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Zootopia Thread: Thematic Edition >Pastebin: pastebin.co

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Thread replies: 612
Thread images: 251

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Zootopia Thread: Thematic Edition

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
>Booru: zoo.booru.org
>Archive: ztarchive.com
>Desuarchive desuarchive.org

>Thematic Thursday Theme: Nocturnal district

Start posting your Thematic Thursday works! We're making history, be a part of it
1: Weaselton and Travis are both shown wearing nigger shorts
2: Mrs. Otterton is voiced by a nigger

All mustelids are niggers, that means Tristan is one too
Calvin has shit taste 0/10
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Important gif for every thread.gif
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First for noir
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Second for Cyberpunk
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>Sharla is a nigger
>Talks like she's from Louisiana
>Gets a white police bunny to do her work for her
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be the bun.png
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Reminder: If BB's buns are good, they deserve a reward.

Have you been a good bun?
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>Two threads
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Give in to the night.
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It's not Nocturnal District related, yes, but I'd like to get opinions on this:

http://pastebin.com/pAK7bNBs (embed)

It's the complete chapter three and ending to:


Jude the Dude on Nick shipping. I think that this is pretty sweet, but I'm worried that there's a bunch of mistakes and stupid stuff in the current Pastebin that I need to tweak before I upload it to A03. Would love some eyes on this. Thanks.
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Third for the gritty 70's.

Also, summoning Bore
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Would you drink Nick and/or Judy's pee?
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>calling the abomination without dubs, proper image and pasta a thread
I like the skanky and ragged Nick.

Would use dick to give deep tissue massage / 10
pick the most iconic mammals to become the next protagonists of Z2
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Did I strike a nerve, blackie binky bitch boy?
I'd strongly consider it if I just finished in a girl's wet slit and was eating her out as a kind of "clean up session", her pissing a bit. Jude and Nick's mom... I'd really think about it.
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Hey everyone! Here's my compilation of stuff I've done so far for Thematic Thursday:

While in pursuit of a perp, Judy gets caught in a tight tunnel in the underground Nocturnal District! Just as she thinks it can't get any worse, she feels something clawing against her foot! Come check out Judytrappedfic to find out what happens next!

Text here:

Blind read through with commentary here:

And what's more Nocturnal than some beat poetry? Come see what's driving Nick batty in this poem by anons!
First is blind readthrough with commentary, second is a straight reading with suggestions at the end!

How is everyone doing? Post some Nocturnal music!
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Lewd is life.
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Raccoonfag here, with my Thematic Thursday entry!


Foxes of the Night - by Raccoonfag
Gideon is in town and Judy asks Nick to show him around and have a little fun, but instead of the usual tourist traps they head for the Nocturnal District, where the night never ends and the drinks never stop.
It's still counts, senpai.
Tiger and Mouse.

Or Tigress and Mouse.

Nick and Judy have a major role, but they're passing the torch.
So, what do we do with...


Fox and Rabbit
Did you notice that the dirty poetry guy was the same as the Gideon/Tigers guy?

im okay with any sort of feline, but damn... cant find any decent prey spiece that wont ridicule the concept.
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Alright, forgive the sketchiness, but if I had to ink this all I would never get anything done. But have some thoughts on the Nocturnal district

To call it a district is perhaps a bit of a misnomer, in only that there is not a single nocturnal district, but a large amount of smaller nocturnal streets all throughout the city. And why would that not be the case, what with nocturnal and diurnal not being biomes, but rather times in those biomes. You see many of these streets and nocturnal districts in every major city biome. But the largest, and the one that is colloquially referred to as the nocturnal district, is in Savannah Square, located in the spaces between Pack Street and Flock Street.

The district is the second oldest civil biome engineering project in Zootopia, with Little Rodentia being the first. This can be seen in the old style walls and buildings. Mammals say it adds character to the district.

These nocturnal areas are behind and in between diurnal streets, with a large wall erected at the backs of buildings to encompass the district. This leaves the district itself to be rather irregularly shaped, but this is a price that is payed in order to not fight with daytime space. Many smaller nocturnal districts are only the length and width of a single street.

The wall itself is a sturdy thing, made notable with the addition of large soundproofing baffles on it. This is to keep both nocturnal and diurnal residents on either side from suffering noise problems as their neighbors wake up right as the other side of the wall goes to sleep. Even with this, it is considered to be undesirable for a location to be right up alongside a nocturnal wall.

Beyond this, the only other common feature of the nocturnal district is the commonness of burrows and cavern structures build into the street. These underground housing and park locations can be worth quite the visit, if you are willing to stay up that late (Or early)
you leave it alone, reflect on your mistakes and learn making proper threads in the future
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nope, I've been ba~d, I have to be punished...
Adventurous mouse that hops, jumps, and otherwise is like bulletproof could be sweet.

I'm thinking of Basil from Great Mouse Detective, only modern.
Female camel and male prairie dog.
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dolphin and whale
i bet there s a rapture like city for dolphins and whales somewhere in the sea
Is there shipping?
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I like "Chomp Dental". I should reference it in a fic somewhere.
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Bunbun realizes she fucked up.webm
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>You are not fine, your ears are droopy.
Not really. No.
Sorry if that's a deal breaker.
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Wasn't me, senpai.
Translator-anon here; just got on.

Unfortunately, this is in Chinese. Do we have a third, Chinese speaking translator-anon?

I like this image.
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we happen to have the translated version
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I didn't! PseudoFox wrote that? Awesome stuff. I just hope I didn't sound too much like an idiot when talking about it-- I'm awful at poetry.
Cool. Thanks for contributing.

>implying this wouldn't be the "Planes" of Zootopia movies
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wrong order, sorry
It's already been translated (albeit rather engrish-y), no worries. I don't know why >>3809868 posted the untranslated ver.
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it was done in previous thread
Not sure if I'm a fan of this art.

I can't really say 'no' to rabbit vagina filled with fox semen, though, anyways.
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What if the "Cars" movie series exists in Zootopia?

It's just called... "Autopia".
>tfw want to fuck an otter
>not into interracial cuck-tier species relationships
It's alright.
'cause I wasn't on the board when the translated version was post
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Smellwether, check these dubs!.jpg
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Ayyyyyyyy, Raccoonfag, if you have time, could you take a look at: >>3809744
cool stuff, reading it now!
So close
PseudoFox jumping in here-- hah, I'm not that into poetry either. Yet I felt like doing something greentext-based for the theme rather than a full story, and I just made it silly because I felt silly. I'm glad that you like it so much and laughed so much.
Was "Planes" really as bad as it gets labeled?
A+ grade worldbuilding, would give biweekly thematic thursday ideas to
sorry to say this but otters only cum in pairs
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>off by two

Oh, Lionheart, you will always be such a putz.
Why are their legs so long?
Sure. I haven't read the prior installments yet, so I'll get caught up later when I have the time.
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Would you empty your balls out into TrashPanda if you and her were alone?
Magnificent, Labjer.

