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/sug/ - Steven Universe General Fusion ass Edition Previou

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Thread replies: 430
Thread images: 235

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Fusion ass Edition

Previous thread:>>2902051

>NEW EPISODE on 19 May:

>Super Watermelon Island / In Too Deep

>Same Old World promo:

>HQ DL Links for Season 1 and 2, plus comics and shorts:

>Soundtracks MEGA folders:

>Listen to Soundtrack Here:

>Crewniverse tumblr:

>/sug/ writebin:

>/sug/ flock draw:

>Steven Universe Booru:
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pyjama cricket.jpg
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We're back, baby!
So how are you all doing tonight?
Nice OP
and remember kids:
>Greg is a bottom
so is everybody shitposting on /co/ again?
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don't know, don't care
Just watching TV.
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Doing good, but a bit bored.

Nah, I'm never going back there.
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That's because Rose is always on top.
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>Episodes CN stopped Sugar from making
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One where Steven fuses with Perl
I think that was a wet dream, never mind
>Peridot, Lapis, and The Wonders of Polygamy
>peridot discovers anal, and finds a reason to figth for the earth
>implying she can't shove things up her butt on Homeworld
She didn't have an anus before she met Amethyst.
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Lady of the sea, happy as can be

Can't help but wonder if she'd be happier with me
>imblyinghomeworld allows such degeneracy
Love you, man. How are you feeling?
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How's it going, buddy?
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i g n o r e m e
She wouldn't
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Things are ok, had some surgery but it's all over and done with, on my way to recovery
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Surgery for what? You okay?
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>friendly reminder that gem porn is the most relationship centric and emotionally stable porn a fandom can provide barring wicked /ss/.
Hope you feel awesome soon, glad to know you're feeling well.
fuck me Lapis
fuck off Lapis
well I certainly hope you feel at least half a better physically after a few weeks
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/ss/ is superior shipping
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What are they scared of?
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Lapis being forced to wear shoes.
Lapis doesn't want to stay on Earth and most likely wants Steven to go to space with her.
Like Pearl?
Go flippin' where? He needs food
They probably ran into Jasper, and due to Sugar's mentality of 'buff = gross and bad' they are scared shitless of her.
and ya know, air
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Breast Milk
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Watch your profanity
Lapis' doesn't care. Its all about what she wants.
>Jasper cupping her hands shouting, "LAPIIIIIIS! FUuuuUUUsiiioon!"
>this bitch
How about come up with something that hasn't been done in the show already?
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Like Pearl?
Lapis is the Pearl to Steven's Rose, of course she'd pull similar shit.
Oh, you were just shitposting.
>Jasper is brought back
>She's even more thirsty for fusion than Pearl
Right, I'm sorry
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I love Zuke
Fuck off, Zuke. Nobody actually loves you.
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Rude :(
What is with that shot in the lower right
No one needs to see that
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I think Connie is the Pearl to Steven, honestly. He might decide to mirror his mother and start a relationship with a gem.
You mean his father?
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Zuke is perfection
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Zuke is the embodiment of sugoi
Get the bigger version off her Instagram profile pic
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infection in my eye that spread to my sinuses, they had to cut out infected tissue
thanks man
That sucks. I hope your eyes are good enough by Thursday to watch the episode.
Feel better soon.
Alright /trash/, post all your Steven and Lapis /ss/. I NEED IT.
No, his mother. I meant to say that he's going to gave a relationship with someone other than his own species
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He's going to need to find something else then because he's half gem as well.
Anyone Steven has a relationship with isn't in his species.
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Happy Tuesday everyone
dont do lewds, only cute stuff
This. I can't see Steven doing anything lewd.
I'd be surprised if he even knew what sex was.
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Steven's 14, I'm sure he's masturbated about a bajillion times by now.
He also has the mentality of an eight year old.
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Agreed, i started when i was 10
Alot of kids start at 10
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Bad anon, Steven is not for lewd.
I started masturbating when I was 3.
Just rubbed my fist violently on my dick while laying down
I knew Lapis was a rapist.
You mean mind reader.
no shit
Cold unfeeling sociopath lapis is best lapis
She's nice but Happy Lappy is the best.
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>is best lapis
Is canon Lapis.
She's only pretending to be friends with Steven until her inevitable evil master plan unfolds.
That's a mask
This is the truth
No need to samefag.
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Yeah yeah, I have a phone too.
Any lapis X Steven Porn?
Me too
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Why are the episodes only 10 minutes long?
I wait months and months for 10 minutes of steve world.
Greg and Steven fuse
Is Cartoon Network allowed to make half hour shows?
Aren't they supposed to be 15 minutes?
Nah, they are literally 11 minutes, 4 minutes are spent on commercials.
They're 11.
Do you think Lapis would want to fuck Lion?
No, why the fuck would she?
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I'unno. He's big, fluffy, and pink.
Sounds more Pearl's type.
When I discovered sexuality as a child I wanted to fuck anything with an orifice or a member, and I still do. Why wouldn't Lapis?
She's not a degenerate like you.
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What the fuck? That Steven looks like he's just done, and he has no face.
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You know, you may be right. What else is she going to do now that they're both banned from Steven's room at night? Plus it probably reminds her of Rose, so that's a plus.
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She did rape another gem for a number of months in an easily avoidable situation.
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Took you this long?
>redrawn scenes or images with SU characters

