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RWBY/RT Trash General #162: Smoke and Mirrors Previous Thre

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Thread replies: 565
Thread images: 173

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RWBY/RT Trash General #162: Smoke and Mirrors

Previous Thread: >>3953065


Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies

RWBY Chibi - Latest Episode:

RvB Season 14 - Latest Episode:

Camp Camp Latest Episode:
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Ruby a best
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Sixth for not all /pol/acks shit up the bread.
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>Oh Rin.
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Yes! More Smoke and Mirrors!
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so comf
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>tfw Cinder isn't gonna be back for V4
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Wrong anon he decided to be a civilized citizen who cares about his community an fellow neighbors.... in other words he's race trader according to the BLM, SJW, an over all dindos abroad.

I need this commission to an artist now in the future. Waifus in Rhodesian Rhodie short shorts with FALs an old Bushmasters yes good thinking anon. I would need a few of those one for team RWBY an one for Neon Katt because I'm a Memefag who needs it.
Ruby is best when she is just ever so slightly retarded.
>TFW you replied to my Rhodie post
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Wow Mojo thank you.
Who's dick do I have to suck to get more V4 Yang art, even Blake is getting more than her.
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>he's race trader according to the BLM, SJW, an over all dindos abroad.
Stop anon, you're hurting me.
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yang's is honestly my favorite of the new designs, it definitely needs more art
sorry rube
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>One arm.
>It's on the brake.
You're literally not going anywhere with that setup Yang.
Wait that's the clutch. I should go to bed, but
>muh Dallas.
You don't know?
It's all over the fucking country I'm watching a Stream with footage(from behind enemy lines) and it has live footage from Oregon and Minnesota
Of course I fucking know, every nigger in the last thread was telling me to go away. I did. For a bit.

My homeland is relatively devoid of 'groids, so I'm fairly safe.
>My home is relatively devoid of groids
>tfw New Jersey
Imagine Detroit
Class 6(the Chimpout scale only goes to 5) chimpout
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>the Chimpout scale only goes to 5
Mhm, only ever recorded event of a Category 5. It was called "Mandela."

God be with you, Diet New Yorkfag. May your stride be long and your aim steady.
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Well at least I'm finding something I guess
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>That tummy.
South Africa and Rhodesia combined are nothing compared to the Chimping we shall experience
Not even Mojo can bring back her smile and optimism.
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The American Pavement Ape (scientific name H. Basketbalensis) is a ferocious predator, but can it really compete with its African cousin? (H. Kaffir)

While American blacks have a nasty disposition and victim complex, Africans never had any real taming or breeding with whites, leading to a calmer, more negotiable black. All we can do is wait.
We still need porn of Jaune and Rin.
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Shooter offed himself boys.

Act I Scene I is coming to a close.



>Have the thread about this open in another thread
>People continue to shit up the thread about RWBY.
I'm posting Yangs too you fucking nigger, I'm not >>3962290

You guys are my top lads. I gotta make sure none of you die.
Chimpout starts tonight
Wait until Detroit gets word
What do you think they will call this?
My money is on "2016 Dallas shootings"
I always try to reply when it's reasonable so no problem anon.

How can I hurt Cis scum? I thought you where all imperialist, rapist, misogynist pigs who are devoid of emotion? Now go check your privilege.

I just thought I'd make this for the fun of it good night RWBY/RT.
>I'm posting Yangs too
Which doesn't really mean shit.

Stop shitting up the RWBY thread with something anybody who cares has open in another tab.
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Wow I just saved that one a few minutes ago
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>I have a perfect reaction image for the Tumblrinas now.
Thanks so much anon! I hope you have comfy dreams of adventuring with Team RWBY, and not horrible nigger nightmares.
>I'm posting Yangs too
See, if I was just dumping with no words, you wouldn't give a shit.

God in heaven forbid I throw in a few anecdotes on the "Off-Topic" board. Lord oh Lord, anything but that!
Is your reading comprehension really so fucking shit that you don't realize that simply refers to the threads themselves?
You might want to reread >>1178, the sticky post on the front page
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Not an argument, and where is your source for that?
>The threads are off-topic, not the content in them!
You are a fool.
I have the thread pinned on clover.

You're not triggering anyone because of the subject matter. Just that you won't shut up about it on RWBYg.
>Complains about niggers
>Has roughly the same level of mastery over the English language.
Read the sticky you retard.
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I have violated nothing in the rules, nor in the sticky.
This anon gets it
And you're not following it either.

You're just shit posting to shit post.

Are you secretly a falseflagger?
The hell's 1984 on there for?
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You are causing moire ruckus complaining about it.
I'm not even speaking in ebonics. Not a bix nood to be seen.
Fuck it, three strikes, I'll shut up. Just don't act like I never do anything for you guys.
It's 4:00 here in New Jersey
How much longer will the Chimpout/shitstorm rage on?
Are we out of RWBY/RT things to discuss?
No. It's just some ten year old who stayed up past their bedtime.
>everyone I don't like is a child
How the fuck did this meme start?
Because they're acting like children?

It's either children or niggers really. People tell them they're actually talking about it in the actual thread and want to talk about RWBY here and they're still going on about like someone with an underdeveloped mind.

So are you a child or a nigger to clear it up?
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I don't mind throwing around hopes and expectations for V4, I really like those.
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Will Based Roof Koreans save the day again?
Nice insults m8 (;
I hope to get two volumes out of one-armed Yang. Make the robo-reveal actually carry weight.

A couple of conversations were actually going on before the spamming started.
Like what? Please, do tell.
I'm actually hoping for flashbacks for once. You don't start a damn heroes going on a journey, just to timeskip to them arriving at their destination without some kind of flashback to their adventures.
The fact that the show is tell not show and should be accepted as such.
Oh yes
They were conversations that shall be studied for generations!
An example
>Muh Waifu a best
>No Muh Wifu a best
>Your Waifu a shit
>No your Waifu a shit
Movie when?
People don't already do that? RWBY is basically a fucking John Ringo novel. If you try to put any thought into anything that happens you're just fucking yourself when it invariably goes retarded.

