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ERP Thread Everyone wants feet and ass tonight Edition Previous

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ERP Thread
Everyone wants feet and ass tonight Edition
Previous thread : >>6692486
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>Roxanne cocks an eyebrow as his face flushes.
It's important you focus in my class, Anon. Or you'll fail. I feel nice for now. What will get you to focus better?
>She asks, putting her hands on her hips.
>A predatory smile grew on her face, and she pulls away. Sauntering over to the white board, Roxanne plucks up a ruler. Similar to her hand prior, the ruler smacks against his desk.
I break the perversion out of them.
And why should I? Why should I allow your dirty fuckstick touch me?
>She urges him on, eyes narrowed and glazed with arousal.
I bet I could get better sex from the Geodude holding you down.
>Roxanne giggles, licking her plump lips.
You'll probably just cum in your pants from my foot like this.
Are you a quick shot or something? I don't want you to stain my pantyhose with your cum.
>Roxanne bends at the hip to roughly, patronizingly ruffle his hair.
But you are a good student. Maybe I will grace you with the honor of being my seat. Is that what you want?
I can probably focus...
If I, um...
Just get to look at you for a while.
M-Maybe I could...
Touch your legs a bit?
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(This is the best I could get. H-hope it suffices!)
What do you m-Ah!
>Her question was cut off by the man grasping her sensitive ears. Judy lets out a pained cry, paws scrabbling to fight his grip while she drags her feet in protest.
Let go!
>Judy growls, face burning at the man's detailed response. One of her paws moves from his hands, reaching for the radio at her shoulders.
Believe me, it does <3
>>6697396 (Jacqli)
Can't blame me for trying. Kakaka!
>His lips curl back into its old grin and he holds his hands up in defeat.
Been a while since I brushed up on the old charm, but it looks like I'll need an different approach.
>Her newfound aggression sends a shiver through his body, only enhanced by the strokes and pressure against his now-throbbing cock, a bit of moisture seeping into his briefs as he groans in frustration. He thrashes against the rock hands holding him, but to no avail, causing him to appeal to his domineering teacher verbally instead as he squirmed his hips beneath her touch.
A-Ah...don't do th-th...ohhhhngh~...please, I'll be g-g-good...*gasp~*
Haa... it's my dream to rub on your legs until I stain it all over, so...
>Once she ruffles his hair and makes the suggestion, his eyes seem like they shimmer in joy.
R- really, you will?
>He almost fell back in shock from the sudden slam of the ruler on his desk
Gaah!! H-hey watch it!!
>He then realized the dire situation he was in, and saw the dark smile across the teacher's face
W-what are you g-gonna do?
>The total pervert gasps at Jacqli's touch, his swollen cock standing readily at attention for the commanding woman.
Ngh...I'm honored t-that I'm the first you get to toy with, in such a long time.
>His chest expands and contracts as his breathing remains as deep as before, his entire body shivering as her fingers dig into the meat of his thick shaft, his member twitching as her sharp nails dig into the soft flesh.
>Making their way down the alley he quickly notices her movements and snatches the radio before she can get ahold of it, he drops it to the ground and squashes it all abit too easily with his powerful legs.
No ones gonna come for you little fucktoy, not like they can claim you, you're already my property.
And I'd be alittle less squirmy, us humans can be feral too, in fact bunnies are a delicacy to us, so your'e basically prey to me, and I could bite into you whenever I wanted, get me?
>He pulls tugs her ears up until they're face to face, and widely grins to show off his set of chompers to her.
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Touch my legs?
>Roxanne seems to consider it, eyes narrowed.
Nothing above mid-thigh.
>Finally, she nods. Perhaps she was feeling generous today.
>His squirms caused her rubbing to intensify, a grin on her face as his pants stain with precum.
Look at how easily you broke. How easily you became my bitch. You had it in you all along, didn't you? You were just acting tough so I would have to punish you. Dirty, dirty boy.
>The teacher laughs at his useless squirming. Geodude was much more powerful than some pervert.
You want to be teacher's pet, don't you?
But of course, I won't let you directly touch my pussy with your dirty mouth. Not yet. So you'll have to make me cum through my nylons.
>Roxanne hums, the hand on his head moving to his forehead and pushing with enough force to send him back.
You'd probably get off to making me cum, anyway.
I told you already. You're not listening?
>She snaps the ruler across his hands with enough force to hear the whistle of the wood moving through the air.
I'm going to break you. I want your pants around your ankles in the next three seconds, slut.
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(I really apologize for these long delays)
Does it really matter? You were the first person I encountered when I entered this place, so you are the one I've chosen to mate with. Though it appears you aren't interested, No matter I can find someone else. Excuse me.
>She lowers her foot, placing both feet flat on the ground as she proceeds to walk away.
>He blushes a bright red and immediately picks up her legs with a gentle touch, rubbing slowly at her calves, already beginning to get hard from touching his teacher this way
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>She looked up at anons face, with a face and expression that could only describe "lust" in its purest form. She started to press her hands on each side of her breast, slowly squeezing her gigantic chest around anons throbbing member, letting the stream of his pre-cum stain her fur. With each buck of his hips, her tits jiggled in rhythm each time, simply plopping right back down against his crotch as he pulled back
Oh my...you're already leaking a bit? You must be in heaven just seeing your cock like this...
>Her soft fur bristled against the skin of his member, almost wrapping around it in a way
..Must feel wonderful having something this hard between something so soft and big...
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>The cracking of circuitry and plastic is all-too loud in the bunny's ears, adrenaline enhancing Judy's senses.
I'm not- gah! Your property!
>The police officer squeals as he forces all of her weight on her ears, her violet eyes stinging with unshed tears. She couldn't cry in front of some criminal!
You wouldn't dare!
>The sight of his teeth startled the prey instincts in Judy, and she whips out her powerful legs, kicking at the human's chest. It hurt her ears more, but if she could escape... It was worth it.
>Her words cut through him, only enhancing the pleasure her stroking nylon feet brought him as his tortured cock pounded against his uniform, every ridge of his needy pole visible through the stained, straining pants. It was all true. He needed this, had dreamed of it; shot countless loads to the thought of Miss Roxanne. And now, here he was, eyelids fluttering as he was pleasured by the teacher of his fantasies, causing him to moan outright.
Yes...y-yes, I do, M-Miss Roxanne! It's a-all I've ever wanted!
>He closes his eyes in pain, and whimpers out an obedient response
Y-Yes Miss
>He quickly stand up from his chair and pulls down his pants, only a thin pair of boxers between his cock and the cold air.
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>Her harsh grasp at his cock rapidly pumps at it in a blur of motion, tugging so hard at it that it almost seems like she wants to pull it off while she continues to hold his head back. She presses her face to his cheek; her soft lips against his ear as she whispers to him.
You're such a worthless masochist I bet you're falling in love over this aren't you?
> tfw no Pyrrha
>He falls to the ground, his gaze focusing only on the pink nylon.
Th- thank you so much, Miss!
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What do you want for Christmas?
Ask good ol Spider Claus
I know anon; it's just not that fair-ha to us!

Same thing I ask for every year. A harem of succubi.
>The pain of her hard, brisk movements causes the glutton for punishment to grit his teeth; The mixture of both pain and pleasure at having her toy with his member already beginning to make the man drool.
Y-Yes! Lo-mngh! Love it!
>He struggles to speak as she whispers sensually into his reddened ear; Slight whimpers escaping his lips as the girl teases him.
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I'm proud of you, my son.
But I a...
>He wants to stop her, but gives up, realizing she will find someone far better than him once she starts searching, watching her legs as she walked away.
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A bunch of cards wrapped up all nice!
I'd like to see someone pick up Rem and Ram. Fucking those two would be great.
Oh, and some socks.
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I-is this the post card signal?
We could use more RWBY coverage in general, especially dupes for our popular ones. We used to have a few neos and yangs but now it's only fronk and the new Weiss.
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Your dubs.
And that someone is me.
>The man is simply taken slightly aback by the powerful legged thrust into his chest, despite how tough she might be, his size and brute strength clearly overmatched her. It was like trying to land a hit on her police chief. He dusts himself off and then looked at her sternly.
...it didn't hurt...but you know what it sorta annoyed me...
>a quick slap bruised her furry cheek from the man's huge hands. He had even tightened the grip around her furry ears, slowly making them ache red.
Don't think I'm afraid to get alittle rough with my toys, even if you're all roughed up and bruised, you'll still be good for one thing at least~
So behave, and maybe you'll walk straight in a week tops.
>He suddenly slams her against the cold wall of the alley and starts to strip away her clothing
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>The sight of his growing bulge didn't escape the perceptive gaze of the teacher.
Getting hard just from touching my leg? Pathetic.
>Roxanne taunts, closing her eyes in delight as he rubbed at the muscles of her calf.
So predictable. My poor little stupid pet really needs a teacher to guide him.
>Roxanne tuts, toes curling around the outline of his throbbing cock. And then, abruptly, she pulls her foot away from his desperate pole.
Are you gonna cum? Does my little bitch boy want to cum?
>Roxanne asks condescendingly, speaking as if he were a dog.
>The trainer laughs at his hurried obedience, lightly slapping the flat of the ruler threateningly against her palm.
Look how fast you're obeying me. You needed this after all.
>Critical eyes examine the telltale outline of his cock against his boxers, a smile curling on her lips.
Doesn't seem too big. Is that why you resorted to peeping on the girls' locker room?
Good boy. You /should/ be thanking me for allowing you to get that close to my pussy.
>Roxanne smiles, squatting over the Anon's face. Apparently the teacher taught without panties on, because her puffy labia were bare against her pink pantyhose. Heat radiated from her wet cunt, hitting his face in waves. And then, Roxanne sat, his lips pressed against her lower ones. Her juices dripped from her core, heady and sweet.
got em
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(Well here's mine~)

(Fuu is the special tonight!)
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>Dubs for you to.
Holy shit.
>Those big furry tits of hers gave him the chills each time he caught the sensation of her fur rubbing against his shaft. It only encouraged him to fuck her tits even harder, and if it weren't for her keeping them squeezed tightly around his cock they'd be bouncing all over the place by now.
I can't even put it into w-words.... I could die right now with no regrets.
>With that said, he didn't intend on dying just yet. He had to give Mrs.Claus her present first. A nice hot batch of cum, which erupted out from deep inside her cleavage. Several spurts of jizz shoot out of his cock and drape across her fat breasts in thin strands, already sliding down the sides and dripping to the floor. All the anon can do is bite his lip as he spends his load on her tits just as promised, making a mess both inside and out.
I have one for you
Probably won't get to use it tonight, almost about to head off to bed
That sounds fun!
And socks for WHAT exactly?

