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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #46 >Nap

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Thread replies: 306
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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #46

>Nap Edition<

-Some Pastebins-

By Strong_Anon
>College isn't so bad

By Trichotic
>Adventures of #A0382916

By unknow Author
>Problem Child

By Fritewag1
>Ruth the bat

By LithoCoff
>(This pastebin contains links to others stories of this author)
>Quo Usque Pro Amor Ibis (Anon x Hyena)

By Unknow Author
>Roomies (Rikki hug and fug)

By Oliver_Hart
>Beating the Heat

By Zig-Zag-specialist
>Human Resources
>B is for bear(and boner)
>Giraffes and hard times

By SadAnon
>The mythological Human

By Cheetah_Anon (https://pastebin.com/u/Cheetah_anon)
>Canada Day
>Chubby Cheetah
(And more stories...)

>Tough to Love - (Doberman)
>Femme Fatale - (The others parts are in his pastebins)
>Lightning in a Bottle

>Folder of olds and new pastebins, to make room a new stories in the OP list. (I will try to stay updated with this)

Previous thread: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/11115167/
You missed a thread or two?: http://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/hmofa/
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It's time...
>I slipped?
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I'll probably continue this a bit tonight, but because of length probably going to avoid posting it until the next chapter is done.
Small cats
Small cats!
Dug it quite a bit, hope you continue
>Like a glove
Any good comics?
Big milky goat titties
Try School Guide by Kishiben it has a few Human on Furry stories in it
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I'll prpbably being doing more work tonight, and I may post the greentexts if I don't just power through the whole chapter.
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Blueball Anon here

Now that Ruth's the Bat has finally been finished, I don't have anything to write, so I'm gonna give you guys a choice here. I've got an idea for a green lined up (Anon lives next to spider girl who wants to fug, but he has arachnophobia), but if you guys want anything different, I'm also game. I like the idea of something bug related, but if you anons have your hears set on anything different don't be afraid to tell me.

Basically I'm begging for requests. What kind of cancer do you guys want?
Bug stories isnt my thing, but I know a lot of people were happy with that potential green, so I wouldnt mind if you went along with that

Everybody gets one
Arachnophobia where the spider is into BDSM sounds great
Good stuff, anon.
PLEASE do the spider girl story.
Spider concept sounds good, and there isn't a lot of it around.
Sounds good. Maybe she could also give him gifts made from her silk in order to woo him? And any attempt at kissing will likely be hilarious.
Human male only and furry female only when?
Sorry, what are you trying to say? As far as I can tell, human males and furry females are the entire point of this thread.
See I've got Arachnophobia but I would impregnate the ever loving fuck out of a spider girl and it's almost entirely due to Rachnee there, I mean goddamn she is just so fucking hot and knows how to work it. Either way I'd love to see more stuff from you so if you want to write that please do, and if you need a little perspective on arachnophobia all you have to do is ask, I'm sure there's some other anons here who also have it and who probably aren't as deviously perverted as me to the point where their phobia becomes a fetish.
I like the sound of the arachnaphobia one but please don't make it a bdsm thing. Spiders need some wholesome love, they always get puched into the bondage shtick.

Or if you didn't want to work on the spider one just yet how about something with a opossum? Not suicide opossum but maybe like a drama opossum? Anon meets her at school and insta sees through her bullshit acting. Or maybe he's known her for some time and is done with her theatrics.
>do you remember that one time you almost died and ended up your own boss with furry chicks thirsty for your dick?
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All right, spoder-girl it is.

Any clue for what sort of body you fags want me to go for? Something like pic related >>11154981
or something more taur-like, aka >>11154941

I'm generally spook'd by spiders myself (my job involves a lot of building, and you believe the size of some of the fuckers who hide under the plastic surrounding a fresh pallet of bricks), but I wouldn't say I have a phobia of them. It'd be nice to hear from someone who does, considering it'll be a driving point of the green.

Opossum idea sounds very emotional, and could lead to some fantastic tearjerking. I'm afraid I'm sort of dedicated to the spider thing now that everybody seems to want it, but I commend you for the solid idea nonetheless. Any other writefags want to make a "13 Reasons Why: Furry Edition"?

I'll probably start writing sometime this afternoon when I get off of work. See you then, /trash/.

>Human kingdom forced to broker peace with dragons
>King does so by marrying off his holier-than-thou, snooty son to a horny, savage dragon princess
>She drags him to her bedchambers by the ankle come their wedding night and consummates the living shit out of their marriage

I can dig it.
*alright, spoder-girl it is
*You wouldn't believe the size

Sorry, just woke up and I'm still a little groggy.
I associate taurs with monster girls unfortunately. Would rather the first picture.
Spider gal sounds nice, but I agree with the others, BDSM with spiders is overdone.
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Taurs can work with the "Oh fuck me it's an even BIGGER spider" aspect while still allowing the main character to love them despite being a fucking huge spider with a human body on top, but a regular humanoid body can work just as well in the scary spider factor. Course, it all depends on how you're making the character out to be.

I'm putting my vote for Taur spider, would be interesting to see how Anon deals with a big ass spider half
How's the drama possum work?

What, she has real, emotional scars and problems and tries to reach out to people by "acting" in a way to test waters? And if people don't get it, she plays it off like it was acting all along in an attempt to bury her problems and hope they stay buried and forgotten, like how some people use sarcasm as a call for help without sounding desperate?
I generally lean towards the pic you posted here but that's because I'm a filthy degenerate. Also monster girls are accepted elsewhere, so I'd rather go all the way, would help sell the arachnaphobic thing
Give me your Sonic girl on human content

This. Spider BDSM is so shit, having been overdone to Oblivion and back.

Plus I normally fucking hate spiders with a passion. And BDSM ain't my personal cuppa, so a dominatrix isn't going to help the arachnophobia any.

Nor would it for whomever the Anon is I'd reckon.
Agreed, pic you posted works
>tiger is a nervous wreck that is so nervous she needs to be blitz and have months of build up to take a swing at you
>fox is a milf who's so lonely and depressed that even the denial of your love is the best thing she's felt in years

The job is a counter balance, I'd say. If he ever whiped his cock out on the tiger she'd probably have an anuerism, and the milf would become a self hating wreck once she realizes that she had been coasting by on lust for years.

