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Reminder to not buy this censored shit. If you want to play the

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Reminder to not buy this censored shit.
If you want to play the game emulate the ps2 version.
I want to fuck Jessica

Anyway, i will get DQVIII cause i need some JRPG
More content doesn't mean better content

If the game suffers because of a shit framerate or if the world is smaller that's going to suck

if the monster battle minigame is removed that's going to suck

if random battles are eliminated that affects game balance, potentially. what will you do now for experience if you can't go to certain metal slime areas and farm them? are they going to in turn make the game easier?

The 3DS isn't powerful enough to have the original version of the game's world map if it makes all these "improvements"
I want to be Jessica
Why would the Japanese need to censor it?
Too extreme for Nintenbabies huh?

are they going to insert some stupid Samus and Zelda costumes as well?
Fuck you senpai I already own the PS2 version and want to play through the new content and will buy this.
>buy it
>get censored content

>don't buy it
>kill the chances of ever getting another DQ game
I'm starting to grow tired of this censorship crusade.
Learn moon if you care so much.
>If the game suffers because of a shit framerate or if the world is smaller that's going to suck
>if the monster battle minigame is removed that's going to suck
>if random battles are eliminated that affects game balance, potentially. what will you do now for experience if you can't go to certain metal slime areas and farm them? are they going to in turn make the game easier?

None of these are problems in the actual game
I'm pretty sure that's just a different armor set
>Learn moon if you care so much.

It was censored in the JP version too
Obvious censorship aside, which one do you prefer /v/?
No, it's not.
But enemies are on the map in the PS2 version.
Or wait for inevitable decensored rom/cia.
Horii got sick of people sexualizing Jessica so much when this time you can marry her

Its not fucking censorship you fucking retards
And they made the bunny suit lewder
I have a thing for corsets, so
Left. Bunny suits are fucking hot.
Before retards starts screaming NoA, those changes were imposed by Cero.

So fuck off.
No, but if my dick tingles less it's censorship. End of story.

Similarly, if a character wears LESS in a remake, it's anti-censorship.
How about you don't buy it and complain to people who want to make money off it letting them clearly know why you are not buying.
There are random encounters in the PS2 version. The enemies on the map are special.
He didn't get sick of sexualizing Jessica to the max on the original game though.
There's a big difference between cheeky fanservice and the cumslut people came to treat Jessica as even in passive conversation.
Wrong, Horii himself changed it, there is a famitsu interview
Cero had nothing to do with it.
Legendary enemies. The rest are random encounters.
He is known to be very angry at all the Bianca horse doujins too.
>Reminder to not buy this censored shit.
who are you to roder people what to buy and not buy? god? No you aren't, you are jsut a power tripping little faggot on the internet. We invented a concentration camp for you:
What's the best ps2 emulator out there?
There is only one.
Wait the one on the right is the newer version? Why would they fuck up a simple yet perfect outfit?
Actually that just makes me respect him less. Designers that 're-think' their standards are stupid. Half the time it's not because you have changed, but because you have internalized shame into guilt. I see that as him being weak.

Shame, when I believed it was just CERO being their knee-jerk selves, I was going to buy it. Now I won't, because I won't enable some fuck wit that thinks he is "making up" for being a perv.
They'll still do that. You can't just retcon away my 16 year old self's boner when I played this on the PS2.
He just went for a different feel for her is all.
And good, the west doesnt deserve DQ.
Emulating PS2 version is not worth it simply because of random encounters being gone in 3DS. That makes the game ten times more enjoyable.

I ain't a faggot.

Did he explain why, at least?

That's what I want most out of these people, specifically why they changed it.

