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Zootopia General: Night On The Town Edition Pastebin: paste

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 406
Thread images: 193

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Zootopia General: Night On The Town Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
ZTArchive: ztarchive.com
Desustorage: desuarchive.org/trash
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/6548800
Thematic Thursdays: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll901912x2fC34D9c-37 (Poll closes Dec. 1 00:00 GMT)
More information: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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First for check these dubs.
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sk 11 27.png
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Any more news on that traced picture?
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nth for update the fucking pasta nigger

Zootopia Thread: <Edition> Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
ZTArchive: ztarchive.com
Desustorage: desuarchive.org/trash
Previous thread: archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/6555044
Current TT Theme: Winter (Submissions are due Dec. 8)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays

Why does Nick look like such a rapey sleaze in this pic?
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Doggy smooches
There's a line between trying to be slick and trying to get your non-feminine friend to dress up for a date to have fun, and this.

I can easily see the former, but I understand if that line is a bit blurred.
Where are you, Booplesnooter anon?
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Honick should be a reality....
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sk 11 30d.png
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Boop the bun
Do it, it's fun!
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Checked their Inkbunny. The fucking thing's either been removed or hidden, because it's not there. The harem pic is still there, including a new one...

Wonder how many directed references were traced for this one!
Every single background character is the same.
>tracing Byron Howard's shit
>Same goddamn hamster copied and pasted over and over
Its just
dubs and I leave forever
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jack savage judy hopps [idfklol].jpg
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Does it count if you use your face?
If dubs you stay forever
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sweaty botniks.jpg
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>the year is 2034
>all ideas for original movies have been exhausted
>in order to generate revenue Hollywood has been desperately remaking old movies with a gritty realistic spin to it
>even if a movie already had a gritty remake they remake again
>grittier and edgier
>you buy tickets to a remake of your old favorite movie
>Zootopia: Reloaded
>you read the slogan for the movie poster "Kill everything."
>you walk into the theater ready to watch the remake
>what do you see?
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Hey /trash/, I need to solve this math problem.

If "Jack" is for "Skye", and "Jack" = "Cutie" and "Skye" = "Patootie", what is another way of saying "Jack" is for "Skye"?
>tracing Byron Howard's shit

Let's see if we can find the direct pictures that were traced. I doubt that him going for Byron's "style" was an homage so much as the refs being his work.

And dude didn't even do anything for Moana, so...
If dubs you'll both stop spamming the thread with get posts.
more like cuckie patootie

It's cal stop doing math and draw some porn already.
As mentioned last thread, foxes and badgers hunt/cohabit together just like they can with coyotes.
If dubs more people do get posts
Jack is for Patootie
Cutie is for Skye
I ain't finishing this until you draw 1 (one) porn

I-I'm not a drawfag.
if dubs i kill myself
If dubs I dream of waifus
If singles I dream of husbandos
If trips I dream of sex and make it a fapfic
If quads I don't sleep
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But... I mean these actual characters, but this only can exist on fanworks...
My dubs cancel your dubs
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Dubs says you survive
nah fuck that
if dubs you write a lewd instead
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rip bun waifu
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Search your feelings you know it to be true.
>Please don't
>Please don't
>Please don't
>Please don't
>Please don't
One off
If singles we let anon die
Unavoidable unfortunately, especially since Honey was technically cut from the movie and her model repurposed for the doctor.

Maybe in Zoo2...
(And hopefully not voiced by Whoopi Goldburg...)
If dubs i maek poot
i think i'll roll for myself as well
Nope. Sorry, these are very obviously her own babies.

ok guys, i don't have much to say... just wanted an excuse for NOT do it... sorry but i don't want to live anymore...
At least wait for Zootopia 2
My 6 says you're not gonna go through with it
at least see someone before you make that choice
Nah. Instead of killing yourself just check these sweet dubs, or rewatch Zootopia for the 20th time.
>not posting your name
K cya
i've been writing some real fuckin' heresy lately

if this post gets dubs, i'll touch it up a bit and post it for y'all.
and yes, it is zootopia related.
Jesus fucking Christ can we go one night without someone attention whoring with suicide posts
If we get sexts itt, anon lives
Seriously. Its the same fucking person every time.
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epic get for we'll all die alone
Nah, can't be. I was the one a few times ago and I stopped because /trash/ mods actually ban you for 3 days now for Suicide Posting with the Suicide Help Phone Number as the message
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Jokes on you asshole
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I'm a new convert; I come bearing gifts
Okay anon. A lot of other anons are rolling for dubs, and it's rather unfortunate that they aren't getting them.
I just want to say that you, as a person, deserve more than allowing arbitrary forces - be it your earlier get or that in your life which is causing you to consider such dramatic action - to decide your fate. I don't want to preach to you; I won't pretend I love you. But I do not want to see you die. Please reconsider.
Hang on, we have a whinefest on our hands
Those are some cute buns.
delet this too
Welcome, new friend!
Is this a draw of yours?
I love these kinds of pics. Tail poking out of shirt is GOAT.
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I'm a new convert, so my page is full of stuff that will probably make you claw your eyes out. But have some more bun.

Welcome to our cult! We accept donations in semen, blood and rabbits!
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Hello and welcome!

I do love me some buns. Interpret that whichever way you prefer.
why is Nick cuddling Bonnie
>my page is full of stuff that will probably make you claw your eyes out
Fluff pics and butt pics are not the worst we've seen.

...by far...

I for one welcome these comfy pics.
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Raccoonfag Birfday.png
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Evening all, it's officially Dec 1st in the EST and that means one thing; a certain raccoon just became a year older today!


Hey, welcome to the thread!
Oh, a new drawfag? Welcome!

>inb4 50 OC and lewd requests
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there is not exit.jpg
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Who's Bonnie?

Thanks, guys!

I'm a bbw artist, so probably not stuff you guys want to see.

Last pic


What are you going to do for your celebration? How much of that cake are you going to share with your son? Will eating that much chocolate kill you?
O lawd I just read that

100% accurate
>bbw artist
I was wondering why Judy was a bit heavier.
>that big bubbly high test rabbit ass
...I'm ok with this.
>Who's Bonnie?
Judy's mom
I thought you said you were a fan
>Who's Bonnie?
Judy's mom
Happy birthday!
>What are you going to do for your celebration?

Not too much tonight; some reading, some writing, some chatting.
Probably have a beer or two tomorrow evening and chill after work.

>How much of that cake are you going to share with your son?

As much as the little tyke wants--

>Will eating that much chocolate kill you?

...Hmm. Better look into that...
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Nick concentrating and agitating his hands to cast a spell of fire because he's a wizard.
I'm an idiot.