At least that's how I see it.
Though to clarify if you were only stuck between a taur and the more anthro looking one you quoted I'd definitely prefer the anthro one
I'd say go anthro, like the one you posted. For sake of awkwardnwss though, maybe make those fangs go from facially mounted doom spikes to large overbite teeth. Or don't. I'm just an anon, not a furry porn cop.
I am getting confused. You say he should go with what he posted, which is a taur. You say that he should go anthro though. Which is it? Anthro humanoid, or spider taur?
I thought he meant an anthro like "soft" taur rather than a giant horrifying carapace with a lady on top taur.

I guess anthro would be my choice then. I'm not a fan of the "hot chick on a horrifying spider" style taurs.
I'm trying to do a decent job.

Tiger's pretty spot on. Though she wouldn't have an aneurysm, she'd just literally die. Right there.

Also Cass had kids when she was 16, and one of her sons had his first two kids when he was 18. She's a 47 year old G-milf. If her family's breding rate is true she'll be a double G milf in 4-5 years.

The tiger's thirst is controllable, and Cass is suffering from empty den syndrome, and a bad marriage or 3.
Picture you posted is better than both, not a fan of the ears and the silly fangs on the human like face but otherwise it's good. Monster girls like the 2nd pic are kind of lame and a little bit of a cop out since that's not even full spider and the first one I'm just not a fan of the design.
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This thread needs more bats.
bump for late nite slowness.
I wrote my first greentext today.

The bad news is that I wrote it for /femfat/, but the subject is still very much thread relevant here.

Male human and female bear.

I don't know whether to feel pride in my first story or deathly shame.
Link it, man.
I think it'd be fine posting here as long as she's not an immobile blob.
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Sounds like the panda story, and if so, she's a wrecking ball of fuzz.
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Decided to paste in it all for you. Check if the link is good and if not I'll post it raw.
Hug story, not fug. If anybody wants to take the concept and do it better/write a sequel to it, I would be thrilled.

>>11158323 #
Oh god no. She's definitely larger than Ruth or Clara from the much, much better stories posted here, but I'm not a tasteless mong.

Tell me what you guys think.
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These threads need more mythical anthros.
Figured I'd come back and make the first few lines make more sense in context:
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I finished a short chapter 2, and have an idea of where I want to go from here. I can rewrite the one part that may get some heat if it's too bad. I'm also sorry it's too large, and written in a certain way, that greentexting it would kinda break up how it's read. So here's the link to the updated file, in case you missed the first one.

>granny Cass
I want some cookies really bad now.
Why not just cut out the middle man and just make it a giant spider? Just a full on spider
>fug giant spider
>she stores your semen
>tries to eat you afterwprds to get back some energy
>have to pay hundreds of child support payouts
No bueno, anon.
Spiders don't eat their mates.
Yes, they do. They're the poster child for species that do that. Some species even feed themselves to their babies has their first meal.
>You have tons of children
>You try to be the best father you can for them despite your humanoid body.
>You and your Spider wife manage to make it work however, and you spend long days cozying up to each other on the web, watching the children play.
>One day however, things change, one of your children is missing for dinner.
>Others assure you and your wife that everything is fine and decide to go looking for him.
>in the distance, you hear gunshots and screaming, the distant town is burning, the night sky becoming a hazy red.
>One of your children comes back, screaming and crying.
>They found the missing child, and people came and slaughtered all your children.
>One of your few remaining children managed to escape, and now 4 of the men who destroyed your family are coming.
>Hastily, yet angrily you prepare.
>When they appear, you are ready for them.
>Your theme as you load the first missile into the pipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0bI6YyrmoI
>he said my story is good
Orbital sides can be classified as a WoMD at this point
>im the guy who is currently writing about Clara and Anon
Oohh, gotcha. Yeah, you wrote a hell of a story dude. Well, still writing, I guess. You and Blueball_Anon are amazing.

What did you think of mine? Any pointers you could give?
havent read it yet. i literally just got home from work and am getting ready for class.. gimme a bit.
maybe a bit more detail in the setting, as well if i havent read the post i wouldnt have known she was a bear until line 15
as well line 25 how did her face go red if she has fur (i got that tip for another Anon)

>"You're about at eye's height with her" do that mean you are both eye to eye?

i dont mean to sound mean just trying to give honest feedback
Admittedly it was a bit too context reliant and you had to have been in the thread to know. I'll work on that next time.

And eyes height meant the top of your head would be at eye level with her.
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Goats are the best.
Arachnophobia Please
I would have put something like
> you put your arms around her
>the top of your head only reachs to where her eyes are
>but you still put your hands around her generous waist and start to sway with the music, encouraging her to join
>the moment you do this she puts her claws paws on your shoulders and pulls you closer

just little things. keep it up
>They all throw firebombs on your shitshack and your autistic ass burns to a crisp

Seriously, power trip a little less.
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What a shitty post
Because this is an anthro thread? Are you retarded or are you one of those people who says if it isn't full on feral it might as well be human and if it isn't human it might as well be feral
Oh yes they do. Like the mantis, if they aren't thoroughly distracted, they may decide to turn the male into a snack.
It's always funny to see dumbass posts like this bitch about sapient ferals because he gets TRIGGERED by """bestiality"""

Much like weebs who like monstergirls and say they hate furries yet fap to Centarea and ignore the doublethink of horsepussy

Just lmaoing at your autism, senpai

Strong Anon here continuing
i have a moscow luke, its 1 pm and im gonna get shitfaced!

