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Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit, aka Hongmao and Lantu, have a n

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Thread replies: 303
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Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit, aka Hongmao and Lantu, have a number of Chinese cartoons that we've been watching on /co/ and /trash/ over the past week. Some are very serious and are in direct continuity, while others are more comedic and are completely stand-alone. The others, well, less said about them the better.

Two episodes of the more-serious show's first season were found with English subtitles, they can be watched here.



I have no understanding of the Chinese language, but I've been working the past few days to extract the text via OCR and then translating them, as accurately as I could, through cross-referencing two different translation websites and a Chinese dictionary. You can see the most recent fruits of my labor, the first being the infamous scene that got the show banned in China for a few weeks.


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Here is a trilogy of subtitled clips that I made that show Sally, my favorite character, slipping into depression and trying to kill herself twice before she snaps out of it.



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Sadly, in those clips, her fluffy tail is missing. Animation errors do happen, but this was more significant than most. Rest assured, she has her tail in the rest of her franchise appearances. It's just those specific episodes where it's MIA.
As for my translations, I'm done for the day. I've spent the past two days working non-stop, and frustratingly, even had to cancel some episodes because I couldn't work out the translations.

In the clip of Lantu spilling her own blood to get the flower to bloom, I feel like everything that came out of the pig's mouth just wouldn't translate. I'm probably wrong with at least half of his lines. I did my best. I hate that pig because his lines always give me a disproportional amount of trouble.
It turns out there was a third Rainbow Cat & Blue Rabbit thread on /co/ over the past few days and I didn't even post in it once. I was too busy working on this translation stuff to even notice - it was still alive earlier today, and it died because I wasn't there.

I stretched myself too thin.
Cute animals. Unexpected blood and violence. Depressing moments. And a stupid hillbilly trying to translate moonspeak.

That should suffice.
Does anybody happen to know the exact episode where they figure out that the horse is full of shit? We know in episode 48 that Ben seems to be aware and says they only keep her around for the sword technique. In episode 31, when the horse attacks Ben and she unmasks him, she manages to get away with it by saying she was testing him and that she was very impressed by his fighting skills.

I won't be translating them for a scene, but I think I want to look through and see when Sally is able to talk to them, and see what exactly she tells them when she first gets the chance.
In episode 44, Ben takes the real Ziyun sword from the horse and places a fake in her room. His intention, according to the translation, is to give the sword back to its rightful master. They were ready and willing to dump the horse at that time, but when Sally was cured of the poisons the horse pumped into her, her right hand was still completely destroyed. She never used her left hand to fight, and after trying, she gave up and became depressed.

That's why, during the suicide scene, Lantu tells Sally that she can still participate in the technique. But she would just have to keep practicing with her left hand. Due to all that happened, and how she got separated from the group, they had no choice but to keep relying on the horse.

I still need to translate the scenes when Sally first wakes up, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. This thread's not exactly getting much activity, but if it survives the night, I can try to upload a proper scene tomorrow.

I just find it fascinating how far I've even come with this show. I had no idea what was going on at all when I first watched it, but now I'm able to answer questions and know a decent amount about some of its plots.

Yet through it all, I've yet to really care about the true villains - the black tigers. I feel bad for the son, since he loves Lantu and spared her life many times. The father, though, seems like a generic big bad. The horse is the true villain, since constantly is in your face giving you reasons to hate her.
good thread
It's /trash/. The one saving grace is that I don't have to try to be good. People like this show. They're just not in /trash/. The /co/ threads were getting a ton of replies before they got deleted by the moderators.
Ben finds out in episode 41 that the horse is evil and that Sally, whom he refers to as the "dumb woman", is the real Ziyun sword master. I always wondered why the Chinese wiki referred to Sally as "dumb woman" so often, but I guess that's literally what they called her when her mind was turned into mush.

He wants to go wreck the horse's shit, but after being told not to be rash, he begins his passive-aggressive campaign to make the horse's life miserable under the pretense that he cares about her. He goes to her house and offers to help her brew medicine to get the ball rolling.
Should I just be posting porn if I want the thread to do well? Some guy on inkbunny has been drawing stuff for the past ten months. If people would rather have that than translations and discussion, I'm game.
fuck yes
Don't know. I'm just casually lurking the thread out of interest, but I haven't watched any of the episodes besides the posted webms.
post more you faggot
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NOW its a good thread
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Some of this stuff is... questionable.
This one is literally her head pasted on another character, right? I mean, I'm not going crazy here.
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May as well repost these from the previous threads. I just fear that after diving head-first into this route, nobody is actually going to talk about the show. Even with the great deal of work I've been putting into it. It literally took me around 17 hours to get those clips subtitled in English.
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Why do they put the English title under the Chinese title if there are no other English words used? The books aren't in English.
holy shit

that lazy lipsync
You sure it's not matching the Chinese? The subtitles often show up early, or late. And there are several Chinese languages - I don't even know if the Chinese subtitles match the language spoken.
Where the fuck did all of this porn come from all of a sudden? Anyway, here is the translation to episode 30:


The Chinese transcript was posted in the last thread.

Ep.30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G28fMshQAhQ&list=PLObpOEBMnPJ0Wkon1rqsW-7TqpjyMPuLc&index=30
I couldn't translate entire episodes if I tried. It takes me forever to do a 3-4 minute scene, and then the automated translation software gives me fits and I lack the comprehension to come up with the right words that fit. In my five clips that I've made so far, I'm fairly certain I made a ton of mistakes.

At any rate, I can't help but feel bad for Sally. She went through so, so much in that show. Even when she was cured, her hand was destroyed and she was unable to use it to fight with.

When I was browsing the Chinese forums, there were a number of threads over the years asking how her hand got cured. The wiki claims it got cured after she killed the horse, but that doesn't really explain the why of it. Some people think it was an error, or they simply forgot.

She knew she was the heir. She trained every day, hoping to one day be called upon to use the seven sword technique. And when the time finally came, she was unable to do so. Disabled. Broken. Useless.
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This was from a teaser for the new series. The new series looks like garbage, and seems to focus on Jumping. I think it's a prequel to the events of the first season of the original series. But this scene seems to show the original seven swordsmen in their first fight against Black Tiger.

I assume, then, that these are the mothers/fathers of the main characters. I can't see Sally's, but a very distinct purple that is visible for a few seconds as they jump down.