Shit like Lyn's outfits being changed I understand, since she's 13 and that's a no-no outside of Japan. Though, they could have just changed her age, but she's supposed to be a young prodigy of engineering, so that's probably why they kept her 13.
No they didn't.
He just said he wanted to give Jessica a different feel, and we got many new outfits too anyways. Most likely because you can marry at the end now, so her character is a little different.
>when this time you can marry her

Hold up. Really?
Whoops, thanks.
Are the purple haired warrior gal npcs censored?
What does he think about the Pankraz horse doujins?
Random encounters weren't even that bad in DQ8. There was a hidden timer between encounters where you couldn't encounter again.
Its because no one likes sluts in Japan, it was fine when she was just a slut

But now she is a bride candidate.
So blame Japan for being Japan.
>people caring about Nintendo censoring shit in 2015

Too late, we should have ignored they since 80's, maybe they would've died decades ago. They censored fucking crosses, god fucking damnit
Well, you introduce the biggest tits to the DQ franchise, give her the most lewd outfits, how come you don't expect people to masturbate to her?

Jessica is a sex magnet.
It also makes finding metal slimes way less of a pain toning down the grind by a whole lot.
>different feel for her


No, my feelings for Jessica as a character haven't changed in the slightest. Horri believes that people can't have two different feelings about characters. How you feel about them as canon and how you feel about them as fap bait.

People will continue to sexualize Jessica and every single Dragon Quest female and Horri in all his patheticness will continue to feel bad about it.

Perverts will be Perverts and deciding to fuck with your franchises main stay of FANSERVICE! will have an adverse effect on it's sales.

The West doesn't deserve Dragon Quest? I'd say that Horri thinks the East doesn't deserve it either.
Japan's fine with sluts so long as they're virgins.
Horii himself changed it not Nintendo.
Yes, it is.
Horii wont care when its a slut-type character designed to be nothing but fap bait, which was Jessica´s role in the PS2 version.
But this has changed now that you can marry her.
It's Hori's fault though.

If you don't choose Bianca as the love interest, she gets kidnapped by the horse and the hero won't be there to save her.

I've seen enough hentai to know what happens afterwards.
The real question is how butchered the graphics are besides the lower resolution screen.

Anyone has any facts on this?
Have you played the 3DS version?
You havent played DQ5
If you dont marry bianca she just dies alone with her crazy father
>when its a slut-type character designed to be nothing but fap bait, which was Jessica´s role in the PS2 version.

But she wasn't a slut at all, and had a decent character development arc.
He doesnt feel bad about it. There is plenty of lewd costumes in DQX. The point is that Jessica´s character is now different.
No, it's not. It's the magic bikini, except in the 3DS the "bikini" part is covered with a stupid skirt.
New ending m8
It doesn't change it's stupidity. That mentality is just inane. Part of Jessica's charm for me was uncaring nature about what people thought of her. She was a tomboy and I like that and was why I waifu'd her.

He wants to change her to be 'pure' so she can be married and I say he has changed why I liked her in the first place. Why would I support that?
Literally none of these are problems.

>already preordered 7 and 8 the minute the went up on Amazon

Square can't take my Dragon Quest dollars fast enough

It's sad the only attention these and other games may get until release is because of NEETs perpetuating the argument of censorship.

What a sad state this board is in
Now that you guys explain it does make sense.

I don't think japs would want to marry a character with skimpy clothes.
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>they censored fucking crosses

>shit framerate isn't a problem
>horrible resolution isn't a problem
>game balance isn't a problem

Dude buy DQ heroes instead of this shit.
>Remember when DQ8 was first released in Japan
>News came up that Jessica's outfits were changed
>"Fuck that sucks" say the fans talking about it
>A few months later Nintendo announced DQ7 and 8 are going to be localized
>Suddenly shitposters all about censorship calling Nintendo out when Hori himself did it
God fucking damn it.
>bikini is "too lewd", censor it
>but the bunny outfit isn't, make her bare her midriff

Yes. I pirated the 3DS version and made it until the part where you get the key that opens all the shit around. I also unlocked Baccarat casino and put the game down since then.
I was surprised at how far I made it in so little time with grinding being way faster.
Japanese people are all about the pure waifus.

