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RWBYgt Trash General #160 The General edition Previous thre

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RWBYgt Trash General #160 The General edition

Previous thread: >>6376169

Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
EvaQuest: soon (?)

Current Ocho-CYOAs (8ch DOT net/rwby/)
JasperQuest: res/27568.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy
We resuming Margaret and Tess getting their "coffee?"
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>RWBY general trash Trash General The General Edition.
Okay, who wants to Continue EQ where we left off?
”We’re circling the area, I’m not falling for traps” you say as you take out your stuff “Myrrh you stay here with the cho-“

Before you can say anything, the girl propels herself with her arms across the rooftops, jumping way farther than a normal human being

“Oh right…hunter school and everything” You say as you catch up to her quickly by floating, Junko on the other hand, runs towards you, parkouring trough the roofs in an act of pure skills

“C’mon we’re heading right” you say as you throw Myrrh across the open downtown street, she lands safely on the other side as you carry Junko

“She’s skilled” Junko says impressed

“Even without her legs” You say as you both land quickly to the other side “Altough I assume it’s gonna make her tired as well at some point”

“Yeah, what do we do then?”

>”I’ll tell her to stick with you, she’ll have more breathing space since you’re slower”
>”I’ll carry her when I’m able”
>”I guess she’ll make that decision herself” (1)

>A while later

You’re outside the perimeter, but looking into the main area of conflict…

Wait who the hell got a bulldozer in there? This isn’t even a construction site!

You zoom at it and it’s empty, plenty of people moving it as it gets…toppled over…

“They…they toppled over a bulldozer?” you say almost speechless

“That’s…that’s not natural…” Junko says taking off her binoculars “It’s…”

All of you are speechless for a while, Myrrh grabs her sword, less in preparedness and more in comfort

“So…what do we do?” Junko says, her voice slightly losing enthusiasm

>”C’mon, we’re getting closer, I wanna see what’s happening…”
>”We’re leaving, there’s no way we can do anything near that hellhole”
>(Check commlines) ”…Yo, lady, can you still hear me?” (1)
We need art for this
>(Check commlines) ”…Yo, lady, can you still hear me?”
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DQ need to resume.
[s]We need our "coffee"[/s]
I think CyQ is better.
Or Liquidated
None of the quests will resume. These are the end times.
I mean I was thinking of doing that today, if that makes you feel any better.
Which one are you?
wait, is the sister thread RWBYg dead? havent been here in over a month
The one no one likes.
They gave up yesterday I think
We stand alone
Narrow it down.

As it should be.
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You'll have to be more specific
Well I guess I'll continue EQ

i was gonna ask those faggots what they though of V4.
i cant watch it yet so i have to know how shit
No, they just went back to /co/
The first three episodes are on youtube so give it the three-episode rule.
Yeah, but some of them liked /trash/ and wanted to stick around. but they couldn't make it
Oh come on you're not even trying.
Oh okay you're dryden. Am I right?
>Literally the second-longest running quest and most active one, as well as being generally liked.
My money is on Chi.
Truthfully, I was trying to summon Thatcher through the power of bullying. It worked yesterday to get him to run JQ.
well, it's not like there is no RWBY thread in /trash/.
>implying I think about running anything besides 'away from my responsibilities'.
Especially with free Overwatch this weekend, Sun/Moon and Dishonored 2 to play.
You got it.
Off I go. More exams more assignments.
Living off of minimum wage doesn't sound so bad now.
Trust me when I say it ain't easy being minimum wage trash.
Fuck, it isn't even easy making above minimal wage and working ~48 hours a week.
Have you considered getting a part-time job on campus? All those professors you see every day all have research projects and some may be in need of a freshman to do dishes and shit.
No, Thatch is spending like 8 hours to watch the new Independence Day movie.
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>mfw amongst shitty jobs people
fuck having dinner at midnight
I mean. I was there. And I'm not technically there right now because I went back to school again.

Buuut I just got two referrals from two of my three teachers to drop out so that my eventual failing doesn't hurt my academic standing or some shit.

So I'll probably be back there soon.
sounds rough man
what do you plan on doing?
I used to be the assistant manager at a Dairy Queen. Worked 9-5 M-Sat at fucking $9/hr. But it was the only place around that offered me a job.

Currently in school for Medical Lab Assistant.

Working part-time at a Buffalo Wild Wings too. ~20-30 hrs, almost entirely F-Sun.
>medical lab assistant

You fucking what? To be an assistant?
I was thinking about DQ.

Medical Lab Technician. Though from the job roles, kind of an assistant to the Medical Lab Scientist. But not really. More like the assistant manager to the general manager.
Just remember, folks. FedEx and Amazon are looking for part time help and they pay great for seasonal stuff.
That makes more sense.
You turn on the commlines once again…

Worth a shot…

”…Yo, lady, can you still hear me?” You say as you wait for an answer

>>Poor child, you could have saved so much were you early, but that opportunity is gone now~<<

“What the hell are you talking about”

>>It’s too late~ You have failed, and this shall be your grave<<


you zoom quickly at the mass of hysteria, no way…

Oh god…


“EVAAA!” You essentially scream as you dart yourself towards the middle of the group

>An hour ago

“Y’know Eva…you’re my best friend?” Heidi says smiling as she hugs you

“Ayup…” You say still unable to move

“You’re my best friend…” Heidi says, her voice…somewhat off

“You’ve said that like 3 or 4 times now” You say comforting her, Heidi can be a baby at times

“Hey are you gonna cry?” You ask as Heidi’s arms start to wrap you tighter and tighter “H-hey don’t cr-y-y”

It’s tightening too much


“H-Heidi… Y-you’re hurting me”

“You’re my best friend…~” Heidi says with a massive…eerie smile

“H-Heidi! Gak…” You try to shout, but your hair is getting out of your body, and you can feel the immense amounts of pain hitting you like a fire truck thanks to the massiveness of her arms

“And sometimes I feel, I haven’t given you a token of my FRIENDSHIP!” Heidi gutturally shouts as she stands up and arch her back suddenly, sending your head straight into the wall behind her, almost like a German suplex

The wall crumbles as you go through it, coughing as you take in the air like it was valuable


You look at Heidi, she smiles darkly towards you, she seems…stronger…her muscles bulk out even more than before, not only that but her eyes have changes to a deep purple

“Let’s play~” Heidi slowly goes through the wall, making you scramble

>”Salt help!”
>Run away
>”Heidi! It’s me!”
[x] Run away
>looking forward for some comfy terrorist fighting
>this happens

>”Salt help!”
Sharkwaifu pls.

It's frend buggo. Pls stop.
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“Salt! Help!” You shout as you start running away, the air on your lungs just starting to settle in

“BASTAAARD!” You can her Salt shout as she darts up the stairs and sucker punches Heidi “I’M THE ON THAT PROTECTS MADAM!”

Heidi stands her ground as the wind from Salt’s punch pushes you back a few feet…you can see her…smiling as well, the same kind of smile that Heidi has…

“WAIT YOUR TURN” Heidi shouts as she headbutts Salts, making her shout in pain as she goes trough the wooden floor of the abandoned house and into ground level both of the girls voices seem so guttural…

You start running away with everything you can, opening doors until you find the stairs back down “Eva! Are you telling me you don’t want my friendship!?”

You go through the stairs as fast as you can, panting heavily as you can finally see the exit within reach

Until your head gets janked so hard from your body that you could swear you felt them on two different places

Your body skids on the floor as you try to look onto the unknown assailant

“Madam…Why are you running away?” Salt says with that same grin, her eyes glowing purple as her muscles bulk up “Don’t you know I have to protect you?! How can I protect you if you run AWAY?!” Salt says walking towards you with that horrible smile, holding a massive rock in her right hand


The sound rings trough your spine as you get picked up, seeing Salt go trough the stairs from the bullet, she still doesn’t seem worse for the wear

“What the fuck is happening?!” Ada shouts as she drags, oh thank god her eyes are normal “First these people are throwing rocks, then molotovs! And now I’ve had to open fire on ten fuckers!”

