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Mrs. Katswell General: Fresh Squeeze Edition! Booru: http:/

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 288
Thread images: 111

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Mrs. Katswell General: Fresh Squeeze Edition!

Booru: http://bestkat.booru.org

Previous thread: >>4946511

Also: Caturday!
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There is a remarkable lack of hardcore stuff.
soon anon!
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Sucks that we didn't get dubs on the opening post though.
Shit. After all the speculation that Katty is amused by her mother's accidental sexiness we get this.
What's the problem with it?
the question was posed about how Katty responds to her mother's sex appeal and because she's the opposite of Kitty it was assumed that she'd get a kick out of seeing Mrs k accidentally do something sexual.
she looks rather annoyed instead.
That fresh from the oven red?
who drew this?
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>someone edited this
>someone thought this looked good
So they made it better?
dannyblue? I think that's his name.
you sure? the name pops up nowhere
Attitudes like yours are why the drawfriends don't like these threads.
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it's fucking repulsive and so are you.

her hips end in her armpit, her torso has the depth of that gross crash-proof sculpture, and the incompetent fuck responsible of this used a shitty fat brush at full opacity to do over the hair, an overlay to do the highlights and the fucking bucket tool to color the body leaving jaggies and blank spots everywhere.
I was almost right artist is blu3danny.
wow, uhm, I'm speechless.....
>her hips end in her armpit
Okay, I'm guessing you don't like the hair effect but what do you mean by the hips end in her armpit? And where exactly are you seeing those jaggies and black spots?
I guess you could consider it "fresh." It's a sketch from a caturday pixivchat loooooooong ago.
Try checking the caturday stream recordings, you might find something that were left behind and forgotten to be posted on the booru.
also welcome to any drawfriends! we're a desperate bunch, we'll take any donations you got. ;w;
Caturday pixiv chats:
the one made by catbutt is a fake one
Is it too late to request Mrs. K lewds in the /co/ drawthread?
better off here or the trash drawthread. you can try but they'd just get deleted.
that depends on how active the mods are right now on /co/. It might take a while to get deleted or it might be gone within a few minutes. I'm pretty sure they lurk the thread while they draw so it's worth a shot. Depends on if they're in the mood for Mrs. Katswell though. Either way it doesn't make much sense to request here on /trash/, they check here sometimes, but usually don't do requests from here. We'll have to wait for some wandering drawfag to stop by.
Does it make the drawfriends wet when we have the balls to request this stuff on blueball boards?
No, it's about upholding years old tradition and defying shitty mods/janitors
seems like the archive is doing a good job archiving the deleted caturday requests. try your luck friends.
Let's get this thread movin
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Why live if she ain't real guys? Why live if she was real and didn't like you,which is the most probable outcome? Fuckin end it
There's that possibility anon....................

nice mature ladies with a few extra pounds aren't particularly rare, anon.
Mrs. Katswell serving food with her jolly jenny and mountainous mammas?
>napkins n' straws in her front cleavage and tips n' all dat in her back cleavage?
she'd make a great beer maiden.
>on a pirate ship
I like the way you think!
>kitty's at her mom's house doing laundry cuz "lel poor"
>she's carrying around her laundry hamper
>her mother is shuffling about excitedly before she stops in front of her
>she doesn't have a shirt on
>"Oh Kitty hold on one second."
>Her mother bends forward, undoes her large bra, and plops it down on top of Kitty's things
>"I've got a date tonight and I thought I'd wear something more festive flashy than this old thing!"
>Kitty's stunned as her mother hops away, staring at the spacious, empty cups that struggled to keep her mother's modesty in check.
>Right underneath is her own set of underwear, barely a bump compared to the mounds that were her mother's.
that's a stereotype among beer wenches in cartoons isn't it? they're usually thicc as fuck and abnormally strong?
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That coloring thread in the catalog has some fresh Katswell content. Well old images colorized that is.
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Always worth the risk, though. I made my request in the /co/ drawthread this week, and it got done!
jeez you requested that alot. congrats on having it done though.
Request frequently, but not constantly. That's my way of thinking.

