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/scaly/ - Scaly General #148 Post lewd reptiles and discuss

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 173

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/scaly/ - Scaly General #148

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, reptile folk, snakes, and sharks on top of other scaly things are welcome. Ferals, anthros, and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.

Please avoid reposting images from the past 2-3 or so threads, try to keep things fresh and post other content.
We don't have any other form of chat setup outside these threads, don't ask.

You may enjoy a collection of scaly-related smut and other relevant items of interest here, of which you are also free to contribute to:

Did you miss something? Catch the previous thread here:

Today's featured image is a dragon with a reasonable amount of clothing on.

Topic of the thread: Would humanoid scalies go through the process of shedding their scales as they grow?
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Reminder to cuddle your scalies extra during the winter
From Flight Rising. This is the official artwork of a Spiral hatchling.
Unfortunately, you've just missed the signup week, so it'll probably be near a month until you can make an account if you're interested.
maybe if I actually attach the file
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But it's almost summer.
fookin aussies
Why do people always call aussie?
It's so insulting to be called one.
I wanna be the qt dragoness
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I'm glad you figured out that you live in a different timezone that never experiences winter, anon
So who is this purple dragoness anyway?
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Someone's OC called Tooca. I don't even know if she's supposed to be a dragon, looks aquatic-looking and has a fair few decent images but a few shit ones as well.
do you even know how the world works
let's not devolve into I live on the superior part of the world than you autism
That sounds like some projecting.
fuck you fucking nigger don't tell me what to do
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Topic of the thread: Would humanoid scalies go through the process of shedding their scales as they grow?

I think so.
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>Dungeon Defenders 2 crossover with Terraria
>Now Terraria has a female Wyvern named Betsy cameoing from said game
Lesbian action between Betsy and Jean when?
found them, thanks, got the rest of the comic?
Search "Legendzdragon" on FA, and you have the whole comic
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Is fat rolling in DS pvp viable?
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Outside of ds3 yes, inside of 3, well, good luck have fun getting mulched while you cant move.
Yes, and you can wear the skin suit
Why isn't there more Brightwing stuff? I know HoTS isn't that popular, but come onnnnnn.
>Scaly lover is a fugitive, wanted for crimes they did not commit
>Live peacefully in the wilderness for a while, hiding from the law.
>Someone eventually rats on you, and authorities start heading towards your location.
>Luckily, they shed that morning
>You put on the discarded layer of scales, and deceive the police long enough for your scaly to get away.
>When questioned, you play the role of a victim, claiming your lover forced you to do it.
>They believe you, and you are declared innocent and released later.
>You secretly meet back up with your scaly, and hide elsewhere, this time a bit more careful about who you talk to.
>Faerie dragon
>Backstory: Like many Faerie Dragons, Brightwing is happiest darting around the forests of Ashenvale, healing friends, and then grabbing a light snack. By the way, did you know a human head only weighs ten pounds? Talk about light!

What a qt voice.
yandare as fuck
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/scaly/ should always have at least one pic of Bahamut in it.
It really is a shame that finding new drawings of him is like pulling teeth.
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I need some writing tips, /scaly/.
How do you properly convey pleasure and the sensation of orgasm in an erotic story?
I remember searching "how to write a sex scene" way back when, but if there's any story you especially like in the writebin, read it again and examine what parts of it struck it for you.

Or, try to get inside the character's head. Does s/he really like the person they're fucking? or is it a casual sex? If they really like them, they might want to take it slow or do foreplay to enjoy one another's bodies.
>sensation of orgasm
Build up and release. If you've ever masturbated, think of that increasing high and how you want to go hard at the end.