>”I don’t fucking know!”
>”I don’t care just run!”
>”Oh god…Heidi…what’s happening?!”
“HEIDI'S GONE BONKERS! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!” You shout rapidly as Ada turns around to look at you dumbfounded

“Wait what?”

“JUST RUN” You shout as you’re the one dragging her back to the bulldozer now “and keep running!”

“But what about the maid gi-“ That’s the only thing Ada says before she’s clobbered by a high velocity rock to the face

You scream incoherently as you cover your head with your arms, making you as much of a small target as possible

“I’LL SHOW YOU GODDAMN FURRIES HOW WE RUN THIS PLACE!” A man shouts as he drags your arm from the bulldozer to the ground and starts kicking you

Oh god, he has the purple eyes too…

Everyone has them

You start to get kicked in the ground, tears of pain start coming from your eyes as you go into fetal position, some woman grabs your arm to make your belly open to the foots that stomp you

“Please…stop…” that’s the only thing you’re able to say as another stomp goes straight to your head…

It is now that you notice that among the lynch, there’s faunus too…


“hehehehe…” you laugh curtly as a boot kicks you in the side so hard that it sends moving half a meter

>>Yes, my child, laugh…for this is pure pleasure…for this is true HEAVEN<<

“Hehehehahaha!” You can help but laugh as the pain starts to subside

The air around you feels lighter, and your eyes start showing richer colors, much, much richer colors…

“HAHAHAHAHA!” You can’t help it! It’s so funny! What is so funny about this?! The pain is starting to subside!

>>This…is your reward<<


“EVA!” You shout as you see her walking, spitting blood as she can barely walk trough some currently empty alley, the sun getting hidden by the buildings and giving her plenty of shade

“Eva! Oh god, Eva…”

Okay the kick to the face was unpredicted

“Tuco…” Eva looks at you smiling…her eyes…why are they purple? “You scared me…” She say walking towards you

…huh, that kick was strong…well at least stronger than you expect from her

Eva shows you her bloodied hand towards you “Tuco…come here…”

>”Of course…”
>”Look, come with me, we’ll get you safe!”
>”Are you here alone?”
>Just hug her
>”What happened to your eyes?”


You’re J

And boss just fucked off out of nowhere to save Eva

Well I mean, you would have done it too, if you could, but you’re currently on a building about a km away from her, so yeah

“Any recent movies you’ve seen?” You say to Myrrh as you turn around towards her, currently hanging on from your back, man this girl is so light, the katana weighs more than her!

She doesn’t seem amused

Myrrh points at where Tuco should be in the mass and gives you a face of “What the fuck?”

“Oh that’s his girlfriend, so I guess he’s fired up about her” You say while smiling “Love just makes you stupid things”

Myrrh takes your binoculars and looks at her before wincing and looking at you

“She’s cute in her own way! Kinda like a pug!”

Myrrh gives you a face of “eeeeh” before shrugging

“Anyways, I think we should do something from here…”

>Set up sniping camp, make sure boss is safe
>Start approaching, it’s gonna take a while but boss will have more hands on support
>”Got any ideas Myrrh?”
[x] Are you here alone?
[x] Set up sniping camp. Something's fucky.
I hate you Kale.
Please go, get bitten by a dog and get a nice, painful rabies vaccination.

This I guess.
…Hmmm…something’s fucky in here

Call it a gut feeling…

You crouch and take your sniper rifle, setting it up carefully as Myrrh looks at you intently

“Don’t look at me like that…it makes me nervous…”

Myrrh just shrugs, but keep looking at you

You just sigh and aim your sights as you look at Boss chatting it up with Eva

>Back to Tuco

“Are you here alone?” You say as you grab Eva’s hand

“Tuco…” she says softly as she gently puts your fingerless gloved hand on her cheek and passes it around her face

“Y-yeah, I’m here” You say, your spaghetti trying to spill as you get closer to her

“Don’t you know…” Eva says as she passes your bare fingers…towards her lips… “how much…~”

O-oh god this is too lewd, she’s almost biting them…

“MISSED YOU~?!” Before you say anything, your arm is grabbed by Eva and with a sudden pull you’re thrown like a bullet towards a wall, creating a small crater as you look at her smiling


What the fuck


“Don’t…you miss me?” Eva says smiling as she approaches you, the sun finally hitting her as you see her properly, the muscles in her body have bulged to strange proportions, she looks like if she had gone through boot camp or something… “aaaAAANSWER ME!” Eva shouts as she throws herself at you, punching the wall and creating another crater that you manage to deftly dodge

She would kill a lesser man easily, but to you her moves are slow as fuck… almost zombie like…

>>This is your reward! Now go and let the crownless king of violence regain his throne<<

Oh that bitch is getting extra dead

>Try to reason with Eva
>Try to knock Eva out and drag her out of this, safety first
>Let her be for now (Or have someone check on her), you’re finding that bitch yourself
[x] Try to knock Eva out and drag her out of this. Safety first!

I hope Salt is okay.

She'll just hurt herself in the end.
Or she dies and EvaQuest continues with Punished Tuco.
>Eva dies
Kale wouldn't stretch his luck that much
gonna leave it for now and call it a day, getting pretty late and want to play pokemon desu

in the meanwhile makes plans and stuff I dunno
Fucking kill yourself Kale, you piece of shit.
That's a little much don't you think?

Granted this is a pretty shitty thing to wake up to.
Man paranoia sure doesn't pay off in this quest.
It seems from now on we have to take action more often.
Or we can just stop playing. I plan to.
I'm not happy with how things happened, but people like you are why the thread is dying.
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>Atlas budget cuts
You wanna stop playing? Fine, stop, go for it

Do you also stop watching a series if there's a hint of things getting worse? Or do just writhe in anger then complain on it online?

What would happen if Grim had gone trough his plan of killing main characters? Would you be gone with that too? Is grim now fucking obligated to comply and turn his quest into rape waifu simulator?

Was it a shitty thing to do? Maybe but thats how fucking stories go, you need shitty things to happen for the good things to have more goddamn value

What, do you think the quest is gonna turn into that fucking hentai of the girl that gets stomped to death at school and loses her baby? (You know the one I'm talking about)

Didnt you fucking think>>6421578 wouldnt have passed trough my head? I know when enough is enough, Its not in my plans to kill Eva at all for fucks sake

I dont know what you expected, but if you seriously expected that anyone would get out of the situation harmless then you're mistaken as fuck

Sorry to explode like this everyone, I was just getting tired of being fucking threatened on turning my quest into some watered down happy quest were nothing ever bad happens and you eventually make a harem because thats the literally easiest idea to please everyone

I'll try to continue Evaquest in mybe an hour or so
This man speaks the truth.
How come?
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>Its not in my plans to kill Eva at all for fucks sake
because then you would have nobody to make suffer!

>I was just getting tired of being fucking threatened on turning my quest into some watered down happy quest
I'm not that guy, but you can't just tell yourself you're being threatened by people who don't want to consume your quest once it's not to their liking

that's just how media goes.
you watch something until you don't wanna watch it anymore, and then you don't watch it anymore.
the only difference is, people who earn millions with their stuff don't give a shit about a few people not wanting to consume their piece of media anymore, but for you, one or two people going away is a huge deal.

stop being such a whiny fucking cunt Kale.
either you do your quest for yourself, then you don't care about whether or not people like it
or you do your quest for the voters, then you better fucking care about what to do to not make any voters upset

I understand you'd like to have a nice, perfect middle ground where you do your quest like you want to and everybody likes it...

but that's not gonna happen.
with any piece of media.

also, tip from me:
make a pastebin so people who missed a couple of threads or are new to the thread can get easily into EQ and don't get kept away by the effort they would need to go through in order to catch up
I guess your right

But Then whats the threshold? I don't want to stop enjoying writing by doing what everyone likes but I don't

I guess I just didnt expect this reaction at all, I mean its not that groundbreaking what I did, it's just another obstacle really

And about the pastebin, I guess I should do it then? The only reason I haven't done it is because nobody new ever comes her and people most of the time miss only one or two threads (which they go back to catch up regardless of Evaquest or not)

But yeah, guess I'll spend some time making a pastebin then
it's just a tip, I won't need the bin anyways.

and there is no ideal threshold. no golden rule.
you just have to explore it for yourself.

but your best bet is to just continue.
voters always blow everything out of proportion and then get accustomed to the new situation eventually.

