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HG thread Same as before. Give me another 24.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 479
Thread images: 239

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The Player.jpg
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HG thread

Same as before. Give me another 24.
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Amami Rantaro
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Gishki Ariel
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This Girl
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Miku's ass
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A sleepy loli.jpg
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Sleepy loli
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The Player

Thanks again.
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Depression Era Crimson Autist
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Best snek.jpg
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angry loli
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Sliver Queen.jpg
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Sliver Queen
(thanks for hosting)
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Azrael entry.png
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I got my eyes on you..png
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I really don't feel right in putting myself in a game I'm hosting. Pne more.
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Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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Lord Beerus
What would be the point? Food would just go right through him.
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Now that we got the out of the way, I will give you some time to swap if you want.
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Silas (2).gif
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I see I was too hasty. If you would, madame.
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It looks fantastic. I can't wait to see what's in store for me once I win!
He wasn't born a skeletor
>UK Police tasered an innocent man who was a race relations advisor
[citation needed]
Just a regular day in Britbongistan
Why not? I can chop them into pieces regardless.
>revs chainsaw
Don't die too quick.
You know it's not in the States because the innocent man only got tasered. :^)
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2017/jan/20/bristol-police-taser-their-own-race-advisor-video a video of the happening
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You got it.

It's times like these I wonder what you could do to get in there.
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Calm down.png
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Haha, as long as you leave your district mate alone until the very end I don't mind, but please be considerate towards others.

This is starting off rather well.
Let the feast begin!
>Azrael chooses to just punch the girl once, of course that one punch is a whole person worth of beating.
You make even me sick.
Toplel indeed.
That is NOT how you speak to the police unless you want to get your ass tazed.
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Your Emperor is ready to begin!
So, start!
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A lot of threats but no action. They may just be messing with ya.
I know right?
he's a goddamn retard
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Ariel (100).png
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You're not that skilled in this, are you?
...Mm. Maybe.
>she shoulders the chainsaw instead
I'll leave you alone at least. You could be useful.

Ha...haha. Is that the best thing you have to threaten me with?
>she points her chainsaw down at you
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>Becomes hard
>Comes to love these walls, rely on them
Then why are you pouting, hmm?
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ss (2015-08-04 at 11.19.21).jpg
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It's isn't too bad here. It's peaceful enough and idiots won't come and bother me.
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At some point it has to stop being solitary.
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8 hours until secret ava weekend
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Use your head.png
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Don't you think you're acting a little like an animal right now?

That's the spirit. I know some things that you might find interesting about this place. Things you could use to your advantage.

Two of us are going to die, but I can't tell you who.
>pulls ahoge
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>tfw you got the biggest ubnormally animal in your team
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At least I'm used to being alone.

How do you know what I find interesting? I've never talked to you before.
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Some people aren't just talk. Watch out for those ones.
I'll try an make it. Who can say what will happen?
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Azrael (46).png
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>At one point during the game Azrael fouls a guard, he will never walk the same way again, or ever.
Hah, shouldn't have been between me and the goal.
I'm in for everything that has to do with murder, hah, and maybe a little cannibalism.
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>kicks it under someone else's feet
Have fun....
...Not that it's in your control.
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Ariel (215).jpg
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Try me. I've already bested you once.
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Azrael (20).jpg
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Why even bother? You know I'm just going back in there.
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Quite a lot to do to kill someone.
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>The ahoge is serrated, and it begins digging into your skin upon being gripped.
Hm hm hm, if you don't release me, I'll have to end you, bold citizen.
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Explain this.png
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In that case, let me introduce myself. I'm Rantaro Amami. That's all you're getting, but don't let that deter you from being a little curious about these arenas and my knowledge on them.

That's a silly way to go, but hotdogs are tricky foods. You never know when they'll make you suffocate.
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ss (2015-08-03 at 11.51.10).jpg
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Really? And you really think that'll happen to me? Hmph. Now that I know about it, there's very little chance I'll let that happen.
..What a cowardly way to kill someone, cat. Losing your edge?

...Urotsuki is mine. Okay then... Humor me and tell me something I'd find interesting.
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Two gods of destruction enter. None leaves.
>sets ahoge on fire as an act of revenge
>pees on ahoge to put it out
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Azrael (12).jpg
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Right back in my own cage. What kind of prison has male and female prisoners together? I've heard enough about prisons to know that's unconventional.
They'd probably figure out it was me if the victim was beaten to death, but if they were stabbed... The perfect plan.
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If only you guys had found a cuter dog. Second wind's an actual thing. Too bad you found that out that way.
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>Eats too much and pukes up protein block all afternoon
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>The ahoge which as tough as it's Emperor's resolve, fails to catch fire, and the stream of pee only brushes it once before Roma backs up from it.
Guards! Apprehend these heretics and mount them on a cross!