>Clara is happily bouncing around you
>"omigoshomigoshomigosh ive wanted yo show you my room for so long Anon and now can" she says with glee
>shes grabs you arm and pulls you out of her living room
>"be sure to leave to door open" you hear John Grunt
>you head Stacy whack him gently and say"shes an adult let her ha--"
>the rest is cut off in the babble from your Bouncing snow leopard
>shes literally pulling you
>Past the main all with all the pictures of Cub Clara (you really would like to look at hose)
>up the stairs (she almost trips you with her tail)
>Into her room
>she as a basic twinsized bed with a Dr. Who blanket covering it
>the walls are covered in video game posters from gamestop and the internet
>she has a gaming rig set up next to a big TV with a Playstation4 hooked up
>shes spinning in the center of the room and >finally stops to look at you
>"what do you think" she asks excitedly
>"this is pretty awesome" you say to her, looking around nodding your head "is that a replica buster sword?"
>her eyes are twinkling and she has a goofy open mouth smile where you can see her fangs and teeth
>"its foam!" she says
>"I couldnt lift the real metal one" she pouts
>you sit on the bed and she pounces you and sits into your lap
>"Im glad you were able to convince Da to let me stay with you" she says looking up and you and nuzzling your chin
>"I had back up from you and your mom" you admit "I think he thought I was just going to bow down and leave"
>you kiss her forehead and hug her tight
>even when she is sitting in you lap youre almost a clear head above her in height
>She starts grinding on you softly
>"hey anon want to have some celebratory fun?"
>"babe i just now managed to win over your dad the last thing we need it be caught having sex"
>She pouts
>"Unless you have a room that can completely drown your Purring and moaning"
>"I Know! The bathroom" She says suddenly bouncing a bit" her ears flicking excitedly!
>She grabs you and leads you down the hall then shoves you into the room at the end
>"stay!", She runs off
>"hey i'm not a dog you know!" You says as she closes the door
>the bathroom is large on your right there is a shower with Nozzles pointed every which way and in the left corner there is a full body hair dryer.
>Makes sense
>She burst back in and closes the door behind you
>she turns around and has a mischievous look on her face
>"what did you do?" you ask her sternly
>"I asked mom to cover for us" She says with a sly grin
"Shes the one who took me to get my pill, i pretty sure shes just happy i have a guy here and not a girl"
"her is that a possib--"
"no!" she yells playfully before pouncing on you and kissing you deeply
>Her tongue is rough and smooth all at once, her fangs press against your lips. you taste her and pull her close, wrapping your arms around her
>her tail creeps around you
>her ears flick and twirl
>you both finally break from the kiss
>"so then, reconsidered my offer about fun" she asks coyly
>"you offer is considered and accepted my dear" you say "Arms up!"
>She lifts her arms and you pull her shirt off her
>shes wearing a gray Bra that matches her fur
>you cant help but stare
>"your turn anon" you stick your arms up and bend at the waist so she can grab your shirt and pull it off
>you pull her in for a kiss again
>you rub her back with your left hand and gently rub small circles above the base of her tail
>she moans gently into your mouth "no fair"
>her pads rub your back and sides
Incorrect: Mantises eating their mates was due to high stress caused by humans studying their mating habits.

Once they created an environment that mimicked the outside world and concealed the humans studying them, out of 100 cases, only 1 female mantis ate her mate.
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You could go for a lax spider, like pic related on the right
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>Be boyfriend of a mantis
>Have hot bug sex with her in her room
>Suddenly someone is knocking on the door
>"Hello, it's your mother. Can I come in?"
>Pull the fuck out and jump out the window before gf tries anything
Stop you're making me want to write about fluffy moths.
>your left hand now finds its way forward and undoes the button on her pants
>its slides gently into her panties and rubs her lips
>shes gasping and moaning into your mouth
>her paws have gotten you pants unbuttoned and pushed down a bit allowing one of her paws to wrap around your stiff erection
>you pull away for a moment and she pouts
>you pull her pants down to her ankles and kiss her pussy gently through her panties
>shes moaning and purring and puts her paws on either side of your head
>you kiss again and lick her through her panties more a wet spot growing thats not your saliva
>mostly not anyway
>you gently grab her panties and slides them down over her curvy hips and down her gorgeous legs
>she steps out of them and kkicks them to the side
>you go back to kissing her pussy, this time unhindered by cloth in the way
>your tongue finds her clit and you start licking in circles
>you then put your whole mouth to her pussy and start licking and sucking her clit with your tongue occasionally finding its way into her
>shes covering her mouth and shuddering, bent over from the pleasure, her eyes scrunched closed
>you wrap your arms around her and place your hand on the base of her tail and start scratching it gently
> Her eyes Jolt open and she bucks backwards
>a splash of liquid hits your face and you continue to lick
>Her legs give out and you catch her as she falls
>you give a second to regain some control
>"Holy fuck Anon" she says lazily, her eyes half open
> you smile
>you kiss her and her tongue shoots into your mouth, trying to get a taste of herself
>you stay like this for a moment
>"can you stand babe?" you ask as you slowly undo her bra and take it off her
>"Mhm" she says
>you help her up before getting to your feet yourself and sliding your boxerbriefs down and kicking them to the side
>she looks at your erection for a moment and slides closer to you, wrapping her arms around your neck
Alright, I've got a little something for you guys. Let's see how this goes.