I remember when in JQ II, Yulie saw Jasper coming out of the bathroom with Keppel and was angry and went into her room and everyone was like
"yooooo, that's the end of Show Don't Yell, no more cutie amazon, goodbye cruel world" and just a few posts afterwards Jasper and Yulie had the cutest fucking tickle fight ever and cuddled afterwards.

so yeah.
just go on you stupid shit.
I had problems with motivations, and it has to be with continuing WQ.
Well, you gotta do something first about her

You prepare yourself as she throws her fist at you, before gently dogging and grabbing her by the neck

“Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry” You whisper to mostly yourself as you perform the gentlest asphyxiation you’ve ever done

Eva tries to struggle as she grabs your helmet and tries to take it out from your head (Probably head included)

Just one more…tug

A few more seconds and Eva is down for the count, her body limp as a noodle as you drag her away in your arms, floating back towards Junko

“Junko, I’m bringing back Eva, she’s passed out, but make sure she’s safe”

>>Yeah, I saw it, are you sure she’s okay?<<

“Oh she will after I finish with this bitch, In the meanwhile, just make sure she doesn’t hurt herself”

>>You got it boss<<

You keep floating until you gently let Eva’s unconscious body next to a sitting Junko with her legs crossed on the roof of the apartment building

“She’s definitely not the same Eva” Junko says as she looks at her

“You’ve never even seen her…”

“*Cough* yeah, but I got a debriefing before hanging out with you” Junko says scratching her hair while looking away

“Anyways…she’s gonna be passed out for an hour, so brainstorming…”

>30 minutes later

You have around three to four random corpses you’ve gathered for a small study session, all of them of course murdered by you…killing them this time was different…more pleasurable…


“Okay so whatever semblance is at work her it must be, one, in a safe location, and two, weak aura, meaning…”

“Sniper rifle is overkill” Junko nods with you “Could kill her with something far less powerful”

“Right, now to her actual semblance, which seems to be…making angry zombies or something like that, what we know right now is…”

“It’s contagious, it affects everyone, and it makes them stronger than usual”
“Exactly” you say as you set the corpses on fire with a match you had saved for the last cigarette “we don’t know what is the contagious part but we know there is, now does anyone feel stranger than usual?”

Myrrh shakes her head and Junko goes “Nope”

“Good cause I feel different, meaning I’m most likely to be zombified” You say plainly, no way you’re letting any goddamn murder boner slip away from your sight

“Oh shit” Junko says alarmed as Myrrh holds her Katana steady

“Nothing to worry, the only thing we’ve proven is that it takes time to settle in, and that it’s not airborne, which is great” You say looking for the silver lining “What we do have tough, is a race against time before I become more of a murderhobo than I already am”

“You’re keeping a disturbingly calm head towards all of this” Junko says somewhat disturbed

“Part of the trade, you panic and you lose”

Myrrh makes sure to point at Eva with a “Seriously?” face

“Well now that’s a whole different thing my little mute, you’ll understand when you’re older” You say putting your hands in your pockets “Now, Junko, did you scan for heavy sources of Aura?”

“One in the sewers, another one in the library close from here, and a last one on the top of the apartment complex in front of us”

>To the sewers
>To the Library
>To the apartments

“Okay then, and what else do we have to take care of?”

“Who’s staying her and who’s coming?”


>Who do you bring with you (If you’re bringing anyone at all that is)

“I also brought the helicopter” Junko says with her arms crossed “Just in case”

>Do you do something with the helicopter (Can change loadouts and bring people out of the battle field) (Only Junko can drive it)
It's high up, we have the advantage

>Myrrh comes with us
Junko protects Eva

Gonna nap now
Later Kale

If we find the bitch while I'm asleep, please make sure to desintegrate her for me.
But not like last time.
Let her suffer more.
Apartments. Unless they have a better security cam set up than Eva's work, that's the only place she can likely see everything.

Take no one. If we turn before we kill her, it could get bad for them. If she's the only one around, then we can focus solely on killing her.

Have it on standby but nothing for now.
I've come to the conclusion that Admiral is a pretty cool dude.
“We’re heading to the apartments, Myrrh you’re with me”

Myrrh nods as she grabs a wheelchair that she found on the ground level and gets on it, following you

“Junko, you make sure Eva stays safe”

“Got it” Junko says as she grabs her sniper rifle by the barrel, it works surprisingly well as a club

“Myrrh, you kill anything that touches you, and if I turn before we manage to do everything, then don’t fucking kill me, just…knock me out or something” You say as you start walking out of the building and into the street

You start walking into the rioting mass, taking out your revolver and Electric sword, putting a bullet into everyone far away and cutting off-handily anyone that got too near to you, their blood painting your armor in a…beautiful…delicious…shade of red

Wait no, it’s fucking blood red, blood red doesn’t work with anything Tuco, regain control

Myrrh is doing the same thing, pushing her wheelchair with one hand while cutting people in half with the other

You finally reach the building where Junko said the reading was, Myrrh looks at the place intently

It looks normal for everything it’s happened, somewhat dilapidated, but still there

>Carry Myrrh upwards and start searching from there
>Enter the building and start combing upwards
>Coordinate with Myrrh, she can climb upwards and you go downstairs, creating a pincer manoeuver
>Try to kill Myrrh
>Coordinate with Myrrh, she can climb upwards and you go downstairs, creating a pincer manoeuver
Think of a CYOA character
They become the last boss of the story; post the name of their sick-as-fuck final boss fight music
Lynette - Mother Knows Best
We'll need it for when she turns out to be the true final boss of TQ... 3 years from now.
Whichever one that can make mecha battles a reality.

So most likely Feb.

>Whichever one that can make mecha battles a reality.
Shizune? Probably.
Please, everyone knows the true final boss is Wen
>Established grudge with Todd
>Stripper/manwhore turned soldier vs soldier turned stripper/whore
>Custody battle for the Mayo

I miss lewis
>CYOA MCs goes on a date with team JNPR
How will it turn out?
>Where's your shirt?
All of team JNPR at once? I mean, some of them could pull if off for sure.
Group dating is trendy.
and orgies
She'd end up with Nora. It's not enough that she ends up with one of the girls, but she doesn't even get the successful, famous girl. At least she has experience with hyperactive crazy.

s-shut up!
Nah you're totes a cool dude.
where does that even come from?
You being a cool dude.
Continuing EQ from where we left off Y'all
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I would have loved to participate, but I have to get up for work at 3.