It's a RWBY thread which is about waifus. Why would anything else be discussed?
Yes, but my Waifu is a best. You can tell because I said she was cute. Twice!
>Movie when.
Hopefully it'll be of Jaune and Ren having sex.

People should get on that.
Two seems too long but not like all of the screentime will be on her.

Is it actually confirmed that they're at the destination?
Ren in a Chinese dress taking it up the ass from Jaune in the toilets is something that must be drawn by an artist.

Also him trying to introduce Rin to Ren.
Consdeirng they're fucking around in some random village and aren't at Haven, chances are they ARE still on the journey. I'd guess they just skipped a bit of hiking and a boat ride from Patch to Mistral, I hear those boat trips can drag on forever
Have to imagine they are getting close. It's not like the world is set in the 1500s. Even with no CCT there are regular boats for the sea stretch.
>TFW I was gonna read more Berserk tonight
The nigs just HAD to chimpout tonight
>Most of volume 4 will be flashbacks
My hype is wavering

>There's a chance there won't be flashbacks at all
Thought you were talking about the shooting in Dallas.
go to sleep
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Breakfast time. Ignore the pol shitting up the threads and discuss new things for your waifus.

Like what it would be like driving bumper cars with her. Would you let her win, or go for maximum bumpage
It's /pol/ you dirty nigger
Respect the name of best board
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There is not enough Neo shipping.
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Take your hurt feelings and go
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do we even talk about rwby anymore? just seems like people bitching about greentext and people spamming /pol/ shit all day
Isn't it great?, back in the /co/ threads everyone wanted to post green text and talk bullshit and now that were on /trash/ its all we get!.
camp camp 5 m3u8 when?
When it comes out in 4 hours
Anyone have 4's?
It's out on youtube now
Thank you, grandmaster.

>Colored Kid forces revolution

wew lad just like brexit
I just really want to gnaw on her shoulders.
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>Bare shoulders
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Oh hey can you read this story
I just want to see /RWBYG/ after reading it and their stance on it
What if Ruby came up to you in her underwear and asked for you to cum in her panties
Weiss with her hair down when?
Way ahead of you, Rubes.
I would tell her to come back as Neo and then we'd talk.
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Do it.
The title isn't properly capitalized and uses a semicolon incorrectly.
Now, the latter is especially damning, because not using a single semicolons for punctuation is not incorrect.
Using them correctly gives the end result that one last finishing touch, while using them incorrectly just makes you look like a pretentious idiot who's trying to look cool.
The writer also doesn't know how the words "huntress" works with possessives.
What if you and your Waifu of choice were walking down a side walk and all of a sudden a White van pulls up next to you and the side door opens and a guy wearing a Balaclava gestured for her to get in and she did and when you ask her where she's going she looks at you and says "Race War starts tonight"
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Post panties!
Ruby takes off the panties you cum on and places them in a plastic zip lock bag. Ruby says if you don't do everything she says and be her bitch she will take the panties to the cops and say you tried to rape her.
She wouldn't say anything. Neo's mute.
What if Neo signed you "Race War starts tonight"
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>She gives you a look
>You immediately know she's gonna kill some niggers
I'd go home and prepare her a nice meal and a bath for when she gets home, probably give her a foot and back rub when she gets in so she doesn't turn her murderous intentions on me.. I'm sure she'll be hungry after butchering infidels.
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>She changes her hair to just white and pink
Are you two fucking retarded? They were out protesting because he got fucking shot and you're going to say they thought he was a race traitor? If he'd done jack shit in his life /pol/ would be all over it and you'd be calling him a "dindu" just like every other one. If you didn't want Philando Castile to die you should have listened when someone told you cops are trigger happy and panicky about black people and it causes them to shoot people who are no threat or who have done jack shit wrong.
>Neo "Nigger Grave Digger" Politan
>Not just white
>Cops are trigger happy and panicky as fuck around black people
Well maybe if Niggers didn't act like Niggers Cops wouldn't shoot them so much
>Well maybe if Niggers didn't act like Niggers Cops wouldn't shoot them so much

In what way did Philando act like a nigger? In what way did John Crawford act like a nigger?
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>Implying she wouldn't change her hair to blonde and her eyes to blue
>She becomes French Vanilla Neo
Philando was less cool than we thought
Dude didn't have a CC liscense
He was reaching across his torso to get his wallet
His girlfriend made a lot of some shit up
Crawford was waving a gun around
Would you really wan't to take the time to check if it fired BB's or Bullets?
Also fucker was pointing at children
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Episode 4 of Camp Camp was great.
Poor Nikki is too gullible.
>"Dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum You a dumb bitch"
>"What did you say?"
Seeing that when I woke up just got to me, because it's one thing if they're a dumb fuck who thinks all black people deserve to die but I guaran-fucking-tee if Philando had completely reasonably panicked when a cop drew a gun on him he'd be another dindu to /pol/, because cops are never responsible for how situations turn out when they treat others like garbage, shout and scream contradictory instructions or even totally fail to identify themselves before they kill somebody.

Don't really care what you thought of him because it's only a matter of time for them to find something. He could have had a record for shoplifting pokemon at 13 and /pol/ will go all "Dindu" about it and that'll be that.

>Crawford was waving a gun around
Crawford was carrying a bb gun around a store in which he found it. He had it at his side, held by the middle in his hand. A guy called the cops and said he was pointing it at people, but I don't think there was ever any evidence that he did. The guy made it the fuck up, and even when he saw the video evidence that showed he was talking shit he still said Crawford deserved it for the audacity of thinking "Open carry state" meant a black guy could carry a bb gun in a store that sells them.
I only think Nigs should die
I have no problem with civilized Africans
I need some kickass music to listen too
any suggestions?
No fucking /mu/ core pls
And I think you should die, so lets get along together and hope each other gets shot by police for no reason.

