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Zootopia General: Dress To Impress edition Pastebin: pasteb

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Thread replies: 452
Thread images: 184

Zootopia General: Dress To Impress edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
ZTArchives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.com
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/7119287
Thematic Thursdays: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays

TT poll: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll946404x25c24975-40 (closes on Wednesday)
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What could be a good design for subtle zootopia patches?
Gideon is for his husband Travis only.
ZPD uniform patch
Their faces kind of kill this for me.
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/r/ jock wolves
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A carrot and or blueberry combo?
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Here's a Skye I found.
I don't care if she's old. I want to shag her.
Even if it's heresy, I feel so right in wishing that they're making funny boxes.
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GG logo
Who here has seen "Sing!"?
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Did some requests for the Discord chat. Incoming dumbp.
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Have a younger model.

I have! I like it a lot. Not as much as Zootopia, and I don't know if I'd put it in the best movies I've seen this year (even in animated), but it's still pretty enjoyable for what it is.
This is actually cute.
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That ain't Skye. It's an arctic fox OC the artist made up to be an ex of Nick's.

Seen it, liked it, listen to the soundtrack, but it wasn't groundbreaking at all. Just a fun popcorn flick with no deeper message.
Cool. We need more of this species.
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Gideon as Alan Jackson
Young, old, either way I want her on the menu
What is this meme?
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Yeah, just like Cynthia, or the girl from Zistopia.

In the end, they're all Skye, just with special snowflake OCness added.
I probably will like it too, but haven't seen it yet!
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And lastly, Florence from Florence + the Machines as a caracal.
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Who's Skye? Like, what are her cannon traits? Other than, "a vixen".
Percy and or Maxine are desperate one night, after discussing it they agree they can't go with each other so instead they call up Madame Pimp(Does she have a name?) and order themselves a boy toy for the night. Shocked, Stink Twink shows up to their home in a skimpy outfit and makeup.

How hard do they wreck his ass?
Anon, vixens have been a thing for decades now. Remember the old furry musical version of Robin Hood?
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That's too bad. There's a sad lack of Gideon/Travis stuff.
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How about that he can barely even walk afterward?
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Cute logo for a cute baker.
I would draw it if I had that ability. It's good stuff, man.

If she's an arctic (or otherwise white furred vixen) that isn't explicitly one of the massage triplets, then 9 times out of 10, they are taking inspiration from the Skye concept art, but adding their own 'flair' to the character.

It's the same with Jack Savage: he could be a spy or an actor or whatever, but if he has the tiger stripes and is a rabbit dude, then he's still Jack Savage.
Does he really has this logo in the film?
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Since it is still populated now, taking some requests.
Will do them this evening.
Meh. Just sharing a species and a gender is not the same thing as being a rip-off. There's a lot more in terms of personality, looks, and so on.
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What the anon posted is pretty damn close to the film.
Then I guess I'll have to draw more of her too.

Just don't go into it expecting Zootopia. Other than having talking animals and a modern world, it has very little in common. It's still a fun feel-good movie.

Madame Ly (Lyla).

And were that situation real, I imagine they'd be shocked. None of the three of them would be down to fug after a surprise like that.

Since it's not though, for the sake of fantasy I'll say HARD.

I like the way this anon things.
Darted Kameela devouring a dead Flash, Nick horrified aiming his gun at her. Cotton's there too, she's wearing a pirate costume.
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Welp, lets get it started then.png
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Completely rekt

I can dream!
I want it to be canon that all three of them have awkward crossdressing and public sex dreams that they can't explain, and the dreams are getting even more common.
I like how he changed from the bully to the cute country side baker with accent.
Clawhauser fighting for a Gazelle CD.
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Requesting Cuck Wolf, the politician for the skeezy modern era.
I think it's stated that he actually got really serious into being a better mammal to the point of getting therapy and the like.
Judy hugging Gideon
*stated by the filmmakers
>It's their imagination
>They know how a skunk penis looks like
They must have done some research...
It's not a meme. It's just a random-ish request.
Judy riding the giant worm from Dune.
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Two country boys in a loving homosexual relationship is the best.

I wonder when this will be finished.
Maybe they were looking up fox porn and skunks popped up on those annoying ads to the right side of the screen? Just saying.
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Gideon and Travis being a cute gay couple.
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He's handsome as an adult, yes.
What exactly are you requesting?
Once he got over his self doubts about his feelings for Travis he became a better, happier mammal
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I think he is also cute when he was little, just that he was a little asshole.
I wouldn't call him handsome.
He is cute, no more

I don't?
He's cute AND handsome
A cute coyote couple
Gay or straight.
No lewdness required.
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Other than being a possible mechanic/spy arctic fox? Nothing really. She is just in the position where she has concept for herself, and she is in the same genus as one of the main characters aka Nick. So anyone that is a female arctic fox is just going to be dubbed "Skye". Hell, doesn't even have to be an arctic fox.
Oh, hey, it's a jock wolf. Cool.
As an adult, I really do agree with this.
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You need to draw more Gideon and Travis
Is there a backstory to this wolf dude?
>>7147988 -> >>7148306

>I don't?
Judy standing on the flat side of a chainsaw, which is being held by a wolf.
I usually open requests on sunday, so maybe next time.

Well is my fur--zoosona!
Thanks for drawing the guy.
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Did you roll workplace and home, G?
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Nop, I'll do it tomorrow, I'm falling sleep.
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I still want to see Nick crossdressing just like this.
>species Mustang
Now what about other things
Where is that next part?
>Live in Savanna Central Acacia ST
Now what about job
>Job place
Herd ST

Well I guess it turned out nicely.
A mustang living in Savanna Central Acacia ST who go to work in Herd ST in the same district.
Currently writing it.
I think I lost control again.
What job?