Also, I think this was actually the first time I tried requesting it on /co/ instead of /trash/.
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greyimpaction did a good picture of Kitty, I should request Mrs. Katswell from him.
Damn imagine Mrs. Katswell giving someone a thighjob. She'd snap a dick in half if she flexed.
she's the swolest, chubbiest cat milf there is
I fucking love thicc women covered in sweat.
Guess I wasn't the only one, well at least with Mrs. K

>just licking the sweat off her body and cleaning her like a real cat
>every single drop from every single corner and pit
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>tfw you are a real cat
So we gonna see an image where Mrs. K utterly outM.I.L.F.s Patricia or what?
>Boom-Boom Beagle
She's not a MILF.
We also need a summer bod vs winter bod image to go along with it.
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What ideas y'all got? Any greentext?
Here's an old one from the archive.
>"Kitty! Kitty! Wake up!
>Kitty awakens groggy and confused
>"What is it mom? I was planning on sleeping in today."
>mrs k is ecstatic and jumping up and down
>"I'm on tv! I'm on tv! Come look!"
>Kitty follows her mom downstairs
>petropolis 5 news is on the tv
>Kitty heads straight to the kitchen ignoring the news report and begins pouring herself a cup of joe
>the news reporter declares on the tv
>"Our next story takes us to the internet website Facebook where a video has blown up overnight!"
>"Here it comes Kitty!"
>"Mmmhmm..." Kitty replies sipping her coffee
>"Petropolis resident Katherine Katswell a 45 year old woman has become somewhat of a star on the site for her sexy-I-I mean comical attempt at the new hip dance known as "twerking!"
>Kitty's ears perk up "Wha-?"
>the video comes on the screen
>mrs. katswell comes on screen her back facing the camera and her ass in full view as she gyrates her hips up and down, causing her globe-sized ass to quake rhythmically in her tight jeans to the song 'Anaconda"
>Kitty spits out her coffee across the countertop "MOM! WHAT WERE YOU-?!"
>"See Kitty I'm going, oh what do you call it? Vital? Virus? Viral? Oh Kitty do you think I'll become a "meme"? Is that what you kids say now-a-days?"
>the video cuts back to the reporter as he wipes sweat from his forehead
>"Well ladies and gentlemen this video has been viewed over 4.5 million times making mrs. k quite popular across America and maybe even the world! Stay tuned as we deliver you the weather after these messages!"
>before the channel cuts to break the reporter leaves his chair, a visible erection pitching a tent in his pants
>Kitty stares at her mother, mouth agape
>"C'mon Kitty petropolis 5 wants to interview me for the afternoon news! They can interview us together and everyone can see what a beautiful daughter I have! We've never been on tv! Doesn't that sound like fun?"
>"S-Sure mom... Sounds like fun..."
There's also this one.
>It's Saturday, 9:00 P.M.
>Kitty grabs the box marked "S.O.S." beneath her desk
>She brings it to work so she doesn't waste time stopping at her house
>She scrambles for the front door trying to get to her car as fast as possible
>Chief steps out of his office "Hey Kitty do you think you could finish this rubic-"
>No time for chit chat she slams his door shut
>Dudley pops out from around the corner
>Oh shit.
>Slides beneath him
>"Hey Kitty why are you trying to get out of here faster than usual?"
>She looks back at him with a huge grin on her face yelling "It's Strap on Saturday at my mom's house!"
>She burst through the front door, jumps in her car, and is off like lightning
>"Strap on Saturday?" Dudley cocks his head in confusion
It basically boils down to a 3way between Kitty, Katty (who's been released from jail by fooling the authorities into thinking that Saturday is a holy day for her family), and Mrs. Katswell.
Oh yeah, this one. Wonder if anyone animated that twerk
So far I don't think so.
Strapon Saturday sounds like quite the holy day.
Accidental sexiness fits Mrs. K so well.
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>this artist didn't draw furry crossover porn to my high standards
holy fucking shit really
I think he's taking issue with how it was edited over how it was originally drawn.
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oh yeah that actually looks much better