Soundtrack for FFXIV is fucking golden most of the time.
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So Neo is a bigot this week that's the fetish neofags are giving her this time? Pretty lame sounds more like weissfags.
Fuck off Neo isn't a bigot. Neo is really caring and loving towards certain people when she's not fighting. Neo is pure.
For Weissfags it's just the same kind of stupidity as tumblr making characters trans or other races. "I want this character to be like me so I can identify with them!" in principle works whether that's "So they're trans now" or "So they're incredibly racist".
>tfw a Tiny DMX will never live in you engine block and start rapping whenever the car starts
What if a tiny DMX lived inside Penny?
>The censored version
What the hell were you thinking.
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Penny comes pre-programmed with rap skills
The fuck is that thing close to Ciel?
An overgrown hamester?
Her boyfriend
Can a tiny DMX still live inside her?
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Cheetah cub.
I don't think they have em in remnant.
Weird choice.

In fact, we never saw any if remnant wild life aside from Grimm. I hope we see some in the next volumes.
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In some regions of the world it is referred to as a cat. Colloquially referred to as a pussy.

As a bit of trivia, pussy can also refer to a vagina, and in that case one should cum inside hers as much as possible within the allotted space of time.
Little otters.jpg

Why not house wife programming?
>tfw we never get a screencap of Penny flipping off the camera from V3 bloopers
Because you're the bitch.
I thought you'd just say "Delete this" or "Not cool" but damn, You surpassed my expectations, I posted this to see /RWBYG/'s outlook on RWBY guro
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>Penny will never drop sick rhymes
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A cups aren't worth that.
I'd kill her with the nearest weapon, Possibly a chainsaw
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Why are there speed lines around that guys dick?
A true tragedy
Nay here, gotchu something
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Jaune future bitchs.png

Because she''s being fucked by sonic the hedgehog and he's going fast
>Yang can't schlick right anymore

Blake really is the worst.
Sonic doesn't have human hands.
Or a penis for that matter.
Fuck you for reminding me sonic fags exist
Fuck you again for reminding me that Chris-Chan is STILL ALIVE(and hoplefully to be dead soon)
Thank you Anon,You saved me the work of breaking into Rooster Teeth's Headquarters and stealing it
You underestimate him
It's what I'm here for
What does RWBYG make out of this?

Forgot link.
If she's anything like Roman, she probably isn't a fan of Faunus.
Cheers for that. It's like she knows it's bullshit.
Colorblind, and OCC characters.
Tumblr magic.

Do girls actually masturbate like this? All those positions look really uncomfortable.

Except this one.
>September 2015
I think you really went digging and I can't understand why you'd subject yourself to something you don't like let alone try to drag us into it.

They're drawing what they want. They didn't post it anywhere other than their blog, you did.
Reminds me of that black penny pic.
One more reason to be right wing.
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Zimbabwe BTFO
Rhodesians Never Die
Speaking of Rhodie's how goes the quest for the Rhodie short shorts pic Rhodie Anon?
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I've seen dumber
I may never understand how people have shit like "race headcanons" for things with established visual canon, but in the vast sea f dumb shit on the internet I can't really be bothered to care too much
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It takes more than that to shake me anon
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Not RWBY but have a cute Rhodie waifu
Get on my level.
This kills the thread.
>You will never fight commie nig nogs with your REAL FUCKIN NATO FAL
>You will never fight Ghouls(Niggers) in modern day Johannesburg
anybody got the non subscriber link to the latest RvB?
Don't worry, When she kills Zwei, Her voice actress will be killed by the Fandom, Then the'll edit Blake to have been killed by Adam Taurus OK
>Average level of disconnect someone who dislikes Blake has from reality

Explains so much.
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The globalists will make sure none of us will do similar things.
Roman wasn't a fan of faunus?
>Says this
>Probably never joined the military
>Likely has never even put themselves in harms way at all
>Lives a life of relative leisure singing the praises of war while not shouldering any of its consequences or traumas
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She isn't like Roman, she's alive
>He takes shitposting about killing niggers in a race war seriously
wew lad
Ruby will never give you a bootjob...

Why live...
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boot fuck.gif
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>You will never ask to fuck her thighs
>She will never be disgusted at the thought of your dick touching her
>She will never make you fuck her boots like gif related
>She will never make you tongue her asshole while you do it
Yeah. He's openly racist against them.
Life is suffering.....
Why are Blake and Pyrrha suddenly ugly and no longer white?
Oh Yeah? When is that established?.
Finale of Volume 1.
>Gif has two girls in boots

If ruby is the girl on the left who's asshole your licking who's the other girl?
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Since they look like Coco's boots I'd say her.
Calling them names? Is that all it takes to be a racist?

I want Normies to fuck off and stay away from 4chan.
In this day and age. Yes, that's all it takes.
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No Camp Camp?
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Weiss probably.
>Don't agree with that post, so it must be an X
It should be that dark weiss the one hiwon drew with the bazooka claymore
>Not Ruby and Neo after after Neo has manipulated Ruby to enjoy this.
Camp Camp link when?
>Why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?
>No, you idiot, this isn't a leash
>You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang
>Animals, every one of them
I wanna see dark weiss be a domme it would work well with neo acting like a senpai teaching weiss how to whip blake, twist her heel on yangs boob, make out with mercury while standing on Neptune's face.
It's not out yet
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Probably in some scene where she's all grownup

and developed
I can approve of Neo molding Weiss into a domme.

I would write something but I'm too lazy.
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>dark weiss
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I don't have the image maybe someone else does hiwon drew her holding a giant bazooka claymore it's pretty cool.
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How would a fight between him and Cinder play out?

