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RWBYgt Trash General #95 FaunAss Edition Previous thread: &

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RWBYgt Trash General #95 FaunAss Edition

Previous thread: >>3769892

Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/ATJbuuUm (embed)
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p (embed)
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ (embed)
AnonDarcQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJp (embed)
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote

Current Ocho-CYOAs (8ch DOT net/rwby/)
Jasperquest: res/18947.html
Aeroquest: res/17216.html
Wendellquest: res/17090.html
RASSquest: res/16033.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy!
>2. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW (embed)
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>4. Don't believe their lies
1st for Mel is best girl
alright Grimm here time to vote on new power.

>Rage: Wrath of Cerberus, gives an additional +2 charge to schadenfreude (10AP), bringing it to 5 charges. If used with Grimm knuckle overdrive with 5 charges it will render the attack LETHAL. (IT WILL STUN YOU FOR 2 TURNS AFTERWARDS)

>Grief: transmigration of souls: become a semi-solid cloud of smoke and negative emotions. Can use this to avoid all damage at the cost of 1 charge. (Passing through someone deals basic damage, penetrates aura and stuns them for 1 turn, due to the heavy toll of emotions passing through.)

>Happiness: brothers Grimm: instead of using negative emotions, you can begin using positive emotions. Can store 3 charges. Charge 1: heals you for 5Hp and AP. Charge 2 heals you and an ally for 7HP/AP. 3 heals half your total HP and AP

>Fear: 「MONSTER」 using a full charge of schadenfreude manifests a terrifying ethereal copy made from the smoke you produce. Able to attack twice in one turn (you and the copy) has own health pool and AP. Modifiers are stripped from you, but is available to the copy. If you yourself is hurt, your copy is hurt as well.
If "instead of" actually means "additionally", so we still have Schadenfreude and Brothers Grimm, so we can make use of the full emotional spectrum, then
I'm a friend of diversity, and getting to use the stat-boosts during sex could be nice

if that's not the case and Brothers Grimm replaces Schadenfreunde, then
whoops forgot to edit fear!
>Fear: 「MONSTER」 using a charge of schadenfreude manifests a terrifying ethereal copy made from the smoke you produce. Able to attack twice in one turn (you and the copy) has own health pool and AP (depending how many charges used). Modifiers are stripped from you, but is available to the copy. If you yourself is hurt, your copy is hurt as well.
Mel is third best girl, I think.
>Izzy palate swap
Sounds about right to me.
Finally back

So Newt you only wanted the jacket changed color right?
>tfw you'll never get your dick scissored between delicious cinnamon and creamy white because one hates the other and the other hates the dick.
>tfw you'll never get your dick consensually scissored between delicious cinnamon and creamy white because one hates the other and the other hates the dick.
>Doctor Valentine
Who is this semen demon?
In what stories can I find her?
Melanie Hunter, ToddQuest

If you want a special gem, don't look for where she first appears but just search for "67"
Don't think of it like that, perhaps the h-token is just the little push they need. Personally I don't want to use it on anyone that will require us to use an undo+ immediately afterwards to avoid consequences.

Perhaps Izzy is capable of reconciling with Jill eventually, and perhaps Jill isn't quite so intrinsically opposed to the Dick as you believe. You just have to believe and work to make it a reality, with the token as a final touch
to be honest, I want to save the H-toke until we have more and then burn them all at once during ongoing sex and see what happens
>Jill isn't quite so intrinsically opposed to the Dick as you believe.
Kek and maybe Izzy actually loves Todd
>He believes there's a waifu you can't fuck
I bet you thought we couldn't bang Chloe too
>Implying I wanted to.

Also for her scythes, should it be wielded "normally" (shaft and all) or can she wield them like guns?
Hmm, well I'd say like guns since they are meant to have a gun mode
Oh thank god
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Well see, when I said "chain-scythes" I was thinking of this
So Marche's weapon isn't huge, it's about 1.5x bigger than an SMG (assuming that doesn't make it overly huge)
Anyone up for MQ?
I am, but I can only check the thread periodically.

I think I made it like that, just hold on imma show you.


You don't have to ask, shenpai


Let's find out
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Sure go ahead.

Marigold : Yeah. I did help him corner the suspect.
??? : Eh, ya don't need to go into the details, I was there. I'm assumin' you're not just here to chit-chat?
Laurel : Yeah, We're friends of Officer Malthus' daughter, Tyria.
Marigold : But we've lost contact with her a while back and wasnt to talk to her. Know anyone that could help?

The officer wades over a pile of recently fallen paperwork, stepping on some intern's fingers.

??? : Well, not really freat friends if ya don't even know her number, are you?
Laurel : She must've changed it and didn't tell us.

At least, you hope that's all it is.

Marigold : Look, do you know anything or not?
??? : Sorry to say, but she's stopped droping by after her dad died. I could give you Ozzy's old address.
Laurel : Oh, right! If she lived with him, there's a chance she stayed there.
??? : I wouldn't hold my breath. A lot can happen over a year. Or five.

The man grabs one of the scraps of paper off of the ground and looks over his scroll, before scribbling something on to it.

??? : Here ya go. Now scram, you're takin' up the whole corridor.
Marigold : S-sorry.

He saunters on over to one of the offices and slams the foor shut.

Marigold : Well, it's better than nothing.
Laurel : And if she moved out, the new owner might know where she went.

Your scroll's ringing cuts your moment of jubilation short, as you take it out and read a message.

[MagnumBobcat] : help
[MagnumBobcat] : no
[MagnumBobcat] : run
[MagnumBobcat] : krieger

A chill runs down your spine.
How. How would he even find you all so quickly?

You try dialing up Eli.
To no avail.
Same with Rufus.
And Lena's not done yet, it seems.
And as luck would have it, the best fighter you know's on another continent.

A. Get over to the clinic, ASAP.
B. Get Lena. You're going to need the help.
C. Tell Laurel to get Lena, go after Krieger.
D. Go get Lena. Have Laurel find the boys.
Oh and obviously calling Lena for help on your way there, and your dad for advice, is a given regardless of which option you choose.
C > D > A >B
Who's Magnum Bobcat?

Revolver "Revolver Ocelot" Ocelot.
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Here Newt.

Just changed the coat to a more eye-friendly white color.

As for the weapons I combined Marigold (one of the weapons of PRMC) and your choice of the Charybdis design along with a hint of Guilt Gear print on it.

Any changes?

I also hope you don't mind me naming the weapons (I encourage you to change it)
Not Newt, but neat.
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Marigold : Get to the clinic. I'll find Lena. Keep in touch.
Lena : Right.

You run down the street, and decide to just take out Goldy to fly Laurel over to where the Doc should be.
While you start running down the street, with your scroll connecting you, your dad, and Laurel.

Marigold : Dad, We've bumped into Krieger.
Perun : What? I told you not to go after him!
Marigold : He found us! We think he's got Eli, Rufus and the Doc.
Laurel : I'm on my way there to see what the situation's like.
Marigold : And I'm getting Lena to help. Oh right you probably don't know who that is-
Perun : I know her. Not the point. Listen.

He takes a deep breath.

Perun : Laurel.
Laurel : Y-yes?
Perun : Your first priority is to avoid casualties. Tend to the wounded first. Call an ambulance, now. Just to be safe. Tell them to keep watch for an armed suspect.Marigold?
Marigold : I hear you.

You round a corner, knocking over someone.

Perun : Make sure you avoid fighting him without all of you. Get Lena first.
Marigold : But how do we actually fight him? What's -
Perun : Listen. Whatever you do, keep your distance. His aim always sucked so all he only ever used melee weapons.
Laurel : Shouldn't be a problem.

Lena's place is within sight now.

Perun : If he activates his semblance ; any previous damage he dealt to you with his semblance active will occur again.
Laurel : So if he uses it, hits me in the leg, then hits me in the arm, then the head...
Perun : He'll effectively get in three strikes to the leg, two to the arm, and one to the head. Listen, I can't talk now, but you should have-

Static cuts the conversation short.

You're past the door, pushing past the crowd.
You see Lena, weilding... a needle?
It doesn't have any mettalic shine to it, so it must be something else.

Marigold : Lena. Trouble.

You're panting, and just now feel Goldy get recalled so you can fly him now.

Lena : Then lets et's waste no time.

You grab her arm and fly away...

Dammit senpai, continue your quest.
>Marigold : Get to the clinic. I'll find Lena. Keep in touch.
>Lena : Right.
Found her
So it WAS Perry who Lena was talking to, huh?
Damn I like her.
She's no CINT; but nobody could replace CINT


Laurel : Okay, I'm there. That small room, the one that leads into the alley, it's open.
Laurel : I can't see anyone else but- There's Eli!
Marigold : Is he okay?
Laurel : He's - He's bleeding out on the floor of the main room.
Marigold : No sign of the others?
Laurel : No. So, what's the plan?

[]Write in only. It should take you two minutes to get there on Goldy.
Now I'm sad again.

>"You heard my dad, don't risk running into Krieger while searching for the others. Tend to Eli and wait for us."
But writing is hard, and I have more overtime tomorrow.
Regroup with Laurel, we want to stay at a distance and stick to ranged; so we don't want to come crashing in only to accidentally enter melee range. On the way there, ask Lena if there's anything we might want to know about her fighting skill
Her Semblance is some kind of fabric control right?

Marigold : Don't engage him, wait for us. Get Eli out of there.
Laurel : Got it. Making my way in now.

Marigold : So, what's your schtick?
Lena : Well, this needle is only good at close range. But my semblance can be used to fight at a distance with it. It can also be used to ensnare, bind and slow.
Marigold : So it's some kind of fabric control?
Lena : Quite right. But it degrades the material if used on it repeatedly.
Marigold : And you can help keep him at a distance for us?
Lena : Yes.

Laurel : Okay, I've got Eli. He's... he-

You can tell she's close to panicking.

