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Zootopia General: Fear The Old Blood Edition Pastebin: past

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 434
Thread images: 231

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Zootopia General: Fear The Old Blood Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
ZTArchive: ztarchive.com
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/6610969
Current TT Theme: Winter (Submissions are due Dec. 8)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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nick fox girls colored.png
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first for foxe
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Shouldn't Nick's mom and sister have similar coloration to him
Wait a minute...

but that coloring makes them not Becky and Mrs. Wilde at all!

(jk, that's some good coloring right there).

Why is Judy carrying three beach balls?
>It's call a hustle sweet heart. You really thought I'd ever love a bunny? You're more stupid then i thought.
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>Coloranon cucks incest
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You a cool dude CA!
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Remember that time that Nick and Gazelle hooked back up and invited Judy into a polygamous relationship?
How come so many people don't include the different color around Nick's eyes?
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but on the other hand, it could feed those "Nick is a former pornstar" greentexts, so I sure as hell ain't complaining
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This DVD commentary sound awfully familiar...
Certainly part of the stash of Judy
Such a nice pic, too bad no Hook in there but still I do love it.

Did Dotaluit explode?
Naw, Judy's DVD collection is purely fox & bunny stuff.

And Hook. Everyone seems to have a copy of that, for some reason.
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>Nick ended up stealing one of Judy's dirty shirts

I'm disappointed in you, Nick. You should have stolen a pair of her panties.
Judy doesn't wear panties. She goes commando.
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Don't worry, I go you covered, familiarities.

Pretty slick huh?
You think bun bun bothers with panties? I wonder if any mamma; bothers with undergarments actually. Most have a nice bit of fur for that.
I was JUST about to go to bed, but my weakness for tubes and MILFs summoned me.
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>That coloring
She's not a tube though. More of an hourglass.
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Those white areas. MY EYES
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This is pretty good. I love Judy's expression in this as well as the way they hold each other. The only thing that seems kind of awkward is the possible implications of this postion, at most Judy 's hips are at Nick's stomach so unless his tip is reaching that far up...And I guess Nick's paw should be a bit bigger.
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She was born of the tube, even if she broke out of the tube.

She is a marten, therefore a tube.

I read Mint was aiming for 'hippy', so I went with that.

We can't all be Caitlin Vison after all.
Ohey, thanks! It looks great!
How are you doing Inky? You back home yet?

This was one of the first pics I ever saved directly from this general, so it's an old one.
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Sorry about that, missed a couple spots.

Ready for fap material now.
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Yo piggu, doing better?
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Please don't do this to me
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Yep, back home. Gonna be about a week til I'm fully back to normal, but overall I'm in a way better state.

About to go to sleep in fact. I just saw the design while checking the thread and really wanted to show my love.

Much. Thanks for the concern! Hopefully I can be back to spamming the thread with art based off random comments soon.
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Happy to hear. Have a speedy recovery!
She is a peardude now
>I can be back to spamming the thread with art based off random comments soon
Hope to see it soon. More twink shrink mink!
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Wait what happened?
Inky was in the hospital for a few days.

That's all I knew, because I didn't want to pry.
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I'm sorry anons, I'm new at this.

Is it working now?
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now paint the clothes and it will be a nudist beach
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to get back to this really late...hope u enjoy Nick being really obvious at being sweet and failing to hide it
>BB is fucking dead
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Aw shit, I've gone too far and it won't undo...

Ctrl+s is undo, r-right?
It's like textures a badly emulated PS1 game
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Yes anon, I am most hot now.
>it got better
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znn winter gloves comic2.png
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you can see the smug at the bottom of this page

comic has cute expressions all around
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Workplace nap TR.jpg
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Fuck it.

I'm just gonna say it's modern art interpretation.

"The Persistence of Wildecest".
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happy and mushy
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I do love this sweet stuff
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Finally, this I can fap to.
>Judy breathing on Nick's paws

Well hello there unexpected boner
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Not a problem, buddy! I gotta say, I loved that story to pieces!


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No, just an anon with a response pic with a bear on it.
That bear is from BoxerHockey
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judy sun day.gif
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the sun and the moon
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That's a very specific pic of Blear during the explosion that took his life.

Lazy fox wouldn't make the hike to watch too? Tsk tsk.
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Ah, I see.

Grizz had the same reaction picture is all.
Isn't that the wild rabbit that was screaming when held.
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>That's a very specific pic of Blear during the explosion that took his life.

Now I'm picturing Blear's death as pic related.
indeed it is

Jesus, now there's a comic I haven't even thought about in fucking years. Does it still update?
His last words were: "I only wanted to love and be loved"
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Peanuts are delicious.png
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Looks accurate.
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This fox. This fucking smug fox.
Look at him. Look at him.
You can distill pure liquid smug from him.
I'd drink a mug of his smug.
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Someone kept reposting it with the caption "Needs a VR headset", so I gave the poor bunny a Rift.

You all act like Blear was a saint.

If he was so great, how come he hasn't done anything to help me get my comfy coffee mug back from the treacherous Rock?!
Because you killed him.
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Oh yeah.
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>how come he hasn't done anything to help me get my comfy coffee mug back from the treacherous Rock?!

