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Zootopia General: Disturbing voices edition Pastebin: paste

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 543
Thread images: 251

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Zootopia General: Disturbing voices edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/7401862

TT theme: Medieval (due 02/Feb)

More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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First for forgotten patooties
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I really like how Fournier turned from a young, hopeful cop into a jaded and bitter husk who keep trodding on because he doesn't know anything better
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No manchas!
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post sheep!
You can't tell me what to do Spanish lady!
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So /ztg/! Medieval won!
What will you create for this TT?

ewe with dick is best ewe.
a fic where... KILL YOURSELF.
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Nope, I have to do TT
ewe are very right

this fox is so happy. it makes me smile so wide.
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actually streaming for longer than I planned

gimme some more requests
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i can't remember if you have done one of trapwether? if not that, but if so how about your take on isabelle? or even ari (a feminine mountain lion) and finnick doing the dirty?

up to you, any of those would be super neat~
Cliff, Neil, and Avo in a threesome
I wanna fuck that ambiguous gendered ewe
what species is isabelle?
she's an ermine, so stoat/tube
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Wynn's suicide hotline fox on a call going "please don't"
Rerequesting your sloth, Rose's red panda and Artemis eating a huge pizza.
Or more Artemis in general.
So many cutie patooties.

Pandora/Betty on her back, Remmy pounding his 9,5 dick into her cunt, he is tightly on leash while she fingers his ass saying if he slows down/tries to pull out (whatever), she will unsheathe her claw...on that finger inside his ass.
A jaguar pondering on life
Al and Velvet dancing
Who should/do you want to see sing the new hit single in Zootopia 2?
Adele as a fat canine
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please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't
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rare sloth pic
yay, thank you so much! get some rest, nobby.
Cute ermine
Cute sloth
So much cuteness, I'm dying, help
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Hey Nobbers, who's the shadowy figure supposed to be?
my friend

>still has balls
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You know, with all the trapwether pics that's been posted around, I never considered that a male Bellwether would actually be castrated like an actual bellwether...
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Just missed it, fuck
One of these days I'm gonna catch you on stream
Adele voicing Canidae?
That bulge is much more modest than usual.
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>yfw you realize Bellwether is trans
Since this got some good discussion last night, I'm reposting again.

What sort of species do you think you are likely to find in a local game store? What about an arcade? Are some board games or videogames too stimulating for some mammals, or unable to be scaled up/down?
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I just wanted to say thanks. To everyone. You guys are awesome.
>this rodent playing a rhino barbarian again
The smaller they are, the harder they project holy fuck
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Alec lewding the VRbit when?

VRbit should be tied up like the naughty bun he is.
Naughty buns shouldn't be rewarded that way. Just leave them alone.
tfw that was my goofy headcanon

also, maybe the beginning of an especially shitty day. i cant find my wallet. even worse i don't have time to look for it before my first class. EVEN MORE worse is that i have a meeting tomorrow with the lead of the study abroad im attending and they need debit info for plane tickets.

fml, i hope it's in one of the three places i think it is.
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I think one of the biggest problems would be for deers, that freeze with sudden bright lights, or goats, that have a similar problem because of myotonia.

You too, friend, you too.

We should remember this whenever Alec ask for requests
Don't worry! You'll find it, just look carefully on the last places you've been.

Alec already drew VRBit and Cutie, didn't him.
Tied up and gagged?
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one day this will happen

rumors suck because they're just rumors
Any simple non lewd doodle requests? I'm learning so don't expect much, but hey, draws.
Judy in cowboy boots and hat.
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Nick in a dress.
Judy flicking her bean while Nick strangles his snake.

Non-lewdly. It's an actual bean and snake.
seconding this
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Ah yes, he did, but he isn't tied up

The Ottertons doing yoga
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nice, thanks. If you'd like to keep going with pencils, I'd recommend getting 4B pencil, its darker and you can use it to go over your lines.
Thanks senpai. That's what I usually do and 4B is my fav but am now in a pub with a HB mechanical pencil at hand
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Wynn, it's ok if I draw your zoosona?
It's for a little project of mine
>Asking permission to draw a 'sona
Do you take commissions? There's some things I'd like to see in your style that might need a little extra incentive than a request
Draw away as long it's not porn
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No, no, the lewd will stay away

I just want to be sure, you may never know, so, when I can ask, I ask.
>Do you take commissions?
Oh, wow, I don't think I'm good enough that people want to pay for my drawings.
But, if you have a particular request, just ask. I like to test my limits.
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Any requests? No lewds pls.
Judy smooching Jack
Cute non-lewd Skyehopps!
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Arctic foxes relaxing at the swimming pool
Mrs. Wilde showing Judy embarrassing Nick's pictures. Or the other way around (with Bonnie).
Nick sticking his cold hands in Judy's shirt too warm them
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What is wrong with you
extremely degenerate
>As long as
derp derp
An absentminded giraffe hitting their head on a doorframe.
warm fluffy dewlap
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>at first Desmond thought Molly was being airheaded, and he wouldn't get to see any giraffe titty
>then he realized she was wearing a plain shirt he had never seen her wear before
>and then she ripped that shirt clean in two
Oh plenty, but you did a great job of satisfying my whims.
It's always important to prepare your snakes correctly
oh lol I just realized he's already at half-chub too.
>"coming to Epcot"

what does that even mean?
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>keeping yours eyes open when kissing someone
Waga, you said no lewd!
>Judy smooching Jack
He's not the one doing the smooching, maybe if she was Sky(e).
Nothing lewd about smooching an acquaintance.
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Why are buns so lewd
>Just faceplamed at a story where Judy has sex with Jack despite being married to Nick
>Comes to the thread to see this.

Good art, really like how the paws actually look like paws instead of furry hands,... bad timing on my part.
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Ah, I almost forgot.
I'm a little busy these days, and all the free time will be used by TT.
But don't worry, do your request/commission now, only know that you will have to wait a couple of days
How do I into writefagging ?
Given the vibe of the OP, hmm, I feel like posting this again if that's alright. It's a peculiar story, made for the 'illness' themed TT. Would love more opinions on it.


Synopsis is: "Police Officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde have been together for a while now. Nick would really like to visit a restaurant owned and operated by a relative of Judy's, but she's rather uncertain about the whole idea. Both of them may end up surprised by what happens."