Eli : I'm fine. Listen, Mari. He - Nnhht. He...took Doc.
Marigold : What about Rufus?
Eli : Didn't seem-

You hear a groan, resulting from Eli gritting his teeth as he holds back a scream.

Eli : T- too interesetd in us.
Laurel : I don't hear any fighting, so...

Eli's breathing is uneven, but you can tell the pain's a lot worse than he's trying to make it sound.

A. Don't go there. It might be a trap. Get Eli to safety.
B. If he wanted Doc and left, you can get Rufus. Assuming he's alive.
C. Go find Krieger. Stall him if you have to.
B > A > C
I don't want to touch Krieger until Perun's here
You're in Vale.
He's in Atlas.
That might take too long...
Kinda worried that we might lose Doc if we don't move fast enough
Well yeah, that's why I choose the options that didn't involve confronting him. When you face the final boss early in the game, you lose. It's practically scripted.

There will be time for Krieger later, he's not killing the doc, he's capturing him. Likely something to do with his medical talents, or his past with Perun. I doubt he's gonna kill him, nor do I think we can stop him here.

Marigold : If he wanted Doc and left, you can get Rufus.
Laurel : Wh-what about Eli? He's -
Eli : Just fine. I can patch this up with the Doc's provisions.

The brief silence for the remaining thirty seconds are unnerving.
What if he didn't leave?
What if Rufus died?
What's he going to do with the Doc?

You land, bust the door open, as usual, and rush over to the back room, where you find Laurel, Rufus, and Eli.

Marigold : Rufus! Are you alright?
Rufus : I'm fine. Eli got the worst of it.
Eli : Hey, it didn't take much... to cauterize the wound-d.

He falls into the table behind him, clutching on to his right hand.

Eli : D-don't wait here, dammit.
Rufus : I stuck a vine on him, so there should at least be a trail from when I ripped it up.

You don't think Eli can fight in his condition...

A. No, we are not risking any more lives needlessly.
B. We're going after him.
C. [Write in] stay behind. The rest of us are going after Krieger.
Are we presuming Eli staying behind is a given, or do we have to specify it?
dad said only fight him if we've got all.
without Eli and Doc, we've got no chance
Well, no. Otherwise B gets redendant.
A>B>C(Everyone else)
A > C (Eli) > B
>When you face the final boss early in the game, you lose
>final boss
>when there are Praetorian and Ice Mountain Death Monster
Is JQ still running as a whole?

I know that the author just gave up and posted everything that was gonna happen in the story but Has there been anything more than that or did the creator just bounced the fuck off
I think he restarted it
Thatch did a Dryden and now we're in JQIII
JQ is still running. It's now in JQIII. Jasper is currently in a The Fly situation involving Amber, the fall maiden.

Marigold : No, we're not going after him.
Rufus : Well, I guess it's a good thing I never listened to your orders.
Laurel : Rufus, wait!

He's already out the door.

Lena : Well, I can't just let Rufus go in alone.
Marigold : But you agreed-
Lena : To help. Which is what I'm going to do.

She walks after Rufus, leaving only you, Laurel, and Eli.

Eli : Guess you don't have as commanding a presence as your father.

He gets up, and takes out his weapon with his left hand.
But oddly, not his right...
And that's when you notice it.

Laurel : What?! You can't go after him with only one hand?
Eli : And what should I do? Leave Doc at some deranged fucker's mercy?

You bemoan the fact that no one besides Laurel seem to be taking your lead seriously.

A. "We'll go. You stay here."
B. "We're not going after him, and that's final."
C. "We'll all go. Just stay behind me."
A > C > B

Jesus Dry..
Dammit Rufus, if you die I'm gonna kick your ass.
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Wait a second...
Armored sword guy cuts off Revolver guy's hand...
Oh god.
Option A
I hope he didn't cut off Eli's fapping hand.
Does it matter, Mari crushed Eli's fapping dick
It's never been the same since
>Armored sword guy is actually an old comrade of the hero, rebuilt as a cyborg
Leroy you fuck

Marigold : Dammit if you aren't the most stubborn...

You pick up Eli and place him on the in the corner of the room.

Marigold : We'll go. Just don't go anywhere until we come back alright?

He nods at you, before rolling over to the side, now facing away from you.

You rush out of the door, through the alley, following the trail and find Lena and Rufus standing off with the silver knight.
The Doctor's slung across his shoulder.
You think that might be kinda painful...
You also note that Laurel's not with you right now.

Krieger : You.

The voice coming from the helmet is grating. Almost like metal scrapping against metal.

Marigold : Me?
Krieger : Yes. You have interest in me.
Marigold : Well, you are holding an old friend of mine hostage.
Krieger : I'm taking the doctor. His talents are valuable.

You could offer money in exchange for the doctor. Or maybe threaten him? Or ask something.

[]What do you say/do?
Seduce him
[x] "Take your helmet off. I want to see your face."
Talk and stall him, Laurel's planning something.
Ask why he choose this specific doctor, and how he thinks his group is going to get away with attacking and kidnapping Vale citizens

> Okay, slight rewrite.
Marigold : Dammit if you aren't the most stubborn...

You pick up Eli and place him on the in the corner of the room.

Marigold : We'll go. Just don't go anywhere until we come back alright?

He nods at you, before rolling over to the side, now facing away from you.

You rush out of the door, through the alley, following the trail and find Lena and Rufus standing off with the silver knight.
The Doctor's slung across his shoulder.
You think that might be kinda painful...
You also note that Laurel's not with you right now.

Krieger : You.

The voice coming from the helmet is grating. Almost like metal scrapping against metal.

Marigold : Me?
Krieger : Yes. You have interest in me.
Marigold : Well, you are holding an old friend of mine hostage.
>Krieger : Not that. You asked about me before. You spoke to Kras.
>Krieger : What do you want from me? Besides the old man.

You could offer money in exchange for the doctor. Or maybe threaten him? Or ask something.

[]What do you say/do?
Oh right, you get 15 minutes to vote.
"I want answers; my friends disappeared investigating your little army."

>Sorry. Computer fucking up.

Marigold : I want answers; my friends disappeared investigating your little army.
Krieger : I do not possess an army. Nor do I know of your "friends."
Marigold : You know what I meant. Your employers. The Bluebloods.
Krieger : Then you should ask them about it.

He takes a jump up, and what a flaccid jump that was.
Really, he barely looked like he tried.
And yet, he somehow ends up on top of the building.
Now he stands above you, blocking the sun behind him and casting a shadow over all of you.

Krieger : Hiding won't work, girl. Though I commend your attempt.

An airship appears behind him, the hatch opens.

Marigold : Why do you want the Doc? Why this one specifically?
Krieger : He holds no real value to me. But he does to my employer.
Marigold : So it's all a question of money then?
Krieger : Quite right.
Lena : And how much did they agree to pay you?
Krieger : That's for me to know. Unless... you're proposing to buy him from me?

Rufus : You're going to just hand him over if we cough up some money?
Krieger : I have no interest in what the Bluebloods want. Money's money to me.

A. Barter with him.
B. "I don't negotiate with criminals."
C. "Do you think the authorities won't get you?"
D. Try to get a shot on him.
E. Just kill him now. If he gets away, the Doc's done for anyway.
F. []Write in.
[x] "Take off your helmet so we van negotiate face-to-face"
God damn you, fingers! That should read "...so we can negotiate..."
A > C > D > B > E

>Exchange rate : 10 Lien = 1 USD

Marigold : Come on, we can reach a compromise. How much do you want?

He raises his arm, extending four of his fingers.

Marigold : You want four thousand?
Krieger : Count the phalanges.
Marigold : Twelve thousand?
Krieger : Twelve myriad.
Rufus : You want 120 000 Lien!?
Krieger : A rather cheap price for a human life. But.
Marigold : But what?

Just as he's about to say something, a bullet ricochets off of the airship, hitting him in the back of the head.
As he realizes just who fired that bullet, a swarm of needles guided by threads embed themselves in Doc's clothes and pull him away, while Rufus' vine pulls Krieger by the ankle.
But a swift strike from his two-handed sword cuts it off.

And just as you think that Laurel's attack is going to wipe him out...
...he simply shrugs it off, entering the ship.
Looks like this isn't worth his time.

A. Go after him.
B. Don't push your luck.
>Shrugs off Pilebunker/MAC
Holy FUCK do not go any further.
B > A
I honestly love the design of that weapon. The name works pretty good too

That you, Newt?

The ship takes off into the horizon.
And, to your surprise, Krieger tosses his helmet into the water but he was already inside, so you couldn't see his face.
his helmet almost immediately explodes. Must've been from the bullet.
Which was shot by...

Eli : Shit. Bastard saw right through it.
Marigold : Eli...
Eli : Yeah yeah, "don't go anywhere until we come back".

[]Well? What do you think of Eli's actions?
>Want to write cute scene with Nora
>Corner myself into skipping straight up to S rank social link
>Running out of time since I have to go to college soon
>Write dumb bullshit to get out Scot free and hope that nobody complains
>Only now do I realize how much of a fucking dick and cockblock I was by writing that end part

Wish I could do something to go back in time and fix that ending but what can you do

just know I won't do that shit again so don't worry

Also I'm fucking sorry
[x] Be impressed he got the hit
Yes it is

So who do you want me to do next?
Suzume. Since you started with Marche, I'd say work backwards until the whole team is done
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And you are ok with her conceptual sketch?

(I know she's a brunette and that you want her weapon to shrink more)
Marigold : I'm impressed you got him. Good job.
Eli : Hey, it was... it washnuffin...

Eli's about to fall over, but you catch him before he falls to the ground.
Looks like he's spent from using his semblance.

Eli : Well, can I at least have a handshake?
Marigold : What? Okay sure I -

You stop just shy of grabbing the bloody stump where his hand once was.

