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HG thread I know I can sound stupid but I can be right at times.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 240

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HG thread

I know I can sound stupid but I can be right at times. Just stay still.
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Man, she is killing in these games lately. Nice one. Got a specific image you wanna use?
What a death...
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Books are your greatest enemy but that is something I already knew.
Thanks for hosting mate.
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>Thank you for hosting. Really sorry that I just don't have enough images to work with and you can choose whatever you want for an image. Thank you for the host.
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>Thanks for hosting mate
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Qt snek (2).jpg
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>sorry there I was busy

>>7453429 #
How is the mission going Lambda?
>>7453418 #
Not much so what do you want?
>>7453395 #
The one that rejected you for being even worse trash!
>>7453374 #
Catthing. Any buildings here.
>>7453372 #
Plenty of birds out, good sign.
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See? More people need to be like you. I take pride in my hobby. That ain't so bad, is it?
Anytime. Except for right now. Just got struck with a bolt of creativity and don't wanna lose it.
Gotcha. Will try and make it a good one.
It is? Why don't you tell me? Never been one to know signs.
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Lambda (1).png
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There is none.
Congratulations, miss. And thank you.
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>Not Miia
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Well they always leave whenever I am under stress or something bad is happening. So clearly it must be peaceful at the moment.
Stuck in the same rut as me huh?
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Wow such tiny
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Lambda (149).jpg
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I am irrelevant.
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Tiny Snek's second.jpg
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Man trying to find an image that is not sexy, focused on choking someone or just bad looking can be kinda tough.
Thanks garnet, love it.
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You do you. You're not the type with the ill-will intent to kill somebody, as you've mentioned earlier. Even then I ain't the type to play hero till the situation calls for it.
Don't be stupid, if you were, you would have been scrapped a long time ago.
That reminds me, Snakeman would LOVE to see you.
y u no fag no more
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I summon _______
thats not the snekfag
we have two so which one?
the miiafag
all their filenames have snek in them
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Still alive.jpg
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Guess it is kinda peaceful.
>She looks wistfully at the birds, sighing.
But I can't shake the feeling something will go wrong. Or maybe that is because I just hate birds.
No prob.
Glad you do.
Just two cool kids wanting to live a comfy life is what we are. So. You've been gone for a while. Hafta think it was a good reason.
Another host would be nice.
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I have a lot snekpictures from internet and do screenshots by myself, but I'll not RP for her.
Because of kissu.

