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ITT: Pokemon are real. Who's your favorite antagonist?

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ITT: Pokemon are real.

Who's your favorite antagonist?

Info: http://pastebin.com/3niQbt3i
not gengar
The one that's not going to blow up Agate.
I got crops to tend too.
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Hey skully are you having fun?
You're really good at mario kart
Want to keep playing?
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What else do you have, Nina?
>You swing with a sparky club at a ghost
>it phases right through giving it a slight tickle
>good job
>status effect check
>evens still they fade, odds it remains for another turn
Why you little shit!
>The mortician used Focus Blast against Zeta!
252 SpA Gengar-Mega Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Porygon-Z: 568-670 (391.7 - 462%) -- guaranteed OHKO
>Magnezone used Thunderbolt against Zeta!
252 SpA Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Porygon-Z: 262-309 (180.6 - 213.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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I have smash brothers want to play?
He is the embodiment of destruction, he is death beyond grace he is...
What >>7594158 said

He's also pretty annoying when it comes to having sex, their load AF
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Let's go then!
>Chase the Slash.
Loud*, dammit spell correct
>Pop it in.
>Pick Luigi(a)
I remember liking this one.
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>Follow the Stitch
>Moderately confused about all this
(just in case you're actually confused, Sandslash is still mad about Bones wanting to have the blueprints for the snag machine)
(yes I know no snag machines but Sandslash doesn't know that)
(unless people object to that in which case I have a backup excuse so it's all good)
>roll for sandstorm location
> 1 - S.S. Libra wreck
> 2 - Shadow Pokemon Lab
> 3 - Oasis Poke Spot
> 4 - Realgem Tower
> 5 - Phenac City
> 6 - Snagem Hideout
> 7 - Rock Poke Spot
> 8 - Outskirt Sand
> 9-0 = Eclo Canyon, but not the hideout
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>Picks dedede
I use to olay with this one a lot
So skully do you remember your family? If you don't you can stay here with us
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>Wasted max revive
>Zeta goes back to being fainted after literally one turn
>No you didn't kill the program, he didn't get hit by the focus blast because gengar was paralyzed
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>fuck immateriality, I'm going for sheer voltage here
>swing again
>Jay used Thunderbolt on Gengar
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Uh, geez.
>Keep following the Slash?
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>Follows the group
Any idea where he's going?
Or what he's mad at?
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No idea, on both accounts.

>[Muffled Follow Me tune in the distance]
(I swear this place is cursed or something, it's where shit keeps going down)

>roll to intensify sandstorm
>dubodds = sandstorm subsides, but not before Stitch Bones and Yanmega spot it
>odds = nothing changes
>evens = Yanmega should probably stay away from that
>dubevens = reroll sandstorm location roll, if same location sandstorm doubles in size
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...Guess I am an antagonist, I keep hurrrting the people I carrre about...

>Sad stabcat noises
Wow orre is such a shithole.

Well stop that then.
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Not really sure.
Man this is harsh.
Uh, Yanmega maybe you should stay this one out.
>Make sure still have sewing shit and keep going.
slaps ass
>The Mortician digs through his bag and attempts to use a hyper potion
>gets blasted halfway through
(I honestly don't know if i'm KO'd at this point, I had intended to use a potion before the bug showed up but i keep getting interrupted by real life shit so i didn't get a chance to post it so it's up to you to allow the potion use or not)
That happened to me once and then everyone died! I know how you feel.
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>Flame wheel
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>Stab needle through chest.
>Banette laid a Curse on the anon!
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I trrried.
I neverrrrr mean forrrr it to happen...
I just can't help it, I hurrrt and drrrrive away everrrrrryone I carrre about.
I rrrrrreallly am meant to be alone...