alternatively, ask that one dude who got drunk and fugged his wife about how it's like. Or anyone in /scaly/ who would share that.
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DaS1? Depends what you mean by PvP. Invasions yes, duels no. Mid roll is viable in duels but you will need a very specific build.
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Tama Tama I want to be!
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Anon, are you sure you are ready to be a tama?
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Do you have it all thought-out?
As much as its possible
Being a tama would be great, however, are you ready for:
The inevitable group of humans that despise you and want to kill you?
Providing food and shelter for yourself?
Coexisting with humans and their culture?
Possibly having to relearn human language with your new tongue?
The possibility that you may not be able to verbally communicate with humans at all?
The fact that you may become a celebrity due to being a tama?
The possibility of loneliness by being the only one of your kind?
The fact that you will most likely outlive all human lovers you get?
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>The inevitable group of humans that despise you and want to kill you?
What are they going to do ?Fire an AT rocket at me ?
>Providing food and shelter for yourself?
hardest part desu
>Coexisting with humans and their culture?
>Possibly having to relearn human language with your new tongue?
>The possibility that you may not be able to verbally communicate with humans at all?
>The fact that you may become a celebrity due to being a tama?
>The fact that you will most likely outlive all human lovers you get?
who cares about humans.
>The possibility of loneliness by being the only one of your kind?
I am used to being lonely.
Not entirely sure on who is the dude here.
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>I'm used to being lonely
I know how you feel
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I am feeling fine for most part. I choice my expectations low if I do not want to work on something,for example,socializing.
in DS3? you might get away with it against great weapons, other than that no.
>Take sweet time exploring around in Pokemon Sun for TMs and such
>Somehow the entire party of six is overleveled as fuck
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>game already for kids keeps getting easier with each iteration

at least mystery dungeon kept its difficulty
or maybe I just suck at strategy games
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Finally got around to this request from a thread or two ago.

>It's been a long day
>It's been tough, but the new members pulled through
>You finally get back with the rest of your squad
>You all get orders to decontaminate yourselves
>Even then new Narga that joined your crew
>Despite how well you work as a group and how calm he is outside of battle, he's still surprisingly reserved and laid back
>Jokes and banter all around in the locker room, half your crew gets cleaned up and heads out
>You stay behind with the massive snake
>You both de-robe
>Yup, definitely need that shower
>He stares at your bulge with curiosity, starts to ask something, and slides away towards the communal shower
>You hear him desperately try to turn on the shower, but no luck
>"Blasted thing, I still don't know how some of your technology works" he hissed, slightly defeated after a long day
>"It's alright, I'll show you, be glad the other guys aren't here to joke around"
>"No kidding" he scoffs, while taking a glimpse at your dick and balls
>He looked down at his slit, then back at you.
>"Guess it goes without saying. Maybe you can answer something for me.." he trailed off
>"Sure" you reply. "What's up?"
>While making gestures he states "Why does uh...." "How is it that..."
>You can tell he's flustered
>You grab the shower head, and aim it directly at his slit while he's not paying attention
>"What's the matter?" you start. "We're both guys, come on now"
>He notices what you're doing and smirks
>You turn the water on and he winces at the sudden heat and pressure
>"Then I guess...hnnnr...you won't mind me ask-ING..."
>You can't help but get hard at what's happening
>The snake's thick hemi-penes partially slide out
>You aim the water first on his left member, then his right
>He shudders and slides closer to you, losing his composure
>His upper half leans back to try and gather support, he's thrusting in the air
>"Would you FUCKING stop that?" he groans, he's fully erect and clearly wanting more
>It's too much, he submits
>"Gods, no...I need it...fucking...help me. Pent. UP"
>You're surprised he's already at the point where he's struggling to even talk
>"Well sure, if that's what you want"
>The snake's eyes widden in terror, not know what's going to happen next
>You position yourself around him, and split his hemi-penes far apart as possible
>He starts weakly protesting, but you can feel him shuddering with delight through his entire body
>You aim right inside his slit and he starts screaming
>We're talking full on thrashing on the floor, eyes wide, drooling
>You drag the shower head up and down along the entire slit a couple times
>He fucking loses it and sprays cum all over himself and you for about twenty seconds.
>There's so much you're suddenly glad you're both in the shower
>Before he even catches his breath, he has you wrapped up with both of his massive dicks prodding your face
>"I'm not finished" he smirked.
Thanks for the good read and nice fap anon, I needed it today.

Snakes really do it for me.
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>Playing Dino-D day
>This dude keeps going on an on about how no girl wants to date him cause he's ugly and he'll die a virgin.

I'm glad that's over.
Anon, you make me feel inadequate about my own writing.
Great work.
I want to point out that you had some similar ideas/concepts from previous stories posted here.
For example:
>"Gods, no...I need it...fucking...help me. Pent. UP"
From another work a few threads ago:
>You can't even get your clothes all the way off before you hear "Would you hurry UP and fuck me ALREADY? It's been TWO days since you last mounted ME. I NEED THIS!"
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>tfw I had a friend like that, was a fucking highschool drop out, all around pathetic and then one day out of the blue he claimed he finally understood what was wrong with him his entire life because he "Is a woman trapped in a man's body"
I have never deleted someone off my friends list that fast before.
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You caught me, I'm the same writefag that did that story too.
I had too many ideas on how to transition to the submissive bit and just went with my first approach.
I've got a couple trans friends myself, but they sure as shit don't use it as an excuse for their datelessness. More often they wish that there was a cure for their dysphoria so they could be a normal guy/girl without wanting to be the opposite.
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Your situation sounds a lot more tolerable.
The dude I was friends with was just a complete fuck-up, going nowhere in life who loved to pull passive aggressive shit.


