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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General Statue Kissing Edition >

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 607
Thread images: 183

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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Statue Kissing Edition


>Lincoln Louder (CELL):

>Thread Archive:


>Sice of Life short:

>Lincoln's Many Emotions Promo:
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Storyboards always have so much life.
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Tonight is the night for Cell updates I am excited for this more then I am the episode today.
Reminder that the newest episodes in 1080p have been added to the Episodes pastebin
I'd like to write some fics for the show, but every time I write it ends up being a fluffy romance fic.
That's fine anon, not everything has to be lewd
You say that like it's a bad thing anon. There are plenty of people who appreciate that kind of content. It just means that fluffy romance is your specialty!

You read the most recent one with Luan a few hours ago right? That was all kinds of awkwardness that got cute at the end.
I know I wrote three green text stories way back when, I should probably write them into a pastebin.

That is if I can remember them.
That's comfy

I remember writing a comfort green text with Lincoln comforting Luna after a failed garage band audition and one with Lincoln and Luan.
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Just do it.
I see what you did there OP
Alright I'll take a crack at it after I'm done eating. Any requests?
Something with Lincoln and Lucy. They're heartwarming together
Something about Lynn and Lincoln developing crushes on each other and them trying to tell the other
Lisa teaching Lincoln how to win a girl's heart with math and [spoiler]physics[/spoiler]
Holy shit
Luan's getting fucked next isn't she
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Requesting an edit of this moment that has Luna not wearing pants, just underwear (the underwear should be intact, not ripped)
Does Bobby know about Lori's stinkers?
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A happy Leni is a cute Leni!
Are you the new autist?

Here's your Lucy and Lincoln fic. I plan on continuing it, but it's late and I want to see if I can do one of the others before I go to bed.
Maybe he's Savino and needs that material to have fresh ideas, y'know.
What sport does Lynn play?
She plays the all encompassing and highly thrilling Sportsball.
That's what I thought, I just wanted to confirm before I write the fic, though I'm doing the Lisa/Lincoln fic that >>2657691
Something like the left in the dark episode but with just Luan and Linc. As in lights out or even trapped in the basement

I'm going to go bed, but this is what I have of the Lisa/Lincoln fic. Hope you like it.
Good on ya lad
I'll finish the Lucy/Lincoln and the Lisa/Lincoln fics tomorrow and will work on Lynn/Lincoln and Luan/Lincoln ones after those.
Aw dude no way I love sportball
them eyes tho
this tarantula episode is gonna be a good one.
>spider gets out and everyone goes wild looking for it while trying not to let Leni find out about it
>mfw Leni overcomes her fears and captures the spider herself
No cute eyes, but the hot gloves noo
So is Lori officially worst girl now? She must be below Lisa at this point.
Thanks bruh
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NOICE, keep up the good work bruh
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>Later that night Lucy went to bed with a smile on her face
/v/'s Drawthread is full of assholes, can't even post a request without getting shit from people
Shame the detail hets lost in the show itself.
Why do you think he's with her?
What were you requesting?

I'm guessing he's talking about this post.
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Wanted to see Leni wearing this, but one dude is so adamant about driving drawfriends away from it
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That's.... more /co/ drawthread related pal
Hate to say it but they're right
Not to be rude, but have you seen the /co/ Drawthread lately? It's like a fucking tornado ripping through every thread
aWhy no /r/'ing in here , aco or co drawthreads?

/aco/ is just for lewd requests, not sfw ones.
Yea... A tornado of deliveries nonstop!!!
Just put it in the /co/ thread. I never did it because some time ago they told a similar request to go to /v/

You mean one dude calmly reminded you that your request is more /co/ than it is /v/, while you started throwing curses left and right.

Most drawfags aren't board agnostic, so they'd see your request on /co/. Those that don't browse /co/, probably wouldn't take your request no matter where you post it. Just post here or on /co/.
Hey, I happen to be autistic, and I'm offended by what you're saying
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Did you ever get your request done?
No, and I don't know where else to go, /co/ and /aco/ rejected my request
Holy shit I didn't actually think that was you haha. Try plus4chan's /pco/
Thanks, I will
Loving them so far! Will lurk for updates.
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A lot is lost.
where did you get this image? did the episode get leaked?
Nah. Two minute promo get released. The real episode airs in under 6 hours.

Really? I don't see any differences.
Are you being sarcastic?
Don't believe me? https://mega.nz/#!9UBhwBII!7Ij2li_0nIayRn2fC8tNC5E2e5hmxKusa2ZzM12_Po8

See for youself.
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The storyboard does seem to have more personality, but the final product is still up to par. I've seen cases where the storyboard was raped by the finished cartoon.
Case in point

Why they take away Lola's Maximum Smugness?
pregnant luan, rping as a milk cow


Lynn next
they really need to stop using flash animation for this shit
Fucking garbage
>Lynn next
Don't this is worse than sb99
>take a QT teen grill
>draw her like a fat old slag
The fuck is wrong with you
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/co/ done it
very good
See this is good.
Not this>>2660504
The fuck is wrong with you artfags, why can't you can't just draw nice decent porn, why you gotta always go all the way to 11 with yer fetishes?
>implying this isn't a fetish show
I'm sorry I triggered you, tumblr.
>why you gotta always go all the way to 11 with yer fetishes?
Because they're the artist and can do what they want.

