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ERP Thread "Fat cat tats" Edition Previous thread

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Thread replies: 458
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ERP Thread

"Fat cat tats" Edition

Previous thread
Good old not Paul threads, rejoice!
Endorsing the not-Paul thread.
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>As soon as he shoves his flaccid cock into her pillowish lips she suckles on his meat, licking his memer completely clean to make it shine. She nods, happy to hear his words

(Thank you anon, I found it very hot ~)
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There are no fair maidens to quench my everlasting desire to be most succesful host there has ever been.

>He strolls on to the next fair maiden

Who said that's going to be a barrier. A real host does not discriminate!

>Gets squirted all over by the green demon

Ah! My request has been fulfilled. I would like to thank you for this!

>A rose poofs up out of nowhere in front of you

I might need some as my heart is close to being broken.

>He drops to his knees in front of her

Could you glue it together for me with a squirt or two?

Would you be interested in hosting a certain event for me, maiden?

>He whispers into her ear about a certain anal contraction and watching a shower of orgasm fluid

Do you think you could provide that for me? It's but a simple request from yours truly, the best host Tamaki Suoh. But you can call me Tamaki-senpai...
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>his memer
Granblu truly makes the best waifus
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>Fuck, I tried to wrote member
>his memer
Draph women are impeccable
There's no way those three are teens, they look mid-twenties.
They can be any age you want them to be.
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I'm afraid that that logic does not hold much water, Anon-kun.
Anything can become truth given enough belief.
>sexs the "cat"
Show me them fat cat tats.
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Nice ass~.jpg
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Answer me you silly titty cat. >>7557055
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The opposite also holds true. Some things never can become truth no matter how much belief is in it.

Leave my little friend out of this.

I beg your pardon? "Tats"?

May I help you...?

Just like with weapons, it is often best to have them readily available and noticeable, but not necessarily wielded.
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Without love, it cannot be seen
As in your breasts, they're big and it's boring out here. Get all nyaa~ and walk around in lingerie again.
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That's lame, why don't you just let people have some fun with your huge tits? You're wasting a pretty good thing
>thinking non erp hane would erp
wrong hane you dumb
Now those look pretty calcium rich.
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It seems someone has done so for me. Please do enjoy yourself with >>7557218

Love is not a pair of corrective lenses, whoever you are.

Fun for them does not necessarily mean fun for me. I am sorry that I must deprive someone of their fun to keep mine intact.
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(I don't give a fuck)
Thanks probably not the same cat but with still pretty fat tats!
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Often times, a lie is better than the truth, anyway.
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Perhaps to those who would be willing to settle for the comfort of a lie instead of a grating truth. As better as a lie may often seem, the truth will set you free, and freedom is always a betterment of a person.
But for real though I need to sniff a cute girl's butt
That's pretty ironic coming from the character you're posting with
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I don't RP correctly, I just RP what I RP.
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you're killing me
>nonerp/hg hane
You forgot them ruining ERP with one-liners
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I'm sorry... I'll go...!
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>paul cucked out of a thread
It happens every time.
Lewd one stays, banting one leaves back to it's home in HG
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Hane, get the fuck outta here
don't come back
delete your folder
i hate it there too
shut the fuck up and go back to playing danganropahangyourself
There isn't a lewd one, though.
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>Drags back to HG

I just posted the pic because people kept begging for some cat tits. Sadly, I'd never play any of the bakemonogatari cast, because nobody could pull them off correctly.
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i'm lurking there right now since the only thing happening is porn
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Hey FP, can I please play with your tits a bit before bed?
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>have 2-3 spots free on my card
>want to pick her up so that people can empty their loads between her tits as much as they desire
>tfw can't because I'd probably be terrible at playing her right
I'm not saying not to, I'm just saying that I, personally, don't think I could do it, and a lot of the others who have were terrible/didn't resemble their characters in the slightest.
That last point is pretty much my reasoning. If so many people have failed before me (and it's guaranteed that a lot of them are probably better than I am), why would I even succeed?
We wouldn't have a tsuyu or a wicke back in the threads if everyone thought like that.
What happened with Wicke?
creepy people scared them off
Too many people wanting a mommy?
But they're not. There were some that are good enough to break through and actually succeed at playing their character correctly; I don't think I'm even close to that.
Exact opposite, their player fled to the discords to avoid all the shitposting. They dropped the Ava and RP as a whole soon after.
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I'm a terrible person to look for encouragement. Hell, I'd play Shinobu if I wasn't positive I wouldn't do her justice.

We need more loli, btw.

Does this mean I have your OK to play with Yoko's shoulder boulders?
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I really don't care what HG says about you, Kamina, assuming that part about diapers and such is just shitposting.
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(If you don't think you'll play a character well you should try anyway. You'll get better and realize what you may be doing wrong as you go along.)
This skullgirl is too pure for this lewd place
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I (try to) play Krul Tepes, if that helps. I don't get many chances to actually "train", since the overwhelming majority of requests from my card are for another vampire (also the one famski who rolled her at random pulled out because he didn't want her, so yeah), but I attempt her and other characters whenever I can.
This. Fucking kys Owain, peacock isn't for lewd.
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(Peacock is for cock.)
peakcock is for crazy blowjobs
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Don't cross the memes you kike
I didn't mean it like that dramawhore
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You guys wanna fuckin cuddle?
Krul's pretty cute, don't know why people would be so averse to her.
I politely disagree.
Hell yeah bro.
>cuddles the fuck out
Can't really encourage you but I know I'd be grateful if you played those Cat Tats desu.

>We need more loli, btw.
Here, too? My, you really are desperate, aren't you? Hee hee hee!
Gnarly dude
>counter cuddles tf out of you
I just wanna feel loved little dude....
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(Purely for your pleasure.)
(This is also true.)
(As will I.)
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hi hystera~
I gotta get around to fugging the peacock again. Last time, we only got as far as some deepthroating.
Hi Owain
Understandable. You look like the lonely sort. Did not think you would come here, though! Hee hee hee!

Keh...? Hello?
I don't think it's being averse. I believe it's been a month since I've been here on a completely regular basis outside of lurking (got sick three separate times between Christmas and the second week of January; busy schedule for a couple more weeks; lazy as fuck because of God Eater; etc.) and I guess whenever I'm available, people just aren't looking for lolis.
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>wakes up and reads note
aw, piece of shit
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Shame, I'll have to call on the qt vampire the next time you poke in, then.
I cross whatever the fuck I like, pantysniffer.
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If that's what you want, I'm perfectly fine with it. Just a fair warning that I mainly play her as a dom, but if you really want her to sub for any particular reason, I could see what I can do.
anyone with a big butt here?
Nah, dom is perfect, actually.
Alright, sounds good. Might as well use the image grabber while I'm at it before a session of Rage Burst. Until then, see you around.
>Hugs Mary
>Picks up Mary and launches her to the nearest bed.
Back to sleep with ya.
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(Aw man, I got so caught up in things I forgot to do this)

>Your TV license has been confirmed. Enjoy your program. God save the Queen.

And now it's time for


Alright, let's start things right off with number 5 it's

This angry lonely guy who came her to vent how much he hates our next door neighbours. What's the matter guy? They seem like nice people! Sometimes. Some of them.

And let's move it right along for #4 it's
This meme crosser! Watch it there buddy! That's like playing a gun with live ammo, you don't know if it's gonna go off and hit an old lady in the hip!

Almost halfway there, here we are with #3 it's
This poor bastard hoping to score some cuddling points! Poor guy. You seem try and get something going and everybody gives him crap, including us!

Here we go with #2 it's
This accusatory guy trying to stir a cool downed pot of pudding. I get you, guy, you gotta keep stirring that pot or we get pudding skin but sometimes there's such a thing as stirring to hard! If you don't like, we got more flavours in the pantry!

Aaaand now, the most painful shitpost of the day goes TO
I heard those quotation marks you sonofabitch! Memeing an RP is one thing but c'mon guy! You can't just sum up the whole session in three words! I mean... really!? Really!?
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Well, Kenny, that sure was a great return episode of ERP, wouldn't you say?
Yeah, totally! Hey, where's that girl crying about the sandwiches? She was hot!
Ken, I have terrible news for you.
What? Aw, man, don't tell me it's a dude! I'm tired of finding pocket rockets on all the cute chicks! You better not say it's a dude or I'm smacking you with my fan!
Eeh... what I was going to say is that they left the thread to enjoy themselves a meal, you should definitely go after them after this show.
Oh, alrighty. Yeah, I totally will!
Before you do, how about you lead us out with our golden rule.

