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/TLHG/ The Loud House General Crushed Clit Edition >Boor

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Thread replies: 586
Thread images: 239

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/TLHG/ The Loud House General
Crushed Clit Edition




>Thread Archive:


>[Short] Slice of Life:

>[Promo] Lincoln's Many Emotions:

>Season 2 Green-lit for 14 Episodes:

>Loud House Beats SpongeBob in Kids Demographic
Upcoming Episodes:

Overnight Success (Airdate: TBD)
>Lincoln invites Clyde over to the house for a sleepover, but he gets jealous when Clyde wants to hang out with his sisters instead
Sneak Peak http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/the-loud-house-109a-clip.html | http://sendvid.com/w5jhbooo
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A happy Leni is a cute Leni!
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A naked Lana is a happy Lana!
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A happy Luna is something something
Oh my fucking god, I swear to god if you guys keep shitposting like this I am going to leave this fucking thread
someone please kill me
Dude you suck and this is literally coming from like another Lenifag.
Who are you?
Cute uncut shota dick.
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Fixed Lynn
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Here's Luan
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heres that request from a few threads ago btw.
Fucking on point as per usual. I'm impressed with your dedication and ability to be the first post in almost every thread.
A lot more important than you'll ever be, fuckhead. are you fucking retarded or something??
I want to lick Luna's sweaty stubbly armpits.
This is pretty damn good. Are you uploading these to the booru?
Ah, a nobody.
Got it.
Thanks. Once I get all of them done and approved by you guys, I'll make a single collage pic with all sisters.
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Working on fics is hard.

I'm trying to make the Comfy/Lewd Luna fic that I mentioned a few days back, but the way I'm writing it it might just end up being a sad fic instead.

Fuck. Writing is harder that I thought it would be.
meant for >>3431859
dude fuck you you stupid cunt
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Just remember, folks:
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Woops, misuploaded the wrong one.

Doing Lucy next.
Fucking nice.
Calm down troid
I feel ya dude I just finished my first one.
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Lynn's Wet Nightmare.png
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Lynn is one fucked up kid
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>that episode where Lincoln broke Lisa's grill
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>that episode where Lynn had Lola set on fire and thrown off a cliff
Jeez, the stuff they can get away with on kids shows these days
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which loud sibling do you think is the most liked? or the most disliked? amongst the other siblings of course.
>that episode where Lisa cloned Leni and pimped her clone out

The worst part of the episode was that she didn't even need the money.
She did that just because she COULD
Sand in Lana's kitty.
Most liked?
Most disliked?
Theres nothing more pathetic in this thread than this post
I imagine Lincoln is the most disliked since he always has schemes that tend to blow up in his face. The sisters probably get annoyed by it, as for most liked it's Lily there was a whole episode about it.
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>tfw even the baby would be happy if you were gone
Being Luna is suffering
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It that a challenge Anon?

Cause this thread has yet to begin.
Well, there WAS nothing more than it.
I became a Lunafag out of fucking pity.

Holy shit, girl deserves a fucking break.
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Why can't Lucy just cheer the fuck up?

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I just want to be there for her give her a hug
She isn't sad, she's just going through a phase.

Or she's suffering from clinical depression. One of the two.
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i was a #lolaskate, then bros about to rock happened, and I became a #lunatic, but now i'm convinced, and am officially a #lanalauncher
>Savino said Luna was the sister closest to Lincoln
>this scene comes up

> nothing for Mr. Coconuts
also why farfetch'd
I'm slowly becoming a Lorifag
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they'll get along well
You fool you set up a punchline!
End yourself Clyde
No, this is literally the most retarded post other posters are either tryhard edgefags or summerfags shitposting but this one is clearly posted by some literal autist
>Clyde realizes that Lori is unattainable
>Goes for his back up plan: Lynn
>Lynn is no the wiser that she's his silver trophy
Lincoln's cute uncut shota dick.
Cute shota butt
Lincoln's cute uncut shota cockpussy.
Luna is neglected by her sisters to the point that she perceives Lincoln's abuse as a sign of affection.
Lynn, please.
I want to massage Lincoln's balls.
What a sick individual
Eh started good then it got pretty bad.
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Oh well I guess I'll try and pace myself better next time thanks.
Do you think he has any hair down there yet?
Do you think it's also white?
If he has, I wanna tear it out from the root.
Why are you mad though
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The real question is does the carpet match the drapes?

Maybe he's autistic.
Do you think the siblings are comfortable with being seen naked by the others?
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Casual nudity WHEN?!
I wouldn't think the girls mind seeing each other naked but I'm sure they freak out if Lincoln saw them naked.
comfortable? Nope. Does it happen fairly often? Yeah
Older ones, maybe. But I doubt the younger ones would care.
Maybe. But I can't picture Lola or Lucy being fine with Lincoln seeing them butt-naked.
Is Lori into being a dom. Is there any pics of Lori in a dominatrix outfit
I want to draw Lincoln with a few strands of armpit hair
This is the closet thing as far as I'am aware sadly.
I think it's unavoidable in many cases. Lincoln would have a solid grasp on the concept of male/female anatomy difference, even if he might not understand sex.
I never understood the last panel of this comic, why is Lori saying that to Lincoln?
Because it wasn't an accident, she is a pervert she got off on that. She doesn't want her littler brother to think she's a sexual deviant.
Lola I can see, but why would Lucy care?
Lori is literally a ballbuster
Do you think he cums yet, or do you think he's still shooting blanks?
Lincoln has an 8 inch penis and shoots buckets.
Lincoln has bowling balls for testicles
poor kid, that much cum in a house with so many girls, going to be hard to cover up that smell from their noses
Lola flashs Lincoln all the time.