It's not that hard to understand.

It's not like you're paying them or anything.
>go all the way to 11 with yer fetishes?

lmao, that picture is tame as fuck. You don't know what "going all the way to 11" is.
I offered requests. People wanted pregnant Luan, so that's what I drew.

If I wanted to draw characters in retarded video game outfits, I would have offered requests on /v/.
So what's your plan for Lynn?
You will never have that, Americans have too much stigma against porn and normies have 3DPD.
Only ppl who draw are Chris-chan autists and self-hating artfags who draw diapers and furshit for rent money.
Nice! Not really into pregnant stuff but I like your soft coloring style
Don't scare away the drawfags, otherwise we'll be a bunch of unhappy sods with no new art of the show.
We'll always have SB99 ;^)
Nothing special. Both of them collapsed and sweaty after an exhausting session. Cream pie.

Lucy: not sure, but maybe work in a garter belt and a wedding veil. Maybe a bathtub with candles and rose petals? Cunnilingus? Undecided.

Lola: handjob for her "husband" "after work" while playing house.

Lana: There's a few artists who have worked a "buttflap" into those overalls of here. Might do something like that. Still undecided.

Lisa: somebody requested pissing. Probably during anal.

Lily: full body cumshot

Then there's the final groupshot at the end. I don't know what to do with that, except centered around a proud and exhausted Lincoln resting his loins on a bag of ice. Given that they're all pregnant, and it will be the last pic in the series, maybe all of them birthing? It's still up in the air.
Go to Pixiv, westaboos are so much better than their dA counterparts.
Right on my fetishes!
lol so obvious
inorite? 1 minute apart.
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>Lily: full body cumshot

This sentence is really funny, just wanted to tell you that.
I was trying to think of different ways to say it. Full body facial, one-man bukkake, I don't know.
I am so happy this got made! Thanks guys for recommending i go there, and if the artist is here, thanks to you too!
No, I mean, the fact that it's such a short description compared to the others and the fact that it's the baby receiving a full body cumshot makes it funny, in a fucked up kind of way.
I want an episode where all Loud kinds (Except for Lily since she has nothing to offer)
>I'm Leni. I might be dumb as a rock but at least I'm pretty. When I grow up I want to be a trophy wife
>Oh my gosh, I'm Luna. One day I'm going to be a rock star. You can tell my songs are good because they are too loud and fast to understand
>Do you know about a hunter who killed an obese bear? His trophy was unbearable. Ha! I'm Luan and I think this is funny
>I'm Lynn. I want all the trophies because mom and dad would stop loving me or something
>I'm Lincoln. Look at me, look at my feeble nerd body.
>Hi, I'm Lucy. I see everything in dark colours. It's a miracle I see anything through those bangs actually
>Look at me, I'm Lola, I'm so pretty, I'm sparkling. Just a few more sparkles and I will turn into a pony
>I'm Lana. Who needs to wash my hands? Dysentery is pretty cool right?
>Haraharahara, I'm Lisa. My giant brain prelude me from using words inferar simpeton like you could understand
>I'm Lori. I secretly resent my siblings for stealing my status of only child and I feel compelled to boss them around because of my inferiority complex and Freudian desire to replace my own mother
So since Trump is now the official Republican nominee, how happy is Luan now?

Lori's inferiority complex would make a good episode, she clearly had no trophies in that cabinet.
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Requesting all drawfags on the thread to go all the way to eleven with their fetishes with any of the 11 children.
Pretty please.
You'll have to be more specific.
Some already have

>no penetration
lol whatta pussy faglord/
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Dudeee, what do you masturbate to?
Quad-amputee porn
And of course Ponification.
I'm pretty vanilla
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She's already gathering up bricks for the WALL
Lily needs BJ pics, dicking her would be fatal and that would be a complete waste of a good loli who has ~11 prime years ahead of her.
Already gotcha senpai

Request every Loud wearing MAGA hats except for Lori who looks furious (cause of her spic beau)
Where's his other leg, and is she floating, damn it perspective is no joke!!
>implying Bobby isn't a legal spic who would vote for Trump
>Luan, what's with all those graters?
>I will make America grate again
Do people seriously think spics dont like trump?

Alot of spics like trump
meh, that one is ok
>implying white girls like Lori don't get offended for spics instead.
I'm one of them, I voted for him in the VA primary. Honestly the ones who hate him are illegals and stupid fucks who have been brainwashed by Univision and Democrats
why is Luan for Trump again?
Because 4chan.
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Luan race war.jpg
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Her being into dark comedy quickly escalated into her being extreme right.
And out of all the sisters, she looks specially pissed when she gets angry.
>dark comedy escalated into extreme right

that doesn't follow
It's like fluffy pony abuse or baneposting.

