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Zootopia Thread: Penis Nightmare Edition Pastebin: pastebin

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 783
Thread images: 251

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Zootopia Thread: Penis Nightmare Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
Archive: ztarchive.com

Post about dreams, nightmares, weird situations zoning out, and other stuff related to Zootopia. Or not.
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Brother Bear will be starting in just about 10 minutes:

There are three active threads, figure your fucking shit out
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>King of Judeon
that's really cute
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>King of the Judeon
Wasnt the last guy that said that crucified?
>When BB won't let you climax on that cute face after you recieve a glorious blowsie
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what's everyone freaking out about
they're on the first floor
Reposting to see if we've got any takers

Stick with me, gets pretty edgy and wacky
>ProtoZootopia: Nick and Judy reveal and shut down Dawn's shockcollar agenda
>Zootopia: Nick and Judy foil Dawn's Nighthowler plans
>ProtoDawn uses MAD SCIENCE to go back in time and kill the pred who ruined her plans
>Dawn uses MAD SCIENCE to go back in time and kill the cop who ruined her plans
>Creates split timelines where Judy and ProtoNick are dead, ProtoJudy and Nick becoem hardened Punisher-esque figures
>Learning of what has happened, vigilante ProtoJudy and Nick team up on timeline-bending, dimension-hopping adventure into the past
>Judy and ProtoNIck are still alive in the past, it's up to ProtoJudy and Nick to catch the two rogue Bellweathers and save their respective lovers

With refinement I think there's a plot in there somewhere
That's not how you spell "horrifying", anon.
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Now have everyone drop
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No, but he'll certainly climax on yours.
bune/judy fractal when?
hey thread, fanart here. shilling my zooasis 2186 story, at least the first part

Well, he has another shirt.
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Requesting more like this.
well saved
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oh Weavs, you silly goose

Also, praise be to AestheticAnon for making these cool pics and the WolfWave/Other songs
I want to do it to him.

Just let me have this.

Why is Ozzy wearing that shirt?
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As a fan of original 70s experimental electronic music, 80s new wave, and recent synthwave retro stuff, vaporwave just makes me feel sad inside.

Anyone else still listen to Bowie's Berlin trilogy?
Requesting this cat showing his friend here some black market red meat and trying to convince him it's good and he should try it.

Actually, is that a thing yet? Black market, ultra-taboo red meat?
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I'm not one for time travelling shenanigans but go for it.

I do like gun-kata Nick in that first pic.
That's like fucking cannibalism, anon.
>Snuggle Bug


This does not expand dong.
I know, and illegal human meat is totally a thing. Only in this setting, it actually makes even more sense.
Make Nick the Daredevil of this duo and you're on to something.
I'm liking what I'm reading so far, fanart. Keep it up.
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He wants to keep up a cutesy light-hearted image for himself, lest his hurt and broken soul reveals itself to the other mammals around him.
I'm still wondering what im gonna do with this
He's a big sweetheart that loves hugs that's why.
Is there anything involving Honey that's beyond F.W.B. and goes into the sense that they're in a real relationship?

Bonus if she lets Nick use the word "honeypot".
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Shhhh Judy is sleeping
>>Snuggle Bug
>This does not expand dong.
What, you don't want an Ozzy who'd love to cuddle?
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I had a fucking zootopia dream once.

In it, I was some sort of small animal on the police force, investigating a series of short kidnappings. The victims would be taken from their homes, gone for less than twelve hours, then returned with no memory of the event.

Many of the workers kidnapped were high officials in the Zootopian power plant, and were supposed to work on the inner core. That was classified or some shit, so me, Judy, and Nick went off-the-books to sneak in and scout it out. When we got there, we learned that most of the power plant was a scam, and that the real power came from these freakish-looking orbs. It scared the shit out of me.

Then, suddenly, a bunch of bright lights turned up, and we were being kidnapped. As it turned out, they weren't kidnappers, they were fucking aliens. Even worse, they were humans. Weird freaky half-robot humans, like the Borg or some shit.

They told us that they'd left the planet long ago after a huge bio-engineering war ravaged the planet, and they were fascinated to see how evolution on the planet progressed. Then they let us go or something.

Does this make me a furry, like you fucks? I didn't have sex with anybody but I remember sort of wanting to fuck Judy and Nick, and that plotline is some fanfic-tier autistic shit, so I think I may be subconsciously a furry off that alone
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Hey all, what're you listening to? I'm drawing comics and I need some sad music to get me in the mood. Any suggestions?

Can we get a screencamp of the Army of Genetic Mutated Sexy Sheep thing from: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/3741684/3741684.html#p3743734
It may be a thing, but it's not a thing you just show your friend because it could only come from one fucking place.

You might as well just say to him "HEY I KNOW A PLACE THAT MURDERED SOMEONE, WANT TO EAT A MURDER VICTIM?". Or just turn yourself in to the cops and save the trouble of having to try and kill your friend when he freaks the fuck out.
>Does this make me a furry
Well, you're here, so...
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oh hey Weaver
True that it's not sexual, but I get a serious "furry" vibe from that.
>Mead is here
>VRbune is not
Come clean already. You're the same person.
Stop that, anon!
He's already dead!
I disagree, Ozzy seems very snuggly.
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It could be that snuggling does not expand the dong, but is also not necessarily a bad thing.
>Sad music

I got just the thing for you, Mead.

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warm and shaggy
Anon, I don't think you understand. The conflict makes stories interesting, 9/10 times. His friend is obviously gonna be rustled by it. It's meant to be amusing.
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That's so damn cute.
A little melancholy, I guess:
does someone have that pic of an Anon hugging weaver?
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Another update... image limit reached in last thread... working a little slow tonight...
i just need more anon cuddling bigger preds.

also, minus points because anon here is not a bun. Come on Weaver.
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shit, it broke
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You installed any of the NV unofficial patches? They fixed that problem for me.
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Greentexts! Get your greentexts heeeuure! You want action? Adventure? Feels? Comfiness? Step right up and Nate the Writedude will spin your "Wilde"-est fantasies into little green words you can read again and again. Or vote for one of these!

Previous Ideas from older threads:
1. Nick and Judy's first dinner date.
2. Nick and Judy in a thunderstorm
3. Young Judy working at a coffeeshop
4. Clawhauser downs some beers with coworkers.
5. Bellwhether bonds with Sharla in jail
6. Nick and Finnick trapped in the van during a blizzard

Due to overwhelming votes in the last thread, I will be starting with 6!
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What is it about Hyenas and Buns that feels so right?
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Anon that wanted to hug Oz since yesterday here. This made me very happy thank you Weaver.
Minus points for making it a bun because Bunfags pressure you.

I mean jesus, can we NOT fucking cave to the bun fags who demand every OC relationship has to have a bunny in it because they're unoriginal fucks.
Fast and Comfy, nice.
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Looking good, man!
one is beeg but not too beeg. the other smol but not too smol. just right smol to beeg.
well you get minus points for being shit.
I modded NV until it broke, it's a mess right now
Aw yeh that's the stuff. Moody.

"Video not available", doesn't seem region-locked either.

Oh sorry I guess I was a bit unclear, not doing art requests, but do you have any music suggestions for me?
>snuggle bug
this does not expand dong but it expands heart
The beeg to smol ratio is perfection.

I've honestly started to like Hyena-Bun or Wolf-Bun more than Fox-Bun.
>3782508 (You)
Hyenas got big front halves, bunnies got big back halves. It's symmetry.
That's a shame, it's such a great game, seeing it broken makes me sad.
Well played Weaver, well played

Less sad, more bittersweet.
I don't know what it is about that guitar, but it just SCREAMS "rough times in California". I don't even know how they made it, but it just sounds like freaking California.

I used it to write some of the last chapter of Reichstagsbrand. Shit's perfect.
#2 please
top kek, weav.
yeah, gonna have to go #2 here.

Mainly because I'd love to see Nick be super afraid of storms.
Strange, works on my end. Maybe this one?
Well, I have to admit that running through the Wasteland with an AK-47 and being Tim the Toolman in a Nazi uniform with The Great and Powerful Trixie and ED-E following me on my quest to make the Lucky 38 great again was really entertaining.
Anon, you're thinking of Nick.
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What are you talking about, Nick's not trying to hide anything
Yes, New Vegas is an amazing game, i think i'll go back to the mojave desert soon.
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I thought he just replaces his sadness with pure smug and snarky remarks.
I had a gut feeling just from the lineup of the street's residents that Ozzy would undoubtedly be the best.
It gladdens me to see all this Ozzy love.
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VRbit here.

Jetlag is killing me worse than I expected. I fell asleep on the highway back home. Promise I'll be up and at 'em tomorrow.

I wish you all buns, whether to have or to be.
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What if we want to have you?
he's just a little less chill than t-rex but he makes up for it with warm, cuddly sputidity.
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Nighty night, bunner.
Ozzy is a complete sweetie. I can't wait to read or see more of him.
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>I fell asleep on the highway back home
jesus fuck

Glad you're alive. Sleep well.
Can I come along?
Reminder that Ozzy is a Hyena and female hyenas tend to be very abusive of the males
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Hi Mechanic glad to see you here again
I saw in the last thread that you started to see the bright side of /trash/ and that you will come back here once in a while even if you are not banned at /co/. Thats great!
Also jesus.. How many cars you have?! those pictures you send looks comfy as hell
Have a goodnight.
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>fell asleep on the highway back home
Fuck, I've done that. The sheer terror that grips your heart when you snap yourself awake is indescribable.
Sleep tight bunner
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Only spotted hyenas have a matriarchal society, though. I'm sure Ozzy's just fine in that regard.

At least, I hope so. :(
>It's another "I know, lets ship character xxx with a gay little bunny buttslut slave! How original!" thread
>It's an "Ozzy was sexually abused by his Aunt Becca for most of his childhood" episode of Zootopia
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yeah, come on

let's get some straight bunny buttsluts in here, guys.
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some anon in the last thread posted the thing where we roll for what animal we are, I got Civet.

some kind of bastard racoon-hyena weasel thing.
Oh boy! These are the best ones!
Anon, i'll be honest with you, threads are dying right now, gay bunnies are the only thing that keeps them from falling into the abyss of trash.
I'm honestly surprised Beaver's got otters instead of bunnies.
Rad full-body mohawk
>When you actually really would want to know what it feels like to cum inside of a girl's psuedo-penis
Awww. I never realized how cute civets are.
>Squeezing little bunny penises in between his toes
>Nick's eyes began to flicker open.
>"Uuuuugh geez"
>His mouth tasted like ash...and ass.
>As he tried to sit up, the disks in his spine all made popping sounds, and his head rang with disorientation.
>His vision was blurry, there was a ringing in his ears, and oh FUCK now he was aware of a splitting headache.
>Nick was very, VERY hungover.
>The evidence, though he didn't need any, was all around him: empty beer bottles, cigarette butts, their bong (now shattered), and even a few rolled up dollar bills.
>Nick surveyed the van he now lay in and winced at the sight of the sun glaring through the windshield. To his left was Finnick, fast asleep...or passed out...either or.
>Nick put a finger in his mouth. At least all of his teeth were still there. Had he even gotten into a fight? Why else would he be so sore right now?
>Never mind, it didn't matter, none of this mattered, nothing mattered.
>Nick fell back asleep.

>When he awoke again, feeling a bit better this time, there was noticeably less sunlight in the van, and it was much colder than he had remembered.
>Outside the windshield was pure white nothingness.
>All around him was the sound of howling wind.
>Where the hell were they?
>"Finnick...hey Finn buddy wake up!" Nick said as he shook his friend awake.