Lucy doesn't care if he sees her mortal coil.
>only 8 inches
He must be the laughing stock of the school!
I dunno. I guess I get a modest vibe from her. I can barely even imagine Lucy in her underwear, let alone being seen naked by her brother.
What if it's 8 inches while soft?
Lana totally likes running around naked, we just don't see it in the show.
it doesn't matter if he can make women his cock slaves more than any other guy in school
laughing stock?
Then he'd be over a foot long at full mast. Considering his proportions and size, he'd probably pass out and die if all the blood in his body rushed to his monster dick. Getting a boner would literally kill him. It would be a very undignified and embarrassing death too.
Good morning, /tlhg/.
Good morning
His tombstone would be great died from a boner never scored.
Morning anon, you hyped for the new episode?
I thought 4 was average. This is troubling news..
Yeah, I am.
We're not getting new episodes until July 11th
No average is 5 man above average is anywhere between 7 to 8 and 9 and higher is big.
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That doesn't mean there's any less reason to not be hyped!
Source on that date?
That's funny I take a trip on the 28th and won't be home till the 11th.
From the thumbnail i thought Luna was wearing a weird hat
In a way, she IS wearing a weird hat
ded general
ded fandom
ded show

what went f*cking wrong?
/sug/ happened
It's 5 in the motherfucking morning in the civilized world.
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I need a pun in which Luan says something like "how foolish of me," while referencing boobs and/or bras.
and i can't wait for that anon to continue his lincoln x leni fic from last thread as soon as he wakes up
That reminds me of this story were a kid was in the hospital or something cuz he had a large dong being a single digit old.
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>early as hell in the morning during a hiatus
gee anon I wonder why it's so dead
I guess that wasn't my BREAST idea.
Everyone's asleep bruh
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It's not that dead man things have happened we got some fan art learned about people pity loving luna, ballbusting, the average penis size, pedo coconuts, and bad write fags. I think that's everything in this thread.
Just wondering

Did any of you fags created a /TLHG/ simulator video yet?
No, we don't need any more newfags here.
its gonna happen eventually

I bet on it
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"Welcome to the TLHG is JERHICO!"
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That sounds interesting...
I wonder what's the worst /tlhg/ can come up with...
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>the sisters don't exist and Lincoln is an only child in a coma
give me a cookie faggot, no one's gonna top that shit
Probably that one image on the booru with all the birthing going on.

I mean, we could do worse, but that's pretty low as-is.

Is that an actual fic?
Baby Slut will be the standard
I hope that isn't because that's literally every cartoon theory ever and I like to think this general is better than that
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Lincoln is suffering from an advanced form of schizophrenia, and the sisters are all part of his split personality. whenever he fights with them its just him Tyler Durden'ing himself
Well, I'm writing a fic where Lana's vagina gets infected and she implores Lincoln to help her "suck out" the putrid discharge.

Sadly, I don't think anybody in these threads shares my mysophilia.
My god that's a new kind of tumblr crazy someone who identifies as 10 different girls
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does he at least perform the "scrape and lick"?
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Guys I had this dream where Linc and Lynn were like a 50's couple and it was all lovey dovey and lewd,
I tried to draw it out to help explain my case
the lines are a bit pale but tell me if you can't see it correctly, so I can adjust it
>Lincoln grows up and shacks up with Ronnie Ann and has 11 kids with her

>Lincoln is secretly seeing Lynn however and they also have 11 kids together. The rest of the family doesn't know and think Lynn's children are from various relationships

>Lincoln is a top executive that has to travel for work and uses this as a pretense to either live with Lynn for periods at a time or take her and her family along with him on his trips

>His children with Ronnie Ann feel neglected, Ronnie Ann only cares that Lincoln stays with her and as long as she's the legal wife, doesn't mind that he fucks his sister and has children with her
If Lincoln was sucking her blood, he would most definitely be using the scrape and lick method.
going in the next "Top ten cartoon conspiracy theories" video on YouTube
Inspired by the "sand in her kitty" comment that sometimes get posted as a reply to seaside.png?
Awesome as always

Naked apron wife cooking breakfast transcends all time periods though so i don't really see that 50s spirit but having Lynn kiss Lincoln before he goes to work helps. All you need is a pic of her vacuuming in a dress
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> Release me!!!
pretty good anon

also it seems clear enough but are you implying that modern couples don't fuck in their aprons, because if so I want a damn refund
I can't wait for that and Channel Frederator's 107 Facts About The Loud House
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>housewife Lynn
>sister is annoying/unhelpful/problem
>feels bad for calling out their shit
>sister is actually cool/helpful/solution to whatever
>Family blah blah blah
>literally formulaic as fuck writing
why does this shit show keep getting attention?
number #47, Lincoln is the only memeber of his family with white hair
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it's comfy and I like it.
1v1 me faggit
Sort of. I was originally going to write a story about Lincoln digging sand out of Lana's vagina after a day at the beach. They'd be sitting in the back seat of the van on the ride home, Lincoln notices Lana is squirming in her seat and itching her crotch, and it goes from there. I'll probably just write that one instead.
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We want to kiss the girls, anon.

