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/sug/ - Steven Universe General The Classics Edition Last

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Thread replies: 383
Thread images: 121

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

The Classics Edition

Last Thread: >>6561134

>Three Gems and a Baby
720p Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!R0MTBSbD!2IteNTar1fq443KqlOwbXw
720p Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/preair/SU-04x09.mkv
Watch online: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x546lbr
>Gem Harvest
720p: https://mega.nz/#!91whmaaK!bSvDmv706k-TsUDGnI6g5phAO1Ws-F2D5CRDQlJwDN8
1080p: https://dl.sug.rocks/YP-SU-1R-04x08.mkv
Watch online: https://marebucks.com/sun/110/

>Episode downloads
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags when discussing)
>2-minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>SDCC Zuke/Tang Zine
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
OP, for future reference: new threads aren't made as soon as page 10 is reached, but when the thread is just a few posts from being bumped off the board. So this thread is too early.
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I didn't know they sold brooms so stiff to put up your ass
Do you walk like a penguin?
>anons never take it well
Every time.
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Nigger that's retarded.
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Love you /sug/
Kill yourself
It's simply how it's always been done.
It's not, stop trying to push some shitty etiquette that's never been in place.

It's always been page ten or when we hit the image limit or whenever because who cares?
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Goodmorning, /sug/
It was never "as soon as" we hit page 10.

>shitty etiquette
You can even make 12 threads on page 3 if you wanted to. No one can stop you, really.
It's /trash/. Nothing about how we do things here is ever going to change, so stop trying to convince people to do otherwise, because it's just not going to work.
You want to bring Steven along?
>Jesus: Go to Hell, steven
>implying I'm trying to change anything
More like "suggest keeping it the way it's been". But yes, you can do whatever you like in /trash/.
WE...are Christians!
That's pretty much how it's always going to be. I'm sorry.
It always use to be make a new thread when we get to page 10
On /co/, it was always the very second page 10 was reached. On /trash/, partway down page 10 or as soon as 250 images. You can ignore it, but don't deny it.
Was 3 gems and a baby the last of season 4? Or is there more to come?
I can deny it because I know that's wrong, if you had lurked more than three days you would know that. Now shut up and stop spreading your wrong lies, nigger.
not even stupid bait can make this threads active anymore
>shitty episode comes out
>next episode comes out in 2 weeks
>/co/ can barely keep it together for that long
>next episode comes out
>It's a flashback episode that basically tells what people have been speculating for YEARS
>except they're literally caricatures of muh fusion, muh shapeshit and muh rose
>the dog in that episode is also fucking DEAD

Even if sugar released her sex tape in this thread it'd barely get a couple of
>dolphin porn
6 days until /co/ comes crawling back.
I've always felt like becky is a degenerate in private
>shitty episode
You heard me, fuccboi
You can't say that when onion Gang was the episode before, with FBZ close by. This is season 4 of SU, readjust your standards
No one should have to "lower" their standards just because a Season has had a particularly shitty streak. Why has it fallen this far?
Because there needs to be crap filler before they blow their creative load and everything goes to hell starting next episode. An entire jailbreak-tier arc. Yellow D wants her clusty-clusty.
It's just a mismanagement of quality. Why does shit like that fly? It's such a repetitive and boring way of doing things and it just makes it easier to predict when shit is about to go down. Not like it wasn't already obvious, of course.
>15 ft Yellow D. blows huge load over 3 women
Drown yourself.
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How do you think certain gems would react to Steven giving them "The look?"
Would Pearl be confused and salty?
Would Lapis be happy?
Would Peridot blush and act all tsundere? Would Garnet still be on about "mu fusion?"
Jasper is fat
You mean why they don't mix it up and squeeze Jailbreaks between "Kiki misplaced her favorite hat" and "onion flirts with cannibalism"? I can think of a few reasons
That would be fucking stupid and no, that's not what I meant.
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What I want to know is why the writers think we care about these c list cast members?
>"no that's not what I mean"
>doesn't explain what he means
Reddit and your nephew do
She's a bisexual Jew. What other option is there?
there's nothing wrong about being bisexual
It's 50% wrong
This show needs more Old Man Jenkins.
The only gem that wears a skirt is the one that flies
you're 50% wrong
depends on the person. some people rather guys, others girls. it isn't just 50-50
You're 200% wrong
That's so deep
Really makes you.... um.....hmmm......uh......