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I can't disagree with this! Hah hah hee!
Coming from you, that's rich.
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There's 55% chance that your cock is hard at this very moment.
(Don't worry. The irony isn't lost on me.)
Nope. Totally flaccid right now.
Don't worry. Nobody is ERPing here. No ERP, no attachment.
Completely the opposite. Don't point fingers like that!
Does that mean there's a 45% chance that you'll change that?
It isn't, but that could change.
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You need to understand that what I say are calculations. My information is not one hundred percent accurate.
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And there's a 110.5% chance as calculated by the mind of this brilliant gamer that you are next in line in being a proud, PROUD member of The Kirito Is Always Right Foundation. That's right, KARF... okay, let's not use that acronym ever ever again, is probably the most progressive for-profit charity out there as I only hire women. That means you, by the way.
You calculations are quite accurate.
Don't worry, I getcha. I'm just adding myself to the numbers just in case it might make a difference.
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I would feel honored to be part of such an important foundation. I can devote my services, calculations and other things to the benefit of our cause. I should ask, why only women?

That might be a yes or a no, I don't know for certain until I calculate the odds.

It's my duty to do so.

Exactly that's why the chance is only 55%

Thank you for the compliment, human.

I'll write a graph when I'm ready.
Could you calculate the chance of you being the one to change that?
could you calculate my survivability if you sat on my face?
Do you have any other mathematical predictions to share?
What is the chance that I will have sex with you tonight?
Assuming I do, what are the chances I get you pregnant?
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According with the data provided and some other variants the chance is a very low 25%
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The Foundation does very important work. You see, this world is filled with stupid people. And surrounded those stupid people are echo chambers and hugboxes that prevent noble people like me from mocking their idiocy. If such a world were to exist, it'd be sheer madness! That is the noble work of the Kirito Is Always Right Foundation. It's so I can be around to laugh at people when they do stupid shit. The reason why I want women is because there's no greater purpose in life than coming home to a dozen beautiful girls where they will fluff up my ego, fan me, shower me with praise, and feed grapes into my mouth. Being a smart person in a world full of morons is tiring work. So, you got a name? I gotta fill out your employment form before we got to the uh... the audition.
It's been
Would providing data that shows I have a leg fetish make the chance change in any significant way?
one week since you ERP'd with me
I need to sniff a cute girl's butthole or I may die
Then die Anon. There is nothing for us here.
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I'm already dead inside, what's one more death?

D-do you mind?
Hello miss. What brought you here?
>opens the unlocked door and panics
"S-sorry miss!"
>turns in haste and trips, performing a pirouette and landing face first between the ladies cheeks.
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If we take into account how much oxygen you need to breathe freely, the mass of my butt and the pressure that will create such an action, there's a very high 75% that you will survive.

Sure. There's 99.8% that everyone browsing this thread is gay.

The chance to have sex with me is combined by the chance of giving you an erection and the finally result is 30%

I am very likely to be pregnant If you cum deep enough, taking everything into account the chance is 65%

Most likely that wont help at all but it helps for future calculations. Thank you for the data.

....I understand what you say, Kirito, right? I would like to join into this Foundation but I don't want to be a woman in a harem, I want to make calculations and provide accurate data for important matters that can benefit our cause and our employees. If you give me a good job to do I would be totally glad to aid you in your needs. I have to say that is relieving to talk with someone as intelligent as me. My name is Fi, can you tell me what kind of audition are we talking about?
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(Been fucking ages since I've posted Mihoshi~)
If that's what you really want

Just stopping by really

>She giggled and wiggled her ass a little

I'm used to it so it's no problem Anon
I see. I'm guessing 25% won't be good enough, but it was worth a try. Thank you for the calculations.
Fascinating. I99.8% is the same chance of me not getting anything here or on Discord. I wonder if there is some relations.
Well I hope you have some fun then.
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Do not be disappointed, even If I'm not going to do lewd acts at this very moment that doesn't mean that I wont come back
Well thirty isn't great but sixty five for pregnancy is promising.

How would I improve my chances of having sex with you? Should I take off my clothes?
>He unbuttons his shirt and slides it off, letting it drop to the floor.
Would you be willing to agree to it right now?
That would raise the change to 99.9(recurring)%, you know the unforseen.
Considering I'm not exactly the luckiest person around, I doubt any further meetings would change this. Still, thank you for your work.
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Oh, no, trust me, I treat all my employees with the respect they deserve. It's all strictly voluntary work. What, do you think I just throw myself at every girl with her legs spread and hope something sticks in more ways than one? C'mon, give me more credit here! I value a woman with an intelligent mind, and you seem well equipped in that regard.

>Though Kirito said that, his eyes told a much different story. While his mouth rambled on it the manner that it was wont to do, the rambunctious and egotistical young man's gaze had trailed away from the blue haired girl's face and had wandered downwards. There, he was treated to the luscious sight of her curvaceous legs, hugged tight by what he assumed were stockings, which only served to make him more curious and interested in the treasures that lurked between them. That cocky grin on his face grew all the more wider for the vision he was treating himself with, and it did not occur to him how rude he was actually being, even when he continued speaking.

I might be a solo player but sometimes it pays to have more than two swords in the arsenal, if you get what I'm saying? Anyway, uh... Fi, was it, right? Your audition is to test your body's flexibility and stamina, which are very important aspects of any hero or heroine.
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Fuck math and start getting undressed.
>You turn around to see a young ninja sprawled out on your bed, she looks at you expectantly and blows you a kiss.
>Read OP
>First thing that pops in my mind is Champa's fat cat "tats"
>The Anon look at the young girls in his bed and with utter sadness go out the door.
Please show some moderation in stealing stuffs when you leave.
Breasts are always welcome, regardless of whether they're cat tats or not.
>inhales deeply taking in her musk as he makes a cheeky lick at her back door before removing himself from the situation.
"Uhh, a-anything i can help you with ma'm?"
Trust me that's not the kind of tats you want to see.
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You pathetic...
>Looking angry she jumps off the bed, racing over and pulling you back inside.
Why don't you just fucking listen, there's nothing of value is this dump so I'm taking your virginity.
>She pushes you hard on the bed. giving you a slap across the face and kicking off her shoes.
Get. Un. Dressed.
Well, not champa's that's for sure.
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I feel bad for what are you saying, now the chance is raising more and more.

>Fi remains emotionless at the sight of the man's half upper body totally naked.
I am not willing to agree to do those lewd acts at this very moment anon. Stripping in front of me is not going to change anything.

>She quickly noticed how the smart young man was looking down at her figure. ''There's a high chance that this man is looking at me with lustfulness'' Though she didn't do anything about it, there was nothing to be done because this doesn't harm her in any way but is useful data to keep in mind for future calculations. Fi walks forward to Kirito and spreads her arms with her cap following her movements.

Fi is my name and duty is my call. I can be both a powerful weapon or a hero to help you in tu adventures.

>Fi titls her head after she hears about the audition. Flexibility and stamina? She knew she already had those qualities, atleast that's what she thought.

If my skills as a hero are not needed I can serve as a great weapon just like I said, I have a lot of uses that you can take advantage of.
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You can keep doing just that

[Kiyone doesn't play with my butt as much as she used too....]
Those are not fat cat tats. This is what i call fat cat tats
(I'm not playing hard to get. I'm not playing at all. I'm not interested in Yuffie in the slightest.)
Those are only moderately bigger, but I will admit that they look amazing.
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(Awwwwwwwwww, well okay then.)
>no sleep molestation rp
Please anyone?
(I'm sorry)
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I'm always here.
I'm actually very interested. But my ERP experience sucks is like looooooow.
Not willing to agree huh? Well there's always...
>The man seems to be pondering his options as he unbuttons and take off his pants, seemly ignoring your second statement. You can see a bulge forming in his underwear as he looks you over hungrily and licks his lips.