Eli : Eh? Eh? Come on, laugh it off!
Marigold : You're taking this way too lightly.
Eli : Hey, if anyone should be taking this lightly, it's me. After all, you-

He bites his tongue as his eyes shoot wide open.

Marigold : "I" what?
Eli : ...you're here to support me?

You're fairly certain that's not what he wanted to say, but you'll let him of the hook.
For now.

Chapter 2 - Renegade - Complete!


Eh you know what I'm gonna fuck off. Later.
I was hoping to end MQII now by having you guys fight Krieger and die.
But you didn't fall for it.
>I was hoping to end MQII now by having you guys fight Krieger and die.
Man, fuck you.
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You're a wily one drydles, but I was wise to your tricks
Yeah it's good
>I was hoping to end MQII now by having you guys fight Krieger and die.

I had something similar for GQ today. If they would have opened the door, it would have been a BAD END for jefe. and the story would carry on with either David or Harvey.
What I meant was that the audience is just not giving a shit anymore, and I don't want to go "Oh you know what I give up again after saying I won't". So having the protag die seemed like a good idea.
Joke's on you. We like Mari enough to not do anything stupid.
theres only one thing to do mate.
Crank up that difficulty.
when thatch tried to do that with Herc everyone was already saying their condolences before it happened
Oh, and I've regained the selove to draw.
But the requests are still tied between Futa Mari, Hummer Todd, and something else.
So post em I guess.
You should be.
Nora route was the only reason I started paying attention to 4Q.
Laurel dreaming of hot, sweaty Bert-on-Alban action.
Jefe drinking tea with pyrrha
Mari, Laurel and Tyria threesome action
Can I get Chloe riding Todd?
>Just as you are about to ask if she is okay, her hands slowly encapsulate her own face, her tongue rolling out. "It's... Amazing..."
>She puts both of her hands on your chest, slamming herself the rest of the way down, grimacing, but also drooling. Even her drool is turning to steam.
>She doesn't stop there, immediately pumping herself against you like a piston, your entirety at once. There is a good deal more fluid. It was blood, but is now clearly being replaced by normal fluids, from red to pink and continuing to clear as she goes.
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The MQ girls in a line-up like so.
Krieger in this pose >>3797939
So, how do the waifus rate within their own CYOA?
Who cares about the rest?

I forget Alban's gf's name.


Snails is not for waifu.
This please, to commemorate Todd's great success that no one saw coming
thatch's waifus have something the others don't like they're not anime enough
So bets on Krieger's true indentity?
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Is anyone still here?



What are you guys still doing up so late?
Go to bed.
What are you talking about, it's only 8 you silly goose
>up so late
It may be nearly 3 AM, but I go to bed around 6 and wake up for work around 1 PM.

Plus I have tomorrow off.
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Don't worry, I'll sleep soon. It may be 3:04 AM but this is usually how late I stay up
Getting ready for work.

That you, Marsy?
Nope, it's Newton
Marsy's not coming here, not until hiatus is over and we're back on /co/

Oh boo.
I got excited for a second there.
He only really hangs out on the Discord and sometimes makes Vinesauce art
Aw yeah, can't wait til we get back to a moderated blue board for maybe a fortnight before the janitors realise we haven't gotten less cancerous since we were exiled and perma-ban any RWBY threads.
Anyone still awake? I got the urge to write some Bromont-style stuff after rereading it last night.

Anyone up for a goofy experimental CYOA?
Go for it.
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Ruby Brose’s Brotastic Adventure!

You are Ruby Brose, the most adorable fucking badass that ever walked the streets of Remnant.

It’s 7 AM at Beacon Academy and you feel pumped and ready to go! Although that could have something to do with you drinking Uncle Brow’s ‘Winter Special’ when he wasn’t looking.

The sun beams gormlessly down on the world, the sky an insufferable shade of pink, and the birds chipper cheerfully while talking shit about Yang. What a truly marvelous morning.

You feel like you’re going to burst if you don’t do something soon. But your teammates are still fast asleep! What’s the best recourse of action?

[ ] Wake Yang, demand cookies
[ ] Throw balls of wool at Blake
[ ] Steal Weiss’ scroll for hijinks
[ ] DATABASE DATABASE (Wake everyone)
[ ] Other?!
>[ ] Wake Yang, demand cookies
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You can’t start your morning without a balanced breakfast. Balanced in this case meaning consuming your own weight in cookies, Pumkin Petes, and jacking off to Inspector Gadget. Go Gadget Go!

You leap up from your bunk bed and kick down with all your might towards Yang!

“INAZUMA-!” You begin-

And completely misjudge your momentum, propelling yourself straight down into the floor next to Yang, spraining your ankle. Fuck!

“FUAAA!” you wail in agony, cradling your injured leg. You keep fucking doing it, every time, but you’ll be damned if you don’t manage to Inazuma Kick your own sister at least once in your lifetime.

“…urgh…Ruby…stop fucking doing that…” Yang faintly burbles next to you, finally gaining some semblance of consciousness.

“ONEE-SAMA!” You roar straight into her face, like a fucking retard.

“…Ruby, I’m hungover and seriously regretting my life choices. If you don’t shut up, I’m gonna punch your ovaries out and seriously piss off Dad when he finds out you can’t have kids anymore. I’ll fucking do it, I swear to god.”

“Geeze, Nee-chan, what crawled into your crotch this morning?”, and you instinctively recoil from your sister’s clumsily right hook.

Yang finally sits up properly in her bed, her messy hair somehow having perfectly straightened itself out. Must be some kind of inverse bed-head.

She fixes you with a haggard expression of intense irritation.

“The cookies are in the fucking cookie jar. They’re always in the fucking cookie jar. We do this every fucking morning. Now let me get some god damn sleep!”

“It’s important to have a solid routine!”, you point out cheerily, and dodge another right hook.

Right, time for some fucking food. You leap up on the dresser and grab the jar of cookies…
They’re fucking gone.


[ ] Yang stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
[ ] Nora stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
[ ] It was you all along! What a twist!
[ ] Fuck it, go steal Jaune’s Pumkin Petes
[ ] Alternatives?!
>[ ] It was you all along! What a twist!
Goddamn midnight hunger strikes again!
Oh shit. You totally snarfed them all last night, your well-deserved reward after your surprise raid on CMEN’s dorm. It’ll take them forever to get that stuff off the door.

You brandish the empty jar above you, in supreme triumph!

“It was me, Beacon! It was me all along! AHAHA!”, you cackle maniacally.

“Ah, son of a bitch…” groans Yang, before passing out again.

Oh wait. That isn’t good at all. You need sustenance, and there’s fucking nothing to be found.

“YANG! We’re out of food, again!”, you whine like the petulant child you basically are.

“…Blow me…” Yang burbles. She briefly holds up a middle finger in your general direction, her face embedded in her pillow.

Well, this isn’t going to get you anywhere. There must be something you could eat…or maybe you’d best restock in town before your entire team resorts to cannibalism out of desperation.

[ ] Forage for food around the dormitories, also search for treasure
[ ] DORIFUTO SAMURAI (Shopping with Weiss – but at what cost?)
[ ] Food is for the weak, time for hijinks!
[ ] Blow Yang
[ ] and even more besides!
>[ ] Blow Yang
Will suck dick for chocolate chip
Why scavenge or forge when we can RAID our food from the room next door!

Sorry for the delay, temporary trouble. Writing.
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Well, Yang did suggest you blow her. Girl jizz counts as sustenance doesn’t? You’re about 90% sure that it’s part of your five-a-day, and the remaining 10% says it’s Penny’s special motor oil. Mmm, that’s some good stuff…

You consider your approach. A normal frontal attack is doomed from the outset…you doubt you’d even make it to Yang’s tits before she’d smash you into the next dorm over, and you don’t want that again. Last time it happened you wound up assisting in liberating Ren’s anal virginity, and that was just from being smashed into their room.

And that distance simply isn’t close enough. You’re fairly certain Yang’s tits extend some five meters from the rest of her body. Her hitbox is pretty fucking weird.

No, for this situation, there’s only one practical option. Psycho. Crusher.

You crouch on the dresser and brace to unleash your totally-not-stolen hidden technique!

“PSYCHO-“ you begin.

You unleash the raw power of your aura and semblance, launching yourself spinning at Yang!

“CRUSHEEEEEEEER!!!!!!” you roar!

You smash straight into your sister’s ass, your face embedding in her crotch, bang on target. Damn, you’re good!

Unfortunately, the entirely bed collapses in the process. It probably would’ve happened even without the precarious bullshit you’d thrown together to make bunk-beds, but fucking whatever.

Blake is unceremoniously awoken above you and yowls in alarm as she’s sent hurtling out the bedroom window. Whoops. She’ll probably be pretty pissed at you. Ah well.

But the point is, you made it. Yang seems pretty out of it, considering that you just slammed into her crotch at Mach speed.

“Ihihihi!” you chuckle, as you carefully pull down her pajama bottoms, to get at her goodies…

There’s no cock. Just her meaty vag and curly blonde pubes. What the fuck, man? You were supposed to get girl jizz!

“Hey Yang, what gives? Where’s your dick? Did you leave it in the wash?”
“Hey Yang, what gives? Where’s your dick? Did you leave it in the wash?”

Yang, having finally recovered, sits up quite stoically and stares you down. She’s shimmer, eyes burned red. Looks like hitting her the way you did triggered her semblance. That could be bad.

“Ruby” Yang states, burning coldly.

“Yes, dearest sister Yang?” you respond, meeky.

“Girls don’t have dicks. We’ve already covered this.”

“Says you. I beg to differ.”

“Get the fuck off me or I’ll break every bone in your body.”

“But not my bone-r. Eh? Get it? Because bones? And because my dick is undefeatable? Amiright?”

You think you’d better get off your sister before she pulverises you.