Now you're 210% wrong.
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being bi is ok. becky approves
I had a few bi friends back in highschool. Odd people.
Jasper would enter him immediately
You sound like ciscum
They were just all-around unfavorable. I'm not trying to generalize towards all bi people, just those specific individuals I mentioned. I'm sure bisexual people are just as nice as any other person.
You were deemed un-hip and got the cold shoulder because you wouldn't put out
i don't get why people say we're sluts
Don't even try. They were good people, probably, I just didn't want to be around them.
that's fair. i don't feel comfortable around lesbians irl
You guys are weird
You put on too much axe
To tell you the truth...it's really just unfortunate luck that they happened to have that sexual preference to begin with, because they were the only bi kids that attended that school. They probably gave other bisexuals out there a bad name, because hey, kids can be judgmental, you know?

That was years ago. And I still keep in close contact with at least one of them.
You need to stop beating around the bush
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Ahh, why? We're friendly. :(
This is basically what the bi kids saw whenever they looked at you
They look very Black Rock Shooter
I can't tell if you're boiling with rage or are just trying to be silly. Knowing you, it's probably the latter.
dunno. i guess it's cause we can't be friends like with other guys and there's no chance for relationship neither
oh so you're one of those guys who only really makes friends with other guys. I guess I get it then, although I think it's pretty dumb and limiting.
Kek, one of my good friends is a lesbian.
not only friends.
isn't like i hate lesbians or anything. it's just a little awkward feel when i meet one
is it just you feel awkward around all girls, but the awkwardness just feels less worth enduring with a lesbian?
I don't get anxiety around women, though? And no, she's just a really cool person. Pretty tomboyish, which is fun.

Oh sorry this post
was meant to reply here
It's really not bigkekworthy. I should be less crass to you.
nah, just happens with lesbians. I'm not sure why. I'm usually comfortable with women
Says you. I would be impressed if you could make me mad
Anger is only half the issue. Considering you're the one that helped me get over my little sad-spell, you'd think I'd be more grateful.
This post gave me AIDS and diabetes. I'm more like my waifu now
Don't be like that.
>tfw when you're bi but nobody knows
>you have a crush on one of you friends
>he's free for first time in two years
>what do
I'm being clever. Redeem your crassness and give the succ
this show will never be good again
Call him and say "succ in 5?" then go meet up at your old elementary school
You're being childish. You like being treated like shit? Fine by me.
Yeah I love it
Just be honest, come out to them, admit your feelings, either you get rejected or s/he's into it, either way you can move on from constant suspense
>you will never enjoy life's pleasures frequently with Jasper
>she will never not get enough even after 3 or 4 times a week
>Jasper will never call you in for it while you're on the boardwalk
whether he rejects me or not things would be awkward with my family for a while anyway
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>Lapis is on the back of her hand

>to know something or someone like the back of your hand
>"You can't lie to me."
Fucking awesome dude
It's a subtle detail, but very obviously a metaphor. I love stuff like this
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Hello /sug/! Did you miss me?
Sameee. I adore quality art and great concepts, combine that with my favorite characters and just... this is why it's worth sticking in fandom even with half-year hiatuses and Onion Gangs

Maybe if you consider how Rose is spanning her forearm and elbow, it's like "elbow grease". She's Jasper's built-up reason as to why she has been working like a dog all her life, to face her (pink) demons
Rose wrapping around her arm really gave me the impression of a tattoo, you see what I mean? I also notice that she has what appears to be TV noise (or static) on her arm. A potential reference to her state of mind? Since you only ever see static on a telly when it isn't recieving a signal
Roses are a common subject for tattoos. And what are tattoos? They hurt to get, you bear them wherever you go, they're often deeply personal, and most of all they're permanent. I like the static, but have one critique for it. It brings to mind tv/earthly things first, but then consider HW tech probably can also experience static. But oh wait shit, Jasper IS an earthling on top of it all