Hmmm...if we can manage to subdue the warden, we can at the very least cause a panic and maybe even a riot.
I will leave it up to you, Assassino!
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Azrael (48).png
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Boredom is the real killer in this situation.
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Consider the following.png
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What if I told you that this was all a game for a certain crowd of people? They pick us all by random and completely erase our memories to implant new ones onto us to make everything interesting? The winner gets fame and glory as the others remain dead until a new season starts.
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Now I'm just wondering why so many little girls are here since they got snuffed out so quickly. And all the other reasons.
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And another bites the dust.
...So, what. We're pawns to some greater audience? That's... not a bad theory actually.
You've spent time thinking about that, haven't you?
That's what I get for trying to save your hair from turning to ash and your face from third degree burns?
Wow, ingrate.
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>Does what has to be done
>Lives with the regret while gnawing on his own ass
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I have been waiting for that encounter all game. This feat was at least two times more dangerous than the last one.
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>Two men grab the anon by the arms and begin dragging him away as Roma waves.

Your tribute is appreciated, citizen!
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You guys probably have more to say for this than i do.
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Got out of jail and got a dog from it. Not bad newcomer.
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Ariel (1).png
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Congratulations...and thank you for this.
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...I could say something about the second death....A few things.

But instead, I'll say good job to you.
source on what vidya you're from? im getting desperate trying to find a secret ava
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NOW the placements are working.
I knew she could do it
Thanks for hosting mate.
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I spent as much time as anyone else has. As far as I know nobody else has any better explanation on the place despite being here longer than I. Don't you think it's a little weird that we're all okay with murdering each other, despite some of us being friends? I do, and that's why I want to know what exactly is going on.
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ss (2015-07-31 at 11.42.33).jpg
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Congratulations Kagura
Thanks for hosting again
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>Thanks for host
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>thanks for hosting
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Congratulations on your victory! I hope you get everything you ever wanted from this.

As always you've done well giving us this opportunity, hostess.
{Fate/Extra, although you will probably have better luck finding a character by sifting through the mobile game F/Grand Order.}
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...I guess I never thought too hard about it after my own theory fell through.
It never bothered me too much, as long as I get to kill.
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Nice job kid.
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Nice and warm.png
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And a thanks to all you lovelies as well. I would like to stay but i have a bath calling for me. Have a lovely day.
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Please tell me your theory. Perhaps you were on the right track, but got sidetracked by something else. You should also think about not killing people. You'll never win in the long run if you have killing intent.
...No. I won't. It was ridiculous after all.
Killing intent has gotten me this far. ... Even if I had to use other methods to get any friends.
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tumbleweed dry.jpg
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>pets the tumbleweed
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Your hospitality is appreciated, citizen.
Your mom

Is a slut
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>each 3 game creating new acc 'cause of animals
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No, no. I insist. I want to hear what you think, Urotsuki-chan. You look like a person with a different kind of world view in a place filled with people who're carbon copies of each other. Like your killing instinct for one. How many others to do you know that feel the same way as you? You'd think there would be more of them here, but...where are they?
>tfw spent the past few days making a folder
>fear that someone else also picked up the ava
>tfw fear that i will blotch the ava
>tfw still have to screencap two movies
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I will remove them from the planet.
Your mum was here the other night and you missed her. She seemed pretty down
>tfw still have to pick one
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...Sparse, I guess. Not many feel that way like I do.
And not for the same reason.

Mm? ... I didn't know you were here, Rika.
Good to see you.
>she smiles and waves
....And the scarf, too.
Don't be a jew, Lori
It's Junko, sir
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Tell me what your reasoning is. It's bound to be very good if you can justify murder.
Game going up at XX:30.
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She's always down, now.
I'm...distracted. Good seeing you too, Urotsuki.
>She smiles a little, touching the scarf.
Hehe, you make a damn good scarf, after all.
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My folders are ready btw. When will we start?
Hah, gayyyyme!
>she shrugs
It doesn't have any consequence here, so why not? I did it in my dreams plenty of times and nothing bad happened to me... Mostly.