Because you killed him, bun.
And the mug lost was your fault too.
I entrusted you with this emblem and you lost it.
This call for some punishment.
Why haven't people done more with vengeful Mrs. Wilde after Nick's Cub Scout abuse?
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Am I doing this right?
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Clearly you must continue to get /fit/ until you're strong enough to hurl Blear's bear corpse at Rock, incapacitating him long enough to recover your mug.

It's how Blear would have wanted it.
>implying blear's corpse hasn't decomposed yet.
Shit, I was just looking through some old pics, and found this. Now I'm pissed off again, so might as well reshare it for the newer people here.
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But I love that crest more than anything in the world! That's why I got it on my comfy mug!


Abloo-bloo-bloo! I promise I'm gonna get it back!

Once I get details from Officer Fox about where he lives, he'll help me, I'm sure!

(also I'm sick of using Pet Nick for my title cards. I wanna get back to Couch Surfin' ZooSA)

For Blear, I shall do just that! And it should be easy, since he was split clean in two, so I can just do one half at a time!
Yes! But make sure to bully in relative moderation! You don't want your bun to start retaliating.
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What if its a bun that has never been bullied in his life.
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Chapter 9 of Forty Glimpses is out.

>The other officers had predicted a little drama when the ZPD hired its second bunny. They'd never have imagined that the new doe would take to Nick like she did, or that Judy would end up being the odd one out.
It is too late for such a bun, and it must be put down humanely.

...or would that be mammalely? Mammaley? Mamely?
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Anyone out there get the anhes Zootopia pack?
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Actually no, it might be an interesting prompt, though

This is not enough, not anymore. It is time... for lewd.

But you are lucky I'm busy right now. You have still some time, bun
Are you talking about that gay one? I think someone posted a link to it in the threads but I don't have it.
Adding to my list of fics to read
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eh, it didn't have enough Nick.
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Don't put me down.

I have my fingers crossed for you! Work hard and passionately!
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Don't worry, you get bullied a sufficient amount to avoid being put down.
MT drew such cute pictures like this...

Does anyone know if they're doing well? I'll be honest, I worry about the people who leave here. I know they most likely are just off doing other things, but I can't help but wonder if they're alright. It's dumb of me.
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Haven't seen em in a while

Have a rare OC that never really took off
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And the only other picture made of this character (I think)
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I remember that. They also had a platypus.
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nick 1.jpg
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I raffed.
>Clawhauser: "Homewrecker."

What the hell, Ben? What the actual hell?
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After a big work day, there's nothing better than a big bed to sleep in.

We need more weird blob Judy.

We also need more moms in Zootopia.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads. I hope that whatever dream you have, you work towards making it a reality, cause there's nothing better than a dream come true.
Clawhauser is always the one you'd least suspect.
I know that he is generally considered the one-mammal WildeHopps fanclub but wow. The "homewrecker" was still in hearing range when he said that. Absolute savage.
Sleep tight bunner!

some stuff in this one that I haven't seen before among the deleted content
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I really wish they had kept all the bun plushies, that's so freaking cute.
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Oh, look, extra page

>Normally Mr. Renard been the villain in Judy's little stories growing up, chasing the rabbits and spoiling their picnics and scaring them with his teeth.
>Now his job was more solemn than Judy would have liked: a sad, worn stand-in for one Nicholas Wilde. The sticker helped the likeness a little bit.


it warms my heart to see my edit being used.
It is very nice though I feel it requires more mustaches.
I honestly don't get how Nick would end up doing shit like this when he literally freaked out when Judy implied she was scared he would actually attack her.
Because it goes to show that while Judy probably went too far in getting back at him, Nick is still a dick.

Or they both secretly get off on it.

(the secret ingredient is pastor)
(also her sexual juices)
(but mostly pastor)

I mustache you where you feel the additional gentlemenlyness would go!
who did this, show yourself
>Her sexual juices are Pastor
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On Jack, on the gun, maybe the phone.

Artist looks like Visiti or Lou, who might be the same person. I don't know.
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Trouble Sleeping [No Graphic].png
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I liked the image and the fic. I also liked the idea of Judy having a plushie of Nick.
For this I made a comfy take on this situation
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Dolls [NoGraphic].png
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I also did this, but it is way less comfy
>but that coloring makes them not Becky and Mrs. Wilde at all!
eat shit and die, this incest meme is cancer
It is very sweet, I do hope at the end of the day they share.
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While I enjoyed Judy being the one left out for a change and the fact it wasn't a very dragged abloobloobloo, I feel it drags on the idea that Judy would not realize Briar and Nick would be dating too hard. Other than that I liked it!
Both of Judy's faces at the end are reaction worthy.
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I mean mostly the whole Nick scaring Judy out as a fox, I get it on the whole pretending with bellwether. But actually going out to try and freak her out is something someone who saw her reaching for fox-away spray when he 'threatened' her wouldn't be comfortable of doing.
>I feel it drags on the idea that Judy would not realize Briar and Nick would be dating too hard.

