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ERP - Someone said "Fuck a pokemon" edition. Stale

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Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 251

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ERP - Someone said "Fuck a pokemon" edition.
Stale Bread: >>2330423
Threadly reminder: Don't get too attached to the people you rp with. You don't actually know these people irl so keep it simple. Getting serious with someone here will only end in disaster.
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>when someone falls in love with a character you don't play anymore
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>Palutena inspects you a little bit longer, humming softly to herself before she notices you staring helplessly at her huge, soft breasts. She stops her gentle massaging, her hand going still on your forehead, her expression softening gently. She grins sheepishly and slides her hand to the back of your head, tugging you forward gently.
Oh, I see. Do you like them, my dear?

>She giggles gently and nods, leaning forward to get down to your smaller height, kissing you gently on the lips, quickly but not quite chastely. She holds it for a second too long for it to be a motherly peck on the lips, and draws away very slowly.

(You can still be friends, though. Just don't attempt to start anything beyond casual friendship.)
Pokemon can be pretty sexual!
100% sexual
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>When someone breaks out that rare pepe
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I am seeing lots of green here...
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The Gardevoir is pretty nice.

You're right we have...You! me! and her!>>2332504
>The anon only blushes harder as she leans down to kiss him. He enjoys the kiss for as long as it lasts, looking into her eyes once its finished and smiling brightly.
>He nods with his response
>I stammer slightly as she oulls my head forward, biting my lip slightly, the whining growing louder.

I-I mean, I-I.... I-I....

> after a moment my hands shoot up and gently cup them

I-I... I do... very much like them...
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Everytime I see Blake, he asks me to tell Kurumi that he still loves her. And everytime he does, it breaks my heart. But of course, I would never tell him that, so instead I just go : "Sure thing!" and feel terrible inside.
Never get into romantic RP with the people here. There are a lot of sad sacks with mental issues that would jump at the chance at love, even if it's for pretend.
It sounds like Blake is the one at fault. He should have know better.
Is that what this is about? Are they worried that I fell in love with their character?
You're pretty sexual too.
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Gdamn I need one of you girly fucbois to suck me off irl right about now.
The opposite most likely
Ah I see.
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>Palutena's beatific smile never wavers, her whole body seemingly suffused with light, giving you the distinct impression that she's glowing from within after kissing you.
Feeling happier?

>She flinches back quickly, startled by your sudden movement. But you still manage to get a grip on her lovely firm breasts, and she stops in her tracks, letting you squeeze her tightly.
A-Ah. I see. Boys and breasts...

(At the risk of butting in where I'm not involved, maybe you need to tell Blake that that isn't cool. I know him personally. He's not a bad person at all, but he can be a little unaware. Just be honest with him.)
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"Girly" you say? Pray tell what is girly about me ?
(Like this, anon?)
But Blake is a great guy. He deserves happiness. And the fact that I've somehow managed to make him happy, and still could, yet I refuse to, makes me the asshole in the end.

I don't want him to feel bad about it, though...
Thank you Anon~
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(You're overestimating how much it'll affect him, dear. Sure, he'll feel a little guilty for a while. But how is he going to improve of you don't give pushback when he pushes too hard? It's not malicious. It's to help him grow.)
It doesn't make you an asshole at all. You don't need any sort of reason or justification for wanting to stop an RP. It's everyone's responsibility to know that it can and will happen, and dealing with that is our own problem.
Happiness is a drug. Too much of it is harmful. You risk the person you're making happy become dependent and then they'll end up in a worse off situation than they would have been had you not interfered.
>The way she seems to glow only fills the anon with more joy.
Yes. Extremely.
>He responds without delay.
How can I ever repay you Palutena?
No problem cutie.
>>2332462 (Cum refusal Anon)

>She smirks and reaches behind her to grab cock with a vice grip

Now....How....Would I....Ah...Yes

>She begins to stroke him a little

I think I'll stuff this cock of yours.....
>I squeeze and fondle them, my boner reaching critcal mass, before returning to reality and removing my hands

O-oh my gosh! I am so sorry about all of this oh gosh im so embaressed I just groped a goddess...
>He can't help but thrust his hips at her grab, but quickly stops himself. He moans while looking at her, squirming at her words
O-Okay... Aaa
>He squirms, not really sure what's going to happen but ready
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That's a good start
Oh, I don't know...
>She sighs softly and shakes her head, sitting back slowly onto a bed and lying on her side, yawning and stretching out on the mattress, scooting to the side to make room.
Maybe "snuggling?" Is that what it's called these days?

>She looks vaguely embarrassed, but smiles nonetheless. It's rather like she just indulged a child, let him do something naughty that he isn't supposed to do. But what's the harm? Her breasts are so soft... So easy to squeeze...
Oh, it's alright... Didn't you like them?
I suppose... I'll think about it. Thanks.

I don't even know why I wanted to stop. I think the fear or engagement, or obligations, responsibilities maybe? I know it seems silly considering where we are but...

I guess that's not wrong. Maybe I should just stop playing friendly characters altogether.

Anyway I guess I should stop polluting the thread with my problems, now. I'll drop by the Discord maybe if anyone wants to hear me ramble on or something.
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(You must remember not to blame yourself. Blake is a sweet guy, but he just needs to be reminded sometimes. It's just RP. And what you two were doing was fantastic. He can't take out his melancholy on you, it's just not done. Have a good evening, Sponty.)
It's so nice to have someone compliment me!

>A little fairy like girl, circles you, with intrigue, having her mouth open, frantically surrounding you.
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I'd be willing to hear you out but I'm not in Discord. Either way, I hope you have someone willing to lend you an ear. Please feel better and come back soon.
>I blushed vibrantly and nodded shortly and quickly

I-I uh... I really did... they're very soft, much like your behind i'd imagi-

>I quickly shoot my up hand to my mouth but the damage was already done
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>Not long after her yawn the anon does the same thing. Very slowly walking over to the bed
O-oh. Snuggling. I love to snuggle haha.
>The anon chuckles, slowly and nervously getting into bed with her
I would l-love to snuggle with you Palutena!
>The anon holds one of her hands while he wraps an arm around her, pulling her just a little bit closer to him. He sighs happily
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Hey, hey, can you check emails right now? I wanna show you something.
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Hey, Eddo! I heard you got a good joke about amnesia!
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"I forgot how it goes!"
How could I not? You're such a cute and sexy girl
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Hmmm? Who's this, then?
>Palutena's eyes snap to you and she smiles gently, her emerald orbs following your flight flawlessly. She holds out her hand, offering her palm as a place for you to land, clicking her tongue gently as she tries to take in the details of your appearance.
What a pretty little girl you are!