>Checking your watch for the umpteenth time that morning, you hurry down the decrepit hallway of your apartment building. Two-fifteen. Two-fifteen in the morning and you were rushing your ass to work. On a Saturday.
>A fucking Saturday.
>Your boss had called you an hour earlier -- the dickcheese who was SUPPOSED to be pulling nightshift went and fell down a flight of stairs, and the guy who usually filled in for him had eaten some bad sushi the night before and was a little too busy spraying out of both ends to be of any help.
>And so here you are: dragging your dead-on-your-feet self to the elevator at two motherloving fifteen in the morning so you can beat pavement down to the local shopping centre and work guard duty until sunrise.
>You check your watch again, if only to keep your righteous anger alive. At this point it was the only thing stopping you from falling asleep.
>You reach the elevator, press the call button and stare holes into the peeling wallpaper as you wait for it to arrive. Above your head a lightbulb flickers before giving out with an electric fizz and a rattle. Wonderful.
>Honestly you couldn't say you were surprised; the maintenance around here was a joke. The water only ran when it wanted to and when it did it was never warm, satellite reception was practically non-existent and the heating was so bad that you may as well be sleeping on a park bench.
>And if that wasn't enough, you were sharing the place with bugs, and by that, you didn't mean an infestation.
>You meant walking, talking, six-foot-five monstrosities that look like they've clawed their way out of the ninth circle of hell to shove an ovipositor down your throat and pump your chest full of little insect-babies that'd eat you from the inside out.
>Suffice to say, you weren't a fan of creepy-crawlies.
>"Let me turn on the water babe" she whispers into your ears and your right hand rubs her ass and the other holds her tail stroking it gently eliciting purrs from her
>you let go reluctantly
> She turns away from you purposefully keeping her tail lifted so you can see everything
>her pussy is dripping wet and her clit is just poking out from between her lips, bright pink and glistening
>Her asshole is pretty pink and twitching gently
>she looks back at you as she turns on the water jets
>all the jets kick on gently and shes tests the water with a paw
>she then gets into the shower and turns you to, her back against the shower wall
>you beckons to you, curling one finger at you, claw extended
> you accept this invitation
> as you snap the shower door shut all the jets kick on full blast, covering you both in warm relaxing water
>seeing her wet is different, she looks thinner yet but also so cute as she wears a quiet expecting smile
>her ears are flicking and he tail which usually would swish gently more wags because of the weight of the water
>"youre gorgeous love" you reassure her
>with that shes back into your arms and you in hers, kissing and rubbing each other
>your erection presses painfully against her stomach
>"want me to help with that" she asks you, wrapping a soft padded paw around your shaft
>She gets down on her knees andputs her hands on her gorgeous tits,
>"I've always wanted to do this" she says as she looks up at you
>you nod silently as you press your member into her cleavage
>she looks up at you "its so warm"
>She presses her tits together firmly and and begins moving them slowly yet firmly up and down your cock
>the feeling is amazing,
>Her wet fur coupled with the warms water is overwhelming
>shes purring loudly, the vibrations of her purring only adding to the feelings
>shes pumping faster now. gently making sure it doesn't pop out accidentally and keeping a steady pace that gradually gets faster
>you have to lean against a nozzle
not really a fan of insect anthros but this is alright so far
>let me turn on the water
I see you have embraced the super soaker lifestyle fully.
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I'm digging it. Also liked "chickenman's" call back to your last story in his latest chapter of whatever he's going to name it. It's interesting to think of some of these stories all being in the same direct universe.
>That wasn't to say you didn't like any of the residents here. You'd moved in only five days ago, and the few people you've met so far have acted friendly enough. Hell, your new neighbour was a bee, and he gave you a load of free honey as a welcoming gift. Shit was delicious.
>It's just that they looked a little... Off-putting.
>Take Sandra, the girl who lived two floors down from you, for example. Nice person. Helped you unpack when you first arrived, always had a compliment on the tip of her tongue and cooked a bunch of muffins the other day and shared them out in the lounge.
>She's also a praying mantis, so her mouth looks like a pair of pliers and she's got fucking razorblades for arms. Safe to say you've kept your distance to at least an arms length.
>Once again you check your watch. Goddamn elevator's so slow that you may as well have just taken the stairs. You tap your foot impatiently, grumbling to yourself in frustration.
>This wasn't fair.
>You used to live in a flat that DIDN'T look as if it were a second away from collapsing on your head.
>You used to have a job that DIDN'T demand that you fuck up your sleep schedule and wake up at ungodly hours to stand around in an empty shopping mall.
>You used to have someone to wake up to in the morning.
>Used to...
>An icy shiver runs up the length of your spine as one of the doors down the hall drifts open, the tinny creak of its rusted hinges eerily ominous in the otherwise silent hallway, tearing you away from your self-pity. The dirty yellow light cast upon the door flickers, and you catch something move -- something big.
>Before you can make out the shape of it, it's out of the doorway and into the shadows, shambling towards you with a distinct sound you've recently come to recognize as insectoid legs skittering across a concrete floor.
*Tik... Tik tak tik...*
>A second sound joins the sharp tip-tap of bug footsteps: a horrible, wet slurp that sounded disturbingly like-
>The elevator door opens, and you throw yourself through it, jamming a button at random. You didn't care what floor you ended up on, as long as it wasn't this one. You'd seen enough horror movies to know that hanging around at times like this was a bad idea.
>You huddle yourself into the corner of the elevator, and beg the doors to close as the encroaching cacophony of noise grows closer.
*Shlrrrrk tik tok tak... shlrk shlrrrrrk tok tik...*
>'Relax,' you think to yourself, the voice in your head trying to stay calm and collected even as you rammed your thumb repeatedly into the ground floor button. 'It's just another resident working nights. No need to freak out.'
>The slurping stops abruptly, halted by what sounds like a burp and an alien chitter of something that might or might not be satisfaction.
>Okay, you were freaking out.
>You ram a fist against the elevator's control panel, and finally the door begins to slide shut, sealing you away from whatever eldritch horror lurks back in the hallway.
>Just before the elevator closes, a bony, chitinous leg twitches around the corner with an unnatural speed, holding the door open.
>Your heart leaps in your chest so hard that you swear you can feel it butting against your ribs. The joints in the limb can a horrible straining noise as its owner shifts their weight onto it. Straining wood. Cracking knuckles. Something repugnantly... sinewy.
>You retreat back into your corner as another leg follows. Then another. And another. And another.
>And then, in a wicked scramble of unnatural movement, the beast comes lurching into the elevator with you, addressing you with a cluster of rounded, black eyes and a smile flanked by a pair of mandibles and armed with a pair of murderous fangs.
>It -- she -- removes the straw of her slushie from her mouth, and waves at you with a somewhat humanoid arm, gloved in chitin and coated in a thin layer of brown fur.
>"Hi... I'm Gina."

Somebody referenced me? That's actually pretty flattering.
I bet if you mix the batter she'll lick the beater.

If you control the sides, you control the world.

I have a few more shout outs to write in later, but I may need to read into more stories from the pastebins in order to not just reference the 4 I've read so far.
I did in fact reference you, as I figure trying to squeeze these couples into one large universe is a fun challenge. Or at least some of my more favorite ones. Check out the pastebin links on my horrible joke filename picture posts to check out my attempt at writing the slowest starting smut ever witnessed.


Just skip to the second chapter and you'll be able to find my ruth callout pretty easily.
>shes keeps going and licks the tip of your erection
>gently coiling and licking the tip before closing her lips around it, careful to keep her fangs away from it
>shes not sucking the tip of your cock, licking it gently and titfucking it
>her purring is louder
>"holy fuck Clara I'm going to---"
>"Do it" she gasps as she opens her mouth wide
>you cum into her open mouth and all over her cleavage staining the grey fur white for a moment before the water washes it away gently
>she lips her lips and kisses the tip of you cock
>god dam you love this Leopard
> she stand up and puts her arms around you purring gently "i hope thats not all you have in you"
>you smile at her and spank her gently making a wet "whap" sound
>her eyes go wide for a moment then half closed, still purring
"thats what i thought" she says as she turns around and bend over slightly raising her tail just the slightest bit.
>god dam
>you step forward and put your hands on her hips and rub up and down gently witht he head of your cock
>Shes purring and moaning
>your going all the way and and rubbng her asshole gently then rubbing downwards in
between her velvety lips and and poking her clit gently
>"mmmmm stop teasing Love" she moans
>you line up with her pussy and slide into her gently
>Her ears are flicking like crazy, her tail wrapped around your leg
> you move slowly at first, gripping her hips and
pulling her closer as you thrust into her
> shes moaning and purring loudly as her eyes rolll back slightly
> you feel her walls clench around you as you continue to thrust into her
>youre sure if you werent showering you would feel warm liquid splash down around you
>"oh-oh god annon - i-i-icant" her legs give out again
>you catch her and pick you up to face you
>Shes quivering slightly and looking at you longingly
>you hook your elbows under her knees, she wraps her arms around you

thats all for now
Night everyone hope you enjoyed
>Thanks for the tip blueball_anon
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Atari wojack.gif
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Heh, neat.

