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Why does DC Comics have the best animal-themed female characters?

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Thread replies: 324
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Why does DC Comics have the best animal-themed female characters?
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bump a bump bump DC is just odd
I want to ejaculate all over that orca.
Somehow, some designer at DC had just the right pervy mindset to make me want to jerk it to a literal land whale. Perfectly smooth, slippery body with big fat titties.
Not sure but damn.
I'm glad they did , even if she died for our sins but in DC everybody revives by some cop out so yeah, death be damned
Wasn't this pre-New 52? Might be an alive one now.
aye all that multiverse fuckery may have given her a second chance, i did like the idea of her as a black/white lantern so i doodled this for /co/ i might do more later.
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First time drawing her. Will do a better one later if any suggestions.
Dang yo, if this ain't even your best, I can't wait to see what else you can gift us.
we dont have any figure of her right?
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Don't think so.
Her sunbathing on a beach with a crowd gathering around her thinking she's a beached whale.
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Bouncer Orca 1/2
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Her showing off those pearly white making a kissey face.
Or for a more humor based request, her walking up to a guy in the club and slapping his ass.
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Orca's husband walking in on her wearing lingerie, posing on their bed.

Bonus points if he's never even considered the prospect of sex after she mutated and he's all sweatingman.jpg
They don't. It's exactly the same "nude painted elf with a tail and no genitals or nipples" shit Marvel does. Orca is a meaningless outlier. Even then, she still hits half of the mark due to having no nipples or genitals.
I thought she was a mutated woman in a suit.
I believe the implication at the end of her first appearance was that after taking too much of the serum (to save her life), it mutated her into a full on humanoid Orca woman. She never appeared outside of her suit, if it was even still a suit, again to refute it.
Her using a shark dildo
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Does she count as more than one person for your crowd?
maybe a water enema? a BIG FAT hose with a lot of water pressure? a lot of this water flowing outside, her anus looking like a rosebud or a donut and her facial expression looking like one of those crazy doujin faces?

or maybe the same idea I told you but with a giant sperm whale penis?
One person is fine. Thanks man!
Requesting her and Cheetah (any version will do) fucking.
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Whoops. I saw lingerie then >>3650297 and I accidentally mixed up.
Great work nonetheless.
/r/ing Orca getting fucked by anon while he plays with her big boobs. Motorboating can be involved but feel free to get creative.

In the original thread someone joked about Orca selling the serum that transformed her as a miracle cure. Have her giving the treatment to a cute girl in a wheelchair. (preferably with before and after)
>Orca getting fucked by anon

More like
>Orca fucks anon while he suffocates under her huge tatas, all the while giving a thumbs up
Is she lactating during this?
Most likely not since she's part whale, but e621 has taught me that biology doesn't matter.
But whales do nurse young
Whales are mammals, you dip
Sure, why not.
Her wearing pink frilly apron for her husband.
Always did like the idea of her having a little bit of chub on her. But that's just me.
My nigga
So are any of the drawfags still working on Orca?
I am currently working on the anon fuggin picture.
We must go lewder.
Never expected the attention she's getting to last this long, but we got more Orca fanart out of it so there's that.
I didn't even know she existed until a thread on /co/ that started I think yesterday.
I love you Orca. Please come back.
Would anyone be interested if I posted ideas for a comic script here?
Don't see any reason not to post it.
Yes pls
Alright, well what I have so far is that Orca has gone semi-straight after a stint in Blackgate where she recuperated after a near fatal fight with the croc. She's decided that the life of a super criminal ultimately just isn't worth it and wants to get out of villiany. Despite her genius intellect however she's unable to integrate back into academic life due to her criminal record, though she suspects it has more to due with the fact that she's now ten feet tall and can bite through a mans arm since people like Harley Quinn and the riddler seem not to have as much trouble when they go straight

She scrabbles to find a job- any job- lowering her standards again and again before finally accepting an offer from the penguin to work as a bouncer for the iceberg lounge, though she brusquely refuses the appended offer to also moonlight as an exotic dancer/floor attraction

The comic follows her trying to adjust to life in her condition, with her often just skirting the edge of the law.