Okay Frank tell that to the insane asylum.
What a hilarious and original comparison.
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>being this salty.
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post ukufukme?
Post what?
I don't have it.
You're lucky.
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Come the fuck on nigger
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Amethyst needs help draining her balls.

What do you do?
What did he post?
>Como las arenas en el reloj de arena,
>estos se joden .
top meme good sir
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Someone acting edgy over a picture that i posted.
Oh okay. Thanks, anon.
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ask her where peridot is
Pretty low Tbh
Shameless retardation.
Well /sug/? Would you cheat on Spanish Soap Opera Steven with Kevin?
mistook it for a meme post, because /trash/ is archived
Peridoto es fuego Diego
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Oh god, is this what Stevidot has devolved to?
>I'd watch it.
>Screencaping somebody's post.
What's the point?
Generally interested.
What's the point?
Oh. You're a troll. Gotcha.
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How do you convince Peridot to make her debut in the backseat of your car?
How pathetic. ImIRiteXD
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Do your job right.
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Don't go any farther
Shut up.
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Rude much?
watermelons son
Peridot and Kevin are a weirdly perfect match

in the short term
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Amethyst could've been great, but instead she came out as a fat little midget.
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Amethysts are made when Quartz is cooked for too long in real life, so all Amethysts would be like her.
She may be one of a kind in canon though.
If she came out as planned, she would have been dead. Because she was born late, she missed the war. It's a blessing in diguise.
Jasper lived through the war, presumably she's not the only one to of survived.
>she would have been dead
Could have been.
Jasper is a perfect specimen
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>could have been
Should have been
hey do you guys have any draw requests?
Oh snap
Peridot jacking off her little green dick
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of course she is
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I love this idea
Peridot wearing a shemagh
Ruby and Sapphire in pic related poses?
Still, no such thing as a good war, she still missed a tough conflict with many casualities. And emerged into a peaceful Earth instead and not as a soldier for a Space-fascist matriarch.
Peridot wearing a stupid meme shirt
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she would of been better, faster, stronger
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And the tool of tyranny.
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Finally back in the dead of night. With that pompadour dewey.

I was really tired.
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I'd suck her tyranny if you're pickin up what I'm puttin down
That is one fine pompadour.
Well, yeah, who wouldn't?
>All that Jaspers exposed back

Pearl's attempted suicide episode

Ronaldo buys a gun episode
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what are you doing in there dick.png
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i fucked up
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It's fine, i still love it
nice work
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I have way more of these than I thought.
the kind held down by a ring? or the kind worn like a ninja burka for women?
Is it sunset hour?
Mostly ass, but I doubt anyone will complain.
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The second one, but worn sort of like this.
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tfw so much of a hermit you don't even want to post despite wanting to share your art
Yeah, I think you have a problem, my man.
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Anon, don't worry
I love all art, mostly because my art is shit
post it lil man, ill say one honest bad and good thing about it
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I never will see my midget waifu truly bedicked will I?

Gud jab
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You really don't have any Pericock?
Just do it, I posted my shit art here and I wasn't hated too much.
I do but any related requests I make here end in funny jokes instead of jerkin the gherkin.
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That cock is cute as fuck
would suck/10
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>wanting peri to look like a hipster