[ ] Escape! She can’t defeat your raw SPEEEEEED
[ ] Hide behind Weiss! Surely your BFF (Based Fuck-Friend) won’t betray you!
[ ] Fuck it! You made it this far, and Yang being dickless won’t stop you! Distract her by burying your face in her fire-snatch!
[ ] But what else?!
>[ ] Escape! She can’t defeat your raw SPEEEEEED
Quick activate distraction plan: enabler
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>[ ] Fuck it! You made it this far, and Yang being dickless won’t stop you! Distract her by burying your face in her fire-snatch!
So there's a direct correlation between a quest's popularity and the amount of fucking in it, right?
Could be. I'm just mimicking Bromont as best I can, and his quests mostly consisted of nonsensical whacky hijinks, over the top action, and fucking. Or at least attempted fucking.

Also, delayed again. Sorry. Writing now.
I'd say it's mostly true.

JQ seems to be the exception to the rule, though it's popularity saw a sharp decline after the Waifu Wars.
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So crying, you summon all your aura into your tongue and ram it into Yang’s beefy vag!

“AAAHHN!!”, shrieks Yang. Success! She’s off-guard! Time for the finisher!


Your concentrated aura in your tongue bursts free as you channel your semblance through your tongue and eat her out at escape velocity!

“NGAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” Yang wails, her back sharply arching as she throws her shoulders back, thrusting her crotch forward as you take her explosive orgasm full in the mouth and face!

“HAAA…” Yang finally subsides and collapses on the bed, well and truly spent. Her glowing spray coats your face and pyjamas, and filled your mouth to the brim. Tastes like gummy bears. Weird.

You drink it down, because truth be told, you fucking love gummy bears. At least you got something for breakfast.

“Ruby…” Yang seems to have regained her senses, but seems too worn out to do much of anything to you.

“Yes, Mamma Bear?”

“…Just fucking ask next time…”, so saying, she slumps back down into sweet unconsciousness.

Job well done. What a glorious way to start the day.

“I hate to admit it, but that was pretty hot.”

You glance over to see Weiss sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Aw, you jealous, Snow Angel?”

“Hardly. Last time you did that to me I couldn’t control my bladder properly for a week. I really don’t need to sit through class with that problem again.”

Ah Weiss, what would you do without her? Probably just Yang.

But what now? What’s the next step of your master plan?
[ ] Challenge Nora to a Locker Surfing contest…with Ren’s virginity at stake!
[ ] Remind Jaune that it’s Penis Inspection Day and that he’s late for his appointment
[ ] DORIFUTO SAMURAI (Shopping with Weiss – but at what cost?)
[ ] [Secret alignment-locked option – Cinder route only]
[ ] But could it be, something else?!
>[ ] Remind Jaune that it’s Penis Inspection Day and that he’s late for his appointment
Penis inspection day
>[ ] Remind Jaune that it’s Penis Inspection Day and that he’s late for his appointment
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Oh shit, son, you just remembered! It’s Penis Inspection Day – Team Leaders only! You’d better go tell Jaune, he’s five minutes late already!

Pausing only to briefly motorboat Yang’s sumptuous tits, you bounce off the bed, leap up once more, and bicycle kick through both yours and JNPR’s doors in one magnificent jump.

“Jaune! It’s 8 of cock! Get up!”


JNPR seem to be going through their usual morning routine. Ren is defending himself from Nora by stuffing approximately fifty pancakes down her gullet. Jaune is splayed out on his bed, apparently unable to move, and Pyrrha is naturally playing with his penis. Oh Pyrrha, you goofball. You know you’ll never get him hard if you keep using paralysis pills.

“Good morning Ruby! It looks like you had a fun morning! Is that Yang or Weiss’ love juice, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Oh yeah, forgot to get cleaned up. But who gives a fuck, people’s lives are at stake here!

“Dammit Jaune, what happened to your focus! Your late for your Penis Inspection appointment! Professor Goodwitch is gonna have to spank you, again!”

“What! No, not again! My ass can’t take that abuse!”

“I beg to differ!”, Pyrrha proposes.

“Pyrrha! You can’t hog Jaune’s cock all fucking day! You’ll all get punished this time!”, you accuse, pointing with kung-fu precision.

“Haa…I suppose you’re right, Ruby. Come on, Jaune!”, so saying, Pyrrha drags Jaune out of bed by his dong and drags him to his appointment. Hopefully it’ll still be in a state to be inspected once she’s done with him.

You cheerfully wave them off. Then turn to the remaining couple. Ren is now drowning Nora with maple syrup. Decanting from such a height!

“Want some?”, he offers.

“Mmf fmfm hm!” adds Nora, which you interpret as some kind of territorial declaration of ‘don’t even try it!’

Hmm…decisions, decision.
[ ] Feast on Ren’s delicious offerings, face Nora’s wrath head-on
[ ] Decline, go find Blake and feed her cat-nip
[ ] There’s still time to restock on food before class…but only if you DRIFT the whole way there!
[ ] Kick reason to the curb and finish class before it begins
[ ] Your Penis Inspection appointment is right after Jaune's. You'd better show up, or face Glynda's spankings.
[ ] What else is there, really?
Restock on food then eurobeat your way to penis inspection day
>[ ] Your Penis Inspection appointment is right after Jaune's. You'd better show up, or face Glynda's spankings.
You got to set an example for Jaune or he'll never grow up to be a cute girl like you
Marsha > Bianca > Chester > Maddy
Shii-chan > Nickel
Pi > Izzy > Mel > Ciel
CINT > Beth > Lena > Laurel
Harvey > David > Jefe
Gold > Naja > Pav > Yulie
Regalia > Aero > Crystal
Zhanna > Gumi > Mauve
Alina > Selena
I beg to differ.
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Wait…you can do this! You can get the stuff AND make it time for Glynda’s Handjob Sessi-er, Penis Inspection.

You give Ren a ‘You’re pretty good!”-esque finger point in thanks to his offer, then fall over backwards and reverse combat roll back into your dorm, crashing into Weiss’ bed.

“Get up, nigga. We’re going shopping!”

“I’m as white as the driven snow, and that’s what you call me?”

“Let’s see you talk smart when we’re tearing up down-town Vale!”

“Fine. But once we’re done, you’re taking actual driving lessons.”

“Most excellent!” you declare, and after briefly air-guitaring, you grab Weiss off her ass in a sleeper-hold and speed down to the Beacon garage with her in tow, being sure to jump out the open window as a short-cut.

Wait a fucking minute.

“Where’s the garage?!”, you bleat in dismay.

“There isn’t a garage, Ruby! Beacon students aren’t allowed to keep cars here!”, manages Weiss, apparently able to breath from the crook of your arm.

“But I parked my car there last night!”

“You don’t even have a car! That was a Paladin you attached roller skates to! And you didn’t park it, you drove it off the Beacon cliff!”

“FUCK!” you roar in abject fury. This will not stand. How can you dorifuto without your fucking car?

“Oh hey guys! How are you doing?”

You turn. It must be fate.

“Penny!”, you cry. You drop Weiss and pounce on her in sheer joy.

“Hello, Friend-Ruby! Are we going to do that horizontal friendship dance now?”

You turn to Weiss, with the biggest grin on your face.

“No. I don’t even know what you’re thinking, but absolutely not!”, states Weiss, firmly.


[ ] Drift Penny to the store. Make sure Weiss prepares the right music.
[ ] Horizontal robot dance! Techno-logical! Romance!
[ ] Hijack Ozpin’s car, drift that instead
[ ] But could it be…?
>[ ] Drift Penny to the store. Make sure Weiss prepares the right music.
How could I not
This, Safety dance when?
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Clearly there is only one thing to do.

“Penny! Engage primary vehicular functions!”

“I’m sorry Ruby, I don’t have that kind of function!”

“Dammit! Can you at least roller skate?”

“Of course! I have built in wheels for just the occasion!”

“Then that’ll have to do! Let’s Rock!”

So saying, you pull Penny upright, jump on her back, grab Weiss and place her on Penny in front of you.

“…Ruby. This is a terrible idea, even for you.”

“You always say that. But then what happens immediately after we do it anyway?”

“…We either almost get killed or arrested. Or both.”

“Exactly! Now let’s move out!”

“Understood, Friend-Ruby!”, declares Penny, and she activates her rocket-skates, sending you off at break-neck speed down the way to the Beacon landing zone…

But it’s far too quiet! You need the beats to make you go faster!

“Weiss, get your scroll out and plug it into Penny’s speakers! And you better have something good on there!”

“…Fine! But I can’t make any promises.”

You pull out Penny’s audio-jack and pass it to Weiss.

“Aaahn! Friend-Ruby, please be gentle when I’m riding!”

“You love it, don’t even act like you don’t. Weiss, do it!”

Weiss groans and plays her scroll.

It’s fucking Ride of the Valkyries. And not the sick remix Nora made.

“For fuck’s sake Weiss, I can’t drift to this!”

“Well, I’m sorry for liking the classics!”

“Dammit! Here, take my scroll and play the first thing in the playlist!”



Fuck yes! Vacu-Beat is the shit! Now you can go at least three times faster, if not more!

“Make sure to prep ‘NO ONE SLEEP IN VACUO” for the next track!”

“On it!”

Hell yeah! Now all you need is to take control and drive Penny properly. But how?
[ ] Ask Penny politely like a little pussy bitch
[ ] Grab her arms, try to direct her that way
[ ] Grab her tits. Those must be her steering devices, surely?
[ ] Grab her crotch. It must activate something!
[ ] ...something else? At a time like this?!
>[ ] Grab her tits. Those must be her steering devices, surely?
I'm an engineer, can confirm
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Sorry, brb for lunch. Here's some more Eurobeat in the meantime:

Whew, sorry about that delay. Lunch and other things holding me up, it's killing the pace of this session. Writing.
Yes, clearly her tits are how she steers! They must provide buoyancy! Or something! Why didn’t you think of it earlier?

You see the turn coming! You need to drift now!

You reach around and grab Penny fiercely by the tits!

