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/sad/ - Satyrs After Dark #29: Strap-on September Previous

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/sad/ - Satyrs After Dark #29: Strap-on September

Previous thread: >>5181778

>What is /sad/?
/sad/ is a thread dedicated to a (what if) world where Anon fathers kids with the creatures from Friendship is Magic. For the more explicit material not generally posted on /satyr/. Original content, whether it's art or stories, is highly appreciated. Sometimes its one Anon, other times its multiple Anons and Femnons.

>What are the rules?
Number 1: “Nothing is canon.” Almost every character has an established personality, and canon to them. But when we say “nothing is canon” we mean that people are free to post their own storyline of a character, but it’s treated more as an Alternate Universe.

That’s pretty much it for rules.

>Where can I learn more?
We have the Dropbox, which is a great visual guide to the characters and organized by who their parent is, and can also be used to look up stories.
The Dropbox:

Searchable Archive:

Satyr by Parent List: http://pastebin.com/iUWLGvB4

We hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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is fluffle puffs kid puffy fluff? i feel like it should be
Which satyrs would feel comfortable going skinny dipping in the lake with their friends? Which aren't but are convinced to anyway?
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This doesn't sound like a sex fetish.
Ooh! This looks nic! Nightingale looks really hot in her lacy panties. What made you go for Timber as a choice though rather than Garret or someone with a connection with fashion though? I can't really see Timber interacting with these two frequently.
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/d/ drew it. It was based off their GF's story that got the thread all ass blasted cause "tranny trash, ewww". Reason why /d/ is taking a break from the thread. GF is still lurking, me thinks. (Hi, slut.)
Who is GF?
I don't think they've posted their handle here and don't want to take the honor from them.
Oh got my hopes up that /d/ returned, I hope he comes back and doesnt let the complain anons and trolls ruin the thread for him. I miss /d/.
>tranny trash, ewww
Nobody said that though.
We just pointed out that continuing to refer to Nightingale as "him" even after it was revealed that she was a girl was a bit weird.
>Implying that is not "Tranny trash, ewww"
Come on now. We already went through this once and /d/ needed a break.
It isn't.
Yes, damn everyone who has even the tiniest amount of standards or provides the smallest criticism. Everyone should circlejerk each other and give out free hugs and kisses to everyone, no matter how stupid their ideas are.
>tinest standards and criticism
>8 plus hour long shit flinging how trans people are mental and muh edge lord "I don't respect pronouns"
>standards and criticism

Oh yes we had such a productive mature discussion thanks to that mentality of standards and criticisms that wasnt a thinly vield excuse to be an edge lord and shitpost a content creator out of the thread and strawman any complaints as wanting a hug box circle jerk. Yeah fuck off back to /b/. The thread should not suffer because you want to be an edgy chan poster.
It is. Maybe not by YOUR views and beliefs, but by the writefags and /d/'s; trying to push the whole "sex = gender" argument is "Tranny etc etc eww". I will not say whether I agree or disagree; but it does basically slap /d/'s S/O across the face with a "you're wrong, because I said so". The fact of the matter is, it is pissing on the content created by someone who took their time out to provide it, even if you don't like it, and I am fairly sure that is the big part of why they felt annoyed. I mean, there is also the possibility /d/ is trans, considering how often they would encourage talk about the thread fucking them like a two dollar whore. Gonna guess one of those two. Maybe there are other reasons.

Also should clarify, I don't speak for /d/ and am pretty sure if they were lurking, they would tell people to drop it and enjoy sexy satyrs.

Be a sarcastic cunt all you want, that's actually how it should be
>In a thread that was made solely to contain an inbred circlejerk idea
You really lack self awareness on your sureoundings, eh?
>It is. Maybe not by YOUR views and beliefs
Let's not bring Tumblr in here.
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I let them know. If it helps, they are still drawing and having fun talks about the satyr babbies. Just not in the thread. And not all of it is nsfw. /d/ has some sweet ideas, hope they share them one day.
>Not bring Tumblr in here
Guess /d/, Sterks, and MT gotta go. Gotta get rid of dem trannies, they/thems, and people who support em. G'night /sad/; it's been real.