What do you guys think about the premise? Anything you would want to include?
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Sounds like fun. Though you were going to pitch a sex comic but this is good too.
I need a happy ending. Too many of these things have bad ends or characters settling on less than good ends. Just not ending with her fine with being a bouncer and giving up on want for research.

But that's just me being tired of "this is fine" endings.

It sounds like Chase for supervillains/henchmen. I love it. I'd like to see Penguin having her do shady shit like carry cargo or rough up people too. Maybe Batman can hassle her.
>Anything you would want to include?
I'd like to see her take interest in an underage male.
We should send messages to DC's twitter and let them know she has a fandom.

Is there any non-lewd fanart?
Well right now I am still trying to figure out what the larger plot would be besides her adjusting to civilian life.

Her ultimate goal would be returning to her research, so maybe we could see her working on less then legal super projects on the black market as well.

Interaction with batman would be good but I'd think that he and the rest of the extended bat family would showing up too often would end up stealing the narrative focus.
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>non-lewd fanart

I don't think a single piece of fanart that has been made in the last 2 days has been non-lewd.

Except maybe the two bouncer whale pictures.
Well we can't send porn to DC

Maybe send those ones.
/r/equesting Orca in reverse cowgirl, dominating a guy while she smiles and blushes.
Maybe her ultimate goal could be trying to get back to research to cure herself, but the book has her coming to terms with who she is now. Like she's able to fight off some guys and feels satisfied, or even something as simple as people not hassling her on the streets.

Batman could just be like a parole officer type character who she has to worry about catching her and throwing her back in jail.
Welp i think i'm not helping with the non-lewd fanart thingy, oh well here is some Orca on anon action
That is perfectly fine. I love it.

To the trash booru.
Needs sharper teeth and those feet are tiny. Hot stuff, anon.
noted famalama, thanks
I should read up on her existing comics but these are all great ideas

if anyone has any scenes or suggestions for character interactions i'd be happy to find a way to work it into the story
I love her little boots there.

In the previous thread somebody pointed out that Orca has a weird anthropology face sometimes, but when she has normal human face proportions with big Spider-Gwen eyes she looks really good.
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This is the first time I've seen a /co/ character get enough love and fanart for two boorus in less than a day.
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That's how i drew her in the first pics i did of her, this time i was going for something closer to her original look, big expresive eyes are indeed fun i might work on some sfw expressions with that type of eyes.
In a couple panels of a comic she had some aquatic themed cellmates it would be fun if they remained as acquaintaces/friends doing whatever from scheming stuff, getting hired as muscle or making Orca's husband feel uncomfortable.
I still think there should be at least one SeaWorld joke.
Oh is she still married to that guy or did he wind up divorcing her for some reason?
[spoiler]They both get killed[/spoiler]

>>3656982 is thinking of an alternate world story
I'd say that she'd be divorced, or at the very least estranged
>Orca being jail friends with King Shark
>King Shark comes to visit for dinner
>Grace explaining to her husband that King Shark is the son of a shark god.
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I've got a little present for you guys.
Ahh, the thread's still up with this woman. Good to know, I hope to contribute some works as well on Orca before Weekends end. Keep it alive, guys!
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Have a cover image for that story. I'll get back to it later on.

Noice! Great work.

Don't orca's typically eat penguins?
Potential heel-face-turn that is structured like a hostile takeover by her?
That's why it works so well. Orcas in nature eat penguins, but Penguin has her under his thumb.
Oh wow! this is great. Thank you so much man. If nothing else comes from this I'm happy

Orca's eat pretty much everything. They're bastards.

I'll try and write something up tomorrow and post at least a rough outline here.
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>Penguin gives her shit about her situation
>Can't do anything about because it's her only job
>Tries to stay calm, but takes out aggression on patrons
>Gains reputation as a no nonsense bouncer
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Cheetah and Orca 01
Planning on drawing more?
If this guy's comic turns out good we should see if we can get DC to go with it.
Then if it's popular enough we might get a nice Orca action figure to jizz on.
Maybe. I always number my drawings in case I draw more of the same subject. Also, sometimes I go through several sketches before I get things just the way I want.
Anon please.