Tiny > Miia
Because of wot?
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My master Wily! I mean Light! I mean Courtney! Forget it any one of them will do!
>hate birds
But why?
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Lambda (11).png
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My master has no desire to do so.
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I really hate that.
And, I think it's obvious to ERP for her. So no.
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Then your master believes you still have purpose. So loosen a few screws and relax.
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They're just so loud, you know? Any time I try to do my thing, hear they come caw caw cawwing away. Lost a few good spots because of them.
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Lambda (65).png
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I still am primarily-organic in nature.
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I would scrap her since she's completely useless in her current state, but I have faith she'll be useful one day.
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Don't be so sudden and they will quiet down.
Who the bass are you?
A few bones then, or whatevernyou're made of.
s-so miia fag?
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Lambda (77).jpg
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My...apologies for having no purpose.
I do not believe they can be "loosened".
Nothing out of the ordinary, I just toke some time to spend to my accord. Training to fight a rouge samurai. I've spoke little about taking a break after the holidays haven't I? I'm 100% A-okay being in this very place that I am now.
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(It's like dealing with metal man all over again) I meant relax. Come on there must be something you enjoy?
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Her mistress.
It doesn't really matter right now.
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It is of concern to myself.
...Little that can be done here.
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Didn't you ever teach her to enjoy something?
Yeah this place is a dump. But I will find a way, trust me. So what is it?
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I tried but it was too much of a hassle.
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Easier said then done. One step and boom! A swarm of them rat me out like I'm some bad guy.
Think I met that samurai. Have you? I haven't noticed. I been kinda busy myself.
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Missing out.png
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Just ran out of my creative juice. It may not seem like there's a lot here but I'm sure you can give me 24 again.
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Cirno 189.jpg
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lil albedo.png
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Lord Ainz Ooal Gown
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Reigen Arataka
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Vulcan Paru
O-oh, was studying...
No, I didn't, why?
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>Lambda very clearly looks at Kokonoe before talking.
I have developed a fondness for caring for animals.
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Qt snek (3).jpg
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Tiny snek
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>The bot starts to lose his nerve. Switching from docile to hostile in seconds.
You can't just neglect something that important because it's a hassle!! What do you think she is, a mindless slave?
They are just curious.
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Sleeping lolis
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Double D and Ed
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sneks are hot.jpg
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Pink snake pussy
Johnny and Plank
Just post the entire thing desu
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Milf Nozomi
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gib succ.jpg
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Transparent Dreamcast
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priscilla books.jpg
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Seath The Scaleless
If I treated her as a mindless slave then I would of just made her a robot like yourself. She's able to make her own decisions.
That's great.
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>Touches your scaleless body before dying.
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You'll walking around parts of tokyo picking fights with officers, he's a legendary man reborn into obscurity. You've heard of his book called "The book of 5-rings" right?
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hqdefault (2).jpg
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Lambda (10).jpg
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I felt hostile, for a moment. My apologies.
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Read the mood.jpg
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Next time you wanna see it, go watch it with Yuno. I think she would really like it.
Blah blah. Whatever the reason, my stalking suffers because of them and that's no good.
Guess we were talking bout different people. May have slept through that lesson. Mind refreshing my mind?
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Who? What? Stop making strange noises, and get out of my library.
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Could I get one more? I don't like putting myself in there.
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Great host. We need more host like you
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Why isn't HG more like this?
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Same. I don't have the capacity to last much longer honestly. G'night.
You want us to be asian?
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>his mood rapidly gets worse looking like he might attack kokonoe at any instant as his drills spon with fury.
Oh, I SEE HOW IT IS!!! SEE ME AS SOME MINDLESS HUSK IS THAT IT?!! That's RICH coming from the four eyed neglect who made her own android a slave who can't even enjoy life!!
>you realize he's blown a gasket
Why the hell are you stalking?!
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My number one fan is looking good for this code. Will start soon
>running away when there is like 10 of them
They deserve to die.
>not a single one raped
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You're mistaken there.
She's not a slave. She's able to make her own decisions and you are a mindless hunk of metal.
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Making love is hard. Having a war is much easier.
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Lambda (7).png
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...Perhaps "offended" is the proper term?
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This shovel is for the bodies I am going to hide.

A bit late, the games have begun already.
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Something about berries to remember is that red and sweet are good to eat.
Nice one. Thought you had a rep for being fast.
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Then why is it called a war room?
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>he gets ready to attack only to spot lambda midway and stop.
Mark my words, I'm going to give you a crash course in pain by the end of this game. If tht still doesn't change your mind, I'l mine that skull of yours outside, drill some sense into you!
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Fucking shoveled to death huh... Why can't I survive till Day 3 at least...
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Cirno's playing smart here. She knows that snakes hate the cold.

That was fast for him. Guess they realized he's a little cuckoo.
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Gotcha. I'll be seeing you.
.She jumps up from the sudden outburst, holding her hands up in self defense.
Woah there hair trigger! It's just a hobby. No harm done, I swear.
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It is a proven fact that I can do anything, no big suprise there.
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You will not harm her.
My apologies for inconveniencing you.
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Didn't you already figure that out?

You guys are chilling instead of killing this day.
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Ah, I am sorry if it seem that way. Lambda, dear, can you deal with this nuisance. I have a lot of work to get back to while being stuck here and I would be upset if he tries to attack me out of the blue.
Right right. Now, where did I leave that damn thing.

Going to watch this. Rate.
>he literally vents steam as he calms down
Give me a moment.
She won't ever learn until someone makes her.
What thing?
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Cirno 116.jpg
24KB, 271x273px

Guess I'll just get them another way.
Aw, fiddlesticks...guess I'm early to the next one then...

