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Zootopia Thread: Cucker Extrodinaire Edition Pastebin: past

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 175

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Zootopia Thread: Cucker Extrodinaire Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
ZTArchive: ztarchive.com
Desustorage: desuarchive.org/trash
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/6398083
Current TT Theme: Fantasy/Mythos (Submissions are due Nov. 24)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
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fuck i spelt extraordinaire wrong
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Welp, you know your punishment.
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Reposting, will have nother monday or so
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Have you prayed to the One True Fox today, /ztg/?
I feel bad for >>6405031
it was first...

This just reminds me I need to work on my Jill greentext.
Still, can't wait for Monday or so!
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>Following the teachings of a false prophet
Be gone, heretic.
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Anon I keep telling you, a long hard dicking is not punishment for buns.
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>Zootopia Thread: Cucker Extrodinaire Edition

>"We can finally have those kids we talked about, Jack,"
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don't be!
there's always another day anon!
the price of your heresy shall be great
fear the warrior's wrathful justice
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...your virginity.
And I told you! There is no way to bunish a bun, they're so lewd they like everything!
No it wasn't? This thread was posted at 11:53, that thread was posted at 11:56.
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>there are fox saints
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>tfw no simulator for the recent hilarity that happened in the past threads
everyone is mission out imo



I mean on the las thread.
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>Equine """""religion"""""
Oh don't get me started you hoof-handed apostate
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This was great
Sometimes you need a real story to go with your bunny fucking, this is that story.

4chan's massive throbbing hateboner for reddit is quite amusing
That's hilarious, my man. Here's an (You).

fill me in on what I missed pls
What the fuck is Darkest Places?
ur mom cunt
It's not "equine religion". It's everybody's religion.
All are welcome no matter how many extra digits they have.

As if every genus in Zootopia could have it's own religion, anyway.

Remmy is an audience surrogate almost as much as Bella. Holy fuck.

I mean, Remmy has way more of his own personality and character than Bella does.. But still...

(not trolling or anything, just a drunk normal coming down from MDMA)
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Don't let Weaver see this.

>What the fuck is Darkest Places?
its what they call /trash/ i think
The comic where Jack went full-Bond Villain.
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Remmy and Bella are Marty Sue and Gary Stu respectably.
an old mead comic
Comic that introduced Jack Savage and Skye to the fandom.

yeah, except Bella was a satilite character who did basically nothing except react

remmy actually has ideas in his head that he thinks of himself and acts on without needing someone to hold his hands

said ideas aren't always the greatest, mind...
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No, they call us /trash/. They're talking about this.
It's been a long day!

What'd you all do this wonderful day?

Post some music for the late night comf.

well i feel retarded
*looks up trope definitions* Yep nailed it.

Well yeah. I already said
> Remmy has way more of his own personality and character than Bella does..

Remmy's not a Stu. Not even slightly.

The biggest indicator of a sue is how the entire fic and it's world bends around the sue, catering to their whims, and they can do no wrong.

Remmy can do wrong. Remmy can do very, very wrong. And the pack street gang doesn't really bend over for him- they're usually giving him shit.
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Counter cuck'd
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But that's literally what happens in the green.
I smoked a lot of weed. Went to an epic EDM concert (Midwest U. S) high on Molly and had the time of my life
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You're god damn right someone said cooperation!

Nice, buddy! You go with friends? And got videos of the kind of sets you heard?
the best is when judy gets cucked because nick wants to ravage the savage.
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I spent it doing a year end report for St Vincent de Paul. It was boring and time consuming, but I'd been putting it off since the beginning of october, so it had to get done

Some hightlights; we gave away a little over $85,000 worth of food, helped to pay over 17.5K in rent and utility bills, and wrote vouchers for $19,000 worth of clothes from the thrift stores. That last bit got us into trouble, actually, we gave away too many and the store was having a hard time making payroll. Oops!

Now I'm listening to Dance With The Dead and trying to figure out what the fuck I'm going to write for TT...
why's Jack nervous? if I were him i'd be cuddling the fox all night.

with his knot in me.
What's the name of the big bear who carries Mr. Big around?
With friends is the only way to go!

If I linked the specific band Id give away my city. But this is close:

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Let's talk myths and legends!

Want to figure out an angle for your perfect TT submission? Why not start with a moral?

Lots of myths carry with them a message that they try to impart: a story can make a lesson easier and more fun to learn, and if it sticks with you, easier to remember and tell to others! Think about the morals of some of the stories you were told as a kid! "Don't be greedy"? "Its better to be honest than to lie"? "Hardwork and effort will reward you greater than laziness"?