>>2922976 >>2923007 >>2923008 >>2923073
sorry about blogging

i will draw her with the smallest dick ever
but i am terrible at drawing dicks
It suits her well.
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I like blog posts
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your blog fetish is disgusting
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Reminds me of this.
So far, only Rubies and Sapphire have had non-central Gem placements.
This should be on her butthole.
t-thanks you too
>those heels
>that pose
I think I refell in love with jasper all over again
like a tramp stamp, but a gem
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>Jasper will never sink her teeth into your shoulder, marking you as her property
>she will never flick her tongue over the small, fresh wound, savoring your taste
Why live?
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Don't worry about it
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ah shit i fucked up again
is this dick even small?
It's cute, but your lines are so light I can barely see it.
Her clit's below it.
It's bigger than mine...
Oh shit
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normiedot darker.png
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>goes to post new version
>internet goes out
I know that ugly feeling my friend.
Noice work.
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ohgee 1.png
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i used to draw with a thicker, softer brush
i kind of miss it, but things are easier when i use a smaller one
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Did you draw that!?
Holy shit, nice
That's better.
Nice work.
This is pretty nice too.
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That's a cute Amethyst
I bet if you hurled a quarter at that ass it'll zoom straight to space.
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jk i love this meme.png
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filthy homestuck
More of this shit.
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Anyone want some Pearl and Jasper?
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wait a minute do i know you
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I always do.
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don't (You) me

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>a filthy lowly pearl touching my waifu
"Nice meme shirt"
>tfw had 2 memes in one meme
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ok cool!
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Ok, last one
she just wants to steal some of that nose man, pearls going to die so jasper can take her nose
lion and greg kissing or cuddling
>4chan has run out of (you)s to give me
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side by side.png
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do you mean trace that? i've been working out the logistics
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is this anon like nudebeach/scraps/pissguy?
So do you think Rose ever fucked Lion?
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Jazbearl is truly the greatest ship
i think she only fucked greg once and instantly died
Much appreciated.
The fuck is a bearl?
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Thanks, i love Jasper
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The best jem
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It was pregnancy that killed Rose, not Greg's murder cock. I bet she had tons of time to get it on before she decided to shapeshift a womb and become preggers
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it wasn't even the pregnancy, it was the act of birth
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Great taste
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Wonderful taste
I feel like every Jasperfag only likes the character for the character design and fan art.

She has not really done anything yet to warrant the attention... Outside of her character design that is.
Do you think Greg had sloppy seconds with Lion? They're both big, fluffy animals.
is /trash/ where all the jasperfags have evacuated to
I think she has potential, both as villain and good guy.
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This is where we belong
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The /freaks/ come out at night.
Well yeah. Remember when Peridot first showed up?
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i just want her to kill me
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You think Pearl tried to fuck Greg in order to keep him distracted and away from Rose?
christ she could serve cocktail weenies on that saber of a nose
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I hope
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reminder that connie is for fug and hug. why haven't you accepted her as your waifu?
I thought you'd died. Too bad
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i want to be in bed with greg and lion while i stroke both of their cocks
She probably tried to stab him in the dick with that nose too.
Elegant, defined noses and freakishly pale skin is my fetish; I will never find a more perfect waifu, or a real woman who can satisfy my stupid unrealistic appearance desires
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i feel you man, humans are just disappointments
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Good night everyone
See all of you lovely hunks
See ya
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that's mean anon
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Not to be rude, but here is a bigger image for you.
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1MB, 1268x1336px
Not to be rude, but here is a bigger image for you.
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Why are we made to want what can never be?
Some people spend their entire existence settling for less, dreaming of the impossible life they truly desire.
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we are dreamers
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Good night, you crazy /freak/. I love you.
You people are weird.
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Not to be rude, but may I have a bigger image from you?
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thanks for the high res connies i guess
You're the weird one, normal guy.
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How so?
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goodnight anon
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goodnight thread, you wont be here when i wake up
what's wrong anon?
Armstrong holding a stethoscope to Priyanka's ass from his hospital bed?
Will we all die
Not sure I should be telling the prince of lies
why is every plot that involves connie so boring?
Hey man, Satan just wants to help. Tell us or don't, I love you either way.
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Because you want squeeze her nipples really hard
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1MB, 2975x3850px
man i drew so much lesbian porn of armstrong and the good doctor
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why is steven so perfect for sexual
that would hurt her. maybe just a gentle pinch
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clusterfuck 1.jpg
179KB, 1280x1097px

But cock is so much better.
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I love you too
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Can't make an omelette without twisting a few titties Steven
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204KB, 438x515px
Wow, thanks.
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clusterfuck 2.jpg
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Jasper amazed (angry blushing?) by Garnet's first fusion form
>drawing that many phallic things at once
he must be A HUGE FAG
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Hello Gals c.png
723KB, 2500x2500px
but yeah i'll draw that
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Strong, though, confident, hot tempered, never don't give up attitude, seems kinda smart in all war/fighting stuff.
And yes, beefy. There are not enough muscle female characters to be picky, you know.
How would you feel if the show pulls a Peridot and makes Jasper small and non-muscly for some retarded but "justifiable" reason?
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god damn it this took so much more time than it should have
Where's that pic about Jasper dreaming she was a scrawny runt?
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i lied to you and to myself, i'm going to sleep
I put my trust in you!
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Child Jasper.png
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Id love her all the same, though my feelings for her would melt and Id want five hundred cute pics
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i'm sorry
Runt Jasper makes me feel things.
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I habeebed in you...