You are a very attractive woman, how does that figure into your calculations?
Kumin a cutest
ah, ah
>blushes heavily face turning very red before carefully crawling back onto the bed between your legs
>turning his head to bury it between your cheeks he licks again, taking deep breaths of your musk his tongue pressing firmly against your tense hole.
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>Kumin looks happy
>At the sound of "a lot of uses that you can take advantage of", there came the tell-tale hint of pinkish hue on the boy's cheeks, already spread apart by the self-assured smile that refused to leave his face. When Fi moved closer to him, the keen sight of Kirito noted that the way this blue-toned girl moved was almost reminiscent of that of a ballet dancer. "Nice, nice", he thought to himself. "Could use that sort of thing to have around. Nothing like watching a cute girl dance, that's what I always... no I never actually say that. Focus, Kirito, focus!". Focus he did, as the misanthrope's eyes at last left her legs to scope out the rest of her figure, and the more they went up her body, the bigger the urge to wrap an arm around her waist and pull in her close to him. But, he had to keep up the facade.

Okay, so before we get down to the nitty gritty, I have a question or two about your uh... your credentials. I only take on the best, those that can keep up with me. I like your whole calling yourself as a weapon thing. Shows a lot of promise. But, I get the feeling you aren't using that as a metaphor, am I right? No, of course I'm right. It's the name of the foundation for crying out loud!
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Eh, can't be helped.
Well I'd be willing to give it a go anyway if you want.
You could just reply to my last IC post (>>7558176) and continue that.
(Well I'm an horrible ERPer anyway, so you dodget a bullet in the end).
I want Junko to play with my junk!
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>She giggled and cooed as her little asshole was being licked and tenderly attended to by Anon's talented tongue

Oh, my....Don't be afraid to go deep~

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rutX0I6NxU Fuck yeah! )
Should I wait and see if Kumin gets a reply? Or should I get you on all fours already and milk you from behind? Decisions, decisions.
>As he walked out the door the young man could feel the fury in her voice. He tries to ignore it. But the gut wrenching tone she spoke in gave him a bad feeling.
As she pulled him inside he shrieked, and was helpless to stop himself from tumbling backwards onto the bed.

Hey, first off, ouch.

>He felt a whirlstorm of emotions build up inside him. He had never been approached this agressively before in a very sexy straightforward manner as well. His heart was racing, and the member laying dormant in his pants was coming to life. Pressing up against the cloth inside his pants. When she slaps him across his face, he bares a look of shock. Then agitation as the sharp short lived pain runs its course. Leaving a red handsized print on his cheek. In his times of nervousness he always turned to being witty instead of revealing just how shy he was about this. Gripping the sheets he laid down upon, he swallowed his pride and smoke with a very insincere tone.

I, um, I think I might be too big for you. Ha..Yeah.
((I'm on mobile so the format is shit. My bad if it's all butchered lol
I meant which ava should I play between Junko and Kumin, but the anon who wanted sleep molestation is gone, soooo... you are mine~
Well, what are you waiting for then...?
>Her face approaches his own very closely, tossing her hands backwards behind her back as she licks her lips right in front of him
You look so nervous, didn't you want me to play with you?
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I told you that stripping is not going to change anything.. !...
>Her eyes notice his bulge poking on his underwear, forming a very small tent as the man stares at her figure. She waves her cape that functions as her arms, pointing at him.
I didn't took that into account for my calculations because I'm not a human woman. According to my thoughts, you shouldn't feel attracted to me.

>Fi movements were sutile and elegant just like a refined lady would do, her voice was strange, it wasn't natural but it sounded just like a girl. What was this man up to? Maybe his Fundation thingy was just a lie to help him talk with me more easily, I have better matters at hand but If I can help someone in need with the help of the Fundation then I don't have anything to lose, she thought. Spinning on her same spot with the help of her cap on her shoulders she stops for a moment, hearing the boy's words.

i am not using it as a methaphor. I am a weapon. I Fi am the spirit of the master sword crafted by ancient gods who wanted peace in the world, only a couple of people in existance hold this powerful weapon in hand and now I am here, before you offering my services for a good cause.
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somebody roleplay as Burgermon, so I don't feel as depressed as I do now
I fear that both the Anons has left you.
nigga its been 2 minutes
The post as been deleted, nigga.
Nigga shutcho bitchass up
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Why don't you let me be the judge of that.
>She gives a little chuckle and pushes her foot into your bulging member, her toes stroking up it's length.
Hahaha! You think you're some stud with this thing?
>She pushes her foot along your shaft again much harder before raising her foot to give you a kick in the chest.
Strip, now. Or do I have to hit you everytime I want something? Maybe you get off on it...

(I'm sorry I wanted to do that but I didn't realize this anon was actually continuing and I'm not sure I can do both decently.)
Is only right, were is Desire there is also Despair. Twins they are after all.
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The Master Sword? Are you kidding me? The spirit of the Master Sword? If there was ever a weapon more deserving of my hands, that would be it. Now, I really want to recruit you into my hare-Foundation. Imagine the glorious work for the world we could do together, Fi! One of the greatest swords in all of time and history wielded by the legendary Black Swordsman. That's me, by the way. Not some muscle bound guy who got stuck on a boat for nearly a decade. I'm not that dumb. The quests we could complete! The people we could save! The bad guys we could totally kick the ass of!

>Now, his face was absolutely beside itself with excitement. This was perhaps a once in a life time opportunity for the boy and he was not going to lose it. But, he had to make himself not appear as eager as he was feeling. It would be rather off putting, now, wouldn't it? Kirito cleared his throat and placed his fists on his hips, trying to look as professional and... job recruity... as possible. When he spoke, his tone of voice was also awkwardly deepened, as the boy was attempting to pass himself off as a boss or a CEO.

But, if you truly are as good as you say, then you should have no problem with completing my test. This is an audition that will put your stamina and flexibility to the test. But not only that, it's going to test... our compatibility together, yeah! If we're not compatible, then there's clearly no team work to make the dream work right? So, you in or are you in?
It's fine! Have fun, Yuffie.
Human is hardly relevant.
>He moves towards you, placing a hand on your cheek and running it down as he gives you a somewhat wicked smile.
Let me help you get the necessary data on human sexuality.
>Placing his other hand on your hip he pulls you into a rough kiss, his lips pressing hard against yours and his erection poking your thigh.
(sorry got caught up with making food)
>presses his tongue in opening her up and penetrating her his long tongue pressing in his face is pressed hard up against her ass, trying to hide his head between her cheeks.
mmmm mnmmmm mnn
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>honks horn
>honks nose
>As she speaks those words to him, he doesn't pay any attention to their meaning. She was hot. And he had never felt so apprehensive in his life. As her foot pushes against his erection through his jeans. He shutters and pushes his hips up against it slowly, rocking back and forth in sync with her stroking. It was ecstatic. His cock throbbing under her weight. Her giggling made him feel defeeted (hehue) more or less. When she slides it along his shaft, then kicks his chest, he huffs and groans not wanting her to stop.

All you had to do was ask. Nicely. And for the record, I'm totally stud material!

>He says with a sly smirk really trying not to ramble. The guy pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it aside carelessly. This was nerve wracking but exciting. He undoes his belt buckle as he sits up in bed. Then pulls his pants and boxer briefs with one swift fluid motion. Feeling the air touch his bare body, his cock juts outwards as soon as its let loose from its restraining prison. Pointing right at her. Trying not to get self conscious his eyes dart to the side, not sure what to do. The urge to cover up was strong. But saving himself the embarrassment of looking shy was even stronger. He still felt ballsy enough to speak his mind.

I'm gonna be honest..I have NO idea what I'm doing.
>Gropes those fine titties
Is too early Kenny. Go back to bed.
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>honks dubs

Jokes on you, Anon, I never went to sleep!
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Morning, cunts.
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Your up early cutie~
>chat hugs yuffie
Good mornin too~
I'm sorry for you then.
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I hope you're all having a good morning and have a good day.
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Hope you dumb cucks got your Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex models ordered.
Fuck off Bolin.