It's called hot gluing.
Oh, yes, of course.
I know that, I meant for anon's story

Good, makes it that much easier for waifufags such as myself.
I love this.
Cool, just a little note, I think it'd look better if Orca's eyes were pure white, looks great still
Well I've found a new passion.
So is it safe to say Orca is the current FOTM?
I love dat smooth dolphin pussy
Of the week, anyway.
What >>3659802 said, but who knows, maybe that anon's comic will be really good and renew interest in her.

Dis nigga

Requesting Orca explaining the differences between Dolphins and Orcas to a group of hostages. Sensually, if possible.
>Requesting Orca explaining the differences between Dolphins and Orcas to a group of hostages. Sensually, if possible.

Seconding this.

Also, /r/ing orca's pussy getting licked / eaten.

With a blackboard and chalk, and diagrams. And she can tell them there will be quiz later.
Gotta keep this bumped.
If we ever got a face sitting picture, I think I'd die from blood loss.
Heresy, I love how you draw Cheetah so freaking much. You other art of her is awesome too.
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Look at Orca! You keep calling her a whale but anyone can tell she's clearly a dolphin!
Insulting Orca while being set adrift on a raft is a very bad idea.
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>OrcaXHuey non-canon sidearc
>follows the journey of two characters, shamed, beaten, and exiled, on their perilous journey back to US shores...and perhaps, the roots to a budding romance

delete this
I'll do it on the condition that more art gets posted.
delete this
I can barely draw a circle so I have no control over that.
I contest that worse things have been posted, but for the sack of continued prosperity, I'll do it.
Except the post is too old to delete~
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>browse the muscle thread on /aco/
>someone already made an Orca request

never change
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This is how Huey really drowned.
>ywn drown in the arms of your dolphin waifu
Why live?
Whales can take really deep breaths. She could just take a big gulp and exhale into you to keep you alive.
I want to impregnate that Orca.
I have never heard of this character before

No way she is as sexual in the official comics... Right?

Can I see something of her from the official?
No wait, I found stuff...

She's just a human in a suit... Such a damn let down
How many times do we have to go over this god damn

In everything beyond her first appearance she's not
How is this familia?
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cyka blyat orca is not of whale
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It's a dolphin goddamn it.
You get the point.
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This is the first I am seeing this character, but I really want to draw her
learnt something new today, thanks famalama.
You know what you must do.
Orca a C U T E
If she just had a tail she would be perfect
If she ever got back into Bats' gallery she'd probably end up like Croc where they can't decide how anthro she is

Schrodinger's tail
That reminded me
>Marvels Croc in the Spiderman movie

Come on, why do they always have to slap a human face on everything?
Orca in Injustice 2 when?
The only game Orca is actually in is the DC scribblenauts game.

I may or may not have bought it on this merit alone.

...Full price.
can you post a screenshot?
I don't really want to reinstall it but I'm sure something exists, somewhere
Google didn't help. But thats okay
It's just a little paper-doll looking thing of Orca in videogame form, anyway.
How would tacticool injustice Orca look? pouches and armor everywhere? something like agent venom?
You could make it so that her parts are just different kinds of whales.
Hmm, I was planing to draw here after learning about her... I might try that
Today was a good day.
>Every now and then, Anon calls her a fish specifically because he knows it pisses her off

La la la! I can't hear you!
Fat Orca being called a land whale pic when?
Hey, I'm the writer here again. Just got back, and reading up on killer whales and the comic

anyone have the stories she was already in?
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I don't, sorry.
I still maintain that she was supposed to be a human in a suit and later artists either forgot or didn't give enough of a shit to check.

Not-a-suit seems more appropriately comic-booky if I had to pick, but I'm happy with either version.
whoops, meant for
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>that lewd face

Nice nice nice.
I want her to break my pelvis.
I want to use her body as a slip and slide that ends with my dick in her smooth dolphin pussy.
La la la! I can't hear you!
Surprised literally no one has proposed a team up with Aquaman.