Disclaimer: you're a retard, Tumblr is how some people found satyr, and a content creator is worth 40 times you. Eat a bag of dicks
That's a really cute picture. It's such a shame they took their content outside of the thread. This is starting to go down the road of AiE when the shit posters started driving out content creators and the univited/die hards like us tried to keep this sinking ship afloat. I know it can be hard to ignore people who are going out of their way to antagonize but if we don't then all /sad/ is going to be is just a dead Sea of bumps, weak writing prompts, and like 2 wrire fags trying to keep it relevant until the content creators return.
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I havent seen MT here in like a decade. Does MT still come here?
MT has posted new art here fairly recently, so she's definitely around.
Werent those just commissions?
And FR. Though, that was more peoe circlejerking 2 or 3 decent tier writefags who got off quick "haw haws" and longer story writefags feeling invalidated and dying off. Still, it's a graveyard there now.

Come here? Unsure, I know she takes commissions, but irl has been spanking her ass. Not the sexy spanking either... The bad spanking. The kind where no one has fun.

Was about to say what >>5295233
Said. They might have been Commies. Especially if they were red.

Was her name Leona or Lenora?
Like Selene/Selena, it's up to the interpreter. From the looks of it, Lenora is the most common used one in discussion, but I've seen Leona thrown out as well.
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>Not the sexy spanking either... The bad spanking. The kind where no one has fun.

I am both scared to ask what that means, and get an answer.

>I know she takes commissions
She may have a pretty big back log then, I tried twice to reach out to her to get some comms but she never replied back to me. Shame cause i really like her art for Satyrs

Ah ok.
What were you thinking of? Not to be a dick, but she might have just not been interested in them... Though, probably not that, since it would be work. Plus, she is busy all the time now. Work and life. It is what it is.
Same old lewd stuff for /sad/ and maybe something for /sat/. And its fine if they arent interested, they are providing a service and have a right to decline work they dont want to take. But as a general rule of thumb I like to at least be told they arent interested in doing the pic rather than wait 2 months and come to the understanding that they do not want to do it. And if they are busy all the time with IRL stuff tahts fine, but i never saw any posts or status to get that impression either.
Can't promise anything, but can try and reach her.
Tried twice already, just gonna take the hint.
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Some might have been, but I'm pretty sure some weren't.

IIRC she said she drew this one when it was posted.
That Is like the sexist pic of Petunia ever. Love those curves.
>got the thread all ass blasted cause "tranny trash, ewww".
Honestly, I was far more disgusted that it was a Timber story than that it was a tranny story.
Yeah Timber doesn't have the best reputation in the thread. How can we salvage Tumber as a character?
By leaving him in the past until nobody remembers him and the slate can be wiped clean.
>until nobody remembers him
That's never gonna happen.
I don't disagree.
Whichever you want it to be I guess.
I prefer Leona personally.
>A few people are from tumblr, so we must try and make this general as tumblr as possible
Write cute SoL stories as a kid or with him and his sisters and leave relationships to a minimum.
>We are on 4chan, so every thread has to be /b/
Give him obstacles he has to overcome. You could also give him a foil to play off of.
Now thinking about it, but what are some of Timber's obstacles? Most stories need at least the most basic form of conflict, even if it is something as simple as not agreeing where to eat. It's not like anyone hates him storywise. Is there anyone he butt heads with?
>implying everything is divided betweenTumblr and /b/
>Thinking that every board on 4chan is like /b/
You are either retarded, or new here.
Asking to not be shitheads to content creators and getting a sarcastic reply about how we need to turn this place into a circle jerk is a very /b/ tier le leejun type reply you would see in /b/, and the exact same edgy try hard shit that comes from kids over there. So yeah, its a fair comparison to make especially in reply to another sarcastic comment that we want to make this place tumblr when in reality we are only asking to not treat content creators like shit and dont go into pointless debates about mental health.

Just ignore things you dont like and talk about things you do like. Not shitpost content creators out of the thread because they dont agree with your set of ideals.
>Criticising someone's work means you are a shithead and exactly like /b/
You clearly haven't seen the shithole that is /b/ today.
If someone wants this place to be like /b/, then all they have to do is start circlejerking over traps and transexuals.