I feel the same way, but I think it was more Judy being in denial more than not realizing it. She was trying so hard to have everything go back to how it was before, where she had Nick all to herself, that she didn't want to think of the possibility of Annie and Nick dating until it was told straight up to her face. I like how they still worked out things and remained friends.

The one thing that bugged me was Nick having some sort of satisfaction when Judy came out and said she liked him while apologizing for her behavior. It seems almost out of place, he could be smug later and maybe brag he was desired by two females at the same time but at that moment his best friend is apologizing.
>Panel 3
>マズイ、マズイよ これはこのままとんでもなハコトになるがニコラス・ワイ-
Nick: "This is bad, this is bad... If I keep going like this, I'll become a despicable Nicholas Wi--"
>Panel 4
Nick: "Ow-"
Judy: "Use some moderation!!"
The Nick smug was completely out of place considering he'd be down as fuck considering his best friend just hit his girlfriend on her face while she is hurt deeply by him, but honestly I'm reading this more as "fuck fanon judy" in mind so I don't really mind.
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did a color
Silly Judy, Jack can't dick the Nick. He's a guy. Guy on guy sex can't be real right?
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Ahh, a classic.
Is good coloring

What would you guys say to the old cliche of the sequel starting with us finding Nick and Judy having dated and then broken up badly between films. During the course of the sequel they get back together.

Something like starting out with Judy being a good and proper plain cloths detective and Nick exiled to a rural community where he serves as deputy in a two man PD.

Throw in stuff like Judy doing well but unhappy without Nick, Nick is a defacto sheriff because his only superior is an always hibernating bear. Of course the usual series trademark of non homicide crime mysteries and racism messages.

What would you think the plot of the sequel would or should be?
It should have the following characters as cameos or short scenes. Jack, Sky and Mrs. Wilde. Will not watch if they don't have them.
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Hmm I don't think I would like that, one of the main reasons I really liked Zootopia is that it wasn't focused on a relationship or even had a sub plot of one jammed in.

Honestly I'm not sure what I would like in a sequel..
I think that'd be kinda boring, honestly. Undoing all of their progress off-screen is incredibly lazy and not particularly engaging.
Is Judy already with 12 kids from some random buck and Nick has to raise his girlfriend kits? This is very important.
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Never going to happen even if they shown up in concept art. RIP.

I actually would hate any relationship drama.
At least Mrs. Wilde then. We saw here briefly.
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Cool shades yo.jpg
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hey /ztg/ what's your opinion on following your dreams, even when people like parents, friends or others don't see it as a good idea? (kinda in that situation)
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If it's something they really want to make come true or happen, they should do it, no matter what others think. Do what makes you happy.
have a (You)!
>If it's something they really want to make come true or happen, they should do it, no matter what others think. Do what makes you happy.
Thanks for your support, anon. Double homicide it is then!
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So far we've got
>Rita Sheerhan, middle school teacher
>Colin Armadura, scared go lucky croupier
>Unnamed shut in giraffe in her 20s, working as a freelancer web developer
> Cynthia Fallow, teenage reindeer from a poor family, working as a part-time waitress in a casino restaurant

We've got a dormouse this time.

Evens - male, odds - female

Rolling for home address
rolling for work address.
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within limits of course!
Nice work Fanart!

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Buns in armor is best.png
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Hope things are going better for your Boney_m. Honestly I hope whomever is away with work, school or just real life blues is doing good. Great even!
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No relationship drama

Judy's gotta lose a little faith in the law or have some sort of breakdown, I think

Maybe a kiss or two towards the end of the movie
What are you going to do with all these characters?
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>Name: Evie Misley
>Age: 20
>Species: Dormouse
>Occupation: Tattooist / Carver
>Home address: Beach Promenade, Sahara square
>Work address: pINK tattoo / horn carving studio, Dead End st, Sahara square

Despite its morbid name, Dead End is one of the top alternative nightlife spots in Sahara Square. Quite unlike snobbish venues surrounding the Oasis hotel, Dead End has a number of trashy clubs, small shops selling indie charms and cheap jewelry and other sources of simple entertainment.

One of such source is pINK tattoo studio, consisting of two small rooms, huddled between two lively nightclubs. The location, which originally seemed to be a bit of inconvenience, turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the stream of clients of varying levels of sobriety, nudged to do something "wild" by a drink or two forms a steady stream of income, especially on weekend nights.

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I need more mice pics.jpg
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I assume an orgy the likes of which Zootopia has never seen before.
This is some extreme size difference
>Two mice are walking home from work
>"So, I was thinking of fucking my girlfriend on the corner of green st. tonight. Did you want to watch?"
>"Nah, I have to wrap up some work tonight"
>Suddenly a third rat ran up to them out of breath
>"You won't believe it, Donny is doing it one block down!"
>"So"? They answer
>"With his sister!"
>All three of them rush down to watch

Not mine, a repost
She's a cutie patootie.
The clothes are similar to a nun. But in that case she would be a church mouse
The more extreme the better!

Is a very cute mouse.
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Do NO t toUch t h e e ars !11111111
I don't know. I might tell some of their stories if there's interest, use it in any future projects or just give them away if someone wants to play with them. I like telling little stories about random strangers.