Also, fuck I noticed a few typos.
Thanks for the feedback.
>"No kidding" he scoffs, while taking a glimpse at your dick and balls
>He looked down at his slit, then back at you.
>"Guess it goes without saying. Maybe you can answer something for me.." he trailed off
>"Sure" you reply. "What's up?"
>While making gestures he states "Why does uh...." "How is it that..."
>You grab the shower head, and aim it directly at his slit while he's not paying attention
>"What's the matter?" you start. "We're both guys, come on now"
Either I'm retarded, and missed what you were trying to convey, or you forgot to explain what he wanted to ask about, and skipped to the sex scene.
Basically, you did this:
>"Anon, how do your genitals work?"
>"We're both guys, it's fine. Let's have sex."

I'm trying (and probably failing) to give constructive criticism.
It's times like these I don't understand why guys don't get a sex toy or two to practice before they better themselves to try and get laid.
[meme] It certainly helped me when I was self-loathing and angsty college freshman straight out of highschool [/spoilers]
Hey writefag, do you take requests?
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I tried to convey that the snake got cut off by Anon bullying his slit with the shower-head, and then went submissive slut mode because of it.

>"Then I guess...hnnnr...you won't mind me ask-ING..."

Now that you pointed it out though, I was trying to rush things a little too fast.
Definitely gotta re-write that entire part. I wanted to play around with the curiosity between the two with some jokes or something but my dialogue needs work.
Are you referring to the snake-shower poster, or the goris writefag?
Just in case, Goris guy here, and yes, I do. What did you have in mind?
More deathclaw stuff,
you have an FA or something you can get a PM at?
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porn when
Yeah, I'm a different writefag from >>6433017
and yeah that snake greentext was a request from a thread or two ago.
Lets say you somehow got the scalie waifu (or husbando) of your dreams. Heres the catch, you live somewhere temperate. So that means your scaled lover needs to hibernate.

How would get ready for their big sleep?

Also post sleepy scales
Assuming they'll forget because of the extended hibernation, I let them get all their degenerate kinks out the way, keep them so full of food they can hardly move. That type of thing.
I do have an FA account I use for browsing:
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Actually, people on /v/ and /vp/ were bitching about the first couple of Totem Pokemon giving them a hard time initially. They've caught some people off by surprise, I think it's likely due to poor team management and coverage when they're spoiled for choice. The Island Kahunas I believe actually have some EV spreads. Flatmate was bitching about how a Midnight Lycanrock was outspeeding his Alakazam and Gengar, also sweeping his entire team in one shot.

Kind of hoping there was going to be some similar bumps later in, there was a tanky Gastrodon and that was about it. I guess for at least the early game, people will actually have a bit of trouble doing a Nuzlocke.
allright dude, ill send you a note
>Tfw your scaly doesn't need to hibernate because you keep them warm, cozy and well fed all winter.
Remember, most animals hibernate because of the lack of food and harsh conditions of winter. It is more practical to sleep through winter than to attempt to actively survive during it.
not that guy, but I have an idea for a story but cant write for shit
a lizardaboo exchange student guy getting fucked by a ton of alien lizard dudes
Like he's part of an interplanetary exchange program for cultural reasons and after a few weeks of being around lizard dudes 24/7 he starts getting drunk on their pheromones.
So he's all turned on and shit from the pheromones these lizard guys hes been hanging with and ends up goading them into fucking him. He doesnt realise how big their hemipenes are or how much they cum, so he ends up getting cum-flated after getting railed by the guys he's been boarding with in lizard college

I liked the plug thingy from your last story, so bonus points if you can work it in
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Make that a female exchange student!
I like both ideas.
I can do either one.
But I'm thinking of combining the two somehow.