Don't restrain your power. Unleash it.
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Was it not supposed to look like this the entire time?
How would I know?
Image doesn't provide any information regarding this.
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It's because this is the point where your creativity enters. You decide!
I thought that maybe https www .randomlists.com/random-jobs
Could be added to template or rolling jobs too?
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It's not supposed to look like that.
In fact on my end, it doesn't. I don't know why it's doing that.

I do know the program doesn't work well with images. That may have something to do with it. I'd try shrinking/expanding the window. If it doesn't work I may just have to ask someone who knows Twine better than I do for help.

The only people I know who use it are on this thread though. That's where I learned about it.
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By shrinking/expanding, I mean zooming in/zooming out, by the way.

It's meant to look more like this.
Anyway let him be a Database administrator. This is what generator gave me in second attempt. The first was a police officer but I think there are enough cops already.
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It can be helpful for anons that have problems starting, sure, but I feel it betrays the spirit of the idea a little. There is chance but there should be also choice and creativity behind them.
It should be more interesting, given a species and a setting, to see how one can create a coherent Zootopia character from them.
But then I created only the map and the roll your location game, another anon decided to add them to the roll your zoosona game.
And what program are you using for drawing, Inky?
Also, pen, pencil or brush?
Asking for... reasons
Is there a job like Veterinarian in Zootopia?
What would be an analog of this?
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I use sai to draw.
My brush is just the default pen tool with mild modifications to my liking.

On paper I just use mechanical pencil with .5 lead.
Well, there could be pet fishes, birds and/or insects.
But maybe veterinarian is just the name for doctors there
Max knows where the dicks go

>”You would have enjoyed yourself; Nick here is a wonderful lover.”
>”Oh is he now?”
>”Yep, our first time was perfect, as well as the two other times that same night.”
>Nick shrank back when Skye turned towards him, giving him an appraising look as he tried to melt into the seat cushions behind him.
>”That many times? That IS impressive, usually tods are ‘one and done’ type of mammals.”
>”Not my fox,” Judy scooted closer to Nick, paws resting on her thighs, “honestly he is exhausting sometimes, and this is coming from a bunny.”
>Nick glanced down, only to have Judy quickly reach up and cover his snout with her paw.
>He froze as he picked up the scent of arousal coming from Judy’s paw, the smell so fresh and raw that he couldn’t help but close his eyes and let out a soft growl.
>”Sometimes, I feel like I am truly prey when I am with him,” Nick distantly heard Judy say, “when he isn’t making love to me, he is tasting me. When he isn’t tasting me, he is running his claws through my fur.”
>Nick whined when the paw drew back, and he opened his eyes to see Judy sitting next to Skye.
>”There are moments where I feel like I am not enough, he is a great specimen of a fox after all.”
>Nick, even through his scent drunk haze, wanted to deny that claim. His bunny was enough for him, she was wonderful, she was his mate, she was his prey…
>Before he could utter a single word, he watched as the vixen bent her head down next to his rabbit’s ear, her eyes staring straight into his.
>”Are you suggesting…you need help taking care of him?”
>”Maybe, I would like to see my fox truly worn out for once.”
>”Are you sure he could take care of two partners though?” Skye asked, only slightly pressing her cold nose against Judy’s ear.
>”If not, we could give him some proper…motivation to keep going,” Judy smiled at her boyfriend while her paw reached back to press against Skye’s tail.


>Nick audibly gulped, his eyes darting back and forth between the two females.
>They held their gaze with him for a few more moments before scooting apart from each other, howling with laughter.
>”HAHAHA! Oh god Nick, you should look at your face right now!” Skye held her stomach with her head tilted back.
>”It was great! Hahaha! You looked ready to jump me when my paw was on your face!” Judy grinned, slapping her paw on the table.
>Nick sighed loudly, giving a shaky smile, “Y-yeah, you two got me good. I…I was not expecting that.”
>The girls smirked at him with half-lidded eyes and crossed arms over their chest.
>The tod coughed and stood up, “Excuse me…I’ll…I’ll be right back, going to the restroom.”
>Skye waited until Nick had entered the bathroom to turn to Judy, “So how much of that talk of Nick’s stamina was true?”
>Judy grinned, “All of it. Hell, I might be understating it a little bit.”
>”Damn,” Skye scowled, “I should have asked him out in high school.”
>The bunny hummed, “You know…I wasn’t completely joking when I said I might need help with him sometimes.”
>”Yeah, he is exhausting. The size difference does not help me in that regard either.”
>The vixen bit her lip, glancing back at the male’s bathroom, “I mean…I am not completely against it, but are you sure?”
>”Anytime Nick mentioned you, it was always good things. You seem like an honest mammal. Nick seems to still have some torch for you. And honestly?” Judy smiled, “My attraction for foxes doesn’t stop at males.”
>Skye blinked, though she couldn’t stop the smirk from growing on her muzzle, “You don’t say?”
>”I would never dream of cheating on Nick, but if you were to join us…”
>”…who’s apartment is closer?”

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Well I should hope so.
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Damn, AGDQ stole most of my spare time today.... Welp time to sleep, have a good night everyone!

She's a very smart bun. Perhaps someday she can teach VRbit, poor repressed bit.
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I'll figure out if I want to add smut to this later in the morning, but for now that is the end. Night everyone!
>human dicks
REEEEE and so on.
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I know you're memeing, but I'll add that it's a classic, before I drew lots of mammal dongs.

I don't know if it's something that can be taught.

Sleep tight bunner.
>almost five
>want to finish writing this chapter
>need to wake up at 10am at the latest

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Night foxer(?).
Sleep tight bunners!
And, yes, please continue it.