Some retard thought it was funny and then some other retard thought it was funny and it started a feedback loop.
is there Luan MAGA art at least?
She's being ironic. Hahaha

Also Luan is best Loud.
What fetish will Lori be involved in on tonight's episode?
Luan apparently likes dark humor, so people started joking about Luan making politically incorrect jokes, then people just started calling her racist, and now she's /pol/ incarnate. Just another shitty meme that we've created, there's not much to it.
The fuck is that?

Aka the Trump hat

i dont care about these no name assholes
Madman Chris Savman is all I care about
So, was Loud House positively received?
Why does every little kid in Italian dubbed cartoons sound like grown ass men trying to make a little boy's voice? Is that how boys sound in Italy?
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>Lily's "Rawwr"
Lori sounds like an old hag too
I want Lily to rawwr on my penis, she's just so cute
Wow, I actually didn't mean to write that, what the fuck
Tell that to the judge
yes you did, anon. Yes you did
>I will never fap with lily's messy diaper
Don't lie, bro. It's okay. You're a disgusting pervert that wants to pump your cock between lily's cute butt until blow on her back
kill yerself/
good taste
..since we're on that topic, would it be wrong to ship the baby with either lincoln or the other sisters?
Yeah nothing wrong with rubbing your cock against lily's fat cunt and cum so much that it releases her face
Hey I like toddlers too, but I also like diapers.
shipping lily with anyone is wrong, but shipping lincoln with the other sisters or the other sisters with the others is a okay, especially Lincoln with Lynn or Lucy
But how would that work? You mean one of the sisters having a sexual relationship with Lily? kinky

Yeah but using Lily's dirty diaper as a fleshlight is sorta ehh, you could rub your dick against her warm diaper then dump a load on it
Leave us pure and good pedos alone, you filth.
>tfw I had a dream about Lori bullying Leni at school last night

I need to stop browsing these threads.
Hey man, I'm a degenerate, I can't really help it, I really want to defile her diaper.
If you're that perverted, you could imagine using a hole in Lily's diaper to fuck her pussy and it makes her feels so good that she shits a huge load in her diaper, where it's elastic and rubbery that you can use as a onahole.to fuck since it's warm too
Hmm, explain. I might be interested if you were into details about it

Holy fuck
>The anti trash sign
they know
Go into detail, anon.

What horrible things did Lori say/do to Leni?
Was it in front of a large crowd?
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Tell us more about it
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If this comedy thing doesn't work out, Luan always has a future job as a porn director.

>Lincoln and Clyde: Busted
*snuff director
Biting her toenails with her teeth and clyde collecting them from the trash
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totally not a gay experiment with clyde

Basically, Lori, Bobby and some nameless bitchy friends went up to Leni and started pushing her around and teasing her, then Lori asked Leni if she wanted to suck Bobby's dick and Leni didn't really understand the question, so she got coerced into shouting that she wanted to loudly. Then everyone laughed at her and started calling her a slut, I think someone threw a shoe at her. Finally, one of Lori's friends punched Leni in the face and Lori burst a carton of milk over her head and told her that she was dead if their parents found out. As they walked away, Leni finally dropped her happy facade and broke down.
I hope to get a Loud House version of this

Requesting a full fic of this
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Now, explain carefully.
Do you like madness? Or are you becoming an abusefag?
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Man I thought this was going to end with Lori sexually abusing Leni, not really a fan of her getting phisically attacked by random strangers
Pls let the Leni abuse stop, I want to protect her
Don't worry, it was just a dream, Leni's fine anon.

I hope so...
Yeah, if anybody should be ritualistically abused, it should be Lynn.

It's a harsh contrast to that tough, athletic personality she tries to convey. It adds a real Sisyphean tone when she knows how matter how hard she works and how good a job she does, she's always going to get beat by a man who's stronger than she is.

I don't even know, I don't want to dream this anymore. I'm done with this show.
double dubs have spoken, end the Leni abuse
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>The two oldest memes
Please, let them rest from this hell already.
Postal Lincoln with the other sisters when?
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I want to force Lynn onto the ground and watch her struggle to break my hold until she realizes she has no way out, after she stops struggling I want to raise her hands above her head and take a deep whiff of her armpits as I feel my cock getting harder and harder, and then force her legs over her head and bury my nose deep into her sweaty smelly crotch and ass crack as I hear her start to silently weep, god I just know I would have the best orgasm of my life from taking in her awful body odor


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The world does not deserve her.

When humans encounter something pure and good, why do they seek so strongly to corrupt it? Is it jealousy, is it spite, is it evil in their hearts? Why are you so keen to deceive and manipulate her just so you can satisfy your mundane desires? But you must, otherwise someone worse could come. And you wish to protect her, but deep down in your heart, you realize it is but a façade. Because you will always be... impure.

So just pull the trigger, anon, for the world does not deserve her.
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When Savino gives me more material
Whose picture is it anon?
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I'm going for you, Leni. Soon, I'll be able to protect you from this abuse hell, and we'll live happy and together, forever.
I wonder how often she catches Lincoln masturbating.