I tried asking the Chinese guy I spoke with about the original subtitles if the other original characters are supposed to rerturn, since he actually mentioned this series and sent me a poster for it, but he never responded. None of the people on the Chinese forum have been mentioning Ben or Sally either. I guess, to them, these characters have already been gone for five years while Hongmao and Lantu went on to be faeries and spend time under the ocean. Perhaps they don't expect them to return.
Pretty sure it's a sequel since it says 十年后 which means 10 years later.
Wouldn't that be ten years after their original fight? I don't know the timeline, but I imagine some time had passed after that fight and when Black Tiger returned and Hongmao needed to re-unite the swordsman. I could have sworn I read 50 years somewhere, but don't quote me on that.
Nvm you're right, that's Hongmao's father 白猫 in the trailer.
Which poses the question on how Jumping is alive. The characters are listed as being around seventeen years old in the original series. Hongmao and Lantu are in the posters. This has to be at a time when all of them were actually born. So I'm hoping that means Sally could show up.
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/r/ing Judy and Lantu making out passionately
I suppose it's fitting that I spent hours upon hours making those English subtitled clips and yet the most recent one only got five views. This is why I seldom have ambition.
I wouldn't mind trying to draw the blue rabbit later to give this thing some extra content, but laziness is a hell of a thing.
don't die this soon
Today may be the first day in a while where I don't even try to do anything with this show. It seems like people have moved on. The amount of effort that it takes likely isn't worth it at this point.
you could post more porn
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There really isn't much left. As I said about that one image where it looks like Lantu's head has been pasted over another character's body, a lot of this stuff just seems questionable. The quality difference is so high on his profile, from one drawing to the next, that it really feels like some of his stuff may be weird edits or other trickery. It doesn't help that the characters' heads tend to be unnaturally big anyway, so they seldom look right on top of their respective bodies in porn.
Like this one. I don't understand this one. What's this green thing? And that Sally doesn't look like she was drawn for that image. It almost looks like something from a promotional artwork that poorly attempted to edit her clothes off. Am I being too judgmental? I don't know.
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Tried posting about Beijing Opera Cats in the /co/ cat thread. I knew it was on borrowed time - Caturday threads are a relic of the past that is no longer permitted - but I still really like it. It falls well short of reaching the action and drama of Rainbow Cat's first season, and its animation leave a lot to be desired, but I still adore the cartoon.

I thought about trying to subtitle a few of its scenes at some point, but it's such a difficult thing to do.
I have been in the threads here and on /co/ lurking, just want to say I appreciate the effort put into translating parts and making this more known. Thank you for doing your best on this dispite the language barrier. If these threads and discussions do die, please atleast know that your efforts where not in vain and have been appreciated.
Thanks. It still surprises me that this franchise has so many different animated programs, including four seasons, a mini-series and a movie in direct continuity, and very few people outside of China have heard of it.
Based on the Chinese wiki, I believe episode 33 is the one where Hongmao confirms that the horse is evil. In episode 36, she uses the battle as a diversion to blow up the building, trying to kill Sally, but I believe Hongmao gets Jumping to sneak her away to see the doctor.

I have to go for a few hours. If this thread is still up when I get back, I'll look through episode 33 and see if the revelation is worth uploading as a clip on YouTube.

But if anybody has any requests for a translated clip, feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do. I prefer that they be less than two minutes long, but I've done slightly longer without going insane before.
You're lazy as fuck anon, Draw that shit yourself. You belong in lazytown where the laziest people live.
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The green thing is Danny in a Pepe costume.

Picture is what Danny looks like.
Really like this one here.
Woah, the hell all this porn came from. Thought this shit was obscure.
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I want to see lt fox vixen from squirrel and Hedgehog and that blue rabbit fingering each other.
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It's at this moment, in episode 34, that Hongmao realizes that Sally is the real Ziyun sword master. He says 糟了看来哑女才是真的紫云剑主.

That translates to, roughly, "Darn, it seems that the mute woman is the real Ziyun sword master."

That's also another mystery solved, because I asked why the wiki kept referring to her as "dumb woman", but the word for dumb in Chinese can also be used for mute. Sally was apparently made mute when the horse didn't need her - one of the effects of the various pills, perhaps - and she was still mute when she was left to die with the snake.
The fact that the porn existed and still nobody knew of it should be proof enough that it is obscure. Most of it seems to be made by one-or-two artists, although a lot of it is questionable.
>implying Chinese drawfags dont exist
Hongmao carved this doodle of Sally in a matter of seconds. Guess if swordsmanship doesn't work out for him, he can become an artist.

Jumping tells him that the horse has enough explosions to blow up the entire mountain. Hongmao tells him he wants her to succeed, which surprises Jumping, who tells him he's not joking. Hongmao then explains how he wants the horse to think Sally died in the explosion, and wants Jumping to smuggle Sally out to see a doctor.

Episode 34 may be the most plot heavy episode I've seen so far. This show is wonderful with how so many characters are trying to act against one another with the other character finding out. Both sides think they have the upper-hand in their weird game of chess, constantly making gambits.

I'd the the horse played the game better since she got to the final episode before getting killed. Had she just killed Sally in the cave instead of leaving her to die at the hands of the snake, she would have won. It could be argued that, since the snake was alive and well, she hoped to use Sally as a diversion so she could escape while it ate Sally. But she still should have killed Sally. James Bond villains never learn.
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It would help if I actually posted it.
I went back and looked at episode 23. It's the episode after the horse forces Sally to attack Lantu. When I watched through it the first time, I kept thinking that the main characters must be retarded. I suppose it could still be argued that they are - Big Ben certainly is - but Hongmao and Lantu quickly put together that something about the attack wasn't right and begin to question whether the horse is actually the undercover agent.

The thing they can't figure out is why she didn't let Lantu die. Remember, they think the undercover agent is working for Black Tiger. And the horse was. It's just the horse had ulterior motives that Hongmao and Lantu couldn't comprehend.

They try to do something to test her, but she then pretends to be poisoned by Sally. That's why, in the translated torture scene, Hongmao tells the horse she can't kill Sally because Sally may know where the antidote is. But at that point, they very strongly believed the horse was full of shit, even if they couldn't prove it.
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I have to re-format my computer. Solid chance it'll explode and I won't be able to get back on for a while. Hopefully you all can keep this thread alive through the night.

And Lantu is cute. Cute!
Can anything be done to break through the /co/ wall against asian cartoons? By virtue, only Japanese cartoons are /a/. Chinese and Korean cartoons should be allowed to be posted there.

The fact that they tend to get deleted on sight is really going to prevent this show from establishing any sort of fanbase on there.
cry about it on /qa/
I have before, when Beijing Opera Cats threads kept getting shot down. It didn't work.
So, this is how it ends, huh? I suppose we had a good run - we've been having threads for over a week - but we had some real traction going with those /co/ threads. Perhaps if that one guy didn't keep posting unspoilered porn, those /co/ threads wouldn't have been shot down so quickly. But they had a target on their back simply because the show was Chinese.

At least people know of the show now. Perhaps it will be mentioned from time to time, or an occasional thread will spring up. Somebody might make an occasional drawing.

I'm not sure if I will keep trying to translate any scenes. The ones that I made haven't exactly generated any discussion or even been viewed very much. The one that I made where Lantu bleeds herself to get the flower to cure Sally has less than ten views.

Next year, the new series premieres. I will keep an eye out for it and should I find anything interesting, I'll be sure to try again.

If for whatever reason people find something to talk about, and we can turn this thread around, maybe we can end on a more positive note.
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Bump post funny memes for funny people
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This fourth season really was just the worst. What the hell were they thinking?
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On the subject of Chinese animation, what do people think about Year Hare Affair? Tried making threads on /co/ and /trash/ about it before, but they didn't take off. It's a weird one, with each nation in the world being represented by a different animal. For some reason, planes are anime girls.