Ah shit you took em
Kek is with us
Do we have someone who plays Sena/Yozora from Boku wa Tomodachi?
My feet, gotta stay warm.

Not anymore.
>The tension of her stockinged toes around his imprisoned member sends him into fits, his face contorting into all manner of labored, even pained expressions; his nails scratching against the floor in a wordless plea for release. As his cloth-covered shaft churned with a burning need, the pressure finally ceased, leaving him gasping and denied as his teacher's demeaning, sing-song voice filled his ears, making him shake with need.
Y-Yes, yes, ohmygod yes, Miss Roxaaaaaaane! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, pleeeeease!!
>The student blushed at his teacher's taunts, and turned his head away in embarrassment
I-its just scared is all! A man like me can't help looking at the ladies!
>He said with what little courage he had left, feeling his cock throb slightly from Roxanne staring at it
Haven't seen Yozara in a while. Only seen Sena once for Blonde Day.
>Judy shouts in pain as he smacks her, the rabbit's head whipping to one side. The force was enough to briefly daze her. How was he not affected at all!? This wasn't happening. Couldn't be happening.
How dare you assault a police officer?
>Judy shouts, still full of bravado in the hopes the human wouldn't see the panic forming in her eyes. Desperately, she claws at the hand around her ears, pain sharp all the way down her spine at his grip.
This.. This isn't funny. Stop, now.
>Judy insists, voice trembling with fear. Sweet cheese and crackers. He wasn't serious, was he?
>Her free paw desperately grips at her belt as the coldness of the wall seeps into her stinging-hot cheek. Fox repellent. Where was her fox repellent? No, she threw it out after Nick saw it... Taser! She had one of those! Blindly, she gropes for the device, shouting indignantly.
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(I'm getting a little sleepy here anon, I'm about to head in. For future reference is there a particular way you want this session to turn out?)
>He continued rubbing at her lower leg, inching a tiny bit higher, quickly looking up to make sure he wasn't overstepping the boundary, before going back and rubbing again, getting his face even closer to her now
>Kissu Panty
>Catches that kiss and slaps it on her ass
>Her merciless strokes only grow faster, her wrist hammering against his hips each time she reaches the bottom of a stroke; her tight cruel grasp yanking his hips forward as she lifts stroking beyond his length and as she does so she begins to start twisting her grip around his cock.
Call me your goddess
>She whispers into his ear, giving his lobe a brief nibble as she does so.
Beg to be my loving slave and I may just approve of you emptying your balls all over my hand.
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>Whoops; sorry!
>Can I make it up for you by doing playing with your Gum as Scout?
>...I really don't know how it translates out into me paying you back dubs; I just wanted a segue of any kind into asking if I could play with your character tonight?
>If Gum is too overdone, I could always let it be a all out fight for domination and have my Scout try and fuck Cube as they both try to be on top, if that's a good idea.
(I don't know, I really want to continue, but I think I fucked up badly. I don't know when will I be available outside of e-mails either. I feel like shit now, to be honest, so sorry for fucking it up.)
Why is that file name turning me on so fucking much

That reminds me, we need a Scanty around here.
(You can definitely! Gum or Cube is your choice! But I might be able to only go for 20-35 minutes, have to wake up early tomorrow for classes, sorry!)
(We do but she doesn't come by very often sadly)
Treat plays scanty, but you need to catch them in the mood and they haven't been in threads that often lately.
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>She could feel his cock slightly shudder in between her tits, knowing what was about to happen. She let out a simple smile and opened her mouth, saying "Ahhh~!" as she saw the ropes of his hot cum shoot out from his tip, almost like a volcano. His warm seed covered the underside of muzzle completely while the rest spurted all over her gigantic tits, coating them in a thick layer of white cum. Strands and droplets started to fall between her breasts, splotching her fur with dark patches as it began to soak into her
>She closed her mouth and lapped up the cum that managed to get into her mouth and swallowed it, enjoying the salty taste
Mm....that felt wonderful anon~
Since it isnt Christmas yet, I'll have to give you another present sometime in the future. Something different each day until christmas if you'd like~

There WAS a Scanty! There WAS a Kurumu!

Of all the lousy rotten frakking luck!
Because you're a pervert, a huge one.
Everyone bathes naked, bathing is perfectly normal.
You're tainting it with your indecent thoughts.
Well, something about a cute, wet girl bare in some water is kind of hard not to see as lewd!
(Aw~...You want me to bring her back?~)
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(Alright; we can at least start something. I could go for a fight to be on top with Cube, both parties spitting out degrading and lewd comments, evening biting and scratching hard enough to leave small amounts of blood at worst, otherwise just nasty marks and bruises.)

>Scout was just taking a break from battling on Kong King, finding out how much better he would look shirtless while fighting. While no doubt a "completely real and really muscular to the point of being more muscular than Heavy* (Note the sarcasm) guy, he decided that the cold wasn't worth it, looking around for his red shirt.*
Now, where did I put my beautiful chest hider that is my shirt...?
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If you mean Kurumu, then I would sacrifice enough goats to fill a farm to do so, yes.

Just maybe not tonight. Gotta be up tomorrow. Sadly.
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Look at your little pole throb in your pants. Poor baby. You must be so pent-up.
>Roxanne sighs, eyes travelling to his scrabbling hands.
You better not ruin the floor, fuckboy.
>She seems to take her sweet time considering on whether she'll let him release, a smug smile on her face.
But I guess if you're sorry, I'll let you cum. After all, it's your pants you're ruining.
>The teacher kneels beside his waist, a sweet smile on her face. Her fingers wrap around his clothed bulge, jerking mercilessly at his spasming cock.
Go on and cum. You'll get to walk around the school with a huge stain on your pants. Pervert.
Scared? Your little cock is /scared/? Tell the truth, Anon.
>Roxanne chuckles, disregarding his excuse immediately. She gives his thighs a few light smacks with the ruler.
How to punish this pervert.. Should I have Geodude fist your boypussy?
And this will help you focus? Cumming from touching my legs?
>She continues, opening one eye to look down at the boy.
Because that's pretty lascivious of you.
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But what would be lewd about bathing anon, don't tell me you were the one wanting to drink bathwater all that time?
>His pathetic grunts and moans echo throughout the room; His hips instinctively following her heightened movements. The man's eyes half-lidded, his hands shiver as her sticky, precum-coated fingers clamp down on the swollen head of his cock.
M-My goddess! Please...please, please, please let me cum. Let me empty my unworthy seed all over your small, soft hand! I'm yours, ma'am, I exist to serve you!
>He exclaims in the loudest voice he could, his heavy sack nearly ready to explode.
You're still talking to me like that? Don't tell me you actually think you have some power over this situation? That I'll see reason? I told you already didn't I? All I see is a toy, a place to put my cock and have it nice and warmed up.
>He holds her against the wall with just one hand and tears open her uniform, her breasts are allowed to spill out from the ripped front and her precious bunny cunt is exposed from the huge hole he tears at the bottom. Unluckily for her in the struggle, her taser falls out. He picks it up for her.
Ah..were you looking for this? Shame, that might have actually saved you. But you know what? I bet we can still put it to good use~
>Holding her against the wall by the neck, he activates the taser right before her eyes, letting the light show of the running electricity fill her enormous bubbly eyes with what was to come. He teasingly, rubs the metal and its tips across her chest before planting the tip up to her nipples and letting loose the continuous shocks.
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(Well then I'll just have to bring her back and place her on my card....At some point but yes I look forward to it!)
Nah, not THAT desperate... but I would love to join you if it's not as lewd as you say~
>A kurumu
Yes! Please bring her back! I'd love to see one in here as well!
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Over here.
>Cube slowly strolled over to him, tossing his scarlet shirt over to him
Make yourself decent, would you?
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(Don't feel bad anon, RP is about having fun! If you really want to we can start the whole thing over fresh! Have a good night and try not to think about it too much, ok?)
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Oh my all this love for little ol' me!~

(Until then Papi~)
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Hah! No.
>She instantly releases his cock and jams her fingers soaked with his own precum into his mouth, pinching at his tongue and yanking at it.
Why would I want someone as disgusting as you?
Finish it off yourself. I'll be nice enough to watch.
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>Perking his eyes over to her, he just smirks lightly at her sight as he grabs his shirt and puts it on.
Thanks, but a shame that I see ya' now; I would of kept it off if I knew ya' were watchin'!
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Oh, please...
>She scoffs at his comment, folding her arms cross her chest
You'd need a lot more than that little chest to get me going.
>He flinches from her ruler touching him, expecting himself to get smacked hard again
I-I aint telling you anything else. Y-you ready know why I'm here!
>His eyes open up in fear again from her suggestion of introducing him to Geodude
W-what do you want from me? I won't do it again I swear!
Why am I diamonds right now?
>Her sweet words drove him to madness, his hips bucking upwards in an unsuccessful attempt at more and more of her silky soles, the nylon foot hovering just out of reach as she crossed her legs, flashing her absolutely drenched crotch as he howled with desire. The seconds seemed like minutes as she ho'd and hummed, taking his fate into careful consideration as he writhed desperately. At last, her proper grip upon his raging tent shocked his very core, causing his breath to hitch in his throat as her strokes began, a single phrase whispered from his gasping lips before a viscous, milky substance spread across his uniform, sending the whole of his body into spasms as her strokes continued all the while, spreading the proof of his submission all over his clothes.
Miss...Rox...aaaaaaaannnnnnnnghhhhhh~! Ohhhhhhnnngh...~
Well I mean for such wonderful taste who wouldn't be excited. So she's going back on the card tomorrow?
(I don't know when will I be on again and I don't check e-mails too often. I'll try, what's your e-mail so we might contact?)
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Cock? I don't und-
>The sheltered farmbunny had no idea where he was going with it, until he ripped apart her crisp, blue uniform. The uniform she was so proud of, that she worked her tail off to get to wear in the first place. She presses her thick thighs together, desperate to hide her little virgin snatch. Her breasts were quite modest, topped with cute little pink nipples that showed through the soft fur.
Wait, you don't- You can't use that on an officer!
>Judy squeals as the electricity crackles in front of her shining eyes, tears spilling unbidden down her fuzzy cheeks and staining the grey fur. The metal was cold on her nipples, making a shiver run down her body. Judy screams as he activates the taser, eyes screwing up in agony as her little frame spasms with the shock. She drools a bit, falling limp and unresponsive as the shock causes her to barely cling to consciousness.
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No thanks, you never know what'll end up in the bath water sharing with a man, odds are you get out dirtier than you go in.