I'm excited to see what kind of ride you take us on.
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What's /ztg/'s opinion on Cave Story?


I've never played it before.
>all mustelids are niggers

Poor Little White Beaver
Oh yeah, Comicanon, I think you mentioned you wanted writer's permission to do blind reads for today's submissions.
So you're welcome to go over >>3809810 if you like.
>'The ambience was a little too New Wave for Nick’s tastes'

I'm pretty sure that you meant 'ambiance'.

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New thread, new shill for my Thematic Thursday submission for those who haven't heard it yet.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-594411020/nocturnal-lament

Picosong (for download): http://picosong.com/x66D/
That's always hot as hell.
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Will do! Brewing up some coffee and checking it out!
And I forgot the sheet music download


>Ambience and ambiance are different spellings of the same word, referring to the special atmosphere or mood of a particular environment. While some dictionaries list ambiance as the standard spelling,ambience is far more common in all main 21st-century varieties of English.

Yeah, looks like it was my spell check's region setting at fault.
Got the "Plus" version or whatever in a humble bundle.

Pretty fun. Nice music. Cute lagomorphs.

Or then both spellings are accepted? Huh.

Never mind.
I need references

references of labjer
Eh, it's nit-picking, forget it.

I also like that you seem to subtly imply that each fox is bisexual.
Cool, thanks.
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Reminder to praise the Carrot King.
This makes a great deal of sense. I always figured Canyonland had some connections to the Nocturnal District, so it'd be a good place for some in Sahara Square.
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Mods are sleeping.

Post delicious human heresy.
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>inb4 the carrot king is actually a lord of change
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I really like this pic, que need a drawing or green about gazelle and judy fighting over nick's affection.
This one is new for me, i like it.
No biggie.

>I also like that you seem to subtly imply that each fox is bisexual.

Well Nick's encounter is a reference to this old thing I wrote before I had my penname:

While Finnick is just comfortable in his sexuality that he can enjoy hanging out an any bar.
And Gideon... Well he's just oblivious to his own sexuality.
shh, just praise
Damn that's a fine bun bun strut, world building too.
I just noticed the reflection in the glass. What a nice touch.
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>Every kink is for sale
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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Carrot King Bunnyburrow wgah'nagl fhtagn
Would Nocturnal Districts likely also have stripping and postitution?

Or are we still unsure about that?
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>no zoot thread on /co/

Is this the end of an era? Is /trash/ destined to be the home of all zootfags?

I don't get that picture, did something happen?
Really? They got rid of the suits that quickly?
Nah, each district would have its own section for prostitution
It'd be pretty silly to commute from Tundratown all the way to a batcave to pick up a hooker that lives in Sahara Square
Wait, did Disney seriously do away with the Nick and Judy costumes?

Morons. They really don't give a shit about Zootopia, do they?
Jesus Christ that Nick on Calvin thing is hot

Ending hurt, though

A lot
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>the sleeper
>not the king of madness
anon plz
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What are you talking about
You just made that thread, didn't you?

Wasn't there when I looked.
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Post cute Nicks and cute Judys.
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Disney is now burying their B-movie that made a billion dollars, contains one of the richest, reusable settings in animation, and has a pretty solid fucking fanbase thanks to the latter
They took out the Nick and Judy mascots from their parks now.
Nope. First pace of /co/. Maybe someone else has seen your post too.
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it's called cannibalization, sweetheart.
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>that dude with the cowboy hat

Got a source by chance?
I don't think so... I think they might be removing them because they want to improve their quality?

From what I hear from everyone I know who works at Disney, its that Disney likes to work slow. They test the waters, then take a step back.

Zootopia was a surprise smash hit. So was Frozen. It took a while for them to capitalize on them in the parks, but they'll get to it.
It's obviously the Green God from the Horror under Warrendown.

A vegetative great old one, located beneath a small rural community, and eating some of his plant matter turns you into a rabbit-like creature.
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ur mum is heresy m8
We need more fluffy fox tail
>So was Frozen.
Frozen was supposed to be an A movie anyway, you dont even know how fucking loaded and pampered Disney Princesses is
The only way it wouldn't have gotten a sequel is if it had bombed Dresden-tier
one is slipping through the heresy cleaners
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Is it heresy when it's the official suits? Or are you referring to the tail touches
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That's what they all say.
I keep considering doing a happier follow-up, but most attempts haven't worked out when writing them.
Who knows, maybe some day...
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I think you meant to post that picture on the Ghostbusters 2016 general.
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Two questions.

1. Why the fuck is there a Ghostbusters 2016 general?
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fuck this shit I'm out.gif
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This is weirdly parallel to the Nick on Jude "Police Saga" story in a lot of ways, only going in what seems like an inverse direction emotionally.
Be calm, gentle anon.
I was only being facetious, there is no Ghostbusters 2016 general that I know of.

Shh... Shh... No more tears... No more tears...
You had me seriously worried there for a second anon. I actually went to /tv/ to see if there was a thread.

Thank god even those idiots know not to give that shit attention.
Well... we'll see what happens come the rest of the year, particularly around the Halloween and Christmas seasons.
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Damn, this is really high quality for a cover to a porn comic.
Good luck anyways
You said that last time. Where is this porn comic you keep speaking of?
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Third for Fantasy.
Thats my first time posting that. And its just fanart for this.
Whos the other guy who posted it?
Dunno, but he said the same exact thing you did. Almost word for word.

Also twink Nick a fucking cute.
>Dunno, but he said the same exact thing you did. Almost word for word.

Well, who wouldnt look at that and go "This is way too good for porn?"
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So, it was mentioned a couple days ago, but it got me hooked.
>Shadowrun: Zoot edition
Recently looked at the rules, it's fucking crazy, but manageable, is there a DM willing to do it?
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Unnamed Lion.png
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I rolled a Lion on that Zoonsona generator. Went with a more meek version. No clue what to call him, though. Any ideas?
The.. topography of that van must be interesting.

I knew of the Carrot God, but didn't realise Finnick was also an elder god who could warp space.
Looks good, but why'd you draw him so small?
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nth for calvin tying up and raping tristan
I would hang this on my wall seriously with a little bit of modification.
I wanted to go with a meeker/smaller lion so I didnt end up with just Lionheart
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On a very special Zootopia.png
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dude, seriously. You can't rape the willing
I meant the image resolution, not the actual proportions. 308x373 is tiny on my 1440p monitor.
I just want to see Nick bottoming god damnit
oh because its part of a bigger canvas of him i plan on doing a whole page to study him
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I shrunk the image down due to file size.
Calvin why
You were a good bun
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who /sp/ here
you dirty fucking faggot, going to human prostitutes and sullying your dick
you'll never get the zootopia love now
>porn comic
>this quality
what a waste though
Absolutely not a waste at all. The only waste is him not getting enough money.
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Nick 1.0.gif
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>Also twink Nick a fucking cute.
According to the story, it's because his clothes got soaked so he's forced to wear Finnick's. But yeah it's totally a thinly-veiled excuse to make Nick a total twink.
oh well, you're right. I wish there was more fan made material of this quality.
Oh wait I got mixed up.
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>who /sp/ here?
yeah, who's /sp/ecial here?
Thanks satan
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The Carrot King's servants have eyes beyond /ztg/
This poster is a heretic on /sp/
There's a story?