Does that confuse you?

[spoiler]also it's a good show[/spoiler]
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does cartoon network still deposit money into your account when you make the same shitpost over multiple boards?
Man, I would love that story. Is Lana running around naked on the beach in that one?
Man, I would love that story. Is Lana running around naked on the beach in that story?
please don't bring up that wannabe anime drivel on this general.
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Hmmm something fishy going on here...
Took some time but here it is:

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>when your one year old's dick is bigger than your husbands
I'd love to see a set of 50's lynncoln. Husband and house wife. Fucking each other's brains out while waiting for the Reds to drop the big one. Lincoln getting sent off to fight the commies and having one last goodbye kiss with his sister wife.
Jesus, he must pass out every time he gets an erection.
I second this. Just becuase Steven autism got banished to this board too doesn't mean it gets to be in out threads.
If anyone found out about their sinful relationship, they would just accuse them of being a communist
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I remember that thread

So many you's
Sorry, it just didn't want to appear even when updating, so I thought something had gone wrong.
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>wake up
>apparently autists from here spammed the /co/ thread for no reason
>only thread up is another one that's complaining about one thing or another because they think the only way to start a thread is to be negative, with the dumbass putting "The Loud House" in the name field
>mostly nothing but the same retarded shit in this thread
>but "hurr durr, what did you expect we're on /trash/ so we have to act retarded whether we have to or not"
Every time.
there's always the r/theloudhouse
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reminder that catdog is /tlhg/'s newest meme
and you thought complaining about it would make it any better?

Maybe you should try to improve the thread by DRAWING SOMETHING
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!!! Lorifags wassup !!!
>Leni in 1st
>Luan in 2nd
>Lola in 3rd
Guess that's it, then.
weell snce inactive thread,watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwGn7085gZo

im a lori and leni fag so thankyou!
o shit waddup
Nice blog post
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When is the hiatus over?
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we need more moments like this

agree we need more lincoln as lori pics and fics.
also,id like a fic where lori acts like a little girl when lincoln is about to have sex with ehr
On it, I'll probably draw more of t tonight
DRAWFAG is evolving!

Congratulations! Your DRAWFAG evolved into DRAWFRIEND!
lol thanks, I go by drawfriendsfriend on the booru
>Lola gets all the love
>Lana gets nothing
dumb /pol/ memes and GETs
Good morning!
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Good morning to you as well.
Is it weird that I think it's weird to have siblings who are old enough to be your parent?
get lost no 2
you will never be number 1 and everyone knows no 2 should be quiet and wait for no 1 to talk
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Daily reminder that Mom is the best Loud.
Well, there are two episodes where Lola is heavily featured and she has the "ojousama" thing going on and writers can make a lot of jokes with it.

While on the other hand Lana doesn't have any and is the 3rd Loud tomboy.
Good morning, Luan. Sorry, did you ever answer my question about why your bed is pink even though everything else of yours is yellow?

I understand thinking that's weird - my sister is less than two years apart from me. But it does happen. Sometimes parents will have one kid, and then another over a decade later.
Morning dude
She's too boring to be the best

And too interesting to be forgotten

This is pretty sad
>implying Dad doesn't exist
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How is this allowed?
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>Lynn and Lucy tied
Another anon phrased it as "She's in everyone's top five, but she's nobody's favorite."
>he didn't watch the polish episode

>he still unironicallu posts this image and thinks it's pairing shit for Clyde
I would say she's probably Lola's favorite. Followed by Linc.
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>responding to clydefags
>He actually thinks he ships Clyde and Lynn

>He doesn't know that he only does it piss off Lynncoln fags
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And now for something not very different, PARODY.

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>tfw watched it again those pass days
Always nice.
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.... oh.
Looks like things are heating up.
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What a beautiful way to start the days, watching a happy Leni as a first post.

Please, ignore what the others say, you're doing a great job.

Also nice trips.
jusr a little longer till the contination of that lincoln x leni fic,i hope
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Expecting it like yesterday, friend.
A happy Luna is the OTS!!!
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Lincoln and Lynn doing a Par Terre Wrestiling start with Lincoln questioning the position.

Lynn can be either oblivious for humour or enjoying messing with Lincoln for lewd.
>Simple parody
>Not a wet willie
What I imagine a 'Lincoln Louder' type episode to be:
>Lincoln is tired of Lori's shit
>wants to take charge
>Pleads Lisa to make serum to make him the oldest in the family
>it happens
>blah blah blah everybody is shocked, Lincoln takes charge, blah blah blah,responsibilities, blah blah blah.
>Lincoln realises that he is not ready
>Pleads Lisa to turn him back
>Episode ends, Lincoln learns lesson about some responsibility

This COULD be possible but I'm afraid there is already an episode similar to that, which is 'No Guts, No Glori'.