Now, Evie is an artsy type of a girl. Though mostly self-taught, most would agree she does have a considerable potential. For a high school drop-out, that is.

Years of partying, a family too large to properly devote enough time to all their children, unruly character and general attitude of her friends, encouraging her to live today and worry tomorrow finally caught up with her at the age of 17.

Not the least bit bothered, Evie fully devoted herself to the thing she loved the most - partying with reckless abandon. With occasional spurrs of creativity, she'd experiment with different mediums - graffiti, chalk, crayons and watercolor paints as well as occasional oil paints. Never satisfied with her efforts and unable to pursue formal education by the age of 19, the reality started catching up with her again.

With her unsustainable way of life, Evie was finally forced to get a stable source of income. Luckily for her, she had enough friends and artistic talent to join pINK tattoo studio, ran by a group of old friends, one of whom recommended young Misley to the owner, a large rhino in his mid-30s by the name of Johnathon.

Evie turned out to be an extremely valuable addition to the team - despite being somewhat pretentious about her work, her quick and steady hands allowed her to do carvings and intricate tattoos in no time at all, which suited well pINK's studio business model.

With at least dozen of customers of varying levels of sobriety queuening up at all times during night hours, speed was of the essence.

Evie has been working in the studio for over a year and by now has saved up a modest sum, which could allow her to take up formal art studies.

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'nother color
What made Zootopia so great for me is that the protags weren't the main focus of the movie. Although we're constant followers of Judy's adventure, we're also introduced to this huge megacity of animals and how they live in "harmony". It seems to me like it's more of a commentary on modern life than a narration focused on specific characters.

The movie conveys well how the city has more control over the characters than the other way around. For example Judy didn't become a police officer through sheer determination. Wouldn't it be for the "Mammal Inclusion Initiative" she might have never gotten the chance of joining the force. And without the racist kids, who are a product of the city, Nick wouldn't have ended up a hustler.
It's always Zootopia that's responsible for how our characters turn out, because the initial concept of Zootopia is flawed. Pred and prey living in harmony is a paradox. Them trying to defy the natural order is an interesting thing to observe. Relationship drama not so much.

If there ever will be a sequel Disney shouldn't change that, but explore the city and it's inner mechanisms more.
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These Japanese people and their stupid idea of putting text behind an image
There is always interest for stories

This, however, would requrie her to leave the job she rather enjoys, move to a different district on the other side of the city and leave most of her former life behind.

Falling into a familiar routine and growing increasingly comfortable with her way of life, most possibly for the first time in her life, Evie finds herself riddled with doubt - the art school she has in mind is mostly attended by talented, dedicated animals from well-to-do families, most of whom have been working towards doing art since very early age. Not to mention, most of the first years are much younger than her.

In other words, they're everything she's not and as the weeks roll by Evie postpones the decision whether she should pursue her dreams time and again. Unable to make the big step and lacking a good example she comes up with endless streak of excuses, almost convincing herself her "dream" is nothing but an asinine teenage fantasy.

Weeks of indecision turn into months; endlessly putting off making her mind, unable to let go and incapable of making the leap of faith, Evie drinks slightly more and parties for longer lately. With her more extravagant hobbies, she recently began taking small, but steadily increasing sums from the savings she originally intended to spend on her tuition.

Despite promising herself to return the money, she's yet to do so and with almost a fifth of her savings gone, Evie is growing increasingly restless as academy application deadlines draw near.

With less than a month remaining to make up her mind, she will need to make the final call and choose her future.
This is a very nice story. I hope to see more of your characters.
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Good color.
primal hardwere bunny or anything from bad dragon you stick your dick in
anyone own both?
which do you think is better in terms of durability, ease of cleaning and feel gudness?
>'Nick's sleeping,' Judy thought to herself,
>'It's early morning,' she noted,
>Taking a deep breath, and nodding to herself, she then smiled.
>Fonding the fairly large, almost oval-like orbs in her paws, she gave them a quick look-over.
>Running a thumb over one of them, she took a deep breath-
>'I can do this,'
>Smacking one of them against the side of a bowl, its clear-and-yellow liquid splashed over her paw and ran down the side of the bowl, pooling on the counter.
>"Augh, it's all runny," she whispered aloud, but scooped up its remains into the bowl, and picked out the shell fragments.
>Running warm water through her paws, she let out a huff,
>'Gordon Ramsey made this look so much easier.'

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All the eggs.png
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This pic gives me a strange Caligari vibe
If it follows new characters: Make it about civil engineer and safety inspection. This further uses the unique setting. How do you make a city full of different sized animals work?

If it's about Nick and Judy: just more buddy cop please. I'd like to see them pretend to be a couple, but it's cute if they stay best friends. I'm not opposed to that evolving into something later, but right now their work is more important to them.
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So long as the relationship stuff is in the background and not slammed into your face it should be okay. Maybe have a tiny hint to it. Like spend the last 20-30 mins of the movie with them doing some hardcore anal or something. They just gotta be subtle.
>hardcore anal
This is too subtle. You need something a little more adult.
Like Judy knotting when her parents are calling her.
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And have them spend the dinner literally stuck together, everyone teasing the blushing little bun who's eating on the foxes lap totally unaware of the lewdness.