Because you're garbage.
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I'm no more dirtier than you are... and by the looks of it your body isn't as dirty as your words
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Well, easy fer' ya' ta' say; after all, I don't see any chest on ya' at all~
>He snidely remarked, grinning more naughty and crude.
Well, where do you get off at? I'm guessing some kind of dom who thinks she can bend any man over to worship your nude, flat body~?
>Scout commented, clearly not throwing his verbal punches.
(Awesome, have a good night!)
>Disappointed, though too far engulfed in the arousal of his cruel mistress; The helpless masochist quickly reaches down for his tainted member, quickly stroking as hard, and quickly as he possibly could. He looks back up towards the woman, his mouth gaping as he quickly works his load out from his full, swollen cock.
Please spit on me, mistress!
>He begs, his voice more like a pathetic whimper at this point; The man's cock finally releasing his load, thick ropes of cum spurting out from his throbbing tip, and landing over his own lap, as well as a few trace amounts reaching her soft, porcelain thigh.
(You too!~)
Jinx is cute
>She walked a bit closer to him, grabbing him by his pants band and pulling him a bit closer
I get off when you're crying on the ground, begging for me to touch you.
You see, not every woman needs a rack the size of a cow's to get men to obey.
They just need some skilled hands, and a weak subject.
And looking you over, you seem to fit the bill
(Still around to play FP?)
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Filthy beast. Why would I do something you want? You aren't even worth my spit anymore.
>She giggles at his flinching, humming as she decided what to do.
I'm punishing you for your perversion. It's too late to get out of it.
>Roxanne responds, eyes hardened.
Hands and knees on the floor. You have three seconds.
>A self-righteous grin grows on her face as he moaned and stained the crotch of his pants with his own release. Some of his cum coated her hand, but Roxanne just smears the pearly liquid on the boy's cheek. What a sight he was: all flushed and out-of-breath. Her insides clenches at the show.
Good boy. See how good it feels to give in?
>Roxanne pets his head, wiping any remaining cum in his hair.
I know what's best for you. Look how wet I am. I'll have to do something about that...
>Sighing, Roxanne stands up. Her feet land on either side of his waist, and she slowly tugs her soaked pantyhose off of her long legs. Smiling, she stuffs the wet nylon past the boy's parted lips.
Get used to the taste. You'll be spending class tomorrow on an errand under my desk.
>She huffs, trailing her fingers down to her puffy pink lips.
Fuck retail.
You're so mean, goddess, but it's not like I don't deserve the treatment.
(That was fun)
Anyway I'm done for now, gotta get some sleep

((Sorry if it didn't go how you wanted anon.))
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Well, you're gonna be fun~!
>He chortles with his usual smug smile, gripping onto her shirts collar and pulling her in even closer.
Ya' know, I always wanted to try and break one of ya' dominatrix gals; ta' just press that smug ass face into the ground as I pound you relentlessly, ending up ruining your fake ass makeup with your own tears, screaming out how you love my cock...
Looks like ya' are the perfect gal ta' try and break in for my eyes as well; let's see who gives in first...
>His entire body seemed to go limp after that. A deep underlying sense of fulfillment rushing through him as he examined his work. It was almost enough to to get him going again, but he was perfectly fine as is.
More than one present from you? Can't say I mind being spoiled like that, especially for christmas.
(Hot damn, and to think you didn't think you could pull off femdom tonight...you were incredible! Thank you so much...maybe next time I'll already be under your desk like a good boy~ Absolutely phenomenonal work!)
Do I have permission to...
>She takes a quick grab of his balls before giving them a firm grip
I'd like to see you try, Boston Boy.
Sup Owain
>return from a break made because I kept fucking up in sessions
>see a character I like
>I like how it's going
>hitting my kinks just right
>fuck it up
>take too long to respond to get the e-mail address so I can try and fix it
I'm fucking pathetic. How do I keep doing shit like this over and over again?
If it's Elizabeth she'll contact you, don't worry. I've already gotten her response.
>Grunting softly, he quickly jabs his right knee right at her cunt, rubbing it crudely through her black latex pants through her jeans.
Play ball, goth gal! Bet ya' job doesn't have ya' deal with snipers trying to shoot you, drunken explosive experts wanting you dead and angry Russians~
What's your dream RP? Do you have more than one?
>The boy wastes no time obeying her
Y-yes Miss
>And he quickly lowers himself to the floor like a dog
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Image? Never forgotten her.
Not Owain. Just some poor bastard who has the misfortune of being a janitor.
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Wii Fit Trainer, a Shygal, or Gardevoir.
Don't ask.
We do have those. TND plays a great wii fit, and we have a solid shy, they haven't been in here too often sadly
>He stopped just short of knocking her unconscious, noticing the roll back in her eyes as she started to drift. He pocketed the taser for later use. Lightly he slapped her cheek before dolling out a more stern one to see if it brought her back
You still with me? How was it? Because I gotta tell you, it was a blast for me. That should let you know I'm serious now right? Or are you still acting naive?
>He moves a finger into her mouth, and circles around her maw, stretching it out at the corners.
Eh, not bad, might leave alittle slack jaw but it'll be alright.
>Keeping her pinned he began to unzip himself, springing free a monstrous cock from his pants, nearly double the size of the tiny creature in his hands. Wrapping both hands around her tiny skull he lowered her half conscious body down to his hips, and prodded her tiny soft lips with the head of oversized rod. He did his best to make her mouth stretch further until he was finally able to fill her throat with the girthy tip. Slowly he worked his hips into her while forcing her head further and further along his cock.
Any late night cards?
Something with a good Hex Maniac. It's my only wish.
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(New menu! Even brought back a couple of people back from the dead!~)
iktf and idk what's worse: retail or foodservice
Who made this LIE
(Eheh... Thank you! I appreciate it. ;;; )
Where to start...
>Roxanne hums and kneels behind the boy, gruffly yanking down his underwear. Without a word, she mercilessly smacks his ass with the ruler, the sound ringing in the room.
How many girls were there? How many did you ogle with your unworthy eyes?
>The teacher asks, rubbing the wood affectionately against the red mark it left.
TND is great at Wii Fit, but god damn if he ruins it all with feet fetish
You are tho
>She groans softly before placing a hand on his back, pushing him forwards into the ground
My job deals with thwarting off every branch of the government all fucking day, a bounty on my head about this high, and a band of men spraying poison graffiti at my beck and call.
It has it's perks.
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Light foot fetish is ok by me, as long as it's not the only focus

I mean more, fetish-wise. But okay.
Jinx is honestly? So cute. Super adorable.
Just some fetish play with a good Ava. I Ain't that picky and just like variety.
(I appreciate your time as well. Always a pleasure, Jinxy!)
(...My curiosity can't help but get to me and wonder if Miss Roxanne finished herself off above her little perv's face...if so, may I hear about it~?)
>He gasps in pain, his knees buckling from the shock shaking his body
T-there was about 10 of them, I-I planned for me to peek at the Swimmers after they came back from practice
>fetish play
specify motherfucker
Most likely went to sleep, so it's not gonna happen.
Huh, I never got that RPing with them, didn't even know they loved feet. Still like their RP.
Battleship hime looks delicious...is she available?
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>He helps in shock as he falls down, but quickly pulling his legs in, he uses his agile feet to lock onto her own legs and to yank them off the ground, making her fall on her back as he pounces on top of her as if he was in a flash.
Cute baby; like ya' hair. I also have to deal with some of the world'a most deranged soldier roommates, like a American loving psychopath to a mad scientific German Doctor whom can revive the dead of those who went ta' war.
Have ya' ever went ta a war zone?
>He grins down at her, biting on her neck, teeth rubbing together as he does his best and bites the hardest he can to leave a hickey.

(If you want to break here for your sleep, we can and continue later. Should also sleep myself...maybe not sleep, but should...)
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(I figured as soon as I put her back onto the card someone would want her! Yes she is!)
Being teased by a smug girl with a big butt. Grinding on my lap, standing in positions that emphasize it, wearing tight clothes, etc. Bonus points if she teases me into cumming or femdoms me.
Fantastic! I'd love some pure-as-snow lovey dovey time with her as Admiral!
Is she really available, I really wouldn't want to disturb her
Who is this and why are they telling lies
what the FUCK
>Judy snapped back to alertness with a groan, blinking a few times to focus her purple eyes. Her head stung, and she was pretty sure some of the fur on her chest was singed.
>The bunny is unable to say anything coherent around his finger. The girth of his digit filled her mouth fully, and she couldn't even bite down hard enough to break the skin.
Slk jhh?
>Judy utters incomprehensibly against his finger, pupils blown with her flight instinct. Her body spasms as his hand moves from her mouth to his fly, fear like ice in her veins.
-Slack jaw?
>She repeats, swallowing the saliva that had built up in her mouth from his prodding. Her jaw was already a bit sore from the stretch.
>His cock was frighteningly huge-- He wasn't actually thinking of putting it in her, was he? Where would it go?
Nnhm, no.
>Her mind wasn't focused enough to coordinate her body, still twitching occasionally from the shock she'd endured. The heat radiated from his cock, making her ears fall back against her skull. It wouldn't fit, she told herself as she faced it eye-level. Never. And yet, he stuffed the head of his throbbing cock in her mouth. Her jaw strained to accommodate, threatening to dislocate from his sheer girth. Already her throat bulged with his intrusion, Judy's eyes screwed up in agony as her tight little throat strained around him. She scrabbled at his length, trying to push it out with her paws as he pulled her further and further down. Breathing was near impossible as he stuffed her mouth and throat to their limits. Her tongue couldn't avoid his taste, salty and strong as it invaded every crevice of her mouth. Her nostrils flare, his scent overwhelmingly close.
(Careful though~ You may be an Admiral but her Admiral is someone else but then again she doesn't give much a damn)

(Pfft it's not like she's servicing a Glory hole or anything! Hell yeah she's availible!)
(Alright! Definitely keeping this going tomorrow, though! Fun already, haha)
Someone who thinks you're cute, obviously.
Oh, fuck, it took me 20 minutes to realize what you've meant by contact or response, guess I'm retarded as well. I don't have her e-mail.
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Lovey date RP
The horns on her head pretty much describe how I feel right now
people are saying an avafag was playing the original mettaton? who was it?
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We can go on a date whenever you'd like.
>Lovey dovey kissu for his gal
Abuse, domestic or otherwise
Of course she did! I was planning on spraying his face with plenty of sweet girlcum and not allowing him to wipe it off until he gets home.
Ten, hm? So you get nine more.
>Roxanne nonchalantly replies, spanking him with the ruler once more.
-Eight more, I mean.
It's not
Cheer up, emo kid.
[email protected]
You have some cute avas. Call me sometime sweet tits~

Fine by me! Better to be her husband anyways!
>Admiral sits himself on the soft bed, waiting for the beautiful battleship princess to arrive
Did I say something wrong? :(
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Will do!
(I gotta fuckin sleep why am I still on fuck)
I got a cock that needs to be sucked, do you mind if you could just stop what your doing for the moment and give me the licky licky
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Its me, MILFanon! Sorry to the cutie I was with last night, I passed out. I'm here now~
(Damn, wish I could stay up for more. But that's a lovely closure...sending him home wearing both their cum, ahhhhhhh~ Looking forward to next time, Miss Roxanne, and thanks again!)