I wonder how often she masturbates to that footage.
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she is not real but these feelings are real
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self lincs.png
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Hey guys, it's Macho Man

I thought about emailing Savino again with the updates of coming back to twitter, but I wanted to see if /tlhg/ wanted to ask him some questions regarding the show.

Also got the Loud House Writers following me now!
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ
Ask Savino who is favorite sister is
No, please stop this, leave him alone, let this thing die already
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Yo eddie you're cool man.png
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>Inb4 THLG gives writers ideas for future episode

>inb4 they really like Aged up lincoln
Send them these
yeah just leave it man
Stop. Fuck off. No. Today has been a pretty bad day, and you're gonna make it worse.
Ask him which sister has the cutest butt
They actually follow him now

This is much funnier then it should be
>The pic is real

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careful man, your stepping on a mine field
are there still any open requests?

Just don't bother, this is one of the worst TLH threads yet.
MachoMan will become the voice of /tlhg/

Our fates may well rest in his hands
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How guys

how could it have been thlg

Why is it thlg
of art renditions? Lincoln being the best brother ever, comforting Leni from all the 'abuse Leni' posts she unfortunately found out
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Luan doing a Kaufman bit.

Guys relax, I'm not going to ask him troll questions and stuff, I've been practicing myself, I'm going to be very professional. But I heard Savino is just playing it since he does have a problem with asking and tweeting stuff, he might be part of the writer's twitter

I could ask him that!
Eh, can't do that, anon

No worries, I am.

But really, just ask me the questions. I won't give him like a list but just one or two.

what happened to lynn's bike?
Ask them if Lisa will ever do anything to experiment on Lincoln

specifically [StayRight]Aging[YouAre]
do whatever you want it doesn't have to be us that decides what you say/ask

Kill yourself.
ok fine, Will we see any episode arcs or lore?
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How did Leni even get to highschool
this, will we see any progression or will it be purely episodic like dexter's lab

She guesses on her tests. Though sheer luck, she always got the right answers.
how many seasons do they predict they're going to get

Until what?
Fuck you.

You fucking promised that you wouldn't do this again
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Thanks for the reminder.
fetish list upgrade

Lori is the subject of another fetish to enchant Clyde.

Someone WILL post another mega right? ILY if you do btw. Coming home late ain't fun.
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I'm recording the episode while it airs, trimming, compressing and uploading should take about an hour tops
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Thanks man. You are the real mvp.
Have a Leni.
that sucks for me as well. My HD DVR won't be ready until tomorrow afternoon

may the gods protect you from power blackouts
Someone should make a list on fetishes found by episode. To keep track.
make that 1/2 hour
its in 1080p, so fucking wait
stream2watch.co links are not working at this time. Anywhere else?
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No rush friend.
Do um, I recently started writing this story, just something small about Leni. It's not finished, but i thought I'd share it here. Critcism appreciated
>>2661978 here
I just watched the show.
I got a boner when I saw Lincoln holding up Lily with a full diaper.

Inanimate Transformation.
Clyde turning Lori into a fleshlight.
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I-It's great so far anon keep it up
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>stream not working
I need to see more flamingo Leni
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Cumdumpster Buddy.png
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I want Buddy to be my personal little slut

Also, stream where?
Lisa is the best Loud
>Luan reading comedy for dummies

Confirmed hack
R.I.P. Frank
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>Leni in her Halloween costume
>Leni winking
>Leni's walk
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not Leni

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>it's /trash/ episode
>/trash/ the episode
also the loud dad is officially best loud
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>Papa Loud pulling out better puns than Luan

New best Loud
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>tfw you missed the greatest episode yet
Don't worry anon, currently editing the episode and will upload to mega when compressed
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Thanks farm
I heard there was farting in todays episode
Please advice
It was the shoes.
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By the way, if anyone is interested in reading this more, I'll be updating it randomly everyday until I feel like it's finished
Huge ass MEGA is up

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Thanks! I missed it today, and you came like an angel, saving my fucking ass. :3
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But thanks anyhow
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holy shit
Don't worry guys, the 1080p is half way encoded, it should be up within 15 mins
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why do LH threads seem to be mostly dead when the episodes actually premiere?
The stream died this time.
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Fic update when
The ones who saw the episode live are waiting for the ones who didn't to get the mega and ones waiting for the mega are waiting for the saints like >>2665016 to encode the episode.
MEGA anon here, Sorry for that MEGA being 1 GB. Hopefully tomorrow I'll fix something with next episode.
How did the times before this one go? Did they have any bloat?
Last episode was 600 MB. Hopefully the recordings won't take as long as they usually do afterwards.
Weird it'd be double this time.
Help us Cell
[Spoilers don't work]We know Lincoln is banging Luan next [Help us please]
1080p link has been added to the episode pastebin, but here's the direct link:
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Now kiss.png
687KB, 1021x579px
600mb MEGA up
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2MB, 250x188px
>only 10 minutes away from finishing the 1gb download
>1080p download pops up

I knew I should have fucking waited
thanks guy!
>That fart wink Lola did

>Lincoln's teacher
Would fuck
kiss her

fuck off /sug/
youve done enough already for what? a fucking GET?
best episode yet

Screenshot of Leni winking when?