Do you mean for tonight or in general? I get that it's a weeknight, but the weekends are usually lively, right?

[nospoiler]please don't let these threads die, this is the most social interaction I've had in over a year I can't go back to being alone[/spoilersdontworkontrash]
Otters are the bunnies of the sea. Or the otters of the sea. I forget which.
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Well, i'll be going to sleep, have a comfy thread everyone.
I'm hoping that it's alright to squeeze in a little bit of shilling:


"Nick Wilde wakes up to another deary morning in Zootopia. With nobody to count on, Nick fumbles through existence without much in the way of hopes and dreams. Yet a random encounter sets off something inside of the fox."

Zistopia based. While melancholy to say the least, I feel like I managed to capture the unhappy side of the antelope-x-Nick shipping that's been talked about. This is kind of an opening snippet, marked as a one-shot though, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Would love feedback.
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He developed an imaginary friend to protect him
Okay, maybe i exaggerated a little bit by saying that threads are dying, but this thread is slow and there are only 41 posters.
Ah hell ya! Rock on Nate!
Sleep tight bunner
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Good night, friend.
The americans are all asleep, anon.
An exhausted Creme here, have I missed anything lately? I've been sleeping... a lot.
Isn't it that "Bunnies are the otters of the land"?

Remember: "Don't say no to otters".
It's a fucking tuesday night, everyone is at work or sleeping
Makes sense.
>Don't say no to otters
I think you mean it's literally illegal to say no to otters.
>"I tried to call the cops once, ya know? Thinking maybe they could make it stop
>But she just answered the door naked and waved her dick-thing at them
>Then she had them come inside to watch
>She just kept yelling "PSEUDOPENIS, PSEUDOPENIS" nonstop while I cried"
Therapist just stares at him in fascinated horror
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>"only 40 plus posters"
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I probably won't be asleep for at least another two hours.
Missed the 777777 get
Ozzy jumped off a roof and killed himself
Someone tried to kill Weaver again

The usual
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Threadly reminder that ISIS just blew up an airport in Turkey
I've been here the whole time, just have yet to post anything. I'm sure they are several others who are in lurk mode as well.
Lots and lots and lots of greentexting, with it being capped.

Also lots and lots and lots of talk of Weaver's Pack Street guys. Basically, we're hooked. Also, seems pretty clear that Weaver will sometime let Remmy get his wooly balls played with by some affectionate predator.
Bunanon isn't fucking dead
I actually watched that show when it was on. Animation aside, it was better than the movie it was based on.

Then again, Farrelly Bros, so that's not saying much.
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Do you seriously not recognize Drixynol (Drix)
From the movie Osmosis Jones
And would be in the tv series "Ozzy and Drix"
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Don't forget drinking!
Heard joke once: Anon goes to thread. Says he's missed a few days. Says threads seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening board where what has been posted is vague and uncertain. Thread says, "Treatment is simple. Great poster JournalAnon is in thread tonight. Go and see his pastebin. That should catch you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am JournalAnon."
Go to sleep, anon. Dream of burgers and Donald Trump.
Gotta be honest, haven't really been following this Pack Street stuff. Sounds like it's been kinda productive threads though.

Yay, no dead bodies.
As an American, I try to give the best impression I can to visiting foreigners I run into so that they can go home and say "I know there is at least one American who isn't a complete asshole" and maybe the world will hate us a little less.
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It's too late for me; I'm pretty much nocturnal at this point.
I'm always afraid we'll lose a content creator in some random event, like a shooting or car accident, and they'll just disappear from these threads and we'll never know what happened.

Maybe that's why FirstReplyAnon doesn't post here anymore.
I just make them hate us more
Because when they hate us, they dont hate each other, and then we get world peace
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And now I'll use this picture again.

Going to sleep.

Goodnight /ztp/
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>this thread is slow and there are only 41 posters
>on a thread made 4 and a half hours ago
>on a tuesday night past the bedtime of most american posters and before the off hours of most european posters
>the thread is already 160 posts deep
>this thread is slow
>only 41 posters

Sweet Summer Child, you know nothing of the slow.
Funny, I'm the opposite. I want people to know we're not like them so I be as obnoxious and outstanding as possible.

Because let's face it, we've never been on good terms with anyone.
Anyone have the edit of this comic?
>>on a thread made 4 and a half hours ago
I don't even think that counts. The thread was made by recycled.
Because he's the hero the world deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a loud child. An obese murderer. A Fucking American.
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Sleep tight bunner
emergency surgery edit or guro edit?
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sleep tight.gif
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sleep tight.
>tfw literally can't wait for the Finnick/Nick comic
>Read through Ch.1 of "Kit's in the Cradle" by Sarc.
>Don't want to read any more.
>It's clearly not bad in any sense, but I just don't want to deal with this subject material.
>Feel like a hypocrite as well as a total pussy.

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Can you post both?
That really looks like George Carlin before you zoom in.
Judy's feet give me life

I want to write something where Nick discovers Judy has knismolagnia.
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There definitely needs to be more tickling going on.
I have neither, jsut know of the existence ofboth
I'm here. What is it specifically you don't like about it?
Just asking because I've never written anything and wanna know what I'm doing.
>"Finnick c'mon wake up!"
>"Mmmph ugh...I'll have a 2 piece special, lots of hot sauce, and all the fries you can give me..." mumbled Finnick, still 80% asleep.
>"WHOA, whoa, Nick what the fuck...let me sleep.."
>"Finnick, buddy, look outside"
>Finnick turned his head towards the windshield.
>"Where the fuck are we Nick?"
>"I was wondering the same thing, what did we do last night?"
>Finnick jumped to his feet, now devoid of any signs of exhaustion, and leaped onto the drivers seat.
>He twisted the keys in the ignition, but was only met with the sounds of the engine attempting to start, but failing.
>"Shit shit shit shit shit" Finnick kept trying.
>Still nothing.
>Nick leaned between the two front seats.
>"Hey uh...Finn....I think I can see what the problem is..." Nick pointed outside.
>Through the haze of swirling whiteness they could both see a crooked lamp post right in front of the van.
>It was so "right in front of them" in fact that it was about halfway embedded into the engine.
>Evidently, they had crashed into this lamp post last night before. Hard.
>"AW FUCK!" shouted Finnick "MY BABY! SHE'S TOTAAAAALED!"
>"Don't you have insurance?"
>There was a pause.
>"Nick...you and I both know that's a stupid ass question, so I'm just gonna pretend you didn't ask it."
>Nick backed up and sat down in the back of the van, brushing debris out of his way as he did.
>"Ok, so we crashed the van...we've gotten that far....but where are we?
>"Are you autistic Nick? Do you not know what snow is? We're in Tundratown."
>"Geez ok, you can cut back on that attitude Mr."
>"Nick I swear to fucking god..." Finnick was very angry now.
>"Ok ok ok, let's just...forget about it..ok? We're in Tundratown, aaand we can't start the van, aaand judging by the looks of it....we're in a blizzard..."
>"So you think we're stranded here then?"
>"Yeah it seems like we're stranded here."

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Thanks to everyone who showed up for what was probably the most disastrous stream in the history of Zoo/trash/, between technical difficulties and the monument to awful that is Cool World.

At least we got this scene out of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cZqRzHnI8s

Coming this Weekend we will tackle another monument to humanity's folly however, with a full marathon of all 6, yes 6 Alpha and Omega movies! Hope to see you there!
Thanks Anon!
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There's not too much to follow.

There's a sheep who lives on a street of Preds.

Who lives on a street like this
Who lives on a street like this

In 69 there lives a wolf that's so white
She wants to cuddle, but offers a bite.
There's a fox in number 4 who swears
the world's gone insane.
Says he knows the score but
we all think he's a bore.

Oh if you find the time
Please come and stay a while
In my beautiful neighbourhood

In 110 there's a pair of Aardwolves,
They're friendly but we wish they'd just keep to themselves.
In 999 there's a stoat who says he's fine,
But he keeps swiping booze,
'cos he ain't got a dime.

Oh if you find the time
Please come and stay a while
In my beautiful neighbourhood
My neighbourhood
My my my beautiful neighbourhood
My neighbourhood
My my my beautiful neighbourhood

Who lives in a house like this
Who lives in a house like this

In number 18 we've got big wolf queen,
He may not be gay, but he's certainly mean.
In 666 there lives a sheep who's white.
He looks like a prey, but he's a wannabite.
Oh if you find the time
Please come and stay a while
In my beautiful neighbourhood
My neighbourhood
My my my beautiful neighbourhood
My neighbourhood
My my my beautiful neighbourhood
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Would you help this lynx towel off?
>Penis Nightmare
That depends, will the towel get caught in his penis barbs?
Fucking A'.
It's not wanting to deal with the subject material. That's basically it. I could go through in depth and try to give advice about specific word choices and things, but I'd rather not, sorry.

Similar kind of reason I hesitate before looking at the "Judy Is Dead" stuff.
>6 Alpha and Omega movies
The fuck?

There are 6? SIX?
I didn't say that, nobody quote me on saying that!
Oh hell there are six of them?!
And ya Avatar vs Black wolf was amazing.

You are a madman!
I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.
>tfw you will never have a feline boyfriend that agonizingly sandpapers down his penis barbs every night before bed to keep from hurting you
>tfw you will never have him insist that the tears in his eyes are because he loves you, and not because his cock is raw from sandpaper
Ah. I understand completely. Thanks for giving it a read, though.
Of course not. He got de-barbed at birth.
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>Somebody thought this was attractive
There's a reason ISIS wants to destroy the western world
Well, that did help. thank ya anon.
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mmf I would stroke that tail of his
>ywn catch him in the act one day, tear the sandpaper from his hands, and demand he never does it again
>ywn work around the barbs by topping your pretty kitty until he creams
>ywn feel him collapse against your body, purring and twitching as you fill him with warmth
>ywn learn to like the occasional barbed reaming
>ywn make sacrifices for the cat you love more than anything else in the world
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Reminder that winners don't use drugs.
>you will never have a barbed penis boyfriend who work through the pain with because you love
>you will never have his barbs tear you a little making his semen go directly into your bloodstream
>record video
>take pastor, watch video
>video is you commanding yourself to reach your full potential
>imprint yourself as your "master", ignore commands of others
>become winner by doing drugs
Anon pls
who is this?
Why mention Cool World, yet show the Wizard Duel from Wizards?

Anyways, what's sad is that I can sort of get behind Bakshi's animation in Cool World, but the story itself is an incoherent mess because of the producer and Bassinger.

On an aside note, has anyone ever know of a child OR a furry that actually liked those Alpha & Omega movies at all? Cuz of those two demographics, I have yet to see any myself.
>Why mention Cool World, yet show the Wizard Duel from Wizards?

Because we shut off Cool World to watch Wizards instead
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The first one looks like a masterpiece compared to the other six shitty ones. You should have been there when we streamed it; everybody was horny as fuck by the end.
>ywn have him deliberate whether or not to get the operation
>ywn assure him you love him no matter what
>ywn come home to find your boyfriend de-barbed
>ywn realize that he's willing to give up any chance at fathering children with a female cat
>ywn suddenly see just how far he's willing to go to make sure you're safe
>ywn insist on pleasuring him for the entire night after his operation
>ywn have a blissed-out kitty resting on your chest after two straight hours of coaxing him to orgasm over and over again
>ywn find a love as pure as the one between you and your feline
It doesn't work that way.
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doodling myself as a zootopian is actually pretty fun, I can get why some of you anons have fun making OC's for it now.
Fucking hell

>"alright man, I'm going to take the pastor, you tell me to study for the quiz tomorrow, alright?
>dude, stop messing around, I already took the stuff, just have me do my homework
>that's fucking gay, I should have known you wild things take this seriously
>I mean, this is a joke, right? I guess it'd be okay if it we were just messing around. Nothing serious
>if this is what you want...but we're not gay, though.
2 hours of sloppy blowjobs until pastor wears off
Oh, I didn't see that tidbit.