Maybe have Bogo or the mayor of bunny burrow show up and they have to keep up the act while on the move/entertaining guests.
thanks, anon, you're very kind.
And then, near the end, the knot is beginning to deflate. And they know that it will make a mess.

Or we can go to the deep end.

You know.

Do you think they could actually take that leap? In public?!
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They are perverts.
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Tell us your name
I can't believe they got away with this.
With every movie they come closer and closer to straight up porn. When they finally make the switch I wonder if anyone will even notice.

Always cool seeing more bunborne stuff, keep being a cool dude.
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holy shit
Not quite as unsettling as it was in the game. Moon fennecs are often very sympathetic in nature.
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ewe butt
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nice meme
On a scale of 1 to rabbit, how high is a lamb's libido?
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ewe > bunbun
Well apparently Nick being smug was from an earlier version of the story, (the author himself saying that is what he gets for posting it at 1am) and has thus changed it. Now Nick is uncomfortable, Judy tries to joke to ease the tension ("Yes, I like you. Don't let it go to your head...I'm sorry I...nevermind.") and Nick, while forgiving Judy, tells her that this whole thing can't happen again. Which is the expected reaction because I would still be kinda pissed at whoever punched my girlfriend, especially if it was my best friend.
Guy on guy sex is a myth.
Wait a fucking second. The bunborne drawer is Tegaki‽
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A sexy sexy myth.

You said he was dead! You lied to me Anon!
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I didn't know koalas have weird dicks.
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Where are the white parts on Judy fur?
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my poor attempt at shading
who is anon, /ztg/?
why not just color them?
>Laughing snake dick
It's just so jolly, I love it!
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i want to make it look better
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Ah, ok. Wait another moment, I recognize that style.
Is it you Lou?
Have you come back?
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They have bifurcated penises.

To be fair they also have cloacas and balls above their dicks, but I didn't realize that when designing him.

It was hard to find images of koala dicks.

It's growing on me.
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Some progress is being made with the Journal, but there is anything material to announce, I thought I'd mention a new tab has been added for thread OCs - nothing big or exciting, just a small thing for everyone's entertainment.

>http://derpy.me/ztgcclis - thread OCs

Feel free to add anything you'd like at your leisure. I think everything except zoosonas go as the census does the job of sonas register rather well.
Sends me to derpy.
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Bifurcated penises...
Balls above dicks....

I already knew that they're dumb as fuck and have parasites everywhere. But wtf.

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>Snake dick
>It's growing on me
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THIS GUY. I like this guy.
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ah, wait i realised im stupid. Here, fixed it
Maybe that's why he's a massive dick.
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Gudo Jabu!
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I think it's a combination of genetics and upbringing, personally.
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Dame desu!
I knew my guardian angel was still here
That sure is an angry bun. Better boop her to be safe.
I didn't know there were so many artists here
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>filling up draw ccs and write cc
>realize i have no idea what anyone wrote
When will Nick use his new position to impress college foxes?
Glad to have you back!
>That drawing
Are you and Visiti really two different people?
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explain this
That is Visti.

Hey Visti, draw more mom wilde.
Why would he, it's not like he needed it.

I swear that VR isn't like heart shaped pupils! Its not contagious!
If VR headsets are that big. VRbit should be a huge bun
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Judy Hunter.png
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colored this

Am i also considered a CC?

Thank you!
Depends if you have a name.
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ColorAnon here and Pawtsun on tumblr
big bun
We have like a million people who go by coloranon, should put Pawtsun and a link to your tumblr
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I don't know how to edit the list, if i even can
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Nice! Thanks yo
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Here's an original thought: Interspecies sex in Zootopia. No, really! Think about it: Natural population control.
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It'll never work, why would anyone date outside their species? It's not like there are super sexy foxes that jump the hotness barrier...
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One happy family.png
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A: we have this thought literally every day.
B: pure love still overrides that.
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the ultimate hustle
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Interspecies sex is also a myth
There is something weird about that bunny... can't put my finger on it but something's definitely up.
Having gay sex just to steal somebodies wallet. The lengths Nick has to go to have some food on the table.
Actually he uses the wallet theft as an excuse to have gay sex
>What would Bucky and Pronk's commentary be when Nick and Judy are having loud sex?
>>What would Nick and Judy's commentary be when Bucky and Pronk are having loud sex?
>Lewd noises
>Pronk pounds on the wall and shouts, "Stick it up her ass, Nick!"
>Judy, in a lust-filled haze screams back, "Yes, stick it up my ass!"
>Suddenly, screams of pain, as Judy has never done anal before.
>Suddenly, screams of pain, as Judy has never done anal before.

Bun says goodbye to her sphincter
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another color.
>Nick accidentally knots her.
>They stay tied, the bun ass completely ravaged by the fox's knot.
>Bucky and Pronk shout words of encouragement the whole time.