Here's an update on the Lucy/Licoln fic. I'm almost done, but I wanted to see what you guys think about it.
>tfw you get caught peeking
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Fart slut.jpg
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>Leni stole the show again
Sasuga best girl
When is Lisa going to pay for her crimes against humanity?
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1MB, 1201x670px
Nobody post for a while until the get passes
She's only 4 years old
What kind of a court would sentence her
It'll take 15 minutes for the get to hit, 10 if the degenerates get riled up.
Just in case

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I'm not into that, bud. :^)
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Me neither, just wanted to know who got the GET
How's /sug/ taking the loss of this >>2666666 get?
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Hey, hope this helps
They don't seem to care
Two cakes!
Hoo boy, you sure you want that?
>Lola making a cute fart from her bubbly lolibutt

Godamnit, Savino, this boner is hurting me
I made a little update, I have no idea where I'm taking this by the way
I hope you think it's good, I hate my writing so I can't really tell.
pic unrelated
God, could you imagine all those used tampons?

The vaginal discharge on those panties from the older sisters

All that menstrual blood in those trash cans, sweet jesus
Jesus, does Leni even know how to use a tampon or a pad for that matter?

Imagine if they were all on their periods at the same time. What a nightmare for Lincoln and the younger sisters.
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OH MY GOD I feel like crying tears of joy right now. Thank you for this delivery too!
Leni pls

Lori puts it in for her.
I believe Lori does it for her
You know, Leni and that incarnation of Zelda are really alike. I wonder what /v/ characters the other siblings would be like?
Lori seems like a Samus type of girl
Leni is so dumb, just picture all the things Lori has to do for her.

-Using a tampon
-Wiping her butt after shitting so she doesn't have poo stains in her panties
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Lori is, in fact, the best sister.

Shame Lincoln doesn't see that side of her
>have poo stains in her panties

Which Loud girl is likely to have poo stains

I think Lana, Lisa and Leni
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Leni obviously takes a shower after each shit, so her body is always pure and clean.


Lucy would make a good Madotsuki maybe.
Woulden't it be funny to see ALl the Loud girls poo into one container haha?

Like the container would be see through and you can see them fill it up with their poo. I dont mean to offend I just think it would be hilarious to see the Loud sisters all poo in it and you can see them do it haha
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Get out of here Yoshi
I wanna see Leni taking a fat shit
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leni wasted.png
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how the hell is Leni going to function when Lori leaves for college?

Okay just finished the Lucy/Lincoln comfort fic for anyone that wants to read. I'm going to take a small break and then I will work on the Lisa/Lincoln one.
Any write fag can write a Lincoln x Lynn story?

Anon please keep going, its really picking at my emotions, I don't know why, but in a good way
Fuck it

VOTE NOW and I'll draw it


>Lori leaves for college
>Luna moves in with Leni and takes care of her needs
>Lynn moves in with Luan
>Lola moves in with Lucy
>Lisa moves in with Lana
>Lincoln moves out of his closet and moves in with Lily
Lincoln x Lynn is on my to do list after I finish the Lisa x Lincoln fic that I started last night. If you are >>2657657 Then don't worry I haven't forgotten, these fics just take some time.

Where's the "nobody, kill yourself" option?
I wanna see Lori taking huge dump
Leni, Pick LENI
What if I want YOU to take a fat shit anon? :3

Because I really don't wanna see anyone.
It has to be Lynn especially after eating those spicy meatball subs
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>12 people so far voted
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I don't know anon.. post some of your previous art
I pick Lynn, it's much more erotic to see her push out some shit
I'm Kyder
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This. You can't just heavily imply it and end it there. She HAD to shit all that out.

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you don't have to do this
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lickity lips.gif
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Well then. I look forward to seeing that art being made.
No you're not.
Where is the Lincoln choice?
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Ew, nobody wants to see little boys shit, that's disgusting.

Cute little girls making fat shits is god tier though
*wink farts*
Damnit, should I make a new poll then?
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[Nigga UHHH].png
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What a filthy liar
nope too late, most anons spoke, and they want lynn
No, its fine

Lynn is the clear winner
thanks anon, I'll try to work on it at least a little bit each day.
can't help but feel a little insignificant compared to Cell though
>Tfw I'm getting a boner from Lola wink farting and wink shitting

Oh lord
What do Lola's farts smell like??
Cell story is to make people horny as hell [spoiler are shit]and its working[/spoiler are shit], your's is for those who are looking for something romantic or to hit you in the feels
A sweet aroma
Probably the same as Lanas
>Implying Cell's can't do both.
Good work Anon!
Where is Cell anyway? Wasn't he updating today? I wanna read about Luan getting fucked
Who's kyder?