>It looks like he fell rrright back into the same hole of deprression he was in beforrrre, only this time he was a lot higherr beforrrre the fall

>Oh shit he's holding a belt in a loop and looking at a chair in the corrrner
You dont need a belt stabcat, you have a gun remember
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>Thunderbolted by my own Magneton
>Not the first time, not dead yet

(roll to use potion, maybe?)
Make sure you fall at least 3 feet. It is quicker that way.
(It got taken by Colrrress with all the otherrrs)
OR instead you could incite a war. that would be fun

>Sand Tomb on the Cipher lab
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Can I have some soda? I have a feeling this is going to be a good show.
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Hey mister why are you so sad? Cheer up a bit, you hurt your friends? Then apologize to them, say that you're sorry and try to correct your mistakes, that's what mama said to me, you can't waste your time moping, you have to be strong
>Sand tears at her wings
I should leave before I get hurt. Good luck, you guys.
>Evens, she manages to fly away with only minor damage, escaping the storm
>Odds, her wings are torn up. Might be a few days before she flies again
>Oddfail, hope you enjoy living on the ground
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>Has been building a tolerrrance to dopamine since Guin's tentacles rrrelease that shit

>All it does is make him stop sobbing, he's still deprrression incarrrnate
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>gives Zorro some rootbeer
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>Roll to detect loud noise?
We'll meet you at the base or something!!
>Find the fuggin slash.
>this angers the Sandslash
>Earthquake on the Cipher lab

(>that oddfail)
(Sandslash would have felt like absolute shit if that had happened, fuck)

>Sandslash is focusing fully on trying to sink the lab into the sand


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>Fuck it.
>Hug roll.
>Odds he's gonna fall into the sand next to Slash.
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>Just watching this, getting more and more confused by the second.
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>Sandslash has actually forgotten about being mad at Bones now
>he's more pissed that he can't destroy the lab for good
>one more try
>Fury Swipes the Cipher lab

>Sandslash ignores Stitch completely
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>And now the noose is arrround his neck
>Nice going jackass, you'rrre assisting a suicide, that's murrrderr
Lucy would be cheering right now
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>Give the lab a good Shadow Claw to help!
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thanks a bunch!

>sip sip
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..Why are we attacking the Cipher lab?
>Send Unit Two to cut this idiot down.
>He's not killing himself before he answers for Guin.
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I still like you though...
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>Stands up on the chair, securing the other end of the belt on the coat bar in the closet.
>He's actually gonna do it
>Someone stop the stupid stabcat
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>sipping intensifies
>so one of the front walls is fucked up
>as in actually just falling to pieces
>sand is spilling inside from the sandstorm
...Of course. Why did I expect any other result?
I can't even take down one of their abandoned bases, how could I ever hope to stop Cipher once and for all...
How come nobody's ever made a mystery dungeon mu*?
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>is cut down and held down by Smeargle, Unit two, and Snifferrrrs

>Looks through the world with dead eyes

>Seems unresponsive to just about everything
What is that?
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Hey you big bully stop that you're making him sad
I don't like bullies
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I dunno.
Hey come on. That's why you have friends, dude. We're here to help you.
>Hug roll again.
>Seriously if he misses hes gonna trip on rubble.
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...... That was anticlimactic
Mu* is the catch all term for mud, muck, mush, etc.

Multi user dungeon and various names for that. Text based mmo with focus on RP.
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>Watching through the camera.
>(roll to use potion, maybe?)
(Well i was hoping for more input than from just one person before i pull what could be seen as bullshit by some people)
(Looks like this poster isn't returning this time)

(would be definitely better than the sad attempts at PMD fan mmorpgs)
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..If you wanted to blow it up why didn't you come ask me for gear?

>Help the goofy plush up
(No i'm here I just posted)
>Nevermind tripped on the same piece of rubble straight onto Stitch
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>The Smeargle takes a Dex readout
>Not only is he severely deprrrressed, he doesn't produce or detect dopamine anymore
(Maybe a less than 50% chance of potion?)

(That's some funny ass shit)
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>well this is awkward
>Sandslash looks over at Stitch
I had friends before, I wasn't able to protect them from Cipher and then they all left me after we escaped. Frankly I'd probably have a better chance if I just trained more and went after them myself.