I've only seen the movie once so far and forgot her name >_<

And yeah, I still haven't quite gotten the hang of drawing Judy, so she looks slightly wonky in all my pics.

It's almost a curse at this point; it's hard not to draw thicc
>Who's Bonnie?
Judy's mom, you know, from the movie.
btw sweet lord did she marry down... Stu hopps looks like a fucking goblin
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>It's almost a curse at this point; it's hard not to draw thicc

Oh, that's a plus. We got some big beautiful women here.
Stu is kinda hot...
Welcome new artist!

We gladly welcome new talent, especially those who can appreciate a woman with curves.
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Looks like Nick and Judy's faces are from this.
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Everyday since 2 months I post concept art of old zootopia version at the same hour before I go to sleep.
Thanks! I might take some requests from here as well soon!


How often are these threads, btw? And how long do they usually last?
All day, every day
Thanks anon!
Awesome. I'll definitely stick around, then.
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And we appreciate it, anon.

Sleep tight, bunner!
>How often are these threads, btw? And how long do they usually last?
They've not stopped since before the movie came out.
We've been Eternal General tier since April.
quite literally
>And we appreciate it, anon.

>Sleep tight, bunner!
Will do!
If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?

By the way, Winter is the new TT theme! Got any ideas cookin' for what you might write?
Sweet. I'll be around to take some requests and stuff soon then.
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Literally the scraped collar version
somebody link this lad the ThreadJournal
Does anyone have that "i'm not gay" llama comic?
Weekdays, we usually go through 1-2 threads. Double that for weekends on peak hours.

Common courtesy is for a new thread to be made by either the 250th picture posted or page 10 before pruning and for link to be posted in the thread before it 404's.

The new thread is made first come first made, so long as the information in the OP is correct (such as Thematic Thursday art themes, previous thread in archive, etc).

Only true downtime is when someone forgets to make one before the old thread dies or 4chan itself has issues.

And, just to prep you, we have a spammer who comes in from time to time and posts Joker pics and/or political transcripts.

You have a handle that you'd like to be known as; this is an anon board, but content creators usually have a name (such as Inky or weaver for example).
>If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?

Well I already have a Beaver hug-pillow, so...
Two Beaver hug-pillows?

>By the way, Winter is the new TT theme! Got any ideas cookin' for what you might write?

I think I have an idea. If I do anything for this TT, it'll be comfy; winter is one of my fave seasons.
Still have that belated Stoutwell chapter too...
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i've been gone from these threads for 6 months now

how are these threads still even alive?
Thanks! Good to know.
>how are these threads still even alive?
Good things, very good things, they never die.
Yeah, but what's that got to do with us?
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Kickass. One of the best parts of Zootopia is how diverse the species in the city are. You got a lot of BBW choices, from elephants and hippos up to giraffes.
Goot emmmm
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Someone post that zoosona rolls pic for that new artist
Goodnight thread

I don't know
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The mouths and noses, definitely.
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I can't wait for more Stoutwell!

And I hope you get that second hug-pillow. Maybe you can have the two of them next to each other, like they're hugging?

Heya buddy! Always awesome to see a new face! Glad you're joining us!

You've come at a fun time: just today we nailed down Winter as our theme for Thematic Thursday, a sort of holiday we do where we all make stuff out of a theme!

Zoot train don't stop!

Post party rockin' music for the birthday boy!

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Let's see if we can find the Finnick pic he nicked for this next.
Happy Birthday RF! Always in the mood to celebrate cutie badgers!

Or fat fucking garbage wolves.
I should also note that he also traced Nick's head, but at a different size from the face. Judy's head appears to be from a different image.
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Well okay fine, but only cause dubs.

>Still no Honey/Nick/Madge threeway wtih judy watching in the background.

I'm disappointing
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Judy is really into this story.png
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Don't be dead Boney, you are a true cutie.
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Too lewd, VRBit, too lewd.jpg
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>Maybe you can have the two of them next to each other, like they're hugging?

Pic related.

Thanks Solaire!

Thanks sleepybadgeranon.
>Judy won't let Nick's lack of enthusiasm ruin her cosplay
I'm sure he'll stop being a grump when he see's the saddle and barding she hand picked for him.
MOAR NickxHoney stuff
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Goodbye I guess?
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We'll always remember you....whoever you are.
No-one is drawing Zootopia catgirls anymore. That makes me sad.


Mint or 093
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I'll do one more, but I'll put off more HonNick stuff for now.

I'd like to ask our new drawfriend for one if/when they take requests tho.

Um... no. A fox which crosses a coyotes path is a dead fox.
Ah the hyper tubby artist.
You misread me.

Badgers/fox fine
Badgers/coyotoe fine

The 'they' was referring to the badgers who can either mooch off of the fox or the coyote.
I'm going to go with "Mint" because what you posted is.
I'd love to see them do a Zoosona.

That reminds me, Fuel still hasn't drawn theirs.

Fuel, draw your damn Zoosona so we can drown you in art!

Okie doke!
>draw your damn Zoosona so we can drown you in lewds
>Pretty sure this is just a Zootopia-ed version of a similar image that exists trying to make fun of overly-sensitive Tumblr users.

Took e621 long enough to get this one up.
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>check e621
I won't begrudge anyone their fetish, but I do hope you try as hard as possible to keep that level to when it's specifically requested.
I actually feel really bad about drawing those. I'd drawn them before I'd seen the movie.. I won't be drawing any more of that though, desu. I've deleted them from my Tumblr. Someone else posted them to e261; I've thought about having them taken down, but never did it.
"to be honest" turns to "desu"?
4chan has fun little things like that.
It's not my thing, but I don't think you should feel bad for drawing things
Hey, what are the names of th homeless fox/mouse duo?
Rosie and Melody
some guy here enjoys them so that's nice.
You just reminded me of that really sad story about the girl on Youtube who had a pet fox that got murdered by a coyote.
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My tag blacklist on E621 is as long as the shadows on a summer evening.
Who made them anyways? And would they likely mind if other people wrote stories about them?
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Zhan made em, not sure about his policy but he's a pretty chill guy so I don't think he would mind.
I just sent a take down request, so they should be removed soon.

On a lighter note, how does this thread feel about OCs?
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that'd be Zhan
Why is pizzacolt in the grave?
Night guys! I need to wake up in five hours
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perfectly A-OK with them über-Satan
>so long as you don't go full sparkle-dog
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Jealous Jaguar.jpg
2MB, 954x7655px
>them digits

And as for OCs, we love them if they fit the world. Sparkledogs and domesticated animals are a no-go, but anything else is fine. These two, for example, are Desmond and Molly, the OG OC ship from way back when the thread was still on /co/.
Zhan went through "I'm dead' phase a while ago, then came back and promptly died again. Well he might not be dead but I haven't seen him in a while...