My hands were a little rusty. I'm glad it came out well at all... much less to have you wearing it even now.
...So something's distracting you?
Alright, give me 24.
Chiaki Nanami
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6 and a half hours
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Ultimate Despair
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4chan Mod Squad
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Evil Eye Sigma Entry.png
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Riri entry.png
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Sliver Queen
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Amami Rantaro

You dream of killing? If that isn't a clear sign of some sort of problem than I don't know what is. You seem like a nice person, so to see you excited about a topic like this is out there. Normally people like you are excited about books and solitude, no?
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Hey, how was your day? ^_^
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Lord Beerus
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0!0!0!0! ROMA'S FATED IDOL.jpg
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Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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Captain Luna.png
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Captain Luna
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I've practically not even taken the thing off since you gave it to me....
Egh. Just...the same as ever, for the most part.
Who's asking.
Solf J. Kimblee
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Jonathan Joestar
ERP Koneko.
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Dihydrogen Monoxide
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Roy Mustang
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Hermit Sprite.png
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Ibaraki Kasen
Kousaka Honoka
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Delet this
Cinnamon Roll
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The Shadow
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And what does that mean? Are you saying I'm crazy?
>she takes her chainsaw off her shoulder, narrowing her eyes at him
You're awfully presumptuous.... Explaining my dreams in detail would take too long.

I.... Wow. I'm flattered...
Things related to Mima?
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I BELIEVE (2).png
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Illyasviel von Einbern
Does someone manage to bocu no pico ava?
>he doesn't know about Pico x Vader
A while back ago, ye.
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What's wrong with a newbie who's curious about the people that come here? I don't think it's weird at all. I have my reasons why I would like to know, so please tell me. This may help you out in the long run.
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Huh. Don't think we ever talked. I'm alright, I guess. A little on the tired side. How come?
Hehe...best thing I never knew I needed. It's...fantastic.
And, uh...well, yeah, in part. And Marisa. Mom's been...pretty down lately. That and one or two other things.
>tfw internet was shitting up so I couldn't enter

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(Hey, do you feel like continuing our little session? I'm all riled up and ready to go whenever!)
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Let me make a smug face for you.png
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Put your entry down anyways. I'll give you my spot.
Having some issues with the tools, give me a moment.
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This sounds like bullshit to me.png
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I don't understand what you're saying. I haven't seen you here before in my life.
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Anybody here DTF?
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Well, I do. And I'm starting not to like you.
...I DO like books. I made my own. And I'm working on filling a bookshelf.

..Huh. I see.
Marisa... It always seems like a good few of your problems are related to her, hm?
>she sets her chainsaw down
I'd fuck Nanako.
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Kanna (4).gif
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I gotchu, senpai.
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Sorry if that's...weird.
Well. We're just two-thirds of a family without her. Or...if Mima'd accept you, three-fourths....
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Kill yourself, Kamina.
You wanna take this to the ERP thread or get busy right here?
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This is the first we've met and yet you're already disliking me? I think that's a little unfair. I'm a curious man is all. I want to understand you and the others around me. The truth about this place is fascinating to say the least! I hope you understand.
Did anyone do calc 2? I got some integration wrong and wonder where the mistake is
You're the mistake
I just think it'll be interesting when I get to see her. Just based off what you've told me.
Do you think Mima would do that?
>she looks off into the distance for a moment or two
I wonder.

I don't think it's entirely unfair. I judge quickly.
...Taht being said, I don't blame you for wanting to know more. ...You'd just have better luck than me.
Gabe the dog died
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You think so? I guess you're not wrong. You would have to have balls of steel to survive the things I've survived! That's besides the point, though. It's not everyday you get someone like you. Small, quiet, murderous...or maybe I'm wrong? I wouldn't know too much about your type at all. They don't come up to me like the others do. I guess they get scared?
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I think she would. Hehe, at the very least, I like you, so she'd be inclined, and all. She doesn't like most humans, but...you're not most humans, huh?
...Now I just don't know what to make of you at all.

>her gaze moves downward to the ground
...I guess not, hm..
...Maybe that could be nice.
We practically act like sisters right now. ...Or at least, I think this is what they act like.
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Maybe I'll give you some time to get your thoughts in order. I'll be back eventually. Have a good day, Urotsuki-chan. Try to not to let loose.
>blood from nose
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Its been a loong time since I acted sisterly, myself...but I like to think it's kinda like this.
...What're you looking at the ground for?
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At least you look well....
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..Don't count on that. Bye, Amami.