fuck, the whole middle aged mom trying to be hip on the internet thing is all too relateable,
not enough katswell threesomes out there.
Is the issue how it was edited or how it was colored?
edited, everything anatomy wise a bit too big, yet also weirdly crunched down
Well lel, they could have just asked for a version without proportion edits to be colored instead of shitting on it entirely :/
The coloring is pretty shit too. She's covered in fur, bot latex.
Idk then, what I did there, color-wise, is what I did with the others, can you anons give me an example of what you want or how this one differs from the others? just tryin' to fulfill :3
I remember a shoulderjob request a long time ago

I wonder if the person who wanted it is lurking, because I wanted the ref image.
how about a thigh job by Mrs. K?
Could kill two birds with one two-panel stone here:

>Summer: Something like >>5086774
>Patricia "compliments" how trim (read: small) Mrs. K looks; Mrs. K misses the veiled insult and says something about working off the winter weight
>Winter: The two run into each other again; Mrs. K's proportions now surpass Patricia's by an insane amount
>Mrs. K compliments Patricia with complete honesty on staying slim during the winter; Patricia is too stunned at being outMILFed to reply
We need more Kitty MILFification/weight gain greentext.
>after she has a hot steamy workout, her sweaty body is fuckable anywhere at any angle
yeah that could work
It's like fucking her, without even fucking her.
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oh shit nigga.
I second that notion.
that's the idea!
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I heartily endorse this event or product.
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bestMILF will never lose!
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She's like the Saitama of MILFS!
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I approve of Mrs. Katswell honing her strongthickness to infinite levels.
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So we're quite literally motherfuckers after all?
Woah did J.J. Abrams do the coloring for this?
>still no images of Mrs. Katswell sexercising
Someone's gotta get on that...
Like she needs it. She probably has to custom-order adamantium vibrators just so they'll last longer than one use.
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time for yoga.png
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Wow anon, you already improved a ton!
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Tell me this is leading to art of her doing obliviously-sexy yoga.
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I've had this idea for weeks and was finally able to finish it.

Sorry for the crude art and bad writing. It's my first time drawing Hardiman characters (the Kitty one is actually a redo of the erased portion below) so forgive the mix of styles and so-so anatomy.

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hory shet, dis fresh frum ze uven 2red?
the images is several years old
There's probably tons of stuff I've missed then. Is this from the chats?
Pretty sure it was when we could still have caturday threads on /co/. The coloring is somewhat newer, but still old by years. A lot of stuff was on /pco/ too. It's lost now due to the site dying and being restated several times though.
Well if anyone has anything, that's not on the booru, would be noice to share so it can be archived there.... and be kept with us for eternity.......
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Daily reminder that Mrs. Katswell is only the second thiccest M.I.L.F. out there and always will be.
In this particular piece of fanart?
So far she's yet to be drawn one upping Patricia. Her title at 2nd place still stands.
maybe next to Patricia; but soon that fake bun will be put in her place ;)
another w/ background
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my sexual desires.gif
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>it's that time again
>been ages since she drained them
>they're so full and huge
>makes her feel so aroused
>if she can't control it, it'll look like she peed herself

>off to the factory
>the workers take her underground to their secret area where they make the magic happen
>they tie her up completely, gagged up, tied in the air and everything
>she just likes doing it this way, perhaps it enhances the experience
>they first stimulate her vaginal and anal holes
>they make sure she's extra wet
>they give her a few of they're most fattening cookies, this gives them more of the "special ingredient"
>they attach the tubes and she's almost ready

>injection time
>needles are penetrated through varies areas of her body
>these further arouse and stimulate her hyper breasts and overall body

>she likes it very rough
>a tight squeeze of her precious breasts and whip on her buns and goes all the milk for their special cookies