>Cinder can see and damage Star Platinum
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>Go to RWBY thread on /co/
>It's mostly cancer
>Humanized Sonic OC's
>Shadow liking Yang
>mfw I'm saving this garbo on my pc
if its post fighting the world star platinum he wins easy with time stop
if its before he's basically fucked
Why is Jaune so fucking damn unlikable?
Because he is the self-insert.
What were you expecting?
>Because only Pyrrha likes him
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Would Cinder get along with this slimy motherfucker?
>/co/ thread
And I thought our negholes were pozzed
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Delete this.
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>Not Ali

100-120 Anons, maybe 2 or 3 quality posts in the morning.
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Camp Camp link link

How about Neo and Weiss crush Neptune's balls? Honestly he should be honored.
Thanks, anon.
I can see why Mercury acts like such a shit. There's something deeply satisfying about beating an opponent through nothing but sheer frustration. Dark Souls 3 is a really good game for that.
I don't dislike Blake, But if we were to be to the lowest level of "disconnect", As you'd say, She'd still not be there, As she'd leave and never come back, Plus, Ever since volume 3, Rooster Teeth gave up on pleasing the fans and went out to piss them off the most, So she's probably never coming back.
Thanks bud.
Neo crushes one ball under her heel with a smug smile on her face.

Neptune begs weiss to not crush his other one.

Weiss smiles and says fine she'll show mercy smiles and then crushes his other ball anyway.
You don't need to capitalize letters after commas.
Rooster Teeth making decisions you don't like doesn't equate to them trying to piss fans off, if anything they might be appealing to fans that are not you.
I don't actually understand half of what you're trying to say, this post seems very incoherent.
Because you're a waifufag autist.
>Jaune semblance is the ability to share damage taken when he receives it
>Goads Cinder into unleashing an attack that completely obliterates him
>Takes Cinder with him
Such is life being a waifufag
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>Let's hunt some spooks!
Pinky and the brain reference. Ha.
Aside from the screen stealing he's rather nonoffensive.

It's just the constant threat of him fucking your waifu.
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>It's just the constant threat of him fucking your waifu.
The same could be said for Neptune also
God damn why is every episode so good.

I honestly dont think Camp Camp has had a flat joke yet.
Oh, I never got pissed by Rooster Teeth's decisions, but I have based this comment, after I've seen hundreds of fans: bitch about volume 3, Deny its existence, Make posts about how they want to kill the villains, And even if you invalidate this by saying that group of fans are autistic/pussies, look no further than >>3967283 who is complaining about Cinder and wants her to die, you're the exception, not the rule, if you want to prove that I am wrong, then go to a large group of RWBY fans and shout "Cinder did nothing wrong" or "Volume 3 was great with all the characters dying and the edge" If you're right, You should come out unscathed, But if I'm right, The fans will attack you, or debate you, or call you a monster
>"i don't wanna be here"
>my waifu is safe from Jaune because she's Pyrrha
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But Cinder is the purest angel there ever was.
This took me way longer to get than it should have
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Good morning RWBY/RT

No problem anon, enjoy triggering regressive, anti free speech, non liberal liberals.

It's the perfect instruction manual to build a cultural Marxist, feminist, utopia you cis scum.

>Yang will never be your trill instructor training you an your comrades to be the next generation of soldiers with the duty of defending your nation.
>You will never give cover fire to your fellow Rhodie Ruby an liberate your nation from Marxist.
>You will never protect your borders while wearing short shorts with Bushmasters slung over your shoulder with Weiss.
You will never propel down a Alouette III with Neon an attack Zimbabwean invaders dug out in trenches.
>You will never return to your home town an salute a cheering crowd while riding a Eland Mk7 with Ren, Nora, an Penny.
Why even bother living with the pain of knowing this?

Did someone say 'Globalization?' Oy Schnee.
>Look no further than (my post) who is complaining about Cinder and wants to die

I'm going to hope that I am just misinterpreting you because that isn't even close to what my post was representing.
>Hundreds of fans
Among how many.
That said "Doing things the audience will think is bad from a story perspective" is not the same as trying to piss the fanbase off. Cinder is the fucking villain. You're supposed to not like her. She killed Pyrrha, who was nice and kind, which makes her somewhat unlikable to normal people who do not think of murder as an acceptable action.

How stupid do you have to be to set your metric for this sort of thing as being able to say "The villain did nothing wrong!" without anyone calling you a retard? Go watch RWBY Chibi if you don't want anything bad to happen or for any character to not be a good guy.
I personally agree with you, But most fans don't
Not my fucking post, And you are, I was disproving your point of
"Rooster Teeth making decisions you don't like doesn't equate to them trying to piss fans off"
key word being "YOU" and this is not me, but a large group of fans, I'm just quoting many fan activities, Like this fan over there, And even if that was my post, you'd still have to make a large scale fan experiment to prove me wrong, which you'll possibly do and then have your balls ripped, my point is, most fans don't like Rooster Teeth's decisions, Not me.
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This fucking episode Jesus Christ my sides
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>OSHA "guidelines"
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>The nipple ring
Team RWBY already directly killed more people than all of CMEN combined.
Is that Shrek in the bottom right?
I laughed to hard at this part

Camp Camp is better show
>$100 Man
No they didn't, because CMEN were directly involved in a terrorist plot that led to the deaths of thousands.
No they didn't, because Neo stole an Atlesian ship and helped to use it to shoot down other Atlesian ships, presumably crewed by hundreds.

Even if that wasn't a retarded thing to say by the numbers it'd still be ridiculous to try and ethically conflate killing armed enemies that are A) engaged in the aforementioned terrorist plot and B) also trying to kill you, actively, at that very second.
>presumably crewed by hundreds.
There were like 10 people in there in episode 9
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>They've seen some shit
Ten people on the bridge. The ship overall was much, much larger. You might as well say Beacon really only has, what, four teachers?
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You're right, its not your fucking post. Its mine.
These two are my only posts.