well that isn't fair! You can't compare to getting in on one of these the same to gliding across the ocean! It isnt the same!
B-because people got stabbed in it?
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A little more non-action coming to you.
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My apologies for reacting so...harshly. I understand. Farewell.
>Lambda steps closer.
This was not a request.
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Me killing him up would be the only good thing that happened in his life
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Nice hat.png
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Rocks, bombs, people. Lot of throwing today.
Do you really like to taste someone's saliva?
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I like it how snakes hopelessly move everywhere when they're falling, it's hilarious
Don't make me do this Lambda.
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To being the coolest chick around. Here you go, snow sister.
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Claws out.jpg
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That studying must be intense. Not just because of that. Just spend some time with her. I'm pretty sure you mean the world to her.
>She still has her guard up despite him calming down.
Yeah yeah. I'll give you all the moments you need.
Well what should I compare it to then. I'm not the one that's late.
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1MB, 700x990px
Oh, this is just human money right?
Can I buy icecream with this?
Hmm, if I see her again today, I will ask her if she wants to watch it then.
Maybe it will distract her from you as well.
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Eyes of mine.png
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Maybe yes. How do you know. I am a freak with many fetishes.
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I will not allow any to harm my master. Especially after being ordered to "deal with the nuisance".

Stand down.

CUTE! much better than Russian Cirno.
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I think what he's really wondering is why there's so much peace.
But there's only one me, and I'm certainly not a Russian
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Shit bro, you are disgusting.

Btw, does someone want to play l4d2?
Soon as they make l4d3 :^)
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Everyone wants to play the dreamcast nowadays.
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Woawie, that's the ugliest ball I've seen in my life.
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Your joke is bad.
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Do me a favour. If I get really out of hand, freeze me. You will know when.
Since you can't open your eyes to what she's doing to you. I refuse
I guess it was a joke, l4d3 is never going to happen.
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Being an evil scientist gets you a lot of things to play with.
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God, that was so much fun.
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Go on.jpg
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You sure about that?
>She relaxes her stance a little. Soon taking to sitting on the ground.
It could end up real bad for you.
Alright, that's cool. But I need to speak with her. It will only get worse if I try running away.
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Lambda (90).jpg
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She has done nothing more than grant me a proper chance at life, and currently allows me free reign over my own devices.

Please. I abhor conflict.
Don't you think it's weird that the closer you get to the Sun, the colder it gets?

Maybe it's the Earth that is super hot, and the sun is the one keeping it cool.

Ready for what?
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Something may come along soon. Hope it does at least.
Someone come here already so I can beat you up, come on!
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So most of you decided to be smart this time around. That may help you.
Then why are you here?! We kill each other day in, day out!! You can't join these games and still claim you are a pacifist.
I knew you two would get along well
She's not here that often, but if I see her again I will let her know.
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O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-
JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
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It's a little active here at this time. I wonder why that is.
Seems the year of the rooster ends early.
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Or everyone but two can die before the day's over.
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Lambda (104).jpg
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I was brought here by means unknown to me. My retrieval is yet to be assured, but I am not forced to remain here. I merely have nowhere else. Is this sufficient?
You're a weirdo
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Gotcha bossman. Just don't blow up on me, alright?
Just don't screw up. Lives are on the line.
Is that a rhetorical question?
>She yawns into her hand, rubbing her eyes a little.
I'm not any good at those.
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Because it's a sunday....
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You guys need to be better at finding trees. A branch never feel on me before.
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My hand's falling asleep. Oh yeah. Nice job.
Well, next door we have a murderer demanding justice, I'll let you choke on the irony of that for a few moments, and here we got a game going. I got caught up in listening to this guy yelling about thin skin that I ended up missing the sign ups. Sad!
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I wish I could do nothing and win.
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No promises.
But why do you fight?!
Thanks for hosting mate.
you and me both.
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That's silly. You don't have to answer a rhetorical question, so I don't know how you wouldn't be good at it.

And tomorrow it's going to be Monday!

Way to go, Dream-chan. I'm glad you won and not somebody else. Thank you for doing a wonderful job, hostess.