>Palutena giggles softly and wheels around on her heel, turning her back to you and grabbing her skirt, tugging it tight against her behind as she smiles lovingly back at you.

>The Goddess of Light grins happily as you lie down beside her and tug her taller, leaner form against you, curling her dress-clad body around yours, placing one hand on the back of your head and pulling you forward, laying your face against her collarbone.
My, you're so warm... You feel like a furnace~!

(Of course~)

(Pretty good, Ed boy.)
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Thanks for the wise words, Ragyutena. And you too.

Oh, that's fine, don't worry about it, I'll probably still hang around. Thank you for listening.
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>She grabs a set of beads and begins to insert them one by one into his urethra enjoying this moment...An impish and dark smirk along her lips
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Thanks, I sent it.
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I'm cute, wouldn't cute be the best description?

>She effortlessly lands into the middle of your palm, tilting her head.
What's that noise?
>She stares with her wide eyes looking at your mouth.
>The anon hums with delight as he's pulled closer to the goddess. His arm presses against her back, holding her close to him
Mm, you do too. Maybe it's because I'm so happy. heh.
>He chuckles a little, snuggling against your neck and his other hand very gently stroking your hair.
This is too comfy..
>He sighs, snuggling the goddess in his arms and being so happy!
>I just kind of stare at it a bit, my rod twitching, before reaching out slowly and giving it a gentle squeeze, it was even softer than I imagined.

Y-Yes.... very much....

> I bit my lip hard, and gave a soft grunt and a slight buck to my hips
More like extremely cute.
>As she begins inserting the beads he screams in agony. Squirming around but not fighting back. The only think making his cock stiff is the dark look of satisfaction on her face as she does it. With each bead he grunts and winces but let's it happen and fights through the pain
>he moans, his eyes on her
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Can't sleep again... Mmm, anyone want t-their dick sucked before bed...?
Boobs all around
I might lose it sexually and mentally
I'm jealous
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(I'm so sorry, everyone. I'm starting to fall asleep. I hope you all have a lovely day. I'll be back on tomorrow as soon as I can manage.)

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I agree that you are rather cute.
Thank you! Goodnight! I had fun!
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(I'm going to dump titfuck stuff then go to bed just for you anon!)
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Aww~ thanks, I like a...tart? sweet and cute!

Bye bye~

Thank you!..uhm blocky head.
God dammit now I want a titfuck
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(I need to learn to write titfucking decently!)
B-Blocky head!?
It's a TRIANGLE! I have a name, too!
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Stay safe and happy.

Both of you!
I'm sure you're better then you think.
(Blame the fact I was listening to Sispuri on repeat yesterday.)
The first thing that came to mind was a rock..sorry! I also have a name.
My erection painfully awoken me
and I was wondering if someone could calm it down by making it feel good
>He points to the large, painful bulge in his pants, trembling in anticipation of the beautiful women here
(I actually do.)
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(Thats as maybe, but writing titfucking is really difficult, I might have to go get a bunch of VNs and stuff with titfucking in them to study from!)
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Just because I AM a gem doesn't--
J-Just shut up! Nevermind!
Bitch why you fartin
Really? Hmm. Well, if you ever need an anon to practice it on you can use me! I looooove titfucking.

Of course I feel this place is perfect for just that, practice. And you know, not too!
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Sorry! I meant your hair is nice I didn't know your name so a nickname was in order!

The winds anon they're strong around here.
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(God I wish I had great fat tits so I could rub dicks between them.)
(I get really embarassed when I mess up in public! I'd kind of want to be certain first.)
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'Greenie' would've worked just fine, you know.
What if I called you, like, an air head, or something?
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Hello miste-
>His attention is pulled down to the bulge in your pants
Can I help you mister boner?
(I second both the tit comment and tbat one anon, i am all down for practice)
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And with this I'm out of titfucking images I think!
Good night everybody.
Oh. Well I understand that. You shouldn't be though! Everyone messes up!
Like I said too you're probably a lot better then you think.
Thanks for the pictures also!
Would anyone loved to be groped?
I want to be bullied and teased.
Both would of been rude! but that's not a name that's an insult!
Go to bed Mizuki.
I want someone to shout compliments at me.
But I woke up 4 hours ago.
Anyone really.
Oh, well, enjoy your cock bullying, then. I actually had a really good idea for a scene I thought you'd really like, but it's way too late for me to try it. Hopefully next time.
What limits?
>She keeps going inserting bead after bead after bead...The dark look on her face not leaving for an instant...

Something wrong Anon?....

>There are quite a few beads on this strand....10 in his cock so far....and around 40 to go

(Lick em and suck em!)
inb4 Nue shows up.
You look so fucking good right now! I could just do anything and everything to you!
You are so amazing and such a great person!
I love you <3
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W-Well blocky-head is an insult, too!
And it's pretty damn rude!
Whatever, I don't even care anymore, you big meanie.
I'm jealous of how good you look
O-Oh...that's a shame...I'll look forward to next time then.
Uh, what did you have in mind?
Y-you're sexy, miss...
>He looks at how many more has to be inserted and winces while moaning. Her dark look still so sexy
Ye.. ahh.. amm
>He tries to speak but tears form around his eyes as he tries not to cry from all the pain. His cock rock hard from it all
I-It hurts...
>He finally speaks
What... after?..
>He grunts, trying to endure it, tilting back his head in agony
I want to trap Mizuki in a bathroom stall with gloryholes cut into it and sell admission to use the holes to anybody who enters.
Oh snap, it's Rururaruri Rurararirararururirirari Rirararururararururararirari
No no no, this isn't right!
>She pokes your cheek barely moving it at all.

Thanks!..I still say cute is better don't you think?
Want cuck Samus?
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>Thinking about playing Yuugi
>Nearly 9000 images

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A-are you still interested?
I want this to happen.
I know someone who would be really happy if you did.
>cuck Samus
I do.
There's an automated download plugin for Gelbooru for Greasemonkey, I believe.
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>Thinking about playing fallout 4 100% completion of all sidequests
>unlimited quests.
Good thing I was lying.
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>She moves her head backwards, away from her finger.
H-Hey, no touching.
You've already annoyed me enough.
>Yeah, I bet you do.