I'm not the one you were having your little bout with.
He was saying that you were interpreting his post incorrectly, not accusing you of having made that post.

Please be fluent in English before posting on 4chan.
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Glynda, Port, Oobleck, and Peach. So, yes.
>Beacon's faculty meeting
I said directly, as in straight killed. Ruby herself has killed more people than Cinder.

In terms of morality there's no difference. Not to mention we've been told time and time again that the establishment and Hunters are really not the good guys either.
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>Not to mention we've been told time and time again that the establishment and Hunters are really not the good guys either.

By the people trying to kill all of humanity.
>Killing anyone

They've literally not killed a single person. The best you might say is that they knocked people off the trains to their deaths, and apparently that's not "Directly".
Is this the face of a monster to you?

No that's definitely directly killing someone.
She killed Pyyrha, In volume 3, Which upset everyone, They don't blame Cinder for it, But Miles and Kerry, And they are around 40 fans+, And even if it was a bit retarded to say "Cinder did nothing wrong", replace Cinder with Emerald, And you'd still get shat on, even though blaming her for Penny's fate is the same as blaming Pyyrha, And she apologised and felt remorse, and she never planned for Penny to die, And only follows the villian out of loyalty, yet, saying she did nothing wrong would get you killed.
Thanks Anon for helping me
No, that's Cinder leading the White Fang, which are blamed individually for each kill they make.
Fair point about Neo though

Plus they may kill hundreds, But No fan seems to give a fuck about the civilians, they only care about the students of beacon, so that invalidates your point, murder is murder, but when no one cares, would you see it as a sin?
Thanks for proving one of my points.
Dude, he said "YOUR post" as in, you made that post then went off to say you may not have interpreted my post correctly
Morally gray area syndrome
>They've literally not killed a single person

I want RWBY to be fighting a group of White Fang and some of them don't have aura so when they get attacked, they literally get sliced in half of have their heads caved in.
>Mercury "Murderhobo" Black
>Cinder "Let's Stage a Genocide" Fall
>Killed less than the main characters
... No.

>Morally gray area syndrome
How is genocide morally gray, exactly?
>Thanks for proving one of my points

Do tell. What did I prove? I mean, you took my post and completely got the wrong meaning of it and tried to use that to make a point.
I'm gonna lay it out for you.

>Look no further than >>3967283

>Points out that is his post
>That isn't even close to what my post was representing

>Tries to point out that the post in question (>>3967283) Isn't his
>When the person he was responding to was CLAIMING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT POST

Is English straight up not your first language
These guys are doing genocide which is bad.
The organisations and Hunters are also bad.
So with no one good, how is there any moral obedience, and the gray area forms
That the post you made was not mine
>40+ fans
>Among literally tens of thousands

Do you not yet understand how retarded this is?
>So with no one good, how is there any moral obedience, and the gray area forms

>Stalin killed 20,000,000 people
>My friend William shoplifted Yu-gi-oh cards

Clearly there's a moral gray area on which is worse. We need to be objective and understand that genocide is exactly as bad as being a conspiracy that tries to not let humanity go extinct.
Thanks for that
That clears up a bit of the post being retarded
>That the post you made was not mine

No shit because its mine. I literally said that it was mine in the first post.
I did not understand that
>That isn't even close to what MY POST was representing

>This house is red
>uh, no. This house is red
>That's what I said. It's red
>Thanks for proving my point.
It's true. Count is up on screen if you want.
Everyone has Aura.
>implying Ozpin isn't responsible for more death than Salem

He said it himself anon.
RWBY collectively have never killed a single person on screen unless we're counting knocking people off the train, in which case Cinder and Co. gain responsibility for organizing genocide. That said, if you tally up the screen time they fucking get then of course one is going to have more of anything. Does Cinder not eat food? Do they never sleep?
I meant unlocked.

Like, Jaune didn't have his unlocked. Would his aura just protected him and Pyrrha only unlocked the healing part?
I've never touched one in my life
He said he's made more mistakes than anyone alive. That's not the same as "I am the moral equivalent of an actual inhuman monster that is trying to organize the extinction of humanity."

Most of the lines we have about Ozpin being oh so totally evil are contextualized as being from a person that caused the collapse of Vale. She's not an objective source of information about that just like she's not an objective source of information when it comes to how Ozpin's "Simpler soul" will totally get crushed and not succeed.
>Knocking someone to their death or punching them into an exploding train car is somehow equally as direct as using espionage to organize a conflict between kingdoms

Technically speaking genocide isn't even correct.

>Does Cinder not eat food? Do they never sleep?

Obviously not.

>Outright saying you've made more mistakes than anyone and training children to fight for you isn't just as bad or worse than being on the opposing side to humanity

Very funny anon.
Everyone's is unlocked. Jaune was clearly a relatively unique case.

The plot holes and contrivances necessary to believe all humans don't naturally have an Aura is worse than the equivalent for Jaune's situation.
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I want to pilot a mech with Penny as the onboard AI.
Castillo did nothing wrong
Ozipin is so obsessed with people as people, with the importance of individuality and the human spirit that when it came down to pushing a button which would have probably reversed the entire outcome of the finale, he hesitated because he needed to hear Pyrrha actively consent to the consequences of that action. If he were anywhere near as evil as you'd have us believe then he would have shoved Pyrrha in the pod, slammed that button and then done a merry jig over Cinder's bloody corpse later that evening after he teamed up with half-maiden Pyrrha and slammed her shit into the ground.
*Castile, fucking autocorrect
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I want Penny MEC Trooper mod
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i want penny to be my wife and i want to make her smile

RWBY (pronounced "ruby") is a 3D anime-influenced animated web series created by Monty Oum for Rooster Teeth Productions.