Eh? You wouldn't happen to be talking about that brothel or whatever it's called, right? It's funny that a place like that would have a murder, but it's a safe bet that it was the victims thing.
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Thanks for reminding me I have class tomarrow....yay me....
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Solo edit 2.png
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To prove myself worthy to my master. I never retaliated unless forced in these games, regardless. Is this issue resolved? I would like to depart for other activities, including rest.
An inanimate object...congratulations. And thank you again, ma'am.
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Brothel, right, yeah, totally wasn't there for anything. Not like as a harem protagonist I am magnetically compelled to large hordes of women in hopes of them swarming all over my luscious anime hero body. I was there... on a quest! ....ANYWAY, seems that higher ups over there kicked him out of their VIP club because he's kind of a dick so his response is to prove them right. Absolutely fool proof, I would've never come up with a plan like that in a million years.
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Similar Interests.jpg
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You gotta have more faith than that. If you go in thinking that, it will happen.
Here's to us.
Come on man. It was a joke. Even I am not that dumb to know what it is.
It was fun but I'm a little too tired to do it again.
Maybe some day fortune will favor us.
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I sure hop it's still here.
>thanks for hosting
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It cant be helped.png
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It's not that bad. If you're smart and resourceful you'll have no problem getting through it in one piece. And hey, if you can get away with cheating then it's all the more better.

Don't you worry about a thing. I understand completely when it comes to going there for a quest. I even met this woman with big thighs that wouldn't leave me alone. I told her to stop touching me, but that only made her do it more. One thing led to another, and now I'm here.
Anyways, that's not the problem at hand here. You said it yourself that you're a hero, right? Why didn't you stop that madman before his plan went into fool swing?

Hah, right. Your face told me otherwise, but I'm glad you're not that dense. It would be troublesome having someone that feels the need to answer rhetorical questions around.
Hey, would you stop Michelangelo from painting the Sistine Chapel? Would you stop Gordon Ramsay from telling that guy that the sushi was raw? You don't interrupt an artist at work, man. Besides, by the time I got there, all that was left was him yelling about the injustice of him being punished for breaking rules! In fact, if I listen closely, I can still hear his voice, like the most beautiful of angels.


Ayep, he's still at it.
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Hah, that'll be the day. But right now, fortune wants me to sleep. Later.
As always, no problem.
Don't see how unless you're real anal about it. Just ignore those types if you hafta. Sorry but I pick a bad time to do this. Talk to you later.
your rp is shit
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Consider the following.png
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I think you should do his vocal cords a favor and stop him. It can't be good if he' still screaming about whatever nonsense that comes to his head, and if you can hear him from here then it's even more of a problem.

I understand. I wouldn't want to be here if I were you either. Good night.
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It's not that it's hard or anything. It's just such a hassle to balance school and work, I practically have no free time. I didn't even ask to go to this super special school.
Perhaps you can stop spouting memes like a child for a moment because you are just proving the point that the threads are nothing but lazy avafags too afraid to leave comfort zones and claim anything as cringe, but still post kissu and shitposting like the cringiest neckbeards I have ever seen. Why the fuck do you idiots think replies have anything to do with this?
your rp is still shit
Perhaps you can stop spouting memes like a child for a moment because you are just proving the point that the threads are nothing but lazy avafags too afraid to leave comfort zones and claim anything as cringe, but still post kissu and shitposting like the cringiest neckbeards I have ever seen. Why the fuck do you idiots think replies have anything to do with this?
Please fuck off with this gay shit I don't want to be one of those female avas people just >kissu or >gropes or whatever the fuck I'm filtering both of those words
Literally kys
Hey, thanks, you too! I know. I'm the best. When it comes to dick measuring, nothing beats an anonymous manchild hiding behind a screen and projecting their insecurities on other people because they failed so miserably in life that this is all the have. Hey, hey, no, I get it. This makes you feel good. So have it! Your words mean nothing to me!

>cries internally
>"H...he said I was shit! I'm not shit! I'm trying really really hard!"

Nah, he'll just tucker himself out and be back at it again. Or someone will call him out on it and he'll pull the "I'm just pretending to be a whiny prick, I'm actually a really cool guy once you get to know me" and you find that the only people who do know him are pricks just like he is. Like, oh Christ almighty, how low do you have to be when one of your only friends is a friggin' 13 year old?
you talk too much
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Kevin James.jpg
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That is a terrible exaggeration

I hosted on a computer at earliest 3-5 months ago.
Meaning most of the time I have been here I have hosted on a tablet.
Hell there was even a point when My games, despite being slow, despite being on a fucking tablet was liked as much as deans or mokous.

I dont give a fuck about the yous, each and every one of you could remove the reply when speaking to me it means nothing.
What DOES concern me is fucking thirty of you decided to lurk and not even bother rping at all because of drama or a slow/bad host.
What DOES concern me, is were too busy backstabbing each other over petty shit from 5+ FUCKING MONTHS AGO

Even the fucking erpfags and drawfags have more of a backbone.