Do you think pic related is a good reference to go off of?
who is this semen demon

for real i havent felt this attracted to a dragon since pic related
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Yes... Bonus: Female human ends up pregnant with eggs.
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Tamamitsune/Mizutsune from Monster Hunter.
That's not a tama
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thanks, anon!
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A Mizutsune (or Tamamitsune in nipland) from Monster Hunter Generations, a fairly controversial entry in the series. Slides around a lot and inflicts bubbleblight, its equipment is not great.

I believe it topped a popularity poll in Japan despite Glavenus essentially being the game's pet flagship.
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what does bubblefoam smell like? soap?
At this point I'm thinking two separate parts, one with a guy getting bullied in a straight up orgy, and one part with a girl getting knocked up with lizard alien babbys.

Sound good?
Gotta get stuff drafted out and what not, feel free to disregard that if it's not what you wanted.
seems good
maybe with a second set of arms under the first?
One set holding lizardboos arms and the other grabbing his hips as he thrusts into him?
Musk, most likely.
Although, it is a fantasy creature, so you could say that it can change the scent at will.
Whatever floats your soap.

Great idea. That way it goes both ways: the male section for gays, the female section for straight people.
>four arms
I have never understood the appeal of this.
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>people actually think that because they like Tama they care/play about the game.
How about quadruple penetration at one point? (2 sets of hemipenes, one anus)
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>3 of my favorite monsters came first through third
huh, guess I'm pretty basic
also they're all furbait so maybe my dick is leading me onwards

binturangs smell like butter and civet musk is used in perfume, it could be nice
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Four arms didn't even cross my mind.
Fucking saved.
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I'm a 4u bab but I really do love these games and am working my way through 3U now
the gimped movesets are odd but it's still a lot of fun
not being able to spin with DBs is driving me nuts, though
>point of game is to kill/beat up cute monsters


I admire them gamewise but I don't wanna play them
>a fairly controversial entry in the series
If you're an edgy contrarian /vp/ invader that screams doom at every new release, you mean.
idk, just something I thought would make them more 'alien' + nonstandard sex positions
HaHa I like this idea
Twice the load too
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not even this,but the game is a grindfest of the same thing being done over and over again on a tiny console. The existence of this game just shows how degenerate nips really are.
it adding several new mechanics is controversial in itself, regardless of if it's good or bad
however you cannot just tell off any criticism by calling them contrarian
I dislike how hunter arts were implemented and styles are merely gimmicks that fuck with game balance when they should have been redone movesets, perhaps playing more aggressively ro defensively
hopefully brave will save us given that it's actually getting new combos, but having near infinite I-frames with dash juice is worrisome to say the least

in short: It's not enough for me to be able to play the game at my preferred difficulty, I want people to suffer so I can feel better about myself

this is probably grammatically awkward or just doesn't make any sense at all, I am quite tired
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I played Gen to see it all for myself. Holy shit there's so many little regressions from that really add up, both in and outside of hunts.

>Gimped movesets

I miss my roll into upswing, hack 'n slash finisher, and sword double slash.

Well, I'd imagine some people that started at any of the other games may not be as fond of the changes made as a whole, some of them being unpolished as fuck don't help.
not bullied really, more like a weeaboo in japan sperging out with his jap classmates about samurai
Being over enthusiastically suggestive and these lizard guys come from a culture where everyone is formal and polite , so when Space!'Merica dude visits and gets drunk on lizard he goads them into doing him just like in one of his animes
>All this talk about monster hunter.

Anyone else spend a near autistic amount of time grinding for relics in MH4U?
I've been replaying quests with straight up broken weapons and I'm loving it.
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By "bullied" I meant roughly fucked in the middle of an orgy for an hour or so...Not the actual sense.

But I just thought of some ways to show the guy sperging out.
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I never really got around to farming for a competent GS relic. BFB just works for now.

>All this talk about monster hunter.

Well that said, would it be best to create another separate thread for this?
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>would it be best to create another separate thread for this?

Yeah, it's kinda taking over.
Why split up a slow thread even more just because of a flavor of the hour?
>flavor of the hour
It's the flavor of most /scaly/ threads within a day or so.
>Flavor of the hour

It's actually fairly persistent. There has been the odd thread made in the past that mostly exist make /scaly/ less '/mhg/ with porn' when it peaks.

As for the female, her getting drunk on lizard send her into heat, so to speak, and her scent drives them to screw her.
who the fuck gives a shit about what /scaly is.If anyone actually gets triggered by this why not contribute with some other content.

Or better yet, post Bahamut.