This 'Wilde's Special Sauce' story is a big departure from what I've written before. I think that I should make a Ch.2 (or maybe Ch.2 and Ch.3) epilogue going into details, but I'm not sure. I'd love to see what you guys think.

type words

if you have a spell-check people wont even notice you cant spell
Just pretend that it's the beginning of a threesome, and Nick is right out of frame.


odds do requests
evens sleep or something
dubs watch zootopia
What type of requests?
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Draw max x judy
Which fic was it?
Goddamn it, I hate that character's design so much.
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no one deserves this
Abloo bloo bloo Nick
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No genitals
Yeah, Nobbs has really got the Zootopia canon style down.
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Draw Fournier arresting a serial arsonist, please?
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> Judy has sex with Jack despite being married to Nick
There's something downstairs. You just can't see it because of the incredible fluff. Same thing if Remmy was naked, really.
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Are there Jack Savage presenting images? Tail in the air and everything?
Young Judy Hopps finding an abandoned fox kid curled up in the snow one night, freezing to death. It's difficult, but she drags the fox home. Judy and many of her siblings huddle with the fox under a blanket to warm it up. They are unable to find the fox's parents, so Bonnie and Stu adopt him into their family.

Draw that.
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Bunnyburrow all bunny group hosts an All Healer Party
Judy was the one exception playing Cleric
Second this..
>its also Jack under those covers
He gets around fast. He's like mall Santa.
I was wondering what was special about this until I noticed what or who was at Nick's feet. Who's under there? Here's hoping that its his mom or sister.
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not entirely sure why I did this
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you're a monster
The Band-aid brigade
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There is not enough evil that can band together with good to destroy this abomination.
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You bastard
"Mission: Antarctica". Basically Judy has to go on an undercover mission with Jack as his wife.
Early on in the story Jack hated Nick and fell in love with Judy, but then learned to respect Nick. Nick figures that Judy is about to go into heat during the mission and tells her that, though he may not like it, he wouldn't hold it against Judy to have sex with Jack, on account for the heat and Judy having never experienced sex with another bunny before, unlike Nick who has had sex with vixens before. So he thinks it might be good for her to fuck Jack.
Amusingly at first Judy is against the whole thing, only during her heat giving into it, and Jack pretty much resists out of respect to Nick until Judy tells him there is no chance for her to become pregnant and that it is "just mating".

Really dumb overall.

Funny enough there was actually a recent story where, shocking enough, it was a Nick/Judy/OC female bunny threesome, with Judy mainly getting her kicks out of watching her friend and boyfriend fuck.

Fucking damn it all, I don't know what is funnier to me about all this, Judy's hesitant greeting, Nick's literal "I give no fucks" expression, or what is at his feet. You are a blessing Reply.
>Judy invites Nick over
>teaches him how to fill in the character sheet
>unconsciously makes him spend points in a Rogue/Thief build
This is likely wishful thinking, but I feel like bisexual threesomes are like the one form of poly relationships that might last. All three partners care for each other. You know?
What's your opinion on Judy having Nick's funny boxes?

Also, /r/ images of them.
A criminal shoots at an rhino officer. The bullets bounce off of the officer's steel vest, and the rhino is mildly annoyed.
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ZIA must have had some pretty serious budget cuts...
just going to shill this some more

chapter 12 of "bros being bros"
I love you, anon
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You're a real gem replyanon.

Have you drawn Mrs. Wilde ?
This is pretty solid writing.
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I always get comfy when I see these posts...
On paper, it seems sound; having a poly relationship where all the partners are attracted to each other seems like it would keep any jealousy out. I can't really say anything though since I have never been in such a relationship.

First off, fucking hell that Jack is illegally cute. Extremely illegally cute.

Second, Jack is explaining why fox tails are superior to all tails in every single way. He knows from personal hands on experience.
that means a lot to me, thanks anon!

Nice update, now it feels more focused. One more chapter would be perfect, since the "special sauce" was the climax of the story, and the chapter is really weird and strange, the next one could put a complete ending to the main story, and add other questions for following ideas.

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I confess I'm a bit confused. Is the idea that Judy cucks Nick with Jack?
That Skye is so cute! Thanks Waga!
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Oh, and they also did her here.
Oh god... that's why they closed and gutted nearly all the exhibits in Innoventions West. Baymax and Joy and Sadness already have meet and greet spots there. It's likely there'll be a Zootopia themed spot coming as well... now who will the third character be...
> wants it to be the weasel
> likely Clawhauser
> gdi
No question here, I just liked her design
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is he sad or just recording a hit new rock song

you decide
I understood that reference!
Most likely: Finnick, Flash or Gideon.
His cough has gotten a lot worse. This is your TT submission.
Wait... gotta backtrack for a sec. It just says one additional character, not directly stating it's a Zootopian... probably Meowana then.
Good old Newgrounds, i got into this serie when chapter 4 came out, damn feels ;_;
He accidentally got a bit down the wrong pipe while eating his bearrito.
Good point, thanks. And, yeah, I was thinking of both Bill Cosby and Jimmy Savile all through writing this, even from the first word hearing those words in my mind. Yep.
I like her too but I feel like I'm cheating Aafiya.
We can never escape the cucking, here on ztg
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Just found the follower button on tumblr, was expecting to have from 10 to 20.
What the fuck, guess there's no turning back now.
You mean tumblr link?
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Aafiya's got a wolf dude.

This neat yeen is unattached, if crushing hard.
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I had a dream last night that I was a wolverine and as I was walking around Zootopia a mouse called me into an alleyway and propositioned me for a wild night.

So I tore his clothes off right there and stuffed him into my underwear and continued about my day with him wiggling against and squeezing my cock.

Then I made my way back to my apartment where I stepped on him a bit, hot glued him, and then swallowed him.

Then Nick and Judy arrested me but I didn't go to jail for some reason and ended up working as a vore prostitute because I got fired from my old job and no one else would hire me because of the murder thing which doesn't make sense because that's what got me arrested in the first place.

I'm scared, Zoot, mostly because I actually find this kind of hot for some reason now.
My main question is: did Judy called the zpd? I still want to know how is she now. Didn't seem to be dead, half-eated, or even drugged. maybe unconscious.