Rest in peace
We are okay with OCs as long as they're not too far flung from the source material.
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Don't let the bed buns bite.
We try to avoid extremely domesticated animals such as dogs and housecats, but since the movie itself has sheep and pigs, it's not too strict in this regard.

Mary/Marty Sue are looked down on, and a lot of accessories (i.e. unnatural hair colors, piercings, angel wings, etc) are not really tolerated because of the setting.

And so long as they're not distracting, breasts are okay for the most part.
Don't kink shame me!
>those quads

Okie doke! I've got some ideas I've gotten positive feedback on. Y'all might like em.

That comic's adorable
But what if the bed buns bite you? Do you suddenly have an urge to lewd?
>not that strong
didn't we retcon Dez into a /fit/beast
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>so long as they're not distracting
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all of their stuff is tbqh.
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could've happened after this comic
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I've never read fanfiction before, but I just cleared all 17 chapters of Pack Street in a single sitting and it's probably one of the most enjoyable things I've read in a long time.

Does that fall under the category of this general? I can't stop thinking about it.
That was before anyone realized that jaguars were just as big and /fit/ as the tigers.
Well, it's based on zootopia, and this is generally the first place new chapters get postes, so I guess it's in here
We may enjoy pack street on occasion...
That art style seems so familiar...
Weaver's here all the time. He loves fanart of the Pack Streeters, too, even though he never tells anyone that he has a special celebration dance he does whenever someone draws one of the characters.
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I'd love to but I just haven't been able to come up with a design that I like.

Nice! Good to see more people join us!

How's everyone doing?
Happy Holidays!
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Great! I worked more on my super secret TT thing with the help of one of the awesome collaborators, got work done today, and its Raccoon's birthday!

Super excited for Winter TT, too.

And I've been listening to way too much Kormac.

Doing fine, Fuel!
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I looking forward for Rock Dog only for th wolves.
just had a crazy ass zootopian dream. It was like i was in a sort of zootopia 2.. only highly actionized.
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I believe he showed up a few nights ago.
I hope whatever he's going through, he shares with us.

Pretty good, pretty stoked for TT. Winter sounds like its going to be a comfy fuckin theme.
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Posting the classic that started it all.
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rolling game.png
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We simply follow the rules of Zootopia: land mammals only, no domesticated animals unless expressively seen in the film, no monkeys, more feral proportions than the usual anthros and, above all, absolutely no sparkledogs.
Also we have made a game (pic related) to help creators and spark creativity.

He was here a couple ago, with a SavageSkye pic, if I remember correctly

What did you roll Fuel?
Also, preparing for TT, there is a lot to do

Comic, I'm still waiting for that TT Noir, what is the completion stage?
is it
>I want to fug the rabbit?
Looks like my birthday wish came true.
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How'd you know??
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The guy who makes Pack Street posts, writes, and draws here. We also get a lot of Pack Street art from him and from other fans in these threads. So yes, this is a totally fine place to post about it.
>Comic, I'm still waiting for that TT Noir, what is the completion stage?

I hope to have it out before 2017!

...It might be a while, sad to say. The people helping are all volunteer, and I don't want to rush them. They're helping me out, and I appreciate them taking their time to make something cool.

Raccoon got his birthday wish!

And Beaver's here! Hello, Beaver! Lots of people missed you, including myself!
This is basicly a Vatican of Pack Street.
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I just realized why you might be asking.

Post it without my submission: I don't want to hold back anyone else from being shown off.
why are you still here?
Has Clunk been around today?
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I think you've realized wrong, bun.
But thanks for giving me more clues.

Okay gents. It started in medias res, with Judy along with her kits, a red rabbit and a grey fox, speeding along in a stolen Cheetalet Impala along a Zootopian Highway leading into the rainforest district., specifically a long, narrow bridge. She is being pursued by 3 matte black SUV's With wolves in the front seat peeking out and shooting at the cars tires, trying to shred them. Shes weaving left and right, hard, all the while yelling into the radio headest she has on at Nick, telling him where they are She does a valiant job of dodging them for a few moments, but is overwhelmed soon enough, with a rear tire blowing out and the speed causing her to slam into the concrete barriers on the side of the highway and slide a bit. Shes cursing all the while mind you. She crawls out of the smashed vehicle, panting all the while, while the kits get out as well, relatively unharmed. She drags them over behind the husk of the car, along with a largish box they had in the back seat with them, as the 3 SUV's screech to a stop a good sistance away, disgorging about 5 Wolves, of all different colorations, but wearing identical black body armor, looking almost like SWAT troopers, with identical emblems on the front, a blood red paw holding a mace. 10 raise their weapons, standing in cover behind their SUV's, all with UMP-45s, and start RIDDLING the vehicle, trying to kill Judy and the kits, while the remaining 5 start moving along the side, trying to flank her. Meanwhile, Judy has reached into the cars backseat to grab an MP7, and enough full magazines to fight a war which she immediately puts to use returning fire at the wolves, spraying wildly over their heads, just blindfiring. While this is going on, shes yelling at Nick to get his rear in gear and pick them up, while hes responding with snark and stuff like. "Carrots, this thing was built for armor, not speed, you know that." He sounds supremely unworried, as he feels Judy can handle herself.
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Even more clues, thanks bun
Yeah, I got some time off, I'm hoping to get back into the habit of drawing for you guys.

[spoilers]and hopefully get to work on finishing that fic I was supposed to have done like a month ago.[/plsdontspankmeforslackingonafic]
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Judy grumbles and slaps a new magazine into the MP7, before askign the kits if theres any grenades in the box they are hiding behind, and Max, the fox kit, starts rummaging around the box, while Judy finally notices the 6 Wolves trying to flank her, and she starts taking out kneecaps, crouching to give herself a smaller profile. Max does find one, and hands it to her, whereupon she immediately pulls the pin and throws it at the farthest SUV, which promptly explodes, leaving the other two, in a V formation, unscathed, but it does kill a few of the wolves. While this is going on, Nick finaly pipes in that he can see them, and is about to crash the party, while the wolves finally notice the sound of a very large engine rumbling toward them. Nick finally appears, Driving what basically amounts to Mcleaches giant halftrack, only uparmored into more of an actual halftrack, and scaled to fit a rhino. All the while “Ace of spades” is blaring from the speakers mounted in the chassis for some reason. Basically to Judy, nick and the kits, its a rolling, armored , off road house. He smashes through the ineffectual blockade of the 2 remaining SUV' sending the last remaining wolves scattering, before he pulls up next to the car and smugly quips at Judy.”Need a ride?” Judy and the kits pile in and he jams on the gas, bullets hitting the rear of the vehicle and having no effect, as he quickly drives to the end of the bridge and rolls off into the rainforests undergrowth, the massive vehicle easily clearing a path, while Nick and Judy continue bickering about random things.
So, new brother, what is your favourite ship?
And why is it Remmy x Betty?
How is it your health Beav? Last time you weren't doing so good
Also nice to see you here again
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>leave for half the year
>come back to see new drawfag

Y'all are insane
Jesus, buddy.

