn't have any problem with him if it wasn't for that herm bullshit.
I mean, how the fuck does that work with reptiles, anyway?
Lorem is suffering from a severe case of Eight Deadly Words.
Compared to the rest of the cast he's flat and boring enough to stand out.
-Remove donout steels OC, IMPORTANT
-Make a game longer, not by making you play multiple times, but by more scenes (with creators would be able to do after succes of first game),
-Add optional NSFW scenes, but not porn-like, but romatic ones,

But otherwise... i have no idea. It is a very, very good game.

Soundtrack is how it should be. All of the songs are nice, but doesn't draw your attention what is happening and they fit to situation perfectly.
We talking game changes in general now?

I just wanna save Vara's parents.
And Damion.
And wait, did the hatchery dragon we never see get killed or not?

Haven't given it a critical listen yet, because I want to finish the game first. I liked the music since I heard it in the first demo though.
>Eight Deadly Words.
What does this mean? I did one scene, and made him feel bad from my choices because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about games.
"I Don't Care What Happens To This Character."
Damn that's savage, but it sums up how I felt perfectly.
They're called the Eight Deadly Words for a reason, they're what kills a story.

If there's a character in a story the readers, watchers or players don't care about it's a character who can be left out.
If, like Lorem, that character can't be left out without significantly rewriting the plot then that character drags down the quality of the final product.
Tie between:

and "Up in the Clouds" from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUIWgkGZlSY
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The soundtrack by itself isn't incredibly special but it is great at setting the mood and is always pleasant to listen too
My favorite piece is the one that plays during Remy\s 3rd's scene, "Gravity"
Another great one is the music for Bryce's BBQ, "Hydrangea"
"Hydrangea". It's super comfy
I usually get bored to death by VN's but I love dragons. A LOT. Convince me to buy this game
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Did this guy make the music for this game?

There are really likable dragons everywhere in this game. you can even date them. The story is good too.
It's what, ten bucks?
It also includes a fun basket.
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I came in expecting a cringy DA vn, but I got some really touching moments, lovable characters (I ended up loving secondary characters I never expected to), and some hard feels as a result of connecting to them.

Adine alone was really sweet and I wish I could hug her irl.

It's worth the 10 bux, man.

A great waifu, I truly wish RF4 let you romance her like I did Adine.
That is what the demo is for, anon
Play it for 2 hours and refund it if you don't like it.

I don't usually play visual novels either, but I enjoyed this one.
I find Bryce's route oddly dissatisfying.

Maybe it's because I'm a teetotaller.
Likely, Remy will probably be a much better fit for you
Nah, some parts of Remy remind me a little too much of myself.
Replace girlfriend with father, though, and illness with suicide.

I'm good with Adine.
So did anyone find the secret ending? There was some bullshit with a computer about it.
And it involves quite a bit of that
What was the ending? I'm not interested in dealing with dev tools.
Different anon, I am interested in dealing with dev tools, but I have no fucking idea what to do if all the tools I am given allow me to view variables but don't let me edit them.

You could request a walkthrough instead of having it spoiled. Generally experiencing endings firsthand is, for lack of a more appropriate word, better.
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You can't get it through normal gameplay? Do tell anons, what is it?
I'm not gonna spoil it for those still working on it, sorry.

You don't need to change anything, just find something.

I would still count it as normal gameplay, you stay in-game and only use the tools and knowledge the game gives you
You can get it, but you need to achievement-grind and go through a few very obtuse puzzles.

Also you need to play pong.

Then it's probably in the image gallery, seeing as that text file doesn't seem to contain anything worth noting and the variables cannot be interacted with.
Eh yea you're probably right. time to reinstall. Got that walkthrough?
>Also you need to play pong.
Finish the game with best ending, restart and explore. There'll be something new
I'm at the dev tools myself..
So, imagine you had the chance to a dragon, but not a member of the main cast.

Who would you pick?
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Reza did nothing wrong
Yeah, it's clearly Maverick who fucked up.

Anon posited a few threads ago that there's no problem Maverick's dick couldn't solve.
You could just see how frustrated Reza was because Maverick refused to solve that problem. No wonder he went nuts.
>literally not a single ending where you help him

I mean, it would fuck up the time stuff, but still...

I feel for him
Didn't know you're into old people.