Now, let's take it a step further: what are some things specific species of mammals in Zootopia would have to remember how to do?

Grind down their teeth?

Not bare their fangs at others?

A tip about when its appropriate to spray others?

What about lessons of interactions that mammals have with other mammals? How about stories told in larger circles of mammal types, like ungulates or predators or very small mammals? What are some tales that might have had morals that fit for bygone times, but have been altered and changed to better fit the modern age?

If you start by taking a moral and then working from there, you might find it easier to create a story!
I spent most of the day hunting foul blood drunk beasts. Was a nice productive day.

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Well I did start planning a thing, trying not to write myself into a corner though.

Still listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pa9x9fZBtY

That bun should be more firmly packed into the measuring scoop, your cookies are going to taste funny if you don't have enough in the batter.
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That's awesome, buddy! Good job doing the number crunching! That's the rough tough bit that really matters.

Check out >>6405767 ! Might help get them creative juices flowing!

This was fun to listen to! I bet you had a blast.

How you going to wind down your night?

Your filename is completely and totally false! But I'm glad you came out from the Hunter's Dream in one peace!

Sounds like you got a cool project planned! Can't wait to see what's cooking!

...not literally cooking, though, if you're using that bun. Bunnies are not for baking.
look before you sit?
Hate to be that donkey that got crushed under an elephant butt.
Glad you enjoyed it. I'm too high to respond more than that. Back to mah normal bros
my normy bros*
He's probably just not used to be cuddled for so long after having a bun time. He'll get used to it, buns can easily become addicted to snuggles.
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>couldn't think on a better title
Does Judy hotbox the squad car with Nick so she will get an especially rough fucking afterwards?
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That's an awesome moral and I bet there are a ton of stories that can be written about that.

Cross is over with a Goldilocks tale!

Take care, bunner!

Very pretty fox, Gerardson!
>Gerbils have the prejudice that they like to crawl in body cavities
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If you like lewds that aren't the same copy and paste bullshit you've read a million times, have I got a fic for you!

ty :)
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>they're so lewd they like everything!

even vore?
Are they ever gonna fug?
Some day maybe.
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are we ever gonna see Hugh's folks doing it?
Working, sleeping, Pokemon, and more working. Graveyard shifts keep things interesting.
Haven't seen this pic yet
Nobbo request from.. two days ago I think?
Oh I know. I became addicted to snuggles a while ago.
Get it right next time k
Roll call: who has an idea that they will never follow through with?
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Rex and Ozzy lewds, my writing/arting skills just can't pay the billz
I've been trying to write a Dez/Molly musk greentext for ages.
What ultimately ended it for you? I was wondering whether the narrative was going in a way where you were comfortable taking it, considering the conversation.
>Weaver doesn't come by these threads anymore
>He literally just finished Pack Street so he doesn't even have to pay attention to Zootopia
>All he cares about is FNAF again
I dun think he's done quite yet anon
Never recalled that one being drawn.
Inter-Schminter's been updated. Don't have the time to post the new pages tho.
I'll post them. One second.
Its from yesterday
This comic hits all the right buttons for me but I can't shake the feeling it'll somehow disappoint me anyways
You know what's surprising? I've yet to see any Zootopia related outrage over Trump becoming president. The movie was marketed on the political scene following the debates, but now there's nothing. Or maybe I'm just out of touch.
Here ya go!
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hey /ztg/ it's Saturday midnight, how are you dealing with your fever tonight?

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because basically, pic related
I like that the comic does have a lot of weird, wacky poses. There's something visually appealing about Spin's squishy squashy characters.

Just doing some work on the side while keeping an eye on the threads. Travelling tomorrow, and I hate travelling, so distracting myself keeps the anxiety down.
The narrative is getting a bit lost though.

Still, facial expressions!
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A cute sleepy badger.png
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Doing alright, debating between more pokemans or bloodbornes. Btw Soulsposter, write more roman Wilde stuff please. I'd really like to see where you are taking things.

Starting to take a mood turn.
I like her use of panels and characters breaking the lines. It gives a sense of depth.
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Dat face.
Going from one featureless white void to another reminds me of that Nedroid joke
...exposition exposition exposition...

Words words words words words.
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Going to bed actually.

Have this tho.


Yeah, you don't, but I was expecting something from deviantart or FA.

I honestly don't see the huge reveal on this because I'm more concerned about Nick and Judy and not Max. I feel like this other narrative is coming out of left field.