Where were you in this entire dream?

I'm screwing everything up! A_Signature, don't use this information for evil! Only for good!

It'll be welcome news that I don't offer drastic punishments for late fics. Apparently it wasn't having the desired effects... well, more like it was a desired effect for all the wrong reasons...

We're a comfy thread <3
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So... my last paycheck bounced and my boss hasn't returned my message. How fucked am I?
I was watching it, as if were a movie. Sweeping camera angles and everything.
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I think I rolled some gazelle genus a while ago on the Wikipedia link. Would that count as a gazelle?
I was answering a question?
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The Continentalfag.png
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>It'll be welcome news that I don't offer drastic punishments for late fics. Apparently it wasn't having the desired effects... well, more like it was a desired effect for all the wrong reasons...

No no, by all means, please continue the old policy.
I'll, uh... Just get my camcorder for this...
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Its a comfy place where I can chat about Zootopia and its cool OCs. What about you Anon? Why are you still here?
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I ship Remmy with self-discovery and social progress

But on the other hand I think his interactions with Charlie are really, really cute

I'd have liked to have put more effort into this picture but my head hurts too much to focus on drawing
Source of that picture?
God damn that's a qt Charlie
Man, those are some fine lines.
Weaver's going to flip when he sees this.
Favorite episode?
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>don't use this information for evil! Only for good!

It depends on your employment contract bud

If it is a gazelle it is a gazelle. Except the eponymous character I don't think we had any gazelles (especially because of said character), the closest one is the Weavalope

And now I'm tempted to continue that Vrbit Rockjackal green
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I need to escape before I get sucked back in to this comfy thread

Take my old images don't hurt me
This is really fucking good!

And you appreciate this ship even if it's not your bag. Nice.

This has been a good night; we've gotten two new CC's that have some really good artwork.
I drew it, just now

Charlie is always qt

Rem losing his shit at Al was the biggest "Oh fuck" moment, easily had the biggest impact on me.

Charlie sleeping in Remmy's bed is second place, Pandora's Box is third. There wasn't an episode I didn't like, though.

[spoiler]My only problem with the entire story thus far is that Al let Remmy off the hook way too easily.[/spoiler]
All healed up, luckily.

Though, I still have like 20 Vicodins from my wisdom tooth problem, and I have no clue what to do with them.

>It'll be welcome news that I don't offer drastic punishments for late fics. Apparently it wasn't having the desired effects... well, more like it was a desired effect for all the wrong reasons...
Well, that's a shame-- I mean, I am very glad to hear that.

W-wait, doesn't he need me to sign a maiver or something first? I don't want him putting another video of me on the internet.
Nope, we have you now, you can't escape the comf

Name, pretty lines maker?
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There are some really cool looking gazelle species. I dunno how you'd randomly roll one of them-- I'm sure there's some Wikipedia function-- but maybe you could use your post number?

I really hope things are okay with you, anon!

Its worse now: people want to see others fail. This was the absolute opposite effect I wanted for creators...

Holy moley that's a really nice drawing! Love the cartoony proportions of their heads! And Charlie is super cute!

>And now I'm tempted to continue that Vrbit Rockjackal green

But anon!

We have NEW comfy images!

SUPER comfy images!
I appreciate the feedback! I don't really have anywhere that I post my art right now, though - I actually haven't drawn much for the past few years of my life and I'm trying to get back into it. Fanart's always a good segue, but I'll very likely draw more Pack Street stuff and post it here over the next few days.

Avo's my other favorite, I'll probably draw her next.
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>Charlie sleeping in Remmy's bed is second place

My man!

>My only problem with the entire story thus far is that Al let Remmy off the hook way too easily.

The fact that Al's fiancee is a prey that could help educate him into the prey mindset could help with that. He probably was already told how his side did not help things at all.

The fact that he could tell that Remmy was being completely sincere in his apologies probably helped him see that Rem wasn't being (intentionally) speciest or malicious.
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Peaceful Sleeper.png
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Have a good night, friends! And new draw-friend! I really like your stuff.
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Super comfy images.

Reply, if you're out there, thank you for all the comf!
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Some very lewd initiation rites.png
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I feel the reason Al 'let Remmy off easy' is that he shared some of the blame. He could have been more open, he could have explained or had one of the others explain things to Remmy. Even if Rem hadn't listened cause of his own prejudices it would have been better than nothing.

Plus Remmy is now a member of the pack and is probably due a great deal of ribbing/initiation rites so he might not be totally off the hook yet.
I don't know what to make of the movie. I mean it's cool that there's a magic element that takes a back seat to a different kind of story set in contemporary times, but it looks like it's going to have a messy execution. I'd liken it to Scott Pilgrim for multiple reasons, one being the existence of fantasy elements in a modern setting, but so far it just looks like all there is is the power to hadoken energy balls and that somehow keeps corporate wolves away. The characters don't have to be animals, they just are, so that doesn't really play into the urban fantasy theme, making it even more messy.

Something about the movie just seems off. I want it to be good, I want to like it, but it'll be amazing if they string together these concepts in a graceful way.
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Have a comfy night Anon
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W-2 employee for a non-profit organization.

Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Hopefully this gets sorted out tomorrow but I know I'm going to have a tough time sleeping tonight.
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Sleep tight, bunner!

Oh, this is super duper important, probably the most important thing to learn in this thread:

The greatest pictures ever are pictures of characters sleeping. They're known as "sleepyheads".

In fact, its pretty much all you should ever draw. Forever. Cuter the PJs the better.
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Woops, second reply meant for >>6557323
Comic stop trying to feed your addiction for sleeping pictures.
>I still have like 20 Vicodins from my wisdom tooth problem, and I have no clue what to do with them.

I'm pretty sure anything I'd suggest might result in jail time.

>W-wait, doesn't he need me to sign a maiver or something first? I don't want him putting another video of me on the internet.

Ooh, there's probably some sort of "personal use" law that makes this okay.
Now where did I leave my fill-lights and boom mic..?
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Right gents, I gotta go. Have to wake up in 4 hours. Night all.
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Sleep tight, bunner!
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Well, considering that is based on a comic they have to stick to certain elements, yah it looks kinda messy but let's wait and see what happens.