>5 hours of sleep
You are so lucky
That is one thicc buutay.
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this smug aura mocks you.png
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we late night drawstream

gonna be mostly commissions, I'll take a couple warmup requests tho
Bore's goat dressed as Lucio, please
Weasel dance. Show dem action lines!
Judy and Clawhauser tackling Nick
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You fix your interwebs mr sloth? Also how about Tavit the nerd yeen hot glueing some larping mice?
ref me up
Thanks, piggu.
SAI has some strange options for the pen, it seems from your screen
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Remmy and Al hanging out together like best friends
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The Greatest Gift is You, Christmas sequel to Quid Pro Quo, updated.
I will continue beating the dead horse and say that I keep checking to see if this story is under Romance instead of Friendship, because most romance stories aren't even a quarter this comfy/emotional/sappy.
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try everything.jpg
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>beating the dead horse
Not being respectful of appropriate equine burial practices, I see
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Daaaaaaaamn. Thanks, Nobby. Didn't expect something so well done for a warmup sketch.
Damn Lucio players... they are so hard to hit
Goats don't play fair
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Can't stop won't stop
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I'm gonna Ryuu Ga Wa your a....png
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Just a little headshot...
It won't hurt, I swear
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Why are there two Nicks?
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Hashi-book makes honestly one of the best Judys.
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Jack Savage always dresses in style.

He also knows how to treat a lady right.
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Just a sequence
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But two Nicks are better than one.
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any new art of little hustlers?
It is like, I can't escape the cuck.
Cuck: The Greentext
Cuck: The Fanfiction
Cuck: The Comic
For a while there was cuck fanart, but that died down.
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The most recent from Zhan is this one
I want to lewd them both.
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They're like 14, anon.
Rape has age of consent.
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Do not hurt the little hustlers!
But they're cute.
no age of consent?

Hard to fuck a mouse without killing it. The vixen, on the other hand...
Am I the only person here that is a Rodentophobe?
I am Ok with squirells and other bigger rodents but c'mon, rats and mouses are fucking disgusting.
And how the fuck do you manage them as the state? They should be locked in their own colony, not able to leave, with their own currency,laws,government. They can sneak anywhere, they spread diseases, and honestly making tools for horse type hoofers is bad enough but making everything compatable for 2in mouse? And how does it work with law? When an elephant destroys one of their toy cars or kills them by doing things normal people do is he charged with murder? With all the charges he would get for idk. accidentaly dropping something on a wolf and killing him?
And what about votes? It's no wonder it's 10/1 if every rat counts as voter and fully able part of society.
What a world, filled with specists and rapists
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But anon...
Nice P E T.
I would not give any money, rights or advantages to it.
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>making tools for horse type hoofers is bad enough

Think about how many mammals those tool manufacturers employ, equine and otherwise.
Do you hate the economy, too, Anon?
If they didn't employ mammals with perfectly goods hands (paws or fingered hoofs) to make tools for nature's cars they could employ them in more important jobs to make the world a better place.

Besides nobody yes answered to my points on rodent laws,votes and other.
Thanks anon, hope we'll see more longer comics about them at some point
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>nature's cars

>nobody yes answered to my points on rodent laws
I'm not a fan of rodents either, but I'm having a hard time taking you seriously through all this anti-equine rhetoric.
>nature's cars
That was mostly a joke.
But I am really curious what people think about rights of the small cratures...
Their r-type reproduction would be a danger to democracy if every rodent got a vote.
Every elected position in Zootopia would very quickly be held by rodents or those that pandered to rodents.

And countless rodents die every day. I doubt that every single one is a tragedy.
Most mammals have likely had to cope with causing accidentental mouseslaughter at some point in their lives.
It's just something that happens. You can't send everyone in the city to jail for it.
The rights of a mammal shouldn't be influenced by size or number.
And, if we are talking about sheer numbers, bunnies are much worse
can i have the link to the artist ?
this judy is amazing

Bunnies are not even close.
Besides bunnies are at least larger and better equiped for society.
And at least bunnies have the good sense to cull most their kits if they become too much of a burden.
>better equiped for society
Equipped for whose society?
If anyone thinks Zootopia is so integrated that there's just one big cultural group, they should visit Little Rodentia themselves and try to fraternize there.
The life experience of a mouse is not the same as that of an elephant. They would be socially distinct groups.
The true rodentophobes of Zootopia would be the large mammals that were so terrified of hurting a rodent, they couldn't interact with them, or in some cases even go outside.
They'd have slow, awkward gaits, and be constantly looking at their feet.
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Crippled bun
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Ayy I've been sitting on this tab for a month now
What do they do with the bodies? I'd expect that in olden days, the culled kits would be skinned and their fur sold as luxuries.
OH !! it s from him too ! ^^
ok thanks :)
Sent to Gideon
He fucks the bodies and then bakes them into pies.
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Good bun, 8.75/10 would smooch
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were you there when the bun&fix
>really devious idea for illness TT
iz cull a scam, frend
Sounds lood, Gideon is pure and handles the bodies with respect as he runs them through the grinder.
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The thread got dark real quick. lets post some comf. maybe we can summon VRbit that way too.
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I just woke up, but I can comf post a bit before making breakfast!
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I'll start off with a bit of a sleepyhead dump.

Maybe some rambling about TT themes, too! That'd be fun and could spark people's interest in topics or inspire ideas.

And how about some comfy music?

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morning sleepyhead.

Well that was quick. If you can summon the VRbit with comf, can you banish him with lewds?
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In the lead is illness!

First impressions remind me very much of Rainy Day: there are tons of opportunities for comf there. Nobody likes feeling sick, and its always better to have someone around to help out. Plenty of caring scenes could be painted with this theme.