You dont want me to host, fine
I flat out refuse to.
Because only YOU can make the community better and Im fed up of telling you this fact.

See you tomorrow.
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Explain this.png
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You could always get better at school. As for work, who needs it? We're both young, so we should prioritize working ourselves to death just yet.
Actually, if you're going to a special school, that means you should have some type of helper. Use that to your advantage and get them to do some of your work for you.
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Easy on the word limit
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If I may ask, who is this person? The more you talk about them and their unhinge, unchecked aggression the more I want to know who they are. It's almost as if they took a situation out of a book and implement it in real life, but didn't realize that doing so is never a good idea because it's likely nobody will ever get the reference.
senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi
Really? I feel like I don't talk enough. Everyone always tells me, "Hey, Kirito, you should talk more, be more open to people. You'll make friends that way!". And to that ridiculous notion I tell them "Why would I want to make friends with any of you assholes? You're all a bunch of self absorbed idiots running around chasing various carrots on a string and praying to the random number generator god for a win!" Then they kind of call me a dick and leave me alone. Which is good. I prefer to be alone. Other people just kinda ruin my groove, I don't jive with "other people", ya get it?

(If it is a bit much, I can cut down. I'm still practicing Abridged!Kirito)

Oh, it's some guy named Adachi. Pretty sure you know him. Tall, swarthy, seems to have a fascination with cabbages? That Adachi.
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Why should he?
So I tell you two to stop being immature twats who respond to anything i say with buzzwords, and this is how you handle it.

Just stop even trying with hg, place is clearly just a shitpost thread with avafags, why even bother at this point.
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>fagging an abridged character
Are you twelve or something?
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I wish it were that easy, but my job and schooling go hand in hand. I'm a prodigy so I have many expectations to meet, I didn't ask to be a great pilot I was practically raised from birth to be one, now my employers utilize my talents while I continue to hone my skills at school. I just want to be with my friend...
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Its impossible.png
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Oh, I'e met him before! He seemed like a nice man. He really knew how to get things done, but I think his pride gets in the way of him getting away with his crimes.Either way, I'm a fan of his work. If those kids weren't smart he could have gotten away with it too. Imagine a world where women aren't shallow. Imagine if they don't only go for looks. I think that's a world we would all want to live in.
No, I'm actually a 45 year old man named Bubba who lives in his mother's basement. Can't go outside because the little sexual predator bracelet goes beep beep the moment I step outside my house.

(It is an experiment after all. If people don't like it, I can always stop and delete the folder.)

A world where women don't go after looks? What would they go after instead? Personality? Well, hey, that works in my favor too. I got an award winning personality. Funny how you changed your tune the moment i told you his name though.
Don't listen to shitposters. I like your shit.

Russian ver.
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Let me make a smug face for you.png
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There's a simple solution to this, but it may be a tad bit extreme to someone that allows themselves to be limited by the rules. It would have been easier if you did it from the beginning, but I think there's still time.
What you need to do is go with the bare minimum. Stop overdoing all your work and soon enough they'll stop expecting a lot from you. If you're a real prodigy then you won't have to worry about becoming a pilot in a different way.
Or better yet, if you're the only prodigy, start demanding more freedom in return for your talents. If they don't want to lose you then they'll have to comply. You've got the upper hand here all because you have the skill they're most likely looking for.

What can I say, I like when people challenge the status quo in a way he does. If we didn't have people like that then life would be bland. It also goes hand in hand with what I want, and that's for women to leave me alone. You don't understand how annoying it is to have them follow you around because they think you're a playboy.
>implying abridged characters are bad
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Hey, my first night, no game and I already made a fan! That's me, Kirito. Just that damn good. Glad you can come out this night. Or morning. Timezones, am I right? Shame there isn't a chance to showcase my greatness and maybe teach a lurking noob a thing or two about how to be hero. You see, to be a hero you gotta have a good motive and for me it all comes down to the right price, the right quest reward... the right cup size. You get what I'm talking about.

(Thank you, anon!)