>But I don't want ALL of them. And sorting by tags would be a hassle.
So small...
It's cute
Want to try, miss?
>He directs the fairy to his enlarged bulge, in need of service
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If I ever manage to get you in my class and you ask to use the toilets it's on. I'm going to follow you and lock you in there and tell the rest of the class to use the gloryholes.)
(But for now I'm actually going to go to bed!)
>got it bad
O-Oh, I didn't expect it was you....Well, I'll be looking forward to that then.
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(I might just have to rename all of my images to song references but I bet jojofans will be little fuckos about it!)
(I still haven't gotten to tie Loki down to a desk!)
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>She was a little bigger... Somewhere around 3 feet tall?
>The fairy walks forward, starting with a simple handjob to start things off, gripping the shaft softly and quickly stroking it up and down.
Hmph...Fine. I'm sorry Miss! thank you for the compliment..I didn't mean to ruin it, bye..
Ey, did you get better, cock-slut?
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>Hits blunt.

Blaze that shit with me bro, for brotimes sake.
Do you want me to compare your tiny cock to the massive cocks of every guy in this room? Even the asian guy would laugh at how small it is. Even a paraplegic could fuck me better then you can~ It's no wonder you're alone

(Not staying past one or two replies)
"I do" The best words I could ever hear, Just the thought of making my husband watch as I fuck his horrible boss on our honey moon
After your boss fired you I'd make sure he came deep in my pussy. I'd make sure you raised his kid while I go and fuck every other guy I saw and forced you to watch. And if you didn't want me to get pregnant you'd have to beg me for hours like a pathetic man you are
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Geez, fine, quit being so glum.
Sorry I called you an airhead. Happy?
D'aw, mad ruru is still adorable
Now what?
You're about 16 years too late to tell me these things dad.
You're amazing, Miss fairy
keep going
It's not that small damn it!
(Thanks, I didn't even expect you here! You don't have to. Okay though, that's fine!)
That would be so hot Samus! I want you to tie me to a chair and force me to watch you fuck other men. I want you to beg the other guy to get you pregnant while I watch and you force me to stay with you and raise it.
And all the while you fuck other people and force me to watch
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What after?....

>She inserts more this time three at a time

Speak up!
Jeebo should hold cards against humanity again.
I don't know if I know you or not bro. It seems familiar but who knows...
>hits two blunts
This is the shit man.
We still ended up on a bad start..

You wouldn't like a fierce phantom like me mad!! grroar!
>He shuffles around in pain, more tears forming
What are you going to do to me after this?
>He nearly screams out as he suffers through the pain
You'd be more intimidating if you weren't so teenie. But you do still have those curves in all the right places
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Look at you squirm like a pathetic worm....I'm tempted to just leave you like this....Or better yet....

>She drops the strand of beads, gets off of him and stands next to him crossing her arms

I'm going to make you finish this yourself.....Get on the job you pathetic pile of shit!! Stuff it!! STUFF THAT WORTHLESS COCK OF YOURS!!
May I touch you?
Would you rather let me grab your breasts or you butt?
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Ugh, fine.
Hi, how are you? I'm Peridot, and I'm a gem.
I'm thinking Should I Lala or should I Suu?
Eons ago before year changed, there was a Lala here, she was pretty darn good at it.
You should totally be her if you can play out the personality part right.
Im voting for suu
>Her words make him squirm more and the arousal is almost worst all the pain. Then she get's up and stops and it's the same.
Fuck! ....
>He grabs the beads and tries to insert one but its far too painful and he has to stop and tilt his head back for a moment. Gritting his teeth.
>Then he goes at it again, inserting one inside as his eyes tear up again, looking every so often to Cammy. He musters the courage to insert more and more inside but slowly
Not small? I guess an inch is big to you then
It's a shame you have such fat fingers as well, you can't even fingers me, even if I actually wanted you to touch me

(Hope you're able to cum cause I'm going to sleep)
Oh is that all you think I'd do? No I'd make everyone that ever hurt you line up and fuck me in places that you couldn't pay me to let you even lick their cum off of. And if you had a large cock all the better seeing you groan in frustration as I cum from a smaller man fucking me. with your fat cock locked in a cage and if the mood struck me I'd make every single guy I was fucking coat you in their cum or make you swallow it down directly, and if one of the men you hat wanted to fuck your ass I would force you to let them or else I would just divorce your ass. I would want nothing more then to put a strap-on on you so you can't feel any pleasure and moan out all the names of the men I fucked that day
(This pic is what I'd make you watch me doing and if you ever hoped to fuck me you'd be pleasing all those cocks as well)
It's only natural for a girl like me to have those features!

I don't think you'll be able to grab much with my body this small, I can always grow.

My name is Rururaruri Rurararirararururirirari Rirararururararururararirari! and I'm fine! I'm a phantom if that matters.
Well, could you grow?
Definitely would rather Lala
I vote Lala, but if I don't win I'm fine with suu
(Holy fuck yes I can cum to that! Thank you thank you! Goodnight cuck samus! Love you!)
Those are some shoes to fill..but I can see what I could do, no promises if I end up messing up somehow.

I might do both if I'm up for it.

Thank you all for the information.
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>She continued the handjob for a bit before moving her head closer, moving her hand to the bottom of your dick and squeezing lightly as she suckled on your tip.
A girl like you, eh? And what kind of girl is that?
Look at how slow you're going....DOUBLE TIME MAGGOT! MOVE IT!!

>She grins and just stares at this pathetic human being not even worthy of her sight or attention
(I only love your money your cock is so pathetic even I feel bad for it)
Have the nude your "best" friend took of me before he filled each and every one of my holes better then could even fill my mouth
Are you feeling good as well
>The pleasure swarms his dick as the stroking and heat from the fairy's mouth mingle
I guess I could grant you a wish!
>She mimics a belly dance poorly and claps her hands two times, she begins to grow and so does her features, she gets to become around your size.
You could touch the jewels if you will.

A phantom! me, Ruru, Ruru has wonderful features!
(Holy shit, some time I would love to do a whole cuck type scene with you)
Thank you for even showing me Samus! Thank you for showing me your sexy body, even if only in a pic.
You do have a few wonderful features, I'm wondering if we could see them a little less covered and more in motion
>His tears become larger as he inserts them faster. Gritting his teeth as he does it as fast as he can. Finally, he inserts them all but one. His cock is burning red and so full. He sticks in the last bead, his cock so full it sticks out barely.
haa... cammy...
>he looks up to her, now finished with his task. Cock pulsing and eyes teared up still
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Uh, I'll just call you Ruru.
What do you mean you're a 'phantom'? You seem pretty real to me.
Do you mind if I suck your breasts as well
Well i'll be damned.....You're weak and pathetic ass actually did it....Good job...