Fucked up the >>3430681
ALSO no lewds
I just realized how much of a dick Lincoln is when you think about it. Always planning ways to either fuck over his sisters or get them to do something for him
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Holy shit
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the horror.jpg
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Damn, Lynn's got that Peyton Manning head
So is the Beanhead thing a part of going though puberty, Does a Savinoian lose their perfectly round heads during maturity?
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Didn't read it, but here it goes:

>Linc isn't taken seriously by his siblings
>Lisa shows up with some miracle solution, saying it's to help him, but it's actually for SCIENCE
>Ages up
>Now he's the responsible one
>Has to take care of the Loud house 24/7
>Can't play, read or have fun anymore
>Pleads Lisa to make something do make him a child again
>She feels guilty that she lied, and wanted to use the serum herself so people wouldn't see her as a kid anymore
>Linc comes back to normal
>They both go out to play with /trash/ and dirt
>Moral of story: You can't rush things, enjoy your time
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Oh shit.

Gotta cast me some Anti-Spook spells fast!
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>it's a "Lynn becomes a white supremacist to scare Ronnie Anne and Bobby out of Royal Woods so she can have Lincoln to herself but Lincoln hates her now because of her horrific bean head" episode
Good stuff.

The only thing that concerns me is that there is already an episode with a similar plot, which is 'No Guts, No Glori'.
is that a picasso
Yeah, I saw that. But I was thinking more about FOP's first episode, Big Problem. No antagonist, plot devices, etc.
Also, Lisa needs another episode ASAP.
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What's the most autistic thing you did in your life that even today makes you sleep deprived?

I remember trying to reveal my giantess fetish subtly to my crush in 7th grade. That makes me cringe to this day
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I don't need an excuse to be sleep deprived
What fetish do you have anon?
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Sleep? What's that?
Watching Voltron. I think Pidge made me [spoilerswhen]straight[/spoilerswhen].
What does that have to do with anything?
>The Loud family was out on the lawn, all 8 years older.
>No one was prepared for this to happen.
>Everyone tried dodging the draft, but in modern times that is close to impossible.
>Lincoln stood strong, basic molded his muscles and gave him confidence he never had before.
>But that didn't stop the tears.
>Mrs. Loud held her boy, praying she wouldn't have to let go
>Mr. Loud shook his son's hand. With tears he told Lincoln he was proud of the man he has become.
>The girls were in despair.
>Their only brother being ripped away from, to fight for a cause he didn't support.
>After many heartfelt promises of late night jam sessions,football practices, over the top experiments, and many more Lincoln started his car made his way to be shipped out.
comes back from a war that was lost with his head in shame
actually now that i think about it,the us has not won any war since vietnam and have been a laughing stock ever since
but then again mohammad ali told them that he as not gonna go to vietnam right to their face
>mfw the mega files are being fucking shits and never downloading right

Is there somewhere online that they're posted because I'm tired of this fucking bullshit.
Americans make fun of the war with Vietnam a lot. If anything they're the reason they're laughing stocks
What about this, then:

>Lisa is tired of not being taken seriously
>Comes up with a serum that ages people up
>As usual, she tests it on her siblings, Lincoln in this case
>Woke up to find out he's a guy in a house full of chicks
>Complains about it with Lisa, she vows to find a cure, but he would have to deal with it for a while
>Fake identity, saying he's a distant cousin or some shit to not cause more issues
>Every Loud falls for him
>Later Lisa shows up with the cure and apologize
>Both go out to play
Inspired by Love at First Height.
Vietnam was a slaughter, A war lost not on the battlefield, But on our own home-turf

We deserve to be made fun of, Our government was so inept they got defeated on the political front by tree-huggers.
Not counting that it's JPG, that image is just perfect. Just the right degree of on-modelness.
>Lisa uses the age acceleration serum on herself
>Transforms her body to that of a young teem, >Lisa finds herself dealing with conflicted emotions, Because she forgot to take puberty into account.
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New Canvas.png
89KB, 600x512px
>The room is large and mostly unfurnished.
>There are plastic sheets covering the floor, and sparse logging from the ceiling.
>There is a boombox playing Hip to be Square by Huey Lewis and the News.
>Ronnie Anne sits backwards on a chair on top of the plastic sheeting.
>Her hands are tied with rope through the back of the chair. She has a black eye and has a black eye.
>Luan is dancing around her to the song, holding a baseball bat, dressed in a suit and wearing a fake mole on her cheek.
>"Well, Ronnie. I guess it's true what they say. You can get further with a kind word and ab bat than you can with just a kind word!"
>She starts swinging the bat to the beat.
>Lost Vietnam