Link please.
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your welcome
He said he wanted to do more here.
Well, a short blurb by the author explaining the background of why they're both in the van, why Nick's wearing what he's wearing, etc. The full comic is still coming, I believe.
Post lewd ewes.
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Zoo Detective.jpg
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Hey Comic, are you here?

Last night was bad. Let's just forget about all that whining, shall we?
I want lewds of that moose.
>posting the unfinished version
Hey, I've just reading this over. I've really been enjoying it a lot, but I've got a few small notes.

Line 163, that tag says <rem> when it should be <em>

A couple of places you could do with describing how they're saying something. For example, line 183, when Jude says "you beast", is that done flirtatiously, humorously, with surprise and exhaustion, etc?

And most importantly: weasels are predators, not prey. They shouldn't really be playing the prey role here.
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Why not? Its a compliment.

That's really quite hot.

I can see Nick jokingly acting all flirtatious in Finnick's clothing: wiggling his butt and all that stuff; while Finnick tries to contain his lust for said butt.
But with who?


Assuming she was down for it, of course.
I bet trashpandas are into all sorts of kinks.
seems a bit maneless, not sure of a name

maybe something lion king related?
>UPS delivery of mail-order Judy scheduled between 11-3
Sometimes it's done because it's not the unfinished version, not yet.

It's just that once you see how people enjoy it, when they ask for more. You get inspired.
I'm not even sure how you'd go about lewding him.
The guy is just so emotionally dead inside.

I guess maybe you could depict him banging a hooker while feeling absolutely nothing...

But if I had a gun to my head and had to pick, Finnick.
He's not gay, full house-anon.
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Everyone is pedo for Finnick.
Im sticking with Finnick.
Reposting for the new thread. I won't be on for a while, so later, folks.

I might draw up some more of the beaver comic if I have spare time today. Maybe more Brad and his bunny band.
Give him a massive dose of Pastor and tell him everything's going to be all right.
link for generator?
Nice stuff, Beav! See ya later!
>implying Finnick isn't just a really deep voiced woman.
But Finnick is an adult.
Is that Peter Barker?
Have fun!

Just remember to reave the beav'!
Are the otters butt pirates now?
Out to plunder Beaver's booty?
>implying all wolves look alike.
That's racist, anon.
I see, thanks.

I think going to weasels was just that I had them on the brain. What other little prey animals would you use for those small bits?
>"Detective Fournier, where've you been? We've been looking for you for days now."
>"I'm not sure why, but I've spent the last few days cuddling with a beaver and some otters on a couch."
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Hello, fellow East-coaster.
Forget what? <3

I love you man, you're an amazing writer. Hope you're having a lot of fun on Nocturnal District day!
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Sup beast coast?
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>he finally feels at ease enough to try suicide again
>but with his gun this time

It is unfinished, though. It was updated with a version where the buns were done in black instead.
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I done BEEN hyped, son!
I hate to be a pessimist, but don't get your hopes up yet.
The current movie trend seems to be taking old media, modernizing it, and saying "remember this?" Especially with retro games.
Global Announcement: recent studies have shown that the Jude has been sufficiently lewded. No further lewding is required. Thank you.
Smash it Steve 2 has Ralph going on the internet, so I don't think its retro anymore
Hmm, chinchilla maybe. They're fluffy as all hell. Chevrotain/Mouse-deer or Muntjac/Barking deer could also be fun. Pikas are pretty good lagomorphs which avoid the bunny stereotype.

And then there's the Hyrax, or rock badger.
Of course, they're not really kosher.
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Reminder that Finnick is a straight pimp-daddy who has orgies with bigger animal girls

This mother fucker is the alpha in a sea of horny wolf girls, the pride leader to many fierce lionesses, the buck of the does, etc

He dont fuck around with that homo shit
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>wreck it ralph sequel looks like its gonna be about ralph finding the internet
>he finds out about wreck it ralph fandom
>he finds out about r34
>he finds r34 of his game
Y'know, from what I heard, Disney is not the best at sequels; but people still seem to have high hopes for it.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see people are excited, but I'm actually kinda scared for Zoot 2.
Maybe he just needs to climb out of his alcoholism and he'll be able to feel love again.
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Posting my Thematic Thursday submission and also pandering to one of my favourite ships.

Apologies for sketchy quality, I'm garbage when it comes to managing my time.

>The Savage Club is one of the few Night District establishments which can be described as "respectable", where the bored and the rich spend their time and money in pursuit of glamour and entertainment not found elsewhere.
>Having pulled a few strings and asking for a number of favours resulted in one of the club managers agreeing to give Gazelle some stage time in the middle of the week on condition Nick organises everything himself
>Turns out organisation of public events required a lot more effort and time than it originally seemed, which explains Nick's scruffy look as he barely had time to eat and sleep, let alone get a fur trim
>He also might have skipped week's worth of classes, which Gazelle will never know
>Neither she will learn about Nick's involvement into the whole event - as far as she's concerned, the manager absolutely fell in love with her voice he'd heard on some undisclosed occasion and invited her to give a small concert, purely of his own volition

>Both to avoid disapproving glares from the customers, discontent with the prospect of sharing the same room with a mangy fox, as well as to get a better view, Nick retreated to the balcony

>He'll have a couple of errands to run tomorrow and probably quite a few more to repay the debts of gratitude incurred in order to make tonight come true

>But she was happy, and it all that mattered now
>He looks at Vanellope.
>"I'm gonna wreck it!"
sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over Lewdy's moaning.
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>he finds out about wreck it ralph fandom
>wreck it ralph fandom
>wreck it ralph fandom
>wreck it ralph fandom
Disney is vehemently (X) HATE PORN, so there's not even going to be so much as a "Don't open that door!" joke after a character looks in.
That would be terrible, yet wonderful.

every time someone says "two cakes" this is exactly what I really imagined
>if it exists there s porn of it
even if he has a fandom or not,i bet there would still be porn of him
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shut up faggot and make me a cake
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Next door

In all seriousness, who the hell would want to eat two entire cakes? Shit I'd get sick just after more than one slice.

is that like a pun or something

is there an implication or are they just shocked at nick >implying he knows her
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Depends heavily on the cake, too
I really dont like chocolate icing, it does an awful job at tasting anything like chocolate
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>who the hell would want to eat two entire cakes?
2fat i vomited thx m8
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I want to rim Gideon's tailhole
Wildberry cake is top tier cake
Nah, it's going to be a mandatory "Hey we own Marvel, guise!" where Vanellope looks at Ralph and says "Ralph? Wreck."
If you could put it back in the queue too I would be much obliged.
Depends on the cake. Could be cupcakes.
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I'm not a fan of icing, period. I just want the cake.
I want some of that pie.
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Those paws stroking his tail are making me want to like this.