It's weird how after her first appearance she's just lumped in with other random villains, when she clearly had a "misguided sense of good" thing going on.
Because nobody cares about her, basically
She'd probably get paranoid that he'd use the telepathy/mind control on her and compel her to do things.
Fun Fact: Aquaman doesn't 'control' sealife

They just do what he says because they respect him
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Well she's cute.
I bet she secretly has a crush on aquaman.

Maybe even an aquaman/black manta fan gril
I know I have a comic page of some Aquaman related guy compelling a woman to kill herself because she had some sealife DNA in her but I can't find it.
Welp, as the fatfag that i am i knew this was bound to happen, however it did took me eight pics to draw her as a fatso.
all that fat is for the winter
she'll show them during the spring
she'll show all of them
That's pretty great, but is there any chance you could make an edit without the belly? I mean her ass is still plenty fat enough for the comments.
we've gone too far boys
Nicely done! I am honestly surprised such high caliber drawfags have been attracted to this- not that I'm complaining.
needs more orca pussy pounding
with creampie
>too far

I mean, she's LITERALLY a whale. Your hand was forced. This was destiny.

Have we? Or have we not gone too far enough?
You are a true hero of our time. Keep up the stellar work.
You are a hero among men.
Story anon here, the general shape of the plot is forming, now I'm just working on characters

what are some other d-list villains she might interact with?

I was thinking she would have to attend a self help group as part of her parole conditions
Calendar Man and Kite Man.
polkadot man, the ventriloquist, magpie
So is this image OC from /co/ or what?
You sure?
Not positive but pretty sure. Don't take my word for it.
Never mind. Found a place where it was uploaded in 2013.
Firefly maybe? in the comic her husband mentions how they used to hang out with him...there's also king shark and the unnamed fish themed cellmates that were with her during the jailbreak
This thread's still at it with the sexy Whale Doc, Orca. Keeping it alive to continue to give her a moment to remember
KGBeast, Ventriloquist, and Magpie are obvious choices since they were the other low tier villains killed by Tally Man alongside Orca. Plus Magpie is also a qt now thanks to Beware the Batman.
Ratcatcher, The Carpenter, White Rabbit?
Maybe Great White Shark? I dunno what villain tier he's on, but it's not A-list.
I don't think so. He ordered her killed.
Ah. I ain't really caught up on continuity, I guess. Did everything reboot again?
DC has rebooted at least twice since then, but Orca hasn't come back. No one really cares about her. Well, except for horny /co/mrades.
Fuck Great White Shark. He's dead to me for what he did to our flawless whalefu. Now King Shark on the other hand... They did escape from the Slab together...

Sexy <3
This is a fun thread considering the obscurity of this character.
King Shark please
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Any artists still around to do requests?

If so requesting Orca in the bedroom of a boy who is a big Orca fan. Posters and action figures all over

The boy in his bed with Orca standing over his bed, feet on the floor on either side so her legs are spread a bit. He crotch over his faces as he is sweating looking up at her

And Ocra with a snarky smile saying something like "So I heard to were a big fan"
And the fellow /trash/men apparently.
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Here's Orca as she was in Scribblenauts. Wew.
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Notice how she has the weird "logo" she has that was probably intended to be stretching elastic or something by the artist here- this was when it was a suit, I think? I'm not actually sure, it's not like this guy is a fantastic artist. Look at them propotions.