Bahamut is always relevant here!
>talking about a shitty game
This place is truly made by autists for the degenerates
Temeraire best dragon,prove me wrong.
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I cannot. Temeraire is the best.
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Of course there are the people who complain about content but never post anything when they do, especially those in regards to gay stuff, but that's not the point here as much as they can go fuck themselves. People can only stomach so much franchise or character-specific content for a relatively broad general before those not posting it get tired of it, and so the odd separate thread every now and then helps give /scaly/ a breather.

The actual speed of /scaly/ here is less a concern because it always fluctuates. Sometimes we go through a thread one day and other times 3-4 days.

Look two posts above yours. It's Bahamut.
>People can only stomach so much franchise or character-specific content for a relatively broad general before those not posting it get tired of it, and so the odd separate thread every now and then helps give /scaly/ a breather.

That's my view. I have nothing against MH or posting of it, but it can get a bit much so I try to keep things fresh and post other content.
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Please provide necessary facts to support your blasphemous claim.

Posting/discussing about the monsters should be fine while actively talking about the game itself ,its mechanics,strategies or w/e should be kept to /mhg/.
yeah, makes it feel different than just humans in rubber suits when the anatomy is different
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Is it a terrible time to say that I want to be a tama?
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It's gotten kinda old, yes.
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Like the lizards are culturally meek and stuff when it comes to interacting or whatever, and they don't know how to say no to lizardaboo because in their culture they have like 5 layers of polite double meanings and stuff but don't know how to react to an outsider barging through all of the customs and go along with what he says because the don't know how to react otherwise
and then they get into it and pump the guy until he looks gravid
As the guy who posted the idea Have this shitty MSpaint doodle
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Because its old does not mean its bad or wrong.
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salt dragon.png
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Who is this?

I saved this reaction image of, I think him a while ago in /scaly/.
Ay I made that reaction image!
It's Fizzle, a background/supporting dragon from My Little Pony. He's almost always depicted as the gayest dragon to ever gay.
Surprisingly, I've gotten away with posting it on non-/mlp/ boards.
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Definitely making notes of everything you've posted.
You'll have to give me some time to get drafts out and whatever. There's gonna be some delays because of holidays coming up though. But yeah I'll get started on it this week.

Just another thought though, is something like pic related out of the question?

Not on the female side, at least.
Hmm, okay.
Just seeing what I can get away with and what rules I can bend.

It's gonna be a pastebin delivery.

Would prefer in thread...
How does /scaly/ feel about gargoyles?
not like disney, but like pic related
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lizardaboo fukd2.png
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not at all!
If you wanna have a discussion that won't disappear after 250 images ring me up on discord Smutcave#5578
Pic for authentication
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Damn, my bad.
Still it's gonna take some time.

I'll greentext it in a thread or two instead.
Firebrand is top tier.
Good fucking taste.


Okay wait a second I'm getting my replies mixed up. You still want it in greentext format, right?

Good idea.
Also, being female myself, I wouldn't mind being ravished by that stud!
I'm the drawfag and the guy who originally posted the idea
you can contact me on discord at the address I posted

Female side, yes.
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This guy >>6434873
is pretending to be me or something Idk
I'm all open to other people giving input since I'm not the one writefagging, but I never posted anything about females
Not opposed to the idea, but whoever posted them aint me
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Okay, gotcha.
I'll hit you up in a day or two.
I tried looking for this discord chat on the servers and had no luck.
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I'm Smutcave #5578
Send a request there if you wanna talk
I'll fuck around with it and try to figure how to add you tomorrow.
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follow the numbers.png
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click the blue circle that says friends then pic related
Don't think I'm doing this right.
Turns out I'm just retarded.
Finally got this shit working, sent you a request.
try no spaces between the name and number dude
Fuck off
>"For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with."
>Literal sex lizard pokemon