But I'm sorry that I brought up Cool World when you first started asking for suggestions about a week ago. I didn't think everyone would have THAT violent of a reaction to it.

I just wanted to point out that Wizards wasn't that bad, and that if you wanted a trash quality Bakshi movie, then CW would've (in theory) been your ticket.

I only saw the first one, I thought it was garbage so never bothered with the others. How do you fuck up making wolves howl seductively OR even competently.

I'll give it that it was a more competent movie than those CG Swan Princess movies Richie Rich also did from this studio. But to reuse my words, that's not saying much.
>sex immediately after operation on the genitals
Stop for a second and use your thinker
>>record video
>>video is you commanding yourself to reach your full potential
>take pastor
>try to play video on phone while blacking out
>phone starts ringing
>accidentally answer trying to swipe it away
>it's your bitch sister
>"heeeeeeeeeey nonny I need $50 and also a ride and also christinith kicked me out soooooo-"
>lose ten years of your life as an imprinted little slaveboy ATM chauffeur
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>You will never help your lynx boyfriend towel off
>you will never hear him purr as you stroke his cute little but from behind
>you will never have him pound your pussy as he utterly dominates you

>now you both need a shower
Well obviously you'd put it to do not disturb. However, that scenario could very easily lead to incest shenanigans.
Six String Samurai is a good quirky movie for next stream

Also what happened to trashy stream?
I honestly don't think any of us realized just HOW bad Cool World was gonna be, I mean i expected a crappy 'adult' Roger Rabbit ripoff but man that was something else, I mean I streamed the Animated Titanic movies, both of em, and didn't lose viewers that bad

>six alpha and omega movies

I understand the first and the last ones but why the middles?
I agree with this suggestion.
mohawk hyena methinks
A civet, I just doodled it fast and poorly.
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>Pawsom Movie to remember

Yes, I will remember it was shit like this that brought forth the nuclear holocaust

He rolled a civet, IIRC.
thinkers are for losers

besides, you can still pound that pussycat's rump raw without injuring the dingler
I like it. Nice style you got there.
>ywn have your roommate get upset at you after he asks you to tell him to do homework after he pastors himself, and that's all you do
>ywn have him keep dosing himself wearing skimpier outfits and with flirtier attitudes and just get more and more worldlessly upset at your fine moral character at telling him to do his homework
>ywn watch him graduate with honours and blue balls
>Ozzy received the absolute dead last amount of votes in Weaver's poll
>Behind even Marty
>It'll be weeks before we get more Ozzy story
That was before we got any content for him, anon. All we knew of Ozzie was that he did a little banter and then laughed for way too long.
>"Hey see if the heater works!" said Nick with a spark of hope.
>Finnick turned the dial, but nothing happened.
>"Shit, well so much for that"
>"Nick....this is...this is really bad. We could actually die out here..." Finnick now spoke in a calm tone of horrifying sobriety.
>"I know...but there has to be something we can do....maybe I can try to run for help..."
>"Nick, if you go out there, you'll be a pawpsicle in less than 10 minutes."
>"Oh it can't be all THAT bad" Nick crawled into the passenger seat and reached for the door.
>"NICK DON'T..."
>Nick slammed the door shut and locked it for good measure.
>His body shivered and his teeth chattered.
>Any semblance of warmth that had been in the van before was now completely gone.
>"F-f-f-finny, I'm s-s-s-so s-s-sorry" Nick's breath was now clearly visible.
>"We sh-sh-should get to in the b-b-b-back now."
>The two foxes crawled out of the front seats and into the back of the van.|
>Their situation did not improve.
>Finnick leaned up against Nick, and for the first time ever Nick saw something in Finnick's eyes that he had never seen before.
>"Nick I'm sc-sc-sc-scared..."
>"M-m-m-me too b-b-b-buddy, me too"
>"I really m-m-mean it, I'm a f-f-f-fennec fox Nick. I'm small and m-m-m-meant for the h-h-h-heat. I don't want to d-d-d-die"
>Nick wrapped is arms around Finnick, and to his surprise, met no resistance. Nick cradled his friend against his chest.
>Finnick began to sob.
>You just knew that things were bad when even the toughest guy you knew couldn't keep it together.
>"H-hey wait! Isn't th-there a blanket under the p-p-p-p-passenger seat?"

It wasn't our fault! Marty wore a dress! There was nothing we could do...

Eh I voted for the badger anyway.
Al's white, Betty's black.
But don't let that get in the way of the awesome theme song.
>Foxes snuggling together for warmth.
Yes, yes please.
I was born in '89, so one of my earliest memories was actually watching the final act of Cool World on HBO at the time and how much it was an assault on my senses.

I thought that watching it later in life would give it context (like a similar event where I saw The Gate with the eye in the kids hand), but it was just as batshit insane, if not moreso.

Aside from seeing a bit of American Pop from around that time as well, I didn't get a chance to rediscover Bakshi's work until high school and rented the second Fritz the Cat movie and getting curious about the first, etc.
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>go out to buy pastor
>don't know where to get drugs
>try to ask the one fox at your community college
>he gets mad at you for thinking he sells drugs just because he's a fox and him and his friends beat you up
>after him and his crew leave he swings back around by himself
>"lol I do tho what you need"
>Pastor is a little too hard for him to carry especially with recent attention, sends you to his uncle instead
>looking for a shitty ass boat in a literally shady dock at the nocturnal harbor
>his uncle is there in a bathrobe
>"you got the money"
>you show him your $200
>"alright, let me just flash the lights"
>no sooner do the other guys show up with the drug delivery than the police boats show up
>everyone pulls guns, deafening booms and blinding flashes of light overwhelm your senses as you hit the dock and crawl for cover
>a fucking severed arm hits the planks in front of you
>later on you're being convicted to a minimum of 15 years jail due to recent no tolerance laws for being fingered for possession of 150 pastor pills in addition to another assorted $20000 for distribution across your local campus
>you can only say "but sir I only wanted to do my homework"

Should've stuck to Adderall
>there's someone here as old as I am

tell me, do you think we will ever escape this place
That's not even old anon.
There's someone in here who's married and in their 40s.

So, no.
>she wil never be back.
Born in '88, myself. I *think* my first Bakshi was the animated Lord of the Rings that he did. I have a weird, unexplained mental correlation of that movie with David Bowie's "Man Who Sold the World".
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Thank you kind anon.

Seriously that's probably about the average user these days

I mean the 13-17 crowd comes in fresh every year but the core ages are going up on average as everyone whose wasted their lives never leaves.
Way back in the day I was talking about the latest adventures of EFG with my friends in high school. Now I'm contentfagging in the same thread as the guy himself. Funny thing, life.
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follow your dreams
That fuckers gonna get mauled.
Who was it EFG framed Godzilla for the murder of, again?
Nick's about to go full heartless boss
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Found it! Christ, those eyebrows. What is it with the eyebrows?
Ah right, wasn't sure of her colour.

Of course, given I use the same rhyme for her and Remmy, I should have come up with something else anyway.

It'd probably work better as...

At number 69 there lives a wolf who smokes,
She acts like a bitch but all she wants is a stroke.
>Weaver used to know how to use punctuation

jus ripping off my boi Biff, real shameful
>Finnick looked up quickly.
>There were still tears all over his face but his eyes now held a gleam of hope.
>He jumped out of Nick's arms and dove for the passenger seat, reaching underneath it.
>He hauled out a very large, folded, red blanket.
>Nick quickly picked it up and unfurled it.
>It was even larger than it looked, and also very thick.
>Nick swiped all the garbage to the back of the van before fluffing the blanket out to its full size.
>It occupied the entire cabin of the van.
>Nick started to take off his shirt.
>"W-w-w-what are you d-d-d-doing Nick?"
>"B-b-b-body heat is best retained th-through direct sk-sk-skin contact...sorry b-b-buddy, you're gonna have to st-st-strip."
>Finnick wasn't about to question the prospect of warmth.
>The two of them stripped down to their underwear, and laid out their clothes along the blanket.
>Nick laid down on his back, and Finnick laid down on Nick's stomach.
>Nick wrapped his arms around Finnick, and rolled the both of them up into what was effectively a giant fox burrito.
>Or a fox joint, whichever.
>Now their situation had improved.
>"Is that better buddy?" Nick's voiced was muffled by the many layers of wool surrounding them.
>"Yeah, much much better."
>"This is really gay."
>"I know, we just have to wait out this blizzard and then we can pretend it didn't happen"
>"Thank you, for looking out for me. I know I can always count on you to pull me through anything my life throws at me."
>"Yeah Nick?"
>"If you fart, I WILL kick you out."


I know it's shit on nowadays but my friends and I would always work memes into what we were doing. No points for being obvious of course, the best subtle ones were always applauded.

But that's a bit of a difference between the old way of the net and the new, now there's meme databases and content spreads so readily and rapidly across the main sites, no sense of site culture and no need to lurk since you can just Google anything.
I was totally expecting a little sloppy making out during a life or death situation! Oh well, It was still a fun read, thank you writer dude.
so cute
Never got a chance to actually see the whole of Bakshi's LOTR. But I unfortunately got to see it's "sequel", Return of the King by Rankin-Bass. They should've stopped at The Hobbit.

I've heard some people say that it was Lion King that got them to turn furry, but that didn't happen to me. If anything, it was probably the same movie that got Byron, when I rewatched Robin Hood when I was about 12.

I felt so awkward when I thought that both the foxes were hot that first time...

Sometimes I feel awkward when I catch myself thinking that the bunny and fox from this movie need to hookup in a sequel, or at least should've done made it less subtext at the end of this one. Odd considering that the last few Disney romances I've pretty much been utterly indifferent to; not like nor hate just... nothing.
tfw it's not 2007 anymore
>I've heard some people say that it was Lion King that got them to turn furry, but that didn't happen to me. If anything, it was probably the same movie that got Byron, when I rewatched Robin Hood when I was about 12.

>I felt so awkward when I thought that both the foxes were hot that first time...
Same here, same age too. I didn't know what to think. Though it was my first time seeing it, not a rewatch. That said, I actually saw the Lion King with famiily the first time and Nala's bedroom eyes made me super awkward feeling sitting right next to my parents.

Also, I watched the Fox and the Hound several times as a kid, I loved it for pretty nonsexual reasons though.
Ok Anons, I'm going to bed. Will tackle request #2 when I get the chance
Good night, Greentext Anon. Sleep well.
I feel like the Anons who make these requests are hoping for comfy more than lewd. If you'd like to write an alternate ending, feel free!

I need to do a sleep
Ether way always works for me, I'm just kinda horny tonight... plus its Nick and Finnick! So cute! Have a good night Nate, always enjoy your work.
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Good night, thread. Have some heresy.
yo I'll take a draw request before I sleep

whatchu need
Lewd can be comfy, but it's a tricky line to walk.
What the fuck is a desk pop?
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more finnick crossdressing
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more betty x remmy please, Nobby.
Something Pastor related.