Point is, nobody knows a thing about Orca.
>Orca being able to shift her size at will
muh dick
I don't mind the size change at will, it is kinda hot, but pupils?How dare they corrupt the whalefu.
Also bumping for interest in story anon's progress
This is how I want to die, this exact situation, Orca tits and all
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>she can grow bigger
>so large that super soft orca ass that can envelop your entire body with a single cheek
bumping for whale titters
/r/ing Orca taking it in the pussy and ass at the same time
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I shall draw more of dem whale tiddies my felllow anon, don't despair.
Bumpin' it up for the maneating mammarific and busty Orca Dr.
>tfw this is the only furshit I ever got a boner to
>tfw Orca is just another Flavour of the Month that will be quickly be forgotten
Some giant Orca would make my dick diamonds before she would fade into obscurity again
I got you, anon. giant Orca coming up
Here is a rough of a comic i did based on the idea, if the thread iw still alive i'll post the complete comic later.
You're beautiful, anon.
>That Bat-Dick
>Bat's stoic expression
My sides are obliterated

Excellent work. Unfs and chuckles all around
You're a good man, shameless
>giant orca
Stop appealing to my fetishes.
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Oh thanks but the other anon wasn't me, i posted the running office man, expect more giant whale from that other fella.
my fetish is orca [spoiler]working a normal labwork job and having to endure her co-workers' stares and behind-her-back chatter[/spoiler]
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>my obscure waifu is getting giantess pictures
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>Tfw you will never experience giant orca butt
>Orca retains water in her body
>makes her bigger and THICCER
>water keeps her super soft so she won't crush you to death no matter how big you get
>city-sized ass feels like a giant, smooth waterbed coming down on you
thank you
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good lawd
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This is truly a wonderful thread.
More Giant Orca x anon lewd please?
Someone needs to write a fapfic with this giant fuck.
Still waiting on that one anon making the comic
I wrote a sadfic once but I only write once every few years, basically

the focus definitely wouldn't be on the size focus either even if I did, I don't like comedically HUGE women, just big and muscular ones. Anything above like 8'0 is getting into the realm of wew lad
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>being this big of a pleb
Orca being bashful because she's so much bigger than you but then slowly getting into it and pulverizing you with her enormous ass is hot.
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i can't change that it's not my thing, senpai

twelve/twenty-foot women are just too fetishy for me, shit feels too similar to inflation
Bitch what about

looks inflated. She's just fuckin big. THERE'S MORE OF HER EVERYTHING
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I didn't say it looked inflated, I just said the fetish feels similar in the way that I find that level of size difference more comedic than lewd to look at so seeing it sexualized kinda squicks me out, personally.

You do you nigga I'm not trying to boot you out of your own personal magical realm
Amazon height. U-unf.
Orca a C U T E.

If I made a DC Waifu thread on /co/ would you guys post in it?
Sure, I guess. Only reason we migrated here was because of the fear that Orca was too furry for the mods. Also to post NSFW stuff.
Well if you did you would have to be very subtle, like not posting orca or the fact that is a waifu thread on the OP, but gradualy start doing so during the middle, you know how obnoxious are the mods with waifu threads.
Eh generally they allow them. We have DC waifu threads all the time. Plus they let the gay threads stay up 24/7
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Well i didn't think of it that way, it might work who knows.
Are you sure?
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Ask and you shall... Uh-Oh!
She's gonna blooooooooooow!
time to wait I guess
Where do you think this thread came from? This was orignally on /co/
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And one where everyone's a winner with Orca in the summertime. I wonder who would voice Dr. Whale anyways
I love this thread so much, without it I wouldn't have known about my fetish for this obscure character
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>Will grow larger and larger in size at will
I didn't know /d/ reached to levels this obscure. This revelation must be taken advantage of at all costs.
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WIP and others soon to come for a two-toned, buxom, killer whale
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So waifufags how dedicated are you?

Would you give her a full body massage every night after she comes home from her regular job and cuddle up to her in the spoon position with you as the little spoon?

Would you distract Batman long enough for her to escape and wind up with broken bones and wind up in jail for awhile waiting for her until she breaks you out?

Would you give her a rimjob while she stands at some podium giving a scientific speech at a university or auditorium that she is holding hostage?

Would you ignore the temptations of an orgy with Harley Quinn, Powergirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman?

Would you resist the opportunity to take what's in this box?