I don't want to just blow it up I...
>Sandslash remembers why he was mad at Bones
I want no trace of Cipher left to hurt anyone anymore than they already have.

>roll for sandstorm subsiding
>odds = nah it's still going
>evens = suddenly calm desert air again
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>Oh god where did the Bones come from.
Let's all train and work together! You, me, Bones, Yanmega? The... Tree, Gengy?
We have enough people to take down Cipher as long as we can all work together!
We could always try to recruit more people...
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this isnt enough coffee.png
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>Dopamine deficiency.
Let's see if I have any antidepressants laying around.
bro that wont fix shit
>Get up off the Stitch

Uh, guess I can help with that.
If you want me to, anyways.
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What is dopamine? and why is it deficiency?
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I know that. I'm looking into my files.
Aside from hoping he can control himself long enough to not mess around with any more dopamine producing pokemon I'd rather prescribe him a dopamine antagonist.
I'm looking into my files right now.
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>Tree seemingly comes out of fucking nowhere
I am Tree
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Dopamine is one of the reward neurotransmitters that lets us experience pleasure.
I understood exactly HALF of that.
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No problem.
>Accept the floor as new home.
Hey tree.
...I guess so...I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys though. I'm not sure I can deal with that again...

Every. Trace.
Especially certain technologies you seemed interested in earlier.
I don't care that the guy was probably full of shit, you seemed to think he was telling the truth.

>roll again for sandstorm
>come on Sandslash take some of your own advice and chill out
That would do literally the opposite of help, man.

It's not just that he doesn't produce dopamine- he doesn't DETECT dopamine anymore. As in all of his receptors are shot. A dopamine antagonist blocks dopamine receptors, meaning all it would do is make the problem worse. Or, well, keep it from getting better.
It makes you feel good you fucking dipshit.
(So do you mind being the guy that has to fix all the shit orrr arrre you okay with it?)
This is a song, for that poor depressed Stabcat
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Remember when i wrapped my ribbons around your neck the other night and you suddenly felt really good out of nowhere?
That was dopamine
>Tree waves
I am Tree
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Apologies, I'm freaking out a little. I meant a Dopamine agonist. An Antagonist would make the situation worse, yes.
(I'm fine with it, it's a bit stressful when I'm trying to work on other things and then you guys need me. I hope the constant attacks/sneak ins on the Frigate chill out a little.)
Yeah, and? Stuff doesn't exist anymore. It's gone.
I'm just chasing ghosts at this point.

Are you okay?
>Offer hand to help you up again
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..... i am not dumb....

OOHHH that was really nice... We need to do that again.
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Well I can't actually die. This body is just like, a host.
>He jabs himself with a needle.
I mean I haven't even laid any curses since I've started da- hanging out with you guys.
Hey Treeeee. I am doll.
>Accept hand.
>Now to feet.
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Now consider that this was from a Sylveon/Goodra hybrid and you get a chemical cocktail that would make anyone feel depressed the moment they were not in almost constant contact.

Aether in a roundabout way devised the perfect depression bomb.
What's your favorite scary movie?
And addiction bomb, no wonder that Zangoose went straight for the noose.
That sounds like fun....

Hey do not ignore me!
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hey big guy are you awake?
>wake up kiss
did you had fun with the movie?
we end up sleeping in the couch, that kinda embarrasing, but it's okay
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Zoroark Merry Christmas.png
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>Poke the sadgoose.
Yo. You need someone to talk to?
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Anytime, bud.
>Question the bit about curses internally
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Yeah well...I guess you're right...
I'm sorry.

Two words.
Pokemon. Experimentation.
Death is not what I was talking about.
>I hope the constant attacks/sneak ins on the Frigate chill out a little.
(Well there's my answer I guess)
>The Mortician is KO'd
So, how is Guinevere doing?
Still fainted?
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>Pat the Bones.
Worse than being thrown in a fireplace? Woooooorse than being dropped underwater?
If they come back we've got a team to beat 'em! We're super tough.
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...Honestly, the more I hear about this, the more depressing it is...