What the fuck is this

Nick wouldn't make that mistake. If anything it should be Judy and the other cops fucking with her


It's a joke stolen from the movie "the other guys" because apparently we're at the point in the fandom where we ponify everything
Good night, you. See you tomorrow (well, later today).
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Nick hunting like a fox in snow

Judy meeting Nick's plain wife who can't cook
I have a thirst for Ozzy. I want to protect his smile, if it even exists.
>applying jokes from a buddy cop movie to another buddy cop movie is bad

Judy's the force veteran, anyways.
More Ozzy is good. I second this suggestion.
>Not Zoo_Detective.jpeg
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As long as we're referencing
cocaine sloth
Need an autism check

>want to fuck Judy
>copbune is for fox
>use a version of protoJude
>she wants to follow in her "cousin"'s footsteps
They need to make Season three more like one, two was, personally, a disappointment
I kinda wanna see him on a lone park bench holding his head in his hands, wondering why he feels so sad and alone, wondering if that feeling will ever pass.

Yeah, I'm a terrible person.
You can make it worse, have a mother daughter prey in the fore or background. With the mum shepherding the child away from the scary ragged looking Ozzy.
You're right, that is a better filename.
ozzy busking in a park while prey walk by, looking at him in disgust
aight I'll try and hit these


it's okay to have fun
>no desustorage mirror link
>no weekly theme
One job, OP
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Ozzy, Weaver's striped hyena character from Pack Street.

Pastor, a what not a who; effectively a date rape drug.
>shit, it didn't work again
>why won't the cute sheep give me any attention?
>i wish my stoop was comfier
What if he wanted to be with a prey species and all this is happening?
Like, he has a bunny plush that he cuddles every night before drifting to sleep?

Ozymandias, king of kings
I don't think >>3782468 is a plush, man.

Do none of these people have jobs
Some cute little plushy... ragtag patches all over, one button eye missing and a droopy ear that's lost most of its stuffing.

All Anons are plushies. Just wanting to be cuddled.
Is that Betty, or Ozzy or Al?

Everyone on Pack Street want to fuck the sheep. Regardless of gender or sexual preference.
it's the fucking ghetto what do you think
I dunno about any shipping but him having a really old, ragged doll he sleeps with sounds fucking perfect.
>it's his most precious thing
>even more than his guitar
Does this look like a neighborhood with high employment?
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Nah, T-Rex has a job, and so does Marty.

Dunno about the others.

Betty, anon.
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I hate how slept on sloths are in these threads, yours is adorable
People don't work 24/7, Anon.
>Grew up in another, more mixed neighborhood
>Little by little the preds were driven out and more and more prey moved in
>His family was harassed endlessly
>Times were hard, raised more by his older brother than his parents
>His brother always told him not to worry
>When someone's mean to you, turn the other cheek
>Nothing drives away the blues like a laugh
>The best way to get through the hard times is with a smile

>One day his brother didn't come home

>Resented prey ever since
>Kept his brother's guitar
>Still has the stuffed toy his brother gave him when he was a kid

But this is zootopia where anyone can be anything. How could they allow unemployment?
So I noticed something about my diet since (finally) watching Zootopia.
I'm eating way less meat in general- especially red meat. I'm eating way more fruits and veggies. I've never been much of a fan of the taste or texture of fish, but I tried several types of fish lately and was surprised how good it was.

I've lost a little weight. I feel good. I feel like I have more energy and I have less aches and pains. Change starts with me, I guess?
God damn it stop. We are NOT killing Ozzy's family.
what if he had some punk rock or homeless prey girlfriend
Judy even says that's just a bumper slogan.
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What do hyenas hunt? Wildebeest. What kind of prey looks like a bum? Wildebeest.


>Remmy asks about Ozzy's troubled childhood
>"I asked papa for a fresh guitar. He said i had too many. I cried out 'but papa's but no, he said no more guitars."
Good for you, Anon. Self-improvement is always good, no matter how silly the inspiration behind it is.
It looked like the others in the group shot were hanging around a stairway with a guiderail.

I thought that the bottom qualified as a stoop as well.

Also, fuck captcha tonight. It's glitching out.
Maybe like a wild boar or similar?
Oh thank God, I thought it was just me. I have to keep closing the thread and reopening it to clear that shit.
Nah, make him gay as well.

He and Bogo are on the downlow.
Vegetable eating faggot. Look at him and laugh
That sloth right there is pretty great

How much manpower do you think it takes to get the systems in place to make the districts run smoothly.

There's probably a near constant supply of workers to make the air conditioning maintained so Tundratown doesn't melt or Sahara Square cool off.
What do you call a reverse-wannabite?
could work
Thanks. I think.
Fish are food. Not friends.
A "Lambert".

I dunno...
>What do you call a reverse-wannabite?
"Grinder" (i.e. teeth).
"Grassbiter" is less common.

I've also found myself eating a more varied diet (but not less meat). That song hit more deeply than I thought
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>make him gay as well
As if the thread hasn't already "decided" that everyone is gay and/or lusting after Remmy.
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Weaver already answered this pre-emptively.
Such a cutie
>one of their favorite things to do as a couple is just to lie next to each other and rub noses
Dass adorable.
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Is tush the only one that can make great drawings of Nick and Judy fucking?
Any artfags still awake? I got a question.

How did you get started drawing? What sort of things did you do just starting out to get better?
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No, Nameless Lewder is pretty good too.
Pretty good, and I like a lot of their stuff. Especially PB&J.
But it doesn't hold a candle to tush' WildeHopps
Whatever happened to Dudeanon? He showed up briefly a week or so ago then disappeared again.
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>Zootopian's expressing their weird fetishes on the internet
>transformation fetish from one animal into another or into a mythical beast
>micro/macro and vore are way closer to reality but still a significant kink
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I really liked those three by Adam wan. I know, human dick but that smug fox looks so freaking good.
>How did you get started drawing?
Pick up a pencil
>What sort of things did you do just starting out to get better?
git gud
(don't stop drawing ever. ever.)
Micro cum bath would be so good...
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I don't think so; not on Tush's level.
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Annnnd that's it.
Damn you fetish, stupid lucky fictional cum hungry mouse...
Get in the habit of drawing every day. A lot of people may argue but the most important thing that will help you improve is to just get in the habit of drawing every day. If you can do studies and more focused practice then that will help you improve faster but the important thing is to make drawing a regular habit regardless of how you're feeling or the mood you're in. If you can get past that hurdle you'll definitely grow as an artist.

thanks! I've really been meaning to draw him more

>How did you get started drawing?
I drew

What sort of things did you do just starting out to get better?
gestures, studies, shit like that. Check out the /ic/ sticky.
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More Ozzy.jpg
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Since we clearly all love Ozzy
Chumpy put together a short guide, but I lost the screenshot.

Get drawing on the right side of the brain by Edward Betty - it's an amazing beginners book.
/ic/ sticky is absolutely great set of beginners resources - check it out

After you go through drawing on the right side of the brain, your next stop is Loomis' Fun with a pencil.

After these two, you should have approximate idea what you are doing abd know what questions to ask.
>elephant typing out fantasies of being tiny and getting stepped on by a weasel
I don't really like this guy's work all that much. The expressions look weird, Nick is smaller than he should be and Judy is bigger than she should be. The close up of the knot is pretty good but this isn't something I'd hold up as the pinnacle of great Zootopia Porn.
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Ozzy+wildebeest girlfriend when

Fortunately, I DO have it.
I need to play more Doom.

This, I've let frustrations kill my drawing too many times and whenever I get back into it I regret ever stopping. Gotta keep at it.

So cute!
I didn't know until now that I needed Ozzy snuggles.
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Yes. Yes we do.

It's not gay if it's sheep, anon.

I mean, as long as they're covered in wool, who can even tell the difference? Prey holes are prey holes.
The expressions seem pretty fucking realistic to me.

/IC/ sticky? Iiii've never really been to any other board then /trash/. Where's that?
And then they fucked the cold away
are you serious m8t
dude, the board
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Right at the bottom of the page, there's a list of all of 4chan's boards.

Just click the one that says ic.

I'm nowhere near that level. My current art skill is 'trying to learn to consistently draw shapes', rather then anything more complex. No real idea where to start beyond that.


I am. I came here when I heard all the good zootopia stuff on was /trash/, so...


Okay. I'll go look over there.

But I do agree their body sizes are too close; I guess to make it seem more human... I guess that's why I like his artwork on them so much.
Not to mention to situations they're in is pretty fucking taboo in their world, which makes it even more arousing.
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>>I'm nowhere near that level
It doesn't matter what level you are on. Just get in the practice of drawing every day. And don't just stick to trying to draw shapes. Try to draw anything you feel like drawing, it'll probably be bad at first but that means you're one bad drawing closer to a good drawing.

I forget exactly how the saying goes, but it's something like "Everyone has 1000 bad drawings in them, the trick is to just get them out as fast as possible."
Inter species are fairly uncommon, but hardly a taboo. Nobody likes foxes. Foxes are the worst. Remove foxes from the premises.
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some days are harder than others



I guess. The immediate ideas that come to mind seem too complex to start with.

Eeeh... I'll be quiet now and let you get back to your regularly scheduled Zootopia.
>another person begins or resumes drawing, writing or singing because of this movie
Try me to convince magic doesn't exist. Pro tip: you can't
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The ultimate pairing
thanks drawfriend
Ozzy nooo! Someone protect his smile dammit!
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Even if it's a little complex, you'll never get better at drawing by being afraid to try. Do your best anon, I believe in you.
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What is with Disney and their apparent agenda to want everyone to crave fox dick?

...Well, except for Honest John, but he's the exception that proves the rule. And even then...
>I mean, as long as they're covered in wool, who can even tell the difference? Prey holes are prey holes.
Sometimes you can't protect someone's smile, because it's not something external you can shield them against. It's about the demons inside. And though you can offer them a little help around the edges - an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on - in the end, that is a fight they have to win or lose on their own.
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Not really that, it's more of they're fucking in areas where they can easily get caught, such as Judy's parents' house or at work.
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Those are really good neighbors! So kind and considerate.

Rock on Ozzy... I hope things work out.
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Nighty night thread
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Have a good night foxy.
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>I have a thirst for Ozzy. I want to protect his smile, if it even exists.
Of course it exists. Haven't you seen his big goofy smile?
Good night! This thread has a deficiency of cuddles
Don't die in your sleep anon
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Beh. I can't quite seem to draw the shapes i want to draw. I cannot make lines curve satisfactorily.

At least I tried to draw a thing, though, even if it's just mimicry.
that looks more crazy than anything
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I have. But it seems kinda rare.
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>that face
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What were you using in this drawing, a tablet, the mouse or something else? Also I REALLY recommend to start with pencil and paper, they are the easiest medium and help build a solid foundation

heh, I know. I wasn't trying to win any points on detail, for sure. Fuck circles. /lines/ are hard.
>I have. But it seems kinda rare.
Just because Ozzy's gotten a lot of darker fanon/fanart doesn't make his smile rare.
Nignog, this is your first attempt. Did you expect it to look like Van Gogh piece?
Line quality is fine for a beginner, shapes take hours and hours of practice to build up muscle memory and confidence.
To help you see where you are - imagine you're playing an RPG. You're level 1. You get shiteybucket helm, shitsword and you're supposed to grind those lvl 1 mobs.
Remember your first match in LoL if you're playing this crap? That's where you are. If you expect to create account and start participating in exports I've got news for you. Keep going, read those books and carry on with the daily grind.
You're right. It's probably just his general appearances painting him as kinda sad when he's not laughing with friends.