I haven't searched if it's online somewhere, since it's already out in Chine some months ago, but I think I'll wait.
I'll keep that in mind when drawing things to post here!

Yeah, that's kind of what made me understand it more, the inclusion of Velvet and that the only thing he did wrong was flipping his lid and being ignorant. I think what may have bugged me more was that during his apology-spree there wasn't any real conflict; he kind of just made his rounds and everyone accepted his apology without problem. It's pretty minor, but it's my only real critique. Weaver's characterization and writing is more than addicting and lovely.
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It is time for sleeping.png
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Yikes four hours, try and have a good sleep and not to die Anon.
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>I don't really have anywhere that I post my art right now
That will not stop you from having a name, although I guess that it is a bit hypocritical said by me.

Sleep tight bunner!

Oh shush, we all know the bun love the knot.
Coyote, jackal, fox, silver fox, practically all canine world has passed or will pass under those little hungry paws
I love how everything in Pack Street moves forward, yet feels solidified. Its got a structure that keeps things balanced, but it could easily topple over any episode. Weaver knows how to keep you both satisfied and wanting more.
I'd love to see this storytimed.
Remmy's previous interactions with everyone made them realize that he wasn't a bad guy, but was incredibly disrespectful and ignorant in that regard.

Even Marty, who was the most antagonistic to Remmy before the blowup, realized that. He just hated how much Remmy disrespected Al and the pack.

If Remmy had less interaction with his neighbors, then yeah, I can imagine that they would not forgive him that quickly.

Pack Street is great, but downside is that the wait time between chapters is made the worse. And it doesn't help that Roommates is the same way.
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Man, this was a comfy day.

One last happy birthday to Raccoon! And Raccoon, you should do a birthday shill of all your fantastic writing!

>I'll keep that in mind when drawing things to post here!
Yesssssss! Mwahahaha! MORE sleepyhead pictu-- I mean, great! Fantastic! You know, whatever you like to draw! We're open minded!

That reminds me, I need to poke OfficerFox, or see if FoxyProf could take me in before him...

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads. I hope you all dream an action packed dream with swooping camera angles and special effects and explosions. But that they're comfy explosions, like a marshmallow factory blew up or something.
Still have yet to read roommates, what is it about?

Have a good night bun bun, think about the predator of your dreams tucking you in tonight.

And again, happy Birthday RF, you are one of the cutest badgers here.
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Is your employer someone you suspect might pull a fast one? If not, it might be a coincidence.

If they don't get back to you soon, then apart from not going into work, you can file something in a small claims court (assuming you don't make more than $5,000 a month or something). The fee is generally small, and shouldn't be over $100 at worst. In the interim, I hope you've got some savings or something.
It's not Zootopia related, but it's based off of an idea that weaver had and he edits it.

Premise is a deal breaker for many: It's FNAF related. Human Mike in an anthro world where his building mates are the various animatronics from the games as flesh & blood animal people.
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>W-2 employee for a non-profit organization
I'm not used to USA's contracts. But, even if it is non-profit, an organization is still an organization. If your paycheck is bounced you need to try to contact your boss again. If he/she is ignoring you you should take all the documentation (from a site a copy of the returned check showing the insufficient funds marker, and a copy of the current month’s bank statement showing the returned check and any overdrafts it caused) and move toward legal ways, calling a lawyer. But first be sure.
Sleep tight bunner!
>I need to poke OfficerFox
>FoxyProf could take me in
I knew it! There is nothing to save you from a lewd green now
She married into bunny munny (has got to have farm money and at least something in land to even SUSTAIN a family that size)
I was never really into FNAF but I do love his writing... so I'll probably give it a try at least.
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Stu is a lucky bun
I'm more of a Remmy x Betty shipper myself but this piece of work is really amazing
If you're interested, here's the pastebin archive for the series.


Writer is a guy named Pokemanical, but weaver is pretty involved still. He even draws title cards and art of this AU.
She settled. Hard.
Actually, more likely is that Stu married into Bonnie's family.
Hmm, that it is not actually weaver writing kinda downs my enthusiasm a bit but I'll give it a shot anyway. Thank you for the link Anon.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were slightly distant relatives, with the same last name. Sorta like the Roosevelts.

Rabbit genealogy must be a fucking bitch to keep track of.
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Reminder for our new friends and old hats returning after a long absence: we're officially porn detectives now.
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>One last happy birthday to Raccoon!

Thank you, Comic!

>And Raccoon, you should do a birthday shill of all your fantastic writing!

Well, if you insist... A grab-bag of fics:

>While watching the stars on a dark moonlit night, Sharla encounters an old acquaintance who changes the lonely direction her life had taken.
>(Note: lewd)

>A Remembrance of Rain
>It's a rainy day in Zootopia, and something seems to be bothering Nick Wilde...

>Donut Give Up
>Benjamin Clawhauser decides to get himself into shape so he can convince Chief Bogo to put him on active field duty, but does he have what it takes to lose all that weight?

>Stoutwell - Case #1: Out of the Red
>Officer Stoutwell, the second raccoon to ever join the ZPD, has finally gotten his dream job of working at Zootopia's Precinct One, only to find that he's still being held back by a traumatic past. But when a friend comes to him for help with a case that the police consider closed, will he risk what's left of his career, just to prove to himself that he can still be a real cop?

>Stoutwell - Case #2: Burning Down the House
>Officer Stoutwell, the second raccoon to ever join the ZPD, is still stuck as a filing clerk after the events of his last case. However, he gets a second chance to prove himself when he's presented with a missing mammal case that the ZPD is too busy to handle. And when he finds that there's so much more to it than he realized, he has no other choice than to count on the help of an overenthusiastic citizen he only just met.
>(Note: still in progress; two chapters released)
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Well, going by post number it seems I get an indian gazelle. I'll see if I can come up with something.

Goodnight everybody. Stay comfy!
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Sleep tight, bunner



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A good question delicous Donkcock, what drives a man to do these kind of terrible terrible things...
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The "artist" is a shameless plagiarist hack. In addition to the pic we did the detective work on and >>6555169 he has done this.

It has already been confirmed that Judy's head is from the "What Does the Fox Say" hentai doujin, down to the sweat drops.
This is a fucking great pic, man! Thank you so much!
where is tun tun?
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Right here:

I don't even know how to respond to this

That's just depressing, honestly.
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Nice to see you here Donk, how's going?

Allow me
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Dwarf hotot masterrace.jpg
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The whole situation was hilarious. Someone posted yet another "fresh from the e621 garbage heap" pic, and for like 10 minutes, the laughing was about the concept (alien spider kills Nick, takes his form, rapes Judy) and how people in the comments were talking about rape as a subject.