So what do you think the static more specifically means? Without these two impactful gems to focus on, Jasper has nothing? Chase Rose, can't get back at her, chase Lapis, can't get back with her, go for Rose again but apparently she doesn't even exist anymore so her mind completely succumbs to an animalistic state, a tear in the mind, just nothingness because she can't even remember who SHE is
To me, the static represents Jasper on the inside, metaphorically and literally in the sense of this picture. You notice how the static is directly underneath the orange stripe that seems to be "peeling" off her arm? Almost like it's casting a shadow

Static is commonly associated with emptiness and oftentimes carries a somber theme, because a TV projecting only fuzz/noise has no purpose; it's useless. Think, what good would a television be if it only displayed one, boring and unchanging image? What good is a quartz if she can't even protect her Diamond? They've both failed a key purpose
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To what? An even deader general that has a superiority complex even though we all know staying here is shit?
I think that all can combine neatly with the first half of what I said. Also: she's falling apart, a piece of her being stripped away, coming undone, etc. Her fierce stripes are also part of her intimidation factor. But underneath all that and her bigness and buffness is a self-loathing person (largely because of that defeated purpose). Not a good thing at all, somber like the static, droning on ceaselessly like white noise. You ever see that pic of an engrish sign on a vending machine that reads, "the light inside has broken, but I still work"? Like the static-y TV. It's on, it's working, but... not really

I could go on, and back to Lapis' location on her and how hand imagery is so significant when it comes to Jasper and Lapis, but wew
Why are you here? You like /co/ better, so stay there. There's still SU threads allowed during hiatus
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Because I was here from the start and seeing people take sides over nothing and spreading this stupid belief around that /trash/ is better than /co/ when there only became a difference between the two generals when people like you started spouting it is shit.

It's disgusting and saddening compared to the first hiatus.
>crying over meaningless meta shit that isn't even that prolific
Get the fuck out of here
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Poor bird
Birds make their best effort to never show they're hurt or sick
When it rains it pours
When it pains it roars
Never say that again.
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I'll keep coming.
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>a fucking cat
Post this
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Is the bes gem.
People are really depending on the ominous ending music shaping up to mean something
Not much else to hope for, at the moment. Even I'm crossing my fingers for it
>sugar can't write an ending song as good as love like you
>she'll milk these loweffort spooky sounds for all they're worth
Emkei night, have to wake early and study
Night, chui
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everyone seems asleep
/trash/ is beyond dead atm. At least /co/'s /sug/ is active
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I'm back. Doing more requests.
Jasper and Lapis domming Sapphire
Priyanka slapping Armstrong's butt.
Donald Trump x Jasper
*Bed Mutant
Big tiddy Blue Diamond.

You have potential, here's how to draw dicks.
Jasper molesting doc
Amethyst and Jasper swapping clothes
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Having an off night and haven't drawn in like 2 weeks. Give me some requests to draw.
sardonyx molesting amethyst
nothing lewd should have specified. Sorry anon.
Gems rolling down a hill
I thought there was porn here.
does jasper in a maid outfit count as too lewd?
Depends on the day
Tonight it is though
awww, jasper doing something cute with one of the humans?
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goodnight /sug/
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good night pearl poster
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Immunity cat can't be negated.
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Steven and connie don't look good together.
I can't believe Jasper is gherkin jerkin' pickle-whacker
remove connie
Like how they always start with a song, Greg flashback episodes have consistently preceded major plot development and/or character arc in the past

>Story for Steven: precedes The Return arc
>We Need to Talk: followed by Malachite's second appearance and the Sardonyx arc
>Greg the Babysitter: the Jasper-Amethyst arc came right after this

