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This is an HG thread. No hope allowed.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 216
Thread images: 163

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This is an HG thread. No hope allowed.
I want to violently rape Muffet
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>Hopes externaly
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>Hope intensifies.
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Aeternus (3).jpg
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I'd rather try and make it all as horrible for these beings as possible. What would be the point to not even try when you've got all the time in the world? It'd be beyond boring and it'd eventually make it unbearable.
I want Junko as my mom
I want her to call me a sweety
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I guess now is a good time to ask: I was thinking of hosting an event. Something like a dance for you all to pair up and etc etc.. I already have some people willing to help. What do you guys think?
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Hope is what we need during our time of need. It helps us get through all the yucky stuff in life.
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I would only be a fool if I said no. I suppose this 100%.
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That sounds like fun, but what about those that can't find dates?
dead hours' hit
ask again later
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You should do it.
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Ringabel (54).png
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Now now, that's why I'm here. Consider me Cupid's shining arrow because you, my good sir, will find a date.
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Mukuro (183).png
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A wonderful idea from my beautiful sister.
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Another one of those events. Couldn't hurt me physically. Mentally either I suppose. Go ahead.
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Please respond.png
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>The edge goes away
...Eh? What where we talking about? Oh yea your future! Hurting people is bad you know? I'm sure you've learned all of that on school miss..?

Sounds like a very nice idea!
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That sounds kinda fun, but what if my date doesn't show up?
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I'd be up for it so long as Nowi was with me
Are you already asking me to this dance that hasn't even be scheduled yet? I don't know if I can accept your offer. People may think we're funny.
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A Dance, sounds childish, what do you think, Zach?
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Can I just carry a watch with me or anything instead of one of these pitiful beings accompanying me?
I'll show you what I learned in school if you give me just one little last second of your time to meet me in private ufufu!
I like the idea. What would this event be called?
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I'm not amused.jpg
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He wasn't asking you he said he'd help you get a date!
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I'll probably put up a pre-entry thread up sometime tomorrow.
I might have a loner district or two...
But I wanna...
Fake it 'til you make it.
I'm sure you can find someone, clock-chan.
That's an astute question... Prom is taken, so is Soiree? Maybe Homecoming? Homecoming of Despair.
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W-Wait a second! We can't just go on a date like that, I don't even knwo your name, Miss! I'm Haise Sasaki, Rank 1 Ghoul Investigator...nice to meet you.
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Dancink? I can dance ~de geso.
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Sounds like he was asking to me. I wouldn't blame him if he did, considering I'm not that bad looking.

Sounds great! I look forward to drinking all the punch.
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>Something like a dance
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I guess I'll summon some servant to suffice all my necessary needs then.
If you seriously thought I'd give you a shot on a date you're wrong, little boy. I was merely saying that you should meet me in private without everyone watching, what happens might be too gruesome for the rest to bear upon their eyes.
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Oho, getting a bit ahead of yourself already, I can't say I don't like it.
But no, I was not asking you, I was offering to help you in this time of need.
Ah! So soon! I'll have to find a fancy outfit.
But I'm alone
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W-what does that even mean?!
I'm pretty sure Ringabell isn't gay, actually I've never been so sure of something in my life.
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A heart for Valentine.jpg
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Go with a companion. If I can make one, you can as well.
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What ever name you choose, I will look forward to attending.
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Sounds fun, count me in!
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...C-Can we avoid any unnecesary violence? There is that huge arena over there to do that kind of thing! Just...don't hurt me. And Miss, I'm a grown man...
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oh my.png
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Sounds like work
That's not a dance, that's what 5 year olds do when they fight each other.
Give me a day or two before asking for your help. I may end up finding one by myself in that time, but if not I'll come running to you.