The someone noticed the Buck, which weaver confirmed, and it all turned into the perfect storm.

It was reported as art thievery within minutes, and it seems that when I pointed out where dead Nick's feet came from via that pic's post there, it was finally fucking deleted.

The place where it was first posted, the "artist"'s inkbunny, was full of people calling him out, so he deleted/hid it.

I can only imagine the whole thing was like finding out what sources Greg Land traced from or that Drawpony guy from horse fandom when it comes to catharsis in exposing their hackery.
Sup bunner. Do well today?
Slept for forever. Time to play more vidya.
Oh you know, a bit tired since I should be asleep, a bit upsetti spaghetti that I bumped by 3ds in my pocket and popped pokemon out without saving since the day before, but mostly relieved that I've finished all my commissions that I queued up

And also excited that there might be something on the way soon to look at, but you didn't hear that from me.

It certainly sounds like it was a trip, though I have no idea who Greg Land or Drawpony are (and it sounds like I might not want to).
Whatcha playin'?
Did some Overwatch today, but I'm pretty sure I'm ditching it soon.
Hello Zootopia general

I'm new here and I have a... slightly strange request.
I've recently found out about one of the alternate plots for the film, the one with shock collars and nick's amusement park. In my opinion this seems like a far more interesting plot than what we got from the final product.

so, my request is this:
was the full version of the alt. plot ever released? or will i have to read a fanfic to get my fill of this interesting scenario? and if i do have to resort to a fanfic, it would be greatly appreciated if any of you anons could recommend me one.

also, i find it a bit weird how i had to go to a nsfw board to find this general. But I guess you all just really like lewds. (not that there's anything wrong with that)
I've got overwatch. Being autistic and practicing non ILS landings in Flight sim x today.
tl;dr for ponyguy, he traced from the show and from other people, ruined his reputation but managed to survive.

Greg Land is a "professional" comic book artist who has had work for Marvel and DC. He's always been a tracer, but it only became noticeable when internet got widespread.

Land has a habit of reusing poses and faces, some of which come from actual porn. Over at DC, he drew a JLA story that had Joker which shamelessly was traced straight from The Killing Joke.

Over at Marvel, he was so lazy with some Avengers book, he Google Image searched "angry old lady" and drew it. People found it within hours.

And that's just a few direct examples. Land is awful because he gets paid to trace. And he still gets work; Marvel announced he's one of the artists for their Monsters United event.
I don't think the collars script was ever released and I don't know of much fanfiction of the AU since its not really my kinda thing. Only thing I can point you to is Zistopia on tumblr, looks like a comic based off that AU. https://zistopia.com/
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go read zistopia.com
>And also excited that there might be something on the way soon to look at, but you didn't hear that from me.
I will eagerly wait

The alternate plot was certainly interesting and dark, but it was not better than the one we got. It contained many edgy points that had no reason to exist (the collars in first place). They were totally against the search for realism in the film. This is actually the reason it got canned: they simply said 'Why don't the preds go away? It is an awful city'

Still, have the full plot: http://imgur.com/gallery/l9mh1

>was the full version of the alt. plot ever released?

There is Zistopia but still a fanfic and have a lot of fan "thinghis" in there that you would never see on the actual "protopia."

I personally dislike Zistopia.
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Nothing besides snippets of the original plot have been released, like the from leaked animation pass which the picture you posted comes from. Even then, it's likely that these come from various stages in development, and not from one single part of it.

Pic related is one example of what fans have pieced together, but again, this is stitched together from what is presumed to be different stages of development.

You can certainly read fanfics such as Zistopia, as other anons have posted, but it takes a good few liberties of the source material. I wouldn't exactly call it a "full version" of the early plot, but a different entity altogether.

>Still, have the full plot: http://imgur.com/gallery/l9mh1

This is fan made, a theory and it doesn't fit with the revealed material.
Someone supposedly made a plot summary of what the collar plot was in this video. Some things are confirmed true, but the rest is unconfirmed.


Personally, I'm glad that the collar version was shitcanned.

Yeah, it was dark, and god knows that it'd be great if we got a nice dark movie like Hunchback, but the tone was incredibly inconsistent.

Most of the movie encourages you to laugh at the preds getting shocked (ex. gag where preds waiting for bus get splashed by puddle, they all get shocked), then shames you with the fucking Taming Party.
>no mention of Clawhauser despite him being prominent in the concept art provided
>mayor is male
Shit's flawed, yo.
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Greg Land is a classic tracer.
Yes, sorry, I should have specified that.
Still it is the best approximation we've got.
Right, and not to mention the shock collars trivialize real world prejudice that is often much more subtle.
Loving dr. Nick
thank you for the suggestion!

I'll certainly go and check this out, thanks!
I'd let him inspect my ass


>This is actually the reason it got canned: they simply said 'Why don't the preds go away? It is an awful city'

Essentially, it was Disney's turn for a "Black Friday Reel".

He seems like decent and caring physician.
Do a backflip faggot
You should trust dr. Nick, especially for his prostate exams, like him >>6557785
>That filename
Perhaps even more than that, Al's role as the Alpha is peacekeeper. I think he's willing to bury the hatchet if it means restoring order, and besides, Remmy made inroads towards understanding, not just apology.

Beyond that, as Alpha, I'm sure Al had heard about Remmy's recent interactions with the rest of the pack, and had probably heard from Avo, Betty, and maybe even Ozzy, that he'd been trying to make amends and learn more about the pack, instead of just kowtowing. I've no doubt that helped Al's mood.
By the time Remmy got to Al, he probably knew about all the other efforts he'd made.
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tracer bun [s8].jpg
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Did someone said Tracer?
As a small helpless soft boy, I want to be bullied by much larger dominant preds.
What is it with bunnies and being bullied?
It's in their biology
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Does Al have a class pic yet.png
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Also a good point, I really do hope we get to see how Al leads. We've heard a bit about it, swooping in and helping where he's needed the most but we haven't really seen any of it yet.

I do wonder what he's gonna make the poor ram do.
No sex

I think Remmy is not the one who should be apologising (only for the bitch thing), People forget he is their neighbour. He was a complete stranger, adult who moved into the same complex. He is not their teenage roommate to act all buddy-buddy like with. I mean you like the Charlie bed thing, ok but you forget she in the morning commisioned Betty to shear Remmy, without his agreement, if your neigbour forced you to let them shave your head you would probably call police.

>self-discovery and social progress

self-discovery maybe
but social progress?