Still, enjoying the ride!

That's the update! What did you think?
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Oh mygod this is so cute
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Sleep tight, bunner!

Also love the poof!
>Honey Badger tries to murder rabbit because he's dating fox and she's mentally unwell
>Fox kills her to save her rabbit
>Judy's bitch sister blackmails them both because she's a bitch
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Sleepy badgers are bestest.png
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Have a comfy night
It's pretty nice
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Hey Zoopals, Fanart here! Hope you don't mind me sharing some AU junk. I watched AI Artificial Intelligence and forgot how much I loved the movie.
I've seen some gutless shill posts here in the past, so I'm going to do the very same.

"When Officer Fangmeyer's blind date goes south, the last thing she expected was to find a foreign predator with a knife in his gut, a smile on his face and a beer in his hand."


Love it or hate it, help a mate out. If you're interested in developing the world outside Zootopia, then I'll try my best to logically explain it, as my own headcanon
Hey, thread. MisterEAnon here. Got a new fic Idea I'm gonna work on.

Does anyone know how old Judy was when she left for academy?
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>Nick is pimpbot
That is a e s t h e t i c.

You're always great.
I like dis
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Finally, a normal thread.
I'm going to call it now.

Jill tried to date Gideon Gray or some other predator, got turned down, then decided that pred-prey is an abomination that needs to die.

Why else would she (kinda) hit on Nick when he first showed up?
Paranon... The name sounds familiar... Have we spoken?

Would you like feedback?
I just modified my name to sound better with "anon" since most people here are variations upon anon.

And yeah definitely. I love criticisms, especially if it helps with my improvement
I don't think I've seen it, suppose I'll have to rectify that.
I recommend it, especially if you're a sentimental softy like myself.
You haven't seen AI? It's a fantastic Spielberg film, really moving.
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I'll get started.

Keep the threads comfy while I'm away.
So Badger tries to kill Max, vixen steps in and kills badger instead (maybe has a tooth knocked out in the process, max now wears it as a necklace), vixen goes missing, Max is either being a hopeless romantic and saying he's still in a relationship with the vixen IN HIS HEART or he just confirmed he's been stalling a police investigation for years.

I don't think Spin knows what she's writing anymore. This focus on Max has taken the comic pretty far into left field.
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I am. Welp, time to hunt down a copy then.
This is always the issue with these Zootopia fancomics.

They start diverging too far from the original cast and their plots go fucking unfocused or stupid.

It's what went wrong with Zistopia, it's where this is going wrong
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post "it's late but you're too hyped to sleep" music

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Hyped for what? Something coming out tomorrow?
nah, just in a mood

das a good Martina, tho
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I can post some music for you, buddy.


I'm glad you're grooving on a good mood!
I need Wildcest
Martina is a truly pure flower.

cucc de boi pucci
no you dont
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come and see some health hetero love instead.
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...And some healthy heterosex.
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New blind read through!

Fangmeyer took a chance, and had to pay the price. Her hopes for a dashing date dashed, she decides to drown out her disgust with some drinks, but comes across someone who might be having an even worse night! What happened to the poor "dingo"? Will the perp be caught? Did she ever tell Francine not to come? Find out in Foreigner, by Paranon!

Text here:

Blind read through here:

For you, buddy.
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I love these threads so much.

I don't know what I'd do without them.
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>I don't know what I'd do without them
get comfy
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>this will never be finished or have a satisfying conclusion
>neither will BSP

why does Weaver enjoy making us suffer?
I'm sad that there's no continuation for this or any of Weaver's other stuff.
Because that's what he does.

He just likes to tease.
Use your imagination to fill up the blanks
Weaver's around, he's just working on Pack Street.

He's always coming up with odd and awesome ideas. Those hybrid Gazelles were super funny!

And as >>6408248 says, you can take these ideas and run with them to create your own endings!
I dont think this is supposed to have ending.
It was from some greentext I believe.
I bet GRRM will have that written on his tombstone when he dies without finishing ASFI
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A fic I used to follow from another fandom.
The one the mod wrote
Burrow Sharing Policy probably
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Rabbit Clan's Fox, Soulposter's roman Nick thing, I know it just updated but I'm always hungry for more Pack Street. I can't think of any comics I'm really paying attention to except that Nick and Finnick super gay one.
I don't like anons forcing Weaver to finish Burrow sharing Policy. Maybe that's why he intentionally makes those cliffhanger endings.
Stoutwell. Second case hasn't updated in a while.
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Armored bun time.png
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Oh wait! Another comic would be Inky's Shorty Squad!
This greentext
Savage and the Savage
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That one green where Judy is making Nick bone his brother Taylor.
I remember some wildecest greens being made but not finished.