>all done in a lab coat
Just what the hell are you planning anon?!
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How soon would soon theoretically be?
holy shit is this red?
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If I'm the one to light the flame? It'll be awhile if no one else shoots.
take as long as you need.
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I had a thought regarding the "Mrs. K is a retired supervillain" idea. Suppose that in her supervillain days, she was incredibly ripped, and this was a big part of her villain schtick. The Strongest Woman In Petropolis, muscular and intimidating, etc. Then after the twins were born, the baby weight refused to come off and continued to pile on, forcing her retirement. But she never stopped working out and got more and more swole underneath all that MILF chub.
Mother Russia? Or Méxican Mádre?
It would be nicely ironic if her supervillain name was Mother something, since motherhood ended her career.
There should be more art of Kitty admiring her mother's body.
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It's an envious lust.
What If there was a story where Kitty has Keswick develop a hormone serum to make her all MILFy like her mother and goes to Mrs. Katswell's house to show off her body. Mrs. K is impressed and decides to "test" her daughter's new body.
I would read it and fap to it.
Read? But what if it was a comic?
I'm not an artist I'm just inquiring.
This has got to be a thing.
One reads comics as well as written stories, so my answer stands.

However, I would fap even harder due to the visuals.
I like the idea. There hasn't been much in the ways of a fapfic for tuff puppy in a while and I don't think there's even a hard porn comic either, mainly ecchi at most.
any greentext? I'll get that on the booru too.
honestly i'm surprised that there wasn't a comic or two of tuff puppy. usually when a new cartoon comes out those shitty rule34 pay sites hop right on board.
I'm disappointed at the lack of animated porn of Kitty and Mrs. K. Orangepeel's two were amazing, but there's got to be more.
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Must I even say it?
Bunny catgirls?

Fuck yeah this needs to be a thing.
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quick question: what if Kitty used this thing to make herself a MILF: http://tuffpuppy.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Gun

and then drank the Milf serum? would that make her a double Milf?
That's interesting, having surpassed her mother Kitty returns to her mother's home to exact "revenge" on her for being sexier than her.
What if Mrs. Katswell took the milf serum? What did Mrs. K look like when she was preggars with twins even?

or Mrs. Katswell could use the gun on herself to make herself 20ish (but still milf sized) to take her daughter's clubbing and show them 'how it's done' much to Kitty's embarrassment/Katty's amusement
Mrs. Katswell looks young enough for her age I don't think she'd need the young gun.

good point; I'm just tossing ideas out to see what sticks.
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getting better at coloring whoever you are.
Not to be rude but those are some really inconsistent lies.
not the same guy, those were examples of coloring I gave him.
hi dogma :)
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hello disgusting furrys
wanna yiff? OwO
you're one of us! 0)
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im pretty sure im way worse.
eh or neh?
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What level of worse?
you arent changing the way you are putting the colors, use a dirferent brush preferably not the airbrush, the contact betwen the tits and the belly can use a darker tone to give them weigh, everything apart from that I can see the progress, the butt looks way better still feels shy.
not as worse as I thougth but to be honest here everything is really softcore.
How about this? >>5192287
it does the job I guess, nothing special about the colors, try to identify diferent planes stuff that is further has diferent shades than stuff in first plane.
>nothing special about the colors
dayum, give me an example of special' por favor!
Red should make a version with Katty, smiling instead.
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Nothing too lewd just got the wants to sketch up some waitressing
NOICE, danke! Is this going to be a comic like the other?
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Singing Kitty Kat.jpg
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Reminder who best cat is.
Leave your old fat saggy garbage by the door.
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>literally someone she pooped out
>literally someone who sucked her fat tits
Even wiped the ass of that anorexic pussy.
i think eventually Mrs. Katswell would just get kicked out of all available jobs in Petropolis on the grounds of being too hot.
Man that's a double edge sword if i ever heard one. On one hand she's unanimously agreed to be the sexiest thing to walk the planet, but on the other hand her appearance is deemed a danger to the profits of every business she wishes to find employment at.
unless it's like a strip club or something similar
I bet that every other stripper would be so jealous they would kill her while she's sleeping.
That depends can someone be even too hot to be a stripper?
I don't think it'd be that bad. If a strip club only had to manage Mrs. Katswell that'd make the financial burden fairly light granted that a enough of the patrons enjoy seeing her or were chubby chasers.
Depending on how much the admission fee is and how much they charge for drinks and food they could end up making out pretty well each night.
Mrs. Katswell would also probably make a ton of dough from all the tips she'd get.
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What is this? Saudi Arabia?
All the thing expected from yesteryear's model, to pave the way to her true successor.
Is that from 1800?
The "new" model's too scrawny though.
DBaru emulating his style.
>1800/ Plague doing Katswells
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Give her time to fill out.
Plague used to draw Kitty Katswell a ton back when he still made porn. He even made a pretty neat pic of Mrs. K For whatever reason he stopped and went to being the husk of a man we see and hear now.
He commonly draws mainstream furry bait like the latest pokemon or Callie Briggs.
Goddammit Plague why'd you have to go soft on us?
I think he stopped drawing porn because he got married? I think someone said that before on /co/.
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special enougth?
what programs are used to make this?
lol, rly?
I think it has a nice choce of colors and the dots look cool with the sketchy lines.
photoshop and SAI
>and photochop
jeeeeesus, dat's a ton of scratch yo
>>5222999 (Checked)
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Now that's some motherfucking heresy.
I don't understand the marriage clause for smut artists. If you enjoy drawing porn or even make a living off of it why let someone else determine whether or not you can continue?