Ill stay with Orca

To any ends.
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The first one.
At some point, Orca should feel the effects of low-self esteem over her appearance and ends up knocking back a few drinks. She remembers Penguin's offer for her to try exotic dancing, and thinks of how nice it would be to feel sexy again. She ends up on the stage pole dancing while stripping out of a bikini, much to the (mostly male) audience's delight, but then the pole can't hold her weight, and she ends up breaking the stage and injuring a few patrons by accident. When she's sobered up and embarrassed, Penguin tells her to stick to being a bouncer unless he builds a sturdier stage.
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God damn them hips.
Hey, it's the writer again. I've read up on Orca and have started to draft together notes for a story. I'm not sure why since this is just going to go in the fanfiction folder but...anyway I'll just dump the details here.

I've worked out a couple of scenes that I want to include, but I am having a hard time working out which should be first in the story. Chronlogically it'll go something like this.

>Orca appears before the parole board to plead her case. She's still not totally healed from her encounter with Croc but is close to being on the med. She's dressed in the prison equivalent of a wet suit version of the standard orange jumpsuit that the rest of the prisoners wear
>The prison and state officials list Orca's crime, giving us a quick over view of her character history
>Dr. Grace Balin was formerly a gifted marine biologist who specialized in whales and was described by many as a pillar of the community- she supported soup kitchens, took care of the homeless, and worked pro bono at the Gotham Aquarium until it was shut down due to lack of funding
>An accident left her paralyzed from the waist down and she turned her expertise towards finding a cure, eventually creating the serum that would turn her into Orca
>In her new form Dr. Balin went on a crime spree, targeting people she believed deserved to be robbed, that culminated in her attempting to steal the Flame of Persia from millionaire Camille Baden-Smythe
>Ms. Smythe's lawyers are also present for the meeting and urge that she be denied parole as Orca is a dangerous woman with superhuman strength, who has not hesitated to hurt others and has threatened to kill their client
>Grace denies this and states that her time in prison and near death encounter with the Croc has scared her straight. All she wants to do is return to her research and try to make right what's she's done wrong
>After peppering her with questions, the board finally decides to approve her for Parole
Good God, anon, you're my hero. That size difference. That perspective. That up shot of Orca. Orca's hips. That cartoony Batman. :)
What the fuck is this? I want porn, not some autist's fanfiction.

Fuck off, anon.

Autistic fanfiction is the best kind of fanfiction.
Giantessfags f u c k o f f
People want to read about an oversized orca chick doing lewd things, not some random-ass parole case.
>Orca stands outside on Blackgate's shores, and, rather then waiting for the Ferry, decides to swim back to Gotham, diving head first into Gotham bay
>it's rancid, polluted, and filled with trash but it's completely open, and for the first time in a long time she feels happy.
>Orca pulls herself out of the water only to be surrounded by curios onlookers who begin to snap pictures of her,. Someone points out that she's technically naked and Orca dives back i nthe water to avoid attention and embarrassment, people beginning to realize that she's a former supervillain.
>Orca enters a metahuman half way house along with several other former villains, including Magpie, Ratcatcher and other D-listers
> She spends what little money she has on getting clothing tailored for her proportions and tries to re-enter the academic life, visiting her old college and various research facilities like STARR Labs, but is immediately shown the door in most places
>Becoming more and more frustrated, Orca almost blows her top and begins to lift up a secretary's desk to smash something in frustration before realizing that there's a dark shadow watching her from the window.
>Carefully, calmly she puts the desk back down and exits the building, giving the gargoyles of gotham a one fingered salute as she exits.
>Orca's parole officer is introduced, who begins to pressure her to find a job, any job, or else he'll have her back in blackgate for violating the terms of her release.
>The parole officer is a real scumbag, who uses his position to intimidate and extort the people in his case files
>Desperate for cash she begins to lower her standards, trying to find some place, any plae that is willing to take her
Sorry, I guess it's just I need a convoluted narrative to get off
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I'll read about that parole case and by gum I'll like it.
we need some sfw stuff to get more people to worship big whale ass, also wetsuit~
This is a really good setup write anon, keep it up
You got me hooked write-anon,keep it up
Alright now at this point of the story I'm pretty sure that orca would be offered a job by the Wayne foundation, but that Orca would turn it down. I'm just not sure why she would do that though

Possibely she has some sort of unknown beef with Waynecorp or a strong distaste for Bruce Wayne himself. Maybe she just doesn't like the idea of being given a handout

It's also at this point that Orca will meet with the Penguin, though again I'm not sure how.