Holy shit, I love your art, nevermind

nigga you dont know who kyder is?
Did you not read my reply to myself?
You and me both anon, but quality takes time
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>Kyder, Season and simon livestreaming right now.
you can't rush perfection

As amusing as it is watching you fumble over yourselves, that guy is not me. I have yet to do any actual Loud House porn. I'm certainly not jumping right from SFW to scat, so put that out of your minds.
>canon option won
Based degenerate /trash/. Have wanted to see Lynn take that dump since the episode aired.
>Wanting your scat art from Kyder

no offense but his art is horrible, there are other scat artists that are god tier worth finding
Gotta agree, his coloring is bad too. He doesn't know how to execute a girl taking a relieving shit well, That itself is an art form
Now that's just rude.
>"that drawfag you like is shit" bait
This is a pretty common form of bait, but it seems particularly numerous in Loud House threads.
I just believe he has lost his touch, I doubt he can even make good scat anymore especially for loud house.


Come on, I am not a fan of his work (every girl looks like a 25 years old no matter what) but his lineart and anatomy is really good.

He need to practice colors though


Also I hope we see trashy in future episodes, he is pretty adorable.
>every girl looks like a 25 years old no matter what

Thhhis. I want a real looking loli taking big fat shits
Updated Just a friend a bit. Again criticism is appreciated
Yeah, /trash/y is best Loud.
>real looking loli
Well, in the show's style they don't really look their ages. Isn't Lynn supposed to be 13? Girls are starting to get figures by that age but only the 16 and 17 yo have tits.
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Oh boy! Guess it's feels time.
Wow I thought that pulling off a 4 year old genius and 8 year old goth was impossible and would be stupid

Holy fucking shit was I wrong. Very very fucking wrong
Dude when I was in senior year every freshman had tits wtf are you talking about
Read my post again.
He said girls start to get tits at thirteen. What school are you in where high schoolers are twelve?
Trust in Based Savino
He is based for sure. These new episode was actually really good. I think this series will be a fine hit for Nick.
Good to see more well-made fics. You have quality, at least more than me writing.

Don't feel overshadow by Cell, I'm waiting more of this. :)
Yeah, he said starting. I'm talking at least C cups at 14
Thanks and I'm happy you guys like it! I am trying to bring the feels out with this one, I really feel it's the best situation for the setup I had. Also I don't really mind that more people like Cell because Cell's story is based as fuck.
>fine hit for Nick
>they cancel it
>and replace it with an FNAF cartoon series
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Maybe you're right, but don't let that fact get rid of your work! Your fic is good stuff too, who knows how well developed it will be when it reach its final.
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>FNAF cartoon series

Here's the Lisa/Lincoln fic. It's not completely finished, but I want to see if it is what you guys want.
Oh shit, you know he'll do it, too.
I think I'm here to stay anon. I'll probably try to make stories with the other Loud sisters but with a different emotion expressed in each one. I think Lynn would definitly be Anger, Luan denial, Luna ignorance, Lori... I don't know yet
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Damn the episodes are getting good now. I keep getting nostalgia vibes from the music. Pic related.
Is the intro song an actual song? Is there a full version?
Was this a delivery here?
I wanted to request something like this the other day. But with Lori or Leni. Damn.
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There needs to be some kind of crossover with Hi Hi puffy AmiYumi or have them play in a band together
Lincoln snapping and silently killing all his sisters episode when?
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Say what you want about animu, I wish that cartoons had 1:30 openings like animu does. But nope, 30 seconds is the longest we get.
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Shit now that I think about it, there was Generals music from the last episode too.
>mfw terrorists on motorcycles

Can't take any time away from those glorious commercials go- i mean, anon!
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When indeed?

Also, no updates for quite about a week, I'm afraid. Life stuff kinda got larger than life, haha.
leni is too stupid to exist

she should be removed
Nah it's fine Cell.
>Life stuff kinda got larger than life, haha.
I'm confused as to what you were going to call me instead of anon.
Luan kidnapped Cell! LET THE MADNESS BEGIN
no rush big guy
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how dare u.

delete this .
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Nevermind that goy, I mean, boy.
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u should b removed, u fug
Why didn't you save him, /trash/?
Ah, okay. The joke went completely over my head.

I can wait Cell no worries.
So is the episode tomorrow going to be Two tables and Sweet spot?
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>we have to wait a whole week to read about Luan's hot dicking

oh well take as much time as you need Cell
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Tell me. Why does he wear the mask?
So he can learn to save himself.
i'll be here waiting :(
I await your return almighty Cell
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I was about to ask why Leni has a hazmat suite, but then I remembered who her roommate was.

Bravo, Savino.