...It wasn't just addiction. There was real, tangible love on both sides. And now that this has happened...

...Well... Gwen's probably going to go catatonic from heartbreak... Emrys, uh, already looks to be well past that point...
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(Well then)
>The Magnezone panics and returns to his ball
>roll to see if I have a revive or two somewhere in my bag. 0,2,4 : 1 revive 6,8 : 2 revives
>in retrospect, I should have searched for those first

No wonder he went straight for the hose either.

Watching Emry here, I do not think it would be AT ALL fun.
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Want me to send another rope? I have plenty.
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(Sorry it isn't anything against you. I just feel useless when I'm not around and there's another attack on the boat.)
Fainted. I'm going to be getting to him shortly.
Looking him over I think he's been getting too much stress from- Whatever him and Emmy have done.
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It's fine, Slash.

>Aw yiss, got pats
>Completely forget what you said
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>Is unresponsive, staring off into the distance blankly

>He seems to have almost entirrrely shut down, but he's still alive, so yay?
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0, 1, 2 ha ha 2 revives
>Both Hal and Zeta back online at 50%

I'm trying to keep people alive here, no matter their depression, serial fuckups or cataclysm attractor status.
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>Zeta now online at 50%

OoooOOooOOoooh.... head hurts... what happened...?
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>Poke again.
Guess you aren't feelin' good. This the thing where I dump my feelings out to you?
Lessee, uh, I do dangerous shit cuz I don't really feel scared of dying. My momma ditched me as a Zorua and I tried to fuckin' kill myself like... Eight times?
>He hugs the Goose.
Like, dude, you aren't alone in this shit.
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download (1).jpg
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do you want a rope to?
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>Blank starre intensifies
>sandstorm finally subsides

I haven't ever been thrown into a fireplace but it was absolutely worse than being dropped underwater and I didn't even get anything done to me.
Yeah, you guys are all super tough. I'm not, not really.

...I still feel bad, I assumed the worst and got angry at you because of it.

I bet I even hurt Yanmega with the sandstorm I made, she was with you guys earlier right?
Hey have you ever heard of deez?
>Shrug and sit next to him.
Lessee. I've been in your situation, man. I mean, not literally but y'know, in the fuckin' pits.
I'm, uh, Ark. You're Emmy, right?
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I think no one can help him now, trust me, I am an expert on being dead inside
>switches guitar
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You got clonked over in a classic focused fire, Unit 5 showed up and knocked out that goddamned Gengar (not to be confused with that goddamned salty Gengar)

Harsh life, bro.
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What are deez? I do not think i have heard of them....
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>audible lol
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Ah, arright.

I assume we have the gengar captured for questioning...?
(Fair enough mate, sorry if I'm going too far with this)
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She'll be fine, she went back to camp before we got too far into it.
And that's alright, I understand where you're coming from on it.
Then that's why we all gotta train to get stronger, right?
We gotta! Gotta use every advantage we got!
>Hug the Slash.
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>the blank look of a man who is Dead Inside™ intensifies
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I'm probably better fer it. I got a few nasty scars though.
You got me, maaaaaan.
Well it's nice to meet you, anyway, Emz. Sorry I'm not the best at this whole helping thing.
You wanna be friends?
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Unit Five dragged it way to IDK where or for what reason. It better be for questioning.
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>switches to a piano
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...... I do not get it.

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(Same. Shit always happens on the boat when I'm not around.)
Heyyyyyy. Emmy.
>Hug the mongoose
What's up, dude?
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>He doesn't move
>Barrrely even blinks
>Broken Stabcat intensifies
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images (11).jpg
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You are pretty stupid, you know?
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...Thank you.