Wait, what!? You get annoyed when women follow you around!? A harem is like every man's dream! Then again at the same time you do have to deal with the fact that there are people who follow you around, so I can kinda see where you're coming from. Who wants to deal with "Kirito, please have sex me" or "Kirito, does this dress make me look fat?" or "Kirito, stop being so damn awesome!" all the time? Not me, that's who. Hey, you know what? I DO understand how annoying it is to have people follow me around. We broke common ground! Nice.
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You make a great point, It's already been established that I am too valuable to lose. Sure I am one of twelve students that make up the school, but I believe each one of us are too valuable to lose. And it's not like anyone else knows how to pilot my mech...Still I feel like the only option I have left is to continue to better my skills, it's a bit late to back out now. I just have to make the most of it. But on my terms.

Thanks stranger...thanks a lot, you helped me greatly!
type less

Founder of ISIS
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ss (2017-01-29 at 14.13.35).webm
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Sure looks like the founder of ISIS to me
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Use your head.png
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It's true that men naturally want women, and I'd be lying if I told you I didn't want one, but when you have a clear goal of what you want to get done and there's women getting in your way it's a little annoying...much like you've just said, but worse. Not only that, but the real beauties don't do that. The ones that are worth going after are the ones that're just like me. You know what I mean, right? No exactly independent, but ones with a future they look towards. One that's not content with being a housewife and settling down in one spot for the rest of their lives.

True. You want to continue to better yourself no matter what. It's what we as human's crave to do. Have you ever wondered why people get depressed? It's because they don't preoccupy themselves with hobbies are studies. In a way, what you're doing already brings happiness and fulfillment to your life that friends won't be able to fill.
Maybe the answer isn't how to get around it, but how to make friends with the other pilots in your classes? That way you can chat and hang out while you work towards your goals of becoming amazing pilots together.
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Well... I don't usually work by request but hey! You caught me in a good mood.


There, that make ya happy?

There's nothing more frightening to the supreme gentleman than an independent woman. But, whatever floats your boat. Just don't go around and killing her if she doesn't make you a sandwich because that's kind of a dick move. Real dick move. You know how many guys spend their whole lives chasing after "the one"? Quite a lot. So when someone actually gets it and throws it away over something as petty as that, that kind of rubs me the wrong way. For God's sake, love is supposed to be a wonderful and magical thing and fuck you if you have it and treat it like shit. So, yeah. Don't do that.
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I already found my best friend there. Truth be told I wish we could do more outside, but what bothers me the most is how dangerous our jobs can be, I can't help but think what would happen if I lost him.
You are just prunked brah
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Why would I killer her? I don't need her to make me food either. I've got enough cooking knowledge that I could make myself whatever I want when I want. I wouldn't want her possibly messing up my food.

So he's your special guy friend...very romantic! I'm happy for the both of you, but worrying about another guy is a worry wasted. Men can handle themselves in tough situations.
>tune into He Will Not Divide Us
>we literally successfully divided them because theres a fence now
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Wow, that's really fascinating. And by fascinating I mean "I could not give less a fuck if I tried." No one's going to be impressed you can microwave yourself some ramen. Even I can do that.
>"Did I just insult myself? ....crap. Gotta stop hanging around self depreciative people. They're starting to rub off on me.
But, hey, my compadre in social avoidance disorder, I gotta head out. Catch some Z's. Don't bother sending me a friend request, I'll just cancel it. Later!

(Well, that was actually pretty fun. Good night, HG.)
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I-It's n-not romantic...I just care about him that's all! And...I do have faith in him and the whole class, but there are just some things we can't control. What if his mech malfunctions? Or he is hit by a stray round?
Dr Pig?
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Have a good night! Don't get so full of yourself that you explode in your sleep!