All stories need conflict, and sickness provides plenty. Sickness gets in the way of the everyday routine: maybe Judy tries and fails to go to work with a fever; maybe Nick HAS to go to work despite his cold.

What about the spread of sickness? Maybe Remmy's cold is picked up by every member of the Pack? Would the Shorty Squad hold it against each other if they couldn't agree who sneezed on who first? Could Canidae forgive Lucius for giving her a wolf-flu a day before her big speech?

Of course, characters themselves don't need to be sick-- could be a greater problem that others have to solve. Who takes up the temporary command of the mafia if Mr. Big falls ill? How to the Little Hustlers survive and thrive in a panic of a plague? Sickness quarantines all of Little Rodentia! How will everyone keep the situation from getting worse?

Lots to go for with that theme.

Good morning!

You call me over just to send me away? Rude.
Rude rhymes with lewd.
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We could bully you instead if you'd prefer that?
About TT, is there a encyclopedia of animal illnesses (carrier and whatnot), their symptoms and cross species (animal-to-animal) diseases? Google puts too much on human.
mornin' /ztg/!
that is correct VR! Illness is in the lead, with Species/Gender Swap 2nd, and four themes tied in 3rd
remember /ztg/, every vote counts!
Speaking of VR, any other anons have a headset. This shit is a workout
You can try here: http://www.petmd.com/rabbit/conditions/reproductive/c_rb_uterine_adenocarcinoma

Going to have to do some more research yourself to find the specifics though. Nevertheless, it's a good jumping off point.
morning VRbit!
don't worry, I'd at least treat you to some cookies before sending you back home!

a good morning to you too NeoTT!

there's always pet care and veterinary websites, have you tried those?

>so, whatchu listenan NOW?
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Gender and Species Swap is second.

What makes a mammal? Is it the context of their character, or the origin of their species? Heavy questions! Zootopia itself was all about how prejudice hurts us, and an undercurrent in their character design was that the characters break stereotypes: Flash is a speed demon, Clawhauser is a chubby cheetah, and Judy and Nick both break out of the stereotypes that held them back. So what happens when you swap them around?

How much does the story change if Judy Fox, daughter of a hustler and a con-artist, decides what she wants to do is join the ZPD? What resistance will she find from Nick Woolde, a sheep who pulls the wool over mammal's eyes? And what conspiracy has Bellwether got up her trunk?

Gender swapping is also an interesting concept, especially since gender didn't have an overt mention in the movie: Judy was a bunny, not a bunny girl. But liberties can be taken to consider how characters may change depending on what parts they got down there. Would the Order of the Bared Fang allow a female to head the pack? Would Henry the swirly-eyed hyena be more or less frantic? Would the Bunanon saga be taken differently if Bunanon needed help flirting with a foxy lady in Red?

There's plenty of room to play with both of these themes. I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with!

Doesn't make it okay to break the rules, dude!

Why do we have to fall back on lewding and bullying?! Why not just discuss TT?

Or flags?

Hello TT anon! I love the polygonal bunny motif!

Stronk neck muscles!

But seriously, take a break after 10-15 minutes of continual play.

Good morning Solaire! The sun doesn't shine as bright until you come into the threads!

I'm going to start cooking breakfast. I hope you all have a creative day full of fun and happiness and sleepyheadedness! Be back later to hang out with you all!
>[...] be back later to hang [...] you all!
Comic exploded on the thread.
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judy is losing it.png
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Back from work for the second half. Thank you for the fun greentext.

and a cap right away. saved. thank you
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This is the theme I suggested.
An idea is formed.
The stars are aligned.
I can see it!
If this theme win, prepare yourself Comic: I'm gonna go big (again).

But, before that, dinner and the requests.
Does anyone have a link to the cuckening?
I thought SavageWildeHopps was just used as a tag and not the fic's actual name. my bad.
I think letting everyone know what theme you suggested is in bad taste
Sorry, I'm so excited!
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Dat Ass Tho.png
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I kind of see it like voting for elections. It's set up for discretion but there will be people who talk about their preference.
what I'm afraid is themes might get voted in because of the person who suggested them rather because they're popular.
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Ayoo i haerd this is a zootopia thread.
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Begone foul beast
You are right, you are right, I shouldn't have done that. Well, I doubt that some vote will enter because of who I am (more probable that will they will leave), but I have to make amend.
I will make all the requests (joke ones and lewd mongoose excluded).
And, if you want, make more. I will draw them.
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>I will make all the requests
You fucking what?
Sorry, draw them.
It looks familiar to me whos the artist?
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Yeah, that's what I meant, didn't mean to be rude. You're going to break your wrist trying to draw all the requests m8
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Nah, I've done worse.
Believe me.
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J's the artist. He posted some stuff a few weeks back
Did he/she has a tumblr?
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I like the idea of Nick having a small cutie patootie daughter.
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Stop cucking
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Not that I know of, unfortunately
Ok Thanks
has BB been alive at all?
Flags? I have a passing interest in flags! Is there anything you yourself could tell us about them?
not sure but i am pretty sure that is a nay
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Dead and buried, you're free to spam that nigga till be comes back or tells you to fuck off though

It's not cucking if Nick isn't there watching
is bernielover kill?
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>Nick is seduced by his daughter
I dunno whether it would be hotter if they both knew, or if just the daughter knew that he was her father
fuck off
Let's hope so
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game over.gif
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I think so. Feels weird to think we actually had a hand in killing someone's artistic drive. Even if we didn't, it was awfully conincidental that she stops after we spend several threads straight ripping into her comic and character.