I'm sure he isn't either, but imagine all the jealous ladies. They'd all envy me for getting what they couldn't have, and that's enough of a reason for me to go with him.
>grabs your arm
now we can be alone together
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Tsk, sounds good to me. I'm not a party type of guy, but hell... go for it.
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Good! Find your dates and hold onto your asses. I'll bring the details as I work 'em out. Good luck~
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That is a dance. I learned it from a guy who was teachink people how to dance ~de geso.
>an event game made up from pairs
Really fucking original
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Dates? Do you think Shrimp Buddy would go with me ~de geso?
Sooooooooooo, its a new prom?
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I have a bad feeling about this...
Crazy baby.
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Oh shit. This is going to be something
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I'm also pretty dam sure Ringabell is more popular then you, not to hurt your ego, hey maybe you could ask Ms. Patchouli, she didn't seem to hate you like everyone else does. That was a joke, in probability I'll be the one without a date.
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Would you mind going with me? I'll pretend to listen to your concerns and buy you things.
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I'll be going with a soldier.
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Wait, what?
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Aeternus (26).jpg
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I wasn't going to hurt you. I promise you that it won't hurt. You might be a grown man, but in the greater scheme of time you're but a little baby. And let's face it, hearing the way you talk it seems like you still are a little baby~!
First Asuka, now prom. Junko is becoming Hoshi?
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Reck (12).jpg
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Well, I ain't going to be apart of this game... not in million years.
What sort of generic event has you people riled up now?
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Ringabel (7).png
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I don't doubt you will, any fool could sense your brimming confidence.
Er...well, to be fair, I'm not certain is Miss Patchouli is as fond as me either.
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I'm a genius!.png
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Now I'm really looking forward to it
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Yukine (47).gif
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Do you want to go?
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Grown - Baki!!!.png
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I have a bad feeling about this.
Why would I take a fatty to a shindig? Also, didn't you say you have someone here that you liked? Just go with them.

I think it's a sock hop.
a singles dance
we just hug ourselves and sway to pretend we're not lonely
>as fond of me*
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A dance or something.
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It's getting people excited, that's what's important. Good on her.
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Good job.
>Why would I take a fatty to a shindig?
savage lmao
Say yes.
That kid just became based in one post.
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I'm going to reconsider it.
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Please don't say that, a little baby can't lead a squad towards the dangerous streets of Tokyo. And I might follow you If at least I can get your name...
Fucking this, seriously. Any event is better than the usual circlejerking every goddamn day, just let this happen and shutup.
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>She looks unimpressed.
Wonderful. I actually have to touch one of you morons.
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>But it doesn't get old (in my opinion)
I'm sure she does...
Naoto, can I count on you to back me up on this one?
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Let's be honest I haven't exactly been able to get a read on what she thinks at all, so who knows, she might.
That's very rude, she is not fat. And yeah, but she hasn't come here in about a week, so I don't know, I just know I won't ask anyone else.
Was it shit? Never mind, I already know it'll be.
NOO not cancer game
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Always come at the right times to ridicule me.
Are you a faggot?
yeah it was pretty bad
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Anything that changes it from the usual, even if it's done in a joking purpose or just as a way to poke fun should be considered to be worth a shot and worth it. I have to agree with the immortal trash here.
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images (3).jpg
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Did I have to interact with one of these pieces of garbage?
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Do my ears deceive me, or is there some sort of dance being organized?
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Rattle 2.jpg
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Who did you go with
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Love you too, babe.

nah you sat your literally who ass at home

my waifu B)

yes and then no
Well think about it, ok...
Let her decide on her own
Wait! Huh!?
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Aeternus (32).png
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How many times do I have to say my name... Ugh... It's Tokisaki Kurumi, pitiful one. Keep that in your mind till the last second where I'll make you beg for your life. It might just make your life expectation a bit longer~!
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Did Sjin almost destroy the world again?
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I've been told that's all it takes to wow the crowds, but we'll see if that idea stands the test of time!

I think you guys may be overreacting. It's not supposed to be that funny.

Or you could stay at home and be a grouch all by yourself.

