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HG thread

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Thread replies: 106
Thread images: 67

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Petting Cirno.png
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HG thread
Plane X Big ben
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3rd for me and Senpai!

EILA! Baka means idiot, and you are a baka!
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Don't make me beat you like one of your french girls, or maybe I could pound you harder then Sanya has ever done.
>I should really be in bed...
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This place is so dead.
>throws you out of a window
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W-wait, help me up!
>Is now hanging off the edge of the cliff
Grenade Launcher in wolf pack is great as well, it's even better since I got it free :^)
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Oh hey it's discount Yosuke again.
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B-But Sanya doesn't hit me!
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>>1995031 (Chen)
...I don't follow.
Would cuddle a kitty cirno
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Maria .png
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She hits your eyes with beauty does she not? You love the way she looks~
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Why are all the ausfags going to bed around 9:30/10:30 nowadays?
I miss Nepgear.
Can't you just ninjaflip back up, nya...?
>She offers a hand anyway

Because it's something new to learn all about, really!
Aussie's are too pure to stay up so late.
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host or i'll be edgy
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Cutie~ .png
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I've been ill for the past week and need a lot of sleep, been going to bed early and getting up at like 1pm
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T-That isn't the same thing as being hit.
Discount Yosuke?
Since when did I become the discount instead of Mary Sue version of Yosuke.
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...Like I said, I'm pretty one-tracked.
Yes it is.
Hush now D-Yosuke.
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That's not gonna stop me!
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I can't swim.jpg
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I took that ring off!
>Grabs hand
W-wait can you even lift me?
We used to be the dead hours crew. Now we're all early birds.

Well, fair enough. Hope you get better.
I miss Aussa
It's Yosuke recolor, Maria.
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images (3).jpg
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Whatever like it matters anyway.
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Being physically hit is not the same as that!
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Cards and shit.jpg
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>Tfw I get warned on /pol/ for asking crust if he wants to play league.

Is it?
I just picked it up before and was contemplating putting the fire shells in it.
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Another Maria image.png
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So do I but these meds are just not fucking working.
Okie dokie.
Who said anything about physical? I like to fuck peoples minds up!
>She lifts into the air and starts falling slowly, not fast enough to be any danger
I-it's a little tough, but if I can't lift you I can at least make sure you don't fall fast enough to be hurt, nya...!
>missing the yokel the replied to everyone in the thread
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Sorry, mate. That's my bad.
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You did, you said "Sanya" pounded me.
Aussa left?
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...Oh well.
She makes your heart pound you from the inside~
I want to creampie Sanya
It ain't your bad cunt. Apparently my post didn't have anything to do with politics.
So next time I post I'll start the post with "So, those muscle-lims, right?"
>not knowing aussas other avas
aussa is lambda
lambda is nu
nu is here
cancerous cancers cancer acting cancerous cancer onto my brain
I want to pound Eila with Sanya
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I thought everybody knew that already.
If you talk about musslims they start to get more lenient.
>wake up
>country is in shambles
>ministers are lining up for their attentionwhoring moment on TV where they say how bad they feel
>despite this immigrants that live here for 3 years without so much as knowing the language will keep receiving support
>30 deaths
>class about to go on a field trip was almost directly in the blast radius
>Friend goes to college in Brussels and takes that exact subway every time
>He's not picking up

O-oh boy, I sure do love my country.
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I did something good for once! .png
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But you didn't because you asked me about it.
Shit man, hope you find them...
>in all seriousness, i'm sorry this is habbening.
Im relieved youre fine :^)
I hope your friend is okay.
I'm sure someone's picking him up though.
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>>1995005 #
It's... Not really a nice place. Cold, and dark. The sun almost never shines.

>>1995015 #
Yeah. Whatever; I'm sure he is.
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I asked what you meant, baka.
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S-sometimes I'm a girl....jpg
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I'd say, either or, depending on your loadout I use normal explosive rounds personally, but that's because I got Molotov's
Don't hurt yourself now... I know my armor is really heavy, so don't strain yourself...
Hope your friend is alright, be sure to stay safe yourself...
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No, but I want to as well.
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>gets in line to tell you how bad I feel
That's rough. You have my condolences.
Well good for you, now time for me to walk over to my bead and pass out while vomiting because this sickness if fucking swell!
Ahh... That's a shame, nya.
I wish it was better there.

>she floats all the way down to the ground with you, making sure you're securely on the ground before letting go
Here we are, nya!
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>It's times like this I'm glad I live in an tiny-ass "city" in southern Texas
>With any luck they're fine, though.
...Most people that've met Ragna say he's nice. Don't blame Ragna for what Nu was made for, it wasn't him.
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See ya loser!
I want to cuddle Sunset.
Lambdafag confirmed for mexicuck
dibs on the nigger
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Reading porn.jpg
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>Not using Flame thrower, Incendiary Shells and Molotov in the same build
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I want Sunset to cuck Spike
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Pawns in my game.jpg
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I want to get up at 6 in the morning to get Cucked.
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Should I know any of these people?
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Do you have to go out of your way to make it hurtful?
Too bad you weren't there when the explosions began.
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The Nigger is your mom
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Hell yeah I am.png
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>Pats head
That's one HOT build!
Aw, geez Hajime was a nerd when he was a kid!
Far right on this one is mine too
Claiming Nipa
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No, they're all shiet.
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Yeah. I'm fighting to make it better! We're in a war right now. Not fun...

Alright, alright. Take it easy.
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Third from the right
Doing it.
It'll work so well with grinder deck.
Look on the bright side, Spike. At least you weren't cucked by a bear.
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Yeah, sure...my mother is dead, probably...
It's just a costume...
>Friend goes to college in Brussels and takes that exact subway every time
>He's not picking up

Belgisch telefoonnetwerk is aan het roosteren. Probeer Sociale media.
This circlejerk is bad and you should feel bad.
What if /trash/ has more wordfilters, not just baka desu senpai kek?
Are these the new anime characters or these are from the new game?
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Why not third from the Reich?

I wasn't cucked at all. I just wish I'd gotten a chance.
Wtf is baka
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wordfilter "S-Sanya" to "S-Sheeeeeeeeit"
Game. Animu wraps Dangan 1 & 2 up.
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>She sounds further depressed
...Seriously. Nu never cared for anything but Ragna, don't insult him.
>I'm whiter than the purest, fluffiest powderiest fucking snow, I put fucking Nu to shame
>I say this as someone who doesn't know shit about snow other than media and the nasty bottom layer that we're stuck with here.
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Just fucking end my life.gif
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Because I can't get my hands on a nazi flag / uniform for omegle and shit.
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Meh they look like shit. I think I will just keep Edge-kun until it comes out.
head pats are so cute
Thread posts: 106
Thread images: 67

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