Maybe next time.
“Myrrh, you climb up the stairs, I’ll search from the roof down”

Myrrh looks at you while pointing at her legs, her face saying something along the lines of “Ya dumb fuck”

“Like if that is going to stop you, c’mon chop, chop we’re going against time in here” you say as you start floating upwards in the air towards the upmost floor in the building

>>The sheep comes to it’s shepherd? Come my precious king, I shall give you more rewards than you could imagine<<

That didn’t come from your transmitter…

You say nothing as you finally reach the floor, the lights are all out and the floor is shrouded in darkness

>>Come…my sheep~<<

Your breathing is becoming heavier by the second, this shit settles in fast…

You turn your night vision on, almost painfully so…you just want to hurt someone…

You see a small fleck of something move around the corner of the third apartment to your right, entering the most certainly empty room

>>And let me see…how the king of violence tastes like<<

>Throw an super velocity knife at the general direction of where you saw
>Aim your revolver with your sword and go into overwatch, expecting any kind of movement
>”Stop acting all mysterious, that’s just gonna make you die harder”
>”What did you do to Eva you psycho bitch?!”
>Bow…before her (1)
[x] Aim your revolver with your sword. Expect movement.
>Aim your revolver with your sword and go into overwatch, expecting any kind of movement
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You take out your revolver, and your sword, creating your own source of light as the plasma beam from the weapon burns a bright yellow

You wait for any sudden movements…

But none seem to come…

>>My beautiful king~ why do you seem so keen on killing me? Don’t you want to revel in the pleasure of your kingdom?<<

The voices keep reverberating in your head as your arms start to shake

“Do not worry my precious…I shall take care of you…”

Without even thinking, you shoot towards the position of wherever the noise came from, making a sudden flash of light as fire seem to break out, you must have hit something flammable

From the edge of your view you can see her, walking towards you a girl in pretty much weird gothic emo clothing, drinking a strange purple liquid as she looks at you

“Finally…I can see our demon in the flesh~” she says, putting the respirator back on, you can see some of the liquids ooze from her mask

You point at her and shoot…but suddenly feel the urge…to let her speak…her voice…is so soothing

“Do you enjoy the power of my semblance~? It controls the pleasure nerves completely, propagating like a virus trough skin contact…” She says while…undressing… “I can make you feel stimulus…when you kill, when you destroy…when you see me…”

She gets closer to you, her chest only covered by a bra as she lowers slowly your arm that was pointing the revolver at her, stiff as a rock

C’mon Tuco, stay angry…stay...


The girl slowly takes off your helmet, showing your grimace at her, no matter how good you’re feeling, that murderhobo face of yours is still impossible to take off

“This face…is what I’ve strived for…” The girl says before taking her respirator and kissing you in the lips “The black fang’s king of death is finally among us~”

It…feels…so good…

>But your anger surpasses this…(Finish this)
>Just…a few minutes won’t hurt anyone…(3)
>But your anger surpasses this…(Finish this)
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You're making it real tempting to vote for the loaded votes
[x] But your anger surpasses this.
no, we have to stay pure for Eva
it has been stated in the story that Tuco is not a virgin at all

Blondie called him shitty in bed while we were killing her
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Nobody is stopping you

they are options after all
purity is a state of mind, not of body, anon
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I get that, that's kinda the point.
Choosing the right answer is easy, but choosing the wrong answer is interesting. Failure can be fun, and seeing where things can go from here is fascinating. The real problem is the off chance it could cause some disproportionate shitstorm
>but choosing the wrong answer is interesting
nice wording for "I want the gothic emo lewds"
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>But your anger surpasses this...(finish this)
>Everyone saying how much they want to kill the girl
>Now that people realize she's a qt, people are stopping to think it trough

lewds wins again I see
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Would you believe that's entirely not a factor here, unlikely as it may seem? we could go completely lewdless here for all I care, fade to black or switch perspectives and never know what happens.
My true boner is for consequences

>Just…a few minutes won’t hurt anyone…
What if her plan is to fuck Tuco then kill him?
>But your anger surpasses this…(Finish this)
I was just going to lurk, but fuck that weighted votes bullshit.
>My true boner is for consequences
CYOAnon just run you own quest dammit!

seriously tho, I don't understand or support you, but that's my problem and why I don't like weighed votes

currently it's one guy who'd like to fuck shit over and three who don't, and given that there are consequences in the magnitude of, let's say, fucking Lilith, it's gonna ruin the fun for 75% of the current players.

with Lilith, at least the majority made the dumb decision and paid the price.
here, thanks to weighed votes, the minority can fuck it up alone, and that's the problem with weighed votes.
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Then those would be some very serious consequences

Although personally I don't think that's the case. Whatever happens, happens. C'est la vie
only that this is not "la vie", it's fiction.

also, just because, let's think this through.

Tuco dies.
Gothic Loli wins.
Eva, Heidi, Salts, Ada die.
everyone at the riot does.
BF wins.
prepare for AmyQuest: Red Rocket Edition
I'm not the man, the myth, the legend. Though I have been mistaken for him and I have been tempted to run his quest just to see if anyone would notice.

In any case, personally I think that's the point of weighted votes, to represent how bleak and impossible the odds are. Victory is a long shot, failure is a nigh certainty
run a bad plagiarism quest.

like "Colurful Tedd" and "Izzi Murius"
But you anger surpasses this, by a wiiide margin…

You don’t even register your sword on your left hand moving, it was just a reaction movement as blood start spraying onto the wall in front of you, the girl’s eyes widen like platters as blood trickles from her smile

The pleasure starts to fade slowly as she take a few steps away from you, shuffling her feet towards the window you came from

“Thank you…~ My King” she say grabbing the sword and digging it deeper inside of her

“Stop calling me king for fucks sake…” You say bothered as the high starts to leave from your body “that’s an old nickname…” you say as you slowly regain your ability to walk

“You will always be my true king…Terry…” The girl says smiling as the wind from the outside blows her hat off, revealing her…birthmark on her forehead…

“Baxter?” You say confused, is this…the same girl from those years ago

“I finally found my semblance Terry…that explosion, showed me who I truly am!” Baxter says trembling, holding your sword and digging it deeper into her moans between pain and pleasure coming with every inch she digs deeper“I wanted to show you my thanks… for everything~” Baxter says as her eyes dim somewhat, she’s reaching the end “Now finish me! Finish what you started so long ago!”

>How do you finish her? (Rule of cool activated)
Aww man, gonna fug so many wifeys
Single revolver shot to the head.

she's not worth to come up with somehing stylish.
This pic >>6433648
Damn, if only you weren't evil and Eva didn't exist.

I mean, assuming that Tuco Quest would then be a thing and we'd run into her without Eva.

Just grab the sword and use it to slice her in half without drawing it out of her.
If it's not in a 'half' that can for sure kill her, cut her head off afterwards.
I was going to put in a "Hail to the king, baby." but Tuco isn't happy with the "king" title.
maybe someday I'll make an Evaquest prequel about Tuco's life and the formation of the black fang
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You take out your revolver and spin the chamber, aiming it at Baxter as she gives you one last smile with her eyes closed

“Hail to the king, baby” You say before putting one bullet straight in her head, making her body moves towards the open window

“de…liverance~” a whisper comes from Baxter’s mouth as she falls from the window, you can her the smash as a car alarm goes off…

Okay, you don’t like the nickname, but you seriously couldn’t miss the opportunity, I mean for fucks sak-

Wait whenever someone says deliverance something bad happens-




>Back to Eva

“I don’t know what happened…” You say as you’re covered in blankets drinking coffee “I just…lost…c-control of myself!”

“Don’t worry friend, it’s okay, no one’s gonna hurt you here” The weird metal lady says as she sits next to you with her own cup “Tuco will be here soon and we’ll get you home”

“I-I-I can’t go home, I need to know if my other friends are okay as well” you try to get up, but the pain of overexertion is too much, you’re patched up sure, but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less “I-I-I…”

The metal girl just looks at you and…hugs you?

“E-excuse m-me?”