Just thinking about it a little.
I like being around you and Mima, regardless of what anyone calls it. So it doesn't really matter if you put a label on it or not.

Going by what you're saying, you're not.
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>no arguments 'cause of bad feeling
Just kill me.
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>shoves inside a TV
Give me ass
Anyone got the countdown to the event?
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Regardless of how I feel, it's still good to see you even if it's not welcome.
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>Rika walks over, and drags Urotsuki in to a hug.
I'm just glad you do like it.
4 and a half hours?
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Unique retards.
Fuck you.
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I'm talking about secret weekend. Not the inauguration.
I was talking about the secret ava weekend
It was already, wasn't it?
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...That kind of attitude...
What makes it not welcome? No one said you're unwelcome.

>she places a hand on Rika's and relaxes in the hug
As long as I don't end up alone again, I'm okay with it. Trust me.
..Hey, Rika?
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Wait a minute, i prtsreen some good moments.
btw, i forgot so save the placements...(go one more time?)
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>friendly fire
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>Rika smiles a bit.
I'm not going anywhere. What's up?
I think we've been baited
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Niger, you did it on purpose?
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I was sleepy, sorry my enemy.

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It might just be my drowsiness talking but I thought you would be a bit mad toward me is all.
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What the fuck...
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Thanks. Have this doggo
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Nah, that thread is still up. I saw the result. Not going for it again. I'm done here.
Based as fuck.
As a general question... Do you think it's possible for something bad to turn out of something done for good?

Have some faith in my own growth, Garry. Just because we're not as close as we used to be doesn't mean I hate you.
That's the kind of thing I'd hate for others to assume. Was that the thing bothering you?
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OIOIOI, do you really give up on it?
At least, go for last one ORA ORA, between you and my dolls.
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Last duel ended up with my defeat. And this one as well. Nothing to do in this thread.

It's not like someone is going to host now, right?
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...I mean. Good intentions and all don't always mean good results, sometimes. What's your meaning?
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It just feels distant that's all..I have my faith in you though. Forgive my emotional response.
F, Oldfag Slayer.
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Well, I can host, but only if you participate in game.
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>Secret avas when?
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That's partially what I mean. It's something that's kept me from doing a few things...partially because I think it'll end up hurting someone in the long run.
I can't be specific at the moment. Excuse me for that.

Thank you for making the effort, regardless, Garry. I haven't seen you in a while, you know.
I imagine you've been rare here as ever.
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I don't really follow you.... You know you can ask me to help, right? If you can summon the ill, I'm here.
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>it's just another russian shitter
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I've just been very busy I would of been here earlier but I needed things to fix so. Sorry, I did come here a few times but only for a little while honestly.
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What's your problem, fella?
Mm... Maybe when I can then. Sorry, that was a bit weird to ask, wasn't it?
>she turns and give Rika a hug of her own
I've gotta get going, I have work to do later today. Farewell, Rika.

That's fine. To tell the truth, I've started getting a bit busier of a schedule. Things have to come first, as unimportant as they seem in the grand scheme.
In any case... I'll be leaving now. Bye, Garry.
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Hey. Anything for you, sis. Have a good one, Urotsuki, glad you showed up.
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At least I was able to catch you off guard this time, just do what you have to do. Have a good night Urotsuki, good to see you.
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Hey, You!
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Why anon is so rude?
Because they need something to whine about.
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Nature of anon
>insults you
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Stop that.
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>petting jojofag
Greater internet fuckwad theory.
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That's forbidden as well.
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images (1).jpg
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You've done it now, bastard. I'm gone. See you NEVER.
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Just a joke, my friend.
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Bone her loverboy.png
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yuno please host
>wanting someone who just OD-d and lost his house to host
Heartless bastard.
Post secret discords and their members
Which discord is it?
the chicken coop
Is Junko the admin?
Sounds fun
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Not you, you brain dead manchild.
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It's good to know who Junkos whiteknights are.
I wish I were a female irl too
>actually female
>beleiving him
4 hours til secret weekend
Junko is a girl.
No man would suck dick that much
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But I've only seen people suck his dick
Junko sucks others dicks in an attempt to gain potential ships and whiteknights
So she is definitely female
>yfw "anons" whiteknight a guy
Screen caps?
Let's not be too hasty there, friendo.

Yasuke-kun, post the list~
>Dicks sucked
Furry Porn

Oh, and that's just today, hun.