Any chance somebody has caps of them?

Becky is a cutie
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A Rabbit's Clan Fox
A Moonlight's Stroll
June Hymn
Boys Like You
and for Smug to write something again
also, for Visiti to keep working on Judy goes to Hell
You mean Canidae?
I dont force him into anything, I wouldnt even if I could.
I just like the comic so far and would like to see the rest of it, I respect that pages are coming out with long breaks and I am patiently waiting for the next one. If there will be a next one, that is.
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Sick Taylor [NoGraphic].png
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>June Hymn


It's coming this weekend I promise
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Incestuous impregnation and the aftermath of it is my ultimate fetish.
>inb4 holding comic hostage
its not torture unless you lewd him
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I like Fournier and ever since that discussion about how fucked up Zootopia must have been when Bellwether was mayor I've been wanting to see more stories about it
I truly am blessed
It wasn't even lewd, the drama was enough.
Im >>6408392
Its one of the hottest stories ever. And its incredibly well written. Like, insanely well written.
>VR has left the safety from lewding of his house
>Now he is alone and vulnerable
>for the loving snuggles of a pred
>oh and the pleasurable fugging
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the character development and world building!

Shorty Squad is one of the few remaining ongoing comics with OCs. I remember when there were tons of those. I love Shorty Squad. I wish there were more, but I'm happy the few we have left are so good.
You make it sound like a bad thing.
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Rabbit Clan's fox just has me captivated with the time period and the cool knowledge that Boney spews out all over his work. Mixing our own history with the whole animal spin thing, he does a really good job of blending them together in a realistic and believable fashion.

Soulposter's work is only at the opening stage and its still yet to set the tone to how the whole fic is going to go but what I have read has really got me into it. Hopefully gonna be a fun ride seeing Nick go from Prince to pauper.

I like Pack Street cause for a whole lotta reasons but the high point to me are the characters, I love them all. The sleepy badger being my favorite.

Finnick's super gay van adventure, I just like seeing Nick and Finnick bone and am really hoping Fin gets to play the top for once, so crossing my fingers even if its looking less and less likely every update.

Shorty Squad, Percy is the cutest gay polecat and I wish to hug him forever. Maxine is also pretty cool. Oh and I almost forgot the third one, Clancy, the ultra cutie putootie koala.
I have no clue how to explain why I like something but I like Raccoonfaggot's writing.
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Thanks for responding, everyone.

I hope that all the content creators see all your kind words about their work. Its one of the most comfy feelings to hear that one's creative efforts are appreciated.

I hope it motivates them to keep creating.
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There's just one more thing to do...
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You're under arrest for lewding the VRbit.

You knew that was against the rules.

>Finnick's super gay van adventure

i thought you meant a fic for a moment and got hyped
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You can take the lewd from my cold dead hands!
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They're so cute.png
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Sorry bud, I haven't heard of any Fin on Nick stuff in a long while.
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Its way late, and my tiredness has finally overtaken my fear of flying and my want to work.

This was a comfy way to end the night.

comicanon the VRbit, at your service and your family's.

I hope it was helpful for you, buddy.

Can't do the time, don't do the crime.

...Uh, if you can do the time, still don't do the crime.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads. I hope you all let a creator know that their work makes someone happy.
Have a good night bun bun, I hope you dream of things slipping between your lewd bun buns.
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goodnight my favourite bun. don't let the lewders get to you
Have a nice good night song, bunner
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Brushy brushy.png
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Reminder to keep your fox in peak fluff condition with brushy brushys.
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorryy.
Also if you don't reply, she'll kill Byron Howard and Rich Moore
Carissa was 35

you don't just raise 2 kids and take our your /trash/ and die

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I love when there is tail wagging.
It is one of the features I feel there would be transferred even after the bipedal evolution in Zootopians, like human babies instinctively gripping whatever is in front of them.
Sleep tight pizza
>Carry on reading, or you'll die!
How is that a threat?
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What a strange AU.png
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Anyone have the Gud version of this.

little did she know, this was nick's fetish.
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reminder that in zootopia, cougers are at least three times as tall as buns.
And Jaguars are like 7, 8 feet tall

What about pumas?
>Nick passed his whole life being regarded as untrustworthy, being called names and being mistreated only because he is a fox.
>Slowly he began getting used to it
>Even liking it some times.
>Now that he is with Judy he knows that he is a much better fox than he thought.
>But sometimes, when he is alone, he thinks about those times and feels a little aroused.
>He developed an humiliation fetish.
Anons, what hystorical names can we turn to Zootopian names?