My first idea is that her parole officer arranges for her to have a 'job interview' that turns out to be Cobblepot who is himself freshly returned from prison and looking to rebuild his empire. He tries to get her to use her science skills for the black market- super powers in a bottle would fetch a big price, and even if she can't replicate that there's always the more mundane drug trade

Orca flatly refuses and says that part of her life is over before the negotiations are interrupted by an attack by a Rival gang, maybe Blackmask, during which Orca proves to be very efficient with nonlethally subduing her opponents. Impressed the penguin offers her a job working at the iceberg lounge and knowing that she isn't going to do any better then that she accepts.

If you guys have any ideas on other ways it could play out I'd be all for it.

After this her first job is actually clearing out the Lounge as in the penguins absence it's been taken over by Jokers. Orca swiftly puts the boot them, especially after finding out that the variety of marine animals that have been left to linger in the penguins absence.

Orca quickly settles in at the reopened club as both a bouncer and as a caretaker for the numerous seals and other exotic creatures

Most of the scenes I have after this are a lot less fleshed out and aren't really integrated into the story as of yet, but I'd be happy to share them
Fun ideas, anon.

I'm not sure if I'd go that route myself but I'm kind of a control freak when it comes to writing.
And just for the hell of it some stupid bullshit I've had bouncing around in the back of my head

>Orca overheats way too easily, which is a problem in a place like Gotham during the summer.
>She keeps a bucket of ice water around just to cool herself down, and usually just dumps it right over her head. Doesn't care that it makes her clothing stick to her like wet paper, it's just feels so good

>Orca tried exotic dancing.
>She accidentally crushed a mans pelvis in the process while trying to give him a lap dance
>She doesn't do it anymore

>Orca is intimdating, and it's an air she carefully cultivates
>Around the halfway house she's constantly pumping iron and at work she makes sure to phyiscally intimidate at least one person per night
>Her secret is she's actually a big nerd. A big nerd with a soft heart
>She adopted a stray cat and named him Costeau. That's how much of a soft nerd she is

>Orca can't fit through most doors. She doesn't always remember to duck though and ends up banging her head against them.
>usually this destroys the door frame

>Orca is still secretly terrofied of Croc and King shark. She wakes up at night remembering what they did to her, still trying to fight her way out

>Dr. Balin was married to a man who doted on her like she was the entire world.
>Orca doesn't have a husband
Writing collaboratively can be fun. How would you do the story? I'm really curious!
These are cool i could see them working as gag panels before Orca settles herself as the penguin's bumper and others as scenes to build up her character more, but i thought it was great white shark who sent croc to kill her not king shark.

As the story i think i'd be nice to just try to make something out of the bumper story for now, if you wanna make it a fan comic and don't have an artist i'd be glad to help, i'm the guy who's been doing the little gag comics.
Yeah, Great white shark, you're right! Thanks for pointing it out.

If you really want to devote the energy towards the drawing I'd be happy to draw up a script. Fuck this is actually kind of exciting
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I'd probably have written it a bit more grounded and "real," as boring as that sounds. I really enjoy taking someone extraordinary and having them suffer as they try to live a normal life. Surround her mostly with C-Listers, don't have her constantly interacting with the big fish like Penguin and the like. I wasn't 100% sold on her working as a bouncer- at least full time, but if you're going to do it, I'd say have her deal with one of Penguin's higher-tier henches rather than the man himself. Bouncer is probably more interesting than whatever career I could come up with.

The biggest interaction she should have is occasionally Batman checking in on her because he keeps tabs on fucking everyone.