(also you're cute *runs*)
Not that cutie, but I'm all up for some mommy play!
Hnng I wanna but I'm so sleepy
Shy Gal
No. You said something right! I love stuff like that <3

Sleep honey! I'll be here tomorrow.

I'm leaguing honey. But classes got canned for tomorrow. Catch me in a little bit <3

You. I like you.
I love you, sweetie. Sleep tight next to me, ok?
>Kissus your forehead
Leaving to work in a few minutes, so I don't have time for that shit. Thanks for the e-mail, though.
Make a discord so I can drown under your mifly ass
No dmg this is not the time to be leaguing! I need my dick sucked, RIGHT NOW!!!
Anon from last night here, don't worry about it. It was late and I figured you were probably tired.
>The milf anon returns
Awesome! you give out nursing handjobs too or is that it your thing?
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(Slightly tired, but I can squeeze in a session if you'd like!)
(So sorry! I thought you went to bed after that last post!)
>After observing the spectacle that was his orgasm, she pulled her tits away from his cock and slowly massaged the cum into her tits, letting it form into dark splotches of fur all over
Of course, think of it like a advent calendar. A surprise each time. How does that sound?


(Do ho ho...You are such a silly bastard~)

>And so the door was kicked open and with a smirk on her face...This gorgeous piece of Abyssal engineering walked over the threshold

Well now, what do we have here? An Admiral on shore leave?~


(One of my weaknesses...FUCK!)
>Returns kissu
I will when I go sleep, okay?

>Kissu the dick RIGHT on the head
DMG stop being the cutest it makes me wanna smooch you up
Well I'm gonna cuddle up and sleep next to you now, if it's alright with you, my sweet.
Can I get anybody to slap my cock?
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(tfw you wanna play a certain ava but you always play them and you don't wanna be boring)

(let's get crazy and see who wins)
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Ah?~ Mommy play? How about you be a little more specific, anon~

I'll tuck you in!

Magic is scary, but I like you all the same

I would, but I'm worried I might neglect it if its for one person/a one off! If more are interested I might, but the thread suits me fine

Thank you, anon! I was really enjoying it, I was just very tired

Give them out?! Goodness anon, how lewd! You don't think I'd just shove my hand down some cute boys pants and make him feel good, do you?~

>that tummy

My vote goes to Starfire or Tifa
Can I pick one even though I'm about to go to sleep?
W-well Mommy, we had Sex Ed in class today, and all the boys got a condom.

I-I don't know how to put them on, can you teach me how?
Good Morning /erp
>Slaps cock
(as long as it's exactly who I wanted)
[No worries, I kinda did take my time there so I don't blame you.]

>This time, it was his turn to pretend to think it over despite already knowing the answer.
Mmmm, well.... If you insist then I guess I'll just have to accept! I'll be looking forward to my next present~
Thanks for tucking me in!
Good night...
Actually, could I have a good night kiss, please?
>Shoots cock, the bullet going straight into his urethra
(Starfire please)
(Well, not so much give them out. Maybe just as a reward, for a young man in the neighborhood who has a crush on her and helps her around the house. She just invites him in for a little surprise for all the hard work and catching onto his feelings, how that sound?)
Same here. Totally up for continuing if you're interested. I've got a few hours to spare.

Now, that's what I call marksmanship...Nice shot
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Do we have a Bridget? I got an urge to fuck him
Yes, but ideally you'd be dancing to music while doing so...maybe spinning around a metal pole?
Glad you do~ Make sure to make a Christmas list of "things" you'd like and send it on over to Santa~
(Sweet lord yes!)

Absolutely Miss.

>Proceed in removing his shirt.

Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Ungh, fuck yeah that's it, just as tight and small as you would think, but you're barely even making it halfway, I'd probably be buried in your stomach if I tried going balls deep huh? Kind of a disappointing toy aren't you? Oh well, just get me lubed up with your poor excuse for a throat pussy.
>The ridges of his heated cock constantly grinding against the deepest corners of her bulging throat, would leave her feeling not only ridden raw but a burning sensation as well from those untouched walls being gaped wide open. He wouldn't allow her to pull away no matter how much she pushed on his bulky cock or pounded her fists against his strong thighs.He just swiftly kept forcing her to swallow him whole,to sputter and choke around his cock just to bring it more pleasure. Along with the salty frame, his manly milk coated her tongue when it pulled back only to be shoved forward and directly into her small tummy. He gave a delighted grunt everytime he made her saliva splash out from corners of her lips or when she struggled to breath.
Fuuuuck, think I got the damn thing stuck inside this dysfunctional bitch.
It barely felt like he could pull out his beast from the strained throat he got it stuck inside, maybe she'd loosen her grip some more so he could pull out, if he went a bit quicker. Giving her skull a tight grip to keep her in place, he violently rammed half his length down her gullet,again and again, so fast his fingers kept slipping off her face trying to keep hold.
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Huh?! A condom? Are you sure the video didn't show you what to do, dear? I'm almost certain it does..
>she holds her hand out flat towards him, gesturing to hand it over

Of course you can, sweetie
>places a quick smooch on your forehead

(What are some other things she can surprise him with?~ I'm sure he'd want more then that, no? Start us off then, cutie)

I dont remember where we were up to, unless you want to start something fresh!
The video was weird mommy, it talked about all this hormones stuff and barely explained what a condom was or how to put it on!
>He said as he handed the condom to his beloved mother
S-so I hope you can help me put it on

This was my last post.
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Then let us comence the stripping of our clothing!
>Said the alien with a bright smile, happy to have been correct on her understanding of Earth culture. She pulled up her tight purple uniform, her breasts flopping down as they were released from its hold.

Oh! I apologize, friend-human!
>She looked absolutely devastated to have misunderstood human greetings on such a level.
I have not a pole, nor music with which to dance. Do you know where I might find these things so I may properly introduce myself?

(No lord, only Starfire)

And yours as well! You may call me Starfire!
>She gave a light nod as she pulled her hand out of a sleeve, and with a flick, the shirt lay on the ground, the alien making no attempt to cover her modest, but completely bare chest.
And your name is..?
>She asked with interest as she crouched to tug at her skirt.
(Well, he'd be very shy at his first time, that and nursing handy is just high tier milf work. Thank you milfanon, also what name shall you go by for the RP?)
>A Neighbor boy could be seen in the sunset of a lawn, the mower finally making it's way to the corner of the lawn as he finished up for the day. A fresh faced lad no more than 19, he just couldn't keep himself away from the curvaceous woman who lived so close to him. Always giving passing glances and just wanting to make her happy with him, admiring her voluptuous figure in those sweaters and skirts. He wipes his forehead as he walks up to the door in jeans and a sweaty undershirt.
Miss! I managed to finish up the lawn! I hope I did an alright job, just going to pick up my jacket from inside if you don't mind. C...Can I get something to drink too? Just a little thirsty from all the work, please?
There's a VIP room upstairs...you can, um...introduce yourself to me there.
>He led the curvaceous girl up the steps of the ERP building, settling into a plush couch in a well-decorated room, bassline booming upon a small stage that faced his seat.
>The human man takes a look at the nearly stripping girl and hatches a devilish idea at her innocence.
Ah, it is customary that I do the same.
>The man grabs the waist of his pants and slides them down along with his underwear, his slowly rising cock on full display to the woman.
It is customary for the female to put the other man's genitals in her mouth. It allows for a closer connection between the two people. You want to do the greeting correctly, right?

Your grebnacs(Tamaranian for tits...I think anyway been a while since I've watched Teen Titans) are impressive

[she got a nice ass too]
Glhk! Hnmmh!
>The little bunny could only make weak, wet moans as he drilled into her tiny throat over and over again. There wasn't even room to gag. Tears streamed down her face as her jaw ached with the effort of taking his girth, ready to pop out of place with each brutal thrust. Saliva dribbled down her chin, unable to go anywhere else but past her lips. Her twitching nose wrinkles at the taste of his pre, but the little cop could do little about it as it streamed down her esophagus.
>Judy sputters, black edging her vision as he reamed her tiny throat, rubbing it raw and stretching it to limits she didn't even know she had. The poor little bunny struggled to slacken the grip the walls of her throat had on his cock but as stretched as they were, it was quite difficult. His words stung, but she couldn't focus on them as his hot, throbbing cock violated her throat. Her eyes roll back, body threatening to abandon its fragile grip on consciousness as oxygen became harder and harder to come by. His taste and scent overwhelmed her senses. This was her first time! Her little body couldn't handle being this rough this quickly.
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Shave ALL of your fur

>He took him few moments to answer, as much as the unusual colored girl chest was modest, the sight was more than pleasant and quite arousing so he has to take some time in appreciate it.

Greetings Starfire, you can call me Mike.

>He added with a smile while fiddling with his pants, keeping the act.