>She takes a roll of duct tape and wraps his cock nice and tight

There....Now you won't be able to cum unless I give you permission....Snivelin' pisswog...
>She flashes her breasts with a gleeful grin.
Is that what you wanted?

I have a body! you can touch me, I don't mind you don't believe me.

You're such a horny one, how about this, I'll let you service yourself as much as you want for now but later I'll need to rest okay?
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>She paused for a bit, nodded, then let go of the shaft entirely as she quickly takes three-quarters of the shaft into her mouth, making a light "Hmph" noise when she did.
No no, I meant that a phantom is basically a ghost, and I don't believe in ghosts.
>She gently pokes Ruru's belly.
...How do you have a body, if you're a ghost?
>After a while the pain isn't as bad. He smiles up to her weakly
G-good... That's what I wanted.
>He moans
That's definitely what I wanted. They're so perky and round! I wonder what kind of things someone with a tiny, sexy body like yours gets up to when no one is awake
>His groans and moans increase every time his cock makes contact with her mouth
Do you mind if I cum? I am almost at my limit
Now....Who does that cock belong to?....Tell me you disgusting pig....
It belongs to you Cammy! It belongs to you! My cock is yours and you decide when it cums.
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>She giggles as she tries to remove your finger but it wont budge.
A friend, more like a brother, it's like thanks to him that I'm able to be real, I can phase through things too though!
They're actually pretty big too! gee I wonder what I do..
>She places a finger on her chin.
That's a secret~
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>She decided that this time she wanted inside. She gave a thumbs up before continuing, pulling back and pushing forward, working down the shaft, feeling it in her neck.
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>She takes her finger off of her, and stares at it for a moment.
>She wipes it on her chest, and looks up at the 'phantom'
So, show me. Phase through something.
when do you start?
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Good boy....

>Yanks him up, kisses him deeply, and then shoves him against the wall

You are my pain slut.....Understand?!....

(Is that a bit much? If it gets to be too much let me know I have no idea what your limits are...Kek)
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Uh..once I get enough pictures and feel ready, it won't take too long.
>He loves all she does and kisses her back just as deeply
Argh!\ Yes I understand Cammy! I'm yours! All yours!
>He moans against the wall

(What you mean the bead thing? No it's all good! This has been very interesting to say the least but erotic and amazing honestly! At least for me. I'll let you know if it is though hah. I'm not sure what my limits are really. I guess no gore or scat... haha)
How about something cooler?
>She touches the ground, the ground slowly fades into blurriness then comes back into a more pixalated form.
>She tries to hum a little tune.
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>Peridot stares down at the ground, and nearly jumps in shock.
>She blinks a few times as the ground returns, now in pixels.
I-I just asked you to phase through something!
That isn't even NEAR phasing!
Such a good boy.....

>She walks out and locks the stockade

(Alright cool...I'm into BDSM so I try to keep certain limits in mind kek)
>All of these mean girls around here.
Now I remember why I prefer men.
But it was still something cool! right~?
>She lands on your shoulder.
Do ya believe now!?
>He moans and watches her leave. His cock rock hard and wanting. Waiting for her to return.

(I am too, and yeah I understand. This was fun! We need to continue it sometime!)
I just prefer dick.
Hi, Mizuki.
(I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yeah I agree I'll be on later on today )
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I-I believe you have SOME powers, not that you're a ghost or whatever.
>She grabs you off her shoulder, and holds you in front of her eyes.
Just... what ARE you? How can you change the shape of the ground so easily?
(I did heavily! I'm about to sleep so I'm not sure when I'll be on again. Later today or tomorrow or something. Anyway when I see you I'll be sure to let you know it's your 'pain slut' heh, thanks again!)
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I guess you can call it that. I'm just gonna go lie down unless somebody wants to do anything I guess.
Then again, boys know what pleases other boys.
I can transform things into a different shape like that!
>She dangles with her arms crossed.
Believe what you want but you can't deny me!
>She claps her hands together and moves them like a snakes head.
(Cheers! <3 )
Phoebe when?
Like sucking each other's dicks o-or rubbing them together...
I wouldn't want to keep you up if you're tired.
>visit thread
>Ruruposter makes good on their promise
Life's pretty good.
Not exactly tired just nothing to do.
And butt sex. Don't ever forget the butt sex.
(capcha: sandwiches)
Dub trips!
I told you didn't I?
(thanks again for the idea.)
Never have, never will. Boy's love a best.
That is something that we can get behind. Or up front leading the way.
Poor bored little thing... Is there anything I can do to help?
Get behind me all you want. I prefer it that way.
Hey, glad I could inspire!
>gives your belly a light prod
Never thought I'd get the meet the famous Ruru, so consider us even.
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>She quickly tosses her away, and wipes her hand on her chest again.
Agh! G-Go away, don't even try doing that to me!
>She covers her forehead, and starts slowly walking away.
(I can't be bothered to find a proper image, so have this instead.)
Uhh...probably. I'm up for whatever.
what's the idea?
fill me in man
Gee, everyone just likes pressing my belly! glad to help you Anon!

H-hey! that was a joke, I was just showing you how powerful I am, Peridot!

(The Other night I was wondering who I should try to ava, he told me to play Ruru)
I don't know. You were pretty rough with me last time.
>places a piece of candy in his mouth
The way you grabbed me and put me on the ground and had your way with me. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember the way you used me like cheap whore.
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I-It's not funny!
You're even especially dangerous to me, I-I can't let you get near my--
N-Near me!
Just... Just stay there. And I'll, uh, go.
H-How's that?
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O-Oh...uh sorry about that. I guess I was a little pent up.
>Mizuki rubbed the back of his head as he laughed nervously while his cheeks turned a light pink.
Whatever you have I wouldn't harm it! there's nothing to be afraid of, you can't shut in a friend like that!
>all the gay boys are now coming out
I knew it! The femdom bitches are scaring them. They are going gay so they will not have to submit to them. Brilliant.
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Fuck off.
you're back finally... been a long time
Get for not sexualising Holo
Now, who will GET this GET?
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I was just uh doing nothing and lurking. That and didn't get much luck with any bullies being on...
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A-Alright, fine...
If you try anything funny, though, I'll, uh, I'll crush you!
...or something.
>She puts her hand down and reveals her gem again.
>She slowly walks forward, and stops in front of you.
Why are you so tiny?
The sad part is, I made a typo and took a second to fix it.
It's okay, Mizuki! I...um...I actually liked it. Yes, it was rough but there wasn't anything...malicious like the way girls do it. It was a welcome surprise.
>Anon gives your belly another soft prod, adding a wiggle of his fingers to tease the little phantom
Have you looked in a mirror lately? You've got the hips to drive guys wild, who wouldn't want to get in on that?
Having fun with the green hive-cluster-being thing?