Stop it, anon.


>give someone a drug that destroys innate inhibition and muddles higher thought
>no sooner do you snicker nefariously to yourself and turn back around to tell him to give you a hug than you catch the .32 pop in his mouth
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"You dont have to tell me what happened," I tell her, "but," I pause, sliding two cheesecakes in front of her, "YOU HAVE TO EAT ALL THE CAKE."
Well, its interesting what I hear from my friends about Disney's animated division:

They're in cooperation with Pixar, but they're also feeling the competitive heat: Disney Animated doesn't want to be second fiddle to Pixar, which for a while is what they were known as. They want to make sure you get the same (or greater) quality off of their brand, and are aware that the 'make straight to VHS/DVD sequels' hurts them in the long run because 'Disney' suddenly loses its seal of quality.

They wanna step up their game... AND, if whispers are correct, are okay with diminishing the brand name quality of Pixar. Apparently Planes, which was originally supposed to be straight to DVD, was given the go-ahead to be put into cinemas because they thought it wouldn't look to bad on Disney's part if it flopped.
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You sick twisted man, you'll kill her!
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There's pretty much a fandom for everything. I'm sure if you look hard enough there's a fandom for Mueller's-brand uncooked pasta.
Absolutely! Oh, I'm going to listen to some Sam Spade and Johnny Dollar shows to get ready for it!
Yeah, but it helps make you happier as well.

It'll be unnatural, sure, but when you're that down, is unnatural happiness that bad?
>"Everything's going to be all right? The city will do fine without me?"
>"I don't need to keep fighting it to make it just a little better?"
>"Thank God. I can finally leave."
I need opinions on a shitty pun.

Harvaardvark or Aardvard? Or does anyone have similarly terrible college puns?
Not enough lewds of this couple.
Pixar kinda sucks now anyways. The last truly brilliant film I saw from them was UP, and that's only because of the fist 15 minutes.
My personal favorite theory is that black holes are made of cheesecake and political activists on facebook, because I can't think of anything denser than those
OfficerFox (Read: Total faggot) here with my Thematic Thursday submission.

>30 years before the Nighthowler Crisis


>"Do you swear to live and die for the Capsules?"
>The fox opens his mouth, but pauses, his eyes darting at the circle of mammals around him.
>He is surrounded by all type of fox; some corsac, some bat-eared, some swift, some red, some Ruppel's.
>All of which are either just under age, of age, or just above it.
>They also all wear red jackets; some with the sleeves cut, some with the front zipper open, some with it 'proper', some with the collars all the way up.
>Each of them carry some sort of rudimentry melee weapon; lead pipes, baseball bats, hammers, crowbars, and the occasional length of chain.
>The crowd has one last thing in common: A scowl that screams 'pissed off'.
>"Hey, he's talking to you, Clawtanabe!"
>Clawtanabe snaps back into it, his red ears perking forward. The corsac fox in front of him restates his question.
>"Do you, Tom Clawtanabe, swear to live and die for the Capsules?"
>"I-I swear."
>The circle falls dead silent, the only noises audible to the fox being the background of the Nocturnal District and the dim humming of the nearby neon signage.
>"Well gang, it looks like we're finally accepting Ricky's little brother tonight."
>Cheering erupts from the crowd, the noise echoing off the rooftop and down to the streets below.
>A grin developes on Tom's muzzle as he spots his brother in the crowd, wearing the sleevless red member's jacket, and a lead pipe in hand.
>To Tom's delight, Ricky crosses his arms, and gives his little brother the nod.
>The crowd gathers around the younger Clawtanabe and pumps their weapons into the air, chanting as they do.
>The crowd dies down, their silence a worldess notion of respect to the gang's leader.
>"Let's ride!"
>The foxes raise their weapons, the pinks, blues, and other hues of the nearby neon signage silhouetting them.
Fournier is so boring he can't even die in an interesting manner.
We especially need more of them being all cute and awkward figuring things out sexually.
Aardvard. Make sure to force the accent.
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well if you showed up to work or your home not only accompanied by a star but to imply you know each other more than just a "hello nice to meet you" people would react that way
I want to see Gideon being bullied for being gay for Travis.

Whether it's true or not.
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Where better than the Nocturnal District to show a country fox a hot night on the town? Check out Foxes of the Night by Raccoonfag!

Full text here:

Blind readthrough and commentary here:

And more Nocturnal music for the mood!
You don't understand. "Happiness" for him would mean that his job is finally done and that he can put down his badge and finally rest. His sense of duty is the only thing keeping him going at this point. Sure, the therapy helps a bit, but being a cop is literally he has. If that went away, so would his reason for being.
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>human penis

reee, etc.
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Hey, that's pretty good.

Gee, I wonder what you're referencing...
Curious what type of mammals The Clowns will turn out to be.

Nice. Gonna give it a listen in a second.
>The crowd moves down the fire escape on the side of the building down into the alleyway below, leaving the corsac, Tom, and Ricky on the roof.
>Ricky stays still, a smile on his muzzle planted in Tom's direction.
>The corsac glances between the two of them, and dips around an AC unit, coming back around holding a pristine Capsules jacket.
>"Let's hope you're as good as your brother. C'mon, we've got riding time to make up."
>The corsac slowly hands the jacket to Tom, who delicately slings it on, glancing over his shoulder at the capsule logo on the back, along with the text "Born a fox; Run the boondocks!"
>The younger Clawtanabe can't help but wear a big, dumb, goofy grin. Ricky places a hand on his younger brother's shoulder, grabbing his attention.
>"You think the jacket's cool, wait until you're actually riding with us."
>Tom chuckles, and hurriedly makes his way down the fire escape, across the alleyway, and onto his motorcycle, a 1970s Llamaha.
>He excitedly fires it up, and rolls into the crowd of other Capsules.
>The rider next to him, a Ruppel's fox, taps Tom on the shoulder, then has to raise his voice to be heard over the twenty plus illegally-modified motorcycles filling the alley.
>"This is your first time, so, basically, don't pass the guy infront of you and it's all good! We're not those posers who ride in lines and shit, don't worry!"
>The younger Clawtanabe simply nods in response.
>Suddenly, an uproarous amount of noise starts making it's way down the crowd.
>"Whelp, we're about to head off! Remember, nothin' happens on these runs, we're just showing off!"
>With that, the mass of Capsules pull away from the alley and onto the city streets.
>The stares from pedestrians, the nasty looks from above apartments, the sound of car alarms going off just from the noise of the pack; Tom couldn't hold in his smile: He was finally a Capsule.
>Maybe if his brother goes to college soon, he'll be able to move up in the ranks, maybe ev-


I wish cows existed in zootopia so they could spring dance.
He is good in cunnilingus or it's just because he is cute?
>Is literally never content

Is it supposed to be ironic or something?
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Gideon should definitely have a big thick knot.