Mouse. I've never really been able to pencil and paper. I can't even properly write there (as my writing is more like trying to draw letters line by line), so trying to draw in that medium seems extra-futile. 'sides, I don't have a scanner, and I'm surely not going to keep garbage drawings around the house. In my hard drive, sure, but not around the house.


Nah. It went better then expected, honestly. It resembles what I was going for, which is more then I would have guessed. Muscle memory's a big issue... Getting lines to curve properly is the hardest part.
so can he
every single day
Ozzy I believe in you, you have a good heart and people love you.
There's something about the idea of Judy turning into a jealous girlfriend when it comes to Nick that really appeals to me.

Somewhere in the spectrum being her attitude in Sad Judy and... a bit before from what we've seen in Yandere Judy.

(And yes, still bitter that the artist came here, promised more pages, and still hasn't delivered yet).
I don't wanna sleep on this!

>Just remember the chill badger... so chill and happy.
everyone on pack street is dead inside confirmed
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Woah anon, you should copy some good art, not my terrible stuff if you're going to try to learn that way. Or if you're going to try to learn from copying you should probably just skip the middleman and try to learn by drawing over screenshots.

Have some of Alec's undersketches. They helped me a lot in getting some of the basic form down.
You seem to be having deluxe edition of dyslexia or something of a sort, though I work still suggest you forget about your difficulties for a moment and force yourself to use a pencil.
If you are going to get going with drawing, you'll switch to tablet, which has a pen. It also has pressure sensitivity, which you want for good drawings.
Sure, you can eventually get good with mouse only as medium doesn't matter, but pencil, paper and physical touch ought also help you alleviate your dyslexia.
Just forget about your inability to write clearly for a moment because irrespective whether you choose mouse or pencil you're starting from absolute zero.
Now, getting used to pencil gives you more benefits in every conceivable way.
Get a pencil.
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The mouse is one of the hardest if not THE hardest instrument to draw, digitally and non. If you want to draw digital only I suggest investing in a tablet, for 60-70 bucks max you will find one more than adequate. Also the exercises that I suggested (first lessons in drawabox site) with pencil/pen are exactly for learning to draw lines and shapes. My circles and lines where completely horrible and squiggly when I started, now I got much better. And you will see that the results transfer to the digital counterpart too! Try it anon, I believe in you
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The exercises are good for established artists too, so even if they seem a little monotonous they do really help.
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gazelle is got too many curves to master.
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>everyone on pack street is dead inside confirmed
What if they're dead OUTSIDE and Pack Street is actually purgatory??
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Is it really dead inside if you can still know your own hurting? I think you can be MUCH more dead inside than that. He's just aware of what his life is, and not letting himself forget: living in a ghetto with only marginal improvement in his future, a mistreated pred minority. His laughs with friends give him an anchor to his remaining belief, his lingering inner child with a sparkle of naivety. Getting lost in those moments keeps him from losing himself. He'll make it.

What the hell am I typing? It's time for me to stop.
Well, not for Nick if one certain AU is to be believed.

Great stuff - there is visible progress compared to the previous piece you posted.

Now, I think you have a solid grasp on line work - now move on to another area. You need suggestions or you know what you want to do next?
those pack zalgo drawings finally make sense
thanks but the linework still look bad to me, i'll keep on it for a while.

i dunno what would be next.. colors i would assume.
I might not be an expert, but I think comicanon is growing a bit tired. I've skimmed past last few threads and was surprised how few people thank him compared to the number of anons who ask him to do stuff for them.
I'm sorry to break the news, but some of you friends have a severe cause of being needy cunts.
>did you do this?
>did you do that?
>hey, have you read my fanfic?

I'm sure comicanon is delighted to help out anyone who asks for a review, but I think it'd be fair to show some gratitude. You should protect that smile.
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>I might not be an expert, but I think comicanon is growing a bit tired.
What gave it away? Was is the fact he said he was tired?
It's not perfect and Im glad you see that, but practicing it together with other areas will help you get to grips with it faster.

Colours are good, thought it's probably worth trying drawing different facial expressions as well as light and shadow rules in monochrome without which you won't be able to apply colours properly.
if he still has hope, he still has farther to fall

he's not quite at chief wilde levels just yet
you are a cheeky one, I'll glass you last
so expressions and grayscale. doesn't hurt to try.

Thanks for the pointers.
Well I sure am glad you called budding writers needy cunts for asking for feedback, I'm sure comicanon really appreciates your sentiment.
don't speak on behalf of other people, things can get messy if that happens

Back from playing Overwatch. I dunno, I'm kind of tempted to just try to copy random pictures from the thread as a way of practicing my lines.

Yeah, but probably one of the more reliable ones to practice with. You might not always have pen and paper, but laptops let you draw as much as you like anywhere. (Plus, you can undo mistakes, which is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL as I'm sure everyone knows.)
I didn't?
Only those who cannot be bothered to say thanks, yeah, I think they're ungrateful cunts.
I'm not sure how Comicanon feels about it himself, but then again the man approaches levels of patience and mercy of a living saint so he'll probably just keep going regardless, but it rubs me the wrong way some people don't appreciate what is being done for them.
Call me an ass too if you want, you're entitled to your opinion, as everyone else here.
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>I'm not sure how Comicanon feels about it himself
That's all I wanted to hear. You original post has an implicit lack of sincerity regarding comicanon's well being, considering you are presuming to speak in his stead yet seek to relieve him in some fashion, while entangling him with your own assumptions and heavy words. I feel sorry he's going to be reading your post.
>You might not always have pen and paper, but laptops let you draw as much as you like anywhere. (Plus, you can undo mistakes, which is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL as I'm sure everyone knows.)
Buy a sketchbook and always carry it with you. Then you WILL always have paper and pencil/pen with you. A lot easier to use than a laptop.

And if you're going to insist on wanting to use a computer to draw, I still suggest getting a tablet over using a mouse to draw.
Thank you for your condescending attitude, prick, except you're wrong.
I don't speak in comicanons stead, which I've clearly stated. I said it vexes me to see people not bothering thanking for the help they receive.
I don't mean to bring ruin comfy, but my concern is Comicanon announcing one day he's going to take a break from these threads for indefinite period. Yeah, I think showing some gratitude might stave off that day and I believe it's right to express that concern unless you believe gibsmedat attitude is okay and should be encouraged.
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Ozzy smiles a lot
Just in time to save the comf
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But tablets are expensive, anon. And I want to make sure drawing is something I'm even good at.

Pic related: I'm gonna do this one twice. Once, TOTALLY CHEATING by using the Line tool, and then once again freehand.
>my concern is Comicanon announcing one day he's going to take a break from these threads for indefinite period.
It's a little concerning seeing these negative posts fueled purely by paranoia every day. It's okay anon, things are gonna be okay.
When you extend a helping hand to someone, even if they don't take it, the feeling that someone cares that this engenders in them can give them the strength to continue on.

"Everything alright man?"
"Yeah everything's fine, it's all good."

That expression of concern can keep a tiny flicker of hope alive in someone's heart, even if they don't grasp the opportunity to unload their burdens at that exact point.
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I'm so glad Ozzy isn't fucking depressed.
A depressed person gets very, very good at pretending they're not numb inside. It's only when they forget why they cared about even pretending that the cracks start to show, and at that point things have gotten bad.
this hits closer to home than it should.
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No Weaver is clearly trying to squash this notion that he's sad. Right Weaver? Don't rubber-band on me I don't wanna think about sad Ozzy again.
Remember that time Nick got kidnapped and raped by prey extremists? That was a weird direction for Zootopia to take, even if Judy had managed to arrive in time to save him it would still have been odd. Then after he gets out of hospital it never comes up again, what the fuck?
Aww, what a fucking cutie.
I pop in every so often, dude.
I'm happy that you dudes are still talking about me.

yyyyyyep. Can confirm. Fortunately, I'll always have the paranoia alongside it to keep me on me toes (as well as a nervous wreck)
This is a good post, but I don't like it.
You don't think it's about Ozzy's friends understanding on some level that there's something wrong, but not knowing how or whether they even can help, so they just show support when they can but they don't know if it's helping at all and they just watch the fight going on inside of him?

You don't think it's about the niggling feeling inside Ozzy that today will be the day his friends finally get sick of putting up with him? You don't think it's about the sick part of him that wishes they would so he doesn't have to feel guilty about burdening them?

About the tiny, twisted part deep inside that resents them for making him feel obliged to go on living, day after day?
Drawing is not something you're good at; it's something you BECOME good at. Exercise is the only way but it's endearing on it's own. You only need to try and try, if you continue daily I assure you than less than a week from now you will see improvements.

Regarding the tablets: good graphic tablet are not extraordinarily expensive, especially if you take in consideration that you will use yours for a long time before changing. Like said before you can find good, new ones of Wacom in the 60-70 dollars range, so the price of a new videogame.
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the feels train has left the station

>want to become good
>doesn't want to use pen and paper
If you want to become good, you will eventually want to switch to tablet.
Which is like electronic pen and paper. Which you have no experience in using because you skipped the most basic medium.
Just give it a try, bro, it won't kill you.

Fair point. I'm not good at words, so I'll try again: It's something I should make sure I can hold interest in practicing. I'd post an update on the drawing, but no need to clutter the image limit with in-progress nonsense.
Crazy idea: and if Ozzy isn't in deep depression?
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now that's one happy bune.jpg
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Go on.
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Feeling good, dude? Whats up?
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The Mysterious Avocado Appears.png
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Honestly, I think the most interesting part of that whole series is that Avo was the first one to show up for him.
I want to uncover all of Avo's mysteries.
I can think of something of theirs I want to uncover.
What if his happy personality isn't a mask that he holds to connect with the world outside, always maintaining the terrible depths and fears of his heart hidden to the others but it is simply his personality?
Not much!

Anyone know if there's a Zootopian flag or anything like that?

No we need more angst. Gay angst.
People actually being happy inside? Isn't that just a myth?
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Not that I know of, dude.
What is happening in this picture?
Really starting to like Marty more and more.
I think you're right. Ozzy strikes me as a genuine clown who likes to smile and laugh and please people not for their own sake or for show but because it's what he actually wants to do.
I think he has moments of doubt and grief and regret, but so does everyone; him being normally upbeat and outgoing just make those moments of quiet sadness seem much starker in comparison.

In short, I think he's a happy guy who gets sad sometimes, not a sad guy who sometimes acts happy.

But then what the fuck do I know, he was in like, four panels?
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I would imagine that Nick is protecting Judy from something, dude.
Whatever event they're in caused him to go savage but still stay in a state that made sure that that was still a priority, dude.
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That filename
That's what I was thinking. That makes me want to protect his smile more.
>anon cuddling with ozzy.png
What a novel and radical idea
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Which in turn explains the rooftop. Ozzy's always there for them, smiling and beaming and laughing. So when he hits hard times and can't seem to smile, they're all there for him. Even Al, sort of in the background, pretending he's not invested. And they all just sit with him quietly watching the sunset, Charlie leaning his head on his shoulder, Marty occasionally checking to see if his friend's dark expression has brightened. Until at last the warmth and the friendship he feels is too much strain for a passing frown to bear, and a smile breaks through again, erupting with a mirthful laugh that lacks volume control.

It's infectious, too. A smile that only brings more smiles.
Judy's resignation scene
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>tfw it's not 2007 anymore
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cuddle pile.jpg
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Yes. That's what I'm talking about.
Man. I really shouldn't have tried to draw eyes.