Please shut up on things you know nothing about. The NVA and Vietcong had no successful offenses agaisnt us forces and america forced north vietnam to sign a peace treaty, which they broke once all us forces left. And don't even bother mentioning Iraq or Afghanistan when we essentially secured and replaced their governments
He got put in jail for that
how about when lisa gives him the potion to age up,he suddenly gets curious if he could make sexual advances on his sisters and get away with it.
but horribly fail when leni screams when he puts his hands on her crotch and runs away and telling mom and dad
followed by a serious talk with his parents and a stern warning.
also,mr and mrs loud don't let him alone with his sisters.
once he turns back to being a child,leni is still afraid of him and eventually she has a crush on him
Clyde's dads better watch out
tfw my dick is only 7 inches
He was blacklisted from boxing for years because of it.
he also for a long time couldn't get any fights
Vietnam wasn't even a congressionally approved war. It was just one huge legally ambiguous foreign conflict.
put got out after not long.
after that became a millionaire through boxing.
people still praise him for refusing to fight in a lost war

you lost plain and simple,the schematics dont matter
its that you lost that matters.
just like you lost iraq and afghanistan
Meant to write
>She has a black eye and tape over her mouth.
People praise a lot of shitty people. Remember when Che Guevara shirts were all the rage?
Mohammed Ali was a pretty stand up guy
Did anyone think the Leni becomes smart thing would be its own episode
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well you can't exactly box sitting down
You saw the chance and you took it. I like that
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Luna stage dive 2.jpg
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Reminder that Luna nearly killed Lily
True, just had an attitude which wasn't normal or becoming of a famous athlete back then
You got us again Luan
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233KB, 733x771px
I can see something like "Leni saves the day with her ditzy-ness / miracle source of intelligence" in the near future.
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54KB, 640x422px
oh who hasn't nearly killed lily?
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2MB, 1920x1080px
Here's the Pastebin of edgy fic ideas. Feel free to suggest more:

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2MB, 1920x1080px
Aww, don't be so hard on the girl.
Luna is almost certainly not right in the head
well the whites at the time really were hard on blacks so it makes sense that he was like that
But is she left?
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[shuts light off].jpg
8KB, 249x250px
Stop trying to be Luan Luna
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106KB, 380x750px
Luan pls your sister is in need of help
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Potential Cancer.jpg
251KB, 720x960px
Discuss potential cancer.
Eh there's plenty of other black athletes of the time and even before then who handled it better and are remembered more fondly. I certainly can't fault him for it though.
Just snap my neck now.
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26KB, 640x636px
lets not
>Speaking of lights
Ain't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack
Vietnam was basically America just wanting to slaughter a bunch of people because their frustration with commies
if they cared about the freedom of the Vietnamese people we would have helped them when Hoi Chi Minh called for help to get rid of the French before the Commies
If America wanted to end the target the oppressive governments we would have gone after the Khmer Rouge, which Vietnam did after the war

What the fuck is that.
That was every conflict back during the cold war, there were no good guys and it made the world a much worse place. But still at least the pinko scum didn't win.
Some guy's 'fanart' I found...

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Why are people outside of /trash/ combining these shows.

I'm mad as you can tell.
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135KB, 640x480px
Billy Mays, is that you?

Hey, stop going so nuclear. You could set something off like that.
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Akinator Luan.jpg
112KB, 622x614px
This fucker finally got her. 73 questions.

>tfw no picture
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70KB, 325x356px
This is my Lisa
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With no survivors?
Fuck off, Lori. Go nuke the /co/ one instead. No one will miss it anyways.
I'm going to shove a fucking baseball bat up its ass
All the cringe you can get...
Right here.
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61KB, 615x460px

That retard never got the girl I liked, it is confirmed, Akinator is a weeabo.
Not surprising she's literally a one-note character. All he'd have to go on is her physical description.
I like SU

I like TLH

But my God, I have no words for this.

I mean maybe you can combine the two but it would take some skill.

Also SUfags are assholes, they got Gary's Tumblr deleted
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Lisa at it Again.png
958KB, 1200x1600px

Not really, most cartoon characters won't show up until the third try or won't show at all, even from popular shit like mlp, is probably going to show you an anime girl first.
Harlan Wade is at it again.
I've gotten lots of cartoon characters to show up in the twenties and teens.
Next OP pic coming through...
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2MB, 1280x1280px
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I blame the music
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1MB, 1600x900px
Why though
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3MB, 1280x720px

From wich properties?
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Kinda fucked her up in the head.
Speaking of fucking....

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24KB, 295x378px
Why does suicide seem like a viable option right now?
>swear this was uploaded before
>it was
>but the filesize of this is larger than that one
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81KB, 556x556px
At.... last.

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So, the day has finally come
oh shut up, like this thread is any better
It's certainly better quality
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What have I done.jpg
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It's gud
no, this general and the deviantart community are both autistic so dont act like you guys are any better
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She's been sexed m8.
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913KB, 739x1036px
Really now?