(fucker I'm going to stay here until you successfully hug Sandslash)
(as long as it doesn't take like, an hour or something)
Yeah...I guess...
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243KB, 1002x1168px
You're good by me.
Uh, fuck.
>Hug the stabcat.
Come on, dude. Should I keep talkin'? Uh, I like action movies and I make bad decisions in life.
When I was a Zorua one time I snuck into a Plasma meeting thing disguised as a grunt and threw a water bottle at one of the high ups.
Dunno who it was.
hey don't be rude, mister
>I snuck into a Plasma meeting thing disguised as a grunt and threw a water bottle at one of the high ups.
That was me.
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178KB, 1000x1000px
I don't remember performing either the salt dance nor singing the salt song.
Either way looks like it's pity party at Emry's.
...I'm coming.

(Time zones prevent me from getting the most of the late night action. At this point I just play it around in character)
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>He hops up out of the sand.
We can make cool weapons, eh? And we'll be super tough.
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>Scratch the mongoose behind the ears
Hey dude, gonna tell me what's going on?
Uh what did-
Wrong Gladion dude. I'm the ditto.
(Tfw I get everyone's hopes up and make them think real Gladion is back and okay. Whoops.)
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>Sleepily hugs the sadgoose.
(That's just gladitto, sadly)
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Oh that was a joke?

I have one!

What is a wailmers favorite tv show?

No I am not!

Do not take his side!
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Hey, that's my thing.

>Group hug incoming
>The Zorua body twitches slightly
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Got any ideas for anything that would cheer this guy up?
>Pet the Zang.
Come on dude.
Eat any dragons today?

It's true though!
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>Yanmega waits for the group back at camp
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Fucking dittos, man

Let's make this a staring contest.
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Anyway, your friend Guin should be feeling better now. Please try to not overexert him this time.
I need to run a few tests.
>It was Super Effective!
>Sandslash hugs back
>Sandslash is feeling better now

>Sandslash looks over and laughs as Bones trips over again
Sorry about today, I really don't know what got into me.
I guess it's just the stress of all this Cipher shit happening recently finally made me snap.
Something tells me Guinevere isn't going to take well to the current situation...
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.... Why not?
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>We'rrrre sorrry, the Zangoose you are trrying to reach is broken.
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(Sorry guys, I really thought you could tell the difference between Gladitto and Gladion. )
(For reference, Gladi always types in complete lowercase bot IC or OOC. )
Ahaha sorry man, 'fraid the french fry is still hibernating.
Man, last I checked all the stuff he liked got fucking ruined in his mind by an ex. Maybe like... video games? A movie? Who knows dude.
>Tickle him
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Okay, bud. We should get back to camp, huh?
>stares deep into the stabcats eyes
>starts playing the piano harder
>Nibble his neck.
Hang on.
>Get up and try again, I'm not leaving without a group hug dammit.
It's all good, bud.

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>He doesn't seem to notice
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I dunno!
>Guinevere slowly slithers into the room, still tired from treatment
Hey Emrys.
You okay?
>Concerned hybrid noises
>H U G T H E N E R D S

-Bones, hating rngesus
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What do you mean you don't know?
>It breaks the seal's heart to do this, but...

Gwen... I uh, it turns out that you ah... weren't fixed all the way... and Emrys got the brunt of it...
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>Looks up
>Tears form in the corners of his eyes
>Continues to sit there on the bed, silent
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Not many dragons in Fuchsia City, it's poison this, poison that. I hate it.
Yeah, sounds good. Yanmega is probably really worried...

>Oh Arceus more hugs
>odds = they all fall over
>evens = careful dude you nearly knocked us over
Dude's not even blinking, you win this one.

oh lol

What dragon tastes the best?
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Yeah we can-
>Oops the floor is my home yet again.
>Concerned noises intensify
What do you mean?

>Slithers towards Emrys, letting off soft, worried whines.
What's wrong, Em?
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>Give the lovers space.
Guess I'll just go fuck off, then.
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>Welcome to sandyhug village, population: 1+2 ghosts
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>The tears fall from his face as he looks at Guin blankly, still silent and broken
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You uh, you know how those tentacles of yours produce dopamine?