Fuck off Kojima. Not everyone here is a weeboo.
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And a happy Jeasus to you mecha
>I've accepted it at this point kek
You too

I'll have no cripple mechs here you gay
you're up early
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>She didn't expected for the man to do something like this on her, she wasn't human after all, he shouldn't feel those emotions towards someone emotionless like her. The rough kiss was something unique, something she never felt before, it was very strange data to process but something weirder was his erection slightly touching her tight, what was he doing? This was some kind of fighting technique that she didn't knew of? Fi remained silent, following the man's tongue with hers and both of the sides of her cape totally frozen before she takes one step back and breaks the kiss.
This.. data is unaccurate, I can't do anything with this..

>Hearing the words of the young man before her she nods, standing motionless during his speech, carefully trying to see If there's any useful data about his personality in the words he was saying. She was analizing everything, from his tance to his way to talk, to the way he waves his hands, anything... even the moest little thing was being processed within her brain to calculate conclusion and how worth he was to wield the legendary Master Sword and have her as an ally. She wasn't refusing to the Kirito Fundation, that sounded like a great idea but now it seems like he was taking a different angle on the situation and he was considering using her on every quest and adventure he could encounter. The final question of the man was rather confusing for her, both of the options served the same purpose and that was accept but she wanted to give it a try and see If her calculations would change as the time goes on.

I am ready to take the test as long as I can be useful for something good for this world and no one of those atrocities some villains do. Like you said, the teamwork and compatibility is really important in any adventure, you can't travel alone at all, you always need someone who can help you when you are stuck, that's why I'm here
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It's okay because video games.

>not everyone here is a weeboo
You're being silly.
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Well they should be. Anime girls look nicer than the /co/ trash Paul posts.

The first step is acceptance.

Shitsurei desu ne
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Thanks, I promise to to surrender myself to you sometime soon, Junko~
>She smiles as you eagerly undress, her eyes roam over your body and settle on your bare meat as she licks her lips.
That's more like it honey~
>She pulls off her jumper, giving you a good view of her supple breasts and running her fingers gently up your shaft before pulling them away.
Why don't we start with you having a little fun with yourself? Can't have a 'stud' like you going to waste by popping early.
Timezones my dude, it's 12:30am for me.
>Hugs back, rubbing her hands all over his cat-suited body.
But good morning anyway~
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I did Mr Kojima! I did I did
I've pulled my all night lately too, but I'm quite sure that Vidiya are not a replacement for sleep.
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Oh god!

>Her ass clenches up a little she was not expecting him to go that deep so soon

Oh, that's so good...Please tongue fuck my little ass~
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(You missed it last night cranked out like 6 requests in an hour to warm back up twas fun. Good to get the blood going again)
12:30 am ... Where in the world are you?
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I wake up at sunset on weekends. Everything is kind of a blur and I stopped being able to properly tell the days apart a while ago.

And you are still alive why? Do you have red bull instead of blood?
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Spain, France, a few African countries, Norway.
Nope. 12.30 am are 00.30 that mean Alaska not Yuropoorland.
That's not a very good research model.
>He takes off his underwear and steps froward, placing a hand on your leg and lifting up your jersey.
The best way is to collect all the data first, then you can process it as a whole.
>He pulls you towards him slides his fingers over your crotch, kissing at your neck and pressing his naked body against you.
Alright, so, bare with me here. But I'm gonna need you to lay on this bed here. Don't worry, I made sure to test it and it's very sturdy and comfortable. The innkeep told me that the sheets were made of the finest goose down and I'm inclined to believe him considering...

>Flashback! Kirito was roughing up the innkeeper, demanding the finest and most alienated room for him to sleep, shouting this or that about tired he was of dealing with the loud neighbours of the lower levels. There may have been threats about forks in the eye and burning the entire place to the ground while he watched the flames and laughed. Fortunately, it paid off, and here they were at the most lavish room (the lack of) money could buy! Gilded furniture, a violet velvet carpet that felt like sheer bliss to walk on, with shoes or without. Of course, the center piece was the king sized bed complete with canopy and curtain. Snazzy. Kirito turned and noted the look of skepticism on Fi's eyes. "Dude, she's totally doubting our credentials!" "Relax, I got this. We'll just show her... the tape." "You mean the tape that made us the laughing stock of Aincra-" "Shh! Trust me."

But, I'm sure you got questions for me. Like "Are you really a hero, Kirito?". "Are you truly so deserving of the Master Sword?" Well, this video here... should answer any and all questions about my credentials.

>The boy reached into the folds of his coat and pulled out a tablet, where he fiddled with it for a few moments until he turned the screen over and played a video. It was the infamous fight against Gleam Eyes, where Kirito actually lived up to the role of hero. Despite his "I hate everyone" facade and the angry speech he made about humanity, there was no doubting that he was putting his life on the line to save the lives of the people in danger of the giant goat demon. With his friends, aiding him and standing in awe at the moment he pulled out a second sword to put an end to the monster, before collapsing.
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Yeah that was pretty good, glad you liked (most) of my requests.
I'll give it away for you guys since you seem keen to investigate.
It's monday for me.
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They could be an Aussie, I think. Or New Zealander.
>face pressing hard against her crack his tongue bottoms out inside her ass, twisting and rolling, turning and tasting.
mmmmmm nnnmmmm
>removing his tongue he presses his lips against her hole and sucks, loosening her ring before pressing his tongue in deep again.
its 10:30pm east coast aus, currently 00:30 nz time
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There is a very good reason for that
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hello is this the hg thread
>He let out an audible "Oh God." Under his breath when she showed him her supple breasts. His cock sprung and throbbed madly when her fingers ran along his member. Biting on his lip his eyes laid heavy on her. He wanted to fuck her right then and there. As she pulled away, he raised an eye brow, he took began to lightly stroke his own cock as he admired her form. Very slowly and steadily. Almost mindlessly. Like a child eye balling candy for the first time he says in a juvenile tone. He felt a strong dominant aura from her.

Hnn~ God your boobs are so nice -- You're teasing me aren't you? I'll play along for a little bit. I'm not gonna burst quickly, promise..I've well, you know. Had a lot of practice, kinda.
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>FUCKS you

Does that answer your question, girl?
More or less yes.
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>Kills you
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>The sound of a large beings feet are heard trouncing around the area, the heated breaths of said being ringing out through the air. Futuristic boosters augment his leaping capablities as he flies straight into the air, coming down hard into the center of the thread. He lets out a bestial roar that shakes the very foundations of weaker men's constitutions but eventually leads into a tired yawn. He takes off his glasses and clears them off with a hankerchief before applying them back onto his snout, taking a quick stock of the inhabitants.
Excuse me for dropping in...My comrade Mr.Ziegler seems to visit this place frequently and I wanted to see what all the hub bub was about.
>goes micro and disappears up her asshole.
Is a bit too early mister Winston. I suggest you to come back this night PDT time. Then you will get a better understand of what this place is.
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>Said Mr Ziegler
Well...Okay I guess.
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you're evil, you bully me!
>godmode rps out of it
>is also a boy
Then I'm more or less at the right place.
N-not this again

By the way, has anyone ever seen a Dorothy here? Just curious where she is from.
>stops you
let that young feminine boy alone!
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>isn't bullying
>continues petting
Boy, girl. Same thing here.

>FUCKS you for real xInfinity
If you want to be ridiculed, humiliated and mocked until you feel like some kind of organic waste yes this is the right place. Otherwise no, is not. This is what you get by coming here.
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>She bites her lip, seeing your very animated reactions runs a hand over her breasts, giving one a squeeze.
I'm glad you like them but I'm not sure I trust someone like you...
>Poking out her tongue she trails a finger down her stomach and into her shorts, pulling it out after a moment wet with her juices.
Why don't you prove to me... just how good you are~
>She leans forward, her tits dangling in your face as she kisses your check and sticks her finger in your mouth, letting you taste her necter.
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Oh shit...You are so good at this...You've done this before?

>Her pussy begins to twitch and drip onto the bed

[I feel like I'm going to cum~...]
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R-reee, stooop!
>unfucks self xInfinity+1
Yep sounds like HG to me.
I just found the real HG thread though, it really took me a while.
Then enjoy your stay.
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Understood, I'll follow every instruction of the audition. Don't worry about how comfortable it is, I can't really tell certainly and it doesn't bother me at all. It can be made of stone and I wouldn't care.