>being this dead
anyone want a passport for border crossing?
I'm trying to read my Leather Club manga, I don't have time to deal with these asinine imposters. I recommend you get your heads checked because blah blah neurologist stuff im gay.
jorji plz
>No mention of cocks anywhere in the post aside from "im gay"
I will suck your asinine dick
Fuck you
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Oh, I want to use my new avas so much. Hurry up, time and universe.
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What do you want.png
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You and me, buddy, time is a slow thing.
Rohan is already an avatar that is in use
Persona 5 datamining discord

People in hell want ice water.
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>tfw you have poc for "slow", but you still can't use it
Pretty sad feeling.
Nono, its not my avatar for future. And not Kira. I have a bit better. 4 folders, for sure.
Persona 5 datamining discord

"Persona 5 data mining discord"
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I think you need help.png
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Asshole-chan general

I-im so alone by myself i miss asshole-chan's sweaty asshole.........

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>no ava of The Donald
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Congratulations, burgers. That's some good shit.
Designated Shitposting Discord

The members are Kamina the admin, Adachi, Izaya, Rinoa the Tryhard, Littlefinger, king knight, Junko, Ram and last but not least, Muffet.
Get back to golodach you fucking piece of trash.
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So, are we going to fight again?
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Heck, why not. That's a good day.
Now this sounds awkwardly promising.
I was going to eat Umi-chan's ass later, Ramsay-kun. We can share if you like.

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Well, it depends on some things.
Such as?..
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Something changes...
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Try to figure out yourself.
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secret ava weekend when?
The only "or else" is we can share or else you can wait your turn to worship Umi-chan's delicious dirty asshole. Your call bitch.
I don't have time for this. Answer.
Well, that's just bad.
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Happy Trump Day everybody
Fuck off, Umi is pure
Go eat Maki ass instead
>insert more nigger preist shit here
Guess I forgot who I've been talking to for a moment. A tight-lipped moron.
Post your ava in MAGA hats to celebrate
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I have feelings, ya know?
Ah, right. I forgot that you are "girlishly" sensitive as well.
Rinoa a cute
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Can someone explain me why Trump's skin colour is that specific shade?
I'm all in for Trump but I've always wondered why his skin is like that, is it because it contrasts with his hair too much?
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Make America Great Again.png
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How do you expect me to come back, when you hate me so much?
Spray tan
Spray tan.
but why does he spraytan?
I doubt a man with that kind of wealth is unable to afford a tanning bed
Because you will. Even if you want to prove otherwise.
Maybe it isn't spray tan. Maybe he ate too many carrots. No joke.
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And now just provoking. Nice.
Efficiency. If you're laying in a tanning bed then you're not getting shit done. Spray and pay and get back to work.
Skin cancer?
Also this happens. My mom managed it once
he could just work letting the sun through the window
You always failed to keep your word. When you said that you'll manage to stay away from us, you were doomed to return.
Glass blocks UV A rays which are the ones that tan/burn you. Open window is noisy, and again, skin cancer
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>tfw still haven't even picked a character to use during secret avatar weekend
T-that's today!?
Look at this loser! HAHAHAHA
Do it now. Better late than never.
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Can't care less at this point.
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You want to fight, little bitch?

i have no idea who the pick, otherwise I would have done it
I would kill to be in this mans position
Say whatever you want, we both know what you truly feel inside.
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Right now I feel unspeakable glee.
Seiba, is that you? Or Akihiko maybe?
https://twitter.com/potus What will his first tweet be, HG?
Mister Obama

you're fired
First 24
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>this /brg/ trashtalking
This feeling is caused by Trump's victory and won't last long. Soon you'll return to your normal, self-loathing state.
Something safe about how he's thankful and happy to be here and looks forward to serving to country
"/hga/ was more fun than /trash/, sad."
All the stupid gopniks do is talk shit.
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Literally who cares?
Are you implying that you don't? I wonder if that's true.
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Agree with you.
Keep wondering then.
Come on now, say something more amusing than this. They're watching us, you know.
Who? Burgs? >>7317427
Nah, not burgs.
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Well, it's not like I have any useful information for them since last time.
Not gonna tell me who are you?
I love you Kyoko Sakura
It's implied that I'm not going to tell about it.
It's completely up to you.
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Oh, wait, I'm retarded. Got it now.
>I'm retarded.
And fond of stating the obvious.
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Yeah-yeah. What's your intention here besides trying to bully me?
Just bullying you, simple as that.
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Well, enjoy yourself then.
I already did.
What now?
Now go and read Apocrypha.
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Gimme a link, pal.
Try this, it's in English though.
It's full?

