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HG thread

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Thread replies: 170
Thread images: 119

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HG thread
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I'm waiting...
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Thank you for the new thread.

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Fifth for Make Mei Great Again
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It sounds as though someone is in need of a little more adventure in their life!
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If you want to talk then say something.
yuno _________________________________________________________________________________
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Who fugged Hina? Weedman or Naegi?
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>tfw i know that comic
They all fugged Aoi. Touko found out Togami fugged aoi and then she killed herself.
All three of them did, and it's apparent on who went first.
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>wanting to fug hina
Weedman's baby is the one she's holding. The other kids could easily be unrelated to her, and merely familiar as a family friend.
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I don't want to talk to you.
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Hina (28).jpg
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>not wanting to fug hina
nigga u gay
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>don't talk to me or my three sons ever again
mage a best
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But you are doing it right now.
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>he doesn't want the clearly superior Touko
>Get through 2 final exams, still no game

Thanks for waiting for me
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Hina (34).jpg
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>implying I don't
That wasn't the question, you fucking faggot.
I want Swim-chan to give me an underwater blowjob.
What is this? Sameface: The game?
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>superior to anyone
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No. Stay, degenerate.
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Good afternoon buddy.
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Living 28.png
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It hardly fit a hospitable host to begin without all their guests present, your thanks are not needed, though appreciated.
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Hina (22).png
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Also, anyone want this folder before I nuke it?
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Why would I stay when you call me mean things like that?
That's just mean you're mean!
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>He hides behind
Sure why not?
Ok cool, but Hina is still fucking awful, shit waifu.
She's fuggable, barely because of her bland and skinny as fuck physique, but shit character.
>some people bullied my friend and she sudoku'd so now everybody has to die
>implying she isn't superior to Junko, Hina and many others
What are you a fag?
Sure son.
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I'm not amused.jpg
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You act like I'm mean to you.
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What are you doing?
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Destroying documents is one of the greatest offenses man is capable of committing. I urge you to reconsider.
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I am sorry for being shit.
>tfw was building a folder to fag her ;-;
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Please allow me to hide behind you. That is a homosexual that stalks me.
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>liking a nutcase with multiple personalities
Shit taste and cancer, you're the whole shitty package Bolin
>implying i wanted to fag her
I just said i wanted the folder.
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Why would I do something like that for you?
>Walks over to >>2814729
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She's just the right amount of crazy, except for Syo, and I'm not good looking enough to get scissor'd by her.
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Uh, I'm sure you guys can figure this one out...

>tfw the 99cent mousepad thing works
Fug yeah
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I... just can't... D-do you realize how wrong that is?
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>he doesn't like Syo
Wow, fucking kill yourself my man.
Well I'd like to fag her, whenever I finish the folder that is
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I'll host if Aikawa gives me a kissy
Miss baker is the perfect blend of crazy
I'll host if Aikawa doesn't give you a kissy.
I'll host over you if Aikawa doesn't give us both Kissys
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Stop using my picture.
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She has a sense of humour, she's likeable, but I prefer Touko. Syo would be nice and all, but Touko a best
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How are you this afternoon?
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Bolin, trust me, you do not want to date a crazy. As good as the sex can get, there's always the fear that she might finally snap and pull your intestines through your mouth
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I was doing good until that guy started bullying me again.
Damn right.

>your picture
I've never seen you around here before.

What the fuck did I just tell you? Why don't you listen you stupid piece of ass?
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Overused meme.jpg
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>Liking an insecure, slightly mentally unstable girl
>I bet you go for Hanako in the cripple simulator aswell.
Hah, I never intended to host!
Who is bullying you?
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Sure is alot of tongue wrestling around here.
You just gotta find the right kind of crazy, the predictable kind.

Good crazy = Syo
Bad crazy = Junko
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W-we should go a round too~
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I am sorry for intervening, but what kind of crazy are you referring to?
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Hey, if you can't beat em...
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Someone say adventure?
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T-Thanks, degenerate.

Shut up, homosexual.
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I was here yesterday.
Exactly why I don't like Syo. Touko's crazy is just being a bit obsessive and clingy, which I guess I'd reciprocate because I'm a clingy bastard.
No thanks man
Touko being kind of fucked up in the head is a good thing. You'd never get cucked at least. Also, never played cripple sim.
Ha! That wasn't really Aikawa!
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I'm waiting for the pin
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He's sort of tall, wears glasses and is mean to everyone.
Stop calling me that...
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Yeah, and I'm a hologram!
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Host a game already!!!

>this feeling when Im actually dating someone with mental trauma
>believe me, you dont want to see the person you love have a breakdown and contemplate suicide.
Oh, don't worry about it, it's just how he shows affection.
Hi Bikko!
Hello tracksuit!
You wish I'd do or be either.
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What do you want me to call you?
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Don't even think about it.

The what?

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Smoke break [2.jpg
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Hey kid.
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They are usually not the predictable kind, bro. The better kind are few and far in between, while there are masses of the bad kinda crazy
The kind that leaves a scar from an attempted fork stabbing
I don't want that at all.
Just get them to a damn psychologist already
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Nigga what.jpg
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>Sonia 3rd
>Ibuki 23
I'll fix em.

You giving a little girl shit, tough guy?
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You said there was wrestling, I'm waiting for the pin.
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Can't you see that I'm busy giving other people the love they desperately need?