>off by one
And thank god for that.
and in the end you missed so now we have to sexulize the horo
I see you still haven't learned to grammar.
Cue the grammar nazi meme.
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Ah, really? That's good to hear then. I'm usually not so forceful or aggressive...but I'm happy you enjoyed it.
Because I'm a phantom! I could even grow in size if you want.
>She gets close to the gem, resisting the urge to poke it.
At least you've made up your mind!

Well she's the only one besides you that's talking with me so I'm happy!
>She bashes her hands against your finger, lightly blushing.
What sort of lady would I be if I hadn't looked at myself.
>sucks on his hard candy
I just feel bad about being a stranger for a while but we're here now. I missed you.
>After a brief fuckup and posting in the HG thread like a retard, the Amazon is now dumped in the correct place, the /erp/ thread!
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Don't worry about that. I can't exactly get mad at anyone for disappearing or anything like that when I do it myself from time to time. I missed you too cutie.
>squeezes her plump, round ass... again
Awful hospitality in these parts, can't believe no one else's come to show you around yet!
>Anon keeps wiggling his finger, the end of his digit somewhat coarse against your soft skin
Actually, that makes me wonder how you ended up around here to begin with. Ain't exactly someplace "safe", if you catch my drift.

>Anon shoots you a look and raises his brow
Or maybe you know exactly what you're getting into, eh? Like you said, you know what you've got - looking to put it to use maybe?
And stay out!
>wuv u bb
>This prompts more desperate squirming and muffled curses from the Amazon!

My apologies, it's 6AM and I got the threads mixed up!
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>She jerks her head away from her.
D-Don't get too comfy now.
Why stay small when you can be tall, and pretty, and just avoid being made fun of entirely?
I can't help being short, it's terrible.
>She snaps her fingers and BOOM you're on tied, thanks to the super fact phantom, the bound Amazoness is now free.

My my! you're being pokey, maybe I am maybe I'm not, I could just be looking for some good cash for the road!
>She tries to stay firm but can't as her skin is getting roughed by your finger, she blushes and clears her throat.
This place can be nice! I'm sure.
>his faced turned red as you called him cutie
I-i'm glad you feel that way about it.
>looks at you nervously
May I...cuddle with you?
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You're not terrible! I just like this size! it's convenient, this was my original size to begin
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>that .gif
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>Mizuki gave you a warm smile before nodding and holding out his open hand to you.
Mhm, I'd love to cuddle.
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Eh, it's whatever, really.
..Moving on.
You said you had a friend, that was like a brother to you, that helped you be whatever it is you are now.
Why aren't you with him? Are you lost?
>Anon chuckles, slowing his finger down, but cupping you in the palm of his other hand
If you don't like it I could stop, just gotta say the magic words is all!
>He flashes you a gentle smile on hearing your subtle praise for this place
It's a nice place, just try not to get in too deep you hear? Nothing good comes outta that.
>His nervousness slipped away as he reached out and placed his hand in yours
Thank you, Mizuki.
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I am pretty cute

No I've come here on my own, he's too busy sleeping!

Too deep?
>She places her shoulders against your finger as she sits on your palm like a chair.
What do you by that?
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>When someone plays a poner character
dat ass
Indeed you are! What's your name, cutie?
First the fags, now the cloppers.
>Anon shakes his head, his smile still present but somewhat faint
Didn't mean anything bad by saying that, just a warning not to get too attached to some of the folk you might meet around here, no matter how nice they might seem. Don't think about it too much - it's just a worrisome old Anon's inner monologue leaking out.

>He grins while looking at you, relaxed and sprawled out on his palm
Still, I can't believe Haruhiko never treated you all that kindly. That guy has no idea what he's missing out on!
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Well, that's fair enough, I suppose.
>She stares at her small, petite body.
Say, what makes you... excited?
My name is Ruru but my full name is Rururaruri Rurararirararururirirari Rirararururararururararirari, nice to meet you!

I know! I'm always saying something nice and then he just goes up and hits me it's not very nice to do to a lady!..but he's not all bad, mostly
>Snores louder
>hurls brick
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>Mizuki happily grabbed your hand and turned to lead you off to a bed.
Anytime. There should be more cuddling going on around here!
>He sat down on the edge of the bed while he held onto your hand, looking up at you with a smile. He slowly leaned back to lay on the bed while he pulled you down with him.
Hi Innocent Boy
...I think I'll just stick to Ruru. Rolls off the tongue more than... your full name. Nice to meet'cha! What brings you to this... somewhat undesirable place?
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Hello, boy and girls. How might you all be faring?
>Anon lazily brings a finger onto your head, carefully nuzzling it against your hair
Right? Sure, he might be nice but he can be so dense sometimes. He...might actually fit in around here, now that I think about it.
(Crap, gotta leave for adult stuff of the urgent irl sort, sorry Ruru! Have fun with Peridot though, I'll be back later.)

Don't flatter me Anon, I can't fill his shoes.
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Just hitting it straight out of the park!? I like people with rock hard body! super sexy! have you seen those women in kimono some of them look really great!

Undesirable? so far I've been enjoying my stay here! I'm not sure what to be looking for here, there's been some nice people though!

(It's fine bye~)
That'd be a little weird to see, like he could be one of those pimps or something!
>he let out a chuckle as he fell into the bed with you. He kept his hand with yours as he wrapped his free arm around your waist. The bed felt soft and he felt relaxed.
You're right. There should be more cuddles.
Hmm... Yeah. There are nice people here, but, I'd say... Their kindly exterior belies their true selves, in a sense.
Who the fuck are you?
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The name's Samus. No need to be so hostile...
You have a gun... Please don't shoot me
Mm? Oh, I'm fine. Some genie freed me, and I've just been relaxing. How about you?
I could suffocate in that ass. How tempting.
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Yup, cuddling is great.
>Mizuki gave you a quick kiss on the cheek as he interlocked his fingers with yours. His free hand ran up and down your back while he enjoyed your company.
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Calm down... it's a paralyzer, so it can't kill, and I'm not as barbaric as you think.

That sounds nice. Pretty much the same here. I'm just chilling after a misarable time trying to shake Space Pirates of my tail.
Would you be one of those people then.

and you didn't even say thank you!
>And so, the Amazon honors your request, and plops down, smothering you in her massive, pillowy ass! Oh, what a cruel way to die! Except not really.