>Criticising someone's work
>Saying somebody is mentally ill for hours is the same as criticism over spelling or story telling

>all they have to do is start circlejerking over traps and transexuals.
When was the last time traps were ever talked about? And trans was only one time and you people threw such a giant hissy fit you made a content creator leave. i know you think you're being so clever by throwing your "really makes you think" punch line at the end but you are so full of shit and it pisses me off that you are killing the thread with your shitty /b/ tier mentality.
Is /b/ literally the only other place you've visited on 4chan or something?
>Cant think of anything to twist
>Better deflect onto something else!

Yeah, you're a shit troll and im done feeding you.
>thread finally calms down
>feels compelled to restart the entire argument
>keeps it going for 7 hours
Can we just get back to satyrs? I honestly couldn't give any less of a shit about everyone's crusade to be declared the winner so they can feel justified in their opinions.
>And trans was only one time and you people threw such a giant hissy fit you made a content creator leave.
Oh, wow.
Different guy, but I know you're not really from around here base purely on this line.

Every general of every board I've been on in the last 9 years has had shitstorms now and then way bigger than that on occasion. Frequently over far less.
I'd dare say that the whole trans thing barely qualifies as a shitstorm in the grand scheme of things.
>I'd dare say that the whole trans thing barely qualifies as a shitstorm in the grand scheme of things.
I would agree. I never even realized there had been a "shitstorm" until someone mentioned that /d/ supposedly left because of it.
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Sure, what topic are you gonna want to talk about?
Not trying to twist anything, I'm asking a genuine question. You make it sound like ANYONE who dares say a single little negative thing about anything is a shithead from /b/.
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Let's talk satyr tits. Haven't seen much good old-fashioned boob talk recently.

What cup size is each satyr? Who's the largest, and the smallest? Who's confident in their bosom, and who isn't? What size breasts do other satyrs prefer? That sort of thing.
Come on, man, just drop it.
Barbed urethra fucking.
Anon pls, the barbs are just for the normal vag.
You gotta be smooth in the urethra.
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Palette is probably on the same tier as Candy. But is far more confident in her boobage than she is. She loves to flaunt em and also engages in erotic painting sessions where she paints with her tits.

As for who loves the D-cups.
Ace in a no homo kind of sense.
and Clockwork. Some homo
This. Putting barbed things in the urethra is a bad idea. Stick with smooth well-lubed objects.
Cunt and mouth are for rough fucking, ass and urethra are for gentle loving.
But Ariana loves it.
Not with barbed objects, she doesn't.
Only dicks and smooth objects, like dildos or vibrators.
She loves barbed dicks. Her urethra is so big that the barbs only tickles her flesh.
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Bashful Ariana is best Ariana.
Yeah, I like to think of her as being rather bashful and timid. She opens up a bit when only around close friends and family, but even then she's the quiet sort.
I usually go by "modulation" on other boards that allow names~ and I been lurking, working on a screenplay/various creepypasta tho
How does her anatomy actually work? Does the flesh of her legs end in little stumps? Is the wood physically attached, or magically? Can her legs fall apart and reassemble like timber wolves can? If so, and assuming that the magic also makes splintering not an issue, can she use the pieces of wood from her legs to fuck herself? Can she give pieces to a large group of girls to pleasure themselves with so she can get lost in the bliss of dozens of hot wet pussies contracting around her in ways that no being had ever even conceived of? These are important questions.
>How does her anatomy actually work? Does the flesh of her legs end in little stumps? Is the wood physically attached, or magically?
I guess that's up to headcanon. Personally, I think her thighs would sort of gradually become coarse and turn into wood at the end, meaning at least the top of her legs (pelvis/thighs) the flesh and wood parts are grown together.

>Can her legs fall apart and reassemble like timber wolves can?
Perhaps the fully wooden parts of her legs are kinda of like hooves/nails of other species in that they keep growing and regenerating and are worn down by use. If so, I suppose they could fall off - perhaps, given her timberwolf ancestry, they could be reattached.
That might also mean that if she didn't engage in enough rough activity to wear them down, she might have to have them sanded down to avoid them growing too big or becoming misshapen.