D-Don't pretend like you didn't like it.
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I surely hope you are not implying that I myself am a homoseuxal.
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I spammed tie
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He asked me to strip.
Thanks mister.
My name's Megumu by the way.
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The degenerate kicked it off, degenerate.
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Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil' Reese and them
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Too late! It seems you have no choice..
She's best girl by far.
How can a girl be so best?
>While everyone was ready to lynch out Nagito, it was Sonia all by herself who prevented them to pull a move they'll regret.
>While Fuyuhiko was throwing out threats and insults, Sonia actually can keep him on a leash. Literally told him to cease the bickering. Know what happened? He obeyed.
>Dared to actually talk smack to Fuyuhiko by pointing out he's being a coward for threatening girls.
>Except for Kazuichi she's treating everyone with utmost kindness.
>The one person who is safe to say she would not kill.
>Except for Hiyoko's accident, she's wearing a complete white vest from start to finish.
>Not Chiaki, not Nagito but Sonia has by far the highest agree points and even brings up crucial information and topics without them.

Ibuki is annoying.
Mikan is cute.
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Well, Megumu, I will not call you that until we have reached better terms.
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K-kid...? Anyway, how are you today?
It seems like you're the one who needs it, come'ere I'm in a good mood so you get a hug.
If the shoe fits, but I'm not judging you on how you live your life.
He must really like you.
Nice to meet you, Megumu. I'm Lumberjack. Don't look at what I'm about to do.

Excuse you? Listen, I don't care what bullshit excuse you're throwing around, you're a grown ass man hassling a 12 year old girl. Back the fuck off, or I'll call the cops.
Which avafags are bad influence?
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Name one romantic relationship I have had with a guy.

There are no police around here, trog.
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Those kinds. Well, personally I actually really enjoy them since they keep life fun. Each to their own. Though, I thought you were referring to the one that stalks you after you break up with them, and believes your still in a relationship with them.
the ones who think they're the best
>he likes the dick girl
Sure dislike Ibuki whatever, but fucking mikan
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Youkai are best, Holy war now.
All of them
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That will never happen. You're just a bully.
I still hate you...
I hate him.
Eheheh... I've always wanted to be a lumberjack. It looks manly.
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>is hugged
It's not that I don't enjoy being hugged, but I don't enjoy being hugged by robots. It's not comfortable at all.
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Oh. Don't there will be any in this case.


I don't, do it again and I'll crush your skull.

I'll call everyone a kid. Fine I guess, I just need a smoke.
>youkai are best


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>not liking futa
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>last year +1
>misusing the term "dickgirl"
Definitely Izaya/Okarin/LF for the fact that they're suicidal/insane
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Why's everyone arguin' with each other?

>Also, you know something's wrong with your house when the outside during the tail end of spring in the heat of the day is cooler than staying inside.
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You are acting like a spoiled brat. Cease that kind of talk.
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How do you declare the victor then?

Fight me.
>people not wanting to spitroast the piggy dango
Mikan doesn't have a dick you shitter.
>Fight me.


that's why i called those 2
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This tbo
There's no need to be so violent over a little smooch!

I'm only seeing a bunch of hugging and kissing going on. Good morning, by the way.
Oh yeah that reminds me.
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Someone call?
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In that case, I hope you enjoy losing teeth. Keep talking, see where it gets you.

It's not all it's cracked up to be, but good to hear you want to do something more masculine. World could use more women like you.
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The domination that the Youkai brought is too strong for these humans.
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Open windows and turn on fans.
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Do you really want to make them angry!?
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>Freezes as well.
Had that pinned on Clover lad.
armpitsu chan~

it's their job
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Those crazies can be even worse in some cases, going so far as to do the stabbing kind of crazy shit, like how my brother's ex killed his dog because he revealed her location while she was staking his house out
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Well you're trying to strip that boy almost everyday since you met him..
Aww don't say that, he's actually a good guy.
Gee, thanks. Ruin my day why don't'cha..
Well aren't you lucky.
>Pulls a half empty pack of cigarettes from my front pocket and offers her up one.
I need to restock, I'm using my own inventory.
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C'mon, now....
Er, what domination?
Seemed like folks were a bit combative. And aint it the afternoo-
>Can't do the former in my room and already doing the latter.
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They won't app-
Nope, must of been the Wong number.

I'm trying to rile the negative energy up, don't worry my luck will surpass their tactics
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How about you treat a homeless cripple to dinner? I'm not buying.

Both win in this scenario.

You don't kiss strangers!
>last entry was 6 hours
dickgirl is futa you dumb fuck
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Threats are against the rules.

I did not even mention it's gender today.
It means we're really good friends!
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>Walks away and leaves frozen
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Not happening. I don't even know what I'm eating tonight, you damn deadbeat.
Did we just died
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Face (3).png
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I'm not with him.
I cast my love spell on you, Aussa.
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I am sure someone called my name.
That's not my name!
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Don't blame me for you giving bad robot hugs. Come back and try again when you're a real boy, okay?

Morning, afternoon, evening, what's the difference? The difference is you get frozen kisses in the morning.

I know you're missing some of your limbs, but you're not that strange. I'd say you're tastefully different.
According to panda, all herms are separated as dick girl, having vagoo, ponos and testicles, shemale, having only ponos and testicles, and futanari, having vagoo and ponos.

Then again it's just porn
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Thread posts: 170
Thread images: 119

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