He did have some prejudices, he did. And he did some fucking stupid things, like the block party incident.
But it's not like his neighbours did their best to fight the stereotype and make some good impression.
People here are blaming him for not learning about Pack system. When most of the pack made it clear they don't know shit about sheep and don't care to learn. Avo even said she wouldn't care to learn sheep traditions if she moved into sheep neighborhood. And she is the one judging?
I will sound like some SJW but pack system is opposite of progression. Stranger moves into your street and you want him to show your respect? The way Betty described pack it sounds like family of friends with Al being the father figure. So why should he demand respect on his territory, that doesn't even belong to him, from someone who is not even part of the pack.

In power foward he admitted he would not follow a hyena into a back street when he moved in.
Only for that hyena to backstab him and use him as a scapegoat for his own mistakes.
And he should apologise for blowing up after he was ganged up on, and blamed for something he didnt do?

He was called racial slurs and harrased since he moved in. Its not like he went around calling everyone dogs and savage preds (He did think it but everyone has a right to think what they want, and even his mindset changed.)
His few blew ups were after Ozzy's cascade of insults, Marty's "you fucking sheep" in No Good Deed...

+ his fear of being mauled to death by savage preds is "specieist", but Night Howler crisis is going on, so its far from unfounded.

Now after last chapter there is a theory going around that Omega can't mate. So if it turns out true it will mean this group of friends force one of them to chastity for no reason whatsoever?

How is that progressive?
If that is actually a rule its pretty dumb, but until we have confirmation its not really anything to sweat about.
Wrong kind of Tracer, but that's a good looking bun right there.

Even if I have absolutely zero interest in Overwatch.
Guys, of course Al's not going to force Remmy to be abstinent just because of some old Pack law.

He'll just tell him that his options are to the two lowest ranking ladies, Avo and Anneke.

Sheepboy'll have to work his way up to the waifu tiers and be able to lay Charlie and Betty.
Sorry, I don't remember
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Yes, zhan is sort of dead or comatose, but he posted this recently.
I guess I missed this.

Last zhan things I remember were the Canidae pics.

Hope to hear from him soon and hope he's doing okay.
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>The Wilde family, hanging out at the beach.
I want to be one of his side chicks
End this fucking meme, this isn't true.
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Whatever you say Nick.
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Well, he seemed well. I guess I have a different definition of dead artists.
I love this artist.
Also I thought that I had typesetted the pic with Nick in a vixen cleavage from him but I can't find it, does someone have it? (Not the Mrs. Wilde edit)
This whole "Remmy is the one who's right and can do no wrong" argument has been made a few times and it's still dumb

In regards to "HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" and treating the pack structure like some ridiculous impenetrable ruleset -- nobody actually expected him to be "part of the pack" or act anything like that. Literally all that was expected from him was a little respect for a local pillar of the community. This is a real thing people already do, for real, in real life, and is neither unreasonable nor unknowable. Remmy got called out for being shitty to someone trying to help him, not because he didn't know the secret wolf friendship ritual.

>Ozzy backstabbed him
how the fuck are people still repeating this
>They called him names too
Do you not see the difference in "Hey grazer what's up" and what Remmy said? Are you that socially stunted?

>+ his fear of being mauled to death by savage preds is "specieist", but Night Howler crisis is going on, so its far from unfounded.
l o l

Don't you have a new toy you're supposed to be trying out Remmy?
Gas the preds
Species war now
I am REALLY curious about what the new toy is!
If singles I leave for tonight
Remmy was in the wrong for making assumptions about others as opposed to actually talking about them.

Al was in the wrong in assuming that Remmy not knowing how important Ozzy's checkups were weren't important, or even explaining pack dynamics to a relative outsider.

Ozzy was wrong in that he knew that Remmy didn't really know about his checkups and tried to use Remmy an excuse. He was also misinformed about Remmy willing to take the blame as a buddy.

Velvet was wrong in not explaining to fellow prey about how her fiancee's pack operates and was wrong in assuming that Remmy intentionally wasted her time, when it was Al who dropped the ball.

All of them were wrong in some way, and no one was blameless.
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That's fine, shoot games are not for everyone.
This I can help with
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And I forgot the link
I have no problem with shoot games.

I just have no interest in mmorpg and moba.
His left set of abs are like 3" smaller than his right, but other than that I can dig it.
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This is a good fox and bun
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>nobody actually expected him to be "part of the pack" or act anything like that. Literally all that was expected from him was a little respect for a local pillar of the community

He was respecting his neigbours and the pack, with live and let live approach.
It was them who always slapped him in the face with "don't disrespect the alpha" and how he should be glad Al served him some grilled meat he paid for.
Marty and Ozzy gave him speeches about how he must be friends with everyone when he made it clear he just wants to be left alone until he can move out.

>Remmy got called out for being shitty to someone trying to help him, not because he didn't know the secret wolf friendship ritual.

Who tried to help him?
Who only admitted he didn't tell Remmy about Ozzy's problems when Remmy got highground in the argument? And then continued scolding him for not being gentleman towards his gf, who just wrongly accused him?

"Fucking hell, grazer!" Avo pushes off the wall, and all at once she's crossing the room towards me in about the most serious I've ever seen her look.
Yeah that totally screams "Remmy calm down we can settle this peacefully."

>Do you not see the difference in "Hey grazer what's up" and what Remmy said? Are you that socially stunted?

If only that, they were always making fun of him for being sheep, calling him freak for eating bugs, harrasing him, breaking his personal space on daily baisis and more.

>and what Remmy said?
You mean the "rutting your bitch" thing? Yeah that was shitty from him. No excuse but but at least it was in the middle of argument and not on daily baisis for no fucking reason.

Everyone it to blame.
But Remmy apologised to everyone for his wrongs.
Only Velvet apologised to him for making wrong accusation.
And Ozzy apologised, well because he was the one who created the whole situaton.
Digging the rump and the hips, those teeth though...
...Is it too late to retcon Moped as always being female?

She's a cutie.
>not liking sharkteeth
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Ooh another cutie Nick.
Very nicely done!
So when are we going to see this cute doe dashing across a road, au naturale like her ancestors once did?
Now that is a winning smile that I would take home to the parents

and a body I would take home to bed
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Is this a Visiti?
Looks Lou to me?

this is a form of art all to itself
Lou? never heard of him. got examples of some of his stuff?
>Judy was annoyed by this.
>Almost always, when Nick tries to kiss her, her head would be locked between his jaws.
>Every time she had to remove all the saliva from her fur, while she felt the passion of the moment fade.
>But this was not what bothered her.
>She didn't like the fact that, with her head firmly lodged in his maw, the teeth slightly grazing her skin, the hot breath on her face, she always felt a pleasant shiver run down her spine.
There's a line between pred/prey fetish and vore. Lets hope Judy doesn't cross the line of no return.
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Dirty bun.
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>Remmy was in the wrong for making assumptions about others as opposed to actually talking about them.
Remmy was in the wrong for exploding at the one person who was trying to help him. In front of everyone. With racist slurs and really serious accusations of cheating/rape mixed in, to boot. You are way underselling his mistake here.