Space pirates? Mm, now I've heard everything. Though, I'd expect elves, dwarves, and dragons would seem equally strange to you.
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Oh, I suppose you could say that.
>She puts her hand beneath her, and opens her palm so she can stand on it.
Hm, define 'rock hard body'
I doubt I qualify, seeing as I am literal rock.
Only pictures, but I did try one before. Didn't like it a lot.
Ribbon you're such a cute little slut.
Eh? Well, I dunno about that. Not really. Just stressing my concerns, is all.
>Shrugging her accusation off, he reclines against his seat, arms folded across his chest.
>As your hand ran along his back, he let out a sound that almost sounded like purring.
Mmmm...I wish I had done this more often.
>His eyes immediately widen, and his cheeks are prickled by an almost palpable redness, as the woman's rear mashes against his face. He tries to sound his protests, but his voice is ultimately muffled, and he eventually stops fighting back, simply accepting his fate.
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Heh, if only. Actually, showdown with a dragon to claim it's treasure sounds much more appealing than having to deal with those claw-handed slime balls. I sweqr, the bounty never feels quite worth it, but I shouldn't complain.
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>She sets on your palm and starts making hand gestures really obscure ones.
You see! someone with a nice figure good hips strong build, silk body! or like a hunk! good looks knows how to talk with a lady!
>She then ends her gestures by waving her hands into a vase shape.
You understand?

Well! you people sure know how to protect a lady.
>She floats on top of your head crossing her legs and arms.
Thank you for the concern.
Ahah. Well, anything for a sweet little thing such as yourself.
>One arm decouples from its crossing, and it reaches up to his head. His digit splays out, and he gently - observing care and caution - rubs it against the top of her head, as if to pat her.
Make sure to keep an eye out for creeps, alright?
>Though she probably couldn't see anyway, he winks at the small fairy, his other arm still pinned against his chest by his elbow.
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>Mizuki giggled softly as he nuzzled your cheek and sighed. He gave your hand a small squeeze as he held onto it.
Well, I'm happy to do it so ask whenever you want some cuddling cutie.
>She wiggles a bit, soon totally reclining on his face, stretching. Killing folks with her fat rear wasn't strange to her, but something about this felt mean... Ah, well.
Ever think of just retiring with what you got? I mean, there's gotta be another line of work for someone with your skillset beyond 'blasting space pirates'.
My apologies, thank you!
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Er... I think I do.
>She brings her hand closer to her face, and continues to eye her.
Well, I'm not really strong or anything you just described.
I did try to 'work out' once, though, but that didn't really change much.
>She grins, making her sharp teeth visible.
Not that it matters, I'm not into girls anyway.
>By this point, he could barely breathe. His head was spinning, and he felt a dreary sensation grip at his neck, restraining his ability to respirate. In one last attempt to break free, he pulls his head out from the muscular rear, as he coughs and breathes deeply for air. As glorious of a manner it was to die, the anon really didn't want to lose his life just yet.

Y... you were really intent on killing me there! Wh...
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I have thought about it... but I can't just yet. I've got a score to settle with that bastard of a leader. It's personal when it comes to him...
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I'll beat them to a pulp!
>She raises her fist in assertion.
Don't you worry! I've been chatting for a good bit, I'd like to continue our talk whenever we meet again, I enjoyed it.

That's more like it!

Then why were you eyeing my down! I saw it, you were checking my beautiful features.
>She turns away covering her chest, instead showing her butt a little to you.
I'll keep that in mind.
>He felt like he was in a safe place lying with Mizuki. Just his warmth and the clean scent of the bed. He reciprocated his hand squeeze and reached up and gave you a quick peck on the cheek.
Heh, excellent.
>His hand slips down and lays back on top of the other.
Right, that sounds nice. See you again next time then, yeah, Ruru? Take care!
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Oh, that's what you thought I was doing?
>She laughs a little, and gently wraps her fingers around the little fairy.
I wasn't eyeing you for your beautiful features, Ruru!
I just didn't have any lunch today.
>She turns her hand around to make you face her, then licks her lips.
Do you mind?
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(Whoops used a duplicate and didn't notice til now.)
>Mizuki grinned at the kiss before pressing his lips against yours. He held the kiss for a few long moments until pulling away and rubbing his nose against yours.
Hopefully it won't be long~ bye bye!
>She waves.

No! I don't want to be eaten by you!..I'd die
>She pouts.
(Have to go though so, talk with you later.)
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(Aw. See you later.)
Abyss Warchers is a fair fight.
No, you're the cutie, Mizuki.
>he pulled closer to you and mischievously placed his free hand on your hip.
I'm just naughty.
It is.
Sorry you're bad anon.
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>Mizuki smirked before his hand slowly traveled down your back until it finally reached your bottom before giving it a small squeeze.
Very naughty.~
I know, Anon. Just bellyaching.
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Very naughty...
>he moved his hand under the hem of your shirt and slowly ran it along your chest and placed a kiss on your neck
Such a purty mouth. I wonder if that ass can open that wide.
>tfw letting them get attached so I can hurt them later
I'm playing the long con
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That's a rather disturbing thing to mull over about.
Hi Miyafuji.
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there are actually anons that went to sleep
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>Mizuki giggled after he let out a small gasp from the kiss on his neck. He gave your ass another playful squeeze but this time a little harder.
Ah, I thought you just wanted cuddles and now you're trying to get me all worked up. I bet you want me to do the same thing as last time and pin you down while I fuck you.
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Man I hate sleeping too long, but I also love it.

Dead hours, is it?
It worked for Clownpiece
I do too, it's a love hate relationship, speaking of I need to rest soon
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Night Elf (12).jpg
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Ye. I mean I feel so refreshed, yet so fatigued.

But ye, I betcha need some rest. Just don't sleep 16 hours, aye?
>feigns mock terror
No, not that! Anything but that. Why would I do such a naughty thing like that?
>his hand moved from your chest to between your legs where he rubbed the growing bulge in your pants
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Six or less hours for me sounds, fine.
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>they try not to hurt you
>they end up hurting you a lot
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Good lass, that's what I sleep during weekdays.
That's how it usually goes. The more effort spent in avoiding getting hurt only seems to amplify it.
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>Mizuki gave you a long wet smooch while his hips gave a small thrust into your hand.
Mmm, you really don't want me too? I guess I can just resist the urge and just continue our cuddling.
>He spoke with a sarcastic tone as he continued to grope your plump butt with his hand.
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Gettin' attached to nameless avatars on a site with desperate people and anti-social folks ain't never been a good idea.
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See you in that amount of time if you're still about.
Sleep well!
Please, Mizuki.
>he unbuttoned you pants and freed your cock before gentle stroking it.
I'll be a good boy.
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>Mizuki pushed you over onto your back and rolled over so he could be on top of you. His hardened member throbbing in the open after being exposed. He planted a few kisses on your neck before biting it gently.
Eheh, that's what I thought you wanted.
>He got off and sat next to you as his hands started to unbutton your pants.
While you slip out of these why don't you tell me exactly what you want.
>while you unbuttoned his pants he took off his shirt and placed it on the floor
I want to be fucked like a little bitch.
>he pushed his pants off revealing the white cotton panties he wore underneath. He tossed his pants aside and took off the panties.
Would you do that for me?
>he tossed his panties with rest of his clothes and got on his knees on the floor in front of you
I'll be a good bitch.
Fuckin way she goes, boys.