There's a scandal every time one of the idols they obsess over is seen in public with a guy.
>censors the outfits so the character would be more "pure"

Fucking japs, what's wrong with marrying a slut?
I still don't understand why Horii changed her bunny suit to an even skimpier bunny suit that just looks worse.
In Zelda at least.
Welcome to Japan.
It also explains the bunny costume, the original version is lewder as its the one associated with prostitutes, so even if the new one shows more skin is more pure
>shit framerate?
Like how shit is it?
I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles right now and the framerate is solid. Is DQ8 bigger than it?
You have to understand
Showing more skin doesn't necessarily correlate to sexier.

For example, compare a woman wearing a skintight latex bodysuit to that same woman wearing a light summer dress and sandals.
Go ask /r9k/.
Fuck off, I want Red in my team
Seriously? Jesus Christ Nintendo. When will this nightmare end?
sexually repressed cultures are weird
why dont we just buy DQ7 instead? Has actual improvements over the original and shows we care about DQ when they actually try
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Yes Anon, I am going to skip a fucking Dragon Quest release in the West to make a stand against MUH CENSORSHIP and MUH SLIPPERY SLOPE because they covered some blocky, pixelated ass.

This is fucking pathetic, you are not fooling anyone you thirsty ass faggots.
Every time a virgin cries, an angel gets it's wings
Yeah? Well America is supposedly "sexually awakened" but we still treat fanservice in videogames like we're puritans.
left is classic. right just looks stupid
Yes a classic for whores.
Most likely insecurity also plays a role.

If a woman's only been with you, she doesn't have anyone to compare you with.
> Well America is supposedly "sexually awakened"

America is nowhere near close to being mature about sexual topics
Whores like Jessica. Perfect.

She's not even a fucking slut, gosh. The irony was that she got super upset and embarrassed when you put her in these costumes, which was funny as fuck.
Nobody likes used goods. The west is degenerate.
No, shut up. Not Nintendo, SE did it. Jessica's costumes were changed for the JP release of Dragon Quest 8. Either stop being a faggot and actually like DQ games or fuck off.
What's funny and sad is that Jessica isn't even a slut. She gets flustered and starts hitting things at even the slightest thought of anything sexual. She's just nuanced to the way she can use her body to her advantage. That's a fighter mentality.

And it's horrifying what it leads to. These people don't care about them as people, just an ideal and it's completely destructive. Anyone that didn't care about Jessica before and now does is just as shallow a person as someone that cares because a women decided to wear a bikini instead of a one piece.

How odd that I am now more worried about how Horii fucked up her character then I am with the costume changes. Fuck him.
You never heard of the sexual revolution or the free love movement in the 60s and 70s?

Right looks dumb
Fuck you.
That's what you think.
Horii owns Japan. Consider your boner retconned.
>People are ok with companies telling you what's appropriate or not rather than judging for themselves
I'm so fucking pleased that I still have my copy on the ps2.

Too bad for all of you newbies to the series that'll end up up playing a gutted version.

As I recall Jessica's sexy outfits fit into the game's weird humor and were really well designed.
Nintendo has nothing to do with this censorship. It's all SE themselves and CERO.

Yes, the 3DS game was censored, but it's because it's a newer game and under new CERO guidelines and restrictions.
If the PS2 game were to be re-released/re-mastered today, said PS2 game would be censored as well following the same principles.

If anything, even though it's not likely. Especially not with NoA. A western release opens up the possibility of getting the game uncensored again since CERO will have nothing to do with it.
Hori made the change himself. Hell he has said that if he remade 5 again he would get rid of the horse if I recall correctly. Point is, is that Hori changes shit sometimes.
I wasn't going to buy it anyway because of Dragon Ball sameface
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>Consider your boner retconned.
>tfw really hyped for all these new games coming out, and all /v/ cares about is censorship

There are some cool niggas here, but most people complaining don't even like video games
>removing her revealing outfits that were in the original is not censorship