I can't quite figure out if it's meant to portray China in a positive light or a negative light, but considering it's on YouKu and is pretty popular in China, I have to assume it's pro-China. They would censor the hell out of anything that dared to make fun of them.
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Well, they're usually anime girls.
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They try to take the piss out of the United States, mocking its militarism, but I like these birds anyway.
The fuck are South Koreans supposed to be? Tteok?
Not really sure. Wikipedia lists them as some Chinese ethnic slur. Not sure what it means.

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Are people even remotely interested in Beijing Opera Cats? It had one somewhat decent thread on /co/, before it got deleted, but aside from that it's seldom even an afterthought.
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When all was said and done, was her revenge against the horse adequate? She showed up at the very end, killed her minions and then threw a sword into her heart. It wasn't exactly an up-close and personal revenge, nor did she really get a chance to say much of anything to her.

The horse was surprised when she showed up, as she thought Sally died a long time ago. Sally basically tells her that they saw through her conspiracy, used her to kill Black Tiger, and that she trained with her left hand for this very moment to stop her.

She succeeds - the horse needed to drink the animal's blood in order to get its power - but the animal still gets stabbed and cut open. Not sure if it lived or died, as Hongmao gets real sad and scream on top of a cliff, but then you see the animal thing in the closing moments. Maybe it had a baby or something, I don't know.
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Surprising there isn't more art of the two of them. Bondage and domination being as popular as it is. Most people think the horse looks ugly, but in the show, she's apparently very attractive. She just doesn't look much like a horse.
We've talked a ton about Sally. We've talked a lot about Hongmao and Lantu. Ben has been discussed to some extent, and we even discussed Jumping by talking about how nobody talks about Jumping.

But in nearly two weeks, I don't think anybody has talked about the dog and panda. Their names don't translate as well into English, but they're listed as Tease and Dada respectively.

The dog looks old, but he's listed as the youngest character in the group. I guess he's a prodigy, since he was the doctor who helped figure out how to cure Sally.

The panda just seemed to joint he team so late in the season. I barely remember him doing anything. What's his personality? What does he bring to the team? I have no idea. It feels like, more than any of the other characters, he was completely forgettable.
At times, it feels like a losing battle to have discussions on /trash/. In the /co/ threads, we talked about all manner of things, but those aren't possible anymore. So the choice is to give up and let this show fade back into obscurity, or to keep throwing darts at the wall until something sticks.

Thread probably won't survive another night anyway, but still...
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Sally's going back to her home planet. It's been an honor, gentlemen.
Pointless bump.
An even more pointless bump.
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>Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go.
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Wish I could find quality scans of the comics. They'd probably he a hell of a lot easier to translate since the Chinese words would be in a white text bubble for the OCR to more easily capture.

This one seemed to be one about Black Tiger's son. Some sort of redemption story, although I'm not sure how he comes back from the dead. He was an extremely popular character and a lot of people felt bad for him and how he died.
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People still ship him and Lantu.
Do you live in a major metropolitan area with a significant Chinese population? I saw these comics at the city library.
Sadly, I do not. I would purchase them myself - they're on ebay for a few dollars - but they're all shipping out of Australia and the shipping fees are immense.
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The Chinese wiki refers to the main villain as Black Tiger, and his son as Black Tigers. It's essentially a Jr. thing, so I'm just going to call him Black Tiger Jr.

Here's his mom. His mom loves him so much.
And here she is bleeding to death in front of his eyes, jumping in front of a dagger.
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Can Sally go one story without being thrown into a dungeon or otherwise abused?
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He didn't wait long after he was born to start turning him into a better version of himself. Why she married that ugly fucker is beyond me. He probably forced her.
It does feel like they were too afraid to have any moments of silence. I know people grunt and make noises when swinging swords, but between all of that and how constantly the characters scream one another's names, it gets distracting.
Highest quality scans I could find of the Black Tiger comic.


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I think 20 of the last 22 posts were made by me. God, this isn't how I wanted this to go down. There are STILL 400+ episodes and a movie. We even began translating things. Why is this thread so dead when the /co/ threads were doing so well? Why can't we have discussions like we were?

Is this series really just a flash in the pan? Has everybody already moved on to something else?
post porn
Translating takes too much effort, and there isn't anyone drawfagging, so yeah I think it's pretty understandable that there's barely any activity.
The problem is really that it's not translated.
I'm just not sure if I buy that when the two translated episodes generated no discussion. Nobody ever posted about them or even commented on their quality.. The episodes did nothing.
Oh man. I don't understand a spicket of the series or what it is about, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0vz864cVt8 is a pretty powerful scene. I assume it was covered within the first two seasons?

Does China have a stigma against blood in animation? Why was it banned?
>wants to die
>suddenly finds resolve at the last moment
>not even a flashback or a pause/silence before she decides to stop and change her mind
Damn and up to that point that scene got me pretty hooked.
if you're still there, do you have an archive link to the /co/ thread about the series? I'd imagine that the mods would've taken it down because it had animals as main characters
>The show's been controversial for a while, actually. In January, a parent complained that her son wanted to cut his wrists in imitation of Blue Rabbit's self-sacrifice in one episode. Then, in early February, someone writing under the name of "Old Egg" posted to several online forums a call for CCTV to pull the plug on the program.

It's sort of like that in the other scene as well. After Lantu saves Sally, she drops her sword and seems to give up her suicidal plans, only to then push Lantu out of the way and want to kill herself again.

I still feel sorry for her. It's a sad scene. It's just... poorly done. But it's still something far bolder than any western cartoon would do. Suicide isn't exactly a kid-friendly premise.
/co/ typically has a problem with asian animation. The longest lasting thread was the first one, which nearly had 500 replies and around 65 unique posters. I specifically avoided mentioning which country it was from in the OP and used the most cartoony looking image as possible, because I wanted the janitors and moderators who were scrolling by to not recognize it as Chinese.


Since then, they deleted a thread about the English dub for North Korea's Squirrel and Hedgehog, and deleted a thread about a South Korean cartoon called Miniforce.


I suppose it could be argued that these were deleted because they were animal cartoons, but it just just a few days ago they let people have that 500 post thread about Fifi from Tiny Toons.
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Most of these little icons have long been removed from the internet. Just remnants on the internet archive, from the original site for the show, hmlt.cn
Sounds like you got some treasure
"You only belong to me."

"I cherish you."
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That's still just two episodes. It's hard to get into a series when you don't know what's going on.
Are all the episodes online? A few may be translated, but without the first episode or two to act as the hook it could prove to be difficult to hook people in
I think so. This is the first season.
The plot is, essentially, that in the past seven swordsmen used their swords to defeat a villain, but the villain wasn't fully destroyed. Now, the heir one of those swordsmen must find the six other heirs in order to defeat the villain once again.

Things get messy when one of the people that joins them is an impostor, who kidnapped, drugged and brainwashed the real heir. They don't figure out that it's an impostor for 20+ episodes, and even then, it gets very complicated.
Bump? Bump.
I think I've heard of a similar main plot before. Is the story based off another existing one?
How many episodes/seasons does this story have before it delvs beyond the third season?
Season one has 108 episodes. It's the one with the horse villain.