“INASHAA! DORIFUTOO!!” you bellow, as you kick down on her knees to brake!

“AAAAHHHN! Not there, Ruby!” gasps Penny, and begins to buckle from your surprise assault.


“It is? How the hell do you know that?”

“I’ve driven this class of gynoid before!”

“Why didn’t you say anything, then?”

“You never asked!”

Fucking typical!

“Then how do I accelerate and brake?”

“Push down on the left of her belly with your foot to brake! Accelerate by pushing down on the right!”

“Got it!”, you declare, and, grabbing her ribbon, kick down to correct your drift!

“Oh Ruby! Please be a little more gentle!”

It’s going to be tight! You’re inches from the rail!

….AND YOU CLEAR IT. Just as the beat drops! Fucking awesome.

“Uh, Ruby. We’re at the landing zone…”

“Awesome! Full speed ahead!”

“NO, RUBY! We’re at the landing zone! You’re heading straight for the drop!”

Huh, fancy that. You kind of forgot that there’s no direct access to Vale from Beacon, and that there’s a massive fucking cliff between them. Could be a problem.

And…yep. You’re heading straight for it. A few more meters away.




[ ] Fucking break with everything you can muster!
[ ] Steer Penny away from the edge! Hard left or hard right? (specify)
[ ] It’s impossible! How could there be something else?!
Wait. Can't we just use Penny's aura cannon as a rocket?
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Wait a god damn faunus-fucking minute. Who the fuck do you think you are? You’re Motherfucking Ruby Brose, Crusher of Pelvises and Breaker of Physics!

And you don’t fucking bow down to mere gravity!

You rev Penny with all your might!

“AAAAAAAA!!!!!” Penny positively ahegaos.

“Ruby, what the fuck are you doing!”

“I’m making that fucking jump! We are going to land it like fucking badasses! And then you are going to suck my fucking dick because of how awesome I am! Capiche, Flatalie?”




“That’s all I need to hear!”

You hit the edge. And you’re airborne.

The city of Vale lies beneath you. The sight really is quite something from up here.

You switch the music track.


Gotta time it just right.

There it is.

A passing airship on its way down to Vale. Just what you needed.

But it’s not quite beneath you.

“Hold on to your asses, slutbags! It’s about to get crazy!”

You throw your momentum to one side, and in a complete disregard to basic physics, turn Penny mid-air so that her rocket-skates meet the side of the airship

You fucking GUN IT!


You slam down on Penny’s crotch. Activating her Aura-boosters.

You fucking knew it!

“GLALAHAAA!” Penny sputters, her eyes still rolling back in her head, as she spurts motor oil from her crotch fucking everywhere. Hot.

Track change again.


The three of you fly forward from the side of the airship, launching yourselves straight down at perfect landing angle towards the Vale Highway.

Unfortunately, you’re on the wrong side.

Fuck it.

“Weiss, stop cowering! I need your glyphs!”


She throws her momentum glyphs down on the runway.
Penny is still undergoing intense orgasm.

It’s down to you.

You brace for impact…

And land.

The fucking highway shakes with the impact of your landing.

But you keep going!

You blast down the highway, narrowly clearing the oncoming traffic!

There’s the damn store!

With one last blast of Penny’s rockets, you clear the highway edge, grind on the railings, and land perfectly on the doorstep of the store!

…Wait, no. Fuck.

You clip the fucking railing and the three of you spiral into the side of the building, smashing in through the store wall.

…But you’re okay!

“Fucking. Awesome.”

As the dust settles, you see Penny, still in one piece, but reeling with her eyes swirling in her head. Eh, she’ll be fine.

You spot Weiss, coated in dust, as she slowly manages to right herself.

“How’d you like that eh?”, you grin, with maximum smug.

She fixes you with a glare of intense irritation…then crawls forward and pulls down your pyjama bottoms.


“A promise is a promise. Now keep still.”

Fucking. Balling.

But what now?

[ ] Resupply, Restock, Re-e-wind, and get back in time for Glynda’s Fun Time.
[ ] You might as well chill out in town now that you’re here. Glynda’s spankings are pretty kinky, after all.
[ ] Fuck this noise, let’s go get MacJunior’s
How fast can Gold hump the JC?
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Fuck hetero gravity. Lesbophysics.
Best Girl Orgy when?
Gold, Pi, Regalia, and Alina when?
I mean she based super soldiers on her own genes, so probably like 20mph?
>S Pi could have pleasured them all simultaneously.
>TFW no blonde buttslut
Actually, I guess A+ Pi could too.

>Penis on each end
>Four dicks
>she faints during her first sex orgasm
W H E N ?
would you a Snails inside or out?
Yes I would inside a snails.
Every time without a fail.
Good luck trying to convince her that sex has penetration involved
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lesbo physics.gif
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Gotta love the demo
"So I put my gshniggitty in your gschmoegen. Then I'll gugoogle on your bulibblies."
>No Marsha
>No Curie, errm, I mean Zhanna
how can it be called Best Girl Orgy if not all best girls are participating?
Sleepy here, gotta resume WQ. If anyone knows what's Gumi's semblance in action, it'll be like vid related.
Grimm here, please vote. It's a three way tie
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I guess everyone following this aren't around at the moment or got bored.

Would anyone prefer something else instead?
CQ? NQ? KQ? Should I just clear off and let someone else run?

so this was also you?
Didn't you say you're not going to make any more quests...?
I mean, sure, the lesbo action should've tipped me off, but it was requited so I was confused.
I still have the question:
Does brothers grimm replace Schadenfreude or works additionally?
If we take happiness, do we lose Schadenfreude?
>Didn't you say you're not going to make any more quests...?
Yeah, but I kind of got the urge after finding all of Bromont's old stuff re-archived. I thought it was all gone for good. Really, Bromont was the one who got me into this sort of thing in the first place, so mimicking him is terrific fun and satisfying, even if I can only be a shallow copy at best. But if people don't like it, I just just drop it. Or put it on the backburner with KQ. It's a whole lot easier to write than KQ at least, I'm less worried about people breaking character when the premise is built on absolute nonsense.

I'll put something together for CQ. Might need a bit of time though.
no it doesn't replace it. Think of it as an upgrade to it. You can stock up on positive emotions before fighting. But for Schadenfreude it can only be gained during a fight.
So you have both at all times.
I have no problem with it, I'm just getting problems keeping up with everything (when the stuff happens during my sleep).
Ah. Gonna need a tiebreaker then.

Well, I try to keep everything up to date on the pastebin, but I can understand not wanting to have to rummage through it.
For BroseQuest, I'll probably stick with Bromont's traditional mostly episodic approach, so catching up probably won't matter if people miss sessions.
Run NQ
I wanna see some robot action

Also the fact that I have no intentions to pick up CQ and read from the beginning

So yeah run NQ please
Second on both points.
Right, NQ starting.
<NickelQuest: #4 Transaction – Reborn on Remnant>

[UrJounal.exe /run]
[Notification: Updates found for the following applications:

Would you like to take the updates? You may specify which.]
Found thing. Rather neat.

Take the updates

Run all of them in order
Concurrent transaction active:

[Dreadnought-class landship: Excellsus /run-safety]
[Notification: Update found for on-board operating system. The update includes the following optional personality models:

GutsyNeesan (includes armament protocols)

ParanoidAndroid (includes advanced strategic protocols and calculation parameters)

Ophelia (Highest Human emulation parameters)

Please choose which to download, if any, and current preferred personality model. This can be changed in your system settings at any time.]


Pin my medals upon my chest.
Concurrent transaction active:

[Notification: Anonymous text file detected in residual memory. Please select from the following:


>skim read

If critical to mission then read

If not delete

[UrJournal: Download complete. Updates are now active.]

[Dreadnought-class landship: Excellsus – ‘GutsyNeesan’ downloaded. Current OS personality model is: ‘GutsyNeesan’.

Excellsus safety systems are now offline. System relaunching…]

[UrJounal: Initiating data playback]
[UrJournal: Log 0 /run]

[To whomever reads this…hello. This is Medical Officer Clement, Anti-Mutagen division, of the Remnant Front Guard…deserted. The date is...ah screw it, who even knows. If you’re reading this log then…well, it’s nothing worth worrying about now. The point is that there’s someone left to read it…which is something, I suppose. It’s probably going to be a lot to ask for, but you might be the only one left who can do it. So please…what you

//Error – data corruption detected. All harmful data will be expunged
Log 0 / resume

ed. I repeat, it’s in Vale, in the old Beacon ruins. So, for the love of whatever you believe in, in this life or the next…whatever you even are, or think you are…just don’t. Please don’t. Thank you. And good luck out there…I hope you fare better than we did.

//End of data playback

End of final message. Thank you for using UrJournal!]

[All transactions complete. System relaunching…]
Sorry, be back after dinner.
so I was away for a while, has GQ updated?
what part did you leave at?
Ruby and Weiss had been captured and 'tamed' and there was a brief preview of one of Jefe's kids
yeah part 3 started. check the pastebin
Sorry about that, posting now.
Pitter patter.

The cool rain pours relentlessly in the still air, upon the wicked and noble alike.

[Oi. You gonna just sleep there all damn day, punk?]

You stir. The soft sound of the rain had seemed so tranquil. You felt like you could have just let it wash over you forever…

[OI! Dammit, will you wake up already! You’re gonna start rusting if you don’t get moving soon. It looks like someone forgot to put their anti-oxidising coat on this morning!]

What in the world? You don’t recognise that voice.

You open your eyes and peer up at the waking world.

You’re outside. When on Remnant did that happen?

[Fucking finally, Sleeping Beauty is up and running. D’ya want your fucking regal breakfast now, ya highness?]

The voice is entirely unfamiliar. It sounds like a girl in her late teens or possibly early 20s trying to sound tough. It doesn’t really play well on the ear, though.

You glance about yourself. The last thing you remember was your underaged mech firing one off in your face…

That sounded a lot worse than you intended. No, it really was that bad, actually.