If you can't take criticism, you shouldn't be a content creator.
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>homeless garbage fox
At last, Nick has admitted his uselessness! Now Judy can go on to bigger and better things. Like his mom.
I'm pretty sure BL wasn't even aware /ztg/ was a thing
I'm glad it's gone.
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he's right.jpg
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I miss aesthetic.
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Don't make me get the newspaper and the spray bottle, Anon.
What exactly is little hustlers? Is it a fic, comic, or just art?
You made this? Really good as far as AMV's go.
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This is a cutie putootie.png
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Just a set of one shot comics and pics, though there were some fics done during the winter TT but they weren't done by Zhan so their canoness is sketchy.
>Imagine Zootopia characters in medieval times
>Suddenly remember Robin Hood
I'm pretty sure she was made aware after several anons parroted /ztg/ criticisms on her furry page AND after someone submitted that parody of her comic that had all the dialogue replaced with spoken criticisms of her character and story direction.
Speaking about being able to handle the laughs, Mead reblogged his parody comics for instance.

And bernie's stuff was disgusting.
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Coloured - TheCreationOfNick.png
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Had a go at colouring Waga's fantastic pic from last night. Experimented a bit with filters. Hope he doesn't mind.
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WildeSkye AU Departure 1.png
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Do you have a link to the comics? I was dying with laughs the first time I have seen them
Tweet. To Byron. Now.
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WildeSkye AU Departure 6.png
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Another worthless bullshit OC
Fuck this shit
REally triggers me somehow
I'm not trying to excuse bernie's terrible characters or stories. Was just saiyan.
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WildeSkye AU Departure 7.png
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First off, Sky isn't an OC

Second off, calm your tits

Third, if you hate OC so goddamn much why are you still here?
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WildeSkye AU Departure 8.png
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>why are you still here?
For the art mostly.
But not OC ofcourse
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Well, maybe don't be such a cunt about it.
>My day IS RUINED because someone shared pictures I DON'T LIKE!!!
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judy hopps on the snort.jpg
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Here's your art of canon characters, you filthy animal.
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hudy hopplite.jpg
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I don't, great job!
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Everyone post your favorite OCs for our friend!
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Ruined would be exageration.
I just find it stupid thats all.
JUST MY OPINION. You may not agree with it and I am ok with that.
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I hope we get to see more of them some day, Zeke and Sunny too.
Opinions are totally okay.

Being an asshole about it isn't.
Not that anon, but I would say that Skye is basically an OC. She only had two concept art pieces (which is, amusingly, more than Jack Savage did, he just has the position where people want to cuck Nick and use him for it) and both are drastically different from each other. She is an OC with a pre defined physical appearance. This doesn't make her bad or anything, but it is up to the author to do something with her.
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*unsheaths katana*
>Another worthless bullshit OC
>Fuck this shit
>REally triggers me somehow
You sound like a blast at parties.
Hope you're no longer triggered. Play some soft music, drink some tea, take deep breaths.
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my favetr oc is skub the skubhog
yes itsd a mammel pls stop opresing me
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Skub is the way to go.
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Your welcome.
Still debating if I want to add lewd to it. As it is, this one almost ran off on me like most of my other greentexts. I was going to have Skye tease Nick by her rubbing Judy's ears, but I thought that would be too much.

So younger Nick being more emotional, and with his only true friend gone he becomes the cynical smug fox we know today? I could get behind that AU.
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for what pvrpose
Good Fucking Taste
This sheep doesn't deserve a sheepdog.
She doesn't deserve someone who will be there for her, no matter what.
She doesn't deserve this goodness.
You're right. Charlie does though
The fact posts like "anyone else is sick of canon characters?" get so much support it's basically consensus while people who say "i dislike ocs" basically get showered with angry replies and "why are you even here?" just cement the need for Animalia General. We need Weaver to lead us, like Chumpy led us here. Leave the Zootopia only elitist rot in their dying threads.
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wew lad that's fantastic, good job! Do you have a tumblr or something where you store all you're color edits?
People are more amazed at this point in your longevity. What other hobbies do you have, if all you like doing is shitting this place up? When you're in a better mood, would you be willing to talk about you and what you do?
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>The fact posts like "anyone else is sick of canon characters?" get so much support
I don't know what the fuck 'Animalia' is, but feel free to leave and make a general about it for it yourself

And when your Animalia General" starts dying you'll make "Furry General" and any semblance of the Zootopia universe will be lost in the wave of cat girls, Sonic the hedgehog, and even more fetish shit
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shut up
I'm glad you like it!

I don't have a Twitter. Besides, that's more something for the original artist to do. I'd feel uncomfortable tweeting someone else's work .

The only other dog we know of in Pack Street is Betty. Al is taken.
Are you saying you support the CharliexBetty ship?
>And when your Animalia General" starts dying
Then Zootopia will already be long gone, you're delusional if you think it would be reaching 103 IPs without OCs, meanwhile the contrary would not be possible.
It is not a day if we do not have doomposting
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Shai-Huluds are big.png
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>Judy riding the giant worm from Dune.
I think he meant that Charlie needs her foxdog. Betty is not the only wolf on the entire Pack Street (I mean the street not the cast of the pack)

I mean heh, nobody could stand in way of RemmyXBetty Sheepdog.

>you're delusional if you think it would be reaching 103 IPs without OCs

Duh? Who said I didn't think that?
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that would have been accurate doomposting, but we're way ahead of you.
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Judy Muad'dib Hopps.png
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Just kidding, I love Dune.
Frank Herbert is my second favourite sci-fi author
>you're delusional if you think it would be reaching 103 IPs without OCs
Good thing we're absolutely fine with OC content here then?
Or shitposting.
There's nothing wrong with not liking OCs, but that anon was a prick about it. Hence the negative reaction.