I don't know what planet you came from but please return there asap.
Europe and Australia /v/ learned everything about America from watching the 4kids dub of Pokemon.
The whole idol thing just disgusts me. It's like you said, they aren't even treated as people, just commodities.
Man that would be fucking great if the NA release changed them back to the PS2 versions. Just to fuck with these faggots.
It has nothing to do with CERO
It has nothing to do with SE
It's all a design choice of Hori. The faggot apparently waifus his own characters, like Toriyama (not that one you idiot) did to Lightning.
And yet here we are in a country where r. Mika still can't show us her butt being slapped. Or Agnes can't wear her truly revealing Bravo Bikini
It's just goobers from 8chn thinking they're still welcome here now that their site is being torn apart through civil war.
That just means it swung to the other side of the extremist spectrum. Nothing mature about it. I don't think I can say that any whole country has a mature outlook of sex.
Reminder to fuck off if you don't have anything of value to complain.
That's because of feminists.
Guess who's gonna use rxTools to get the game free? This loli right here.
>Horii owns Japan.
>Consider your boner retconned.
Fucking great post. 10/10 made me laugh my ass off.
women shouldn't be allowed to have sex with anyone except meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
How does marrying Jessica fit in this game? Isn't your whole journey to revert the curse of your horse waifu?

What happens to Medea then? Does she marry prince Charmless?
Was he really that butthurt about all the horse rape doujins? That's hilarious.
I know you think you're clever posting from two different mobile devices in order to sameman your post but you're really not.
Not that guy but you are fucking stupid and no, it's not really censorship if no one forced him to do it.
Don't worry though, plenty of goddamn imbeciles here will parrot the same shit and back you up.
I can imagine him at night mumbling "the horse was a mistake"
It was the 90s he could have never foreseen such degeneracy
I thought Japan had no tolerance for social justice. Why are they letting this slide? They should rioting in the streets that their favorite series is being tampered with.
Reminder to shut the fuck up if you can't type English properly.
Fuck off and beat the PS2 game, namefag.
Treating women like people is whats killing the west.
The bikini in the 3DS version is literally just the Dancer outfit reskinned. They probably did it to save on texture space or something.
Censorship doesn't require someone to force you to do it. It's the removal of any content, in this case a piece of clothing that has been fine for 10 years is suddenly removed for being too "inappropriate". It doesn't matter if someone put a gun to Hori's head or he did it for laughs, it's still a form of censorship.
remember to fuck each other senseless in your gaping assholes you massive fucking faggots and then maybe let me fuck you both too?
I like this trend of removing NEET weeaboo fanservice content. I hope localizers keep it up.

Keep crying because your waifu looks different now.
Its not removal its a change. If I remake a game and change some lines because I think the original can be improved Im not censoring shit
>I hope localizers
did you read the thread or are you retarded
it's in the nip version with changes done by the series creator himself because he wanted them changed
This is my first time seeing this. Please tell me theres more to it than they added a skirt. I swear to god you people are insufferable children if not.

Even better.
I did, plenty of times. Seeing as how you can't read, the question was directed for the 3ds version.
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Have the PS2 version of 8 and the PS1 version of 7 and will own the 3DS versions of both next year.
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No I legit like that post because it is true, Hori does own Japan. It was clever. Oh and no I am not samefagging.

Well seeing as even in doujins the MC of 5 can't catch a break I could understand why. I mean I don't think I have seen a single vanilla doujin of the MC and any of the wives and if anyone needs some vanilla its 5's MC.
All I care about is the divine bustier. Don't tell me they fucked that up too
Nice logic. By definition censorship is a change. All those 4kids cartoons that added dresses to the characters certainly changed it, but it's censorship. Jessica is getting the 4kids treatment here.
Oh my fucking god no one cares nerd. Do you do nothing but bitch all day? Jesus Christ.
I know you want something to be angry about, and echo chamber /v/ will back you up because this is just stupid enough to get people here riled up, but no, it's not.

It's good to know that people who actually like videogames and actually wanted more Dragon Quest games here won't be hung up on something so fucking dumb, I sure as fuck won't.
Fuck off.
Its the JP version. What else it does I have no clue.
>no one cares
that's what i've been saying in this thread and the past ones, you fucknut

i was correcting that guy specifically because i know his post was aimed at shitposting so at least now he can do informed shitposting
So this is the fruit of the SJW tree... Nintendo going full retard on censorship again because they're worried the Americans will be offended by something.
You do realize this change is because Horri is a NEET, right? It's the pure waifu ideology and is just as bad as the pure fan-service character.