I don't remember the line "you were put in even worse condition" on the original version, did you add it? Because is perfect for closing a lot of things. Maybe the next chapter you could share Judy's side of the story!
Well, really, who wouldn't be crushing? he can do this, after all
>Slipping out of the bathroom, Rosie looked down the hall, towards, the kitchen, and saw Nick leaning against a counter away from her, talking on a phone.
>Walking back to the livingroom, she could just make out the hushed words the fox was saying, "Yes sir, Rosie Reynard,"
>On the couch was a new blanket, and a large steaming bowl of, what she assumed, was vegetable stew with a fork.
>She wrapped herself with the blanket, and fished the fork out of the stew, licking the meal from her claws and digging in.
>After a few seconds of silence, Nick's voice almost sounded angry, "I'm well aware well acquainted with how the foster care system works, when it comes to foxes, sir,"
>'Oh, great, foster care,' she thought. She remembered stories about the foster care system; beatings, starvings, maybe a friend being adopted into a good family, while the rest of them were forgotten.
>Looking between the tv, now showing a picture of Zootopia covered in snow, and peaking out of the window behind her, she decided against running away at that moment.
>She'd wait until the weather wouldn't turn her into a foxicle.
>Then, she heard Nick's cheerful voice "Hey, Koslov, ol' buddy, I need a favour," and she could almost hear the deep, harsh voice on the other end.
>Nick let out a bark of laughter, "No, not a body this time. Does your cousin still have ties in the C.P.S. office in Tundratown?" and again, unintelligible words, "Good. I'm going to need her to help me cut through some red tape,"
>She could hear laughter from the other side of the phone as the other mammal talked.
>An audible sigh sounded from him, "Alright, tomorrow at five. I'll be sure to get her a little something special as well for taking up her time; love you, big guy."
>As she finished her stew, Nick walked in with a broad smile on his face,
>"Good news," he said, as he saddled in beside her.
I like this... This is good, this is comfy.
>Jack holds both Nick and Skye's tails in his paws.
>He looks on with open-mouthed glee as he feels their softness.
>Rubbing them against his face, he has an amazing idea.
>He'll make them touch!
I may have had some sujuk the other way... with yoghurt sauce.

In my defence, it's fucking tasty.
>dreaming about being a vore prostitute

I would be scared too
You're welcome!
fucking hell,
even when i've lost literally all interest in zootopia
there really is no escape from here

what sort of dark magic is keeping these threads together?
this is all starting to scare me.
He asked for a double mocha latto.
They have him a triple mocha latto.
Yeah, I want to show Judy's side of the story. She lived, but Goddamn is seeing how the authentic 'blood sauce' is made through personal experience going to be damaging (not sure how much a Zootopia bunny could lose before truly passing out, maybe like a quart or something?). Even if the fact that Nick actually ate the sauce and took in the whole batch of drugs, plus had the creepy dude play with his body while he's out, means that he got the worse of it.

Honestly, I'm kind of shocked at myself for coming up with this idea. Pretty dark. Really out of character for me as a writer.
anon, pls
i already fapped today
It's just like /ksg/ all over again... and I don't think that is a bad thing.
And the dream started off so good, too.
qt mouse boy cupping my junk in public from inside my clothes.
guys, i'm worried. I think my zoosona has a crush on someone else's zoosona on here.
How do you know?
Did you make a fucking tulpa of your sona?
Anon, perhaps you should see a medical professional for your dissociative identity disorder you have going there
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i mean,
there's nothing on here i can enjoy anymore
but yet i keep coming back and i don't know why

i think i legit have an addiction to these threads
like, i'm genuinely scared right now.
Who is it, FF? I don't think your ermine could handle Donk again,
it's my zoosona, not me i swear

they're a... mongoose...
that isn't me, though
You do know what a "habit" is, don't you?
Perhaps yu just enjoy our company?
Nothing wrong with making friends... Unless your super edgy the hEDGEhog that thinks having friends and caring about people make you "weak".
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I made this edit for some reason. Enjoy.
You just got cucked from reality

The fic is great but maybe is weird for you because you put a strong character like Crosby, and everyone knows the visuals and sounds of the nightmare that comes with the character. It defines your story almost completely.
You wonder about Zootopia... if "Ice him!" is a real thing, put into canon, then what about actual food products made of real mammal parts? Would there be a bunch of minor scandals?

Would BugBurga get tarred by prey constantly assuming that there's something horrifying in their sauce and so on?

what do i do
I wouldn't doubt there's some sort of black market shit going on, but it's probably incredibly low-key.
but here's the thing
i've tried to stay away from the threads for about 4 days
and something in me just...

turned... i guess...

i've grown to hate what the threads have become, really.
it wouldn't be fair for everyone else for me to be here.
i don't wanna ruin it for the folks that do enjoy it here.

i legit need to get away from here, now more than ever
but i don't know how to escape
would anyone have a reference for Rosie Renard and Nick? asking for reasons
Okay, here's what you have to do.

Lewd the tube.
How about using Pavlov's methods?

Whenever you think to open the thread again, do something that would negatively affect you. Not smoking or anything like that. Like a hard pinch. And keep pinching yourself until you close the window again.

And do it any time you open it.

It'll be sad to see you leave, but even then if you want to and aren't enjoying yourself anymore you probably should. Keep hold of the good times and I wish you luck.
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Embrace it!

Wait a minute.... oh no. Now my zoosona has a crush too
>vore prostitute
Not a lot of repeat customers.
Makes sense.
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But do we really need lewd tubes when we have stink twinks?
h-how do i lewd

embrace... embrace the tube dude...

now who do you have a crush on
i suppose i can give it a shot...
thanks for the advice, anon.

and, i'm sorry for all this uncomfy stuff i'm bringing in here.
Mice breed fast, though. It probably wouldn't be too big of an issue.
Honestly, I can image the notion of being picked up and put into a predator's underwear... it likely would be a super popular fetish. I could totally image a lot of Betty style butch wolf girls and Nick style sassy fox guys doing that for quick cash.
>i've grown to hate what the threads have become, really.
I just wish this place was still something you enjoyed, but I hope wherever you go you have a good time. Thanks for sticking around so long, and good luck!
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>Betty style butch wolf girls

sign me up please
Ask them on a date?
Requesting fetish shit repeatedly is just gonna get my fetish black listed. Paying for it though...

Lemme cash my request in: your sona holding your crushes paw
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1MB, 250x160px
>I had a dream last night that I was a wolverine, and as I was walking around Zootopia a mouse called me into an alleyway and propositioned me for a wild night. He acted so cocky and so sassy. I knew that I had to teach him a lesson.