Let's be honest for a second. Bookworm is definitely chubby from hardly moving at all, and like I said before there's a specific group of people that might like that kind of person.
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I'm fucking ready to go with myself. Where's the other me from a few months ago?
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Did we get to use the DeLorean again? It was rather fascinating to see the asinine of the past and the future.
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I don't think demons are allowed to go.
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Now cough.png
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So what kind of dancing are we doing?
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Ringabel (74).jpg
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My confidence remains ever kindled.
You certainly have a bizarre way of showing it, how ever could I ever repay such overbearing love?
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Rattle 1.jpg
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Was there drama? Good sanc level drama.
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For the love of god, just let me have this, kiddo.
The handholding kind

yeah doc brown got us some more plutonium

there was drama but nothing sanc level
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Nice to meet you Tokisaki-san! I'll sew it on my skull like my life depended on it! I just hope my life isn't entirely on your hands, I have a family to take care with.
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Get Adachi. Right now. There's work to do.
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Good. I guess I won't try and alter the future.
I'd prefer it.
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Kukuku... I wouldn't let something as simple as a dance keep me away from fulfilling my duties as a demon.
Speaking of which...
>She strikes a menacing pose, raising her pointing finger high.
KUKU! Do you have that wish prepared for me? You had informed me you had something in mind!
Bold and Brash x Holo
Ken Kaneki x Lala
Roger Smith x Lelouch Lamperouge
Airi Ban x Darth Vader
Maria Naruse x Harusame
Hotler x Hikki
Kamina x Sanya Litvyak
Celestia Ludenburg x Tamaki Suoh
Kashiwazaki Sena x King Knight
Yuma Kuga x Illyasviel von Einzbern
Jimme Dimmick x Jimme Dimmick
Darling x Miia
Karen Araragi X Tsukihi Araragi
Baron Blade x Shadowrise
Marilyn Cage x Decade
Shorty X Cirno
Ganon X Tauros
Miyako Shiina X Yamato Naoe
Dean x Matoi
Fujiwara no Mokou x Major Ocelot
Officer Run x KYM - tan
Rick Grimes x Kneescks
Literally who x himself
Lenny x Microwave
Souuda X King Knight
2pac x Gogo
Endo x Miku
Zomboma x Squid girl
Undertake x itself
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That'd be nice, but I don't want to force him to do anything.

The first ava below this post will have a prom night dumpster baby.
Care to go to the dance with me?
Its not like any human here is worth your time, no pun intended.
I hope he's here, you two look like true love
>No Ram X Sol
>Zomboma x Squid girl
I'm just saying she's nice, there's no reason to be so... Blunt about it, tracksuit I like to think you're nicer than that.
As it should, you seem the type to always shine even in a bad situation, we always need those kind of people here.
I'm glad I'm dead.
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Aw shit. I can't wait now.
>Roger X Lelouch
I miss those days, well not really.
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Oh yeah man.jpg
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>Lenny x Microwave
That takes me back.
Trying to help you.
shit bruh i don't know his number

it was kinda fun tb.h but that's from cancer like me
What are you asking me for? I'm not helping you.
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Then do it. Why bother making yourself suffer by putting up with the rest of us?

Oh yeah, I do have a wish. Could you make people like me more?

Think of it as a way for me to motivate her to become better. It's kinda like tough love, you know?
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>Marilyn Cage x Decade
I remember this.
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>Kamina x Sanya Litvyak
>Jesus fuck, I'm glad that's over.
I suppose i can give the lucky woman child support once I rule the world.
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Well then we're screwed. I need to divorce that redhaired piece of worthless scrap and then get ready to dance with my scalpel in the middle of the rest or else this'll end up with a bottle of morphine right at the back of my throat.
I don't need your help.
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Decade (29).jpg
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So do I
>King Knight on there twice
Because it's entertaining to make you suffer in return.
Well you aren't very disagreeable.
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I'll make sure the red matter explosives are present.
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Hmm? Is that your wish?
Something like that should be easy enough, if you are willing to pay the demon's price...
Hey future boy, post the roster.
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>tfw I was an entry on a similar list back in October but it never happened
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Oh Decade.
>Dean x Matoi
if only...
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It still seems kinda mean to me, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt.
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>bombing the proms/dance/wedding

Stop stealing my running gags you bakas!
I'd prefer if I didn't have to suffer anymore than I have to...