...Yeah, apparently ah... the dopamine you put out is a lot, uh... stronger, or you make more of it, than a normal sylveon... either way, point is, you kinda sorta, uh... broke his brain...?

...I'm sorry, Gwen...
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Hydragon? You fairy types are terrifying....
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science noises.png
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What pokemon is THAT?!
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Hanging on.
>Tickle him ha-
.... is this our cue to fuck off?
Guess so.
>Fucks off as well
>pretty fucking comfy in the hugpile
I mean, as great as this is I kind of need to go back to camp.
I owe Yanmega a hug too, at least.
>Tears well up in his eyes
I broke him?
What do you mean?
Dopamine makes you happy for a little bit.
How can that be harmful?

>Sits down next to Emrys on the bed
>Wipes the tears from his face
Please tell me what's wrong.
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.....You need to go outside.
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lets have some fun.jpg
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I hurrrrrt you...
I don't deserrrve you.
I hurrrt everrrrrryone
I should be alone
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>Follow the less french french fry.
So what do we do around here?
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>Evens: Accidentally knocks coffee maker over with tail
>Odds: turns up the heating dial with her tail on accident
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Let's go then!
>Attempt the dangerous 2x Friend Lift combo back to camp
>still playing videogames with skully
hey skullly, do you have somewhere to stay?
it's getting late and should go to sleep
if you want you can sleep here if you i can get another bed and put it on the floor
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Well... a lot of things make you happy for a little bit but end up being harmful in the long run... uh... but dopamine is a bit... special. It... it's what your brain uses to tell itself "Oh hey, I'm happy"...

...The problem is, uh... when the brain takes in too much at once, it apparently starts to lose its ability to uh, process it... to make more of it, and to sense that it's there... and that's what happened to Em...

...He... literally can't feel happy anymore...
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y-y-you eating dragons... that is just a myth right? fairies don't a-actually e-eat dragons right?
This coffee tastes different.
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I want to eat one now to!
>follows these two

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2MB, 10000x4195px
*unsheathes brick*

Wrong question.
>back on the floor again
>rolling for Sandslash's try
>The Zorua body spasms
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318KB, 720x720px
Hey welcome aboard casa del frigito.
Throw a brick at me and I'll make sure you can't have kids.
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3MB, 1566x881px
>tree attempts to picks up group and wanders back to camp
>falls limp again
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*sheathes brick*

Next time.
He can't be happy anymore?
That's impossible...

>Coils around Emrys
>Sobs into his shoulder
I'm not letting you leave.
You are the most important person in my life. You make me feel safe, and happy, and wanted...
You make me feel complete.
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>Odd: it's really fukin hot cause of the heat up
>Evens: He's drinken so much coffee he can't feel the heat
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1MB, 320x240px
>Smooch tree.
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No YOU need to go outside you thunderbunny!
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..Thank you, Tree.

>Mildly confused marowak sounds
>Tree ignores the failed attempt at kissing, not knowing what a kiss even is
>roll for whether Tree puts the group down gently
I am Tree
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>Smooch the Bones.
Thanks tree.
Without getting too far into the biology of it, the mind is a fragile thing. You know how, sometimes, you just, "get used to," something? Like a smell, or a sensation?

That same kind of thing can happen with chemicals like dopamine, too. The brain just gets used to the increased amount, and lesser amounts just don't do anything. They're still there, but the brain doesn't produce enough of them to keep up with the increased demand.
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euclid level scp.webm
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Yeah a myth
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>Pet new lab entry.
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>has been sleeping on trees head the whole time without nobody noticing
>Tree leaning over to put them down makes her fallout

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> !
>Flustered Bones noises
>Smooch the Stitch back
Thanks Treebro.

>Sandslash hopes he's not the next one to get a smooch
You're weird, Stitch.