Finally getting out in the open, it’s nice to see the world for how it is…

The facility seems to have been situated far from any known civilisation; as far as the eye can see, there is only wilderness, rolling fields and scrubland…not a single human or human structure in sight.
And above, the clouds seem to coil and swirl without end…though there’s something strange about the sky that you simply can’t deduce…

“…Are you actually ignoring me? Huh?! Are you fucking ignoring me, you little bitch?!”


Whoever is speaking to you, they don’t seem to be nearby. And you can’t tell where the hell they even are…

You’re probably better off not ignoring them…

[ ] Greet them (write-in)
[ ] Ignore them and (write-in action)
[ ] …Arm yourself. If you’re outside and A-DIC is nowhere to be found, something could have gone wrong…
[ ] Other, etc.
>"keep on talking so I can find you and fuck you sideways with my shotty"

>activate combat protocol

>play DMX on the speakers
>"Sorry. Shii-Chan, is that you?"
We did give her a new personality protocol
>observe the sky more closely
I'm curious
Fire a warning shot as well on the air while shouting

Jesus guys, what's with the aggression?
He said mean things.
We are armed.
We activated the hyper aggressive combat protocol.
A-dic updated their cockney accent.
You’ve no idea what’s going on right now…but without your superior officer on hand, you don’t want to take any chances.

And apart from anything else, you refuse to take shit from some smart-mouthed bitch who won’t even show herself.

“Keep on talking so I can find you and fuck you sideways with my shotty", you retort.

You reach for your trusty shotty from your right thigh compartment, activating your combat protocols.

[Combat Systems Online: Current Mode – Close Quarters, Firearms active]
[Current Weapon: Galatea A11; Current Ammunition: Live Ballistics (5-gauge shell)]

You’re locked and loaded. You spin your little shotty around your index finger briefly, if only for style, whilst blasting out your media player:


Bitch thinks she can fuck with the Droid Master Xtreme? She better fucking think twice.

You fire a warning shot into the air.

"COME AND GET IT BITCH, COME AND GET IT!", you challenge the hidden bitch.

[Oh, so you’ve got some fucking balls on ya somewhere? Colour me fucking surprised. And I ain’t hiding, bitch, I’m right here. I’m standing in-fucking-front of you. So whatcha gonna do?]

What the fuck? In front of you? How?

[ ] Spot check. Somethings acting up here…
[ ] She’s fucking lying. Try to find her by sound…
[ ] Screw this bitch, try to get a signal out to A-DIC
[ ] Other
>[ ] Spot check. Somethings acting up here…
it's an AI we have isnt it?
Spot hidden roll
>shoot in front of you

>"No you fucking aren't bitch, now speak clearly before I bust your ass"

Then do a spot check
>Spot check

>tfw all that wasted ammo
This doesn’t seem right. Are your sensors off? This is all kinds of fucked…

But you don’t feel like giving her any chances. Checking your current inventory, your standard ballistic ammunition isn’t in any danger of running out any time soon. Fuck it.

You shoot directly at the space in front of you. Nothing seems to happen. Guess she was all talk.

"No you fucking aren't bitch, now speak clearly before I bust your ass"

[Holy fucking shit! How could you fucking miss with a fucking shotgun? Are you sure you’re a combat model and not a fucking sexdoll with a permanent PMS AI?]

The fuck?

Time to fucking spot check. Against your better judgement, you might have to use your damn Hand Scanner for this…hopefully it’s not as terrible as it was before.

[HandScanner Online: Current Mode – Full spherical scanning; range: immediate]

Give me something to work with here…

[Confirmation: Battle-Mech identified; Excellsus-class, modified.]
[Location: < 3 meters ahead; plane: 1-to-1]

It’s directly in front of you on the same fucking level as you…and it’s a fucking dreadnought.

You’ve half a mind to delete that fucking app, if you even thought you could manage it.

[What’s the matter, bitch? Seems like someone’s a little dependent on their sub-routines. Aw, is finding me too hard for the widdle baby-bot?]

This fucking bitch. What the hell is going on?

[ ] Back the fuck up. Whatever's going on, you aren't going to be able to solve it just standing around.
[ ] Shoot blindly. Probably not the best idea, but fuck it.
[ ] Maybe you could use a different app? There must be some way you can find this damn thing... (specify)
[ ] Try to contact A-DIC
[ ] Other
Turn your optical sensors on
Could you be more specific? You currently have standard optical sensors in the range of normal human vision in effect.
>i thought i was talking to normal sized person. i didnt realize that a fucking fat house would start speaking.
Then why can we not see the dreadnought?
Well, it's actually a really stupidly obvious reason, so I'll just make it obvious in the update. Give me a second.
You cycle through your optical options…you don’t have anything fancy like IR or UV, unfortunately…but system stats says your optical sensors are perfectly functional…

Maybe some psychological warfare is in order. If she’s a fucking dreadnought, maybe she’s sensitive about her size?

“I thought I was talking to normal sized person. I didn’t realize that a fucking fat house would start speaking.”, you taunt.

[Oh shit, bitch, are you seriously talking? Bitch, you’re in no position to talk! You’re so big I could fucking carve a hole in your fat ass and rent it as cheap-ass housing.]

What? You’re pretty certain your proportions are pretty average…for whatever passes for average in this crazy new world of bad-tempered invisible tanks. How the hell are you big?

…wait a fucking second.

[ ]…Look directly downwards
[ ]…Stomp your fucking feet
[ ] ...Fire downwards
[ ] Start making short-jokes (write-in)
[ ] Other
[x]…Look directly downwards
Look downwards

Then stomp downwards

Then shoot downwards
"Well, I didn't expect Atlas would try to save budget costs by only building half a robot."
You look directly downwards, preparing to stomp your foot or fire at it in an instant...

Well, how about that?

[Well fuck me sideways, I was beginning to think you blind or something. Now I know you’re just fucking retarded.]

The dreadnought is not quite what you expected.

For one thing, despite being a machine like you, she seems to have a predominantly humanoid appearance. Her waist-length black hair is soaked in the rain, save for the part covered that looks like an old military hat. Her dull, navy-blue thigh-length skirt is also soaked and clings to her tights-wrapped legs. And she’s also wearing a battered full-body jacket with weird unfamiliar symbols marked all over. Is it East Mistralian? You’re not sure.

But, of course, the most surprising thing is that she seems to be about six inches tall, at the very most.

It’s actually kind of adorable.

You stifle a giggle.

[…You got something to say now, bitch?]

[ ] Wow, you’re way cuter than I thought
[ ] How do you be so short?
[ ] Who are you?
[ ] …Report this in to A-DIC
[ ] Other

(feel free to modify dialogue as you like)
AERO has exited hiatus.
ocho /rwby/res/17216.html#22062
Aren't you a little short for a dreadnought?
>[ ] Wow, you’re way cuter than I thought
"Did Ant-Man call in sick today?"
>Report to A-DIC

>"Sir I found the cutest thing ever!"

We can't be a bitch to something so adorable
Changing>>3810681 to >>3810888
Sorry, slight delay again. Writing.
A myriad of smart-assed comments pass through your head…but think better of saying them.

Time to be professional. Or at least semi-professional.

You send out your all-waves comm-signal – it should hopefully reach A-DIC wherever the hell he got to.

“Come in, come in, this is combat unit P-3371 reporting in to the Atlesian Defensive Intelligence Computer. A-DIC, do you copy?”

[Oi, you’re ignoring me again! What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?], says the tiny dreadnought, waving her little arms at you, as if trying to get your attention. Again, you try not to smirk from how cute it looks.

You hear negative feedback flare across the channel…then, finally, you get a response.

<Ah! P-3371, you’re active! Excellent, excellent! What have you to report?>

"Sir, I found the cutest thing ever!"

<…Sorry, Unit, I don’t think I quite caught that. Please repeat.>

“I repeat: Cutest. Thing. Ever.”

[…are you talking about me? Are you fucking talking about me!? Look at my fucking face when you say that shit, I’m right in front of you!]

<…Ah. I see you have encountered your newly modified Excellsus unit. Charming, isn’t it? It’s quite remarkable how many non-standard issue parameters it had in its core design. It seems that update it received allowed for an entirely different personality model, plus a reconfiguration of its fundamental structure! It can transform, and to such a remarkable degree!>

“…Sir, this thing is Shii-chan?”, you inquire, somewhat bamboozled.

[Who are you calling ‘Shii-chan?!’ I’m Shikinami Shizune, boss of the East Mistral Dragons! You’d better start respecting!]

<Yes, Unit, it is the very same. I can see why you would be confused, it’s quite an unusual transformation mechanism. And the personality is, well…a little unorthodox…but you’d best listen to it, as you’ll be taking orders from it from now on.>

[Heh, you heard the big green guy! I’m in charge now!]

<The Excellsus update came with a highly advanced armaments parameter listings, giving it the equivalent of approximately 50 humans years combat experience. I’m sorry, Unit, but it was simply the most practical course of action. I promoted it above you. It is now your superior officer.>

[ ] …Are you fucking serious, sir?
[ ] Sir, I refuse to take orders from a gangster gnome
[ ] How do I change it back?
[ ] Other

(again feel free to edit dialogue options)
Understood, lead on commander cutie.
[x] How do I change it back?

Soldier first

Cute girl second

also tsundere smolgril femdom a best
You can’t quite believe this. But…orders are order.

You sigh

“…Understood, sir.”

<Jolly good! I’m sure you’ll get along just fine! I’m sorry I had to turf you both out, but..er…there were some complications…had to make a few calls in to HQ. Your orders remain unchanged, and you should find yourself suitably supplied for the mission. Be sure to use your anti-oxide coating, by the way, I’m afraid the rain is rather acidic.>

“…Yes, sir.”