Next in the continuity is the 30 episode mini-series about the horse villain and her son. I'm not a big fan of it because I really hate her son's design.

Season two has 108 episodes and is the one with the mouse girl.

Season three has 79 episodes. It's the one with the goat girl. I think the show is respectable up to this point. The season's not bad and it does attempt many of the dramatic scenes, but they just fall short in comparison.

After that is the theatrical movie. It's about a phoenix and most of the other legendary swordsmen barely show up in it.

The movie directly leads into season four, which was 52 episodes long and ended incomplete. The show underperformed, somebody bought the rights, and the story was never finished. It likely never will be.

The series went on hiatus at that point. They kept making new cartoons featuring Hongmao and Lantu, but they were not at all tied to the seven swordsmen storyline. The new series next year, however, which will likely be considered season five, is something of a prequel. It takes place before season one.
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Literally who?
That's one fat ass cat
Jesus that is a lot of episodes. When did this begin airing?
They are secondary antagonists in the third seasons. Neither gets a happy ending.
The franchise was born in 2004, with the comedy space travel series. In 2005, two other comedy cartoons were made that used the same characters.

It wasn't until 2006 when they premiered season one of the serious cartoon. It's very bizarre - they took a bunch of pre-existing comedy characters and plugged them into a serious show with blood, drama and violence.
/trash/ is moving crazy fast today. Page nine already.
Reading some of the /co/ archives, I decide t obring up this video of interest. It explains some info regarding the main characters, their designs, and their motif, while having english subs too. Could prove to be useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZolTBTNOFU
I guess it was too much for them to put Sally in the video. Dog and Panda, too, but as I said earlier, nobody ever seems to care about them.
they talked about her a bit in the next video, but she isn't covered in as much detail.
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I remember finding another behind-the-scenes videos on there about their swords, but it didn't have English subtitles. I wish it did. Clearly, the swords themselves have power since the horse was able to use it even though Sally was the true heir.

Hongmao's is fire. Lantu's is ice. Dada's is air. I'm not sure about the others.
Aside from the learning curve caused by the switch between right to the left hand, was it considered taboo to be a left hand swordsman, or was the difficulty in using the other hand that difficult? I imagine forcing herself to train with the other hand would yield some sort of result eventually
I think it was just a matter of time. They needed to kill Black Tiger as soon as possible. She had spent her entire life training for the technique, but I would imagine switching hands would be a pretty big deal.
Ah. That explains things a bit better. These animals are adults too right (despite looking like children)?
The Chinese wiki says they're seventeen, although some are somewhat younger and older. The panda, for example, is in his early 20s and has a pregnant wife.
These are some noisy kung fu folks
Wow, I didn't even know you could post to /trash/ until 2am today and yet I managed to stumble upon this.

Over a week ago I claimed in the first thread that I would make a tvtropes page or wiki, and I'm finally going to get to start on the former tonight. I also went through the trouble of configuring pinyin typing to transcribe and translate some stuff from the show, but my ear is pretty bad, so I don't know how well this will go. Wish me luck.
I was wondering what happened with that. Best of luck - at the very least, the tvtropes article will help. Once this thread dies, I'm not sure if I'll make another, so I'm trying to keep it alive as long as possible.

I still feel like there is enough actual content to talk about this show extensively. We've barely talked about seasons two and three at all. I love the first season, but the show has a lot more to it than that.
Have you actually watched all the episodes available on YT? That's some dedication.
I've watched a great many of them. Some, I had to settle for skimming through. It's hard to watch everything non-stop when you don't have any means to understand what the characters are saying.
These translations are pretty cool, but I think you may go mad if you keep trying to go about it that way.
If the technology were reliable, it would be fine. It's just that, the vast majority of the time, it fails to read the subtitle correctly. It takes a lot of editing and refining to get the subtitle enhanced enough for the website to read it without incident.

Occasionally, it will give me the exact subtitle first try. Those are happy moments.
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The company that owns the rights keeps trying to sell clothes, but I don't see what the clothes have to do with Hongmao and Lantu. They just trying to capitalize on the brand?

>tfw 4chan finally discuss chinese cartoons
so you can figure out that it's not a chinese cookbook.
I very seldom have the good fortune to dream about cartoons. It's happened a few times over the years, where the dream is clearly about a specific cartoon and takes place in its universe. Those dreams are great. Sadly, most of my dreams that involve cartoons just get strange and use the characters in bizarre ways.

The dream I had last night was about a JRPG. Hongmao, Lantu and Sally were in it, but they weren't the main characters. They were also appearing as humans with ears and tails, like the Chinese fanart I've been posting. I don't recall Hongmao and Lantu's names being spoken, but dear God did Sally's name get said over and over in my dream. Likely because of that one clip where Sally's name literally gets shouted over and over.In my dream, Sally ended up getting killed and everybody was sad, and then a shitty song played that also had her name in it a bunch.

For better or for worse, that's where that dream ended. I then somehow transitioned into a string of odd half-nightmares involving my mother driving dangerously and getting into a bunch of car accidents. Dreams are weird.
Here's most of episode one with English subtitles, via the official YouTube channel. Not sure why it wasn't posted before. Their translation isn't that much better, but some of their other videos mention that they got the translations made automatically via some program.

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>Howie & Landau
Blue Bun is Jewish?
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I didn't even notice that English, but the names do keep popping up. Huh.
does that blue bunny ever find love on the battlefield? Seems like so far two villains had the hots for her, with one even sparing her quite a few times
I question why, but at least they're still using Sally in official merchandise as recently as six months ago. Although this isn't exactly something people are meant to buy for their homes.

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The Howie & Landau name did lead me to the first piece of merchandise that isn't shipping from Australia. Do I think this is worth $60? No. If it were one of the plushes, maybe I'd have been stupid enough to do it. I think this is just a box track and the only toy it comes with is for the dog.
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I'm still not convinced this name is legit. Maybe it's what they think is legit, but it's not like they were trying very hard to push this into the English speaking world.
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In some he's called Howie. In others, he's Homer.

I prefer Hongmao.
Well I fell asleep right in the middle of this. I have a very long trip today since I'm going on vacation, but I'll pick it back up as soon as I can.
Why the hell is she named after a Soviet physicist?