We may be a bunch of autists, but we're not deviantart tier yet
I meant quality as in better drawn
its not about the art its the way you act, dont tell me you guys are just pretending to be autist and/or retards

The ball is still white, bro
Why did that become hotter for some reason
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you're an actual cuckold
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Who cares about the way we act, we've got fuckin furry generals here on /trash/and nobody can judge. You know why? Anonymity!
That's better. I guess Thunderfap didn't bother to fix that while we was making the cum version.
>"Yeah jerk that pathetic thing, anon! Watch as a real man fucks me"
Call me a filthy cuck but I won't lie, I like this version better
>prefer edit anon's black aon to the booru's white anon
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75KB, 557x451px
>tfw lolafag but hate all this cuckold bullshit
what a hypocrite, you are worst than the people in deviantart
I want to kiss and hug Luna, awakening a jealousy Lincoln didn't know lay dormant within him.
I don't know but the black bull really adds icing to the cake
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>Lynn and Lincoln realize their love for each other.
>Naturally, they start fucking like animals in heat.
>Lynn has a rather specific kink, she likes to do it in situations where they can easily be caught.
>It started mildly at first, they would take showers together and have wild sex, having to keep quiet under the sounds of the cascading water.
>Lynn kept taking it up notches, fucking under the "adult table", using the cloth as cover, doing this while everyone was at home.
>In the winter, a giant blanket is used to hide the fact that she and Lincoln are jerking and fingering each other.
>She even gave Lincoln a blowjob in her room when Lucy was taking a nap, not ten feet away.

What else do they do, /trash/?
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>take on /pol/ persona
>expect people to not want Lola to get BLACKED as a result
I have five sisters and you are all being very unrealistic about this whole thing. If anything Lincoln would just realize women are shrews at heart and give up on relationships.
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How could you.png
293KB, 607x574px
>mfw Lucy isn't even on there
Go back to /rsg/
I want niggers and cucks to leave
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Feels bad, man
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>it's a /pol/ gets triggered episode
They sit together in the back seats of Vanzilla on car trips and try to touch each other without anyone else realising
She's pretty much BBC material, how did you guys not see this coming?
>Not being a cuck is /pol/
Go away
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>trips of truth
Cucks. What would you expect?
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3MB, 400x400px
People saving and uploading images from their phone.
ignore the autist, rise above fellow lolafag
Actually Leni is BBC material, since in BBC porn they use sweet and innocent looking white chicks to be pounded by black dudes
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true dat. Leni is BBC material while Lola is pedo material
True but there's two type of women they use.
The innocent ones and the bad ones

Lola is the perfect bad girl just doing her whatever she wants
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I'd salute to you for going above and beyond.
... but I ain't no nazi
>True but there's two type of women they use.
no they dont
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56KB, 473x332px
>they fuck behind the bleachers at an (insert sport here) game
>they make out in the air vents above somebody else's room, the occasional moan making its way down
>they fuck in Leni's closet while she's asleep
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599KB, 591x599px
Stop denying your Nazi overlords

It will only be easier on you
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smug linc.png
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Maybe later today. Or tomorrow. Or next week.

I had to personally add Luan the first time I played her like two months ago.
Smug characters are the perfect OTC
I just personally added Lucy. I'd do the same with the other characters, but I really can't be arsed
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259KB, 693x717px
When will Lola, Luan, Lincoln, and Lynn fight off the lesser races that are filling up their town?
>That burn he gave his sisters at the end of Picture Perfect
This mofo is a damn playa.
Postal 2 Loud House mod when?

At least a custom map would be neat
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757KB, 1800x2000px
Lol is that tickling thing yours or what
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You can never go wrong with smug
where is that continuation of that lincoln x leni fic from last thread!?
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1MB, 1305x1305px
I made a Hm2 map of the Loud House if you are interested. If you are I can post it at around 7
When the wonderful anon who makes these adds a yandere Lynn.
That HM map sounds neat, go ahead and upload it whenever you get a chance
>thinking /pol/ isn't cuck incarnate
it took you 26 mins to make a retort and its an ad hominem too. both you and the artist are autistic
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smug lincoln.png
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>implying Lincoln is even on their side
>Implying he isn't leading the Mexican revolution with Ronnie Anne
In his defense, it is the Morning hours and he's possibly doing something better with his time, as i would believe you are
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Vampire Lucy.jpg
255KB, 1366x768px

Alright, let's see if he can guess this glorious vampire girl.
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God, why is Lucy so cute?!
wew lad, getting smug wont help you hide your fragile egos get a life you autist
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Giving them (You)s like candy
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Lucy deal with it.jpg
125KB, 743x743px

Got her in 59 questions.
I kind of want to write a fic where Luna begs Lincoln to beat her up enough so she can feel again.
they are the one giving me you's m8
Thanks. I can only upload it late since I got banned from all boards untill 7 today. Besides, I am going to include a basement section as well. Does Even sound like a good character? Or maybe Pardo?
Why doesn't he just fuck her so she can feel?
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Fun in the Sun.png
67KB, 640x757px
Because she's a smol girl
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I Love Lucy c.jpg
341KB, 1280x854px
>Loathes Bobby
>Spicloli is just a bully
>Dream girl is a red head
He would be fighting the good fight.
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Lucy smile 2.jpg
36KB, 294x399px

One of the questions was "Is your character cute"
It's a (You)palooza out here because of this dumb shit
We truly are in hiatus mode
y u lyin on the internet tho?
Why do that when you can grind your bare heel into your sisters pelvis as she gibbers in exquisite pleasure and pain?
Can't wait for those Lincoln x Ronnie Anne episodes. Threads will lose it
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278KB, 680x473px
Ace Detective Manny Pardo would be good
hiatus or not this autist gets triggered by anything
>Would rather stick your heel into a girl's crotch rather than your dick

What are you, gay?
>mfw it's summer but -45C outside
Send help /tlhg/
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232KB, 607x742px
That is true.
Stop being foreign.
Same. I'm really hoping she's a good character.