Eyes are hard, and also really creepy when unfinished.
good end

which is nice, because we need more happy in this thread
Ozzy and Marty seem really close. I wonder if they were childhood friends or something.
Fair enough. I've found interest in drawing only a few days after I began exercising intensively, so my suggestion is grit your teeth and continue for some days before deciding. In regard to the drawings, feel free to post unfinished work. I'm not saying post every line you make (that would be obnoxious) but one or two in-progress pictures can sometime be useful for insight into the errors you make. And it's like there is a limit of space and the thread is mostly dead during these hours.
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Guide to Judy, contains useful tips about eyes, imho
I want Smiles to repeatedly inseminate and impregnate me. However, as a male bunny I feel there are obstacles to this goal.
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Do you want to be stuck in 2007 anon?
Well, it was my last year of high school.

I have done literally nothing with my life since.
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say buuuuuuuuun.png
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Well, I'm trying to draw this. I've been working on the right. Will be done soonish.
The secret is the little light reflections (the 'white drops') in the pupil. They transform pure creepy in cute.
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Imagine this, if you would: you were never expected to go to school, and could chase whatever interest you wanted. What would you have done?
>A bunnyboy CAN give birth!
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Oh boy, are we talking about mpreg? I love mpreg.
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Still the best group pic.

Yeah. I couldn't leave the eyes uncolored for that reason.

As a I result, I just kind of slapped color on the rest as an afterthought.

anyway, this was just an experiment. Line Tool is good, but it's not good enough. Wondering if I should try to freehand next. That was the plan, but compared to cheating with the tool it'll look absolutely terrible.
Get out of here raboot
I mean, it's a nice container format I guess. Don't know why one would love it.
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Why, 2007 never left
source of this image?
Good work for the first try. And, yeah, the freehand, especially done with a mouse, will be a completely different level, but, well, even a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Only one last suggestion: I see you have a good understanding of proportions in single parts of the drawing but not as a whole (e.g. the neck became elongated because head and body were too distant). Try to do a preparatory sketch, like this >>3785229 , it always helps.
We are the collection of our past selves, anon
I am now craving more hips. Hips and asses.
source of the last right image?
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>we are collection of our past selves
Anon, why
Seriously, that's a fucking dispiriting thing to say.

I'm not quite sure I get the concept of a sketch yet. As far as I'm concerned, this was just a little experiment where I tried to copy what was on the other side. Ugh, freehand will be an ungodly mess. Even if I do attempt it, I'm not sure it would be worth posting.

I'm not really at the level where I understand things like perspective or proportions. I'm still at caveman 'see, then sketch' levels.
Yeah, not
To be rude, but there is no need to post every sketch you do.

And this is also the reason you need to go through the books recommended by anons in this thread, because copying screenshots will do you little good.
chip chip cheerio

Yeah. I think I'm done trying to learn art now. It's pretty obvious I'm not ready for it.
If you are never satisfied with your work you are already on the road of the artist. Grit your teeth and continue! I will cheer you on
We are made of what we've done. But this must not be discouraging: we are made of our failures but also our successes, the bad but also the good moments. Try your best everyday, so that future you can be a better person.

Why Captcha consider hamburgers and sandwiches the same?
What would be the Zootopian equivalent of 'hair of the dog'? Hair of the wolf seems too easy.

Because a hamburger is a sandwich with a meat patty.

Also, the only thing this experiment has done is made me want to delete all traces of it and give up and never show anyone anything I create every again. I'm relatively sure that's not how artists work.
>Just as planned
Judy is Tzeentch? PURGE
This is like it works. Many times, especially at the beginning, you will feel disgusted of your own creation. Start the exercises, you will not regret them.
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Don't feel so bad when you start off
If you want some practice that might even be used, draw discount memes

I really don't think I want anyone using my terrible creations as memes. There are surely better pictures to use.

Right now, all I want to do is delete my posts (pointlessly, since zootopia threads are archived in two separate places) and give up. Unfortunately, 4chan won't let me delete posts frequently for some asinine reason.
Working on more Winter Snuggles, and man, hungover Judy is crazy adorable.
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Good, a version without the pen
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m8, I saved this shit just because it was bad
Even an awfully drawn image can contain a shitload of emotion to convey
You hardly ever see anyone using daVinci and Picasso for reaction images, now don't you?
Hair of the Dog.

A wolf named Dog was a famous bartender.
Only a matter of time before someone makes the inevitable flatulence version now that he's 'uncorked'
no stop
from where is it?
Exactly. Now that the pen is gone, there's nothing stopping all of those juicy fox farts from violently being expelled from Nick's wet anus.
I want to be smothered by nick's butt tufts
Take your forbidden love far, far away from this place
Okay bud, if you want to develop and learn you'll get all the support here you need. If you're feeling down, most of the time at least one a on will cheer you up. If the anons in this thread haven't persuaded you to follow your interests and all you want is to complain own difficult x is, rejecting words of encouragement and advice, then be on your way.

Yes, it is very difficult as you need to put in a lot of hard work and passion and that's kind of question nobody will answer for you. If you think it's not worth it, well, that's your life cyalater, but complaining about the same stuff in every post won't help anybody, yourself included.
Why? It's just his fur
On his butt

I'm not complaining. I'm just giving up at the moment. Maybe for good, maybe not, I don't know. All I want to do at the moment is delete my posts, but because 4chan is masterfully coded, it looks like it's not going to let me do that before the thread falls off the board anyway. I just need time, I guess, to deal with my own issues.
Literally nobody will care about your first faltering missteps as an artist unless you keep drawing attention to it. Just put on your big boy pants and get over it.
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I think this is the first time I've fallen asleep and woken up to the same thread.

Y'all are slacking

I'd rather not, actually. I'd rather not draw attention to it, and if I do continue, then to do so on my own time and only post when i'm relatively satisfied with it.

Tonight's turning out kind of shit for me. The longer I have to stay here waiting for 4chan to stop telling me I can't 'delete posts this often', the worse I feel as a result.
That's my point! You are drawing attention to the thing you say you want to hide! This is either completely stupid or attention whoring. Just close the window and walk away.

Yeah, you're right. Now it's telling me I 'cant delete posts this old', because it's apparently fucking schizophrenic on if it wants to be 'too soon' or 'too late'. I'm just gonna go. Night, thread. Hope your day isn't as godawful as mine.
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>visit bunnyburrow
>everything is carrots
>all the stands are called carrot stands
>the stores are called carrot shops or Carrot _____s
>all glory to the Carrot King
>carrot festivals
>carrot parades
>carrot candles
>all glory to the Carrot King
>carrot cults sacrificing non-believers by killing them with Carote and carrot knives
>reading the future with Carot cards
>all glory to the Carrot King
>blood pouring down the sides of the sacred altar as the screams of spiritual joy flow to the very throne of Hell itself
I hope distance gives you perspective that you've just made a mountain out of a molehill, you silly drama queen.
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Good night! Sleep tight, bunner!
Night, anon, hope you sort yourself out soon and start drawing
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>I'm not sure how Comicanon feels about it himself
Ive been thinking ever since some one in a thread once said something like "the least happy people are most happy to help others" or something, and reading about Ozzy just makes me wonder if hes ok.
Whenever people shitpost at him for weird reasons he just keeps saying hes sorry instead of telling them to fuck off or even ignorning them. And he tries to cheer up anyone sad as if its his personal duty.
Do you think that hes crying under the goggles?
fuck dude
i'm trying to write surrealist greentexts, I didn't need this feels.
>I can't make myself happy
>but I can make other people happy
>and that's better, right?
>that's better

>so why do I feel so empty?

Not gonna lie this song had me tearing up the first time I saw the special.
Maybe I'm a cunt for bringing this bit of history up, but the night he got really drunk he was pretty clearly having some depressed episode. Lots of red flags.
Same here.

But I greatly like this pace.
Maybe it says more about me than anyone else but when I see someone so eager to please others, as ComicAnon is, I don't think 'gee whiz what a wonderful person that is'. I think, how long until that person burns out. Because the world is full of people - not bad people, just unthinking people who are wrapped up in their own worlds - who will take everything you give for as long as you give it, and nobody can give and give and give forever. Everyone reaches their limit.

So I look at ComicAnon and I think... is this the day? Is this the day that wonderful, beautiful candle burns out for the last time?

Every time I see him in these threads I want to tell him - no, I want to ask him, I want to BEG him - to stop giving so freely of himself. Because I want to see that crazy diamond shining five, ten, twenty years from now. I don't want to be saying in six months, remember ComicAnon? What happened to that guy? But I know there's no way to say it that won't be yelled down by those that are innocently happy to be getting attention from such a wonderful guy. And I can't blame them. I'm trying to take away something from them. This is some basic-level tragedy of the commons shit though, and if he pleases one person a week forever instead of one person a day until he burns out, in the long run we're all better off - but that sounds like Officer Content bullshit to the people who are on the waiting list for his smooth sultry voice to caress their writefagging.
Well, as someone advised me to put my stuff up on ao3, here they are:


Some others will be coming once I've expanded and reworked them, but these are the ones so far.
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This thread hasn't been that comfy.
>"Carrots? Hopps, what the hell is that?"
>Judy turned her head towards Nick as he rapidly tapped her arm to get her attention
>In the distance was a large, lumbering mass of slightly rotted carrot and greenery
>"Him? Oh, that's the Carrot King. Don't think about him too long, he doesn't like when mammals recognize his existence."
>"Wh- I don't- That doesn't even- What!?"
>"It's a country thing, Nick. I'm not surprised a city mammal like you doesn't get it. Just don't worry about it. He's harmless."
>The pair continued their leisurely pace, or at least Judy was leisurely, while Nick was twitchy and nervous, but also matching step with her
>"So is the Carr- er, is he... Is there a particular reason the Burrows have everything carrot themed that may or may not have to do with whatever the hell that was?"
>"What? We just really like carrots. It's a bunny thing."
>Nick stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her, utterly dumbfounded.
>"Come on, Nick. We're gonna be late for dinner if you don't hurry up. I think my mom is making carrot casserole!"

This is dumb, but I really wanted to expand on this with a sort of Nightvale vibe.
I wanna read about their first date though
Comfy takes more than just whining about a lack of it and reposting a picture everyone's seen a dozen times, Anon.
I want to read more of Nick's descent into madness as he uncovers the darker truths of Bunnyburrow carrot madness like here >>3786458

Keep going
There should be more of this.
What, Finnick and Hobey's firstbsolondatw without Nick? I don't think either of them would be up for that
Are you having a stroke?

Do you smell burnt toast?

Do you need an ambulance?
Sorry, I had a stroke
hello drunk poster.
When WILL Finnick uncover the mystery of Hobey's firstbsolondatw?
>"It's time," Judy suddenly declares after looking at the clock, her eyes widening as her expression becomes dead.
>"It's... okay, so it's 9pm sharp. So what?" Nick ashed, glancing over while doing the dishes.
>Judy silently opens up a draw and grabs a large set of red chalk coupled with two candles.
>Nick stares, slipping down the plate back into the soapy water as Judy traces a circle around herself as if in a trace. Despite the lack of matches or anything like that, the candles appear to spontenously erupt in flame.
>Judy murmurs something that Nick cannot hear as she kneels in the center of the circle and places the circles beside the left and right edges.
>Lightening strikes outside, breaking what was a light and calm pitter pattern of rain, as Judy reaches out forwards with both paws and screams out.
>"Your screams of pain shall be the merriment that the Carrot King dances to, Balthazar!"
>The lights suddenly go out.
>Everything disappears around Judy, with her just kneeling on an empty floor, and she turns out with a smile on her face.
>"Need any help with the dishes, Nick?"
I love how Weaver draws so many characters in tank tops.
I think it sounds reasonalbe. There are already people who get pissed at him for just uploading one thing a day or who say he didnt do enough work while on FUCKING VACATION.
I think were gonna consume him.
the "Judy acts like nothing is wrong as shit gets creepier and Nick gets more and more spooked" is just what we're looking for here at Spook Tech.
>When it's so morally wrong to think of Nick being drugged, least of all to be used as a sex slave.
>When the notion of burying your hard cock into his fuzzy ass and hearing his amazing moans, his flesh clenching to milk you perfectly, is exactly what you crave for.