Nice, however I think that maybe a light grey background would be better, not so much contrast
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like so?
Much better. Be careful of the tip of Nick's tail
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Hi thread! How is everyone? Just did two finals
Drawing and writing, doing TT.
Sadly the thread is pretty slow, since a lot of anons are busy with finals
P alright. I had my finals like, three weeks ago, so I don't have much going on right now.
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>Drawing and writing, doing TT.
Aren't you the cool dude doing a massive canvas for TT? Anyhow whatcha writing?

>Sadly the thread is pretty slow, since a lot of anons are busy with finals
This is the truth.

>P alright. I had my finals like, three weeks ago, so I don't have much going on right now.
Lucky. I'm doing finals this week and then I'm done for the semester. I can almost taste that sweet, sweet break
>whatcha writing
Whoever told you that my TT involved only drawing?
>Whoever told you that my TT involved only drawing?

That's cool, you can do your own art for your writing!
>Can't tell if artist is really good at emulating the movie's style or if they just traced stuff
That looks traced, especially the Judy in the last panel. I think that's her from her dance in the credits.
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This is from the past Thematic Thursday, and I've already shilled it, but this is the first time that I've uploaded it to Archive of Our Own:


Outer Space fantasy! Romance! Unfinished things that can be expanded when the whole four chapters are done!

Please take a look (image here by ComicAnon, wubs)!

Anyways, how is everyone?
Hey Comic. I did critiques for that piece. I'm glad you got your eyes on it too.
Could be both.
Hard rock / punk / biker / greaser Zootopians? That's something that I'd love people to draw more, if artists are here right now. Image very related.

Not sure why he doesn't have pants, though.
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All he needs to impress college foxes is his natural hustler instinct. College girls are easy to impress if you are reasonably attractive and good at BS'ing. Judy is about college age and he had her wrapped around his finger when he first met her.
>Judy is about college age and he had her wrapped around his finger when he first met her.

[Insert image of Judy screaming out as Nick roughly fingers her pussy here]
Well, I don't know how hard rock he is, but Rose wears well KFC buckets
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Roxy is meant to be a punk girl, but she's more punk light if anything.
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Awesomely Hardcore / 10
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>that feel when you want to fuck Hugh so bad that he screams out in raw delight over and over again, his weakened body treated like a glorified sex toy
>that throbbing hard length violating his needy rear as sweat drips all over his face
>his hot insides getting painted with globs upon globs of thick seed
>the hottie ending up lying in a pool of juices, gasping for air, as his stud leans over to bite him-- hard-- on the neckline
>Hugh being marked forever as a cocksleeve
I like her look!
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Is it safe to come out.png
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>possibly the only person in the threads not interested in any way about the current OC's
If it makes you feel any better, I'm currently thinking about how I'm going to write more fan-fic stuff about Judy and Nick directly.
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It was TGG who did this, right?

Any more of them?
I wake up and the thread is really really lewd

How degenerate

Please contiune
I usually tune out whenever people talk about OCs; I've never actually read Pack Street or any other OC content. I don't mind people talking about it though, glad to see Zootopia content being made. I just focus on Nick, Judy, and the rest of the movie/comic cast. Really the only OCs I care about is Jack/Jill and Skye.
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the "artist" (not really) is bobolesinge
(also known as myself)
also >>6618426 I HATE THAT DRAWING

have a canidae instead
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Not entirely anon, I'm here almost exclusively for Nick and Judy fics of the lewd and non-lewd kinds. Never can get into non canon characters.
Does it bother you if people are focusing on, say, Nick impaling Jack with his knot and that sort of thing?
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I'm still lusting for Hugh.

>Gripping his well-used body as he manages to come at least somewhat to his senses, hot breaths filling up the whole room.
>Kissing along his cheeks as he feels waves of pleasure from how he had gotten so filled.
>Motioning your still half-hard dick over to his mouth, cum dripping little bit by little bit even after you already finished inside of him.
>Hugh not even thinking before he licks the tip of your long thing.
>You groaning a torrent of noises as your mind still floats on cloud nine, the raw delight being almost too much.
>Hugh slurping your cock clean, the needy boy being just perfect for you.
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Part of the TT I'm doing will satisfy you then

It seems a TGG

Have this
Hey, a fellow writer!

You mind if I ask if you've read the thing I just shilled?
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ejoyed pack street but only read the main ones. really enjoy the savage/sky and the Jill works.
You beat me to the follow-up
different anon but I plan to read it once I've finished a horribly sloppy and pointless cap
>Rubbing your paw around his tail so that your cum, still oozing out of his pounded tail-hole, makes a trail all along his tail.
>Ending the love-making with a passionate set of French kisses.
>Shoving your tongue into his mouth and slipping it against his teeth, feeling such fantastic sensations that you can't even put it into words.
>Falling asleep next to Hugh, not even caring what happens when you wake up.
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This, PseudoFox? Sorry, I want to read it, but TT is taking all of my free time right now. I will give it a go once I finish
If any Drawfriends ever want to, a lewd sequel to this would be great
Alrighty, please do take a look!