once people get in stable relationships or have children, their sex drives drop dramatically.

Wasn't sure if could post whole sequence as pics instead of link, since Mrs K only appears in final panel
then just post the goods
Question here, do you guys have any standards for the quality of your thread? Any restrictions or anything you wouldn't allow here?
Let's see what you got!
I mean we don't have a rulebook here if that's what you're asking.
>Plague showers us with art
No, posting whatever mang
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I, uh, tried to do a wet Kitty after some pool mishap or something. Sorry it's sketchy and junk.
Hey it's a step in the right direction. Keep at it friend.
Her tail looks quite ropey. You can't really tell it's Kitty from the back. Perhaps a front shot instead?
well this looks new
It's DBaru
You dummies
Plague went clean long ago pal.
Didn't someone dump a ton of Mrs. Katswell futa art in the first thread? Does anyone still have that?

that's a guy who uploads his stuff on InkBunny i think. He's REALLY into the idea of loli Kitty to the point it's kinda unsettling.
Give link, cub stuff is hot.
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I found some lewds on rule34 xxx. No idea who the artist is; found nothing on reverse image search.
Another one.
Another 1.
There's not nearly enough Katswell incest art out there.
there should be. the idea practically draws itself.
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me gusta
Especially with Katty.
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some more lesbo stuff colored by blasterwavemaster
>tfw likes what ye did w/ something
I always wondered what the material of that chair is to support the weight of Mrs. K.
Presumably some indestructible alloy Keswick whipped up.
ey coloring guy, think you could color this in? You're pretty much the only one keeping this thread semi-alive with semi-fresh content.
Tungsten carbide?
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Gonna put some shading on this.
File: mrs k suit bg.png (3MB, 1450x1450px) Image search: [Google]
mrs k suit bg.png
3MB, 1450x1450px
har ye
koolio skoolio man thanks.
File: 1158994_fourball_mrkatswel.png (391KB, 800x742px) Image search: [Google]
391KB, 800x742px
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521KB, 651x850px
>mom you ruined it
skinny bitches please.
to be fair living with mrs. katswell as anyone but her lover would be a fucking torture
It'd buy clothes for her just so she could rip them up in front of me.
That explains what Katty was up to.
New strongthickness from the Caturday stream.
Forgot it was Saturday lol
Someone needs to draw her doing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSZQJuUiKFM
that metal pole died for nothing. RIP.
Merely the latest in a long line of exercise equipment to fall to her strength.
Hello me!
god that drawing sure is ugly
File: oooot.jpg (77KB, 680x680px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 680x680px

Look at that fucking neck
wonder if this anon comes here
Hopefully fucking not.
I can make one, if no one else is.
Might as well
new bread:
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