Thank you, and I promise to share my popularity with the masses.
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>crashing party violently
Maybe your gag isn't as original as you hoped?
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Don't worry, if I dispose of you I'll make sure that the inevitable happens to the rest of your family. I'll make sure the local Brady Bunch sticks together ufufu~!
If you're already harboring to impregnate me then I'll kindly decline. I can dissolve this entire dance by myself, all the mortals will be too occupied to watch their backs anyways so it'll be a lot easier ufufu~!
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Trust me, she's smart enough to know that this is all a joke.
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Ku. Ku. Ku.
Neither of those are the price I demand this time.
For a gift like this, I demand something more. Something greater.
We've been rused
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Look you fucking bastard, I just want to find some copper.
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I said I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, you don't need to convince me anymore.
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We do it Tet Offensive long time
Someone host
Junko tricked us
Would you be desparate enough to ask waifufags to the prom?
There's nothing to disagree on.
I think she meant for a different time. Not right now.
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I'm sorry, but you cannot have my soul. My soul is for to enjoy, not for people like you. Maybe one day when the elder gods decide to weaken my soul I'll hand it over, but that won't happen anytime soon.

I'm trying to make sure you understand me loud and clear, Stingray. I don't want any misconceptions happening.
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...Can we somehow solve this entire "dispose" situation Miss Tokisaki? Y-You said you wouldn't try to hurt me either, and I don't want to engage any innocent civilian into combat. Unless you want a friendly spar...
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Whoever said that? This is more of a..buisness deal than whimsy. You hate having to waste your time on humans, and I hate to see them live. We could get rid of them together and celebrate our newfound alliance at the party.
As far as motives go I think its a perfect relationship.
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I want your name.
We have waifufags?
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I said earlier that pre-entry would be posted sometime tomorrow. I have to give you guys time to pair up, you know? Make the entry images and all that.
what, like elia and squid girl?
I love her, stay back.
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I'm counting on you, my friend.
But if you ever need a helping hand, you can always count on me.
I try my best, though you do seem quite familiar of me, have we met once before?
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Dude tracksuit, I said ok, you're a nice semi-cool guy, stop trying to make this a thing, also that demon, be careful?
Hoshi did that for the pairs.
Please, you will remember that whenI gatecrash I do it in style!
They cal me Baron "Mad Bomber" Blade for a reason you know.
It was because i gatecrashed an entire city with explosives!
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If it's not broken, don't fix it as they say.
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Natsuki Subaru. Please give me things.

Let's think of that as our last ditch effort. I have some plans I want to try out before I seek help from the god of devilishly good looks.

That demon isn't going to ruse me, so don't worry. I remember what she did with those cookies. I'll never forget how much sugar was added to them.
I heard something about a party or a special kind of event coming.

Perhaps, I'll try to cooperate.
Or what worm?
No, Hoshi made the entry images himself so a lot of them fit the same theme instead of forcing people to make them themselves.
But I guess some people are just lazy.
can we have a tournament?
Iida x Aizawa
Mokou x Ocelot
Jabroni x Ghost
Ringabel x Edea
Kuga x Squid Girl
Jimmie Dimmick x Jimmie Dimmick
Ramlethal x Sol
Luna x Raven
Matsuda x Adachi
Kamina x Ruby Gloom
Soviet x Internationale
Gogo x Pac
Sonia Nevermind x Gundam Tanaka
Hajime x Bolin
X7-10 x Ruri Ninjabayashi
Souda x Soda
Aussa x Sakuya
Shirogane x Subaru
Kurumi x Sasake
Eila x Aurora
Yukine x Naoto
Darling x Miia
Rachnera x Izaya
The Real Guy, The Best Guy x Eggman-kun
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Kuku! Consider your wish granted!
I shall spread your good name among the populace, so that they will understand how great you, Natsuki Subaru, truly are!
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And I'll make them as well. I just need to know who is going with who and I'll handle the rest.
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Ya, we crash entire worse Vietnam, big firework party, yes?
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Oh please, let me in on the details.
Are you here to serenade me in a song of everlasting love?
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You forgot to mention us as the winner.
Now delete all that shit
Let's get some fresh memes in here
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Barry almost sucked the entire world into himself. It was clearly Sjin's fault, it's gotta be said. I had nothing to do with it.
That's not what it sounded like, but I'm glad to see you turn your opinion around once more to please the masses. It's funny.
I'm sure we'll need a musician for the night. Make sure to hand out your resume to that hope woman.