Requesting a distressed Cell trapped in cardboard prison while Luan tells him jokes.
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Deepest lore
Me and the other writer will try to hold everyone down till you're back.
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nobody even bats an eye.png
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Why didn't you save her, /trash/?
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Maybe Leni doesn't exist
Maybe all the sisters don't exist
Maybe Lincoln is an only child in a coma and the show takes place in his mind. Since he always wanted a sister he imagines 10 of them, all with different personalities

but hey that's just a theory. A game Theory!
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I wish I could find the artist so this so I could request a follow-up with Lynn getting the shit kicked out of her by football players
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Seriosuly, stop posting that. You're beating on a dead horse!
DELET THIS. Comapastas are the worst shit. Show started airing 2 days ago and we have one already.
>Lori confirmed for NUCLEAR-tier gas bombs
i guess you can say shes always the butt of the joke
Better than beating a dead luan
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They have a baseball bat, and there's 3 of them What's my 116 lb. bitch ass supposed to do about that?
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>Lynn is the kicker on the football team
>the game is all up to her
>she misses
>gets her ass kicked in the locker room
>gets her ass pounded in the locker room
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>every fan theory ever
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why not both?
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>its a bullshit coma theory episode
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thats the joke.jpg
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why am i even doing this

>"Looks like we're CELLmates! hahaha!"
weeb Leni?
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This I do not like. However others do like it so whatever.
Hey Lincoln, you like sea-men?
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what does this face convey? pure ecstasy or pure retardation
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I bet her farts smell adorable.
That's the face of a little girl who sundently woke up with an adult sized cock and is feeling for the first time how awesome it feels to jerk off. Also, the cock is too big and requires waaay too much blood, causing her brain to suffer from lack of oxygenation.
literally says hatebit
>only girl on the football team
god could you imagine all that pounding? talk about taking one for the team.
Nigga I can't read, what do you think I am?

A Leni?
If he's going to draw any girl, it's going to be Lucy, an aged-up Lucy, or the mom.
[spoiler] I wish [/there's no fucking spoilers here]
>talk about taking one for the team.
>Faceless mom with a huge uncircumcised dick and a pierced taint fucking Lincoln
I can dig it
>Shadman drawing Lucy
>Not Luna
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you know shad will pick someone Like Lucy and then add 20 piercings, 10 moles, an inhumanly shaped anus, and a dick
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I've seen what you did here Scraps.
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Just finished the Lucy/Lincoln one. Implied lewd at the end. Going to take another break and then work on the Lynn/Lincoln one.

I'll probably only work on it for a bit though. My wrists are starting to hurt from the typing.
>aged-up Lucy
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snake leni.png
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How are you reading this?
I wish, he'd probably just do something vanilla, like having one of the girls eat her out or something lame like that.
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You know what, have half an update, for the continuous support. Still, next week for the next one probably.
>Implying i'm that autistic fucker.
[fuck spoilers] You Heretic ;) [/spoilers are fucking gay]
Same way you did Leni, I tried to read and then was corrected by a loved one
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Calm down sis I know you give it your all
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>that short comfy time with Lincoln and Luan
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>Why does it have to be this hard?
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>That cliffhanger
YOU HAVE MADE THE WAIT INFINITELY WORSE. However I will still wait. You deserve a break.
Well, I keep saying a week, but that's like, longest possible wait. If I get a break in between life stuff, I might crank one out.

And maybe update the story as well.
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Should I?
You truly are a god among men.
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Please no.
I am sure he already knows about the show
Fucking do it. You have nothing to lose.
no rush man! You deserve it
As long as he makes some Lincoln x Lynn action and make Luan cute and lewd, go ahead
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>not a Tight End converted into a Wide Receiver
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You have given me an idea

>Leni trying to read /TLHG/
>"Sis, can you help me with this? I think these people are talking about me, but I can't it understand very well..."
>Lori looks up from her phone and rolls her eyes
>"Ugh, sure Leni, let me see"
>Lori gets nervous as she sees nothing but sexual posts about her younger sister
>everything from simple stuff like impregnating her, to extreme stuff like erotic bullying and abuse
>"So, what are they saying about me?"
>Lori gets more nervous
>"They're... uhh... they-they're saying they like you..."
>Leni's face opens into a big smile
>"REALLY? Oh my god, I can't believe this!"
>Leni takes the mouse from Lori's hand and scrolls down fast, excited about all the positive attention she's getting
>Until she comes across pic related
>"OOOHHH! LOOK! They drew a nice picture of ME! And I'm... wrestling? Huh... but I don't like wrestling. That's something Lynn would enjoy!"
>Lori, with her face as red as a tomato, interrupts Leni
>"Don't you have to fold your clothes right now?"
>"Oh my gosh! You're absolutely right! I'll go fold my dresses! When I come back, I wanna read more nice comments!"
>Leni storms out of the room towards the basement
>Lori, sweating profusely, clears the browser history and blocks access to the site with the parental lock
>"This is literally the creepiest thing I've ever seen."


Take time to relax man we'll all be waiting for ya here in /tlhg/
I will never ever get over how well drawn this is and how good it represents the Lincoln Louder story minus the sperm touching the egg. Absolute 10/10.
But my love for Leni is pure
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i want to die.jpg
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Well, it was fun while it lasted.
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My love for Leni is like a truck. BERSERKEEER
I would like some making fuck, BERSERKEEERRR

[I wish]BERSERKEEEEEER[/spoilers worked]
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I don't care. It *was* going to happen sooner or later. Might aswell get it over with quickly.
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Did you just say making fuck?
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did he say making fuck?
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I want to making hug with Leni
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>making fuck
Did you really just say that?
Oh boy, when I thought I had seen everything.