This is the only reason for the change in his mind, because a marriable Jessica has to be a PURE unadulterated maiden. You can't get any more NEET then that.
>DQ threads are now shit too

no fuck you i'm going to get the last word
Horii did it, not Nintendo. All of these threads say that.
You mean because he is japanese.
Japan doesnt like sluts you filthy westerner.
Please right in my tight virgin butthole.
Can you Xenoblade autists at least stick to your own fucking threads instead of shitting up every game that comes from Japan now? Christ.
No fuck off I am getting the last word.
They added white tights to it
that's the goal, buddy
Censored games get pirated
Its gotten so bad, people have to make "fun" Xenoblade threads and "Censorship Xenoblade threads. Its embarrassing, censorship is now become a meme.
no, this is my last word
you can't have it
It's sonyggers and mustards shitposting again.
I know and it sucks. I was hopping to jump with joy with the other DQ fans but now?

Nothing but shitposting and falseflagging here.

I mean DQ fans are trying to fix it but its too much.
The "fun" ones are pretty fun desu
Son of a BITCH

Fucking dropped.
They are, but its dumb they even have to classify them now because people kept ruining all the threads whenever someone tried to make one.
>If the game suffers because of a shit framerate or if the world is smaller that's going to suck
The world is the same. The framerate hasn't suffered.
>if the monster battle minigame is removed that's going to suck
It's still there.
>if random battles are eliminated that affects game balance, potentially. what will you do now for experience if you can't go to certain metal slime areas and farm them? are they going to in turn make the game easier?
Did you play 9? It works like that but without a shitty exp system.
The game's already out in Japan, you can find this shit out yourself.
I have a leggings fetish so I like that.
>Censored games get pirated
What version may I ask that you are going to pirate? the Japanese version? Also do you really not want anymore DQ games? This is a legit shot at getting more localized and you are throwing it away.
#anti-censorship brigade ruins another series with their warped political agendas.

I can't wait to see what other series can't be discussed around here without a bunch of weebs jumping out of the woodwork to shit on you for liking video games and shit.
>Dis you play 9?
ofc not
Muh censorship posters only complain, they don't actually play video games
For those who played the Jap release, do the extra playable characters actually participate in the story other than their original roles in the PS2 release?
Although Nintendo probably would have done this at this point in time, this was actually the creator himself doing it because he wanted the Japanese to have a purer waifu.

I'm not kidding.
Oh man I can't wait for another series that I really enjoy get poor sales due to this #anti-censorship brigade. I wonder what is next? DoD/Neir? Oh man I bet its that.
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Slut fuckers BTFO
Based Horii
If you want your slut dosage buy DQ7 3DS
I actually never played 9 because it wasn't on console.

>The game's already out in Japan, you can find this shit out yourself.
Region locked.
Apparently it's only the bare minimum and just replace characters for certain scenes.
>I actually never played 9 because it wasn't on console.
Seriously? That was your reasoning?
Fucking hell, these are the people on this board now.
At least we're getting the games, shitposters gonna shitpost.
Still your point is? 9 was fine.

>Region locked
There are many ways to bypass that now.
nintendo has been censoring shit since the 80s you fucking retard
Though shitposters are going to ruin potential sales maybe
>Region locked.
That shouldnt stop you from learning about the features of the game.
I didn't have a DS or a PSP at the time

I could emulate it now, actually, but i'm clearing out my backlog.

My point is that i never played 9 so i don't know how no random battles works.
As if XCX was going to sell well in the first place with NoA's halfassed marketing, on top of it being a niche as hell title in the first place.
That's a damn shame.
No I was talking about DQ, not XCX. XCX is niche as hell.
>Censored games get pirated
don't lie anon

you don't even have any intentions of playing this game, pirated, censored, or otherwise
DQIX was pretty boring either way. So many flaws.
Oh, I thought you refused to play it because of some stigma against handheld games.
That was kind of a kneejerk reaction.
I'd recommend emulating 9 when you have the chance. It's really good despite some flaws with the class and sidequest systems.
When you said "another series" I figured that meant DQ and the first series that the post implies would be Xenoblade.
Reminder video games are not art.