Who's Shirogane?

Wait, I change my mind. I don't want this anymore. I'm fine with those baked goods you made before.
>no Asuka x Asuka
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We've met before, but I apologize, I haven't properly introduced myself, I am your highness King Kaito, but just Kaito please. I just thought it was necessary even though we may have heard of each other.
As long as you're aware she might that's all I need to know.
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Aeternus (58).gif
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Do I look like yet another innocent civilian? I just asked you to follow me to a private location. How painful the disposal will be is up to you however!
But you're yet another mortal. One without a compass, no guiding or anything. Careless destruction of the rest around you. I'll keep it in mind, but I'd rather act out of my own judgement and for now none in here have shown me a sign of having that same judgement, they are either goody two-shoes that have vile thoughts or are vile ones with nothing but destruction on their mind. A perfect pare isn't possible, I'll simply fetch myself a servant or a kitty if anything. I'd rather have a cat or that fuzzy little rabbit at my side.
I don't know who Sasake is and I doubt I'll ever have any interaction with him.
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instant kill xrd.gif
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I'm going to kill you, Axl.
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>tfw Soviet got a date but not me
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Are you being serious? If I tried to have every pair make their own image, the event would never happen. Stop being silly. Besides, if I was going to do it THAT way, I would have been more clear. It will be simpler to make them myself.
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Why would I ever pair up with Adachi? If anything we'd be the ones to sit outside and drink while talking and discussing stuff while sitting on the DeLorean.
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You think you can change your wish?
>She takes on another "terrifying" pose.
It is too late! You paid the price and the contract is sealed!
All you can do now is make another wish and pay the price yet again! Kuuuuukukuku!!
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...You're not? But if you have something planned I can't allow these evil schemes to hurt our valuable denizens! Take me to your base!...In a calm, civilized manner please.
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your president is here!
yuno please host
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If there ever was a bigger go ahead for me to off myself this is it
I have more than destruction on my mind. And dont take that out of context.
Besides...why not a fuzzy monkey?
Oh you know SHE'S DEAD
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The key theme with all these plans is to trick them into taking me. Let's take one specific situation I've thought of:
I'll lock my keys inside of a car, forcing one of these girls to let me stay the night at their house. Once in their house I'll bring out the big guns AKA smooth talk them with my expert knowledge on sewing. After a night of talking myself up and sleeping on the floor next to their bed they'll wake up to realize I'm probably the best candidate for a partner, ending with them nervously asking me to go with them.
I thought of this on the fly, so don't be too mean.

Trust me, she will. I have faith in her ability to adapt.

But you know nothing about me. How do you plan on talking me up when you only know my name and what I look like?
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You're not Armstrong or Trump!
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Good christ...
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I heard she likes cats better.
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I though Iida was the class president?
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Have I upsetted you comrades?
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What? I am not any of those men, I'm just the president of my country.

No, good president.
I would go again but it's storming and my internet could go out at any moment.




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Grown - Kidnapping the president.jpg
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>Kidnaps you
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When did I mention a base? I think I made it beyond obvious that I meant to show you a dark little room that'll end in an even darker pit for you ufufu~!
I just don't want to be coupled to some mortal being. It'd be too detrimental to my own life. It's why I prefer a cat, they are docile and stay close to me. You'd build up affection and then your time would run out, it'd just be detrimental to both of us. At least with a cat that can't talk the infatuation will dissipate...
Thread posts: 216
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