Old news, anon.
learning the secret to keeping a fanbase ;)
Teaching kids that discovering new fetishes can be fun!
I wish I had friends and mentors who could help teach me that discovering new fetishes is fun and okay and not something to be ashamed of or hate myself over
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Pheremone filled cloaca.
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That can be arranged, Anon.
Step one: Wait for genetic modification to advance to the point where we can create custom organisms.
Step two: get in favor with a large genetic company
Step three: pay them to make a tamamitsune body
Step four: transfer your brain into it.
Lost me at step four.
Well, how else are you going to move to the tama body?
Electronic monsters running the world!
Not at all, if brain transfer is the proposed solution.
It's going to be more complicated than that.
>Teaching kids that discovering new fetishes can be fun!
They sure haven't been teaching them that egg laying is great fetish, that's for sure
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I meant roleplaying but I guess that's good too!
To note, brain transplants could be a thing, but even easier is keeping a brain conserved somewhere safe with a neural interface that remotely controls a robot body. They've successfully done it to mice already.
That does bring up issues, such as transmitter range, electronic failure when flying, etc., but it shows great promise.
That makes me more excited for being Unbound than being a lizard.
t-tell me more
More than likely, you would end up like this furball.
Not that it is a bad thing.
Transmitter range could be troublesome, but electronic failure from flight wouldn't be because since you're not "in" your body you could deactivate it and transport it any way you'd like, or even better, get another body going on your destination and just switch between. Now, failure of the systems keeping your brain going, of your connectors, stuff like that, would be a bit scary. I have no mouth and I must scream etc. But it wouldn't be hard to implement plenty of failsafes or similar mechanisms. Ideally some kind of interface you could interact with even when you're not connected to any body.
I-I would like that to happen to me please!
I meant more along the lines of "flying as a dragon over a lake and the system controlling your wings malfunctions."
Hm, I suppose that's a good point! But I'm sure it could be figured out. Stuff like that makes me want to study neuroscience but I don't think I'm smart enough for it. If I study CompEng I'd still probably be able to help out anyways!
Tell me about being dominated by Salazzle
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Well, it looks a bit like this.
She will make you her personal sex toy for a few hours. Perhaps even days.
Your crotch will end up soaked in her juices as she rides you, over and over.
Her tight, muscular, cloaca will squeeze every drop of semen out of you.
And yet, you will still beg for more.
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Is Reign of Fire any good
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dont watch it
especially if you like dragons
Are the monster hunter fags shitting up the thread with their spammed reposts again.
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scalie male solo 2.png
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>>6437153 and >>6437227 are new
Would you join a salazzle's harem?
Looks like someone already did.

>she will never stamp your trainer passport with her cloaca
I'd rather have her to myself, but yeah probably. Assuming she even gives me a choice, with those pheromones...
>She will never stamp your face with her cloaca
Thanksgiving is approaching.
How would you spend it with your scaly lover?
We don't do that.
Those eyes, though.
buy lots of cornish game hens and watch them swallow them all whole

then cuddle and rub their belly
fuck her while she eats
Go out someplace nice and enjoy the evening
Then come home and fuck like animals
For topic: I'd think so. Incidentally the same day this topic comes up, I was writing a shedding chapter for some original content I've been working on (yesterday, but just got around to posting today). Albeit it wasn't humanoid scalies but rather more standard dragons.

>scaly partner reaches shedding time
>they always have these hard to reach places
>they ask you to help them
>they shudder as your hand gently massages them to work things loose
>you slowly help them out of their old sheddings by working down their body
>bonus: if you're scaly, they do the same for you

I think there's applications to be had. In a "helping a partner out of their clothes" kinda way.
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follow me.gif
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what is this from again?
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Did you read my mind?
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not into feeding or anything, I just thought it would be kinda cool


I think a realistically swollen belly would be cute
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Sorry, tried to find something small and round the first go-around in the Vore department and had no luck
yea "scalie swallowing -cum -vore" on e621 doesn't get you anything good

hunting around "scalie belly" does tho
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Vodka happened, and so did this: http://pastebin.com/d8rk498i
Short bit of M/solo dragon bondage, orgasm denial and mindfuckery, if that's your bag. TF, too, but that's not detailed.
the snek snekked a snegg

I liked when she was grinding up on that guy's leg more than on that pole.
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I am deeply frightened, but also aroused
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Then my work is done.
TOTT: I would love some greentext of anon fucking his scaly girlfriend while she was shedding.
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you have the rest of that dragon?
why she putting eggs back
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As in the doujin?
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>grapes I got from the campus convenience store were mostly soft or bad
>could have used that meal on chocolate
>could really use some chocolate right now
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I'd get you chocolate if I could, anon
I wanna be a loyal dragon pet.
Yeah, exhentai only has huntresses

this has everything you need except for >>6437227, I don't even know if that one's out yet
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I've backed it up on Mega. Might as well give you this, it's the MxF one you're after.


Well that said, this could use some more hunter on monster action but I don't know of much.