Weaver already did Voltaire = Coltaire
Only a little shorter. Jaguars are the third-largest big cat, cougars are the fourth. So maybe 6-7 in Zootopia.

how tall are judy and nick, for comparison?
we need more Cougar Cougars
Nick's application puts him at four feet exactly, and I think Judy's at about three, give or take a couple of inches.
Newton = Meowton
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Poor short piefox
Don't know why it took me this long to figure out, but Doug's targets were hand picked by Dawn. She was singling out these mammals for some reason. We know why Manchas and Otterton were nighthowlered, but everyone else on that board must have had a good reason.

that cougar mentioned she was cute because of her height, once.

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Truly a foxlet
he is not short
he is compact
If you can even call him a fox.
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smug bun 2.png
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Or DID she?

He's barely a fox.
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Calvin a cutie.png
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He's almost badger sized
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What's this?.png
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What's this? It looks like Judy STILL needs to know!

Judy needs to know your favorite kinds of non-penetration sex!
Eat shit and die, faggot
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I'm not falling for it this time VRbit.

I love you too, buddy!


Hey, inquiring CCs need to know!
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bunny bois are best.png
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Too bad!

Anal, with bun bois.
Also Oral, with bun bois.

Okay okay, ear massage? With bun bois.

Genuine bunny earjob?
>It was a nice sunny day in Bunnyburrow.
>Everything was quiet, everyone was taking a break in the long, cold hours of the early evening.
>Gideon Grey was outside, taking a nice stroll in the fields.
>When a voice called him: 'Hey Gid! Can you come here for a moment?'
>It was Judy, calling him inside one of the many storage buildings the Hopps owned.
>Near to Judy was another fox.
>'Hi Judy, hi Nick, nice to see you here! For what reason are you here in Bunnyburrow? Visiting the family?'
>The two didn't answer, instead they silently approached the baker.
>Gideon, scared, tried to take a step back but he found himself with his back against the wall
>'You know, when I first saw Nick I thought "Damn, he is much taller than Gideon"' said suddenly Judy.
>'Well he is freakishly tall! My height is just a little below than normal!'
>'I doubted if you were really a fox, seeing the difference.'
>'That's mean Judy! I-'
>'Shhh, I haven't finished!'.
>'You know Gid, this time of the year is fox mating season.'
>Gideon gulped looking at the expression of the two.
>'And I think it is the perfect time to find if you are really a tod. Let's see what's under that apron.'
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not the balls.png
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Have a JackxNick greentext
>Jack arrives late at the station
>Nick is outside in his patrol car
>Jack aproaches him
>He then gets closer to his ear
>Then he whispers
>"If ypu don't reply to this post, Byron Howard and Rich Moore will die in their sleep tonight"
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Only balls
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the cintiq is ON

Also, YES?
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also NO
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So is that a maybe.jpg
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Ah, well if you're not into it I guess you're not into it. You coulda just said no in the first place but whatevers...
There are many non-penetrative ways to please bunni bois

>That model of Cintiq
Are you drawing professionally Bobo?

what about nonpenative ways to please bunny girls?
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i whish i have the big one
one day maybe
as if im draw professionally, not really, i study design and animation but im no professional
Oh you're bobo? Thank you very much for the bun and fox in armor pic you did last time. So very cute.
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my pleasure dude
Well, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming. I'm looking for a deal on graphic tablets too
cintiqs are really great
100% worth the money i spent on it
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Well, there are many. You can please the bunny girl with almost every place of their body, be it a massage to the ears or a footrub.
Or a bite to the throat that makes their little heart race, making them feel again the little prey they are.
Or a nibble on the sensitive nips, that moves downward to a full lunch on that bunny cunny.
Or simply being pinned down, a large predator above them, squeezing those muscular ass and thighs and making them squirm with excitement.
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Nick as the Demon Lord Ninetails pls
Judy as Amaterasu is optional
Gideon in concentration camp
Nick and Judy as Batou and Major
Medieval Rex sleeping on the job?

judy and an old friend from bunnyburrow

maybe sharla or bobby
Something with the arctic foxes masseuse?
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5am and yall on this already.png
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>implying we have lives
5am for you slotho
Not into medieval? Okay, how about Rex sleeping while on the job, at his cashier station, maybe while a customer is staring at him worriedly?
it's 2:30pm for eurofags here
Gazelle using Finnick as a bottle opener
eurofags aren't people
Gud's goat being happy and NOT committing suicide.
Nick learning massage from the vixen triplets, as purely or as lewdly as you'd like
You family arent people son of a bitch
Possum mom trying to sleep on a lazy chair while her children play on top of her.
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Betty finds Remmy's new fleshlight and scolds him for not using her superior cunt.
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brunch catch up.png
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Daz a cute tired bun and friend.