>She kept a emotionless face during the process, she was looking at the ceiling ready to follow further instructions from Kirito but he was taking his sweet time for some reason, was he thinking about something? Maybe he was just looking at her body, Fi thought. Fi tilted her head to look at him when he asked those questions, yep that was exactly what she was thinking and she was calculating the odds. This video was adding valuable information for her, the way he moved and everything he said was getting into her system for further calculation.

I see, you returned this creature to the land of the dead using your courage and the help of your friends. Teamwork was important in a event like this, you fought with love in your heart, potent strength that only few can have... There's only one thing that bothers me to see If you are really worthy to wield me as your weapon. Your heart, what's inside?

>Fi moved her eyes to see directly at Kirito's eyes, demonstrating how serious she was about the question and that everything may depend on his response.

>This was the first moment Fi was feeling warm, the embrace from the man was quite interesting, this was some form of love but something was different. She moves her eyes down to look down at his crotch, noticing his fully erected cock very close to her as he continues to kiss her neck.
What you are saying is true, I need every piece of data I can get my hands on before I can process and make calculations but.. I'm not sure If this is a worthy calculation.
>His member was gently poking on her thigh once again, they were surprisingly soft and meaty, plump perfect for a man like him to toy with
>speeds up the thrusting of his tongue, lips sealed over your hole suckling harder pulling your hole and puffing it up.
Does your hole taste like cum or is it fresh?
>When she squeezes one of her breasts, he tried his best to keep his cool. Leaning back slightly, he pumps his cock against his fisted grip just a few more times. He was quickly reaching his peak much to his own surprise. His eyes lock with hers as she slides her hand down hee stomach. He couldn't look away from her even if he wanted to. He just couldn't.
"I could say the same about you, lady. Let's find out."
>When she leans in to kiss his cheek, he turns his face to the side against hers slightly. Still stroking his cock slowly. When she pries her juicy finger against his lips, he without hesitation takes her sweet moist finger inside his mouth. Enjoying how she tasted. He removes his hand from his cock and smooths both of them over to the sides of her hips. Closing his eyes, he inched them up her body tenderly. Scooting closer, his hands find their way to her breasts. Testing the waters, he brushes over them, and slowly gropes them both. With his right hand, he tweaks and begins to pinch her nipple in between his index finger and thumb. Seeing what he was and wasn't allowed to do yet.
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s-so no Dorothy?
>pushu awayu
>The man pulled away from her neck, two fingers pushing into your folds and starting a rhythm.
Worthy? Information is it's own reward, someone like you should understand that.
>Moving his free hand to your ass, her gropes at it, kneading the soft blue flesh lustily.
If you so determined in looking for HG, I think you left Kansas long ago. So no Dorothy.
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>Crushes your neck between her thighs, sitting on your face

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...Kansas? Is that where she lives?
p-pls no guro now
The one I know, at least. I'm not sure what or who you are looking for.
My... my heart?

>"Shit! I didn't expect her to hit us with the mother of all curveballs!"
>"Well, what do we say!?"
>"Hatred! Anger! Merciless God! Beater! C'mon, there's so much about us we can tell her, I'm sure they'll work!"
>"Okay, I know what I"m gonna say."

Before, I answer your question. I'm going to tell you a story. It's about a guild called the Moonlit Black Cats. See, this guild was owned by a guy who filled it up with NPCs from quests he never finished and this one girl with a shitty internet connection. Her name was Sachi. No matter what I said or how I mocked her, she still insisted on palling around with me and having me teach her how to fight. Then, one day, our glorious leader let us all know that we were all part of his debt to the mob, and we had to go into this dungeon to get the item to bail him out. There, one of the NPCs, whose name I will not mention ever, triggered a trap that got pretty much the whole guild killed, including Sachi. Since that day, I've been compelled to avoid having to see that happen to me or anyone ever again. That's one pain that no healing factor or potion or even heal slut can deal with. That's why I dedicated myself to being the best hero I can, so I can stick the best sword in the world straight up the ass of any evil dick fucktard who tries to fuck around! So basically, underneath all this snark is the heart of hero, or at least... that's what Sachi believed.

>Kirito took in a deep, shaking breath to steady himself. Clearly, his speech went in deeper than he honestly had intended, going into the dark places that he pretended were not there, feeling emotions that he'll claim he did not feel. Every time it was scary and confusing but listening to them always seemed to lead to the best of things. He turned his head slightly and wiped an eye with the back of his hand.
>"....jeasus, dude."
>"Hey, I'm still kinda not over it."

So.. that answer your question, Fi?
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THIS Dorothy!
>shows picture
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>guros u
And now, join my sister in the afterlife, young girl.
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>Fi's body paralyzed at the feel of two fingers sliding inside her very tight folds, slightly stretching her bottom lips.
T-this.. Information has a purpose, I don't know what I can do with this kind of data..
>Fi was confused with what was happening, she waves her body from side to side, trying to shake the feeling off her form before the anon kneads her ass to grope her plump rear. The right side of her cape holds on his shoulder like a hand, trying to to fall on her back in the floor.
Is this what humans do?..
>She wasnt paying a lot of attention to his gropes on her rear or the sensation that was feeling through her whole body with each movement of his fingers, she only wanted the data.
I guess it makes sense why rude and robot both start with R.

With that attitude, maybe you should be recycled.
What is /erp/ listening too?
Nope. I can't help you here.
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>She let's you feel her body for a moment, seeming to enjoy your touch but when you pinch her nipple she bats your hands away and steps back.
I think that's enough, you talk a good game but your body betrays you...
>She undoes the button on her shorts, letting them fall off and sliding her fingers against her pussy.
Get the first shot out of the way and then we can move onto the main course~
O-oh well...
>goes back to HG heaven
Here you go.
Wow! Wow!
The game is overpriced shit
I'm sorry.
>my swamp
I laughed
but I still exited the video
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pictures are hard with dental pain
Well normally you would be more involved but I don't mind you playing a passive role.
>He pulls out his fingers, pushing you onto your back on the floor and crawling on top of you.
Do what comes to you, experiment and let me do the rest.
>He pushes his cock into your pussy, the head roughly parting the insides and forcing it's way inside as he lets out a moan.
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Absolutely fresh~

>Her pussy continues to twitch and drip

I haven't had any action in a while~

>She pants and begins to rub her little clitty just riding the sensation
>He was close to doing something bold. His cock was erecting so much that it was almost beginning to hurt. He wanted to plow into her mercilessly. As his hand is swatted away, he opens his eyes and looks bewildered.
What the..Oh man.

>The guy was really getting his groove on. But loved the competetiveness. He had a coy half smile plastered on his face. As he looked up at her sexy form. He didn't realize how badly he wanted this until now.

I'll get a shot off alright. Help me get there.

>A hint of arrogance in his voice he motions for her to come to him and steadily begins to lightly glide his fingers over his glands, keeping his cock nice and stiff for her.

((HEY anon, bad timing I know. But it's like 4:40 a.m. here and I'm dead tired. So continue another tomorrow maybe?))
>toys with the growing rosebud further, when he releases she will be left with an obvious donut.
>his sloppy tongue coats her inside with drool.

(i have to go to sleep now~ thankyou for the taste)
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>Fi waits for his response, taking into account that the man was standing in front of the bed without saying a thing for a bit longer than she expected but as soon as he started to utter his story to the spirit she listened carefully. Everything sounded right, a true hero worthy of the power within her form. Every word, every scene was forming inside her blue head, she was recreating every small detail of what he lived to understand how he was feeling, and every odd that could help him or damage his worthness. Those last words about the heart of a hero was crucial but so was the way he was cursing the devil on this earth. For some reason that resulted kinda amusing for her, even for Fi, just an spirit. She sits on the edge of the bed, looking at Kirito the moment he asks for her answer. She stands up, nothing was a better answer that was about to happen. The data was flowing inside her form, calculating at the speed of light, Kirito could notice a glow on the entire form of Fi following with a powerful blue light surrounding her. This was the moment he knew his anwer the moment where Fi abandoned her physic form. The light was so bright that blinded Kirito's eyes for a brief moment, the instant the transformation happened. A second later when Kirito opens his eyes, when the strong blue light was gone he saw the Master Sword on his hands, he was holding it, it was his now. Half of the spirit of Fi leaves the sword for a brief moment to talk to him physically, floating in front of him while she waves her cloak.