Damn it...
Maybe he needs a way to unwind on the weekends.
>"Alright, you remember what I told you? If you wake up in the middle of the night and hear whispering, don't follow it."
>Nick was barely even shocked at this point. Between the dark ritual and vegetable-based God, demonic whispering seemed tame.
>"So don't follow the demonic whispering, don't eat any carrots that might appear in my dreams, and if I do, wake up and start professing my love for the Carrot King immediately?"
>"Exactly. See? Country customs aren't so hard to follow."
>After a few hours of restless tossing and turning, Nick was startled by the sound of screaming in the distance.
>"Judy, Judy what is that?" He shook her awake, frantic.
>"Oh, that must be one of the Jones' kids. That's what happens when you follow the whispers. On the bright side, their soil will be well fertilized come morning."
>Nick felt nothing at this point. He was beginning to feel the cracks in his own mind as the day continued. He had to get out of here and back to the city as soon as possible.
>The screams continued for about 3 more hours. Judy somehow fell asleep during that time. Nick did not.
>"Tell me about your own spiritual beliefs, Nick, then," Judy said, leaning back on the couch, "I'm so curious."
>"Oh, I don't know," Nick replied, scratching his Neck, "I'm just kind of a believer in what will be, will be. Call me an apathetic deist or whatever."
>"Oh, deists," Judy said, gripping a pillow, "I remember when Mom told me about when that kind used to get tracked down for sport along with the other heretics to the Carrot King. Funny thing, as soon as they got thrown into the pit, I never got to see what happened next--"
>"Uhhh... carrots..." Nick muttered, shifting himself on the
>"Oh, that ended with the accord of the Five Families back two hundred years ago. Just a few internecine sacrifies and balance was restored," Judy said with a big laugh, "don't you worry."
>"Want some more iced tea? I promise to be light on the carrot flavorings." Judy stepped off of the couch, wiggling her tail seductively for Nick as if the past several hours hadn't happened and they were just another vacationing couple anyplace else.
I called them cunts for a reason, anon, even though they might be capable writers and otherwise wonderful people.
It's just being inconsiderable. These smiles won't protect themselves you know.>>3786736
I think it's my programming for months and months otherwise that foxes are for putting your male milk in and on.
I'm not sure what you were trying to tell me but I want to read about Judy's and Nick's first date
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Every now and then, Gazelle released the odd somber piece revolving around young love, lost romances, and missed opportunities. Songs that were generally slower and heavier on the heart strings; Tunes that lingered wistfully in one's ears. Some of them proved to be hits of their own caliber, proving the star had range beyond mainstream pop and bop, reminiscent of her talents back when she was a small-time indie sensation.

People would inevitably ask if she was referring to anyone particular in those yearning songs of course. She always laughed off such queries; Her love was only for the music she got to create, the loving fans that appreciated it, and the wonderful city of Zootopia that hosted it all. Most mammals didn't dig into this naturally, but among the more devoted fans, there was always the odd theory going around. Not everyone bought into her answer; Some wondered if she had someone special she was reaching out to, all this time. Crazy theories, of course.

Nick sometimes came across these tunes, whilst taking a break from duty in the police cruiser. Sometimes during a day shift, and sometimes in the dead of night. He too had pondered the same possibility, at least once or twice. The lyrics seemed to hit very close to home, sounded not unlike what they had back in the day....But naah, she couldn't be singing about *him*; They hadn't seen each other in over a decade, and she was in a colossal league of her own now. It had to be someone else.

He didn't give it much thought after that, even if the songs did bite a little whenever they rang in his ears.
Just curious, has Metals been around lately?
Man, I wonder what Adele's "Mister 21" feels.
>"Carrots, I'm starting to think I should head back to the city," Nick said, taking a sip of the iced tea, deciding that even a little carrot flavor was far too much, and setting it back down
>"What? But we only just got here last night! I haven't even introduced you to my siblings, we haven't visiting the Skull Gorge, and the Carrot Mall just opened recently!"
>"Well, you know how it is. I feel a bit like a fish out of water, you know how us foxes are, surrounded by bunnies, it's a little offputting."
>Nick decided that the Carrot Mall was unappealing, and the Skull Gorge was right out. Siblings he could possibly handle, what could possibly go wrong with her siblings, really?
>"Gideon is here, and he's just fine," Judy pointed out.
>Nick closed his eyes and sighed. He was going to have to visit this Skull Gorge, wasn't he? Judy certainly didn't seem like she'd be willing to let up.
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Maybe he was just feeling by down that day. It doesn't have to be depression.
Though it doesn't mean we should take better care of him, actually all anons, content creators or not. I know this is 4chan, but people who wind up here are usually somewhat broken in a similar way. As different as we might be, nobody really understands us like we understand eac other.
Let's try to be kinder.
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Requesting the Carrot stuff so far be capped.
I'm on it, don't worry.
I just noticed.
>I never got to see what happened next
>Ended 200 years ago
I assume that was intentional, and it was great.
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I haven't listened to much of Adele, but that album was a bit vindictive, wasn't it? I don't reckon Gazelle has any hard feelings, just regrets.
>As the morning hit both of their eyes, Judy and Nick both stepped out of the small cottage into pastoral Bunnyburrow. Both of them said very little as they made their way along the cobblestones to this peculiar gorge. Nick's mind raced through various worries about the past few days, none of them good.
>"Here we finally are, Nick. Behold," declared Judy, grinning from ear to ear.
>Nick looked over before the little cliff at which they stood, the greenery oddly dying off and the ground turning into bare rock as if stopped by an invisible line several feet behind them.
>"That... that rock formation with this cliff... it sure does look like a gigantic mammal skull..." Nick stammered, scratching his chest profusely and wondering what the hell his girlfriend would say next.
oh fuck dude, I think our timelines are a little fucked here.

Whatever, it should be fine, Bunnyburrow exists in a state of chronological flux.
I imagine Gazelle thinking some nights, pondering if he'd accept her now, if she's good enough, having achieved so much, if she's worth getting his attention for at least a short conversation now she had achieved so much, with Nick's thoughts being around how further away she is with each passing year and how out of her league he is and probably always had been.
It's a mix of emotions. I suppose Gazelle might allow herself to be pretty negative, though at life in general and not herself, in her more synthwave-based aggressive songs.

She might sing something like:

Zootopia is to the north of Bunnyburrow, sometimes to the east
Immigration and emigration are tightly controlled
All glory to the Carrot King
He smiles with smug satisfaction thinking how he had given another hit to the masses
>"Should I tell you the tale of the collapse of Balthazar? It's actually a pretty rollicking, interesting story," Judy said, hopping over around Nick's sides.
>As the fox looked over at how the lush grass and flowers suddenly stopped behind them, the ground itself seemingly poisoning everything it touches, his breathing grew even more tense. His body had already felt such weird tingles shifting up his sides when he had stepped over closer to the ledge.
>"Oh, the gorge is spectacular, really something," he said, looking back down for a moment and seeing this peculiar red-tinged wind flowing down across the gigantic rocks-- or what seemed like rocks-- as he went on, "but maybe we could hold off on the stories for a bit."
>"They say this is where the Carrot King fought and triumphed over The Old God that those silly city folks still seem so hung up on," Judy stated matter-of-factly.
>"Personally, I didn't see it, but my grandparents did and they said it was all they talked about for months! Man I wish I could have been there."
>Nick glanced quickly between the massive skull and Hopps, his mouth agape. "Can... Can I touch it?"
>"You probably shouldn't unless you want to join them," Judy pointed at the base of the skull itself.
>A wide variety of skulls, mostly rabbit, lay at the bottom of the gorge. "I'm not sure where the other bones go, but you didn't think it'd be a proper skull gorge without more than one skull, right?"
>Nick began to stutter out a response before he was cut off by Judy again.
>"Look, Nick, it's not the size of the skull that matters with these types of things. All skulls are created equal. Isn't that what you Zootopian heretics believe?"
>splits off into 2 universes
>>3786928 (You)
We're just stepping on eachother's toes now.

I'll back off if you want.
>Nick managed to get past his resistance to take a few steps off of the trail down the cliff and rub a paw against the cold, hard edifice.
>His fur immediately felt bursts of darkness, as if his blood had began to turn to something else.
>He looked over at Judy, who simply smiled and said nothing, before reaching away.
>"Those old figures, that one Old God, what a loser! Am I right?"
I want to see a greentext about Nick and Gazelle having a history, mutually wanting to get together, but feeling they're either not worthy enough, or that they'd never get a chance even if they tried.
It's great. Keep going from here.
It's all canon, though, Bunnyburrow is in a constant state of flux
At one point, Nick arrived and saw himself getting sacrificed
At another point, he sacrificed Judy
All glory to the Carrot King
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A reasonable line of thought, yes.

They've both moved on, really...In a sense. Gazelle has her busy career to pursue, fans to entertain, social and public programs support. She may be single, but has presumably had her own string of celebrity boyfriends and flings for the tabloids and fans to eat up on. Nobody really knows much about her private life before she became a huge name, and her present life is still all too much interesting enough that few people are even giving any thought to her originating years.

And Nick, he's moved on as well. Gazelle was perhaps the last person he'd let his walls down for, and after their breakup, he grew evermore cynical and isolated. At least, until Judy walked into his life a decade or more later. As I said, he's probably at least considered if Gazelle's more somber love songs are written with him in mind, but he didn't take too long to dismiss the notion, knowing how much of a star-studded life she lives now. Frankly, he finds it relatively safe to assume she doesn't even remember him all that well now, let alone think about him.
I think the rumor is that he's like an avant-garde photographer and media manager, so possibly yeah.
At least this carrot king bullshit isn't as bad as pastor.
I feel like she's probably mostly moved on, actually. And her past boyfriends have been meaningful. That doesn't mean that she forgets, though.
Wasn't something along these lines posted in one of the last threads?
You do it.
Personally I really like /x/ type stuff so this is all really fun.
And now Gazelle is suddenly Taylor Swift.
The issue is I assumed it was me and you, but there could be like 3 or more working on this. If it's just 2 we can keep up the call and response.
Don't be so negative.
Zootopia needs more Lovegiraft
Do not offend the Carrot King
Don't tell me what to do, you're not me real mom.
No idea, just go with it. I'm going to go eat something in a moment.
So Gazelle posts on 4chan?
Gazelle could be in this very thread?!
>>3786946 (You)
>"Nick, I thought I said you shouldn't touch it?" She replied, still smiling.
>"What? But I didn't?" Nick replied, glancing frantically at where his paw now rested against the smooth, hard bone, "I was just up there with you, I thought?"
>"Oh, Nick. I'm going to have to cleanse you now," Judy menaced, her smile growing wider and wider.
>Nick's head began to pound, a migraine setting in. He pulled his paw off the skull and set it against his head.
>His vision was partially obscured by what could only be described as darkness leaking off his paw.
>The pain continued to grow, the swaths of darkness falling off his paw and whatever it touches now fully obscuring his vision.
>Nick closed his eyes, not that it mattered, to try to soothe some of the pain of the headache.
>"Nick, come on, wake up! We're going to visit the Skull Gorge today, right?" Judy's voice rung clear through the haze, Nick's headache disappearing in an instant
>He opened his eyes to the brightness of the morning sun piercing through the window of the guest bedroom.
>"W-what?" He stammered out, staring at Judy.
Well, it just works.
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Gazelles song was fucking shit
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Pretty much what I meant, yes.