He shoulda agreed to let Anna experiment on him.
Or maybe he doesn't swing that way. In which case he probably never met Damion.
>no main cast
What else is even left that's good then? Shiny Nidorina and the snek are the easiest choices.
I dunno about you, but I could go for long Zhong dong, or delicious Damion dick.
Zhong, absolutely
Hard-working, caring, and then there's just something about that smile
Just remember that you're also dating the child.
one thing i am wondering is what do you think Anna's eggs smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them
Can someone explain this fun basket meme?
There's not much to it, really. Get to the end with Bryce, you'll see
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Was Zhong a bad husband?
Yeah, I haven't forgotten. The same is true for another character, remember? I would not mind starting a family or becoming part of one in this case
I guess in the end it'd depend on the kid as much as him, though
Two characters, potentially.

Somebody should force Anna into godmotherhood. I mean, it's as much her child as Remy's, and Adine has pretty much adopted her already.
Hard to imagine, with how much effort he puts into making his kid happy
But I haven't played the game
Then what are you doing here reading spoilers, get to it
I wish I could play the game for the first time again
By how he and his wife were always arguing, apparently?

Takes two to tango.
I don't want to pay $10 for a gay furry game and have it come up in my library.
Riight, what with there being a non-steam version
I wanna get hatefucked by Maverick.
Then I wanna get fucked by him again after he realises that the only person he ought to hate is Reza.
I'm also scared of turning into a furry, if that helps.
You'll turn into a scaly at most.
Kevin will prevent you from becoming an all-out furfag.
That is hard to argue against, considering how easy it is to fall in love with these characters.
I see no problem with it as long as you don't become a stereotype, but then that's just me

Oh believe me, it works just as well with one insane party. The only tough part is stringing someone along for long enough that they're trapped and forced to listen
they;re dragons
it doesn't work like that
I don't think there's a difference between scalie and furry.
Yeah, I know.
But Zhong is far too well-adjusted for that.
Scaly is generally considered a subset of Furry, from what I've heard.
Your continued presence here will do just the same, albeit in a slightly less entertaining manner
Learn your furry history you fucking faggots, we've had threads on the board about this
google the burned furs movement and find out while furries and scalies are generally a separate thing these days
>faggotry has history
m80 I don't care I just wanna fuck a dragon or five.
Maybe even too much so, hard to tell what he was like before he went through that relationship
Remember that liking things with furry/scaly stuff in it doesn't mean that you have to engage with the furry fandom in anyway. You won't become a furfag if you truely don't want to
I don't know enough about dragon psychology and all major characters we meet are messed-up one way or the other, so the only thing we have for sure is lots of speculation from everybody.
Indeed, but speculation can be fun
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Honestly, i get the impression that Zhong's child was an unplanned one. Maybe he was bit more irresponsible before the relationship. He and his girl probably didn't really understand the ramification of fucking around carelessly and ended up having a kid when they weren't ready.

Zhong, however, did not want to be like his parents and chose to take responsibility but his girl probably didn't for some reason. Maybe they tried to work it out after a while but she eventually just up and left, maybe even on bad terms.

That probably devastated Zhong but since he had his his kid, he was devoted to taking care of him.
Sins of the father, eh?
oh shit, there's a demo? brb I'm trying it
This speculation is, of course, going on the assumption that his """reunion""" with his parents took place before him having a kid. I think that moment was the biggest reason for him maturing as a person and deciding to take responsibilty when it really came down to it.
have fun~
I'm surprise he doesn't have more of a chinese dragon look
seeing how his name is Zhong
So... is this like a romance/sex VN?
Romance, primarily
And a well done one at that
the little sex there is implied, no lewd within the gane
Maybe his parents - or grandparents, more likely - assimilated into noodle culture.
Adine is pure.
Footjobs are dirty.
Then why is Adine made for footjobs?
Adine doing it would make it pure
She was made for mid-air fucking, mothering, and raising children.
She could make footjobs great though.
Great. Now is there anyone who would make the purest things filthy?
No, no Lorem or Kevin, please. Nobody would do anything pure with those.

Mid-air fucking, I believe, can't work or end too well.
Practice makes perfect.
Yeah, but better bring a parachute and get used to having your nethers crushed cos she uses that tail for steering.
>that pic
>holding hands with Remy or Bryce
Does Bryce even have hands?
In a manner of speaking
Certainly enough for holding hands
Well, I would hold hands with Bryce, but I much prefer.
Most other dragons, actually.
I know what I'll use that tail for.
That's fine, you just leave Bryce to me
Whatever it is, not while she's flying you won't.
I mean, there's many timelines.
There's probably enough dragons for everybody.