I'm pretty sure no one in the world has Landau as a first name. I guess they just picked the closest European name to her Chinese name and didn't bother to check if it was an actual first name.
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She's in love with Hongmao and he loves her, but I don't believe there are ever any big romantic moments between the two of them. I don't believe they've so much as kissed.
What a shame. The dog, monkey, and panda are such ugly characters. The other four are pretty decent and get better scenes and plots to boot, from the admittedly limited amount I've seen.
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Fourth season really was a mess. In addition too the whole baby thing, Hongmao loses pretty much all of his fighting skills - from what I've read - and Lantu loses her memories. She ends up falling in love with another character, and the fox girl - who wants Hongmao - keeps getting ignored by Hongmao who is constantly pining for Lantu.
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The more cartoony nature of the fourth season is growing on me. It has the makings of a cute show. But their dismissal of the earlier seasons and forcing so much change makes it terrible.
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In this episode, she's trying to improve her seduction skills to try to win Hongmao's heart. It doesn't go well for her.
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Hongmao's constantly getting cucked by the edgy OC.
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The fox girl keeps trying to seduce him, but he wants none of that.
Why did Hongmao's face color change?
They made a lot of changes in season four. Design changes were probably inevitable. Lantu got slimmer and more feminine as well. Executives have a bad habit of trying to fix things that aren't broken.
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Nice of them to keep the tradition alive by having tentacle vines groping a female character, at least.
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Poor girl thinks she still has a chance with Hongmao even late in the season.
those two cats actually look okay together, bunny girl should go back to her home planet.
All in all, I didn't care a great deal about season four, but it deserved a proper conclusion. I complain a lot about how Sally and the others all got written off of the show, but they're deeply tied to the franchise. There's a solid chance, in some future incarnation, all of them will be back.

But the other new characters from this short-lived incarnation? It's more likely than not that they'll never show up again.
What's her name?
That makes little sense for a merchandise-driven franchise.
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We've had these threads for over two weeks now. I really am grateful that things went as well as they did. It was entirely possible the /trash/ thread would have died after a few days, and the first /co/ thread could have easily been deleted within a matter of minutes. But it all worked out fairly well. I still hope we can keep this thread alive for a few more days - I'm back to making webms and we're actively finding more stuff out.

水叮当, which translates a bit messily. The most simple and to-the-point translation is Aqua. The Chinese wiki's auto-translation, which to this point has been fairly accurate, has her name as "Water Doraemon". Google translate has her name was "Water Jingle". Again, it's a messy translation.

I assumed she was a fox because I read that she was a fox. I still think she is. Her mother is a deer and her father is a turtle, so I have no idea how that really works. I don't fully know what's special about her, but she has a connection with that phoenix somehow.

It makes as much sense as taking characters from a whimsical comedy cartoon and then shoving them into a series with heavy dramatic themes and genuine violence. The show was unusual from the start.
One interesting note is that the fox girl is disguised as a man here because, on their island, women are forbidden from doing martial arts. She goes full Mulan to enter a competition, but when Lantu does martial arts and gets banished from the island, she reveals herself to try to protect her. They both wind up getting banished in a pretty sad scene where she gets dragged away from her mother and thrown onto a raft in the middle of a storm. She and Lantu are then sent out to sea.

It seemed like they had a good development arc there. At first, she hated Lantu. She wanted her gone to get Hongmao. But they eventually became like sisters. Even then, she still wanted Hongmao's dick. She'd probably be okay sharing him.
I wouldn't worry too much about threads dying. If (when) we find translators, there'll be a source of discussion for months as translations come out.
It looks like Ma Sanniang (the horse) is probably named after famous Chinese opera character Bao Sanniang: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bao _Sanniang

The name literally means "Third Lady Ma", where "Ma" also means horse, so it sounds like wordplay to me.
Well, the guy who worked on the project to translate the episodes over the yast few years told me the project isn't dead and that he'll have more news eventually, but it's hard to tell if anything will come from it.
It's good that the Chinese have the same fun with the show that we tend to have. In one of their screenshot threads, they were posting screenshots that made it look like Hongmao and Lantu were hugging or kissing. Screenshots that showed love. Somebody posted this image.

I guess she had to grab onto something.
On the day they announced the new series, the company also put up another post on their site, about a fan project about Hongmao and Sally. It was a cosplay film, which isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but at least it's another instance of them directly acknowledging Sally's existence. I really hope she shows up in the new series, but I don't know if the timeline will allow it.

If Hongmao and Lantu get together, and Ben and Sally get together, what the hell do they do in the future if the seven swords are needed again? If they have at least two kids, each one could inherit one of their swords, but if they only have one then does he have to learn to fight with two swords?
I just registered a Chinese baidu and weibo account. For once, I can genuinely thank reddit. Now, I can browse the Chinese forums and microblogs without being subject to limitations. I was able to register with a throw-away number you can get online, and used a dummy e-mail address that I don't care about.

I could actually post on the forums now. I'm afraid to, as I'd be the only bastard speaking English and I think I would get banned right away for not being part of their glorious communist state.

Even just as a silent observer, I can browse so much easier now. I can find things. I'm on the inside.
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Show turned 10 years old in September. Company did a thing to celebrate the anniversary and fans drew art.

Of course, the characters were actually twelve years old at that point. This is the anniversary for the seven swords season.
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Here is Nick and Judy dressed as Hongmao and Lantu.
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And this, I found before, but I believe I was able to get it in a higher quality now.
How's the quality of this animation compared to the other chinese cartoons playing during its time? Seems like there's a lot of...looseness with animation
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Looking through the official weibo's posts, things are definitely better now than they were a year ago. In 2015, they were barely posting about Hongmao and Lantu at all. They were a rudderless ship, adrift without direction. I may not like the look of the new cartoon, but at least they have the sense to, you know, use their characters and post about them constantly.

That season aired in 2010. I'm afraid my knowledge of Chinese animation is too limited to know what was airing in 2010.
Is this a fan comic or official?
A fan comic, I believe. The official ones tend to have a more conventional format.
The Tieba Baidu system is... interesting. Baidu is the largest search engine in China. If you search for something, it has a Tieba message board. You can baidu anything and find a Chinese forum where people are talking about that thing. All of this time, I've been looking on the Hongmao and Lantu board - using their Chinese names 虹猫蓝兔. It's probably the mot active board for the franchise.

But every season has its own board. Hell, Sally has her own board. It's full of people posting Sally and writing stories and posting art. It's nowhere near as active as the ones for the shows themselves, but I can't help but like how it's all laid out.
Somebody made a thread about the show on /mlp/. Odd choice, and even more odd that it wasn't deleted. At least it adds exposure for the show.
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See what I mean about it always looking like Lantu is smiling? It's just her cute bunny face, but it still makes scenes come off as weird.
>HM suddenly freezes.
Man, this show is so weird.
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They were in a river just before, but I'm inclined to believe there's more to it. He was sick or something. It's from the horse villain mini-series.

马三娘 is just a total bitch. She doesn't have a single redeeming characteristic. I suppose it's less cliche that way, as even when she comes back from the dead, she immediately reverts back to her old ways.

I believe she gives Lantu the same mute-inducing poison that she gave Sally, as she shoves a pill in her mouth and then Lantu can't talk. She gets cured in three minutes. Sally went, like, 30 episodes before she was able to talk again.
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Not really sure what's going on here, but solid demonstration of stop, drop and roll.
seriously that permanent smile on her mouth is really offputting.

As for what's going on, seems like somthing is making him envision the rabbit as that traitor horse bitch, so he's going all out on her.
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The best OCR site I used is malfunctioning at the moment, so I can't even attempt subtitles. I'd have liked to get at least a rough translation of what the horse villain says to her son in the final episode, after he realizes she poisoned the old man he was living with.