>Unexpectedly, the sounds of wolves howling echoes through the streets and alleys.
>The sounds of tires squeling, metal hitting pavement, and metal hitting metal begins to float through the haze of tire smoke.
>Tom slams on the brakes as hard as he can, to no avail.
>The momentum of his Llamaha brings the bike out from under him, the fox falling off into a slide on his side, the toughness of his leather jacket already becoming handy against the blacktop.
>Laying on the ground, Tom slowly sits up in a daze, and looks around him.
>The scene is chaos: a small pile of motorcycles starts after an alleyway's entrance; a rope lays discarded, stretched across the road; and worse yet, it appears that the Capsules had been ambushed by their chief rival: Wolfpack.
>Several small fights had broken across the intersection, the fox focuses on one specific skirmish, and spots a bat-eared fox collapse to the ground after a wolf's swing with a baseball bat connects right on the cheek.
>The younger Clawtanabe cringes and looks away.
>Glancing around, he eyes another one on one fight, a red fox's pipe gets smacked away, the wolf picking him up by the collar.
>Tom squints, his eyes focusing on the familiar fox.
>The initiate scrambles up, pulls out his weapon; a pool ball attached to a length of rope, and begins an all out sprint towards the wolf.
>Running across the intersection, Tom jumps over a passed out - or worse - brown wolf, and begins twirling his pool ball, the momentum building up with every swing.
>The fox's jowls curl up into a cruel snarl, his brow furrowing, his ears turning back.
>"Hey moon bitch!"
>The timberwolf, still holding his older brother by his collar, turns and spots a red fox wearing a Capsules jacket flying through the air towards him, a neon blue pool ball in mid swing.
>The most the wolf can do in the time he has is open his mouth to scream.

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because of his long-dong alpha negro voice and spic-living tendencies
Is that a fucking PornHub reference?
Freddy and Jacob finally realize they don't need beaver to be happy, all they need is each other.

Beaver is found dead later that day, shaving hung himself in his room out of shame for being double cucked.
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Beautiful, anon. It makes damn good sense, a young Nick putting his connections to good use, just to help give a then-struggling Gazelle a leg-up in her career; Give her the precious exposure she needs to make a name for herself.

Cynical enough to know where and when his presence would be detriment to her developing career, but compassionate enough to devote his time and strength for her sake.
He polices the type of content he thinks we should have
StubHub maybe
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Nice one!
I will also post my work for Thematic Thursday. Only a terrible drawing of a less trendy part of the Nocturnal District. Now I will go back to the art of drawing faces. At least they are coming out decent.
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I want to tease Weaselton's cock out of his sheath with my tongue then lovingly suck his cock and make him cum on my tongue.
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>Tom's pool ball connects flawlessly with the wolf's left cheek, the sphere traveling through both sides of his opened mouth, taking the teeth with it.
>The wolf drops Ricky near instantly, collapsing to the ground, the initiate landing on top of the wolf.
>Instantly, the younger Clawtanabe balls his hands into fists, swinging at the already dazed wolf, shouting as he does.
>"Pack tactics don't work on the streets, packit!"
>Suddenly, the initiate is dragged up and off the wolf.
>"Cheese and crackers Tom, he's done! C'mon, we needa get outta here!"
>The smoke had since settled, revealing a decisive victory for the foxes, all the wolves either knocked out cold or had fleed.
>Ricky lets go of his younger brother, and picks up his pipe from the gutter.
>"Hey, my bike's fucked, did your's make it through?"
>Tom spits on the unconscious wolf, and nods, still staring at the white canine.
>"Yeah, c'mon!"
>The brothers jump over the pile-up of discarded motorcycles, and pluck out Tom's Llamaha from the back end of the wreckage. Instinctively, their ears twitch, picking up the sound of-
>"Cops cops cops!"
>Tom hurriedly starts the motorcycle, kicking the starter as the rest of the foxes flee the intersection, all in different directions.
>The brothers ride away from the scene, dipping down as many alleyways and side streets as possible.
>Suddenly, more lights replace the technicolor illumination from the neon signage.
>Red and blue lights.
>And sirens.
>"Pull the fuck over, we know what you did!"
>Instead, the initiate drops a gear, and hammers down, the motorcycle easily putting distance between them and the aging police cruiser.
>Tom keeps his pace for nearly a full minute, the speedometer scrolling past 120 miles an hour.
>"Shit man, slow down! We lost that pig a few blocks ago!"
>The older Clawtanabe taps his brother's shoulder, finally getting his attention.
>The younger brother nods, and lets off the throttle entirely.

>Judy's face when she realizes she can't compete with those legs
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It's a box.
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Yeah ok.

I still want an edit of this picture where Weaselton's dick isn't shown, and he's still in his sheath.
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It's no competition at all.

Paws > Hooves

Some kind of dildo, possibly of the dragon variety or animal spectrum
That better be a bunbun hole
>talking about legs
>he brings up feet

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Hoo boy, it's another one of THESE things isn't it?
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>Tom coasts the bike into an alleyway and comes to a dead stop, the fox's movements cumbersome thanks to the crashing adrenaline rush.
>"So, how'd those fangfances make all of us crash?"
>Ricky slides off the motorcycle, and slumps against the wall, sliding down until he's sitting on the cold ground.
>"Basically, they pulled a rope across the road, and it tripped up our bikes really bad. You were lucky, bein' in the back and all."
>Tom swallows, then coughs into his elbow.
>"Man, that was a close one with the moon bitch back there, huh?"
>"Too close, way too close. I dunno what I would've done if you hadn't showed up."
>The initiate snorts, and takes his pool ball out of his pocket.
>"Told you this thing was a good idea, that pelt's probably picking up his teeth still."
>"No shit. So, how was your first night of being a Capsule?"
>The lack of a response goads the older brother into facing his younger brother.
>Tom's brow cocks up, his ears rotating forwards.
>"Pretty fuckin' awesome."

Fin. Hope you enjoyed, entire thing is here: http://pastebin.com/Ak20kLyg

Feel free to throw some feedback my way.
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I'd prefer him either fully erect or slightly unsheathed.
I fucking love unboxings
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This, lad?
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I'm heading out for a gym run! Be back later for more recordings!
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Timestamp, por favor.
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>Too busy enjoying Weaselton to care how goofy you look like
>that deep breath before she steps off
Waaaait, on the right.

That hippopotamus... what's his connection to the sheep conspiracy?!

>hooves for hands

>no opposable digits

How the fuck do they even function in society?

At least Bogo's hoof hands had fingers of some kind
It's either a rock band or a sports team.
Open that shit, nerd
I dunno, ask the people from /mlp/
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the fox files.png
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Shadowrun confirmed for Zootopia.
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It's a band logo, mentioned in the art book.
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There's things in the box...
From the age of the Nocturnal district, there are still a lot of very old business, and like all cities, some of the oldest are in the business of selling intoxicants.

McSnarley’s Old Ale Sett is one of these very old establishments, a pub in the old badger style that was founded by immigrants to Zootopia. They specialize in Stouts and Ales, but do have a selection of scotches and other hard liquors. A comfortable pub, and family owned for over a hundred years, McSnarleys is a fine place to socialize with some of the old souls of the nocturnal district at dawn once the nights work is done.