[Spoilers]And then read everything I've written before leaving comments because I'm pretty adrift feeling on what to write next for the TT 'winter' theme.[/SpoilersDon'tWork]
ids galled a hdzle sweedheard :DDDDDD

>Nick taking advantage of a young, naive country rabbit.
>Judy, inexperienced with romance, and relationships in general, believes she's just making up for lost time, and doesn't want to let down her first real friend and lover.
>When concerned friends or family get through to her, showing her what he's done to her, she gives him the benefit of the doubt and wants to talk it over.
>Nick pulls the pred-prey card, and tells her if it helps keep her family from worrying about her, he'd be okay with just remaining friends.
>Judy pushes back, telling him she'd never want to go back, and that maybe her family and friends are just too concerned.
>Nick's hold on her tightens.

>aboos the bune
/r/ screencap of the skunk sex posting
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bueners er gud et multerpling! :DD
I'm not sure if this is a bad thing if he remains genuinely in love with her and truly makes her a better cop as they do partnering stuff on the ZPD.
>I'm pretty adrift feeling on what to write next for the TT 'winter' theme
Well I can help on that, since it will help my writing too.
First, we need the focus: winter. 'Tis the season of mating for foxes, of hibernation for many mammals of winter coats. But also the season of snow, festivities, cold and winter sports. And also a very depressive season. These are many prompts in themselves.
But first we need to find where and when: Zootopia, Bunnyburrow or others? Modern day, bronze age, medieval age or something else?
After this question, another: what do you want to write? Adventure, comfy, lewd, silly or... ?
pretty much the same.
I'm not bothered because threads are alive, but wouldn't miss OCs too much.
I guess a core thing is that I don't really even want to do something with that much psychological investment. I've been wallowing in months of depression only to get pulled out of due to birthday and Christmastime. I don't want to write back at that again.

I'd rather do something light, fun, and fluffy about maybe the rescued 'evergreen' predators hanging out with prey and protected by the prey families, say. And it's nothing but positive. Something about a non-collar-ed or deactivated collar-ed Nick having to deal with so many animals wanting to snuggle with him for warmth and him being unusually fuzzy. Or like that. Or maybe just them making up stories by the fire with chocolate.
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"I'm not a morning person"
"It's twelve-thirty in the afternoon."

"....like I said."
:-DDDDDD anibal segs
ahaaha benis :DDDDD
Fucking A, man. Fucking A.

Thank you! I think next to Andrew she's the one I touch the least, which is weird since she was the first character I made outside the trio.

I think the OCs add more to the world, but the opinion can be seen as biased. I just like the world of Zootopia and I like seeing people show off things the movies or focusing on just Judy and Nick couldn't. I do like a lot of the canon content too, so I sorta win both ways. Just glad people aren't aggressive about OCs either.

That said I don't like Jack or Skye much, but there are a few things people do with them that are interesting.
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I love this artist.
It all boils down to:
Inky, if that's you, can you draw the sequel image to the Twink Mink Shrink series thing showing the fox actually licking the slutty guy's big nipples?
I mean, I am waiting for Savage Wilde Hopps to update. Does that answer your question?

>really enjoy the savage/sky and the Jill works.

Same, wish there was more SavageSkye. And loved both Jill AUs, sad to see that first one never updated.

I bet Nick is the fucking master of reverse psychology.
Now the real question is what exactly Nick is doing to Judy to make her friends and family concerned.
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Oh. Fair enough!
This was just an interesting an unexpected thing to come back to.

Not in a place to draw right now. Otherwise I'd probably be drawing more lewds of Hugh brought on by that greentext.

Maybe sometime soon though. Still behind on the update and TT due to reasons.
Hoping that the lewd Hugh images and texts are being screencapped. Goddamn it, how did you make him so fucking sexy? It's like magic.
>Savage Wilde Hopps
hell to the yes
Sexy is subjective, but if he is sexy I assure you it's entirely on accident. I'll admit the more used to drawing a character I get, the cuter they start looking, though. Also subjective, but a personal opinion.

I will say it's a nice change of pace to see people talking about fucking him instead of throwing him into the garbage. Guess it depends on the time of day!
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>light, fun, and fluffy
Okay, some prompts:
>Nick and Judy first winter festivities in Bunnyburrow, Nick is full fluff mode
>A couple or more or friends (let you choose who) is trapped because of a blizzard in a chalet in the mountains of Tundratown. While they wait for rescuers you can have all sort of fluffy and comfy happen
>The ZPD has to deal with a shortage of agents due to hibernation; hijinks follow
>Small mammals are freezing to death; Nick act as a warm blanket to save them
>Mrs. Wilde first winter festivities with her son in years
>Use characters that are not seen many times in fics: Flash, the Ottertons, Weaselton, the armadillo lady, Bucky and Pronk, Yak, Manchas, Bogo, etc.
>Usual plot of the heating wall not functioning
>Mr. Big, Koslov, the arctic foxes triplet are useful as characters for a cold environment

These are the first ideas that came to me in 10 minutes. If you like them, take them. Alter them. Fuse them together. Make your own story.
If you want more/something different, I'm here
His dick is literally thicker than his arm in that image. Yowza.
You like Jude the Dude with Nick? It's one of my favs.
Well you can fuck him an then throw him into the garbage. Like a used condom.
Heya Clunk! Doing good! Gotta get out into the real world and do real world stuff, but I'm gonna be doing more for TT again! Got some good test stuff done as well!