What bring you there?
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Swallow cocks until your brain cells die.
I want to play a furry dog boy with two cocks to ram into both of furry porn's holes!
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Well....Its a little tough to explain, sweetie. You see, I cant put this on you until you're feeling a little different.
>she peeled open the condom, turning it in her hands as she looked down at him
Im sure the video explained that part~

>she let out a heavy moan from his compliments and spanks, her oversized ass jiggling as it thumped up against the anon. His throbbing manhood feels like it drills deeper into her mound with each thrust, pushing her to higher levels of ecstasy then she had reached in far too many years. Her hands clawed at the back of the door as her buxom, fat chest slapped against it rythmically
Hnng, t-tell me more~ I w-wanna know what g-guys think about my b-body, it feels sooo good~

(Neighbor works nicely, or Ma'am~)
>waiting in the doorway with a fan, the curvy, healthy woman was wearing nothing but denim shorts (that barely contained her hips) and a loose pink shirt, her face pink with exhaustion
Goodness, I dont know how you young ones survive in this heat! Its killing me! Of course you can, sweetie, why dont you stay a little? Im sure you need a rest from that hard work, no?
>she stood aside, her braless chest wobbling in her shirt as she welcomed him into the living room
Y-yes Mommy, it said that I have to make it hard or something...
>The boy said as he unzipped his pants and grabbed them by the sides
H-here I go I guess
>He said with uncertainty as he pulled down his pants and boxers together, now having his bare cock exposed in front of his beautiful mother
S-should I touch it, or you Mommy?
I know I'm late, but... Same same!
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You deserve all the love in the world
>The young man takes a deep gulp of his parched throat as she stood before him in all her plump glory. His eyes slowly scanning her shapely thighs, wide hips, stopping for a moment at her huge, bouncing bust before reaching her lovely eyes. Probably didn't realize at his age he was being less than subtle, but it was hard to look away from her bra-less breasts under that shirt.
Oh, it's no problem Ma'am, I know you need help. I'm just happy to help you, you deserve a bit of help for how nice you've been.
>He walks back into her familiar house, going to his jacket on the couch. He sits down on the comfy cushions and wipes his sweating face with the jacket, warm and tired from a hard day of work for his crush. Looking back to her to still admire her beauty and ask again.
I hope it's not too much of a bother for a drink Ma'am, it'd be appreciated. But if you want to be alone right now I won't bother you.
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Oh! How nice!
>She clasped her hands together and marveled at the sight before her.
You have a whole room for introductions! No wonder humans have so many friends!
>With a skip in her step, she hurried to the pole, and wrapped both her hands around it, her head already swaying to the thumping music.
Are you ready? I hope you will not mind my foreign dancing- I have not had the chance to study human introduction dances.

Aw- yes, of course!
>She seemed a bit surprised, as she usually did her homework for this kind of thing, and more than a little embarrassed, but eager to fix her mistake. She pulled at her skirt, and slide her armbands down, letting the last of her fabrics shed away, before kneeling in front of him.
Is this position alright? Or should I still be on my feet?
>She asked, unsure if the crouching position mattered for the human act.

Thank you!
>She bowed her head at the stranger, her tits hanging and jiggling lightly as she did so. There was a light blush across her face, as this was quite embarrassing in her culture- but if it's what humans did, so be it!

Well, at the moment, I suppose one might say I am "sightseeing"?
>She let out a small giggle at the human expression, and looked at him with expectant eyes to make sure she hadn't used it incorrectly.
Trying to learn more about human behavior, and make new friends!
>Her enthusiasm was palpable as she stepped out of her skirt, only some light covering of her arms remaining.
It is a pleasure to meet you, friend-Mike!
>He lets out several hot breaths as he pounds the neglected milf, the head of his cock knocking against the entrance to her womb with each thrust now.
When a man sees a thick milf like you, all they can think of doing is bending you over and fucking you raw right then and there! Just like this!
>His hands leave her generous hips so he can grab at those fat tits, squishing them together.
And when they see your breasts they just want to squeeze them all day long! You've got the kind of body that needs to be fucked!
I want to lovey dovey date this qt.
This is a really cute alien.
P-Please! Don't say things like that, DMG...

Do you really?
>The man settled into his seat, looking the foreign girl over as she inspected the pole; her tiny skirt riding up as she bent over, carrying his gaze down to her thigh-high boots before ogling her chest, causing him to chuckle in glee.
Mmmmn, don't you worry. Just go slow...I think I'll love any dancing from a body like yours, Miss...~?
>The man is surprised how easily she listened to his request, his hand reaching down to run through her hair as he pushes his hips forward. He pokes his cock tip against her lips and moves back in forth, making sure she got a good whiff of his scent.
Yes, that position is just excellent! Now you've eaten a popsickle before, correct? It's just like that. Just a lot more warm and hard. You lick it until it's nice and wet and then put just the tip in your mouth. I'll show you once you get there.
>After finishing his explanation he lays his cock against Starfire's face, giving her free reign to do what she wants.
Don't be shy! Touch it as much as you want.
Your throat's warming up to me, making a nice cozy home for me to thrust into for later. Maybe its just making sure I don't toss you away when I'm done huh?
>The man shaping her jaw with such force didn't seem to care at whether he broke something on or inside her. He was clearly too satisfied with himself, and happily indulged his lusts like a complete animal. She really was just a toy to him, something you can treat carelessly and replace if you wanted. Inside her throat his cock violently twitched and jumped as it carved its way back and forth, tapping constantly at her walls with its rising wet slaps, the sounds of which echo out under her muffled moans. It seemed he had finally gotten her throat used to the invading member, but before pulling out, he ended his thrusts, forced her head down as far as it would reach and held her there, completely cutting off any oxygen. As she violently shook from the lack of air he just grinned down at her and chuckled. Just before everything went black he gripped her ears and latched her off. More than half of his cock was left glistening, looking completely soaked from how much of her bubbling saliva dripped to the ground.
Look at that, you actually did a half way decent job. I was almost starting to think you'd be too tiny, but you're a tough little bunny cop aren't you? You can take all this and more~ You're damn well gonna anyway.
>With that done he tossed the throat stretched bunny to the ground, and pushed her cheek into the dirt.
Of course! Who wouldn't want to spend some quality time with such a beautiful girl?
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That actually sounds pretty hot desu
Put the memes in the bag or your waifu gets it.
Well, I suppose you can say that learning and making friends is indeed an important part of “sightseeing”.

>He answer to her expectation while taking of his pant and his underwear, it was a bold act but the slender naked body of the girl in front of him helped him to put aside whatever of his shame was left.

And I must say that I more than pleased by our fortunate meeting, in fact my body can barely hide it.

>He said pointing at his penis that was already hard and standing-up, now that any garment restraining it was taken away.

Not that Anon, but Cteno is such a cutie. I do think everyone would date and love her.
[I would love to get her in my studio....So much canvas would be used...]

Not only those but...Your face...Hips...Ass...Legs...All of you is absolutely beautiful..

>He walked up to her his posture is respectful

I can't help but be mesmerized by you
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Goodness me!~
>she strutted slowly towards him until her obscenely wide hips were inches from his face as as she straighten up her skirt
Touch whatever you want to, dear. But the more you do, the quicker we can get to trying this thing on~

>she shook her head at his comment, walking into the kitchen before emerging with a tall cup of orange juice, ice cubes bobbing up and down in it as she handed it to him
Nonsense, silly! I've had this sitting in the fridge for you since you started, you think I'd neglect my hard little worker of a drink?~
>she sat on the couch opposite to him, her tiny shorts ridding up her thick legs as she settled them down a little
Now, how long were you out there again? I'd hate to underpay you again!

>her long nails practically scraped the wooden door of its paint, her teeth gritted as her eyes rolled up into her head. Her whole body in a total state of ecstasy, she pushed her large ass back against him so that the sound of his hips hitting her fleshy pillows increased. His hands felt like ice upon her hot chest, squishing and groping and teasing at her stiff nipples as he drowned her in praise
G-God, you th-think so? You don't think boys th-think I'm too old? You think they're looking at my b-butt and stuff?~ Sh-Shit, forgive my language but your f-fucking cock is divvinee~
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I'll say whatever I want to such a cute... Blue girl!
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Did someone say two dog cocks
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Does Ken Ken-chan wanna go on a date with me?
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>combining an affectionate nickname with an affectionate honorific
This shouldn't even be possible.
Double the knots, double the fun!
Impregnating two sluts at the same time with virile puppy batter!
You already have two dragon-cocks you dumb slut.
O-okay Mommy, here I go!
>He says as he takes one hand to his limp cock and starts tugging what he can
Its not doing anything so far Momm-
>Just as he turned his head up to look at his mother, he realized her large bosom was right above his head, the pillowy mounds of flesh he's always loved to rest on
M-mommy...sorry b-but I think this will help me!
>He said as he shoved his head into his mother's plump breasts, the warmth and softness sending wonderful feelings throughout his body, especially to his cock
Haah~ I think its getting hard mommy~
I want to do naughty things to this panda, and I feel ashamed about it
Give me tiny Panda hugs and kisses.
Oh, OJ! Thanks ma'am!
>It wasn't his favorite drink but he did like orange juice and was glad for any excuse to stay close to her. He takes the cup from his and and begins to chug the contents, all his work out there had left him rather dehydrated as he finished off the contents rather fast.
All day miss, maybe about 4-5 hours of work today. But aw for you? No sweat, making you happy is just so rewarding to me.
>He puts the empty glass on the table, licking his dry lips as he was still a bit thirsty. He crosses his legs to try and not get erect near her like last time, eyeing up her thick thighs and heavy, heaving breasts.
C...can I just get some milk Ma'am? Y..you know it's my favorite. I don't know if you had any in the fridge since you didn't give it to me first. B..but anything from you is always just perfect.
>He looks away from her eyes with a small blush and holds her hand as he says that, letting some of his deeper affections show.
>The rabbit couldn't believe this was happening to her. Not even the most depraved criminals of Zootopia ever threatened her like this. This had to be a nightmare. She'd wake up and be in her bed, shuddering at the vivid dream but forgetting all about it by noon. The digits of her paw twitched uselessly as he starved her of oxygen, a black haze falling over her vision. Each spasm of his hot cock was agonizing, making her choke around him even more vividly. Frothy saliva dripped to the ground as he drilled in and out of her, almost as deep as the bunny's stomach.
>Judy gasps wetly as he yanks her off of his massive cock, greedily sucking in air. Strands of saliva connected her parted lips and his cock, precum dripping from her hanging tongue.
>Her voice was thick and hoarse, throat sore and stretched thoroughly by the human's dick. The dazed bunny barely even registers him grinding her tear-stained cheek into the ground, too occupied by the pain in her strained throat and jaw to care about the dirt rubbed into the fur on her cheek.
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Ah... You really think that, anon? I mean, you don't mind that I'm all slimy and stuff...?

You're too kind, anon. I did go on a date with an anon once, as per thread theme, and it was pretty enjoyable.