>>>we just had Three Gems and a Baby
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>next episode is probably tiger philanthropist
>Jasper returns and Steven introduces her to wrestling, kicking off the Memesperdemption arc
>redeeming jasper after she's reduced to an animal
That's kinda messed up
I've seen this picture every time I've gone past the catalog tab for /trash/, and it's got me concerned. What the shit is this thing?
Kek, that's Frybo. A possessed fry shop mascot
Nope. That's just a Stanky Fartz episode. Amethyst and Steven are the two wrestlers

I guess all of Steven's fusions will be given huge focus
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but all the other Story for Steven episodes were followed by episodes that have something to do with Jasper, It's practically confirmed!
>No gem will call you honey
>can only dream of having passionate sex with your waifu

Good morning /sug/.
How is the morning wood?
It's gonna involve Jasper, but it won't be Tiger Philanthropist

Actually, remember Greg had a wrestling outfit and he's RICH now? A Stanky and Greg bonding episode, something no one wanted
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For those that missed it last night, i wrote up a short Jasper femdom greentext for those to read here: http://pastebin.com/fFxVvy46

Let me know if you liked it and if anything caught your eye
>a Greg and Amethyst and Steven fusion
Good lord. If you thought Smoggy Jorts McStanky Fartz was an eyesore before, just wait until a fat, balding middle-aged man is thrown into the mix
Get a life dickshredder
>wrestler greg
but Winter Forecast was retconned yesterday
We get it samefag. Yu like to jerk off.
>Garnet's thing is fusion, so she thought baby Steven was a Rose fusion

>Amethyst's thing is shapeshifting, so she thought baby Steven was Rose shapeshifting

Pearl thought Rose was trapped inside Steven... Why? Being trapped is more Lapis' thing. Another loose parallel?
>"I'll free you, Rose (like you freed me!)"
Pearl's thing is freedom, she believed that Rose was trapped inside Steven and wanted to free her.
Who the hell is stank fat and smoggy jortz?
I'm loving these slow as fuck days desu
Stanky Fartz, worst fusion
Where have you been?
You mean alexandrite? She's pretty dumb looking
chilling here for about 8 hours now
At least she's not a physical manifestation of tumblr-bait
can some beautiful person post Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran lewds with steven looking uncomfortable
>mocking canon futa
In seriousness I get it, I just generally shrug and move on
Smoky's dick is buried too deep in their fupa anyway. A pointless fusion when Stevonnie exists
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Oh hey there indexer, how are you today?
He won't notice you
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Probably not unless I really try it, with a low res image, but I'll keep trying till he does.
Do you think a Steven and a Mrs. Maheswaran would just make a bigger, older Stevonnie?
This fandom is always so fucking negative.
Sure Three Gems and a Baby was boring as shit but you people act like season one didn't have a shit ton of mediocre to terrible filler episodes.
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Goodmorning, /sug/
It didn't, season one's filler episodes were at least fun and introduced new elements into the show.
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Good mormimg anon, nice quads by the way.
Who the hell is saying Three Gems and a Baby is boring anyway?
It's a lot more interesting then 22 minute special of literally nothing.
People who haven't lowered their standards to "Just because it's not as boring as the last episode, that means it's good"
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Thanks, pal.
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shit hurts man, it hurts
>Lowering standards by stating a fact
>Gem Harvest defenders aka Andyfags

Go and stay go.
>Gem Harvest defenders aka Andyfags
>Go and stay go.
I think I will, I don't want your illiteracy to rub off on me.
Oh god, and you're THAT retard too.

Now you really need to leave.
I liked Andy...
The fact that you could misinterpret such a simple sentence and then have the gall to call somebody else retarded is astounding.
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>Thinks i was even trying to read his shitpost
>Doesn't realize he was getting shunned for being the same fag who bitch and moaned whenever someone dissed Andy.

You aren't worth the time.
So you're a mongoloid who doesn't even read things and then tries to act like he's superior because of this, meanwhile looking exactly like what he is because he completely misses the point.