Just don't be a cunt, that's all.
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>Replying to obvious bait
I feel like this is somewhat of a bait, but really? Really?
Plenty of the discussions I see are ABOUT OCs. I personally don't care about OCs but as long as the whole thing is following Zootopia's rules/universe, I don't give a damn. It is nice to see people expand on the universe with OCs, explore certain aspects that you can't with the canon characters.
At the same time, there are plenty of people that are here BECAUSE of the canon characters. I am really only interested in stuff with Judy, Nick, and any of the other movie cast. I like their personalities, some of their history that we can only guess at, and how they would develop later on.
We can have both OCs and canon characters, if you don't like one side just politely ignore it.
But it's so delicious

Nice! Whoever controls the spice, controls the bunnyverse!
Yeah, she deserves for Shep to bring her home, him say he forgives her, and prepares a lovely home cooked meal for her.

Of course she'd feel so sleepy after all of that food, that she'll tucker out...

And then she can awaken in a room lit only by the light of flickering old bulb, her wool sheared off, completely naked, hooves tied to a hook above her, forcing her to stand on the tips of her lower hooves.

And that's when she'll see them, the wolves. And one will come over, stroking her bald head, and tell her about how they're Shep's friends, and how he's given her up. About how she's now their property.

The punch to the gut sends her spinning, bleating in panic as the wolf continues to beat her, slap her, claw her. His claws merely grazing the skin, just enough to make her feel it.

She'd beg, plead for them to do anything else -- turn her over to the police, send her back to jail.

But they won't listen, they'll make every inch of her feel like hell. And then they'll start to rape her.

She'll cry out Shep's name, asking for forgiveness, but no one can hear her other than the wolves abusing her naked, helpless body, taking every bit of pleasure out of her that they can.

The next day, Dawn's unconscious, bruised, cum soaked, and battered body is found in a dumpster.
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Here's some canon characters for (you)
AU where everything is the same except Judy is bigger than Shai-hulud when?
Will do, just hope the officer content who raided the thread last time (back when few anons tried to make pack street general and people from ztg freaked out over the number of ip dropping a fuckload) aren't this desperate this time around.
>actively wanting to split the threads AGAIN

You really didn't learn your lesson the last 3 times we tried this, did you?
I'm seconding this.
They know the thread history, so they've been around for that long.
They know the names and creations of a lot of the people here.
They've spoken about Discord conversations when necessary, so they're part of that.
And there aren't any other generals who have this problem, so they're stuck around here.
It's fascinating. They should just go anonymous and talk about what they like about shitposting.
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Almost as big as Nick.png
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How about seductively? Let's leave lewds for another day

Alternative titles:
The sun isn't the hottest thing
Now there is water on Arrakis
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you forgot an arrow
Three pics for one request! Madman! Is a cute worm riding bun btw.
That's being too easy on her.

She should be abused for day without end.

Only to find herself wake up in her own bed, Shep worrying over her. Hugging her, taking care of her.

When she asks what happened, Shep tells her that she was kidnapped and only just found by the ZPD.

And she'll believe him. And everything will go back to normal.

Until the next time she is given over to the wolves.
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Somewhere in there. I should probably keep this tab open, posted quite a bit of art from this artist and every time someone asks for the source.
Is there a continuation to the "Nick invites Judy and Skye to talk about childhood memories which consequences could result in potential sexual activity between the participants" yet?
I'm going to make my own general. With blackjack. And hookers.
whatever keeps you out of this thread
Not who you're responding to, but the reason they stick around here is because we move fast and have an audience. There's less of a point in trolling, say, /sing/, because its a very slow thread with about half or a quarter of our userbase.
And them being on the discord is definitely because when they aren't trolling they're just a regular member of the community. People ascribe maliciousness to trolling, which isn't true. Its mostly boredom that motivates it. That plus habit, and as a habitual 4chan user they're probably accustomed to falling into this style of posting. Keeping with the idea that we're a more stable community than the majority of threads or boards and they know they can go back to their old stand-by's (Animalia, Content Creators are only good if they make content, Chumpy drama, discord leaks, and thread splitting).
It's really not as interesting as you'd think: they're bored; they might be depressed; they might have some sort of Asperger's disorder, but the chances of that are very slim; full blown autism, though a popular belief, isn't probably in the cards; they probably play video games and hang around in /v/ or /vg/ threads; they're probably a member of other discords, though this may be their 'main' social community; and they probably don't have too much other than school or some work irl to distract them.
They're like you and me. Just accept that they're around because all in all they like this place.
Joker is still here, too, I assure you. That rant they made with their 'this is why I'm leaving' is too indepth to be some hot-headed furry purger. They probably got bored of the shtick, or don't like how this and the other shitposters have an effect on the thread. Shit posters probably didn't like Joker, either. But they all like each other when they use different names or talk about their favorite fetishes or they draw or write something and share it with the threads.

He's joking dummy
At this point I honestly believe one of two possibilites: 90% of our anons are legitimately mentally retarded or it's just the shit-stirrer rpelying rto himself over and over.