In Zootopia, anyone can be anything.

Even a jet pack.

Don't crush her dreams.

Idea for a punk rock tiny mammal band: The Pip Squeaks.


Grody crusty Lucius is best Lucius.

For a second, I thought that cup just said "World's Worst".

I'll be back later, everyone! Take care of yourselves, don't trip and fall, and remember to swim along towards the shoreline if ever caught in a riptide!
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I can't pretend I'm consistent. Have you seen how much Percy has grown and shrank over images? I think I'm getting better at THAT at least. Hugh's dick, not so much. You'd think I would with how many times I've drawn it.

It is meant to be kinda on the thick side, though.

So mean. He does his best and bothers no one!
>Winter festivities in Bunnyburrow: Nick is full fluff mode.
>Small mammals are freezing to death; Nick act as a warm blanket to save them.
>Use characters that are not seen many times in fics.

I suppose I could stick with the concept I mentioned, explored in past stories, and have something with those three. Like a safe collar Otterton migrates over to where safe collar Nick is being sheltered by the rabbits, and they warm up the bunnies when heating stuff fails. And still manage to do holiday-ish things. I don't know about an actual 'plot', though, even if I have scenes in mind.
>Idea for a punk rock tiny mammal band: The Pip Squeaks.
I like it.
>He does his best and bothers no one!
Like a condom.
Fuck him, clean him, and put him like on the shelf for more fuckings? Like an onahole? Just saying.
Heyo comic.

>Gotta get out into the real world and do real world stuff,
Lame. Real world a shit

> but I'm gonna be doing more for TT again! Got some good test stuff done as well!
Hell yeah to both of those
Bye, bye, bunner!
>when you could do real-world things but want to stay in thread because it's rather comfy as fuck feeling
>I don't know about an actual 'plot', though, even if I have scenes in mind.
That's the important thing (at least for me): have the scenes in mind. Anything else is a stream of consciousness, a road of writing from one to the other. If you have the scenes you have already the majority of the story. Write!
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So mean.

I mean
He'd probably be good at it.
How can you call a skunk that can't even spray a skunk?

It's hardly a skunk at all

Look at this lewd bitch

What's she exhausted for?
I'll probably write into it when I get back today
Also thanks for being so nice
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deep throat.png
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eating a baguette sometime is hard
so close yet so far
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You know, if anyone can deep throat a baguette, it's Canidae.
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dear god.....
But it's not like Judy eats her own shit while Nick fucks his own mom, now is it? Does that make them a not-bunny and not-fox?
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Of course.
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not the balls.png
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stop this madness
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He will when he runs out of pictures by Weaver.
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I guess I'll reshill if anyone missed it - I put together a small library of zootopia references which are flung around here.

references are grouped by categories - basic construction, secondary and minor characters, architrecture and pack street (I'll probably add other thread OCs there).

the only downside is you need to register, but I think most artists have an account there anyway.

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rojo counter
I'm actually going to go eat something anyways, so eh, see you all later.
This is your weekly reminder that Canidae is stuck within eternal virginal rape hell. Where she will forever be brutally fucked against her will in many different scenarios, eternally. Each time a brand-new world, a brand-new Canidae without any idea what she will inevitably encounter.
>Eating at almost 23
The Hell Bobo?
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She'll be okay. At least she's out of the public eye and put to better use.
hum no dude
im bobo
the guy going to eat isnt me
Ah, ok
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no I'M dirty dan
>MILFy tubegal
Tubedudes are natural cocksleeves, this is known, with their bodies basically being a long tongue of muscle.
How crazy would tubegal sex be?

>Yandere bun
She likes foxes. She wasn't raped by one, nope, she ALLOWED him to fuck her like a bitch in heat. He's much gentler now. After she got all her SPECIAL JUICE down him, took some tools to his body when he wouldn't take his medicine;But everything's fine now. Everything.
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>It's fucking nothing.
Look out VRbit, YanBun going to rape you into loving her!
>This page is no longer available. It has either expired, been removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff.

What, why?
Ok, what happened to the Pastebin?
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touch fluffy tail.jpg
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>Someone added notes to my name in the CC list.
It feels good to be appreciated.
they left out a T at the end of the link, it's all good.
Oh, whew. Thanks anon.
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that was the plan

also adding census entries to the list
I need to go to sleep. Wake me if any tubegal MILFs show up, K?
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Here, you can add this link next to my name
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Me too.
I hope to live up the hype though, seeing the description
Whew, I was scared for a moment
there you go sunshine
goodnight anon, sweet dreams
New thread when?
I thought I would never see that thing again
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>YanBun going to rape you into loving her!
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Bun with Gun 1.png
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here you go
show how do I properly link it
One arrow = greentext, reply
Two arrows = across threads on the same board
Three arrows + /boardname/ = across boards
Sorry, two for reply even in the same thread
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5 images till limit, lads
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wait, I can't count, nevermind me
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das racist
New Thread



I would love to see the arctic fox masseuses give Nick the full pink-spa treatment.
thank you for the assist.
I wish there was more like this. I like seeing them having fun.
Thread posts: 434
Thread images: 231

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