>If so, and assuming that the magic also makes splintering not an issue, can she use the pieces of wood from her legs to fuck herself?
If they would detach, I suppose she could.
She'd probably have to sand them smooth to avoid getting splinters in her pussy though.
It could be pretty funny to have her legs suddenly explode and have only stumps remaining.
Kinda what >>5298581 said about the legs. The top layer of the beginning of the thigh would be able to separate like normal timberwolf, the rest is flesh core and a mixture of plant and meat, which can't be removed.
This rapidly shifts in composition, and by the knees is entirely plant matter.

I agree with his idea of the roughness factor. The animals might not bother, but she probably sands herself in the same way you might trim your hair.
She sometimes gets in trouble for carving things on herself, though.

Even if she can feel her detached parts, I doubt they're erogenous. Though feeling a bunch of girls masturbating with her could still be pretty hot to her.
And pretty cute to watch her dragging herself around with her arms to reassemble her legs whenever they got knocked off.
>She sometimes gets in trouble for carving things on herself, though.
>when she's a kid, on a few occasions one of the other kids would carve a crude swastika or penis into the back of her legs without her noticing
>Her legs explode, sending wood flying everywhere and leaving her immobile
>A call for help results in Laika suddenly bursting from a nearby house to engage in the strangest game of fetch ever
That would be the cutest thing ever.
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>Her legs explode
I don't get it.
Love it.
I always saw Ace having big breasts, so maybe D cups? Dee might be double C cups. Catrine's in the same boat, and Petunia might as well be G cups.
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She certainly does belong to the G club. >>5295360
>Eat a bag of dicks
You can pretty much tell when you're talking to that sensitive and egocentric prick now. He always gets easily triggered and calls you an asshat and tells you to eat a bag of dicks or hundreds of other insults the minute you post something he finds remotely provocative.
>Everyone stopped talking about it and moved on
>Trying to reignite it again
We have a thread dedicated troll. Just ignore him and he'll scream himself to sleep.
That would explain the sudden outburst of autism that just happened in /sat/
>Eat shit
>Drink bleach, asshole
All because someone posted their headcanon. How pathethic.
Speaking of, are there any diaper fetishists here? I know /trash/ has a number of them, but are any of them here?
Don't bring them out of the woodwork.
>Don't let them in MY safe space
Take it to Tumblr. Stepping outside the thread are scat fetishists, weight gainers, guro, and ntr generals. Any of which could decide to visit the thread at any time. If even the thought bothers you, you're fucked.
Here is one pic. Don't know if the one who drew it is actually into it.

For someone who used to preach that /sad/ is the most friendliest place ever where everything is welcome, you sure are hostile towards those who likes fetishes YOU don't like.
>Taking the bait
Just ignore it dude.
What bait?
Not bait. Or do you really think people made diaper pics and edits just to get sone "tee hees" from peoples reactions? The fetish is real, if only for a handful of people.
I'd take anything with barbed urethra fucking than these diaper fetishists.
I don't think I'd stick my penis in a barbed hole even if it was an urethra.
I think the penis is supposed to be the barbed part
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I always assumed it meant wearing some kind of barbed device.
That's some Silent Hill shit right there.
I agree. Made me almost vomit and scream. Spoopy.
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Maybe, but it can never be said that I don't know what I like.
I don't see the appeal, but whatever floats people's boats I suppose.
Yeah. I'm done anyway. I know most people don't like pussy torture the way I do.
So stop posting why you don't see the appeal. Nobody needs to hear that you don't like things.
Same with any fetish. What /sad/ was meant to be. "Not my thing, but not gonna bust your balls over it".
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Posting a WiP that was commissioned from Mimic from /sat/
Who are they?
Petunia and Feather Heart.
>inb4 some dismissive comment
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I was always the opposite on Ace. B cup at the very most, but she's more thighs/butt/abs. In my mind Pegasus Satyrs normally don't have bigger boobs than that, though that isn't always the case.