The show is set in the fictional world of Remnant, where young people train to become Huntsmen and Huntresses to protect their world from monsters. The first episode was released on the Rooster Teeth website on July 18, 2013, following an exclusive screening at RTX. The second volume premiered on July 4, 2014, at RTX and to the general public on July 24, 2014, followed by the third volume on October 24, 2015.
Fix eyes please
>Ozpin is obsessed with individuality and the human spirit
>Trains child soldiers to be used as disposable pawns in a game they know nothing about
>Goes along with a plan to literally steal the soul of one of his best assets because he needs the power active even though it will assuredly kill her
>Manipulates a naive young girl into following the same deadly fate as her mother because he thinks her innocence is worth sacrificing to win
>Keeps the true history of the world and actual extent of the danger hidden from everybody, preferring their happy ignorance to whatever chaos might come of knowledge

Yeah no fuck Ozpin.
Salem isn't any better either, considering she wants to erase humanity with the Grimm
dude would you fuck a rwby
I read a fanfic where that happened.
Um yeah
>Trains volunteer literal superhumans to fight an enemy that will wipe out humanity otherwise
>Literally steal her souls/will asssuredly kill her
>An already dead/dying girl who, if left will eventually give unstoppable power to the villain

When Ozpin met Ruby she was already intent on being a Huntress and had been for years. There was no manipulation, no deceit.
Was it the XCOM and RWBY crossover? I glanced over it because the author, thankfully, said that RWBY characters would have no aura
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Yeah, Weiss

>Average CoC Campaign.m3u8
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>Implying the Grimm aren't really a weapon of humanity's own making and they're not reaping what they sowed

>Literally sacrificing them for his needs

Guess what, Ruby was raised on stories of Hunters being grand heroes, and that made her want to be one too. And wouldn't you know it, both her parents were Hunters working under Ozpin too.
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>Chubby comfy Weiss in a nightgown.

It just got 20 degrees hotter.
>You will never be a student at Beacon with a cool weapon
>You will never set your weapon down in the team room and walk back to your dorm because you forgot something
>You will never come back to the team room to see Ruby giggling as she looks at your weapon
>You will never see her get startled by you and become teary eyed because she thinks your mad at her for touching your weapon
>Even Geoff is playing Pokemon GO
Yeah, for like the first 2/3-3/4 of the story the RWBYs have no aura, it leads to Blake getting mangled and MEC'd by a chryssalid and even once they get their aura back they aren't that much better than the X-COM regulars.
And if you want to see the german dominatrix beat the shit out of Jaune for 3-5 chapters while she tries to figure out aura then look no further.
when is pokemon gonna fuck off
>Ruby was raised on stories of Hunters being grand heroes, and that made her want to be one too.

That's not the same as manipulating her. You can't even connect Ozpin directly to it because it was her parents choice to tell those stories.

>working under Ozpin
You don't know that at all, even if it is true Ozpin at no point pushes Ruby to do anything. At this point I'm not even sure what you're trying to say; That Ozpin's opposition to the extinction of humanity is as morally questionable as Salem's active intent to wipe humanity out? That's fucking retarded, mate.
where and how much?

Alright cosplay but those thighs though.
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At the office. Don't know about how much he spent on it though.

When your grandkids are old enough to be bitter and crotchety and whine about kids liking things that you don't like, like you are now.
no where to I buy it
It's a free app for the Android and iOS. Unless you're not living in the US, Australia, New Zealand, or UK. Then you gotta wait. Just like everyone else.
It's manipulation through propaganda. Being a Hunter is made out as a great thing even though it's a life full of combat and strife. Everyone is convinced that being a Hunter is amazing, and thanks to their cultural tenants of Independence and freedom you can't just tell someone they can't do it.

And clearly that was the case, Summer as well as Qrow. Ozpin's end goal might be admirable but his methodology is worse, because at least Salem's chess pieces aren't under the illusion that there isn't a game.
downloading it now
Latest RT docs m3u8?

>just the thighs
>not the obvious hips, waist, or face
dude that's totally Fat Weiss.
Red vs blue?
cheers bud
Let me guess, you also think Dumbledore was a complete monster as.

Don't care. I'd fuck her anyway assuming she's 20+.
Well obviously.
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Hmmm... What do you mean by 'WE'?
Which RWBY would have the most kissable lips?
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a reptile faunus
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neo's cute lil snout
You don't need an m3u8 for that, just an RT account
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I want Ruby and Weiss to step on my balls with their boots
I want Blake to tie her ribbon around my sack and yank it
I want Yang to use my nuts as a punching bag for her pent up anger
I want Nora to play whack-a-mole with my bollocks
I want Neo to stroke and scratch my scrotum with her delicate fingers and nails
I want Glynda to slap my sperm sack with her riding crop
I want Cinder to heat up my crotch to unbearable temperatures
I want Neon to use my manhood as a chewtoy
>Tfw these will never happen
I want all of these fictional women to walk away from you wordlessly.
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Neo can't turn into a gharial.
Nora is very pretty.
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Why is there a lack of Neo manipulating other RWBY characters and molding them into how she wants them?
fuck off
Because deep down, you all know how absolutely shit Neo is.
No you
Because she is not a dominatrix, sadist, or has any interest in being abusive to anyone. Your headcanon is not real, all that Neo actually is, is a silent silly smug character who has fun with her job but doesn't take many things very seriously.
>Implying Weiss wouldn't want to castrate me like the degenerate I am
No u.
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Why were people like you born men? You guys are the biggest faggots I've ever seen

Fuck that shit
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i want cindy to kiss emmy
what would May do if she found out about Emeralds secret passion
Nothing because Emerald is an ugly slut.
What would Raven say about Ruby's new outfit
>she might mistake Ruby for Summer
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>pic related happens
>Raven shows up to save Ruby from grimmtown
>Keeps her mask on, is very vague, only introduces herself as a friend of her mother
>Ruby ends up asking what her mom was like
>"She was a sweet piece of ass."
May would outwardly condemn Emerald's sexuality, while suddenly finding lots of excuses to be around her.
not enough skin
I want to put a baby in Ruby.
>while suddenly finding lots of excuses to be around her.
Would she try to push Emerald and Cinder together to fulfill some fantasy in her head, or is her target Emerald herself? Or BOTH?
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Good to know.
I want to abandon a pregnant Ruby!
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>you will never walk happily down the street with a smug looking Neo
>you will never experience Neo being normal
>Neo will never switch on somebody who steps on her foot
>Neo will never go back to normal after she eviscerated him
>you will never be protected by Neo against thugs
>you and Neo will never have consensual, hand holding sex.