That, and I'll finally be able to use her in my fics...
Send nudes then we send help
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This is too funny.
Yeah, sure. How about that wall?
How old is the poor creature drawing these?
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>that episode of /tlhg/ when we got robbed
i don't want no trable!
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It's called foreplay anon. Geez, you guys have no sense of pacing.
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Please don't hurt m-CUNT PUNT
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here, take Leni. Nothing of value was lost
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Excuse me m8?

I want the D: the face
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So, has anyone asked the writers on Twitter how long this hiatus is gonna last?
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Do you want a tlhg meme or anything in particular
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ur a faggot brandon
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2MB, 2138x4425px
whatever happened to Coop? Its been a while since the last Get the Message update
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Maybe he's with Spidey and Savino picking flowers.
I've been waiting for it too. Shit's got me on the edge of my chair.
Playing videogames
Fighting villains from afar in his giant robot car.
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Animated cringe.gif
3MB, 670x370px
oh man, this is gettin good
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One Day.png
79KB, 324x576px
is this loud kino?
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>its a buu updates his fic episode
Oh shit Buu! Can't wait for the next update
Oh god yes
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when will based Seagal cameo to snatch Lincoln's mother fucker birthday?
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Good morning niggas,
how is your morning
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FEFA 2018.png
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doing requests
Lincoln overpowering Lynn in a roughhouse.
I knew this day would come.
Here you are, Anon. 1 Plank as Helga Pataki getting cummed on
Lana and Lola being play-exhausted and napping on the floor next to each other.
You saying I should ENJOY THIS TIME?
(And Lynn getting turned on by it.)
Luan and linc watching Seinfeld
thank you anon I needed this.
Emo Lincoln being emo with Lucy
seconding both>>3435800>>3435817
Luna having Lincoln beat her up with a raging hard on
Lincoln getting lewded by Ronnie Anne
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Luna tries to get Lincoln laid.jpg
319KB, 1366x768px
Best sister.
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Goth Linc.png
230KB, 313x474px
I'd like this too
it could be shorter than you expect
This right here >>3435807.
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99KB, 510x511px
she really is a bro, its sad that Lincoln seems like the only one that tolerates her for some reason
Christina's not one of the sisters you idiot
i want to assfuck goth Lincoln too
you tell me
its just concerts anon, i'm sure they appreciate how chill she is in general
What the fuck is wrong with sb99 anyway.

That guy acts like he's mentally ill or something.
But..... why?
Who drew this one again? The hardcore bondage Lincoln is also is amazing.
Be nice, at least he's doing something other than typing words on a imageboard, waiting for a reply.
he is literally asking for it

caencer the guy with frieza avatar
a hole's a hole
T-that's quite true.

Well, I guess...
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115KB, 376x630px
Hey, cute shotas shouldn't be hurt!
nope that wasnt friezaer
File: Based Sheev.png (8KB, 359x291px) Image search: [Google]
Based Sheev.png
8KB, 359x291px
but you gotta pay the troll toll to get into that boy's hole!
caencer and frieza is same guy, he drew this magnificent picture
but he didn't >>3435876
>the guy with frieza avatar

The drawings seemed kind of different in quality so I couldn't tell.

just look at the tags in booru
lincoln's itty bitty uncut shota cock
you'll have to take my word for it, it's a different drawfag
see this what do?

but caencer and frieza is the same guy, he choose the name caencer himself
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3MB, 1920x1080px
jesus, Lynn, Calm down
There seriously isnt enough shota.
>>3435982 - Caencer/Frieza
>>3435876 - other guy
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142KB, 473x462px
>nigger/cuck watches kid cartoon
>his first thought is
>god dayum dat fukin 6 YEAR OLD need dat bbc doe mane smҺ tƅh

Nigs and cucks, gents.

>McMichael claimed this post was a joke
i dont know man, next time he's here i'll ask him if its he's or not
Lynn is the man in the relationship
seems appropriate, meanwhile let's celebrate we have shota
Tell him to put on some pants?
Can't rely on the tags. They're not always accurate.
yeah thats what i said>>3436087
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355KB, 250x183px
She's sucking the wrong head, damnit.
Quiet, Lola!
do you know what "suck the heads" mean?

its about eatin'
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340KB, 1231x824px

Oh NOOOO, BBC/cuckold is a fetish mostly enjoyed and created by white men. Don't put us into that, mister honkey. You created that monster