Still can't get over how bad his design is. It's just awful.
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And with nothing left to lose, she decides to be a completely awful person once again.
so she'd kill her own son too?
Man this bitch really is asking for one of those comeuppances, unless this is one of those shows where villains get away scot-free
>Still smiling while she is on fire
That's the thing that I don't really get. Nothing happens to her at the end of the mini-series. She's last seen running after her son as he sacrifices himself to save the world. He tells her that she was completely wrong, but that she is still his mother and he will be watching over her from the stars. He turns into a literal star in the night sky, and Lantu and Hongmao look up at it at the very end. But she vanishes like a fart in the wind.

After all of the shit she did to Sally in season one, and what she pulled this season, she deserved a fate worse than death. Surely, Hongmao wouldn't just let her go. Hell, he had no problem with Sally killing her at the end of season one. Did they just kill her off-screen? Did they send her to super kung fu jail? I have no clue.
Well, I'm going to sleep. This thread's continued existence makes me happy, but the past five days, I had to wake up at 5:30 AM. I was able to bump the thread then, several times as it was on the verge of death. Tonight, I'm sleeping in. Not sure if this thread will still be here when I wake up.

I'm not giving up on this franchise. I'll keep an eye out for the new series, and make a thread either here or on /co/ about it when I find new stuff about it. Hopefully it's not as bad as that first trailer seemed to imply. There's also the translations, if Mike ever actually re-uploads them somewhere.

If nothing else, I may make another thread on /co/, months from now on some idle Tuesday, using the very cartoons webms from the comedy series. They certainly don't look like anime, and once this show fades from the memory of the janitors/moderators, it'll likely fly under the radar again.

If this thread is still here tomorrow, my next move will be to download the theatrical movie and see if there are any webm worthy scenes in it. Most of the legendary swordsmen don't do anything in it, but still, it was an actual movie released in theaters.
Funny, remember when Homer Simpson's wife canologically had bunny ears?
Got a fresh one for /rk9/
I found the a way to watch/download the movie. To my... immense surprise, it has English subtitles. The subtitles themselves are grainy, but I can still read them just fine.


If you want to download it, you have to use a site like this. Both it and Youku have a ton of ads, and the download site will show the movie as 14 parts, but just downloading the 142 mb mp4 in part one gave me the whole movie. It's just in tiny resolution.

If that tubeninja site tries to rickroll you, just try the youku link again. It defaults to that dead meme when it glitches out on occasion.

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised that a big movie that they probably had a lot of hope for got English subtitles when the rest of the show didn't.
But this is sort of a big deal. It's the first substantial translation we have access to.
It's still pretty frustrating how little the other characters get to do in this movie. It's mainly about the raccoon and the bird. Hell, Hongmao is trapped for a large portion of the movie and the one we see for most of the first half is the raccoon taking his appearance via magic, as Lantu needed him to take Hongmao's place.

And no, movie, I'm not calling him Howie.
The ending is pretty disappointing. It's their big movie - seven swordsmen talented in the martial arts - and all they do at the end is play music.
Looks like Hongmao really wanted those BBQ chicken drumsticks.
So... Hongmao sleeps in the nude in the comedy series. Go figure.
Anybody watch the movie? For what it was, it wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. It just didn't have any big fights in it, which is strange.
Methinks the raccoon liked Hongmao a little too much.
Well, my time on the baidu and weibo may be coming to an end. The process of logging on is... difficult. I can't solve the Chinese captcha. Hell, 4chan's captchas are often convoluted enough as it is. I can't read a Chinese one, and there's no chance in hell of me using an OCR to brute force my way through it.

I managed to get back onto the baidu by resetting my password using the same temporary phone number that I used before. But those numbers are likely unreliable and I probably wouldn't be able to use it all of the time.

So I'm going to risk it and post on that Chinese forum. Maybe I'll get banned for being a filthy outsider, but maybe they won't care. I don't know what the Chinese regulations are about this sort of thing.
One of these posts is not like the other. God damn, I'm a fish out of water. Half of them probably won't understand a word I said, and if they try Google translate, it's probably just going to confuse them. I think I sounded too much like a gushing schoolgirl trying to talk to her crush for the first time.

Well, it was there a minute ago. I guess the communists didn't like me.
Merry Christmas, you bastards. Thanks for keeping this thread alive for so long. Here's some gifs from the official weibo.
Why do you think Sally was put through such turmoil in nearly all of her debuts in the more serious show? Is it part of the sword she represents or do the writers love seeing her suffer that much?
I don't know. It's something I'd like to find the answer to, but since I can't post on the Chinese forum, it's unlikely I'll ever be able to get my questions answered. On the Chinese wiki, each character is given a trait. Hongmao is brave. Lantu is kind. Ben has a strong sense of justice. The dog is enthusiastic and the panda is dedicated. Jumping has a quick wit.

Sally's is listed as confidence. I can see how that can lead her into more dangerous situations, but no other character in the franchise has suffered as much as she has. Hell, the characters who straight-up died at least died quick deaths for a noble cause.
Who wouldn't go gay for Hongmao?

Merry Christmas to you too!
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That bath scene got me. He was so damn cute there. It's a shame he doesn't seem to have much of a personality. He's always focused on the task at hand and doing the right thing. I suppose we see him at his most natural when he's happily playing with his little animal friend.
Going to sleep. Just 50 posts until the thread dies a natural death. Will it make it that far? Time will tell.

Perhaps there will be a Christmas miracle and we can find something worth talking about tomorrow.
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I know this thread has been somewhat lacking over the past few days, even if we did find the movie with English subtitles. I'm glad it's still alive, however, as I don't intend on making a new thread once it dies. I don't know if we've really helped give the show much exposure, since it's not like other forums or sites talked about it, but more people know about it now than they did a month ago.
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Digging through flash games. I can't even figure out how to play half of these.
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This one was just a jigsaw puzzle that gave you the answer.
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Not really sure what gold mining has to do with this franchise.
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Thanks anon I enjoyed the movie, but squinting and having to re-read parts wasn't fun. I've never made an .srt before but it doesn't look hard. I mean...would you guys want one?
It would probably help people watch it. I don't know how much work it would be, though.

I downloaded all the higher quality segments and cut them together. Did a little editing to smooth it out.

I might make a dailymotion account and upload it...
It does seem like a youku problem, as any download site I attempt to use always splits up their videos into many different parts. It's... confounding.

I liked the movie well enough, as I've said, but I was disappointed because I expected it to be like a continuation of the show. This was their chance to put these characters on the big screen. There should have been some great fights and a villain that all seven swordsmen need to take down. I wonder what Chinese fans thought about it. It has a baidu forum, of course, but it's hard to find actual discussion threads. Most of it, especially six years later, is just the occasional fanfic or screenshot.