Also, Orca was shot in the head by the second tally man on Great White Shark's order's to make it look like Two-Face killed her, then Croc found the body and started eating her corpse.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take it into consideration. Interaction with major A listers would definitly be something that happens rarely. I really loved GOtham Central and I wouldn't mind going with that tone, but I do want to keep the inherent silliness. Orca is after all a marine biologist named after a bad pun for Baleen
I should read up about the particulars of her death. Is there anything else about the character I should know?
Start at 1:19
Requesting an R.Mika and Orca combo from some pretty kick-ass drawpeeps, and to keep it alive and going
Hm, I'm in the mood to write something explicit. Would anyone want F/F smut with Orca and Magpie?
Hell yeah.
As long as there's thorough smothering.
>tfw Orca has died in your lifetime

remember to write orca in somehow if you ever become a DC writer

save the waif
Why not stick to the classic "Save the whales?"
Mothman for life
/r/ing "save the whales" advertisement prominently featuring Orca getting double-penetrated with her rear towards the front and looking back with a suggestive grin on her face.
And the word "save" crossed out and replaced with "sex."
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Wanted to try my hand at drawing Orca, and earlier someone was saying they wonder how she would look in Injustice 2.

So I tried to come up with a design for her in it
1 and 2 look really damn nice, not so sure about about 3 though, aside from the coloring you can barely tell that it's Orca.
Ya, I was using the fully armored Batman for reference.

I couldn't find many good screenshots of the fully armored characters
Eh, to be fair I haven't really played Injustice so I'm hardly the right person to say how similar her design is compared to the others.
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Injustice 2 isn't out but in the trailers they shown that the characters slowly get more armor.

Like Batman here

Later I could take another try at the armor. It's saved on a different layer so wouldn't be hard to redraw
I2 is gonna be shite
looks pretty good
I think the thing with the Injustice 2 armor system is that each character has a theme to it. Superman and Supergirl have very minimal armor, Atrocitus has what looks like bone, Batman has that edgy shit, and Aquaman has the pauldrons. If I were to assign a theme to Orca, I would say it'd be round with practically no sharp edges, like the armor in BvS is the first thing that comes to mind.
I like power armor and all, but Orca's armor would probably be fairly minimalist in comparison. Shit should be developed with aerodynamics and swimming in mind, since that's literally the biggest upside to her mutation.

Hmm, Yeah. I couldn't really find anyone else but Batman so was using that.

But the body suit seems fine right? Just the armor is off?
Also, [spoiler]send it to Ed Boon, do it.[/spoiler]
>Ed Boon

The breasts are too big, it's offensive
Send it every day until he likes it.
I'd say bare the arms and legs and keep the armor mostly torso centered. Maybe bare the fin, too.

I'm not certain, I figure it should be like a heavily armored swimsuit without making that sound completely retarded.
The body suit looks okay, but the problem is that it looks a bit too mechanical, she look more like a cyborg. Simplify it a little, then add the armor on top. Alternatively, you could just do away with body suit altogether like Grodd and have bare skin in between the armor pieces. Like: Chest piece, gauntlets, greaves, and a helmet with mostly exposed upper arm and upper leg.
Maybe thinner armor on the arms and legs, like neoprene?
>It's on autosage
Dunno, my gut says no limb armor would look best on Orca, but it's not like I have a history of art design.
Orca having body issues seems like a good comic to go into.
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Like this or did you mean the other armor?
Oh, I didn't draw this I just took anon's drawing of the armor and did some photoshop edits.
Maybe not exactly like that, but not bad.
what would you change?
I want Orca to give me a slippery finjob.
I might give it a blue-ish color scheme? I honestly dunno
needs more pouches
Tried adding layer mask but it doesn't look that good to me.

I can't draw for shit.
Drawfag here that drew it. I could try these
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Here are some sloppy edits I made that are more to my liking
Guy that drew them here again.

I actually like the one of the left way more than what I drew.

That other anon is right, simple is better
Who's going to make a new thread?
Editfag who posted the previous Orca edit, you did a better job than me.
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You are the chose one.
Someone please make a new thread and then link to this one so our wonderful drawfags can find it.
What's stopping you?
Fine, fuck all y'all. I made one.

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