“O-O-o-oh I just thought that…y’know…you could use a hug?” She says while tapping her legs in awkwardness “I-I-I’m sorry if I stepped on your p-personal boundaries…”


“…I’ll just…y’know…excuse…myself” she says as she leaves the helicopter “Just…stay here…I have to do some…digging”

…weird girl…but at least she’s Tuco’s friend




Stupid girl, you’re pushing it, pull yourself together, this is business, and you gotta take care of business

“Hey, boss, how you hanging?”
>>Eh, coulda been worse, got some nice breathing space here in the rubble, what about you Myrrh?<<

>> ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-- --- ..-<<

>>Is that a yes? Or a No?<<

>> -- -.-- / .-.. . --. ... / .- .-. . / -... .-. --- -.- . -. / .- ... / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -... -.-- / - .... . / .-. ..- -... -... .-.. . --..-- / ... --- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-- --- ..-<<

>>Myrrh I can’t speak robot, but I’m going to assume you’re having a blast in there, anyways, is Eva safe?<<

“Ayup, she’s safe as she can be, everyone is also just kinda leaving” You say as you pass a weeping man crying for a dead woman on the streets “She said she had to find her other friends”

>>Fuck…okay search for them first, we can wait, right Myrrh?<<

>>.-- .- .. - / -. --- / .-- .... .- - / - .... . / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / - .- .-.. -.- .. -. --. / .- -... --- ..- - --..-- / -. --- --..-- / -- . - .- .-.. / - .. - ... --..-- / -.-. --- -- . / ... .- ...- . / -- -.-- / .- ... ... --..-- / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-.. .. ... - . -. / - --- / - .... .. ... / -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- / -- --- - .... . .-. ..-. ..- -.-. -.- . .-. --..-- / ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. --..-- / --- .... / --. --- -.. / -- -.-- / .-.. . --. ... / .- .-. . / -.-. .-. ..- -. -.-. .... .. -. --. --..-- / .-- .... -.-- / -.. .. -.. / .. - / .... .- ...- . / - --- / -... . / - .... . / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / .-.. . --. ... --..-- / .. / .... .- - . / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. --..-- / .. / ..-. . . .-.. / .-.. .. -.- . / .- / -... .- -.. / .--. ..- -. -.-. .... .-.. .. -. . / .. -. / .- / ... .... .. - - -.-- / .--- --- -.- .<<

>>Myrrh, I told you to stop speaking robot, send a text or something, anyways, can I count you on this?<<

>”Sure thing boss”
>”Don’t you think it’s better if we search them all together”
>”Don’t you think it’s better if we search them all together”
>”Don’t you think it’s better if we search them all together”
[x] Sure thing boss.

Fuck's sake.
Damn, first her feet, now this.

"They should be fine with Baxter dead. We can find them faster if we have more people looking, so find us first."
She freaking out about her legs.




change >>6434596
>go find Myrrh
"Myrrh where are you?"
>Bee will never treat you with her southern hospitality

.. / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -.-. ..- -- / .. -. ... .. -.. . / -- ..- ... -.-. .-.. . ... .-.. ..- - .-.-.-
>Thatch will never run JQ again
-- ..- ... -.-. .-.. . ... .-.. --- --- - / .. ... / ... .... .. - --..-- / .. / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -.-. --- -- . / .. -. ... .. -.. . / -- -.-- .-. .-. .... / .-- .... .. .-.. . / ... .... . / ... .. .-.. . -. - .-.. -.-- / -... . .-. .- - . ... / -- -.-- / - . -.-. .... -. .. --.- ..- .
She and her whole family did.
JQ is comf af like that
>- .... --- ..- --. .... - / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / ..- -. -.. . .-. ... - .- -. -..
>- ..-. .-- / ... --- -- . --- -. . / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / --- ..- -
[s]- ..-. .-- / ... --- -- . --- -. . / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / --- ..- -[/s]
”Don’t you think it’s better if we search them all together”

>>Hmm…You’re right They should be fine with Baxter dead. We can find them faster if we have more people looking, so find us first<<

>>..-. .. -. -.. / -- . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / - --- ..- --. .... --..-- / - .... . -.-- / .--. .- .. -. / .. ... / -... . -.-. --- -- .. -. --. / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / -- ..- -.-. .... / ..- -. -... . .- .-. .- -... .-.. . --..-- / --- .... / --. --- -.. --..-- / .. / -.-. .- -. / ..-. . . .-.. / .- / .-. --- -.-. -.- / ... - .- -... -... .. -. --. / -- -.-- / .-- .- .. ... - --..-- / .. ..-. / .. / -.. .. . --..-- / --. .. ...- . / .- .-.. .-.. / -- -.-- / ... - ..- ..-. ..-. / - --- / -- -.-- / -.-. .- - / .-.. ..- -.-. -.- -.-- --..-- / .- -. -.. / - . .-.. .-.. / -- -.-- / -- --- - .... . .-. / ... .... . .----. ... / .- / .-- .... --- .-. . --..-- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -- .<<

>>Send a fucking text Myrrh, c’mon<<

>>.. / -.. --- -. .----. - / .... .- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / -. ..- -- -... . .-. --..-- / -.. .. -.-. -.- .-- . . -.. --..-- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / .. - / .. .----. -- / --. --- -. -. .- / ... .--. . -. -.. / -- -.-- / .-.. .- ... - / -- --- -- . -. - ... / .-.. .. ... - . -. .. -. --. / - --- / -.-. .-.. .- ... ... .. -.-. .- .-.. / -- ..- ... .. -.-. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -. .----. - / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / -- .. -. -.. --..-- / -- .- -.-- -... . / .- -- .--. ..- - .- - . / -- -.-- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / .-.. . --. ... --..-- / -.-. .- ..- ... . / --. --- -.. / -.- -. --- .-- ... / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / -.. . ... . .-. ...- . / - .... . -- / ..-. --- .-. / ... --- -- . / .-. . .- ... --- -. --..--<<

>>Sigh…kids these days… <<

You shrug as you start to take out the rocks, at the very least this time is easier, so it won’t take literal days
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Tuco in his new armor.jpg
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>A while later

“Hey boss”

“Hey girl, where’s mute lady?”

“Dunno, she’s kept radio silence for a while” You say as you help him up

“You think she might be in trouble?” Tuco says as he dusts himself off

“Who knows? I’ll keep digging just in case” You say as Tuco start walking down unfazed

“Go for it, I’m gonna find the others”

>Choose character
[x] Junko
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>Schnee Dust Company has their own event
>Silly hat day
>The Schnees wear their own hats
>No matter how serious the situation
>They have to wear their hats
That's porn, isn't it?
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You see boss leave as you start grabbing more rocks out of the way

>A while later

Okay…final rock

You manage to see Myrrh’s face from a hole in the rubble, her glasses are broken but her face seems so…bored, but less of an “There’s nothing fun to do” kind of bored, and more of an existential “Is this all?” kind of bored

It’s a complicated kind of bored

You start taking out the rocks one by one as you can finally see her body…


Her legs are completely eaten by the rubble and her waist is bleeding from a rock keeping her steady

She looks at you with a completely dead stare, as you keep moving rubble, allowing her to finally move

Without some form of gratitude, Myrrh sits slowly and looks at you

“C’mon girl we’re getting you out of here” You say as you try to drag her out

Silent screams and faces of pain only come from the girl “Don’t you worry” you say as you try to get the rubble out of her feet to no avail either, it’s like the whole building collapsed on top of her

she looks at you, completely and utterly defeated…Until she sees her Katana poking out of the rubble near her, enough to grab it

Without much show she points at a rebar and you decide to comply, tearing the piece of steel from the concrete easily

Myrrh then takes out her scroll, and puts some music, then puts her scroll on top of a rock


Myrrh takes a few deep breath and in an extremely quick succession, puts the rebar in her mouth, holds your hand ridiculously tight, and unsheathes her katana…

By the time you’re able to notice that, she has already amputated both of her legs

“W-w-wait what?! What?!”

Myrrh moves her torso wildly like a worm without a head, immediately showing tears of pain as she bites on the rebar hard enough to bend it

Ah shit! Ah shit!