>You aren't worth the time.
And yet here you are, constantly replying to me and not even knowing what you're replying to. It's kind of sad that somebody could be this stupid and deluded, but I suppose that's to be expected of somebody who thinks the recent shit stain called season 4 is any way good or comparable to season 1.
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Can't you guys just like the show? I mean sure some episodes are boring and don't have as much action or lore as it could, but it's not really all that bad and it's not like it'll be like that forever.
Three gems was fine.
All i did was say it was better then Gem Harvest and this defender came up and started to defend it all because he wants to suck Andy's cock.
Just leave it alone.
>Still being a retard
I will, he seems to have gone complete autismo thinking i'm even saying Season 4 is better then Season 1 for some reason.

Dodged a bullet i guess.
Joking Victim.
Arcade Mania.
Onion Trade.
Beach Party.
Island Adventure.
Keep Beach City Weird.
Fusion Cusine.
Garnet's Universe.
Horror Club.
And a graceful exit after being btfo. It was fun, let's not do it again sometime.
>Says as he was btfo'd
Yep it was fun playing with you again.
Next time, stay on topic.
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Come on guys this is just opinion arguing stuff, there's no need to get aggressive.
The only one here who seems mad is the one who went completely off the rails during discussion.

I don't even think he understood what was being said and just thought it attacked Andy in any shape or form.
>Joking Victim.
Still retained magical elements that were present in other episodes so it didn't feel like it was filler for the sake of filler.

>Arcade Mania.
Same as the above, and it also involved the gems who are obviously the main draw of the show.

>Onion Trade.
Another episode that, while townie filler, at least incorporated gem elements to make it interesting.

>Beach Party.
I don't know what else I can say that wasn't already said about Arcade Mania. This episode was a fun little use of filler, and had the characters at least not acting like parodies of themselves. Pearl even began opening up a bit around humans here, something that people seem to credit LOOoBC for, for some reason.
>Island Adventure.
Pure filler and with two of the most unlikable townies. Even though it incorporated gem elements they still managed to make this episode a drag. A sign of things to come.

>Keep Beach City Weird.
Ronaldo can be amusing in small doses, and this was their small dose of him. The episode itself is fine, but when looked at with all the other Ronaldo episodes it starts to weaken.

>Fusion Cusine.
Arcade Mania

>Garnet's Universe.
Pure filler again, not much can be said in defense of something that's merely a story told by Steven about something that never happened.

>Horror Club.
Where Ronaldo starts to become overused.
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kill yourself
I believe it
Alright what about these thoughtful sentiments
I'd have to think about it
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Oh Christ I hate this fanbase sometimes.
Really makes you think
Honestly, what did you expect from the wiki? It's probably run by a bunch of kids.
Mmk let's hear it
Gotta say, CN's scheduling is fucking retarded and this 3 months of hiatus followed by one week of episodes shit is really killing any interest I have in the show.
You're staying in the dark on that one
You're dark
I have an open mind
Steven Bombs as they were seem to be no more.
Not as open as mine
Oh, I can see that
Now we have UNI-STEVEN-BOMBS. One episode every few months instead of 5 in a week every few months
You killed the thread
The thread killed itself
Then why are you holding that knife behind your back?
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Oh, I am HOPING and PRAYING someone messes with Steven while only Lapis is there. She's going to go full kill mode. Especially with all that mental baggage she still seems to have .
She has no mental baggage, that was all entirely solved offscreen. She was having a grand old time with the crystal gems! She made a mirror joke and everything
Seems like she's being more passive aggressive about it.
Considering how careless she was with Andy's safety, I'd say it'll go bad for whoever decides to hurt him.
>"But he's attacking us, and our home!"