There's a problem with your prologue though.

>"September wasn't the best song to die listening to"

This is false.

Alright, I'm gonna call it a night here. I'll try writing more tomorrow.

Pastebin with slightly improved writing quality can be found here https://pastebin.com/bS0RwFxv

Food for thought in the mean time, seeing as I haven't completely described spodergrill's appearance, what look do you guys prefer? Fluffy tarantulas or spindly black widows?

>Thanks for the tip blueball_anon
You're welcome.
>what look do you guys prefer? Fluffy tarantulas or spindly black widows?
why is atari wojak the best?
the more floof the better
Touch floofy leg.
Wonder if bull anthros would make the best Cloud Strife cosplayers from brute force alone
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Polar bears are the best bears.
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Dunno, I got it here.
I'd like to see the rest too if there is any.
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>posting the cuck version
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>I have arachnophobia but an anime girl's top half glued onto a thorax doesn't scare me
No duh man, it's the spider face being so alien to us that makes them so freaky.

I'm too late now, but I was going to suggest this as a possible taur body, plus some mandibles
Shit Thanks nigger needed this in color
Ugh! Why can't we get more Sanzo translations!
Klondike on e621
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For a glorious nipponisnunmbahwon posting place in the dumps, you'd think we'd have more translationfriends here.

Surprisingly rare though.
>tfw no polar bear coke loving gf to spoon with
>she bans blankets and using the heater
>makes you cuddle her for warmth
>puts everything way too high so you're forced to get her to get it for you after she teases you a bit by holding it up
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we have so many greens running at the same time I highly suggest writefags just post a pastebin link or attach relevant images to their stories so people can more easily tell them apart
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Big dragon wife
This honestly. Maybe also put the title of the green as the first line of the post.
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>wanting to be bullied by a bear
>not bullying the bear
I'm fucking 5'5", bullying something that can weigh more than 1000 pounds and get over 10 feet tall isn't happening
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Well not with that attitude.
I've been doing both. But thats because I'm writing it chapter bt chapter, rather than post to post.
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That gif reminds me just how many single mothers were taking care of that kid, his actual mom, a female roo, and of course marahute, and other animals in general. Could easily make a lewd version of that sort of thing.
Kemono no Otonari-san is a pretty good story on sadpanda
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we need more birbs
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But a cat is fine too.
or "Uchi no Yome ni wa Shippo ga Atte"
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Yay, waiting for more chubby leopard.
>chubby leopard anon is the new chubby cheetah anon
>countdown till anon fucks the Mongolian snow leopard mom and sissifies her dad begins
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Here you go. One fuzzy nigger.
What are you even talking about
Your post is incoherent
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Any of yall able to spot where this is from? Pixiv's stupid ass premium service blocked it from being clicked
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mah boi!
nah, i got other plans, while cheetah anon did inspire me im not gonna grab his work put a coat of paint on it and say its mine
Damn Anon, nice.
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We need more late night bumpers.

>tfw no fur qt to bump at night
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>You reply in a dry wheeze of a scream, thrusting your back into the wall of the elevator in the vain hope that it'd somehow get you a couple more inches of distance on this fuzzy mass of legs, eyes and teeth.
>You're pretty sure you've seen something like her in your nightmares before.
>She shuffles through the doorway, briefly adjusting the furry mass of her abdomen to fit through the opening.
>"Are you- *raaaahhssk* -okay?" she asks, interjecting her sentence with a chilling hiss of frustration -- Her abdomen shunts up against the wall opposite the door as she forces her way into the cramped box. "You look like you just saw a ghost."
>"I'm good," you say, or try to say. What comes out of your mouth is a trembling mess of noise that could barely be construed as words.
>It seems good enough for her. "Well alrighty then!" she chirrups. Her chipper voice seems to reverberate in her throat, and comes out multi-layered and inhuman.
>She reaches for the buttons with the jagged end of a leg. "Trouble with the elevator? You've got to hold down the button for a little while before this stubborn scrapheap gets the idea," she explains, stabbing the tip of her leg into one of the buttons and holds it there for several seconds before your steel prison finally shudders to life.
>The door slides shut, and locks you away with the monster as the elevator begins its slow, shuddery descent.
>Feels like you're going to Hell...

Okay I'm going to work. See you later, /trash/.
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Need more high quality rats
>tsundoggo in heat
Has this story been done proper before?

September is a great song, I just think it's far too happy to die to.
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That's one soft looking dragon
Where can I see his stuff for free besides that one comic? I hate this paywall shit
Dunno, I see it on e621 on occasion.
He only allows censored shit on there. It always hides the good parts.
They're cropped just enough to where you have to buy them to see the bits bumping.
U 18 chan gets an upload or two every once in a while.
Is that why it looks cut off? Lame.
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I tried to think of a horrible pun, but I have failed. Something something ride the fox.
Links to the U18 stuff?
I did a quick check and nothing up at the moment. If you start a thread asking for his work in bulk, or that comic, you may get some uncropped responses then .
>"I have arachnophobia"
>"but I would fuck a spider"
No you wouldn't, I don't think you'll find anything hot in a spider half the size of you and most likely result in you fainting, just like me.
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anon wants dat floof booty.png
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Am I the only late night bumper, or do you guys wait till it hits 9?
Regretfully awake here
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checking out the library.png
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Why regret? Did you wake up an hour early?
Someone should write a greentext for this. Even if it's short.
I'll do it. Gimme just a sec.
I dont have things to do for another 6 hours, its 4AM for me
>that image title
Wait. Explain. I'm intrigued.
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Here we gooo