>M-medical assistance! Stat!
>”Tuco come here!”
>”Why’d you do that?!”
[x] Medical assistance! Get out those tourniquets.
what happened?
I'm just being a bully again.
>M-medical assistance! Stat!
Jade next research project should be protheses
Nothing, really. It's just been a few days is all.
>M-medical assistance! Stat!
Calling it for a day btw

as always feedback is appreciated
What's Myrrh's real name?
Your gonna have to ask her

Btw what do you think of her?
A nice enough girl. I'd like to give her a text-to-speech box that uses Microsoft Sam.
>Myrrh is stoic as fuck
>you bring her for a date and trough the whole day she seems completely bored and dead as fuck
>think your a fuckup for dragging this cute mute girl to the park without her wanting it
>Before you leave she gives you a kiss so heartfelt and genuine that you're left dumbfounded
>Myrrh gives you the faintest hint of a smile before she goes back home
[s] she then gets captured tortured and possible raped by the white fang and sent into a container for Mistral where she's found and saved by Tuco [/s]

Myrrh is like an Eva that suffers physical suffering instead of emotional
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Lily Belladonna.png
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When are you going to update Arclave?!
Fuck off faggot
I mean.
>expecting me to finish a story
The only other things I had planned for it was Ruby's Rangers and a Weiss or Winter cameo.

Okay, so what have you finished so far?
I wanna read it.
Grimm here.
Internet is finally back, anyone want to continue customization of the new generation?
Yang's child. (Normal Beowulf)

Choose starting move

>Mighty slap: does 1Dmg (spd modifier) but has a great chance to stun for a turn.
>Shear: 5Dmg (no modifier)
>Beo drop kick: 10Dmg but take 5Dmg to self. (no modifier)

Looks (choose 1 difference)
>Longer hair
>Gold paws
>Shifting eye color (blue to red)
>write in

>write in

There’s something different about this Beowulf.
>Bigger than normal
>Smaller than normal
>No spikes
>is attracted to the smell of meat.
>write in
Can we go for normal human instead?
nah, not yet.
soon though.
Okay then
>Mighty slap

>Gold paws

>Just as evil as her father (if not more) but with the added puns from her mother

>Can stand up Naturally in two paws
See the OP.

Longer hair
Reckless and headstrong, but smart enough to obey orders.
The tips of it's hair seem to be like flames, as in they flicker and vary in length at any given moment.
closing in 5

oh yeah forgot.
The gender is female.
Weiss’s young. (Albino king taijitu)

Starting move
>hot Spit (does no damage initially, but every turns does 2 DMG for 3 turns.)
>body whip (simple and never misses, 3Dmg Dex modifier)
>Chomp (dig deep with your fangs 6Dmg)

>rough scales
>red streak on back
>horns on head
>write in

>write in

There’s something different about this taijitu.
>spit is acidic (??? Change to hot spit)
>has no fangs but sharp teeth (??? To chomp)
>is much more wider than usual (??? To body whip)

Ultra-smooth scales that are slightly harder than normal.
Quiet, reserved. Though more relaxed with those they trust, and a bit snobby when they let their guard down.
Highly corrosive acid from one head, highly noxious poison from the other.
Doesn't matter to me.
>snake with teeth

No fucking thanks

>Hot spit

>deep blue eyes

>Reverse tsundere (Sweet and kind with his friends, but and absolute beast when angered)

>Spit is acidic

closing in 5
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>it's a "What's a production schedule?" episode
You quickly cover yangs mouth to shut her up, and watch as another one of yours comes to the world.


Once again you hold a gelatinous sack of black goo, and once again a little paw breaks form the surface.

You notice that’s the paw is a golden color that fades to black as it goes down the arm.

It breaks free, and you hold it as it moves around your hands.

The pup raises its head upwards and slowly opens its eyes.

It blinks away grogginess, before suddenly recoiling at seeing your smiling face. The fur on its back slightly rises and the tips start to glow and move like flames.

It stares at you for a few moments longer before calming down and resting in your hands. The glow dampers until it resembles embers.

You chuckle and look at yang.

Her face is one of shame and horror.

You laugh.

“this is only the beginning you slut. Soon you will pump more and more of these out.”

She closes her eyes and a single teardrop descends.

You move away to check on Weiss and David.


The first thing you see is david’s three heads fussing over a pure white taijitu. Its eyes a deep blue, and its scales shine as if polished metal.

Weiss beckons the white snake to her and it starts to crawl to her.
David craws with it every step of the way. The third head rises and looks deeply at the young.

Weiss picks up her young and holds it close to her. Then David gently coils himself to Weiss embrace both child and mate.

You smile at the scene.

The pup stirs in your hands. Looks like the pup needs some sleep, you head back to the shack to get some more shut eye.


>somewhere else.

You love the forest.

It’s nice, quiet, full of dangerous grimm, and best of all if you kill someone here, they can scream all they want without drawing attention!

You sigh.

But here you are trying to bring something alive than dead.

Really puts a damper on your mood.

You came across a recent scene of a fight. Two hunters were found brutally killed and the other two were missing.

Judging from the tracks there was more than one.


Ol’ Salem just said bring “it” back alive. So she wouldn’t mind if you killed something if there were more, right?

You shrug.

Well you “did” have to follow orders down to the letter right?

You look to the east, where the tracks lead.

Better be ready to scream, here comes nightshade.



ending it here, for today. (sorry for it being so short)
Tomorrow, will begin the new arc. So get ready for that!
Quick question

Whats the sucess chances of integraring nightshade to our harem?
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Would that percentage go up if we give her Yang to do anything she wants with her?
The best thing about Jefe's new children are puppy paw pads.
Do you think Jefe loves touching his kids paws pads?

I bet everyone wants to touch them, even Yang
Well Grim, do you got time just to name those kids?
[s]I was thinking of calling it Goldie or Carot Gold[/s]
Yeah, put your names for yangs beowulf and weiss taijitu
>write in
>get idea for when you find Heidi
>it's so dark that I'm hesitant to write it
>But it's so good tough

I dunno if going trough with it, or just thinking of something else
Yang's Pupper is called Brazzle (a nickname for Pyrrite)

Weiss's snek is called Lox (short for liquid oxygen, most beautifully blue, cold substance in the world)
Also, shouldn't David name his child?
This, I'd second that.
In the story david will give that name, so its all good.
alright, so brazzle and lox it is.
Well, I'm gonna plan on resuming WQ after Thanksgiving.
[s]Checking back the threads, someone said it was more than a 3/10. I can get why, I was just merely practicing my writing. Now, with those cameos, I should wish I push it to its limit.[/s]
okay I'm filled with popcorn even tough I'm not watching a movie

continuing EQ shortly
You got some of that white cheddar popcorn?
>Cheddar popcorn

what the fuck is this disgusting shit anon

either you put a bucketload of butter on the popcorn or you don't put anything

what you're saying is heresy
Im sad we didn't kill her in GQ
>tfw this will never happen because David kiled Nora
now anon that was Blake, Nora escaped alongside Ren

Pity about Blake, would have like to fuck the cat
didn't we kill her way back in the very first GQ?
No, we killed Jaune and fugged Pyrrha.
>Wanting snek to rape shitty kitty
>Not letting Harambe drag her with his cock
[s]Seriously do any of those CYOA MCs want to fuck worst cat?[/s]
Aw crap! Medical assistance! Stat!

You grab both amputated legs and start mending them with the best of your ability, ripping Myrrh’s clothes and using them as impromptu tourniquets

You look at Myrrh powering trough it like a fucking champ, gritting her teeth as she looks at you before pointing at your robotic legs

“Yeah, don’t worry, we’ll get you the good stuff” you say you scratch Myrrh’s head, she looks at you and sighs tiredly as her eyes close slowly

“Hey! Hey! Don’t go to sleep, just stay awake, don’t do anything stupid!” You shout at her as you wake her up by vigorous shaking before lifting her up “Just stay with me”

Myrrh opens her eyes halfway as she grabs your hand for comfort

Goddamn it, don’t get sentimental! That’s a redflag!