[spoiler]I don't know what typeface this is[/spoiler]
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>eating her own eggs
Nononono no! We need to hatch those!
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what >>6434712 said. He is Best sissydragon.

He had a cult following earlier this year, then things [Carlos]fizzled out[/Carlos]

that said heres a masterpost of all things fizzle related
They're probably not fertalized.
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>ywn be a femscale and lay an egg as your period
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Don't periods happen because human biology is all kinds of fucked up?
Are you fucking 12?
no? Did you drop out of high school?
Nope, just not well read-up in a few areas.
Are you an actual lizard?
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not exactly, but human periods are a lot messier because of our evolution
birbs and reptiles still lay unfertilized eggs thou
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i want to BE ...
>yfw you plug yourself up and force yourself to not lay the eggs
and build them up over a couple of months until you have trouble walking
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>ywn be this cute

Seriously, take a moment to appreciate how adorable that image is, foks.
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>you will never be rathalos and never have a beautiful rathian gf
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human pregnancy is all kinds of fucked
a pregnant big cat with a litter of several can still hunt but a pregnant human can barely walk

laying hard eggs sounds uncomfortable
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we're also 10x heavier than cats...
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>laying hard eggs sounds uncomfortable
could be soft leathery eggs
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I could not resist the urge to do that either.
big cats
lionesses weight 280 pounds
Might not quite be what you're looking for but...

>come home from a long day of work
>after settling your things down in the livingroom, removing your coat, you hear the sound of running water
>she was just starting her shed lately you recall
>she's been at the shower quite a bit lately as she tends to like the warm water for helping that
>by the time you get to your room and start getting changed to something mor comfortable, you hear the water cut and the faint shuffling noises of her exit
>in a short time she comes out, one towel wrapped around herself to dry her mid-section and using another hand towel to dry up some excess water elsewhere
>you greet her, but she seems a little distressed this time, as it seems the shedding is being a little stubborn
>with a little comforting assurance given to her, you offer to help in whatever way you can
>she kinda shrugs it off at first due to feeling down, but is perfectly acceptive to your instructions
>you start with a shoulder massage, not just to help de-stress her but also to work the skin loose
>sitting behind her on your bed as you tenderly rub the tense muscles, you lightly peck her on the back of the head and interrupt the massage to give her a reassuring hug
>with a faint touch, you manage to get some loose skin around her neck, making a careful rip in the shedding and bringing it full circle
>coming around to the front of her, you slowly manage to work it loose
>as she's looking down vacantly, you give her a few extra intimate scratches on the chin to get her attention
>she lifts up her eyes as you finally pull off that 'mask' of sheddings past her nose and off her head
>her scales shine with a pristine beauty like that which has been untouched, and her eyes show as if she had come to a realization and was overcome with an earnest thankfulness for your help
>and there's a little bit more in that look in her eyes...something that sparked, and in your eyes as well ignited
thy have 4 legs, we only have two
come on man
wtf i hate trump now

>they will be around long after we are gone
Sharks confirmed eternal
>you want to see more of those, beautiful, fresh scales as that which crowned her head
>placing your hands on her shoulders, you lean in for a kiss which she meets with double the passion
>she starts scooting back on the bed, and slowly undoes the towel to reveal her form
>crawling on top of her, you return your hands to her shoulders, slowly rubbing back and forth as you loosen those sheddings
>love would come, but it'd have to wait until things were ready
>making a small tear right at her collar, you start working it down as if unzipping a skin-tight suit
>every once in awhile she shudders as your warm hands cross over her body, from her shoulders and across her chest to down her stomach
>with her midriff you savored the touch thoroughly, giving her a teasing kiss on the fresh scales, hands gradually sliding down her hips
>an intense blush crosses her face as she feels your breath pass not even an inch away from her most private place, only to leave as steadily as it came
>simultaneously working it down each leg, you get nearly all of it off
>rolling to her stomach, she presents the final bits of shedding left, being on her tail
>working a bit backwards this time, you start the massages near the tip, loosening it up along the way towards the base
>a little less subtle this time, you let your hands wander just for the briefest moment past the base and give her rear a tender rub before returning
>with your fingers, you circle around the base of her tail, loosening up the skin and finally start rolling it off, up till she can cleanly slip her tail out of her sheddings
>discarding the last of it to the side, she rolls to her back and breaths a sigh of relief as she looks up to you, truly grateful for such a caring person in her life
>as she remains there, she becomes more inviting, beckoning you