Al was in the wrong for not keeping Remmy in the loop.

>Ozzy was wrong in that he knew that Remmy didn't really know about his checkups and tried to use Remmy an excuse. He was also misinformed about Remmy willing to take the blame as a buddy.
Did you even read Tag?

>Velvet was wrong in not explaining to fellow prey about how her fiancee's pack operates
For the trillionth time, this isn't like Remmy didn't know some fucking secret detail that only wolves and pack members should know, this is showing basic respect to a local community leader. He didn't use the wrong fork at Wolf-Dinner, he called Al a rapist and a dog.
>and was wrong in assuming that Remmy intentionally wasted her time, when it was Al who dropped the ball.
A misunderstanding she had reason to make.

Even if everyone was wrong the amount by which, say, Velvet was wrong is not even in the same universe as the degree by which Remmy was wrong.
>Nick after masturbating at those bun's buns.png
>Everyone was wrong
>Everyone apologized
so what's your fucking gripe then
>Everyone apologized

No, not everyone apologized.

Everyone who should have apologized did.

Al did nothing wrong.
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He has similarities with Visiti's style.
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This picture always makes me happy for some stupid reason.
>Remmy was in the wrong for exploding at the one person who was trying to help him.

For the trillionth time, Al was NOT helping him! Al only admitted he did't tell Remmy about Ozzy's chechup.
If he told something earlier this would not happen.

>For the trillionth time, this isn't like Remmy didn't know some fucking secret detail that only wolves and pack members should know, this is showing basic respect to a local community leader.

He was showing respect. First fucking chapter Al and Marty were looking trough Remmy's groceries with the "are you trying to disrespect Alpha in his own teritory" as excuse. And Marty was suprised Al didn't let him steal the burga. There is NO logical excuse to things like this. He was minding his own business. What? Shoud he bow every time his neighbour who he barely knows, who did nothing for him, walks trough?

He was not starting fights. He was not rude to anyone, and if, it was in respose or defence.

>He didn't use the wrong fork at Wolf-Dinner, he called Al a rapist and a dog.

What would that look to you? And it's not like anyone explained it to him in detail. Only that it's about dominace and shit.
Up to that point Al was just a fat asshole to him.

>A misunderstanding she had reason to make.
Yes, I agree. I was one of the people in Velvets defence when the chapter came out.
And yes what Remmy said was horrible, but he was wrongly blamed and scolded by someone who was nothing but an asshole to him.

Also :

Oh he did, it was apparenty his job, even as Alpha to inform Remmy about Ozzy's condition. He must have know very well Remmy knows shit about Ozzy. But he said nothing and let the situation span out of control.
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Fast bun is not fast enough for the savagery of a fox wanting dat vicelike pussy.
>all this heated discussion
I should really read pack street
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Dat pussy will make anyone savage

It is pretty good, give it a try
You really should.
It's great fun.
Is any force on earth is powerful enough to stop the fox from claiming his bunny cunny?
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MILF vixen pussy.
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I keep posting the wrong version
Buns are a powerful force
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I just saw this on /pol/.
>'Ok boys, agent Hopps is imprisoned on the other side of this wall.'
>'But we can't get in Chief! They are waiting for us near the door!'
>'Luckily I was able to give this radio to Hopps. Hopps, do you hear me?'
>'Loud and clear Chief.'
>'I want you to do one thing: put your ass against the wall.'
>'Obey my orders! And you, Wilde, put your crotch against the wall.'
>'What are you saying, Chief?'
>'You both shut up and do as I say! We're gonna get Hopps out of there! You ready?'
>'Then, at the count of three, you both drop your pants!'
>'Three! Take cover!'
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Dox Fick finds a way
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>ending it before the floodgates open on canon interspecies relationship in the sequel
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Nah I bet Stu was a stud back in the day. To be attractive in a country context you just need to work hard (especially farm work) and be reliable.
Wait, people are actually defending Remmy's outburst? I haven't seen this but I'm not on here as much as other people I guess.

You'd have to be completely socially retarded to think any of that was understandable or defensible. Remmy was a complete asshole, and there wad no excuse for any of it.
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Freaking lewd bunnys, like cockroaches in this town.

Hm, speaking of cockroaches, how do you think they handle domestic and non-domestic bugs? How much bigger are they than ours? Are there bug crossing lanes on the highway/sewer vents? Are rodents and other small mammals in danger of crashing into them or are most vehicles 'bug proofed'?
Locust swarms must be horrifying to smaller mammals.
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Silly foxes, that's not how you smooch. Wrong ends.
why do foxes shit on each other's assholes?

thats not how you alaskan pipeline
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>Air raid sirens blare
>"Everyone to the bunkers! This is not a drill!"

Think they have their own defenses set up or do they just have some bobcat in a hazardous waste suit there spraying?
When the chapter came out ztg split on

Remmy was asshole


Remmy was justified

Both sides agreed that what he said was horrible, and that he exploded on the wrong person.
But we debated on if it was justified or not after he was a punching bag of the pack since he moved there.
>smaller rodents have bunkers and mini Anti-Air defense systems to take down as many locusts as possible
>After the chaos and bloodshed is over, they walk through the fields and pick off any survivors
I wouldn't immediately discount small cops, male or female. I'm trying to become a cop myself, and I've heard it said by them over and over again, size isn't everything.

A good talker can prevent most any situation from turning physical at all, and many officers have told me they would prefer to work with the guy who ensures that he only fights when he absolutely has to. And if it does turn into a brawl, cops are not meant to fight fair. You're issued a belt full of tools and weapons for a reason, and you have a radio that can be used to call eight of your friends to the scene inside of five minutes. Doesn't matter how small YOU are when you've got a bunch of big dudes around to polyster pile whoever is giving you trouble.

Besides, proper training can enable even the smallest cops to give as good as they get. Put a small cop who knows how to throw weight around and manipulate the human body against a big suspect who has no idea how to carry himself or defend against that sort of thing, and the big guy will probably go down.
With all that being said, if you're small, and you aren't a good talker, can't employ your tools effectively, have no special combatives training, or all three, you're a liability. Size can be overcome, but not if you haven't done anything to achieve that end.
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How do they do it? If I tried that position I think my dick would break off.
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Foxes are rubbery
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I guess its a knot thing.
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