You say nothing as you run back to the helicopter

Hopefully Eva won’t freakout…

>Back to Tuco


You’re walking in the middle of the now empty streets, bodies sewn along the floor, Samaritans helping the few that are crashing from the pleasure rush, the rest just leaving, a few of them mourning

Okay…let’s test these different visions that Junko was talking about

You activate your Thermal vision, and immediately see the red spots in an otherwise blue background

Then you activate your Aura vision, the background now becoming grayscaled, but blurry blotches of color here and there representing Aura

You single out everyone you can see and end up with the most probable result

One of them is two exposures of Aura still fighting on an alley, thermal shows that the shape of one of them is very similar to Heidi…

The other is a thermal showing the heat signatures of a bunch of guns with a girl in the middle of them, being hidden by a building filled with bullet holes…most probably Ada…

>Head to the probable location of Heidi
>Head towards the location of Ada
[x] Head towards Ada
Mari has shit taste. Blake's right up her alley.
>Head to Heidi
gotta make sure she doesn't kill Salt
>Head to the probable location of Heidi
You go towards Heidi’s location…You can only shiver at imagining Heidi going beast mode on someone, the girl could bring out some ridiculous strength if she wanted

You start walking towards the signature as the sounds of shouts and grunts starts to appear

You pick up your pace as you stop walking and slowly creep on the situation, you soon get confirmed that this is where Heidi is, not because of actually seeing her, but watching the wake of destruction that she left, it’s almost like if a carpet bombing had occurred in this specific place of the riot

You finally hear the sound of concrete breaking as you hide behind a dumpster

You see some maid girl coughing, bloodied as the dust settles, just before Heidi comes out from the hole she just created, you see her and Heidi is just as much damaged as the girl, her face swollen and bruised

Heidi looks at her like…well like a shark looks his prey (You hope that isn’t racist or something…)…

Without saying anything, Heidi grabs the maid girl from the back and lifts her up to her face like if they were both wrestling, almost immediately, Heidi performs a brutal powerbomb to the floor, making it crack from the impact, as blood splutters from the girl’s face

Should you stop this? I mean, it’s kinda hypocritical on your part, but…

Before you say anything, Heidi lifts her up again and delivers another brutal powerbomb, making the crater bigger

Well it’s less on you caring about the girl she’s beating and more of you not wanting for her to get murderlust (completely different from being the murderhobo you are)

Once again, Heidi lifts the girl up and gives her one last powerbomb into a dumpster, bending it completely as Heidi falls on top of the girl, probably from tiredness and extertion…
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Okay, you’ve decided! You gotta stop her

You get out of your hiding spot and resolve yourself to interrupt this charade…

Until you see both kissing…

Heidi sweeps her hands onto the girls back as they both kiss passionately, the maid grabbing her by the back of the neck and keeping her in place as she moves her hips, grinding on Heidi’s crotch

…you gotta admit, that’s certainly new…

And hot

But mostly new…

>”Okay what the hell is this?”
>”So…is this a fetish?”
[x] Spy on them for a while. Record it if your suit has the capability.
>wait juuuuust a tiny little while longer.
just to make sure they are not still angry, you gotta make sure Heidi doesn't hurt you, yes yes, just that
>cough loudly
"Excuse me, ladies,"
Okay this shit is way too hot

You hide away in the corner as you take out your scroll and start recording

Moans come from both girls as the maid uses one hand to Grab Heidi’s butt, lifting Heidi’s leg as she just keeps on kissing

Heidi in return closes her arms around the girl even more until she locks her in a hug, exchanging saliva and grinding against each other, after a while Heidi takes off one arm of the hug and goes straight for underneath the maids skirt

…I’m cool with this…

You can slightly catch what they’re saying

“You’re gonna miss these?” Heidi says between pants


With a swift movement, Heidi completely rips a pair of panties that were under the girl’s skirt, letting her go commando and uttering a yelp of excitement from her

That is until both their Auras recharge

“Ready for round 6?” Heidi says while smiling

“Do it” the girl says with the exact type of perverted smile

With one motion they go back to fighting as Heidi throws the girl back trough the wall from where they both came from, with you unable to see anything

Okay time to break these before they break themselves

You stop the recording as you walk towards the entrance of the building

The maid is holding Heidi in a kimura armlock, letting you see all of her…womanhood

You cough slightly as they both turn to pay attention to you

“Excuse me, ladies?” you say as both Heidi and the girl look like deer in headlights

Heidi just straight up asks “How much did you see?”

>”I didn’t see nothing”
>Hold up scroll “Just enough~”
>”Just enough~”
>”Hey, you do what you want with your body”
>”You know that just makes people suspect more even if the didn’t see it?”
>”So…when’s the wedding?”
[x] I saw nothing! I know nothing!
"Enough to be completely scaroused."
"Enough for me to blackmail you with it, not enough for you to blackmail me with it.
I just want to make sure you don't kill each other, Eva is kinda worried."

also, remember to delete the recording when alone.
Heidi's our friend, we shouldn't have a compromising recording of her, that's just wrong.
>" Depends on how much you're gonna hurt me if I tell you the truth."
I'm worried what i'll post won't exactly fit RWBYgt, but I cant join /co/ RWBYg cuz ill get banned
>All of these lead to a different situation so I can't really lump any of them together

I'll wait for a while and if no one changes their vote I'll roll a d4

I don't think she would appreciate (Just like anyone) the fact that you can blackmail her at all, even if it's for a good cause
What do you want to do?
do it, we stopped talking about RWBY a long time ago pal
>I don't think she would appreciate (Just like anyone) the fact that you can blackmail her at all

I actually intended for it to sound obviously nonsensical.
you know, the kind of "doesn't make sense, but it sounds cool" kinda stuff.

anyways, if that's not clear to sharktits, change >>6448174
to >>6448125
but add the
>"I just want to make sure you don't kill each other, Eva is kinda worried."
“I saw nothing! I know nothing!” you say as you raise your hands in peace

“Good, and make it stay that way” Heidi says while pointing her finger at you “Unless you want to lose your anal virginity from my fist”

You squirm as you back up slightly “I-I just want to make sure you don't kill each other, Eva is kinda worried."

“Oh shit Eva….right…” Meido says as she gets up, dusting herself off and helping Heidi up “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she is, you know her?” You ask the girl as she nods

“I’ve been contracted to bodyguard for her”

“yeah, see how that turned out…” You say crossing your arms condescendingly

“Hey, now, poor girl here was under the effects of some psycho drug” Heidi gets in to defend “Could have happened to everyone” Heidi says as she takes out her scroll and turns to her “Gimme your number”

“Yeah I know, I was the one that stopped the drug” You say sighing “I’m just protective of her y’know?”

“Yeah, yeah, you want that bug pussy, got it”


“S-shut up…”

Heidi dismisses you with a roll of her eyes as she puts one hand on the girl’s waist “You come to my house or I come to yours~?” Heidi whispers to her

“Oh I’ll make you come alright~” the maid gives out a sultry smile as she slaps Heidi’s butt

“Fucking christ, you’re so hot~”

You have to cough again to get the girl’s attention…again

“Right…” Heidi says as she gets apart from the girl “What now?”

>”We’re going to the helicopter, then I’m searching for Ada”
>”Head to a building that has a helicopter on the top, then wait for me”
>”You help me find Ada now, that’s what”
"Could you help me find Ada?"
>"You help me find Ada now, that's what."
oh, and add:
>quietly mumble to yourself
"I don't even really care for her pussy, I just want Eva as a whole..."
[x] Head the the building with a helicopter on it. I'll track down Ada.
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Make questionable edits.
"You help me find Ada now, that's what."

“I can do that” Heidi says as she starts following you

“Very well” Meido says as she returns to her prim and proper posture, and both of them exit the building at the same pace

"…I don't even really care for her pussy, I just want Eva as a whole..." You mumble in between your breath as Heidi looks at you and smiles

“Jesus fuck, tone down the corniness, you’ll give me diabetes” She says before laughing “BTW she has some weird fetishes, so better be prepared for that”

“How weird?”