Well! I think you're a cute... Blue mage, so there!
Dicks are pretty cool.
is gay okay?
That is one lewd bunn
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Go to bed Mado

Yes this is good
I feel the same way about mine.
You're cute. I'm cute. When are we doing dinner?

>The rather forward college boy strides right in front of Cteno and gives her a great big hug around her midsection. He seems to be completely unphased by her sliminess.
Come on, that's one of your best features! That just makes you even better to squeeze.
>His fierce pounding suddenly comes to a halt once she finishes talking. There's a moment of silence, aside from the panting and then the anon suddenly pulls his cock out of her so he can turn her around, her back firmly pressed against the door. He reaches down to lift up her leg and shove his cock back into her, supporting her pleasantly plump body so she could just focus on enjoying herself. Then he looks her dead in the eyes and replies to her question.
I know so. My rock hard dick is proof enough isn't it?
>And just like that he's back to giving her everything he's got, his face once again buried into her tits while he fucks her so hard she bounces on her toes from each thrust. His cock throbs and pulses inside of her, a clear sign of what was to come.
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Fuck you.
I will when I feel like it.
I'll suck those dragon dongs later.
Dont post this because i need thIS IS NEED THIS
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The panda is pure(ish?).

>gib DMG sadhugs

Hey Nue.
Sit on my face, Midna.
Someone certainly is popular!
The dog cocks will have to wait until later then.
Just checking.
Gay is the best way.


Dicks > all body parts

ey panda.
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(Sorry for slow replies. I guess this is what I get for trying to RP with five people.)

... Starfire!
>She finished his sentence, turning to face him. She leaned back against the pole, pressing her ass against it, causing the tight fabric of her skirt to muscle its way between her cheeks. Her arms held high above her, holding the pole, she slid down onto her haunches, before spreading her legs wide, giving a clear view of her panties as the skirt hiked up high. Taking a handful of her top, she teased it upward to better show off her midriff.
Would it be appropriate to begin the removal now?
>She questioned. her face bright and happy this whole time, as she spun around the pole.

>At first she looks almost uncertain, but as she breathes in the musky scent, her tamaranean brain can't help but press herself against it without thinking. Her tongue inched past her lips and rolled around the head, as she closed her eyes in concentration. She took long licks up the shaft trying to cover the whole thing, and squeezed it lightly in her fingers, unsure if it had been this hard a few moments ago...
>Her eyes shot open and looked up for approval.
Lihk thith?

>Her face turned a deeper red as she stared at the appendage for far too long, before snapping back to looking at his face.
I am glad as well!
>She said excitedly, unsure of how things worked from this point forward, but feeling the desire to scoot closer to him, she did so, and soon stood only inches away.

>She blushed, placing a hand on her cheek and looking away instinctively.
Is.. Is it normal to compliment a new friend so thoroughly?
>She asked, feeling quite special from all the praise.
Nearly had the get there you cock sucker

I play the orange one with a genital slit, you can fuck her if you want or you can have her with cock(s), either way she'll be very warm and cuddly

"That was forward. You want to lay down on the ground or should I float up and wrap my legs around your head so we can get this started?"

Dog cocks are omnipresent my friend
You missed me...
>she squats down a little so he can press more of his face between her heavy jugs, her hand coming down and wrapping around his own as his arousal for her increased
See?~ You're doing so well, good boy~ Do you like mommys boobs? What a naughty boy..

No, no, you're not tricking me with this again!
>she jumped up from the couch, fishing into her pocket and pulling out several twenties. She shoved them into his empty glass and smiled down at him, quickly turning away so he couldn't return them
You think I'd let such a handsome young man work so hard on my lawn all day without a reward? Ah, milk? You know, I think I'm all out..
>she thrust the fridge open and bent over low to check, her wide thighs slapping together as the thin denim rode up her impressive, fat rear

>she almost fainted from his tenderness and affection, her face red and sticky with sweat as he pinned her against the door. Thick trickles of her honey drooled from her stuffed cunt as he filled her, the heavy sound of his sack slamming up against her now even more audible then before as her fingers dug into his back
Its p-perfect proof!~ I need this perfect, fat cock in my l-life more~ I d-don't even care about you knocking m-me up, fill up my naughty hole!~ I n-need you~
Someday. Someday I'm sucking those dicks, getting the get, and fucking the shortstack into all forms of ahegao.

Just not fucking today and it makes me MAD.
Okay all I need to sleep before my eyes begin to bleed. Night all.

Sadhugs? No sad pandas!
... wait...

What about the heart?
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>She turned her head to the source of the noise.
>She asked, a finger pointed at her chest.
Can I fuck her with one (1) cock? Can I smooch her cute, round butt and balls beforehand too?
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Hearts don't cum.
"Float on up here, you sexy slut. I've been wanting to taste that fat ass of yours for a while, now."
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Good question, I'd love to... Are you inviting?

>Cteno is caught off-guard by the sudden hug, but eventually wraps her own arms back around the anon, giving him a meek squeeze.
... I'm, um, very flattered you think so, anon.
Yeah you!
>He says with a great big smile on his face.
I had no idea that out there in the universe there would be girls as cute as you!
>He continued to flirt with her, his eyes sparkling as if it was a cartoon.
Please, I must know your name!
Lemme cum in your mouth.
Just let me cum on you, then.
Y-yes Mommy, I love your big boobies so much!
I'm sorry I'm such a dirty boy...
>He said as his face was still smothered between her breasts, his cock now fully erect from his pumping
M-mommy, is this okay?
>He said as he stopped stroking his cock which was now throbbing in hunger and leaking the tiniest bit of precum
It can be at times....But then again as an artist, I know when I see absolute beauty

>He smiled and even blushed a bit

I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable
Yeah you're doing great you alien slut...
>The man loves all the affection his throbbing piece of meat is getting, rubbing his tip against her tongue as she swirled her tongue around his bulging head, slathering it in saliva. He gives the cock sucker reassuring head pats all throughout, his member twitching each time her tongue made contact with his delicious cock. His eyes stare down into hers, wincing at the feeling of her dainty fingers squeezing his veiny shaft.
That's excellent starfire! Now you have to take it deeper into your mouth and keep slurping...Believe me, you'll feel something nice and warm when you're supposed to stop...
(If you'd like more time to type for others its fine if you drop this one! You play starfire very well!)
I want those tits to make me cum.
Can I cum inside of your pussy?
>The man releases the squishy girl from his embrace, a bright smile on his face as he turns on his heel and points off down the street.
We should go somewhere then! I'd love to take you somewhere nice and cosy Cteno. Do you have any place in mind? I think we could go to the mall and maybe find our way from there?
>He was quite startled at her fiery response to his meek responses as she put quite a few bills into his glass. Even in his surprise he couldn't help but glance back to ogle her, her shapely thighs and plump buttocks jiggling lightly to each movement. Her ample breasts hanging and swaying from her chest in a hypnotic motion to his eyes.
.....M...ma'am, I can agree with what you said. Y..you don't have to bee so generous with the back pay...i..it's just too much!
>He says as he only takes two bills from the glass, pushing the rest away from the table.
I don't need any more than what you promised me,...m...my reward is just you. Spending more time with you.....closer to you.....it's all the reward I want really.
>The young man spills his heart a fair bit to her in that moment, caring too much for her to even dare take that much money from her. Willing to say anything to make her take those excess bills back. His face blushing a deep red confessing that, licking his lips his thirst grew with his nerves.
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can I cum inside of your mouth?
If we suck each others dicks at the same time, then sure.
Oh? What about your husband though?
>He asks, knowing full well she wont have a chance to answer now that he starts cumming inside of her. His thick ropey jizz fills her cunt in an instant, almost guaranteed to knock her up at this rate. It even starts leaking out, dripping down her leg in a thick stream. Once done filling her he lets her go, letting his cock slide out of her. In the meantime he gives her a quick kiss on the lips.
I didn't realize that such a sweet older woman like you was so cock hungry.
nice dubs
Mhm! But I only have one other picture of Meizard because the artist likes the blue one better. You alright with me using generic femcharizard pics? And are you the one fucking her or is she going to fuck you?

"I hope you're tongue's just as eager as you are, anon.
>Midna rolls over in the air and crosses her arms behind her head, floating up until her nethers were inches away from the man's needy mouth.
"Let's see if you're any better than the average fare, shall we? "
The other ones stomach is A+, to be fair. I'm alright with that, I dont mind pics regardless so you can keep the lewd Midna ones going for that other anon too. And I'm dicking her, but I want her big ass on my face first
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(I was typing my replies, but then my phone died. My phone has all my Starfire pictures. So, until I can find my charger, I sadly have to stop.)

(Really sorry. Here's a Korra pic as compensation for me being a dumby. I'll look for my charger.)
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You deserve all the cum in my nuts
>Ever the impatient one, the man reaches out with both hands, quickly pulling the tiny imp right against his lips. His hands clamp down on her soft, plump backside, his fingers digging into both cheeks as his tongue slithers out from between his lips; His first choice being her tiny, puffy slit.
>Starting slow, his wet tongue laps at her sex; grinding it firmly enough that her lower lips begin to part each time.
(It's cool these things happen)
>It's Korra
(I'm the anon who was doing that lap dance with the naive avatar thing earlier, gotta finish that up some time if you're ever feeling up to it.)
It's fine, shit happens. You should probably move then on there in the though.
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>she pulls him off her heavy chest, looking down at his rigid cock as she pulls her hand away
Ahn, yes! Per~fect~
>she shakes the condom slightly before quickly pushing it over his twitching pole, the thing fitting nicely over his girth as she stood back up
See! You just have to slide it on just like that after you get excited, got it? Make sure its all the way down too~
>she pats his stomach gently, still eyeing his twitching little condom covered cock

>she turned back towards him, sympathy in her eyes as she finds herself in front of him again. She leans forward a little, a hand on his knee as she looks down at him. Her buxom chest swings in her sweaty shirt, wide thighs swaying below
Dear, you're far too sweet. You really do make a difference in this lonely house, you know that right? If you wont take the money, then..
>her hand moved up from his knee, snaking up and grabbing exceedingly close to his groin as it clutched his thigh

>she screams in pleasure as he pumps her full, the thick creamy globs drooling down her thigh as he fills her fertile womb. She instantly falls to her knees as he pulls out, more cum drooling from her mound as her thick lips meet his cock, cleaning his softening cock as she swallowed every last drop that still clung to it
For~ C-Cute~ Boys~ I'm alwaaays hungry~ Especially ones with such delicious, thick cocks...~
sounds super gay; what are you? a fag?
>put them on there in the future*
I swear I typed that in right
>With a bright smile of her own as well as a tiny blush on her face, Cteno pulls back in turn and uses one of her arm-like appendages on her head to tap at her chin thoughtfully.
Hmmm... I'm not sure, really. I was thinking maybe somewhere we could sit down and have a snack at. But the maybe the mall would work, too.
Do -you- have any in mind, anon?
Only for other fags.
(Yeah, I should put 'em on my PC for sure. I guess I've just been lazy. My bad.)