Oh, hello again.
>sweating ceases

phew ok good. You fairies get a bad reputation you know? You seem to be cool though. What do you do for fun?
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...But all I do is hurrrt people
I don't belong anywhere
I don't belong with anyone
This isn't rrright.
See, you'rrre crrrying
I keep hurrrting you.
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>Doesn't know what petting is

>Evens: She returns the affection by rubbing against him like a cat

>Odds: Gets frightened and backs up
>Yanmega notices the group approaching camp
>Flies out to meet them
Welcome back.
I was really worried about you guys.
I'm glad to see nobody got hurt.
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f u g.png
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Hey there!
>Pet the Bones.
They're free!
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Before I got another trainer I used to explore. Now I just hang out with Zorro.
I do not believe you.
Oh I'm sorry.
>He coaxes the pokemon over.
How did you get in?
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>is on the ground stomach up from the fall

Oww.... hi...
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I just realized that I passed out as soon as I boarded last night and barely had any time to said hello. So, hello.

Fairy types can get real creepy if you ask me
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Wait, that ninetails? He's kind of .... retarded... That doesn't bother you?

Yeah i heard they like to eat the souls of Happiny to retain their youth.
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Yeah, heyo. It's better than some of the places I've been to.
What's your story? I mean besides streaming.
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I find it cute, he's young.
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>Those are some good fuggin pets
>Hug the Stitch
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2MB, 500x281px
>attempt to leap majestically through the air and hug Yanmega mid-flight
>odds = Sandslash lands face first into the sand, very impressive
>evens = perfectly calculated jump height and distance

Maybe some other time.

So how long have you been stuck in Treebro?
Really? He's evolved though... it's a bad idea to evolve young pokemon because they tend to BURN shit >>7596857 because they can't control themselves. Whoever let him evolve is irresponsible.
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Hey there.
>Hug the Bones.
Anytime you want!~
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>she gets more scarred thinking he's threatening her
>backs up more
.. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / .. / -- .- -.. . / - .... . / -... .-.. .- -.-. -.- / .--- ..- .. -.-. . / .... --- - - . .-.
Then we fix it.

You are wrong.
You never hurt me. All you have done is help me.
I'm crying because I'm afraid of losing you. Because you are in pain, from something I did.
I belong with you.
And you belong with me.
I want Emrys back.
This isn't you.
I want my cheerful ball of fluff back.
I want the person that fills my life back.
I want you back, Emrys.
>Kisses him
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>He crouches down.
I"m not angry. Why are you here?
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Whole time I was asleep


So are you guys now a thing?
>Splash water on.
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>Sits silent for a long time
>Is tackled by Sandslash
>Gently tumbles to the ground, embraced by him
>Chuckles as they roll around in the sand
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images (4).jpg
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Besides the streams which ironically I never produced myself except in one case?
Had a cushy life, landed a cushy job, then the wishening and the realization I had wasted almost 3 decades of my life on Internet and videogames hit all at once. Accidentally got in contact with Emry and Co., started the most popular stream that nobody remembers, got bitten by the activism and now I'm in the run from an IP black ops operation and barely over a month passed ever since a case of the existential crisis.
In short, some really active holidays.
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>Beeps of relief

-.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- / ... -- .- .-. - / .... ..- -- .- -. / .-. .. --. .... - ..--.. / -.-. .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . / --. . - / -- -.-- / ...- --- .. -.-. . / -... .- -.-. -.- ..--..

>Tilts head while wagging tail
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Eh, mostly just fuck around.
>Snags a keycard from a grunt pocket
Check this.
>Viola, the game room is opened.
Tada. Stream bro's wet dream.
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I had nothing to do with that.
Damn, wild life.
You need a third pokemon on your team? Cause I need a trainer to make sure I don't get snagged by some snot nosed five year old.
>Roll to swipe a pokeball from him.
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He burned a forest with his Slugma friend as soon he evolved, actually.

I advise to not shake that subject too hard, I've got reports that she has lost all it's memory that way multiple times.
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Best boyfriendo ever.
>Quick cheek kissu

>He nods.
Do you have any sort of body map you can give to me?
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How about you save those smooches for your boyfriend, dude?

...How long have you been asleep? It's been a while since I last saw you at Dewford town.