>with yourself more than ready, she wraps her arms around you and mutters a thank-you into your ear as tears well up in her eyes
>you're just glad to be there for her, and as you lay your hands upon those lustrous new scales, she takes in your warmth and pulls you in even closer
>lining your tip up, she brings her ankles around and wraps her tail around one of your legs, giving you a final nod and kiss
>muffled noises pour out from her as you press in, and again as you strain to pull out, her insides gripping you as if to never want to let go of you
>within a few strokes, a rhythm is set and she begins to form more tears, this time of pure joy and bliss
>with your name called, she tightens even further, more so with each passing moment as she fights to keep you inside of her, ankles pressing at your hips to deepen your thrusts
>young and inexperienced love she may have, she can't last much longer, and your efforts to bring yourself faster only quicken her own end, the two of you releasing in rapid succession
>your quaking bodies keep hold of each other as if hanging on for dear life as you ride out the everflowing love for each other
>settling in the afterglow, it's tiring to even budge, but thankfully that towel should keep things from being messy afterwards
>both deciding it to be best to go on and rest, you grab one corner of the blankets and hold on to her, quickly rolling yourselves in place until you're wrapped up in the blanket
>now you've both got wrapped up in a new "shedding" to deal with, but atleast with this one, it should keep you together for awhile longer

>Trump is in Florida right now
>I-95 is closed the fuck down
Don pls, I voted for you, don't do this to my commute.
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kushala daora mating must be very uncomfortable
anyone got the pic of this thing's butt?
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>Artist: Narse
I see you winding, grinding, up on that pole
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eh he's japanese, it can slide
There are women that run daily or do CrossFit while pregnant and their doctors encourage them to continue to.
It is harder on the body so you don't increase you workout, the child will do that. Then only lighten the workout during the last couple months.
It's more difficult for a pregnant cat to hunt than a non pregnant one.
Also because humans have more brain we have to put more into developing that which gives us a heavier body given the thousand baby head
>national geographic wants me to disable adblock and locks me out until I do
>a pop up appears asking if I have a subscriptions and only gives the options to subscribe, link subscription, or sign in for a 3 year old article
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Does the asylum/stray/firesage demon count as scaly?
They are covered in scales, and have draconic wings, so you could possibly pass them off as very odd dragonoids.
I like their theme
(they share it with taurus demon)

I really miss the dark souls aesthetic in general
the next games didn't necessarily go in the wrong direction, but they did stray from the original feel and mood, especially 3
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>those spread legs
>that maw
>kobold height

Is she the best lizard pokemon?
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>using a mechanical pencil as a stylus
ratchet as fuck
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>awkward feelings towards your salazzle
>not sure how to tell her your feelings (or if it's right)
>she makes it easy on you
>she hits you with her breath
>you take the pheromones as your excuse to get intimate
>a few glorious poundings later
>she reveals a secret
>she never actually used her pheromones on you
>she could tell your true feelings and just used her breath to act as a placebo effect
>she wanted you, not a drugged you
>and meet your feelings in kind
>back to more "intensive training"
worst Korean iirc
you're right
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internet points.png
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>That pun at the end

Great read.
It was hard to imagine but very easy to understand.
>Her crotch is the biggest happy zone.
Gamefreak you crazy bastards.
It's the belly. Because bellyrubs a bes
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Look at the butt on her
I thought it was the head, where it's higher pitch.
Anyone got those new kakuruji pics?
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Haven't thought much about dinner and I'm starving, fuck

>Bump limit

Guess we'll need TotT ideas too
The fact that pancakes/veggies are a dragon's favorite foods is so silly yet cute

>What are ya listening to while lurking, /scaly/?
>Favorite IRL reptile?
>What size do you want your scaly love to be? Skeleton, thicc, musclefat, etc
thanksgiving themed TotT would be cool since turkey day is Thursday

>tfw you could edit out the human in this comic and it would be a cute story about feeding a charizard like a baby bird
Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here and all I really know are Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. At least for a matching image or something, what would be ideal?

if only the turkey wasn't there
but I'm sure we could deal
this one ain't too bad either
I like this one.
yea much more modest and without bird ass

I instinctively searched "dragon thanksgiving" instead of "scalie thanksgiving"
Guess I'll use that one. Also, /trash/ doesn't have any duplication checks unlike other boards, and I don't think it has ever applied to OP images either.
New thread is coming a bit sooner since I'm hungry as fuck.

Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 173

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