It's fine, have a nice sleep man.
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first day on the job.png
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Ayo hol up! Do you have a tumblr so I can see your art when this thread dies?
>he doesn't know about the archive
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What a precious tiger cub
>Digging through a pile of shit to find a single image.
Awful, because
>There are not enough muscle female characters
Same as if they will make her soft, insecure, too PTSD angsty bitch etc. Appearance itself is not enough, though without it she wouldn't be my favorite.
Young Jasper is not for lewd or naughty things, anon.
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She ain't staying the same that's for sure
if they make her a
>cheap tactic
i'm going to be pissed
You're both retarded.
You're all retarded
Quality /trash/ discourse
Sorry, I didn't think it justified a real response.
Plus I'm going to bed soon and didn't want to get wrapped up in anything.
>not sleep posting at 2am
I hope we get new gems soon, I want a new waifu.
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>new waifu
That's not how it works and you know it!
i dont mind,
one more person barking up my waifu
hmm, I said that wrong
I need to care how I type more often
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suffering (2).png
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It does for me. I was a perifag until Jasper showed up.
looks like shes blowing a raspberry on her lips
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peridot's a dumb nerd
Smol Jasper is always for lewd.
i think i have a fetish for making you get higher resolution images
I do too.
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Do you guys like Onions?
Nah, not really.
Did she and Ame do the thing?
With greg
i liked them finely chopped and cooked
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onion friends.png
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Oh yes...
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rattles happily.jpg
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Hey guys, Beef here. I'm feeling a bit better now and was wondering if you guys have any requests?
Whats good man, glad to hear about it
before I ask away, what type of story you feel up for writing? and what rating
I'm down for anything, lewd and not, trying to get back in the groove.

Where is everybody btw?
Homeworld (co)and also asleep
Not quite feeling lewds at the moment, more comfy
Maybe Jasper grabbing a blanket and cuddling a scared peridot cause she hasnt got over the thunder and rain
If you want to go further and kick the raiting up thats fine. Just had this thought in my head a few days
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I'm sorry man, I'm not actually Beef.

I was just playing a joke and expected way more people to request stuff. I'm sorry for getting your hopes up...
That's a pretty mean thing to do.
its cool man, I dont really mind
it was nice talking to someone for a sec so thanks, threads pretty silent
Well everyone's at /co/. If you feel lonely you can always go there.

It's not as bad as everyone's making it out to be, there's no need to form loyalties and grudges when there are no sides, we're all friends and faggots who love rocks.
O I got to homeworld tons of times but,
well, seems like its being a shit storm in the wrong way and invaded by /v/ so maybe i'll camp here for a bit
>calling /co/ /sug/ Homeworld
Ha! Love it
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I almost forgot Scribble did lewds, anybody remember his lewd tumblr?
It's kind of hard to have a relationship with someone other than your species if you're the very first, and the very last of your species if you don't procreate.
No, i just meant in that pic's poses but whichever works.
Sorry for late reply.
Oh, just Peridot would assess Kevin the same way Kevin assesses Kevin, as the alpha male, sensitive philosopher king and hot dog eating champion he knows he is. based on her Camp Pining Hearts knowledge

and then she'd interact with him for any length of time and it all falls apart, basically it's Yellow Diamond 2.0
a Gem brushing her teeth with the implication she needs to gets me spergin'

>Well, Jasper, it looks like that swim you took through the magma not only poofed you. Your gem itself has become... clouded.
>A crack in a gem causes crazy refractions of gem energy resulting in a complete loss of control, as in Amethyst.
>But YOUR situation allows you a basically normal degree of physical stability... you just project your form less efficiently.
>Don't worry! I'm sure Steven will fix it by the end of the episode.
Is there a version of both new episodes separate yet?
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Yeah. But only when they don't have ridiculous hair, mommy hips, or crows feet.
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I got a request! if any drawfag is reading this. please can you redraw (pic related) steven universe themed? Thank you.
Would Steven suck her dick?
that's an adorable request
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Like a pacifier.
>That means two things!
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i think im gonna try writing this (im not beef)
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I wonder if I can actually fill all these images before we fall off the board.
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we'll see
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Post desperation
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Thread posts: 430
Thread images: 235

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