I also always saw her as having a jealous streak and low self esteem. She gets jealous that other girls get more attention than her, and she thinks she's not pretty enough. Granted she doesn't groom herself like Sapphire (holy shit I had a total brainfart on her name), and she's not as feminine as Prism.
I can see it, makes more sense for Pegasus satyrs to be more flat than earth or unicorn. i like a flawed ace.

>makes more sense for Pegasus satyrs to be more flat than earth or unicorn

Here's how I always saw it:

>Earth and Crystal Satyrs are stocky. They have the greatest variation in height, and are the physically strongest of the satyrs. Females usually have larger busts.

>Pegasus and Bat Satyrs are the tallest on average, but they have a lower height variation. They are more often than not lean and long limbed. Female breasts tend to be in the A-B range.

>Unicorn Satyrs are normally petite and slender, and the shortest on average (though they still have outliners). Females have a bust size much like their Pegasus/Bat cousins.

Though that isn't always the case for all the Satyrs. Abacus is built more like a Unicorn Satyr, Sapphire voluptuous for a Unicorn Satyr, and Maverick is the shortest male Satyr.

>i like a flawed ace

I always saw her as comparing herself to others and coming up short, which makes her feel like she's never going to be good enough. I mentioned Sapphire and Prism, but also her mom. She never feels like she measures up to her mom's expectations (despite her mom saying otherwise) and she will never get out of her shadow. She still tries, but she never can shake that feeling.

Compare her to Icarus who feels the same, but he's just given up on ever doing so.
I always pegged Icarus as the 'hot shit and he knows it' type of guy being the son of a Wonderbolt, but he rests on his laurels more than Rainbow Dash did who was actually passionate and trained extensively for her work. Icarus just sees it as a free ride to stardom.
>Shortest male satyr
Shorter than Mason or Sterling?

Icarus has some big Horseshoes to fill. People have talked about how his mom was so great at a young age, and he always got compared to her. So he just gave up trying to get out of her shadow as a tween. That's not to say he isn't talented, but when everything you do is compared to one of your parents it wears down on you eventually.

Plus I always saw him as a lot more easy going than other people. So he hides it pretty well under a mask of just being "Yeah sure whatever," about it.

>Mason or Sterling

I don't bother with either of those.
Oh. Well, that's a nice headcanon of yours.

I had him and Ace as opposites, as they both have the same basic train of thought (living up to their parent's legacy), but one tries despite this, and the other has given up entirely.

One could easily become the other if they changed their perspective just the slightest bit.
Post more.
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Friendly reminder
>Incest is wincest
Yes, we know. You said the exact same shit in /sat/.
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Is this new?
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Who is the hottest/sexiest drake in your opinion?
I honestly say Ash. Thistle's a cute type of hot, Simmer and Broil both have a big unf factor, and Blare is hot in a bad girl sort of way, but Ash is just really sexy in my opinion. A big rack, a nice height, and just the right amount of butt to be spank. Plus her Mom is hot.
Tough choice between Broil and Freckles.
>Those ugly horns
Your opinion is bad.
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Which satyr would be the biggest size queen and flat out refuse to give any guy without at least a ten inch dick so much as a second glance.
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Probably Palette, if anyone wants to play with her giant breasts they better be packing a giant cock for her to play with. Equivalent exchange my friend.
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Here's a better picture.
The horns are such a minor issue that I don't really see a problem with the pic as a whole.
Princess Dawn. She's very, very selective.

Wheelie. She likes size difference porn and owns a twelve-incher dildo complete with cumlube.
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Ariana, but only out of necessity.
If Palette's type is hung guys, what's Joist's type then?
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Yeah, but she dont mind dating down if she thinks the guy is cute or sweet.
Everyone can just fuck her urethra.
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I saw Joist as more of homebody and either a virgin, or just only had like 1 person she was intimate with. As for her kind of guy, she's more open and willing to give anybody a chance so long as she finds them attractive. But she usually feels bad about dating because her sister and her used to fleece guys regularly for drinks and meals when they were younger. And sometimes even currently but not as often.