I feel honored to serve a hero like you, Kirito. I can aid you on your adventures with accurate calculations and analysis of the situation. At your orders, your courage is admirable. Keep in mind that you need to use this weapon for the greater good, there's no other way to use. Now you have me at your disposal, you can fight your enemies with my power and I'll follow you every step of your journey.
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(No worries, it is dead hours after all. I'll post my reply along with a link to the archive tomorrow. Probably about midnight your time, if that works?)
>Someone is playing Fi
type less
The game is a good distraction for me.
(Totally works! See ya soon.)
I wish to fill Junko with my "hope"
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>She lets the man lay her onto her back and spreading her legs on top of his shoulders. The sensation of something very thick and hot pushing against her blue pussy was paralizing her once again, trying to close her legs together to no avail. Fi lets out a very loud moan, filling the whole room as she could feel how his cock was literally stretching every part inside her wet slit, her pussy was already leaking lots of juices around the man's member, she was truly aroused or at least her body.
T-this data... It's too much, we need to stop the experiment..
>She said wrapping her cape around the man's neck to support.
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>Kirito was still a bit off for the release of emotions he rather had not made vocal, but the voices that argued in his were silent. Yet, his heartfelt speech seemed to have an effect. Fi stood up from where she was, and for a moment, Kirito honestly believe she was going to walk out on him, whether because he wasn't genuine or because he showed weakness was something he would've argued about inwardly for the rest of the day. However, despite all his countless hours spent in VRMMORPGs, nothing had prepared him for the dazzling display that began to take place before him. An azure glow took hold of Fi and for a brief instant it appeared she was flying. The Black Swordsman could only stare in awe, but it was a stare that would only last for a few seconds more. The light grew blinding, and Kirito had to shield his eyes with his arm. Despite the cover and having them closed, he could still see it. He could still the blue light. Then he felt it. A heavy weight on the blocking hand. His fingers were enclosed around a hilt. It couldn't be... Opening his eyes, Kirito saw it. The Master Sword, in his hands. In the back of his mind he could hear the famous jingle, the triumphant music that told you that you were about to kick serious ass. He couldn't believe his eyes or his hands! Before he could react, he saw the image of Fi projected from the blade, waving at him, telling him that he was worthy to The Blade of Evil's Bane. He reacted accordingly.

Holy shit! Ho-lee shit! I can't.. I can't believe it! The fucking Master Sword! Right here, in my hand! Look, I can swing it, holy shit this feels so good! Goddamn! Can you imagine dual wielding this bad boy!? Ain't nobody gonna stand in our way now! This is the gnarliest sword in all of video games!

>"Did you just say 'gnarliest'?"
>"Shut up! I'm excited!"
>"And did you realize that she was the one who ended up testing us instead?"
>"...Mother of Satan, that's clever!"
Pfff. I'll suck out all of that disgusting hope out of your body before you can even look down my skirt.
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Not bad, but it's not quite Dynamic
(I'd to pick this back up if you're still free.)
>He starts to blush, seeing you so close to him and moving your tongue like that is more than he can stand.
Y-yes... I'm y-yours!
>H undoes his pants and lets them fall to the floor before clumsy stepping out of them.
>Tfw you play phara and tell the mercy that's getting chased by a reinhardt to fly up to you but they stand on the ground like an idiot, trying to fight it.
>when you're so addicted to tank cock you'd rather get killed by it then live without it
I want everyone of you to die, ERpers.
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>Winston turns his head to see who poked him.
Salutations? Do you need something?
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way ahead of you
no don't do it
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Give me just a bit, alright? I'm free but finishing something.
Fuck Off Bolin
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>She could see the excitement on his eyes, he was so happy he found Fi and he was truly worthy of her power, worthy of the Master Sword. His emotion was recalling her the moment Link finally held the Master Sword on his hands, his eyes were filled with courage latent from the deep of his heart, and this is what she was seeing on Kirito's eyes, the same courage, determination that only a hero can provide. But she knew this was only a small victory for him, the first of many to come on the rest of his journey, because Kirito already knew this was only the beginning for his adventure.

My power, the Master Sword is a very rate drop, I hope you treasure it with your life. Just to let you know, yes this sword can be upgraded plus twelve, it has some slots for gems as well, It can carry almost every effect you can imagine. Remember to use it with responsability, It's a very powerful weapon.

>Fi said waving her cape with the welp of the tiny stream of air that was running through the room, floating in front of our hero.

If you need me I can manifest whenever you want in my physical form, I can fight alongside you or help you recon the area. Also I provide real time analysis of the situation, combat and enemies attributes, you just need to call me for anything you need.
Cool, cool.
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fuck on bolin DX
Whats a woman?
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worst sex
>lewds bolin
You don't play anything I want to fuck.
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This, trips of truth >>7559222
>She crouches down to get a closer look at his penis, giving it a few pokes with her finger while giggling
What a cute little thing you have, can it get bigger than this though? I don't know if I would feel it if someone fucked me with that~
>Getting back up, she slowly moved behind him, hugging him close to her and kissing his neck, her hands massaging all over his chest as she whispered into his ear
Let me help you get it bigger, alright? Now then, remember what I said? I want you on allll fours.
Dynamic was great, but this OP is the best!
A miserable pile of credit card bills
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>not wanting to fuck syo
>not wanting to fuck ouma
>not wanting to be fugged by Korekiyo
Bad taste.
Something that doesn't exist here on Internet.
I don't know that character but that picture is so fucking hot.
I don't even know what you are talking about.
>The Black Swordsman stood silent, which was a very impressive feat for him, mind you. Still in complete and utter awe that he now wielded the most legendary of swords. The more Fi went on the swords capabilities and its potential power, the more proud and courageous he felt. For the entirety of the time he held that sword, he felt like an honest to goodness bonafide hero, not just some hateful nerd playing games of escapism. No, he had something in him. Something that had drawn this sword to him and to his hand. The boy took a few moments to strike a pose or two or five, smirking all the way. Fortunately for him, there was a mirror in the bedroom that he could see just how much the Master Sword added to his image. One step forward, two slices at the air, and a twirl of the blade to sheath it on its back and Kirito stood there. Proud, confident, and...

I am officially the baddest ass bad-ass to ever walk the face of the Earth. I mean, that was already obvious but to those who may be... learning impaired, I now have visual evidence. Oh, man, just imagine the look on everyone's faces when they see me pull out this bad boy. Err... bad girl, rather. Ain't that right, Fi? ....by the way. Thanks.