>So, I tore his clothes off right there and stuffed him into my underwear and continued about my day with him. He spent all of his time wiggling against and squeezing my cock. Waves of pleasure going through my senses as my pre-cum bathed his tiny body.

>Then, I made my way back to my apartment. I stepped on him a bit, yet he kept on pressing up against my paws, looking so sweaty yet so smug. Finally, I hot-glued him. I painted his body with so much thick cum that he admitted defeat and passed out. His little face rubbed up against my balls.

Anon, I need to expand this into a full fic.
this is incredibly autistic, but can I ask who?
>You rub your tiny dick into her immense slit as she moans so happily.
>You feel her paws pressing at the edges of her panties.
>She groans out that as a little prey boy you've got no use but to be a love servant for your betters.
>You mutter back that she's your wonderful master and that you're honored that you can you spend some time in master's pants.
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>do we really need lewd tubes
Son, don't make me get my belt. You keep that anti-lewd tube attitude out of my house.

First, you draw the tube dude, then you draw the a smaller tube between the tube dude's legs.
>I knew that I had to make sure that he really learned his place as a little prey mammal. As a big, strong predator, I clutched his entire body against my half-flaccid cock as we spent the night together. My wet dreams meant giving him a fresh supply of hot cum hour after hour, and the slutty little bitch loved it. He massaged his tiny face against my balls over and over again while his miniature paws gently rubbed on my shaft. I made sure that he was stuck to me-- as sticky as possible. God, I love being a predator.

I like the scenario but the dom/sub mentality behind it is turning me off
Me too
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ah ha, I see... thank you beaver, this is most helpful

who's my crush? I already said in the post you're linking to
oh nv, I thought you were saying you ARE A_Sig


I don't know what you're called. Sorry.

It's good to see that you have such fine taste in crushes. A_Sig is a sweety.
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>Would BugBurga get tarred by prey constantly assuming that there's something horrifying in their sauce
Ubiquitous fast food chain Bug Burga is beset by conspiracy theorists alleging that their products are derived from missing mammals processed in the basements of their restaurants.
I have the whole teather hall for myself... If only zoot was playing.
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What a complete clusterfuck.

It's beautiful.
We need more paw licking.
Really the only thing missing is mrs wilde petting judy
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... yeah, it's me. it was that one pic that a_sig drew of his mongoose celebrating that did me in.
Obviously the next TT should instead be about Duke Weaselton selling meat he "found" to bugaburga.
You both have a thing for stepping on innocent mice
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1MB, 2592x1936px
yes... this is good. continue?
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>tfw the Gilded Age is mere mockery for everyone but Visiti
speaking of, anyone know how tall his mongoose is?
asking for completely innocent reasons
Celebrating what? You got the pic?
That's okay. Better to save it for something worth drawing.
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1MB, 1800x3600px
Sometimes, a cop's patience just runs out. Thanks Zha-

>You massage your dick into her insides, enjoying her glorious heat and amazing sounds.
>She demands for you to serve her clit as you feel her paws rubbing against your small feet.
>The cloth of her panties getting tight upon your body, you slip upwards and start slurping her without restraint.
>She feels your whole body starting to slip against her clit, your predator praising you for how devoted you feel.
>Waves of pleasure flow through your entire body as you cum.
>She's so slippery, so wet, and so hot... you can barely put the emotions into words. Your wonderful wolf rubs a paw into her panties and slides it upon the top of your head. Eyes tightly closed, you slobber all over her clit so much that she prepares to cum as well.
Why do so many perps catch a case of the clumsies when Fournier brings them in?
They keep falling asleep listening to his life story.
/r/ size difference sex stuff being screencapped
They should definitely wait until they're sitting or lying down. They seem to just collapse walking down stairs or across busy streets
no i dont have it, i think it was just a generic celebration pic

nonsense zhan, your drawings are expressive and captivating

and also your characters are adorable
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They keep thinking they have some kind of rapport with him over their crimes. The ones who actually go quietly don't seem to have this problem.
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needed to fix a thing

no one in the zpd can figure it out

it will forever be a mystery

this is nice anon, I caught up with this just now
Please repost the thing that was deleted please.
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hey zhan, can i interest you in a drawing of your zoosona, done in stages showing your draw process, like nobby did here?
If he just held out his arms and said "Okay, I give up.", not saying another word, probably nothing would have happened.

Really, the arsonist was fucking saucy.
hot, really really hot. is it normal to get turned on by something like this?
I'm just going to leave this here.
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Look, we get a lot of lewding tube dudes, but what other tubes can be lewded?
>The moment seems so fantastic when you both cum. You pant hard, trying to shove your head out of the panties to get some air, and you drink in your master's glorious moans.
>The wolf's hot fur feels so great that you can't put it into words. You finish emptying out your balls into her slit, your tiny cock rubbing all over, and you suck in deep breaths.
>She nestles a paw upon your head. As big as it is, you nudge your cheek against it. You close your eyes and let her sweat drip all over you.
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You've given new meaning to it.
thank you for writing this anon, it was rather enjoyable. also makes me wish even more for big burly wolf girlfriend...
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Avo Mature.png
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Just taking a swing at it, but Avo strikes me as the sort of girl who's going to go back to smoking once she's older. Candy can't hold off the allure forever.
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>them tits

I am obligated to say they don't fit the Zootopia aesthetic, but I'm also obligated to say DAYUM.
You're very welcome.

Not to bash other ships, but something about Sheepdog is A+ for me.

Love the idea of a wolf wife so much.
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1MB, 1437x2582px
that's one curvy canine

I like all the ships
but towering betty with her dark fur, big paws, and large maw is dope
I really want to rut that glorious ass.
Has anyone tried to write a tongue-throat fuck a la ungulatr?
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it's not really much of a process and it changes almost every time, but sure

Write? Not sure. Images? I've seen at least one.
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guys don't worry i fixed it
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yes, this is excellent! thank you zhan, you're a cool dude

and your art is great, i absolutely love your style
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Sort of. Does this count?
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Electric Tubealoo.png
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Lewding a tube dudette is the same as lewding a tube dude, only the tube you draw between their legs in interior instead of exterior.