You do not cover up, or "improve" Michelangelo's David.
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Five neckbears aren't going to damage sales.
It'll be the zero marketing the game gets that will damage sales.


Games were better when you didn't have to deal with games that tried to sell a political agenda and shit.
I liked it. Only thing that pissed me off is the scaled exp outright discouraging you from reclassing.
I better import instead, oh wait
I thought it had something to do with Playboy being shits about it.
Yeah .... fuck man lets get DQ9 levels of promotion for 7 and 8. That would be the shit.
Fuck you OP you worthless scum
Is Seth Green an actual fan of the series or did they just hire him for those commercials? Because if he did another set of commercials that'd be pretty great.
>dont buy this. MUH CENSORSHIP
>even though it's just fanserviece and not story/gameplay censorhip
>the same faggots whining for years to SE for not localizing DQ gfames for the west for years
Seriously, fuck off back to your XCX thread faggot
The NES Castlevania games are the only ones that I know that got by the censor crusade, except the cross sub-weapon in 1 was changed to look less like a cross in the icon. Same with 3, along with nudity taken out. That cross itself has a sunburst around it on the FDS version.
>Seriously, fuck off back to your XCX thread faggot
No, you keep them
Nintendo was weird. They were pretty adamant about religious censoreship, but at the same time there are one or two games here or there that got away with it for reasons. Likewise, there are a few games on the NES that had some misc. things censored, but then other things that were arguably more offensive overall got left alone.
>even though it's just fanserviece and not story/gameplay censorhip
This is the worst meme of all time senpai

Why is it okay to censor anything that doesn't affect story or gameplay?
I think he is an actual fan. Who knows, maybe someone should go out and reach to him. Maybe get more TV/internet adds with more stars.

I just want DQ to be popular in the states.
This is a dangerous age were faggots are pro censorship instead of being agianst it. I hope all you faggots get nigger AIDs for being so complacent.
>>the same faggots whining for years to SE for not localizing DQ gfames for the west for years
Seriously that's really pissing me off
I feel like the few faggots complaining about censorship don't care about the series at all. I mean people were waiting years for this, refusing to get what they were waiting for because a character got a different kind of skirt is just bizzare.

You're just shooting yourself in the foot
/v/ sure didn't give a fuck years ago when No More Heroes got censored in Europe. But then again, it was blood and gore that got censored, and not tits and ass on female characters.

You're either against all censorship, or you're just a thirsty virgin in denial.
Right. I fucking love hotpants on whores.

>wearing alt costumes in games

What are you, little girls playing dress up with your little dolls?
Is this japanese blackmail?
"Thirsty virgin" is the new media buzzword. Disregard all posts using it. Filtered.
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Best grill, right there.
No way any of the people that were in those threads lamenting the lack of localization are the ones bitching about censorship. It's just a hot topic on /v/ right now and the costume changes in DQ8 to Jessica line up to the bitching about the admittedly pants on head retarded decisions NoA has been making lately.
i'm against important story and side content being horrifically censored.

i don't really care about optional side costumes.

i also don't care about things that don't affect my region. sorry europe
I'll get 7 but not 8.
I figured as much, and that's what annoys me. I hope no DQ fan follows that trash
To be honest you have that Jessica marriage shit in the 3DS version and censoring waifu stuff is an insult to that.