"Dawn, sweetie, why did a dozen guards just march by with their dicks hanging out?"
>"I dunno, daddy, honest."
"Uh huh."
>"Maybe they're off to Radiance's room. I have a feeling that he's secretly gay."
>if she thinks the guy is cute or sweet.
Or if the guy walks into her lair. She loves to rape those who does with her penis-like clit.
Only ponies though. Ariana knows better than to rape her own kind. Her dad had to beat it into her that she should not harm satyrs.
Only her brother is good enough.
I don't really see it.
Welcome to /sad/. If you want to discuss innocent things, then this is definitely the wrong place for you.
Girl doesn't have a dominant bone in her body.
When her dad wants to tie her to the bed, he could use string and she'd never break it.
Put her in denial? No chastity belt needed.
Spiked panties? Forget the lock, she won't try to take them off.
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I always pictured her as being somewhat tsundere towards her brother.

"What are you looking at? Didn't mother ever teach you not to stare?"
>Radiance rolled his eyes and glanced away.
>"I wasn't staring, I was just... nevermind. Is that a new dress?"
"Maybe it is, why?"
>"I dunno, I've just never seen you wearing it before."
>"Nothing... I was just thinking that it looks good on you."
>The young princess scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Tch, pervert! Why don't you take a picture so you can jerk off to it later, you damned lolicon."
>"I'm not a lolic-"
"Says the guy perving over his eleven year old sister."
>Welcome to /sad/. If you want to discuss innocent things, then this is definitely the wrong place for you

Bull shit. This place is for anything to be discussed, its basically /sat2.0/ but here we get to talk about smut things and not have to worry about triggering the complain anons. Limiting what we can discuss to be ONLY fetish material is stupid because that will just stifle discussing and content.
I thought they were both similiar ages?
>Bull shit. This place is for anything to be discussed, its basically /sat2.0/
How about I quote the OP for you?
>For the more explicit material not generally posted on /satyr/.
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I want this to be the norm with Dawn and her brother
Never says we can only talk about NSFW topics. And all sorts of discussion was relevant, lewd or not. It was the only thing that kept it from being a porn dump before artists gave a look at it.
It also says right after it.
>Original content, whether it's art or stories, is highly appreciated

It didnt specifically say NSFW original content so that means anything is fair game. Since you want to clutch the OP description like its the holy word of god and not a general starting point.

The only reason this thread was made was because some anons were getting so triggered by NSFW talk but that doesnt mean that we only ever wanted to talk about NSFW stuff. And its stupid to talk only NSFW stuff here, go over to the other thread and post SFW stuff there.
>here we get to talk about smut things and not have to worry about triggering the complain anons.
I feel like reminding you that smut used to be okay in /sat/ so long as it was not posted in excessive or extreme amounts, until egocentric fags like you showed up and went overboard with fetishes like inbreeding, urethra fucking and incest nonstop. You didn't give a single fuck about those who were there for family feels and other stuff like that.
>Someone tries to talk about something that isn't sex
>Fag shows up and tries to steer it towards incest or other fetishes
>Guys who wanted to talk about family feels or fun adventures or other things don't like it
>"Hurr, fuck you asshat! Go eat a bag of dicks, you sensitive faggots."
Daily reminder that you should just ignore him.
Ignore the truth? No. I don't like deluding myself.
>You didn't give a single fuck about those who were there for family feels and other stuff like that.
We never complained about the existence of family feels. Those are enjoyable too.
>Taking the bait
Dont do it mang.
>We never complained about the existence of family feels
I didn't say that either. Only that you almost always started throwing shit the second anyone who wanted family feels or whatever didn't like how you kept turning things into whatever fetish was currently on your list.
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Sexy Satyr Exercise
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I want human x satyr porn.
>Anon meets Glimmer in the park
>The two chat it off and strike up a simple bond
>Glimmer takes Anon telling her 'see you soon' as an invitation to break into his house and perform sex experiments on him
>She crawls into his bedroom and restrains him in ropes and a ball gag
>As Anon frightfully awakens, the last sight he sees is Glimmer smiling in glee holding a syringe filled with an alchemical concoction of virility before she injects the stuff into his arm and she rides his everlasting boner until daybreak

>"I'm not a lolicon!"
"You're not? Then why did you ask me to change into this body?"
>"Mistake, please stay out of this."
Hey, to the guy who wanted to Commission MT. She has been busy and is really regretful about not getting back to you and making you feel bad about your ideas. Also, today is her birthday. Last part not related to the first part.