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unruly slother.png
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>implying I'll ever sign my stuff
rood dood
I always knew sloths are fgs

nobby, no
it should be
fuck (You)rself

Where's the original greentext jill story? I thought I had it but I can't find it.
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Well, he wears panties...
A lewd sloth streeking and being 'chased' by bun and fox cops.
Judy consoling furless Nick after chemotherapy
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Poor little creatures, they need hugs and cuddles, not battles to the death
Winner's get hugs and cuddles, like their hero Master Blaster!
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Well he makes a good point.
>Dat bulge
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Fight your urges bun bun.jpg
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You into doing lewd today? How about Calvin the bun bun oral on Tristan? Or the opposite? Tristan giving Calvin a good licking.
Remmy holding Betty bend over kitchen table while ramming her senseless.
in the spirit of current TT - knight Judy fighting a massive fox-dragon hybrid
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Post bulge pics
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owo whats this.jpg
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So... Zhan pics?
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Oh my god
Nick cucking Judy with Honey. Some sweet, forbidden, fox jizz filled Honey Badger pussy.
>The movie was marketed on the political scene following the debates

What? What part of Zootopia had anything to do with the current political debates?

The movie was written years ago. The fact that the themes of prejudice in the movie lined up with current events, is just coincidence.
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Wo I have some serious delay on the stream, still watching you do touch ups!

Its awesome Nobbs, thank you very much. Bun and Badger needs all the love they can get!
That thing is huge(comparatively), I hope they do some serious stretching before playing around
i swear, i'll finish it, (j
Bunny boys are very stretchy he will have no problem
Jesse I hope so, buns are for loving not hurting.
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Post at least a correct bulge
That bun is gonna get a lot of badger loving on his rear
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It is time for sleeping.jpg
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Well he's a good bun so I'm sure he deserves it.
Some Al and Velvet lewd romantic porn? There isnt any yet!
toss me refs senpai
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In some position like this maybe?
Or something of this type.

I miss Alec. Someone draw his meerkat so I can masturbate to it.
i thought this was a meme by now

Simple romantic lewd would be nice.
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>are we ever gonna see Hugh's folks doing it?

I mean I've drawn it before.
Then draw some more Inky.
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You a cool piggu Inks, feeling any better?
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That'll have to wait.
I spent the past 2 days trying to fix my sleep schedule, and I still have requests in the back burner I wasn't able to do.

Plus I need to work on the next story update.
I'll keep it in mind though.

I slept 11 hours after being up for roughly 24 with a 2 hour nap in between. I'm a lot better now. Thank you for asking!
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Read the latest pack Street yet? How about Pandora and Remmy shooting the shit at the shop.
Will you be in the next TT? It seems the right theme for Hugh the unicorn
tumblr link?
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Woof good luck, I hate unfucking my sleep schedule. Always takes me weeks! Glad to hear you're doing better though.
I've had the tab open since it came out, but every time I've been on my computer I've just drawn until I fell asleep
So, you were on ....Nocturnal schedule?
Also what did you think of the latest chapter of Pack Street?
http://tgweaver.tumblr.com on there somewhere, should be under the pack Street tag.
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I don't know yet. It depends on whether or not I can come up with a sound idea (likely involving unicorns, ha!) and if I have the time to actually participate. Right now it's up in the air.

Thanks! At the moment the most important thing for me is that I slept at all. As long as tonight's good I think I'll be okay. Time will tell.

I already gave my opinion on the latest Pack Street in a previous thread, but I liked it. I don't feel like going in depth a second time, but suffice to say I'm looking forward to the direction it takes from this point on. Next chapter has the potential to be either intense or humorous, and not knowing is half the fun.

Also yes. I'm pretty much a nocturnal animal.
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Ha, well I hope you get time to read it soon. Was a really nice chapter with a cool tiger.
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Bun under her fox's clothes is so cute
>Nick in a turtleneck sweater
muh fetish
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Rimming. Always rimming.
Thread posts: 350
Thread images: 175

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