>"Tanya, I told you we can't keep doing this. Get down from there."
>"You do an awful lot of talking, considering we're in a library, Anon~"
>"Very funn--"
>"Shhh...come closer..."
>Against your better judgement, you approach the sultry feline until she's within arms reach
>Tanya reaches over, taking your hand, and guides it onto one of her fuzzy buttcheeks
>With a gentle but firm motion, she uses your hand to spread her netherregions, exposing her tight, pink star and velvety womanhood
>The scent is overwhelming, and though your mind fights to reject such primal urges, your body is quick to cave
>"T-Tanya, we can't d--"
>The lovely librarian begins purring as she lightly flicks her tail against the rapidly growing erection within your pants
>A few library-goers, previously with their noses buries in their books, now peek over in search of the source of these sounds
>Almost automatically, your other hand moves to Tanya's other cheek, no less fuzzy, no less voluptuous
>"Ooh, Anon...I must be a mystery novel since you love getting to the bottom of me so much," she teases with a wink
>You massage her rear attentively, noting how sopping wet she is already
>"Just do it, Anon. No foreplay. 'In media res' is my motto."
>Fuck. The only twist at the end of this will be who cums first.
>You release her for a moment, just long enough to drop your pants and undergarments
>Your cock stands tall and stiff, ready to go
>"A-Anon! Already got a HARDback?" Tanya whispers, biting her lip
>Without further ado, you plunge into the fluffy librarian's depths, eliciting a muffled yowl of pleasure from her
>The other occupants of the room are now glancing at each other, unsure of how to respond to this scenario
>You're pretty sure one guy near the back pulled out his dick under the table


>"A-Ah! Come on! Give me a real Moby DICKing!"
>You oblige her, pounding away at her from behind
>With each impact, a slight ripple is sent across her otherwise firm backside
>You can feel your full sack slap against her engorged clit as she swishes her tail around you affectionately
>"T-Tanya, they're watching," you mumble nervously as most of the others in the library are now openly staring at your actions with slackjawed expressions
>the gent in the back is not-so-subtley jacking it
>a cute tigress next to him is struggling to decide whether to keep watching you and Tanya or make a move on the meatbeater
>"Good! Let this be a primary source for them," Tanya smirks as she looks over her shoulder, riled at the sight of your desperate railing into her
>"I don't know h-how much longer I can last"
>the lust-riddled librarian clenches her warm confines around you as she breaks
>"Then let's get to the conclusion and make a litter of new librarians, Anon!"
>That's all you needed to hear
>You grip Tanya's waist as you both climax with unrivalled intensity
>Your seed flushes deep inside until it fills her and drips around the base of your cock
>She vibrates, purring loudly as the orgasm cascades throughout her body
>The two of you collapse behind the counter, breathing heavily as she leans against you, hugging your arm
>"That was a hell of an ending, Anon~"
>You kiss her nose in affirmation before peaking back over into the room
>the tigress seems to be riding your biggest fan while the others watch


(Apologies for any mistakes. I'm pretty tired rn)
I thought a slutty teacher with sapiwhatever chickenman calls it might be interesting. Less of a "oh man, thats a hot human" and more "jesus christ I'm as thirsty as a frog in the desert".

I'm shit at greentexting though, so literally anyone but me would be better at this.
https://www.sofurry.com/view/650520 here's a story about a young kid getting caught by a Librarian
Did nobody like my attempt at greentexting the pic? ;_;
I must be inept, I spent the past 10 hours trying to find a furry carlos

The puns were powerful
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Your greentext was great man. I was just trying to write that teacher filename greentext. I'm gonna leave that to a better writer. Like you. Great work anon.
The book puns made me laugh so much I lost my boner.
Well played.
Not my cup of tea.

It's nicely written, but the subject material isn't for me.
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>you will never soothe your wolfgf's heat with dick
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I feel so accomplished. Thank you lads.
Nice read
Oh damn this is pretty good, anon!
I go by "Bayou" if anyone wants further short stories like that librarian one. My focus is too bad for longer stuff usually.
I was into it until the urethral sounding. Never have I gone from full erection to flacid so quickly.
>urethal sounding

D-Do I even want to know?
It isnt for everyone
no. or google it. up to you
Sticking things down your peehole. It's not that unpleasant actually, if you do it properly.
Loving it so far matey.
back from sleep and work
i can get one more entry before school

>youre holding her completely off the floor now
>her paws trace your back and she looks deep into your eyes
>you Slowly push into her slip
>inch by inch
>She moans into your ear, wrapping her arms tighter around you
>you finally make the final push and are completely embedded into her
>her tail wraps around your leg
>"do it" she moans
>you start bouncing her on your engorged cock
>each thurst making a wet slepping sound as your bodies collide and separate
>her walls clench around you
>"i-i-i---" is all she can gasp put before she digs her claws into your back and she shudders, throwing her head back
>Her pussy tightens harder and you continue thrusting into her. keeping the same paces
>god shes tight
>"Clara.." you gasp out "Clara im close"
>She snaps out of her after orgasm daze and Immediately Kisses you, you feel her tongue wrapping around yours
>the combinded stimulation from the kiss and her pussy overwhelm you
with one last heaving thurst you push yourself deep into her and release everything into her
>her pussy tightens again as she orgasms as well, shuddering
>each shudder causes her pussy to tighten and milk more from you.
>you slowly pull out of her and set her back down
>"that's....that's one hell of a celebration she pants
> you catch your breath and hug her close, savoring feeling of the shower and her pressed against you.
>"I love you Clara"
>"i love you too Anon"
>you both stay like this for a while before CLara pulls away "we should probably actually shower"
>you cant help but agree
>you help her wash her fur and tail
>you both step out of the shower and into the blow dryer
>its like one of those car wash dryers
>the force of the air feels like its lifting you up
>it only takes about 2 minutes of this before you are both dry
>well you were dry after only about 10 seconds but still
>you look at clara and her fur is all poofed out
>pet the fuzzy tai is all you think
Page 9 is a bit too close for confort
Most people are at work or sleeping, give it some time.
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>No dog wife ever
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Aware of it, just something I do for the threads I like during the odd hours I'm around

I should probably be sleeping
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Page 6 bamp
A lot of porn, some stories here included, have one fetish just a bit out of my comfort zone.getting to the sounding part killed it for me.
If this universe's pill has a fail rate higher than a percent of a percent the raw amount of pelvis busting she gets is going to get her pregnant.
shush you
I'm not saying that's a bad thing; Snow leopards are cute as fuck. I'm just saying that she really likes to ride the bologna pony. Also that she's probably part super soaker. Doesn't mean I don't think the story's nice.
>be anon
>at home, bored and alone
>figure you could at least have some fun with your old water gun
>fish it out of a closet and see if it even still works
>take it over to sink and fill it up nice and slow
>what the fuck kind of water gun purrs?
>Eh, whatever
>begin to vigourously pump
>hear what sounds like a moan
>you must be hearing shit
>go to pull trigger, finger barely even grazes it
>violent roar of a moan and more purring
>squirting everywhere, entire kitchen soaked
>take shower because you feel dirty as fuck
what post?
I thought I was able to fully suppress the Oozinator