What hurts the most is they're both just as likely.
Nigga chill, it was just a lighthearted joke. Damn.
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stop posting.jpg
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Post count +1
It's the same fucking faggot replying to hinself, people in these threads don't fucking care about it, maybe one or another post is from some fucking retard/new redditumblr tourist, rest is the same dude, check post times and the way he writes. Stop believing you're smarter for not replying.
>We need Weaver to lead us, like Chumpy led us here
Weaver lead us here.
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+1 to image limit.jpg
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Oh, shit!
I forgot I had this!
Thanks for reminding me!
So do they actually have some sort of grudge against people in the thread like Comic or Chumpy or RF or Scout?
...I am going to assume you mean >>7148994 and >>7149660

>"Anon, buddy, don't go. What do you want man? A promotion? Money? Women? Do you want hookers? I'll buy-I'll buy you a boat. I'll buy you a car. I'll buy you a boat full of hookers! We will call it the S.S. Hooker and we will sail the seven seas! With our hookers! It will be amazing! Anon, buddy, please- just, just don't go."
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Who /lookingforwardtoTT/ here?
Oops, meant the first part for. >>7155102

Well then.
Learn to be funny, you obviously can't into humor.
Did anybody ever translate this?
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Hey fan fic afficionados. I just binge-read Reception Inception, and I'm looking for recommendations

What good fan fics or authors write their mammals very animal-y? I dont really know how to better explain it because i'm not a full-fledged furfag yet.
e.g. Instinctively relying on scent, but that's only a small part of it.
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Eh, I'm kinda hoping illness gets beaten out. Just don't have any interest in it.
Illness abloo bloobloo stronk

>remmy putting down half of pack street due to rabies
>calvin having to hold labjer hands as his illness claim his life
>simon suffering of trombosis due to sitting too much on pc and getting amputated
>judy cucking a sick nick
You've never watched Futurama, have you

I can give you a pretty long list of fics I personally recommend if you want. It's only like half done though and has AUs

Feel free to say I have shit taste
Not my cup of tea, but we will see how it goes.
Oh, that's your idea is funny. Forgiven.
now that
that is what this anon likes to read most
Shit taste famalam
Gender bend is best

>nicole cucc jude with m
Wow dude you're so contrarian xD
Probably not the first two, and maybe but probably not to the second two.
Its romantic to think that there are crazy people online who will dedicate their lives to ruining you or your friend's or your favorite artist/writer/poster's life, because it puts a lot of importance on that person. And some people certainly can get way too wrapped up in an individual: cult of personalities are on the rise, with things like Patreon making it easier to fund individuals just for being individuals, and heck, online attention is a currency of its own. We all do it for the (You)s, don't we?
But this idea that there are insane people outside Weaver's door ready to skin him is far from the truth. Weaver has had one or two in the past, but he's also had volume and reach that nobody else had. Comic, Raccoon and Bunanon are popular in these threads, and I doubt if there are people in these threads who are that obsessed to go after them because they post Zootopia stuff.
The reason they attack individuals is because they know it gets a response. The goal is just to capture attention. People like Weaver and Bore and Solaire, so they're willing to defend them if they get attacked. You'd get less (You)s if you attacked Joker, for instance.
Of course, there are the possibilities for grudges, but those grudges are probably not fostered here on the threads. Discord has drama: this isn't an attack on it, its just a fact. You get three people in a room and wait, and a fight will break out. The difference is there are names there, so any slight or miscommunication or bad mood that turns into a bad conversation is remembered.
Bunanon's picture is posted a lot. So is Pastebun's. So is Michael's. So is Canidae's. But why isn't Otterly's? Or Alec's? Or Zombeh's? Or Lucius's? They've all posted pictures, some more revealing than the others posted here, and at around the same time that the often reposted ones are. So why not post them? Maybe the shitposter likes them. Its a possibility.

Crap I should have said that I can't guarantee they're all as super animal-y as you're hoping for
Chances are the shitposter himself is one of the guys who don't get hate, or close to them. I wouldn't be surprised it was a CC jealous or something, think YandereJudy or others that admitted they felt jealous or ignored.
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>Medieval was doing so well early on
>Now it's 10 votes behind
Feels bad man. I had a few really good Ideas for it
why do you all care so much about the supposed shitposter anyways?
Ever heard the phrase "Don't feed the troll"?
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it's kind of obvious because everyone is a CC of one sort of another here. Point at a post, ask the anon behind it is contributing to the thread and most likely they will.

Thread journal anon is a CC, capper is a CC, typesetter anon is a CC - and those are only the people we know about. How many CCs do other things? How many seemingly random anons are actually CCs? We may never know.
Same, maybe it or ancient cultures will get it next time.
Its absolutely a possibility, especially when you consider the absurd ratio of users to content creators here on this thread. I wouldn't be surprised if close to 50% of posters haven't also drawn or written something.
Feeling ignored or jealous as the motivation is a possibility, but its a reactive response. More likely they proactively shitpost: they're bored, the thread isn't talking about what they want to talk about, so they find this way to get a conversation that involves (and revolves around) them.
Anecdotal evidence, but there was one a moment where there was a very, very successful trolling attempt. It was spilling over to multiple threads, it was causing a lot of anger, and it was getting a ton of attention.
Then, something happened on discord. Something very dramatic. Something involving someone who the threads regard very highly.
Shit posting stopped immediately. Why?
Because shitposter's attention was drawn to the discord instead of the threads.
And there was no shitposting about the drama (which, like all online drama, blows over in about a day and is never really that serious, but feels incredibly serious in the moment). This person who it involved was not attacked, even though many people knew about it and knew it was a sore subject.
There's definitely some favoritism in who they don't target, but I'd be surprised if they were mainly motivated by jealousy.
Now, I can totally believe that they shitpost because its easier to do so than to create something. Writing an inflammatory post takes way less effort than writing a green, drawing a comic, or world building. And if they're unsatisfied that their pic/fic/whatever didn't get the response they wanted, then why not get attention this way? Satiate the craving somehow.
We probably will never know, unless the person behind it decides "Its time to stop, here's the nuclear solution, if people know who I am then I won't do it anymore".
It's possible people don't see much point in it because we've had medieval/historical stuff on the side for months anyway.
>We probably will never know
it's rather easy to track down people, it's just nobody can be bothered to. But for example, people quickly realized the shit-stirrer is only active during particular hours and writes posts in a very specific manner, which was enough for him to go quiet for some time.
That would be awesome anon. Anything to help sort through the mountains of zoot ff.