I sure hope so, anyway. I don't wanna fight the other Maverickfag.
You're not a winged dragon, you don't know that you grounded piece of shit.
How many of those would end just a week or two later, though. I'm sure most people here do prefer a more long-term approach
Is it really? With the MC saying that it will be like he was never gone to Adine, and the graveyard in the true end, I don't think each timeline exists in its own parallel universe.

But there's a lot of conflicting information, so I could be wrong. Any ideas?
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Bitch, you don't know me.

Then fix your fucking timeline.
You know there's timelines when someone other than you got sent out. Those are ours.

When in doubt: writer fucked up.
I'm right with you as far as the graveyard goes. The exact mechanics, though, I'm still not sure about.
The portal seems to always lead to the same exit in one particular timeline, but even so how could there be more than two of the same person at any given time, let alone enough for a mass grave
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go back to /scaly/
This general will follow soon enough.
I think we may have a few days in us yet
I sure hope we have long enough for modders and drawfags to get together.
I just wanna save Damion and hug him and tell him it's gonna be all right, he doesn't have to do this.
>mods come out
>you can save damion now
>let him die every time anyway
If he doesn't let me get the mean lizard butt day one,he ain't worth the effort.
Anon, please.
You need some time to get to slitfucking.
Hell, even Bryce kept you waiting, and he likes you.
I'm working on mod tools at the moment. Just trying to make it as easy as possible for the user. The dev's original code is not doing me any favors.
That bad, anon?
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>chasing damion
Poor guy has it rough. I know precisely what being forced to deal with an insufferable bitch on a daily basis feels like, and he's got it worse because said fine woman is also taking all the recognition and credit he rightly deserves.
Its a shame these dragons produce their own body heat.
I can't fantasize about warming Anna on a cold Winter's morning.
But imagine how much more heat they produce than humans thanks to their genetic upgrades.
They can probably warm you.
Yep. To be fair, it was saunders' first programming project, but it still amazes me that the game came out with as few bugs as it did.
Well, it gives me some hope for if I ever man up and make my own game.
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>Ded as fuk
Just got the bad Remy ending. What triggers this instead of the good one?
Someone needs to point me to where I can insert images into this pic.

You need to do good at the dinner and look at the photographs for the good one. Good ends sometimes need an "item" that comes up in the playthrough
I wouldn't stress out about it too much. When worst comes to worst, we'll just merge back with /scaly/ and we wouldn't need to worry about flooding the thread with awsw discussion.
is it time for a new general?


we need to band up to make a good modding platform and good mods with it
>is it time for a new general?
I wouldn't say we're dead quite yet so sure
Still 30 more posts to go.
Here, try using this discount Photoshop. https://pixlr.com/editor/
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smug dragon.jpg
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Must be pretty hard for him to live in the shadow of a better scientist
It must be hard be so cancerous
Damion fags can eat shit
Your jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing Damion.
but true ending means no more cancer
and Damion is still kill
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ayy, somebody did it.

Not too hard, considering it gets cured. Can't cure being dead though, sorry Damion
If the side characters had more art, we could do it for others but alas, we would have most of pictures all look the same
How many of those are fanart
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Do it for them.png
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Can we use this as the OP of the next thread?
2 from the looks of it.
Sure, I'll try to.
stfu jackson cannon
Does it seem odd to anyone else that a world run by sentient bioweapons is more peaceful than the human one?
fear theory

Hey, anyone who want to jump into our little fetish channel feel free~
fuck off
bryce inflation porn would inflate my dick
Welp, I've been convinced. bought
who is your favorite so far?
I would rather we have none.
Good choice, my dude
Aren;t you the same one from the /scaly/ thread?
fucking kill yourself you said, lonely sack of shit. No one wants you here.
how to kill a general
Bryce porn from the bar scene

I think someone asked for something like this

cum inflation is always fun, goes well with size difference~
The only porn I've ever seen of this game has all been Bryce. I'm getting mad jealous
You can try not to samefag.
stop that
That's suppose to be Bryce?
I remember seeing this a long time ago I never noticed it.
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go fuck yourself nigger
and quit samefagging yourself
>bryce porn
OC porn from some furry site.
I think someone commissioned for something like this.
It is Bryce, the artist was just tired because it was late when it was drawn.

[spoiler[I know that because I asked for it when the drawthread was still good[/ol[

New thread
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That's the beauty of discord. Making one and posting it kills the smaller generals.
Now fuck off cunt. Your shitposting will only push us back to /scaly/, not your dead discord.
samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag samefag
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