Imagine if someone was just horseplaying with him. She'd probably take that as assault
Zuke told me on Skype
my uncle work with zuke can confirm
Send your uncle my condolences.
I hate Canada
The only thing solved offscreen was that her suddenly became friends for no reason.
She still seems to be pretty salty about the mirror thing.
Meant she.
I think he was being sarcastic.
I know, I just didn't give a fuck.
Good man.
he says she smells like piss and cum
Was a knife through the sternum not enough to sate your lust for violence?
I don't even want to know
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kill yourself retard
throw yourself at incoming traffic you idiot
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kill yourself
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after you
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So we got Indexter and we got his/her/its dick suckers. I never thought I'd say this, but /trash/ is fucked for that reason alone.
Thank you
kill yourself
I don't get why the loud house even needs a general
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why can't you ever find a higher res of this one indexer, don't you do this for a living
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yd (1).png
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there's an even bigger one. but you're not gonna have it
Why do people get mad at indexer here on /trash/? I can see why they would back at /co/, but we can pretty much post as many pics as we want here.
1 more then my jaspidot folder is good
He's a bigot and feels he should be respected for being an autist.
Plus he still is wasting images maliciously.
Regardless, he's a fucking pest.
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tangg jaspidot.png
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If Jasper's leg wasn't short and mutated this would be pretty hot
Posted what I thought could be thumbnails sitting around in my folder
blame koreans
I'm a patient man
kill yourself
Wait till it gets indexed then crop that shit
trust me. you'll never gonna get it. I'm sure
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kill yourself
If I can't, then probably nobody else but a very small amount of people will, and if they don't share it then it is not really publicly available, so I don't really care
it's available. and you do care
Nevermind that's as big as it gets
Same, Gem harvest was a bit dull for a 22 min ep but the expansion on greg's family was welcome
I've come to hate nearly every fandom I end up technically part of, it seems everything that gains popularity this decade gets the worst kind of fandom within a month
don't really know until aanabi stops being retarded
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If it's available it'll eventually pop up by itself
I have over a hundred images in the backburner and most I haven't even tried to get anymore because, mostly, they've been posted only once
Especially since I remember dinklebop
kill yourself
Fix it on paheal
kill yourself
the entire aanabi tag needs to be reuploaded and that'd take a fuckton of time

When aanabi sets the tumblr back to public so I can tag search for his stuff only i'll get to it, maybe
He's retarded. Honestly thinks he's on a mission to improve the world.
Mmm. Degenerate
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Other highlights
>fingerless gloves cherry on top
>legsper. All the way up. No midsection
And Jasper's oni teeth
Because she's EVIL. Ebony Darkness(male) had to get up from a yugioh duel to protect his waifu on the moon
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>no art of lapis getting slapped
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A single thump on the forehead from Jasper would poof her
It's in the name of equality
Post on /co/
/co/? Why there?
Because I'm retarded and it'd make me laugh

But nvm anyway, I'm not going to break my hiatus from /co/ to see any potential reactions
K, then
I want more Malacutie desu
Dumb cat
>Peridot using that kind of language around the baby
Hopefully Jasper gave her a swat
They'd be a much cuter and more interesting Stevanka.
>he actually deleted it

Holy shit is Indexer that much of a salty fag that he doesn't want any evidence of his fuckup?
He always takes off when he's proven a dickhead.
>steven filmed a pussy licking video
this took a while since I'm setting up BDO for the ngiht
kill yourself tho
because it's not needed
Nice damage control.
No one cares
Raising a baby is a big responsibility. I doubt Lapis could handle it
I'd say most of the gems would make for terrible parents, but anything goes in an AU
Like this for instance
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saphire grab.jpg
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I'm not proud of this one. but then again, I'm not a proud person in general.
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Terrible? Definitely. But they can learn over time. Same goes for Lappy, she just needs a better mindset
Same with all of indexers posts.
Looks okay man. Keep working on your art, read up on some anatomy books if that sort of stuff is bothering you that much.
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The Lion Was Speechless.png
35KB, 221x397px
Pretty lewd.
Also >>6589829's advice should help.
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>off by two
No more tears
Exactly what I was thinking. Wtf is going on there?
Give that bimbo a much-needed spanking
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cool mom.png
177KB, 871x785px
what's on the can below the words pear cider?
"Dareyis Ropok___"
"Pear cider"
Thread posts: 383
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