Of course, at night there are a few people on staff, just in case the tourist or two drops by, or even the old light-blind badger who made the switch to daylight living.

But lets have some music to go with it, shall we? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cPitxtk4m0
Go on...
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Shill for the new thread

DoxFick chapter 3

okay, we get it: you're the same anon who moaned how his onahole hadn't arrived.
now you've got it, you got a plastic bunny vagina, how very cool.
it's been done already, what are you trying to achieve?
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So soft. All snug and warm being in the hot box in the summer...
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Here we go...
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>another faggot derailing the thread to do another cliched unboxing
>just going to be yet another Bad Dragon
Is this going to be some bait'n'switch bullshit?
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defuq is this.jpg
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go on m8
It's a Calvin gets fucked by big beefy badgers episode of Zootopia
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You're dragging this far on too long for it to be anything other than build up to nothing.
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Some people want this. Who cares, really? It's not like there's anything going on now anyway...



>he bought the Bogo
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Fox knot with cum tube?
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no, fuck off. seriously, it's been done. not only you're a pathetic shit, but you're literally reposting the same shit. shove it up your ass and stop posting
just read it, will there be chapter 3.5 or 4??
Nigga just open the fuckin' box we all know it's some stupid dildo anyway. There is no reason for you to be a cock tease like this besides the attention, which, seriously you think a bunch of people on the internet are gonna be all shock and awe that you're a fuckin' furry?
Should I even bother? I mean, cat's out of the bag. Hell, it's been out of the bag.

Go back to your regularly scheduled bitchfest about there not being any new content. At least Neon Savannah kind of fits the theme.
And is that really such a bad thing?
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More like super bored. Even the tumbleweeds called in sick today.
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Yo what's up with all those extras? Are they doing some kinda promotion?
uh, should I know what this is?
Ignore Officer Content, post dragon dildos
>fuckin bats
that's racist, labjer.

Now what I want to see is Labjer and assistant Calvin witness a crime, and when the cops don't believe their story it's up the the two of them to solve the case and clear their names.

Look at panel two and tell me you don't get a Holmes/Watson or Layton/Luke vibe
Can calvin hold his lickor though?
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You know, I don't care what's in the box, those extras look pretty spiffy though.
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In what capacity? Like additional chapters, or more details about the night in the hotel room?
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Neat did not see this last thread. Will read in a min
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thank you, anons!

>Golden Moose
Good one. This is coming together nicely - it's nice to see the Night District got more fluff in one evening than entire previous couple of weeks.

I chuckled. When McHorn came up, I half-expected him to pepper spray the party.
Bad Dragon, the animal dildo people did a knock-off series of Zootopia called Neon Savannah. With great characters like Alice the Rabbit and Austin the Fox.
Basically just them shilling with the next big thing.
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Nick is a Disney Infinity figure, unrelated. So was Judy next to the unopened box earlier.

The Neon Savannah thing is just the metro ticket. And Playbunny is just the care instructions.

Only for you.
>regularly scheduled bitchfest about there not being any new content
there's plenty of new content popping up daily - nobody needs your plastic sex toy or you, so fuck off and don't come back, at least until you have something new or interesting.
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... ... both?
>And then Gideon is cucked back by THAT FUCKING FOX
Pandanon here

Exactly how much have we established about Ozzy?

I just had a stroke of inspiration.
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Post pics of you using it

Whatever it is
Raccoonfag, here.
Okay, had a listen and wanted to comment back on it

>less assumptions are made that way.
Yeah, maybe that line was a bit harsh.
Didn't mean to imply Nick is homophopic, just that he has some insecurities about being misunderstood.

>Uncle Bradford
It's a nod to the VA for Robin Hood in the Disney classic.

>Gideon's suggestion and familiarity with the area
Originally Nick was going to specificaly state the T.G.I.Raffe was a place they passed on their way there, but I dumped it as it made the line a bit clunky to me.
Some gambles you lose on.

>Confusion over Short-round
Another gamble. I figured the reader might connect "short" with Finnick, and went with the Indiana Jones reference.

>drunk homos
Yeeeaahhhh... I wanted to present Finnick as being, I dunno, somewhat flippant in that statement.
It's in no way reflective of my own views.
I am, after all, pretty gay.

>"Holes between the stalls..?"
Oh boy, you're not too familiar with the concept of Glory Holes, eh?

>typo suggestions
Noted and corrected.

>comments on the first bar missing some details, Finnick's low-key impact on the story, and the lack of an arc
All very valid. Finnick kinda dimished in importance as the writing went on. I could have done more with him.
Not sure why I didn't put more details into the first bar, as I did have it in mind as a more traditional Irish pub. But I guess I just had a brain fart and forgot to embellish.
And no, you're not dumb for not seeing an overall point to the story. I set out to write a silly romp, and didn't consider giving it a final point beyond "guys have too much fun and end up shitfaced".
I think if I worked out more of a theme or message in the story, the ending would have worked better, so you're absolutely right to focus on that as the thing that didn't quiet work with it.

Anyways, glad you enjoyed the stuff that worked, and you had plenty of food-for-thought to consider for my next piece.
Oh my god just choke on your own dick and die already, you pathetic, whiny little bitch. Plastic dildos are infinitely preferable to you trying to enforce your vision for the thread.
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he's a confirmed busker, so he probably is either couch surfing, squatting or outright homeless
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>this was the only favor Nick asked from Nonna or from Mr. Big
It'll probably take another few days, but I can whip up a chapter 3.5 of lewds if you guys want

hope you enjoy
Nice. I really dig when they get creative with that sorta thing.

That much I know. I wanna try and throw together some king of acoustic song from his point of view.
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Go back to tumblr if you're fucking triggered about your hugbox
So far we only have his occupation locked in: Street busker.
are there any scans? just asking for... scientific purposes
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Make me proud, boy. Do a better job than my unboxing.
>He sings, plays the guitar
>He runs cons with Charlie
>He likes sunsets (?)
>He gets sad sometimes
>The rest of the pack streeters are there for him when he does
>He's got the perfect amount of warm fluff for cuddling
>He laughs a lot
>Maybe a little too much

Charlie's suicidal husband
>just asking for... scientific purposes

You want to jack it to these cartoon animals. Being coy about it isn't cute or funny, it's just doubly pathetic.
Not sure what you mean by that. It's already unboxed. Feels pretty good too. Excellent use of disposable income- especially for a single guy.
>I just had a stroke
I'm sorry to hear that
Post action pics
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>says the person trying to enforce his own rules in the thread
Just look up Carrot on e621. You don't need to act coy here, anon. We're all in the trashcan together.

Here, have a Gazelle getting double stuffed for your trouble.
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mead's newest comic.png
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y'all ready for some heavy feels?
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I don't see a big fuckin' dildo anywhere, anon. What a letdown.
it begins
Dude. We're all posting in a Zootopia thread on /trash/.