Why would you bother with making me read that thing btw?
I think it is, it has 2 volumes. Or at least I think so.

I just don't want you to wait for manga to be fully translated, so I suggest you reading this.
But, man, you told me to read it multiple times even before you knew I've started the manga.
Was I talking about Apocrypha? I don't recall.
I think I suggested you reading this 2 or 3 times. no more than that.
But still you did and that's what matters. Going to lay my hands on it on the weekend, probably.
Speaking of the weekend, are you going to play with us in /b/? We're planning to stay there all day. Of course, this isn't /brg/, so you should be okay with that, right?
All Sunday, I mean.
Yeah, not gonna happen.
As expected. Still, it would be nice of you to come by for a game or two.
Btw, last time we met, it truly was that just a form of self-entertainment and had nothing really to do with "returning" me?
You mean the /test/ encounter? You can have it both ways.
You know, if I'll go there I might as well return to /brg, coz this is same shit.
But the MAIN point was entertainment, yeah?
Not really, you'd just pretend to be a random player who came to participate in one single game and then leave bacuse you're not into all this autistic community stuff. I mean, nobody would force you,
Who knows? Maybe that's how you want it to be.
And the point is?
>Maybe that's how you want it to be
Yeah, right, implying your earlier posts didn't show your real ways.
Some people would be happy to see you.
My "real ways"?
No one cares and you know it. Any other talk is just fucking irrational.
Thinking twice, they probably WILL be happy seeing my new defeat
See, that's something.
I do not find this amusing at all.
How selfish of you, truly.
Stop being retarded. Right now.
If you want to understand a retard, act like one. Don't you know?
Well, I can't understand you either way probably. So I just won't even try.
Should I be offended?
It'll be our last encounter, I'd imagine?
How come?
Should I care?
Don't act like you don't.
Well, you'll stop trying on getting me back? So there's no way for us to meat each other
I fed up with this since, like, November, so there's no real reason for me.
Dunno about me, but someone else probably will.
Oh, the edge.
Not a chance. And besides, what can they do without you?
Are you implying that only I can get things moving in your case?
Sure. You're The Chosen One, Neo.
Are you implying that I would miss the chance to poke you with a spiky stick?
Well, you implied that here >>7318079 aren't you?
But of course.
But of course what? This is the last thread we talk to each other or you have intention to make the show go on?
Why would I cease the fun?
You clearly have other kinds of fun.
The more they vary, the better.
You have entirety of /brg, that's plenty of ways.
It's not like /brg is mine.
It's enough for you.
Not really.
Yeah, and you have games, books, this thread 'n shit.
You can't just assume my limits of having fun. They expand beyond your imagination.
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Dad, pls no.png
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But that's not really have anything to do with me.
We can't talk about imagination for obvious reasons.
>But that's not really have anything to do with me.
You sound so sure about that. You're not the special case, you know.
>You're not the special case
I didn't said I am.
Everything can amuse me, even you.
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Can't you people do something for once?

Yeah-yeah, whatever, but you do understand that's the only way for us to meet is the Europe thread?
Don't worry, if Stas ever considers hosting a Europe game, I'll be there.
Yeah, but the point is that I'll not.
Then what were you saying here >>7318389 was a lie or are you just contradicting yourself?
In a way, I guess.
The point was that even this one and only way for us to communicate will be lost soon.
What, you're finally ending your life?
I wish, but that's not the case.
Then what is? You'll make another crappy promise not to enter Europe games ever again?
I can just use another country to play, so you'll not detect me, and, as result, this soap opera will end.
So, you'll make this even more interesting for me by turning it into a guessing game? You continue to amuse me.
Even if you'll guess who I am, that doesn't mean that you'll get any proof of that.
So you'll be keeping your mouth shut until you give up. Let's see how long you'll be able to keep up with that.
You always have other people to entertain you in case that I'll be right.
Don't consider yourself to be free from that just yet.
It's easier than you imagine.
Keep being delusional.
It's just a fucking roulette c'mon now.
And that's what makes it so entertaining.
Sure 'bout that?
I'm sure about everything I say.
That makes you twice as stupid as me.
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The hell are you smiling at, Gil's bitchboy?
I think, I somehow like you, even though you're complete asshole.

Who ya callin bitchboy?! Get on my level, fag.
Not sure if I should be flattered or disgusted.
Second. In my case it's always second.
Yeah, I've had enough of your whining for today. See ya.
Doubt that.
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Thread posts: 479
Thread images: 239

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