(Oh, we totally have to continue that next time I'm on. Naive Korra stuff is like, 10/10 for me.)
>She was so near to him that touching her was so easy, he took a long breath and hints of her exotic scent stimulated his nostrils.
Very well Starfire, now that we are not strangers anymore, there is anything of human culture that you need to know? As I friend I’ll be more than happy to help you.
>He added placing his right hand on her shoulder.
That sounds like an ice cream shop to me! I know just the place, follow me!
>The cheery boy reaches towards Cteno, but stops for a second to merely admire her face. The purple freckles(?) that seemed to dot her face only accenting the deep violet of her eyes. The man reaches forward and showing his open palm so he's not tugging along Cteno all day.
You're really cute, you know that? Would you like to hold my hand while we walk?
>The boy shivers from the skilled touch of his mother's hands putting on the condom on his cock
Haah~ I-I see, so I just slide it in quick like a glove huh?
>The boy said as his cock continued to throb, pointing straight up at his mother
Um...Mommy...when a guy finally has his condom on that means he's ready to have sex right? I-I think I need some help understanding that part too...
>The boy said with a heavy blush to his mother
It must feel amazing to cum raw inside a trap's tight hot boipussy
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"Hey! Who said I'd even let you dick me, huh? You'll have to do a great job when I'm sitting on your face if you want me to let you feel how warm I am when I'm clenching around your cock, anon!"
>Mei bent down to talk to the anon and put her arms against her hips, her ass jutting out to one side while she berated him for thinking she was an easy fuck like some sort of children's card game waifu.

"Mnf. Wasting no time, are you? No need to be gentle with my ass, you can- Hhh~ Yeah, like that!"
>Midna's body was pulled forward like a man would pull a balloon out of the air, the anon's hands digging into her shapely ass, groping and clawing at her plump flesh. His tongue already started stretching her out, the tip dipping inside the entrance to her pussy with each pass.
>The boy couldn't help but shyly coo out her name at the incredible sight before his eyes. Her plump, healthy body bent down before his eyes, her plump thighs and wide hips swaying in a light tease. Her huge, sweaty bosom rocking in that tight shirt just before his eyes. He sits there in a sensual trance at her bust, drooling a small bit admiring her massive, milky mammaries. A gentle touch on his thigh startled him though, snapping out of his trance and in a nervous panic at this sexual awakening.
M..ma'am! I...you...are so~.....I...C..can I just get that milk to start?! I...It's just don't want to milk those....you for anything I shouldn't. P...please Ma'am
>His mind couldn't hide his subconscious desires, his gaze moving from her heaving breasts to her own eyes. Clutching his own crotch nervously as his mouth watered with each passing glance at her chest, too shy and inexperienced to act on his desires alone.
probably feels better to be the trap.
and get spitroasted
Hey, you can at least try, right? I swear I'm not all talk!
>he grinned and lay down, motioning for her to come over as he looked up at her delicious hips
(It's cool no worries Shall I save the response for next time or?)
(Here's the link if you wanna read some of it or change anything.)
>He grins down at her as she sucks him clean. He's spent at the moment, but he'll be sure to give her another go soon.
Looks like I'll have to pay you another visit then. Can't leave a milf like you starved.

[Annnnd that's a wrap. I'm gonna have to pass out soon so I'm ending it here. Thanks for finishing that scene with me!]
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Good boy, you're right~ I can help you with that too~
>she turned, letting go of his cock as she dropped to all fours. Pushing her huge, peach shaped ass up against him, she gestured for him to tug down her tight skirt
Help mommy get this silly thing off and we can get right too it, ok sweetie?~

>her hand crept higher, fingers linking with his as they suddenly clenched his bulge. Her voice was low and husky, heavy, mature bosom swinging just inches from his face
I dont have any of the fridge for you, but here...~
>her other hand lifted up her shirt, bunching it above her bare, huge sweaty breasts. They gleamed in the light of the sun bursting through the window, each one gently swaying

(Sleep well, dear~ See you soon)
Now if only there was a trap for us to double end.
"Eaher enuff hor you?"
>His words muffled by the imp's plump, delicious pussy, the man takes full advantage of his position; his tongue slowly wriggling deeper and deeper inside Midna's tight, slick cunt. His hands, meanwhile, were busy groping, squeezing and spreading her enormous rear; pulling her as close to his face as physically possible.
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Oh, I love ice cream!
>The indeed freckle-looking patches of purple on her otherwise ocean blue body seemed to be found not only on her face, but also on her various multiple limbs. As the anon admires them, Cteno can't help but notice his gaze. She blinks twice, her blush deepening visibly as he offers her his hand.
T-Thanks... And I would really like that...!
>She says, trying to stifle a bit of her enthusiasm as she timidly reaches for his hand in turn. She deposits the end of her large claw-like appendage into his open palm, which, despite its appearance, is just as soft and squeezable as the rest of her.
Okay Mommy, thank you for helping me!
>He said with a bright smile as he moved his hands to her hips, then slide her skirt and panties down to reveal her curvy ass
L-like this Mommy?
>The boy said as he hunched his body over his mother, his hands eagerly grabbing her breasts for support and his cock pressed against her pussy
(Sure, unless you wanna do a different RP next time.)

(It's awesome as is for me, but if you want anything changed, just tell me. Can't continue right now, but next time you see my card, we can totally do it!)
What a sweet little boy you are, would you like to play with us?
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"You better not be all talk!"
>Mei slowly slid down her skirt and stockings, making sure to make the strip tease as lewd as possible for the anon she was trying to entice.
"Now let me just-"
>She walked forward with her legs on either side of his body until her hips were right above his head. The charizard bent her legs and sat her ass right on his face, being careful not to put all of her weight on him, she was too plump to do something like that!

"Mmngh... Yes, yes, very eager. Very- Nnh... Very deep too! Keep playing with my butt like that, something as perfect as my ass should be taken advantage of!"
>The anon's diligent ass worship forced a few droplets of her arousal to be lapped up by his tongue, her legs wrapping around his head as promised, aiding him in keeping her puffy lips pressed against his mouth while he licked, kissed, and sucked the imp's warm cunt.
>The Young Man closed his eyes let out a heavy moan as the lovely milf griped his rising cock. Feeling a lustful power and skill in her grip on his clothed crotch as she began to undo his pants.
>When he opened his eyes his face was met by a pair of huge, pillowy, perk breasts glistening with sweat in the sunlight. Radiating with a familiar warmth and appeal as she offered herself to him. On a lustful instinct he leans into the large breast closest to him, opening his watering mouth wide and closing his eyes yet again. He latches to her ample teat as it filled his maw, nuzzling into her soft flesh and licking the nipple eagerly as it stiffened and prepared to perform it's motherly duty again.
I...It feels so soft~ So warm and amazing Ma'am~....W...when do I taste it!?
(Alright screened it for later)
>The emerald green eyes of the college age boy sparkle at her compliance, gently squeezing her appendage as he turns on his heel and starts his trek with Cteno in tow. He gently clenches and releases Cteno's claw as they walk, relishing in the squishy warmth as well as the look on her face from the intimate touch. His dark green hoodie shakes slightly in the breeze, the sound of his dark black jeans rubbing together filling the silence.

It should be coming up on our right in a little bit. Sorry if this came out of the blue, I just couldn't stop myself when I saw you. Hey, that rhymed!
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Play with you? I'm super sorry, I completely missed what you guys were chatting about!

>With her verbal approval, the man happily continued eating away at that tight, moist pussy, his tongue coiling and twisting as he slid deeper, and deeper inside. His eyes closed shut; the perverted stranger kneaded the slutty imp's jiggly cheeks like fresh dough, the sheer difference in size making it easy for the tips of his fingers to graze her tight, puckered hole as well.
That's okay sweetheart, how about you just come here and give me a hug huh?
Can you suck my dick please?
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I-I don't know! I heard something or other about boys and peeked my head over here! What were you talking about again?
Us manly men were just talking about how we'd love it if some nice boys could come do a favor for us...
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Oh, sure!
>the much shorter male wrapped his arms around the anon, embracing him as he looked up

W-What?! Hey, do you really think you can go around asking people those kinda questions?

Me too! I have no idea what they were talking about either

A favor? Like what, mister? This guy >>6700598 over here and me are both pretty confused!
Aww, thank you sweetheart! It means alot to me for you to show me such affection!
>The man returned the hug, wrapping his arms low around the boy, his fingers grazing over the top of his round ass
In fact, let me show you how much that means to me...
>He said as he delivered a quick peck on the boy's lips
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>She can't help but let out a small giggle at his improvised rhyme, giving a small grin.
>She then shakes her head at his comment, holding one of her tiny arms up in front of herself, waving at him.
Oh, no, don't worry about it. I'm very happy you asked me out, actually.
>Her grin settles into a warm smile as she takes a few steps closer to him, sliding her arm past his hand and instead hooking it around his own, locking them together as they keep walking.
It was a very nice surprise.
I'll suck yours if you suck mine! That's a fair trade, right?
Uh...Call me Len, and by favors I think he wants us to do lewd things to each other in front of him...

Well not just in fron of him, I'll appreciate too.
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>the boy looked shocked, pulling away slightly from the man as he felt his fingertips graze his plump ass
Uh, you r-really are affectionate aren't you! You know I'm not a girl, right...~

That's not how it works, then we don't know who is more domin-ugh, just lemme see it!

You can call me Q! Oh, like kiss and stuff? HE wants to watch two BOYS kiss?!
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goodnight moon
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Alright alright, in front of all you perverts! Point is we're not gonna do it outta the blue, especially if he's not into it!