(I don't know how to draw vaginas, of woe is me.)
>Not a body this time.
got a laugh out of me.
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close up laughing.png
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Oh no, this is really cute! Thank you kindly!
I wish I were that mouse
I feel like life is bleeding from me every minute I wait for new Pack Street.
I know it takes time to create good content and I usually don't mind waiting but, damn I can't wait.
What are their names?
Which fics are you waiting for to update?
>Pack Street, naturally
>June Hymn sequel
>Savage and the Savage
>Looking For Group
>Rabbit Clan's Fox
>Officer needs assistance
>Through the Wall
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>Down in the dumps
Well Pack Street as was mentioned
>Shorty Squad

I know it's not an usual fic but I don't read any outside PS.
Am I the only person who doesn't read fics?
Has the author just become a full time tumblr poster at this point?
>A World All Her Own

Well-written "human in X" (or in this case, "X on Earth") is always so fascinating to me.
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All Rabbit Clans need a fox.jpg
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Rabbit Clan's fox, Writeyote's medieval thing and Pack Street... I hope Boney's still alive out there.
Didn' event know the author had a tumblr.
You're best not knowing.
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NICE digits.

Also this is super hot, not gonna lie.
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Akiric's work is oh so entertaining.
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Well, if that's the case, let's have some ink with it
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I really like Sharleon
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No, I don't read fics either, though I blame my lack of reading in never being pushed to reading anything but technical stuff, papers and journals.
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yo labjer
could i interest you in a drawing of your zoosona, done in stages showcasing your draw process, like this?
I spent far too long staring at this wondering what "K not interested" meant.

I may be retarded.
SavageWildeHopps, still waiting for Judy's reaction for when she sees Nick and Jack together.
>I may be retarded
At least you're in good company.
Can poledancing sustain ottermode-tier muscles?

This sort of thing happens wih tulpas, don't worry.
I never know if it's supposed to be left-to-right or right-to-left, yet both ways work.
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Reposting the RaccoonFag double read through!

Its a slow morning at the office, but Judy's day is about to get nuts! What has Nick so spooked? What will Judy do when she hears? Is that gif with Ronald McDonald and the eurobeat techno still a thing? Find out in Dated!

Text here:

Blind read through here:

Nick is out with a cold, and Judy is out of patience for her patient. Rather than look over a sick fox all day, she promises to send others over to take care of him. Will Nick's nurses be able to treat him right? Will Wilde be able to recover from his terrible illness? Is Bogo the savior of all mammality with his amazing immune system? Find out in Visiting Hours!

Text here:

Blind read through here:

We all comfy today? Post some music to be comfy to.


Happy Isabelle <3

N E V E R !

I don't know what the ZIA has planned but it looks like the Swinton budget cuts have definitely hurt. Poor Jack has to make due with a box...

Zhan is a cute drawer who draws cute drawings! Even if he refuses to admit it.

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hey /ztg/

can i interest you in a bun?
can I get a link?
We accept buns. Buns are a hot commodity, wildly in demand.
I keep waiting for the bun market to crash, but somehow it's been sustainable.
That's one super cute bun you got there, anon. You have any more?
You got to sign that bun before someone makes off with it.
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>make due
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m w a h.png
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You're wonderful. Thank you so much. I really like the enthusiastic pose you've given her. Shows a lot of her character.
Which will break first? The tube or the bun?
Underrated Judy :laughing_with_tears: :ok_hand:
r100 when
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Why am I so bad at typing nowadays?

I might be broken. I'm usually better about these errors.
Sure thing
Man, than reminds me of that fic where Desmond returned the favour by throat-fucking Molly with his paw. I didn't find it hot at all, but it came across as very lovey-dovey.
>Someone actually saves your drawings...
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Please don't smile like that ever again.
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the most dangerous predator.png
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So, how's everyone doing tonight?

Same deal as always, imma take a few requests before I head off to bed. Trying to get back into drawing regularly those days

anything goes
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This is awesome, thank you so much labjer! you're a cool badger

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Molly's throat itch.png
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That's because he wasn't trying to be sexual, he was helping her out scratching an itch she couldn't. Wouldn't you stick your arm down your waifu's throat if she asked you to, anon?

DesmondxMolly kiss pls.
Did you ever draw that sexy gid butt?
Seconding the DesmondxMolly kiss.
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Deus Vult.jpg
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Is it the dead eyes or the teeth that worry you, anon, be honest
I can certainly draw more as I am out on buns
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your zoosona, drawn in stages showing your draw process, like this please

R99 will be posted when the time is right
anteaters are devoid of teeth...
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807KB, 1280x960px
You're still browsing the threads? I've got this one as well.
odds: play vidya
evens: do requests
dubs: break no-fap
A rodent stuck in the underwear of some larger pred
More Martina. (S)he is too cute.
It's the teeth. Moreover, Labjer is not for glee, but tired nights after teaching rooms full of the walking dead. He looks like he started making meth on the side in your tutorial.
Mistake not the rider for the steed, anon
Holy crap, I had forgotten about that one.
Yeah I am lurking, trying to work on a small story but progress is none so far.
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I don't have an image to express how nice that makes me feel.
Thank you.
Anyone have the Fuel drawing Nobby made?
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Nah. Adele ain't a canine. She doesn't have the howl. She hits fair high notes well, which offsets her weighted depth. And weight can be a good thing when it comes to singing, Jolie Holland lost some of her edge supposedly as she lost hers.

...I'm thinking... A doe. A red deer. Cervus elaphus. Because deer can hit very high notes in their calls (Bucks, at least) and they're native to the UK, with wide distribution across europe and western asia. But as a red doe, she'd obviously still be more heavy set than the traditional doe figure.

And also Adoe / Adeer would be a good pun name for her zoop stand-in. And I think I can even she a bit of red deer in her facial structure, on top of her ability to be graceful.

Wolves aren't immediately as graceful as deer, but have a more stoic quality to them which offsets their shuffling nature.

For a wolf, I would ping Richard Ashcroft of the verve. Who would probs be Richard Howlcroft in zoop.