(Out of all the things I expected when I took up this character, this scene was definitely not one of them. But, it was absolutely fantastic, I had a lot of fun playing it out. Unfortunately I should off, it's nearly 8 AM. But, I look forward to seeing you around, and I hope you enjoyed yourself! Good night!)
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Let me tell you about Korekiyo Shinguji.
Shinguuji "If You're a Waifu I'll End Your Laifu" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Worship Kami-sama, I'll Stab You With My Kama" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Nico Nico Needs to Die" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "The S Stands For Sororicide" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Incestuous Infidel" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "God Is Dead, And So Are You" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Sister Fister" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Ku Ku Ku In Nee-San's Vagoo" KorekiyShinguuji "1000 Deaths For My Sister's Breasts" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Lover From the Same Mother" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "My Dead Older Sister Can't Be This Cute!" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Stare Into the Abyss, And The Abyss Stabs Back" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Denko Sekka? R.I.P Tenko, Sucka" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Splitting Waifus Like I Split Personalities" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Observing Human Beauty And Nee-San's Booty" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "If You're Brown Get Out Of Town" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "No Interest Unless It's Incest" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Si No Es Mi Hermana, No Me Interesa Nada" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Man-Hater? See You Later" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Bitches Belong In Ditches" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Sister Fights Back, Her Skull Gets Cracked" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Chromosomes Are X? I'm Stabbing Your Necks" Korekiyo
Shinguuji "Impale the Female" Korekiyo
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be quiet
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(I enjoyed it too, it was a lot of fun, thank you for the good time. I was not expecting this either but when Kirito really wanted the Master Sword I wanted to make it happen though he could've failed. I had a wrong idea about what the test was about but it turned out better. Bye bye and take care)
Fi~! could you give me a footjob?
>the anon stands with his erect cock out.
Ah~ It does g-get a little b-bigger...
>His cock throbs at your prodding, eager for you touch while his eyes fix on your cleavage.
You s-should let me t-try...
>As wrap yourself around him he shakes moaning at your kisses and getting on all fours as you command.
>says the anon as his throbbing slimy member rubs on Fi's soles
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>Her hands gently guide him down as he lowers himself, continuing to give him a few kisses during the whole time
Thaaat's a good boy~
>After he gets in position, she takes a few seconds to examine his body, pinching one of his nipples lightly and running her finger down until it reached his cock, but letting it be for now. Getting back up, she moves behind him and squats down once more, taking hold of his hips
If you want me to play with your junk, we need to get it a bit harder first, what can I even do with such a little thing after all~? Don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of it in a second.
>Her hands move down to his asscheeks, spreading him a bit as she moves in to give his entrance a kiss
This works with eeevery man, so just relax and enjoy yourself.
>Then, her tongue starts circling around his anus, and after a bit of foreplay, entered inside his hole
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Judging by your expression, you want to feel my foot through my pantyhose instead of my heel, so I'll do just that for you.
>Fi takes off her heels, throwing both of them on the ground before pressing his poor cock against his body once again but now the anon could feel the silky smooth pantyhosed touching his shaft as he begins to rub her toes on his throobing member.
If you excuse me, I'm going to gather data of the behaviour of your penis with this unique stimulation so I can use it for future experiments
>he thrusts his hips up and down desperately trying to fuck Fi's feet, precum sticking and making strings on her soles
O-of course! do as you please with my cock Fi~!
>tfw someone else got the lucky 25%
>Your hands and mouth moving over his body make him sigh with pleasure, letting out little gasps.
That f-feels so good~
>His member twitches as you tease him, the tip dribbling a little pre as you kiss his rear and he shudders as you begin to tongue him.
Unf! That's d-dirty...
>Despite his words he starts to move his hips, more thrusting forward than into you like he humping at air could relieve his lust.
Why even live Anon?
Ah, good morning gorgeous! What a pleasant surprise seeing you here; how are you feeling today?
>Fat Cat Tats edition
>Next to no fat cat tats to be found

I want my money back.
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Sorry, I'll make sure the next edition has the appropriate amount of whatever it is that's being advertised.
ERP is nothing but lies, Anon. Next time think before coming here.
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>Fi keeps levitating in front of the anon, using an imaginary chair to use both of feet on his cock. She crushes the anon's manhood between her two soles, her thumbs touching the tip of her cock with the gently pressure. Her movements began now, up and down following his thrusts.
Glad to hear that, now just stand still and enjoy how I collect your data.

Anooon you can be part of these 25% but... the odds are against you since there's 80% chance that I'm going to sleep after this
At least a few pictures.
Oh, is it? Should I stop then...?
>Her tongue went back inside gently circling around his inner walls, waiting for his reply. She was just planning to get him hard, but seeing how much effect her licks were having on him, made her more excited, she wanted to do more of this, watch how his cute cock would react to her teasing
I doing super great!
>Steadily as his lust and pleasure build up, the slow moving of Fi's feet aren't enough, the anon grabs her feet and starts thrusting as if they were a makeshift pussy
I'll give you as much data as you want Fi~, us humans call this a footfuck!
Well uh... M-maybe we can skip the b-butt stuff?
>His back arches a little, feeling your wet mouth on his hole and your face pressing against his ass.
I m-mean it's nice but y-your hands...
(To be honest I'm not really into analingus)
Well, that's lovely to hear.
>He grins at her, stretching out his body and leaning back against a wall. He a white man that was well built with a body that looks like he was a runner who did some lifting as a hobby.
So, rumor has it that you're a big fan of bdsm, owning people's minds and fucking them senses up till all they can think of is you and your body, is that right?
If I couldn't beat the 25% chance before, how could I ever beat the 20%?
No refunds.
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>The union's actions surprised her, the way he shifted her feet to thrust between both of them like they were a pussy was interesting to her, good data to gather and analyze.
I see, a footfuck, this is unique for me.
>Even when the anon was thrusting between her silky smooth clothed feet he could see how Fi was moving her toes, lightly touching on his member as he kept on thrusting like a horny dog.
And what is the purpose of this?
You don't Anon. Is a lie. There is no 25% chance. You never had a chance. The Anon that manage to get some here are not even Anon at all. They know each other, they probably check your IP right now and if you are not in their selected list you don’t get even a (you). This is how thing work here.
What if I want stocking-clad cat legs?
It's the easiest way to milk a human cock!
>The anon keeps thrusting faster and faster, Fi can feel his cock throbbling and twitching in-between her feet
Ah~ I'm about to cum!
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(That's fine, forgive me!)
Well, if you insist~
>Her finger moved towards his cock, slowly running from the base down to his tip, merely rubbing slowly around the head to catch his pre-cum
Having fun already? I'm a bit worried you are gonna explode too early if I use my hands~
Give me a while, I'm kind of multitasking a lot both here and on emails, and doing other things as well right now.
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That'd cost extra.
Oh, really? Sorry; didn't know. Sure; I have to get up anyway. Hope to catch you at a better time next time.
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>Fi remains emotionless meanwhile the anon is panting like an animal and thrusting very hard in between her feet, his precum was helping every movement be more comfortable for him, coating her pantyhosed toes with his precum, creating sloppy wet sounds in each thrust.

Ohh! This is relevant data that I shouldn't miss

>Fi opens her eyes wide, locking her eyes on the tip of his cock going back and forth between the tiny gap between her feet.

Because you just did. I'm at your orders.
>The anon pulls his cock back and presses her feet against his tip, as he cums coating both of her soles in thick white love juice
I hope that's enough data for you, Fi!
How much extra? Actually, you don't have to tell me, just sign me up.
I did? So you'll do anything I want, even if it's just about your legs?
(Don't worry about it)
>He moans, his arms shaking trying to support him as he moves his hips with your hand to try and thrust into it.
Well w-we could skip t-that too...
>His cock throbs again as your finger reaches it's tip, even more pre leaking out to greet it.
Let m-me.. Ah~ Inside y-you...
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Good. You can look but can't touch. No breathing on the cat, no harassing the cat, no staring at the cat.
Oh, and that'll be $300
>Stares at the cat
So I can look, but can't stare? That's a bit odd. What if I want to pay more?
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Anything you want, even If it's only about my legs, feet or any other part of my body.

>Her feet are now coated with his thick hot seed, dripping down her silky pantyhose
Thank you for the sample! I'll research this further
If you're tired, you should sleep y'know
Hahah, aren't you getting a bit confident with your suggestions now?
>More of her fingers crawled around his base, teasing under his glans from various directions
If I had this thing inside of me, I would barely feel anything. Seeing how much you are leaking, you would cum just from penetrating me~
>Her fingers wrapped all together around his base, giving him a single, very slow stroke
How much do I need to pay to fuck the cat?
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But I don't want to dissapoint anon, he wants to play with Fi.
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Don't do that... Stooooop it.

You can look at the sun, but not stare at it too. Ever hear of "too much of a good thing is a bad thing" That. But I'm the good thing.

Wow, gay. You know I'm a guy right?
Not worth it, trust me. If yoire sure about it, though, more power to you.
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This is a black thing, isnt it?
I k-know...
>His jaw drops as he feels you take his full three inch length in your hand and he starts to breath heavily.
It w-would be over so q-quick it's not a b-bother right?
>Groaning at your slow stroke he thrusts into your hand, his balls slapping against your palm.
Is a shitty thing. So is white.
That's why it's perfect. I can suck you off then bend you over and fuck you until you cum again!
You'll disappoint me more if you force yourself to keep going. Go to sleep if you're tired, don't worry about me.
Ehh? But then how would I enjoy myself?
>The girl giggled once more as her hands' motion resumed, gently moving up and down a few more times
Besides, you are having so many cute reactions like this already, why should I stop?
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Gimmie a hug man.