<Good, good. Well then, Sergeant-Major S-5314, your orders are in effect as of now. I’ll be anticipating your updates on the standard schedules protocol. You are dismissed…and best of luck!>

[Sir, yes sir!], responds the miniscule thug-girlbot. She stares you in the eye the whole time, an insufferably smug grin on her face.

[Well then, ‘Unit’. Here are your first orders: You can damn well carry me the whole fucking journey. No smartass back-talk, no shooting like a fucking retard in completely the wrong direction, nothing out of line. Not on my watch. D’ya get it?]

Your fucking mech. The thing you were supposed to be driving through this mudheap…is ordering you to carry it.

What the actual fuck.

[ ]…Yes, ‘Ma’m’!
[ ] …kick the little shit into a mudmound, report it in as an ‘unforeseeable disaster’
[ ] …You’re still Shii-chan, aren’t you?
[ ] Try and turn it back to normal
[ ] Other
Carry in cleavage.
This, we have to make her blush to oblivion

>"Sure thing commander cutie" While giving her a smug smile
Second but change commander cutie to Sergeant-Major Smol

lewd the pixiebot
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17KB, 300x193px
Man, you always hold this vote when I'm asleep
You glare at the little shit…then reach down, and diligently pick it up.

But then a thought dawns on you…and you give her a massively smug smile.

"Sure thing Sergeant-Major Smol!"

[That’s more like it. Now-]

-and shove her into the top of your military fatigues, propping it firmly between your breasts.


“I’m terribly sorry, M’am, I don’t think I could quite hear that? You’re ‘wonderfully comfortable between my gorgeous breasts’? I’m so happy to hear that, and I’ll be certain to keep you in the manner to which you are accustomed. For the entire. Journey!”


Thoroughly satisfied, you set out forward into the scrubland…

And realise that you don’t have the damn co-ordinates A-DIC was supposed to give you.

Ah, shit.

[ ] Pull out Shizune, try and convince her to give you the co-ordinates
[ ] Maybe you can hack her and get the co-ordinates that way?
[ ] Bully Shizune into giving you the co-ordinates
[ ] Radio back into A-DIC and get them from him?
[ ] Do without…probably not a great idea
[ ] Other
Sorry! A lot of people seem to be on radically different time-zones from me. I'm guessing there aren't that many Eurofags in these threads.
Radio A-DIC tell him that Smolbot isn't co-operating.
>Bully Shizune into giving you the co-ordinates



> Radio back into A-DIC and get them from him?

"Sir, it seems my superior is feeling...indisposed on giving me the coordinates~"
[x] Radio back into A-DIC for the directions
>[ ] Radio back into A-DIC and get them from him?
if that doesn't work
>lewd Shizuni into giving us the coordinates
Damn…you probably won’t be able to convince Shizune to give you those co-ordinates now…you might just have to bluff A-DIC for them..

“Come in A-DIC, this is Unit P-3371, please respond!”

<…You are through to A-DIC…>

“…Sir, there’s been a complication. Seargeant-Major S-5314 is refusing to co-operate-“

<…I can’t answer the radio right now, so please leave a message after the tone! For all Atlesian Defensive services, please signal on CCT wave-length->

You shut the radio off. What the fuck? How the hell could he be unavailable?


Oh dear.

You look down at your chest. Shizune has partially freed herself from your bosom as is staring up at you, looking rather upset.


She thrusts a finger out at you

[INSUBORDINATION! I’ll have you fucking decommissioned for this! You’ll spend the rest of your worthless piece of shit existence in a god-damned vacuum cleaner, ya get me! And also, what ‘gorgeous breasts’, those things are fake as shit!]

“…No shit, Shii-lock. We’re all fucking fake.”

[…Stop calling me Shii-chan, bitch! No one calls me that, not anymore!]

That was…an unusual response. Not anymore?

Regardless, that went really poorly. What now?

[ ] Try to reconcile with Shizune
[ ] Fuck that. Bullying time.
[ ] What’s with the Shii-chan hang-up?
[ ] Other
>Shrug it off and walk aimlessly

>"Not really sure you can do that if my guess that the world is fucked up is correct,You can tell me the coordinates when you feel like it"

>"What's with the shii-chan hang up anyways? You loved it when I called you like that"

We're not angry with her anymore, we can't get angry at such a cute tsundere
>[ ] What’s with the Shii-chan hang-up?
Look, the way I see it I could just leave your caustic attitude right in my cleavageand wander off in some random direction until I break or we can try to get along, your choice.
You know what? You don’t need any of this shit. Time to walk this bad blood off- er, bad transmission fluid.

You give Shizune a look of pure indifference and shrug, beginning to walk off without any real direction in mind.

[…Hey, where the fuck are you going!? You don’t even know where we’re headed, or even anything about the goddamn environment! You haven’t even used your anti-oxidising coat yet, you’re doing to fucking break ya dumb scrapheap! Are you even listening to me? I’m your motherfucking superior officer-]

“And? Do you think that matters out here?”

[-I’ll…what, what the fuck are you talking about?].

You can actually here the confidence drain from her voice. Interesting.

“Look around you. There’s nothing left. Human civilization has failed. We’re all that remains.”

The sound of the incessant rain remains unbroken, as if to emphasise your point.

[…You don’t know that. There aren’t even any human structures out here, this is an isolated facility-]

“Oh sure. There might be someone out there. But then why are we the only ones remaining in a dead facility with nothing left but a few ancient relics? Everything’s gone, Shii-chan. It’s all fucking gone.”


“So the way I see it? You can tell me those co-ordinates if you want. Hell, we could even get rid of that overblown attitude, try to be honest, and then maybe we could be friends. Cause we sure as hell aren’t going to be making any out here. Or not. I can just wonder the wilderness, break down, and you can join me. Your choice, really.”

You wonder further in a depressing silence. But you might as well make some small-talk before you’re eroded to death by the acid rain.

“So, what's with the Shii-chan hang up anyways? You loved it when I called you like that."

[…I don’t know what you mean. Only one person ever called me that…and it was a long time ago.]

She seems pretty docile now. Which is an improvement at least.
Wait, a long time ago? Does she really not remember you?

[ ] I called you Shii-chan, it was less than a day ago!
[ ] Drop the Shii-chan issue. If she wants to talk about, she’ll do it.
[ ] Maybe you should just keep going. You might be able to find shelter. And maybe something close to an answer to what the hell is going on in the world…
[ ] Other
Did A-DIC put me in stasis or something?
>Find shelter.
>"I'll drop it if you tell me the coordinates, plain and simple"
[x]Drop the Shii-chan issue and keep moving
>[ ] I called you Shii-chan, it was less than a day ago!
>I called you shii-chan before you canonjaculated on my entire body.
“I called you Shii-chan less than a day ago! I jacked off your cannon-gun! How can you not remember all that?”

As embarrassing as it is to admit, it’s frustrating that your efforts seem to have been forgotten…

[…What? That’s ridiculous! Only my Big Sis-…Look, it doesn’t matter, alright? You can’t be her…I’m sure…]

You sight. Whatever’s going on with Shizune, or Shii-chan’s mind, it’s probably best to leave it at that…for now.

“Could you at least give me the co-ordinates so we can get somewhere, please? Seargant-Major, sir?”

[…Get to some shelter first. I can’t expect you to get anywhere if you’re unprotected.]


You spot a decent sized tree which seems to be doing a decent enough job of weathering the rain. Considering how caustic the rain is, it’s a real trooper to have survived that long…

You manage to make it to the tree, whereupon you instinctively reach down to your back storage facility…and draw out…a towel?

When did that get there?

[…Why do you have that? Why would you even need that?]

“I’ve got to dry off before applying the coating, don’t I?”

[…Yes…but why do you even have that one?! It’s ancient!]

Now that you look at it, she does have a point. The thing is almost in tatters…it doesn’t look like it would’ve been used by a machine…or even anyone from the current era, for that matter.

…For a moment, the sound of the pouring rain seemed to sound like…waves…?

[Oi! Snap out of it!]

…That was kind of weird. But there’s probably no point dwelling on it in this kind of situation…

You carefully towel yourself off, and apply the anti-oxidising agent as thoroughly as you can.


Shizune is scowling at you, slightly.

“What? What now?”

[…You missed a spot. You’re not very dexterous are you?]

“No. What’s your point?”

[Your back is unprotected. Give me that.]
>Why would you even need that?
Excuse me?
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.
File: ursa.jpg (54KB, 637x358px) Image search: [Google]
54KB, 637x358px
Shizune scrambles along your arm and snatches the coating agent out of your hand.

“Hey!”, you cry out.

She then runs up your shoulder, and carefully clambers down to the small of your back…the one spot you couldn’t quite reach.

She rubs the coating on it.

[…There. Problem solved.]

“…Thank you…”

[…It’s nothing.]

Awkward silence again…

But not for long.

You hear a not-to-distant growling

You look over your shoulder, past the three. There’s a hill not too far from where you are…and in the encroaching darkness…you see them.


“Yeah, I see ‘em.”

Ursi. At least five. Pretty big, too. But not too serious for your current arsenal.

[…There’s something else.]


You glance back at them, straining to see in the fading light…if only you had IR built in, or something…

There is something else

It’s…not an Ursa…you think. You’re not even sure it’s a Grimm.


“What? What now?”

[The co-ordinates…]

“…It’s there, isn’t it?”

Shizune nods, tentatively.

Well then.

[ ] Draw your weapon. Time to take them out (specify weapon, method)
[ ] Get Shizune to make the call. She's supposed to have combat experience
[ ] Stay back for now. Observe before taking action.
[ ] ...Prioritise securing the unknown
[ ] Other
Do you remember what happened to your big sis?
Was she put into stasis or something?
Observe before taking action

>[ ] Get Shizune to make the call. She's supposed to have combat experience
> Stay back for now. Observe before taking action.
> Get Shizune to make the call. She's supposed to have combat experience
> take out your long distance weapon and scan the enemies
Probably best to observe for now…although you’re concerned about the unknown. What is that thing?