“She once wondered out loud how hot it would be to eat a guy”


“I don’t know why, but I suddenly want to punch Heidi in the tits”



>Back to Tuco

You arrive at the heat signature, Heidi and Maid standing behind you as a graffiti is sprayed across the building

>“Cмepть и cлaвa”

“That’s her all right” Heidi says as she crosses her arms

You turn on your thermal and see a much clearer vision of her. The girl is shivering with fear holding a gun completely ready in overwatch

She’s way to jumpy to approach casually, you might have to think this trough

>”You stay here, I’m going in”
>”C’mon let’s go”
>”Ada! It’s me Tuco! Everything is gonna be all right!”
>Approach silently
>step 1
Grimmify her
>step 2
make her have a happy face
>step 3
put David besides her
>”Ada! It’s me Tuco! I killed the bitch that made everyone violent!”
>play some hard bass over your speakers, that outta calm her down
-->[x] Increase hormones


Hormone levels increased


The roaring pounding of your heart surges forth an increasing wave of erotic sensations.
From your increased temperature. beads of sweat start to form around your natural skin as you start becoming breathless.

Your mind gets filled with a minor lust- induced high, which slightly heightens your sensitivity to everything it comes into contact with.

Sensing your immediate arousal, Tess guides his hands right to the band of your silk underwear where he rips it in twain.

There's nothing going around your head but a flood of pounding that is starting to drive you nuts.
Everything gets a little shaky until you start to focusN into Tess' lean musculature below you, shimmering blue from his azure ocean bed.
When you lay you hands around his torso, you can feel a peculiar texture it, a coarse fibre that stretches from the front of his chest down to the ends of his iliac region.

He's had artificial skin grafts.
Whatever for, you're turned on to care.

When he look down at your now bare crotch kissing atop his now moistened flat waist, he abruptly asks you a not-so surprising question.

"Wait... you're raw?"

[] No, I have sexual augments down there. (State what)
[] Really? Did you really just ask me that? (Level hormone increase.)
[] Don't see what the problem is. Why ?Don't like it being "raw"?
>[] No, I have sexual augments down there.
>complete muscular control
>aphrodisiac glands

I already wanna see Todd vs. Iforgothername fighting in a fierce Nature vs. Technology battle.
>"If theres one thing nobody is putting things in, is my cooch, all natural"
>"well I mean expect your dick, but thats different"
>Why? Don't like it being "raw"?

That's Agent Margaret
well it's Agent Hippie looking at all this opposition to modern technology.

like living inside a world with internet porn and still fapping it to VHS tapes.
>Musclesloot shipped with shitty kitty
>Mari destroyed Blake's hips
>Dragonfly terrorist never knows shitty kitty much, but Adam mentioned her
Well this follow up with letting Tess grabbing your butt.
Since Sun and Moon came out recently. Think of a CYOA character.

Now give them a Pokemon team based on their closest friends

Hard mode: Don't pick any based on their Faunus traits.
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i dont know who David is.
I do these kinds of things
David is a Grimm snek
I E King Taijitu
>[x] Au naturel

"Yeah..<hah>...got a problem with it?"

The torrid heat coursing through your anatomy has got you waiting for a wanting, as you can clearly feel a distinct feeling of him swelling up under his boxer briefs.
Hard as it might, you still provide enough brain effort to not become an incoherent blubbering mess at the moment.

He grabs you by your soft exposed hips, gripping them hard in his vice like grip, and turns you down on your back, switching whomever is on top now.
Your view quickly changes to that of the ceiling that is catching the swirling lines of reflected light beneath you, making the experience much more sensual.

The clear augments in his eyes stays focused on as he frantically pulls down his underwear down to his thighs.
He still has his socks on but you already know that he's too preoccupied facing down at your crotch for him to notice it.

When you finally get to see his member you can already tell that it's had one or more modifications done to it.

There are corrugated ridges around his long shaft, complete with soft bump grafts that is made to clamp once inside.
You can already feel the warm generated heat emanating from it, your thighs and loins feeling the brunt of its augments.

"I see yours is in the contrary."

He scoffs, "Yeah, it's nice to see someone not go crazy down there, it's always modded so the feeling is unique but it's never the actual one, you know?"

Actual one?
"Excuse me?"

"This is gonna be my first time with a raw one so bear with me if I'm a little... 'observant'."

[] So are you just gonna stare at it?
[] Oh, c'mon. (Grab him by the dick and commence coitus)
[] Well,...take your time 'observing'
>So are you just gonna stare at it?
Thanks for the lunch time boner

Well, are you just gonna let it get stiff or fix it?
>Oh c'mon
>[] Oh, c'mon
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So I've not had much time to write, but my need to build a portfolio of sorts made me start tinkering in Ren'Py again, so I've started to make crude VN versions of my CYOAs with it.

Dunno if anyone is interested, but I can post what I've got here if I ever make anything properly finished. Really need art assets, though.
Cool man

Keep the RWBYgt legacy alive
Lets make ship names and others guess who is the ship based on

"Silent soldier"
Jasper x Deaf-Chan
"Rainbow warrior"
"Best ship"
objectively wrong
try again
>Anything purer then Dog, cat and mouse
My condolences to your parents for their tragic failure in raising you
F- you failed
Todd x Floating Stadium

All aboard the SS Smoothlove!
Not sure if that's a good or bad response.
What was Unteraltenbach made in anyway?
Does the near future hold any hope for more CQ or NQ?
it used Ren'Py as an engine like KS

wrong again samfam
MiMiXFat Old Japanese Man
Nah, that's called "Mating press"
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5 out of 10.png
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>Cucking Admiral with an Axis ally and not an Allied power
not even close bb
I never got the whole "Fat old man" thing in doujins. Like I get how making them fat or generally unattractive could appeal to some of the readers who might find it relatable; but why old? That doesn't really strike me as the right demographic to be aiming for
For you maybe
Ship names aren't set in stone, they're whatever we make it.
It's true betrayal
but it's obvious who they are
Oi vey! Is that one germanic fellow still here?
He owes me some shekels.
getting young poon while close to being middle-aged is hard
It works better when it's in NTR or in groups
Well duh
It's the forbidden love of Hue and Aioli
Fuck off Farage
With Izzy's unrequited rivalry with Jill, that could lead to some minor Romeo and Juliette shit
You mean me?
Try to write faster than I tie the noose because of >>6456988
Fucking Adolf did it again, man

GermanAnon x SaoBro or DryHater x Dry
continuing EQ shortly everybody
"You help me find Ada now, that's what."

“I can do that” Heidi says as she starts following you

“Very well” Meido says as she returns to her prim and proper posture, and both of them exit the building at the same pace

"…I don't even really care for her pussy, I just want Eva as a whole..." You mumble in between your breath as Heidi looks at you and smiles

“Jesus fuck, tone down the corniness, you’ll give me diabetes” She says before laughing “BTW she has some weird fetishes, so better be prepared for that”

“How weird?”

“She once wondered out loud how hot it would be to eat a guy”


“I don’t know why, but I suddenly want to punch Heidi in the tits”



>Back to Tuco

You arrive at the heat signature, Heidi and Maid standing behind you as a graffiti is sprayed across the building

>“Cмepть и cлaвa”

“That’s her all right” Heidi says as she crosses her arms

You turn on your thermal and see a much clearer vision of her. The girl is shivering with fear holding a gun completely ready in overwatch

She’s way to jumpy to approach casually, you might have to think this trough

>”You stay here, I’m going in”
>”C’mon let’s go”
>”Ada! It’s me Tuco! Everything is gonna be all right!”
>Approach silently
>"Ada, it's me Tuco, the bastard who made everyone go violent is dead!"
>while playing hard bass over our speakers
>Izzy encourages Aioli to be competitive and beat Hue at whatever he can.
>Having the better child is yet another thing to try to beat Jill at
Bern best waifu
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Grimm princess a cute
Will Weiss become a Grimm princess?
the purple princess of pop!
New thread when?
when Bern rapes your waifu!
So is the archive having trouble with images for anyone else? I wanted to get that Todd family tree image for the next thread and it ain't loading at all
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the more i look at the new models the more uncomfortable i feel
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 35

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