It's not that she's obsessed with her love long lost, and yearns for nothing more than getting him back. But she does regret how it all ended, without any closure. There are inevitable ponderings on what could've been, if she could've handled the relationship better. What he's up to now, how his life must be, and if he ever thinks about her the same way she does of him.

These thoughts don't strike her very often; Her life is pretty busy and satisfactory as it is. But in the odd moment her mind does linger to this topic, it's understandably a painful one, and those rare songs she writes are her way of dealing with it.
t. Nick "Tod Powered" Wilde
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All this time, Weaver has been Gazelle!
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Here's your (Ewe)
Keep on going.
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So you're saying I killed Gazelle and Taylor Swift?
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>They draw this on /co/
>Nick glanced at his paw, which was no longer leaking darkness from it.
>Judy was smiling, but in her normal, warm manner and not in that deranged too-wide form she'd had... Moments ago? Yesterday?
>"Was... Was that a dream?" Nick asked her, more to get the question in the air for himself than something he expected her to answer.
>Which is why he was surprised when she did, "Ohh. Did we go to the Skull Gorge already?"
>"Uh, yes? I think? All I can remember is thinking I shouldn't touch the skull, and then suddenly I was touching the skull."
>"Oh, yeah, that happens from time to time. Well, 'time' to 'time'" Judy said, intoning with airquotes.
>"We can skip that particular attraction today, if you want. I hear the Carrot Mall is having a huge sale, anyways!"
>Nick groaned. He just wanted to go back to the city and away from whatever hellhole he'd wound up in here, "I imagine everything in the Carrot Mall is carrot-related?"
>"What? No, don't be ridiculous. It's a normal mall, silly."
Calvin, being the nervous little nerd he is, finally settled on a outfit very similar to what he already had, much to Sams disappointment. She thought booty shorts would have been a real strong play.
Oh shit, red in a black and white world.

He's going to be killed by nazis!

>Carrot King
>More Nick x Gazelle fluff
Thread had sharply taken the turn to awesome
>red tie

Ooooh... a nod to the pred/prey subculture thing.
I want avo to fill me with his guac
Deepest lore and/or bunny hole.
this reminds me of... deeper
it will forever be a mystery
Where the fuck is everyone ... oh wait it's mid day on a Wednesday people are asleep or working
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Judge not lest ye be judged
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I'm here. I just don't have much to contribute.
Writer's block and I haven't picked up something to draw with in years despite wanting to do something Zootopia related.

Just can't find the right motivation...
I can't wait until they get back to the city and Nick has to introduce Judy to the 200 Phenomena in the city of Zootopia
>And like she said, the Carrot Mall was, in fact, a normal mall. It was a desperately needed break from the events that had taken place over the past day? Days? Nick wasn't even certain anymore.
>Judy had said something about chronological flux, but it flew well over Nick's head.
>And for once, the day seemed like it would stay totally normal. And then it came time to return to the Hopps household.
>Once more they passed by the same lumbering mass of rot and vegetation. Judy stopped abruptly as the Carrot King stepped onto the road, one of its feet nearly totally blocking the road
>"Bow down, Nick."
>"What?" Nick shot a glance at her, but she was already on the ground, prostrating herself to the enormous probably-god.
>Nick looked back at the Carrot King which simply stared at them. As best it could with no eyes, anyways.
>Nick slowly followed Judy's lead, splaying himself on the ground. He stared intently at the dirt beneath him until he heard the slamming and shaking as the Carrot King walked away
>He heard Judy stand, and followed suit, "I'm leaving now. I am going to the train station, and taking the first train back to Zootopia. Now."
>"Fine. I guess our customs are a bit of a system shock for non-natives. But we're coming back in a few months. We can't possibly miss Carrot Day."

And that's all I got in me for this wonderful mess. I'm so glad I wrote my own expansion to that first post, because this was a wonderful trip.
His pants still look very tight, are they slim fit?

I'm here. I guess I could try a greentext or something... My betty/remmy one did okay.
I prefer the idea that Zootopia proper is completely normal, and Bunnyburrow is just this mess of Nightvale/Twin Peaks-esque craziness.

Praise be to the Carrot King.
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Well that's what Nick keeps telling Judy, but she STILL gets freaked out whenever they take a wrong turn and wind up in the other Zootopia
Indeed they are. How else are is he going to seduce his teacher into an ill advised tryst if he can't show off that butt?

I mean, that's what Sam says, anyway
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Is there an edit of that screenshot with the female wolf replaced by her usual cover pose? the one that never changes
When you see judeon
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Welcome to Bunnyburrow.png
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Aaand I have this. If anybody wants to make a less shit cap, that'd be cool.
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Im still here sweetie
Wanna little smooch?
> their bong (now shattered)

Nick, you shit, you don't do that
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>smooch the ewe
fucking gross.
Bun > ewe all day.
Hoping that we get the Screencap-anon to come in and get all this.

Was happy to participate in it.
Yeah, sorry I kind of took it over. I think the continuity/timeline errors make it even weirder/better though.
Which part of me will you be kissing, you cutie fluffball?
Well you can't say she doesn't have a point
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>not liking the sheep muff

no preds

my muttonchops
I still like how I snuck in that Judy is over 200 years old.
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While I understand how everyone is gun-ho about Calvin getting his bunny buns blasted, I still want trash herself to get her insides painted with hot cum too.
Satan does no approve.
I didn't even notice until well after I initially read it. It was good.

That other anon was right: This is a far better drug trip than Pastor.
I'm a pred, but you can tame with your seductive woolly ways.
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Bunn butt > Sheep muff

It's just the facts, dear.
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never mind, lost interest

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Look, the female variant was used in this thread already.

Fucking fight me.
>never mind, lost interest
Oh, you're already started this, you don't have a choice now, cutie
What animal is this?
Stripes under the eyes remind me of Jay Naylor's red panda girl, and that is more than okay by me.
I still like the human heresy version of that image.
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I love Gewyn.
And Naylor needs to draw some Zootopia porn.
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Oh Im sorry, LYNNE
Gewyn is her beta brother
Thanks Anon! I'm sure I'll write lots of "Finnick and Nick" in the future! I have a lot of fun with those characters.
Good work Cap. Did you catch the second half of the Finnick and Honey Heist?
Oh god no, the Eweposters are bad enough, we don't need a pred equivalent.

I think she's a raccoon.
What if when you die, you go to Zootopia and become a fine mammal, but you're perpetually blue-balled and know with near absolute certainty that nobody will ever love you?
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FinNick is best ship. You can never go wrong with more of that!
Well we could have both at the same time, at least mechanically.
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>And Naylor needs to draw some Zootopia porn.


Jokes on you, I'd be a bunny and fuck EVERYTHING.
I don't see how that's any different from right now.

So, basically my life as it already is?

I'd say that's an upgrade, because I'd be a lot more comfortable as an animal.
This artstyle looks familiar.
red pandas are raccoons
It just feels morally wrong for her to be so naughty and not actually put out to a lucky dude.
>Best ship
It's certainly up there, despite the dearth of greentext or fics about it.
Well maybe if you were better at your job, and didn't keep pulling a Becca, you'd have better prospects.
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do we have a problem?

>"all of Naylor's art involves cucking" meme
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That's the spirit!
Or a lucky gay rabbit
You bet.
I want to boop her nose with my dick and have her brush her face while groaning at the pre-cum that oozed on her.
>Bunfags hijack another thread
"Give daddy a kiss".
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Ultra HD Floof.jpg
2MB, 2117x2333px
I wanna bury my face in her muff wool

I know, just ignore the attention whores
When will we get a fic when Fin is the daddy and makes Nick beg for it
>Anons die thinking that they'd wind up in Zootopia
>They actually end up in Equestria
>Somewhere, somehow, Bellwether is laughing
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On a scale of "autism" to "kill yourself", how did I do?

Sorry for the bad lighting, I really don't have much space for photography in this tiny house.
She should get those glasses covered with cum, probably.
>On a scale of "autism" to "kill yourself"

all of the above.

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Now, bottom for a guy dressed as Finnick.
4/10, needs more smug.

Good girl.
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Jude the Dude.jpg
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It's called a master plan, wreckage brother
You're a brave man, anon.
Not smug enough though.
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Why the fuck aren't her lips bleeding
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Is there any human heresy that's actually really hot and well-drawn?

Asking for, uh, a friend.
I'm a pasty white NEET, I'm not very good at smugging.
Because the spines are flexible
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Be the Bun
Have the Bun

Those are your choices.
>reeeeeee fucking bunfags
Here's your (Ewe)
Just think about underprivileged black children and it'll come naturally.
I choose to squeeze the bun's guts out.
Fucking otters
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smug intensifies.png
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Ah, okay

I can feel the smug flowing through me
We're not talking about Beaver right now, anon.
1. the barbs are flexible
2. they're made of flesh, not metal
Did you mean: "I choose to have the bun's guts squeeze one out for me"?
Quality is debatable, but there's this.
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I am become smug, hustler of worlds
Hey, it's a better Judy than a lot of the rule 34 I've seen.
Of course, that's what he meant.
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I really want to fuck a clockwork star
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check this fucker right here.webm
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damn that get

you are smug.
This one here I may have mislabeled, but it's also hot.
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Do not.
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Reminder before we go that penises go inside of Pizzacolt and Pizzafeline.
Gonna post this in every thread now, just because you said that.
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Manager Mouse needs to get hot glued by Pizzacolt.
>forgetting about pizzaphant's trunk
what are you, gay?
While pizzafeline is forced to go and make his deliveries and winds up getting gangraped by a house full of otters.
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It needs a rough facefucking even more than the sheep
Silly anon

It's not rape because it's illegal to say no to otters.
You can't be raped by otters.
It's literally illegal to tell them no, so her only choice is to consent to sex or go to jail after getting dicked.
It's not rape when it's otters.

Then, it's always wanted.
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I'll post the other two Boogie images there are for zootopia.
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I wonder if he covered the place in little ladders.

Or then... how the hell does he get around, anyways?
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I meant from her perspective, not the laws'

This does not expand dong.
Oh, you mean the tumblr perspective.
Well, it's not like she didn't have a LITTLE taste, anon
New Thread: >>3787847
aw yiss
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I want more crossdressing Nick.
Fuck, man, I want to just like... make her have our little ones.
ho baby
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You are.png
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>Judy felt rather weird being assigned to provide security cover for these strange hairless beings, especially wondering about their constant talk of 'diplomatic immunity'.
>They always stared at her and made a big deal about their desire to learn 'biological Zootopian ways'.
>Even as she realized what they badly wanted to do, she decided to honor her mission of spreading good-will among other nations, as gross as she found the creatures.
>They, on the other paw, simply loved every last inch of her.

I don't care if he's straight.

I refuse to let him say no.

Whether as a wolf, another fox, as human heresy, or whatever else-- I see him like that, I'm hitting him at full force.
don't be such a faggot, anon.


Iron your fucking shirt
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