Now if it's interracial porn then yeah, I'd love to see a big ole black dick inside a big white ass
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169KB, 539x679px
yes, we need more shota fanart tbqh

also Lincoln like in this pic related when?
> I'd love to see a big ole black dick inside a big white ass

as a cuck, so do I..
Shut the fuck up AG
Why do you never do /ss/
I don't want to see gwen fucked by niggers I want to see Ben fuck her
I will not be persuaded with this.... this....
Sexual invitation!
>Feels like nothing at all
>Nothing at ALL
Can cucks please just fucking leave? I seriously can't think of anything more pathetic
I like it when they start from the bottom.
File: Hmmmm.jpg (16KB, 408x286px) Image search: [Google]
16KB, 408x286px
dude your art is getting better and better, keep going!
File: A true war hero.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
A true war hero.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
Colonel Crackers did nothing wrong
Who is the writer of Overnight Success
File: hmmhmhmmm.jpg (28KB, 409x325px) Image search: [Google]
28KB, 409x325px
Ellis, is now really the best time?
File: 1465545599613.png (79KB, 420x442px) Image search: [Google]
79KB, 420x442px
an improvement?
>/tlhg/ watches kid cartoon
>their first thought is
>god dayum dat fukin babby need dat lincoln log doe mane smҺ tҺh

Degenerates and Pedophiles, gents
/r/ing edit of that pic with Lola.

Or Linc.
File: ....huh.gif (917KB, 429x464px) Image search: [Google]
917KB, 429x464px
.... maybe.
Half this shit is ironic and begat by anonymity. DeviantArt is legit autistic children.
welp, im all out we really need more shota art
Officer, this post was a joke
>McMichael claimed this post was his fetish
File: 1465820754579.jpg (125KB, 1011x719px) Image search: [Google]
125KB, 1011x719px
I'm safe for now. Thanks lack of shota!
Mr. Coconuts x Colonel Crackers when?
I want some stiff action
Did Nick really force Savino to put gays into a children's cartoon?
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278KB, 1024x768px
what is she looking at?

besides a dick
what if he just


did it on his own
no, its 2016 man
File: sad death.jpg (70KB, 677x513px) Image search: [Google]
sad death.jpg
70KB, 677x513px
>there's more to my head than air you know
holy fuck she is aware she is stupid. Why didn't I realize this before
a penis
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29KB, 960x720px
Gears of War 4 is coming to PC
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3MB, 2928x2964px
I dont know how many MAGA Luans there are so I made a couple and uploaded them to imgur

Nice one Luan
File: Leni coconuts.jpg (160KB, 638x768px) Image search: [Google]
Leni coconuts.jpg
160KB, 638x768px
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536KB, 648x431px
thanks, MAGA Luan is always great
I am pretty sure he was forced. This should would have been perfect if those elements weren't in there. But for the sake of progressiveness and diversity Savino needed to have mudbloods and faggots in the show, otherwise the SJW community would jump down their throats to get the show cancelled.
Bobby/Lincoln/Clyde when?
File: retard.png (859KB, 1100x1400px) Image search: [Google]
859KB, 1100x1400px
has AIDS
File: Cock.jpg (645KB, 959x962px) Image search: [Google]
645KB, 959x962px
I dont give a shit
or he did it for laffs
Stop being such a baby, dude. It's fucking nothing.
never probably, only caencer makes shota porn
File: Leni stop.jpg (105KB, 575x650px) Image search: [Google]
Leni stop.jpg
105KB, 575x650px

>literary no reason to get a xbox one
File: 01a.gif (952KB, 500x220px) Image search: [Google]
952KB, 500x220px
you cared enough to reply

it has cross-play with xbox one, i think it will be exclusive to windows store like quantum break
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130KB, 275x263px
good thing I already have one then
File: not naked.png (75KB, 599x554px) Image search: [Google]
not naked.png
75KB, 599x554px
cant escape the shota forever
File: You fucker.jpg (45KB, 270x275px) Image search: [Google]
You fucker.jpg
45KB, 270x275px
>There's more
>Linc wiggling to Lola
>Lola flashing Linc
Lewdest Louds.
File: It feels like someone.....png (179KB, 500x368px) Image search: [Google]
It feels like someone.....png
179KB, 500x368px
>more dubs
You really aren't gonna make this easy for me
File: seeing lynncoln.gif (89KB, 900x500px) Image search: [Google]
seeing lynncoln.gif
89KB, 900x500px
Well, it is the Lewd House
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200KB, 875x725px
and she'll get it
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111KB, 800x1280px
It's okay to like cute tight shota ass lads just listen to Lincoln here
lincoln's farts
File: The trash is where we all belong.png (791KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
The trash is where we all belong.png
791KB, 1280x720px
I guess Lincoln is right it is only natural to be curious about things even one's sexuaitly

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483KB, 539x698px
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284KB, 1366x685px
ill have to finish it later but have the wip.
File: uhh.jpg (98KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
98KB, 1920x1080px

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233KB, 640x1100px
but that's Lola you dunce
File: Comedy Gold.jpg (21KB, 500x281px) Image search: [Google]
Comedy Gold.jpg
21KB, 500x281px

sorry i always mix those names up

lana is just a prettier name to me
page 10, go ahead and migrate
Damn nice, mate.
File: Not Illegal.jpg (20KB, 575x474px) Image search: [Google]
Not Illegal.jpg
20KB, 575x474px
Unconscious Lola.
what are you implying anon
Thread posts: 586
Thread images: 239

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