...You're getting MUCH gayer as you talk about this..
What if I pay $600 instead of 300?
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I'm so tired that my head is dizzy and I can barely keep my eyes open, I think I'm going to call it a day.

What I don't wanted was dissapoint you.. I promise I'll come back for you anon, I hope you can hook you. Now I'm going to sleep, have a good day anon.
Will you make me a sandwich?
>want to wear baggy clothes
>look like shit in them
(Sorry I thought I'd be alright staying he longer but I'm getting pretty sleepy. Plus you said your multi-tasking and stuff so I don't feel so bad, still sorry.
How do you look like shit in them?
You're acting like it's a bad thing but I know you want it~
So name your price or do I have to take it?
Baggie clothes don't work for very skinny people
I really appreciate it, but another person who tried their best and didn't want to disappoint anyone ended up wanting to use something that rhymes with "ricedick". Seriously, please go to sleep.
They make me look like even more of a hikki than usual.
I'm not even skinny.
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No staying up late, sleeping schedules are important. Don't worry, you freeing me a bit from the threads is a big help, I'll help you next time. We can take a bit to discuss our tastes as well when we see each other next, so I can take better care of you. I'll make up for the anilingus with lots of kisses.
Then I dunno, build more muscle. Bulky/chubby/non-lanky people are the only ones who don't look weird in baggy stuff
... What would you WANT for $600?...


Sorry cupcake. This gay cat ain't gay.. Wait...
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Gay cat boy eyes.png
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Oh baby you're so good to me~
Isn't it obvious since I asked for cat legs?
Wear a tight shirt with baggy pants.
How can you be such a damn tease then?
I swear to god, I'm this close to raping you.
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Heh that's funny. Now I'm doing lots of mistakes because I'm already closing my eyes. I promise I'll come back for you. Bye bye.
Do I look like a clown to you motherfucker
Man tiddies never hurt nobody
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You one of those perverts that like to rub their cock on stockings and leggings?

You don't got the BALLS. You wouldn't do that.
Well, uh... yeah, can't really lie about that.
Oh are you a skeltal or a fat fuck? I think you need more than baggy clothes to fix your look.
I'll show you balls, you damn cat!
>Tearing out of his clothes at surprising speed he runs at you naked, pressing your body between his and the wall
You're gonna get it slut kitty~
>He pushes his mouth against yours roughly, his hands groping at your body while his cock stiffens against you.
And you'll pay HOW much to let you cum on my legs?

>His surprise at the naked anon sprinting towards him was short lived as his words are cut off as his lips meet the anons. The rough forceful kiss jerking the tongue in his mouth around, sighing as he tries his best not to enjoy the kiss. the soft wet sloshing of the tongues meeting each other sends a chill down the boy's spine. The stiffening member rubbing on him forcing a quiver out of him
confusing my dick
I'm somewhere in between. Skeltal arms, bit of a belly, thicc thighs and skeltal calves. I don't get it either.
...how much do you want me to? I wanted to pay $600, but the more I look, the more I feel like that's not enough.
>futa shit
And I'm outta here.
>Anon can't tell a futa from a boy
Bye retard.
Fuck is right~
>He pulls down your shorts and runs a hand over your cock before pulling off your underwear
I'm going to stick this in your... boy pussy!
>His own throbbing member presses against your butthole as it parts around his girth and he kisses your neck.
Get it? Ah~ Caus you're a cat and a faggot~
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>not knowing the difference between futa and trap

These quads confirm everything
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Making you a tiny bit curious?~

>Sitting on the edge of the near by bed the boy's leg raises up, clad in a tight fitting stocking the smooth silk clings to his leg. Playfully rubbing up and down the clothed leg he eyes with you half lit eyes
$600 and I'll let you cum on them. Deal?

>Groaning as he's stripped and toyed around he wiggles about, trying to get free from his abuse, as he jerks about her only rubs against the anon's cock, teasing him more as he slowly begins to press the tip of his stiff member into him. Slowly opening up his backside
F-fuck you and your cat puns..
>HG is trying to remove Hoshi with another forced meme
I dont know

I have a pair of baggy cargo pants that I wear with white converse and studded belt. I usually also wear a white skin tight turtleneck to go with it.

Honestly it's all about experimenting and see what looks good on you
Go to a mall and try some shit out.
making me horny hrnng
>He ogles the raised stocking-clad leg with lust in his eyes, wishing he was the one rubbing it before looking into the half lit eyes
R- really, $600 is enough? I really feel like it's not enough. Are there any extra services I can pay for like teasing, or dirty talk, or getting my balls completely emptied instead of one shot?
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That's my job. Then to call you a faggot.

Rub. Your cock. On. My legs.
>He says in a very blunt tone as his hand gently strokes up and down his leg, one finger at a time as he eyes the anon, stammering and stuttering as he cares more about his bank account than the throbbing cock pulsing in his pants.
G- got it!
>He walks up to the cat and places his wallet at a nearby table. He proceeds to strip down while occasionally rubbing the cat's leg, causing him to get hard enough to feel pain, forcing him to let out his cock even faster
Post modern Vietnam.
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>ywn fuck your hot squad mate after mowing down a bunch of charlies
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>As the anon exposes his cock he wastes no time earning his pay. Extending his leg to him he begins to rub the soft milky stockings over the anon's exposed erect cock, teasing and grinding over his stiff member.
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>ywn get fucked by your manly squad mate after taking down some tangos
Can you sit on my lap, while gyrating your cute cat ass while calling me a faggot for enjoying it
>not keeping up nam slang
Still that's so hot~
Someone shoot do a female military Ava.
make love not war
>tfw HG has a Vietnam-chan ava
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>(Didn't wanna overload myself since I'm working while I do this, but seeing as it looks like rape anon died sure!)

>Bumping over to anon, big juicy cat butt first he plants his wide hips on the anon's lap, slowly grinding until he perfectly feels anon's cock slip between his cheeks, with a smile the cat boy's tail raises up and caress the face of anon, slowly purring as his hips move gently
Someone call?~
Time to plunge into the depths of hell for some sweet G.I pussy then!
>As soon as his cock touches the stockings, he lets out a pleasured gasp and wraps his hands around the back of the cat's leg to make it easier for him to hump the leg similar to what a dog in heat does
F- fuck...! This is worth every single dollar...
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>Tfw no Mercy gf

why live if i can't breed her brehs?
Good luck and Godspeed anon.
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>tfw no anon to mating press you
>mating presses you
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Good morning ERP.
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Morning, Pepe.
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What will you be doing today?
Lewd pepe ava when?
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>With a slight smirk the cat slowly grinds in time with the anon, letting him hump his leg. the soft silk of the legging slowly being soaked with pre as his cock jumps in excitement.
You like my leg sweetie?~ I hope it feels good, you look like a horny puppy, and you're as cute as one too!

I feel you senpai... I feel you
Best heal slut.
Modest cat tats are nice too.
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Giving the succ, doing homework, playing Borderlands 2. In that order.
Looks good enough!
I love it so much, i- it feels amazing...!
>His cock throbs harder as he's spoken to, even briefly blushing when he's called cute. He looks at the cat's arousing smirk as he continues to hump the leg, but briefly looks at the panties, looking at the bulge.
D- do you need help with that? I know I paid and all, b- but it's kind of awkward to be the only one who's feeling good...
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>Procrastinating on your duties for me
I better not see you up at 3 AM to finish them, alright?
Present. I'm lurking.
Cat tits, cat pussy, it's all good.
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All I have to do is some poxy Religion homework, and the writing out our YH gave us for being little shits. Don't worry, I'll have plenty of time to spare once we're finished.
>kissu from HG
>tfw want to erp
>tfw have to go to work in 20 minutes
W-why god
We'll be right here when you get back.
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(Sorry for delay,)

>Rubbing the very bulge his eyes was locked onto he simply watches as the anon grinds his cock against the soft cloth of the leggings.
No it's perfectly fine~ I like to watch
safety thread
(Don't worry, it's fine.)

>Almost as if to give the cat something to watch, the anon lifts his leg up to his face and proceeds to kiss and lick it all over, even going as far as to kiss the heel he was wearing. At the same time, he either humped the side of the thigh, or teased his glans using the silky material of the cat's leggings on the back of the thigh, almost always forcing a moan out of him.
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