Gimme a little bit, I'm gonna finish the list and I'll post it
>story about a furchan user compulsively shitposting in an Insectopia thread while simultaneously trying to make content for the thread and feeling unsatisfied with their work and the response they get when?

None of this is helping. It's just giving them more attention.

Just ignore the douche
I'm just chatting with a fellow anon, anon. Not much else is going on.
Alternative titles:
You're under arrest, Gideon Grey
I'm pregnant and you are the father!
Heterosexuality rising
He posts late night, the other guy posted now. So basically we just ignore any shitstirrer posts, no matter the time.
But you're starting witch hunts and seemingly trying to make people suspicious of Cc's.

Maybe you're the shitposter talking with yourself and just trying to stir shit up

Best solution: stop talking about them, because it just makes it worse
If we can flush him out, it's helping tons, if you don't like just do what you always do when people post things you dislike and dump "comfy" Judy Nick cuddling/ heresy/ sleepyhead.
Another anon here, it can help if you look for scentplay, it's the name of the thing you were talking about
>agaisnt Ccs
No, agaisnt a very specific CC shitposting.
you're right, I should have thought about this before I posted. Sorry, anon.
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I don't want to talk about dead writers and artists, so to cheer ourselves up, can we list those who resurfaced recently?
FriteWag updated SadNick (sequel to SadJudy) last week.


Great, now all I can think about is A Rabbit Clan's Fox

At least Officer Needs Assistance updated
Oh man i happy now
I would really love to get into these fanfics, but I'm a sucker for emotional stories and not in a good sense.
I get too emotionally invested and can't stop thinking about the stories, theorizing about how they could go on even when they are finished.
Having a lot of stuff to do for college it's also not efficient getting caught up in fictional drama.
So how do you cope with this, if you are experiencing the same phenomena, cause I'd really like to get into these?
read one at a time before you go to bed and then cry because you cannot find another good one to read after work. Then find another good one to read for a month
I know some people have mixed feelings on green texts, but glad we still get that content like >>7149660 if this anon has a name.
Shout came back recently. So did NL on new years.
Haven't seen them in a while. Shitposting has been vicious as of late, hope they didn't get sick of us when they checked on us again.
There are a few short ones that stuck really well with me that I read again every now and then.
Just go with the flow.
Greentexts are glorious.
I'll call it as I see it, as usual. I hate to see this lame fake drama get so much attention.

Yes, but saying that it's "probably one of the untargeted CCs" or "someone close to them" is not helping. It's starting witch hunts and making people suspicious of CCs

Thats fanning the flames. We should let them die instead
The Fox and the Rabbit revived recently.


It never died, the person is just a bit slow
I read that a looong time ago, even helped editing some parts. Not the best fic, but decent enough. Stopped at chapter 14.
How's it doing?
Sounds like a great way to start shit flinging over "worthless" CCs who won't be remembered over Celeb CCs.
What new CC's joined recently?
It's your own insecurities speaking. Take it easy.
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I may or may not have a name.
what's he/she been up to? Draws or writes?
if you can belevite it, they just got to the hopps house.

chapter 15 was deal with the parents
chapter 16 had saucy stuff
i haven't read 17 because... well the author takes a long time to update and i basicly forgot what was happening.

i need to re read it.
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Had a small error
Draws, saw two pics of theirs.
I gave them their name till they think of another.
Not him but I know that I won't be mentioned.
It's cool though, I'm not that good (yet) and I am
not that prolific either so I have neither quality nor quantity.
I have to do more of your mongoose too, it seems unfair that only mine gets drawings
Arguing over the fake drama? I think you're the shitstirrer trying to keep people talking about it.

I know that's ironic since I'm replying, but whatever
I draw and make music too so expect more in the future
-emo anon
Oh, I'm glad you posted! I lost your fic link.
pityposting won't help you get better

I create shitposts
Fellow minor CC!
Honestly I haven't written in months and don't have a name but I still enjoy the threads and reading.
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Eh, I am here and there, and whenever I do greentexts I don't really announce myself; I am surprised I have as many of my mongoose drawings as I do. Always happy to see them.
That said, I know at some point someone is going to lewd my mongoose.
Keep practicing. That's all it takes desu

Post it here and hope for honest feedback, even if it's negative. Don't take it personally, and try to learn from it
Page 10 yall

True, but I am sketching atm. (and watching AGDQ)

Right, I have written like five pages about a character but I haven't been able to put one single sentence of work in towards the story.
I'm sorry you feel that way dude, you seem to have your hopes still up though, so keep at it.

But I have to say something and in no way do I want to personally address you with these following lines, this goes out to all CCs:

Gaining popularity shouldn't be the main focus of a CC.
I personally know it's a nice feeling being appreciated and loved for your work, but you have to see that as a bonus. A thing you gain passively for being consistent and hard working.
If you only create to get attention then you have missed the true importance of what it means to be a content creator:

to create art for arts sake

Otherwise you will only get burnt out and truly miss out on the fun part of creating new things.
I'm saying this for your own good.
I know this, but it's always good to get a reminder.
The only thing I've been trying to force is a story just because I wanted to try my hand at writing... It is not going too well >>7156836
Agree 100%
Also to fellow writefags, definitely do ask specific anons for feedback. Chatting with Comic made writing more fun.
I'm in the same boat, I can write quite the amount about a character, but actually developing an interesting story with them in it is hard.
I guess what you could do is just write what's on your mind without thinking too much about it and then review and reevaluate it until you are pleased with it.
Most importantly, try to have fun!
I disagree I think.
I think story writing and character writing is two different skills, very related but different. Think of the difference between the character roller anon and all the different fics with Nick and Judy. I think a story with characters is different than a story about a character.
true, I guess you need practice in story telling then.
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