I was wrong
>Fuck you actually did pet her tail
>she looks back at you questioningly
>"uhhh pet the fuzzy tail" you pet it again
>she hides a Snort of a laught and covers her mouth
>"and when i first met you i didnt think you were a nerd" she says smiling
>Shes wiping down her fur so it isnt so uhmmm poof!
>you put back on your cloths since you didnt bring a change
>she goes to her room and you follow
>You close the door behind you as you enter
>she drops her towel and goes to her closet
>god is she gorgeous
>you feel like the luckiest guy everytime you see her , naked or not
>"what underwear should i wear Anon?"
>"hmm i like those red ones you own, we should go shopping for some new stuff though" you answer
>"why? i have enough underwear?" she looks at you perplexed
>shes pulling up those red lacy panties you like
>"because dressing rooms are fun"
>"Ohmygod you perv" she says as she puts on the matching red bra "But ok that would be fun"
>she pulls out a Muse Tshirt (your gift to her) and jean shorts and puts them on
> a knock at the door
>"come in" calls Clara
>Stacy pops her head in and says "wonderful! now that youre clean"
>she looks at you and winks before she continues "how about anon stay for dinner?"
>clara looks at you
>"sure" you say
Its going to be a good night

2 weeks Later
>you're Driving home
>its been great with Clara
>Shes fun shes sexy and you love her
>today she had something to do with her schooling
>something at a hospital or something
>you hear firetrucks as you drive
>so today you were probably going to stream drunk dark souls
> you had gotten a few offers for sponsership after the video of you went viral
>they praise you as a hero or at least a champion of those in Anthro couples
>maybe you would...wait
>why is that firetruck turning down your street?
>what is that smoke?
>your heart is racing
>you speed down the street and your heart sinks
>the words "beast fucker spraypainted on your driveway
>Your house
>your house is on fire
Updated paste
time for bed ya'll
>beast fucker spray-painted on ground
>house on fire
Why would they give you such a radical compliment, but then start a fire?

Jokes aside, I can't wait to read more anon.
>its a housewarming gift
>You pin your eyes to the wall and try to pretend she isn't there. Maybe that way you can stop yourself from shaking.
>"So I guess you're the new human on the block, huh?" she asks, the clammy breath on the back of your neck a terrifying indicator of just how close she was.
>You force youself to turn around and face her, and a block of ice forms in your belly. She'd craned her neck towards you, bringing her face mere inches away from yours.
>It's features were human on only the basest of levels. The shape of the head, the presense of a somewhat human mouth and a head of creamy hair which came down to about her neck.
>And that's it.
>The rest is chillingly arachnid. The twitching mandibles sprouting from her cheeks, the overbiting fangs, the cluster of eyes just above where her nose should be, all wrapped up in a fine layer of brittle-looking fur.
>You picked a pair of eyes and focused on them, if only to avoid looking at the rest of her face. They were neither the souless doll-eyes belonging to the average spider, nor the standard pupil-and-iris affair which most other animals boasted.
>They were jet black, for the most part so dark that you could see your reflection in them, save for a single, orange pupil dotted in the middle. The pupil seemed to glow with a threatening bioluminescent flame.
>"Yeah, that's m-me..." you stutter. "I moved in a few days ago. Name's Anon... H-hi, I guess."
>You briefly consider offering a handshake before mentally kicking yourself for even thinking of such a thing. There was no way in hell you were touching this fucking nopequeen.

>Human witch hunter on rat sorceress.
Could be neat
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>they laughed at me when I only put my points into intelligence and charisma
>the raid boss moaned at me when I took her as my own
>no one laughs at me now
aright so im not in bed yet. just hanging out. long day at work and schhol. plus i have vodka
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>the words "beast fucker spraypainted on your driveway
>Your house
>your house is on fire

Its gonna be a "anon-has-to-insert-some-drama-that-definitely-ends-in-physical-violence-into-his-/trash/-yiff-story-because-he-thinks-it-enhances-the-story"-episode

J-just keep it short ok? Maybe kill the guys with a baseball bat, but don't give us another "army flashback" episode. I like your writing-style, but I can feel the self inserts everytime I read the army related stuff
No problem with that. I'm trying to get my AC up and running so I can write more of my chicken man greentext, which needs a better name. I may have time to write some more if I don't waste the next 30 minutes trying to make this room not a hellscape.

The whole "police can't do a thing" trope grinds on me a bit. If they actually got caught and faced serious charges that would be refreshing, if a bit boring.
no army stuff this time around nor violence.
the one bit was the only bit of violence i had planned.
but good guess. i had toyed with the idea but thought it was too...samey?
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bad furry.jpg
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>Gonna smash some furry dicks I guess
>(No homo)

Now I'm very curious what's next!
also i wasnt in the army, air force actually
Thanks for your cervix.
anyway i appreciate the feedback. i figured a little bit of self insert would add to realism. if people are against it i can refrain in future stories
using reality as a base is generally somewhat smart, just make sure you don't overdo it. A spat of violence here or there, if done decently is fine. Some situations can use that as a growing point for a character. Just don't start a story that's a chapter by chapter fighting extravaganza.
ah. did i go overboard? again i truely appreciate the feedback
I wouldn't say you have, really. One or two fights over the course of the story are fine. Unless your character is an alcoholic and their love interest is the next bottle of bourbon they can find, don't do too much more than that though. It's all about context really. The situation you put Clara and your MC in works out decently enough, though playing up that the party was open invite, or had a decent amount of shady drunk assholes there might have made it a bit more natural.