Fuckin way she goes.
Fucking this 1000%

Just don't do it, simple as that. It's creepy and it never works out.
>Just don't do it
The heart wants what it wants, he can't control that man
That is a very naive way of thinking.
You absolutely can control it. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve.
only 12 year old girls call everything creepy, anon

I'm kind of heavy with an ava and we're both pretty happy with it with no expecations
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>Mizuki pulled his pants and underwear off and threw them to the side before getting on the edge of the bed. He grinned as he shook his hips to make his cock sway side to side in front of you.
Then why don't you get me ready to plow your ass then, slut?~
>only 12 year old girls call everything creepy
How would you know? That's creepy.
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My autism is the autism that will pierce the skies
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You're posting the wrong picture if you're trying to tempt me.
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Hiya everyone
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>without a word his took you cock in his hand and slightly stroked it while letting saliva drip from his tongue to the tip
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You're probably gonna want to come back in like 7 hours
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Someone likes feet?
>starts fapping
Damnit, that's my fetish.
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>Mizuki let out a satisfied sigh as he pat your head and ran his fingers through your hair. He bit his lip while he watched you work his throbbing member.
Ah, you're such a cute little slut.
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You slut~
Probably man
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see >>2334731
Don't forget your cancer
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I'll follow their lead I guess
You guys are hecka lewd
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Yes, Mizuki.
>he slowly stroked your now saliva slick shaft before putting it in his mouth. He took only a little bit at a time sucking slowly before licking the shaft and began to suck on your balls.
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Why are you doing this
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Feet (67).jpg
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I'm really not sure..
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>Mizuki placed his hand on the bed to support him while he leaned back. He let out a soft moan as you started to use your mouth to service his cock. His hand gently grabbing some of your hair as his mouth hung open and his breathing grew heavier.
Haaa...I'm ready whenever you are but you look like you're having a bit of fun.
I want to have cute fox babies with this barefoot slut~
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l e w d!
>he laughed mischievously as he let you balls go with a loud pop
How do you want me, Master?
Lewd is love, lewd is life.
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Mmm, I'm not sure if I want you to ride me or if I want you bent over so I can grab onto your hips while I thrust into that cute butt of yours. Why don't you choose for me cutie?
>Mizuki leaned forward and smile as he placed his hand on your cheek. His thumb running along your lip while he gave his wet cock a few strokes.
Remember, no one wants your children.~ Back to dark souls.
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That's not true, slut
but we all want to make children with you
>he crawled toward the bed and stode up. He then bent over the edge of the bed with his legs spread giving you a great view of his ass. He looked at you with a large grin and playfully swayed his hips.
>sticks his tongue out at you
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>Mizuki quickly got up and placed his hands on your hips as he pressed his hard, wet cock against your bare ass. He leaned down while his hand moved to grab your cock and give it a few strokes.
Heh, just how badly do you want me to use you like the slut you are?
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(why are girls so Kawaii?)
it is the rule of girls, all are cute
Who da fuck knows
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(Except the ugly ones)
ugly ones can be cute in some ways, maybe they have cute hand writing
I've grown bored as of late... I wonder if any of you would like to be my new pet...?
Nigga that don't count.
What are the qualifications needed?
hey, not all cuteness is physical, having cute personality or quirks is still kawaii
Who the fuck are you then?
I want it bad, Mizuki! Please fuck my slutty ass! I'll be good!
>looks back at you with a anxious look on his face
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Oh it's you the one who was gonna play Ivy, great to see ya.
Any nice laps or chests to use as a pillow?
I don't know if I'm man enough to be your pet, Madam Ivy.
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You should not bring pets here. People will engage in intercouse with them in this place. It's disappointing. I like pets.
The name's Ivy, but call me Mistress.

I need a pet with undying loyalty. Eager to fulfill my wishes and desires.

Oh, I believe this is the first we've met. I'm not sure what you speak of.
Mistress? Girl I don't even fucking know you
>punches him in the throat and knocks him out

Sorry m'lady this guy was being very rude.
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(>Pokemon edition
>No one ERPs one in the thread
>No qt gallade who is loyal and pure to love

Y'all slacking, trash)
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Officially, agh whatever, the name is Revy, if you care.
It's the dead hours Rei, you should come back later

Also, do you happen to have an email?
Undying loyalty? That's a pretty tall order.
(Personally I'd prefer one of the pokemon girls. A Skyla would be perfect)
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>Mizuki giggled softly as he pressed the head of his cock against your rosebud. He moved his hand back to your hip as he straightened his back.
Alright then, I'll fuck you as much as you want slut.
>He slowly pushed in the tip of his cock inside your tight hole as a moan escaped his lips. After pushing the head of his cock inside your tight hole, he gave a quick, hard thrust and pushed the rest of his length inside. He bit down on his lip to try and stifle his moans as he proceeded to slowly thrust into you after pulling back slightly.
Top taste.

A Jasmine would be great, as well.
(Can I fuck you?)
Man pokemon has a lot of good girls.
Oh, don't think you could handle this?

Oh darling, my pets are quite different from the kind you're used to.

Oh? You've got some big bullocks to talk to me like that. You certainly don't seem to know how to respect a lady.

*Sigh* never mind him, I've no time to waste on such disrespectful nobodies.