Am I witnessing the new an hero era of the broken English?
>literal edgemaster artist that had a real life dead person get fucked in the ass by death.
here we go again, cant wait for the dick piercings, nazi clothed Luna cigarette burning a badly beaten bondage slave Lincoln getting fucked in the ass by futa horsecock Lucy that has an abudance of tattoos and body mods.

if shadman was a sharp object, he would be edgy enough to cut diamonds
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>making fuck
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It's a Clerks reference
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So who dies this season?
>Not watching Clerks
He knows some English, but he can't not speak it good like we do
Best thing Kevin Smith has ever done, Mallrats is second
>He and Ben Affleck will never be friends again
Chasing Amy was pretty good, Dogma too.

fuck Kevin what happened? your 90's stuff was great.
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new thread soon?
He got too famous and got too much money.
He got into his 40's and still tried to act mid-20s. Same reason old anti-establishment bands are all shit

and >>2671023
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I say we should put a link to that booru forum thread with all the fics in the OP next thread

keep em easily accessible
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nevermind I didn't realize there was only one fic in the thread at the moment
Leni is SO tolerant!

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Can she be more cute? This makes me want to cuddle her and tell her she's the most lovely person I've ever seen. <3
Do you bros like AMVs?

Someone needs to slow down the fall and when she hits the ground it gets red and starts to shake. Like keep the go bike part the same speed just slow down the decent into hell
Why is this so funny?
>Leni will never call you Papa

Alright I've started on the Lynn/Lincoln one, though I'm not sure how much I'm going to work on it tonight since my hand is cramping from the Lisa fic and the Lucy fic.
Take your time, bud. Don't rush the quality, I'll be waiting for it anyways!
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Macho Man here,

I GOT A REPLY FROM SAVINO plus the last answer was interesting..
Lori fart fetish confirmed
STOP BOTHERING HIM. Although it was nice to ask some questions. I wonder what are the sister's deep secrets...
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Oh shit im feeling it.

Based Savino made me root for Lucy despite my huge initial doubts, I can't fucking wait.
>All the sisters are his favorite


They're all his children
Except for Lincoln, obviously
>deep ones

KNEW IT, it's going to get deeper as the show gets to the end
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Ah jeez I can tell this is gonna be a sad one, keep up the good Work!
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leni has the biggest secret because whats a something like her has to hide?
What kind of lore could you even do with this material?
Don't worry anon, it gets happier. Unless you want me to write a tragedy fic.
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Lincoln was gay all along
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Oh shit, this is gonna hit me right in the feels [spoilers don't mean shit]I can't wait for more, take a rest my good man[/spoilers don't mean shit]
Now please don't bother him again
>Lincoln is pro-/co/

I feel so...

>not asking about lisa aging him up due to experimentation

One job
Of course he is, why do you think he lives in a closet?
>Deep secrets

Leni was actually an evil sister until she hit her head and became dumb
Calling it, Luna's a lesbian.

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Shit dude, you're making me doubt. I've never had this mighty need, but I'm pretty curious about a developed tragedy. Didn't see some other fics make this before.
Maybe I do want you to...

(not right now though, heal up your hand and keep working on what you had)
>Some of the sisters have deep secrets

THEORIES RIGHT NOW. Fuck now I'm hyped
FTFY. Babby's too white to be Lori's unless she cucked Bobby

Every time I watch this I get angrier and angrier and western networks for not allowing openings this long.

A 1:30 opening just conveys so much more about the show than a simple 30 sec one.

Plus it makes the song a long more catchy.
It has to do with either Lucy, Luan, Lori, Leni or even Lisa
And she's in love with Lynn

but who's the daddy then?
>inb4 Lana turns out to be a boy, and everyone just thought he was a girl due to their track record.
It has to be involving Lori, Chris even hinted about something with Lori

I could see it with Lucy or Leni too
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Leni isn't actually dumb, it's just a persona for fun, she's actually a vicious bully in school. Lori is the only one who knows this secret
Lori has molested most of her siblings.

Lily's next.
From last thread, I think, Luan reqs.
Got any more?
Luan has a snuff fetish

Luna only fucks older men
New thread when? Like >>2671850 said. Make it theory related
The meme, it's now released from its HELL!
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> yfw you realize the entire second episode was actually the prediction of our creation.

It actually makes too much sense, being trash and all.
Now, if you want
please do
Holy shit someone actually did that one autistic anon's request, good for him.

Think you, could do Lynn in her Jockstrap?
About damn time. This meme can die now. Also Luan with her hair down is a qt3.14
>Luan without her ponnytail

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>Ponytail let down
Oh god, my greatest weakness.
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>let down ponytail
Why does she have one?

Sometimes a brown guy and a white girl can still have a white babby with the brown guy has some white blood in his lineage.

Even if she doesn't have any nuts, a cuntpunt still hurts.
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You rang?
It's a jillstrap.
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