And Janelle Monae would have to be a Cheetah called Janelle Mewlnae / Meownae. Pic related, vid related:
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Aso, free resource here for CCs,
Cats are effected by the following:
Catnip ( Nepeta cataria )
Valarian ( Valeriana officinalis )
Tartarian Honeysuckle ( Lonicera tatarica )
Silver Vine ( Actinidia polygama )
Jjajaja la mamada!
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This Is Also Not Porn (15).png
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Oh, while I'm thinking of it, some band names:
Bleat Radio (Beat Radio)
Bon Ivory (Bon Ivor)
Cold War Kits (Cold War Kids)
The Dashing Buntings (The Smashing Pumpkins)

Foster The Mammals (Foster The People)
The Hocks (The Shins)
Honest Rat (Modest Mouse)
Interwool (Interpol)
Kits & Explosions (Kids & Explosions)
Lupine Fiasco (Lupe Fiasco)
Los Lobosinos (Los Campesinos)
M. Herd (M. Ward)
Moossirrey (Morrisey)
My Summer Coat (My Morning Jacket)
Radioherd (Radiohead)
Simple Kit (Simple Kid)
Taurus y Moi (Toro y Moi)
They Might be Giraffes (They Might Be Giants)
The Territorial (The National)

Watering Hole (Oasis)
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Please, I just want to forget that dream.
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how to draw an arsehole.png
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Thought it would be simpler than the other request but took surprisingly long

Problem is I'm not even that consistent about how I draw him
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>Extremely busy day
>Just came back home
>It's 1 AM but let's look at the thread
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nick joy.jpg
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LKM and A_SIG sittin' in a tree

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And yet more thirst for the 'goose.
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thank you grivaire, this is perfect! you're a cool anteater

oh... uh, hey there a_sig

there's definitely not anything going on in here
what are you going to do with all these guides?
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why hullo ther low quality.gif
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What a strange looking badger, still cute though.
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is a secRet... for now

say a_sig, how tall is your mongoose? also can you post that pic of him celebrating?
i need it for... reasons...
>tfw you got excited thinking someone had a crush on your zoosona
>but it was someone else
>feel more let down than you probably should've
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Anyone else think that Nick's red dox fick poking out his sheathe is hot?
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words you will never hear anon.png
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This is a clue.
But what does it mean?

Is that you?
So I guess anteaters mostly order off Bug Burga's extensive shake menu?
this digital mammal shouldn't melt my heart so
He's Byron.
Calling it now.
stop being gay
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we've just got a new goal now, anon
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see here for another 'clue' >>7413311

why don't you post your zoosona, anon? maybe somebody will speak up and share previously unsaid feelings
I'm not gay, I'm just into traps
Don't have time now, but can try to translate next thread.

Any chance there's a bigger/clearer version? Kanji in first panel is fuzzy as hell.
party 2.0
any "party", which will just be a group picture, won't be anything like rampat (E)RP we've seen here
I'm glad you spend time with us too, Pantless Ninja!

But I'm not a furry.
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Happy mongoose is happy.png
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Anon, that's L E W D
Also I don't know who they are


You rodent, I will get my revenge.
Prepare for it.
The moon will become red as blood, I will let the raccoon loose and you will be submerged by a thousand hybrids.
Then, my revenge will be complete.

Ok, he's a gray indian mongoose, so cat/meerkat sized, so roughly Judy sized in Zootopia.
Here's is the pic.
You have a lot to explain. A lot.

Don't be sad Popo.
It's very confusing
so, you're gay?
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On a scale of one to fun,
what do you think of this bun?
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Here you go, buddy!
About a 5
QUICK! Post the cutestr Wilde Hopps image you have. Winner gets a prize.
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1MB, 1000x825px
I think my favourite OC as far as the census goes is Elaine Darby.

I have a soft spot for well-writen character stories.

10/10, would ship
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Its not gay if its prey
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What happened to that artist? They said they were going to write a fic.
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Hmm, I'll see what I can find.
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Comic has a vore fetish.png
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>I'm not a furry.
Then explain your vore fetish!
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This one is cute. I like their smooshed faces.
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Its not sexual.
Well i got bored.
shit happened and i'm not sorry.

Nick ?

Do you wanna knot the bunny?
Come on lets go and have assplay
I never cum anymore
Come out the door
And fuck my brains away-
We used to be fuck buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!-
Do you wanna knot the bunny?
It doesn't have to be predprey.

Go away, Judy

Okay, bye...

Do you wanna knot the bunny?
Or get a blowjob in our car
I think some fun is overdue
I've started talking to
random bucks online-
(Hang in there, Jack!)
It gets a little lonely
All these sex toys,

Just masturbating the hours by-
(bunny moans and wet noises.)


Please, I know you're in there,
People are asking where you've been
They say "get a date", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna knot the bunny?

lyrics suck.
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206KB, 1201x549px
he he he
It's all right man.
We're all furries here...

I don't know, come to think of it I never learned their name to begin with.
Not me.
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cute martina.png
134KB, 716x716px
>(S)he is too cute
You're gonna make, hi-, uh, her... you're gonna make Martina blush, anon.

Okay, so I've never drawn them before and I don't usually get characters "right" before a bit of time, so I'm not gonna be doing this tonight. Making a note to myself to give it a try tomorrow, though.

I know - I just kinda take liberties here and there to better convey situations visually.
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You know you love me.jpg
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I looked for one but I can't find a larger/clearer version. I'll try seeing if I can make it larger without lose of picture quality.
I wouldn't consider myself a furry, though! I just really like the threads and the stories and the picture and the world building and the nice people here.

That's just a picture of me with my Peter Rabbit stuffed toy.

Which would be a very different story if translated into Zoot...
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ultra nick laugh.png
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that made me burst out laughing

holy hell a_sig, lock your doors

I love it.
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76KB, 1057x967px
This one is adorable, too.
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35KB, 666x666px
Also adorable.

(I need to check to see if this was colored, too.)
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48KB, 500x475px

That's an idea
Oh boy, an CC draw war!

I can't want to launch a nuclear lewd missile in retaliation.
In my headcanon, they're just pretending to be fiance & such to appease one of their weird "When are you gonna get married" mothers.
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190KB, 1280x1079px
Here's a passionately cute one.
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2MB, 3000x2000px
>i'm not a furry, i just have lewd pics of my fursona saved including one where i'm on all fours and a leash is around my neck
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Popo taking a walk.png
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>Don't be sad Popo.
>It's very confusing

The confusing part is that the anon you replied to wasn't me.
I don't know how I would feel if someone had a crush on my zoosona.
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118KB, 700x500px
Hello Inky! How goes writing/drawing/being the best Inky that you can be? See anything in the threads that was inspiring? Read any fics you loved? Any Shorty Squad character you wish people would draw sleepyhead pictures of?
>Beaver is North Korea

Also more draws when?
Zoosona! I rolled like everyone else!

And I save every VRbit picture! They're cute!