I enjoyed the movie for what it was. It tells a nice story and it's clear they wanted to build up the raccoon as a character. When I skimmed through season four for webms, I barely paid attention to him. Maybe I should have. He wasn't a bad character.
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This was colored. Seems lon is trying to get back into the swing of things.
These past few weeks have been something special. Back when I made the first thread, it was a mere curiosity. I clearly didn't know anything about it, as I used a webm from season three and a YouTube link from season four. I just thought the characters were cute and I liked the martial arts setting. It wasn't until I began looking through season one that I genuinely became infatuated with this franchise. I've certainly come a long way, as in the beginning, I didn't even know the characters' names and kept referring to Sally as the purple girl in these threads.

I'll do what I can to keep the show "alive", by posting about it on occasion when relevant threads pop up. Maybe somebody else will make a new thread at some point as well, but I'm going to hold off on that until we get some actual new information. The new series is supposed to be out in the summer, so hopefully we'll get some new trailers and stuff by March.

Maybe this thread will survive another night. It's been fortunate. I only managed to bump it last night because my cat threw up and it woke me up. After I dealt with that mess, I checked this thread and it was on page 10, just three threads away from being deleted.

If this truly is it, thank you all for posting about it and discussing it with me, in both the /co/ and the /trash/ threads.
bumping just for you
Appreciate it. Thread doesn't have long until it dies a natural death at the bump limit, but that's still a better way to go.
Oh, didn't know how close we were to bump limit
At the rate we've been going, it probably won't hit the bump limit until tomorrow.
I can never figure out what is going to get art and what isn't. I believe, in over two weeks, only three drawings were made for this show. Most of the art that was posted predated these threads. At its peak, the /co/ thread had just shy of 100 unique posters.

I also made the thread in /co/ about that furry indian cartoon, The Last Reservation. It's just six days old, yet the thread has over 100 unique posters and it already has more art than Rainbow Cat & Blue Rabbit got altogether.

Different strokes for different folks and all, I get that. That other cartoon is more anthro and the lady is pretty fucking nice. But even Sherlock Yack got more art back when I posted those threads. I thought this show had a lot of potential for art but it never quite materialized.
I think this series doesn't receive much attention because the art style is kinda generic.
I don't see it as generic. If anything, I wish more cartoons had this sort of style. When I try to think of western cartoons that sort of look similar, the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon with Princess Sally and Bunnie Rabbot is the only thing that comes to mind. And even that's not really the same.
Maybe generic wasn't the right descriptor. The chibi/StH style isn't aesthetically displeasing, but to me, it doesn't really stand out. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't bad, but the visuals don't have anything to draw people in.
That looks like the nastalgia crittic...
I still don't want this thread to die. It's going nowhere fast, but I'll still be sad when it's gone. I keep searching for more information, but there is nothing to be found. Perhaps I only have myself to blame. If I buckled down and tried hard enough, maybe I could try to subtitle an entire episode like I did for the five clips I made. I just fear the endeavor would drive me mad, and even then, the translation wouldn't be fully accurate.
I'm the anon who translated Ep.30. Feel free to use my (shit) translation if you want. It can still use a lot of fixing too.
Here u go friend. Video finished uploading, Should be easier to stream from this site?
It's still "Transcoding" or whatever but should be up whenever that is finished.
I got shit to do so I'm off for the day. God speed anons.
Thanks. I'll keep an eye on it.

Fixing things isn't my specialty. I'll see what I can do, but no promises.
The veoh link is working. Downloading the movie from there gives a better overall resolution than the MP4 from the ninja site I posted earlier. Text is still problematic, but that was a problem in the source better resolution won't fix that.

I did a fair bit of screwing around to try and improve it. Cropped the black bars from the top, bottom and right hand side but made sure to leave the subs. If someone wanted to make an SRT i could crop the subs off as well without loosing much video.
The resolution ended up 720x415 with a 1% upscale and encoded with max depth and 2 pass VBR using 1Mbps. The source was only .63 but when i previewed an encode at the same bitrate as source i found it was loosing a lot of quality in the conversion. So it's now just over 600Mb (source total is just over 400) and took like 8 hours. I was hoping i could just drop the pieces together and set the output to use source setting but when i did that it was going to be like 2+gb file...

Each piece had a short "empty" section at the end and some pieces needed some editing to get the pieces to transition smoothly.

Then took a bit of fkn around to find a site i could upload it to.

Anyway, I tried, Someone with a bit more video editing experience would probably have done a much better job but i just wanted to contribute.
Today will likely be this thread's last day. I'm going to try to get one more scene translated for a sixth clip. It's... practically an entire episode, as I wanted to do the scene where the horse villain interrogates and tortures Sally in order to learn more about the Ziyun sword. With a copyright strike on my account, I'm not even sure if YouTube will let me upload a 10 minute video.

But I'm going to try. Also, I'm going to go back and edit the descriptions for the five videos I already made. I won't make the videos public, but I can at least put information on the show and the characters in the descriptions, so that if any of us post those links, people can get a general sense of what is going on in them.
why don't you spoof an account and upload them under a false email as i did with the movie?
Slowly watching Sally get tortured is making me feel bad all over again. And I feel worse because I remembered why I stopped trying to do these. I'm getting the Chinese characters fairly easily, since it's a dark scene and the words are often over a dark background, but the translations are... hit-and-miss. I'm only about 20% done with the scene but I can't get these lines to come out right.


First two lines are Sally's. Second two lines are the horse's. There's a "but" that I translated between the horse's lines.

Every site is giving me a completely different meaning. I think Sally starts out be implying she failed somehow, and then maybe insults her appearance? The horse seems to brush it off and insult Sally's appearance, which causes Sally to laugh and then she attacks her in the next scene. But I don't feel like my interpretation is accurate. The wording is all over the place.

The other issue I had is this line.

>敬酒不吃吃罚酒 看你往哪儿跑

That first part is a very specific Chinese idiom. It has a very specific definition, but it doesn't translate well. I don't know how to convey those words in a regular sentence.

>to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit / fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more
>That first part is a very specific Chinese idiom. It has a very specific definition, but it doesn't translate well. I don't know how to convey those words in a regular sentence.
>>to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit / fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more

I didn't want to, but they forced me.
I was pressured into it.
I tried to resist, but was overpowered.
I was coerced.

I don't know Chinese, just attempting to put that Engrish into a proper sentence.
I'm not going to get bogged down in this shit. If people want accuracy, then can translate it themselves. I'll do it as faithfully as I can, but when push comes to shove, I'll make up my own god-damn sentence and plug it in to make the dialogue work if I have to. I need to get this done.
I'm probably 60-70% finished at this point. My "make it up if all else fails" solution is working okay, but one exchange still bothers me. If anyone can give me a better translation for this exchange, I'd appreciate it. Preferably before I finish up.


This is a pretty good scene so far. After Sally withstands all of the horse's torture and threats, she still refuses to cooperate. The horse can't help but be proud for Sally, and says that she is worthy of the seven swords. She then mind-rapes her with pills and flutes, but for that one fleeting moment, she saw Sally as a worthy rival.
I'm almost finished. Boy, am I glad I spent the past ten hours working on this when the YouTube video will only get four views. Sometimes, I question if this is even worth the effort.