Also yeah, AC's finally fixed and I'm off to fucking work now. Yay. I'll be back here in 10 hours to try to work on the next chapter of my own greentext. Well, that and bumping this thing so it doesn't die out. You have a good one strong anon.
same to you. i gotta sleep. Night shift and college takes a lot out of ya.
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>Gina, however, makes the decision for you, hand snapping forwards like a python snatching a rat into its jaws. The hard gauntlet of her chitinous hand snatches yours from your side and shakes it heartily.
>It takes a whole lot of effort not to retch. Her palm is hard, giving only slightly to your reluctant squeeze. Christ, it feels like living driftwood. You go to pull away almost instantly, but Gina's fingers clamp around your hand like a manacle.
>"Wow," says Gina, black eyes widening with surprise. "Your hands are, like, SUPER soft..." she gushes, releasing your palm mere seconds before you throw yourself into a blind, screaming panic.
>Her multitude of eyes linger on your hands for a little too long before all switching back to your face.
>Scratch that, six of them were looking at your face, the other two were still locked on to your hand.
>A rash of green glows behind the mandibles on her face, and you realise that she's blushing. "Aheh, I guess there's a reason everybody around here calls you guys 'squishies', huh?"
>Right, 'squishies' was something the city's bug population had taken to calling humans. Apparently bare skin and soft flesh was considered an oddity amongst the insect community.
>You'd have taken offence, if you weren't so shit-scared at the moment.
>"Uhuh... We're uh, we're pretty soft..." you mumble. Gina stifles a feminine giggle -- the layered, low-bass of her voice mashes the sound into something out of a horror movie.
>"Y'know, I've never met a squishy before," she says conversationally. You're only half-paying attention -- you can't help but notice that what you'd thought was a slushie earlier... Wasn't.
If anyone is interested, here's a comfy (probably) green I wrote today:


Hope you enjoy it.
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I only work the night shift, but factory work is a bitch.

Also, not blueball anon, but I thought this would be an interesting little factoid for the spider story.
>You focus on the cup she'd been slurping from back in the hallway. You could just about make out the words along the side.
>'Meat-Mocha Supreme: Sheep Flavour'.
>Did you really want to know?
>Gina noticed your wandering eyes, and told you regardless.
>"Hmm? Oh, this is a meat-mocha. You HAVE heard of meat-mochas, right?"
>You shake your head numbly. The implications of the name alone were enough to make the blood drain from your face.
>"Oh wow, seriously? They're, like, the best things since forever! You've GOT to try this!" She says, thrusting the plastic cup into your palm. You look over the brim and examine the contents. It's a crimson, soup-like slurry.
>"Wuh... What's...?"
>"Hmm? Oh! What's in it? Oh, y'know, the usual: blood, meat-chunks, liquefied organs -- they added a little bit of liver to the mix a while back and lemmie tell ya, it took things to a whole new level of awesome! Trust me, this stuff is dynamite!" she rants. You're not listening.
>You stare into the murky red muck, stomach churning in equal parts revulsion and terror.
>She was drinking melted animal.
>Melted. Fucking. Animal.
>The elevator door opens, and you bolt, setting the cup of gore down on a bench as you pass it in your hurried rush for the door. You hear the voice of Gina call out behind you as you break into a run.
>"Hey! Ah, I'll see you later, I guess..."
>God, you hope not.
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Blueball_Anon here

Is this meant to make spiders any less terrifying? because it's not working.

>Mfw had nightmare about waking up and finding a dog-sized spider sitting on my chest last night.
>Mfw it was probably caused by writing this shit.
>Mfw I'm probably in for the same thing tonight.
if you see it again, try to fuck it. It'll never scare you again.
>writing spider porn is giving me nightmares
Bats eat spiders. Just think of obese draculina if it appears in your sleep again. Then do bad things to her. I read that she likes jumper cables or some shit.
No, don't fuck it, hug it. The extra limbs are for an extra hearty and wholesome embrace.
Chickenman knows a spider is posting in this thread. This spider better go back to 8legs.org
>Either fuck the spider or think of fucking a bat

Thanks for the sound advice /trash/, I'm going to bed.
Living in a house with spiders will change that.

It'll be creepy at first yeah, but eventually I don't even notice the spiders that live in my bathroom and in my kitchen aside from the webs that catch annoying flies for me.
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Hey, lithoCoff here, I got some free time and I thought I'd break from Pets to expand on Rome-Anon's setting. Anyone got any suggestions?
How about a reversal, in the proverbial shoes of a anthro?
Let's take that reversal and spice it up a notch. Let's make you a literal fly on the wall. BAM!

(I'm joking I like this idea)
Anon, have I ever told you how much I fucking love your writing style? Seriously, you got me going here daily just to check up on your greens.

My Japanese is shit but from what I understand, she's overeating her breakfast because she gets like that when she has a crush on someone and the guy is asking if it's him and she's denying it. I may be wrong on this though
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No meme, if insectoids and arachnids existed in that style, what even would a fly be like
Probably going to start on a new story soon.

Should I get a name since this is my third (technically fourth) one?
/trash/ doesn't have a name field, but making a pastebin account does make it easier to edit and store all stories, up to you really
Pastebin gives you a name, sort of. If trash had names outside of using 4chan x, it would probably be more helpful.

We're always full of amazing ideas.
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Even if I was a spider, which I'm not, that doesn't suddenly make all.spiders damgerous. 95% of spiders are completely harmless.
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Wrong picture.
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I just imagine some dude sitting there, expression completely neutral, not saying a word, as all of this happens to him. Gets pulled into the bathroom from the bar by his dick, gets fucked, cums into her mouth because pressure and heat eventually caused release and she turned around to take it in the mouth, goes home while she follows, has bed sex while still holding on to his neutral demeanor. And in the morning after she wakes up and asks how it was for him, he replies plainly with "It OK."
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that meat drink thing is making me feel sick
Is that?
Is that Eri?
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>My fukin fetish

I didn't expect the fugs will come so quickly, but hey, that was nice to read.
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>obese draculina
jesus christ this thread was a great read.
>canine nose
It's ruined
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>hmm, yes
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>no underwear
>hot and bothered
15/5 fucking great.
>that mouth
Does he just have no teeth? Just gums?
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Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I couldn't find anything that the artist said, but it's safe to say that it isn't Eri since he's getting laid.
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I'm not really sure who they are supposed to be, but whatever.
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Think that's Merveille Million from solatorobo. Sindoll likes drawing her a lot.

Half sure that's Dora Systeel from some anime or game I can't remember.
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It's a shame cougars in furry art are decently rare.
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>the raid boss moaned at me when I took her as my own
Holy fuck that's hot. I'd read a green about this.
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Working on it. May not be great, but I'll give it a shot. Here's a mouse for while you wait.
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holy fuck that took longer than I thought. save those pictures and make sure you post this thing in the next thread if you enjoy it. I'm going to bed now.
Love it
>anons slips a magic roofie into her soul
>fucks her literally senseless
>fucks the daemon out of her
All hail supreme sorcerer Cosby!
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You know what...
New thread soon
New thread


Don't know, for some reason the thread was deleted...
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Thread posts: 306
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