>Dawn gave a look of disgust towards the other girl before glaring at her brother once again.
"What's she doing here? This is supposed to be a peasant free zone."
>Radiance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
>"Dawn, can you maybe stop being a brat for, like, five minutes? Besides, technically she's a princess too."
"Hmph! I bet she doesn't know the first thing about proper etiquette."
>"Like you're one to talk. Last week you begged dad to have the gardener executed after a bee flew into your bedroom."
"It was his fault for planting too many flowers right outside my window."
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I think papa 'non needs to give his little princess a spanking or 5. each day.
Maybe on the front.
Absolutely disgusting, but whatever floats your boat I suppose.
>Absolutely disgusting,
It's the best kind of disgusting, friend.
The kind that makes others want to leave in disgust, friend?
Thanks for the heads up
>really regretful about not getting back to you and making you feel bad about your ideas.
His ideas were that bad, huh?
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Which satyrs do you think would be the victim of a rape?
I'll see if they will have free time in about a week. MT is in Tex-as atm.

Doubt they've seen them yet.
>They think they're gonna get raped by Ariana, which is cool
>She suddenly whips out her penis-like clit
MT is a girl, literally said that here >>5334662
So why are you calling MT "they"? Afraid to mention genders because that trans lover who went on and on here recently about transexuals and genders might get triggered or something?
Its fine dude, MT knows how to reach me for any updates. You dont gotta keep me updated in teh thread
>Trying to start shit
Not everything is as deep as your triggering by Tumblr lingo. Seriously, calm your ass pain.

All righty, just you seemed upset about it and wanted to help.
There's a page 11?
Not as far as I know.
Ah, then Satyr may have broken code. Page: 11 was being displayed when I bumped
There is a page 11 but it's right there at the world's end. You got lucky to catch it when you did or else the thread would have 404ed

"Damn it, Yuzu, how many times do I have to tell you not to play on page eleven? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
>"Screw you, daddy, I'm not a little kid anymore!"
"Watch your language if you don't want to spend the rest of your life grounded, young lady."
>"No, you can't tell me what to do! I... I'm going to go get a tattoo, a-and maybe even get drunk at a club with some boys!"
"Yuzu, can you do me a favor and get the hell over this rebellious teenager phase, because I really don't think I can put up with this bullshit attitude of yours for the next few years."
>"Fuck you, I'm leaving!"
"Don't you dare slam that door, young- Oh, now you're in trouble! Man... She really needs a good mother figure in her life."
>Watch your language
Sounds more like she needs a dad who isn't a complete tool.
>Let your daughter curse and run wild wit no checks or balances

Enjoy you're unwed teenage mother and deadbeat son in law when he comes over to rail her and provide another mouth for you to feed
If I were to guess, then probably. Remember that we have a royal retard in this thread who thinks that 4chan should be like tumblr.

Can someone post pics of satyrs in panties?
>Remember that we have a royal retard in this thread who thinks that 4chan should be like tumblr.
That partially explains the state of both /sat/ and /sad/.

>Can someone post pics of satyrs in panties?
'ere you go.
Anyone remember that story where Anon had Hope and Gumdrop lined up to explain some rules to them about.
A few lines were something like "We should always keep our language clean around our mothers."
>"But when it's just the three of us?"
"Then you don't give a fuck."
Nope, but that sounds like a more reasonable approach.
I don't recognize this satyr.
Ves is sexy as hell in this pic.
Yep, teaches them that there's a time and a place, without creating the idea of "special grown up words that make you cool and mature!".
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>I don't recognize this satyr.
Halley Yard. She's from a CYOA.
too lazy to think of a clever bump
You could bump with a lewd pic.
Page 11 is a nightclub in one of the shadier parts of Canterlot, notorious for being a den of inequity and vice, it's gained a reputation among the satyr population as the place to be if you're looking to be one of the cool crowd. Drugs, sex, music and enough alcohol to fill three Olympic sized swimming pools, you can get it all at Page 11.