This isn't exactly the time for anyone to be getting judgmental.
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Nice art. I can't wait to see where this goes.
>Excellent use of disposable income- especially for a single guy.
>not this
or, you could just lube the bat before plunging it up your poophole, might make the experience more pleasurable
I'm not judging him for his jacking it to cartoon animals, I'm judging him for dancing around it in some tired barely-a-joke that's been run so far into the ground it's struck lava.
Oh boy, loosening of lips between these two.... Calvin, at least, has a lot to load off if he could articulate it.
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can't say no to a jackpot.

I a'eady own a gun
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Why did you get a marbled colour, out of curiousity?
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Oh what a shocker.
I cri evrytiem

Fuck it and post pictures you faggot
Now pictures of your penis in it

Or if you're too bashful for that, just the creampie
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>9 posts
>for ANOTHER rabbit hole
-69/10 and kill yourself for this disappointing display
I ain't stopping until I hit Adamantine

I guess being 21 and a freshman isn't the weirdest thing in the world.

Carry on.
I do kinda see him rocking out sometimes.

This is adorable.
whoa, that's top notch, do share the study once you're done please
I didn't want just a matte grey or white. Makes it a little more interesting.
>pictures of your penis
>just the creampie

Well at least let me use it first, god damn

Be careful.

If you go too deep you might find the circus.
I'm kinda seeing him more as a folk singer. Maybe that's just me?
For a moment I thought it was the world's second biggest dildo with a fuckable urethra.
That's assuming of course Calvin even fully understands what he's going through.

Shit, I thought I was the only one
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We've been here before
Nah, folk works well.

I just like rocking out. And he's got the mane for it.
What are the upsides of rabbit cock?
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Learn from a professional, anon.
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>I am, after all, pretty gay.

>"chef is emergency"

take your time, the wait only makes the experience better, and no one wants to make anyone feel like a chore out of it
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>bats upside down
>hearing pun
well played
Rabbist make love like a Japanese meal. Small portions, but so many courses.
a professional ... what exactly?
Ozzy would do well with folk-punk.

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maaaaan I really shouldn't be given artistic authority over any character's backstory

I'm the actual worst
Is Raccoonfag still here?

What about Metals, Clunkbot, or another writer-dude?
thank you for the caps, I'm going to add the thematic one to the archive and share the link later!

a professional degenerate
Has that feline ever bottomed?
What makes you say that, BB?
After fucking up VRbit/Cutie, yeah, you shouldn't
God I wish I could sing like this, with that raspy punk sound. It's exactly how I envision him singing his music.
Hey hey hey

Don't be too hard on him.

VRBit/Cutie got killed by the domestic abuse shit after Cutie's backstory was revealed. It was not BB alone that fucked that.
I can't tell if that's actually BB or just a shitposter.

I need more Zootermission comic BB

I'm dying here
they're so grungy though

take a fucking shower you hippies
that's worthy of at least a salute. I promise to think of him while I'm balls-deep in cunny bunt
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we doing fanart of our favorite fanon zoOCs?

siting in bed and thinking about some faces for Smiles, then thinking about how those faces happened, and what happened after, then some more faces, and what those faces meant

y'all wanted that ship super bad, it wouldn't have lasted since I need a slutty bun to have sex with other stuff that's not VR

yeeeeeah, I'll work on it this weekend
crust punks, man
Ah, just a shitposter.
I want to talk about the Police Saga thing (I know, I know, it's not special Thursday related and I've made too much of this) because I want the Ch.3 to look spiffy before I upload it.
Hey, might be a dumb question but I haven't been to a Zootopia thread in a while. What ever happened with bunanon?
Post creampie aftermath at least.
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I absolutely love me some of that raspy oh-god-my-throat-is-dying type singing.


>implying the Pack Streeters would be well kempt.

She died.
drama and shitposting
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cakes are for queers.png
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got time to take a request or two, what yall need
Calvin took a few years to himself, working on the farm, before he felt confident enough to strike out on his own. He is, after all, the first of his family to go to university!
Then risen from the dead
C-c-can he start by letting me top him?
author had a short burn-out, is confirmed working on it again
Story hit a bit of a rut and she's put it on hold unless/until she can find something to liven things up.

Bit of drama about it since she hit this realization while getting hounded by Officer Content and he's been strutting about it ever since.
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Lower profile.
Less posting.
Heart isn't in it as much.
She took the knot.
She received the facial.
You are literally the only person in the thread that wants that. Go start a Bad Dragon pussy thread or something.
Nick taking a shower and shampoo dripping on his flopping erection
80s beat Nick and Judy with shades?
How autistic is it to ask for something fanfic related?

How about Nick with a green deactivated collar on as he's cuddling a huge amount of little rabbit kids?
I want that too though

Lemme tell you bud if you're gonna bet on /trash/ not being full of gay degenerates that's a bet you're gonna fucking lose
A Power Ranger esque Team of Mice Heroes summoning their giant robot, which is just a larger mammal in a bunch of card board boxes
Zootopia toga pary
Judy punching nick in the harm. Hard.
comeone called out her not/judy and not/nick ERP adventures are shit
also called bunanon a bitch
bunanon threw a fit
came back few days later saying ERPs will continue

you missed very little
Gideon safe word abuse.
80s Synthwave Glittery "Mammal P.I." Police Zootopia please.

Requesting this from everyone, honestly.
HAH, topping is reserved for buff ladies, and even then it's not guaranteed since I'm sure buff ladies liked to get dommed too
I second this

>>3813154 Oh my, yes. This please. Maximum comfy.
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That's a bad meme.

Stop that.
You are two of 79 posters. ToyPics.net is always open.
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Fanart's got you, senpai.
go back to /co/ and let trash do what trash does
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Zootopia 84 Synthwave.jpg
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Has someone saved the results from that poll about the posters sexual tendencies?
Which is the same amount of people it takes to have a conversation, which happens all the time in here without you getting a bug up your arse about it.
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could be as well in Nick's spotify playlist. Love how they sound, thanks for sharing.
I love that image so much.
I don't like Gideon.
there's gptta be some brave little bunner determined to show his master a new world of pleasure
I have a massive thing for folk-punk.

See also: Pat the Bunny, Ramshackle Glory, AJJ, Blackbird Raum, Defiance Ohio, Mischief Brew
nah it's actually me, I should reiterate though. I'm super happy with both Cutie's and Smiles' backstories, but I KNOW you guys don't, and won't like them.

dunno, just never really been interested in butt stuff
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>finally happen to be up-to-date on the thread when a drawfag is taking requests
>miss his post
I'm a writer I guess (still kind of new to me)

What's up?
what were you going to request?
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Oh I see he recolored that one.
Post songs you now inexplicably associate with zootopia characters


oh god i am far gone
there's more to sex than assplay anon
Creme here, I might take some cute requests, but for now, I have a request of my own.
I wanna see Zootopians cosplayin'. Whether it's Judy as Chun Li or shit like that, I think it'd be cool.
Hell, I wanna see what OC fags come up with. The idea of Nick and Judy trying to do a drug bust or something at a comic convention with a bunch of nerdy mammals sounds fun.
The terrible secret of how proto-Nick got ahold of the collar key.