Is there a point in living?
I bet Neo would be absolute shit in bed.
Why do you guys don't like Neptune?
Look at him.
I bet Neo would shit in bed.

Made to steal away waifu
Yeah she kinda seems like one of those kind of people.
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I want to race mix with Arslan and Ciel.
Self insert of the human toad.
Ah traitors should be beheaded.
Good goy.
Calm down, Abdul.
Fuck you.
>Penny looking at Ciel's panties
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Wow, I didn't know that Yang and Neon were into clipping...
she would never
That picture says otherwise.
That's isn't what the pic indicates.
Based mojo.
she doesnt like ciel
She compares Ciel to Weiss, right? Not too long after Ruby called Weiss her BFF.
That doesn't seem to be the case.
Fuck off back to /pol/
they arent friends
Quick, let's talk about /pol/ now
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Mojojo or whatever is his name drew it.
Your opinion is irrelevant.
Race war is near. Goodbye volume 5.
Hello concentration camp.
Apparently St. Louis started some shit after what happened in the Battle of Dallas, but it died down quick.
I hope the things happening in Texas isn't going to affect RWBY Vol 4 development
What would be worse than having the development affected is them including references and shit into the production.
Last digit is how many children we would have.

Ciel needs to grow first. She's too small.
>Only 3

What a waste.
Weiss' substory: Atlas city security personnel are getting picked off by a sniper.
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We will never relieve Arslan's stress from her team.
It should be based on the last two digits instead: 8 kids, 3 of which are adopted.
Thinking of doing greentext. Who's the male?
Anyone who gets dubs first decide.
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No one male, it's her "punishing" her team.
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I take it back! I take it back!
Waifu thief strikes again.
Fuck off Kerry!
No backsies Satan.
I'll work on it. 4-5 days delivery time.
How does anyone here think RWBY&JNPR would react to going to a nudist beach?
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Delet dis
I took it back and even got trips. Make it Anon. Please! Anything but Neptune.
You're not me.
If you do this Reportfag stops being wrong.
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way do thay keep making her black
Why would you make this up?
Some of these have a time spam lower than 30 seconds in difference.
Uploading an image reset my post timer for some reason.
black cat
It happens. But the difference is not that great.

Fine I won't do it if you people go to such lengths to make sure it won't happen.
I meant the (You) posts. Both The dubs and trips person are me. Is what I'm saying.
Most of us would have a lobotomy if it meant never having to think about Neptune again.
Anyone saw that hanged black guy said just now?
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So i decided to take a break from /rwbyg/ and relax by my pool and get rid of my dungeon tan

But it reminded me of something

What if team RWBY knocked on your door and asked to use your pool
Changed my mind. If anyone get dubs while posting either Weiss, Yang or Cinder get to decide what kind of greentext Arslan gets.
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If this is back on, then I pick...

May Zedong.
>she is not a dominatrix, sadist, or has any interest in being abusive to anyone
>all that Neo actually is, is a silent silly smug character who has fun with her job but doesn't take many things very seriously.

>Grins widely when she's about to stab unconscious Yang through the stomach.

What kind of fucked up life do you live where that is just being silly and having fun with your job?
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Anything but Neptune.
Make a list of your favorite 5 girls and your favorite 5 boys, then pair them off 1 to 1 in order and rank how you would feel about that ship. I'll start.

>Ruby x Merc
Best Battle Buddies Beating Beacon Baddie Bots Black'n Blue/10
>Raven x Roman
They'd either spend too much time fighting over who wears the pants, which is amusing but a one-trick shtick. 3/10
>Emerald x Qrow
They'd try to out-grumpy each other when they're not busy being not busy. Lots of snarky banter. 7/10
>Salem x Ozpin
Dude no, my dick can't handle this. Keikaku/10
>Velvet x Sun
Maximum cuteness, maximum comfy, AND maximum kinky. 10/10 would ship again
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Anon then.
What you think I'll so no to four cute girls if I had a pool
After spending a few years on RWBYg, one might assume that bizarre fetishes can no longer phase them.

How wrong I was. I am feeling very phased by this. Just... Why?
Rolling for Jaune
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I just found it in the Cinder Fall tag on Tumblr this morning and saved it because I thought it was funny. You'd have to ask the artist.

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NuDante from Devil Maycry
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Rolling for Anon.
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>if you people go to such lengths to make sure it won't happen.

Do you even want people to read it?
That's a good Yang
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Anon, I guess? I got nothing.
So like top 5 boys with top 5 girls by corresponding rank?

>Neo x Roman
Best duo, partners in crime. 8/10 works better as father figure dynamic IMO
>Ruby x Mercury
Doesn't seem like it would work out at all, though the dynamic would be very interesting. 4/10
>Weiss x Ironwood
Too weird and pedo to be good ship, would honestly work better with Winter. 3/10
>Emerald x Qrow
Still seems somewhat pedo, but Qrow seems like he'd irk her almost as much as Merc does so it would be entertaining. 4/10
>Winter x Ozpin
They both seem quite aloof and distant, so I guess there's that. 5/10
Nah, but I try not to back down from my word. But the large negative response gave me no choice.
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Cinder with a Dick
oh nooooooooo
>double dubs
This works, right?
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Weiss one piece.jpg
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F-forgot my picture
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Jesus. Details?
I thought I could easily do this, because I thought I didn't give a shit about shipping. But when I had to pair Emerald up with a guy I just really wasn't feeling it.