The club just so happens to be looking to hire some new 'exotic dancers' to entertain the patrons, so be sure to keep an eye on your daughteru.
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So I revised that monster hunting suit for Simmer and Broil. Nothing really that distinct other than removing the pauldrons and gloves while adding a utility belt for med supplies and other stuff. The sword is more of a greatsword than a claymore and I added a back strap instead of a sheathe.
Looks pretty legit, but the thumbnail makes it look like its her back so when i expanded it i was freaked out to see her face. Only gripe i can see,
>that awkward moment when you go out to unwind at your favorite sleazy nightclub, only to find your daughter working there
I might need to lower the dimensions then. Did you get cut off at the end?
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I made one for Gumdrop, from a different branch of monster hunters out of Canterlot's secret agency. The suit itself is similar to Broil's and Simmer's (and the fingerless gloves made a comeback). It has a different utility belt with a tracking device embedded in it, holsters, and a combat knife. All her guns are magic and loaded with elemental shots, but she hunts mainly with the Wonderbust magic rifle. I pegged her as an older and more experienced monster hunter who got into the business through her Bon Bon. Comparing the two, she had access to better, official training facilities, though Gumdrop's style takes a different approach with hunting monster's than Simmer and Broil's.

>"What are you waiting for, girly? Get out there and shake it like your daddy's watching. We have customers to entertain!"
"But that's the problem, my dad IS watching. He's right there in the front row with some slut grinding on his lap. So much for having to stay late at the office."
>"No excuses, get out there and give that pole some love. Do a good job of it and your pops will be too busy staring at your pretty little ass to even recognize your face."
The monster hunter verse looks fun, is Gumdrop a huge kill joy or is she a bad ass that longs to be a mother and more feminine?
Maybe she's like Eileen the Crow from Bloodborne.
Never played Bloodborn but it's in my backlog.
A few hours later.

>Gumdrop sits in the performer's changing room backstage at Page 11.
>Stripping herself of her gaudy dancing attire, she redresses herself into her modest everyday wear as she talks with the girl sitting beside her as she applies her lipstick and readies herself to go out on stage.
"I can't believe he didn't recognise me. I mean he looked right at my face! I don't know whether to be relieved or slightly insulted."
>The other girl shrugs, adjusting her cleavage.
>"You worry too much, Gum-Gum. He was clearly drunk out of his mind, not to mention distracted by the girl riding his lap like a rodeo bull."
>Gumdrop rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, but I'd have thought he'd at least show some recognition after reaching over and slipping a twenty into my thong."
>The other girl grinned.
>"Whoa, he tipped you a twenty? I'd better hurry up and get out there before he sobers up!"
>Gumdrop glared across at her companion.
"Oh no, don't even think about giving my dad one of your 'special shows'. It's bad enough knowing that he comes to a place like this in the first place."
>The girl scoffs.
>"Says the one working here. Have you even considered that maybe he did recognise you but decided not to say anything so he wouldn't embarrass you?"
"Well now I am."
Best Electra
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She really is.
Is Anon divorced in this scenario?
No, his wife/wives just know he has to have a little time to unwind and relax on a Friday night after work before coming home. He's a devoted husband and father, so they cut him some slack.
You think Gumdrop had to wear glasses as a lil' chillinz like here mom did?
Time to settle this once and for all. Find out each satyrs deepest, darkest fetish.

She only wears glasses if she knows her dad will get a massive boner and want to fuck her.
So for her naughty librarian getup, eh?
Which female satyrs haven't tried anal yet? Which male satyrs have? Which ones like getting rimjobs?
That is literally a Twist rehash. Bon deserved better than that
>Which female satyrs haven't tried anal yet?
Ones that have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
>Which male satyrs have?
Giving or receiving?
Everyone because sex is the only thing satyrs can think of.
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This is a good comparison. Stoic and stubborn from duty, but kind underneath. Gumdrop doesn't have the defensive strengths of the drakes (though she was the better toys), so she needs to be diligent in her work to keep her edge. Atleast she gets paid well though. Candy is still her favorite treat, even though she won't admit it to her other agents. Also I did a size comparison if anyone was curious about it.
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What the drakes lack in height they make up for in hips.
Thread posts: 229
Thread images: 55

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