Ben is going full retard right now. Need to include his scene in the clip because he was so close to discovering the truth. Sally had a bad habit of always falling short of getting rescued. Besides, she has more stuff on the other end of that scene.
Here. Sally the brash. Sally the beaten. Sally the broken. This one scene captures many of the things that drew me to her character. Nearly ten minutes long. It may not be as brutal as the big battle of dead horses, or as blatant as the torture scene with the whips, but it's still just as gutwrenching.

But at the end of the day, no matter how I try to dress it up, I do all of this because I want to fuck a mind-broken squirrel. What a world we live in.


Also, it's entirely possible this upload may have a borked subtitle. Hope it doesn't, but when I was first working on it, I used question marks as placeholders when I couldn't figure out a line. I later went back through and either corrected them - or made them correct- but it's possible one slipped through the cracks.
I went back and added in descriptions for all of the other videos. They help. A lot. At the very least, they give people the name of the show, the important characters in the scene, as well as a general summary of what is going on.

Sadly, the interrupted bath one had to be left vague. I know some of the characters and I watched the episodes, but seasons two and three are still in the murky zone for me. I don't know a lot of the whys, as I haven't been heavily trying to translate those seasons.
Appreciate it, anon. Ma Sanniang's laugh really gets annoying.
The part where Sally's tied to the water wheel is really lazy animation though.
Of all the translations, that one remained the one that gave me the most problems. Each translation site I used gave me different sentences. When I used the dictionary site, it did mention separating bone from muscle, but I don't know if it was meant to be taken literally or if it was a metaphor or something. The second line iron and copper, and casting them on people. Maybe the horse was really talking about dumping molten metals on Sally, but that wouldn't make much sense in context. So I went with what I could.

I'll give them for creating a villain that you love to hate. Granted, she mainly got as far as she did because Big Ben was such a fucking retard.

I suppose, but the scene still carries the necessary emotional weight. Sally risked life and limb, and did everything she could to refuse to help Ma Sanniang.
I don't understand why MSN gave Sally an antidote at the end.

Is this ep.19 from season 1? That means that Sally stayed fucked up for at least 12 episodes.
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2MB, 480x360px
I believe the antidote was specifically for the mind-controlling drug. She gives her the drug back to her before she sends her to attack Lantu. Sally would probably do what anybody told her to do when she was under the effects of that drug, so Ma Sanniang couldn't exactly let her run around like that.

The drug Sally is always on is the mute one. It's why she can't talk during some of the episodes. There definitely seems to be other drugs as well, since if she just couldn't talk, she could probably have wrote somebody.

I mean, the first pill she got did this to her.

Did she get behead?
Thanks for the translations anon. If season 1 were fully translated i would watch for sure.

Don't burn yourself out though. If your not enjoying what you are doing then stop, No need to be miserable for the sake of /trash
I enjoy it in the sense that I, too, want to know what's going on. I like the show. I like its characters. The issue is with relying on imperfect technologies. Even when the OCR is able to give me the Chinese subtitles without incident, there's a solid chance the translation sites will give me nonsense after I check its meaning.

I guess we're one post away from the bump limit. At least it dies on its own terms.

That was pretty cool. Thanks anon.
My heart wants me to make a new thread, but my head tells me it's time to let it go for a while. It's just, things don't stay relevant by being forgotten. You have to work to keep things relevant. Maybe the next thread will die in the middle of the night after fifteen posts, but wouldn't those fifteen posts be better than what could be months without a new thread? Trying to say a thread could be made once every month or so is also a bad idea because, from my experience, when that time happens most people have already moved on. It happened with Pumpkin Reports. People kept saying they'd have weekly threads, or monthly threads, but the posts dried up and it just never happened.

Maybe I'll translate the big battle. I don't know how much dialogue was in that episode, but that scene, with all of the dying horses and the fighting going on, it got more replies than just about any other webm. Perhaps, if I get that scene done, I can use it to make a new thread.

But I hate to seem like I'm trying to spam something or force a show onto people.

I cannot talk about anons, but as for me I would certainly watch more if it was tlanslated. This seems to be a fun series, and from the tlanslated episodes I would follow it.

I usually check trash and /co/, so you can be sure if you post a new thread I would check for potential new content.

As for posting a new thread, well I think it's up to you. I would make a new thread whenever I find or create some new content, but if you want to straight create a new one that's alright. The only thing I would suggest is to let this one die first. But you will need to have something, like I dunno maybe give reports of the progress. People won't complain if they see stuff being created.
I'd prefer to make the thread on /co/. I mean, there's probably no harm in trying, but it really is a crapshoot. On Christmas, I made a Beijing Opera Cats thread that didn't get deleted - but nobody else posted in it either.

Most, if not all, of the clips I made would be new to them. I'll see how much work it would be to translate the battle scene and I might make a thread in /co/ first. It gets nuked, there's always /trash/.

But that will probably be tomorrow. Unless it's very easy and I don't have any trouble with it at all.

I see. Well I wish you luck on /co/. Just remember to make clear you are making content, that makes people be more interested.
I'll do that, but my gut feeling is that the thread will be deleted in a matter of minutes. I tend to have that luck.

If it happens you do come back here to /trash/. Mods are sometimes terrible.
And that long video I made? Ten views. Hey, I guess it's better than six.

I may get lucky because it's the holidays, but we'll see. It looks like I may have to translate most of this episode, if not the entire episode, so it's hard to tell when I'll be finished with it. It took me far too long to get that ten minute scene translated.

Gotcha. I will be waiting for whatever you put up next.
I'll try to soldier through with my plans, but I'm already hitting a bit of resistance. It's... extremely frustrating. Once again, the Chinese characters are being read by the OCR easy enough, but the translations are faulty at best.

It doesn't feel right "winging it". Even if I capture the spirit of what is said, it would lack accuracy. Maybe I should just give up.
Fuck it. I'm giving up. A man who doesn't know Chinese can only do so much. One guy tried for years to get the episodes translated, and had help from people who actually knew the language. I don't have those resources at my disposal. I can't do it.

Perhaps I should e-mail Mike again. Getting the characters? I can do that. If he can find somebody to translate this shit for me, it wouldn't be a problem at all.


This is just a portion of the battle episode, which I was trying to do. I translated the firs line easily. Stop! Got to love short words. But it just gets messier and messier. Lantu suggests working with Ma Sanniang to use the three swords technique, but Hongmao is reluctant because it tends to go wrong and they need to wait for Sally to recover to figure out the truth.

But there's a whole lot of words and a whole lot of other things said in that exchange. It's the endless filler of the ebb and flow of conversations that do me in. Something about it being a massive attack or something. The translations are all wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Fuck it.
If people had requests for smaller scenes, I could do those. I asked for requests before. 2-3 minutes wasn't that bad. But the 10 minute mark took me nine hours, and a great deal of frustration. That battle I was just attempting to do? It's closer to 15 if you include both parts of it.

The thing is, I don't think most people have watched enough of the Chinese show to know what scenes even exist. So nobody can even make requests.
And so this thread dies. And I feel like a failure. I should have let it end on a high note with that interrogation scene. Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun.
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