....You don't happen to be interested in that kind of stuff do you?
>no competent, tracer player
I just want to fuck her ass in those olympic shorts and hear her say "bum" a lot
"Haah...~ You like that, you pervert? Nnh, you *love* letting me smother your face with my ass while I grind my wet pussy against your lips, don't you?"
>Midna started to wiggle her hips back and forth, her thighs clenching down on his cheeks every time the tip of one of his fingers pressed against her sensitive rim.
"I love it, anon! Keep going! Spank me! Make me cum on your tongue! Oh *fuck* you're deep!"
Hotaru plays Tracer, Anon
Yes! Thanks!
>He quickly reaches down to his pants, unbuckling then before pulling them down his pants. Then, he goes down under his boxers and whips out his semi-erect cock, waving it slightly for the trap.
>The two look like a regular couple with their bodies so pressed together, the boy shivering at the rather cold glances he received from other males on their way.
Well that's wonderful! Just having you so close to me is more than enough to make this a great day.
>He scoots over and presses as closely to Cteno as he can without messing with her walking, his eyes returning to the road as they finally reach the entrance to the ice cream parlor. He reluctantly lets himself free from Cteno's embrace and goes for the door, pulling it aside and holding it wide open.
After you, sweetheart.
(Sorry, back!)

>his eyes were stuck to her hips and ass, watching her slide each piece of clothing off before she suddenly sat down on his greedy face. Her weight and heat were incredible, his nose pushing up between her two cheeks as he was too stunned to react straight away

Tracer ass give me such sweet boners
>Skinny bitch asses
Has anybody got those cute little bumps on their cock here? I always wondered how they'd feel brushing against my tongue since I saw a pic with them.
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I mean, kissing boys is like...I m-mean..
>the trap looked flustered, his face turning red as he looked away from the other boy. His hands tugged his shirt down over his tiny shorts absentmindedly, his broken sentence trailing off

You mean I've got to come GET it too?
>he rolled his eyes, pushing a strand of long golden hair from his face as he stormed forward and dropped to his knees. He placed a small hand on the underside of the thing, pushing up and down to feel its weight
Hmm, how much bigger can this guy get?
I need this then

Best taste, anon
Oh, that does matter to me sweetheart, you're a cutie all the same.
>He says as his hands now fully cup the boys ass as he pulls him in closer
Now just relax, don't you feel safe and warm in my arms?
Nah it's fine, don't let my taste stop you from playing that little qt
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((Those DIGITS))
"Too stunned to react? Better hurry up anon, it'll be like a furnace down there pretty soon~!"
>Mei started gliding her ass back and forth, her tail resting on his chest while her lips slid against his face, the heat from the charizard's nethers already apparent to the seat below her.
Freaking love Rosa!

Like what?

>He move near the boy, hand near his ear.

Can't hear you there, speak louder.
>TFW charizard hasn't come back
It hurts to see talent disappear.
The japanese name is Mei, so I usually say Mei or Meizard, but yeah! It's a Rosa/Charizard hybrid, and she's qt
"Mhmghm, Mhmm!"
>He agrees with muffled desperation, his fingers slowly pushing right into her twitching taint. He couldn't get enough of the shortstack's lower body; His tongue exploring as deep inside her narrow passage as it could, while he messily slurps up the sweet, sticky liquid trickling from her spread entrance.
>Cteno nods, looking over at him as she bunches up against him, completely ignoring everyone else they pass by.
I was just about to say the same...
>She likewise is a bit reluctant to let go of him, but gives him a playful smirk as he opens the door for her.
Ah, so gallantry isn't dead after all, huh?
>She then steps forward and into the parlor, being mindful of her big cumbersome tail, so that it doesn't smack the anon in the face in the process.
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O-okay (sorry)
Have a good night tho
Give it a few licks and you'll find out~
>The man teased, his cock twitching slightly at the feeling of the sissy's finger against it.
Lemme cum on that butt
She usually goes by Rosa as far as I've notice, but I actually prefer Mei more.

Got room for a session?
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>Seeing his embarrassed reaction he tries to answer the question causes Len's own face to turn red.
H-hold on a minute, what kind of answer is that!? Kissing boys is what? What!?
I-I should already be asleep, anon. I'll (probably) be back tomorrow, though!
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I didn't know you were so lewd, Imanotsurugi!
>ANON came on D.VA's butt!
>but I actually prefer Mei more.
>Despite the way she keeps her tail away from the young man, he leans forward and gives her tail a light sniff, wondering if it smells as good as the rest of her. He leans back and sighs, the faint feminine scent clinging to his nose. He hopes she didn't notice the in hindsight very creepy act. He follows in behind her and strides up to the dark blue counter, waving at the man behind it.
Could I have a superman ice cream and a...What'll you have, Cteno?
>kissu jinx
go to bed
lemme nut in your rosa tomorrow
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Its l-like, cute I guess!

>he raised an eyebrow, pushing his girly face forward and kissing the tip of the cock. One of his hands gripped the shaft of it as the other grabbed greedily and softly at the mans heavy, full sack
How about kisses, will they work?

I d-dunno! Its cute and kinda hot, right?! You must find it hot too?
>the boy looked panicked, looking around at the other, much bigger men watching
Right guys?
No worries. Mind posting a picture of her butt for the road for me?
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Ahh, what are your hands doing?~
>he giggled as the man pulled him in, the heavy grip on his round ass growing tighter
Of course I do, mister~ Does my butt feel nice in your hands, though?
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Everyone keeps telling me that :(
I'll try to be around ;-;
>his hands lurched up, grabbing at the strange girls thick thighs as he tried to pull her meaty ass harder against his face. His nose sniffed up against her tight hole as his mouth attempted to tongue and kiss everything it could, painting her inner cheeks with spit as the heat grew more intense

>He smile at the boy flustered answer, and start gently patting him on the head.

Yes nothing more cute than two pretty boy kissing.
Of course, such a perfect blend of cuteness and eroticism makes a man smile with joy!
>The large man said as he walked toward the little boys
It would make us feel really happy to see such a thing~
>His embarrassment quickly rises, to the point where he refuses to acknowledged the growing crowd of anonymous men watching. Unfortunately, that involves keeping his eyes on the trap that was appearing more and more attractive to him.
...S-so does that mean you...want...to, w-with me?
Of course it does sweetie, such a nice, round ass deserves to be fondled and groped.

But alas, I'm feeling tired right now, please run along and go give that other boy a cute kiss for me! I'll be fapping to you before I drift to sleep...
>He said as he gave the boy a hard smack on his ass and another kiss.
"Haah~! K-Keep mumbling like that, it feels amazing! Ready for me to squeeze on your head and cum? It's going to be a big one, you're doing great down there.~"
>Midna's head fell forward, her mouth drooping open as moans and shouts of pleasure fell from her soft lips, every lick and slutty slurp of his tongue forcing new spurts of her tangy, slightly sweet juices to fall onto his tongue.
"Haah! I'm so close! You better not spill a drop, anon! Fuck, fuck, *fuck!*"

A-Already used the only two Meizard pics that exist, but I'll post a charizard butt for you shortly!

"Cmon, aren't you going to- Woah! Nngh- Hey, watch where you're- Ff- Aah~! Oh that's *good.~*"
>In an instant, the anon's hands groped and pulled at Meizard's thick ass and pulled her down, nearly sweeping her off her feet and forcing a few hundred pounds of meaty pokemon butt onto his face. A slightly musky scent reached his senses, and drool covered her puffy lips, his tongue exploring as much of her slit as possible.
>Lucky for him, she doesn't appear to have noticed. Just as with the rest of her, he would pick up an enticing and fruity scent coming from her, reminiscent of berries.
Umm... Hm...
>She looks over at the choices, scratching her head with one of her small appendages, before nodding as she makes up her mind.
A banana split, please!
I'm sure there must be some cuter stuff, but if thats what you enjoy, mister
>he looked up at the man, a finger twirling in his hair

Happy? You wont get like, turned on or anything?~

I m-mean, we don't have to kiss! We can do...other things
>he took a step forward, swishing some hair from his face as he looked at the other boy
And since you're not dressed like THIS, that makes you in charge..~

Perhaps another time you can show me a little more then just groping, non? Rest and fap well <3
>Looking for charizard pics
>See a Meizard pic I've never seen before
Anon holy FUCK
>he tried pushing her off him to tell her how tasty every inch of her was, but he struggled with her immense weight as she pushed harder against his face. His nose practically rubbed in rhythm against her asshole as his mouth made out sloppily with her thick lips, tongue darting back and forth as the fat cheeks seemed to grip against him harder
What is happening in that picture? I'm both confused and scared.
>More than welcoming her orgasm, the man's hands clamp down as hard as possible against her big, jiggling ass; Making sure he gives it a hard, firm smack before coming down for the last time. His voice murmurs against her soaked, sensitive slit; the moans reverberating from his throat, and against her tense body as she surrounds his head, the pervert's tongue wildly swirling around inside as his lips press right against her crotch with a firm seal to keep in all that delicious juice.
>Two of them
>that huge ass and donut

I could literally bust a nut right now
>The boy places a few dollar bills onto the counter, giving the man behind the counter a friendly nod.
Keep the change.
>The high school boy nods and takes off to make both of the individuals confections, back in a few seconds with one ready to eat swirl of heroy goodness and a banana split fit for a king.
Wow, these look great!
>The boy grabs his ice cream cone and sits down at a nearby seat, beckoning her over.
(Couldn't you have used those two pictures during the RP?)
(Midna sure is cute when she's excited.)
That's all I ever wanted...

Clever haha

Haha, it's okay. I got my fix. Thanks though love.
>YWN doublestuff that charzard asshole with another anon
I will 100% do that with you right now
W-what other things? Why are you leaving me with the decision?! Take responsibility! besides, I have a bunch of girly stuff to wear t- W-w-wait a minute, ignore that last...part...
>Immense pressure now weighing down on him, Len figured he could just get it over with here and now. It couldn't possibly escalate too far, right?
>Slowly closing his eyes, the idol puckered his lips and leaned himself forward, pressing his quivering mouth against Q's
>people jerking off midna despite them being an Actual Pedophile
Ya... fuck it, I'd lewd with it.
And the award for killing the comf of the night with their cringe whining goes to >>6701209
Here's your (you)
Thanks for stopping by.

People RP with underaged characters all the time.
I didn't see anyone bitching when Dora was here yesterday
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trapdesu #8145 is my discord if anyone wants to do lewd shit elsewhere or I pass out!

>Q returned the kiss, shoving his tongue into the other boys mouth as he moved closer. Tugging away after a minute or three, Q's hand slipped down Len's body and grabbed hungrily at his groin
What was that last part? I might have lied about being super shy about this, by the waaay~
>he advanced, pushing his lips back against the other boys as he groped and felt him up
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Good yes
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