Honestly, why does Ninty pretend to be for mature shit too when everything gets censored in the west anyhow?
Hit a nerve there, anon?
>implying I'll pass on faster battles, more party members and more story stuff because an alt costume was censored
>implying it's not the worst Jessica alt anyway

Also to all those saying NoA did this, the Japanese version was the one that was changed. SE wanted that CERO A rating.
Maybe you can just import the Japanese version of 8
But NoA doesn't have anything to do with the costumes in DQ8
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Lets save this garbage thread
But it's not Nintendo
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>Can't capitalise single character
Americans, please.
Why are you saying that Nintendo did this? The costume to the left is the Japanese version friendo.
Not trying to start shit but why has there been so much censoring going on in games recently? I don't give a fuck about any of the games being censored but I'm curious why so many are being censored in succession. Does NIntendo have some sort of stick up it's butt all of a sudden, was there something to incite this, has it always been there, or does /v/ just feel the need to bitch about it constantly?
I'm aware, people just see this as another reason to bitch at them because "it's a 3DS game and it's censored from the PS2 version!"

I'm honestly kinda annoyed at the people that are making that correlation.
nope, it doesn't, but retards want the bandwagon to keep going

it's like faggots here only want the next hot button DmC or ToRtanic rather than actually talking about video games they like
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i have no characters to capitalize on
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>All them Oni waifus
>All in X
God damn it I hope there is a NX version.
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>thirsty virgin in denial
s'cool anon, I've got some tea right here.
Everyone's afraid of getting bad reviews from SJWs. Bad reviews = less profit.
and Jessica is a dumb whore so it fits
Why would I care about this? If they aren't cutting actual important content, who gives a shit? If I want to see Jessica in a bikini I can look up the 8000 doujins of her getting fucked by whatever.
Can we stop with the niggerspeak for fucks sakes desu senpai baka
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>tfw a censored design ends up looking better than the uncensored version
wat do
Left is better but I don't have any issue with the right, delicious midriff
>Anyone wanting DmC
>The old Republic

Stop, you're killing me!
I was waiting for DQ7 (and X/Monsters remakes) for years, not DQ8.

It seems perfectly reasonable to complain about the censorship when it was done to appease Japanese ratings boards. If we complain enough now, they may even restore the censored content.

>No More Heroes
I fucking did. I imported NMH and hacked my Wii so I didn't have to deal with it.
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The one with the better resolution, duh.
[Spoiler]Report ;)
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you know what i mean, guy
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He means as the next game everyone loves to shit on. People want every game they don't like to be the next big flop so they can laugh at it.
Buying all this shit used. That's my little act of protest. I still really want to play these games, and ultimately the changes are minor, but it's still bullshit. So they won't be directly seeing a dollar from me.
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But people shat on those games for legitimate reasons, anon. Don't rewrite history to say we were just shitting on them because they were major releases.
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they never touched the Golgo1 games that much.
I'm not rewriting anything dumbass. Of course they were shit. I'm saying people want nearly every game that they aren't planning on playing themselves to be shit so they can laugh at it like we all did with ToR or Donte.
how easy that is depends on how similar file formats between the PS2 and 3DS versions are, otherwise it would take until someone REd the PS2 format enough to rip the model and until someone REd the 3DS format enough to add completely different geometry.
there's a few more than that but they're obviously all shit besides PCSX2
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Hey anon, may I ask where you are getting these pictures from? Not the game, but the place.
They are fantastic. Lewd outfits in games is a fetish of mine, and these tiny girls are killing me.

Keep it up, savior of the thread.
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The japanese internet, they are scattered across many different sites.

Welp I tried but I couldnt save it.
wow rude
You should trash the other Xenoblade X threads while you're at it.
Heads up if you're emulating DQ8, shadows don't work in Hardware mode (at least not at the time that I played) and so you'll need to run in software mode to progress at one or two points in the story involving following shadows.
Huh. Well, I'd love to find a huge collection of in-game upskirts, sexy outfits, etc.
That sounds nice.

Anyway, thanks for posting. Guess /trash/ exists as a board now. Whoknew
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Maybe Ill put together such a collection when I have enough pics, Ive barely scratched the surface with this.
For what reason?
Probably because OP was just baiting shitposting
The thread was going to be deleted (for the reason, read the past couple dozen posts)

But instead of deleting it, the mod allowed further discussion by simply moving it to /trash/

That's what I assume at least. I've never been here before, but I can see it's use.
>talking about videogames is off-topic

Mods = Retards
This is our home now.

It might be vidya related, but its still shitposting
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