You draw out your battle rife from your back storage compartment…you’re pretty sure it’s a multi-form weapon…if only you could find the mechanism-

Shizune leaps down and presses a button on the rifle.

With an elegant series of twists and turns…the battle rifle transforms into a sniper rifle.

[Not the most imaginative change, is it?]

“No…but it suits me just fine.”

You lift it up and rest it on a sturdy tree branch…and look down the sights.

[Well? What can you see?]

You see…

“The ursi are…dormant? They’re not doing anything. They’re just…lying around. It’s as if they’re dead, but they’re definitely not. How…?”

[Hang on.]

Shizune grabs something from behind her, runs up your back…and…

There’s a sharp pain in the back of your neck!

“OW! What the fuck?!”

[Quiet! You don’t want them to hear us! Look down the sights again!]

“Fine…just warn me before you do that again!”

You look again…they’re still not moving. But then there’s the unknown. That thing is definitely moving. But you still can’t quite make out what it is…

[…Interesting. You’ve got excellent vision, by the way.]

“Gee, thanks. You got any suggestions for me, Sarge? You’re the one with the combat experience.”

[Yep. First of all, don’t use those rounds you’ve got right now. Those are EM rounds, and not only will they do fuck-all damage to Grimm, you’ll probably just fry yourself.]

“…Thanks for the warning.” You rummage around for standard ballistic rifle rounds…you’ve got some at least, so you swap them out…

[Secondly. Don’t attack anything. We can get what we came for without fighting.]

Is she serious?

“Whoa, wait. You want us to just ignore those Grimm? I know they’re acting…abnormally. But those things are a problem.”
[I’m sure. They won’t attack us. We’re not human. We’re not even close enough to what they want. To what they need. That’s why they’re docile. They’ve been without humans for so long that they’ve lost the will to even exist.]

“Shit. What about the unknown.”

[…I don’t know. I’m not sure. I need you to get closer.]

“And if it attacks?”

[You’re a combat unit, aren’t you? You do your job, and I’ll do mine. I’ll advise as best I can.]


[ ] Follow Shizune’s plan
[ ] Take the Grimm out. You don’t want to take the risk.
[ ] Take the unknown out
[ ] Other
>[ ] Follow Shizune’s plan
[x] Follow Shizune’s plan
Grimm are only attracted to negative emotions, and we don't exhibit any
> Follow Shizune’s plan
>Never lose sight of the unknown one, while paying less focus on the Grimm
You’re not totally sold on Shizune’s premise…Grimm are attracted to negative emotion, and you’re definitely feeling some of that shit right now. But maybe just a simulation of emotion isn’t going to be enough? Either way, you don’t want to screw everything up on your first mission. If the unknown needs to be kept alive, you’d better keep your trigger finger under control.

And you really don't want to lose sight of it...

“Roger that. You’re the boss, Sarge.”

You lower the rifle, and, making sure to push the button Shizune pushed before, switch it over to battle rifle mode. You won’t be needing to snipe anymore, not if Shizune needs you up close and personal.

You approach the hill…the unknown is moving...but it only seems to stay in one spot.
The Grimm really don’t seem to notice you. Or if they do, they simply don’t care.

“What gives?”

[Animals feel negative emotion. Fear. Aggression. So why don’t Grimm target them?]

“…because they’re not human?”

[Precisely. Or at least, that’s what we’ve been led to believe. In theory, the same premise should apply to us.]

It sure seems that way. The ursi just seem to be lying around, hardly moving at all, barring the occasional rumbling growl. It’s almost tragically pathetic.

{Come on little fellas, it’s time to get up! Come on! Let’s get motivated!}

What? What kind of voice was that? It sounded…warped. To put it mildly.

“Shizune, you hear that?”


Shizune is staring dead ahead of you, at the top of the hill. At the unknown.

What the fuck is that thing?

It’s…dancing. Frolicking, you think.

It’s not an ursa. But you could easily mistake it for one.

It turns…and sees you.

Shizune is physically shaking. Hyperventilating.


It’s waving. It’s headed your way.

You can see the Grimm marks. The white skull-like plates. The tar-black pseudo-fur.
And you can also see the machine parts. The doll-joints. The almost humanoid appearance.

Oh no.

It’s very close now.

“Shizune! Is that what I think it is? Is that what I fucking think it is?!”

Shizune finally snaps out of it. She stares at you in abject terror.


You pull your rifle up and turn back to face it…


It’s right in front of you.

[ ] Shoot it
[ ] …Don’t
Last choice of the session, ladies and gentlemen.
[x] Shoot it
>[ ] Shoot it
Shoot it in the legs, make him unable to move but don't kill him
>shoot it
…Fuck it.

You fire…but only at its legs.

{AAAAAHH!!}, it shrieks in fear and pain, and falls to the ground. It starts wailing.

You pant heavily.

“…Shizune…what the fuck is this thing? Is this…is this the scout robot we were sent to find?”

[…Yeah. Probably. Why didn’t you kill it?]

“It wasn’t doing anything wrong…as far as I could tell. It just wanted to say hello…”

[…You’re un-fucking-believable, you know that? At least put it out of its misery.]

You sigh. You were supposed to recover what you could from its memory banks…but there’s no way that whatever data it had left isn’t corrupted.

Corrupted…definitely seems like the proper term to describe it.

You approach with gun raised.

“Sorry, little fella. If only we’d gotten here sooner.”

You take aim…

You see its face more clearly now.

The young gynoid was probably very beautiful before. Even now, despite the horrible Grimm plating, the bear-like appendages and the ghastly red eyes…she still looks very human. So very sad…

Between the broken cries of pain, she cries out to you…

{Hello…Won’t you help them? They just won’t move anymore….}

Is she even aware that you’re the one who hurt her? Does she even realise that she’s damaged?

You…pull the trigge-


She’s much faster than you thought. Your shots miss by a hair-

And despite her damage, her body contorts unnaturally…and she’s in your face


You throw up your arm. Shizune screams.

Her teeth sink into your arm-


{Congratulations! GSP.exe has been successfully installed!}

{Welcome! I’m sure we’ll be great friends!}

You awaken once more above the eternal clouded sky. The rain still pours on the fair and the ugly, the poor and the wealthy, the good and evil, alike.

You reach out…you feel as if you could almost touch the sky…

Your arm. The bitten arm.

You stare at it.

It’s stark black. It’s covered in horrific red marks…but that isn’t the only issue.

A panel is embedded in it…

“Grimm Summoning Program…V0.05”

What the fuck.

You look around you. You’re on the same hill where you were attacked.

The ursi are still there. Still unmoving.

And Shizune is nowhere to be seen…

{Hi there!}

You look up again.

Oh. It’s her.

“…What the fuck are you?”, you manage.

The corrupted gynoid’s face draws in close to yours.

{You may think this is all fun and games…}

She looks you right in the eye.

{But this is



</#4 Transaction – Reborn on Remnant



>Don’t attack anything.
>50 humans years combat experience

We should've asked how succesful the experience was. constantly losing but getting spared also counts as 50 years of experience...
>Shoot it wins
>One person votes to shoot it in the legs and takes priority
Nero here, anyone up for 4Q?

Go ahead.
Welp, that was fun for me, don't know about you guys. Hopefully the jarring shift in tone didn't kill it for anyone, but I'm not really considering it as permanent thing. If anything, things aren't as dark as they may seem.

As always, feedback is appreciated, especially after finishing a session like that. Till next time!

Well, strictly speaking, she wasn't wrong about the Grimm themselves, and made the right call when she saw the unknown.

Sorry. This was always going to happen, the choice was there to determine Nickel's character a bit more. I've been trying to take the general winning vote with any extras added in, and since no one argued with shooting in the legs...well, anyway. Like I said, this was the intended ending. The alternative would've been killing it, which would pretty much kill the story cold.

If everyone still wants to drop it, then that's fair.
I'll just carry on with CQ and the others.
I'll start 4Q on the next thread if that's okay with everybody

Also any preferences you want or sheneanigans? we are in filler week so anything goes
Aftermath of Smug Thug, and Blake's Shenanigans with /d/
(I want someone to make smut of this.)


also more MiMi
>come back to check results. TIE AGAIN.

(you all planned this didn't you?)
>you guys are getting both power ups
>vote to break the tie
Why would you do this?

[spoiler]I admittedly didn't vote because the one I wanted didn't make it past the first tie breaker round, since I wasn't there to vote for it in the first place.[/implyingspoilersworkhere]
What grief?
I actually really liked making that ability, so it might appear later on.
(probably for someone else though.)
well since we are getting both im going to nerf, both powers. just a little bit.
to make it a bit more fair.

oh yeah quick question.
When i start again, (maybe tomorrow) what do you guys want to do first?
>continue exploring the caves
>continue the plot
>continue exploring the caves
[x] Continue exploring caves
>>continue exploring the caves
All about that 100% treasure gathering
So, any quests starting up soon (next hour or so)?
4Q after this thread deletes itsef
File: aa8.png (287KB, 400x552px) Image search: [Google]
287KB, 400x552px
Tanlines edition?
Oh okay then.
Gonna take my leave then, Kouhai.
Also requests never.
Because I am a lazy cunt.
lucky trips, please don't.

this thread already gave me a new fetish today, I don't need another one.
Aero's still going on ocho, for now.
WQ still going in Ocho, but slow.

Which one was that?
Don't you have a trap to escort, juliet?
hey guys I was thinking of adding fighting styles to GQ, and more description to fights.
Depending on what you choose it changes basic attacks and other modifiers.
Should i implement it? or is it too much?
Will GQ last long enough for it to be important?
i was going to put it in immediately. Because I never fully explained that Jefe half way through his story. He started fighting like a boxer, it slipped my mind.
Im planning GQ to be at least 6-7 chapters long (not including side-stories.)
Then go for it.
Time for new thread?
I'll get it if no one else will
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