What have you done to me, RWBYg?

A little too late anon.

I-I don't know i didn't think i would get it
>A Black Blake picture that isn't fucking terrible and poorly drawn.

Is this real life?
Haha! You absolute madman!

Grimm dick via portal.

So...just Cinder penetrating Arslan?
Presumably Cinder (with a male sex organ) does the nasty with Lion waifu.

Nah make it consensual, Cinders Dick is what makes all the baddies cling to her and Arslan is about to get addicted
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Did they fug?
Probably not.

Deal. Give me some days.
It's really cringy, why do they do that?
We dubs games now?
If anyone gets dubs in the next 10 posts. They didn't fuck.
I actually think it's really funny if you turn it on its head and make her an overexaggerated black woman stereotype

>Black Blake watching the news of a white fang attack after they hijacked a faunus rally
>mm mmmm
>I tell you what
>oh lawdy
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What if Roman was a woman?

Would you dump your waifu for her?
What do you mean dump?
If Roman was a woman I'd have waifu'd her since day 1.
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Technically, wasn't Roman the first character actually shown in the proper show?
...Holy shit, he was.
Not a chance.
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...I fucking hate you people.
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What if Ruby came up to you and asked you to be the sperm donor for her and Weiss.
What would have you gotten for Arslan?
I would accept.

Next question.
Kill them both for degeneracy.
What's the only rwby girl, you would rather not father children with?
Fulton myself out of there.
She would eat em after birth.
Like, girl from team RWBY? Or the show RWBY?
Blake or Yang, they seem like the most likely to run off.
Weiss because I hate her.
Blake because I don't want to be a single father

All she does is stand in front of a mirror naked and look at herself.
By father children with do you mean just that you'd raise a kid with them, or do I actually have to conceive with them too? Cause Ciel is not breeding material but she'd probably make a good mother.
She deserves better than me to be honest desu.
Blake. She'd abandon the kid after about a week.
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What if Yang gave you a yellow bandana one as a present one day and now it's all you have to remind you of her, she's gone and never coming back
Raven's record is against her but damn that would be some sweet babymaking.

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Why must you do this to me? I hate you
[spoiler]I'll keep it forever[/spoiler]
Is it weird that I can see her at least trying to be a decent mother?
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>Ciel is not breeding material.

Is because she's a kid?

Why do you hate Weiss?

I would emerge from my extended slumber in my new adult shape after 13 or 17 years to join in the chorus of my people.
She's extremely rude.
Arslan. She didn't raise her cubs well.
Find Neo and give it to her.
>>Ciel is not breeding material.
No because she looks ugly. Brown girls may do it for some of you, but it's a huge boner killer for me.
Typical May. Full of hubris and homosexuality.
She's not 3dpd anon.

Does she have a grave at least
No, she just got bored and went off in search of further adventure.
Yeah, seriously.

Yeah I know, that's still not hot to me. I don't care if the 2D waifubait is implied to be asian or white, as long as they have light skin.

Also, any girl that's fat (even only at levels of chubby or "thicc") is an even worse turn-off, so maybe that's related somehow. I do like curves though, prefer them to washboards actually, I just need them to be in the right places and at a certain limit.
I think you're going to die virgin anon.
Neo blows her nose with it drops it then steps on it as she continues on with her day.
Not possible anymore, but I appreciate your concern.
That would make my life meaningful.

So you're saying that you would raise kids with her, but no sex?
>(even only at levels of chubby or "thicc")
>prefer them to washboards actually
shit taste
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>Wanting to bring the next generation of civilized law abiding white babies.
Oh, yes goyim white babies is very bad good thinking we should kill those mothers an let Islam out bread western values.
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>Neo will never get tired of having to protect you every day
>She will never agree to teach you how to fight
>She will never beat you over and over again during practice
>You will never lay a finger on her because you love her too much
>She will never taunt you into trying
>You will never land a punch on her
>Neo will never appear behind you clapping because you've impressed her

Living without such a caring and smug person isn't worth it. Cya, /RWBYg/.
Would you pick it back up and keep it? Now that it has Neo's shoe print and snot in it.
No, that's degeneracy. I'd be happy that I had a purpose in Neo's life and move on. I'll return home and cry myself to sleep for not trying to talk to her.
Have a png
Well it's not necessarily that I'd even marry her or be romantic, just that as far as child-raising goes, she seems like she'd be a responsible mother that would do a pretty decent job of keeping the kid in line. Sort of like a situation where couple divorces and both raise the kid, but both still actually get along and cooperate and do a good job raising the kid, they just don't love each other.
>Neo gives you a look
>You immediately know what you have to do
>Unzip dick
>Jerk off using her snot as lube
>Wipe off cum with the bandana
>Give it back to Yang
Stop butchering my beloved Neo.
I need a Yang in myl ife
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>Implying I'm not complimenting her
>Implying her snot isn't worth masturbating over
>Implying it wouldn't taste like vanilla ice cream
That's stupid I'd rather neo kill me then yang when I hand her a cum filled neo snot filled bandana.
I don't know...I guess Sun, for a bit of carefree stress relief? Or Jaune to feel appreciated? Heck, at this point I would take Anon, and I hate anonxcanon stories.
not it
You just volunteered.
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That's not how it works, I said not it
I bet you were that one kid who picks all the superpower to have all the superpowers
I don't see the bread yet, anon. Get to work.
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Nope. I picked the super power to steal other super powers.
I'll take care of it.
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Shut up Cinder

New Delicious Bread



thanks anon
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