Sorry about today, I've just not been myself.
You can thank Stitch and Bones for making me come to my senses.
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No, you!
>Holds his hands with his tentacles
>Looks into his eyes
I know you are in there, Emrys.
Come back to me. Please.
I want you back.
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>nods, then scans her own body to give diagnostics and blueprints for him

>Evens: It's a very detailed body map showing everything on her body, even her remaining organs and other biological features remain

>Odds: It looks like a fucking 2 year old drew this fucking thing
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Welp make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. I am trying to get away from my trainer at the moment... is your team hiring?


NO WAY! oh man that's great.
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Your loss, kehehehe.


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I don't know, you'll have to ask Frankie when he gets back.
I guess maybe he'll get his Eeveelution harem after all...
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(I was here yesterday after u went to sleep mate, she wasn't asleep for over a week, that'd be crazy)

>Tilts head
What I haven't been asleep THAT long

YAY! I hope you two have great kids
You should burn it all down
Teach everyone who called you stupid a lesson and prove to them you are not
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Noo, you definitely are.
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>He takes the blueprints and looks them over.
Groovy. I can work with these, thank you.
Take a seat on the table over there I'll be with you in a second.
I am back.
This is the rrreal me.
Without the mask.
I'm sorrry.

-Emrys, out of "dead and grey" images
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>Nudge Bones.
Hey what are our kids gonna look like?
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Oh look another young mind to bring to adulthood.
oh he already is tired of eevee's? Welp. that sucks sorry i asked. Trainer cool though?

You better shut that wet mouth son.
I'm glad you are back.
Don't know what I would do if we lost a member of the group.
While you guys were...Busy, I made dinner. Just a simple soup, but it's better than nothing, right?
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I didn't say he was tired of Eevees, do you have poor reading comprehension or do you not know what a harem is? But yeah Frankie is cool.
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..... anyone who eats a kitkat bar and then has sex within the next 24 hours will be guaranteed to get pregnant.
That's the best you're getting, sport.
>Goes over to table and waits patiently

-Chang (Android snek if u can't remember)
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....I hate to admit it but i am "young" i guess. Not as young as dumb dipshit though. You made it seem it didn't want anymore of us on his team though.
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I've only brought two balls and it's of my two companions here, Jay and Hal. Sorry.

As helpful a third member would be I don't think I have enough space in my apartment back home.

ruh roh
>puts down kitkat.

Fuck you god.
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Oh my, another one~ I'm sure Frankie will take you in if you ask.
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You're kids will look GREAT!

What? I don't understand I'm pretty smart... not as smart as auntE but I'm smart
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(oh ok)
(I thought I skimmed through the thread in the morning but I guess I missed your post/s)

Sorry it's just that's the last time I've even heard from you.

You know, I'm really tired right now but it's probably best to have something to eat before I sleep, right?
What kind of soup is it anyway?
>He laughs a little.
Don't worry we can't h-
Soup? What kind?
This. Isn't. You.
You are wearing a mask right now.
And I want you to take it off.
I know the real Emrys.
And this isn't him.
This isn't who you are.
I have to get away from my trainer first though... He's all mad because i played with pikachu's thunderstone. Pikachu is a prick anyway.
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If you don't mind me asking first are you male or female, just to get it out of the way
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.... I used to like Kitkats.
>Tosses it out the window.
... pity party for the loss of a great candy?
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If you come anywhere near here i will burn this city to the ground and then I will burn the ash.
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I don't eat much anyway. I'm gonna tag along with you though.
I had a brother in Orre that claimed he could go months without eating. Gotta wonder what happened to him.
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>Sweat™ intensifies
..Should I throw out my stash?
Meat soup.
You guys don't mind meat, right?
I went out and caught some of the non-sapient desert creatures.
No pokemon. So, no worry.
Tastes pretty good to me, but I'm not sure about you guys...
But I've been like this as long as I can rrrrememberrr.
I just got betterrrrr at hiding it.

Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 248

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