Revy, is it? Well, regardless of how you heard of me, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Indeed. I'm a woman of high standards. I only want the best to serve under me.
You're damn right, anon.
Hilda's pretty sweet...
Are futa girls welcomed here?
Define "the best"?
(Elesa would be good too.)
Why wouldn't they be?
Yeah, she's hot...
>he let out a low moan as your cock entered his tight hole. A gasp passed through his lips as you push your entire length inside of him. His hand gripped the blanket on the bed as his breathing became heavier.
Thank you, Mizuki. May I have some more?
I rarely see them, so if I thought that if I brought a futa girl here, no one would want to fuck her.
Not much of a fan of Elesa, but I definitely wouldn't turn one down.
Yeah, pleased to meet ya, I'm sure, I'll be passing out soon from the overall of drinking soon.
>She hits her forehead lazily.
Just a fair warning from...whatever your name was again.
I am actually curious to see if I could be strong enough to serve under you. No pun intended, Mistress. I would have to try later on though.
You can try your luck later when things pick up or even now if you want. I mean me personally I'd rather get fucked by one than fuck them myself but I'm sure there are other people that would approach you.
Futa girls best girls.
Aido laiku so-me mo-re...cawfee.
You just had to initiate that to ring in my head, didn't you?
Gween tea.
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Unf...Sure thing slut.
>Mizuki picked up the pace of his thrusting as he gripped your hips harder. His member throbbed inside you as he pushed deeper and started to leak precum. He leaned down and pressed his chest against your back as his hand moved to grab your cock and started stroking it. He moaned aloud before biting on your shoulder.
It's simple really. I just need someone who can satisfy me. However, that is not so easy.

Ivy. I'd appreciate if you remembered, but alas, it seems your consciousness is fading, so I'd rather not waste my breath.

Oh, really? Well, I might look forward to that
I literally just watched that about 10 minutes ago.

That's so weird.
So what happens if they don't satisfy you?
I remember faces..so it's fine
>She rubs her head.
Want to be my pillow so I can sleep?
>Slowly gets up and rubs throat
That was... Unexpected
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Rattles happily.jpg
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>Loud rattling as I walk in

Ahoy, whats going on in this place?
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Rei 22 (reaction).jpg
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(Elesa is cute!~ I use to love SkylaxElesa back in the Black and White days.)

I do not understand.

(Eh... I guesssssssss)

([email protected])
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Why do so many skeletons come here?
>he whimpered slightly as you thrusted in him without mercy. He gripped the blankets harder and bit into them once he was assaulted by the three headed monster of your hand on his cock, your teeth in his shoulder and your cock in his ass. He let out moans that were muffled by the blankets he was biting into.
We're all skeletons.
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I came here to appease my BONEr is all.
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Someone say skeleton lord?
Anyone who can't fulfill my desires doesn't deserve my attention. I would quickly forget some one so insignificant.

>she gives a puzzled expression
You're inquiring if you could use my body to rest your head upon? I don't usually offer my flawless form for such minor purposes....

My pets are trained for activities like that. Intercourse is but the basics for them...

What was...?
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I really don't like this
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Its alright.

Just maybe if you could me a good BONE job i might go away.

>Wink wink nudge nudge as i whip out my Bone dick
>She gives you a drained stare, before grabbing your hand.
Ya don't even have to buy me dinner, get in this bed so I can cuddle.
Oh you forget them. ...that's nice

Anon starts to back away from the scary lady
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Rei 37.jpg
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My pet, Polt, have a relationship similar to that.
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>Mizuki stroked your cock faster and faster as his mind drew blank while he thrusted deep inside you. His cock throbbing from your tight walls hugging his length as he pushed inside you over and over. He let out muffled moans as he nibbled on your shoulder.
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I think I'd rather stab myself in the throat
>taken aback by the woman's assertive, yet carefree attitude, she uncharacteristically follows her request, and joins her on the bed
H-how would you like to proceed?

Is that so? Sounds like quite the well trained pet.
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Woah, don't be mean.

I'm sure a nice lovely lady would love to tend to my big BONEr
>She grabs your waist and pushes you down to your back, she proceeds to wrap herself against yours.
>She stays silent staring a bit.
Cuddling isn't that what were suppose to do.
>She keeps her gaze on yours, closing her eyes slowly as her head tilts into your neck.
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Then good luck with that skeleton man
Are you male or female?
>The abundance of stimuli was beginning to take a toll on him. He stopped biting the blankets but was still gripping them. He felt angry marks on his shoulder and he precum leaking from his cock. He loved it.
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Y-yes, of course.
>becoming a bit more comfortable, she cautiously wraps her arms around your back, embracing you.
This is nice... I usually don't feel this content around another person...
>she looks down and gently smiles at your relaxed face, lightly running her fingers through your hair.
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Why are you asking Anon?
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Your body is a nice blanket..
>She looks at you as she's snug into your chest, she closes her eyes.
A bit strange..ya seem pretty comfortable.
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>Mizuki started to almost pull all the way out before slamming back into your ass as he thrust his cock inside you. He kept up the pace of his stroking as he bit down harder. His thrusting becoming quicker and harder as he felt his approaching climax.
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>when you waiting for that reply
You're cute
>tfw the reply never comes
I want a yandere and I want it now
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Put me in a cute dress and fuck me in the ass, I know this feel.
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Don't call me cute, I d-don't like it...
>He felt himself ready to cum as Mizuki slammed harder inside of him. The sounds of Mizuki's flesh slapping against his filled the room as with the sounds of grunts, groans and whimpers. He let out a loud moan as he came. A few ropes ended up on your hand and the bed.
I keep refreshing but it's not coming
Oh, thank you...
>she blushes slightly as you cuddle up to her bosom.
I feel rather cozy as well...
>she embrace you a bit tighter, enjoying the warmth of your body
Is that a bad thing?
What if you really are
I'll stop when you stop being cute
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Then we can relax..
>She pulls off her tank top before going back to her position.
Don't mind that, It was starting to get uncomfortable, skin was rubbing against itself. don't forget to get comfortable, we'll be like this for a good few hours, I drop like a rock.
Yes ...
Why would I want to be forced into wearing girls clothing before having my hole be filled with a dirty cock ...?
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Oh, I see... we my clothing is a bit intricate, so I can't remove one section with out removing the entire thing...
>she says, while momentarily catching a glance of you breasts.
(I've gotta dip out. Hope you had fun.)
>Mizuki thrusts became frantic as he felt his climax coming. His cock throbbed inside you as your tight walls hugged his cock before his cum squirted out and painted your walls with his hot, white cum. He stopped his biting and panted as his hips still thrusted a few more times into you. He continued to stroke your cock while it slowly came to a stop.
Dat ass goddamn.
Looks a bit too much effort..ya checking me out?
>She sighs as she stays in your chest, staying warm.
IT's not like it matters, ya have to be comfortable.

(I did have fun. Thank you.)
Anyone gonna make a new thread or what?
Oh, no! ... well, yes. I didn't notice it right away earlier, but your quite a charming woman...
I should be fine like this though. This outfit is custom made to hug my body perfectly.

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