Are you sure? You sound like you care for him more than your average male friendship. Or...could it be you're not male? You do look very feminine. Are you trying to crossdress?
And if any of that stuff happens...well, it happens. What would he want you to do? Risk yourself and possibly die along with him? As romantic as that sounds I doubt he would want you to die. The best thing you could do is become a great pilot for the both of you.
Post wallpapers and rate
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N-no I am a boy, I know I'm not very masculine looking, but I make up for it with my piloting skills. And you're right, I'd wish the same for him if I was in the position...before I go, can I have your name?
Post em'
Post what?
these nuts
The list. Matsuda-kun post the list~~~~!
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Sure thing. The name's Amami Rantaro. For now that's all I'll say. We can get closer another time. Have fun doing your pilot stuff!
Joris Cullen*
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I'm Henri Xiaotien. It was nice meeting you, Amami Rantaro...have a pleasant day.
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Where did that come from.png
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This is the third time I've been called that. Is it good or bad?
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You can't describe the phenomenon that is Joris Cullen with words like good or bad.
Nice earrapr m8. Im deaf now. Thank you so much, this earrape has changed my life. I was gonna kill myself today, but though to browse this shithole one last time. Then I listened to this earrape. And it saved me.
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Something really isnt right here.png
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Try your best. I want the full story of Joris Cullen.
I had stafe 4 terminal brain cancer. I was gonna die. But then this eartape killed all the cancer cells and tumors. I was then cured. Bless this earrape.
Before this, my relationship with my gf was going down hill. Then we both listened to this beautiful earrape. Suddenly, as if magic, my gf and me got along again. We even had sex for the first time in over a year. Thank you Seinfield earrape.
Alright heres some more.
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>erases the time in which the explosion occured
who are you
Kang Crimsun
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Don't mess with me.
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we wuz kangs, nigga
>erases the time of slavery

aww yea nigga
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Don't steal my ava!
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>stop the time
>beating you to death
>time continue to move
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I just wanted to see if you are here. I guess you are. Hey Chen.
>erases the time this actually happened
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>stop time again
>Kill you
Ok now its done.

>erase the time I died
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I was here like all the time, even when I don't participate in game that was befofe. Honk
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>already dead
>do something
delet this
Death is below me
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Oh stop it
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d e a d w a i f u f a g s t o r a g e

s a d !
No, you'll be a Hero and love it.
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22KB, 403x333px
Yare yare...do you need me to host? Is there anyone here to do it for?
File: zRoyal pain in the ass.png (29KB, 220x237px) Image search: [Google]
zRoyal pain in the ass.png
29KB, 220x237px
I am here.
Host now
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266KB, 665x490px
Don't be so pushy.

Give me 24 if you want a game. It doesn't matter to me one bit.
Cinnamon Roll
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115KB, 700x393px
Gandalf the Pug
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77KB, 459x703px
Chiaki Nanami
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155KB, 494x696px
File: Fuck....jpg (472KB, 1436x1088px) Image search: [Google]
472KB, 1436x1088px
Rohan Kishibe!
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Cirno 32.jpg
536KB, 999x673px
File: Entry.png (157KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
157KB, 500x500px
Flash Man
File: Saturn.jpg (292KB, 571x457px) Image search: [Google]
292KB, 571x457px
Sailor Saturn
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0Lord Beerus 1.jpg
241KB, 720x720px
Lord Beerus
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231KB, 521x729px
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image (1).jpg
35KB, 598x484px
this thing
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A Clone Trooper
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Clay (4).jpg
119KB, 640x509px
Clay Puppington
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105KB, 1000x1000px
Yohane-sama the Fallen Angel
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Rikka [2].png
137KB, 680x1005px
Rikka Takanashi
Kotarou Tennouji
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55KB, 389x600px
Loli SS Officer
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86KB, 570x532px
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Ruby Rose
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Fairy Leviathan
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49KB, 250x250px
what is this
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88KB, 960x484px
Edge Fencer
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18KB, 375x309px
Russian Demon
my waifu
y-you too...
File: 1e8.jpg (30KB, 389x257px) Image search: [Google]
30KB, 389x257px
God I am late again...fuck this shit...
File: Reaping.png (369KB, 610x728px) Image search: [Google]
369KB, 610x728px
Do what needs to be done.
>gets under
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514KB, 595x627px
>crazy stray catto dab to support Rohan
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447KB, 618x2123px
So be it. Here's your bloodbath.
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Cirno 269.jpg
217KB, 800x900px
File: Day 1.png (404KB, 615x1811px) Image search: [Google]
Day 1.png
404KB, 615x1811px
Day 1. Ruby's already moving in.

Good work.
Well, I always wear this. Kinda have to, seeing that that's the whole thing about robots.
Shut up, I didn't want to play anyways
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619KB, 1920x834px
Ugh, kids. Fine, alright, lissen here.....
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44KB, 362x469px
Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 240

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