I requested it before, can't remember to whom, but it wasn't picked up. I know it's bad form to keep making the same request but I think this one is worth it.

Well I mean it's not a character from Zootopia but come on.
We're almost all bi males, and a third of us want to Be the Bun while two third want to Have the Bun.
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ozzy laugh.png
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Okay, so I wrote a song about Ozzy. Might add more lyrics when I get this going, not sure yet. I'd appreciate any comments and critiques on it.

Don't worry about the melody/rhythm so much, I'm more focused on the words themselves. Gonna be an acoustic folky punk song.

Verse 1

Hey you out there listen good
And spread this through your neighborhood
Cause I only know how to spread the blues

I'm watchin all you pass me by
I see the judgement in your eye
But give me a chance and i will sing to you


Chorus 1

Pack street may be the only beat that I will ever know
Running cons with my group of punks
But say one word against them and you'll hear from me when I'm drunk

Verse 2

I'm hassled almost every day
And if they're prey they walk away
But that's just how things are here on the street

The cops won't let me pay the bills
So I took a trip up to the hills
Where nature shows me one of it's greatest feats (too on the nose?)


The washer's broke the fridge is dry why should i even think to try
To find a proper job
I'd rather sit here every day and spend my lifetime playing away to this mob
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blade runner fox.png
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It was split into thirds.
Just, though, knowing that the bunny is going to have his little cock milked for all it's worth... sitting on his hard length... teasing him so much as you gaze at his overcome expression... clenching upon him to make his balls empty out... having him under such control as his cum pours into that ass-- you being such a power bottom...
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NOT Raccoonfag at all.png
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I'm here now.
What is the up, mine friend?
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>We're almost all bi males
IIRC an old poll, the numbers of bi men and straight men were pretty close.
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total awe.jpg
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I never knew how much I wanted this, thank you
You know as much as the rest of us then
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I'm looking for proofreading / advice / thoughts / on: http://pastebin.com/8j54wDSg

I'm nervous because this is the ending to what's apparently the 'crown jewel' or whatever to what I have on A03, and I want it to be spiffy. You know?
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zoo movie poster.jpg
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Crossover time it is, then
>Realize your characters are pretty flat.
>Realize they're only semi-popular because it's not a bunny ship.
>Nearly swerve off the road because you're distracted thinking about how to flesh out your characters.

So, I nearly ended up in a ditch because I'm a moron.
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I know this is just a tired joke by now, but as far as the "Nick the veteran of NotVietnam" I imagine goes, Rare Earth works quite well.

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be the bun or have the bun.png
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The final results from the bun poll, by the way.

No problem.

I listen to a lot of different types of music, and I enjoy exposing others to new stuff they've probably never heard of before.
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Another issue of "The Adventures of Frank Catstle, Mass Murderer Extraordinaire!" with somewhat less murder.

This was local OC. I have no idea who drew this and why there isn't more. MOAR
Beaver don't you fucking die on us

I love those otters, even if they're not a bunny.

I'm sort of hedging a bet that you're beaver, but I could be wrong.
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Someone asked for it. All the jizz leaked out the back when I tried taking this, ending up in a puddle. Felt good. Couldn't pull out fast enough for a proper moneyshot.
What's this a reference to? It feels soooo familiar...
It's that darned Police Saga story.

Like I said in >>3813374 I just want to have it complete, you know?

I've got Ch.1 and Ch.2 on http://archiveofourown.org/works/7208780 and then the Pastebin is Ch.3.

Would love to hear what you think of it. Here's an opportunity to influence something just as it's being completed, I guess.
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And here Gazelle cosplays as someone with talent.

Pacific Rim, anon.
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fucking bunfags.png
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this was before
>reeeeeeee bunfags

so yes.
Beaver, if that's you, understand that Otters are the Bunnies of the Water.

I mean come on.

We will always love them.
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Also I guess this is my thematic submission.
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There was only one other thing they did.
It's ask-the-zpd's fault that now I can only associate Judy with this song
Well, someone had a good time.

In and of itself, that's good.
AHA! Thank you so much, Anon! It was driving me crazy.

That was such a fun movie. Maybe not a "good" movie, but damn was it a lot of fun to watch some skyscraper-sized robots brawl with equally big kaiju.
Pacific Rim.

Oh right, sorry. I'm >>3811031 >>3811219
I still think it works great myself.
New thread is where?
Srsly is this Beaver.

Because Boney M here, you want help fleshing out your otters, you got it.
>this casting means Nick and Judy have sex
200% okay with this
And I lived happily ever after
Oh, I did those tweaks, making it so that the lucky prey being carried around in the hyena's mouth was a chinchilla and fixing like two other things.

Thanks for your help with that.
>That delicious thighs
doesn't sound TOO bad

Damn late again, it doesn't matter anon i think your work is fantastic.
I hope you keep working on more content for that ship, i like it very much.
As for your green think it had a lot of potential, do you think gazelle knows about nick's actions much later?
>too confounded by bunny muff to pull out

That's actually kinda hot.
>thread reached image limit before dick pics
I'm sure some anons are very disappointed.
This is some fucking sweet artwork.
nobody wants to see your fucking 2 incher
Yeah, I'm Beaver.
I'd actually contribute to the thread right now, but I'm stuck on mobile for a bit, probably won't have access to my tablet for another three of four hours.
And it's not just the otters, Beaver's pretty flat too, his only characteristics, really, are "nervous homo that likes poly and is a construction worker."
I would love help.
I had 51 pics lined up to post and then we hit 251 images. Welp.

I'll try again in an hour or two in the next thread.
add a .5 on there and see how many start begging
just use >>3808376
booru is lame and all draw/write/songfags know about TT or will know about it by a quick glance at the thread
>in an hour

Nigga we're just being lazy. A new thread will be up soon. This isn't /co/.


>I know this is just a tired joke by now
so? it doesn't mean it's bad

>It was the July of 1975
>the war was over for most people
>but not for Nicholas P. Wilde
>Nick thought he knew the meaning of hate
>nothing was the same after that reconnaissance mission in Catbodia
>Yax tried to forget in reefer and sex
>Finnick in his wheels and working his autoshop
>Nick tried to moved on, but would always look back even if he didn't wanted to, specially in his dreams
>to this day Wilde, Finnick and Yax, the remaining members of the team have a silent agreement to never speak of what happened that day

>there are five zootopia threads
amateur hour
Damn this have so much fucking sense.
You tried.

You failed, of course, but you tried.
I know, it's just that I won't be avaiable for an hour or two.
Six now. Six threads...
Oh, fuck off.
If you don't mind communicating by email, send me something at [email protected] and I'll reply with a quick write-up of how I see the characters so far and we can bat some ideas back and forth.
Just go to:



Thread posts: 612
Thread images: 251

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