Always said the VRbit was more the thread's than mine. I'm just a fan.
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25KB, 386x402px
man this is gonna be even more awkward when i reveal who i am

also i see that hint of a smile on your 'goose

>nuclear lewd missile
now that i'd like to see
particularly if it's aimed at a certain tube dude

if that's the cruelest pic anyone's ever drawn... looks like i have more work to do
File: VRbitallwet.png (2KB, 100x84px) Image search: [Google]
2KB, 100x84px
Oh no...
Should we guess who you are or would you rather we wait for you to reveal yourself?
It's a literally comic remake of Brooklyn Nine-Nine scene where Amy Santiago who is Judy in that comic is chasing a perp, loses someone's else engagement ring, then finds on the trash. Other is Jacob Peralta who is Nick in this scene.

I enjoy this pic so much because later on Jake and Amy are dating. Thank you for reminding me.
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114KB, 700x500px
>How goes writing/drawing/being the best Inky that you can be?

Very slow due to a few inconveniences, but mood-wise I am fine. I might doodle a bit later, but I'm not sure.

> See anything in the threads that was inspiring?
Not today, but the thread's been very interesting regardless. I've enjoyed reading through it today.

> Read any fics you loved?
I don't read a lot of fics I'm afraid. I read one of Otterly's a week or two ago. I liked it a lot!

>Any Shorty Squad character you wish people would draw sleepyhead pictures of?
Honestly any art I get makes me very happy. I don't like to push people to draw my characters really. If they like 'em, they'll draw 'em!
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yes little bun, its time for the lewd lube

peanut butter panic time is my 'official' reveal, though at this point my side persona has become more popular than my main
you can guess if you want, i guess
>nuclear lewd missile
I'm gonna need help for this one

>the anon you replied to wasn't me.
>a mongoose anon
>it's not me
>nor you
Then who? Is there a third mongoose here?

>And I save every VRbit picture
Even the Vrbit butt one

>man this is gonna be even more awkward when i reveal who i am
I'm scared but intrigued
I have a couple of ideas, but they still don't fit everything
This is a fucking 100 martina, dawg
You have a really unique style that I really like - thank you so much!
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You're going to have to be a bit more specific...

This picture always worried me because its the same color as Pastor...
Judy seems mostly bored rather than anything
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Isn't CCT a mongoose?
He's pretty cutie.
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386KB, 710x846px
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315KB, 825x1000px
>And I save every VRbit picture! They're cute!

Even this one?
He's sick. Nothin sexy about that
How's noir TT coming along
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397KB, 569x900px
I think it conveys well her getting caught off-guard.
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269KB, 620x413px
Every one.

Good! I should check in with the musician...
Quick question, why do you never put spaces in your file names?
Odds: Take greentext requests
Evens: Works on TT
Dubs: Work on a sequel to one of my previous greentexts

>Then who? Is there a third mongoose here?
...That is a good question. Who is this mysterious third mongoose...

Fucking hell that is comfy.
post nude vrbit on the blear skin rug
Getting caught off guard would at least surprise her a bit, this is more like "hoo boy here we go again".

>He's sick. Nothin sexy about that
What does this has to do with anything?
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15KB, 500x500px
I don't know! I never really saved images before, and I guess this naming convention just comes naturally to me.

Will do!
>You're going to have to be a bit more specific...
This one.

Nope, that's a marten
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337KB, 1200x1000px
Any requests?
I don't want a sick nigga sayin shit to me, neither does Judy
judy cucking nick
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49KB, 655x754px
Poor Nick just wants to eat his chips
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103KB, 1080x1080px
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Of course I saved that one! I have it named that I've been squatting too much and my pants don't fit anymore.

Any Shorty Squad character!
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a_sig kidnapped.png
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poor a_sig
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Head in the clouds.jpg
301KB, 1280x829px
Young kits Nick and Skye playing together.
Judy and Jack in an aggressive smooching contest to assert rabbit dominance
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We will find them. Whoever they are.
>Odds: Take greentext requests
Continue your mongoose writing a greentext greentext

Draw some Artemis (Nobby's musk deer)

Unexpectedly good

>I have it named that I've been squatting too much and my pants don't fit anymore.
Look at you, distorting the truth. What will your parents say?

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150KB, 762x1080px
The battle for the dox fick
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1MB, 1000x1151px
Maybe not.
>Any Shorty Squad character!
I don't really know what that is, have any references?
File: This Is Also Not Porn (185).png (133KB, 263x263px) Image search: [Google]
This Is Also Not Porn (185).png
133KB, 263x263px
>they date in Brooklyn 99
Clawhauser as Han Solo and Bogo as Chewbacca.
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4MB, 682x781px
If we go by what the threads think, my parents would be more concerned about me getting a predator boyfriend rather than any life-threatening emergency I might be in!

Shorty Squad! By Inky! Maxine, Hugh, Percy!
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write a greentext about Nick smooching all of judy's sisters
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ahaha ha ha
well now things haven't gone quite that far yet knight, though you are giving me ideas...

what about this one?
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nick skye.png
295KB, 912x841px
>Judy, I've been married for years. You've met my wife dozens of times
Every time I see this guy art I can only think of all the pieces he drew for that guy who commission a black kid fucking judy.
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364KB, 1181x980px
Oh shit this is amazing. When did this happen?
>...but, hey, she likes you, and it's not unheard of for foxes to take an extra wife or three.
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>read one of Otterly's a week or two ago. I liked it a lot!

T-Thanks, Inky
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Who else do we get to put into Nick's harem?
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Of course! I have it saved as "vrbitbuttbumprump".

Last night! I like submitting people's Zoosonas as requests.
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Knight why

>my parents would be more concerned about me getting a predator boyfriend rather than any life-threatening emergency I might be in!
And they would be right

>well now things haven't gone quite that far yet knight, though you are giving me ideas...
Now I really feel the need to lock the door

Please anon, I just removed that nightmare from my mind

Otterly, is your sona in the census? If not some informations about him?
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No problem! I was actually planning on doing a bit of art for it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

There's also other fics of yours I've wanted to read, but that's another thing I've had to put on hold.

I'm generally a slow reader and I have problems paying attention, so that's why I rarely read fics. I'd still encourage anyone to write them though, as there's always someone who will love and enjoy what you do.
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otterly - OJ.png
273KB, 829x1100px
He is not in the census

I don't know much about him, he's just an otter

Sometimes he has a vape for some reason


Reading tends to be time consuming so I completely understand!

Do you have an ETA for the next Shorty Squad update?
>Mrs. Wilde
>Jack Savage
>Nick's Sister
>Adult Cotton
File: phantomunmasked.png (138KB, 939x633px) Image search: [Google]
138KB, 939x633px
Hello /zoot/! Phantom here, Writefeg.

I'm the owner of the image, Comic brought it to my attention that anons made their own versions of what's beyond that damn bunnies face, so I just wanted to thank ya'll. <3
File: Goose Tube Dude Lewds.png (9KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
Goose Tube Dude Lewds.png
9KB, 500x500px
I can't wait until your admirer's identity is revealed. Then I get to draw another one of these but with the two of you together.

Don't forget Finnick.
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185KB, 700x500px
Considering I may be having a lapse in my stomach illness, I'm not 100% sure.

That said I'm hoping to get it done before I have company over next month, so I'm shooting for the beginning week(s) of February. I'd like to get it out sooner if I can, but we'll see.
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958KB, 2591x1901px
...still waiting for that can opening...
We need more skunk boy & giraffe girl cuteness such as this.

Listen, I'm 'boutta' shove this here TImbs up where th'sun don't shine.
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202KB, 700x500px
Well he definitely thinks she's cute. I don't know if she shares the sentiment.
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57KB, 600x600px
>He is not in the census
>I don't know much about him, he's just an otter
Ah, damn. Well, if you ever roll home and work he might enter in a project I'm doing with various anons zoosonas

I'm keeping an eye on you.

>I may be having a lapse in my stomach illness
I hope that will not happen, cutie Piggu

Ah, here is really late. Sorry, Comic, chapter 3 has to wait.
So I say goodnight /ztg/ and, remember, the VRbit is a perfectly acceptable target for ALL the lewding you have to do!
File: Raccoonfag by A_Signature.png (82KB, 600x400px) Image search: [Google]
Raccoonfag by A_Signature.png
82KB, 600x400px
Did someone call me?
I came as fast as I could.
...And then after that I rushed over here.
Goodnight! And, uh, stay safe!
File: Whaaaaaaaat.jpg (400KB, 1280x906px) Image search: [Google]
400KB, 1280x906px

Sleep well A_Signature
oh gosh, i'd just die of embarrassment

not mongoose, i just misread them thinking they were a mongoose, not the target of the crush.
I see. Well thank you and Nobby too.

Also anybody got any requests? I've got time for one or two.


Sloth showing his body on webcam.
hot glue your rodent, raccoonman
hope everyone is having a good night.

finnick doing something incredibly sad. maybe drinking in the rain with a silhouette of nick in a window with judy...i know that's a bit much so feel free to ignore me lol

Sky(e) going somewhere with Jack holding onto her legs like a child.
File: R94.png (19KB, 315x298px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 315x298px
>I came as fast as I could.
me too

have a good night, a_sig. see you... tomorrow

>stay safe!
Draw a Gazelle, please.
File: Nooooooo.jpg (125KB, 478x640px) Image search: [Google]
125KB, 478x640px

Haha, bushy eyebrows.
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369KB, 1200x1200px
Oh no

Get better soon!

February seems like a pretty good date. I'll be waiting patiently


He's a stripper and lives in Misty Blvd. Probably an apartment
is comic still here?

He's here yeah, just busy rn with IRL stuff. Can confirm.
File: BunsGotAGun.jpg (367KB, 816x1280px) Image search: [Google]
367KB, 816x1280px
you'd better watch who you call bushy eyebrows, anon

You best put the gun down if you know what's good fer ya'.
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he's dead, anon

tragic kitchen

only his apron and ambiguous semen was left from the ashes
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oh yeah? what are you gonna do about it, boy?

aw man i hate hearing about those awful kitchen tragedies
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reply to 7411919.png
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>First off, fucking hell that Jack is illegally cute. Extremely illegally cute.
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448KB, 975x482px
I love you so fucking much
fucking bunnies are so egotistical, do they think they own the market on being cute?!
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do nothing about it and play Overwatch and do homework.
Jack isn't cute. He's a piece of fucking shit. I hope he dies alone and unloved. He deserves nothing but pain and misery.
>Bunnies have a civil rights rally in Zootopia, early 60s
>A bull yells at them, "Go home, cuties!"
>Martin Lapine King Jr.

Everytime I see pics like this I have a difficult time deciding who I envy more...

They're both just so perfect and adorable.
File: InnocentBun.jpg (341KB, 708x1280px) Image search: [Google]
341KB, 708x1280px
>Listen here bunny, I'll call whoever I want to cute. Besides, you're just a bunny, what are you going to do about it?

have fun i guess
I want to say that is dumb but god damn that pun is too good
Heya, RF. What's good?

That, uh...
That'd probably take more than one person, anon.
this gives me an idea

Tea-riffic lope
File: Zoosona left - Popo.png (73KB, 700x500px) Image search: [Google]
Zoosona left - Popo.png
73KB, 700x500px
Oh...OH! I am so sorry, I did not mean to offend...can I use adorable?

Side note, I wonder what stereotypes Mongooses have to deal with...

>Continue your mongoose writing a greentext greentext

Alright then, but I think I will do that either later tonight or tomorrow while I am on the road (luckily not the driver) on a two hour trip.

In the mean time, I will do this one.
>Heya, RF. What's good?

Not much. Got back from work, having a bite to eat.
Probably hash out my TT fic outline tonight.

>That, uh...
>That'd probably take more than one person, anon.

Oh don't worry, I've been eating oysters.
A LOT of oysters...

'eyyy RF, whuh's poppin'?

Do you like the new TT? I'm not likin' it the more I continue writing it.
oh snappers

someone summon the bun brigade, quick
>'There are signs on businesses that read, "No Cuties Allowed," "Cuties to the back of the bus," "We don't serve cuties,"
>Even during news interviews with public officials, the slur is thrown around as if it means nothing.
>Walking down the street, does have to worry about larger mammals; "Oh, look at her, she's so cute!"
>And sometimes, things escalate to the physical; A vixen corners a buck by a park, bending down and pressing a claw against his lean chest, "Hey cuty, I heard your kind can fuck like jackhammers,"'
>"Woah, Lesley, let's not use that one," Martin said, wiping at his brow.
>"Oh, too racy, sir?" A tan doe asked beside him.
This thread is still up? Huh!

Requesting more hybrids.
image limit reached , go to new thread
Requesting you take a gun an
Duke and Travis kissing (Gideon crying in the bg optional)
Thread posts: 543
Thread images: 251

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